Future Warfare Center
Future Warfare Center
UNCLASSIFIED Future Warfare Center Overview To Huntsville Aerospace Marketing Association Mr James B. Johnson Director, Future Warfare Center 12 August 2016 “Secure the High Ground” The sun never sets on USASMDC/ARSTRAT UNCLASSIFIED DIST RIBUT ION A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. 1 Army Service Component Commands “Secure the High Ground” The sun never sets on USASMDC/ARSTRAT DIST RIBUT ION A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. 2 USASMDC/ARSTRAT ORGANIZATION Priorities Commanding General Command Sergeant Major DCG Operations Personal Staff Deputy to the Commander Defend the Homeland Support the Warfighter Prepare for the future Develop emerging technologies Sustain strategic advantage Be responsible stewards of the Nation’s resources Chief of Staff 1st Space Brigade Coordinating Staff Future Warfare Center 100th Missile Defense Brigade (GMD) • • “Secure the High Ground” Technical Center Programs and Technology Capability Development Integration Directorate Army Astronaut Detachment Army Space Personnel Development Office Special Staff • • TRADOC Capability Manager Space and High-Altitude TRADOC Capability Manager Global Missile Defense Operations Directorate Directorate of Training and Doctrine Arlington LNO HHC • • Space and Strategic Systems Directorate • Air and Missile Defense Directorate Reagan Test Site Directorate The sun never sets on USASMDC/ARSTRAT DIST RIBUT ION A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. 3 A Global Command 1st Space Brigade 49th Missile Defense Battalion (GMD) Ft Greely AK 100th Missile Defense Brigade (Ground-Based MidCourse Defense) • Future Warfare Center • Army Space Personnel Development Office • MMC & GEOINT MD Bde Det, VAFB, CA D Co/53rd Signal Battalion (Payload Control) Red: Missile Defense Ops E Co/53rd Signal Battalion (Payload Control) JTAGS-Japan FBM Battery - Japan FBM Battery - Japan FBM Battery - Turk ey JTAGS-CENTCOM Army Space Support Teams Commercial Imagery Team Space Support Elements • Technical Center • Future Warfare Center • TCM- Space & Global Missile Defense (SGMD) JTAGS-Korea Reagan Test Site (RTS) Regional SATCOM Support Center Gold: C Co/53rd Signal Battalion (Payload Control) A&B Co/53rd Signal Battalion (Payload Control) Army Astronaut Detachment HQs, FWC, Technical Center and Army Astronauts Space Ops Regional SATCOM Support Center (RSSC) HQs USASMDC / ARSTRAT 100th White: Joint Tactical Ground Station (JTAGS) – EUCOM FBM Battery - Israel Regional SATCOM Support Center US Army Kwajalein Atoll (USAKA) Purple: Senior Commander Uniquely Organized, Geographically Well-Positioned “Secure the High Ground” The sun never sets on USASMDC/ARSTRAT DIST RIBUT ION A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. 4 Our Three Lines of Effort Operations (Today) • Provide trained and ready Space and Missile Defense forces and capabilities to the Warfighter and the Nation. Capability Development (Tomorrow) • Build future Space and Missile Defense forces. Materiel Development (Day-After-Tomorrow) • Conduct research and development for Space, Missile Defense, cyber, directed energy & related technologies. “Secure the High Ground” The sun never sets on USASMDC/ARSTRAT DIST RIBUT ION A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. 5 Space and Missile Defense Future Warfare Center (FWC) Mission: Within the Capabilities of Army and Joint Space, Missile Defense, and High Altitude, FWC Trains and Educates Agile, Adaptive, and Ready Soldiers and Leaders; Develops and Integrates Innovative DOTMLPF-P Capabilities; and Enables Informed Decision Making. Mr. James B. Johnson Core Functions or Responsibilities: - Train and Educate the Force - Execute Force Modernization Proponency - Integrate and Synchronize DOTMLPF-P for Assigned Capabilities and Systems - Perform Decision Support - Plan, Integrate and Synchronize FWC “Secure the High Ground” Approved for public release, 14 Jan 2011 The sun never sets on USASMDC/ARSTRAT DIST RIBUT ION A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. 