“To Love and To Serve” “Amar y Servir”
“To Love and To Serve” “Amar y Servir”
NOVEMBER 1, 2015 NOVIMBRE 1, 2015 ST. ELIZABETH OF HUNGARY PARISH A CATHOLIC COMMUNITY 1879 N. Lake Avenue + Altadena, California 91001 Phone: 626.797.1167 Fax: 626.797.9245 website: www.saintelizabethchurch.org “To Love and To Serve” “Amar y Servir” PASTOR/PÁRROCO Rev. Modesto Lewis Pérez, ASSOCIATE PASTOR/ASISTENTE Rev. Enrique De Los Rios SEE WHAT LOVE THE FATHER HAS BESTOWED ON US THAT WE MAY BE CALLED THE CHILDREN OF GOD. 1 JOHN 3:1 MIREN CUÁNTO AMOR NOS HA TENIDO EL PADRE, PUES NO SÓLO NOS LLAMAMOS HIJOS DE DIOS, SINO QUE LO SOMOS. 1 JUAN 3:1 Parish Center Hours Horario del Centro Parroquial: 8:30am-9:00pm Mon.-Fri/lunes-viernes 10:00 - 2:30pm Saturday/Sábado 10:00am - 2:30pm Sunday/Domingo The church is closed during the day, our parish center chapel is open during office hours. La iglesia está cerrada durante el dia, la capilla del centro parroquial está abierta cuando el Centro Parroquial está abierto. DEACONS/DIÁCONOS Dcn. José Gallegos, (Belén) Dcn. Charles Mitchell, (Cynthia) Dcn. Doug Cremer, (Phyllis) PARISH ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT MS. CARY NOVELLAS [email protected] CONFIRMATION/YOUTH MINISTER JOHN PEREZ [email protected] FIRST COMMUNION COORDINATOR MRS. MARGARITA GALINDO [email protected] EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Mrs. Carmen Wrigley [email protected] OFFICE ASSISTANT Ms. Patricia Almaraz [email protected] ST. ELIZABETH CATHOLIC CHURCH MASS SCHEDULE/HORARIO DE MISAS: Weekdays: Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m.in the Chapel Saturday/Vigil 5:00 p.m. Sunday/Domingo: English: 8:30 am., 10:15 a.m., 5:00 p.m. Español: 7:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m. Holy Days to be announced / Dias Festivos se anunciarán DEVOTIONS: Rosary Monday thru Friday in the Chapel after the 8:30 Mass. Divine Mercy on Fridays at 3:00pm in the Chapel Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Wednesdays 8-10pm RECONCILIATION (Confessions/Confesiones): Saturdays: 3:00-5:00pm Penance Services: As Posted ANOINTING OF THE SICK/UNCIÓN DE ENFERMOS: Please call the Parish Center for a priest. Por favor llame el Centro Parroquial para solicitar un sacerdote. BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS: Registration forms are available at the Parish Center Baptisms in English: The third Sunday of the month at 2:00 p.m.. Please call the Parish Center at least six weeks in advance of desired Baptism to arrange for preparation classes for parents and godparents. Para Formularios de inscripciones diríjase al Centro Parroquial Bautizos en Español: el segundo domingo del mes al las 2:00 p.m.. Por favor, llame al Centro Parroquial por lo menos un mes y medio antes de la fecha deseada. MARRIAGE/MATRIMONIO: Call the Parish Center to coordinate wedding at least (6) months in advance of proposed wedding date. Llame al Centro Parroquial por lo menos seis (6) meses antes de la fecha del matrimonio. QUINCEAÑERA: All inquiries are to be made with the Quinciañera Coordinator at least six (6) months in advance of proposed Quinciañera date. Contact: Josefina Gutierrez, 626-798-0368. Llame al coordinador seis (6) meses antes de la fecha de la Quinceañera. Contacto: Josefina Gutiérrez, 626-798-0368 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & FAITH FORMATION: Confirmation Program: Adrian Guardado .(626) 797-1167 x27 Sacramental Preparation: Margarita Galindo (626) 797-1167 x15 RCIA / RICA English: Juanita Candido……………………..(626) 7971167x17 Español: Diacono, Jose y Belén Gallegos……...(626) 794-8225 ADULT FAITH FORMATION Carolyn Harrington ………………………….