Issue 14 2016 - Galen Catholic College
Issue 14 2016 - Galen Catholic College
Galen Catholic College Newsletter Wednesday 7 th September 2016 Issue 14 Galen Bands Showcase Galen College held its annual Bands Showcase at the Pinsent Hotel on Monday 22nd August. The night featured the 52 piece Senior Concert Band who entertained a capacity audience with popular music such as the theme from Game of Thrones, Let it Go from Frozen and Defying Gravity from the musical Wicked amongst many others. Awards were also received on the night by: • Yr 7 Best player award – Jacques Simian, • Yr 8 Best player award – Noah Barling & Talia McLaurin, • Directors award for outstanding contributions across a range of musical performances – Chloe Hancock & Isaac Waite • Senior Band shield for the best band members of the Senior Band - Nina–Maree Cowton & Marcel Tonini A huge thankyou to members of the Friends of Music Support group who help organise and run the night and the Pinsent Hotel for allowing us to use their venue. David Ashfield – Director of Music Canberra Student Leadership Trip On Wednesday and Thursday this week our Senior Student Leadership Team comprising Will Robinson, Chloe Hancock, Will Eefting and Kate Saunders were invited by our local member for Indi Cathy McGowan to come to Parliament House to visit her and learn valuable insights about developing leadership skills. She spoke about being proactive and making good decisions about the future. She mentioned about how important is is to listen to others and involving as many people into networks. See the Galen website for a report from the Senior Student Leaders. Also in this issue • STEM Careers Expo • Italian Day • A visit from Father Bob • Upper Hume Sport News • Yr 8 Poetry Slam at State Library • VET Sport & Rec AFL 9s carnival What’s On • Mon Sep 5 - Yr 10 OEd Cycle Trip • Mon Sep 5-9: Yr 12 VCAL Placement • Thurs Sep 8 - Parent Teacher Evening • Fri Sep 9 - Parent Teacher Morning (student free day) • Mon Sep 12-16: Yr 12 VCAL Placement • Wed Sep 14-16: Italian Camp • Fri Sep 16 - End of Term 3 (2.30pm) • Mon Oct 3 - Term 4 Begins • Mon Oct 3-5: VCE Trial Exams • Tues Oct 4-5: Yr 10 OEd Bushwalk • Thurs Oct 6 - Forensic Sci Workshops Yr 9 • Tues Oct 11 - Galen Arts & Tech Exhibition • Thurs Oct 13-14: Yr 7 Melbourne Trip • Thurs Oct 13-14: Yr 10 OEd Bushwalk • Tues Oct 18 - Yr 12 Farewell Assembly • Wed Oct 19 - Yr 7 BG Injections • Thurs Oct 20-21: Yr 7 Melbourne trip • Mon Oct 24-25: Yr 10 OEd Canoe trip • Wed Oct 26 - Unit 3/4 Exams begin • Thurs Oct 27-28: Yr 7 Melbourne trip • Thurs Oct 27-28: Yr 10 OEd Canoe trip • Sat Oct 29 - Jazz Festival weekend • Mon Oct 31 - Staff Preparation Day (student free day) • Tues Nov 1 - Melbourne Cup holiday • Wed Nov 2-3: Discovery Bushwalk (9.5) • Thurs Nov 3-4: Discovery Bushwalk (9.6) • Mon Nov 7-11: Yr 11 VCAL Wrk Placement • Tues Nov 8-9: Discovery Bushwalk (9.7) • Thurs Nov 10-11: Discovery BushW (9.8) • Thurs Nov 10 - Yr 7 (2017) Transition Day for non-CREW schools • Fri Nov 11 - Yr 11 Exams begin For the latest Upcoming Events visit: Galen Debutante Ball Committee If you are a parent/guardian at Galen who would like to be involved with the Deb Ball Committee, please email: [email protected] Student Absences Phone: 5721 6322 or email: [email protected] Uniform Shop Opening Hours Tuesday: 10.00am - 6.00pm Thursday: 1.00pm - 5.00pm Direct Line: 03 5723 8320 [email protected] 2 | Reflections Newsletter From the Principal Dear Parents, Guardians and Carers, Your chance to have a say in Galen’s future direction Galen is in the process of developing its next 3-year strategic plan, “New Horizons: Galen Catholic College 2017 – 2019 School Improvement Plan”. The Board and the Leadership Team have been working together over the past 4 months to develop the overall framework for “New Horizons” but now we would like to invite Galen parents to have their say on what should be included. Parents will be invited to reflect to what is currently going well at Galen and what they would like to see introduced or further developed over the next 3 years. Details for the event: • Monday 12 September • Max Fletcher auditorium (enter off Phillipson Street) • 6.00 – 7.30pm • finger food provided • Please RSVP by noon on Thursday 8th (essential if attending) via this link: • Or by calling Tess Barnard at the College on 5721 6322 “New Horizons” will be officially launched at the beginning of the 2017 school year. School Review - Leadership Schools are subject to rigorous reviews of their operations in order to retain their registration. In Sandhurst, Catholic schools are reviewed over a 5-year cycle with different aspects reviewed each year. In 2016, Catholic schools in the north-east of the state are being reviewed around 7 aspects of Leadership: • Shape Culture • Transform Community • Develop Governance Structures • Focus on Learning • Build Capacity • Enhance Performance • Steward Resources On top of the 7 aspects outlined above, schools also have to comply with a long string of requirements outlined by the VRQA (Victorian Registration & Qualifications Authority). I am happy to report that Galen has received a full nod of approval for our VRQA compliance. Around the 7 aspects mentioned above, we received strong commendations in all areas and were rated higher than we had self-assessed. Regards, Bernard Neal, Principal Year 12 RE Connect Day Year 12 Students participated in their second RE Connect day on last Wednesday. Father Bob Maguire from the Father Bob Foundation was their guest speaker. Father Bob spoke about the necessity to think in terms of ‘we’ instead of ‘me’ and that their generation needs mentors. They need mentors apart from what they are exposed to on social media and that is our responsibility as the significant adults to walk with them, to help them make sense of their world. He also spoke about ‘Ubuntu’ roughly