May 2013 - Ayrshire Hospice


May 2013 - Ayrshire Hospice
Breakfast is booming
See page 5
Best foot forward
See page 2
Issue 06 May 2013
Michelle’s on song
See page 7
Keeping our
Calum’s big Atlantic catch
By Katie Ronald, Head of Communications
Atlantic rower Calum McNicol popped in to see us
recently to present a whopping cheque for £20,027.91
after he rowed the Atlantic in 35 days - the sixth
fastest time ever, and the fastest time this year.
Speaking about his
amazing achievement,
Calum said “Ever since my
mum Zoe died in 1997, I’ve
wanted to raise money for
the hospice. The care she
was given was second to
none and the whole family
truly appreciates the work
and support provided. My
sister Natasha is a regular
fundraiser, arranging
an annual bowling
tournament at West Kilbride
Bowling Club in memory
of mum, but when I heard
about the Atlantic Row I
knew it was exactly the
fundraising challenge I
had been looking for.”
Designing and building
their own boat, Calum
joined seven other crew
members in the Atlantic
Row which was skippered
by Leven Brown, an
internationally renowned
ocean rowing skipper
and holder of seven
world records. Taking
up position of first mate
on the boat “Avalon”,
Calum was responsible
for checking weather
routes, communications,
maintenance and morale
when skipper Leven was
resting. The whole epic
journey took 35 days and
saw the crew rowing
for twelve hours a day
in two hour shifts. They
are each one of only
364 people to ever have
accomplished the feat.
Calum adds ”The
whole experience
was just amazing!
Setting off from
Puerto Mogan
on Gran Canaria
on 17 January
and landing in
Port St Charles
on Barbados on
26 February, we
covered 3,000
miles of open
ocean and spent
a total of 35 days
12 hours & 41
minutes at sea.
For 20 of those
days we were
completely alone
- with no wildlife
sightings, ships or even
planes overhead! It was an
extraordinary experience,
one that I am extremely
proud to have achieved
and one that I certainly
will never forget”.
Aileen Anderson, Chief
Executive at the hospice
said “We are extremely
grateful for Calum’s
donation and completely in
awe of his determination,
commitment and
achievement! The money
he has raised will go a
long way to helping us
continue to provide our
outstanding quality care
Calum at sea
and services to those with
life limiting illness across
Ayrshire and Arran.”
If you are inspired by
Calum’s story, why not
get in touch with the
fundraising events team
at the hospice? We are
looking for 100 people
to set their own Grand
Challenge (not necessarily
as ambitious as Calum’s!)
and raise £1000 each,
in advance of our 25th
anniversary year in 2014.
Contact anne.drennan@ or
call 01292 288488.
| General news
NHS Ayrshire & Arran’s latest shooting star!
By Louis Jardine, Fundraising Manager
John Burns, Chief Executive of NHS Ayrshire &
Arran, has put his best foot forward and signed
up for this year’s Ayrshire Hospice Land o’ Burns
Midnight Walk which will take place on Saturday
18th May. And, he’s setting his sights on encouraging
other staff from NHS Ayrshire & Arran to get on
board and become a star for the night too.
John said: “I’m delighted
to sign up for my first ever
Midnight Walk for the
hospice. The walk is always
popular with NHS staff,
so I’m looking forward to
experiencing the occasion
for the first time. I’m sure
that many more of our staff
will take the opportunity
to have a bit of fun, raise
cash for the hospice and
keep fit at the same time.”
Lesley Reid, Health
Promotion Manager for
NHS Ayrshire & Arran
and her team at Healthy
Working Lives will also be
joining John and pulling
on their walking shoes.
What’s more, to encourage
workplace teams to take
part, they have kindly
donated a fabulous Xbox
Kinect that every workplace
team of three or more,
could have the chance
of winning. To enter the
prize draw, workplace
teams should contact
Laura Hunter at Healthy
Working Lives on 01292
885855 or email laura.
[email protected]
Sponsored by Slater Hogg
& Howison Lettings and
supported by Healthy
Working Lives, Sainsbury’s,
South Ayrshire Council,
Highland Spring & Ayrshire
Post, this year’s Midnight
Walk gives you the choice
of three distances; 13
miles, 9 miles or 4 miles
so, there’s a route to suit
everyone! There’s loads
of fabulous entertainment
before the walk, a vast array
of fancy dress costumes
to admire, warming
soup en route and a cup
of tea with a bacon roll
awaits you at the finish.
So why not get a group
of friends or colleagues
together and sign up!!
Registration is £20 and
forms can be downloaded
at www.ayrshirehospice.
org or call 01292 288488.
Why not join John and all
our walkers for a night to
remember on Saturday
18th May? Become a
star for the night and
make today matter!
John Burns, Chief Executive of NHS Ayrshire & Arran,
Lesley Reid, Health Promotion Manager, Healthy
Working Lives, NHS Ayrshire & Arran and Katie Ronald,
Head of Communications at the Ayrshire Hospice.
