annual report - Make-A


annual report - Make-A
Winter 2007•Volume 1•Issue 3
Magnolia Wishes
We grant the wishes of children with life-threatening
medical conditions to enrich the human experience with
hope, strength and joy.
Dakota, age 12, enjoyed
his wish to go to the
Grand Canyon!
A Publication of the Make-A-Wish Foundation ® of Mississippi
Magnolia Wishes
Published Quarterly
Volume 1, Issue 3
Board of Directors
Kenny Windham
Marlin Rains
Past Chairman
Louis Wright
Hello again everyone!
As some of you may know, I am a person motivated by faith. Raised a
preacher’s kid, I share in a deep and abiding calling to serve…whomever is in need. I listen to our mission and find deep connections with
what I consider to be true religion. Recently, I read a favorite text
which asked, “But, who do you say that I am?” That prompted me to
wonder, “How do people view the Make-A-Wish Foundation and your
role in it?” Do you mind if I ask you a few questions…
Do you know what we do?
We grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength, and joy.
Do you know what I think we really do?
Paul Arguelles
Rick Comegy
Gene Delcomyn
Mike DuBose
Rick Fountain
William Head
Michelle Heck
Stuart Kellogg
Pat McCraw
Mark McLemore
Don Moore
Andrea Saffle
Richard Schwartz
Sherrie Sutherland
We change the world into a better place by asking a child to dream.
Linda Davis
Sharon Wilt, M.D.
Paul Griffin Jones, III
President and Chief Executive Officer
Shellie Marengo Moses
South Mississippi Regional Director
Jane Walsh
Community Development Coordinator
Judy Phillips
Finance and Operations Manager
Chris Kennedy
Communication, Information, and
Technology Coordinator
Beth Holmes
Program Manager
Office Volunteers
Betty Clements
Volunteer Coordinator
Make-A-Wish Foundation®
of Mississippi
4800 I-55 North, Suite 30
Jackson, Mississippi 39211
601-366-WISH (9474)
601-362-4752 (fax)
Do you know what that looks like to me?
Caregivers of children with life-threatening medical conditions are caught-up in a maelstrom of
fear, sadness, anxiety, confusion, anger, and doubt. The children stop being kids and become
patients with tests, shots, doctor visits, scans, tubes, and hospital stays. It is at this point that
the power of a wish becomes most potent. In the midst of crisis, the Make-A-Wish Foundation
gently lifts the family out of their situation and lets them live for a short period of time in the
wishful imagination of a child. Medical patient becomes a kid again, caregivers become mom and
dad…wife and husband, brothers and sisters are rediscovered. Once the wish has been granted,
the family is gently returned to their situation. However, they now have hope, strength, and joy
for their place in life…all found in and through a child’s wish!
Do you know what you can do?
Realize that you have the power to grant a wish and be compelled to act! Last year, a group of
school children in Madison raised over $8,500 in our Kids for Wish Kids program. This year, the
nurses of Women’s Hospital in Flowood wanted to Adopt-A-Wish of a local child and will raise
enough resources to grant two wishes in the end! We have over 200 wish granting volunteers
around the state that we have trained to work with the children and families to uncover the
deepest, most heartfelt wish of the children we serve. A myriad of friends help us with fundraising events, office volunteer work, and outreach. Numerous civic groups invite us to present our
stories, successes, and challenges at their meetings. Many businesses across the state encourage
their employees to engage in an employee giving campaign. We can grant about 75 wishes per
year with the help we have now; but there are at least 100 more kids every year that the Make-AWish Foundation of Mississippi can bless through you.
So, how do you now view the Make-A-Wish Foundation and your role in it?!
We created hope, strength, and joy for another year
and we have you to thank. Won’t you please join us
for another magical year and bring along a friend
In hope, strength, and joy,
Paul Griffin Jones, III
South Mississippi Region
Advisory Board
Mark Alexander
Paul Arguelles
Eddie Becker
Keith Brown
Felicia Dunn-Burkes
Lauren Byrd
Donna Holcomb
Susan Hunt
Charlotte King
Ashley Kremer
Rachel Leggitt
Paige Millsap
Tim Mitchell
Sharon Bentz Mustered
Stephen O’Mara
Ladd Pulliman
Terry Roberson
Tolby Strahan
Jason Thomas
Sean Tindell
Ann Utterback
Susan Wentzel
Kelly Williams
Ric Williams
Shellie Marengo Moses
Hello Everyone!
It’s hard to believe that I have been with the Make-A-Wish family for six
years now. The years have simply flown by, and I remember each wish
child and their families with a fondness that I cannot put into words.
They have all touched my life in more ways than they will ever know.
Well over 150 remarkable children have affected my life in such a positive way, a way that only our volunteers can ever know. You see, once you
meet one of our wish kids, they stay in your heart forever and because of
them you become forever changed. Their snapshots and stories stay with
you and you cannot help but smile.
Our wish children certainly hold a large soft spot for me, but I am also
grateful for the never-ending commitment of our volunteers, board members and supporters. So
many of them are more than their title they are true friends and we are part of a family. And what
a wonderful family it is, everyone should be so lucky.
While it is great to remember all of the fond times, we must also look towards the future. And what
a remarkable future we have; one that includes each of you helping us to make wishes come true.
Thank you all for everything that you have done and for playing such an important role in giving
hope, strength and joy.
Warmest Wishes,
South Mississippi Events
Shellie Marengo Moses
South Mississippi Regional Director
South Mississippi Regional Director
Wishmaker®s’ Summer Bash – Makeawishaville – May 2008
Martini Shakedown – June 2008
Annual Gulf Coast Golf Tournament – September 2008
Volunteer leadership
Melanee Slade
Pine Belt Team Leader
Make-A-Wish Foundation®
of Mississippi
South Mississippi Field Office
10216 3rd Avenue, Suite C
D’Iberville, MS 39532
228-392-0705 (fax)
Wish! What a powerful word! We’ve all grown up making wishes and
watching wishes come true. It’s appropriate that our organization is
rightly labeled the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Mississippi. Amazing
work is being done every day in Mississippi by the volunteers and staff
of our organization to make the lives of so many children and their
families happier. As a result of the generosity and support of so many
over the past twenty-three years we’ve seen Make-A-Wish in Mississippi grow from a humble beginning to its strong position today. Our
ongoing goal is to not let a single eligible child miss the opportunity to
see their wishes and dreams fulfilled. I challenge you to find a way to become involved and share
the power of a wish. Your life will be changed and you will help ensure the continued upward
progress of Make-A-Wish. Please make those that you touch daily aware of our organization and
how they too can share in the joys of seeing children smile and reach beyond the difficult challenges they face.
As I have the opportunity to speak for the Board of Directors, let me thank you the volunteers, you
the staff, and you the community for all you do for Make-A-Wish and the children and families we
serve in Mississippi.
Best Wishes,
Kenny Windham
Chairman, Board of Directors
Dear Friends of Make-A-Wish,
Those of you who have had the privilege of being directly involved in a wish know the thrill you
received. It’s true that wishes give children and their families hope, strength and joy but we
cannot give this to them without receiving it ourselves. We all need to be rejuvenated from time
to time and what better way than to attend our 6th annual Wishmaker®s’ Ball which will be
held at the Country Club of Jackson on March 29, 2008. This year’s theme is “Under the Big
Top”! You’ll have the opportunity to enjoy delicious food, purchase silent and live auction items
and dance to the band Almost Famous. The highlight of the evening will be meeting our King
and Queen of the Ball – two special wish children from Mississippi! Get your friends together
and make plans now to attend this memorable event and re-dedicate yourself to the mission of
In addition to the Wishmakers’ Ball, which is our largest fund raiser of the year, our golf
tournaments, Walks, fishing tournament and Kids for Wish Kids® program all help us meet our
funding challenges. We are grateful to many dedicated volunteers who help with these and other events.
Make-A-Wish has become a true passion of mine as I’ve witnessed the smiles on the faces of children as they receive their one
true wish. Do we make a difference? Look in just one wish child’s eyes and you will know.
Jane Walsh
Community Development Coordinator
Upcoming Statewide Events
January 26, 2008 — Meridian Pancake
Breakfast, Applebees, Meridian
March 29, 2008 — Wishmaker®s Ball,
April 5, 2008 — Meridian Walk for
Wishes®, Meridian
Former wish kid Brianna stretches before the 4th annual Brookhaven
Walk for Wishes. The Walk was held October 6, 2007 at the Exchange
Club Park.
Thanks to our many dedicated volunteers in and around Brookhaven,
over $30,000 was raised!
