Happy New Year!! Volume 20 Issue 1 The Gateway to Fremont County www.penrosechamber.com January/February2016 Valentine’s Day Feb. 14, 2016 "The 2016 Penrose Community Library calendars are selling well. The theme was "Penrose Rocks" and there were many especially creative entries this year. The winning selection for the cover was an entry from Sandy Meyer that spells out "Penrose Rocks" with actual rocks. Other winning photos came from Sylvia Hooper, Kimberly Weber, Adam Mokhriby, Margaret McGinn, Nathan Heintzelman, Doug Johnson, Misty Sprouse, Sharon Mokhriby, Judy Lazor, Joan Sheets, Elias Mokhriby, and Lynn VerSteegt. Calendars are available for purchase at D & K Supply, Penrose Kwik-Stop, Coyotes Coffee Den, Penrose Neighborhood Market, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Penrose Community Library. The cost of a calendar is $5.00. All proceeds go to benefit the Library parking lot fund. The theme for next year's 2017 calendar is 'Birds and Blooms'. If you have questions concerning the calendar or to reserve your copy, please call Jean at the Library, 372-6017. Penrose Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet– Monday, Feb. 22, 2016 Santa getting list together for Christmas Apple Country Memories 2015 Coyote’s Coffee Den– Penrose Monthly Breakfast Now on Thursday 7:00 AM The Penrose Chamber of Commerce has set the date for their Annual Banquet. It will be Monday, February 22, 2016 at the Gooseberry Patch Restaurant located at 660 Hwy. 115 Penrose, CO. Social time will begin at 6 pm, dinner will be served at 7 pm. Awards will be presented shortly afterward. Tickets will be drawn through-out the evening for door prizes. Meal selections are: Prime Rib w/Horse Radish Sauce, Seared Scallops & Shrimp Medley, Orange Glazed Cornish Game Hen, or Vegetable Lasagna. The meal includes salad, vegetable, potato, roll & butter, dessert, & coffee or tea. The cost is $35 per person. (price includes tax & tip) RSVP by February 18, 2016. Invitations are in the mail! January 21 Penrose Community Center Annual Board Meeting The Penrose Chamber of Commerce has announced the officers for 2016. Executive Director: Marti Lucero President: Calvin Sundermann Vice– President: Earl Perry Treasurer: Steve Shannon Secretary: Misty Dawn Board Member: Anne Sterling Board Member: Stephanie Luck February 18 Penrose Community Center OFFICE MANAGER REPORT November/December2015 Visitors: 34 Welcome Packets mailed: 12 Business Referrals: 23 Incoming Calls: 59 Outgoing Calls: 147 Notary Public: 26 Friday, January 1, 2016 Penrose Chamber Communicator Submitted by Ione McGuire The Penrose Chamber of Commerce met for breakfast at the Penrose Community Senior Center on December 17, 2015. Thank you to all of the seniors that set up and helped with the lovely breakfast of scrambled eggs, sausage patties, biscuits, along with coffee, and juice, not to mention the traditional decorations for the Christmas holidays. It was quite lovely, 22 members and guests were there. Calvin Sundermann, the Chamber’s President, began the meeting by talking about some of the community activities they helped with and also had at the Fire Department. Calvin said that the Apple Country Memories event sponsored by the Penrose Chamber was successful. A good turnout and fun was had by all, not to mention the collection of food. We had lots of canned goods and nonperishable items donated, along with some money that was taken up to help the Loaves and Fishes with their food pantry. He also talked about the event there. He said Santa came and had pictures taken with the children at the big ladder truck for five dollars. They also had a bake sale and games were enjoyed by all who came on December 11th. Calvin thanked the Wells Fargo Bank for their time and contributions, as well as other help needed for this event that came from the community members. Steve Shannon thanked the Penrose Baptist Church for coming and helping prepare the Christmas dinner at the Senior Center, as well as having a breakfast, they sang Christmas carols on Christmas Eve. They also had a silent auction. Steve said the potluck dinner at the Senior Center was held on December 22nd. Steve reminded people to come