Minutes - Wayne NJ Public Schools
Minutes - Wayne NJ Public Schools
Page 1 of 160 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 MAY 19,2016 The Regular Meeting of the Wayne Township Board of Education was held on Thursday, May 1 9, 201 6 in Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 475 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470. Executive Session was held in the Large Conference Room, in the .4Liministration Building. 50 Nellis Drive, Wayne, New Jersey 07470. The meeting was scheduled to begin at 6:00 p.m., pursuant to the terms of the Sunshine Law. The meeting was called to order at 6:1 5 p.m., by Eileen Albanese, Board President. I. Reading of Sunshine Law statement Adequate notice of this Regular and Executive Meeting, setting forth time, date and location, has been provided In accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act on January 11, 2016 by: Prominently posting a copy on the bulletin board in the lobby of the offices of the Board of Education, which is a public place reserved for such announcements, transmitting a copy of this notice to The Record, The Wayne Today, and the Municipal Clerk. II. Roll Call PRESENT: Eileen Albanese, Michael Bubba, Robert Ceberio, Cathy Kazan, Allan Mordkoff, Gail Okun, Donald Pavlak, Jr., and Christian Smith. ABSENT: Mitch Badiner ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Mark Toback, Superintendent, Nicole C. Schoening,CPA Assistant Business Administrator, Isabel Machado, Board General Counsel. III. Approval to Convene into Executive Session Regular Meeting Minutes - May 1 9, 2016 Page 2 of 1 60 X - 20 1 6 - 1 RECOMMENDED ACTION: WHEREAS, the Wayne Township Board of Education (hereinafter referred to as the "Board") from time to time rrust convene into Executive Session to discuss confidential matters including but not limited to personnel issues, legal matters, student issues and labor negotiations. WHEREAS, THE Board has on its agenda for the meeting being held on May 1 9, 201 6 on issues relating to negotiations, personnel, and legal matters which rrust be discussed in a confidential closed session. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Board shall move into Executive Session to discuss the above referenced matter. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the minutes of the executive session will provide as much information as possible without violating any applicable privilege or confidentiality so that the public can understand what was discussed and when available what the Board decision was. BE IT F U RTHER RESOLVED, that the minutes of the executive session will be released to the public in an appropriately redacted form within a reasonable period of time. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the redacted portion of the executive session minutes wil l not be released until such time as the privilege or confidentiality is no longer applicable. Motion: To Approve, Moved by M ICHAEL BUBBA, Seconded by ALLAN MORDKOFF. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BUBBA, CEBERIO, KAZAN , MORDKOFF, OKUN, PAVLAK, SMITH Absent: BADINER IV. Reconvene The Executive Session of the Wayne Board of Education Regular Meeting of May 19, 2016 was convened in the Conference Room of the Wayne Board of Education, 50 Nellis Drive, Wayne, NJ 07470. The Statement of Compliance setting forth time, date and location was read in accordance with the requirements of the Open Public Meetings Act and the roll call was taken. The meeting was recessed and Is now being reconvened. The Board reconvened at 7:40 p.m., in the Wayne Township Municipal Building Council Chambers, 475 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey 07470. Mrs. Eileen Albanese, Board President advised that that Board had been meeting in Executive Session at 50 Nellis Drive for the purpose of discussing negotiations, personnel and legal matters. Information regarding these matters will be made public if, and when appropriate. PRESENT: Eileen Albanese, Michael Bubba, Robert Ceberio, Cathy Kazan, Allan Mordkoff, Gail Okun, Donald Pavlak, Jr., and Christian Smth. Approved Regular Meeting Minutes - Page 3 of 160 May 19, 20 16 ABSENT: Mitch Badiner ALSO PRESENT: Dr. Mark Toback, Superintendent, Nicole C. Schoening, CPA, Assistant Business Administrator, Isabel Machado, Board General Counsel. FLAG SALUTE MOMENT OF SILENCE V. Recognition Program Dr. Toback recognized the artwork that is on display in the back of the room. STUDENT ARTWORK ON DISPLAY THIS EVENING Coyrtesy of George Washington Middl e School Jenni Pencil Pencil 71 IMaggie MachadollGrade allPencll/Colored Pencill 1 Kaitlyn McNutt IIGrade 71 1 Shannon Mi IIGrade al Colored Glanna Lepri Grade Eileen Albanese introduced Gail Okun who presented the Eagle Scout Awards. EAGLE SCOUT AWARDS Boy Scout Troop 104 Ms. Leslie Anne Grand, Eagle Court of Honor Committee Chair JAMES ROBERT CLAUSON BLAKE DONALDSON Dr. Toback introduced the Student Representatives, recognizing them in reading a short summary, of each of their accomplishments. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE RECOGNITION Page 4 of 160 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 20 1 6 CHRISTINA VITTAS WAYNE HILLS HIGH SCHOOL MAX VORCHEIMER WAYNE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL • • VI. Administrative Summary Report Student Representatives Reports Wayne Hills reported by Christina On Wednesday, May 1 1 th, a group from the Wayne LEO Club went on a field trip to St. Joseph's School for the Blind in Jersey City. The group consisted of six members from Wayne Hills High School - Michelle Lampariello, Rachel Alvarez, Bobby Critchfield, Anthony Panzino, Hager Younes, and Jordan Simone. The students from Wayne Hills joined together with those of Wayne Valley at St. Joseph's to help garden outside of the school. The students of both high schools started by cleaning up the gardens to make it easier to plant. After lunch, the LEOs showed the children of St. Joseph's how to plant vegetables and herbs as well as getting to befriend them. Overall, the Leos worked incredibly hard and all of them put in one hundred percent of their efforts that day for the children of St. Joseph's School for the Blind. On Wednesday- May 1 1 , 201 6 Wayne Hills High School hosted their Eighth Annual Student Culinary Competition. The competition featured six student teams that each prepared themed marketed stations and a three course menu with an action station. There were over 250 people in attendance that raised $1 ,804.00 for the Wayne Hills Consumer Science Scholarship with the admission fee and water sales. This year's themes were Dubai Cuisine, Taste of Asia, Camping, It's a Small World, Wizard of Oz & Boardwalk. The future chefs and marketing specialists took a lot of pride in their creations and are looking forward to doing it again next year. The Wayne Hills Student Council will sponsor a blood drive at Wayne Hills tomorrow from 7:30 NIl to 2:00 PM. The Wayne Hills jazz band took to the road and performed in the West Milford Jazz Festival on Thursday April 28th. The band played for many other high school bands and several prominent local adjudicators. The band earned a Gold rating and the special award for Best Rhythm Section out of all of the bands in attendance. On Friday, May 1 3, the Wayne Hills choirs participated in a choir festival and competition. The choirs performed separately and were adjudicated by Larry Raiken and Heather " Bucha nan at Jackson Liberty High School. Concert Choir earned a 4th place trophy in the category of Mixed Concert Choirs and the WHHS Chamber Choir earned a 2nd place trophy in the category of Women's Choirs. The Wayne Hills High School talent show was held on Friday, April 29th . Many students participated with an evening full of singing, dancing, playing of musical instruments and lots of fun. Last week the Wayne PAL held their 60th Scholarship Appreciation dinner. This dinner was held to recognize the three Wayne Hills students who were named recipients of the Wayne PAL Scholarships. This year's recipients are Jared Millstein who will be attending the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Brian Muller who will be attending the University of South Carolina, and Frank Petracco who will be attending Johns Hopkins University. All three recipients are students at Wayne Hills and were each rewarded a scholarship in the amount of $3,000.00. Out of over 500 contestants across the US, WHHS Photography students placed four times in the Antonelli Institute photography contest. Natalie Dominguez won third place and Jaylin Montalvo, Megan Rose, and Matt Cherekjian all received honorable mentions. Regular Meeting Minutes May 19, 2016 - Wayne Valley reported by Max Next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, Wayne Valley's Student Dance Association put on their yearly production. This year's theme is Good vs. Evil and in typical SDA fashion, this year will shape out to be an amazing performance! Come see for yourself at 7pm on Thursday and Friday and 6pm on Saturday. Our spring sports seasons are now in full swing. Many of our teams are in County contention, and some even in state contention. We are excited to see how the rest of the season plays out, and wish the best of luck to all of our spring athletes! The last two weeks valley has experienced the beginning of Parcc Testing. About halfway through now we looking forward to successfully wrap up and continue on with the end of our school year. Students and staff are preparing and reviewing for the Advanced Placement tests that will begin the first week of May. Good luck to all of our students preparing for exams! 1. SUPERINTENDENTS REPORT Just a few things, I would like to provide the Comrrunity with the Kindergarten Wrap Up date. I am happy to report that all parents seeking a placement for their child in our new Wrap Program, have a place for the upcoming school year. We are very excited to rrove ahead with the Kindergarten Wrap Program and we know that it will be an excellent program. A reminder about Merrorial Day. For all of our parents and students, we have an extended break for Merrorial Day because we did not need to use all of our emergency days, so school will be closed for Merrorial Day break beginning on Friday, May 27th through Tuesday, May 3 1 st. Classes will resume on Wednesday, June 1 st. As a result we will be able to avoid a tremendous arrount of traffic. The Wayne Education Foundation Summer Camp is going to be offered once again this year. They are pleased to offer their 201 6 Camp Schedule. All camps will be held at Wayne Hills High School during the weeks of July 1 1 th through July 1 5th. July 1 8th through July 22nd, and July 25th through July 29th. All camps are instructed by Certified Teachers to provide a higher quality camp experience. Please keep in mind that the rroney raised from the camp has been donated back to the school district, thus far the Wayne Education Foundation has donated over $80,000 back to the school district primarily from this camp. A quick athletic update. You already have heard from Max, the Student Representative, about what is happening at Wayne Val ley, but I will round it out about a bit with a little report about Wayne Hills High School. Just recognition for the Girls Track Team. They had a history making season, by winning their first Passaic County Championship. Coming close but never winning the championship in over 40 years of competition. This year, they did it, so congratulations to the girls track team. Congratulations to Wayne Hills Baseball. The top seated team in the Passaic County Tournament delivered, and also won the championship. Congratulations to the Boys Tennis Team for capturing another Passaic County Championship, the team has advanced to the Semi Finals Round of the Page 5 of 160 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 Team Toumament, defeating Passaic Valley and Indian Hills. The Golf Team of Wayne Hills is also enjoying an excellent season with a record of 23 wins and 5 losses. They are the winners of the Big North Conference ChalTl>ionship. A reminder to all that a very il1l>Ortant event is coming to Wayne once again. On June 4th starting at 2:00 p.m. , Wayne Valley High School will host the 1 0th annual Relay for Life. 2. HIB REPORT There were four (4) incidents investigated since my last report and one (1) was deemed to be in the category of HIB. Eileen Albanese - thanked Dr. Toback, and on behalf of the Board I would like to extend our thanks both to you, Donna Reichman and to the staff at central office and in the elementary schools. I believe it was at our last general meeting on April 2 1 st, that this Board gave approval for the Kindergarten Wrap Around Program, so to come to our next meeting and have so much be done in such a short period of time, and 1 60 students seated I think is really an accolTl>lishment. We thank you for all the hard work and the time, especially the time, that we know went into all of the col'TVTlunication in putting together the program. Dr. Toback introduced Michael Reinknecht, Director of Student Support Services and Erica Cerilli-Levine, the Assistant Director to discuss the William Paterson University Partnerships for Ajaptive PE Fitness and Food Service. 3. PRESENTATIONS William Paterson University Partnerships Adaptive, PE/Fitness, Food Service Presented by: Michael Reinknecht, Director of Student Support Services Erica Cerilli-Levlne - Assistant Director of Student Support Services Dr. Toback introduced Anthony Ciardella, from Brown & Brown, to give a presentation on the Health Benefit for the District. Health and Dental Renewals Presented by: Anthony T. Ciardella, Jr., Brown & Brown Benefit Advisors Page 6 of 160 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 VII. Revisions to Agenda Items MINUTES None ADMINISTRATION ITEMS A-2016-1 EDUCATION ITEM S E-2016-1 to E-2016-8 PERSONNEL ITE M S H-2016-1 to H-2016-17 WITH CORRECTION AND ADDENDA: H-201 6-05 Withdraw #1 - Appointment of District Staff H-2016-1 2 �ditional Compensation #4 - All District General Education/Special. Education teachers - Summer IEP meetings, should read "51 .00 per meeting, per the WEA contract". The word "meeting was originally omitted. New H-2016-17 Approval of Contractual Indemnification for ID 9986 POLICY ITEMS P-2016-1 to P-2016-6 SCHOOL RESOURCE ITE M S S-2016-1 to S-2016-9 A motion was made to open the meeting to public comment on agenda items only. VIII. Open to Public Agenda Items Only This portion of the meeting is open to citizens for conment on agenda items only. Residents are to state their names, addresses, and subject matter. Comments may be limited to five minutes per person. Members of the public are discouraged from speaking negatively about an employee or a student. The Board bears no responsibility for comments made by the public. Comments regarding employees or students cannot be legally responded to by the Board. Other comments may be responded to tonight or at subsequent meetings under "old business." Motion: To Approve, Moved by DONAl.D PAVLAK, Seconded by Al.LAN MORDKOFF. