September 4, 2016 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
September 4, 2016 - St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church
WEEKLY FINANCIAL SUPPORT SUMMARY & FISCAL YTD SUMMARY AUGUST WEEKLY INCOME CHURCH SUPPORT Mon MASS INTENTIONS Sept 5 @ 8:30AM Talisha Goney (int) Tue Sept 6 @ 8:30AM Ed Lyons (dec) Wed Sept 7 @ 8:30AM James Dowd (dec) Thu Sept 8 @ 8:30AM John Martin (dec) Fri Sept 9 @ 8:30AM Rita Finn (dec) Sat Sept 10 @ 9:00AM George Krebs & Family (int) Sat Sept 10 @ 5:00PM People of St. Thomas Sat Sept 10 @ 7:00PM Arnulfo Barajas (dec) Sun Sept 11 @ 9:00AM Jim Tullius (dec) Amelia Tarantino (dec) Sun Sept 11 @ 11:30AM Frank Edwards (dec) PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK Mary Ann Johnson, Betty Sprott, Berry Hill, Jean Gondoly, Jeremy Tinsley, Angie Ovens, Roy Walsh, Kelly Croswait, Dick Myers, Shirley Hetzel, Don Henry, Wanda Bolchko, Judi Sneesby, Gerry Zaar, Al Bartkoski, Christine Kingsbury, Wes Becker, Joan Bonta, Anna Aseltine, Shatha Ankawi, Candi Smith, Mary Ann Herlihy, John Hvizdos, Jo Doster, Roberto Ibarra, Sally Skolarus, Betty Salada, Joyce Pawlicki, Barbara Hope, Micaela Garcia, Margie Michael, Nathalie Schmidt, Jamie Fairweather, Donna Kelly, Paula O’Brien, Lori Prybyl, Bill Schaible, Al & Kathleen Kovach, Terry Camilleri, Bill Waskelis, Susan Fisch Good, Anthony Ferrara, Theresa Ferrara, Joseph Ferrara, Josephine Ferrara, Peter Ferrara, Gabriela Richter, Joan Blom, Sharon Biasi, Toni Ingenito, Anne Bernardi, Sal Marinello Jr., Michael Ferrara, Talisha Goney, Sandi Ferrara, Eric Muller, Rich Mazienis, Patrick Folts, Charlene Ferrara, John Lochner, Frank Martinez, Bob Bertoli STEPHEN MINISTRY "It's just not safe for you anymore," they say. "You could stay with one of us - or look into a place I know..." You can't live on your own anymore. And it hurts. Giving up some of your independence, adjusting to new routines... Let a Stephen Minister share this difficult time with you. To learn more about Stephen Ministry, contact Barbara Brennan 458-8922 or Tom Ringenbach 458-0915. 8/7 8/14 8/21 8/28 20,436 20,436 20,436 15,451 14,552 14,815 15,879 Wkly Church Support Budget 20,436 Church Support (Offertory) ATTENDANCE / ASISTENCIA Sat Aug 27 @ 5:00 PM 301 Sat Aug 27 @ 7:00 PM 281 Sun Aug 28 @ 9:00 AM 361 Sun Aug 28 Total @ 11:30 AM 303 1,246 COME EXPLORE CATHOLICISM Do you have a family member or friend who is interested in learning about the Catholic faith? Do you know someone who was baptized Catholic as an infant, but never received any other sacraments, or attended religious education or Mass while growing up? Are you a visitor, curious about what the Catholic Church teaches? Perhaps thinking about joining the Catholic Church? Catholic Inquiry sessions: Every Monday at 6pm in Room 111. All are welcome to join us! For more info, please call Edie Shanahan, 865-271-9276, or [email protected]. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL In today’s Gospel, Jesus lays out the demands of following him, the great cost of discipleship. The Mission Statement of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul states: “Vincentians witness God’s love by embracing all works of charity and justice…the Society makes no distinction in those served because, in them, Vincentians see the face of Christ.” Have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? The next meeting of the Society will be on Friday, September 16 at 1:00pm in the Deacon Jose Rivera Room of the Parish Family Life Center. Call Larry Finneran at (865) 6579119 for more information. Note that the Society can also accept donations of working washers, dryers, ranges and small to medium size refrigerators. PRAY THE ROSARY You are invited to come early to the 5:00 PM Mass and pray the Rosary of Our Blessed Mother Mary, at 4:30 PM. PARISH OFFICE CLOSING Monday, September 5th in observance of Labor Day. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY MUSIC LITURGY We could use some help on a new project; providing help with weekend food packages to students in financial need at Loudon County’s North Middle School. Once a month you would pack bags containing nonperishable food. These would then be disbursed to approximately fifty qualifying students. Your time commitment would be two hours per month. Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity to put your Faith into Action. Call Katy Finneran at 657-9119 or e-mail her at [email protected] to volunteer. Join us for a fun-filled season of music and liturgy! Rehearsals at 6:30 pm Wednesdays and 45 minutes before Sunday Masses. BEING MORTAL BY ATUL GAWANDE On September 15, 6:30 – 8:00pm, in PFLC, Fr. Doug will speak on the book Being Mortal by Atul Gawande. Gawande, a practicing surgeon, addresses his profession's ultimate limitation, arguing that quality of life is the desired goal for patients and families. Gawande offers examples of freer, more socially fulfilling models for assisting the infirm and dependent elderly, and he explores the varieties of hospice care to demonstrate that a person's last weeks or months may be rich and dignified. Reading this book is not required to attend Fr. Doug’s talk. Both the book and the talk are suggested as excellent ways to prepare for the End of Life Seminar in October. Please secure your own book. YOUR PARISH NEEDS YOU! Can you make yourself available four hours per month to serve your parish? We are very much in need of volunteers to join our Housekeeping teams. You need only to commit four hours per month, and be willing to work with a team of other St. Thomas’ parishioners. We can keep our parish facilities clean and beautiful by working and serving together. Please consider joining us in this important work. OUR KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL IS OUTSTANDING JOIN US FOR FALL PARISH WORK DAYS FRIDAY & SATURDAY, September 16-17 Father John Savocca council #12633, St. Thomas the Apostle Parish received the STAR Council Award for 2016. Councils with outstanding achievement in membership, insurance and service programs qualify for the award. This is the most prestigious award a Knights of Columbus council can earn. Please join us for fall parish work days as we spruce up, clean up and fix up our parish. We have lots to do, both inside and out, and your help is needed. No special skills required, just enthusiasm and a desire to serve. Let us know which days and times you are available to help by adding your name to the sign-up sheet in the church or the PFLC, or call/email to let us know your availability: To qualify, a council must have received the Columbian Award requiring four of the major service programs in Church, Community, Council, Family, Culture of Life and Youth. In addition a membership and insurance goal must be met. For several years the council has met all requirements for Star Council except an increase in membership. This year our recruitment drive was very successful helping us achieve this award. Council 12633 is a great council. Our members embody the principles of the organization: Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. We are proud to have been recognized as a Star Council. Why don’t you consider helping us to achieve Star Council next year? We invite you to join us in service to our parish and community. For information on becoming a member of the Knights of Columbus contact Jerry Dougherty, membership director, at 865-458-4117 or by email [email protected]. September 3/4 Lift Up Your Hearts We Have Been Told Shepherd Me, O God We Are the Light of the World #693 #546 #661 #736 For additional information, or to volunteer, call the parish office (865.986.9885), or email [email protected]. Thank you! Phone: (865) 986-9885 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] VIRTUS TRAINING There will be a Virtus Training session here at St. Thomas on Tuesday, September 20, 6:00-9:00 pm. All volunteers who work in Religious Ed, Edge, Life Teen, Boy Scouts, Stephen Ministers, and Homebound Ministry are required to attend a Virtus Training. This 3 hour session contains vital information about creating and maintaining safe environments for children. Parents and grandparents are invited to attend as well. If you are a volunteer or parent who has not already attended a Virtus Training session please call Jill in the office, 986-9885, for registration information. There is no cost. DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE END OF YOUR LIFE? Come seek answers at the End of Life Issues Seminar sponsored by the Adult Faith Formation Committee, Healing Hearts Ministry, and Stephen Ministry on Saturday, October 8. This will be a daylong session starting with Holy Mass at 9:00 AM and will include a continental breakfast and lunch. Topics will include the mystery of human suffering, end of life care, having a will, and planning your Catholic funeral. Watch the bulletin for more details and registration information. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS “POLISH FEAST” DINNER DANCE The Knights of Columbus Council 12633 will be hosting their “Polish Feast” Dinner / Dance on Friday, October 21, 2016. The menu will include; Kielbasa (polish sausage), Sauerkraut, Pierogi, Golbalki (stuffed cabbage rolls), potatoes, pickled beets and dessert. Festive music, dancing and libations are included in the price of the ticket $27.50 per person. Reservations and ticket information are available from Bill Twohig at 865 607-2248 or [email protected] or Ed Valente at 865 406-9641 or [email protected]. Knights will also be selling tickets after all Masses the weekends of September 10 & 11 thru October 15 & 16. MOVIE NIGHT AT ST. THOMAS Monday, September 5, 6:30 PM, PFLC Restless Heart: The Confessions of Augustine. Uses a historic backdrop to tell the story of one of the Church's most beloved and well-known saints. It’s message of sin, conversion, redemption is as timely today as it was in the 5th century of St. Augustine. He had a brilliant mind, but was seduced by power; he was lost but wrestled with the truth. “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” St. Augustine MONTECARLO QUARTET CONCERT Sunday, September 18 @ 2:00PM Montecarlo Quartet Concert tickets will be on sale in the narthex after all Masses. Your $20 donation to "One Heart Colombia" mission will help the poor and disadvantaged of Colombia. THANK YOU This bulletin is furnished to the Parish without charge. The advertisements that appear completely defray all publishing costs with which the church would otherwise be burdened. Please patronize these sponsors as a thank you for their kind generosity. GIFT CARD PROGRAM We are now stocking a few fast food gift cards. We have Burger King, Starbucks, Subway, and Taco Bell. Each is a $10 gift card. Why not stop by and purchase one and give it a try. If you have another restaurant that you frequent after mass, let us know and we will order one to be in our inventory. St. Thomas’ Middle School Youth Ministry Starting Wednesday, September 14th with a “Color Run” 7:00-8:00pm. Be sure to wear a white t-shirt and athletic shoes. Registration forms are available in the narthex. UPCOMING WOMEN’S CURSILLO WEEKEND To help you deepen your faith, may we suggest a Cursillo Weekend? We are hoping you can put this weekend on your calendar. Please pick up a brochure and application in the Narthex for