and buy things at the Senior Center in their thrift store. They are open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:30 AM until 3 PM. They have lots of useful household items and a good collection of beautiful glassware. Come out and look and buy. The seniors are hoping to have a January dinner, in which they are going to offer green chili sliders. The time and date are yet to be announced. www.penrosechamber.com Richard Hildebrand thanked the seniors for the services they offered to the Wagon Masters having their monthly meetings. It’s good to know there are good warm places to meet at for monthly meetings. If you have questions about the cost of meeting space or needing information for anything held at the senior center, please contact their phone at 719-372-3872. Jerome Townsend represented the Canon City Workforce Center. He said they are offering a list of around 120 positions to choose from and they will be offering classes to help people who need employment to brush up on their interviewing skills and how to prepare their applications, as well as prepare resumes so if you know of someone who would need help in this, send them to the Workforce Center. They are located at 3224 Independence Rd., Canon City, Colorado & their phone number is 719-275-7408. Clar Shipman represented their church at the First Southern Baptist Church, located at 722 N. Broadway. She always gives the times of their services. On Sunday, study is at 10 am & worship service is 11 am. They also have a Wednesday night Bible study & prayer at 6 pm. Dave Gouveia of Canon Marine was out to the breakfast. He announced they will once again be taking boats to the annual boat show in Denver. This is held annually at the Convention Center on the 8th, 9th, and 10th of January. If you have further questions, call Dave that Canon Marine at 719-372-3151. Deb Osborne, representing the St. Thomas More Hospital, brought out a stack of Inspire magazines. She talked about the new C-section center at the hospital. She said if anyone would like to get the Inspire magazines on a regular mailing to keep up with news items about the St. Thomas More Hospital, to call Jullian Maes at 719-285-2100. One of the areas they try to help keep up on is the joint commission for three-year surveys. This allows them to gather Page 2 useful information about how they can improve on their service and change their image for the better. It was announced by Tami Mundy the park would be having a dinner & will serve Indian tacos and a down home country cowboy church evening from 5 to 8 on Saturday, December 19th. The park elections are coming up soon. The library did well on their silent auction. The Penrose community library will not have elections. There are no new board members running at this time. Bill Fleming of the Lighthouse Apostolic Church announced they were having church on Christmas Day at 11 AM. Cheryl and Larry Dial thanked the Penrose Chamber of Commerce for having the chamber monthly breakfast at the Penrose Community Senior Center and they said to all who were present to have a Merry Christmas. It was good seeing Larry back. He is doing well recovering from his surgery. It was also good to see Carol, who works in the kitchen for the seniors. Her husband is recovering from a broken leg. Calvin also said the Fire Department supervised a burn down at a house on 7th St. in Penrose. They received money for doing this that went to the Penrose School for supplies needed there. Fire Truck Ladder all lit up for Apple Country Memories 2015 Penrose Chamber Communicator The Gateway to Fremont County APOSTOLIC LIGHTHOUSE CHURCH Lighthouse Church We are thankful to the Lord for our first full year in our new church location at 701 Floral, Canon City. During our New Year’s Eve celebration service, God smiled on us with His presence and He led a young lady to visit the service who was burdened and needing Jesus. She was not disappointed. The Lord met with her, renewed her with His spirit, and she was filled with the joy of the Lord! The Lighthouse is a praying church and we welcome all requests. Call 719-778-9705 or 719-359-1551. We will be glad to join with you in prayer to the Lord for your needs. May