Dear Friends,
It has been six months since I came to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and the days have flown by
with breath-taking swiftness. My life has been forever touched by the extraordinary opportunity
of being involved along with my co-workers and many committed volunteers across the state in
this process of granting wishes to wonderful children of all ages. In these six months my eyes
have been opened to the power of a wish in a child’s life.
In 2007, the Mississippi Chapter had the privilege of granting 76 wishes. We strive to make
sure every wish meets the national performance standards of the Make-A-Wish Foundation of
America and is in line with practices we have established in Mississippi. We take extraordinary
care to assure that every wish is granted fairly and consistently, without losing sight of the child
who has voiced that wish. It is the uniqueness of the child that makes the wish come alive and
sparkle with the child’s creative imagination. The heart of the wish is what that child sees in
his mind’s eye when he says, “I wish to ride a horse.” Making the wish as magical as that child’s
imagination is the challenge for us.
It has been an exciting year in my own life personally as the door of opportunity opened for me to be a part of the Make-A-Wish
team. It has enriched my life immeasurably to see the eyes of a child light up when she is told that her wish is coming true.
These are kids and families who have been involved in a tremendous battle, and they are being granted so much more than just
something material or a vacation experience. It is an interlude – a respite – a brief shelter from the storm that will give them
renewed hope, strength, and joy for the journey.
Beth Holmes
Program Manager
Hello Everyone!
I have been with the Make-A-Wish Foundation® of Mississippi since September 1, 2005. I have
to say that it has been a very rewarding job but yet can be sad at times as well. I am the Operations & Finance Manager and am able to assist with the granting of wishes at times. It has been
a joy every time I have been part of a wish because it really fills your heart with joy just knowing that you have assisted in making a child’s dream come true. You not only are touching that
child’s heart, but the families as well. When the families express how appreciative they are for
everything we have done for their child……there is just no way to express the joyful feeling. You
can get really attached to the families as if you are a part of their lives. When you receive a
Thank You note from the family after the wish has been completed, it really feels great!
When I started working with the organization, I sat back and asked if I were
given one wish what it would be. Well I
have not yet figured that one out! But when you ask a child, they usually
know what they want. So when you read this, ask yourself what your
wish would be and see how hard it is to come up with something. So join
our organization as a volunteer or donor so we can continue to create moments of hope, strength and joy.
Warmest Wishes,
Judy Phillips
Finance and Operations Manager
I wish to go...
Randi, 15, “…to the Atlantis Resort.”
Wishgranters: Jean West & Shellie Moses
Sponsor: Skip Viragh Charities
Critter, 17, “…to a Rock Quarry.”
Wishgranters: Jean West & Amy Moore
William Patrick, 13, “…to the San Diego Zoo.”
Wishgranters: Jennifer Barron & Wendie Woods
Sponsor: Massachusetts Chapter
Dylan, 12, “…to Wrestlemania.”
Wishgranters: Betty Clements & Ellen Johnson
Sponsor: Richard Schwartz and Associates
Demekio, 11, “…on a Disney Cruise.”
Wishgranters: Teresa Renkenberger
& Lynn Conerly
Sponsor: Skip Viragh Charities
Kaylyn, 4, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Geraldine Roberts & Carol Miller
Sponsor: Massachusetts Chapter
Enoch, 8, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Regina Williams & Shellie Moses
Chelsea, 6, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Dolly Marascalco & Frank
Malinda, 14, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Amy Moore & Judy Phillips
Cody, 3, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Betty Clements & Marlene Crews
James, 5, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Leslie Collins & Joyce Harmon
Alexander, 4, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Deb Hester & Tracy Payne
Wiley, 16, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Barbara Moore & Jennifer Sivak
Maycel, 7, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Barbara Buggs & Shenia Jones
Alyssa, 12, “…to Walt Disney World®
Wishgranters: Regina Williams &
Dorothy Reddix
Markell, 7, “…on a horse ride.”
Wishgranters: Brenda Sudduth &
Louis Sudduth
Brandon, 14, “…to Walt Disney World®
Wishgranters: Eleanor Harris & Joyce
Sponsor: Mississippi Masons
Dakota, 12, “…on a tour of the
Grand Canyon.”
Wishgranters: Vanessa Brown &
Melanie Slade
Za-Myrica, 4, “…to Walt Disney
World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Judy Watts & Donna
Zachary, 8, “…see the Atlanta
Wishgranters: Kay Lee & Ashlee
Nathan, 7, “…to Walt Disney World®
Wishgranters: Julie Perry & Judy
Jacob, 11, “…the Pokemon World
Wishgranters: Ellen Gardner & Teresa
Caiden, 7, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Jerica Bounds & Keely Hyatt
Solomon, 12, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranter: Julie Perry & Judy Phillips
Xavier, 11, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Jane Walsh & Judy Watts
Sponsor: Madison Station Elementary School &
Hudson Valley Chapter
Lakyn, 6, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Amy Moore & Judy Phillips
Dee, 15, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Jane Walsh & Janice Guckert
Michael, 3, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Regina Williams & Shellie Moses
Breanna, 3, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Jerrica Bounds & Kelley Hyatt
Jessica, 15, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Jean West & Shellie Moses
Micah, 3, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Ann Tackett & Patsy Frederick
Sponsor: Hudson Valley Chapter
Meagan, 4, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Brian Gooch & Raina Bahadur
Chloe, 2, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Brenda Golisch & Mitch Chesney
Sponsor: Massachusetts Chapter
Adam, 4, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Jane Walsh & Judy Watts
Karlee, 2.5, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Shannon Boyce & JoAnne Carter
Felicia, 14, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Amy Moore & Judy Phillips
Sponsor: Massachusetts Chapter
Joshua, 9, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Nicole Talley & Ashley Emile
Sponsor: South Dakota Chapter
Zhondrese, 15, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Regina Williams & Shellie Moses
Kaden, 6, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Kathy Jones & Stacey Pearson
Sponsor: South Dakota Chapter
Colby, 9, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Tracy Buck & Ellen Gardner
Sponsor: Massachusetts Chapter
Abby, 8, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Julie Perry & Lynne Lofton
Eli, 4, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Amy Moore & Judy Phillips
Jakob, 7, “…to Walt Disney World®
Wishgranters: Julie Perry & Ouida Dobson
Whitney, 14, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Theresa Renkenberger & Lynn
Sponsor: Hinds Community College Health
Occupations Students of America
Demeco, 7, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Jean West & Rita West
Sponsor: Magnolia Cruisers
Whitley, 7, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Regina Williams & Shellie Moses
Sponsor: Favre Fourward Foundation
Bridgette, 15, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Ann Mapp & Rita Watts
Chloe, 4, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Carolyn Glass & Donna Hull
Girl, 6, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Deb Hester & Tracy Payne
Girl, 12, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranters: Regina Williams & Dorothy Reddix
Girl, 7, “…to Walt Disney World® Resort.”
Wishgranter: Sharon Fleming & Judy Phillips
I wish to have...
Lanisha, 12, “…a shopping spree.”
Wishgranters: Peggy Campbell & Charles
Sponsor: South Dakota Chapter
DeAngelo, 6, “…a shopping spree at Wal-Mart.”
Wishgranters: Melanee Slade & Janet Blouin
Jakiya, 4, “…a shopping spree.”
Wishgranters: Dolly Marascalco & Frank
Denham, 5, “…my room redone.”
Wishgranters: Tammy Riley & Tasha Riley
Ashley, 9, “…my own art studio.”
Wishgranter: Shellie Moses & Nicole Tally
Jasmine Oshia, 16, “…a shopping spree.”
Wishgranters: Jean West & Amy Moore
Sponsor: Massachusetts Chapter
Taylor, 12, “…an entertainment center.”
Wishgranters: Shellie Moses & Nicole Tally
Andreka, 9, “…a laptop computer.”
Wishgranters: Linda Spring & Mandy Spring
Jeramie, 13, “…a shopping spree.”
Wishgranters: Geraldine Roberts & Judy DeLaet
Arthur, 13, “…a shopping spree.”
Wishgranters: Shelby Bolls & Jamie Woods
Sheldrick, 16, “…a shopping spree.”
Wishgranters: Donna Hull & Carolyn Glass
Jimmie, 15, “… a big screen TV & DVD
Wishgranter: Hope Carr & Judy
Sponsor: Hudson Valley Chapter
Girl, 17, “...a Laptop
Wishgranters: Vanessa
Brown & Eleanor Harris
Boy, 11, “...a
Shopping Spree.”
Wishgranters: Betty
Clements & Judy
Michael, 2 1/2, “…a shopping spree.”
Wishgranters: Jean West & Judy Phillips
Sponsor: South Dakota Chapter
Damian, 11, “…a shopping spree.”
