PR NL April 12


PR NL April 12
Page Robbins Adult Day Care Center
The Caregiver
Page Robbins
Adult Day Care Center
Caring for those with dementia
caused by
Mild cognitive impairment
Alzheimer's disease
Parkinson's disease
Huntington's disease
Non-specific dementia
TIA’s and Strokes
and the Frail Elderly
Adult Day Care 6:00 am-6:00 pm
Two Nutritious Meals
One Snack
Art Programs
Music Therapy
Exercise Program
Birthday Parties
Intergenerational Volunteers
Personal Care Services
Stimulating Activities
Social Interaction
Library Resources
Caregiver Support Groups
Counseling, Education
and Referrals
Reasonable rates based on
level of care
1961 South Houston Levee Rd.
Collierville, TN 38017
Phone: 901.854.1200
Fax: 901.854.5726
The $25, $50, $100 and More Challenge
“Generosity lies less in giving much
than in giving at the right moment.”
Jean De La Bruyere
This is the RIGHT time and
your gift will make a difference.
The economy is hitting Page
Robbins hard. While our
fundraising events are
continuing to be on target and
in some cases exceeding our
projected budget numbers, our
contributions continue to fall
woefully below budget.
If every family and business that
receives this newsletter would
make a gift, even at the $25
level, our current worries will be
put to rest. Some of you can
make a larger contribution and
for that we’d be grateful, but
this is the time that we need for
everyone that cares about
providing care for those with
Alzheimer’s disease and other
forms of memory loss to either
go online and make a
contribution or put a check in
the mail. Today.
Yes, we need to receive
approximately $1,000—actually
a little closer to $1,200—every
day to fund the general
operating budget.
Some individuals and groups
are able to give us the gift of a
day. If you are interested in this
concept, let us know and you
may choose ‘your’ day and take
part in the activities of that
particular day with us. It could
be a great team building
experience for your business,
Sunday school class, or civic
group or a even a strong family
bonding time.
Instead of Mother’s Day or
Father’s Day gifts this year,
why not make a contribution
to Page Robbins in honor or in
memory of your loved ones?
Who actually needs another
knick-knack or shirt and tie
You will make a difference in
the life of our participants and
their caregivers. Thank you in
advance for your generosity.
Party for the Garden
Morgreen Nursery and Lawhon
Landscape and Design are
hosting “Party for the Garden”
on Thursday, April 29.
provide wonderful music while
guests enjoy food and drink
and the beauty of the spring at
the nursery.
This event will be held at
Morgreen Nursery 468 Highway
72 from 6-9. Tickets are $15
each and proceeds will be given
to Page Robbins to help us
begin construction of our
therapeutic walking garden.
There will be silent auction
items and many items will be
for sale that will be needed for
the garden……Plus that
weekend, Page Robbins will
benefit from every item bought
at Morgreen as 10% of all sales
will be donated to our Karen’s
The Gerry Finney Band will
Garden fund for our
therapeutic walking garden.
There are opportunities for
gifts that can be given in
memory or honor of someone
for the garden specifically.
Churches, civic clubs, garden
clubs, individuals will be able
to extend our facility in a
natural, outdoor space to bring
joy and comfort to our
participants, their families and
our community.
Call Morgreen Nursery at 853.9877 for more information or to purchase tickets.
Gala was GREAT!
Pam and Jay Jeffries,
chairmen for the 2010 Page
Robbins Dance for the
Memories, put together a
winning combination to
showcase the special
personalized care that Page
Robbins offers and generated
more funds than ever in the
history of the event!
Special thanks to St. Andrew’s
Episcopal Church for their
presenting sponsorship and to
First Tennessee Foundation
and the Nelson Family
Foundation for providing
additional sponsorship funds.
Hundreds of businesses and
individuals donated items for
the silent and live auction and
bidding by the 375 guests was
lively at The Esplanade in
C.J. Lilly provided incredible
centerpieces for the tables with
a color palate of whites and
greens. An understated kind of
natural elegance was the look
for the evening.
Fifty individuals provided
“Caring Friends”
Sponsorship for the event and
were given a beautiful hand
formed piece of pottery
created by Dale and Brin
Baucum of Baucum Pottery.
Larger platters by Baucum
Pottery were presented to the
three donors.
Our favorite dance band, The
AIMS Gang entertained and
the dance floor was full the
minute the first chords of
Mustang Sally began.
Far too many people provided
assistance to ever list them all,
but our financial and in-kind
sponsors of the event are listed
The 2011 Gala will be held
February 5. If you, or your
business are interested in
helping, please give us a call!
Garlic was in the air!
The Big John Grisanti Memorial Italian Feast took place in late February with John
Grisanti, Jr., his brother David Grisanti and their brother in law, Peter Katsotis in the
kitchen along with several of their friends cooking pounds of pasta and gallons of sauce,
along with signature dishes of Miss Mary's Salad and Italian Spinach.
John Jr. with his dad, Big John Grisanti
Though ‘Big John’ Grisanti never had Alzheimer’s disease, his son, John Jr. said his dad
would have loved what we do here so he established the Big John Grisanti Memorial
Italian Feast several years ago.
Nearly 200 people enjoyed the fruits of their labor along with the fruit of the vine here at
Page Robbins. This is a casual kind of event… full of laughter and warm conversation.
Thanks to all who participated and to SYSCO Memphis and Southwestern Distributing.