6 Business Operations Division Operations Directorate Ms. Mary Miller Capability Planning & Integration Division Director, Dr. Claudette Ow ens Deputy Director, Ms. Angela Jones USASMDC/ARSTRAT SMDFWC Future Warfare Center 22Office Director’s Director, Mr. James B. Johnson *Deputy Director, Mr. Lorenzo Mack Mr. Phil Patterson Capability Development Integration Directorate Directorate of Training & Doctrine Director, Mr. Daryl Breitbach Director, Mr. Richard De Fatta Concepts Development Division Decision Support Division Chief, Mr. Steve Brodersen (Acting) Mr. Paul Page Concept Integration Branch Mr. Steve Brodersen Models & Sim ulations Branch Mr. Kevin Crumlish TCM Space & High Altitude COL Christopher Baker Mr. Bob Deivert, Deputy Space Prototyping & Experim entation Branch LTC Kevin Geisbert TCM Global Missile Defense COL Matthew Tedesco *Mr. Lorenzo Mack, Deputy GMD Prototyping & Experim entation Branch Studies & Analysis Branch Space Requirements Branch GMD Requirements Branch Vacant Mr. Martin Goodman Mr. David Lady Mr. Kevin Parker Organization Development Branch Com putational Engineering Branch Mr. Jim Barnett Mr. Kevin Gentry “Secure the High Ground” As of 27 May 16 Space Training Division Mr. Rob Hoffm an Mr. Dave Cox Concept Evaluation Branch Joint-Friendly Force Tracking Testbed MAJ Alexander Rasm ussen Institutional Training & Doctrine Division Mr. Mike Madsen Missile Defense Training Division Mr. Clement Morris * Dual Hatted The sun never sets on USASMDC/ARSTRAT DIST RIBUT ION A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. 7 Future Warfare Center • Develops space and missile defense concepts and doctrine. FM 3-14 • Runs the Space and Missile Defense School ~ 200 formal courses with 7200 students during fiscal year 2015. • Designs and documents space and missile defense organizations. Space Operations FM 3-27 GBMD Operations • Performs wargames, experiments, integration & evaluation, and prototyping. • Conducts capability integration and synchronization across DOTMLPF-P. • Executes rapid fielding of space equipment to the Warfighter. • Provides modeling and simulation for Army space and missile defense. • Moves capabilities all the way from concepts to the warfighter’s hands. “Secure the High Ground” The sun never sets on USASMDC/ARSTRAT DIST RIBUT ION A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. 8 USASMDC Support to Force 2025M & Campaign of Learning Focus Areas: Prepare for Conflict in Space & Enable Decisive Action Present-2020 2020-2030 (CUOPS) (FUOPS) 2030 & Beyond (FUPLANS) Prototype Demonstrations Experimentation Wargames Tech Reconnaissance Fighting Tech Weapons II 13-17 Mar 17 Battle Above I – OE 1-4 Nov 16 AWA 18.1 / Oct 17 Unified Challenge 17-18 Unified Quest 17-18 Army Expeditionary Warrior Experiment Silent Quest Schriever Wargames 17-18 Storm Force Joint/OSD Wargames Enterprise Challenge 16 – 13 Jul-11Aug 16 Force 2025 and Beyond is the comprehensive effort for changing the Army and improving land power capabilities for the Joint Force Force 2025 and Beyond Maneuvers is the Army’s Campaign of Learning 2nd QTR, FY2016 Oct/Nov Jan 16 AWA 16.1 Unified Quest FF Design II “Secure the High Ground” 3rd QTR, FY2016 May 16 Unified Quest Wargame May 16 Schriever Wargame 4th QTR, FY2016 14 – 25 Mar Unified Challenge 16.1 Think – establish conceptual foundation for Army Modernization Learn – execute Force 2025 Maneuvers; conduct rigorous experiments wargames, and assessments Analyze – Examine solutions to Army Warfighting Challenge Implement – work as an extension of Army Staff 1st QTR, FY2017 13 Jul – 11 Aug 1 – 12 Aug Oct Unified Enterprise AWA 17.1 Challenge 16.2 Challenge 2nd QTR, FY2017 Jan Unified Challenge 17.1 Sep 17 May 17 Unified Unified Quest Challenge 17.2 Wargame The sun never sets on USASMDC/ARSTRAT DIST RIBUT ION A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. 