…(626) 376-3003 PARISH SCHOOL/ESCUELA PARROQUIAL: School Office (626) 797-7727 Principal/Director: Richard Gruttadaurio IGLESIA CATÓLICA DE SANTA ELIZABETH Eucharist to the Sick: Kaye Miller……………(626) 797-1167 Eucaristía para los enfermos: Patricia Lozano…(626) 797-1167 OFFICE OF LITURGY Lectors/Lectores: English: Joe Aguirre…………………………..(909) 693-1704 Español: Miriam Bueno………………………(626) 797-1167 Eucharistic Ministers/Ministros de la Eucaristía: English: Kara [email protected] (415) 235-5349 Español: Priscila Martinez…………………….(626) 794-7476 Altar Servers/Monaguillos: English: Patricia Jaime (626) 768-8852………[email protected] Español: Sr. Ivonne Perez(626) 319-3221 [email protected] Children’s Liturgy/Liturgia para los Niños English: Phil Hoffman…………………………(626) 798-2647 Español: Jose Robles y Angelina Ortiz ………... Ushers/Ujieres: English: Frank Montgomery…………………(626) 794-8060 Español: Cirila Castañeda….…………………(626) 791-2982 Sacristans/Sacristanes: English: Kathy Fennell ……………………….(610) 316-6045 Español: Norberto Martinez..…………………(626) 255-8938 ORGANIZATIONS/ORGANICACIONES: Apoyo para la Mujer/Womens Support Martha Ordaz……….(626) 806-6249 [email protected] Encuentro Matrimonial Pedro y Reina Gonzalez………………………………(626) 765-6165 Environment/Arte y Ambiente: Julie Manning …………..(626) [email protected] Knights of Columbus/Caballeros de Colón: Albino (Al) Naranjo …………………………....(626) 797-5979 Columbian Squires: David Sharkey………... (626) 791-2684/[email protected] Jr. High Religious Education Ivonne Perez [email protected] (626) 319-3221 Ladies of Columbus/Damas de Colón: Claudia Gonzalez… (626) 297-4570/[email protected] Grupo de Oración/Maranatha: Mariano & Antonia Sanchez…………………… (626) 321-1045 Movimiento Familiar Cristiano: Marco & Fabiola Palma [email protected] (626) 329-7740 St. Vincent de Paul: Mary Lou Langedyke ……………………………(626) 797-1167 St. Vincent de Paul Hotline …………………(626) 797-0549 Legion of Mary: Nestor Simon & Sally Ormbrek 626-303-8549/[email protected] Mission Circle Mary Kreuz…………………………………....(626) 797-1167 Grupo Pescadores de Hombres. Armando Arreola Tel. …………………………...(626) 379-4996 PASTORAL MINISTRIES/MINISTERIOS PASTORAL: Pastoral Council/Consejo Pastoral: Respect Life: Jeanmarie Phillips ……….(626) 488-0027/[email protected] Women’s Pregnancy Care Clinic, 445 N. Lake Ave., Pasadena, 91101. (626-440-9400) www.pregnancycareclinic.net Cub Scouts Pack 77: Scott Cozy ……………..(818) 653-5607/[email protected] Filipino Association: Bereavement: Cynthia Mitchell……………….(626) 797-4165 Duelo: Maria Ester Uribe……………………...(626) 676-9508 Black Catholics Association and KPC Ladies Auxiliary Rayne Stewart………………………………….(626) 797-1167 Gay Obedicen .626-329-8776, Jennifer Casis-310-619-4014 [email protected] ST. ELIZABETH CATHOLIC CHURCH WE LONG TO SEE GOD’S FACE “Lord, this is the people that longs to see your face.” This antiphon for today’s responsorial psalm offers the focus for today’s readings. As we on earth celebrate the triumph of all the saints the ones officially canonized by the Church, and the countless others who have also reached heaven—we add nothing to their glory. But we give ourselves reason to hope. We too long to see the face of God and believe that we can one day be counted among those whose robes, as John tells us in the book of Revelation, are washed “white in the blood of the Lamb.” The passage from John’s First Letter offers further assurance: we are God’s children who will one day see God. But today’s Gospel pulls us past longing and reassurance into action. Jesus clearly tells us what we must do to be counted among the saints. We must be poor in spirit, hungry for holiness, merciful, single-hearted, and peacemakers! Then we too will see the face of God. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. ANHELAMOS VER EL ROSTRO DE DIOS “Esta es la raza de los que buscan tu rostro Señor”. Esta antífona para el salmo responsorial de hoy brinda el tono de la lecturas de hoy. Cuando en la tierra celebramos la victoria de todos los santos, de los que están canonizados oficialmente por la Iglesia y de los sinnúmero que también han llegado al cielo, no sumamos nada a su gloria. Sino que recibimos un motivo más para tener esperanzas. Nosotros, también, anhelamos ver el rostro de Dios y creemos que un día podremos estar entre aquellos cuyas túnicas, como nos dice Juan en el libro del Apocalipsis, han sido lavadas y blanqueadas “con la sangre del Cordero”. El pasaje de la primera carta del apóstol San Juan nos garantiza que somos hijos de Dios y un día veremos a Dios tal cual es. Pero el Evangelio de hoy nos hace pasar del anhelo y la certeza a la acción. Jesús nos dice claramente qué debemos hacer para estar entre los santos. Debemos ser pobres de espíritu, misericordiosos, limpios de corazón, tener hambre y sed de justicia y trabajar por la paz. Entonces, nosotros también veremos el rostro de Dios. IGLESIA CATÓLICA DE SANTA ELIZABETH MAY THE SOULS OF THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED, THROUGH THE MERCY OF GOD, REST IN PEACE. AMEN. As we observe ALL SOULS’ DAY tomorrow let us remember all those parishioners whose Funeral/Memorial Masses were celebrated here at St. Elizabeth since All Souls Day 2014. Mañana observamos el Día de Los Fieles Difuntos, recordemos a aquellos feligreses por los que hemos celebrado Misas de Funeral/Memorial aquí en St. Elizabeth desde el último Día de los Fieles Difuntos del 2014. Margarito Sotelo Fernando Gallegos Geraldine Getten Jose Guadalupe Valencia Rosa Cardenas Hector Lozano Luralee Hunting John Joseph Montgomery Manuel Cardenas Amalia Fernandez Partida Mary Padden Dorothy Hinkel Calvet Guadalupe Toomey Maria Hernandez Margit Johnson Bernard James Johnson Jacqueline Elizabeth Ahlen Monica Trudell Salvatore Ralph Piagenti Frances Eileen Shackleton Genevieve Ann Kirsling Enrique Aguirre Margarita Gamboa De Robles Alejandro Simon Camiling Sylvia Marie Reyes Lawrence “Lucky” Stewart Robert Salinas Benjamin Meier Guerrero M.Corteza Sr. Richard Delgado Rafael Aguilar Sally Baldetti San Gabriel Pastoral Region + Jubilee Year of Mercy + Evening of Prayer Monday, Nov. 30, 2015 6:00pm: Mercy in the Streets + 7:00pm: Evening of Prayer Immaculate Conception Church 740 S. Shamrock Ave. + Monrovia, CA 91016 REST IN PEACE, YOU ARE MISSED AND LOVED We commend to God’s great mercy the soul of our long time parishioner SALLY BALDETTI. She died Saturday, October 24. 2015 Her Funeral is going to be Friday, November 6, at 11:00am and her Vigil will be Thursday, November 5, at 7;00pm. Both Services will be here in our Church. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. May Jesus, the Good Shepherd, comfort her family. Región Pastoral de San Gabriel Año Jubilar de la Misericordia + Noche de Oración Lunes, 30 de noviembre 2015 6:00 pm: Misericordia en las Calles 7:00 pm: Noche de Oración Iglesia de la Inmaculada Concepción 740 S. Shamrock Ave. + Monrovia, CA 91016 DID YOU KNOW? Monitor online activity on all devices In the past, parents had been advised to place the family computer in an open area such as a kitchen or family room so that they may easily monitor activity. Today, most social contact, especially among young people, is conducted almost exclusively on smart phones and tablets. Technology continues to rapidly change. All of us must continue our efforts to stay abreast of the many new mobile device apps that may be used by young people to communicate with others and could potentially be used to manipulate or abuse them. For a copy of the VIRTUS® article “Mobile App Danger,” email: [email protected]. ¿SABIA USTED? Monitoree en línea la actividad de todos los aparatos En el pasado, se ha advertido a los padres de familia que coloquen la computadora de la familia en un área abierta como la cocina o el cuarto de descanso familiar para que ellos