Electrical Wiring #675 - Hytrol Conveyor Co., Inc.
Electrical Wiring #675 - Hytrol Conveyor Co., Inc.
IMPORTANT! ¡IMPORTANTE! DO NOT DESTROY NO DESTRUIR Installer Instalador Assembly Instructions And Electrical Wiring Diagrams Instrucciones de Ensamble y Diagramas de Conexión Eléctrica Effective February 2015 (Supercedes May 2014) Bulletin #675 HYTROL CONVEYOR CO., INC. © COPYRIGHT 2009–HYTROL CONVEYOR CO., INC. Jonesboro, Arkansas Electrical Wiring Diagrams (Diagramas de Conexión Eléctrica) CONTROLS: (Controles:) Reversing Drum Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 (Interruptor Reversible de Tambor) Safety Disconnect Switch or Manual Start Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 (Interruptor Desconector de Seguridad o Interruptor Manual de Encendido) Push Button Station . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 (Estación de Botones) Reversing Three Phase Starter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 (Arrancador Trifásico Reversible) Non-Reversing Three Phase Starter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 (Arrancador Trifásico Irreversible) Reversing Single Phase Magnetic Starter (115 Volt & 230 Volt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 (Arrancador Magnético Monofásico Reversible (115 Voltios y 230 Voltios)) Non-Reversing Single Phase Magnetic Starter (115 Volt & 230 Volt) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 (Arrancador Magnético Monofásico Irreversible (115 Voltios y 230 Voltios)) MOTOR: Motor Wiring Diagram Single Phase 115/230 Volt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 (Diagrama de conexión de motor monofásico 115/230 Voltios) Motor Wiring Diagram Three Phase Single Voltage Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 (Diagrama de conexión de motor trifásico de voltaje sencillo) Motor Wiring Diagram Three Phase Dual Voltage Motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 (Diagrama de conexión de motor trifásico de doble voltaje) Standard Brake Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 VARIABLE SPEED DRIVE: (Diagrama de conexión de motor trifásico de doble voltaje:) PowerFlex 40 AC Drives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 12 (Accionamientos de CA PowerFlex 40) 2 • Wiring Diagram - Reversing Drum Switch Diagramas de Conexión - Interruptor Reversible de Tambor Single Phase - Reversing Monofásico – Retroceso Drum Switch — 115 Volts AC Input Power (Interruptor de Tambor – 115 Voltios CA) To Motor (Al Motor) (Alimentación) 1 2 The reversing drum switch is similar to the manual start switch, but has the added advantage of being able to reverse the motor. It is standard equipment on most HYTROL portable model conveyors, and is normally mounted near the conveyor drive. The reversing drum switch is considered as a single point control, but may be extended through the use of a remote control rod (optional item), allowing the operator to control the conveyor from either end. NOTE: This switch does not provide for motor overload protection. 1. Customer is to ground switch and motor at points shown on diagram. 2. Consult national electrical code for wire size to be used for connections between motor and switch. 3. This method provides no overload protection for motor. 