Read and Look 1-10
Read and Look 1-10
Pu zzle s 2015 DISPLAYS It is important to show products in the best possible way to get the customers attention. We have stands that are efficient, good looking and suitable for shops in all sizes. They do not use much space even though they can carry a lot of puzzles. Solid wheels make the carousel stands easy to move. 6070 140 MAXI or 100 MAXI + 80 MIDI This display has 4 shelves for puzzles. 2 x shelf 1 2 x shelf 2 Diameter: 58 cm Height: 170 cm 6075 80 MAXI + 70 MIDI + 80 MINI This display has 4 shelves for puzzles. 2 x shelf 1 1 x shelf 2 1 x shelf 3 Diameter: 58 cm Height: 170 cm 6080 110 MAXI + 120 MIDI + 120 MINI This display has 6 shelves for puzzles. 3 x shelf 1 1 x shelf 2 2 x shelf 3 Diameter: 82 cm Height: 170 cm 6085 210 MAXI This display has 6 shelves for puzzles. 3 x shelf 1 3 x shelf 2 Diameter: 82 cm Height: 170 cm Maxi Puzzle: 28,5 x 36,5 cm Midi Puzzle: 18,3 x 28,5 cm Mini Puzzle: 14,3 x 18,3 cm In our metal racks for puzzles there are 3 different kind of shelves. Shelf 1 can hold 40 horizontal Maxi puzzles or 80 Midi puzzles or a mix of these. Shelf 2 can hold 30 vertical Maxi puzzles. Shelf 3 can hold 50 Midi puzzles or 100 Mini puzzles or a mix of these. Shelf 1 Shelf 2 Shelf 3 1 Für Puzzles Larsen sprechen viele Gründe: • Die Kleinsten entwickeln ihre Motorik mit Puzzleteilen, die sie wieder erkennen. • Ältere Kinder spielen und lernen dabei viele interessante Dinge. • Puzzleteile mit Selbstkontrolle fördern die Kinder und helfen ihnen, sich zu konzentrieren. • Extra starke Puzzleteile für ein langes Spiel(e)vergnügen. • In Europa aus bereits wieder verwerteter Pappe hergestellt. • Puzzles Larsen gibt es seit mehr als 60 Jahren. • Jedes Larsen Puzzle wird mit Bedacht und Überlegung produziert. Wir nutzen hunderte unterschiedlicher Stanzformen für eine optimale Umsetzung bei den verschiedenen Puzzlemotiven. Die Teile werden so tief gestanzt, dass man die Umrisse auf der festen Unterlage wieder erkennt. Unsere Puzzles werden mit Unterlage und einem festen Rahmen hergestellt. Mit der festen Unterlage haben die Puzzles eine Stärke von insgesamt 4,4mm. Alle Materialien sind wieder verwertbar. Die Puzzleteile bestehen aus fester Pappe und sind 2,5mm dick. Kinder jeden Alters üben Geduld und Ausdauer beim Puzzlen. Berücksichtigen Sie jedoch, die Puzzles immer altersgerecht einzusetzen, um eine Über- bzw. Unterforderung zu vermeiden. Anstatt sich extrem zu bemühen, sind einfachere Puzzles für die Entwicklung geeigneter - sie werden viele Male immer und immer wieder gepuzzelt. Natürlich Puzzles Larsen! Karten Puzzles LESEN -Buchstaben, Wörter, Uhrzeiten -Lernpuzzles Lesen -Learning English Puzzles Rechenpuzzles Puzzles Geschichte und Puzzle Leiterspiel Klima, Vulkane, Weltraum Puzzles Natur Puzzle Körper, Verkehrszeichen und Abenteurer / Entdecker Seite 1 Motivpuzzles MAXI 4 -Natur -Hafen und Fahrzeuge, 12 Prinzessinnen und Pferde 14 -Fantasie und Märchen 16 -Flughafen, Freizeitpark, Zoo und Polizei 18 -Feuerwehr, Krankenhaus, Schule, Haus 22 -Autos, Flugzeuge, Fußball, Bauernhof, 24 Safari, Arktis 26 -Tiere auf dem Bauernhof, Flugzeuge, Traktoren, Dinosaurier 28 -Wilde Tiere, Baumhaus -Für unsere Kleinsten -Weihnachten Motivpuzzles MIDI Motivpuzzles MINI Seite 29 34 36 38 39 40 42 43 44 46 48 53 2 Kinder jeden Alters lernen Geduld und Ausdauer beim Puzzeln. Kleine Hände können die Puzzleteile in ihren festen Rahmen legen, ohne dabei die Teile zu verschieben. NM6 - 7023850229066 15 pieces Einige Puzzleteile sehen wie Tiere oder andere Figuren aus. Hier haben Kinder besonders viel Spaß beim Wiedererkennen. a Puzzlen macht Spaß und fördert die Fähigkeiten unserer Kinder zur gleichen Zeit. Nach einigen Versuchen die Teile richtig zu legen, ist jedes Motiv ein “Kinderspiel”. AR8 - 7023850240085 58 pieces Auf Wunsch stellen wir Ihnen auch gern unsere unterschiedlichen Motivvorschläge als pdf-Datei für Ihren Handelsbereich. 3 Lese jedes Wort eines Puzzleteiles und füge es in das Puzzle ein. Dabei passt jedes Puzzleteil nur an der richtigen Stelle. LS41 - 7023850236415 40 pieces Am Rand des Puzzle gibt es 52 Teile mit unterschiedlichen Bildern. Platziere jedes Puzzleteil zum richtigen Wort. Wörter, die Du nicht kennst, sieht man im Bild der Mitte. EN1 - 7023850247015 70 pieces 46 Teile zeigen jeweils unterschiedliche Landesflaggen und die Haupstadt. Platziere diese zum richtigen Land. Die Karte zeigt die Länder und deren Hauptstädte, welche Dir noch nicht bekannt sind. KL170pieces Viele unserer Puzzles sind entlang der Landes- oder Meeresgrenzen gestanzt. K1 Achten Sie auf die Abkürzungen unter107 denpieces Motiven (wie z.B. DE = Ausgabe in deutsch / GB = Ausgabe in Englisch). Selbstverständlich liefern wir Ihnen die deutschsprachigen Versionen (sofern nicht anders angegeben). 