Top shops
By Colin Loy, Director of Finance & Income Generation
The Annual Charity Shop survey results for 2012 (published by Charity
Finance magazine) demonstrate that the retail team within our fundraising
department continue to deliver a very strong performance in the trading operations of our shop network.
The shop operations have achieved results
which are significant on a national scale, placing
the hospice within the top three performing
charities in the key measures of profitability.
Key results include:
• The Ayrshire Hospice report the second
highest profit margin (55.5%) across all hospices
participating in the survey and the third
highest profit margin overall in the survey.
• The Ayrshire Hospice ranks second highest among
hospices with fewer than 10 shops and third overall
for charities with fewer than 10 shops, generating
an average profit per shop per week of £1,233.
• In contrast to many of the survey participants, the
Ayrshire Hospice only has one paid member of
staff per shop which is the Shop Manager. The
2012 survey results state the average number of
volunteers per hospice shop is 23.1 compared to a
level of 21.8 for non-hospices. Overall the sector
average in 2012 was 21.95 volunteers per shop. The
Ayrshire Hospice reports a strong position in this
area with a total of some 30.2 volunteers per shop.
The results from the 2012 survey represent a
key achievement and success for everyone in
the retail team. Well done and a big thank you
to all our shop managers, warehouse workers,
drivers and incredible team of volunteers!
General news |
Healthcare Improvement Scotland report
By Aileen Anderson, Chief Executive
Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) has
published the results of their recent unannounced
inspection of the hospice, awarding us four
“excellent” grades and one “very good”.
The unannounced inspection measured the hospice
against five quality themes; information, care and
support, environment, staffing, management and
leadership and, as part of their two day visit, inspectors
spoke with our patients, carers, staff and volunteers.
They also inspected the hospice environment and
reviewed a range of documentation and practices.
“I'm delighted with HIS’ findings and their recognition
of the excellent service we provide. In particular
the very positive feedback given to the inspectors
by our patients was extremely pleasing, as was the
acknowledgment of our motivated, knowledgeable,
enthusiastic and caring staff. I have every confidence
the implementation of our new electronic clinical
management system will allow us to meet the identified
HIS requirement, providing greater control over
patient-centred care planning documentation and
helping us to upgrade our very good to excellent.”
Key highlights from the report included;
• Excellent opportunities for people to
be involved in influencing the way the
service was provided and developed
• Very positive feedback about the quality of care
that people who used the service received
• Enthusiastic and caring staff who are motivated
to providing a high quality of service
• A clean, pleasant and well-maintained environment
• Varied and extensive systems in place to monitor
the quality of all aspects of the service
The report can be viewed in full at www.
Sure and steadfast support
By Hilary Denholm, Voluntary Services Manager
Rosalind Fairlie, Officer in Charge from 1st Alloway
Boys Brigade Junior Section, was delighted to
hand over a cheque for £550 to Hilary Denholm
our Voluntary Services Manager. Hilary was,
until recently, also a volunteer helper with the
boys at the Junior section in Alloway.
The money for the
hospice was raised from
a sponsored walk that
22 boys of the Junior
Section took part in
and was part of their
Community Achievement,
taking their total number
of achievements
to 15 this year.
We also have rewarding
connections with the
Company section of 1st
Alloway Boys Brigade with
some of the older boys
volunteering regularly
in the ward as ward
volunteers - a commitment
that contributes
towards achieving their
Queen’s Badge.
Officer in Charge, Rosalind
is not the only member
of her family to support
the hospice however,
Rosalind’s sister Caroline
helped as a reception
volunteer, and her mum
Cathy is one of our longest
serving volunteers who
volunteers in the flower
team every week.
Hilary Denholm (left) receives a cheque from Rosalind Fairlie & 1st Alloway Boys Brigade
Thanks to the boys,
Rosalind, Caroline and
Cathy for all their support!
| General news
Shabby chic
By Jacqueline Kennedy, Retail Business Manager
The term “shabby chic” seems to be everywhere.
There are thousands of shabby chic items on
eBay and scouring flea markets and garage
sales has become a national pastime.
Chic style seeks to find the
elegance and romance
inherent in "not-so-new"
furniture and accessories
such as window frames
and finials, as well as
old furniture, such as
armoires, vanities, chests
and combine them in new
and unexpected ways.
The concept, however,
began in the mid-1990s
when British designer,
Rachel Ashwell, opened
a Santa Monica boutique
that reflected her design
style and called it "Shabby
Chic." She has since
turned the concept into
a cottage industry, with
books, television shows,
and a signature product
line. Simply put, Shabby
The shabby chic charm in
these items lies in their past
and their history. Scratches
and peeling paint are ok. In
fact, they are encouraged.
Shabby chic also reflects
the practical and ecologyminded views of the 21st
century. By finding new
uses for "old" items, we stop
adding to the mountains
of items sent to the landfill
each year. What's more,
Early retirement
The search is on for the successor to
our Chief Executive Aileen Anderson
who takes early retirement from
the hospice in September. The
post of Chief Executive has been
advertised nationally and it is
hoped that interviews will take
place the week commencing 27th
May to find Aileen's replacement.