9 Navigation Warfare (NAVWAR) NAVWAR is “deliberate defensive and offensive action to assure friendly use and prevent adversary use of position, navigation, and timing (PNT) information through coordinated space, cyberspace, and electronic warfare capabilities.” – Joint Publication 3-14 Characterize Threat: Why are we vulnerable? • We are dependent on GPS • A typical BCT equipped with dozens of different systems enabled by GPS • Our ability to shoot, move, and communicate with precision largely depends on GPS • Adversaries capable of disrupting and negating our PNT advantages • Many countries developing alternatives to GPS due to vulnerabilities What are we (FWC-CDID) doing? • Army NAVWAR Concept Understand, Visualize, & Describe the Local PNT Environment • Describes how the Army will fight NAVWAR to achieve Overmatch • Establishes Required Capabilities • Capability Needs Assessment • Initial Required Capability statements submitted into CNA FY16 • Develop Tasks/Conditions/Standards NAVWAR Attack Assure • Submit GAP statements Adversary Use of PNT Friendly Use of PNT ARMY NAVWAR CONCEPT WHITEPAPER ROAD AHEAD: 2nd QTR, FY2016 10 Mar: GO Concept Package briefed & approved by FWC or CDID Director 3rd QTR, FY2016 “Secure the High Ground” 1st QTR, FY2017 30 June (T): GO-lev el staf f ing Started 2nd QTR, FY2017 1 Jan 17 TRACOC Accepts Concept 15 Sept (T) GOAdjudication Complete-Submit to CG SMDC f or signature 28 Mar: O-6 CoP Update Rescheduled 15 Mar: Submit Concept Package to TRADOC f or 1-2 Star Rev iew 4th QTR, FY2016 30 Sept (T): 1 Oct (T): Submit CG SMDC Concept to approves TRADOC f or and signs acceptance FY17 Focus Army NAVWAR Attack and Adversary PNT Vulnerabilities The sun never sets on USASMDC/ARSTRAT DIST RIBUT ION A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. 10 Fighting with Technical Weapons (FTW) Technical weapons are “classified weapons that destroy, deny, degrade, disrupt, or deceive adversaries’ electronic devices or networked systems—including data insertion and manipulation—across all warfighting domains in support of Decisive Action and Unified Land Operations.” –Working Definition Present Problem: How do future Army tactical formations fight with technical weapons in joint combined arms operations to exploit adversary technical vulnerabilities and present adversaries with multiple dilemmas across multiple domains? Multiple Dilemmas • Limited Objective Experiments • Army Experimentation excursions 12-14 Jan: Collateral-level FTW Lim ited Experim ent in COS Across Provide Multiple Domains Multiple Options 3rd QTR, FY2016 28 Mar: Begin Army-level FTW Concept Whitepaper 09 Feb: Excursion during MCOE AWFC Experiment “Secure the High Ground” • Army FTW Concept Technical Weapons ARMY FIGHTING 2nd QTR, FY2016 What are we (FWC-CDID) doing? • Force 2025 Maneuvers WITH • Describe how the Army will plan and integrate TW into tactical schemes of maneuver • Establish Required Capabilities TECHNICAL WEAPONS ROAD AHEAD: 4th QTR, FY2016 01-12 Aug: Unified Challenge 16.2 7 Jul: Unified Challenge 16.2 excursion 1st QTR, FY2017 01-03 Nov: Second Armylevel FTW Lim ited Experim ent 30 Sep: Initial FTW Whitepaper Complete 2nd QTR, FY2017 FY17 Focus NAVWARAttack CONOPS describing how capabilities will be employed and supported The sun never sets on USASMDC/ARSTRAT DIST RIBUT ION A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. 11 Questions “Secure the High Ground” The sun never sets on USASMDC/ARSTRAT DIST RIBUT ION A. Approved for public release: distribution unlimited. 12
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