More easy money comes from Kroger
and Schnucks
It costs you nothing more, but when you shop for groceries at Schnucks or Kroger, they will donate
money to us if you are properly registered. There is an insert in the newsletter that tells you how it
works and how you can register. In the past 6 months, we have received $2,144.75 from Kroger
and Schnucks combined! So thanks to these wonderful corporate citizens and to you who have
made the effort to shop for Page Robbins!
See insert for more details… It’s an easy way to give.
Someone else would like to read
your books!
Cathy Goodwin began to help
others at a very difficult time in
her life. And this help has been
significant through creatively
selling used books on Ebay!
In the past 3 years, Cathy and
her husband, Collierville
Police Chief Larry Goodwin
have given more than $5,000
to local charities through this
effort. Page Robbins received a
call a while back that they
wanted to begin to make their
contributions to us, to help us
provide care for those with
Alzheimer’s disease and other
forms of memory loss.
So, Page Robbins is now a
‘collection point’ for donated
books that can be sold. We are
told that diet and ‘self help’
books of any kind are her best
sellers, followed by
religious/spiritual type books
and cookbooks.
Please bring your good used
books to Page Robbins any
weekday and we will get them
to the Goodwins to catalogue
and sell. And, any unsold
books will be donated again—
this time to the library for their
book sale!
Thanks to the Goodwins and
to each person who assists
with this effort.
Some books bring only a dollar
or two while some sell for
much more.
First Wednesday and other
opportunities for learning and support
If you or someone you know
would like to come for a tour of
Page Robbins, you may do that
any time you like, but on the
First Wednesdays of every
month from 12:15-12:50 we will
host an ‘overview of our services
and tour.’
This is perfect for potential
volunteers, donors, people
interested in our services for a
loved one, medical professionals,
social workers, ministers…
anyone interested in learning
We will make certain that
either our program director,
Linda Rahija, MSW and/or
Herbie Krisle our executive
director will be on site and
available to answer all your
Additionally, we continue to
host our First Tuesday
Support Group from 4-5 pm
on the first Tuesday of every
month and our Tea and
Topics educational session
that is the Third Thursday of
every month also from 4-5 pm
held in our board room at 1961
S. Houston Levee Road.
There are no charges for any of
these events, but we do ask
that you make a reservation for
the Tea and Topics educational
session by calling 854.1200.
Creative Aging
Creative Aging Mid-South
works to improve quality of
life for Mid-South elders by
providing access to experiences
in the arts.
In furtherance of its mission,
Creative Aging Mid-South
hires local professional artists
to present high quality arts
performances and workshops
for older adults. Most
performances take place in
nursing homes, retirement
communities, senior centers,
and adult day care facilities.
Others take place at the homes
of home-bound elders.
Performances and workshops
are scheduled at times that are
convenient for their audiences,
and in formats responsive to
the needs of audiences with
cognitive and/or physical
Page Robbins is thrilled to be
part of the Creative Aging
program. We pay a very
reasonable ‘membership’ fee
and receive 10 such programs
each year.
Recently, we’ve enjoyed Joyce
Cobb, the Memphis Harp
Ensemble, Drivin’ Sideways,
Farkle the Magician, Rachel
Grant pottery artist and
Rickey Nye, the Boogie
Woogie Guy to name a few.
We would never be able to
afford to bring in this caliber of
talent on our limited budget if it
weren’t for our Creative Aging
To learn more about Creative
Aging, visit
Look for us in the Media!
We are about to begin a rotation of television commercials that hopefully will help tell our story. This
has been an interesting process and we are appreciative of all involved, including Rodney Rastall of
HanaHawk Communication, Chuck Crossno of AdStaff Media and Board Members who worked
diligently on this committee.
Julie Criss is helping us revamp and reenergize our website, Soon it will have
many new features and we hope you will visit us frequently. In the meantime, find us on Facebook and
become a ‘fan’!
Also, we’d love to have your email address. It is getting so very costly to print and mail our newsletters
and we’d like to distribute them electronically... or at least print and mail very few. Please send an email
to [email protected] with the subject line of email and send us all your contact information
AND email address so we won’t have duplicate entries and we’ll make those changes. We promise we
won’t inundate you with Page Robbins ‘spam’ nor will we sell your contact information.
Patriot Award
Brittany Mathias, a former care
assistant who also is a member of
the National Guard nominated her
supervisor, Ann Sands for a Patriot
Award. It is presented by Mary Ann
The National Committee for
Employer Support of the Guard
conducts an awards program
designed to recognize employers who support a strong National
Guard and Reserve force. Employers qualify for recognition when
they practice leadership and personnel policies that support
employee participation in the Guard and Reserve.
Upcoming Events
April 29
Party for the Garden Morgreen Nursery from
6p - 9p
July 21-23
Teepa Snow Training
Training for Caregivers and Community
First Responders Call for more info and detail
October 7
Patriot Bank Golf Classic 4 person scramble
Windyke CC Morning and Afternoon Flights
November 11
Art from the Heart of Page Robbins
Memphis National 7 pm Live and Silent
Auction of artwork created by participants at
February 5, 2011 Dance for the Memories Gala The Esplanade
More details to follow!
Good Day, Active Day
I sang with friends songs popular in my youth.
Today, I was part of the group, included.
I painted a lovely watercolor I called “My Turn”
Today, it was my turn to be creative.
I patted a dog and watched his tail wag.
Today, I delighted in the warm and fuzzy love of a pet.
I discussed A Road Not Taken with friends.
Today, I expressed my thoughts and was heard.
I worked a puzzle with a friend, quietly.
Today, I felt a sense of satisfaction when the job was done.
I bowled on Wii with a dapper young man.
