ST. JOAN OF ARC - Saint Joan of Arc
ST. JOAN OF ARC - Saint Joan of Arc
ST. JOAN OF ARC FEBRUARY 21ST , 2016 A message from your Associated Pastor: Dear Parishioners, Lent is a special occasion to be reconciled with God After the resurrection, the Gospel of John describes different scenes in which Jesus met with his disciples. One of these occurred when they were hiding because of fear of the Jews and Jesus came into their midst. He said to them “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained” (John 20:22-23). Jesus allowed his disciples to be ministers of reconciliation and the Church has received from him this command, to be instruments of the forgiveness of sins of those who want to repent and be reconciled with God. The Gospels describe that Jesus during his earthly ministry proclaimed the forgiveness of sins to many. for example: pardoning a sinful woman. The text reads, “Now there was a sinful woman in the city who learned that he was at table in the house of the Pharisee. Bringing an alabaster flask of ointment, she stood behind him at his feet weeping and began to bathe his feet with her tears… He said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” (Luke 7:36-50). Forgiveness is the manifestation that the Kingdom of God has come. God is a merciful and compassionate Father who wants all his sons and daughters to be reconciled. The Scripture says, “For I find no pleasure in the death of anyone who dies—oracle of the Lord GOD. Turn back and live!” (Ezekiel 18:32). Then if we receive mercy the next step would be to practice the forgiveness of sins that Jesus brought to all the human race. We have been forgiven, not because of our merits, but because of the mercy and love of God. The Church, aware of this reality, wants to practice with her sons and daughters the mission of being witness of this forgiveness to the world. I want to encourage all Saint Joan of Arc members to feel welcomed to the sacrament of reconciliation every Tuesday from 5:15pm to 6:15pm or Saturday from 3:15pm to 4:15pm in our Church. May God continually bless you in his love. Fr. Andres Araque Update on Fr. Nelson Rivera: Father is doing well in his recovery. He is grateful for your prayerful support. By medical recommendation, Father is on medical leave for the time being. Get well cards can be send to the rectory. God says, “For I will restore your health; I will heal your injuries.” (Jer 30:17). 1- 951 Saturday, February 20th 4:30pm Theresa Albright 7 yr. anniversary Sunday, February 21st 10am Helen Velez 4 months anniversary 12pm Anastacio Vera 6 meses de aniversario Monday, February 22nd 9am In Memory of Kevin Walsh Tuesday, February 23th 6:30pm Maria Luisa Santos 3 meses de aniversario Thursday, February 25th 9am Anne Lindell 18th yr. anniversary The Week Ahead Saturday, February 20th 9:30-10:30am CCD 9-3pm Basketball Sunday, February 21st 8:30-9:55 CCD 10:30-11:45 CCD Monday, February 22nd 5-7pm Food Pantry 5-7pm Basketball Practice-ARC Tuesday, February 23th 10am Al Anon (Hall) 5-7pm Food Pantry 5-7pm Basketball Practice-ARC Wednesday, February 24th 5-7pm Food Pantry 5-7pm Basketball practice-( ARC) 6pm– Prayer Gr- Ghanaian –Church 6:30pm– Prayer Shawl-BWR Thursday, February 25th 5-7pm Basketball practice( ARC) 6:30pm -Juan XX111 Friday, February 26th 5-7pm Basketball practice ( ARC) 6-7pm Station of the cross 7-8pm Viacrucis 7-8:30pm Seminario Vida en el Espiritu-Hall Saturday, February 27th 9:30-10:30am CCD 9-3pm Basketball (ARC) SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT STEWARDSHIP Are you willing to do Online giving? With this our collections could increase even when we have storms. Please think about it. TREASURE Collection for the weeks of January 13/14 Stewardship : Capital Campaign: Total: $2,617 $ 924 $3,641 Ash Wednesday Utility Fund Church In Latin America Raffle $ 801 $ 20 $ 415 $ 65 DANCING WITH THE STARS (ST JOAN OF ARC STYLE) This is a Fund-Raiser for The Arc. We would like to have every country in our parish represented. We need 2 members from each country . Please contact Kayt O’Rourke at 774-272-0247. VIGIL CANDLE In Loving Memory of Christopher Georgian on his first anniversary Fridays during Lent In The ARC 4:00 – 6:30pm or until fish is gone EASTER Flowers If you would like to remember a family member or friend in a special way, you can donate flowers to decorate the church. Please return this form to the rectory or drop it in the collection basket . Name___________________________ ________________________________ (deceased) (living) From:______________________________ Amount Enclosed:__________________ Thank You! 2- 951 EAT - IN or TAKE - OUT Menu: fried haddock, fries & soda Cost: $9.00 or shrimp platter with fries & soda Cost: $10.00 Call the office with your order by Friday at noon to avoid waiting: 508-852-3232. This beautiful painting on canvas can be yours. Raffle ticket: $5 Drawing date: February 28th after 5:30pm Mass. Artist: Teresa Ospina ST. JOAN OF ARC WORCESTER Ghanaian Community at St. Joan of Arc Ghanaian Mass: Sundays at 2pm Ghanaian Prayer Group: Wednesdays at 7pm (Church) Ghanaian Music Ministry: Saturdays at 3pm (BWR) Ghanaian Choir: Saturdays at 6-8pm Ghanaian Youth Group: 2nd Sunday of the month after 2pm Mass (BWR) Men’s & Women’s Groups: 2nd Sunday of the month after 2pm Mass (BWR/Hall) Baptismal Instruction: by appointment with Anthony Boateng Prayer Shawl group will meet next Wed. Feb. 24th, at 6:30 in the BWR. “Be merciful as your Father is merciful” My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, With the imposition of ashes on