Wishgranters: Geraldine Roberts & Carol Miller
Sponsor: Massachusetts Chapter
Melissa, 17, “…a shopping spree.”
Wishgranters: Andrea Saffle & Ashley McDonald
Kyle, 17, “…my truck refurbished.”
Wishgranters: Julie Perry & Louis Sudduth
Sponsor: Belk Foundation
Karrington, 8, “…my room redone.”
Wishgranters: Beth Messina & Martha Traxler
Kaleb, 13, “…a shopping spree.”
Wishgranters: Paul Arguelles & Donna Gary
Kyran, 4, “…a shopping spree.”
Wishgranters: Amy Moore & Judy Phillips
Janautica Khinaya, 7, “…a shopping spree.”
Wishgranters: Dolly Marascalco & Frank
Jason, 10, “…a camper trailer.”
Wishgranters: Jean West & Eleanor Harris
Abbie, 5, “…my own computer.”
Wishgranters: Charles Alderman & Don Watkins
I wish to meet...
Brian, 17, “…Emeril Lagasse.”
Wishgranters: Marcia McDowell & Michelle Everett
Sponsor: Massachusetts Chapter
Andrew, 14, “…the cast of Whose Line Is It Anyway.”
Wishgranters: Brenda Golisch & Mitch Chesney
Be sure to visit for
more stories that
share the power of a wish®.
The Power of One
Ever since Hurricane Katrina, the Mississippi Chapter has been confronted with an enormous challenge to grant an
ever increasing number of wishes with slow to recover financial and in-kind resources within our chapter territory. In
response to our need and in order to help make sure that all qualified children receive their one true wish within the
shortest time possible, three of our sister chapters partnered with us to help us grant an additional number of wishes
last year, a process we call brokering. The Hudson Valley Chapter brokered three wishes, the Massachusetts Chapter
brokered five wishes, and the South Dakota Chapter brokered four wishes. Without their partnership, the Mississippi
Chapter would still have 12 kids waiting on their wishes.
In recognition of the growing spirit of unity within our 67 chapter federation, something we call the Power of One, the
Board of Directors of the Mississippi Chapter publicly declares deep and abiding gratitude towards the Hudson Valley
Chapter, the Massachusetts Chapter, and the South Dakota Chapter. Moreover, the Hudson Valley Chapter, Massachusetts Chapter, and the South Dakota Chapter should be listed among our roll call of the faithful for their fidelity,
generosity, and openness to a friend in need. We celebrate the Power of One and hope one day soon to offer ourselves to other chapters in similar need.
Make-A-Wish Foundation of Massachusetts -- $29,336.05
Make-A-Wish Foundation of South Dakota -- $8,526.83
Make-A-Wish Foundation of the Hudson Valley -- $11,965.36
Partners In Wishes
September 1—August 31, 2007
In thanksgiving and gratitude we recognize those who have contributed to the Mississippi Chapter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. The
following are our friends and partners who have joined the Mississippi
Chapter in fulfilling and extending our mission. On behalf of all of the
Wish Kids and their families, we humbly recognize those individuals, organizations, corporations, and foundations who are truly our partners
in granting wishes.
$25,000 Plus
Brett Favre Fourward Foundation
Chi Omega - MSU
Skip Viragh Charities, Inc.
$10,000 to $24,999
Atmos Energy
Attala Steel Industries, LLC
BankPlus - Ridgeland
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Mississippi
Beebe, Elton G.
Business Communications, Inc.
Chi Omega - Millsaps
Magnolia Cruisers
Noblitt, Holley and Don
$5000 to $9999
Check Exchange of Mississippi, Inc.
Creekmore, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Wade
Epsilon Delta of Chi Omega - USM
Hinds Community College
Howard Industries
Hughes, J. Stacy
Madison Central High School
Madison Station Elementary School
Mark S. Jordan Family Foundation
McIntyre, John
Schwartz and Associates, Inc.
The Belk Foundation
United States Marine, Inc.
Wilt, Bill and Dr. Sharon
$2,500 to $4,999
Anonymous (2)
Baker, Ms Billie
Biloxi Regional Medical Center
Blakely, Jeffrey
Cole, Lee M.
Entergy Services, Incorporated
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Excess Risk Reinsurance,
Fountain, Rick & Margot
Johnson, Michael
Junior Auxiliary of Philadelphia
Kroger - Pearl
Mississippi Baptist Health Systems,
Mississippi Power Foundation
State Bank and Trust - Brookhaven
Trustmark National Bank
Wells Moore Simmons & Hubbard,
$1,000 to $2,499
Alexander, Lon F. & Mona
Alliance Trust Company
Anonymous (12)
Barksdale Bonding and Insurance,
Bessemer Trust Company
Bonderer, David W
Brookhaven Check Cash
Brookhaven Moose Lodge #1968
C. H. Robinson World Wide, Inc.
Cedarstone Construction
Central Mississippi Medical Center
Clements, Betty & John
Citizens National Bank - Meridian
Community Foundation of Greater
Craddock, Ben and Hilary
Doherty, Bud and Kim
Donald, Robert & Tammera
Florence Gardens, LLC
Gandy, Michael C.
Gertrude Ford Foundation
Glass, Inc.
Golisch, Brenda
Gosselin, David R.
Gray, Kenneth & Michelle
Harper, Rains, Knight and Company,
Harvey Construction Company
HCS Management, Inc.
Head Auctions
Hicks, Mildred
Highland Village LLC
Hollis Shoemaker, Inc.
Hubbard, Jr. G. Bennett and Karen
King’s Daughters Medical Center
- Brookhaven
John S. and James L. Knight
Leo Seal Family Foundation
Little Willie’s Meat Market
Madison Station PTO
McGinnis Lumber Company, Inc.
McHugh Fuller Law Group, LLC
McKenzie, Patrick and Anita
Meridian Oncology Associates, PLLC
MGM Mirage Voice Foundation
Montague, Sean & Natalie
Mississippi Coast Mustang Club, Inc.
Mississippi Muscle Car & Street
Machine Club
New Perspectives, Inc.
Nissan North America, Inc.
North Mississippi Helping Hands
Phelps Dunbar, LLP
Pruet Oil Company, LLC
Pyron Goup, Inc.
Rains, Marlin and Barbara
Whistle Stop Red Hat Society
Riley Hospital
River Oaks Hospital
Rooks, Tim & Kim
Rowell, Stephen
Sand Hill Baptist Church
Scott, Sullivan, Streetman & Fox,
Shoemaker, Scott and Leigh
So Farm Bureau Life
Southeast Properties, LLC
St. Dominic Health Services, Inc.
Structural Steel Services, Inc.
The Annual Carefree Classic
Tolley, Preston & Valerie
Van Zyverden, Inc.
West Lincoln Attendance Center
Wadlington, Keyla S.
Wal Mart #1025
Wal Mart #1271
Wal Mart #1346
Wal Mart #2715
Wal Mart #495
Wal Mart #716
Wal Mart #816
Wal Mart #981
Wal Mart Foundation
Warren Paving
Wesley Medical Center
Western Container
Whitney National Bank
Woodridge Capital
$500 to $999
Alexander, Mr. & Mrs. David B.
American Sleep Diagnostics, LLC
AmFed Companies, LLC
Anderson, Jennifer
Anonymous (9)
B and D Equipment
Bacot, Fred
Balch and Bingham LLP
Baldwin, Gabe and Ashley
Bank of Brookhaven
Barr, Robert F.
Benefits Management Group, Inc.
Boggs, Vic & Nedra
Bradford - O’Keefe Funeral Home,
Brandon Discount Drugs
Brice, C.A. “Buddy”
Brookhaven High School
CBL and Associates Management,
Clifford G Curd VFW Post 10734
Columbus Lumber
Compass Imaging
Craft, Lucretia R.
Cybergate, Inc.
Educational Materials Specialists,
Ezell, George
Featherston, William
First Choice Medical Supply
Forman, Perry, Watkins, Krutz and
Tardy, LLP
Gearhart, Greg and Judy
Give Kids the World
Goodsitt, Jodi L.
Gulf Coast Oral and Facial Surgery,
Hall, Dick
Hamm, Brian & Lindsey
Hancock Bank
Harper, Janis M.
Harrah’s Operating Company, Inc.
Hattiesburg Clinic
Hewes, Senator Bill
High, Sherrill & Debra
Hixon, Tommy
Hollywood Casino
Hutton, Margaret
Insurance and Risk Managers
J. L. Roberts Mechanical
Jim Moran and Associates, Inc.
Johnson, Charles G.
Jones, Paul and Missy
Katool, Joseph & Madeline
Keel, Michael S.