4. Hytrol Part No. 032.103 5. Allen-Bradley Reversing Drum Switch El interruptor reversible de tambor es similar al interruptor manual de encendido pero con la ventaja de que puede invertir la marcha del motor. Se proporciona como equipo estándar en la mayoría de modelos de transportadores Hytrol portátiles y normalmente se instala cerca a la unidad motriz del transportador. El interruptor reversible de tambor es considerado como el punto de control del transportador pero puede ser extendido incorporando un barra para control remoto (artículo opcional) que permite que el operador controle el transportador desde cualquiera de sus extremos. NOTA: el interruptor no proporciona protección contra sobrecargas del motor. 1. El cliente debe conectar a tierra el interruptor y el motor en los puntos mostrados en el diagrama. 2. Consulte el código nacional de electricidad para determinar el tamaño adecuado de los cables que deben ser utilizados para conectar el motor y el interruptor. 3. Este método no proporciona protección contra sobrecargas del motor. 4. Número de parte de Hytrol: 032.103 5. Interruptor reversible de tambor marca Allen-Bradley (L2) (L1) (GROUND) 3 4 5 6 (Tierra) (See wiring diagram Pg. 12) (T8) (T2 & T4) (T5) (T1 & T3) (GROUND) (Tierra) To Change motor rotation, interchange T5 and T8 leads (Para Invertir La Rotación Del Motor, Intercambie Los Conductores T5 Y T8) Drum Switch — 230 Volts AC (Interruptor de Tambor – 230 Voltios CA) To Motor Input Power (Al Motor) (Alimentación) 1 2 (L2) (L1) (GROUND) 3 4 5 6 (Tierra) Wire nut together T2,T3, and T8 (T1) (See wiring diagram Pg. 12) (T4) (T5) (GROUND) (Tierra) To Change motor rotation, interchange T5 and T8 leads (Para Invertir La Rotación Del Motor, Intercambie Los Conductores T5 Y T8) Three Phase - Reversing (Trifásico – Retroceso) Drum Switch — 208-230/460 Volts AC (Interruptor de Tambor – 208-230/460) Input Power To Motor (Alimentación) (L1) (L3) (L2) (GROUND) (Tierra) (Al Motor) (See wiring diagram Pg. 13) 1 2 3 4 (T1) (T3) 5 6 (T2) (GROUND) (Tierra) NOTE: To Change motor rotation, interchange any two line leads. FWD (Avance) OFF (Desconexión) (Nota: Para Invertir La Rotación Del Motor, Intercambie Dos Conductores Eléctricos Cualquiera.) REV (Retroceso) 3 • Wiring Diagram - Safety Disconnect Switch or Manual Start Switch Diagramas de Conexión - Interruptor Desconector de Seguridad o Interruptor Manual de Encendido The manual start switch is a simple “ON-OFF” switch that directly controls the motor power. It is suitable for a large number of conveyor applications not requiring a reversible operation. The manual start switch is a single point control and is normally mounted at or near the drive. NOTE: This switch does not provide: motor overload protection. El interruptor manual de encendido es un interruptor simple de “Arranque-Parada” que controla directamente la potencia del motor. Es indicado para una gran cantidad de aplicaciones con transportadores que no requieren operar en reversa. El interruptor manual de encendido es considerado como el punto de control del transportador y normalmente se instala en la unidad motriz o cerca a ésta. NOTA: el interruptor no proporciona protección contra sobrecargas del motor. Single Phase—115/230 Volts AC (Monofásico - 115/230 Voltios CA) (L2) OFF ON LINE LOAD (T2) To Motor Input Power (Al Motor) (Alimentación) LINE LOAD (L1) (GROUND) (See Pg. 12) (T1) LINE LOAD (Tierra) (GROUND) (Tierra) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Three Phase—208-230/460 Volts AC (Trifásico - 208-230/460 Voltios CA) OFF (L3) LINE ON LOAD (T3) Input Power (Alimentación) To Motor (Al Motor) (L2) (T2) LINE LOAD (T1) (L1) (GROUND) (Tierra) (See Pg. 13) LINE LOAD (GROUND) (Tierra) 4 In NEMA 1 Enclosure Hytrol Part Number 032.1014 This Switch has no motor protection Max. 30 Amps, 600 Volts UL Listed 724F, CSA 1. En gabinete NEMA 1 2. Número de Parte de Hytrol: 032.1014 3. Este interruptor no ofrece protección al motor 4. 