puedan monitorear con facilidad toda actividad. En la actualidad, la mayor parte del contacto social, especialmente entre los jóvenes, es conducida casi exclusivamente a través de los teléfonos celulares y las tabletas. La tecnología continúa cambiando rápidamente. Todos debemos continuar nuestros esfuerzos de mantenernos informados sobre las muchas nuevas aplicaciones para aparatos móviles que pueden ser usados por las personas jóvenes para comunicarse con otros, y que potencialmente pueden ser usados para manipular o abusar a jóvenes. Para una copia del artículo en VIRTUS® “Mobile App Danger” (Peligro de las aplicaciones móviles) por favor envíe un email a: [email protected]. TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Eight hundred years ago, the church’s practice of penance underwent major revision as theologians, called scholastics, reflected on the practice of their day. By then, penance was normally a very secret rite, celebrated completely apart from the community. Public penance had mostly disappeared behind the walls of monasteries and the cloister grills of convents. The scholastics trimmed penance down to bare essentials, even sweeping aside age‑old traditions like a laying on of hands and prayers of absolution. All that was left was the confessor’s simple statement, “Ego te absolvo,” “I absolve you.” In 1614 a new ritual book tried to make penance more public and solemn. It suggested, but did not require, that the priest wear a surplice and stole, and hear the confession in a confessional. For the first time, we have the directive that the priest be separated from the penitent by a screen, a rule that some bishops applied very strictly. By the 1940s, large numbers of Catholics availed themselves of the sacrament of confession every Saturday, and most people thought confession was a prerequisite for Communion. In some urban parish churches, confessionals were staffed, usually by the junior priest, for several hours every day, even during the celebration of Mass. It is remarkable how quickly things changed, but as we have seen, the system has collapsed before and what often comes next is an impulse of the Spirit, new life, and a fresh start. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. BOOKMARK CONTEST Congratulations to the winners of the 2015 St. Elizabeth Knights of Columbus Respect Life bookmark contest. Sophie Barisano, 5th grade, and Claire Cook, 7th grade, made bookmarks with clear bold messages about respect for all human life. Their bookmarks will be available free at the parish center and after Mass. SVDP HOLIDAY FUND DRIVE The St. Elizabeth Conference of St. Vincent de Paul invites you to share in our Thanksgiving Food Drive program. In working very closely with the needy of our parish community, we have found that many families celebrate Thanksgiving with a variety of food, adding their own unique touch to the holiday. Therefore, instead of requesting contributions of nonperishable food items for the more than fifty families we support, we are asking parishioners to simply provide a monetary contribution to our Conference. The money we raise will allow us to purchase restricted Ralphs grocery gift certificates, a type which excludes alcohol and tobacco sales, thus allowing each family to select food items which meet their individual needs for celebrating the holiday. In order to do this, we estimate that we will need to raise at least $4,000 this Thanksgiving. We thank you for your tremendous support throughout the year, and ask that you continue with your generosity and support our Thanksgiving Food Program. Checks should be made payable to St. Elizabeth SVDP, and can be either submitted or mailed to the parish center, attention Deacon Charles Mitchell, SVDP Treasurer. The parish mailing address is St. Elizabeth Church, 1879 N. Lake