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: Al.BANESE, BUBBA CEBERIO, KAZAN , MORDKOFF, OKUN , PAVLAK, SMITH Absent: BADINER Page 7 of 160 Regular M eeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 Page 8 of 160 Comments: Mark Klypka - P-2016-1 just wanted to confirm that notice will no longer have to be given to the Administration that a citizen of the public will be video or audio taping the meetings? I know as board members you have to go to the administration and let them know you are going to do it, so now I am just confirming that you are just coming here on the meeting and bring your video equipment and sit in a designated area and video the meeting yourself? I just want to confirm that. - S-2016-3 I guess this is for all the employees in the district. Every school, department, the Health Insurance Coverage. Is that correct? - What would be the amount for the estimated amount that the employee will be contributing towards this coverage, so that at least you get a net cost through the district. There being no further comments from the public, a motion was made to close the meeting to public comment. Motion: To Approve, Moved by ALLAN MORDKOFF, Seconded by DONALD PAVLAK. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BUBBA, CEBERIO, KAZAN , MORDKOFF, OKUN, PAVLAK, SMITH Absent: BADINER IX. Committee Reports and Action C - 2016 - 1 Approved Approval of Committee Minutes RECOMMENDEP ACTION: RESOLVED that the Board approve the following committee minutes: ! Education !Apri118, 2016 ! Facilities and Transportation! April 13, 2016 !Personnel ! April 21, 2016 and May 5, Education - reported by Robert Ceberio 57:19 1. Review of Education Minutes 4/26/16 2. Reviewed agendas from this evening 3. Repeated 2 policies - eligibility of residence and non resident students; policy on high school graduation. 4. 2 residency issues that the committee discussed. 5. Curriculum on Advanced Placement - Computer Science principals were presented to the Board. 6. Discussion on reconsider of library material at Schuyler Colfax 7. Discussion on pilot program, to good for drugs for grade 5-8. Technology - report by Allan Mordkoff 1. Discussion of PARCC 1 2016 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 9 Page 9 of , 160 2. Technology plan for 2016-17 not required by State for Technology plan but think it is important. 3. Tentative date to have a plan to present in September, which isn't realistic. The County is asking the State for an extension. 4. Policies involving devices and use. 5. IV. next committee meeting, Mr. Borchard will present a draft policy regarding ??? Motion: To Approve, Moved by MICHAEL BUBBA Seconded by DONALD PAVLAK. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BUBBA CEBERIO, KAZAN MORDKOFF, OKUN, PAVLAK, SMITH Absent: BADINER , Amotion was rrede to approve A-2016-1. X. Action on Agenda A- 2016 - 1 Approved Approval of HIB Report RECOMMENDED ACTION: RESOLVED, that the Board affirm the Superintendent's decision on the Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying rretters as required by N.J.SA 1BA:37-15(b)(6)(e) on the followin cases: Case #66, 67, 6B, 69, 70, 71/2015-201 to the Board on May 5, 201 Motion: To Approve, Moved by CATHY KAZAN Seconded by ALLAN MORDKOFF. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BUBBA CEBERIO, KAZAN MORDKOFF, OKUN, PAVLAK, SMITH Absent: BADINER , , Amotion was rrede to approve E-2016-1 to E-2016-B. Education: Approval of Out of District Professional Travel for Staff Mem bers E - 2016 - 1 RECOMMENDEDACTION: Approved RESOLVED, that the Board approve Out of District Professional Travel for the 2015-2016 school year, as follows: Whereas, District efT'4lloyees listed on the attached chart are attending conferences, conventions, staff training, seminars, workshops, student events or other required travel; and Whereas, the attendance at stated functions were previously approved by the Chief Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 Page 10 of 160 School Administrator and School Business Administrator as work related and within the scope of work responsibilities of the attendees; and Whereas, the attendance at the functions were approved as promoting delivery of instruction of furthering efficient operation of the District, and fiscally prudent; and Whereas, the travel and related expenses particular to attendance at these functions are within state travel guidelines established by the Department of Treasury in NJOMB circular letter; now therefore Be it resolved, that the Board of Education finds the travel and related expense particular to attendance as these previously approved functions; and further, Be it resolved, that the expenses are justified and therefore reimbursable andlor payable, as per the attached. Approval of Field Trip Destinations RECOMMENDED ACTION: E - 2016 - 2 Approved RESOLVED, that the Board approve the Field Trips for the 2015-2016 school year as per the attached by reference. Out of District Placements and Related Services RECOMMENDED ACTION: RESOLVED that the Board approve out of district placements and related services for the 2015-2016 school year for students pursuant to their Individualized Education Program (IEP) or in accordance with their High School curricula (ie vocational school placement) as . �o II ows and further, that transportafIon be proVI·de d as reqUired - Student Placement Location Related Service Placement type: Tuition (10mo/ESY) Provided by new, cont, change Effective Date Effective date If change, prior Account # Cost placemenUcost Account # 1 #9425966581 ISage Day-Mahwah NeVIl $12,012.00 (40 days X $300.30) 04/21/16 1#11-000-100-566-17-008 2 #5360237861 Chancellor Academy Continuation $5,476.80 Increase 84 days X add'i $65.20 per day 02102116-06/30/16 #11-000-100-566-17-008 3 #2724980664 Glenview Academy New $9,656.00 32 days X $301.75 per day 05/09/16-06130/16 #11-000-100-566-17-008 4 #9062745796 Integrity House NeVIl $5,040.00 84 hours X $60.00 per hour 04/01/16-04/29/16 #11-000-100-568-17-000 E - 2016 - 3 Approved Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 Approval of Hospital Instruction RECOMMENDED ACTION: Page 11 of 160 E - 2016 - 4 Approved RESOLVED, that the Board approve Hospital Instruction services for students for the 2015-2016 school year as follows and as per attached by reference: Effective Date Provided by - Student SID # Student Type Rate Title Reason School Hours/sessions per week Account # Grade Education Inc. 5/2116 1. 1307080590 General Education 11-150-100-320- $47. 00 per. lhr. Medical GWMS 17-008 5hrs.lwk. 7 Approval of Home Instruction RECOMMENDED ACTION: E - 2016 - 5 Approved RESOLVED, that the Board approve Home Instruction services for students for the 20152016 school year as follows: Effective Date Provided by Student SID # Student Type Rate ITitle Reason School Hours/sessions per week IAccount # Grade 3/8/16 District Staff 1. 1357559098 General Education 11-150-100-101- $40.00 Administrative IWHHS 17-008 10hrs.lwk. 10 4/28/16 District Staff 12. 1307080590 General Education 11-150-100-101- $40.00 Medical GWMS 17-008 5hrs.lwk. 7 4/29/16 District Staff 3. 4355281897 General Education 11-150-100-101- 1$40.00 Medical WHHS 17-008 10hrs.lwk. 9 5/2116 District Staff 9971174944 General Education 11-150-100-101- $40.00 WVHS Administrative 17-008 10hrs.lwk. 9 District Staff 15/3/16 5. 3936372092 Special Education 11-219-100-110- 1$40.00 Medical JFK 17-000 5 10hrs.lwk. � Approval of Professional Service Agreement RECOMMENDED ACTION: RESOLVED, that the Board approve a Professional Service Agreement with a vendor for the 2015-2016 school year for the services as indicated at the following contractual rates as per the attached b reference: Student ID- ITotal Contract T Y pe of Service provider if applicable lor not to exceed Rate Account # Effective Date f1l Hillrnar, LLC $650.00 Bilingual Speech/Lang Evaluation #2936404750 Caldwell, NJ $650.00 IINorth � I I E - 2016 - 6 Approved Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 lUI Page 12 of 160 11#11-000-219-390-17-008 E - 2016 - 7 Approved Approval of Related Service Agreements RECOMMENDEDACTION: RESOLVED, that the Board approve a Related Service Agreement with a vendor for the 2015-2016 school year for the services as indicated at the following contractual rates as per the attached by reference: -= of Service Provide ' Student ID- Total if applicable Contract Account # or not to Effective Date exceed 1 Intense Behavioral Assessment #9287966505 $8,972.50 $647.50 (04/28/16) Services BCBA-Transition from bus to Jersey City, NJ home $125.00 per hour Technician $60.00 per hour (45 days X $185. 00 per day) 04/28/16-06/30/16 #11-000-216-320-17-008 l n U I . E 2016 - 8 Approved Out of District Placements and Related Services - RECOMMENDED ACTION: RESOLVED, that the Board approve out of district placements and related services for the 2016-2017 school year for students pursuant to their Individualized Education Program (IEP) or in accordance with their High School curricula (ie vocational school placement) as follows and further, that transportation be provided as required as per the attached by reference. Motion: To Approve, Moved by ROBERT CEBERIO, Seconded by MICHAEL BUBBA Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BUBBA CEBERIO, KAZAN , MORDKOFF, OKUN, PAVLAK, SMITH Absent: BADINER Amotion was made to approve H-2016-1 to H- 2016-16. Human Resource: H - 2016 - 1 Approved Approval of Resignations/Retirements RECOMMENDED ACTION: RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the . tenden.t accept the �0IIoWing reslgnat'Ions �or the 2016 2017 sch00I year: Supenn - Name FTE Effective Salary Position Position Control# Date Guide Location Account Number# Salary Step Reason rllJosePh IIFTE 1 117/1/16 11$54.600 1 - Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 Page 13 of 160 U DeVore Social Studies WV 2. Suzanne Pudup School Librarian 01-41-321dex 11-140-100-101-15000 FTE 1 10/1/16 retirement 01-05-20/bag 11-000-222-100-02034 3. Mary Ann Gainer English WV 4. Mary Soltis Nurse TD FTE 1 01-41-07/ach 11-140-100-101-15000 FTE 1 01-02-28/bis 11-000-213-100-60038 LAF step 4 BA of the WEA salary guide $91,200 step 14 MA+30 of the WEAsalary guide 7/1/16 $118,400 retirement step 22 MA+30 of the WEAsalary guide 7/1/16 $80,100 retirement step 14 MAof the WEAsalary guide H 2016 - 2 Approved Approval of Leave Requests - RECOMMENDED ACTION: RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Supenntendent, approve the fo II owmg Ieave requests for the 2015-2016 schocl year: Date of Paid FMLA Staff ID# Dates of Unpaid leave Leave Position Unpaid wlbenefits wlo benefits Type Position # Type Type Location 5/4/16 - 6/5/16 nla 10#1353 nla Administrative Para 11-41-121cyn leave nla 10#5641 5/16/16-6/1/16 nla Van Driver medical 71-06-18/chq Transportation 10#8590 5/10/16 nla nla 01-12-121bjy Administrative leave JFK 10#1805 5/10/16 nla a 01-04-121cpo Administrative JFK leave � 0 � � � I r I Approval of Termination RECOMMENDED ACTION: RESOLVED, that .the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, approve the f0 II oWing termmatlon . . for cause: Staff ID# PC# Salary - Position Account# Effective date Location $16.47 per hr. 10#1353 11-41-121cyn step 3 of the Paraprofessional 1. Para H 2016 - 3 Approved - Page 14 of 160 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 20 1 6 IUIWV 1111-212-100-106-17-00811salary guide 615116 II Approval of Revised Items RECOMMENDEDACTION: H - 2016 - 4 Approved RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the . d the . tendent, approves the �0IIoWing I'tems t0 be revise �or the 2015-2016 sch00I year: Su oenn - Name FTE Effective Date Salary Position Control# Position Guide/Step Account Number# Location n/a Revise leave of absence 1. ID#6988 2116/16 - 4/25/16 paid sick Math days and 4/26/16 - 6/8/16 GW FMLA w/o pay & w/benefits n/a 2. Michelle Ginart Revise end date from 6/2116 to LTR Math 6/8/16 GW 2016 - 2017 3. Debora Foti Revise salary guide on 5/5/16 agenda No change in from ESAP to ESP. Step and salary Elementary salary. were correct. Principal RY Revise step on 5/5/16 agenda from Step 2 to Step 2016 - 2017 4. �dulAhmed No change in 1. Salary was correct. Custodian salary. WH n/a 5. Pam Bernstein Revise end date from 5/31/16 to 6/2116 LTR School Psychologist n/a Revise end date of LOA from 5/16116 to 6/6/16 6. 10#9208 Para PL Approval of Appointment of District Staff for 2015·2016 and 2016·2017 school years RECOMMENDED ACTION : RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, approves the appOintments of the following personnel in the wayne Township Public School District, for the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school years on the appropriate bargaining unit salary, pending the full satisfaction of requisite New Jersey Department of Education and District employment criteria. ALSO BE IT RESOLVED, that the Superintendent recommends that the Board of Education approves the submission to the County Superintendent of Schools the application for emergency hiring and each applicant's attestation that he/she has not been convicted of any disqualifying crime pursuant to the provisions of N.J.SA 18A:6-7 et. Seq., or N.J.SA 18A-6-4.13, et seq. for the el1l>loyees below, if necessary: FTE Effective Date PD Hours - Name Student 10# for 1 :1 Paras Position Position Control# Salary Staff replacing Account Nurrber# Guide/Step Location or new position � H - 2016 - 5 Approved Page 15 of 160 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 1. '� .�-�, ....., ..." � . .-� "" T. , ..." .."""', ......"" Ir::-r� t: 170t ��-otO/. loto! �;;��'ot� ............ -. '" .... It:.. nn7 ...... I" =: �'l�U.... I......."" - "', " 'v " I -'-'� �"'"'' . ...., n.· '"' n:c. ' -I;;;:; ;7 :. .. ...., .. 1·· I;::.":" "" A "'�v' .�. '_"'· I'"' -",_, _.. ,- 2. Brittany FTE 1 01-40-121aye Warther Sp. Ed. English 11-213-100-101Program 17-008 WH 3. Meghan Garcia FTE 1 Sp . Ed . 01-40-121dpf 11-213-100-101Science Program 17-008 WH 4. Jacob Cavins FTE 1 Assistant 02-40-421dtp Principal 80%11-000-240WH 103-16-010 20%11-000-221104-00-000 5 . Ryan Dawson FTE 1 Math 01-40-19/akp WH 11-140-100-10116-000 6. Jenna Morris FTE 1 Special Ed. 01-41-121dxb 11-213-100101Science WV 17-008 I.. ,.... •..., ...' .. "_,_ ,� . �"'"'' 9/1/16 $50,900 step 1 BA of the WEA salary guide Lourdes Fritz $118,400 step 22 MA+30 of the WEAsalary guide 9/1/16 $52,400 step 1 BA+15 of the WEAsalary guide I George Bostory 8/1/16 $116,102 step 3MA+30 of the 'rNTAA salary guide Edward Zambrano $123,244 step 5 MA+30 of the WTAA salary guide 9/1/16 $63,400 step 7 MA of the WEA salary guide :9/1/16 $73,000 step 8 MA+30 of the WEAsalary guide Jacquelyn Dauplaise $78,200 step 10 MA+ 30 of the WEA salary guide New 1$68,300 Istep 8 MA+15 of the IWEA salary guide Approval of Appointment of District Substitutes RECOMMENDED ACTION: RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon recommendation of the Superintendent, approve the following certified substitutes for the 2015-2016 school year at the daily rates approved; and further, that these certified substitutes also be approved as substitute paraprofessionals for the 2015-2016 school year at the rate of $12.00 per hour, to expand the 001 of paraprofessional substitutes: E]IName I Daily Rat [J Rayna Caruso $100.00 [J Andrew R 90 . 