30 Amperios, 600 Voltios Máximo 5. Listado en el UL 724F, CSA • Wiring Diagram - Push Button Station Diagramas de Conexión - Estación de Botones Remote push-button stations, designed for magnetic starters, are used to control the starter coils. Starters may be controlled by single or multiple push-button stations. Hytrol’s standard control voltage through the push-button station is 115 volt, single phase. Estaciones remotas de botones, diseñadas para arrancadores magnéticos, son utilizadas para controlar las bobinas de arranque. Los arrancadores pueden ser controlados por estaciones de botones sencillas o múltiples. El voltaje estándar de los controles Hytrol en las estaciones de botones es de 115 Voltios, monofásico. Single “Start-Stop” Station Single “Fwd-Rev-Stop” Station Estación Sencilla de “Arranque-Parada” START STOP Estación Sencilla de “Avance-Retroceso-Parada” FWD (Avance) (Arranque) (Parada) A REV (Retroceso) A B B C STOP (Parada) GROUND (Tierra) D GROUND (Tierra) Two “Start-Stop” Stations Two “Fwd-Rev-Stop” Stations Dos Estaciones de “Arranque-Parada” START (Arranque) Dos Estaciones de “Avance-Retroceso-Parada” (Parada) STOP START (Parada) STOP (Retroceso) REV REV (Arranque) (Parada) A B (Parada) C STOP Three or More “Fwd-Rev-Stop” Stations Tres o más Estaciones de “Avance-Retroceso-Parada” START STOP STOP D GROUND (Tierra) (Avance) FWD FWD FWD (Retroceso) REV REV REV (Parada) STOP STOP STOP A A STOP FWD C GROUND (Tierra) Tres o más Estaciones de “Arranque-Parada” (Arranque) FWD B Three or More “Start-Stop” Stations START (Avance) START A STOP C B B C GROUND (Tierra) C D GROUND (Tierra) Center Station is TYP. Wiring for Three or More Push-Button Stations La estación del centro es TYP. Conexión para tres o más estaciones de botones Center Station is TYP. Wiring for Three or More Push-Button Stations La estación del centro es TYP. Conexión para tres o más estaciones de botones 5 • Wiring Diagram - Reversing Three Phase Starter Diagramas de Conexión - Arrancador Trifásico Reversible The reversing magnetic starter directly controls the current to the motor by actually closing the required set of contacts to cause motor rotation in the desired direction (Forward/Reverse), and provides a remote means of conveyor directional control. Remote pushbutton stations, designed for magnetic starters, are used to control the starter coils. Starters may be controlled by single or multiple pushbutton stations. Magnetic starters also provide the added feature of overload protection for the motor. El arrancador magnético reversible controla directamente la corriente que entra al motor al cerrar el grupo de contactos que hacen con que el motor gire en la dirección deseada (Avance – Retroceso). Es también utilizado como un medio de control remoto de la dirección del transportador. Estaciones remotas de botones, diseñadas para arrancadores magnéticos, son utilizadas para controlar las bobinas de arranque. Los arrancadores pueden ser controlados por estaciones de botones sencillas o múltiples. Como característica adicional, los arrancadores magnéticos también proporcionan protección contra sobre cargas del motor. Three Phase Power, voltage as required for the motor (POTENCIA TRIFÁSICA, VOLTAJE REQUERIDO POR EL MOTOR.) Disconnect & Overload Contactors 43 1 L1 3 L2 5 L3 33 Aux 1 L1 3 L2 5 L3 13 NO T1 4 T2 1 L1 3 L2 5 L3 13 NO 21 R 2 22 F 21 6 A2 T3 14 NO 22 44 34 FU1 2 A1 T1 A2 4 T2 6 T3 14 NO A1 FU2 2 T1 4 T2 6 T3 H1 (L3) (L1) (L2) ~Input Power, Motor Voltage~ ~3 Phase~ (A) (B) To Pushbutton Station (C) See Page 5 (D) (T1) ! (T2) (T3) To Motor See Page 13 NOTE: All the assemblies below include part # 033.4141 Enclosure and Reversing Contactor Assembly and # 033.1691 Aux Contact. 