Aileen has lead the
hospice through its
organisational strategic
review to a position of
excellence clinically, and
strength commercially.
She leaves the hospice in
great shape as she departs
to join her husband
Gordon who is also taking
early retirement in 2013.
Following 13 years of
committed service to
the hospice, Aileen says
that it is a decision she
had not taken lightly:
"There is not a day that
has gone by that I haven't
felt happy, privileged and
proud to be part of an
organisation that makes
such a difference to the
lives of people with life
limiting illness. I love
Did you know that all Ayrshire Hospice
shops will also take bags of rags - clothes
and textiles that are no longer good enough
to wear or can’t be put on sale?
Just label them as “rags”,
to save our staff and
volunteers going through
them, and hand them
into your nearest shop.
Our rags go to a textile
recycling company
who pay us per kilo.
Last year we raised over
£100,000 in rags.
The clothes then go to
our recycling company
who have over 250
people sort, grade
and process over 600
tonnes of textile material
every week. They are
committed to creating
no tree has to be sacrificed
for a found, shabby chic
furniture treasure!
Our shops love the
shabby chic ethos and
are looking for volunteers
to help us create shabby
my job and have been
supported by an amazing
team of dedicated staff
and volunteers who go
the extra mile every day to
make today matter for our
patients and their families."
"Working in the hospice
makes you really
appreciate the importance
of making every day
matter. It is because of this
that I am leaving to spend
more quality time with
my husband, my family
and my friends. I have
worked full time for over
30 years without a break
in service and Gordon and
I are looking forward to
spending our retirement
together. I am also looking
forward to supporting
the hospice Board in their
search for my successor".
and protecting jobs in
the UK and export our
recycled products to
Africa, Asia and Eastern
Europe. They work
closely with national
and local charity
organisations, local
authorities and waste
management companies
on a national basis,
helping to divert textile
material from landfill.
We currently have
seven shops in Ayr,
Cumnock, Girvan,
Kilmarnock, Kilwinning,
Largs and Troon.
chic furniture. If you have
the time and the passion
then the retail team would
love to hear from you.
Please contact
Jackie Kennedy on
01292 291967.
John Elliott, hospice
Chairman said "We are
seeking to appoint a
motivated individual
to build on Aileen's
successful track record
of management and
leadership and grow the
hospice profile, influence
and impact yet further. Our
hospice is at the forefront
of delivering excellent
specialist palliative care
and the successful
candidate will join the
hospice at a critical stage
in its strategic planning,
responding to the ever
changing landscape of
palliative care. The Board
of Directors’ wish Aileen a
long, happy and healthy
retirement and thank her
for her strategic vision
and excellent leadership
skills whilst at the helm."
General news |
Business breakfast boost
By Katie Ronald, Head of Communications
Our April business ambassadors’ breakfast was a great success with twenty ambassadors attending to hear the
latest news from the hospice and to discuss ways in which they can help us to raise our profile across Ayrshire.
With representation from Police Scotland, all three
local authorities, Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce,
financial services, technology, manufacturing,
pharmaceutical, transport and travel sectors, we
were delighted with the range of organisations able
to attend, and impressed with the variety of ideas and
enthusiasm brought to the table by our guests.
Provost Jim Todd, David Irving and Stewart
Murphy get some ideas down on paper
• assistance to help grow our shops network and
• sign-ups to our Grand Challenge initiative
Chief Supt John Thomson, Chris McMail,
Graham Kirkwood and Supt Neil Kerr,
discuss ideas with Dr Kirsty Muirhead
“I really was honoured to be asked to become a hospice
business ambassador and was impressed with the
updates provided by Aileen Anderson and her team.
Aileen is most definitely right to say that there are
still myths about hospice care and misconceptions
that need corrected - I for one had my eyes opened
today! I look forward to playing my part in helping to
raise the profile of the hospice within Police Scotland
and improving understanding of the excellent care
and extensive range of services offered by the
dedicated and professional teams at the hospice”.
Chief Supt John Thomson,
Police Scotland (Ayrshire Division)
Our business ambassadors came up with a long list of
great ideas and ways they would like to support us:
• help to promote the new hospice Facebook page
when it launches
• host the hospice roadshow trailer at company family
days, networking events and conferences
• a commitment to support our schools programme
• promotion of our legacy giving campaign
• recruitment of additional corporate supporters
• promote volunteering opportunities at the hospice
• explore hospice education facilities and opportunities
If you would like to help us make today matter
and can help grow our business ambassadors
network or can help to spread the word, please
contact Katie Ronald, Head of Communications
by email [email protected]
Pamela Anderson, Helen Arthur, Provost Joan Sturgeon
and Val Russell put pen to paper for the hospice
Our current business ambassadors are: Caren Adams, NATS Prestwick; Pamela Anderson, Sounding Board Associates; Helen
Arthur, GlaxoSmithKline; Nic Boyle, Royal Bank of Scotland; Alastair Dewar, Royal Bank of Scotland; Heather Dunk, Ayrshire
College; Eileen Howat, South Ayrshire Council; David Irving, Giles Insurance Brokers; David Jellema, Clydesdale Bank; Supt
Neil Kerr, Police Scotland (Ayrshire Division); Graham Kirkwood, Bridgend Garage; Alan Long, Strathayr Financial Services; Chris
McMail, Microtech Support Ltd; Colin Miller, Giles Insurance Brokers; Provost Helen Moonie, South Ayrshire Council; Stewart
Murphy, Howie of Dunlop; Elma Murray, North Ayrshire Council; Beth Napier, GlaxoSmithKline; May Phillips, William Duncan & Co;
David Ross, Strathayr Financial Services; Val Russell, Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce; Jennifer Simpson; Provost Joan Sturgeon,
North Ayrshire Council; Chief Supt John Thomson, Police Scotland (Ayrshire Division); Provost Jim Todd, East Ayrshire Council.