00 And, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approve the following non certified substitutes for the 2015-2016 school year for the following positions and at the following hourly rates: And, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that substitute costs shall be expended against the appropriate salary account for which their service is required. H - 2016 - 6 Approved Regular Meeting M inutes - May 19, 2016 Approval of Summer, Fall, and Winter Extra Curricular Coaches RECOMMENDED ACTION: Page 16 of 160 H - 2016 - 7 Approved RESOLVED, that the Board approve the Superintendent's recommendation to approve for the 2016-2017 school year, the Summer, Fall, and Winter Extra Curricular Coaches, as per attached. Approval of Appointment of Extra Curricular Athletic Volunteer Coaches RECOMMENCEPACTION: H - 2016 - 8 Approved RESOLVED, that the Board approve the Superintendent's recorrmendation to approve for the 2016-2017 school year, Extra Curricular Athletic Volunteer Coaches, as per attached. Approval of Extra Curricular Athletic Worker Rates RECOMMENDEDACTION: H - 2016 - 9 Approved RESOLVED, that the Board approve the Superintendent's recorrmendation to approve for the 2016-2017 school year, the Extra Curricular Athletic Worker Rates for Wayne Hills High School and Wayne Valley High School as per attached. Approval of Longevity Adjustment RECOMMENDED ACTION: H - 2016 - 10 Approved RESOLVED, that the Board approve the Superintendent's recorrmendation to approve for the 2016-2017 school ear, salary adjustments for office personnel for longevity. Location Salary Adjustment . Effective Date . central Office $700 . 7/1/2016 I I 1 1 Approval of Mentor Payments RECOMMENDED ACTION: H - 2016 - 11 Approved RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon the recorrmendation of the Superintendent, approves the following mentor payment for the follOwing staff for the 2016-2017 school year, paid through payroll deductions of mentee: IIPaymen� IDate - Staff 1 9/1/16-6/30/17 11$550.00 1 1. Jan Brady 2. Tamera Conforth 19/1/16-6/30/17 1$550.00 6-12131/16 $2 [j James Camb Approval of Additional Compensation RECOMMENDEDACTION: RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon recorrmendation of the Superintendent, approves the following additional compensation for staff members for the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school years: H - 2016 - 12 Approved Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 Page 17 of I 160 E�ective date Stipend Account# 1. Scott Sellito Technology Central Office Dell Desktop Certification 7/1/16 Chromebook Cc>rrputer Certification $2,000 total for 2 certifications in accordance to his single unit contract 11-000-252-100-70-005 2. Daenine Foti WV SDA Season Chaperone 3. Nicole Margiotta 4. �I District General EducationlSpecial Educaton teachers 5.1�attached list [Jlsee attached list 7. Roberta Rydell ristina Corrente II"'. • .1 1"\1 • II 1 Kimberly Ferrier Catherine Fredericks e attached list 5/20/16 $2,100 for 25 days at $84/day per WEA contractual rate 95-000-000-110-15-054 SDA chaperone - WV 14/27/16 $84 per event as per the WEA contractual rate 95-000-000-110-15-054 Summer IEP meetings, as needed !7/1/16 - 8/31/16 $51.00 per as per the WEA contractual rate Sixth Period Assignments Sunmer Nursing Personnel I Summer SOAR Lead Teacher $79.86 per hr. not to exceed 85 hrs. 11-423-100-101-17-008 sunmer SOAR Content Teacher $40.57 per hr. not to excee 85 hrs. . 11-423-100-101-17-008 summer SOAR Counselor $39.71 per hr. not to exceed 85 hrs. 11-423-100-101-17-008 . $59.57 per hr. not to exceed 34 hrs. summer Assistive Technology .11-000-216-104-17-000 Summer $79.20 per hr. not to exceed 34 hrs. Assistive Technology 11-000-216-104-17-000 Summer Assistive Technology $84.57 per hr. not exceed 34 hrs. 11-000-216-104-17-000 CST Surrmer personnel I I I I I I1 1 Approval of Extra Curricular Athletic Worker RECOMMENDED ACTION: RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approve for the 2015-2016 school year, effective 4/29/2016 through 6/24/2016, the following extra curricular athletic workers at the Board Approved Athletic Worker Rate Schedule for Fall, Winter and Spring sports for Wayne Hills High School and Wa yne Valley H'Igh School: DIName I Joseph Devore [] [] Lauren Zaccone H - 2016 - 13 Approved Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 20 16 Page 18 of 160 Approval of Job Descriptions (Records Retention and Retrieval Specialist) and (Clerical Assistant, Kindergarten Wrap Program) H - 2016 - 14 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent approves the following job descriptions, as recommended by the Personnel Committee, as attached by reference. 1. Records Retention and Retrieval Specialist 2. Clerical Assistant, Kindergarten Wrap Program Approval of Agreement with the School Cafeteria Playground Aides' Association RECOMMENCEDACTION: H - 2016 - 15 Approved RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approves the agreement with the School Cafeteria Playground Aides' Association for the school years, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, and 2018-2019, as attached by reference. Approval to Rescind Items RECOMMENDED ACTION: RESOLVED, that the Board of Education, upon recorrmendation of the Superintendent, aporove the �0 II oWing 'tI em t0 be rescinded for the 2016-2017 school year: - Staff Step Stipend/Salary Position ILocation 1. Victor Cataldo step 3 $16.47 per hr. Para . WV 2. Jeanne Mazza step 2 Para $16.32 per hr. RY *Donald Pavlak, Jr. -Abstained on H-2016- 12 #2 Board Comments: Gail Okun - H-2016-6 we are talking about the Non-certified Substitutes. Can you explain what that is. Dr. Toback - substitutes for other positions. There are people in the district that do hold positions that you don't have to be certified for, example a school secretary, who does not have to be certified. But there are people who replace them who are absent, in different situations and those people are non-certified subs. H - 2016 - 16 Approved Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 Page 19 of 160 Motion: To Approve, Moved by MICHAEL BUBBA Seconded by CATHY KAZAN Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BUBBA CEBERIO, KAZAN MORDKOFF, OKUN, PAVLAK, SMITH Absent: BADINER . , Eileen Albanese - I apologize there was an additional H item that we will vote on separately because I did not read it into the Minutes. H-2016-17, wasn't listed on our Board Actions. H - 2016-17 Approved Approval of Contractual Indemnification RECOMMENDEDACTION: BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Employee #9986 from and against any and all damages, punitive or otherwise, losses and costs incurred, including reasonable attorney fees and expenses and costs of any appeals if necessary, in the matter of matter Harding v. Wayne Tp. Bd. Of Educ. et. aI., Docket No.: PAS-L-277-16 and directs that the Board Attorney so handle. Motion: To Approve, Moved by ROBERT CEBERIO, Seconded by MICHAEL BUBBA Passed. 8-0- 0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BUBBA CEBERIO, KAZAN MORDKOFF, OKUN, PAVLAK, SMITH Absent: BADINER , Eileen Albanese - I would like to recognize and congratulate all who are here with us tonight, and have been hired by the District, including a returning Wayne Hills student. She is going to work at Wayne Hills as a Special Education English Program Teacher. Congratulations and welcome to the team. Retirements: M. Soltys - read by Christian Smith S. Pudup - read by Cathy Kazan M. Gainer - read by Allan Mordkoff Armtion was made to approve P-2016-1 to P-2016-6. Policy: Approval of Policy 0168 -Second Reading for Action P - 2016-1 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Page 20 of 160 Approved RESOLVED, that the Board approve Policy 0168-Recording Board Meetings--second reading for action, as per attached. Approval of Policy 2422--5econd Reading for Action RECOMMENDED ACTION: P - 2016 - 2 Approved RESOLVED, that the Board approve Policy 2422 --Health and Physical Education second reading for action, having been recommended at the April 18, 2016 Education Committee, as per attached. Approval to Abolish Policy 2425--5econd Reading for Action RECOMMENDEDACTION: P - 2016 - 3 Approved RESOLVED, that the Board approve the Abolishment of Policy 2425 -- Physical Education-second reading for action, as recommended by Strauss Esmay, as per attached. Approval of Policy 5310--5econd Reading for Action RECOMMENDED ACTION: P - 2016 - 4 Approved RESOLVED, that the Board approve Policy 5310 -- Health Services --second reading for action, having been recommended at the April 18, 2016 Education Comnittee, as per attached. Approval of Policy 8462 --Second Reading for Action RECOMMENDEDACTION: P - 2016 - 5 Approved RESOLVED, that the Board approve Policy 8462--Reporting Potentially Missing or Abused Children-second reading for action, having been recommended at the April 18, 2016 Education Committee, as per attached. Approval of Policy 2622--5econd Reading for Action RECOMMENDEDACTION : RESOLVED, that the Board approve Policy 2622-Student Assessments-second reading for action, having been recommended at the April 18, 2016 Education Committee, as per attached. Motion: To Approve, Moved by DONALD PAVLAK, Seconded by MICHAEL BUBBA. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BUBBA, CEBERIO, KAZAN , MORDKOFF, OKUN, PAVLAK, SMITH Absent: BADINER *Cathy Kazan - No - P-2016-6 Gail Okun - No - P-2016-6 Christian Smith - No - P-2016-6 Amotion was made to approve S-2016-1 to S-2016-9. P - 2016 - 6 Approved Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 Page 21 of 160 School Resources: - 2016 - 1 Approval of the Check Register S RECOMMENDEDACTION: Approved RESOLVED, that the Board approve the Check Register: Check Range Number 073888 - 074158 in the amount of $6,4 71,8n.12 as per the attached by reference and Check Range Number 073232 - 073233 (payroll hand checks) in the amount of $2,526,691.67 as per the attached by reference. S - 2016 Approval of Membership Resolution in the NJSIAA RECOMMENDED ACTION: -2 Approved that the Wayne Board of Education approve the participation of Wayne Hills and Wayne Valley High Schools as members of the New Jersey Interscholastic Athletic Association for the 2016-2017 school year to participate i n the approved interschool athletic program sponsored by the NJSIAA at a cost of $2,150 per school; and further, that pursuant to N.J.SA 18A:11-3, in adopting this resolution, the Board of Education adopts as its own policy and agrees to be governed by the Constitution Rules and Regulations of the NJSIAA, as per the attached. S - 2016 - 3 Approval of Award for Health/Prescription Benefits RECOMMEN DEDACTION: Approved RESOLVED, that the Board approve the award of a contract for RFP #3-1516 with Horizon BlueCross BlueShield of New Jersey for Health and Prescription Benefits for the 2016-2017 school year at a composite renewal rate of 14.5%, as per attached . - 2016 - 4 Approval of Renewal for Student Accident Insurance S RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved that the Board approve a renewal with Monarch Management Corp. to provide Student Accident Insurance Coverage for one year beginning August 1, 2016 and ending July 31, 2017, at a total premium cost of $153,336. 00 Base Plan plus Catastrophe coverage at an additional cost of $3,537.00, as per the attached. - 2016 - 5 Approval of Transportation Agreements S RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved RESOLVED, that the Board approve Transportation Services �reements for pupil transportation for the 2015-2016 school year as follows, and as per the attached by reference: I 'l�l Provider SChOO and Route I II II # of Student Students ID # II II Estimate Cost (including surcharge) II D II I Regular Meeting Minutes - May I��� I I SMAH1 PCESC I Sage Day II I sarah New D, ·...... 1 9, 2016 ,� Ira(]s 1 11#82850314841 $1 2,996.00 LJ Jersey Kids + $519.84 Page 22 of 1 60 1��!�Qj61 #9425966581 $ 8,360.00 4/25/16 + $334.40 - June 201 6 Approval of 2016-2017 Tuition Rates S - 201 6 - 6 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved that the Board approve the maximum 201 6-20 1 7 tuition rates as calculated through budget software as follows: IPre-School/Kindergarten11$14,066.1 Grades 1 -5 1 5, 1 82. Grades 5-8 $1 5,941 . Grades 9-1 2 Autism 26,459. IPre-School Handicappedll$24,71 9.1 Acceptance of Bus Evacuation & Safety Drills S - 20 1 6 - 7 RECOMMENDEDACTION: Approved that the Board accept the Bus Evacuation & Bus Safety drills held in accordance with N.JAC. 6A:27-11 .2, Evacuation Drills and Safety Education, for the 201 5-201 6 school year, as per the attached . Disposal of Obsolete/Surplus Equipment S - 201 6 - 8 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved RESOLVED, that the Board approve the disposal of obsolete/surplus equipment, in accordance with N .J.SA 1 8A:20-5, N.JAC. 6A:26-7.4 and Policy #7300 Disposition of Property, as per the attached by reference. Approval of Acceptance of Donations S - 201 6 - 9 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approved RESOLVED, that the Board approve the acceptance of the following donations, at a total of $17,598.83 as noted below and on the updated list of donations received to date, as per the attached. 1 . To the Lafayette Elementary School from the Lafayette PTO. a donation of $12.00 for the first grade trip. 2. To the John F. Kennedy Elementary School from the John F. Kennedy PTO. a donation of $6,500.00 for classroom enhancements. 3. To the James Fallon Elementary School from the James Fallon PTO. a donation of $2,100.00 for the fifth grade trip. 4. To the James Fallon Elementary School from the James Fallon PTO. a donation of $14.00 for the fourth grade trip. 5. To the George Washington Middle School from Scholarship America ( Target Field Trip Grant) a donation of $700.00 for a school field trip. Page 23 of 160 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 6. To the Wayne Hills High School from the Novartis Credit Card Program (Donor:Tycho Heirrbach). a donation of $250.00 for the Robotics Club. 7. To the Wayne Valley High School from Target -Take Charge of Education a donation of $212.08 for needs of the school. 8. To the Wayne Valley High School from the Wayne Valley Football Booster Club weight room equipment valued at $7,068.75. 9. To the Wayne Valley High School a donation of a flat of flowers for the Annual Ahlert Earth Day planting from the Pulicicchio Family valued at $30.00. 1 0. To the Wayne Valley High School a donation of soil and flowers for the Annual Ahlert Earth Day planting from the Sekar Family valued at $15.00. 1 1 . To the Wayne Valley High School a donation of soil for the Annual Ahlert Earth Day planting from the McGrath Family valued at $5.00. 1 2. To the Wayne Valley High School a donation of flowers for the Annual Ahlert Earth Day planting from the Marchesini Family valued at $15.00. 1 3. To the Wayne Valley High School a donation of a flat of flowers for the Annual Ahlert Earth Day planting from the Miragliotta Family valued at $10.00. 14. To the Wayne Valley High School a donation of two flats of flowers for the Annual Ahlert Earth Day planting from the Healy Family valued at $20.00. 1 5. To the Wayne Valley High School a donation of a flat of flowers for the Annual Ahlert Earth Day planting from the Siouffi Fanily valued at $15.00. 1 6. To the Wayne Valley High School a donation of a flat of flowers for the Annual Ahlert Earth Day planting from the Bukowski Family valued at $20.00. 1 7. To the Lafayette Elementary School from the Lafayette PTO. a donation of $12.00 for the second grade trip. 1 8 . To the Albert P. Terhune Elementary School a donation of a trumpet, flute and instruction books from John & Julie Fazio of a trumpet valued at $600.00. Total Cash 1 7,598.83 9,800.08 65,256.82 49,009.72 1 7,798.75 1 16,247 . 