their foreheads as an outward sign of an interior commitment to repentance, thousands of Catholics in the Diocese of Worcester have entered spiritually into the forty days of Lent in preparation for the celebration of Easter. The season of Lent is always a privileged moment in the Church’s liturgical year when the People of God reflect prayerfully and serenely on their relationship to God, to the Church and to themselves. In her spiritual care for her children, the Church recommends to us the traditional penitential practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving as fitting ways to help us grow in the life of grace and holiness. During this Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, the forty days of Lent offer us a special opportunity to reflect on the mercy of God which has shown itself most fully in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Indeed, Jesus is the face of the Father’s mercy, and from his wounded side, the Crucified Christ has poured out upon us, his followers, an ocean of mercy and has Wednesday weekly Bible class is canceled for the moment. New date to be announced... opened for us the fountain of salvation. I would suggest that a most fitting Lenten practice during this Year of Mercy would be to commit ourselves to performing works of mercy wherever and whenever we can. Pope Francis recently remarked that our par- Food Pantry The Food Pantry at St. Joan of Arc Church has immediate openings for volunteers on Monday evenings. The Pantry is open from 5-7pm. You may choose to come both hours or from 6-7pm. If anyone if interested, or if there any questions, please call Karen Lyons at 508-735-2316. ishes should be “oases of mercy”. By performing the corporal and spiritual works of mercy as signs of our gratitude for the mercy God has bestowed on us, we can, with God’s grace, help to transform our homes, parishes, places of work and schools into places where people can personally experience an encounter of mercy and be motivated to be merciful to others. May this Lent… During Lent: There will be Confessions on Tuesdays from 5:15-6:15pm Lent provide all of us a blessed opportunity to heed the words of the Lord Jesus himself, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” (Mt 5:8) With every prayerful best wish, I remain Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Robert J. McManus Stations of the Cross on Fridays 6pm (English) & 7pm (Spanish) Bishop of Worcester. Come, let us accompany our Lord in prayer. Lenten Prayer Program Marie Anne Center at St. Bernard Church Tuesday mornings from 10-11:30 a.m. December 23rd: Deacon Michael Chase (Christ the King Parish) “Walking with Mary to Fatima and Lourdes: Praying for Peace and Mercy” 3- 951 Lenten Spiritual Retreat with Mass and Preaching. Speaker: Fr. Manuel Clavijo, Priest of the Diocese of Worcester, Chaplain of Anna Maria College, and pastor of St. Mary of the Hills in Boylston. Dates: March 3rd & 4th Time: 6:00 pm at St Joan of Arc Church. SEGUNDO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA Misa En Español: Domingos a las 12:00 PM Martes a las 6:30pm Confesiones por la Cuaresma Martes de 5:15-6:15 pm Juan XXIII Jueves a las 6:30pm Seminario de vida en el Espíritu Viernes-7:00pm Clases de Biblia Martes –7pm-Hall Buenas Noticias del Padre Nelson Rivera: Nuestro Pastor está teniendo una pronta recuperación. Todos nosotros estamos agradecidos por las oraciones contantes de nuestra comunidad y todo el apoyo y cariño. Por recomendación médica, el continua en incapacidad médica hasta el momento. Cartas o mensajes pueden hacerse llegar a la rectoría. Dios dice, "Yo te devolveré la salud; voy a curar tus heridas. "(Jeremías 30:17). Esto es una realidad de la que damos testimonio. Continuemos orando con fe, para tenerlo pronto de vuelta pastoreando su Iglesia. Segundo Domingo de Cuaresma "Yo soy El Señor, que te saqué de Ur de los caldeos, para darte a heredar esta tierra” (Génesis 15:7) Así como el Señor le dio a Abraham, Moisés y los Israelitas la posesión de unas tierras, también nos ha dado a cada uno de nosotros un hogar. Sea nuestra casa grande o humilde, es un don de Dios. Abraham preparó un gran sacrificio al Señor en agradecimiento por la casa que Dios le dió. ¿Cómo le podemos mostrar nuestra gratitud a Dios por la casa que nos ha dado? ¿Hacemos algún tipo de sacrificio? ¿Le regresamos algo de nuestras finanzas a Dios, invirtiendo igualmente en nuestra casa eterna, así como invertimos en nuestra casa terrenal? BAILE CULTURAL A BENEFICIO DEL ARCA Interesados en participar favor de llamar a Kayt O’Rourke 774-272-0247 4- 951 Misión CUARESMAL Invitado especial: Padre Daniel Moreno acompañado del Diácono Heiber. Fecha: Febrero 29-Marzo 2 Hora: 6:30PM. Lugar: Iglesia Santa Juana de Arco. CUARESMA… Tiempo de Ayuno y Abstinencia Ayuno para todos los Católicos de 18 a 59 años de edad el Miércoles de Ceniza y Viernes Santo. Abstinencia para todos los Católicos de 14 años de edad en adelante de no comer carne el , Miércoles de Ceniza y todos los Viernes durante la Cuaresma. Confesiones: Martes a las 5:15-6:15pm Viacrucis todos los viernes a las 7pm. Venta de Pescado Frito Todos los Viernes de 4-6:30pm favor de llamar a la oficina para hacer su orden. Precio $9 Pescado, papa y ensalada $10 con camarones Préstamo del Salón Parroquial (ARC) Debemos: 67,133.61 Queremos dar las gracias a todos los que continúan con su promesa para pagar el ARCA y queremos pedir a los que puedan hacer una donación para ayudar a finalizar con el cumplimiento de nuestra meta con el edificio. Dios los bendiga .