| General news
Update from respite and response
By Lynne Carmichael, Respite & Response Community Team Manager
We are delighted to report that our respite and
response trial has been so successful it will now form
a core part of services offered by the hospice.
Launched in September
2012, the respite and
response service was
designed to help people
who want to be cared
for at home, by making
sure that their carers get
the support and rest they
need to look after them.
The feedback from
professionals, patients
and carers during the
six month trial has been
extremely positive with
many commending the
service on its ability to
identify the individual
needs of each carer and
finding ways to meet those
needs. In practical terms
that might mean providing
different types of respite
for carers - letting them
get out to walk the dog, to
go bowling or shopping
or getting their hair done.
“I feel this is a hugely
beneficial service to
help prevent carer
burn out. I get respite
and I don’t want to
be disrespectful to
my wife but being
together 24/7 can be
very stressful. This
means I can leave
and relax knowing
she’s in good hands”
The on-going evaluation
and review of the service
by the respite and response
team has been critical to
its success to date and we
are currently in the process
of recruiting permanent
staff which will allow us
to expand, develop and
support more patients
and carers across Ayrshire.
The new position of
community care assistant
will allow us to take the
hospice ethos of care into
more homes, building
stronger relationships
and rapport at what can
be a challenging time.
“I completely trust
(my community care
assistant) I have great
confidence in her"
"I felt I was listened to
about what I needed
for the first time; I feel
this service is tailored
to our individual needs"
For further information on
the respite and response
service please contact
"I can talk to her
about my worries"
“they are
so easy
to talk to.
I can offload
to when my
husband is out”
Big hearted businesses
By Colin Loy, Director of Finance & Income Generation
Next time you plan to buy from a shop, need a
service, a tradesman or a professional, simply
look at the growing list of local Buy2Give
businesses and choose them for your purchase.
Buy2Give is a new loyalty
card scheme designed
to benefit local charities,
and the hospice is one
of the first charities to
sign up in Ayrshire.
Through partnering with
local retail outlets and
businesses, the card
generates a cash back
reward for local registered
charities. Every time you
shop with a participating
business, you present
your Buy2Give card when
making payment and
the business will donate
2% of the transaction
value to the hospice.
You pay for your goods
as normal but instead of
collecting loyalty points,
you donate pounds to
the Ayrshire Hospice. It
really couldn’t be easier to
generate extra funds for
us, at no cost to yourself!
Participating retailers/
businesses are known as
Big Hearted Businesses
and will display the
Buy2Give Big Heart logo
in their shop or business
window. Full details of the
scheme can be found at
So please help the
hospice by signing up to
carry a card today. Cards,
together with full details
of participating retailers,
can be obtained by
contacting the Fundraising
Office on 01292 291950.
General news |
Michelle’s on song
By Anne Drennan, Assistant Fundraising Manager
Staff, volunteers and patients at the hospice were
delighted when Michelle McManus popped in
for a surprise visit ahead of her special guest
appearance at our Summer Ball, which takes
place on Saturday 8th June 2013 in the Grand
Marquée at Lochgreen House Hotel in Troon.
Michelle took a tour of
the hospice with Anne
Drennan, Assistant
Fundraising Manager, to
get first-hand experience
and understanding of
the care provided by
the hospice, meeting
lots and lots of money to
support this wonderful
charity on the 8th June
at the Summer Ball."
Anne Drennan said “To
have the support of
someone like Michelle
at our Summer Ball is
Michelle catches up with Aileen Anderson, Chief Executive
staff, volunteers and
patients along the way.
Michelle said "I was
extremely honoured
to have been invited to
the Ayrshire Hospice
James Bond Premiere
last year, and was blown
away by the staff and the
general feeling of love
and support towards the
organisation, that I felt I
wanted to get involved in
some way. After visiting
the hospice for myself and
seeing first hand just how
wonderful the place was
and how many people's
lives it has touched, I
can't wait to help raise
fabulous and we’re sure
she’ll draw an enthusiastic
crowd to our flagship
event. Our staff, patients
and volunteers were
all thrilled to meet her
and she spent a long
time walking round the
hospice, chatting and
asking questions about
the work we do. She even
found the time to treat our
day hospice art class to
a wonderful, impromptu
Patsy Kline performance.