4 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm This political map of The World with names of countries, capitals, and large cities, is decorated with old and new means of transport and people from around the world. The puzzle pieces are cut along borders and coastlines. AL, BG, CT, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IS, LE, LT, MK, NL, NO, PL, PT, RU, SE, SK, SI, SR, TR K1 107 The political maps of the continents have names of the countries, capitals and the largest cities etc. The puzzle has a permanent frame around the map in addition to the permanent outer frame along the edges. On each of the pieces between the frames are a flag and a capital. The names of the countries are on the frames. Each piece with a flag and capital only fits by the correct name of the country. BG, CZ, DE, DK, EE, FI, FR, GB, IS, LE, LT, NL, NO, RO, RU, SE, SI, SK, TR KL 1 70 This physical map of The World with names of mountain ranges, deserts, plains, rivers, islands, oceans etc is decorated with famous landmarks at the top and bottom. The puzzle pieces are cut along borders and coastlines. In the oceans some pieces have the shapes of whales. BG, CT, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, NL, NO, PL, SE, SR, SK K4 80 Above the names of 80 countries around the World, you find their flags and capitals. At each piece of the puzzle is one flag and capital, and the pieces only fit by the correct name of their country. BG, CZ, DE, DE/FR, DK, EE, FI, FR, GB, GB/FR, GR, IS, IT, LE, LT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RU, SE, SK, SR, TR, WA L2 80 This physical map of Europe has names of cities, rivers, lakes, islands, countries, districts, seas etc. We show the highest mountains and lowest sea depths in metres, the flags of Europe, the map scale, measuring distances and height reference panel. The puzzle pieces are cut along borders and coastlines. Some of the pieces have the shapes of animals. BG, CT, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, IS, NL, NO, PL, SE, SK, SR K 70 87 Political map of Europe with names of countries, capitals, big cities, rivers, lakes, islands and seas. The puzzle pieces are cut along borders and coastlines. Each of the largest countries are one piece, and 2 or 3 of the smaller countries are one piece. AL, CT, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, HR, HU, LT, MK, NL, NO, PL, SE, SK A8 37 5 A political map of Europe and the European Union having the names of the countries, cities, rivers, lakes, islands, seas etc. The Non-European Union countries have lighter colours to separate them from the EU members. On the left side are all the flags of the European Union countries along with historical dates. There is a sign by the flags of countries using the EURO currency. At the right side are the flags of the non-EU countries. DE, FI, GB, NL, PT, SK K 63 70 Puzzle with a political map of Europe. Here you will also find the flags, countries, capitals and largest cities. DE, GB, IE, SE, SI, SK, SR K 2T 48 6 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm This physical map of North America has names of cities, rivers, lakes, islands, countries, districts, seas etc. The puzzle pieces are cut along borders and coastlines. Some of the pieces have the shapes of animals. DE, GB, RU A 32 66 This physical map of Africa has the names of the countries, cities, rivers etc., The puzzle pieces are cut along borders and coastlines. Some of the pieces has shapes like seahorse, motor-bike, safari-hat, jeep, crocodille, whale, giraffe. DE, GB,RU A 22 63 This political map of North America has names of the states, state capitals, other important cities, rivers, islands and lakes. Around the map are the flags of all the countries and states. Since all the puzzle pieces look similar, you have to read the names and look at the colours to put the puzzle together. GB K 17 85 This political map of Africa has the names of the countries, cities, rivers etc., and the flags of each country. Since all the puzzle pieces look similar, you have to read the names and look at the colours to put the puzzle together. DE, GB, RU K 13 70 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm This physical map of Asia has names of cities, rivers, lakes, islands, countries, districts, seas etc. The puzzle pieces are cut along borders and coastlines. Some of the pieces have the shapes of animals. DE, GB, RU A 30 63 This physical map of South America has the names of the countries, cities, rivers etc., The puzzle pieces are cut along borders and coastlines. Some of the pieces has shapes like banana, armadillo, coffee cup, toucan, corn, llama, penguin, butterfly, fish. DE, GB, RU A 25 65 7 This political map of Asia has the names of the countries, cities, rivers etc., and the flags of each country. Since all the puzzle pieces look similar, you have to read the names and look at the colours to put the puzzle together. DE, GB, RU K 44 70 This physical map of Australia has names of cities, rivers, lakes, islands, countries, districts, seas etc. The puzzle pieces are cut along borders and coastlines. Some of the pieces have the shapes of animals. DE, GB, RU A 31 65 8 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm K3 75 pieces KS 1 70 pieces K 10 65 pieces K 68 62 pieces K6 71 pieces A7 70 pieces K 78 66 pieces A6 70 pieces KS 3 75 pieces K 75 78 pieces K 58 75 pieces K 99 48 pieces K 21 48 pieces K 40 50 pieces K 72 91 pieces A 11 70 pieces KS 2 80 pieces K 2W 70 pieces K5 K 18 48 pieces 80 pieces MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm 9 K 54 70 pieces K 16 48 pieces K 49 60 pieces A5 70 pieces K 15 48 pieces K 53 48 pieces K 79 68 pieces K 59 48 pieces K 77 70 pieces K 20 72 pieces K 41 70 pieces K 93 72 pieces K 43 70 pieces K 51 75 pieces K 71 64 pieces K 83 65 pieces K 66 55 pieces K 14 70 pieces K 46 48 pieces A 10 70 pieces 10 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm K 47 60 pieces K 98 61 pieces K 97 70 pieces K 50 100 pieces K 64 81 pieces K 55 70 pieces K 56 72 pieces K 57 82 pieces K 37 90 pieces K 62 82 pieces K 85 70 pieces K 84 58 pieces K 48 