Ave., Altadena, CA 91001. You may also place your contribution in the collection basket, in an envelope made out to SVDP- St. Elizabeth Conference, Holiday Fund Drive. All contributions are tax deductible, and we ask that they be provided no later than November 16th. God bless you and your commitment to the needy of our parish community. Our Conference members, as well as those you help. will keep you always in their prayers. LIMITS TO SAINTHOOD All saints can do miracles, but few of them can keep a hotel. —Mark Twain ALL SAINTS DAY EL DIA DE TODOS LOS SANTOS STEWARDSHIP Thank you for your generosity and continued support of the Offertory Collections. Your St. Elizabeth parish family appreciates your financial support of the many programs and ministries we provide. Offertory for Sunday, October 25, 2015 2015 2014 Sunday Collection $ 7,926.00 $ 7,436.00 Variance + $490.00 Mail/drop off Envelopes $ 636.00 $ 490.50 + $145.50 Online Giving $ 470.00 $ 540.00 ( $70.00) Total $ 9,032.00 $ 8,466.50 + $ 565.50 PRAY FOR THE SICK—OREN POR LOS ENFERMOS Armando Arreola Mary Abujabar Inez Ayala Baby Sofi Mateo & Elvia Begnoche Jean Cain Darla Calvet Barbara Camp Carlos Cisneros Sanchez Clare Collins Marguardt Jean Clark Elliott Corbett Matilda Constantinides Fernando Cruz Raquel De La Torre Ferone Dolce Frank Dupuy Jo Dupuy Roberta Glenn Evens Elizabeth Fabela Felipe Favela Rosemary Feltis Amada Fernandez Jesus Flores Ana Maria Fuentes Bienvenido Gonzales Vanesa Graffer Jacob Grasser J. Greer Arthur B. Greene Pamela Guarino Curtis Garrett Les Hays Ilona Herendich Arthur Hintz Constance Hunter Ramon Inclan Frank Ituarte Doris Johnson Bruce Klemm Kit Korner Jamie Kuehnle Eileen Leshney Jane Lewis “Livingston” Henry Lizarazu Elizabeth H. Lopez Lourdes Lopez Roberto Lopez Leatrice Mahoney Lorraine Marsden Bobbie Mattasits Liria Martinez Lorenzo Martinez Elizabeth McKenna Jesse Mitchell Susane Molina Carmela Monreal George Moran Richard Morales Susan Morales William Montgomery Cheryl Newton Jim Nora Josefa Obedicen Thang Ou Eleanor Papciak Anthony Papciak Donna Pasarella Michael Pasarella Lois Passarella Stephanie Pelentay Margaret Parry Frederick M. Phillips Rosario Pimentel Kathleen Ramsey Karen Reyes Ruben Reyes Car;ps Ricciardi Vivian Richardson Reggie Robinson Robert Robinson Shannon Robinson Gwendalyn Rocque Robert Rocque Cheryl Sabal Helen Salandra Marcela Sanders James Siebles Mary Helen Siordia John Slator Rudy Sotomayor Patrick Toomey Vivian Torres Jean Troy John Tully Anthony Vecchio Mario Villagran Shenny Villagran Cindy Villoa Carissa Weber Janice Winsatt Peggy Wright GREETINGS! The Market committee of ST. ELIZABETH would like to extend an invitation to participate as a vendor at The Market at St. Elizabeth School. It will be held on Sunday, November 15, 2015 from 9am-4pm. The event will be outside on the school grounds and will include a variety of activities for children, food and beverage vendors, raffles, and vendors with handmade goods. I have attached a copy of the contract. Booth space is a flat fee of $50 (but we are extending the $40 "early bird registration if the contract and fee can be at the school office by noon on Friday, October 31st) and requires that you bring your own equipment for the booth. Please contact school 626 797 7727 , Julia Moore or Gina Robles. We hope that you will consider taking part in The Market. National Black Catholic History Month November is National Black Catholic History Month and Tuesday is the feast of Saint Martin de Porres (1579-1639), a Dominican lay brother from Lima, Peru. St. Martin is known for his deep love for Jesus and his Blessed Mother, his love and care for everyone in need-regardless of status, his amazing gifts of healing, and spiritual counsel. He worked for peace and understanding among all groups in society, and even