033.1912 H3 B X2 ATTENTION: Line input must be installed on the bottom side of the overload and disconnect to meet requirments for UL Compliance in this starter. Transformer Notes: Single voltage transformer primary is marked H1 and H2. Wire shown connected at H1 on dual Transformer # 033.1910 A voltage primary is connected at H1 on single voltage 033.1913 208 Volt Assembly Part # 033.1911 230 Volt Assembly Part # 460 Volt Assembly Part # 575 Volt Assembly Part # ER-20B10 ER-23B10 ER-46B10 ER-57B10 033.4261 0.63 - 1.0 AMPS ER-20B16 ER-23B16 ER-46B16 ER-57B16 033.4281 1.0 - 1.6 AMPS ER-20B25 ER-23B25 ER-46B25 ER-57B25 033.4301 1.6 - 2.5 AMPS ER-20B40 ER-23B40 ER-46B40 ER-57B40 033.4321 ER-20B63 ER-23B63 ER-46B63 ER-57B63 033.4341 ER-20C10 ER-23C10 ER-46C10 ER-57C10 033.4361 6.3 - 10 AMPS primary. Wire shown connected on H4 on dual Overload # Current Range voltage primary is connected at H2 on single voltage primary. Control Circuit Transformer Voltage Primary Fuses Jumper locations 208 1.5 AMP single voltage 2.5 - 4.0 AMPS 230 1.5 AMP A&C 4.0 - 6.3 AMPS 460 .75 AMP B 575 .5 AMP single voltage 6 H2 C Control Circuit Transformer H4 FU3 1 AMP X1 • Wiring Diagram - Non-Reversing Three Phase Starter Diagramas de Conexión - Arrancador Trifásico Irreversible The non-reversing magnetic starter directly controls the current to the motor by actually (closing) the required set of contacts to cause motor rotation in one direction, and provides a remote means of conveyor control. Remote pushbutton stations, designed for magnetic starters, are used to control the starter coil. Starters may be controlled by single or multiple pushbutton stations. Magnetic starters also provide the added feature of overload protection for the motor. El arrancador magnético irreversible controla directamente la corriente que entra al motor al cerrar el grupo de contactos que hacen con que el motor gire en una dirección. Es también utilizado como medio de control remoto del transportador. Estaciones remotas de botones, diseñadas para arrancadores magnéticos, son utilizadas para controlar las bobinas de arranque. Los arrancadores pueden ser controlados por estaciones de botones sencillas o múltiples. Como característica adicional, los arrancadores magnéticos también proporcionan protección contra sobre cargas del motor. Three Phase Power, voltage as required for the motor (POTENCIA TRIFÁSICA, VOLTAJE REQUERIDO POR EL MOTOR.) Control Circuit Transformer Contactor 1 L1 3 L2 5 L3 13 NO To Pushbutton Station See Page 5 (A) (B) 2 (C) 4 T1 T2 A2 6 T3 14 43 1 L1 3 L2 5 L3 FU1 33 FU2 Aux Disconnect & Overload H1 44 NO A H3 B H2 C H4 34 FU3 1 AMP X2 A1 X1 2 T1 4 T2 6 T3 (T1) To Motor See Page 13 (T2) (L1) (L2) (L3) ~Input Power, Motor Voltage~ Transformer Notes: ~3 Phase~ Single voltage transformer primary is marked H1 and H2. Wire shown connected at H1 on dual voltage primary is connected at H1 on single voltage primary. Wire shown connected on H4 on dual voltage primary is connected at H2 on single voltage primary. (T3) NOTE: All the assemblies listed include part # 033.4101 Enclosure and Contactor Assembly and # 033.1691 Aux Contact. Transformer # 033.1910 033.1911 033.1912 208 Volt Assembly Part # 230 Volt Assembly Part # 460 Volt Assembly Part # 575 Volt Assembly Part # 033.1913 Overload # Current Range EN-20B10 EN-23B10 EN-46B10 