56 pieces K 60 80 pieces K 73 58 pieces K 76 78 pieces K 52 75 pieces K 25 65 pieces K7 K 67 68 pieces 81 pieces MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm A 13 61 pieces A4 K 19 100 pieces K 12 A 20 57 pieces A 15 KL 2 70 pieces KL 3 70 pieces KL 4 70 pieces KL 5 35 pieces 11 K 92 70 pieces K 11 48 pieces K 36 90 pieces L1 63 pieces A19 71 pieces 54 pieces A 21 48 pieces 70 pieces 56 pieces 12 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Here we show the German version of the puzzle. At the permanent frame are 10 illustrations, and there are 10 pieces with 1 letter on each. The piece with U only fits over the Uhr and so on. Each of the 10 letters only fits by its matching drawing. We have used 10 common and clearly pronounced letters and words. DE LS 1 10 At the permanent frame are 26 illustrations, and there are 26 pieces with 1 letter on each. The piece with A only fits over the Apple and so on. We have used all the letters of the alphabet and pictures representing common and clearly pronounced words. CZ, CT, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FO, FR, GB, HR, IS, LE, MK, NO, PL, RU, SE, SI, SK, TR LS 8 26 Here we show the German version of the puzzle. At the permanent frame are 15 illustrations, and there are 15 pieces with 1 letter on each. The piece with S only fits over the Stern and so on. Each of the 15 letters only fits by its matching drawing. We have used 15 common and clearly pronounced letters and words. DE LS 2 15 This puzzle has 15 pieces with 15 different letters. Each piece is different and it will only fit in its proper place. Learn to put the 15 letters together to words, and understand how to make new words by picking the right letters and placing them in the right order. This is an important puzzle for a young child learning to understand the system of reading and writing. CT, DE, ES, GB LS 40 15 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm At the permanent frame are the 26 capital letters of the alphabet. Under each capital letter, there is one piece with the matching lower-case letter. Each piece only fits in its proper place. Place the letters of the alphabet in alphabetical order. BG, DE, DK, EE, FI, GB, GR, IS, LE, LT, NL, NO, RU, SE, SK, TR LS 13 26 This puzzle is made to encourage the child to read, to help concentrating and to make it fun at the same time. You must understand what you read to place the pieces with words by the matching picture, and you will know whether you are right or wrong since each piece only fits in its proper place. We have chosen short and well known words. CT, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, GB, LE, NO, SE 13 LS 41 40 CZ, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, NO, SE, SK LS 14 26 The CLOCK PUZZLE has 42 pieces with a clock on each, all showing different times. Under each piece is the matching time written in both figures and words. Each piece only fits on its proper place. CT, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FI, FO, FR, GB, IS, NL, NO, RO, RU, SE, SI, SK, SR, TR, WA OB 7 42 14 Read and Look 1-10 Pack of Read and Look puzzle 1-10 Each puzzle has one big picture in the middle and 8 pieces with words on both sides. There is an arrow from each piece to an object in the picture. From the piece with the word «sun» the arrow points at the sun in the picture and so on. The first puzzles have only one word on each piece, while the last puzzles have small sentences. Read and Look 11-20 Pack of Read and Look puzzle 11-20 These puzzles have 10 pieces, each with a small picture. Under each piece there is a text relating to the picture. Read the text and find the matching picture. Each piece only fits over the correct text. The first puzzles have only short texts, while the last puzzles have some longer sentences. MIDI PUZZLE - 28,5x18,3 cm Packs of 10 MIDI puzzles MIDI PUZZLE - 28,5x18,3 cm Read and Look 21-30 Pack of Read and Look puzzle 21-30 These puzzles have 20 pieces, each with a small picture. Under each piece there is a text relating to the picture. Read the text and find the matching picture, each piece only fits over the correct text. The last puzzles have some more text than the first ones. 15 16 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Learning English Puzzles 1. 2. 3. Place the small drawings by the words you already know. Make the puzzle in the middle. Find the missing words in the central picture and place the rest of the small drawings by their matching words. EAN - 7023850247015 EN 1 70 EAN - 7023850247022 EN 2 70 EAN - 7023850247039 EN 3 70 EAN - 7023850247046 EN 4 70 EAN - 7023850247053 EN 5 70 EAN - 7023850247060 EN 6 70 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm 1. 2. 17 Read the text. Take out the pieces and put them together again. EAN - 7023850247077 EN 7 64 EAN - 7023850247084 EN 8 64 EAN - 7023850247091 EN 9 54 EAN - 7023850247107 EN 10 54 EAN - 7023850247114 EN 11 54 EAN - 7023850247121 EN 12 54 18 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Match the figures and numbers. The piece with “2” only fits by 2 elephants, and so on. This puzzle was made for children learning the figures from 1 to 10 and what they mean. EAN - 7023850240030 AR 3 10 Learn fraction. There is one arithmetic problem on each piece. Solve the problem and place the piece by its correct answer. The piece will not fit if the answer is wrong. Simple addition. EAN - 7023850240047 AR 4 20 Learn to count to 100 and to understand our numerical system. The pieces will only fit on the correct place and the right order. EAN - 7023850240108 AR 10 100 EAN - 7023850240054 AR 5 35 Learn the multiplication table. There is an answer to a arithmetic problem on each piece. First you multiply by two (the green row), then by 3 (the blue row) and so on. Place the answers by their correct arithmetic problem. The pieces will only fit in their proper place. EAN - 7023850240177 AR 17 80 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Learn addition. 