Today, I enjoyed bowling and youth.
I heard myself say “could you have thought of me doing that?”
Today, I surprised myself doing something new.
I spent the day in meaningful ways.
Today, I was active and my day was good.
Someone planned and prepared these activities for me.
Today, someone cared.
Wish List
Paper Products
8oz. paper cups, 9” Styrofoam plates
Paper towels & toilet tissue
Food/Kitchen Items
Boxes of individual tea bags,
Decaf. & reg. coffee, Institutional cans of
fruits & vegetables,
Honey Nut Cheerios, Regular & sugar free
puddings, fruits & jello
9oz. Splenda or larger
Bingo Prizes for Men
Baseball caps, Men’s combs, Socks,
Handkerchiefs, Small bags of soft candy
and/or cookies
Things We Need Now
Smucker’s sugar free jelly, Sugar free
desserts (pudding cups, cookies, applesauce), 8oz Paper Cups,
20 lb. Copy paper
Arts & Crafts Supplies
Clear glaze spray, 8 X 10 Canvas,
Glue sticks, Mod Podge-Glossy,
Michael’s/Hobby Lobby Gift Cards
Party Supplies
Plates & cups (50+/- of each design),
Rectangular plastic table cloths (red, green,
orange, blue, black & white)
Office Supplies
20 lb. White copy paper, Heavy card stock
(any color), Multi-colored packs of paper,
Office Depot/Office Max Gift Cards
Housekeeping Items
Ziploc bags-gallon,
Dryer sheets
Personal Items
Men’s disposable razors, Hairspray
Financial Sponsorship Opportunities
Snacks for a week $75
Art/Activity Supplies for a month $200
Your school, church or civic club may want to help collect items from our wish list for us.
20# Copy Paper, paper towels, bathroom tissue and institutional sized fruits and vegetables are always needed!
Donors—October 1, 2009–February 28, 2010
We are so thankful for the generosity of our many friends. We must raise over $1000 each day to continue to provide the exceptional
care we are so proud to offer. The following is a listing of our financial donors from 10/1/09 through 2/28/10. We make every effort
to make sure that our listing is correct; however, please accept our apologies for any inadvertent omissions or mistakes.
Ken Abington
Greg and Genetta Adair
Wade and Emilie Adams
Pete and Fran Addicott
Wyatt and Tricia Aiken
John and Jody Aitken
Jon and Stefanie Albright
Lyman and Sally Aldrich
Cecil and Kathleen Alexander
John and Suzanne Alford
All Star Waste Systems, LLC
Christopher and Harriett Allen
Mike Allen
Milton and Norma Allen
American Residential Services
Bill and Joy Anderson
Karen Anderson
Mike and Cathy Andrews
Antique Automobile Club of
Apple Grove
Neil and Nancy Arnold
Dennis and Jeffrelyn Arterburn
John and Pat Ashworth
Eric Baertels
Marvin and Sue Anne Bailey
Gene and Gerri Bailey
Dale and Mary Kay Ball
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Ballard
Baptist Memorial Hospital Collierville Gift Shop
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barb
Corbin and Tracye Barber
David and Rhonda Barham
Lawrence and Helen Barrett
John and Sandy Barrios
Barrios Financial Services
Rebecca Barton
Diane and Bob Baskin
Don and Nancy Bassett
Ron and Beth Bazar
John and Melanie Beckham
Tom and Jenny Bergeron
Robert and Julia Berry
Steve and Paula Beussink
Mark and Sherri Beutelschies
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Bice
Bill and Melba Bice
Jack Billings, Jr.
Jim and Sherril Blair
Jeff and Melanie Blakeney
Bluff City Dockhoppers
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Bohon
Skip and Vickie Bolton
John and Jan Boudreaux
Dr. and Mrs. William Bourland
Boyle Insurance Agency, Inc.
Boyle Investment Company
BP Fabric of America Fund
Allan Bradshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Andy Bramlett
Ronnie and Donna Brandon
Bill and Kathy Brents
Tom and Kelsey Brooks
Bernie and Deborah Brooks
Fran Brown
Ignatius Brown
Kathy Brown
Michael and Emily Browne
Steve and Cindy Brunson
Tom Bucciarelli
Buckman Laboratories, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Bulle
Burch, Porter & Johnson
Albert Burk
Robert Burns and Linda Nichols
Bob and Karen Burris
Mr. and Mrs. George Buzard
Artie and Janet Byrd
Edward and Brenda Callis
Mrs. Maston (Harriett) Callison
Nelson and Betsy Campany
Alex and Phyllis Campbell
Derek Caraway
Preston and Sandy Carpenter
Jeff and Vickie Carr
Carrier Corporation
Etta Carruth
Bobby and Sally Carruthers
Gene and Maxine Cartwright
Glenda Castleberry
Central Defense Security
Bill and Joyce Chasteen
Steve Childs
Debbie Churchey
Don and Nancy Chute
Kevin and Dorian Clark
Joe and Nell Clayton
Don and Kay Coates
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cochran
Bruce and Joan Cole
Collierville Civitan Club
Collierville Community Fund
Collierville Connection
Collierville Contemporary Club
Collierville United Methodist
Collierville UMC New
Beginnings Sunday School
Collierville UMC Sonrisers
Sunday School Class
William and Linda Collins
Comfort Keepers
Commercial Advisors, LLC
Comprehensive Wealth
Carolyn Conner
Chris and Carola Connors
Roy Cook
Frank E. Cook
Chris and Stacy Coughlin
Cindy and Bill Cox
Liz Craft
David Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crawford
Louise Crawford
Marshall and Mary Jane Criss
Gus and Teresa Crosby
Katherine Crosby
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Crowe
Lee and Lucy Cummings
Cummins-Allison Corporation
Jeff and Heather Cuyler
Brooks and Renee Dabbs
DAC @ Cox Park
John and Judy Davis
Ron and Evalynn Davis
Mike and Charlene Davenport
Vince and Renee DeGutis
Pamela Detrie
Lawrence and Deane Diehl
Ms. Annette Divirgilio
William and Pauline Dixon
Richard and Twyla Dixon
Dogwood Elementary School
Gary and Patricia Donhardt
Peter and Mary Jane Doran
Denny and Sherry Douglas
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
John and Susie Dugger
John and Melanie Duncan
Mrs. Joann Duncan
Carol Dunning
Harry and Connie Durbin
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Durham
East Memphis Neonatology
Associates, P.C.
