ST. JOAN OF ARC - Saint Joan of Arc
ST. JOAN OF ARC - Saint Joan of Arc
ST. JOAN OF ARC A message from Fr. Andres: Dear Parishioners, This coming January 22, 2016 will mark the 43rd anniversary of the Supreme Court to legalize abortion after the famous case of Roe V. Wade. The Most Reverend Bishop Robert J. McManus is calling to the faithful people of the Diocese of Worcester to follow the general Instruction of the Roman Missal to have January 22 as a special day of prayer, fasting, and penance offered for the unborn children of world. Pope Francis says, “The common home of all men and women must continue to rise on the foundations of a right understanding of universal fraternity and respect for the sacredness of every human life, of every man and every woman, the poor, the elderly, children, the infirm, the unborn, the unemployed, the abandoned, those considered disposable because they are only considered as part of a statistic. This common home of all men and women must also be built on the understanding of a certain sacredness of created nature.” (September 25 in New York) We must understand that that after all these years more than 57 million lives have been lost, and a bigger number of people have been wounded physically, emotionally, and spiritually by the abortion. We need now more than ever to re-commit ourselves to defending life. The entire Church community, bishops, priests, deacons, religious, and laity are invited to reach out to those who have been so sadly affected by the culture of death, particularly by not judging and providing aid to women and families in crisis pregnancies, especially offering healing, love and mercy. Saint Joan of Arc Church wants to become part of this call from our Bishop and the Holy Father. We are going to have a bilingual Mass on January 22nd at 9:00am followed by two hours of adoration that will finish with a solemn blessing at 12:00pm. 1- 951 JANUARY 17TH, 2016 Sunday, January 17 10am Leo Ginga 12pm Carlos Jorge Melendez 2 month anniversary Monday, January 18th 9am Carlos Jorge Melendez 2 month anniversary Tuesday, January 19th 9am 6:30pm Azel Molina 3 Años Anniv. Saturday, January 23th 4:30pm Francis Killoran 28th yr. anniv. Sunday, January 24th 10am Helen Velez 4 month anniv. 12pm Anastacio Vera 5th month anniv. The Week Ahead Saturday, January 16th NO CCD 3pm Ghanaian Music Ministry– BWR 6-8pm Ghanaian Choir: Saturdays at 6-8pm 9-3pm Basketball Games– ARC Sunday, January 17th NO CCDMonday, January 18th Office Closed 5-7pm Food Pantry 5-7pm Basketball Practice-ARC Tuesday, January 19th 10am Al Anon (Hall) 5-7pm Basketball Practice-ARC 5-7pm Food Pantry Wednesday, January 20th 5-7pm Food Pantry 5-7pm Basketball( ARC) 6:00pm Ghanaian Prayer Gr.—Church 6:30pm Prayer Shawl– BWR Thursday, January 21st 6:30-8:30pm Juan XX111- Hall 7pm– KOC meeting-ARC Friday, January 22nd 7-8:30pm Seminario– Vida en el Espiritu 6:30-8:30pm Spanish Choir Rehearsal Saturday, January 23th CCD 6-8pm Ghanaian Choir: Saturdays at 6-8pm SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME STEWARDSHIP TREASURE GYMNASIUM LOAN THE ARC We owe 70,697.64 We want to thank everyone who continue helping with the pledge to pay for The Arc; and we want to ask anybody for donation to help in accomplishing our goal with the building. God bless you all... Collection for the weeks of January 9/10 Stewardship Capital Campaign: $ 3,481 $ 837 Total: $ 4,318 Basketball Catholic University $320 $110 Next Week, January 24th there will be a second collection for the Catholic Home Mission Appeal VIGIL CANDLE In Loving Memory of Leo Ginga by Dolores 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time “To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” (1 Corinthians 12:7) St. Paul tells us that God has blessed each of us for a reason. How has God blessed you? Are you using your gifts according to God’s plan, helping to do His work here on earth? Remember that if you don’t do the work God planned for you, no one else can do it. Check the back page of this bulletin! We need sponsors to help pay for printing. Information is on the last page under Church Bulletin Advertising. 