1 0 Motion: To Approve, Moved by ROBERT CEBERIO, Seconded by MICHAEL BUBBA. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Merrbers Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BUBBA, CEBERIO, KAZAN , MORDKOFF, OKUN, PAVLAK, SMITH Absent: BADINER * Donald Pavlak, Jr. - No - S-201 6-3. Student Representatives read in the donations. A motion was made to open the meeting to public comment on any item. XI. Open to Public This portion of the meeting is open to citizens for comment on any topic. Residents are to state their names, addresses and subject matter. Comments may be limited 'to five Page 24 of 160 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 minutes per person . Members of the public are discouraged from speaking negatively about an employee or a student. The Board bears no responsibility for comments made by the public. Comments regarding employees or students cannot be legally responded to by the Board. Other Comments may be responded to tonight under "new business" or at subsequent meetings under "old business." Motion: To Approve, Moved by ALLAN MORDKOFF, Seconded by MICHAEL BUBBA Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BUBBA, CEBERIO, KAZAN MORDKOFF, OKUN, PAVLAK, SMITH Absent BADINER , Public Comments: Julia - member of the public - noticing under S-201 6-8 that it says as per attached by referenced . What is the reference to that? Suzanne Pudup - crying . . . spoke about how wonderful the district and administrators are. Zoltan - for the wording on the special question, can we just go over the process of who makes up the question and who approves the question. Is it Mrs. Machado who has to write it up or does it have to go somewhere else to get approved. What is the process? Bob Luciano - has a copy of a letter that was sent from the Superintendent of Schools, in the Sparta School District, just yesterday to the parents and guardians of students in that school system. In it he is basically saying that the school system will be the Barak Obama justice department of how the males and females to share showers, locker rooms, and bathrooms together, thus jeopardizing the dignity, privacy and self asteem of 99% of the students in the school system. The ones who don't identify as a transgender. I was wondering if this will be permitted in the Wayne School system as well , and if we will be receiving a letter any time soon explaining how we will be as well . There being n o further comments from the public, a motion was made to close the meeting to public comment. Motion: To Approve, Moved by ROBERT CEBERIO, Seconded by DONALD PAVLAK. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BUBBA, CEBERIO, KAZAN MORDKOFF, OKUN, PAVLAK, SMITH Absent BADINER , Administrative Comments: Dr. Toback - we do have some answers to some of the questions. Mr. Klypka asked two questions, will probably take about 1 5 minutes to explain, so in the interest in saving time, what I would like to do is direct you to the Department of Treasury, where you can find all sorts of information about Chapter 78. A quick explanation, yes, the cost to employees to pay for medical benefits. Chapter 78 is a relatively recent law that was enacted to require contributions from public employees at a tiered contribution rate. In addition to increasing a percentage as you earn more money, it has also increased over time. So next year, the Wayne Township Public Schools fall into Tier 4 of the contributions which means that for Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 family benefits, which is the vast majority of our employees, those eaming under $25,000 are required to contribute 3% of the premium. So they have to pay 3% of whatever the premium arrount is. Those that are eaming over $1 1 0,000 are required to contribute 35% of the premium. If you go to the Department of Treasury, there are tables. There are all sorts of various in between. There are tables for single benefits, benefits for family coverage, and it is all detailed there. So if you want to know specifically, all the information is available. Isabel Machado - I have two comments. I will address the recording question, the policy is being revised and it does permit recording without notice to the Board secretary, provided the recording is taken place in the seats. If there is going to be any recording other than in the seats, than that does need to give the Board secrtary notice. I wanted to make that clarification. . With respect to the reference on the Transgender policy. The Wayne Board of Education does have a policy that govems that. It is policy #5756, and is compliant with the Law. It is my understanding that there is no correspondence sent out to the parents or the commu nity. Dr. Toback - with regard to the question about obsolete equipment being disguarded, when it says attached by reference, that is generally just information for the Board. To give you a quick summary of what we are discarding, the Principal at Schuyler Colfax Middle School requested that we throw out 3 overhead projectors and a cart, all listed as unrepairable with alrrost no value. XII. Old Business Eileen Albanese - I wanted to give a quick update to the Board from the Delegate Assembly. Tthe New Jersey School Board's Delegate's Assembly was held on May 1 4, 2016. There was a lot of information deseminated, a lot of reports from the different legislative departments within school boards, but the bulk of the meeting was taken up with 6 different resolutions and I wanted to give you a quick update. I know that everyone got the general information, I do have the book if anyone is interested and would like to read rrore indepth. There was a resolution by the Highland Park Board of Education, that they wanted all, all of these are things that School Boards is asked to advocate for, they are things that School Boards would like to advocate with our State and Federal. The first resolution was from the Highland Park Board of Education, which quite a bit of time debating between, require; allow and provide. It took well over an hour. The School Boards to continue to advocate to the State to provide multiple pathways to graduation. Not to rely solely on the PARCC, but to allow there to be a variety of assessments and allow rrultiple school districts to have various ways to have their students meet their graduation requirements, and that resolution was passed. The next resolution was by the Neptune Board of Education. They asked to change what they call the drop out age, officially it is called compulsory education. To change that age from 1 6 to 1 8. Page 25 of 160 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 Several school districts got up, probably not comparable districts to Wayne, and talked about how they would like every opportunity to encourage children to stay in school and between 16 and 1 8 was a huge factor for some districts in voluntarily changing policies to encourage their students to stay. That policy did pass. It was a voluntary thing by each Board. Each Board could not agree whether they wanted to change their policy. Right now, 1 6 is the State age, but it was something again that School Boards was being asked to advocate to change to 1 8. There was another resolution by the Glassboro Board of Education, that had to do with school choice. Tuition students it does not apply to us but they wrote basically asking for the ability to fill el11lty seats with tuition paying students. It does not apply to Wayne, we are not a member of that organization, but that resolution did pass. South Plainfield had 2 resolutions. One regarding the catillac tax not being passed on. They wanted some amendments regarding insurance plans. They wanted to be able to offer plans that were not better or equal to. There was quite a bit of discussion that, that is part of your negotiations, part of your contracts. But they were looking for the ability in some school districts to at least explore that option, and that resolution also passed. Another resolution was from South Plainfield, which was probably the last and quickest, it took 30 seconds to compel the State to fully fund the penSion program for public el11lloyees. Not to pass along any of those costs to the Boards, Districts or el11lloyees. The room was filled with Board of Education Members, and it was the quickest resolution that I personally have ever seen pass. The only resolution to fail unfortunately was the one presented by the Wayne Board of Education. We were looking for an addition to the reasons to have a waiver above and beyond the 2% cap. We had support of our resolution, there were also schools that felt while they understood the budget had the right constraints, they want the State to fully fund it all. There are mandates, under funded mandates, they didn't want to let the State basically off the hook. Another pOint that was raised, was that Boards do have an option to go outside the 2% cap, and that is to let your budget go back to the public. Unfortunately that resolution did not pass, and there was a lot of good conversation about that. So that is the update, the next meeting will be in November, if anyone is interested in more detail information, I do have it and I can certainly pass that along to anyone interested. Cathy Kazan I attended the New Jersey School Boards Legislative Committee, which I am the 40th District Representative of, and there were quite a few topics on the agenda that could have good and bad i mpact here locally. We discussed the budget, big topic. The funding formula has not been run since 2008. There is a suggestion that they might attel11lt to run something near or close to next year, but that could either help or hurt some districts and we won't know until that decision is made. - The other item is the constitutional amendment to fund the pensions. They feel that if that goes forward, and it is fully funded which everyone thinks it should be, that will have a negative impact on educational funding. So that is still up for great debate in the Assembly. Some of the new items discussed were quick bills about lead testing from the Assembly and the Senate. They differ in that the Assembly bill wants testing done, they are not planning to pay for it. The Senate bill who is more cumbersome, they want it to be tested Page 26 of 160 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 1 9, 2016 twice a year, again with no money. The Governor has asked that $ 1 0M be put aside in the next budget for testing. But not saying which districts will get it, but fortunately Wayne has already decided to take care of that without waiting for the State to mandate it. We felt that was important. There was a Senate bill up for a vote that will eliminate the right for a local Board to move the election back to April and give the residents the right to vote on the budget. The School Board Association has an option for anyone, including us up here and residents. If you are interested in advocacy texts that are current, you can reach out to your Legislators, you can text on your phone the number 52886, send . . . . . the message should read NJSPA, and that will set you up for real time advocacy texts messages from the School Boards Association, on issues that are about to go to a vote, so that you can contact, you just fill out about 2 or 3 lines. Your name, zip code, etc. , and it will automatically put in the name of your legislature if you object or are for a particular legislation. Now the State Board of Education is proposing good changes that I think you will be happy about, Dr. Toback with regard to more flexibility in how H IB investigations are handled to take away some of the cumbersome labor intensive practices, where they give more autonomy to principals to decide at the very beginning of the investigative process, that this is not HIB. But it will still be recorded as an investigation, and that would end it right there. So, that is a big relief for schools that have no HIB as findings a lot of the time. The other important item was regarding the evaluation process and they want to change the way it is done so that, they are spending less time observing and more time actually having a one on one professional type of discussion with teachers. To cut down on the number of hours necessary for administrators to spend in the classroom. To ease up from 35 hours of administrative time back to the administrators, is what the proposal is. But for that process, the State Board website has listings of when they are going to have the meetings, they feel that this could take a few months to move forward, but hopefully it will be ready for September. You have the right to go and they will give you a date and time where you can weight in on any of these topics at the State Board, and that is on the website. The only other one was about Kindergarten. The Senate Education Committee came out with a package that was multiple bills for consideration. One would require full day kindergarten in all districts, and establish a new formation requirement for enrollment. They want to pass the early childhood i nnovation act, establishing early childhood innovation pilot program, study commission and the il1l>Ortant thing was to establish department of early childhood because they feel that it needs its own special entity to make decisions going forward . Again it is all just in the preliminary stages. The only other thing that I wanted to talk about was, I attended the 1 2th grade option work study program, end of year award ceremony. This is the first year that we are back with a work study program, for our high school students. Apparently that program had been discontinued for some reason and just from witnessing the awards ceremony, thank you to Mr. Reinknecht and Mrs. Leskowitz for inviting us. The parents couldn't have been happier that they had an option for their students, who were at risk of not graduating. There were many options with corporate partnerships in the area where they do their classes during the day. Everyone knows what work study is, it has been around forever, and apparently there is still quite a need for it. The students spoke eloquently about their experience, and at the end of the day, they are all on track to graduate. They are all heading in different directions. Some are going onto college. Children that were at high Page 27 of 1 60 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 risk of failing out, and some are going to military and some are going onto jobs that they are already experienced through the program. It was a fun presentation to attend, and good job. XIII. New Business Donald Pavlak - I went the School Board Assembly with Mrs. Albanese, and found out something very interesting. New Jersey School Boards gets $7. 1 M in dues from all the schools in New Jersey. It is mandated by law, we have no choice. I thought that was very interesting. Robert Ceberio - I just want to thank Max and Christine for their outstanding work for the whole year. Max is getting into finance. Just remember one thing. There is no romance in our finance. Christine, I am sure we are going to see you on the network nightly news. So congratulations and good luck to you both. XIV. Executive Session None XV. Adjournment There being no further business of the Board, a rrotion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9: 1 5 p.m. Motion : To Approve, Moved by DONALD PAVLAK, Seconded by ALLAN MORDKOFF. Passed. 