19 Learn subtraction EAN - 7023850240085 AR 8 58 EAN - 7023850240078 AR 7 58 AR 9 58 There is one arithmetic problem on each piece. Solve the problem and place the piece by its correct answer. The piece will not fit if the answer is wrong. Learn multiplication. EAN - 7023850240016 Learn division. AR 1 58 EAN - 7023850240092 20 MIDI PUZZLE - 28,5x18,3 cm The package contains 12 puzzles with addition and subtraction from 0-9. Each piece fits only at the correct place. Have fun! The puzzles helps you to concentrate. Work in your own speed and learn arithmetic step by step. With many puzzles in the classroom, the pupils can work at different levels at the same time. The package contains 16 puzzles with addition and subtraction from 0-20. MIDI PUZZLE - 28,5x18,3 cm 21 The package contains 16 puzzles with addition and subtraction from 0-100. The package contains 16 puzzles with division and multiplication. 22 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Nature history puzzle starting with the Triassic period in the bottom left corner, and ending up with modern humans in the top right corner. To give a correct image of how many years there were dinosaurs, and how few years there have been humans around, one million years = 1,6 mm of the illustration. BG, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, MK, NL, NO, PT, RU, SE, SK, SR HL 1 85 This puzzle shows the evolution of Man (and apes) during 65 million years, going back from the present day. The paths show direct relationships and some are fading out when the fossil records for that species ends.The other animals are ones that our ancestors might have encountered and they too are shown at their correct place in time. BG, DE, EE, ES, FR, GB, IT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RU, SE, SK HL 3 83 Dinosaurs from the Cretaceous period. EAN - 7023850239034 NB 3 57 The pieces with facts about the famous Vikings and historical events only fit by the correct person or place. Learn about the Vikings trading routes, discoveries and battles. DE, GB, NO, PL HL 2 102 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Olav Tryggvason onboard Ormen Lange, one of the largest longships of that time, on his way to the Battle of Svolder (Rügen, Germany) where he was killed in the year 1000. Knights in tournament EAN - 7023850246025 FI 2 50 EAN - 7023850246063 FI 6 64 This is a jigsaw puzzle with 40 pieces which can also be used as a ladder game. Throw a dice and move forwards threw an exciting landscape with wizards, dragons, troll, knights and elves. If you come to a field with a blue arrow, you can move forward, while a field with a red arrow means that you have to move backwards. The one who reach the castle, field No. 100, is the winner. Many of the pieces have numbers which shall be placed in order from 1 to 100. Some of the pieces have the shapes of bats, troll, crown, shield, bird and helmet. Viking raid. EAN - 7023850246087 23 FI 8 65 EAN - 7023850251012 GP 1 40 24 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm See how solar heat is being trapped and returned to the Earth by greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. Learn how plants need sunlight, water and CO2 to grow, the CO2 remains in the plants while clean oxygen is released. BG, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, HU, IT, LT, NL, NO, PL, RU, SE, SK, SR, TR NB 1 69 Learn about volcanoes and one of the reasons why we have volcano eruptions. CT, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, HU, IS, IT, NL, NO, PL, RU, SE, SK, SR, TR, UA NB 2 Learn about the route of Apollo 11 with the Saturn V rocket starting from Florida, the landing of Eagle while Columbia was orbiting the moon, and the return of Columbia to the Earth. 70 EAN - 7023850239058 NB 5 50 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Solar System. Learn about the planets and 5 dwarf planets size, distance from the Sun and orbital period. AL, BG, CT, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GB/FR, HR, HU, IT, LE, MK, NL, NO, PL, RU, SE, SK, SR, TR SS 1 70 The picture in the middle shows the Earth using one year to circle around the sun, and we explain why the winter is cold and the summer is warm. Around this illustration is a fixed frame with the names of the twelve months. The big picture outside shows how the nature is changing as the earth moves around the sun. A puzzle piece with snow belongs by the winter months. BG, CZ, DE, DK, EE, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, IS, IT, LE, LT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RU, SE, SI, SK, SR, TR SS 3 44 25 In the circle is the starry sky seen from the northern hemisphere. You can only see the stars furthest out in the circle at certain times of the year, and therefore the sky is divided in 12 parts with the names of the 12 months of the year. At both sides you will find all the most well known