1800 333 3166 ext. 161 2- 951 Friday January 22nd Day Of Prayer for the Legal Protection Of Unborn Children Bilingual Mass at 9am & Exposition of the Blessed Sacraments until 12pm ST. JOAN OF ARC WORCESTER Ghanaian Community at St. Joan of Arc Ghanaian Mass: Sundays at 2pm Ghanaian Prayer Group: Wednesdays at 7pm (Church) Ghanaian Music Ministry: Saturdays at 3pm (BWR) Ghanaian Choir: Saturdays at 6-8pm Ghanaian Youth Group: 2nd Sunday of the month after 2pm Mass (BWR) Men’s & Women’s Groups: 2nd Sunday of the month after 2pm Mass (BWR/Hall) Baptismal Instruction: by appointment with Anthony Boateng Confirmation opportunity for adult s Are you a baptized, catechized Roman Catholic adult (18 or older) who has never been confirmed? The Diocese of Worcester will celebrate a diocesan-wide adult Confirmation on Sunday, February 7 at 3 pm at the Cathedral of St. Paul. A retreat to prepare for Confirmation will be offered on Sunday, January 24 at Immaculate Conception Spiritual Renewal Center in Putnam, CT. If interested, please contact the pastor for more information. It is Time to Register or update your information. Family Name:______________________________ Address:___________________________________ Tel. Number____________________ E-mail: ___________________ Years in the parish:__________ New____ Envelopes: yes no Dependent Children: Date of Birth: 1._____________________________________________ 2._____________________________________________ 3._____________________________________________ 4._____________________________________________ Welcome to saint joan of arc Follow us. OUR WEB PAGE IS ONLINE NOW. VISIT US: 3- 951 Pro-Life Mass and March for Life All ar e invited to attend the Pro-Life Mass with Bishop McManus on Thursday, January 21 at 7:30 p.m. at Cathedral of St. Paul, 19 Chatham St., Worcester. Please join us as we remember the 43rd anniversary of the tragic Roe V. Wade decision and pray for an end to abortion and the conversion of our nation. We will also pray in a special way for all those who will be travelling to Washington, DC for the March for Life. All are welcome! 16th Annual Diocesan Catholic Men’s Conference All men are invited to this important annual Conference, scheduled to take place at Worcester’s DCU Center, on Saturday, March 12, 2016. Hear dynamic talks from outstanding Catholic leaders: Navis Pictures' Jim Morlino, football superstar Father Mike Lightner, and evangelist-convert Mike Cumbie. Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers will offer a special presentation on the Sacrament of Reconciliation prior to confessions. Bishops and diocesan and religious priests will hear confessions. Bishop McManus will offer Mass. For a Conference brochure, further information, or registration, call 508-929-4345. Visit our website - - for information and ticket purchases. SEGUNDO DOMINGO DEL TIEMPO ORDINARIO Misa En Español: Domingos a las 12:00 PM Martes a las 6:30pm Adoración Al Santisimo Primer Martes de cada mes : 5:15-6:15 Juan XX111 Jueves a las 6:30pm Seminario de vida en el Espiritu Viernes-7:00pm Día de oración: Por la protección legal de los niños no nacidos 2° Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario "A cada uno le es dada la manifestación del Espíritu para provecho” (I Corintios 12:7) San Pablo nos dice que Dios nos bendice a cada uno de nosotros por una razón. ¿Cómo te ha bendecido Dios? ¿Estas utilizando tus dones según el plan de Dios, ayudándolo a hacer Su obra aquí en la tierra? Recuerda que si no haces el trabajo que Dios ha planificado para ti, nadie más podrá hacerlo. Bienvenidos a Santa Juana de arco Es tiempo para registrarte oficialmente como miembro de la Iglesia o para proveernos de tu nueva dirección. Nombre y apellido:______________________________ Dirección :_______________________ Num. de tel.______________________ E-mail: __________________________ Años en la parroquia:________ Niños dependientes: Fecha De Nacimiento: 1.____________________________________________ _ 2.____________________________________________ _ 3.____________________________________________ _ 4.____________________________________________ Deceo recibir sobres: Si 4- 951 No Jueves Enero 22 Misa Bilingue a las 9am con exposición del Santísimo y Hora Santa. Confirmacion deAdultos: Gran Oportunidad ¿Es usted un bautizado, catequizado adulto Católico Romano (18 años o más) que nunca ha sido confirmado? La diócesis de Worcester celebrará una Confirmación de adultos a nivel diocesano el domingo 7 de Febrero a las 3:00pm en la Catedral de St. Paul. Un r etir o par a prepararse para la Confirmación se ofrecerá el domingo 24 de enero en la Inmaculada Concepción Espiritual Renewal Center en Putnam, CT. Si está interesado, por favor póngase en contacto con el pastor para más información. Prestamo del Gimnasio (ARC) Debemos: 70,697.64 Queremos dar las gracias a todos los que continuan con su promesa para pagar el ARCA y queremos pedir a los que puedan hacer una donación para ayudar a finalizar con el cumplimiento de nuestra Meta con el edificio. Dios los bendiga a todos... Gran Baile de La Amistad Febrero 6 de 6-10pm Auspociado por las Hijas Maria Boletos a la venta precio: $8 Para más información por favor llame al 508-873-8965 0 939579-6718 Misa En Honor a la Virgen de la Altagracia Patrona de la Republica Dominicana Sabado, 23 de Enero en la Catedr al de San Pablo a las 11am. Tendrán un compartir despues de Misa.
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ST. JOAN OF ARC - Saint Joan of Arc
Misa En Español:
Domingos a las 12:00 PM