8-0-0. Board Members Voting: Ayes: ALBANESE, BUBBA, CEBERIO, KAZAN , MORDKOFF, OKUN, PAVLAK, SMITH Absent: BADINER / choening, CPA Assistant Business Admnis ator Page 28 of 160 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 Page 29 of 160 OUT OF DISTRICT PROFESSIONAL TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES FOR STAFF MEMBERS - Mall 19. 2016 T=Travel L=Lodging BLDG. WORKSHOP LOCATION DATEIS REG. FEE REG. ACCT. CODE ··Inddentals 1 Coordinator Ad min. Tra ining Center Monroe Bldg. Twsp. COST I (60% - $28.17) Schools - FEA Conf. & Clark, P T/L/M&I ACCT. CODE 11-000-220-580-17-000 Labor Relations and Public Dist. Comp/H I B TOTAL M&I=Meals NAME POSITION NO. 11-000-251-580-56-004 6/14/16 $150.00 11-000-251-500-56-004 T=$46.95 (40% - $18.78) 1 I $196.95 1 Spring School Law Forum 1 1-000-220-580-17-000 2016 - NJ Principals & Clark, P 2 Supervisors Assoc. - FEA (60% - $28.17) 11-000-25 1-580-56-004 Dist. Comp/H I B Ad min. Cont. & Training Center Coordinator Bldg. Monroe Twsp. 6/8/16 $0.00 N/L T=$46.95 (40% - $18.78) $46.95 Spring School Law Forum 2016 - NJ Principals & Supervisors Assoc. - FEA 3 Liskiewicz, T. Ad min. Conf. & Training Center Dir. Sec. Ed. Bldg. Monroe Twsp . 6/8/16 $299.00 11-000-240-500-54-000 T=$46.95 11-000-240-580-54-000 $345.95 6/8/16 $299.00 1 1-000-240-500-54-000 T=$46.95 11-000-240-580-54-000 $345.95 N/L T=$17.91 11-000-240-580-54-000 $17.91 Spring School Law Forum 2016 - NJ Principals & Supervisors Assoc. - FEA Reichman, D. 4 Dir. Elem. Ed. Admin. Cont. & Training Center Bldg. Monroe Tws p. Wheelchair Clinic for W H HS Student Hooper, J . 5 Physical Ther. - - -- - - @ Children's Specialized T. Dey - Hospital - Mountainside - - 4/27/16 $0.00 -'----- - -- -- - --- -- -- ----'---_ -- �OTAL $953.71 __ --- - \1\ t\J (:, ...... If' I - Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 20 1 6 ;/-2 CJl fo - 7 Page 69 of 160 WAYNE HILLS HIGH SCHOOL - ATHLETIC COACHES 201 6 - 2017 SCHOOL YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 25 27 28 30 29 31 32 33 35 34 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 46 45 47 SEASON Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fal l Fall Fall Fal l Fal l Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter LAST NAME Demikoff Mascaro Couso Scala Staggers TBA TBA Buschmann TBA TBA Bogert Demikoff Jacob Kelly Batty Giampapa Johnson Johnson Zaccone TBA TBA Bayley Dimitoulis Graham Caamano Rehberger Stark Brown Green Keogh Eustice Lala Moschel Gelalia Grimes Mi lack Lola Porta Tobinas Basilicato Keogh Piccirillo Couso Caamano Maxwell Serse FIRST NAME SPORT POSITION SCHOOL STEP STIPEND Wayne Strength & Conditioning, Sun Head 4 WH $ 3 .140 4 Amanda Cheerleading Head WH $ 3.100 Nicole Asst Cheer leading 2 WH $ 2,550 Roxanne Cheerleading Asst/F 4 WH $ 2,700 Jason Cross Country 4 Head WH $ 6,920 Cross Country .5 Asst WH Cross Country .5 Asst WH Lisa Field Hockey Asst 4 WH $ 6.180 Asst Field Hockey WH Field Hockey Head WH 4 Matthew Football Asst WH $ 6 ,980 Wayne Football Head WH 4 $ 11,800 John Football Asst WH 4 $ 6 ,980 Football Michael Asst 4 WH $ 6 ,980 Kevin Asst Football .5 4 WH $ 3 ,490 Anthony Asst Football .5 WH 4 $ 3 ,490 Jermain Asst Football .5 4 WH $ 3 ,490 Walter Football .5 Asst WH 4 $ 3 ,490 Mike Football .5 Asst 4 WH $ 3 ,490 Football .5 Asst WH Gymnastics Head WH Ryan Soccer/B Asst WH 4 $ 6 .180 Loukas Soccer/B Asst 4 WH $ 6 .180 Nelson Soccer/B 4 Head WH $ 8,440 Christina Soccer/G Asst WH 4 $ 6 .180 Gregg Soccer/G Head 4 WH $ 8,440 Cheryl Soccer/G Asst 4 WH $ 6 .180 Lauren Strength & Conditioning, Fall Head 4 WH $ 3.140 Todd Tennis/G Asst 4 WH $ 5,750 Bruce Tennis/G Head WH 4 $ 6,680 William Volleyball/G WH 4 Head $ 6 ,920 Michelle Asst Volleyball/G 4 WH $ 5,860 Theresa Volleyball/G Asst WH 4 $ 5 ,860 Basketball/B Brian Asst WH 4 $ 6 .180 Kevin Basketball/B Head 4 WH $ 8,440 Kevin Basketball/B Asst 3 WH $ 5 ,980 Michelle Basketball/G Asst WH 4 $ 6.180 Vincent Basketball/G 4 Head WH $ 8,440 Basketball/G Jennifer Asst WH 4 $ 6 .180 Richard Bowling/B 4 Head WH $ 4,700 Bowling/G Bruce Head 4 WH $ 4,700 Tonianne Competition Cheer leading 4 WH Head $ 3.100 Nicole Asst Competition Cheerleading WH 2 $ 2,500 Christina Fencing/G Head 2 WH $ 6.180 Rick Fencing/B Head WH 3 $ 6 ,430 Angelo Ice Hockey Head 4 WH $ 8,440 Regular Meeting M inutes - May 19, 2016 Page 70 of 160 WAYNE HILLS HIGH SCHOOL - ATHLETIC COACHES 201 6-2017 SCHOOL YEAR 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 SEASON Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter LAST NAME Keough Strandes Scovill Brown Demikoff Bayliss Shale Staggers Rousseau TBA TBA Basile Percelli FIRST NAME Thomas Peter Roy Lauren Wayne Jacqueline Michael Jason Jaris Brian Matt POSITION SCHOOL STEP STIPEND SPORT 4 Asst Ice Hockey WH $ 6.180 Skiing/B Head WH 4 $ 6,680 Head 4 Skiing/G WH $ 6 ,680 4 Strength & Conditioning, Wir WH Head $ 1,570 Strength & Conditioning, Wir WH Head 4 $ 1,570 2 Swimming/B WH Head $ 6,270 4 Swimming/G Head WH $ 6,920 Winter Track Head 4 WH $ 6,920 Asst Winter Track WH 3 $ 5,640 Asst Winter Track .5 WH Asst Winter Track .5 WH 4 Wrestling WH Head $ 8,440 4 Asst Wrestling WH $ 6.180 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 Page 71 of 160 WAYNE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL - ATHLETIC COACHES 201 6 - 2017 SCHOOL YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 SEASON Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fal l Fall Fall Fal l Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter LAST NAME Kotlarz Coffaro TBA TBA Schulman Flower Kroft Tible Wenz Kotlarz Cataldo Kutzleb Sadaah Helm Bishop Schneider Scott Suri TBA Colangelo Roca Grosso Tylutki Sinrom Betkowski Camb Budd Sullivan Enderly Carcich Bishop Conte Leicht Petersen Scott Sinram Shea Killeen Wilke Coffaro McGrath Jarger Liscio Bayley TBA TBA FIRST NAME SPORT Roger Strength & Conditioning Cheerleading Daniella Cheerleading Cheerleading Cross Country Erik Cross Country Doug Field Hockey Katie Field Hockey Elizabeth Field Hockey Kelly Footbal l Roger Football Victor Football Brian Footbal l Amir Football .9 Christian Football .1 Robert Footbal l .5 Thomas Football .5 Erik Football .5 Eduardo Footbal l .5 Gymnastics Samantha Soccer/B Samuel Soccer/B Thomas Soccer/B Peter Soccer/G Kathy Mike Soccer/G Soccer/G Jim Strength & Conditioning Lori TennislG Dan Tennis/G Koren Volleyball/G Jason Volleyball/G Lorene Volleyball/G Laura Basketbali/B Joe Basketbali/B Brian Basketbali/B Doug Basketball/G Kathy Basketball/G Jennifer Basketball/G Heather Jason Bowling Competition Cheerleading Daniella AnnMarie Fencing Kristen Fencing Justin Ice Hockey Ryan Ice Hockey Skiing/B Skiing/G POSITION SCHOOL STEP STIPEND 4 Head WV $ 3,140 3 WV Head $ 2,950 Asst/JV WV Asst/F WV 4 Head WV $ 6,920 4 Asst WV $ 5,860 4 Head WV $ 8,440 Asst WV 4 $ 6,180 Asst WV 4 $ 6,180 4 Head WV $ 11,800 WV 3 Asst $ 6,650 Asst 4 WV $ 6,980 4 Asst WV $ 6,980 Asst 4 WV $ 6,282 4 Asst 698 WV $ 3,490 4 Asst WV $ 4 Asst WV $ 3,490 3 Asst WV $ 3 ,325 Asst WV 2 Head WV $ 6,180 2 Head WV $ 7,700 4 Asst WV $ 6,180 4 Asst WV $ 6 ,180 4 WV Head $ 8,440 Asst 4 WV $ 6 ,180 Asst 2 WV $ 5,710 WV 4 Head $ 3,140 4 Head WV $ 6 ,680 4 Asst WV $ 5,750 4 Head WV $ 6,920 Asst 4 WV $ 5,860 Asst 4 WV $ 5,860 4 Head WV $ 8,440 3 Asst WV $ 5,980 Asst WV 4 $ 6,180 WV 4 Head $ 8 ,440 Asst 4 WV $ 6,180 1 Asst WV $ 5,480 4 Head WV $ 4,700 3 Head WV $ 2,950 4 Head WV $ 6 ,680 4 Asst WV $ 5 ,750 3 Head WV $ 8,050 Asst WV 4 $ 6,180 Head WV Head WV Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 Page 72 of 160 WAYNE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL - ATHLETIC COACHES 201 6-2017 SCHOOL YEAR 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 SEASON Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter LAST NAME Kotlarz Ciriello TBA Flower Conte TBA Schroeder Bannat Bishop McHugh FIRST NAME SPORT Strength & Conditioning Roger Swimming/B Joanne Swimming/G Winter Track Doug Winter Track Laura Winter Track Todd Wrestling Wrestling Gavin Robert Wrestling .5 Wrestling .5 Patrick POSITION SCHOOL STEP STIPEND 4 Head WV $ 3,140 3 Head WV $ 6,600 Head WV 4 WV Head $ 6 ,920 4 Asst WV $ 5,860 Asst WV 4 Head WV $ 8,440 Asst 4 WV $ 6,180 4 Asst WV $ 3,090 4 Asst WV $ 3 ,090 11- 2 u l Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19. 2016 Page 73 of 160 ATHLETIC VOLUNTEER COACHES 201 6 - 2017 SCHOOL YEAR WAYNE HILLS HIGH SCHOOL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 SEASON Fall Fall Fall Fal l Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter LAST NAME Mascaro Canonaco Cosgrove Giampapa Lane Peischl Sobota Kastner Shale Smith Delaney Green Rothong Mosley Wlosek Warther Abdelaziz FIRST NAME Alicia Claudio Pat Joe Joseph Mike Ted Matthew Michael Brad Robert Todd Joseph Joann Michelle Brittany Mohammad SPORT Cheerleading Football Football Football Football Football Football Soccer Soccer Soccer Basketbali/B Basketball/B Basketbali/B Basketball/G Basketball/G Competition Cheerleading Wrestling POSITION SCHOOL Vol WH Vol WH Vol WH WH Vol Vol WH Vol WH Vol WH Vol WH Vol WH Vol WH WH Vol Vol WH Vol WH Vol WH Vol WH Vol WH Vol WH ATHLETIC VOLUNTEER COACHES 201 6 - 2017 SCHOOL YEAR WAYNE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SEASON Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring LAST NAME Zisa Mundy Tible Verbeke Incorvaia Nugnes Piazza DeCamp Minella Tufano (; - FIRST NAME John Krista Elizabeth Sharon Mia Lesley Nikki Lauren Samantha Nina SPORT Football Field Hockey Basketball/G Bowling Gymnastics Gymnastics Dance Team Dance Team Lacrosse/G Lacrosse/G POSITION SCHOOL Vol WV Vol WV WV Vol Vol WV Vol WV Vol WV Vol WV Vol WV Vol WV Vol WV ? ;-1- 2. c I <c Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 Extra Curricular Athletic Worker Rate Schedule Wayne Hills High School Wayne Valley High School 20 1 6 - 20 1 7 Site in Charge/Tickets/Parking/Clock/Crowd Control/Football Chains/Track/Timers (one event) Site In Charge - Football/Tournaments (one event) Announcer only - Football/Tournaments (one event) Tickets in Charge (one event) Clock/ Announcer (2 Games V/VJ) Crowd Control JV/V (2 Games V/VJ) Ice Hockey - Crowd Control (one event) Ice Hockey - Athletic Trainer (one event) CPR Training (per training session) Football Official Assignor - Games Football Official Assignor - Chains 9 Page 74 of 160 DESCRIPTION Site In Charge (2 Games V/VJ) -- RATE $ 65 per event $ 80 per event $ 90 per event $ 75 per event $ 130 for 2 games $ 125 for 2 games $ 125 for 2 games $ 80 per event $ IT per game $ 275 per session $ 200 per school $ 65 per season Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 APPROVAL OF ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION - SIXTH PERIOD ASSIGNMENTS 5/19/16 Page 75 of 160 6th period assignments for the 20 16/201 7 school year. 6th Period: School Subject: STIPEND: Account #: 1 Brett Conklin SCMS Computers $10,365.00 11-130-100-1 01-13-000 2 Mike Adjan SCMS Tech Ed $10,365.00 11-1�100-101-13-000 3 Usa Emy AWMS LLD Computers $10,365.00 11-2Q4.100-1 01 -1 7-008 4 Chrissy Van Sant AWMS Computers $1 0,365.00 11-130-1 00-1 0 1 -20-000 5 Chris Heinbockel AWMS Tech Ed $10,365.00 1 1-1 30-100-1 01-20-000 6 Mary Lou Lee GWMS Computers $10,365. 00 1 1 -1 30-100-101 -14-000 7 Randy Andre GWMS Tech Ed $10,365.00 11-1 30-100-101-14-000 8 Kenny Bergen WVHS Auto $10,365.00 11-140-1 00-1 0 1 -1 5-000 9 H eather Potts WVHS Science 215ths of 1 6th 11 -140-1 00-101-1 5-000 $1 0, 365. oo-Pro-rated 10 Natalie Kadela WVHS French 11 Diane Meigh SCMS Bio Lab $10,365.00 1 1 -140-100-1 0 1 -1 5-000 (1 day) 1/5th of a 6th 1 1-130-100-1 0 1 -13-000 $1 0, 365.00-Pro-rated 12 Adeline Olivo AWMS Bio Lab (1 day) 1/5th of a 6th 11-1 30-100-101-2�0 $1 0,365. oo-Pro-rated 13 Kerry Ann Palmieri GWMS Bl0 Lab (1 day) 1/5th of a 6th 11-130-1 00-101-14-000 $10,365.00-Pro-rated 14 Corrine Scarpa WHHS Sports Medicine $10,365.00 11-140-1 00-1 01-16-000 15 Pam Clarke WHHS Photo $10,365.00 1 1 -140-100-1 0 1 -16-000 16 Bruce Lempken WHHS CAD $10,365.00 11-140-1 00-1 01-16HD00 17 Jim Hoogstrate WHHS 1V $10,365.00 1 1-140-100-1 0 1 -16-000 18 Unda WlIIs WVHS Blo (1 day) 1 /5th of a 6th 11-140-100-101-15-000 Lab $1 0,365.00 19 Dave Ahlert WVHS BID Lab (1 day) 1/5th of a 6th $1 0,365.00 1 1-140-100-10 1 -1 5-000 % yr of 6th period 1 1-140-100-1 0 1 -15-000 6th penod assignments for 9/1/16 - 1/1/17 20 Jeff Hoover WVHS Social Studies (% yr elective class) $10,365.oo-Pro-rated Page 76 of 160 S U M M E R 2016 N U RSI NG PERSON NEL (For I ndividual Healthcare P lans) School Name 1 R. Carter TBD Acct. to be Cha rges 1 1-000-213-110-60-000 2 T. Dey TBD 1 1-000-213-110-60-000 3 Fallon Lois Scian 11-000-213-1 10-60-000 4 J . F . Kennedy Kathleen Peraga llo 1 1-000-213-110-60-000 5 Lafayette E liza beth Tengwell 11-000-213-1 10-60-000 6 Packan ack Cathryn Eck 1 1-000-213-110-60-000 7 Pine Lakes S usan Napolitano 1 1-000-213-1 10-60-000 8 Ryerson Connie Venturell i 11-000-2 13-1 10-60-000 9 AP Terh une Kathleen Cancelosi 1 1-000-213-1 10-60-000 Na ncy Carlucci 1 1-000-213-1 10-60-000 11 George Washington Den ise Lake 1 1-000-213-1 10-60-000 12 Schuyler Colfax Marcine Cirigliano 11-000-213-1 10-60-000 10 Anthony Wayne 1/ 200 Sa l a ry x 3 days TBD TBD $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,230 1,604 989 1,368 1,604 1,026 1,368 1,026 1,251 1,604 S U M M E R 2016 H IG H SCHOOL N U RSING PERSO N N E L (For Athletic Hea lth P hysicals a n d I ndivi d u a l Healthcare P lans) School Name Acct. to be Charges 1 Wayne H i l ls Judy Daly 1 1-000-213-1 10-60-000 2 Wayne H ills J u l ia Kelly 11-000-213-1 10-60-000 3 Wayne Va lley Suzanne Deutsch 1 1-000-2 1 3-1 10-60-000 4 Wayne Va lley Anita Dispenziere 1 1-000-2 13-110-60-000 1/ 200 Salary x 5 days $ $ $ $ 1,593 1,433 2,365 1,623 ll rtg.MM'u �D���ENSATION Regulilll8Qf - CST 5/19/16 Page 7 7 of 1 60 CHILD STUDY TEAM SUMMER PERSONNEL LAST NAME FIRST NAME DEPT HOURLV RATE ACCOUNT " 1 AN J E N NY CHILD STUDY $48.93 1 1-000-219-110-17-000 2 BARRIERA ROSA CHILD STU DY $58.07 11-000-219-110-17-000 3 BATII FARANO J ERRY CHILD STUDY $45.29 11-000-219-110-17-000 4 BRILLO NANCY CHILD STU DY $ 50.21 11-000-219-110-17-000 5 CAREY CYNTHIA CHILD STUDY $74.43 11-000-219-110-17-000 6 CHACON L1SSETIE CHILD STUDY $40.57 11-000-219-110-17-000 7 COLATRELLA JASON CHILD STUDY $47 .71 11-000-219-1 10-17-000 8 DOOLEY RICKIE CHILD STUDY $81.71 11-000-219-110-17-000 9 G ERBER BARBARA CHILD STUDY $ 74.43 11-000-219-1 10-17-000 10 GNASSI DIANE CHILD STU DY $ 79.86 11-000-219-110-17-000 11 HOLMAN LAURA CHILD STUDY $43.29 11-000-219-110-17-000 12 KAAR LINDA CHILD STU DY $84.57 11-000-219-110-17-000 13 KARRAS ANGELA CHI LD STUDY $62.86 1 1-000-219-1 10-17-000 14 LINDEN NANCY CHILD STUDY $70.29 1 1-000-219-1 10-17-000 15 LISKA DAN CHILD STU DY $70.21 11-000-219-110-17-000 16 LOBIONDO VICTORIA CHILD STUDY $44.07 11-000-219-110-17-000 17 LOVEN H E I M SHARI CH I LD STUDY $57.21 11-000-219-110-17-000 18 LU P PINO DANI ELLE CHILD STU DY $40.57 1 1-000-219-110-17-000 19 NYHUIS JENNIFER CHILD STU DY $ 60.36 11-000-219-1 10-17-000 20 PARKES N ICOLE CHILD STUDY $ 55.86 11-000-219-110-17-000 21 PAVLAK BARBARA CH ILD STUDY $ 54.07 11-000-219-110-17-000 22 POPPE JO ANN E CHI LD STUDY $ 62.00 11-000-219-110-17-000 23 RASTELLO ANDREA CHILD STUDY $ 53.00 11-000-219-110-17-000 24 REESE G LORIA CHILD STUDY $ 76.36 11-000-219-110-17-000 25 RODGERS CAITLIN CHILD STU DY $46.86 11-000-219-110-17-000 26 RU MANA LAURA