translated as human kindness or our ‘humaness’ to one another. It means to work towards a universal bond with each other and that it is in our sharing that we connect ourselves to the fate of others. My sincere thanks goes to the Year 12 teachers and especially to Erica Waite and Julie Oste for all their efforts in making this event run smoothly. Genevieve O'Reilly Deputy Principal Catholic Identity Galen Parents Association There has been feedback generally that parents would welcome more opportunities to connect within the school community, especially in the junior years. The Galen Parent Association would love to hear from other parents of any year level who would be able to assist to organise an event. Please contact the Galen Parent Association at: [email protected] if you can help out. Next Meeting The next Parents Association meeting will be held on September 6th at 6:30pm in the staff room. We’d love to see some new faces there! Wellbeing Team News We welcome our new Wellbeing counsellor Matthew Taylor (2nd from right below) to Galen Catholic College. Matthew is a registered psychologist who has worked previously in secondary schools and is currently working in private practice. Matthew has replaced our counsellor Therese Rodway who is currently on maternity leave. Matthew will be working for Galen Catholic College one day a week every Wednesday. Our Exchange Experience We would like to tell you something about our experience here in Australia. We remember that during the first days here we were very scared and we missed our country but after a while we started to feel part of this school. Luckily this beautiful experience hasn’t finished yet. At the end of November our host sisters are coming to Italy, so we will meet them again really soon. We hope that they will like their stay! We have made many friends here and it is a shame to have to leave now. We are also organizing a meeting somewhere with the other Italian exchange students, as we want to continue staying in touch. We had such a good time together and for this reason we are looking forward to seeing all of you again. This is not a goodbye, it’s just a “see you the next time”. We love you guys, thank you for all you have done for us. We won’t forget it. Written by Alice Azzaiini, Margherita Peracin, Sara Tommasino, Bianca Baraldi and Anna Lotto | 3 STEM Careers Expo 2016 Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths On behalf of the STEM Careers Expo Organising Committee, we’d like to say a big thank you to everyone who came along. We were so excited to have so many great exhibitors that entertained and engaged the crowd. Over 600 people visited the expo, which was fantastic and many walked away with a new insight into emerging technologies, such as drones, augmented reality and robotics. Which will offer potential career pathways for our students. During the Schools session we had 12 schools attend from as far south as Yea & Alexandra and north to Wodonga and Yarrawonga. The teachers from each of the schools commented about the excited chatter on the bus trips home, as students shared their experiences. Many local students came back for the afternoon session with their families, so they too could see all the fabulous technology and exhibitors on display. What made it all the more special for us was the number of students who asked if we would hold another Expo next year, and then on leaving, our Exhibitors all said, “lock us in for next year”. So Science Week 2017… Look out! 4 | Reflections Newsletter Italian Day Italian Day at Galen was enjoyed by all on Wednesday 31st August. A particular highlight was at lunchtime when students were treated to authentic pizza and pasta (fusilli) with ragu`. Year 9 students participated in a pizza making workshop which was conducted in Italian and the year 7 students were treated to a Commedia dell’Arte performance of ‘Venice in love’. The year 11 Italian exchange students were also involved in the preparation of the pasta and ragu`. Vet Sport & Recreation AFL 9s CREW Carnival On Tuesday the 16th of August, students from St Bernard’s, St Patrick’s and Our Lady’s primary schools gathered at Galen for an AFL 9s football carnival. AFL 9s is a modified game of AFL which is characterized by having mixed teams. The game has a strong focus on encouraging girls to get involved in AFL football. It is a fast and fun form of the game! This carnival was organized by students studying VET Units 3 & 4 in Sport and Recreation. The VET students were given the opportunity to gain hands on experience in the organization and administration of a carnival. The round robin culminated in a grand final which was contested between St Pat’s and St Bernard’s. St Pat’s were the overall winners of the competition. | 5 Middle School News Rob Walker - Middle School Director Dear Year 9 & 10 Parents, This is a reminder if a year 9 or 10 student has an overdue assessment task for this term they will be expected to attend school on Friday September 9 (Student Free Day). This is an opportunity for you to check your child’s progress on PAM (Parent Access Module). Furthermore if you have concerns you can make contact with the relevant teacher. We look forward to your continued support of our endeavours to ensure your sons/daughters are adequately prepared and ready for their studies at Galen. Upcoming in September • 8th Parent Teacher interviews • 9th Parent Teacher interview • 9th Catch Up Day • 14th-16th Italian Camp • 16th Last Day Term 3 - 2:30 Finish Dairy Assistance Funding 2016 In 2016 the Victorian Government implemented a response package to assist dairy farming families. This included assistance for primary and secondary students attending schools (government and non-government schools) where one or both parents: • own an operating dairy farm • are share farmers on a property primarily operating as a dairy