the Cursillo weekend. For more information, contact Bette Purvis 458-8070 or [email protected]. St. Thomas’ High School Youth Ministry Starting Wednesday, September 7th with a “Color Run” 7:00-8:00pm. Be sure to wear a white t-shirt and athletic shoes. Registration forms are available in the narthex. Women’s English Weekend* – October 27-30, 2016 Location for weekend: *Apison Center near Chattanooga KNOXVILLE RIGHT TO LIFE FUNDRAISING BANQUET Men’s English Weekend* – November 17-20, 2016 Location for weekend: *Apison Center near Chattanooga For more information, contact Tony Hartman 458-0936. Thursday, October 6, 2016, 6:30 PM Knoxville Convention Center We will carpool from St. Thomas. Please call Kay Sheldon, 458-8510, for more details. There is no charge. CIERRE DE OFICINA PARROQUIAL MINISTERIO JUVENIL, ESCUELA INTERMEDIA Un nuevo programa para los grados escolares 6, 7, y 8. Este programa, de nombre EDGE, sigue el modelo del ministerio de LifeTeen para jóvenes de escuela secundaria, quienes se reunirán dos veces por mes los miércoles por la noche. Los estudiantes que asistan cumplirán con los requisitos para el Sacramento de la Confirmación. El miércoles, septiembre 14, iniciaremos con una actividad por nombre "Color Run" de 7:00-8:00 pm. Asegúrese de que su hijo/a lleve puesta una camiseta blanca y zapatos deportivos. Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles en el nártex de la iglesia. La oficina parroquial estará cerrada el lunes 5 de septiembre en cumplimiento del Día Laboral. MISA DEL DÍA, EL DÍA LABORAL Lunes 5 de septiembre @ 8:30am – en Inglés CLASES DE EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Las clases de Educación Religiosa, para los grados escolares desde Kínder hasta quinto, comenzarán el domingo, 11 de septiembre a las 10:20a.m. Si aún no ha registrado a su hijo/a, por favor pase a la oficina parroquial durante las horas regulares (lunes a jueves de 9:00am hasta las 4:00pm) para registrar a su hijo/a. PROGRAMA DE TARJETAS DE REGALO SCRIP MINISTERIO JUVENIL, ESCUELA SECUNDARIA Santo Tomás Apóstol volverá a ofrecer el programa LifeTeen a nuestros jóvenes de la escuela secundaria. La participación en LifeTeen proporcionará la preparación necesaria para cualquier estudiante de secundaria que necesita el Sacramento de la Confirmación. El miércoles, septiembre 7, iniciaremos con una actividad por nombre "Color Run" de 7:00-8:00pm. Asegúrese de que su hijo/a vista una camiseta blanca y zapatos deportivos. Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles en el nártex de la iglesia. Ahora estamos abasteciendo algunas tarjetas de regalo de comida rápida. Tenemos Burger King, Starbucks, Subway y Taco Bell. Cada tarjeta de regalo es de $10. ¿Por qué no pasar por aquí y comprar una, y darnos así una oportunidad? Si usted tiene otro restaurante que frecuente después de la Misa, háganoslo saber para incluirlo en nuestro inventario. LÍNEA DIRECTA PARA EL CENTRO DE ASISTENCIA PARA EMBARAZOS Si se enfrenta con un embarazo difícil o no planificado, o necesita sanación después de un aborto, llame a la "línea directa" de Caridades Católicas Centro de Ayuda para Embarazos gratuitamente al 877-990-4673. CONCIERTO CUARTETO MONTECARLO CONFINADOS AL HOGAR Si alguien en su familia está enfermo en casa, asilo de ancianos, o en el hospital y le gustaría que el sacerdote lo visitara, por favor notifique a la oficina parroquial 865-986-9885. Es muy importante que la persona quiera ver al sacerdote y que un familiar nos llame. BAUTISMOS La charla para la preparación bautismal se ofrece una vez al mes. Por favor pida la charla, por lo menos con dos meses de anticipación. Los bautismos se celebran el segundo y tercer sábado de cada mes. Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con María Ríos al 621-2608. MISAS PARA QUINCEAÑERAS Si desea información sobre Misas para quinceañeras, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial, 865-986-9885. Domingo, 18 de septiembre a las 2:00pm Tiquetes para el concierto Montecarlo estarán a la venta en el nártex después de todas las Misas. Su donación de $20 para la misión "Un Corazón, Colombia" ayudará a los pobres y desfavorecidos de Colombia. “Un cuarteto es una formación musical que consiste en cuatro cantantes que, mediante sus respectivas voces ejecutan temas musicales.” ( •Licensed •Bonded •Insured Asphalt Paving 319 Dunlap Hollow Rd. Friendsville, TN 37737 865-995-2456 Click Funeral Home-Farragut Chapel Click Funeral Home Click Funeral Home - Tellico Village Chapel 11915 Kingston Pike, Knoxville 109 Walnut St., Lenoir City 145 Chota Center, Loudon 865-671-6100 Southeast Pest Control 865-458-6767 865-986-8013 Sam & Linda Taylor & Family, Owners Kingston Pike at Watt Rd. Open 8am -10pm Since 1971 Summit Medical Group at Fort Loudon ELECTRICAL RESIDENTIAL & COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL LICENSED & INSURED JERRY LILES 388-0927 Since 1992 ack 865-986-4450 1018 Hwy. 321 N. WESTSIDE FARMS LLC WESTSIDEFARMSLLC.COM ~ (865) 816-3233 (865) 282-3505 ~ (865) 766-7556 Dr. Gail-Marie Walter Installations, and Sand & Finish Call HugH 865-223-0700 Stallard Law USDA Certified Freezer-Beef Pasture-raised Angus cattle No antibiotics or growth hormones Whole or half beef No odor Landcape Mulch Double-ground rown & Single-ground Natural (no-dye) Landscaper Quantity & Pricing Delivery Available 14325 Northshore Dr. Lenoir City, TN 37772 Charles W. Kite Former IRS Tax Attorney Tax Problems • Estates Wills • Trusts Business Formation Commercial Transactions All Saints Parishioner (865) 604-7605 Board Certified Family Medicine ALAN & SALLY SEFTON – SJN PARISHIONERS [email protected] Providing Pathways to Unite Families Immigration Law 800 S. Gay St., Ste. 700 Wills 865-766-4088 Criminal Defense [email protected] Assistance in Arabic or Spanish is also available. Benjamin David Stallard local parishioner Asistencia en arabe y espanol Please visit us in Lenoir City Tim Kukla Affiliate Broker Cell: 865-403-0400 Tellico Village Resident Honest & Reliable Parishioner 401 Town Creek Rd. E. Office: 865-986-4646 (Next to the Hampton Inn) 1010 East Broadway • Lenoir City, TN 37771 403 Grove St. Loudon 865-408-1311 Visit Us In Historic Downtown Loudon All StAte SAleS tAx From retAil SAleS in HiStoric Downtown louDon Are returneD to tHe city oF louDon until 2023 865-635-0070 Council 12633 Lenoir City, TN Charity-Unity-Fraternity-Patriotism Visit us at [email protected] L IL R AN G 500 Market Dr. • 865-986-3553 The Green Odom Group Paul F. Green Senior Vice President–Wealth Management 865-329-1207 [email protected] La Lupita © UBS 2016. All rights reserved. UBS Financial Services Inc. is a subsidiary of UBS AG. Member FINRA/SIPC. Ad_7.00_3x1_KA0808_GreP Homesites $100k $1m+ Condos, Homes & Villas from mid $300k WINDRIVERLIVING.COM | 865-988-1864 In Loving Memory of Carl F. and Michael E. Leitten La Lupita #1 Lenoir City 865-986-3525 La Lupita #2 2700 E. Broadway • Maryville 865-984-0806 La Lupita #3 2026 Mulberry St. • Loudon 865-458-5090 In Loving Memory of All American Veterans. May their historic deeds and service never be forgotten. 2404 In Memory of the deceased members of the families of Robert & Renda Zielke IC 1112 Hwy 321 N Lenoir City Knights of Columbus A Located in Tellico Village X (O) 865-458-3000 • (C) 865-368-7278 A CIE ND AYALA’S ME Alex Pabich Parishioner • Knights of Columbus member H 865-986-3113 1-800-282-5106 WOOD FLOORING Closed Sunday For Advertising Information CALL 966-5551 986-2497 LYNN LILES 388-7443 865-986-7307 LARGEST SELECTION IN FARRAGUT BBB–rated A+ E & L 7203 Hwy. 11