Mrs. Evelyn Echols
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Echols
Eleanor M. Robbins Foundation
Brig. Gen. Charles V. L. Elia
Jeffrey A. Elsworth
Mr. and Mrs. Bart English
Rick and Marla Erickson
Carl and Theresa Estes
Jay and Cheryl Eubank
Farris, Branan, Bobango, LLC
Jerry Ferguson
William and Rachel Ferro
Financial Federal
Donors—October 1, 2009–February 28, 2010
Financial Solution Services
Financial Strategy Group, PLC
First Security Bank
First Tennessee Bank
First Tennessee Foundation
Robert Fite
Dawn Fitzgerald
Fleet Body Works, Inc.
Billy Fletcher
Dennis and Susan Ford
Taylor and Carolyn Foster
Four Seasons Auxiliary for
Memory, Inc.
Bob and Maribeth Fowlkes
Foxbridge Assisted Living
Don Frankel
Greg and Valerie Frazier
Grace Fuller
Margaret Fyfe
Fred and Joan Gabbe
Steven and Deann Gabrick
Andy and Anna Lee Gaia
Vicky and Danny Gaither
Lou and Brenda Ganem
Charles and Janet Garland
Sandy Gates
Frank and Jami Gattuso
Dr. and Mrs. Mohan Gehi
Walter and Kelly Geminn
Gene Gossett Auto Parts, Inc.
Reg and Betty Carol Germany
Chance and Julie Criss Gibson
Jack and Pat Godwin
Haschal and Julie Golden
David Goldrick
Mr. Larry Goode
Larry and Cathy Goodwin
Mary Ann Goodwin
John Goodyear
Pam Gordon
Glen and Teri Gravatt
Mike and Carol Graw
Great Properties
Henry and Laura Greinke
Bill and Mary Jo Gresko
Mr. and Mrs. Lenny Griffith
Dorothy Griffith
John Grisanti, Jr.
Gary and Sandra Grove
Mary Gurley
Barbara S. Hagen
Robert and Angela Hagstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Haley
Wendell and Jo Hall
Brett and Shannon Hammers
Mark and Sara Hansen
Lee and Nancy Harber
Stephen and Gina Harden
Jim and Peg Harding
Carolyn Harris
Mathew Harris
Steve Harris
Ross Harris
Bob and Marleece Harrison
Tommy and Rosemary Hart
Yngvar and Elizabeth
Kirk and Cathy Hastings
Jack and Linda Hatfield
David and Lisa Hawkins
Greer Haynes
Jay and Regina Healy
Jeanne Hearn
Helena Chemical
Chris and Janice Helms
Rob and Leigh Hendry
Jack and Shirley Henry
James and Margaret Henze
Eddy and Gail Herbert
Terry Hermanson
Jane Hester
Herman and Cumi Heuberger
Chris and Angela Hicks
Jim and Barb Hildebrandt
Harold and Ola Hilliard
Mrs. Frances Hinton
Lynne M. Hinton
Jane Hodge
Richard and Nancy Holden
Holy Apostles Episcopal
Jerry and Betty Horn
Frank and Mary Horner
Graeme and Polly Horwood
Gordon and Tammy Howe
Teresa Howell
Bill Huddleston
Charlene Hurdle
E.J. and Bet Hurdle
Raymond and Dorothy Hust
Interactive Solutions, Inc.
Mrs. Billie Irby
Dale and Treila Jamieson
Grace Jamison
Jay and Pam Jeffries
Forrest Jenkins
Al and Tina Jennings
JMAR Building Co., LLC
Macey and Amelia Johnson
Michael and Harla Johnson
Eddie and Rosalie Johnson
Elizabeth Johnson
Keith and Deborah Johnson
Jim and Lois Johnston
Lynn and Janet Jones
David and Carolyn Jones
David and Mae Jones
Juanette Jones
Stan and Linda Joyner
Ken and June Judd
Mike and Susie Justice
Schering Plough
Gerald and Annette Kaplan
Keller Williams Realty Lynnfield Road Office
Keller Williams Realty Forest Hill Irene
James and Elizabeth Kelsey
Dr. and Mrs. Barry Kelton
Kennedy & Kennedy, PLLC
Nicholas Kenny
Paul and Susan Kenny
K. C. and M. K. Kenny
Richard and Marie Kilp
Frank and Teresa King
Kiwanis of Collierville
Mary Kleinman
James and Marie Knight
James Knight Jr.