farm • hold a lease for an operating dairy farm • work as an employee on an operating dairy farm and this is their main source of employment. The CSEF eligibility criterion is being extended consistent with the 2016 drought response. Families that have previously qualified for the 2016 CSEF Drought assistance are not able to also access the CSEF Dairy assistance funding. The Dairy Assistance CSEF payment will be paid to the school that the student is currently enrolled at the start of Term 3 2016. Parents can apply for the dairy assistance funding by completing an application form and lodging it with their child’s schools by 18th November 2016. The school will allocate the payment directly to benefit the eligible student. Please refer to the forms attached in this issue of the newsletter. | Focus group to discuss the Galen Communication Audit Venue: Board Room Time: 6pm Date: Wednesday 14 September The objective of this current state enquiry is for Galen Catholic College to objectively analyse all communication and marketing activity, to inform Galen’s strategic planning process and to provide the base and plan for developing integrated and coordinated communication, marketing and digital marketing for now and the future. We look forward to your ideas, feedback and contribution. Project Coordinator: Annie O’Shea, M: 0412 169 664 E: [email protected] Kind Regards, Middle School Team 6 Invitation to Parents Reflections Newsletter Please feel free to email any ideas or feedback or call or email Annie if you would like to have a discussion at another time. School Bus Program Please be advised that the Student Transport Unit (DET) and Public Transport Victoria are currently undertaking a network compliance review of the Wangaratta School Bus Network. These are government funded schools bus services, not private charter or public transport (town services) services. Whilst parents/guardians have primary responsibility for transporting their children to and from school, the School Bus Program (SBP) assists families in rural and regional Victoria by transporting children to school. To be eligible for the School Bus Program, students must attend their nearest appropriate school (assessed by year level or denomination) and reside 4.8km or more from the campus attending. Students who do not meet the eligibility criteria and/or do not qualify for a fare exemption (as determined by the School Bus Program Policy and Procedures) may access a school bus program service where capacity allows and upon payment of a fare. The 2016 flat rate fare is $120 per term/$480 per year. Whilst the review is in operation, all travellers are permitted to travel on School Bus Program services under their current arrangements (regarding eligibility assessments). All families are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the School Bus Program Policy and Procedures, January 2016 and additional resources located at: Please contact the Main Office should you have any enquires. Please also see the brochure attached in this newsletter. Upper Hume Table Tennis Championships On Monday 22nd August Galen participated in the Upper Hume Table Tennis Championships at the Wangaratta Table Tennis Centre. All teams played extremely well and there were some very exciting and competitive table tennis between all teams Year 7 Girls Maggie Skewes, Bonnie Shanley, Brooke Watson, Ella McInnes, Zara Berry and Claudia Lynch represented Galen’s year seven girls in table tennis. The girls came equal first however the girls came second overall because of percentage points. Across the day the girls played singles matches and doubles working well as a team. Great effort, girls. Year 7 Boys Joe Allen, Alex McCarthy, Harvey Burgan, Fraser Holland Dean, Thomas Johnstone, and Alex McCarthy all played extremely well and ended up winning this division. The boys were very determined and played some very exciting table tennis. Their positive attitude and excellent sportspersonship they displayed were a credit to the boys. They will now go on to the next stage of the competition in late October. Year 8 Girls The Year 8 Girls consisted of Joanna Mulqueen, Grace Webster, Charlotte Proft, Hayley Berry and Sarah Gehrig. The girls showcased some excellent skills and attitude. Such was their talent that they provided for entertaining table tennis, both singles and doubles. Like the Year 7 boys they will now progress to the next stage of competition. Well done girls on coming first in your division. Year 8 Boys Lachie Carboon, Lukas Evans, Will Gulbin and Hayden Pearson made up the formidable Year 8 Boys Table Tennis Team. The boys played some very positive table tennis and only missed out on percentage for going on to the next stage. Congratulations on coming 2nd at this level. Year 9 & 10 Boys A combined team comprising Andrew Lindner, Nick Samon, Ethan Fruend, Lewis Sharrock and Adam Enever, represented the Galen team. At the end of the day the boys missed out by only 2 points from going to the Hume Championships. The boys had a great competitive game against the Cathedral team. Well done, boys on a super effort. Year 9 & 10 Girls Josie Behrendt, Reagan Tomaino, Mollie Shanley, Keely Tua, Olivia Gamble, and Ellie Laffy were the girls that represented the Galen team on the day. The girls were undefeated up until they played a very strong Wangaratta High School Team. It was a great game but unfortunately they missed out and finished 2nd overall. Congratulations to all students who represented Galen today in the Upper Hume Final table tennis competitions. A big thank you for Alex Barnwell for her assistance on the day. Written by Laurie Burt | 7 Year 8 Boys Soccer - Hume Champions Galen’s Hume Championship winning squad 2016: Pat Speed, Adam Jordan, Henry Silva, Sam Berenger, Hayden Pearson, Joel McGennisken, James O’Callaghan, Mitchell Carson, Tim Seeger, Tom Bannon, Arif