communicated well with animals. He is a model for us of how to fulfill the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Read more about him in Saints of Africa by Vincent J. O'Malley, C,M., Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division (2001). CROP WALK The CROP Walk is an annual Pasadena area event sponsored by Church World Service which raises funds to find solutions to world hunger due to disasters and lack of resources. A portion of the proceeds benefits local food banks, including our St. Vincent de Paul Society. The walk, which is a 5K stroll down Foothill Blvd., with a 3K option, will take place on Sunday, November 8, at 1:00 at Flintridge Prep in La Canada. In addition to the walk there will be activities, music, prizes, snacks and food trucks, making this a wonderful event. Please consider being part of the St. Elizabeth Team as a walker, sponsor or donor. Look for the CROP walk table in the patio today. Thank you for your support. DID YOU KNOW? Trick-or-treat safely Halloween is a great night to go out, dress up, have fun, and eat treats. Halloween is also an important time to go over safety rules. Tell your kids to stay with the adults when they’re trick-or-treating, and to keep with the group when they go up to neighbors’ doors. If you are the adult responsible for the group, make sure you know exactly who is in your group, and what they’re wearing. For more Halloween safety tips, visit http://www.safekids.org/tip/ halloween-safety-tips. ¿SABÍA USTED? Un seguro ‘trick-or-treat’ La noche de Halloween es perfecta para salir, vestir un disfraz, y comer dulces. Halloween es también un momento perfecto para repasar algunas reglas de seguridad. Dígale a sus niños que se mantengan cerca del grupo de adultos que son responsables para acompañarlos al ‘trick-or-treat’. Si usted forma parte de este grupo, asegúrese de saber exactamente quién hace parte de su grupo, y que están vistiendo como disfraz. Para más datos en seguridad para la noche de Halloween, visite: http:// www.safekids.org/tip/halloween-safety-tips NOVEMBER CONFIRMATION CALENDAR November 3, 2015 First Year Parent Meeting 7:00 pm November 4, 2015 Second Year Parent Meeting 7:00 pm November 8, 2015 First Year Confirmation Class 3:00 pm November 15, 2015 NO CLASS – School Function November 22, 2015 Second Year Confirmation Class 3:00 pm November 29, 2015 NO CLASS-Thanksgiving Holiday SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: All Saints; Daylight Saving Time ends; National Vocation Awareness Week Monday: Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls’ Day) Tuesday: Thirty-first Week in Ordinary Time; St. Martin de Porres; Election Day Wednesday: St. Charles Borromeo Friday: First Friday Saturday: Blessed Virgin Mary; First Saturday PARISH GROUPS EVENTS CALENDAR Monday, November 2 Grotto - Ground Renovation 8:30am Church - All Souls Mass 9:00am Lourdes Room - Alanon 9:00am Patio Rm. - Alanon 5:30pm Lourdes Room; Legion of Mary 6:30pm Lourdes Rm.- Kitchen - Bible Study - JOB 6:30pm Church - Rosario en Español 7:00pm Large Mtng. Rm. - Baptism Class 7:00pm Patio Rm. - Spanish Choir 7:00pm Parish Hall & School Classrooms - Religious Education 7:00pm Church - Misa a las Santisimas Almas Tuesday, November 3 Grotto - Ground Renovation 8:30am Chapel - Mass 6:00pm Chapel - Cenáculo de Oración 7:00pm 2nd Grade - Pescadores 7:00pm Church - Entrenamiento de Ujieres - Sonia Montano 7:00pm Lourdes Rm - Estudio de Biblia 7:00pm Parish Hall - Confirmation 1st Year Parent Mtng. 7:00pm Terrace Rm. - RCIA - Sacrament Preparation 7:00pm Large Mtng Room; Junta de Comedores Compulsivos 7:30pm Patio Rm; St. Vincent de Paul Meeting Wednesday, November 4 Grotto - Ground Renovation 8:30am Church - School Mass 9:00am Patio Rm. - Alanon 9:30am Lourdes Rm - Bible Study 6:00pm Church/Iglesia - La Hora Santa 