Country Estates
Country Estates
Sareb Country Estates Project Project Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Navarra Soria Madrid Barcelona Tarragona Caceres Teruel Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Country Estates Castellón Badajoz Valencia Alicante Murcia Cuenca Ciudad Real Via Project Harvest, Sareb is putting the best country estates in its portfolio on the market. They are large estates, located in various Autonomous Communities and prepared for different agricultural and hunting uses. More information at: [email protected] The catalogue of the estates available is detailed below, which shows their location and their main characteristics. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department Cordoba Project Country Estate “La Calera” LOCATION Finca “La Calera” In the Las Mesas, Amapolares and Piedra areas. ACCESS Via the CO-3406 main road, 8 km from Obejo. DESCRIPTION Town: Obejo Province: Cordoba Area: 217.4400 ha. Estate used for dryland olive cultivation. The olive trees are mature and producing. The estate features 31,400 olive trees (140 olive trees/ha) of varying types. Various buildings within the estate: Two storey country house (Caserío), an old mill used for oil production and a swimming pool. The estate has a perimeter fence, is irregular in shape and the lie of the land is undulating, which means that there is good water run-off. CROPS The land favours tree species with deep roots, such as oak and olive trees. It can also be used to grow herbaceous species with shallow roots, such as barley and oats. The estate has a dryland olive grove, with 34,000 mature olive trees, many of which have two to three main branches. BUILDINGS Country house (Caserío): 360 sq m. Old mill used for oil production: 253 sq m. Total constructed area: 613 sq m. There is also a 100 sq m swimming pool. OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Real Estate Asset Area Land Department The estate benefits from a borehole well and three water tanks for domestic use. Perimeter fence around the estate with an entrance gate. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department Country Estates 3 Project Country Estate “Partida La Salada” LOCATION Dehesa “La Salada”. ACCESS Via a road which leads to the estate, which joins with the A-1514 main road, 2.55 km from Manzanera. DESCRIPTION Town: Manzanera Province: Teruel Area: 256.9087 ha. Estate primarily used for pasture land and dryland cereal crops. The estate features a country house (Masía), a livestock pen, a calving shed, houses and stables. The lie of the land in the crop area is undulating and the remaining areas are hillier. The estate has potential to develop rural tourism activities. CROPS AREA (ha) Dryland farmland Pasture Scrubland 28.1573 204.3639 24.3820 BUILDINGS Country house (Masía): 591 sq m. House and stables: 360 sq m. Pen: 110 sq m. New calving shed: 82 sq m Total constructed area: 1,143 sq m OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Water supply via natural ponds and a stream that runs through the estate called “Salado”. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department Country Estates 4 Project Country Estate “Finca Gózquez” ” LOCATION Paraje Vega de San Esteban and Monte del Fraile located in the Sierra del Jarama. ACCESS Via the M-301 main road, which links it directly to the town of San Martín de la Vega, at Km. 12,500 or at Km. 14,000. DESCRIPTION Town: S. Martín de la Vega Province: Madrid Area: 231.2839 ha. Estate primarily comprised of pasture land and dryland farmland. The estate forms part of the Regional Park and is close to the lower courses of the Manzanares and Jarama Rivers. The estate has an active private hunting reserve with licence number M-10181 and an area of 231 ha. It has a Technical Hunting Plan (Plan Técnico de Aprovechamiento Cinegético) which is valid until 2017. CROPS AREA (ha) Dryland farmland Pasture Meadows 55.0735 176.2599 0.3624 BUILDINGS There are no buildings on the estate. OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Perimeter chain link fence with metal posts. Electricity supply via a transformer centre. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department Country Estates 5 Project Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Country Estate “Otos” LOCATION Pla la Punta and Font de la Gota area in the La Vall d’Albaida region. ACCESS From Otos via the La Punta road heading north or starting out from the CV-60 service road, via the La Punta road heading south, crossing the Beniatjar River. Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Country Estates DESCRIPTION Common land not designated for development (suelo no urbanizable común). Dryland farming plots, the majority of which can be used to grow vines or olives. Neighbouring properties are used for small game hunting. CROPS CROPS Dryland crops Pine timber AREAS (ha) 31.8863 0.3619 BUILDINGS There are no buildings on the plot. OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] There are some irrigation pipes on some plots, and huts with meters on adjoining plots. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department Town: Otos Province: Valencia Area: 32.5349 ha. 6 Project Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Country Estate “Casas del Río” LOCATION In the Casas Nuevas y Hortolá area, in la Partida Los Pedrones. ACCESS Via the La Portera main road to Casas del Río (CV-442) and from the N-330 main road. DESCRIPTION Town: Requena Province: Valencia Area: 426.7151 ha. Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Country Estates Estate primarily used to grow olives, vines and almonds. The estate has residential and agricultural use buildings, which are in a perfect state of repair and maintenance. Dryland farmland Irrigated olive trees Irrigated vines Dryland almond groves Dryland vines Pine timber AREA (ha) 30.4333 46.9035 18.3909 162.0258 12.9107 156.0495 BUILDINGS Country house (Masía) with ancillary service buildings: 1,123 sq m. Traditionally constructed home: 140 sq m. Agricultural use warehouse: 779 sqm. Pond – 160 sq m swimming pool with a filter system and a Frontón court. Total constructed area: 2,042 sq m. OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Electricity supply via the electricity grid. Properties are connected to running water. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department CROPS 7 Project Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Country Estate “El Trillo y Carrascal” LOCATION Between the River Ebro and las Bardenas Reales, 12 km from Tudela. ACCESS 6 km to the north-east of Arguedas via the main road to the Ermita de la Virgen del Yugo. DESCRIPTION Town: Arguedas Province: Navarra Area: 677.6361 ha. Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Country Estates Estate intended for agriculture and livestock use and to a lesser extent hunting. The estate has two separate areas: one with potential to be used for dryland crops and another for large expanses of pasture land. Almond groves Farmland Pasture Pine Forests and Scrubland AREA (ha) 4.6417 216.5791 152.8735 303.2846 BUILDINGS There are no buildings on the plot of land, only ruins of old houses. More information at: [email protected] OTHER DETAILS No other noteworthy information on the property. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department CROPS 8 Project Country Estate “Sierra Pedrizas” LOCATION Paraje Collado del Almendro y Duaime, Sierra de las Pedrizas, Collado de la Cruz, Zafra y la Perdiguera, in the towns of La Romana, Novelda and Monovar. ACCESS Via the CV-835 highway, which links the towns of La Romana and Monovar. Town: Novelda Province: Alicante Area: 277.2081 ha. DESCRIPTION Protected land not designated for development due to its environmental importance. Plots of land primarily used as pasture land (to a lesser extent for dryland almond groves) and private hunting, mainly game birds. CROPS Plots of land primarily used as pasture land (to a lesser extent for dryland almond groves). BUILDINGS There are no properties on the plot. OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department Country Estates No other noteworthy information on the property. 9 Project Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Country Estate “Paraje Valdegamas” LOCATION Areas known as “Valdegamas - El Golondroncillo” and “Valdegamas La Trancha”. ACCESS At Km 19.5 of the EX345 main road, leaving Don Benito heading towards Valle de la Serena, take the road to the left and the estate is located 6km ahead. Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Country Estates Town: Don Benito Province: Badajoz Area: 464.7288 ha. One part of the estate is comprised of natural wooded pasture land. The main type of tree on the estate is the oak tree. Within the pasture land there are areas which can be used to grow winter cereals. The remainder of the estate can be classified as mountainous land, which predominantly features eucalyptus, and pine trees, rockrose, broom and heather. The estate also features the remains of an old semiruined country house (cortijo). CROPS Plots of land primarily used as pasture land dotted with low-level trees (predominantly oak trees) in an area of approximately 200 hectares. The remaining 264 hectares of the property are comprised of scrubland which can be used for hunting. BUILDINGS The property features a semi-ruined country house (cortijo), which is currently used to store feed and as a livestock shed. More information at: [email protected] OTHER DETAILS Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department DESCRIPTION No other noteworthy information on the property. 10 Project Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Country Estate “Sierra de San Pedro” LOCATION Areas known as “Sierra de la Ruda y el Moro” and “Criadero de Santa María”. ACCESS At Km 576 of the A-66 dual carriageway, take the turn off to the CC-71 main road. At Km 3,800 take the dirt road to the left. DESCRIPTION Town: Cáceres Province: Cáceres Area: 600.3846 ha. Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Country Estates Estate for livestock breeding and wooded pasture land. The estate also features oak, cork oak and scrubland, which can be used for hunting. The lie of the land is comprised of moderately steep inclines. There are properties on the estate (gamekeeper's lodge, stables, storage warehouse, sheepfold and main house and hunting rooms). Oak and cork oak groves: Scrubland with hunting: AREA (ha) 350.3800 250,0000 BUILDINGS Main house: 220 sq m. Living rooms - dining rooms: 270 sq m. Ancillary properties: 75 sq m. Stables: 580 sq m. Gamekeeper's lodge: 190 sq m. Storage warehouse: 1,000 sq m. Total constructed area: 2,335 sq m OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Water well and ponds to collect rain and run-off water. Electricity supply via two transformer centres within the estate. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department CROPS 11 Project Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Country Estate “Sitio Dehesa de Hornos” LOCATION Area known as “Hornos de Sacristanía” ACCESS Located at Km. 89.4 to the right of the Cáceres to Portugal main road and 7 km from Salorino. DESCRIPTION Town: Salorino Province: Cáceres Area: 482.6345 ha. Estate for livestock breeding. The estate comprises natural pasture land, oak trees and cork oak trees. The general lie of the land ranges between steep slopes and flat areas. The slopes are not very steep, reaching a maximum incline of 7%. The estate comprises one main residential use property, a warehouse, stables, a coach-house, swimming pool and two staff houses. There are also two industrial warehouses and a straw loft. Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Country Estates Holm-Oak Pasture Cork Oak Eucalyptus AREA (ha) 200.2822 229.4065 40.7071 0.0795 BUILDINGS Country house (Cortijo) - main property: 1,000 sq m. Warehouse used for feeding cattle: 1,000 sq m Warehouse used for feeding pigs: 400 sq m. Straw loft: 400 sq m. Total constructed area: 2,800 sq m OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Water supply via a reservoir located on the property, known as the “Pantano de Membrío”. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department CROPS 12 Project Country Estate “Finca La Pipa” LOCATION Area known as “La Pipa y Dehesilla”. ACCESS Via the BAV-4072, which links the towns of Azuaga and Campillo de Llerena, approximately 10 km from Azuaga. DESCRIPTION Town: Azuaga Province: Badajoz Area: 188.3900 ha. Estate for farming and livestock breeding. Land with properties in a good state of repair. Crops comprise winter cereals, which are alternated with herbaceous crops. The lie of the land is very flat. The estate features the Cortijo de la Pipa (country house), comprised of the house, a warehouse, patio, outhouses, a shed and a livestock pen. CROPS AREA (ha) Dryland farmland 188.3900 BUILDINGS House - main property: 380 sq m. Livestock warehouse: 180 sq m. Outhouses: 115.50 sq m Shed: 360 sq m. Total constructed area: 1,035 sq m. OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Real Estate Asset Area Land Department The estate also features a well and a pond for storing rain and run-off water. It also features 3 wells, two artesian wells and one borehole well. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department Country Estates 13 Project Country Estate “Paraje Navalcarazo” LOCATION Sitio Trampal, Valle del Navalcarazo, in the town of Logrosán. ACCESS From Logrosán via the CCV-771 main road heading towards Obando, until you reach the EX-116 main road, at Km 23,000 head towards Guadalupe and the estate is on the left hand side of the main road. DESCRIPTION Town: Logrosán Province: Cáceres Area:122.7537 ha. Estate used for dryland olive cultivation and pasture land for livestock. The lie of the land is very flat. CROPS AREA (ha) 34.5954 55.0713 20.7364 0.9818 11.3066 Holm-oak Scrubland Dryland olives Pasture Dryland crops BUILDINGS There are no buildings on the estate. OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Real Estate Asset Area Land Department There are two large ponds located on the property. Perimeter fence around the estate. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department Country Estates 14 Project Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Country Estate “Paraje Sindicato” LOCATION Pago El Sindicato, in the town of Logrosán. ACCESS Access via the EX-102 and EX-116 main roads, 16 km from Logrosán. DESCRIPTION Town: Logrosán Province: Cáceres Area: 256.7348 ha. Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Country Estates Group of plots of land used for dryland olive cultivation and pasture land for livestock. The lie of the land is undualting with slight inclines across the estate. Dryland Figs Scrubland Dryland olives Pasture AREA (ha) 0.9020 49.6864 109.8650 41.3782 BUILDINGS The estate features a series of abandoned buildings. OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] The property also features various ponds for storing rain and run-off water. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department CROPS 15 Project Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Country Estate “Paraje Monteviejo” LOCATION Monte Viejo Area, in the Zafra-Río Bodión region. ACCESS Via the BAV-3016 highway from Medina de las Torres, at Km 13.300 there is a dirt road on the left hand side. DESCRIPTION Town: Medina de las Torres Province: Badajoz Area: 21.5968 ha. Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Country Estates Combination of estates used for pasture land for livestock. The lie of the land is undualting with slight inclines across the estate. AREA (ha) Pasture land with holm-oaks 21.5968 BUILDINGS The estate features various farm buildings. OTHER DETAILS The property also features a well, a borehole well and a 650 m3 pond. More information at: [email protected] Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department CROPS 16 Project Country Estate “Paraje Jesús y María” LOCATION Various plots of land in zone 8 in the Jesús y María area. ACCESS Directly from the town via Calle Amposta or the TV-3454 main road. DESCRIPTION Town: Deltebre Province: Tarragona Area: 8.4244 ha. Group of plots of land used to cultivate rice and vegetables, which can be alternated with other crops, such as artichokes. The lie of the land is completely flat. The property has an industrial warehouse for farming use, plastic hothouse installations and a single-family home. CROPS AREA (ha) Irrigated land 83.698 BUILDINGS Industrial warehouse for farm use: 546 sq m. Hothouse: 1,600 sq m. Single family home: 50 sq m Total constructed area: 2,196 sq m. OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Water supply via the Ebro Canal irrigation network. Own watering system. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department Country Estates 17 Project Country Estate “Paraje Butrón-Pinilla” LOCATION Various plots of land in zone 24 in the Butrón-Pinilla area. ACCESS Via the regional RM-E11 main road or the Avenida de la Cocuela, 17 km to the west of the town of Fuente Álamo. DESCRIPTION Town: Fuente Álamo de Murcia Province: Murcia Area: 91.2514 ha. Group of plots of land which currently have no crops. The typical crops in the area include: almonds, citrus fruits and seasonal crops. The lie of the land is flat and undulating. CROPS Group of plots of land which currently have no crops. The typical crops in the area include: almonds, citrus fruits and seasonal crops. BUILDINGS There are no properties on the plot, except for remains of demolished properties on cadastral plot 113 in zone 24. OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Located close to the Taibilla canal and some plots have irrigation systems. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department Country Estates 18 Project Country Estate “Partida Foya del Parrals” LOCATION Located 2 km north east of the town of Villajoyosa. ACCESS Directly via the town’s road network and with good access via the AP-7 motorway. DESCRIPTION Town: Villajoyosa Province: Alicante Area: 8.4059 ha. Estate comprised of 3 registered plots, which correspond to 2 cadastral records for land not designated for development. The lie of the land is undulating, with gradients that range between 5% and 15%. CROPS The estates have various different crops, some have orange plantations, others have carob, olive or almond groves and others are abandoned. BUILDINGS There are no buildings on the plot. OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Real Estate Asset Area Land Department There are no more details / comments. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department Country Estates 19 Project Country Estate “Foya de Grana, Salomo y Moratella” LOCATION Located 2.5 km north east of the town of Villajoyosa. ACCESS Directly via the town’s road network and with good access via the AP-7 motorway. DESCRIPTION Town: Villajoyosa Province: Alicante Area: 11.9586 ha. Estate comprised of 4 registered plots, which correspond to 5 cadastral records for land not designated for development. Dryland crops. Plot 5 of zone 19 is primarily comprised of pine and scrubland, with some almond trees. The lie of the land is undulating, with gradients that range between 5% and 15%. CROPS Dryland crops. BUILDINGS There are no buildings on the plot, except for some sheds for livestock on plot 5 of zone 19. OTHER DETAILS No other noteworthy information on the property. More information at: [email protected] Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department Country Estates 20 Project Country Estate “Hacienda el Sabinal” LOCATION In El Sabinal, in the Serra Pelada and Alicantí region. ACCESS Road access from the northern part of the town of San Vicente, on the border between the towns of Tibi and Muchamiel. DESCRIPTION Town: San Vicente del Raspeig Province: Alicante Area: 298.4830 ha. Property comprised of 27 registered plots, which correspond to 15 cadastral plots, the majority of which are classified as Land Not Designated for Development with Special Ecological Protection. They are located in a mountainous area with moderate inclines. The plots are not currently planted with crops. CROPS AREA (ha) Scrubland Dryland farmland 248.8985 55.5838 BUILDINGS There are buildings on plot 1 of zone 3. They comprise a group of warehouses and a house with an approximate area of 2,445 sq m. OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Potential to hunt on the estate, due to the large amount of partridges and rabbits. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department Country Estates 21 Project Country Estate “Fernán Caballero” LOCATION Plots located in the towns of Fernán Caballero, Carrión de Calatrava and Ciudad Real. ACCESS Via the CR-211 provincial main road, which links the towns of Fernán Caballero and Carrión de Calatrava. DESCRIPTION Town: Various Province: Ciudad Real Area: 178.2824 ha. Property comprised of 20 different registered plots located in a town on the outskirts of Ciudad Real. Group of plots used for dryland farming, primarily for cereal crops, vines and dryland olive groves. The estate is virtually flat. CROPS Group of plots used for dryland farming, primarily for cereal crops, vines and dryland olive groves. BUILDINGS There are no buildings located on the plots. OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Average plot size is between 2 and 3 hectares, although we would highlight one plot of 113 hectares, which is primarily used for farmland. Rural land is being sold in the area. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department Country Estates 22 Project Country Estate “Layna y Sagides” LOCATION In the towns of Layna and Sagides, which form part of Arcos de Jalón. ACCESS Various road access points via the SO-V-4111 provincial main road. DESCRIPTION Town: Arcos de Jalón Province: Soria Area: 803.8445 ha. Various plots of land for farming and livestock. Land suitable for any type of dryland or irrigated crop. Crops in the surrounding area are primarily dryland cereal, which are rotated every year. The farmland is relatively flat, with some hillier areas in the wooded pasture areas. Hunting potential, small game. CROPS Dryland farmland Irrigated farmland Pasture land with holm-oaks AREA (ha) 236.5105 0.6886 566.6454 BUILDINGS There are no buildings on the plot. OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Real Estate Asset Area Land Department No other noteworthy information on the property. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department Country Estates 23 Project Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Country Estate “Barranco del Agua” LOCATION Plots located in zones 9 and 10 in the town of Cobeña, in the La Reguera, Cruz de Piedra, La Muela, El Conejo, Lagarto and Barranco del Agua areas. ACCESS Via the M-103 main road, take the road that bears to the right, Km. 3,250. Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Country Estates Common land designated for development (suelo urbanizable común) comprised of 10 plots used for dryland cereal crops. All of the plots are currently being cultivated and in a good state of repair, use and in operation, except for FR1982 which is not being farmed. Flat plots of land, with slight undulations, with maximum inclines of 5%. Irregular shaped property. CROPS Farmland: cultivation of winter cereals. The plots have been cultivated this season. BUILDINGS There are no properties located on the plot. OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] The stubble on the estate could be used for merino sheep farming. The properties are 100% owned except for FR2487 which is co-owned (25.06%). Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department DESCRIPTION Town: Cobeña Province: Madrid Area: 11.7684 ha. 24 Project Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Country Estate “Partida Las Tiesas” LOCATION Registered estate 51017 located in the Camino de Villena and Las Tiesas areas in the town of Villena. ACCESS 4 km from Villena via the CV-799 highway heading towards Biar.. Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Country Estates Town: Villena Province: Alicante Area: 13.4025 ha. Common land designated for development (suelo urbanizable común) comprised of a farming country estate which is suitable for farming, given that it has loamy granular soil, located in an area with an abundance of subterranean aquifers. Virtually flat plots of land, with a slight incline (max 4.3%). Irregular shaped property. CROPS The land is currently not being cultivated, but the estate is located in an area which is well-known for growing manzanilla olives (for making oil), which would be viable on the property. BUILDINGS The estate does not have any buildings on it, except for the ruins of a farm building in plot 175 with a constructed area of 108 sq m. OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Registered estate 51017 which corresponds to plots 11 and 175 in zone 52. The northern part of Plot 11 borders with the CV-799 main road. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department DESCRIPTION 25 Project Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Country Estate “Camino de las Barrancas” LOCATION Plot 30 in zone 7 in the “Camino de las Barrancas” area in Moraleja de Enmedio. ACCESS Via various roads which lead south from the town centre. Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Country Estates Town: Moraleja de Enmedio Province: Madrid Area: 2.8182 ha. Common land designated for development (suelo urbanizable común) used for growing winter cereal (oats). The plots are currently being cultivated and in a good state of repair, use and in operation. Flat plots of land, with a maximum incline of 8%. Irregular shaped property. CROPS Farmland, used for growing winter protein and/or oil cereals. BUILDINGS There are no properties located on the plot. OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Plot 30 in zone 7 with cadastral reference no. 28089A007000300000OK. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department DESCRIPTION 26 Project Country Estate “Campillo de Altobuey” LOCATION Plots 192, 194, 229 and 230 of zone 525 located in Las Alcantarillas, in the town of Campillo de Altobuey. ACCESS Via various roads which lead south east from the town centre. 1 km from the town. Town: Campillo de Altobuey Province: Cuenca Area: Land: 1.576 ha. Building: 704 sq m constructed DESCRIPTION Rural farmland, which is compatible with industrial use. The estate features an old rabbit farm, which is currently not operational. Flat plots of land, with a maximum incline of 8%. Irregular shaped property. CROPS There are no crops on the plots. BUILDINGS The estate features properties and facilities of a currently out of commission rabbit farm. There are two warehouses used as a rabbit slaughterhouse and a drying shed for rabbit skins, as well as a shed, with a total area of 704 sq m and a 1,000 sq m paved area. OTHER DETAILS Low voltage power lines with an external transformer and water supply via a bore hole well. More information at: [email protected] Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department Country Estates 27 Project Country Estate “Can Rabot de la Vall” LOCATION Country estate known as “Can Rabot de la Vall”, located in the town of Santa Eulalia de Ronçana in the Vallés Occidental region. ACCESS Via the C-1415b main road (Terrassa to Mataró main road). DESCRIPTION Town: Santa Eulalia de Roncana Province: Barcelona Area: 14.2922 ha. Estate classified as Land Not Designated for Development with Forest Protection (Key 8) (Suelo No Urbanizable de Protección Forestal - Clave 8) for the part of the property with forest cover and Protected Area (Key 10) (Zona Protegida - Clave 10) for the rest of the property. The plots are currently being farmed. Good quality farmland for growing herbaceous crops. CROPS Farmland, currently used for growing barley (5.3311 ha.) and the remainder to grow red pine (pinus silvestris) - 8.9611 ha. BUILDINGS The estate has various properties with a total area of 1,529 sq m constructed: - house (1,090 sq m constructed). - storage warehouse next to the house (214.68 sq m constructed). - Workshop - Mill and sewing room (80 sq m constructed). - Warehouse-garage (100 sq m constructed). OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Registered property 5257 that corresponds to plots 37, 38, 45 and 46 in zone 14. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department Country Estates 28 Project Country Estate “Partida Brazal Nou” LOCATION In the Sitio Brazal Nou, del Escorredor and de Alter u Oliver area in the town of Guadassuar, 35 km to the south of Valencia. ACCESS From Valencia via the A-7, then continuing on the CV-50 main road. DESCRIPTION Town: Guadassuar Province: Valencia Area: 3.6933 ha. 10 rural plots of land primarily used for growing citrus and fruit trees. The plots are currently being cultivated and in a good state of repair, use and in operation. Virtually flat plots of land. The land is comprised of topsoil with little stone content. CROPS Farmland for growing citrus fruits, (navelina oranges and clauselina satsuma varieties) and kaki fruit trees. BUILDINGS There are no properties located on the plot. OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Real Estate Asset Area Land Department Various plots of land in zones 31, 32 and 33. Access to water is via irrigation ditches and above ground with water from the Acequia Real from the Júcar River. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department Country Estates 29 Project Country Estate “Alcalá de Xivert” LOCATION Plots located in zones 16, 17, 18, 19 and 37 in the town of Alcalá de Xivert. ACCESS Access is via the N-340 or the AP-7, via the Torreblanca/Alcocebre exit and from inland, via the CV-133, which in Cuevas de Vinromá connects with the CV-10. It can also be accessed via train. Town: Alcalá de Xivert Province: Castellón Area: 15.2705 ha. DESCRIPTION 19 rural plots of land distributed over various zones. The plots located in zones 16, 17 and 18 are in an irrigated crop area. Plot 19 is used for dryland crops: almonds, olives and carob trees. The lie of the land varies, from undulating in zones 19 and 37, to flat in the remaining zones. CROPS The land is currently not being farmed, but almond trees can be grown throughout the estate. BUILDINGS There are no properties located on the plot. OTHER DETAILS More information at: [email protected] Country Estates > Land Portfolio > HARVEST < Real Estate Asset Area Land Department The plots are connected to the electricity grid. The plots has the necessary infrastructure for their use type and in order to operate them. Real Estate Asset Area · Land Department Country Estates 30