Khan, Bailey Annett, Will Gulbin and Xavier Loki. On Thursday August 11 the year 8 boys soccer team travelled to Shepparton to compete in the Hume region finals. Game 1- Galen def. Kilmore International School 11-0. In this match Galen were far too strong for K.I.S. dominating from start to finish. Matt Jordan, Mitchell Carson and James O’Callaghan were able to capitalize on the good work further up the ground by Henry Silva, Hayden Pearson and Pat Speed. Key defender Speed was given the chance to spend the last five minutes in attack and didn’t disappoint scoring a great goal. Soccer debutant Bailey Annett came on in the second and scored a gaol as well as setting up another. Goal scorers - Adam Jordan 3, James O’Callaghan 3, Mitchell Carson 2, Joel McGennisken 1, Pat Speed 1, Bailey Annett 1. Best- Henry Silva, Hayden Pearson, Pat Speed, Adam Jordan. Game 2 - Galen def. Yarrawonga Secondary College 10-0. This was another very easy win for the Galen boys. Adam Jordan totally dominated up front. Joel McGennisken, Tim Seeger and James O'Callaghan provided drive through the midfield and Hayden Pearson, Henry Silva and Pat Speed effectively cleared the ball when it came into the back half. Goal scorers - Adam Jordan 6, Mitchell Carson 2, TIM Seeger 1, Joel McGennisken 1. Best- Adam Jordan, Pat Speed, Joel McGennisken, Tim Seeger. 8 | Reflections Newsletter Game 3 - Galen 2 def Notre Dame College 1. With both teams winning their preliminary matches this game was effectively the grand final. Both teams were equal on wins and equal on goal difference but Notre Dame held a one goal advantage in goals scored. For Galen to win the day that had to beat Notre Dame, a draw wouldn’t be good enough. This game was a high standard encounter with both team sharing periods of ascendency. Notre Dame scored first mid way throughout he first half and looked to have taken control of the game. However, nearing half time the Notre Dame keeper cleared the ball straight to Adam Jordan who converted from close range. Despite both teams creating good scoring opportunities, the scores remained deadlocked at one all until 90 seconds from full-time when a piece of individual brilliance from Adam Jordan sent the Galen boys into the state finals. Goal scorers - Adam Jordan 2. Best- Adam Jordan, Pat Speed, Henry Silva, Sam Berenger, Joel McGennisken. Thanks to Josh Masters and Ethan Whiley who were our linesmen for the day. Written by Peter Hill Upper Hume Year 8 Boys Basketball On Tuesday 30th August, the Year 8 Basketball teams, with coaches (Mitch Holt and Josh Smart) and scorers (Paddy McNamara and Matt Whitten) in toe headed off to Wodonga for a competitive day on the courts; with games reffed expertly by Tom Young and Jack Roach, we were in good hands. It was a really fun day away and everyone who came showed support, respect and sportsmanship for each other, their opponents and coaches. Well done! Isaac putting his body on the line for every hard ball. Tom Robinson was going for all rebounds and blocking out the opposition, improving by following advice. Ethan controlled the play, encouraging Jace McQuade to keep going to the offensive rebounds, and assisting Isaac in putting pressure on. Coaches Mitch and Josh gave instructions for the bench, and got around the players when they pulled off some great pieces of play, and offering advice when things didn’t go our way. Jace and Isaac were excellent in defense, standing tall and blocking players much bigger than them. The game ended with Ethan popping up a free throw. MVP: Ethan Roach Game 3 - defeated Catholic College Wodonga: 22-33 Game 1 - Galen was defeated by Marian College, Myrtleford: 17-27 The boys started the day lacking confidence, but Ethan Roach sunk a well needed 3-pointer to get our first score on the board. Galen couldn’t get their shots to stick, though they had plenty of the ball and many opportunities. Regan Gorman worked hard and learnt a lot, boxing out the opposition and always allowing Galen to gain possession. Mitchell Carson worked well in defense with an expert steal, followed up with an excellent layup. The entire team was reading the play well, in the second half the boys gained confidence, with Ethan and Isaac Folino working well together and double teaming Marian; Isaac also ended his time on the court with a rejection on one of the talls. Whilst we defended well in the second half, our effort and skill was not showing on the scoreboard. Regan ended the game with a great one-man show, stealing the ball in defense, nailing a layup and forcing a foul, which lead to a nothing-but-net free throw – safe to say the bench and coaches went wild. MVP: Ethan Roach Game 2 - Galen defeated WMYC, Huon: 23-19 With the boys feeling better, they came out strong with After a lunch break, Isaac came out all guns blazing, hit each of his shots, forcing fouls to get more and standing strong in defense. The boys worked better together in this game and really found their stride, especially in defense; Mitch stood strong in defense, going for the hardball, backed up by Regan who was jumping for rebounds and getting in his opponents space well. Ethan and Regan didn’t stop running the entire game and paired up well with strong passes and good talk; Regan then finished the game with 2 free throws, and nailed both of them. MVP: Isaac Folino Consolation Final – Galen defeated Victory Lutheran College: 35-14 Due to coming second in their pool, Galen met Victory in the bronze medal match, and it was a relaxed and stress-free end to the day. A team decision saw Emergency Paddy McNamara take the court, and he worked hard in defense and even got a few points on the scoreboard. Tom Bannon was seen driving down the court and putting up plenty of shots, and Jace ran haed to hit the ball back in and never gave up. Isaac pushed for every possession and encouraged his teammates to