Certainly, if that was
anything to go by, we are
all in for an amazing night’s
entertainment at the ball!"
The summer ball is the
Michelle joins the art class alongside Stuart Campbell,
volunteers Ella & Lynn, and Elaine Thomson
perfect event for corporate
entertainment or just
for a group of friends to
have a great night out.
Tickets are available
now, but selling fast! Our
marquee will be set in the
grounds of Lochgreen
House Hotel in Troon,
the flagship hotel of the
Costley & Costley Group.
Their award-winning staff
will welcome you to a
drinks reception before
serving a sumptuous
dinner showcasing the
wonderful produce
associated with Taste
Ayrshire. So, make sure
you wear your dancing
shoes as fabulous music
from the Jim McMail Big
Band and the set from
Michelle herself, are bound
to get you on your feet,
dancing into the wee
small hours. It promises to
be a great night so make
sure you don't miss it!
To find out more or to
purchase tickets contact
our events team on 01292
288488 or email: events@ Tickets
cost £100 and tables
hold up to 12 people.
Michelle meets Pauline Hogg and
Ina Rogers with volunteer Olivia Khan
| General news
A lot of lottery love
By Rhona Brown, Assistant Fundraising Manager
We are extremely grateful for all the support which has
been given to the hospice lottery over the 18 years since
it started - in total it has contributed over £11.7million
towards hospice funding. A truly amazing figure.
Looking to the future, we want to keep our
numbers up to make sure we can continue to
make a healthy contribution to hospice funding.
Here are three ways YOU could help…
• If you don’t already take part in our
weekly draw, why not consider giving
just £1 a week to make sure you are in
with a chance of winning the top prize of
£1500 - while helping the hospice too.
• Help us by canvassing for new members - why
not encourage your friends, neighbours and
work colleagues to join our lottery? If you
are interested in door to door canvassing,
we have specific local areas which need
to be covered. Good rates of commission
are payable - canvassers need to be over
16, however there is no upper age limit!
• We also offer a selection of personalised
lottery wedding favours. An unusual
and ideal solution, they cost just £2 and
you get to help the hospice too.
Lottery wedding favours make an ideal gift for guests
Download a lottery application from our website:
or contact Fiona or Karen on 01292
288488 for further information.
General news |
What do you think?
By Margaret Cassidy, Community & Day Services Manager
As part of the re-design and refurbishment of
community and day services we have been
asking our patients what they think of us.
Over a four week period,
visitors to day hospice
and patients in the
community were asked
to describe in one word
what the hospice means
to them. The results
are represented in the
powerful visuals below.
Our inspiring patient
feedback will be used
to influence future
developments within
community and day
services including a new
name for our services, the
words we use to describe
our service to patients,
families and carers and
even the artwork we
choose to hang on the
walls! The feedback will
also influence phase two
of our refurbishment
which sees new flooring,
wall panelling, painting
and upgraded lighting as
well as the modernisation
of our hairdressing salon.
The whole area from
our day hospice lounge,
through to the front and
side entrance doors will be
refreshed and revamped.
While the refurbishment is carried out, day hospice will be closed from Monday 27th May, reopening on
Mon 17th June. The drop in café will remain open on Wednesdays between 10am-4pm, but will require
to be accessed through the external doors directly into the café, as work is carried out in the corridor of
the normal entrance. We apologise for any inconvenience and we will endeavour to make provisions for
our most vulnerable patients during this time. For further information please contact Margaret Cassidy,
Community and Day Services Manager on 01292 269200 or email [email protected]
| Coming up
Diary dates
7th-10th May
'Grease' Charity Week
Hosted by KMF Hairdressing, 4 Brown St, Stewarton Tel: 01560 484724.
Fun ‘Grease’ theme all week with special events on Saturday 11th make-up artist, Shellac nails, face painting, BBQ - weather permitting.
The party continues at 'The New Granary', Rigg Street. 9pm - 12.30am
12th May
Glasgow Womens 10K
Walker Hall, Troon. Contact Anne 01292 288488
12th May
Cream Tea
Struther Farmhouse, Dunlop. Hosted by Dunlop Friends Group, come
and enjoy an afternoon cream tea in the unique surroundings of Struther
Farmhouse. Donation £2.50 - contact Carolyn Blyth 01560 484846
18th May
Midnight Walk
Ayr Racecourse. Contact fundraising team on 01292 288488 for details
31st May
An Evening of
Kilmarnock. Come and experience something a bit different...
if you've ever wondered how they do it - come and find out!
Burlesque and pole dancing performance. Guest list only contact Vicki on 07821 066816. Donation on arrival.