EN-57B10 033.4261 EN-20B16 EN-23B16 EN-46B16 EN-57B16 EN-20B25 EN-23B25 EN-46B25 EN-20B40 EN-23B40 EN-20B63 EN-23B63 EN-20C10 EN-23C10 Control Circuit Transformer Motor Voltage Primary Fuses Jumper locations 208 1.5 AMP single voltage 0.63 - 1.0 AMPS 230 1.5 AMP A&C 033.4281 1.0 - 1.6 AMPS 460 .75 AMP EN-57B25 033.4301 1.6 - 2.5 AMPS 575 .5 AMP EN-46B40 EN-57B40 033.4321 2.5 - 4.0 AMPS EN-46B63 EN-57B63 033.4341 4.0 - 6.3 AMPS ! EN-46C10 EN-57C10 033.4361 6.3 - 10 AMPS 7 single voltage B ATTENTION: Line input must be installed on the bottom side of the overload and disconnect to meet requirements for UL Compliance in this starter. • Wiring Diagram - Reversing Single Phase Magnetic Starter Diagramas de Conexión - Arrancador Magnético Reversible Monofásico The reversing magnetic starter directly controls the current to the motor by actually closing the required set of contacts to cause motor rotation in the desired direction (Forward/Reverse), and provides a remote means of conveyor directional control. Remote push-button stations, designed for magnetic starters, are used to control the starter coils. Starters may be controlled by single or multiple push-button stations. Magnetic starters also provide the added feature of overload protection for the motor. El arrancador magnético reversible controla directamente la corriente que entra al motor al cerrar el grupo de contactos que hacen con que el motor gire en la dirección deseada (Avance – Retroceso). Es también utilizado como un medio de control remoto de la dirección del transportador. Estaciones remotas de botones, diseñadas para arrancadores magnéticos, son utilizadas para controlar las bobinas de arranque. Los arrancadores pueden ser controlados por estaciones de botones sencillas o múltiples. Como característica adicional, los arrancadores magnéticos también proporcionan protección contra sobre cargas del motor. 115 Volt, Single Phase Power (POTENCIA MONOFÁSICA, 115 VOLTIOS) Contactors 1 L1 3 L2 5 L3 1 L1 3 L2 5 L3 13 L4 3 Aux 4 21 R 2 4 T1 T2 1 L1 3 L2 5 L3 13 L4 22 6 A2 22 14 T3 A1 T4 Aux F 21 2 4 T1 A2 T2 Disconnect & Overload 3 6 T3 14 T4 4 2 T1 4 T2 6 T3 A1 (L2) (L1) ~Input Power, 115 Volt AC~ ~Single Phase~ To Motor See Page 12 NOTE: All the assemblies listed include part # 033.4161 Enclosure and Contactor Assembly and (2) Aux Contacts. (T1 & T3) (T8) (T5) (T2 & T4) (A) To Pushbutton Station (B) See Page 5 (C) (D) ATTENTION: ! Line input must be installed on the bottom side of the overload and disconnect to meet requirments for UL Compliance in this starter. 230 Volt, Single Phase Power 1 L1 3 L2 5 L3 43 Contactors R T1 4 T2 6 T3 14 NO (C) (B) (A) (D) To Pushbutton Station See Page 5 ! ATTENTION: 22 6.3 - 10 AMPS ER-1SC16 033.4381 10 - 16 AMPS ER-1SC20 033.4401 16 - 20 AMPS Control Circuit Transformer 33 FU1 1.5 AMP 1 L1 3 L2 5 L3 13 NO F 21 A1 Current Range 033.4361 AUX 21 A2 2 22 Overload # ER-1SC10 Disconnect & Overload (POTENCIA MONOFÁSICA, 230 VOLTIOS) 1 L1 3 L2 5 L3 13 NO Assembly Part # A2 44 H1 34 H3 1.5 AMP FU2 H2 H4 A1 2 T1 4 6 14 T2 T3 NO (T1) (T4) To Motor Wire Nut (T2 - T3 & T8) Togther See Page 12 X2 2 T1 4 T2 6 T3 8 X1 (L2) ~Input Power, 230 VAC~ ~Single Phase~ (L1) (T5) Line input must be installed on the bottom side of the overload and disconnect to meet requirments for UL Compliance in this starter. FU3 1 AMP Assembly Part # Overload # Current Range NOTE: All the assemblies include part # 033.4181 ER-2SB63 033.4341 4.0 - 6.3 AMPS Enclosure and Contactor Assembly, with part # 033.1911 Control Circuit Transformer and # 033.1691 Aux Contact. ER-2SC10 