God bless you in 2016! Pastor Rousseau and the Lighthouse Congregation. APPLE COUNTRY MEMORIES Penrose Senior Center January Menu 405 Broadway Please call in advance if possible: Tuesday, 5th– Spaghetti, Salad Thursday, 7th– Enchilada, Rice, Beans Tuesday, 12th– Meatball Sub Sandwiches, Salad Thursday, 14th– Salisbury Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Veggie Tuesday, 19th– Meatloaf, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Veggie Thursday, 21st– Chicken & Vegetable Stir Fry, Salad Tuesday, 26th– Pulled Pork Sandwiches, Bean Salad, Coleslaw Thursday, 28th– Baked Chicken, Potatoes, Veggie Horse & Buggy Apple Country Memories 2015 Menu subject to change Bread, Milk, & Dessert available with all meals. Carry out available NEW MEMBERS: Richard & Heather Poole Senior Living Decisions Pretty lights at Apple Country Memories Coyote’s Coffee Den– Penrose 2015 Page 3 People say attending "Apple Country Memories" has become a family tradition! After 18 years folks say , we used to bring our kids for this event and now we bring our GRANDCHILDREN, we wait every year for this, and what a WONDERFUL SUCCESS it was! Especially the food drive that helps feed several families in our own community! It was a perfect evening for roasting marshmallows over a open fire, seeing the children's eyes light up as that JOLLY SANTA arrived, taking a horse drawn buggy ride under the stars, and singing Christmas carols along with the angels and shepherd's while baby Jesus lay on the hay. Christmas lights that Pete and his helpers had s t r un g t h r ou gh out t h e pr op erty were magical!! You could stroll over and have a bowl of Pete's chili or step in and sip hot cider and listen and join in with Country Christmas songs! A SHOUT OUT of sincere Thanks of gratitude goes to all who helped with this event! I hope it warms your hearts giving out to the community as much as it does my husband, Art and myself. A sincere THANK YOU to Pete, Rhea, Tom and all the employees at the Coyote Den, for the great food and hospitality, Penrose Chamber of Commerce for their support, Penrose Baptist Church for those sweet singing angels, shepards and wisemen, Penrose Park and Rec. for helping with marshmallows, Colorado Country Music and Misty Dawn we can always depend on them, the Fremont Republicans Women for the yummy cider, Dawson Ranch Stables, for buggy rides, of course our own Penrose Fire fighters, for lighting the Stairway to Heaven! Thank you to John Olson, Great job, Rich and Susan Hildebrandt, and John and Phyllis Padilla, friends who pitched in to help! thanks to Mary and Hector Leyba for GREAT pictures. A BLESSED NEW YEAR TO ALL and if you would like to be a part of this event in 2016 please contact me ,Marti Lucero at 372-3183 we would love to include you. The blessings you receive will warm your heart as you see faces of children old and young lite up! Marti Lucero, Exe. Director Penrose Chamber Communicator Page 4 www.penrosechamber.com The Penrose Chamber of Commerce offers many things to its members, including: Networking Opportunities Visitor and Tourism Leads New Visitor and Resident Packets Conference Facility Special Events-- Free membership Fax Service *Monthly Breakfasts Free Notary Services *Annual Banquet Business Referrals *Apple Day Representation in Florence and Canon City Chambers *Apple Country Memories Representation in FEDC Citizen of the Year Bi-Monthly Newsletter with Chamber Events Business of the Year Honored Guests of the Year Advertising Opportunities Apple Dumpling King and Queen Free Web Listing Senior King and Queen Grand Openings Recognition in Several Categories of Business Next newsletter articles will be due February 20, 2016 February 15, 2016 President - Calvin Sundermann Vice Pres. - Earl Perry Secretary - Misty Dawn Scoles Treasurer - Steve Shannon Exec. Dir. - Marti Lucero Reg. monthly meetings 2nd Wed. of the month , 6:00 pm in Wells Fargo Bank Community Room. Chamber Communicator Editor, Misty Dawn Martin Luther King Jr. Day January 18, 2016 Penrose Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 379 Penrose, CO 81240 PH 719-372-3994 Fax 719-372-3994
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