5th June
Tea @ 3
Enterkine House Hotel, Annbank. Tickets £20 including a glass of
bubbly followed by scrumptious afternoon tea. Contact Lyn on
01292 288488 or email [email protected]
7th June
Summer Dance
Ally McLeod Suite, Ayr United ground. Rock the night away with two great
bands - Big Licks and The Last Resort, as they take you down memory
lane. Buffet and raffle - tickets £15. Contact Janet Lawson at lapis@ or the Hospice Fundraising Department on 01292 288488
8th June
Summer Ball
Grand Marquee at Lochgreen House Hotel, Troon. Champagne
reception, dinner, dancing to the Jim McMail Big Band and live
entertainment from Michelle McManus. Contact events team
on 01292 288488 or email [email protected]
22nd June
Arran Cycle
Sponsored challenge round the Isle of Arran. Contact Graeme on
01292 288488 or email [email protected]
23rd June
Waggy Tail Walk
Bring your doggie along for a sponsored stroll along the
banks of the River Ayr. Contact Gabi on 01292 288488
or email [email protected]
11th July
Psychic Buffet Evening
Ally McLeod Suite, Ayr United ground. Presenting Ayrshire
Mediums Caroline Blair and Billy McFadzean. Tickets £15
(includes buffet) - Contact Janet Lawson at lapis@talktalk.
net or the Hospice Fundraising Office on 01292 288488.
27 July
The Glitter Ball
Ally McLeod Suite, Ayr United ground. Live music from DUO - Buffet,
Raffle Prizes - Tickets £10. Contact Jim Gilchrist on 07849 013296
12th August
Golf Day
Sponsored by Munro Partnership Ltd. Four man (or woman!) teams
play in a shotgun start at West Kilbride Golf Club. Contact the events
team on 01292 288488 or email [email protected]
8th September The Trek
Isle of Cumbrae. Fun sponsored walk for all ages. Contact the events
team on 01292 288488 or email [email protected]
19th September Race Day
Ayr Racecourse. Enjoy all the fun of the races in our private suite - contact
the events team on 01292 288488 or email [email protected]
4th October
Autumn Ball
Seamill Hydro. Great night of fine food, good company and great music
for dancing!
1st November
Sportsman’s Dinner
Ayr Racecourse. Join special guests John Parrot and Craig Brown
For more information on any of these events, please contact the Fundraising Office on 01292 288488.
Coming up |
Grand challenge
By Anne Drennan,
Assistant Fundraising Manager
Our Grand Challenge, in association with the
Ayrshire Post, is gathering pace and we’ve lots
of supporters being very creative in deciding
how they are going to raise their “grand” in the
coming months - there are race nights, golf days,
dances and sponsored events, just to name a few.
Jim Gilchrist asked his
friends at Stagecoach
to help and a group of
drivers dressed up in
fabulous costumes before
persuading their
customers to part
with their cash to
the tune of £800!
Stagecoach drivers
Tea @ 3
By Lyn Bateman, Senior Fundraising Officer
Why not support the hospice and raise funds by
holding a Tea @ 3 Party for friends or colleagues?
We can give you lots of
ideas - A Mad Hatter’s Tea
Party with fancy hats; a
Teddy Bear’s Picnic for
the mum’s at the toddlers’
group; a Tea Dance at
your local club; a garden
party; or even a G&T @3
party! We can help
print tickets and
posters for you too.
If you’d like to help, please
call Lyn on 01292 288488
or email lyn.bateman@
| Coming up
Coming up |
Your legacy - the gift of a lifetime
Make A Will Free Fortnight, 20th - 31st May 2013
By Olive Lindsay, Senior Fundraising Officer
We are once again delighted to report that a
number of local solicitors across Ayrshire have
agreed to support the hospice by providing
a Will making service free of charge.
Running between 20th
May and 31st May 2013,
participating solicitors
will waive their normal
fee and make your will
in return for a donation
to the hospice. See list
of participating solicitors
on our website www. or look
out for advertisements
in local press.
It takes just a few easy
steps to make a Will and
leave a gift to the hospice.
By leaving a gift you will be
supporting us to carry on
our vital work for years to
come. Large or small, your
legacy could help assure
the future of hospice care
in the Ayrshire community.
If you would like further
information on the
Make a Will campaign
or legacy giving,
please contact
Olive Lindsay
on telephone
01292 288488
or email legacy@
Cascade lunch!
By Gabrielle Coyle, Senior Fundraising Officer
Our cascade lunch appeal is now well underway with
supporters around Ayrshire pledging to host a cascade
party to raise money for the Ayrshire Hospice.
We’ve had lunch and coffee
parties (even a cocktail
party!) - but each one has
the same formula. The host
invites a few friends round
for some food and drinks,
the guests make a donation
to the hospice then pledge
to host their own party
- and so it continues to
Grab your lead
By Gabrielle Coyle, Senior Fundraising Officer
Our four-legged friends (and their owners!)
are invited to join us on Sunday 23rd June
for our annual Waggy Tail Walk.
Dogs and their owners will
set off from Ayr College
car park between noon
and 2pm for the threemile sponsored stroll along
the banks of the River Ayr.
Three ladies who
never miss the walk
are Meg, Jeanie and
Pat from Ballantrae.