continue to work hard even though they were winning easily, right from the first tap. MVP: Isaac Folino | 9 Upper Hume Year 8 Girls Basketball Game 1 - Galen defeated WMYC Huon: 15-6 The girls looked great in the first half, with excellent talk and lots of passing and sharing the ball. Molly Campbell consistently took it to the ring, drawing the fouls the following through by sinking her foul shots. Sophia McCarthy read the play, gaining several intercepts and dishing it off to her team mates, again showing how well these girls work as a team. Jemma Wallis boxed out under the ring constantly winning the rebounds – a poke in the eye saw her take a short spell on the bench, but she was back into the action again in no time. Kara O’Donohue fired up in the second half, popping up layups and Jemma Wallis was there for the rebounds to land the shots that didn’t stick. Mia Goodison and Emma O’Keefe always gave each other an option when needed, working well together, and Mia also worked well with Erika Falconer, leading to more points on the board. MVP: Jemma Wallis Game 2 – Galen defeated Victory Lutheran College: 28-12 After a false start by the opposition, seeing them running the wrong way after the ball up, Molly Campbell made the most of it with a quick turn over and an easy first goal. Defense was a strong point for the girls in this game as Sophia kept taking up the lay up and chased down the opposition, Jemma Wallis continued her awesome effort under the ring, Kara got her finger to every single ball and Emma held strong in the key keeping excellent pressure on the ball. With her thumb taped to the max Mia held her own bringing the ball down the court and delivering the passes down the offensive end. Erika was looking long down the court, passing strong down to the offense; Molly was landing a huge amount of foul shots, with Kara also sinking a few. MVP: Kara O’Donohue Game 3 – Final – Galen defeated by CCW: 39-14 Finishing first in their pool, Galen met Catholic College in the Grand Final. Molly Campbell scored the opening, kept driving forward, and never stopped trying. Kara showed some great defensive pressure and was also constantly cut the key in offense, being an option for her teammates; Mia helped her out by also being an option and throwing some ripping passes. Jemma and Emma were running hard in defense, standing strong and pushing for rebounds, whilst down the other end Sophia and Erika made some great shots, again pushing for rebounds. MVP: Molly Campbell Ash Burke and Sarah Taylor 10 | Reflections Newsletter Senior School News Mick Grogan - Senior School Director Best wishes to all Senior School students who are involved in sporting finals over the next few weeks. Practice exams are being conducted for Unit 3/ 4 subjects on September 29 (Thursday in the second week of the holidays) and the first three days of term 4: October 3, 4 and 5. An exam schedule and relevant information was included in the last Newsletter. Important Dates • Year 12 VCAL Work Placement Sept 5 - 16 • Trial Unit 3/4 Exams English, Literature, Further Maths, Sept 29 • Trial Unit 3/4 Exams Other subjects Oct 3,4,5 • Parent Teacher Interviews, Sept 8, 9 • Arts & Technology Exhibition, Tuesday Oct 11 • Year 12 Last day, Tuesday Oct 18 • Year 12 Unit 4 Written Exams begin Wednesday Oct 26 • Year 12 Graduation Evening Thursday Nov 17 Parent Teacher Interviews Dear Galen Parents/Guardians, A reminder that Term 3 Parent-Teacher interviews will be conducted on Thursday evening SEPTEMBER 8th and Friday morning SEPTEMBER 9th. THURSDAY Session 1 4.30pm to 5.45pm Session 2 6.15pm to 8.00pm (Teachers with Surnames from Lee to Z) Session 1 4.30pm to 6.15pm Session 2 6.45pm to 8.00pm (Teachers with Surnames from A to Leith) FRIDAY Session 3. 9.00am – 10.30am Session 4. 11.00am – 12.00pm As of 31st August, all parents/guardians will be able to access on PAM (Parent Access Module) both the Term 3 Interim Reports as well as the ability to book Parent Teacher Interviews. All Parent Teacher Interview bookings must be made via PAM. Please find attached a support document in this issue of the newsletter for parents to use while booking via PAM as well as the Teacher availability chart and map. We encourage all parents to attend Parent Teacher Interviews with their child and to bring with them their Term 3 Interim Report. Teachers, parents and students should always participate together in the feedback process via the interviews. Please check the interim report to identify if you have been REQUESTED or WELCOME for a parent teacher interview. We encourage all parents who receive a REQUESTED interview to please make a booking with that teacher. Please also take note that Friday 8th SEPTEMBER will be a STUDENT FREE day at Galen Catholic College. Parents/guardians who cannot access PAM for parent teacher bookings are encouraged to contact the office administration via telephone (03) 57216322 for assistance with their booking. Kind regards, Patrick Arcuri Deputy Principal – Staff & Students 2016/2017 Little Athletics Season ALL REGISTRATIONS MUST BE COMPLETED ONLINE AT BEFORE ATTENDING Online Registration Portal opens 12th August • Sept 26th- 10am-12noon • Oct 5th,10th,19th- 4.30-5.30pm Bill Eaton Reserve on Appin Street Season commencing Friday, October 7th 2016 Keep up to date by visiting • • PROOF OF AGE FOR NEW ATHLETES: Birth certificate/Passport If you have any questions please contact: Maree Johnston (Registrar) 0418 377 057 | 11 Students slam against racism at State Library of Victoria On Monday 15th August, year 8 students, Lucy O’Connor, Abbey Wason and Michael Buchan represented Galen at the heats of the OutLoud Poetry Slam competition at the State Library of Victoria. The students had made it through class heats to win the Galen Poetry Slam Championships only 10 days before the competition. The students’ slam on ‘racism’ was delivered