033.4361 6.3 - 10 AMPS ER-2SC16 033.4381 10 - 16 AMPS • Wiring Diagram - Non-Reversing Single Phase Magnetic Starter Diagramas de Conexión - Arrancador Magnético Irreversible Monofásico The non-reversing magnetic starter directly controls the current to the motor by actually closing the required set of contacts to cause motor rotation in one direction, and provides a remote means of conveyor control. Remote pushbutton stations, designed for magnetic starters, are used to control the starter coil. Starters may be controlled by single or multiple push-button stations. Magnetic starters also provide the added feature of overload protection for the motor. El arrancador magnético irreversible controla directamente la corriente que entra al motor al cerrar el grupo de contactos que hacen con que el motor gire en una dirección. Es también utilizado como un medio de control remoto del transportador. Estaciones remotas de botones, diseñadas para arrancadores magnéticos, son utilizadas para controlar las bobinas de arranque. Los arrancadores pueden ser controlados por estaciones de botones sencillas o múltiples. Como característica adicional, los arrancadores magnéticos también proporcionan protección contra sobre cargas del motor. 115 Volt, Single Phase Power (POTENCIA MONOFÁSICA, 115 VOLTIOS) 1 L1 3 L2 5 L3 1 L1 3 L2 5 L3 13 NO To Pushbutton Station See Page 5 (A) Disconnect & Overload Contactor (B) 2 (C) T1 4 T2 6 T3 A2 14 NO A1 2 T1 4 T2 6 T3 (L1) NOTE: All the assemblies listed include part # 033.4121 Enclosure and Contactor Assembly. To Motor See Page 12 (T1) (T2) Assembly Part # Overload # Current Range EN-1SC10 033.4361 6.3 - 10 AMPS EN-1SC16 033.4381 10 - 16 AMPS EN-1SC20 033.4401 16 - 20 AMPS (L2) ~Input Power, 115 Volt AC~ ~Single Phase~ ! ATTENTION: Line input must be installed on the bottom side of the overload and disconnect to meet requirments for UL Compliance in this starter. 230 Volt, Single Phase Power (POTENCIA MONOFÁSICA, 230 VOLTIOS) Contactor 1 L1 3 L2 5 L3 1 L1 3 L2 5 L3 13 NO To Pushbutton Station See Page 5 43 33 AUX (A) 2 (C) T1 4 T2 6 T3 A2 14 44 Disconnect & Overload NO A1 2 T1 4 T2 6 T3 (L1) To Motor See Page 12 (T1) (T2) NOTE: All the assemblies listed include part # 033.4121 Enclosure and Contactor Assembly, with part # 033.1911 Control Circuit Transformer and Aux Contact # 033.1691 1.5 AMP H1 34 (B) FU1 X2 H3 1.5 AMP FU2 H2 Control Circuit Transformer H4 FU3 1 AMP X1 (L2) ~Input Power, 230 Volt AC~ ~Single Phase~ Assembly Part # Overload # Current Range EN-2SB63 033.4341 4.0 - 6.3 AMPS EN-2SC10 033.4361 6.3 - 10 AMPS EN-2SC16 033.4381 10 - 16 AMPS 9 ! ATTENTION: Line input must be installed on the bottom side of the overload and disconnect to meet requirments for UL Compliance in this starter. • Motor Wiring Diagram - Single Phase Diagramas de Conexión del Motor - Monofásico SINGLE PHASE, 115/230 VOLT Figure A (MONOFÁSICO, 115/230 VOLTIOS) (T1) (T2) (T3) (T4) (T8) (T5) 230 VOLT 115 VOLT L1 L2 JOIN Counter clockwise rotation T1 T4, T5 T2, T3 and T8 Clockwise rotation T1 T4, T8 T2, T3 and T5 Counter Clockwise rotation T1, T3, T8 T2, T4, T5 Clockwise rotation T1, T3, T5 T2, T4, T8 NOTES: 1. To reverse motor rotation interchange T5 and T8 leads 2. Wiring reference NOTAS: 1. Para invertir la rotación del motor intercambie T5 y T8 2. Referencia de Cableado • Motor Wiring Diagram - Three Phase Diagramas de Conexión del Motor - Trifásico THREE PHASE, SINGLE VOLTAGE MOTORS Figure B (T1) (T1) NOTES: 1. Y-CONNECTED 2. To reverse motor rotation interchange any two power leads. (T2) NOTAS: 1. CONEXIÓN EN Y 2. Para invertir la rotación del motor, intercambie dos conductores eléctricos cualquiera. 