CHILD STUDY $ 62.86 11-000-219-1 10-17-000 27 SPIROCK M ICHELE CHILD STUDY $49.36 11-000-219-110-17-000 28 SYNHORST LAUREN CH I LD STUDY $47.79 11-000-219-110-17-000 29 VENTRELLA KATI E CH I LD STU DY $45.86 11-000-219-110-17-000 30 ECK CATH ERI N E NURSE/CHILD STU DY $65.14 11-000-213-110-60-000 Page 95 of 160 Regular Meeting M inutes - May 19, 2016 WAYNE TOWNSIDP BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY BYLAWS 0 1 68IPage 1 of 3 Recording Board Meetings Oct 1 5 0 1 68 RECORDING BOARD MEETINGS The Board of Education directs the creation and maintenance of an official record of the formal proceedings of the Board and will permit the unofficial recording of Board meetings in accordance with this Bylaw. Minutes The Board shall keep reasonably comprehensible minutes of all its meetings showing the time and place, the members present, the subject considered, the actions taken, the vote of each member, information sufficient to explain the actions taken, and any other information required to be shown in the minutes by law. Minutes of public meetings shall be public records signed by the Board Secretary and filed in the Board Secretary's office in a minute book as the permanent record of the acts of this Board. Minutes of executive meetings shall be filed in the Board Secretary's office in a place separate from the minute book until the time, if any, when the proceedings may be made public. At that time, the minutes shall be public records and shall be filed in the regular minute book. The Board Secretary shall provide each Board member with a copy of the minutes prior to Board approval. Electronic Recording The Board Secretary shall make an audio tape recording of each Board meeting as an administrative aid in the preparation of minutes. The recording shall be retained five years or unti l either summary or verbatim transcripts have been approved as minutes, whichever is longer, after which time they may be erased only if permission is granted by the New Jersey Department of State, Division of Archives and Record Management. All such recordings will be erased or destroyed in compliance with laws and rules for the destruction of public records. The recording may not be able to be destroyed if a subject matter, vote, or Board action on the recording is the subject of litigation. The district will notify the New Jersey Division of Archives and Records Management when requesting permission that a recording be destroyed if the recording includes subject matter Page 96 of 160 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 1 9, 201 6 WAYNE TOWNSIllP BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY BYLAWS 0 1 68/Page 2 of 3 Recording Board Meetings Oct 1 5 in litigation, or the district will not request pennission to destroy such recording if the subject matter is in litigation. Tapes shall not be removed from the Board office and must be played in the presence of the Board Secretary or designee. Copies of said tapes, however, shall be made and furnished to the Wayne Township Public Library. Recording by the Public A member of the public may record the proceedings of a public meeting of the Board provided the audio or video recording process complies with reasonable guidelines as outlined in this Bylaw. These guidelines are adopted to ensure the recording of the public meeting does not interrupt the proceedings, inhibit the conduct of the meeting, or distract Board members or other observers present at the meeting. The Board will pennit the use of audio or video recording devices by members of the public to r.ecord public meetings. Prior notice to audio or video record a public meeting is not required provided the person operate� the recording device while sitting in the area designated by the Board for public seating. The recording of a meeting from this area shall not obstruct or distract any member of the public from observing and l istening to the proceedings of the meeting. If the recording is obstructing the view or is distracting to members of the public, the presiding officer or designee will require the person recording the meeting to relocate to another area of the meeting room. In the event a member of the public wants or needs to audio or video record a public meeting from an area other than the area designated for public seating, the person shall provide notice of such request to the Board Secretary in advance of the meeting. The Board Secretary or designee shall review the recording guidelines outlined in this Bylaw with the person requesting to record the meeting. Any member of the public wanting to use a recording device from an area other than the area designated for public seating must be located and operated from inconspicuous locations in the meeting room as detennined by the presiding officer or designee. Prior to the meeting, the presiding officer or designee will detennine the location of each recording device so each video recording device can record the meeting with an unobstructed view and each audio recording Page 97 of 160 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY BYLAWS o 1 68/Page 3 of 3 Recording Board Meetings Oct 1 5 device can record a meeting so the speakers and meeting proceedings can be properly recorded. The location of any recording device operated from an area other than the area designated for public seating will be in an area of the meeting room that is not distracting or obtrusive to Board members, members of the public, or the orderly operation of the meeting. Any recording device used outside the area designated for public seating shall be located within a similar distance from the Board as the public seating area. The presiding officer or designee shall determine when the number of recording devices used outside the area designated for public seating interferes with the conduct of a Board meeting and may order that an interfering recording device be removed or relocated. Additional lighting shall not be used unless approved by the presiding officer or designee prior to the meeting. All recording devices and any related equipment must be battery operated or operational without the use of district electricity as the district will not permit such equipment to be connected to the school district' s electrical service. The presiding officer or designee shall determine if a recording device interferes with the conduct of a Board meeting and may order that an interfering device be relocated. N.J.S.A. 1 0 :4- 1 4 Adopted: 1 5 October 2009 Revised: 2 February 20 1 2 I ·J. 2 0 / b Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 20 1 6 ... -c.1 Page 98 of 160 WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY PROGRAM 2422/Page 1 of 7 Health and Physical Education Mar 1 6 2422 HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION The Board of Education requires all students to participate in a comprehensive, sequential, health and physical education program aligned with the New Jersey Department of Education Core Curriculum Content Standards (CCCS) that emphasizes the natural interdisciplinary connection between wellness and health and physical education. The primary focus of the CCCS is the development of knowledge and skills that influence healthy behaviors within the context of self, family, school, and the local and global community. The mission of the CCCS for comprehensive health and physical education is knowledge of health and physical education concepts and skills to empower students to assume lifelong responsibility to develop physical, social, and emotional wellness. The CCCS incorporate New Jersey statutes related to health and well-being of students in New Jersey schools. The following statutes incorporated into the CCCS include, but are not limited to, the following requirements: l. Accident and Fire Prevention (NJ . S .A. instruction in accident and fire prevention. 1 8A:6-2) requires Regular courses of instruction in accident prevention and fire prevention shall be given in every public and private school in New Jersey. Instruction shall be adapted to the understanding of students at different grade levels. 2. Breast Self-Examination (NJ . S.A. 1 8A:35-5.4) requires instruction on breast self-examination. The Board of Education shall operate an educational program for students in grades seven through twelve with instruction in breast self-examination. The instruction shall take place as part of the district's implementation of the CCCS in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education and the comprehensive health and physical education curriculum framework shall provide school districts with sample activities that may be used to support implementation of the instructional requirement. Page 99 of 160 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY PROGRAM 2422/Page 2 of 7 Health and Physical Education Mar 1 6 3. Bullying Prevention Programs (N J . S .A. 1 8A : 3 7- 1 7) requires the establishment of bullying prevention programs. The school district is encouraged to establish bullying prevention programs and other initiatives involving school staff, students, administrators, volunteers, parents, law enforcement, and community members. To the extent funds are appropriated for these purposes, the school district shall: ( 1 ) provide training on the school district's Harassment, Intimidation, or BUllying Policy to school employees and volunteers who have significant contact with students; and (2) develop a process for discussing the district' s Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying Policy with students. Info nnati on regarding harassment, the school district Policy against intimidation, or bullying shall be incorporated into the school 's employee training program. 4. Cancer Awareness (N .J.S.A. 1 8A :40-33) requires the development of a school program on cancer awareness. The Commissioner of Education, in consultation with the State school Boards, shall develop a cancer awareness program appropriate for school-aged children. 5. Dating Violence Education (N J.S.A. 1 8A : 3 5-4.23a) requires instruction regarding dating violence in grades seven through twelve. The school district shall incorporate dating violence education that is age appropriate into the health education curriculum as part of the district's implementation of the CCCS in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education for students in grades seven through twelve. The dating violence education shall include, but not be limited to, infonnation on the definition of dating violence, recognizing dating violence warning signs, and the characteristics of healthy relationships. 6. Domestic Violence Education (N .J .S.A. 1 8A:3 5-4.23) allows instruction on problems related to domestic violence and child abuse. The Board of Education may include instruction on the problems of domestic violence and child abuse in an appropriate place in the curriculum of elementary school, middle school, and Page 100 of 160 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY PROGRAM 2422/Page 3 of 7 Health and Physical Education Mar 1 6 high school students. The instruction shall enable students to understand the psychology and dynamics of family violence, dating violence, and child abuse; the relationship of alcohol and drug use to such violence and abuse; the relationship of animal cruelty to such violence and abuse; and to learn methods of nonviolent problem-solving. 7. Gang Violence Prevention (NJ.S.A. 1 8A:35-4.26) requires instruction in gang violence prevention for elementary school students. A Board of Education that operates an educational program for elementary school students shall offer instruction in gang violence prevention and in ways to avoid membership in gangs. The instruction shall take place as part of the district's implementation of the CCCS in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education and the comprehensive health and physical education curriculum framework shall provide the school district with sample materials that may be used to support implementation of the instructional requirement. 8. Health, Safety, and Physical Education (NJ.S.A. 1 8A : 3 5) requires that all students in grades one through twelve participate in at least two and one-half hours of health, safety, and physical education each school week. Every student, except Kindergarten students, attending the public schools, insofar as he or she is physically fit and capable of doing so, as determined by the medical inspector, shall take such courses, which shall be a part of the curriculum prescribed for the several grades. The conduct and attainment of the students shall be marked as in other courses or subjects, and the standing of the student in connection therewith shall form a part of the requirements for promotion or graduation. The time devoted to such courses shall aggregate at least two and one-half hours each school week, or proportionately less when holidays fall within the week. 9. Drugs, Alcohol, Tobacco, Controlled Dangerous Substances, and Anabolic Steroids (NJ.S.A. programs on drugs, controlled dangerous curriculum guidelines. alcohol, 1 8A:40A- l ) requires instructional anabolic substances and steroids, tobacco, and the development of Instructional programs on the nature of Page 101 of 160 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 WAYNE TOWNSIDP BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY PROGRAM 2422/Page 4 of 7 Health and Physical Education Mar 1 6 drugs, alcohol, anabolic steroids, tobacco, and controlled dangerous substances, as defined in Section 2 of P .L. 1 970, c.226 (C.24 : 2 1 -2), and their physiological, psychological, sociological, and legal effects on the individual, the family, and society shall be taught in the public school and in each grade from Kindergarten through grade twelve in a manner adapted to the age and understanding of the students. The programs shall be based upon the curriculum guidelines established by the Commissioner of Education and shall be included in the curriculum for each grade in such a manner as to provide a thorough and comprehensive treatment of the subj ect. 1 0. Lyme Disease Prevention (N .1.S.A. development of Lyme disease I SA : 3 5 -5 . l ) requires the curriculum guidelines. The guidelines shall emphasize disease prevention and sensitivity for victims of the disease. The Commissioner of Education shall periodically review and update the guidelines to insure that the curriculum reflects the most current information available. 