with passion, energy, without any prompts and was word perfect. Author, Emilie Zoe Baker, organizer of OutLoud said this of the students’ performance. “Thankyou so, so much for bringing your amazing kids. Please tell them I thought they were just incredible and the audience feedback from their performance was crazy-good! I thought they were OUTSTANDING.” While the students were not successful in going through to the next round, it was an enjoyable and stimulating experience for all involved. Abbey Wason, Michael Buchan and Lucy O’Connor delivered their OutLoud Poetry Slam against racism at the State Library of Victoria on Monday 15th August. Who’s Who at Galen Leadership Team • Bernard Neal: Principal • Patrick Arcuri: Deputy Principal—Staff & Students • Marie Salinger: Deputy Principal – Learning & Teaching • Genevieve O’Reilly: Deputy Principal – Catholic Identity • Dom Giannone: Business Manager • Anthony Batters: Professional Development Co-ordinator • Kylie Quin: Daily Organiser • Mick Grogan: Senior School Director • Rob Walker: Middle School Director • Wendy Chuck: Junior School Director The best way to contact Galen staff members direct is by email. All staff have email addresses which follow the formula: [email protected] School Board Fr Mike Pullar: Parish Priest Suellen Loki: Board Chair Colin McClounan: Deputy Chair Bernard Neal: Principal Phil Bretherton: CEO Representative Patrick Arcuri: Deputy Principal Dom Giannone: Business Manager Cheryl Impink: Parents’ Assoc. Representative Liz Nelson: Parent Representative Hannah Clancy: Parent Representative Karen Archer: Parent Representative Tracey Bright: Parent Representative Parents Association Executive • Jodie Sutton: President • Louine Robinson: Vice President • Carolyn Hicks: Treasurer • Karyn Howard: Secretary Members of the Board and Parents Association can be contacted via the office on 03 5721 6322 or email: [email protected] Newsletter enquiries can be emailed directly to the Publications & Promotions Officer: [email protected] Galen Catholic College College Street, Wangaratta PO Box 630 Wangaratta Vic 3676 Principal: Bernard Neal Email: [email protected] Phone: 03 5721 6322 Web: ParentTeacherInterviews:BookingthroughPAM ParentteacherinterviewscanagainbebookedelectronicallybutthistimeweareusingPAM.On Wednesday31stAugustat5pmyouwillbeabletobookyourappointmentthroughtheParent AccessModule. PleaselogintoPAMasnormalandyouwillimmediatelysee ascreenincludingtheParentInterviewshortcutasseen here. Onceyouclickonthewindowyouwillbegiventhechanceto selectyourchild.Thescreenwouldbesimilartotheone below. Youselectyourchildoneatatime Youselectyourchildandascreensimilartotheonebelowappears Youthenselectthesubjectyourequiretheinterviewforandanavailabilityscheduleappears.This providesyouwiththeteachersnameandavailabletimesabookingcanbemade.Whenyouhave completedyourbookingsasummarywillappearonthebottomofthepage. PleasecontacttheschoolifyouhaveanydifficultiesloggingintoPAMatall.Ifyouwouldliketheschoolto makethebookingsforyoupleasecontactthefrontofficeon57216322. PARENT-TEACHER INTERVIEWS Thursday-Friday – September 8-9, 2016 STAFF LOCATIONS X UNAVAILABLE TEACHER Bernadette Jennie Tom Patrick Daniel David Hannah Anthony Nick Dannielle Melita Paul Nigel Sonia Noel Jenny Ashlee Adam Laurie Olga Rebekka Brian Beth Harvey Liz Franco Elliot Debra Christine Tim Helen Jeff Annette Peter Kylie Mick Sue Fiona James Jody Donna Michelle Peter Elizabeth ALBERTSON ANNETT ANSON ARCURI ARMITAGE ASHFIELD BANKS BATTERS BEATTIE BELL BENEDETTI** BENEDETTI BERENGER BOURKE** BOYD BROMLEY** BURKE BURT BURT BYRNE CAREY CARR CODE CORISH** COX** CUDINI DEVITT DOYLE DUFF ELLIS FAITHFULL FAITHFULL** FLETCHER** GIROLAMI GIROLAMI** GROGAN HANSEN** HARMER HEATH HEATH HILL HILL HILL HOLLIGAN & LEAVE / ILLNESS ROOM Room 10 R. 6-7-8 R. 6-7-8 Auditorium VCE Study Centre R 1-2-3 Room 5 Careers Room Senior Library Senior Library Room 6-7-8 Room 9 Room 9 R. 1-2-3 VCE Study Centre VCE Study Centre Room 5 R. 6-7-8 VCE Study Centre Room 9 Room 6-7-8 Room 10 Room 4 R.1-2-3 R.1-2-3 R.1-2-3 R 6-7-8 R. 6-7-8 R. 6-7-8 R. 6-7-8 R. 6-7-8 R. 6-7-8 Senior Library Careers Room Careers Room VCE Admin Room 6-7-8 VCE Study Centre R. 1-2-3 Room 4 Room 6-7-8 Senior Library Senior Library VCE Study Centre AVAILABILITY ** Part-Time Teachers THURSDAY 4.30pm – 6.00pm 6.30pm – 8.00pm FRIDAY 9.00am – 10.30am 11.00am – 12.00pm x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Jenni Emma Monica Olivia Lauren Janet Grace John Rebecca George Leonie Kate Ian Lia Liz Mim Bernard Fiona Nicole Julie Anne Genevieve Liz Rob John Lyndel Sheryl Linda Gretta Lisa Kylie Denise Lisa Matthew Caitlin Stephen Marie Jim Andrew Kelly Rob Meika Amanda Lauren Sarah Christine Maree Matthew Deidre Mal John Paul Rob Tracey Gary Peter Mal HOPKINS** HUNTER JAGO** JONES LEE LEITH** McGARIGLE** McKENZIE** McLAURIN McLEOD MARTINO MEEHAN MINNS MITCHELL MORROW MURRAY** NEAL NEAL NIXON NOLAN O’DWYER** O’REILLY ORTON ** PARSONS PASZTOR PETERSEN PHILLIPS PIETROPAOLO PORTER** POWER QUIN RIGONI** RISPIN RISPIN** RIZZO ROSICKA SALINGER SAMON SINCLAIR SMITH SPENCER STALEY** STAMP SYKES TAYLOR THOMPSON** TIMMS TURNBULL TURNER VICKERY WALDRON WALKER** WALKER WALSH WATSON WATSON WEBSTER** VCE Study Centre Room 10 R. 6-7-8 Room 5 Auditorium R. 1-2-3 Auditorium Room 9 VCE Study Centre R. 1-2-3 Senior Library Auditorium Room 9 VCE Study Centre Auditorium R. 1-2-3 Main Office R. 6-7-8 R. 6-7-8 R. 1-2-3 VCE Admin Auditorium R. 1-2-3 R. 1-2-3 Senior Library Auditorium R. 1-2-3 R. 1-2-3 Senior Library Auditorium Auditorium R. 6-7-8 Senior Library R. 1-2-3 VCE Study Centre VCE Study Centre Auditorium Auditorium R. 1-2-3 Auditorium Auditorium R. 1-2-3 Senior Library Careers Room R. 1-2-3 R. 1-2-3 Room 10 R. 6-7-8 R. 6-7-8 Room 4 VCE Study Centre Room 4 Auditorium Senior Library Careers Room Careers Room R. 1-2-3 x x Until 5:45pm