constellations. BG, CT, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, GB, IT, LE, LT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RU, SE, SI, SK SS 2 70 Here is the side of the Moon that can be seen from the Earth with names of craters, mountain ranges, valleys and “seas”, and some of the landing spots of the Apollo expeditions. At the bottom are illustrations showing lunar eclipse, solar eclipse and the phases of the moon. CZ, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, IT, NL, NO, PT, SE, SK, SR, TR SS 5 70 26 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm The Flowers and the Bees. Learn about pollination of plants and see how seeds are being spread. Finally we see a new plant starting to grow from a seed. NB 4 DE, DK, EE, FI, FR, GB, HU, IT, NO, RU, SE, SK, TR 55 Butterflies: Scarce copper, Mourning Cloak, Dark green fritillary, Orange Tip, Peacock, Green Hairstreak, Common Brimstone, Small tortoiseshell, Red Admiral, Arran Brown, Green-veined white, Swallowtail, Common Blue. Flowers: Hammer Orchid, Dandelion, Red Campion, Marsh Marigold, Harebell, Heartsease, Common Hepatica, Black Eyed Susan, Oxeye Daisy, Primrose, Woodland Strawberry, Common Lilac, Common Dog Violet, Lily, Cuckoo Flower, Red Clover, Aster. Others: Cross Spider, Dragonfly, Swallowtail Caterpillar, Grove Snail, Ladybird, Bee, Ant. EAN - 7023850211283 FH 28 42 ZOO 3 49 Each piece with an animal only fits by its proper place. Here are 49 pictures of animals from the northern hemisphere. CZ, DE, DK, FI, FR, GB, HU, NL, NO, RU, SE, SI, SK, TR Here are 49 pictures of exotic animals from around the World. ZOO 1 49 CZ, DE, DK, FI, FR, GB, HU, NL, NO, SE, SK, SR, TR MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Field CZ, DE, DK, FI, GB, GR, HU, IT, NL, NO, PL, RO, RU, SE, SK, SR 27 Seaside NA 1 48 CZ, DE, DK, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IT, NL, NO, PL, RU, SE, SK, SR, TR NA 2 48 At the frame around these puzzles are the names of the flowers, insects, birds and animals you will find on the pieces beside. There is a central puzzle within its own frame, and here you will find all the same species in their natural habitat. We have chosen common species that children find in the nature, and therefore may recognize. Lake CZ, DE, DK, FI, GB, HU, IT, NL, NO, PL, RU, SE, SK, SR Forest NA 3 48 CZ, DE, DK, EE, FI, GB, GR, HU, IT, LT, NL, NO, PL, RU, SE, SK, SR, TR NA 4 48 28 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Learn to know 48 traffic signs and what they mean. Each piece with a traffic sign only fits by its matching text. Here we show the German version of this puzzle. AT, CA, CZ, DE, FI, IS, NL, NO, RU, SE, SI, SK OB 3 48 We show David Livingstone canoeing down the Zambezi rapids and the Victoria Falls in the background. Livingstone being mauled by a lion and Livingstone meeting Stanley in 1871. We also show a picture of Chuma, one of Livingstones faithful servants. Wildlife: Giraffe, African Hawk-Eagle, African Bluewing butterfly, Green Mamba Tree snake, Zebra, Leopard, Lion, Crocodile, Elephant. EAN - 7023850239096 NB 9 81 In the center is a puzzle with a boy and a girl within its own frame. Around are 20 pieces with a body part on each. There are lines from the 20 body parts to the boy or girl. Names of each body part are on the permanent frames, and each of the pieces with body parts will only fit by its name. BG, CT, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GB/FR, GR, HR, IS, IT, LE, LT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RU, SE, SI, SK, SR, TR OB 1 35 In 1893 Fridtjof Nansen let his ship “Fram” freeze into the ice to float with the ocean current across the North Pole. When Nansen realized that Fram would not pass over the pole, he and Hjalmar Johansen set out to reach the pole by ski. ES, FR, GB, IT, NO, Neutral without text NB 7 65 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Arctic inland species roughly from top left: Bean geese, whooper swans, snowy owls, shore larks, reindeer, mountain hares, snow bunting, Lapland buntings, willow grouse, Lapland rose-bay, lemming, cloudberry, wolverine, waxwing, Arctic birch in autumn colours. EAN - 7023850211146 FH 14 50 Flame Angelfish, Garibaldi Damselfish, Great White shark, Hammerhead Shark, Masked Butterfly fish, Blackfin Barracuda (in the background), Coral Grouper, Clown Wrasse, Ringed seal, Saddleback Angelfish, Comapass Jellyfish, Sea Lemon, Clownfish, Giant Clam, Sea Anemone, Hermit Crab. Clown Wrasse -juveniles, Bottlenose Dolphins, Blackfin Barracuda (in the background), Threadfin Butterfly Fish -juveniles, Green Turtle, Rainbow Wrasse, Rock Beauty angelfish, Sea Horse, Shrimp, Blue-ringed Octopus, Purple Starfish, Sergeant Major fish, Cone Shell, Spanish Hogfish Wrasse, Hard coral. EAN - 7023850211290 FH 29 34 29 Reindeer in Nordic Light EAN - 7023850211269 FH 26 60 Arctic ice. Species from left to right, above water: Arctic fox, harp seal with pup, arctic terns, humpback whale, kittiwake, ribbon seal, polar bear & cub, long-tailed ducks, arctic skua. Underwater: cod, walrus, squid, little auk, krill, narwhal, beluga, red-throated diver, cod, hooded seal. EAN - 7023850211115 FH 11 75 30 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Nordic forest species: Red squirrel in aspen tree, chaffinch, 2 crossbills (male and female), great spotted woodpecker, European jay, hawk owl, painted lady butterfly, elk(moose), brown bear & cubs, lynx, beaver, dragonfly (red