Meg said “Our friend
Larry from Gribbens Taxis
makes sure we know the
date each year and our
dogs Mac, Rose and Bryn
just love coming along to
meet all their friends!”
Our thanks go to our
sponsors Lawersbridge
Boarding & Day Kennels,
cascade. It’s a simple and
fun way to catch up on
all the gossip with
your friends - and
help the hospice
at the same time!
01292 288488, email:
[email protected]
To find out more or
to hold your cascade
party contact our
events team on
T&G Hutchison Pet
Supplies & Animal
Feeds and Hollow Park
Veterinary Surgery.
To register please fill
out the registration
form opposite.
| Past events
Brrr - acing dip for dash ‘n’ splash!
By Gabrielle Coyle, Senior Fundraising Officer
Over 40 people braved the freezing waters of the
Firth of Clyde on a chilly morning in February to help
raise cash for the second annual Dash ‘n’ Splash.
Following a swift
registration, and a lively
warm up participants
were piped down to the
beach where they dashed
into the freezing cold
water! A big thank you to
Auchenharvie Sub Aqua
Club, who had divers in
the water marshalling
our participants.
We would like to thank all
our fabulous dippers who
took part and Seamill Hydro
for hosting the event. We
have already raised over
£3,000, with sponsorship
money still coming in!
Well done to everyone
who took part!
Blistering Boots
Dash n Splash group - they’re off!
Despite the weather warnings of heavy snow, the
line dancers of Ayrshire turned up raring to go at
our Blistering Boots event at Belmont Academy.
Fundraising Officer, Claire
Stuart-Paulin said ‘I’d never
been to a line dancing event
before and I was amazed as soon as the music started
so did the dancing and the
floor was constantly full
until the music stopped!
Even then there were a few
shimmys and grapevines
as they left through the
front door! What a fun
bunch, I had a great night.’
With over 100 dancers
joining in the fun the
event raised £2,200 and
everyone had a rootin’
tootin’ good evening.
25Th Annual Ladies Lunch
By Lyn Bateman, Senior Fundraising Officer
The Brig o’Doon played host to our 25th annual
ladies lunch in March.
We were delighted to
welcome Sally Magnusson
from BBC Reporting
Scotland, Songs of Praise
and Radio Scotland. Sally
was a very humorous
and entertaining speaker
and we were thrilled she
could join us to help
celebrate this special year.
This year just over £21,000
was raised which was
fantastic. This amount
includes £13,000.00
from the monthly ladies
includes over £175k from
the monthly lunch club &
over £28k from ADLA) it
has also become a firmly
established sell-out event in
the hospice social calendar!
lunch club
& £2,300
from ADLA
& District
Since the
first annual
ladies lunch
took place,
not only
has it raised
over £340k
Photo courtesy of Derek McCabe
Past events |
Year of
Our Year of AgriCulture Grand Raffle draw
took place recently at Ayr Market.
We were indebted to
Ramsay & Jackson and
John M Paterson for
sponsoring the Honda
quad bike which was won
by Mrs Aileen Dunlop.
Her son has assured
her that he will put it to
good use on the family
farm in North Ayrshire
(and that he will wear a
safety helmet too!!)
Mrs Dunlop and her grand-daughter Isla
Fundraisers Mary and Anne were thrilled to
announce that a grand total of over £72,000
was raised throughout the last year and
they, along with their committee, would
like to say a HUGE thank you to everyone
who helped us reach such a fantastic total.
The grand total
Happy birthday café
By Margaret Cassidy,
Community & Day Services Manager
Now open between
10am-4pm on
Wednesdays, the café has
welcomed over 2,500
people through its doors
since launching in April
2012. A big thank-you to
all the volunteers that have
helped run the café since
it opened - we couldn’t do
it without you! And a big
thank-you to Brownings
the Bakers who supplied
the delicious birthday cake.
Some of the visitors that helped
celebrate the café's first birthday
The Drop in Café celebrated
its first anniversary on
Wednesday 3rd April 2013!
Volunteers Jasmine Frew, Janice Bell and
Sheena Watkins join in the birthday celebrations
| Past events
Pampering event
By Hilary Denholm, Voluntary Services Manager
On 27 March we had our annual pamper evening
thanks to our Healthy Working Lives steering group
and the support of a wide variety of therapists - all of
whom gave their services free of charge on the night.
Offered to all staff and
volunteers as a “thankyou” for their hard work
and commitment, a total
of 110 people expressed
an interest in attending
and were offered sample
sessions from a vast array
of therapists. You could
sample anything from
reflexology, back shoulder
and neck massage, hand
massage, reiki and spiritual
art, to podiatry, file and
polish, shiatsu, facial
threading, hypnotherapy
and hair dressing!
(Left to right) Maureen Rankin, volunteer with the
hospice flower team and Moira Richardson, staff nurse
at the in-patient unit chat to spiritual art therapists.