x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Megan Amanda Clare Kirsty WEBSTER WHITE** WHITTEN WOODS R. 6-7-8 Room 5 R 1-2-3 VCE Admin x x ENTRY 3 PHILLIPSON ST CAR PARK TEACHER LOCATION MAP PARENT-TEACHER INTERVIEWS ROOMS P H I L L C. Whitten C. Thompson S. Phillips S. Taylor F. Cudini H. Corish L. Pietropaolo G. McLeod L. Cox S. Bourke 1,2,3 A. Sinclair J. Nolan L. Orton J. Leith R. Parsons M. Rispin M. Murray M. Staley M. Webster D. Ashfield I THURSDAY-FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8-9, 2016 TOILETS VCE STUDY CENTRE M.Grogan P S O N S ROOM 4 M. Vickery P. Walker Jody Heath B. Code ROOM 5 H. Banks A. Burke A. White O. Jones A.O’Dwyer T R E E T ENTRY 2 PHILLIPSON ST MAIN OFFICE Principal Bernard NEAL K. Woods AUDITORIUM RECEPTION P. Arcuri J. Samon R. Spencer L. Petersen G. McGarigle M. Salinger L. Morrow K. Smith G. O’Reilly R. Walker L. Power L. Lee K. Quin D. Armitage L. Burt E. Holligan N. Boyd L. Mitchell J. Hopkins F. Harmer J. Waldron J. Bromley C. Rizzo R. McLaurin CAREERS G. Watson P. Watson ROOMS M. Benedetti A. Burt J. Annett T. Anson C. Duff T. Ellis R. Carey J. Faithfull D. Doyle S. Hansen ROOM 9 O. Byrne P. Benedetti N. Berenger I. Minns ROOM P. Girolami L. Sykes A. Batters K. Girolami SENIOR LIBRARY A. Fletcher/D Bell J. Pasztor L. Martino G. Porter N. Beattie L. Rispin M. Hill A. Stamp P. Hill T. Walsh 6, 7, 8 D. Hill E. Devitt N. Nixon M. Turnbull H. Faithfull Megan Webster D. Rigoni D. Turner F. Neal M. Jago ROOM 10 B. Carr E. Hunter B. Albertson M. Timms ABSENT Stephen Rosicka John McKenzie James Heath Kate Meehan 1. Ask R U OK? 4. Check in Start a conversation using these 4 steps 2. Listen without judgement 3. Encourage action Visit us at DAIRY ASSISTANCE - APPLICATION FORM School Name Parent/legal guardian details Surname: First name: Address: Town/suburb: State: Postcode: Contact phone number: NOTE – the dairy assistance payment is only available to families who own, share-farm or lease a dairy farm business; or those people whose primary occupation is working on a dairy farm. Student details Child’s surname Child’s first name Date of birth Student ID Year level (dd/mm/yyyy) You are able to request access to the personal information that we hold about you, and to request that any errors be corrected, by contacting your child’s school. Signature of applicant Date / / DAIRY ASSISTANCE ELIGIBILITY Students currently enrolled at the start of Term 3, 2016 in government and non-‐government schools where one or both parents: • • • • own an operating dairy farm are share farmers on a property primarily operating as a dairy farm hold a lease for an operating dairy farm work as an employee on an operating dairy farm and this is their main source of employment. Evidence may include: • • • • • • • a dairy industry license issued by Dairy Food Safety Victoria (DFSV) lease documentation share farming contract agreement with a dairy production/supply company a letter from an employer a statutory declaration stating the family’s main business or employment is on an operating dairy farm (in cases where other forms of evidence are not available)*. confirmation from a kindergarten that a younger sibling has been approved for the dairy Kindergarten Fee Subsidy on the basis of being an eligible dairy farming family (as above) * Current milk statements can be provided along with a statutory declaration stating the family’s main business or employment is on an operating dairy farm. The Dairy Assistance Application Form must be lodged at the school by 18 November 2016 along with evidence as required. PAYMENT AMOUNT This one-‐off payment of $375 per student is only available in 2016 and will be paid to the school for the eligible student. Families who were eligible for the means tested CSEF payment are also eligible to receive the Dairy Assistance payment. However families that have previously qualified for the CSEF drought assistance funding are not able to also access the CSEF dairy assistance funding. OFFICE USE ONLY: Government & Non-Government schools: 1. Parents/legal guardians and independent students are required to complete a Dairy Assistance application form and lodge the form at the school. Application forms are to be retained by the school. 2. The school is then required to complete and email the endorsed spreadsheet to [email protected] by 2 December 2016. The spreadsheet template can be downloaded from 3. DET will make a bulk payment into the school’s bank account by the end of term 4, 2016. 4. The school will be required to allocate the funding directly to benefit the eligible student. The school should communicate with their school community about how the funding will be allocated. Does your child attend their nearest appropriate school? School Bus Program This leaflet will help explain the School Bus Program and assist you in determining your child’s eligibility to travel on a school bus. While parents/guardians are primarily responsible for getting their children to and from school, the School Bus Program assists families in rural and regional Victoria by transporting students to school. The School Bus Program services both government and non-government schools. Categories of eligibility determine whether a student travels at no cost or travels upon the payment of a fare. Students wishing to access a seat on a bus must complete an application form and parents/guardians must agree to the conditions of travel including, if applicable, the payment of a fare. Public Transport Victoria (PTV) administers the School Bus Program as directed by the policy. The Student Transport Unit of the Department of Education and Training (DET) sets the policy and provides general transport advice to regional offices and schools. To be eligible for a seat on a bus at no cost a student must: 1. a ttend their nearest government school or nearest appropriate non-government school, which is determined