darter), otter, teal (male and female), underwater: top left 2 fish: charr (male and female), beaver, brown trout (top right fish), pike (bottom right). Background is beaver lodge in pond. EAN - 7023850211153 FH 15 45 Mountain wildlife shown: Golden eagle, ibex, alpine choughs, chamois with kid, marmots, alpine swift, red deer, alpine wall creeper, edelweiss, alpine pinks (dianthus), alpine apollo butterfly, vulture, snow hare, common ptarmigan, pink saponaria, blue gentian, red-legged partridge, purple viola. EAN - 7023850211122 FH 12 55 Forest species: Dormouse, nuthatch and chick (sitta europaea), cuckoo, tawny owl, purple emperor butterfly, pied flycatcher pair, green woodpecker, various bracket fungus on tree trunks, red deer female and fawn, comma butterfly, fallow deer stag, stoat, red deer, garden cross spider, wood mouse, red fox, dipper on rock in stream, stag beetle, hedgehog, jay pair and chicks in nest, badgers. Plus: beech, birch, hazel, bluebell, foxglove (digitalis), ivy, moss etc. EAN - 7023850211177 FH 17 40 Elk (Moose) with Peregrine Falcon, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Robin, Eagle Owl, Red Squirrel and Red Fox. EAN - 7023850235050 DT 5 53 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Pond species: Crack willow and alder trees, kingfisher, damselfly, brown trout catching a mayfly, grey heron catching an eel, mallard, water lily, moorhen, water vole, frog, emperor dragonfly, mosquito larva, daphnia, whirligig beetle, common newt, carp, leech, tadpoles, perch, minnows, great crested newt, sticklebacks, great diving beetle(larva eating tadpole, & adult), ramshorn snail, water shrew, greater pond snail. EAN - 7023850211191 FH 19 50 Pacific ocean wildlife: Flying fish, wandering albatross, brown booby, pelican, lesser frigate bird, albatross, blue whale, soldier fish, Portuguese man-o-war, tuna, leatherback turtle, manta ray, sailfish, Goldman’s Sweetlips, sperm whale, squid, striped grunts, swimming purple sea cucumber, lion fish, blue shark, blue surgeon fish, octopus, longnosed butterfly fish, red emperor, spotted pufferfish, yellow butterfly fish, white shark, parrotfish. EAN - 7023850211207 FH 20 66 31 North sea species from top left: Common gulls, common terns, white-tailed sea eagle, gannet(top right), black-throated diver, puffin, eider(male & female),herring, compass jellyfish, needlefish(gar pike), common seal, common porpoise, cod, cuckoo wrasse, common jellyfish, lumpfish, ling, mackerel, catfish (wolffish), crab, scallop, plaice, common sea urchin, red starfish (porania pulvillus, bottom left), king crab, various anemones & sponges, greater weever, monkfish (angler), purple sea star (big starfish), various shells, green opelet (anemone), lobster. EAN - 7023850211139 FH13 60 Antarctic ice. The species are: Sea elephant, penguins, seals and squids. 7023850211078 FH 7 50 32 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Field with: Foxglove, orange tip, skylark and chicks, dandelion, starlings, hornet, Roman snail, bramble (flowers), rabbit, swallowtail (caterpillar), mouse, common toad, great green grasshopper, red admiral, peacock, meadow buttercup, seven spot ladybird, house spider, chanterelle, harebell, mole, ox-eye Daisy, hover fly, pied wagtail, red clover, bumblebee, green tiger beetle. Farm animals EAN - 7023850211238 FH 23 23 Jurassic wildlife. Species shown are (left to right, top to bottom): Dragonfly, archaeopterix, rhamphorynchus, pterodactylus, barosaurus, stegosaurus, sinoconodon (early mammal),allosaurus (big predator), ornitholestes, ichthyosaurus, plesiosaurus, opthalmosaurus(top right underwater), ammonites, archeleon (turtle). -Also: belemnites(squid-like), sea lilies, corals, shells, and on land: ferns, tree ferns, conifers. EAN - 7023850211160 FH 16 35 EAN - 7023850211252 FH 25 20 Animals: Mammoth, Wolly rhino, Cave bear, Musk ox. Bird: Teratornis. Early humans or Neanderthals EAN - 7023850211276 FH 27 64 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm African wildlife shown: Giraffe, leopard, zebras, Thomson gazelles, ape and birds. EAN - 7023850211085 FH 8 48 The species from the South American rain forest are from top left: Scarlet macaw, sloth, red howler monkey, toucan, hummingbird, Amazon deer, booted racket-tail hummingbird, common blue morpho butterfly, emerald boa, giant anteater, jaguar, beetle, frog. EAN - 7023850211108 FH 10 70 33 African savannah with animals gathered around a pond. The species are: Rhinos, giraffes, elephant with kid, zebras, buffalo, antelope and lion with kids. EAN - 7023850211092 FH 9 65 Animals living in jungles of Asia: Elephants, tigers, rhino, orang-utan, bear, deer, apes, snake, birds, butterfly, bat etc. EAN - 7023850211245 FH 24 20 34 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Construction. Some of the puzzle pieces have the shapes of motorbike, bird, tractor and fish. EAN - 7023850220018 US 1 30 Truck. Many of the puzzle pieces have the shapes of cars, airplane, motor bike, lorry and locomotive. EAN - 7023850220032 US 3 25 Harbor. Many of the puzzle pieces have the shapes of airplane, fish, anchor and boats. EAN - 7023850220025 US 2 35 US 4 37 Tractor. Some of the puzzle pieces have the shape of dinosaurs and cars. EAN - 7023850220049 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm 3 princesses coming down the stairs from a fairy-tale castle after the ball. Some of the pieces have shapes that the children will recognize. In this puzzle there are pieces shaped like a nut, a mushroom, a keyhole, a car and like a mouth. EAN - 7023850220056 US 5 35 Girls riding. With puzzle pieces shaped like: Flower, car, seal, telephone, spaceship EAN - 7023850220131 US 13 35 Princesses. With puzzle pieces shaped like: Castle, heart, pony, dress, princess EAN - 7023850220100 US 10 24 Horses. Puzzle pieces shaped like: Cat, car, flower. 