John and Whitney Koski
Herbie Krisle
Lane Balance Systems
Joseph Larkins and Bethany
Marlene Latimore
Len and Susan Lawhon
Richard and Anne Lee
Rick and Pamela Leet
Gary Lewis
Roger and Sandra Lewis
Bruce and Joan Lindow
Lipscomb Pitts Insurance
Betty Llewellyn
Mark Locke
David Lofton
Alyce Long
David and Tina Long
Kathy Looney
Lost Tribe Traditional Archers
of TN
Jimmy and Dot Lott
Mr. Scott Low
Mike and Delana Lynch
Chris and Marcia Maitin
James Manion
Roger and Yvette Marion
Richard Martin
Steven Martin
Jeffrey and Lana Martindale
Chester Masterson
Ken and Judy McCool
Sherry McCraw
Ann McCroskey
McDonnell Insurance
Josephine McElroy
Jeff and Emily McEvoy
McGinnis Oil Company
Kenny and Joyce McKenzie
Jewell McKinney
James McWillie
Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Mealor, Jr.
Memphis Area Association of
Richard and Rae Menard
Menlo Worldwide Logistics
Joe Mensi
Donors—October 1, 2009–February 28, 2010
David and Anne Messenger
Tom and Cathy Messerly
Robert and Deborah Meyers
Mid-South Digital, Inc.
Milberg Factors, Inc.
Dennis and Susan Miller
Katherine Miller
Mrs. JoAnne Milton
Gene and Jane Milton
Chuck and Beth Mitchell
Kerry Mitchell
Sam Mitchell
David and Stephy Momper
Buddy and Betty Montgomery
Mrs. Betty G. Moore
Zach Moore and Sue Echols
Michael Mosteller
Jack and Ruth Muhs
Keith Munn
Larry Munyon
Barbara Murray
Merle and Kathy Musser
Jay and Maureen Myers
Perry and Jane Mykleby
Thomas and Stephanie Nagel
Scott and Jayme Nalley
James and Connie Neal
Dave and Donna Nelson
Margaret Z. Nelson
Ned and Lynn Nelson
Nelson Family Foundation
Mrs. Marilyn Nemeth
New Neighbors
Regina Newman
Phillip Nicastro
Tom and Debra Nichols
Tom and Kathy Nichols
The Honorable and Mrs. Mark
Barry and Susan Norton
Dirk and Carol Novosad
Ms. Phyllis O’Bryan
Kevin and Kim O’Donnell
Lamar and Marla Oberholtzer
Dr. John and Carolyn Outlan
Jeff and Amy Owen
Robert C. Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Owings
E. George and Robbie Page
Casey and Judy Parsons
Patriot Bank
Patriot Bank Mortgage
Susan Patrone
Sharon Patterson
Buddy Payne
Kevin and Cindi Perkins
Arnold and Mary Perl
Frank and Jan Perry
Fred and Fran Persechini
Jim Petrie
Byron and Cindy Phillips
Catrina Pierce
Evelyn Pierce
Kathy Pileggi
William and Rene Platten
William and Teresa Pleasants
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Plucker
and Family
Cathy Poteet
Tommy and Virginia Pou
Arthur and Bonnie Pourciau
Greg and Celeste Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Pride
Joseph Priestley
Chad and Aimee Puryear
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Quarles
Richard and Linda Rahija
James Rakowski
Lee Ann Randall
Jeanette Ratcliff
Margie Ray
Jim and Denise Reber
Tom and Pam Reddoch
Anthony and Jan Reed
Ronnie and Jennifer Reginelli
Daniel Reid
Iva Reid
Mike and Julie Repking
Jim and Sally Reynolds
Rial Plumbing
Donald and Kym Robbins
James G. Robbins
Larry Robertson
Butch and Laura Robinson
John and Carol Rodman
Pete Roosa
Elmer and Jo Ann Rosemann
Larry Ross
Mike Ross-Spang
Michael and Teresa Routh
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Salmon
Thomas and Helen Salmon, Jr.
Bill and Mel Samisch
Mike and Ann Sands
Sara Lee Foundation
Tony and Tasha Sarwar
Kate Sauer
Tom and Kim Sauer
Chuck and Beth Saunders
Charles and Marsha Savard
Sarah Sawyer
Gregory and Susan Schaaf
Sandeford and Elizabeth
Dr. S. J. Schaeffer, Jr.
Jack and Jan Scharff
Arthur and Patricia Schoembs
Judy Schott
David and Betsy Sexton
Rachael E. Sexton
Eric Shapiro
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sheahan
Adam and Amy Sheir
Shelby County Elementary and
Middle Schools Principal
Shelby County Schools’ High
School Principals
Shelby County Sheriff’s
Office-Emergency Services
John and Catherine Shepherd
Mark and Sally Sherman
Lynn Shields
Imran Siddiqui
Brad Smith and Renee Fortune
Fred and Linda Smith
Omar and Elizabeth Smith
Sherrye Smith
Brad and Stephanie Smithart
René and Nancy Somodevilla
Jim and Janice Sorsby
John and Ramona Speicher
Jim and Donna Springfield
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
St. Francis Hospital
St. Marks United Methodist
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stalls
Taylor and Kay Stamps
Roy Stanfill
Jim and Betty Stark
State Farm Insurance Monty Lester
Jill Stewart
Thomas Storey
R. W. “Doc” and Trena Street
Dorothy Strickland and Family
James and Tamara Swain
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Swanson
Doug Tabb
Barbara Tatge
Gary Tatge
Cathy Taylor
Leroy and Martha Terrell
The Medical Group
The Nurses in the NICU
J. M. Robinson and Catherine
The Villages At Germantown
Mrs. Rebecca Thomas
Charlie and Jean Thomas
Roy and Sheilah Thrash
Doug Tiffany
Tiger Gift Shop
Robert Timm
The Honorable and Mrs. Curry
JoAnn and Tim Treadwell
Jack and Karen Treas
Trezevant Terrace
Darrell and Ann Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Turner
Sidney and Peggy Turnipseed
Donors—October 1, 2009–February 28, 2010
The Twentieth Century Home
and Garden Club
Trey Vanlandingham
Rebecca Vanzant
Kevin and Johnna Vaughan
Charles and Tasia Vergos
Vickers Distribution & Transfer
Duran and Ann Vickery
Vintage Health Recources, Inc.
