ring committee guide
ring committee guide
RING COMMITTEE GUIDE S 5 3 T AC UF IN G P the SEN DIN G T H E O R DE R n g ra d u a t i o n r i oj ep of NG LA CI UR St s OR 4 t 2 DER MAN 6 S 1 ec DELI VER YO F GS KIT OF NT ME IP H RI N L CHOICES MODE g pr RING COMMITTEE GUIDE M E E T I N G T H E C H A L L E N G E ! 1 You have decided to take charge of the graduation ring project in your school? This is a unique opportunity to participate in a rewarding project! You must increase sales and advertise in the school, administer funds, manage orders and deliveries. To achieve your goal, the Graduor “all inclusive” formula provides you with the tools and support needed to complete your project. The present guide contains a plan of all the tasks that need to be done to ensure a resounding success! The success of your project depends on an efficient organization and team work where everyone does their best. A successful project is not only challenging, but also rewarding. Be proud of it! Good luck! The Graduor team RING COMMITTEE 2 The committee being formed, it is now time to embark on the project. You have been chosen because you have the necessary qualities that it takes to complete the graduation ring project. Among the committee, share the tasks so that everyone can have a specific responsibility: Publicity team Sales team Treasury team PUBLICITY TEAM! 3 Your mandate consists in spreading the word that the rings are available to the graduates of your school and thus creating an atmosphere of enthusiasm among your classmates. Here are your tasks: Set a target number of rings you would like to sell. Determine your sale dates Install the posters provided by Graduor announcing the sale dates. Write down the sale dates on your posters Insert the price lists in the center of each brochure Distribute a brochure to each graduating student 1 to 2 weeks prior to your planned sale dates Circulate the ring samples in the classrooms before the day of the sale to show the different models Remember to install the “Last Chance” banners when your sale comes close to an end TALK TO YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT! WORD TO MOUTH IS POWERFUL! SALES TEAM 4 Your mandate is to help your colleagues when taking orders. To help them make the right choices, your smile and your patience are your best assets. You should also pay particular attention to the purchase orders to make sure they are filled out correctly. Here are your tasks: PROMOTE THE BENEFITS OF THE ADDITIONAL PROTECTION! Install the metal choices, warranty and the inside engraving posters close to your sales tables Place the ring models in the trays provided for this purpose Determine ring size with the ring sizer; Half measures are indicated on the sizer by a line 7- = 7 1/2 IMPORTANT : Be sure to hold the ring sizer under the students hand so that no weight is added to the finger. Advise them on the metal choices Make sure that all sections of the purchase orders are completed. TREASURY TEAM! 5 Be sure to collect the deposit when the order is taken Once you have finished your sales, fill out the procedure form at the back of the ring committee guide In your shipment... Include the ring committee guide making sure that you have filled out the procedure form in the back Include the ring samples Include the ring sizer(s) Include the display(s) Include the white copies of the order forms Make certain to keep the yellow copies Include your deposit Make the check or the money order out to Graduor Inc. Do not send cash by the mail Return your order by Expedited Parcel in the box intended for this purpose Use the manufacturing delay to collect the final payments so that you have the money in hand upon reception of the rings YOU WILL RECEIVE AN ORDER CONFIRMATION INDICATING THE APPROXIMATE DATE OF DELIVERY OF THE RINGS. DELIVERY 6 6 The balance is payable upon delivery. However, if you have a special agreement with your representative, please refer to this agreement. Balance payable upon delivery: The balance is payable upon delivery of your order. So you must collect the second installment from the students during the ring manufacturing delay. If your order is to be delivered by mail, the balance must be paid in cash or credit card ONLY to the Canada Post Corporation. No other payment method will be accepted. If your order is to be delivered by your representative, the balance must be paid in cash ONLY. No other payment method will be accepted. RING COMMITTEE GUIDE RING COMMITTEE 7 Your final mandate is to distribute the rings to the students. A velvet pouch will be given to each student along with a personalized envelope. THE PERSONALIZED ENVELOPE IS TO BE KEPT FOR YOUR WARRANTY. P O S T- S A L E S E R V I C E 8 If however a student must return there ring to Graduor for an adjustment or for any other reason, please refer to our Q&A section of our Website www.graduor.com to know more about our post-sale service. FORM TO COMPLETE AND RETURN STEPS TO FOLLOW WHEN ORDERING Client num.: School name: Responsible: Telephone: Address: e-mail : City: Postal code: MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE: Completed all the steps of the order forms Indicated the amount of the deposit on all the order forms ) - - USE THE RETURN BOX PROVIDED BY GRADUOR TO SEND US YOUR ORDER: Include the committee guide making sure that the present form is filled out Include the ring samples Include the ring sizer(s) Include the display tray(s) Include the white copies of the order forms Include your deposit Make the check or money order out to Graduor Inc. Do not send cash by the mail YOU WILL RECEIVE AN ORDER CONFIRMATION INDICATING THE APPROXIMATE DELIVERY DATE OF THE RINGS. RECYCLE THE UNUSED BROCHURES AND PRICE LISTS ( 9 ALLOW 8 TO 12 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY Please indicate the desired delivery date TOTAL AMOUNT OF DEPOSIT: Day/Month/Year We will confirm the final delivery date by Email 10 PARTICIPATION COUPON FOR THE DRAW Please complete this coupon to take part in the draw (see attached list of prizes to be won). School/Group: Responsible: e-mail: *** One coupon per group***