40 EAN - 7023850220261 US 26 50 36 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Circus Train. With puzzle pieces shaped like: Clown, giraffe, bear, train, goat,elephant, dog EAN - 7023850220148 US 14 Fantasy World. With puzzle pieces shaped like: Hat, boat, pistol, parrot 30 Pirates With puzzle pieces shaped like: Monkey, flare, skull, canon, pirate, boat, shark EAN - 7023850220094 US 9 30 EAN - 7023850220315 US 31 30 US 20 32 Mermaids. Puzzle pieces shaped like: Cat, bird, plane, rabbit. EAN - 7023850220209 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Dragons. With puzzle pices shaped like: Bat, ghost, werewolf, raven, crown, dragons, frog, cauldron and witch hat. EAN - 7023850220179 US 17 50 US 24 Folk tales. East of the Sun and West of the Moon, Boots Who Ate a Match With the Troll, The Three Billy-Goats Gruff, Boots and his Brothers, Soria Moria Castle, We show Boots in his magic Viking Ship, Trolls, The Neck Nøkken, Huldra, a Staff Church and the Kings Farm. EAN - 7023850220230 US 23 30 H. C. Andersen’s fairy tales: The Steadfast tind Soldier, The Little Mermaid, The Emperor’s New Clothes, The Ugly Duckling, The Little Match Girl, The Princess and the Pea, Thumbelina. The Brothers Grimm’s collected folk tales: Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood, Hansel and Gretel, Cinderella and Snow White. EAN - 7023850220247 37 33 EAN - 7023850220254 US 25 33 38 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Airport. Puzzle pieces shaped like: Airplanes, tower, cap, shoe, suitcase, stairs. EAN - 7023850220278 US 27 Amusement Park. Puzzle pieces shaped like: Sunglasses, dinosaurs, car. 42 Zoo. Puzzle pieces shaped like: Different animals EAN - 7023850220308 EAN - 7023850220292 US 29 17 Police. With puzzle pieces shaped like: Helmet, car, sign, dog, sack, pistol, boat US 30 48 EAN - 7023850220322 US 32 42 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Fire EAN - 7023850220216 Hospital US 21 45 EAN - 7023850220339 US 33 25 US 18 62 House. The process about the construction and finishing of a house. Puzzle pieces shaped like: Cap, hat and different tools. Back to school. With puzzle pieces shaped like: Lamb, home, man, dog EAN - 7023850220346 39 US 34 33 EAN - 7023850220186 40 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Cars. With puzzle pieces shaped like: Boy, different cars and trucks EAN - 7023850220117 Planes. With puzzle pieces shaped like: Eagle, plane, polar bear, penguin , rabbit US 11 22 Cars. Puzzle pieces shaped like: Star, head with a helmet, badminton ball, man on motorcycle, boot, whistle, cup, racing car. EAN - 7023850220193 US 19 58 EAN - 7023850220124 US 12 20 Football. Puzzle pieces shaped like Guitar, building, bell, turtle, duck, dolphin, fish, boat, rocking horse. EAN - 7023850220223 US 22 65 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Barnyard. With puzzle pieces shaped like: Hat, barn, mushroom, pig, sheep, cow and goose EAN - 7023850220155 US 15 22 Arctic. With puzzle pieces shaped like: Walrus, whal, knit cap, harp seal, polar bear, snowman, duck, igloo and snowy owl EAN - 7023850220285 US 28 41 Safari. With puzzle pieces shaped like: Pelican, lion, pineapple, pear, banana, fish and horse EAN - 7023850220162 US 16 18 Tree 36 EAN - 7023850234015 BM 1 20 42 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm 4-6puzzles in one. EAN - 7023850217056 X8 34 EAN - 7023850217100 X 10 24 X 12 30 The child may start putting together only one of the small pictures. Then you have a very easy puzzle. Later she may take out all the pieces and then you have a more difficult puzzle. EAN - 7023850217117 X 11 33 EAN - 7023850217124 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm 43 Tigers. Puzzle pieces shaped like: key, house, cup etc. EAN - 7023850208061 Elephant. Puzzle pieces shaped like: bird, cat, plane, rabbit. EAN - 7023850208085 D6 23 D5 33 Panda. Puzzle pieces shaped like: Lamb, horse head, a man cut in 3 pieces. D8 32 EAN - 7023850208054 44 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Tractor. This puzzle is made for the youngest ones. Six pieces together and four single pieces are cut out within their own frame. EAN - 7023850229035 NM 3 10 Each train is cut as a small puzzle within its own frame. The child may start putting together only one of the trains. Then you have an easy puzzle. Later the child may take out all the pieces at one time. Then you have a puzzle that is a little more difficult. Ancient cars. Puzzle with 30 classic cars. There is one car on each piece, and each of the pieces have been cut out within its own frame. EAN - 7023850212013 AK 1 30 EAN - 7023850237047 GN 4 24 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm The puzzle has 3 rows with 5 pieces. One animal at each piece. At the top: Arctic Animals, In the middle: Africa. At the bottom: South America, Antarctic, Australia. EAN - 7023850229066 There is a head on each piece. Each piece only fits by the matching body. NM 6 15 The puzzle has 3 rows with 5 pieces in each. There is one child on each piece. Each piece lies steadily