1 1. Organ Donation (N.J.S.A. I SA:7F-4.3) requires information relative to organ donation to be given to students in grades nine through twelve. The goals of the instruction shall be to: a. Emphasize the benefits of organ and tissue donation to the health and well-being of society generally and to individuals whose lives are saved by organ and tissue donations, so that students will be motivated to make an affirmative decision to register as donors when they become adults. b. Fully address myths and misunderstandings regarding organ and tissue donation. c. Explain the options available to adults, including the option of designating a decision-maker to make the donation decision on one's behalf. d. Instill an understanding of the consequences when an individual does not make a decision to become an organ donor and does not register designated decision-maker. or otherwise record a Page 1 0 2 o f 160 Regular Meeting M inutes - May 19, 20 1 6 WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY PROGRAM 2422/Page 5 of 7 Health and Physical Education Mar 1 6 The instruction shall infonn students that, beginning five years from the date of enactment of P .L.200S, c.4S (C.26:6-66 et al.), the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission will not issue or renew a New Jersey driver's license or personal identification card unless a prospective or renewing l icensee or card holder makes an acknowledgement regarding the donor decision pursuant to Section S of P . L.200S, c.4S (C .39:3-1 2.4). The Commissioner of Education, through the non-public school liaison in the Department of Education, shall make any related instructional materials available to private schools educating students in grades nine through twelve, or any combination thereof. encouraged to use the Such schools are instructional materials at the school; however, nothing in N J . S .A. I SA:7F-4.3 shall be construed to require such schools to use the materials. 1 2. Sexual Assault Prevention (N J.S.A. I SA : 3 5 -4.3) requires the development of a sexual assault prevention education program. The Department of Education in consultation with the advisory committee shall develop and establish guidelines for the teaching of sexual assault prevention techniques for uti lization by local school districts in the establishment of a sexual assault prevention education program. Such program shall be adapted to the age and understanding of the students and shall be emphasized in appropriate places of the curriculum sufficiently for a full and adequate treatment of the subject. 1 3. Stress Abstinence (N J . S.A. I SA:35-4. l 9 through NJ.S.A. l SA:35-4.22), also known as the "AIDS Prevention Act of 1 999," requires sex education programs to stress abstinence. Any sex education that is given as part of any planned course, curriculum, or other instructional program and that is intended to impart infonnation or promote discussion or understanding in regard to human sexual behavior, sexual feelings and sexual values, human sexuality and reproduction, pregnancy avoidance or tennination, HIV infection or sexually transmitted diseases, regardless of whether such instruction is described as, or incorporated into, a description of "sex education," "family life education," "family health education," "health education," "family living," "health," "self esteem," or any other course, curriculum program, or goal of Regular Meeting Minutes - May 1 9, 201 6 Page 1 03 of 160 WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY PROGRAM 2422/Page 6 of 7 Health and Physical Education Mar 1 6 education, and any materials including, but not limited, to handouts, speakers, notes, or audiovisuals presented on school property concerning methods for the prevention of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS), other sexually transmitted diseases, and of avoiding pregnancy, shall stress that abstinence from sexual activity is the only completely reliable means of eliminating the sexual transmission of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases and of avoiding pregnancy. 1 4. Suicide Prevention (N J. S.A. 1 8A:6-1 1 1 ) requires instruction in suicide prevention in public schools. Instruction in suicide prevention shall be provided as part of any continuing education that public school teaching staff members must complete to maintain their certification; and inclusion of suicide prevention awareness shall be included in the CCCS in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education. 1 5. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (NJ . S.A. 1 8A : 3 5-4.28 and 1 8A :3 5-4.29) requires instruction in the use of automated external defibrillator for students. Instruction cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the shall use be provided of an in automated external defibrillator to each student in a public school that includes grades nine through twelve prior to graduation as part of the district's implementation of the CCCS in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education. The instruction provided shall be modeled from an instructional program established by the American Heart Association, American Red Cross, or other nationally recognized assoc iation and shall include a hands-on learning component. 1 6. Other Statutory or Administrative Codes. The Board will incorporate into its health and physical education curriculum any other requirements of the New Jersey Department of Education's CCCS in Comprehensive Health and Physical Education. Regular Meeting Minutes - May 1 9, 20 1 6 POLICY Page 1 04 of 160 WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION PROGRAM 2422/Page 7 of 7 Health and Physical Education Mar 1 6 In accordance with the provisions of NJ.S.A. 1 8A:35-4.7, any student whose parent presents to the Principal a signed statement that any part of the instruction in health, family life, or sex education is in conflict with hislher conscience or sincerely held moral or religious beliefs shall be excused from that portion of the course where such instruction is being given and no penalties as to credit or graduation shall result. A copy of the CCCS for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education and all related curriculum/course guides and instructional material shall be available for public inspection in each school. Adopted: 1 5 October 2009 Revised: l.:?- 2·0 l � - .3 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 20 1 6 POLICY Page 1 05 of 160 WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION Program 242S/Page 1 of 1 PHYSICAL EDUCATION 242S PHYSICAL EDUCATION The Board of Education recognizes the value of physical activity in the development and maintenance of sound physical and mental health. Accordingly, the Board directs the establishment, in accordance with law, and the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards of a program of physical education and the enrollment therein of every pupil in attendance in the schools of this district, insofar as each is physically capable of participation. Each course will provide pupils with a regimen of physical exercise and activity, assist pupils in the development of physical skills and achievements, encourage pupils in a spirit of sharing and cooperation, and instill in pupils a life-long appreciation for physical activity. The successive courses of physical education will be so designed as to provide pupils with exposure to a variety of athletic and physical activities. N.J. S.A. 1 8A:3 S-S Adopted: I S October 2009 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, �- 2 u ( �.r � 2016 Page 106 of 160 WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY STUDENTS 53 1 0/Page 1 of 5 Health Services Oct 1 5 M M 53 1 0 HEALTH SERVICES The Board of Education shall develop and adopt the following written policies, procedures, and mechanisms in accordance with NJ.A.C. 6A : 1 6-2. I (a) for the provis ion of health, safety, and medical emergency services, and shall ensure staff are informed as appropriate: 1. The review of immunization records for completeness pursuant to NJ.A.C. 8 : 5 7-4. 1 through 4.20 (Policy and Regulation 5 320); 2. The administration of medication to students in the school setting in accordance with NJ.A.C. 6A: 1 6-2. 1 (a)2. (Policy and Regulation 5330); 3. The review o f D o Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders received from the student' s parent or medical home (Policy 5 332); 4. The provision of health services in emergency situations, including: a. The emergency administration of epinephrine via Epi-pen auto-injector pursuant to N J .S.A. 1 8A:40- 1 2.5 (Policy and Regulation 5330); b. The emergency administration of glucagon pursuant to NJ. S.A. 1 8A :40- 1 2 . 1 4 (Policy and Regulation 5 3 38); c. The care of any student who becomes injured or ill while at school or participating in school-sponsored functions (Policy and Regulation 844 1 ); d. The transportation and supervision of any student determined to be in need of immediate care (Policy and Regulation 844 1 ); e. The notification to parents of any student determined to be in need of immediate medical care (Policy and Regulation 844 1 ); and f. The establishment and implementation of an emergency action plan for responding to a sudden cardiac event, including the use of an automated external defibrillator Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 Page 107 of 160 WAYNE TOWNSIDP BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY STUDENTS 5 3 1 0/Page 2 of 5 Health Services Oct 1 5 M (AED) , pursuant to N.l.S.A. 1 8A :40-4 1 b (Policy and Regulation 5300). 5. The treatment of asthma in the school setting i n accordance with the provisions ofN.J.A.C. 6A : 1 6-2. 1 (a)5 (Policy 5 335); 6. Administration of student medical examinations, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 1 8A :40-4, N.J.S.A. 1 8A:3 5-4.8, and N.J.A.C. 6A: 1 6-2.2 (Policy and Regulation 53 1 0); 7. Utilization of sanitation and hygiene when handling blood and bodily fluids pursuant to N.J.A.C. 1 2 : 1 00-4.2, Safety and Health Standards for Public Employees, and in compliance with 29 CFR 1 9 1 0. 1 030, Public Employees Occupational Safety and Health Program (PEOSH) Bloodbome Pathogens Standards (Policy and Regulation 7420); 8. Provision o f nursing services to nonpublic schools located in the school district as required by N.l.S.A. 1 8A:40-23 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 6A: 1 6-2 . 5 (policy and Regulation 53 06); 9. Self-administration of medication by a student for asthma or other potentially life-threatening allergic reaction pursuant to N.l.S.A. 1 8A :40- 1 2.3, 1 2.5, and 1 2.6, and the self-management and care of a student' s diabetes as needed pursuant to N.J . S.A. 1 8A :40- 1 2. 1 5 (Policy and Regulation 5330); 1 0. Development of an individual healthcare plan and individualized emergency healthcare plan for students with chronic medical conditions, including life-threatening allergies, diabetes, and asthma, requiring special health services in accordance with N.J.S.A. 1 8A :40- 1 2. 1 I .c, 1 2. 1 2, 1 2 . 1 3 , and 1 2. 1 5 ; and N.J.A.C. 6A : 1 6-2.3(b)3xii (policies and Regulations 5 3 3 1 and 5338 and Policy 5 3 3 5); and 11. Management of food allergies in the school setting and the emergency administration of epinephrine anaphylaxis pursuant to N.J. S.A. to students for 1 8A :40- 1 2.6a through 1 2 .6d (Policy and Regulation 533 1 ). The Board of Education shall annually adopt the school district's nursing services plan at a regular meeting. Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 Page 108 of 160 WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY STUDENTS 53 1 0/Page 3 of 5 Health Services Oct 1 5 M The Board of Education shall comply with the following required health services as outlined in NJ.A.C. 6A : 1 6-2.2: 1. Immunization records shall be reviewed and updated annually pursuant to N.J.A.C. 8:57-4 . 1 through 4.24. 2. A Building Principal or designee shall not knowingly admit or retain in the school building any student whose parent has not submitted acceptable according to the evidence schedule of the specified child's in immunization, N J.A.C. 8 : 57-4, Immunization of Pupils in School. 3. The school district shall perform tuberculosis tests on students using methods required by and when specifically directed to do so by the New Jersey Department of Health based upon the incidence of tuberculosis or reactor rates in specific communities or population groups pursuant to N.J .S.A. 1 8A:40- 1 6. 4. The school district shall immediately report b y telephone to the health officer of the jurisdiction in which the school is located any communicable diseases identified as reportable pursuant to NJ.A.C. 8 : 5 7- 1 , whether confirmed or presumed. 5. Each school i n the district shall have and maintain for the care of students at least one nebulizer in the office of the school nurse or a similar accessible location, pursuant to N.J. S.A. 1 8A :40- 1 2.7. 6. Each student medical examination shall be conducted at the medical home of the student. If a student does not have a medical home, the school district shall provide the examination at the school physician's office or other comparably equipped facil ity pursuant to N.J. S .A. 1 8A:40-4. 7. The findings o f required examinations under 8 .b., c . , d., and e . below shall include the following components : a. Immunizations pursuant to NJ.A.C. 8 : 57-4. 1 through 4.24; Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 201 6 Page 1 09 of 160 WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY STUDENTS 5 3 1 0/Page 4 of 5 Health Services Oct 1 5 M b. Medical history, including allergies, past serious illnesses, injuries, operations, medications, and current health problems; c. Health screenings including height, weight, hearing, blood pressure, and vision; and d. 8. Physical examinations. The school district shall ensure that students receive medical examinations in accordance with N J.A.C. 6A : 1 6-2.2(f) and 6. above and: a. Prior to participation on a school-sponsored interscholastic or intramural team or squad for students enrolled in any grades six to twelve in accordance with N J .A.C. 6A : 1 62 .2(h) 1 ; b. Upon enrollment in school in accordance with N.J.A.C, 6A : 1 6-2.2(h)2; c. When applying for working papers in accordance with N J.A.C. 6A: 1 6-2.2(h)3; d. For the purposes of the comprehensive Child Study Team evaluation pursuant to NJ.A.C. 6A : 1 4-3.4 in accordance with N J.A.C. 6A: 1 6-2.2(h)4; and e. When a student is suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or controlled dangerous substances, pursuant to NJ. S.A. 1 8A:40A- 1 2 and N.lA.C. 6A: 1 6-4.3 in accordance with NJ.A.C. 6A : 1 6-2.2(h)5 . 9. Each school shall have available and maintain an AED, pursuant to NJ.S.A. 1 8A:40-4 1 a.a( l ) and (3), and in accordance with NJ.A.C. 6A: 1 6-2.2(i). 1 0. The Board of Education shall make accessible information regarding the New Jersey FamilyCare Program to students who are Page 1 1 0 of 1 60 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 1 9, 201 6 WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY STUDENTS 5 3 1 0/Page 5 of 5 Health Services Oct 1 5 M knowingly without medical coverage pursuant to N.J.S.A. 1 8A :40-34. 11. Information concerning a student' s HIV/AIDS status shall not be required as part of the medical examination or health history pursuant to N .J.S.A. 26:5C-l et seq. 1 2. The Board of Education shall ensure that students receive health screenings as outlined in N.l.A.C. 6A : 1 6-2.2(1). 13. The school nurse or designee shall screen to ensure hearing aids worn by students who are deaf and/or hard of hearing are functioning properly. any FM hearing aid The school nurse or designee will ensure systems in classrooms or any school equipment in the school building used to assist students hear are functioning properly. N.l.S.A. 1 8A :40-4 et seq. N.J.A.C. 6A: 1 6- 1 . 3 ; 6A : 1 6-2. 