by the denomination of the school 2. reside 4.8 km or more from the school 3. r eside in Victoria. Students are expected to access public transport if it is within 1.6 km of their home or closer than their nearest school bus service. Yes no Other eligible traveller categories Do you live 4.8 km or more from your nearest appropriate school? Yes no Your child is eligible to travel at no cost Complete Form 1 ‘Application for Permission to Travel – Eligible Students’ and submit to your child’s school A bus seat is available A bus seat is not available Your child will be placed on a bus service Your child will be waitlisted. You can apply for a conveyance allowance until a seat becomes available Your child may be able to access the bus should spare seating capacity exist. *Refer to exemption categories. • Refused entry to their nearest school. • Is in Years 11 or 12 and taking two or more VCE subjects at another school due to lack of availability of desired subjects at their nearest school. • Is attending their nearest single-sex school. • Is attending a Departmentrecognised accelerated learning program. • Is attending a school that has recently amalgamated or a new school has opened so your child is no longer considered to be attending their nearest school. • Is attending a split campus school and for continuity of education is required to bypass a closer school offering the equivalent year level. Yes Your child is eligible to travel at no cost Complete Form 1 ‘Application for Permission to Travel – Eligible Students’ and submit to your child’s school A bus seat is available Your child will be placed on a bus service * Exemption Does your child fit into one of these categories? no categories • Resides 4.8 km or more from a bus route to their nearest government school.# • Resides less than 4.8 km from their nearest school and attends that school. • There is no service provision to their nearest government school.# • Attends a government primary school that is not staffed to supervise students arriving early off a bus service.# • Post-secondary student or apprentice. • Pre-school student. • Resides outside of Victoria. • Travelling on an ad-hoc basis. • Sibling of an already eligible student (sibling rights are limited and specific). Applicable to government school students only. # Your child may be able to access the bus upon payment of a fare if a seat is available A bus seat is not available Your child will be waitlisted. You can apply for a conveyance allowance until a seat becomes available Please speak to the bus coordinator at your child’s school for more information Notes Nearest government school or nearest appropriate non-government school • To be eligible for travel on a school bus at no cost, government students must attend their nearest school while non-government students must attend their nearest appropriate school, which is determined by the denomination of the school. Exemptions Special cases • The policy has some exemptions where a student may be granted access to a bus service at no cost. These exemptions are limited and specific. • Families may apply for special consideration in complex and challenging transport circumstances (not including financial hardship). An application for special case consideration can be made through the school and requires DET regional endorsement and any documentation that supports the case. • Exemptions are not granted on the basis of financial hardship. Fare paying • Students not attending their nearest school may be accommodated on a bus service as long as they pay a fare and seating capacity exists. • Government and non-government students not attending their nearest appropriate school are required to pay a fare as set by PTV. • Students must reside 4.8 km or more from the school. The distance is measured by the shortest practicable route from the student’s front gate to the school’s main entrance. • A fare paying student may be required to relinquish their seat if the service is at capacity and an eligible non-fare paying student (government and non-government) wishes to access the service. The status of fare paying students is assessed each term. Non-government school students • Eligible government students have priority over eligible nongovernment students when being accommodated on services. • Non-government students may be accommodated where capacity exists. • Non-government students on their own do not form a case for the establishment of a new school bus service or an extension to a route. • Speak to your school’s bus coordinator for further information on special case consideration. Emergency management • In a forecast emergency school bus services will be cancelled if any part of the route is deemed at risk. • A rapid onset emergency may result in service cancellations and buses being held at the school or if in transit, the buses returning to the school. • Parents/guardians must agree in writing that their child will travel as long as they pay a fare and seating capacity exists. • Parents/guardians should familiarise themselves with the school’s school bus emergency management plans. • Parents/guardians agree to make alternative travel arrangements should their child be required to relinquish their seat. Further information • F are paying students do not form a case for service retention. Conditions of travel and parental responsibilities • Students and parents/guardians must agree to comply with the conditions of bus travel as stated on the back of all School Bus Program travel application forms. • Parents/guardians understand that school bus travel is a privilege and not a right. Go to for travel application forms and the School Bus Program’s policy and procedures. For further assistance with your application, please contact the bus coordinator at the school your child will be attending.
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