Kellogg, Stuart & Beth
Lake Garner, DMD
Langston and Langston, PLLC
Loper, III Dr. & Mrs. William E.
Loveless, Chris and Bobbie
Marengo, Sylvia
McKenzie, Sr. Rachel & Duffy N.
McKissack, Howard A.
McMullan Chrysler Jeep Dodge
McMullan Equipment Company
McReynolds, Betty
MegaGate Broadband
Metro Communications, Inc.
MISSISSIPPI Life and Health
Mississippi Physicians Care Network
Mississippi Power Community
Murray, Donald and Amy
NAIFA - Meridian
National Awards
Neese, Larry Stan
New York Life
Nicholson and Company, PLLC
Parkway Properties, LP
Pearl River Valley Electric Power
Pine Belt Mental Healthcare
Quality Welding & Fabrication, Inc.
Quon, Dr. and Mrs. Dan
Rainbow Chrysler Dodge Jeep
Rebel Testers, Inc.
Reed’s Metals, Inc.
Richardson and Son Construction
Riser, Dale and Emily
Rotary Club of North Jackson
South Mississippi Electric Power
Sefco Electric Supply Company, Inc.
Shattles, Rainer and Edith
Sims, Stephen
Smokey’s Discount Tobacco #5
Southern Beverage Company
Southern Farm Bureau Classic
Southern Farm Bureau Casualty
Insurance Company
Southern Farm Bureau Life
Insurance Company
Sprayberry Dentist
Suit, Achim and Cindy
Sutherland, Sherrie
T Best Motor Cars
TAP Connected to the Community
Giving Campaign
The Peoples Bank
Baxter, Richard & Carol
Bay St. Louis Masonic Lodge #429
Baywood Travel
Beasley, Angela
Beatty, William
Thompson, Mr. & Mrs. W. L.
Thriffiley, Todd N.
Wal Mart #112
Wal Mart #1168
Wal Mart #1530
Wal Mart #3528
Wal Mart - Hattiesburg
Walters, Nick & Lisa
Watson Quality Ford
Watts, Verbalee B.
White and Company, CPA’s
Windham, Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E.
Women of the Moose
Young, Cliff
Bednarzyk, Daniel & Tammy
Bell, Michael & Maranda
Bell, William and Catherine
Ben M. Radcliff Contractor, Inc.
Benigno, Marina
Beyond Play Therapy Group, LLC
Bingham, Morgan E.
Bishop, Jr. Kenneth and Julie
Bond, Juliana West
Boswell, Neil C.
Boucher, Aaron D. and Jennifer
Boyette, Stephanie
Bramlett, Lee and Judith
Brantley, Dr. Terry K.
Brashier, Jim and Linden
Brookhaven Honda
Brookhaven Rent-All
Brooks, MD Tami
Brooks, William J.
Brown, Andy and Donna
Brown, Keith and Darlene
Brunini, Grantham, Grower &
Hewes, PLLC
Bryant, Joe and Jo Jo
Buckner, David
Bush Construction Company, Inc.
Bush, Mr. & Mrs. James Wray
Butler, Jr. Leigh and George
C.I.A., Inc.
Cady, James and Amy
Cain, Tripp & Marlee
Calloway, Nonaree B.
Campbell, Peggy M.
Cannon, Christina
Cantrell, Patrick & Pamela
Cash Distributing
Cash Inc of Mississippi
Cavin, Mr. & Mrs. Herman D.
Chamber Plus, Inc.
Chaplain, Christopher and Laurie
Chapman, J. W. and Cheryl
Chapman, Philip and Anne
Chavez, Shirley
Check Cashers and More, Inc.
Chesney, Mitchell
Chris Posey, Inc.
Chustz, James and Katie
Circle S, Inc.
Clinton Civitan Club
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Cochran, Staci M.
Collins, Gregory M.
Comm Tech Solutions, Inc.
$100 to $499
172nd Air Wing
Abigail’s Closet
Adams Dozer Service
Adams, Lamar and Vicki Lynn
Advantage Suzuki
Ainsworth, James and Deborah
Aire Serv
Akers, John and Jacqueline
Albritton, Adam
Alderman, Mr. & Mrs. Charles D.
Aldridge, Robbie and Beth
Alexander, Roderick
Allen, Wade & Amanda
Allied and Associated Contracting,
Allstate Giving
Andrew Denham Lodge #611
Anonymous (15)
Apostle, Nick & Alice
Ard, Benny and Julie
Arnold, Bobby
Arnold, Judy
B and G Equipment of Hattiesburg,
Bank First Financial Services
BankPlus - Belzoni
BankPlus - Waynesboro
Barden, Ken and Margie
Barefield, Mr. & Mrs. Stone D.
Barkley, Sissy
Barnes, Jasmine and Jacqueline
Barnett, Elizabeth H
Barnette, Ralph & Susan
Commercial Roofing Company, Inc.
Community Bank - Meridian
Community Development Partners
Conerly, Charlie and Lynn
Cooley, L. and Karen
Cox, Chris and Karen
Craig, James W.
Creel, Mary
Cremeen, Cliff & Lori
Cruisin’ the Coast
D3 Properties, LLC
Dallas Body Shop
Dalton, Todd
Danielson, Bruce and Anne
Dantone, Thomas & Vicki
Davis, Bridgette
Davis, Bryan and Leslie
Davis, Linda S.
Davis, Richard B.
Decker, Charles and Pat
Dee’s Automotive
Delcomyn, Gene and Betty
Dewitt, Diane M.
Dickerson, Kathryn M
Dickerson, Pat
Ditchard, Wade H.
Dixon, Carol Z.
Docken, Kathleen
Dooley, John R.
Dotson, Angel C.
Downtown Jazz Club, Inc.
Draughn, Max & Susan
Dukes, Dukes, Keating and Faneca
Duncan, Mark & Joni
Dunkley, Rosllyn A.
Durham, Susan L.
Eagle Express, LLC
Easterling Brothers Insulation, LLC
Edwards, Jon Mark
Elfert, Roger and Kelly
Elfert, Thomas and Brooks
Emma’s LLC
Engineering Associates, Inc.
Estes, Jimmy & Lynn
Estridge, Jeffrey and Laurie
Faggard, Donell and Ashley
Family Memorial Funeral Services
Farm Bureau Agents
Farrar, Kim and Renee’
Ferris, Everett J.
First Federal
First State Bank-Wyn
Flagstar Construction Company, Inc.
Flathau’s Fine Foods
Flowers, Charles C.
Foss, Dr. and Mrs. J. Dudley
Foster, Jerome and Holly
Fountain, Stephen & Cassie
Franke, Rainey and Salloum, PLLC
Fresh Ink, LLC
Fruge’ Oil Company
Fuller Masonic Lodge #515
Fuller, Katie
Gaines, Rad & Lisa
Gaines, Wolter and Kinney, P.C.
Gaitor, Countess Y.
Gantt, Libby
Gardner, William & Lynn
Garner, Justin and Mary
Gary B. Cress Real Estate
George, Mary R.
Giordano, Whitney
Global Financial
Godfrey, Harry and Elaine
Goodman, Lauren E.
Gorden, W. C.
Granberry, Dennis and Erin
Gray, Kathryn L.
Green, Christopher & Michelle
Grenfell, Raymond F.
Griffith, Betty Lou
Kilpatrick, Jay & Shelly
Kimbrell-Ruffer Lumber Company
King, John and Evelyn
King, Sylvia B.
Kiwanis Club of Waynesboro
Knight, George & Nona
Kotfila, Ronald & Suzanne
Lacassagne, Herbert
Grimes Cabinets
Grissett, Robert and Kelly
Gulfport Wings, LLC
HRRV Club Mississippi
Hage Family Dentistry
Hahn, Kevin & Shannon
Hailey, Mr. & Mrs. Wade
Hamm, Charles and Carol
Hancock, Connie
Hancock, Mr. & Mrs. David
Harkins, Andrea A.
Harrison County Young Lawyers
Hassell, Emily
Hattiesburg Automobile Dealers
Havard Pest Control, Inc.
Head, Harold and Amy
Heath, Deena
Hinds, Thomas
Hinton, Dees
Hodges, James
Hoffman, Daniel R.
Hollis, Jason & Missy
Hospitality Associates, LLC
Howell, Burnie and Janet
Insurance Associates of Magee, Inc.
IP Hotel and Casino
Ishee, James Gill and Mary
Ishee, James M.
J L Power Lodge #416
Jackson Academy
Joe N. Miles and Sons, Inc.
Johnson, Chad L.
Johnson, Wayne L.
Johnston, Dr. and Mrs. Jay
Johnston, Stephen T.