within its fixed frame. EAN - 7023850229080 45 NM 8 15 EAN - 7023850229059 NM 5 21 The puzzle has 3 rows with 6 pieces in each. There is one vehicle on each piece. Each piece lies steadily within its fixed frame. EAN - 7023850229073 NM 7 18 46 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Santa the 24th of December EAN - 7023850204018 Santa Claus JUL 1 33 JUL 2 33 Santas Workshop. Puzzle with the motive of Santa Clause working with all his helpers to finish all presents before christmas. Santa With Animals EAN - 7023850204032 EAN - 7023850204025 JUL7 32 EAN - 7023850204094 EA 2 140 MAXI PUZZLE - 36,5x28,5 cm Santa in his sledge with reindeers at Christmas eve. In the background the northern light is lightening up the sky. Some of the pieces have shapes that the children will recognize. In this puzzle there are pieces shaped like a snowman, Santa’s sack, a star, a tree and like Santa himself. Santa with children. EAN - 7023850204063 JUL 14 15 Jesus in the Manger EAN - 7023850203028 47 EAN - 7023850222012 XM 1 26 C7 33 The Three Wise Men C4 33 EAN - 7023850203059 48 MIDI PUZZLE - 28,5x18,3 cm Santa Claus EAN - 7023850302011 Construction XC 1 15 Asiatic jungle. Species in the puzzle to the left: Slender Loris, Great Indian Hornbill, Indian Rhinoceros, White-breasted Kingfisher, Tiger, Indian Elephant. Species in the puzzle to the right: Krait, Red-naped Trogon, Lar gibbon, Orang-utan, Blue-throated Bee-eaters, Sun Bear, Indian Flying Fox, Atlas Moth, Sambar, Spotted Linsang, Torch Ginger. EAN - 7023850310108 H 21 29/30 EAN - 7023850320039 U4 20 The puzzle to the left. Species from the top left corner: Flame Angelfish, Garibaldi Damselfish, Great White shark, Hammerhead Shark, Masked Butterfly fish, Blackfin Barracuda (in the background), Coral Grouper, Clown Wrasse, Ringed seal, Saddleback Angelfish, Comapass Jellyfish, Sea Lemon, Clownfish, Giant Clam, Sea Anemone, Hermit Crab. The puzzle to the right. Species from top left corner: Clown Wrasse -juveniles, Bottlenose Dolphins, Blackfin Barracuda (in the background), Threadfin Butterfly Fish -juveniles, Green Turtle, Rainbow Wrasse, Rock Beauty angelfish, Sea Horse, Shrimp, Blue-ringed Octopus, Purple Starfish, Sergeant Major fish, Cone Shell, Spanish Hogfish Wrasse, Hard coral. EAN - 7023850310115 H 23 25 MIDI PUZZLE - 28,5x18,3 cm Cars. With puzzle pieces shaped like: Butterfly, bat, squirrel, man on motorbike EAN - 7023850320060 U6 House 12 Princesses. With puzzle pieces shaped like: Crown, dress, apple, cat, shoe EAN - 7023850320084 49 EAN - 7023850320138 U 13 30 Girls riding. With puzzle pieces shaped like: House, tree, dog, rooster, cat, fish, acorn U8 11 EAN - 7023850320091 U9 18 50 MIDI PUZZLE - 28,5x18,3 cm Dragons With puzzle pieces shaped like: Bat, castle, eagle, helmets, shield, dragon, diamond and key Planes With puzzle pieces shaped like: Frog, air-ballon, bee, pig, puma EAN - 7023850320077 U7 13 Farm With puzzle pieces shaped like: Sheep, dog, cat, goat, tractor, horse, egg, chicken, pig EAN - 7023850320107 U 10 EAN - 7023850320121 U 12 28 Safari With puzzle pieces shaped like: Elephant, bird, baby-lion, hippo, turtle, crocodille 16 EAN - 7023850320114 U 11 14 MIDI PUZZLE - 28,5x18,3 cm Cars EAN - 7023850320145 Mermaids. U 14 15 Horses. With puzzle pieces shaped like: Riding helmet, cowboy hat, boot, horses, cat, horse shoe, dogs and saddle EAN -7023850320169 51 U 16 EAN -7023850320152 U 15 15 Arctic. With puzzle pieces shaped like: Harp seal, winter dressed child, fish, duck, arctic fox, whale, polar bear, hare, yeti and mitten 26 EAN -7023850320176 U 17 17 52 MIDI PUZZLE - 28,5x18,3 cm Horses EAN - 7023850310078 Cats H 15 10 Dogs EAN - 7023850310092 EAN - 7023850310085 H 17 10 N6 9 Match the head and body H 19 10 EAN - 7023850304060 MINI PUZZLE - 18,3x14,3 cm Domestic animals EAN - 7023850410013 Farm animals M1 10 EAN - 7023850408010 V1 5 Koala, elephant, lion and panda With puzzle pieces shaped like: Castle, crown, horse-head, boy and girl Rabbit, squirrel, fox, hedgehog EAN - 7023850408027 53 V2 5 EAN - 7023850408041 V4 8 54 MINI PUZZLE - 18,3x14,3 cm Santa in nordic light EAN - 7023850412055 Teddy Bears Z5 6 Exotic animals EAN - 7023850412086 EAN - 7023850409017 Y1 5 Z9 14 Barnyard, airplanes, firefighters, soccer Z8 11 EAN - 7023850412093 MINI PUZZLE - 18,3x14,3 cm Construction. With puzzle pieces shaped like: Star, cow, tree, light bulb EAN - 7023850412031 Mix- Princess, band, tea party and dinosaurs With puzzle pieces shaped like: Zebra, tiger, dog, elephant Z3 7 Mix- Tractor-Pirates-Train-Truck With puzzle pieces shaped like: Lion, rabbit, rhino, dolphin EAN - 7023850412079 55 EAN - 7023850412109 Z 10 7 M5 7 Farm animals Z7 8 EAN - 7023850410020 56 MINI PUZZLE - 18,3x14,3 cm Insects. With puzzle pieces shaped like: Pear, apple, banana, orange Tractor, dump truck and bulldoser EAN - 7023850412017 Z1 10 African animals EAN - 7023850410037 EAN - 7023850412024 Z2 5 M 13 6 Dogs and cats M9 9 EAN - 7023850410044 DISPLAYS 6051 Displaybox 30 Maxi puzzles. 6052 Displaybox 40 Midi puzzles. 6053 Displaybox 40 Mini puzzles. Can be delivered prepackaged, with assorted puzzles 6060 40 MAXI or 80 MIDI 6090 120 MAXI 6001 30 MAXI or MIDI or MINI L. A. Larsen AS P.O.Box 47, Svegeskogen, NO-4401 Flekkefjord, Norway Tel: +47 38 32 26 99, E-mail: [email protected] Web: GmbH Steindamm 21, 25554 Wilster Postfach 21, D-25552 Wilster, Deutschland Tel: + 49-4823-92042-00, Fax: + 49-4823-92042-09 E-mail: [email protected] Web: