Volume 12 Issue 5 September/October 2008 Monthly Breakfast Now
Volume 12 Issue 5 September/October 2008 Monthly Breakfast Now
www.penrosechamber.com Volume 12 Issue 5 2008 Apple Dumpling King Sam Babcock & Queen Breahna Rae Bloomer with runner-up Nathan Valdez & Sierra Gillentine Sue Luck , along with the help of Bill & Ione McGuire, Misty Dawn, Tommy McGuire, & Sue’s daughter held the 2008 Apple Dumpling contest on July 19th at the Penrose Post Office. There were lots of games to play and plenty of Hot Dogs, Chips, & Lemonade. All of the children had Ice’s for dessert. While the contestants played, the judges tallied up the scores. They were presented their awards while they were there. Sue & Bill took lots of pictures of the winners. It was a real fun day for everyone. The Gateway to Fremont County The Penrose Community Library will soon be selling “2009 Penrose Centennial Calendars” to help raise funds for construction of the new library building. Calendars will go on sale Apple Day, Oct.4th, 2008. We are asking all local residents who have clear historic photographs of the Penrose area or photos of early Penrose settlers that they are willing to lend, please contact Jean Christensen at the library during regular business hours. The library phone number is 372-0606. “There is a time constraint on getting your photos to the library. The deadline for submitting your pictures for consideration for inclusion in the calendar is Sept. 17th. We’d love to include as many different historical pictures as we Can, so please send them in as soon as possible”, encourages Jean Christensen For more information, call 372-0606. Monthly Breakfast Now on Thursday 7:00 AM September 18 Michelle’s Restaurant October 16 Michelle’s Restaurant Apple Day is just around the corner. I’m happy to say that more volunteers are coming forward. The vendor & parade applications have been coming in as normal. Apple Day is October 4, 2008. Sue has her pie judges lined out & ready to go. We will have our next committee meeting on September 9th at 5:30 pm at the Chamber office. Thanks to everyone who is willing to help make Apple Day a success! Rose Lindley, Apple Day Coordinator Everyone is invited! Bring a Guest!! Flea Market Schedule: September 6, 2008 Located in the Gooseberry Patch Restaurant parking lot on Hwy. 115 For more information, call 372-3994 7 am-4 pm Our last Flea Market this year September/October 2008 Fred & Hazel Sneed will reign as Penrose Apple Day King & Queen 2008 The Penrose Senior Center surprised Fred & Hazel Sneed when Bill McGuire, Penrose Chamber’s Executive Director, presented them ribbons, flowers, & a clock and announced that they are the 2008 Apple Day Senior King & Queen. Misty Dawn was surprised, as well. She has been named Honored Guest for 2008. Charlotte Burrous was there from the Daily Record & Bob Wood from the Florence Citizen. All 3 guests said it was an honor to be recognized in the community. BONFILS BLOOD DRIVE 3:00-5:30 PM June 27, 2008 All drives take place at Wells Fargo Bank, 210 Broadway, 3:00 pm– 5:30 pm. For more information, call 372-3994 or 372- 9426. 2008 Schedule: October 24 December 26 OFFICE MANAGER REPORT July/August 2008 Visitors: 46 Welcome Packets mailed: 2 Business Referrals: 29 Incoming Calls: 71 Outgoing Calls: 53 Penrose Chamber Communicator Submitted by Ione McGuire The PCOC met at the Coyote’s Coffee Den for the monthly breakfast. There were 27 members and guests present. As usual , we were greeted with smiling faces, fresh hot coffee, and a break in the weather. Thank you, Pete & Rhea ,for having us at the Coyote’s Coffee Den. Pete Mugasis, the PCOC President, started off with introductions. He has recently opened a new Coyote’s Coffee Den at the Pueblo Community College at the Fremont Campus. He has had excellent turn-out’s for his Saturday night concerts here in Penrose. His last show for this season is September 6th. Bob Nelson, vice-president for AARP, announced that their organization will be holding their annual picnic at Pioneer Park in Florence. The meal will be free for AARP members & $5 for nonmembers. The CCMA will provide the music. Their activities will start at 11:30 am & go until 5 pm. Dan Bennett, spokesman from Holcim Plant, talked about their gypsum operation out near Coaldale. Dan was also very happy that people from Penrose was on their advisory committee. We’re very grateful that they stay involved with the Penrose community & attend our monthly breakfast. Ron Van Syoc & his mother, Janet, said they were putting in a lot of concrete around their business. Their automatic gates are now working. Their business is VIP Storage LLC & they’re located south of 50 going east toward Pueblo. If you have storage needs, check them out. Gloria Stultz came over from Cañon City. She announced that she is running for County Commissioner in District 1. Gloria heads up the Farmer’s Market in Cañon City. She is happy to see that Florence is now holding a Farmer’s Market. Gloria also brought a guest. Thank you, Betty Parsons, for coming out. Dave Ackerman, branch manager for Rocky Mountain Bank & Trust in Florence, spoke about the projects their bank has sponsored through-out the years as an educational opportunity for students. If you’re interested in more information, contact Dave. (see next paragraph) Page 2 www.penrosechamber.com Ed Norden, County Commissioner, was present at the PCOC breakfast. He said they are getting back information about how Fremont County is fairing in this tight economy. While we haven’t seen the down-turn as obvious as other communities in the state, the construction has slowed to where there is 45% less homes & other building projects. The County did recently receive a grant which met 100% of matching funds. This grant is to be used for upgrading equipment & road maintenance. Dr. Paul Sarver is a chiropractor at Accident & Health Recovery Center at Penrose. He will announce soon their open house date. Chris Trask, representative of Cañon National Bank, talked about how banking has changed & how their bank has been able to serve the community over the years. Chris has done so much as a citizen of Penrose & Fremont County. She has attended the Chamber breakfast on a regular schedule & has served on many boards through-out the community. Ernest Lindley spoke about the Amsoil that he sells & how it helps with the usage of gas by keeping your engine in good shape. Give Ernest (Pat) a call at 372-6114 if you are interested in learning more about Amsoil. Gary Rimpley of Rafter G Landscaping is now helping set up modular's for schools & working on getting prepared to set them up for home-sites. If you have a need, give Gary a call at 3695253. Geri, (Gary’s wife) helps with the construction & also has the Train Depot Antique Shop located where the Star Bar used to be. She also works with the VFW. They book bands in every Saturday night. For more information on all they do, give them a call. Jennifer Kemp, St. Thomas More Hospital, announced at the breakfast that they are launching an Osteopathic Treatment Program on Sept. 2, 2008. This treatment center will be located in the Rehabilitation Center at 1338 Phay Ave. They accept most insurance cards. Edie McLish from FEDC spoke about their Science Discovery Program. John Oveyvian was a guest at our breakfast . He has a construction company & is currently working on a new tire company in Florence. See ya next month. Ione McGuire September is here & fall is in the air. Apple Day is coming faster than we want it to. Apples should be in the Chamber office for those who wants to bake pies for apple day by September 18th. Office hours are Mon-Fri , 10 am-2 pm. You can bake 3 or 4 pies and put one in the pie contest. The prizes are great. We would love to have everyone in our parade this year. You can download the application from the Chamber website, www.penrosechamber.com or call the chamber office. We have been having great turn-outs for the Chamber breakfast. The breakfast is the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7 am. Since the mornings are getting cooler we will have our breakfast at Michelle’s Restaurant in September. We want to thank Pete & Rhea for having the Chamber breakfast through-out the summer there. Don’t forget the dances at the VFW every Saturday night. They have some really good bands there. It’s a good place to go if you like to kick up your heels. Don’t forget the dinners at the Senior Center every Tuesday & Thursday. Just call and let them know by 9:30 am the day you plan to go. They have a great menu. Check the website out. Misty has been updating the files & has all of the businesses listed there. It’s a good place to find out who belongs to the Chamber. We’re still working to improve the site so if you can think of anything you want to see on the site, call the Chamber office or drop us a note. Your Executive Director, Bill McGuire . Next newsletter articles will be due October 20th! A very special thank you to Ione McGuire for always providing all the good news from our monthly breakfast. Penrose Chamber Communicator The Gateway to Fremont County Page 3 PENROSE SENIOR CENTER MENU FOR SEPTEMBER HAPPY APPLE FARM Happy Apple Farm has been a family owned and operated farm since 1986, when Tom and Helen Ferrara purchased it from Albert and Donnie Molello. In the early years, a great deal of support and assistance was given to the Ferrara’s by the Molello and Ratkovich families who were long time residence of Penrose. Through the foresight of Helen Ferrara, the old standard apple trees that had produced so well for numerous years were replaced by three thousand new varieties of semi-dwarf apple trees that had become so popular. Additionally, other crops such as raspberries, blackberries peaches, and pumpkins were added to the farm, and what has now turned into one of the most popular “Pick Your Own Farms” in Colorado was established. The farm was operated by the Ferrara’s and their two youngest children, Julie and Tom, until they both married and moved off the farm. Luckily for the Ferrara’s, their oldest son Tony decided he was tired of the high pressure life of banking and decided to come home for a “short stay” which turned into a new life of farming. Tony has taken over the farm and with his outgoing personality and managerial skills has turned the farm into what some annual visitors have come to describe as “Disneyland East.” With the assistance and guidance of his wife, Hope, the Happy Apple Deli serves such delicacies as Blackberry Cobbler, Peach Cobbler, Apple Pie Alamode, Apple Wood Smoked Brisket, and numerous varieties of Jams, Jellies, Apple Butter, and other scrumptious offerings. This year has been an extremely difficult year, due to a late spring freeze which killed the total apple crop, but Tony will bring in Colorado grown apples from the Western Slope and have them available by the bag or box in the Country Store. That along with an excellent Blackberry Crop and Pumpkin Patch will keep the annual visitors coming to Penrose. He and the other Penrose apple growers have always made sure the Pie Baking Contestants have apples available for The Penrose Apple Day Competition and this year will be the same. Although many of the old apple orchards are no longer in operation, Tony says he is optimistic about the future of the apple industry in Penrose due to the addition of new growers, such as 3rd Street Orchard, owned & operated by Lance & Gail Tyler and Desert Flats, owned & operated by Charlie Newlon. For more information, call 372-6300. September 2 Spaghetti and Meatsauce Tossed Salad w/Italian Dressing Seasoned Green Beans Orange September 4 Chicken Cacciatore Whipped Potatoes Chopped Spinach Banana September 9 Salisbury Steak Whipped Potatoes w/Gravy California Vegetable Medley Seasoned Greens Nectarine September 11 Roast Pork Whipped Potatoes w/Gravy Parslied Carrots Strawberry Gelatin Salad Dinner Roll w/Margarine September 16 Turkey Salad on a bed of Lettuce w/Tomato Steamed Brown Rice California Vegetable Medley Raisin Applesauce September 18 Beef & Sweet Peppers Steamed Brown Rice Orange Spiced Carrots Grapefruit Half September 23 Chicken & Noodles Seasoned Green Beans Baked Acorn Squash Apricot/Pineapple Compote LAMOREUX REALTY Drew Lamoreux announces that he opened his own real estate office in Florence. LAMOREUX REALTY is located at 1015 West 1st St. in Florence. A well-known Florence resident, Drew has served the area as a real estate broker since August 1993. Prior to that, he was with the First National Bank of Florence (now Rocky Mountain Bank and Trust) from 1981 to 1993. Drew looks forward to providing continuing excellent service to all his old clients and welcomes the opportunity to provide real estate needs to new clients. Drew as a REALTOR@ is a member of the Royal Gorge Association of Realtors, the Pueblo Association of Realtors, and the National Association of Realtors. Drew and his wife, Barbara, have one son, Jon, who with his wife, Elizabeth, lives in Tacoma, Washington. Jon is the head of the Science Dept. at Charles Wright Academy in Tacoma. Drew can be contacted at Lamoreux Realty 719-429-3739. You can also contact him at [email protected] and his website: www.lamoreux.com. September 25 Sloppy Joe on a Bun Scalloped Potatoes Broccoli and Carrots Apple September 30 Sweet and Sour Pork Steamed Brown Rice California Vegetable Medley Diced Pears Milk served w/all meals. Most meals served w/bread & margarine. . Apple Dumpling King Sam Babcock & Queen Breahna Rae Bloomer Penrose Chamber Communicator www.penrosechamber.com Page 4 “Dealing With Difficult Employees” One of the most challenging parts of being a manager is dealing with difficult employees. This is complicated because there generally is no perfect solution. Before becoming overwhelmed with the thought of dealing with difficult employees, consider attending this roundtable to hear about some tips to help you. Employer Roundtable Thursday September 18th, 2008 9am – 11am at the Cañon City Workforce Center 3224 Independence Road Cañon City, CO. 81212 Reserve your seat today! 275-7408 The roundtable will be presented by Christina Gonzales of the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment Another Free service of the Cañon City Workforce Center And co-sponsor KRLN “Equal opportunity employer/ program” and “auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.” This newsletter is sponsored by Aquila & Properties of Colorado President - Pete Mugasis Vice Pres. - Olive Bowman Secretary - Misty Dawn Scoles Treasurer - Dale Johns Exec. Dir. - Bill McGuire Reg. monthly meetings 1st Thurs. of the month , 7:00pm in Wells Fargo Bank Community Room. Chamber Communicator Editor, Misty Scoles Penrose Chamber of Commerce P.O. Box 379 Penrose, CO 81240 PH 719-372-3994 Fax 719-372-3994
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