Split Ring Bookmark
Split Ring Bookmark
Split Ring Bookmark @ Judith Merlin 2005 Start by making the split rings down the centre of the bookmark, then turn around and do the chain edging. For the Josephine Knots I find it easier to use the second half of the stitch. If you wish you could substitute a picot for the Josephine Knots. Split Ring Cros * ;\bits Judith iledin tg$i * fbr rtsftldlr foar riqp {sborr ir w&itr} rr !$OT *plir ringr Mini Two Colour Bookmark @ Eileen McAneney 2fi)5 Wind 2 shuttles with contrasting 20's thread. Using ColourA begin at * and work up one side and down the other changrng colours as indicated on the diagram. Make joining picots very small and finish with your choice of tassel. To increase the length, just add more groups of 6 and 4 rings. I l I I I I I I L l I Bookmarls on Ribbon @Judift fvierlin 2004 This ribbon with the picot odge is available ftom most good craft and nafodasnery stor€s and comes in multiple colotns Before yon comm€,nce tatring it is a good idea to brush both sides of the ribbon with rmdiluted PVA glue and allon' it to dry. ffyou don't, thc ribbon will distort as the picots pull when the rings are closd" When the ribbon is dry shspe fte ends. Easy Doily @ Judith Merlin 2005 This doily is pictured in 'A New Twist on Tatting' but there is no pattern. It oan be made as large or as small as you like and you could add an edgng if you desire. 4 - 4 - 6 and all chains ane multiples of 6. On each row there will be one morc ring in the groups and one more picot on the chains. When you begin make surc to pull the chains up very tight as it may distort. All rings are 6 - Split Ring Dotly @ Judith Merlin 2005 * lii *t'*,, t. s.i;*& -dt\.' The split rings need two shuttles wound with different colours of your choice. In this exalnple colour 1 is rvhite and colour 2 is green Inner Row Second Third Row Row work inside part of the split ring 4 - 4 (shov*n here in white) For the second half of the ring work 5 ds and then take the ring offyour hand and make another ring of 4 - 4 - 4 - 4, close this ring and then put the original dngback on yourhand and workthe remaining 5 ds. Close ring and repeat until there are 11 rings. Finish off. Worked with only I shuttle and ball (shown here in white) P.'{;-ff+4 Ch.6 - 6 - 6 - 6. Repeatto end and finish off. With colour 2, shown here in geen make a ringof 3 -2 -2 + 2 -2 -3' Split ring of 4 - 4,4 -- 4, repeatthis ring making sure that there are no gaps between the sPlit rings. wittrcolour I makearingof 3 - 2 -2--2 - 2 * 3. Repeatto endand finish off. Very Easy Doily @ Centre Judith Merlin 2004 R 5-5-5-5-5-5 ch 5-5-5-5*5-5 2ndRow R 5-5-5-5-5-5 Ch 5-5-5-5-5-5 Repeat 6 times more Outer Row {' R 5 - 5- Ch - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5 (ointo middle* picot oflast ring) * 5+5 - 5- 5 R5-5-5-5-5-5 5 (oin to middle picot of last row) Repeat last ring and chain twice more. Repeat from to * around doily.