Jones, Alyson
Jones, Gary and Linda
Jones, Paul and Sandra
Jones, Steven & Valeria
Jordan, John W.
Kay C. Venable State Farm
Insurance, Inc.
Kelly, Wayne
Kennedy, Chris and Edith
Kershaw, Colleen
Lackey, Dr. Van L.
Ladner, Mr. & Mrs. Todd
Lahuta, J. M.
Lamarque Ford
Lammert, Karen
Lance, Debby
Landi, Mara
Lane, Sherra S.
Larry E. Smith, Inc.
Lawrence County Finance, Inc.
Laws, III Lauren and John
LeBlanch Ortho
Lewis Electric, Inc.
Lewis, Chris
Lewis, Grayson and Brandi
Lott, W. R.
Love, Brad & Melanie
Lowery, Melissa
Lloyd Star Attendance Center
Luckett, Cratin
Luke, Joshua & Theresa
Luvata Grenada, LLC
M and F Bank
Madison Insurance
Main Street Junction, LLC
Maison Weiss
Makamson, Tisha
Maloney and Associates, PLLC
Maloney, John A.
Maloney, Sharon D.
Manville, Robert and Judith
Mapp Vacuum and Trucking Service,
Mapp, Ann
Maroo, Jill Deanne
Mars, Mars and Chalmers
Marshall, Mike
Martin, Jeannine
Martz, Mark
Massey, CMSGT Will and Jackie
Matheson, D. F.
Maxwell, Richard
McCloud Logging, Inc
McCluskey, S. J.
McCormick, Larry and Donna
McDonald, Bryan and Michelle
McDonalds - Meridian
McGee, Margie
McLain, Kayla Nicole
McNair, Alisha
McNeel, Richard H. & Charlotte
McNeill, Aileen
Medina, Ray & Sheila
Mickle, Paul & Lindsey
Mikell, Beverly
Mike’s Discount Campers, LLC
Miller, Danny & Tracy
Miller, Jerome C.
Miller, Richard & Arna
Miller, Ruby J
Miller, Todd & Michelle
Montgomery, Sidney and Gloria
Moore, Michael & Molly
Moore, O. Kendall and Elizabeth
Moore, Ronald & Elizabeth
Moran, Jennifer
Morris, Randy
Moses, Jr. Pamela & Anneas
Mississippi Chapter of Napius
Mississippi Fellowship Council
Mississippi Prison Industries
Mississippi Space Services
Muirhead, Jack and Allison
Musial, Dr. B. C.
Neal, John and Audrey
Nelson, Reed and Anna
Nettles, Karen
New, Jason
Newton, George W.
Noblitt and Associates, Inc.
Northeast Eye Care, PA
Northpark Mall LP
Nowell, Sam N.
Occhipinti, Mark
Odom, Michael & Missy
OES Coast Chapter 51
Ogden, James Ashley
Olmsted, Varner & Rebecca
Pace, Mr. & Mrs. Alfred
Packard, Ruth
Padilla, Paul K.
Palanca, Janice Y.
Palazzo, Muriel M.
Parker, Kinnie S & Wanda
Parnell, Melvin L.
Patrick, Miller, White & Company
Patterson, Malcolm & Rosanne
Patterson, Shannon P
Paul Jackson and Son, Inc.
Pearson, Richard T.
Penn, Schroen & Berland Associates
Peoples Bank
Perry Lodge #366
Perry, Elizabeth
Petal Chiropractic Clinic, Inc.
Pharr, David & Michelle
Phillips, Roy and Ginny
Phoenicia Gourmet Restaurant
Pickering, Christy
Pierce, Alethea Cox
Pigeon Courier Service
Planters Bank & Trust Company
- Greenwood
Pomierski, David A.
Porch, William and Alecia
Premium Management Group, LLC
Price, J. Douglas and Charlotte
Priority One Bank
Queen City Recycling
Quinn, R.V. and M.L.
R B Wall Company, Inc.
R. M. Smith Properties, LP
Ramko Properties, LLC
State Bank & Trust - Greenwood
State Farm Insurance – Ocean
Stechmann, William and Emily
Stewart, Jimmy and Mary Ellen
Ramsey, Charles E.
Rayner, Whit & Debbie
REA’s Country Lane Construction,
Reeves, Brad
Richardson, Claire
Richmond, Natalie C.
Ridgeland Tourism Commission
Riley, Tammy R.
Riley, Tasha
Roberts, D. M.
Roberts, Jason and Heather
Roberts, Jeffrey & Stephanie
Rogers Dabbs Chevrolet Hummer
Rouse, Paul J.
Rowe, Beverly
Ruffin, Jeff
Russ, Weston and Amy Allison
S and S Plumbing LLC
S.M.B.M. Properties
Sadler, Rob & Leslie
Sadler, Dr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Sartain, Brian & Melanie
Seal, James and Kimberly
Shack’s Welding Service, Inc.
Shamburger, Kathryn
Shan’s Paint and Body Shop
Sheets, Randall & Maureen
Sheffield, James A.
Sheridan’s Custom Cabinetry
Shirley, Sidney and Jennifer
Sims, Brian and Donna
Sligh, Will & Lucy
Smith, Brandi
Smith, Noble P.
Smith, Riley & Sonya
Smith, Rob
Smith, Roger and Dawn
South Mississippi Combined Federal
Southern Legacy Homes, LLC
Southern Oil Company
Southern Tractor
Sparks, Jimmy and Laura
Spencer, Newlin and Faye
Spiers, Bobby E.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal School
Stacy, D. Frazure and Lea Anne
Stan King Chevrolet, Inc.
Stanford, Judy
Strain, Derwood and Pauline
Strami’s Italian Restaurant
Study, II Debra and Clyde
Sturgis, IV Patti & Frank
Stutts Pest Control, LLC
Suiter, Stacey
Sullivan Motors
Sullivan, Patrick and Elizabeth
Summerlin, Allan and Amanda
Summit Wealth Group
T and J Holding, Inc.
Talley, Robert and Kathleen
Taylor, Attorney Amy K.
Taylor, Bobby and Bobbie
Taylor, Elvator
Taylor, Michael & Linda
Technical Appraisal Services, Inc.
Technology for Environmental
Terrell, James and Geraldine
Terry High School
The Clint and Ellen A. Johnson
The First
The Invitational
The Oriental Shoppe
The Power Source, PLLC
Thomas, Jane C.
Thomas, N. E.
Thompson, Larry
Thornton Construction Company,
Town and Country Cleaners
Townsend, Dwayne
Trace Dry Cleaning & Laundry
Trawick, Kevin
Trewolla, Page
Tullos, David
Turnage, Wade & Dorothy
Tyler, Brent and Staci
Henry Tyler Construction
United Way of Southeast
Mississippi, Inc.
Utterback, David B.
Veterans of Foreign Wars of the
United States
Vowell, David and Brenda
Wagner, Buddy & Sheila
Wal Mart #2755
Walker, Ann C.
Walker, Dewayne
Walker, Haley
Wallis, Mickey and Denise
Walsh, Chuck & Jane
Wansley, Steen & Anna
WAPT - TV 16
Ware, Amy Jo
Watkins, Ward and Stafford
Watts, Charles & Lindsay
Weems, Tommy & Miriam
West Quality Food Service, Inc.
West, D.D.S. C. David
Whiddon Photography, Inc.
White, Cheryl B.
White, Jennifer
White, Whitney
Whitfield, M. D. & Mary Jane
Whittle, Wilmer H.
Williams, M. A.
Williamson, Edward A
Williford, Scott and Joy
Willmut Gas
Wilson, Donna J.
Wilson, Tom
Wing, Doug
Wise, Heather
Witcher, Emily
Wolverton, Charles
Woodcock, Vince and Angela
Woodson, Jim
Wright, Billie and Helen
Wright, Louis and Denise
Wroten, Jeanne O.
Yeager, Nicki C.
Zimlich, Colonel Patrick D. and
Z-Kicks, LLC
$1 to $99
1st Continental
43 Car Wash, Inc.
Albright, Andy and Amye
Allen, Kenneth & Roma
American Legion Auxiliary
America’s Catch, Incorporated
Anders Furniture Company
ANGS Group, Inc.
Anonymous (13)
Ant Eater Pest Control, Inc.
Armstrong, Ernest & Shirley
Arrington, Jr. Lamar and Janice
Arrow Printers
Aucoin, Gerald J. and Althea
Aust, June Craig
Authement, Dale and Carlene
Avant, Matt & Stephanie
B and B Electrical and Utility
B and G Checks, Inc.
Baca, Gerald
Bailey, Dondi
Baird, James C.
Balius Floor Coverings
Baltazar Benavides
Barefield, Taylor
Barkley, Deloris F.
Barrow, Bill & Marsha
Bartimus, Rose
Bartley, Michael T. & Robin
Bata, Frances E.
Belsom, Charles L. and Alison
Bennett, Bo and Jean
Bennett, Dan & Tanya
Bennett, Ronald & Pam
Benny Street Realty, LLC
Benoist, Molly A.
Berry, Lashea L.
Berryhill, Jennifer
Bill Smith Plumbing and Electrical
Bittenbender, Margot
Bittenbender, Thomas and Gael
Blaine, Scottie & Betty Ann
Blanton, Dr. and Mrs. Ladell
Blanton, Michael & Elizabeth
Boler, Michael T.
Boler-Phillips Body Shop, Inc.
Bonner and Associates
Bonner, April I.
Boone, Kenneth and Jenita
Boyanton, Tisha
Boyte-Usry Honda
Bradford, Melinda
Bradley, Todd & Mary Glenn
Brady, Jan
Brady, Justin
Branson, Alan & Susan
Brewer, III Norman Craig and
Brookhaven Credit Corp.
Brookhaven Equipment Company,
Brossett, Jr. Lori & Paul
Brown, Jason and Kelly
Brown, Melody
Brown, Michael L.
Brown, Samuel & Shannon
Brown-Gowdy, Dorothy
Bryan, E. Jeanne
Bryan, Russ & Brooke
Bucciantini, Michael and Katherine
Buford, Kathy B.
Bugg, Dr. and Mrs. D. Doran
Buggs, Barbara
Bullock, Jimmy and Jan
Burdine, Fred
Burwell, Todd and Dana
Burwell, Taylor
Bush, Mike & Cynthia
Byram Farmers Market, LLC
C and C Equipment, Inc
Calhoun, Clay & Lynn
Cameron, Christine
Camp, Cheryl
Cangelosi, Ashley
Cangiamilla, Jr. Monique & Vincent
Canton Casket, Inc.
Canton Discount Drugs
Canton Farm Equipment
Capital Air Balance, Inc.
Caranna, James and Elizabeth
Carmichael, Lisa
Carmichael, Robbie P
Carney, Tim - DMD
Carpenter, Jr. Sara & Gerald
Carr, Harry and Marilyn
Carr, Pamela G.
Causey, Shelby
Caves, James & Lori
Central Mississippi Drayage and
Drop Yard, Inc.
Chaney, Ellen M.
Charlotte’s Webb
Chichester, Nick & Mackenzie
Childres, Michael and Karen
Clalhoun, Clay L.
Classic Concepts, Inc.
Clay, Carey and Kay
Clay, Mary & Alison
Clements, Sam
Clemons, Todd and Debra
Cobb, David & Mona
Cole, K. P. & Meredith
Cole, Kelly and Lena
Coleman, Dennis
Collins, Riley and Lauri
Condon, Stephen and Dana
Conley, Robert J.
Cook, Mr. & Mrs. Jack T.
Cook, Linda Sue
Cooper, Edwin G.
Copeland, Spencer P.
Copiah Finance Company, Inc.
Cornelius, Anthony
Cossar, George P.
Cotten, Vernon R.
Cousins Truck City
Covington, Gary & Lisa
Cowen, Sonya W.
Cox, David and Dale
Craft, Evelyn G.
Craft, Merle and B. J.
Craig, Brannon & Rachel
Creel, Leah
Cresap, Robert & Michelle
Crossgates Jewelers
Crumpton, Keith and Beth
Cunningham, E. Scott and Barbara
Cure Sickle Cell Foundation, Inc.
Curry, Wes & Marion
D and D’s Helping Hands
Dabbs, Dustin & Millie
Daley, Zelphia
Danny Irons Paint and Body
Dantone, Vicki P
Dares, Kevin and Dawn
Darrell’s Auto Electric, Inc.
Fernandez, Jayson & Susan
Fielder, Timothy & Shannon
Finnell, Elaine
Fleming, Albert N.
Floyd, Mr. & Mrs.Arthur
Davaul, Diane T.
Davidson, Candice
Davis, Betty G.
Davis, Brady
Davis, David Anthony
Davis, Julian & Melissa
Davis, Rachel A.
Davis, Vernon
Dawkins, Lindsay
Dearden, Bruce & Sharon
Deaton, Michael and Dione
Deen’s Auto Service
Delcambre, Paul
Delmas, Loran
Deloach, Melanie
Denton, Dawn
Dependable Auto Sales
Dieckman, J. Dale & Marsha
Dilley, Mickie & Lee
Discount Hunting and Fishing, Inc.
Dixon, Diane
Donaho, Richard and Leann
Donald, James and Katie
Dorsey, Holly E.
Doty, Melissa A.
Doty, Michala S.
Douglas, Virginia R.
Doyle, Joseph and Cheryl
Ducker, Attorney William
Dunaway, Jo
Dyess, Stephen M.
E and H Realty
Earls, Robbie and Debbie
Earvin, Wilma
Ebbers, Linda P.
Eckols, Rebekah
Edwards, Jennifer
Eidt, Jennifer
Elfert, Lina
Elliott, Donnie and Denise
Emerson, Brenda S
Emmich, Robert N.
Eppert, Melanie & Herbert
Escatawpa Wholesale
Estes, Ronnie & Carol
Ezell, Miles Randall and Dora
Farber, Mr. & Mrs. Louis A.
Farris, Jeffrey
Fason, Bobby and Debbie
Faulkner, Allison
Felder, Cecil
Ford, Angela Susan
Ford, Rachel E.
Foret, Glenn and Becky
Fountain, Van Tony & Teresa
Freeman Funeral Home, Inc.
Fuller, Meri
Fuller, Ronnie and Carolyn
Gable, Phillip & Sandra
Gault, Jackie and Teresa
Geary, James and Kysia
Geary, William and Kathleen
Gentry, Tim & Rebecca
Gex, Gerald C
Gideon, Louis and Kay
Gilcrease, William & Patricia
Givens Logging, Inc.
Givens, Jennifer
Glass Doctor
Gleason, Michael & Sarah
Glenn, L. A.
Glenn’s Auto Sales
Gnemi, Lawrence and Pamela
Gnemi, Matthew & Emily
Goldman, Glenn
Good Search
Good, Jeff
Goodman, Kate B.
Googer, Robert and Karen
Gordon, Mason and Janet
Gordon, Timothy & Debra
Goss, Jr. Linda and Clyde
Got Gear Motorsports
Great Lengths
Green, Larry and Sylvia
Green, Trudy L.
Gregg Office Machine Company, Inc.
Gregg, Charles & Mary
Griffis, Bill and Linda
Gulledge, Kathy
Gunnell, Janet C.
Gussio, Gregory J.
Guy, Elaine P.
H and C Investments, LLC
Hacskaylo, Edward C. and Karen
Haggard, Dee and Virginia
Hailey Animal Hospital
Hair Unlimited
Hall, Steve
Hammett, Mr. & Mrs. Harold
Hand, Adam
Hardy, John and Christi
Harper, Brenda A.
Harper, Johnny and Joyce
Harper, Ken and Katie
Harvey, T. J.
Harvey, Thomas
Harville, Roxann
Hatcher, Debbie
Hathaway, Vesta W.
Hattiesburg Insurance Agency, Inc.
Hauser, Edgar R.
Hawkins, Jerrald & Teresa
Hayes, Keys & Tara
Health Care Medical
Heart of David Ministries
Heath, William & Kay
Hebert, Charles R. & Richelle
Hebert, M. J. & Suzonne
Heidelberg, Michelle
Henderson Limited Partnership
Henderson, James and Seleta
Henderson, Willie & Victoria
Hengen, Jamie
Henley, Amanda C.
Henley, Richard
Hensarling, James K.
Herman Cronier and Sons, Inc.
Herman, Gregory and Cindy
Herrington, T. & Rachel
Hester, Ronnie W. and Deborah
Hicks, Jason and Rochelle
Hicks, Kevin and Heather
Hicks, Stacey E.
Hilliard, Elbert
Hinds, Thomas and Elizabeth
Hinton, Cheryl
Hinton, Hanson H.
Hinton, Mr. & Mrs.Terry
Holaday, Virginia A.
Holcomb, Donna C.
Holder, Samuel
Holmes Oilfield Service,Inc.
Home-Land Title and Abstract
Horn Lake Assembly #29
Hoskins, Darrell
Hotard, Deborah
House, Joseph
Howard, Cindy
Howell, Kristen Ann
Hubbard, Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey P.
Hudgey’s Enterprises, Inc.