9 9 (T2) (T3) (T3) Figure C (MOTORES TRIFÁSICOS DE VOLTAJE SENCILLO) (T4) (T1) (T4) (T7) (T1) (T5) (T7) (T5) (T2) (T8) (T2) (T6) (T8) (T3) (T6) (T9) (T3) (T9) (T1) (T2) (T1) (T3) (T2) (T4) THREE PHASE, DUAL VOLTAGE MOTORS 200-208/400-416 VOLT OR 230/460 VOLT (MOTOR TRIFÁSICO DE DOBLE VOLTAJE 200-208/400-416 VOLTIOS O 230/460 VOLTIOS) NOTES: 1. Y-CONNECTED, DUAL VOLTAGE MOTOR 2. To reverse motor rotation interchange any two power leads 3. Wiring reference 4. Motors with leads T10, T11, T12; these three leads are to be connected together. (CONECTAR) L1 L2 L3 TIE TOGETHER 230 VOLT OR 200-208 VOLT T1, T7 T2, T8 T3, T9 T4, T5, and T6 460 VOLT OR 400-416 VOLT T1 T2 T3 (T4, T7) (T5, T8) (T6, T9) NOTAS: 1. Motor De Doble Montaje, Conexión En Y 2. Para invertir la rotación del motor, intercambie dos conductores eléctricos cualquiera. 3. Los motores con conductores T10, T11, T12: estos tres conductores se deben conectar juntos 10 • Standard Brake Connections Motor Volts Connect Low B1 - L1 B2 - L2 B3 and B5 - Insulate B4- Insulate High B1 and B5 - L1 B3 - Insulate B4 - Insulate B2 - L2 Separately Connected Brake Conexiones Estándar de Freno NOTES: 1. Check compatibility of motor and brake voltages with power supply. 2. Insulate means: tie together (or alone) and cap off and insulate. 3. B1 to B5 are Brake lead connections. L1 & L2 are AC Power connections. 4. If VFD is to be used, additional components will need to be added to operate brake. Brake must have full input voltage to insure proper release and operation. Brake coils are not rated for VFD output voltages. NOTAS: 1. Comprobar la compatibilidad de tensiones de motor y de freno con toma de corriente. 2. Aislar significa: atar juntos (o solo) y la tapa apagado y aislar. 3. B1 a B5 son conexiones de los cables de freno. L1 y L2 son las conexiones de alimentación AC. 4. Si se va a utilizer un variador de frecuencia, se deben agregar a operar freno componentes adicionales. Freno debe tener un voltaje de entrada completa para asegurar la liberación y el funcionamiento adecuado. Bobinas de freno no están clasificados para las tensiones de salida del variador de frecuencia. • Allen-Bradley PowerFlex 40 AC Drive VSC Part Number Hytrol Part Number Allen-Bradley Part Number Horse Power VSC-12-10 VSC-12-11 I/O Phases VSC Part Number Hytrol Part Number Allen-Bradley Part Number Horse Power Input Voltage Output Voltage I/O Phases 032.310103 22B-V2P3N104 0.5 115 032.310113 22B-V5P0N104 1 115 230 1/3 VSC-01-18 032.310183 22B-D1P4N104 0.5 380-460 460 3/3 230 1/3 VSC-01-19 032.310193 22B-D2P3N104 1 380-460 460 VSC-12-12 032.310123 22B-A2P3N104 0.5 230 3/3 230 1/3 VSC-01-20 032.310203 22B-D4P0N104 2 380-460 460 VSC-12-13 032.310133 22B-A5P0N104 1 3/3 230 230 1/3 VSC-01-21 032.310213 22B-B012N104 3 380-460 460 VSC-12-14 032.310143 22B-A8P0N104 3/3 2 230 230 1/3 VSC-01-22 032.310223 22B-B017N104 5 200-230 230 VSC-01-15 032.310153 3/3 22B-B2P3N104 0.5 200-230 230 3/3 VSC-01-23 032.310233 22B-D6P0N104 3 380-460 460 VSC-01-16 3/3 032.310163 22B-B5P0N104 1 200-230 230 3/3 VSC-01-17 VSC-01-24 032.310243 22B-D010N104 5 380-460 460 3/3 032.310173 22B-B8P0N104 2 200-230 230 3/3 nd can be set for either IP switch setting. zed for a conventional Input Voltage Output Voltage (4) Enable Jumper mper installed between I/O out of box operation from Digital Input 1 05 Digital Input 2 06 Digital Input 3 07 Digital Input 4 08 Opto Common 09 +24V +24V DC 11 +10V +10V DC 12 0-10V (or ±10V) Input 13 Analog Common 14 