Robert and Vicky Vornbrock
Andy and Ann Wagner
Gene and Gail Waldrop
Gene and Barbara Walker
Brent and Teila Walker
Jeff and Debra Walker
David and Brooke Ward
Lynn Ward
Mike and Suzanne Ware
Mrs. Phyllis M. Warmington
John and Patricia Wasilik
Mrs. Janice Way
Keith and Sondra Webb
Todd and Barbara Weddle
Bill and Virginia Weeks
Henry and Kelly Wetter
Tracy Whitaker
James White
Tom and Kay Whitman
Gina Wiertelak
David and Patti Wilder
Keith and Leesa Wilkinson
David and Jennifer Williams
James and Julia Williams
L.R. and Irene Williams
David and Carole Williams
Mrs. Dorothy Wilson
Windcrest Photography
Dean and Lauran Wingo
Turner Wingo
Bert Witt
Michael and Maureen Wittke
Kirby and Stella Woehst
Tom and Paula Wood
Wood, Ellis & Wood CPA
Woodlake Estates
Woodmen of The World
Dan and Billie Work
Barbara Worrell
Wyatt, Tarrant & Combs, LLP
Linda Yates
Steve and Gay Young
Bob and Terry Zimmerman
Martin Zummach
Honorariums—October 1, 2009–February 28, 2010
John S. Aitken
Richard and Nancy Holden
Shelby County Schools’ High
School Principals
Shelby County Elementary
and Middle Schools Principal
Kathy Alexander
David and Betsy Sexton
Dennis and Jeffrelyn
Jay and Pam Jeffries
Rick and Jody Avery
Marshall and Mary Jane Criss
Kyle and Holly Barker
Brent and Teila Walker
Matt Barker
Brent and Teila Walker
Joe Birch
Dave and Donna Nelson
Chuck Burke
Jeanne Herne
Leroy and Martha Terrell
Daneel Buring
Chuck and Beth Mitchell
Betsy Campany
Teresa Routh
Nelson and Betsy
Jay and Pam Jeffries
Julie Carder
Brent and Teila Walker
Don and Cecilia Clanton
Marshall and Mary Jane Criss
Bill and Sandy Coates
Marshall and Mary Jane Criss
Danny and Beth Cox
Brent and Teila Walker
Mr. and Mrs. John Crowe
Perry and Jane Mykleby
Reverend Earl David
Jay and Pam Jeffries
Dr. Harry Durbin
Jay and Pam Jeffries
Bill and Emily Falvey
Butch and Laura Robinson
Joanne Gouge
Larry and Jan Munyon
David and Toni Halle
Jim and Barb Hildebrandt
The Hansen Family
Denny and Sherry Douglas
Marsha Harris
New Neighbors
Reverend Angela Harris
Jay and Pam Jeffries
Hayden and Sue Head
Chuck and Beth Mitchell
The Hildebrandt Family
Jim and Barb Hildebrandt
Frances Hinton
Sidney and Peggy Turnipseed
Pam Jeffries
Teresa Routh
Roy and Barbara Keathley
Butch and Laura Robinson
Patty Kilp
Richard and Marie Kilp
Reverend Mark Locke
Jay and Pam Jeffries
Jeff and Louise Mann
Butch and Laura Robinson
Robert S. McDonald
John and Ramona Speicher
The Twentieth Century
Home and Garden Club
Dr. and Mrs. Bill Moose
Michael and Teresa Routh
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Moss
Perry and Jane Mykleby
Mrs. Lee Mykleby
Perry and Jane Mykleby
Bob and Charlotte Neal
Marshall and Mary Jane Criss
Ned and Lynn Nelson
Tom and Kay Whitman
Betty Sue Only
Betty Knox Salmon
Lucia C. Outlan
John and Carolyn Outlan
Rosemary Ozanne
Butch and Laura Robinson
Herbie and The Page
Robbins Staff
Jay and Pam Jeffries
Page Robbins Staff
Sheila Parham
Betty M. Salmon
Carey and Judy Parsons
Jay and Pam Jeffries
Judy Parsons
Teresa Routh
Dick and Mary Jean Roach
Perry and Jane Mykleby
Jim Robbins
Forrest Jenkins
Don and Virginia Robinson
J. M. Robinson and
Catherine Ladnier
Harold and Laura Robinson
J. M. Robinson and
Catherine Ladnier
Laurie Robinson
Chuck and Beth Mitchell
Mr. Kristofer Roof
Jay and Pam Jeffries
Michael and Teresa Routh
Jay and Pam Jeffries
Trisha Rowland
Mike and Delana Lynch
Billy and Betty Sampson
Butch and Laura Robinson
Betsy Sexton
David and Betsy Sexton
Rachael E. Sexton
Honorariums—October 1, 2009–February 28, 2010
Mary Sharp
Butch and Laura Robinson
Shelby County Schools
John S. Aitken
Ham and Kathrine Smythe
Butch and Laura Robinson
Ms. Eve Sparks
Peter and Mary Jane Doran
Howard and Debbie Strelsin
Gerald and Annette Kaplan
Buddy and Sally Thomason
Butch and Laura Robinson
The Harold Utley Family
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Turner
Gene Walker
Gene and Barbara Walker
Mike Walker
Brent and Teila Walker
Reverend David Weatherly
Jay and Pam Jeffries
Betty Westmoreland
Eddie and Brenda Callis
Carroll and Anne White
Marshall and Mary Jane Criss
Billie Anne Williams
Butch and Laura Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Salmon
Memorials—October 1, 2009–February 28, 2010
Frances Lillian Askew
Sidney and Peggy Turnipseed
Hilton Bailey
Christopher and Harriett Allen
Gene and Gerri Bailey
Marvin and Sue Anne Bailey
Dale and Mary Kay Ball
Herbie Krisle
Kerry Mitchell
Chuck and Beth Saunders
Albert and Mary Bolfing
Arthur and Patricia Schoembs
Mary Bolfing
Lawrence and Helen Barrett
Betsy - Thursday Volunteer
Albert Burk
Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
East Memphis Neonatology
Associates, P.C.