Hudson Pharmacy
Huff, Edward and Cathy
Hughes, Andy
Hunter, Brooks and Carol
Hurst, Mike
Hutto, Jeremy and Natalie
Iupe, William & Terri
J. Reynolds Interiors
Jack’s Southgate Quick Stop
Jackson, Ollie and Hope
Jackson, Steve & Mona
Jackson, W. J. and Cathy
Jacobs, Amanda
Jamison, Kimberly L.
Janczewski, Joe and Kaye
Jarreau. Barney and Janice
Jayess General Store
Jeffcoat Access Control and Security,
Jessop, Farah
Jimmy’s Auto Parts, Inc.
Johnson, Cliff and Leigh
Johnson, Joe & Suzy
Johnson, Joe R. and Deborah
Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. S. H.
Jones, James & Lynda
Jones, Paula
Jones, Richard and Jeana
Jordan, Marbeth and Reuben
Kappa Alpha Theta Zeta PSI
Katool, Christina and Alfred
Kay, Patty
Kellum, Bill and Kim
Kelly, Pope and Jeanette
Kendricks, Markeo & Treva
Kennedy, Emmitt and Cheryl
Kent, Heather
Kilgore, William & Ginger
Kimbrell, Michael
King, W. H.
Kirk, John & Sharon
Kittrell, Haldon and Sharon
Knight, A. B. & Joyce
Knight, Phillip L. and Lee Ann
Kraft Auto Parts, Inc.
Kuhn, Brian and Rachel
Kuiper, Paul and Donna
LAC Management and Properties,
Lacy Kelly Post 3036
Lain, Alexa
Lamberts Auto Repair
Lambiotte, Chelsey
Landrum, Anna M.
Lawarre, Richard & Yvonne
Lawson, Samuel & Patricia
Leakesville Lodge
LeBlanc, Bryan and Cathy
Lee, James & Yvonne
Lee, Joey & Marsha
Lee, Kevin & Shaundra
Lee, Lance
Lee, Lane & Lucy
Lee, Mary Elizabeth
Leggett, Josh & Neisha
Lehman, Megan
Lehman, Nancy S.
Lennard, Jake and Mary Sue
Liddell, Hal and Carolyn
Lincoln County Livestock Comm.
Co., Inc.
Lingold, Carolyn B.
Little Caesars Pizza
Little, Peggy J.
Livingston, Mark & Nancy
Lofton, Mr. & Mrs.Bill
Longmire, John and Betty
Lovelace, Stanley and Christy
Lowman, Clare A.
Lucas, Dr. Bill
Lucas, Mr. & Mrs.Van A.
Lucic, Edward & Sybil
Luckey, Taylor
Luke, Adelia
Luke, Larry and Nancy
Lummus, Patricia & Jasper
M and T Trucking
Maddox, Richard L.
Madison Garden Center
Magandy, Kathleen
Maley, Thomas and Helaine
Malouf, Michael J.
Malouf, Patsy C.
Manning, Mr. & Mrs. Chris
Manor, Wade & Pamela
Manuel, Will
Marengo, Juliana L.
Martin, Joe and Tina
Martin, Marshall & Tammy
Martin, Tim & Tammy
Masey’s Jewelers, Inc.
Mason, Bobby and Michelle
Massey, Mitzie
Mathis, Kelly A.
Matthews, Gail
Maxey, Briani
McClendon, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley
McCormick, Keith & Sara
McCoy, William & Tyanne
McCrory, Christy
McDaniel, Tommy & Sheila
McEwen, Margie R.
McGee, Mr. & Mrs. Carl A.
McGehee Cruise & Vacation, Inc.
McGowan, William E.
McGuff, Ada J.
McKenzie, Shirley & Duffy N.
McLain, Keith and Cynthia
McLain-Hays Funeral Service, Inc.
McLemore, Erin D.
McMaster, Linda
McMillon, Trisha
McNabb, Ryan & Misty
McPhail Food Center
McQuitter, Chris
McRae, Lacey E.
Messick, Carolyn
Metal Builders Supply
Meyer, Lee R.
Michel, Jules & Lynda
Miller, David G.
Miller, Leslie K.
Milligan, Ben
Milner, Michael & Sonya
Minor Med Care
Miracle, Phillip and June
Mitchell, Melissa and Arthur
Mitchell, Harold and Betty
Mitchell, Richard & Lynda
Moak, George & Misty
Mobility Medical, Inc.
Moncrief, Brad & Shannon
Monroe, Linda R.
Montalvo, Ray and Julie
Mississippi Glass Works, Inc.
Mississippi Power Wash
Mueller, Richard & Linda
Mulchatna Homes, Inc
Mullins, Joseph R.
Munn, Robert & Ann
Murray, James & Martha
Nalder, Susan S.
Naquin, Joseph & Melissa
Neelley, David and Dina
Nelson, Walterine
Network for Good
New South Ford
Newell, R. Bruce & Linda
Nezaty’s Cafe
Nicholson, Robert T.
Nicholson, Sammy & Sandy
Nicovich, Mary C.
Nowlin, John and Claire
O’Bannon, Herschel
Office Depot
Olander, Thomas and Fredna
Old South Fixture House
Olga’s Restaurant
O’Neal, Alison E.
Oubre, Mrs. A. J.
Oubre, Mark
Oxnam, Debbie B.
Pace Oil Company, Inc.
Page, Ronnie & Laurie
Parker, Mr. & Mrs. Phillip
Parker, Mr. & Mrs. Sidney L.
Parker, Wheeler and Ashley
Parkinson, John and Amy
Parrish, Elaine B.
Patrick E. Lowery & Associates, CPA
Patrick, Lisa K.
Payne, Genevieve
Pendleton, Gail
Peoples, Allen
Perez, Sarah M.
Performance Marketing, Inc.
Perkins, Don & Theresia
Perry, Allen L. and Jane
Perry, Ricky and Angie
Petite Street Day Care Center, Inc.
Petry, Steven and Lexy
Pettis, Brant
Philadelphia Auto Body Works
Phillips, Chris and Kim
Pi Beta Phi
Mooney, Mike and Judy
Moore, Mr. & Mrs. Lamar
Morgan, Jay & Lou Anne
Morris Network of Mississippi, Inc.
Mortgage Consultants, Inc.
Pierport, Lex and Barbara
Piggly Wiggly #110
Pike County National Bank
Pilgrim, Danny & Pam
Pioneer Credit Co -1
Pioneer Credit Co -2
Piper, Sara W.
Pittman, Don and Katherine
Plumlee, Denton & Lori
Poitevent, Fred O.
Polk, Susan F.
Poole, James E.
Pope, J. M. and Karen
Powell, Linda B.
Powers, Toni B.
Pratt, Donad & Sharon
Price, F. Roy
Price, John H.
Priebe, S. M. and S. L
Psenick, James & Marsha
Pugh, Jason and Angela
Pugh, Katherine
Purser, Darren and Amanda
Purvis, Shellie L.
Puryear, Sheila & Lamar
Quality Vending
Quick, Richard & Pamela
Quint, Kelly Ann
Rainer, Adella
Rainer, John & Lisa
Rankin County Towing Service, Inc.
Red Arrow Car Wash
Redd, Katrina S.
Reddix, Michael & Sandra
Reed, Keetha D.
Reeves, David and Carla
Renfrow, Craig and Sue
Reves, Debbie and Clyde
Reynolds, Natasha
Reynolds, Susannah
Richburg, Susan
Richey, Sylvia J.
Ridgeland Sports Medicine &
Rehabilitation, Inc.
Road and Track Powersports of
Roberts Interiors
Robertson, Denise
Robinson Street Cafe
Robinson, Evangeline
Robinson, S. Denise
Robinson, Suzanne M.
Rogers, Gene and Kathy
Rogers, Mary K.
Roland, Anthony & Shawn
Roland, Sean C.
Rollins, Nelda F.
Ross, James & Mickey
Rotch, Holly
Rounsaville, Mr. & Mrs. Clint
Rozar, Richard Lee and June
Rushing, Melissa
Russell. June and Paul
Rutland, Brett
S and T Heating and Cooling
S. S.
S. D. Bateman Fine Furnishings,
Sadler, Nicole
Sadler, Ryan
Sal-Liz, Inc.
Sampson, Gregory
Sanders, Allen
Sanders, Scott and Jeanie
Saunders, Audra M.
Saunders, Janet P.
Schraeder, Mary K.
Schrock, Dr. and Mrs. Michael B.
Schwartz, Rodney & Mary
Scoville, Curt & Tammy
Selby, V. Gwyn
Stewart, Brent and Jennifer
Stone, Ben H.
Strain, Benjamin
Serpa, Liz
Shamp, Edward and Eva
Sharplin, Thomas and Esther
Shelburne, John and Annelle
Sheri Woodard Real Estate, LLC
Shirley, Betty A.