Relay N.O. Relay Common Relay N.C. 0-10V R2 0/4-20mA Analog Output 16 0-10V 0-20mA R1 R2 R3 Analog Output Select 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 (4) Enable Jumper ENBL 08 09 SNK SRC Factory Installed Jumper 11 RS485 Shield 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 (3) 24V Opto Output 2 18 30V DC 50mA Non-inductive Common Opto Output 1 17 R3 Pot must be 1-10k ohm 2 Watt Min. 4-20mA Input 15 R1 (2) Digital Common 04 e programmable and rammable functions cond Accel/Decel, Clear 85 Control and Auxiliary Typical SNK Wiring Direction/Run REV 03 SRC Typical SRC Wiring (1)(4) Start/Run FWD 02 edicated for Stop, Start and These I/O Terminals can re operation to meet 0…10V input and/or 4…20 ependently isolated from used for applications such rogrammed for bipolar Stop 01 SNK PowerFlex 4 and 40 AC Drives 19 RS485 (DSI) 1 SYSTEMS • Allen-Bradley PowerFlex 40 AC Drive We know conveyor. ok Page 13 Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:04 AM Frame A B C D E F Ship Weight B 100 (3.94) 180 (7.09) 136 (5.35) 87 (3.43) 168 (6.61) 87.4 (3.44) 2.2 (4.9) C 130 (5.1) 260 (10.2) 180 (7.1) 116 (4.57) 246 (9.7) • SOLUTIONS A D • SERVICE C F 4.3 1-13 Installation/Wiring (9.5) E B G Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches). Power Blockand (pounds). WeightsTerminal are in kilograms The power terminal block is covered by a finger guard. To remove: 1. Press in and hold the locking tab. 2. Slide finger guard down and out. Replace the finger guard when wiring is complete. 5.5 (0.22) Figure 1.4 Power Terminal Block (Typical) Dimensions are in millimeters and (inches). Weights a Frame A B C B Frame C Frame R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 U/T1 V/T2 W/T3 R/L1 S/L2 T/L3 U/T1 V/T2 W/T3 A 80 (3.15) 100 (3.94) 130 (5.1) B (1) 152 (5.98) 180 (7.09) 260 (10.2) C 136 (5.35) 136 (5.35) 180 (7.1) D 6 8 1 (1) Overall height of standard IP 20/Open Type Drive. (2) Overall height of drive with IP 30/NEMA 1/UL Type 1 option kit installed. P2 P1 Ratings are in kW and (HP). DC- DC+ BR+ BR- Terminal (1) R/L1, S/L2 R/L1, S/L2, T/L3 U/T1 V/T2 W/T3 P2, P1 DC+, DCBR+, BR(1) DC- DC+ BR+ BR- Description 1-Phase Input 3-Phase Input To Motor U/T1 Switch any two motor leads to change To Motor V/T2 = forward direction. To Motor W/T3 B DC Bus Inductor Connection (C Frame drives only.) The C Frame drive is shipped with a jumper between Terminals P2 and P1. Remove this jumper only when a DC Bus Inductor will be connected. Drive will not power up PowerFlex 40 — Frame without a jumper or inductor connected. B DC Bus Connection Dynamic Brake Resistor Connection Safety Ground - PE Frame B C Maximum Wire Size (1) 5.3 mm2 (10 AWG) 8.4 mm2 (8 AWG) Minimum Wire Size 1.3 mm2 (16 AWG) 1.3 mm2 (16 AWG) 120V AC – 1-Phase 0.2 (0.25) 0.4(0.5) 240V A 0.2 (0.2 0.4 (0.5 0.75 (1. 0.75 (1.0) 1.1 (1.5) 1.5 (2.0 120V AC – 1-Phase 0.4 (0.5) 0.75 (1.0) 1.1 (1.5) Important: Terminal screws may become loose during shipment. Ensure that all terminal screws are tightened to the recommended torque before applying power to the drive. C Table 1.E Power Terminal Block Specifications (1) PowerFlex 4 — Frame A (1) 2.2 (3.0) Torque 1.7-2.2 N-m (16-19 lb.-in.) 2.9-3.7 N-m (26-33 lb.-in.) Maximum/minimum sizes that the terminal block will accept - these are not recommendations. A: (870) 935.3700 T: 2020 HYTROL STREET PowerFlex 40 Adjustable Frequency AC Drive FRN 1.xx - 6.xx User Manual JONESBORO, ARKANSAS 72401 F : Publication ( 8 7 022B-UM001H-EN-E ) 931.1877 240V AC – 1-P 0.4 (0.5) 0.75 (1.0) 1.5 (2.0) W: W W W. H Y T R O L . C O M