Dorothy Griffith
Wendell and Jo Hall
Herbie Krisle
Betty Llewellyn
Laurie and Nancy Nelson
Margaret Z. Nelson
Margaret, Laurie, Nancy,
Ned, Lynn, Dave and
Donna Nelson
Tom and Debra Nichols
Phyllis and Shari O’Bryan
Sharon Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan
Plucker and Family
The Nurses in the NICU
Tom and Kay Whitman
Your Friends On Pebworth
Mary “Nell” Brandon
Ronnie and Donna Brandon
Jack and Pat Godwin
Virginia Burr
Frank and Jan Perry
Reverend Jim Campbell
Arthur and Patricia Schoembs
Mr. Onnie Lee Colvett
Michael Mosteller
Ben Criss
Chance and Julie Criss Gibson
Dorothy Dehls
Dennis and Susie Ford
Clyde Dixon
William and Pauline Dixon
Grace Jamison
Robert C. Owens
Bill and Virginia Weeks
“Susie’s Other Mother” Evelyn
Frank and Jan Perry
Betty Fristrom
Jane Hodge, Sister-In-Law
Janelle Golden
Jim and Barb Hildebrandt
Bill Goodwin
Herbie Krisle
Tracy M. Goodwin, R. N.
Larry and Cathy Goodwin
Mr. and Mrs. Harcourt
Arthur and Patricia Schoembs
George Hardy
Dennis and Susan Ford
Floyd Ellen Haston
Jim and Barb Hildebrandt
Everett “Bud” Henderson
Elmer and Jo Ann Rosemann
Sybil Hooks
Herbie Krisle
Thomas and Stephanie Nagel
Howard Irby
Scott and Jayme Nalley
Mrs. Billie Irby
Tommy and Virginia Pou
Pearly Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Quarles
Fred and Joan Gabbe
Tom and Kim Sauer
Terry Hermanson
Brad Smith and Renee Fortune
Michael and Harla Johnson
Dorothy Strickland and Family
Milberg Factors, Inc.
Margie McDoniel
Larry Munyon
David and Rhonda Barham
Barbara Murray
John and Judy Davis
Mike and Ann Sands
Marlene Latimer
Joy Keough
Keith Munn
Dave and Donna Nelson
Gene and Gail Waldrop
Ralph Laster
Randolph, Irene, Randall and
Jim and Lois Johnston
Don Williams
John Leary
Barbara Worrell
Tom and Kay Whitman
Mike Mills
Gerry Lemonds
James G. Robbins
Charles and Janet Garland
Dr. James A. Moore
Opal Renfrow Manion
Jeff and Melanie Blakeney
Greg and Genetta Adair
Michael and Emily Browne
Mike and Cathy Andrews
Alex and Phyllis Campbell
Bill and Kathy
Ron and Evalynn Davis
Christ Church Bunko Friends
Pamela Detrie, Jenny
Carolyn Conner, James A.
Bartlett-Prescott and Kara
Conner, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
R. Conner, Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Carol Dunning
A. Conner
Keller Williams Realty Cummins-Allison Corporation
Lynnfield Road Office
Mrs. Evelyn Echols
Herbie Krisle
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Echols
Jewell McKinney
Zach Moore and Sue Echols
Memphis Area Association of
Mary Ann Goodwin
Jim and Peg Harding
Dave and Donna Nelson
David, Beth and Fran Jones
Tom and Pam Reddoch
David and Carolyn Jones
Mike and Ann Sands
James Manion
Roger and Yvette Marion
Josephine McElroy
Sherman and Twyla Moore
Memorials—October 1, 2009–February 28, 2010
Dr. James A. Moore, cont.
Jim and Sally Reynolds
Sandeford and Elizabeth
Jim and Janice Sorsby
Mrs. Dorothy Wilson
S. J. Schaeffer
Cynthia W. Patterson
Shelby County Sheriff’s
Mrs. Maston (Harriett) Callison
Office-Emergency Services
Dr. Lester J. Pourciau, Jr.
Jack Nemeth
Antique Automobile Club of
Mrs. Marilyn Nemeth
Lena J. Nichols
First Security Bank
Dr. and Mrs. William
Reg and Betty Carol Germany
Herbie Krisle
Mattie Oman
Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Mealor, Jr.