Shirley, Latonia J.
Shoemake, Frank D.
Show Stoppers Studio of Dance
Shows, Danny and Darlene
Sicily’s Italian Buffet Restaurant
Sicks, Douglas and Kellye
Signs, Fred and Jennifer
Sims, Joyce
Sims, Steve & Liza
Singh, Dr.’s Jatinder and Asha
Singing River Federal Credit Union
Sligh, Will B. & Lucy M.
Smet, Marie
Smira, Kevin and Amanda
Smith, Angel W.
Smith, Briley & Lisa
Smith, Carla
Smith, Catchings & Lottie Lee
Smith, Charles and Beverly
Smith, Charles and Christina
Smith, Danny & Margaret
Smith, Elizabeth A
Smith, Melvin and Eloise
Smith, J. G. and Boots
Smith, Kevin & Sandy
Smith, Michael H.
Smith, William & Linda
Smithie, Shelia
Smyda, Laurie
Southern Electric Works, Inc.
Solid Ground, Inc.
South Forrest Agency
Southeast Insurance, Inc.
Southern Fastener
Southern Specialty
Sowell, Mr. & Mrs. Johnny P.
Sowell, Richie
Sowell, Terry
Spears, Albert
Speights, Scott & Sharon
Spence, Willie & Hazel
Spiers, Patty
Spies, Donald D.
Spivey, Mary & Lloyd G.
Spring, Amanda
Spring, Lorrayne
Stainback, Dr. and Mrs. Frank
Starks, Vincent & Sidney
Stelly, Jr. Tammy & William
Stephens, Joe and Angela
Stevenson, Michelle
Strayham, Stephen & Paulette
Stringer, Shanna K.
Stuart, Marie W.
Sturdivant, J. Walker & Nancy
Sudduth, Larry & Paula
Sudduth, R. L. & M. L.
Sullivan, Michael & Tomorrow
Sumrall, Gerald & Peggy
Sunshine Meadow Herbal Health
Super Stop
Swan, George and Jamie
Symonds, Chester R.
T and D Furniture - Meridian
T and T Creamery
Tardo, Rickie and Gwen
Taylor, Brenda
Taylor, Clay & Susan
Taylor, Frank and Charlene
Taylor, Randy & Mamie
Temple, Kelly
Thames, Thelma N.
The Alarm Company, Inc.
The China Place
The Cleaners of Brookhaven, Inc.
The Country Peddler
The Scrub Zone
The Shingle Shed
Thibodeaux, Joshua and Desiree
Thomas Tire and Service, Inc.
Thompson, Deanna
Thompson, Jacqueline
Thompson, Resia Ann
Tisdale, David and Lela
Tompkins, Gary and Jennifer
Townsend, Chad and Jennifer
Turk, John and Angela
Turnage Law Office, PA
Turnbough, Dorothy
Updegraff, Ronald
University of Southern Mississippi
Valdez, Inc.
Vance, Chris and Tracy
Vance, Cy and Kathy
Vance, Fred and Miriam
Varhol, Debra Kay
Viniard, Billy & Nancy
Volk, Michael & Stephanie
Vowell’s Market Place
W. C. Pitts Construction Company,
Wakeland, Barbara H.
Walker, Louis and Barbara
Walker, Melissa B.
Walker, Mrs. Selma
Wallace, Brenda Gail
Wallace, Lauren K.
Wallace, Linda
Waller, Mr. & Mrs. Jason M.
Warren, Paul and Amy
Warrington, Bennie K
Warrington, Jeannie
Watkins, Betty Lou
Watson, Mr. & Mrs. W. W.
Webb, David and Helen
Weber, John M.
Welch, Elizabeth and Lolette
Welch, K. B. & Patty
Welch, M. David
Weldy, Cyndi W.
West, Jean
West, L. J. & Myrtle
Westerfield, Cheryl
Wheat, John
Wheatley, Jr. Donna and Earl
Whicker, Kathy B.
White, Emmett & Marjorie
Wilcher, D. & Sarah
Wilder, H. Rodger & Ruth
Wilkinson, Jr. Dana and Jackie Ray
Williams, Arthur and Kay
Williams, Beth
Williams, James
Williams, Jr. Lisa & John A.
Williams, John Henry & Lynda
Williams, Judy C.
Willis, David Glenn and Shelia
Wilson, Ann B.
Wilson, Cindy I.
Wilson, Harold L. & Rebecca
Wilson, Laymon and Wendy
Wilson, Ted and Glynda
Wittmann, Lolette K.
Woodard, Sheri
Woodcock, Lee Anna
Woodmen of the World
Woodruff, Arnold
Woods, Linda & Jenny
Wyatt, Vic & Nell
Yates, Brandy T.
York, Frank Allen & Mary
Young, Robert and Jetty
Young, Martha Anne
Young, Patricia L.
Young, Sarah
Young-Dozier, L. M.
Zello, Richard & Loriann
In-Kind Gifts
Action Limo
Alumni House Sports Grill
The Alluvian Hotel
Atlanta Braves
AVIS Car Rental
Bay Point Resort
Bermuda Limo
Best Buy
Book, Samantha
Cake Shoppe
Central Mississippi Medical Center
Chuck E Cheese
CiCi’s Pizza
Clements, John and Betty
Club Libby Lu
Coco Loco Mexican Restaurant
Continental Air Lines
Country Creek RV Super Center,
Courtyard Marriott
Days Inn and Suites
Dean Trailways of Michigan
Delta Air Lines
Detroit Marriott Renaissance Center
Empire State Building
Extreme Excursion
Give Kids The World, Inc.
Golden Gulf Limousine
Grand Hyatt
Gulfport - Biloxi Airport
Harper, Rains, Knight and Company,
Hilton - Jackson
Howard Industries, Inc.
Isle of Capri Casino
Jackson-Evers International Airport
Janet Blouin
Janie’s Bakery
Jumpers, LLC
Lenny’s Sub Shop
Logans Roadhouse
Mark Stafford
Maximum Limo
Memphis International Airport
Natural Science Museum
New York Pizza
Ottis Ward Construction
Philip Williamson
Pizza Hut
Quality Inn
Residence Inn
Ringling Bros
Rush Medical Group
San Diego Zoo
Sea World
Seafood at Market Square
Service Master
Shannon Boyce
Shore Lanes - Dylan Smith
SouthWest Airlines
Statue of Liberty, Inc.
Steve A. Gary
Turner Field
US Airways
Wal Mart
Wranger Furniture
While we have made every effort
to ensure the accuracy of this
list, we are aware that mistakes
occasionally occur. If your name
was inadvertently omitted or
misspelled, please accept our
sincere apologies. Contact us at
800-819-4072/601-366-9474 or via
email at [email protected] so that
we can correct our records.
Make-A-Wish Foundation of Mississippi
Statement of Functional Expenses
Period ending 8/31/2007
Direct Program Expenses
& General
Employee Benefits
Payroll Taxes
Postage and Delivery
Printing and Publications
Travel Expense
Conferences, Events, and Meetings
Gifts and Awards
Membership Dues
Insurance (Included in Nat'l Dues)
Office Relocation
Miscellaneous Expense
Depreciation and Amortization
Program Services Grant Expense
Professional Fees
Office Supplies
National Partnership Dues
Functional Percentage
In order to foster the highest levels of transparency and stewardship, copies of our most recent IRS Form 990 and Annual Audit are available
on our website for review. Please do not hesitate to contact the chapter office if you have any questions.
The Mississippi Chapter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation® proudly joins 66 other chapters throughout the United States and its territories on mission to enrich lives with hope, strength, and joy!
did you
We’ve Moved!
Our offices are now located in Suite 30 of LeFleur’s Gallery, 4800
I-55 North in Jackson. Thanks to all of the fine folks that made our
move possible:
LeFleur’s Gallery for allowing us to be there!
Red Arrow
LeFleur’s Gallery
I-55 North
(2nd Floor)
Regions Bank for the great office furniture!
Business Interiors for outfitting Judy Phillips’ office
The Make-A-Wish Foundation® of Mississippi is a §501(c)(3) charitable organization and, therefore, donations are deductible according to IRS guidelines (T.I.N. # 64-0730362). By choice, we receive no
direct governmental assistance, but rely solely on the support of those who share the vision and mission of Make-A-Wish.
The official registration and financial information of the Mississippi Chapter may be obtained from the Mississippi Secretary of State’s office by calling (888) 236-6167. Registration by the Secretary of
State does not imply endorsement by the Secretary of State.
4800 I-55 North, Suite 30
Jackson, Mississippi 39211