6:30pm Large Mtng. Rm. - Cub Scouts Pack 77 7:00pm 7:15 Chapel - Lourdes Rm. - C. Leaders School 7:00pm Hope in Youth. - 7:00am Choir 7:00pm Parish Hall - Confirmation Second Year Parent Mtng. 7:00pm Patio Room; 10:15 Choir Rehearsal 7:00pm Church/Iglesia - Servicio/Misa 8:00pm Chapel - Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 8:00pm Terrace Rm. - RICA Thursday, November 5 Grotto - Ground Renovation 8:00am Parish Hall - School Guest Speakers 8:30am Chapel - Mass 6:30pm Parish Hall & 1st, 2nd Grd & 203, 204 Rms.; Maranatha 7:00pm Large Mtng. Rm. - MFC - Reunion Preparación 7:00pm Lourdes Rm. - Black Catholic Association Mtng. 7:00pm Patio Rm; 5pm Choir Rehearsal 7:30pm Church - Ensayo de Bodas Comunitarias Friday, November 6 Grotto - Ground Renovation 8:00am Church - Cleaning 8:30am Chapel - Mass 1:30pm Lourdes Room; Mission Circle Meeting 3:00pm Chapel, Divine Mercy and Benediction 6:00pm 6:15--7:15pm - Church- La Hora Santa 6:00pm Patio Rm - Sp. Choir 7:00pm Parish Hall - Ultreya 7:00pm Large Meeting Room; Duelo/Spanish Grief Ministry 7:00pm Lourdes Rm. - Spanish Baptism Class 7:00pm Parish Hall & School Classrooms - Religious Education 7:30pm Patio Rm. - Apoyo a la Mujer/Women's Support 7:30pm Church, First Friday Mass/ Misa Saturday, November 7 Grotto - Ground Renovation 12:00pm Church - Bodas Comunitarias 1:30pm Church - Qñra - Janelly Muñoz 3:00pm Church, Confessions/Confesiones Sunday, November 8 Grotto - Ground Renovation 9:00am Parish Hall - Confirmation Retreat 10:00am Lourdes, Terrace Rm & Large Mtng. - Youth Group 10:00am 10:15 Patio - Children's Liturgy 2:00pm Church - Spanish Baptisms 3:00pm Lourdes Rm, Terrace & Kitchen MFC Encuentros Conyugales 3:00pm Parish Hall & School Rooms - Confirmation Classes READINGS FORTHE WEEK /LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA MON/LUN 11/02/15 Wis 3:1-9;Ps23:1-6; Rom5:5-11 TUE/MAR 11/03/15 Rom 12:5-16b; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:15-24 WED/MIE 11/04/15 Rom 13:8-10; Ps 112:1b-2, 4-5, 9; Lk 14:25-33 THU/JUE 11/05/15 Rom 14:7-12; Ps 27:1bcde, 4, 13-14; Lk 15:1-10 FRI/VIE 11/06/15 Rom 15:14-21; Ps 98:1-4; Lk 16:1-8 INTENTION / INTENCIONES SAT/SAB 10/31/15 5:00 PM Int. of Michelle Misquez, B. day SUN/DOM 11/01/15 7:00 AM 8:30 AM 10:15 AM 12:00 PM 5:00 PM Jose Santos , + Deceased Legionaries, + Pat Weiss, + Almas del Purgatory Intention of Pope Francis MON/LUN 11/02/15 8:30 AM All Souls in Purgatory TUE/MAR 11/03/15 8:30 AM All Souls in Purgatory WED/MIE 11/04/15 8:30 AM Patrice Daniels, + THU/JUE 11/05/15 8:30 AM Bonaficio Grego, + FRI/VIE 11/06/15 8:30 AM All Souls in Purgatory TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE En el Evangelio de san Mateo se encuentra el sermón mas largo de Jesucristo. Abarca tres capítulos y contiene una serie de instrucciones para quienes desean ser sus discípulos. El famoso Sermón de la Montaña, es para Jesús y los cristianos lo que los Diez Mandamientos son para Moisés y los judíos. Jesús proclama la nueva Ley. La Ley de Israel se sintetiza en los Diez Mandamientos, mientras que la ley cristiana se resume en ocho bienaventuranzas. Estas bienaventuranzas son algo extrañas ya que unen cosas completamente opuestas a la felicidad, y las beatifica. Es decir, son cosas aparentemente contradictorias: “Dichosos los que lloran”; “felices los pobres”; “bendito tú cuando te calumnien por causa mía”. Jesús toma lo que la sociedad maldice y lo convierte en camino de bendición, porque nuestros caminos y pensamientos no son los de Dios. Dios ve mucho más de lo que podemos ver o imaginar. Por eso las bienaventuranzas son ocho y no diez, porque más que una ley para cumplir, las bienaventuranzas son la esperanza de un nuevo día. Son la promesa de un nuevo inicio para la humanidad, gracias a Dios. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.