Collierville Contemporary Club Buddy and Betty Montgomery
Louise Crawford
Lorie Pourciau Hebert and
Grace Fuller
Family, Kathy Pourciau
Glen and Teri Gravatt
and Kim Pourciau Collier and
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Haley
Herman and Cumi Heuberger
Arthur and Bonnie Pourciau
Mrs. Billie Irby
Jim and Denise Reber
Iva Reid
Mike and Ann Sands
Joe Larkins and Bethany Smith
The Mensi Family
Danny Rhea
Kirk and Cathy Hastings
Edwin Hal Rossett
Herman and Cumi Heuberger
James and Elizabeth Kelsey
Scharlotte Seat
Barbara S. Hagen
Berga Carol Smith
Jeff and Vickie Carr
Bill and Linda Collins and
Brooks and Renee Dabbs
Mr. Smith, Helen’s Father
JoAnn and Tim Treadwell
C. L. Springfield, Sr.
Jim Springfield
Marjorie Taylor
Dogwood Elementary School
Frances Wells Tinnaro
Herbie Krisle
Liz Craft
Jack H. Treas
Dave and Donna Nelson
Herbie Krisle
Karen Vann
James G. Robbins
Floyd Warmington
Mrs. Billie Irby
Elaine Witt
Mr. Bert Witt
Cal Yancey
Bobby and Sally Carruthers
Charles Young
Mark, Sherri, James and Will
In Kind Donations—Oct. 1, 2009–Feb. 28, 2010
A.S. Barboro
Carriage Court
John and Melanie Duncan
Chris and Janice Helms
Mike Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chandler
Peter and Judy Dunlop
Shirley Hensler
Almadale Farms
Don and Nancy Chute
Bill and Rhoda Dutton
Graeme and Polly Horwood
Karen Anderson
Coldwater Creek
Elect Home Care
Houston High School
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Ashworth
Collierville AARP
Ann Endicott
Bryan Ikerd
Gene and Gerri Bailey
Collierville Christian Church
Carl and Theresa Estes
Jay and Pam Jeffries
Barb’s Bakery
Collierville Christian ChurchPower Verses Sunday School
Faith Lutheran Church Youth
Jim’s Place Grille
Farmington Elementary
Collierville Elementary
Ken and June Judd
Collierville Victory Garden
Farmington ElementaryKiwanis Kids
Tom and Jenny Bergeron
Mr. Brian Connor
Andrea Farrell
Mark and Sherri Beutelschies
Chris and Stacy Coughlin
First Tennessee Bank
Kathy Boyadjian
Cub Scout Pack #56
Ronnie and Donna Brandon
Ray Curle
Four Seasons Auxiliary for
Memory, Inc.
Buckman Laboratories, Inc.
D. Canale Beverages, Inc.
Artie and Janet Byrd
Margaret E. Davis
C. J. Lilly
Jacquline Davis
Cafe Piazza
Mrs. Betty Demay
Canale Grocery
Peter and Mary Jane Doran
John and Sandy Barrios
Diane and Bob Baskin
Belmont Village Assisted
Macey and Amelia Johnson
Maureen Kiehn
James and Marie Knight
Don and Deborah Kolmodin
Kim and Mick Ann Koratsky
Mary Ann French
Kraus Model Cleaners
Friends of The Library
Becky Gafford
Chuck Lajeunesse
Mary Gathers
Legent Group
Robert and Rachel Green
Roger and Sandra Lewis
Hardins SYSCO
Tim and Susan Long
In Kind Donations—Oct. 1, 2009–Feb. 28, 2010
Gene and Ruthie Mann
Paulsen Printing Company
Shelby East Garden Club
The Esplanade
Emma Lee Mauldin
Pepsi Americas
Bill and Polly Shipley
The Half Shell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S.
Shailatja Poluri
Sherrye Smith
The Peabody
Tom Powell
Bruce and Katie Miller
Don and Joyce Sogga
The Silver Caboose Restaurant
Rick and Jennifer Powers
Brandy Miller
Southern Hands Family Diner
Doug Tiffany
Jerry and Ellen Renfrow
Suzette Moore
Southside Seniors
Trezevant Terrace
Sara Richardson
Jimmy and Betty Moore
U Store It
Rita’s Frozen Ice and Custard
Mrs. Marilyn Nemeth
United Liquors Corporation
Roadshow BMW/MINI
State Farm Insurance Kacky Kortenber
Bill and Linda Robbins
Strategic Alternatives
Ken Wamble
Ric and Kathy Russo
Su Casa Mexican Restaurant
Katelyn Wannage
Mike and Ann Sands
James Sudduth
Ava Witt
Tony Sarwar
Tara Oaks Elementary
Second Grade Teachers
Don and Cheryle Wyllie
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Nichols, Jr.
Nike Golf
Tom and Beth O’Malley
Todd Overby
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Owings
Pasta Italia
Danny and Lisa Schlesinger
Christopher Scott
David and Betsy Sexton
Will Taylor
The Bailey Law Firm
Duran and Ann Vickery
David Yates
Linda Yates
Steve and Gay Young
A special “thank you” goes to Bill Dutton for providing accounting services to Page Robbins
and to Doug Tiffany for providing computer and tech support to Page Robbins.
Page Robbins Adult Day Care Center
1961 South Houston Levee Rd
Collierville, TN 38017
Phone: 901.854.1200
Fax: 901.854.5726
Contact us:
Herbie Krisle, Executive Director
[email protected]
Linda Rahija, MSW, Program Director
[email protected]
Joyce Quintrell, Activities Coordinator
[email protected]
Marleece Harrison, Executive Assistant
[email protected]