Ian Stirling, lead of
the Healthy Working
Lives Steering Group
Jennifer McDowall, part of the hospice
housekeeping team enjoys some pampering
“We were once again
delighted by the response
to our annual pamper
night. Over therapists
came forward to offer
treatments and over
300 appointments were
offered on the night. Our
satisfaction survey showed
that 96% of people
thought the evening was
well organised and would
recommend it to others,
70% felt more relaxed
after their treatments
and 83% stated that
they would follow up
their treatment with an
additional appointment
or further enquiry. So all
in all, a rewarding evening
for everyone involved!”
If you would like to be
involved in the organising
group or offer to help
provide therapies for
next year please let
Ian Stirling know by
emailing ian.stirling@ or
calling 01292 269200.
Thank you |
A fond farewell
One of our longest serving hospice volunteers,
Monica Clark, retired on Wednesday, 27 March 2013.
Monica was involved in
the original fundraising
to establish the hospice
and started as a volunteer
nurse in the ward when it
opened. She has been a
loyal day hospice volunteer
ever since, and also helped
as a passenger assistant
and with fundraising. To
mark the occasion staff
and volunteers gathered
for an afternoon tea in
the day hospice lounge
to wish Monica a long
and happy retirement.
Hilary Denholm, Voluntary
Services Manager said
“Monica has been an
inspiration to so many
people in so many
different ways over the
years. She is a wonderful
example of the difference
one volunteer can make
to an organisation”
Aileen Anderson thanks Monica Clark
Yum yum!
Thank-you so much to Mr Tim Duffy, lecturer at the
University of West of Scotland, who kindly donated
his stunning raffle prize cake to the hospice to
be enjoyed by patients, volunteers and staff.
Three cheers for Monica!
Mystery money
We would just like to say “with thanks” to the
mystery person who regularly brings a tear to
our eye with the love and simplicity of their
donation. They make our days matter every time
the envelope drops through the letterbox!
| Thank you
We “lurve” curves!
Members and friends of Curves, Beith got behind
their manager Joanne and circuit coach Denise
when they decided to raise funds for the hospice.
Curves is the UK’s largest
women-only fitness club
network and the Beith
ladies encouraged the
local community to get
behind their efforts.
Amanda was delighted
to visit them to receive a
bumper cheque for £777.
Forehill Primary
The student council at Forehill primary school
wanted to raise funds for a local charity so they
held a non uniform day for the hospice.
The children had great
fun and were full of
enthusiasm when
Amanda visited to
receive their cheque for
a whopping £394.47!
Well done everyone!
Amanda Harris - Fundraising Officer being presented
with a cheque from the members of Curves of Beith.
congratulations... Brian and Jean Jamieson from Monkton who got
engaged on our trip on the Orient Express last year.
They were married on 15th February at Piersland House
Hotel, Troon and spent their honeymoon in Canada.
Amanda Harris with student council
pupils, from Forehill Primary school.
MRC Fitness
MRC fitness in Dalry, a family run business approaching
their 30th anniversary, held a Christmas ceilidh and raffle.
Thanks to everyone who helped them raise a fantastic
£500 which they presented to Amanda Harris.
Brian and Jean Jamieson
Left-right: Stuart Clayton - fitness instructor,
Amanda Harris, and Lorraine Wallace - owner
Thank you |
Ayr Academy
The senior charity committee at Ayr
Academy used their initiative to raise much
appreciated funds for the hospice.
They had a collection
during their Christmas
assembly, organised a
coffee morning, supplied
a muffin run for the
teachers and raised a
fantastic £321.65. Well
done everyone.
The Co-op's going
further for the hospice
Various Ayrshire Co-op food stores collectively went the
extra mile in their fundraising efforts for the hospice.
The staff all pulled together
and decided to have dress
down days and raffles
throughout the stores - all of
which were well supported
by their customers. A huge
thank you to everyone who
helped to raise an amazing
£3953.25 for the hospice.
Ayr Academy pupils (Left - right) Mark Gilmour, Alan
Crawford, Emma Robertson, Gavin Scott, Louis
Crawford, Liam Mathews presenting their cheque
to Rhona Brown, Assistant Fundraising Manager
Annie’s swim
Nine year old Annie Neill came all the way from
Perthshire to give Anne Drennan, Assistant Fundraising
Manager, £400 which she raised by completing a
100 length sponsored swim in her local pool.
Annie’s grampa Jimmy Dykes, who passed
away in the hospice last year, would have
been very proud of her - and rightly so!
Left-right: Donna Turnbull - Manager of Prestwick
Co-op, Amanda Harris, Marion McCulloch - Manager
of Doonfoot Co-op. Behind - Co-op staff members.
Girdle Toll
Bowling Club
Members of the Girdle Toll bowling club in Irvine
raised a whopping £500 for the hospice by
holding various fundraising events, including a
clairvoyant evening and fun bowling activities.
Hospice board director Kenneth Gordon
was delighted to receive their cheque.
Ayrshire Hospice
Fundraising Department
35 Racecourse Road, AYR KA7 2TG
29 Miller Road, AYR KA7 2AX
Tel: 01292 269200 Fax: 01292 294401
Tel: 01292 288488 Fax: 01292 291960
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]