1 ; 6A: 1 6-2.2 Adopted: 1 5 October 2009 Revised: 20 December 20 1 2 4 December 20 1 4 P- 2 o i �- Regular Meeting Minutes - May 1 9, 2016 5 Page 1 1 1 of WAYNE TOWNSHIP POLICY HOARD OF RDlJCATTON OPERATIONS 8462IPage 1 of 2 REPORTING POTENTIALLY MISSING OR ABUSED CHILDREN (M) Mar 1 6 8462 REPORTING POTENTIALLY MISSING OR ABUSED CHILDREN (M) The Board of Education recognizes early detection of missing, abused, or neglected children is important in protecting the health, safety, and welfare of all children. In recognition of the importance of early detection of missing, abused, or neglected children, the Board of Education adopts this Policy pursuant to the requirements of N.1.S.A. 1 8A:36-24 and 1 8A:36-25. The Board provides this Policy for its employees, volunteers, or interns to provide for the early detection of missing, abused, or neglected children through notification of, reporting to, and cooperation with the appropriate law enforcement and child welfare authorities pursuant to N.1.S.A. 1 8A :36-24 and 1 8A:3 6-25 et seq., N.J.A.C. 6A : 1 6- 1 1 . 1 , and N.1.S.A. 9:6-8 . 1 0. Employees, volunteers, or interns working in the school district shall immediately notify designated child welfare authorities of incidents of alleged missing, abused, and/or neglected children. Reports of incidents of alleged missing, abused, or neglected children shall be reported to the New Jersey State Central Registry (SCR) at 1 -877 NJ ABUSE or to any other telephone number designated by the appropriate child welfare authorities. If the child is in immediate danger a call shall be placed to 9 1 1 as well as to the SCR. The person having reason to believe that a child may be missing or may have been abused or neglected may inform the Principal or other designated school official(s) prior to notifying designated child welfare authorities if the action will not delay immediate notification. The person notifying designated child welfare authorities shall inform the Principal or other designated school official(s) of the notification, if such had not occurred prior to the notification. Notice to the Principal or other designated school official(s) need not be given when the person believes that such notice would l ikely endanger the reporter or student involved or when the person believes that such disclosure would likely result in retaliation against the student or in discrimination against the reporter with respect to his or her employment. The Principal or other designated school official(s) upon being notified by a person having reason to believe that a child may be missing or may have been abused or neglected, must notify 1 60 appropriate law enforcement authorities. Notification to appropriate law enforcement authorities shall be made for all reports by employees, volunteers, or interns working in the school district. Confirmation by another person is not required for a school district employee, volunteer, or intern to report the suspected missing, abused, or neglected child situation. Page 1 1 2 of 1 60 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 1 9, 201 6 WAYNE TOWNSffiP POLICY HOARD OF RDlJC ATTON OPERATIONS 8462IPage 2 of 2 REPORTING POTENTIALLY MISSING OR ABUSED CHILDREN (M) Mar 1 6 School district officials will cooperate with designated child welfare and law enforcement authorities in all investigations of potentially missing, abused, or neglected children in accordance with the provisions ofNJ.A.C. 6A: 1 6- 1 1 . 1 (a)5 . The district designates the Director o f Student Support Services as the school district's liaisons to designated child welfare authorities to act as the primary contact person between the school district and child welfare authorities with regard to general information sharing and the development of mutual training and other cooperative efforts. The district designates the Superintendent or designee as the school district's liaisons to law enforcement authorities to act as the primary contact person between the school district and law enforcement authorities, pursuant to NJ.A.C. 6A : 1 6-6.2(b) 1 , consistent with the Memorandum of Understanding, pursuant to NJ.A.C. 6A : 1 66 .2(b) 1 3 . An employee, volunteer, or intern working in the school district who has been named as a suspect in a notification to child welfare and law enforcement authorities regarding a missing, abused, or neglected child situation shall be entitled to due process rights, including those rights defined in NJ.A.C. 6A: 1 6- 1 1 . 1 (a)9. The Superintendent or designee shall provide training to school district employees, volunteers, and/or interns on the district's policy and procedures for reporting al legations of missing, abused, or neglected child situations. All new school district employees, volunteers, or interns working in the district shall receive the required information and training as part of their orientation. There shall be no reprisal or retaliation against any person who, in good faith, reports or causes a report to be made of a potentially missing, abused, or neglected child situation pursuant to NJ. S.A. 9:6-8. 1 3 . Any employee, volunteer, or intern with reasonable cause to suspect or believe that a student has attempted or completed suicide, shall report the information to the Department of Human Services, Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services, in a form and manner prescribed by the Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services pursuant to NJ.S .A. 30:9A-24.a. NJ. S.A. 1 8A : 3 6-24; 1 8A:36-25 et seq. NJ.A.C. 6A: 1 6- 1 1 . 1 Adopted: 1 5 October 2009 Revised: 2 October 20 1 4 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19. 2016 Page 1 1 3 of 160 WAYNE TOWNSIDP BOARD -OF EDUCATION POLICY PROGRAM 2622IPage 1 of 3 STUDENT ASSESSMENTS (M) 2622 STUDENT AS SESSMENTS (M) M The Commissioner of Education shall implement a system and related schedule of Statewide assessments to evaluate student achievement of the Core Curriculum Content Standards in accordance with the provisions of NJ.A.C. 6A:8-4. 1 et seq. The Board of Education is required to administer the applicable Statewide assessments according to the schedule prescribed by the Commissioner. State assessments provide parents with important information about their child's progress; detailed diagnostic performance that educators, information parents, and about each students individual can student's utilize to enhance foundational knowledge and student achievement; and include item analysis which will clarify a student's level of knowledge and understanding of a particular subject or area of a subject. The data derived from State assessments will be utilized by teachers and administrators to pinpoint areas of difficulty and customize instruction accordingly. Such data can be accessed and utilized as a student progresses to successive school levels. The New Jersey Department of Education, pursuant to State law and regulations, requires all students to take State assessments as scheduled. There is no provision for a student to opt-out of Statewide assessments. If a student is absent on a testing date, the student will be expected to take the missed test on another school day. Parents and students will be informed of all scheduled testing dates, including make-up testing dates for students who missed the initial testing date. Statewide Assessments System The Superintendent of Schools shall develop and annually present to the Board for its approval an assessment program that complies with the rules of the State Board of Education. Test Administration Procedures and Security Measures All Statewide assessments shall be administered in accordance with the Department of Education's required test administration procedures and security measures. Any breach of such procedures or measures shall be immediately reported to the Superintendent or designee. Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, Page 114 of 160 2016 WAYNE TOWNSffiP BOARD OF EDUCATION POLICY PROGRAM 2622IPage 2 of 3 STUDENT ASSESSMENTS (M) Documentation of Student Achievement The Department of Education shall provide the Superintendent with documentation of student achievement after administration of each test in accordance with the provisions of N J .A.C. 6A : 8-4.2. The Board shall maintain an accurate record of each student' s performance on Statewide assessments in accordance with NJ.A.C. 6A: 8-4.2. Information regarding individual student test scores shall only be released in accordance with Federal and State law. Accountability The Superintendent shall report preliminary and final results of annual assessments to the Board of Education as required by the New Jersey Department of Education. The Board will provide parents, students, and citizens with results of annual assessments according to N.J.A.C. 6A: 8-4.2. The Board shall provide appropriate instruction to improve skills and knowledge for students performing below established levels of student proficiency in any content area either on Statewide or local assessments. All students are expected to demonstrate the knowledge and skills of the Core Curriculum Content Standards as measured by the Statewide assessment system. Public Reporting In accordance with the requirements of N.J.A.C. 6A:8-4.5, the Department of Education shall report annually to the State Board of Education and the public on the progress of all students and student subgroups in meeting the Core Curriculum Content Standards as measured by the Statewide assessment system. In public reporting of school and district performance data, the Department of Education shall not compromise the confidentiality of individual students. Parental Notification Parents shall be informed of the district assessment system and of any special tests that are to be administered to their children. Student AccommodationslModifications The Board shall provide appropriate accommodations or modifications to the Statewide assessment system as specified by the Department of Education for English Language Learners (ELLs) and students with disabilities as defined in NJ.A.C. 6A: 1 4- 1 .3 or eligible under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act as Page Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 POLICY 1 1 5 of 160 WAYNE TOWNSHIP BOARD OF EDUCATION PROGRAM 2622IPage 3 of 3 STUDENT ASSESSMENTS (M) determined by the Individualized Educational Plan (lEP) or 504 Team in accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A :8-4 . 1 (d)1 . NJ.S.A. 1 8A:7C- l NJ.A.C. 6A: 8-4. 1 et seq.; 6A:8-5 . I ; 6A : I 4- 1 . 1 et seq.; 6A : 1 4-3 .7; 6A : 1 4-4. 1 0 Adopted: 1 5 October 2009 Revised: 6 September 20 I 2 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 Page 148 of 160 MEMBERSHIP RESOLUTION !\ NEW JERSEY STATE INTERSOfOLASnC ATHLETIC ASSOOA ON The Board of education of School Dlstria No. County of Stlte of New Jersey, I. provided for In Chapter 172 Laws 1979 (NJ.5.A. lBA:11-3, It sIIq.) , 1 • f'� � r- HI", School herewith enrolls V . . � � as a member of the New Jersey te Interscholastic Athl Association to plrtlclpate In the approved Interschaal Ithletlc prolfilm sponsored by the NJSIAA. ThIs resolution to continue to effllct until or unless rescinded by the Baird of Education and shall be Includ.d amolll those palldes Idopted annually by the Board. Pursuant to NJ.5.A. 1lIA:1l-3 In adopting this resolution. til, Board 0/ EducrJtlon adoptJ OJ Its own policy ond ogrns to be govema by the CDnstItutJon B,tOM and Rules and Regullltlons of the NJSIAA. A photocopy of the minutes 5IInlfytlll the Idaption of this membership resolution Is Ittached. Administrative Responsibility-The AssocIation must rely upon the voIuntlry complllnce by Its member schools In enforclnl the ellllblilly stlndlrd. let forth In BylIWS, ArtIde V. Toward thlt end, the Prindpil In elch member schaal has the afflrmltlve obllptlon to report to the NJSIAA anv violations of these standards. The fIIct that a school has disclosed that there has been an elillbllily violation wiD not rellew the affected school of sanctions thlt mlV be Imposed ailinst It, pursuant to Mlcle X of the IVIIWI, Indudlnl the forfeiture of pmes or events. Ho_ver, the taBuri to disclose In ellBibUIly violation may be sravnds for Imposlnl additional sanctlonl upon the offendllll schaal. In addition, I achool must malnteln I ItlltUI of -MlmlNlr In Good Stend ..... II outlined In the Prtndplrl AffIdnlt to rllllllin .n...... far NJSIAA 'ctlvltles and toumarnentl. Date of Bootd Approvol Signature �aetory of Boord 0/ EduCllt/an R.If. 5/l/1. MEMBERSHIP RESOLUTION NEW JERSEY STATE INTERSCHOwnC ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION The Board of education of School District No. County of State of New Jersey, IS provided far In Chapter 172 Laws 1979 (NJ.S.A. lBA:1l-3, lit s,q.) PbSS A. , c;... herewith enrolls 'elktNi= ,*,uS HIIh School IS a member of the New Jersey State Interschollstlc Athletic AssocIation to plrtldplte In the Ipproved Intersdloal athletic Pl'Olram sponsored by the NJSIAA. This resolution to continue to effect until or unless resdnded by the Bolrd 01 Education and shall be Induded amo". those policies ldopted .nnuaOV by the Board. PUlSllant to NJ.SA. llA:11-3 In adapt/fIJI this resalutlrm, ttl, Boord 0/ EdllCtltion adoptJ as Its awn policy and agrees to be gavema by tile Constitution Bylaws and Rilla find R'fI!IlatIans a/ the NJSIAA. A phatocapy of the minutes sllnlfylnl the adoption of this membership resolution Is attached. Administrative Respanslblllly-The AssocI.tlon must rely upon the voluntary compliance by Its member schools In enfordnl the el"I..OIly standards set forth In Bylaws, Article V. TCJWIrd th.t end, the Prindpal In each member school has the affirmative obllBatlon to report to the NJSIAA any violations of these standards. The fII ct thlt a school has disclosed that there has been an ellllbHIly violation will not relieve the ,ffeaed school of sanctions that rnaV be Imposed ,.. lnlt It, pUfS!llnt to Article X of the BVI1ws, Includlnl the forfeiture of pmls or events. However. the fIIUure to dlsclole an eUllbUItv violation may be IrDUnds for Imposln; addltlonill sanctions upon the offendlnl schaal. In Iddllkm• • scMol mult malnteln , ItatUI of "Member In Good Stendl,.- II outllMd In the Prtndpal . Aflld nlt to rlmeln ........ . far NJSIAA actlvltles ,nd toumlmentl. ' Dote 0/ Board Approval SIgnature /Seaetory of Board of EducatIon Rw. 5/1/1. Brown & Brown Wayne Township Public Schools Benefit AdVlSors· Effective July 1, 2016 �_ Ib __ Y' � C. I (JJ ar- Illd ar- ....t. AdvlsDn FfW IlIIatrIdiw ".."... � April 25, ZD1& Brown & Brown Benefit Wayne Township Public Schools Effective July 1, 2016 � - .. -- tarrier Names Declined Declined to to Quote _ _ a- ....tAdvISMS . For IIII1Sf11111ve Pu/fIOSG QIIv AprtI zs. ZIIl& Brown & Brown Benefit Wayne Township Public Schools Effective July 1, 2016 -_ .. _ - carrier Names Dedined to Dedined Dedined to IIwn II1II ar.wn a-IIt AdvIsors For IIIUJfn111w PufJlOlG _ April 2$, 2016 Wayne Township Public Schools Effective July 1, 2016 �- .. - - 10" Coinsurance 10" Coinsurance Declined Declined to to Quote Quote Declined Declined tarrier Names 2m' Coinsurance to ar-n _ __ Benefit AcIuIIan For IJIuJrnItIwe """",.. 0ftIr AprIl 25, Z016 Brown & Brown Wayne Township Public Schools Benefit AdVlSorsa Effective,July 1, 2016 �- .. -- Names 10K Coinsurance DeclIned Declined to to Declined Declined to to carrier Names ItawII end IIrDwn 8eMIIt AdvIson lOt DlUIfIIIIiw I'IIIJma QIIy ApI\I 25, ZDl& Brown & Brown Wayne Township Public Schools Benefit AdVIsors" Effective July 1, 2016 � "'_ 1b __ Cilrrler Names N/A __ .... __ 1eMtIt ....,..,. ,., IIhBttrIfiw I'IIIpasa cw, AprIl 25. Z01I Page 1 55 of 1 60 Regular Meeting Minutes - May 1 9, 201 6 5--00 \ �- <-( �� -.nagement (Carp. 3201 Cherry RIdge Dr. Suite 0405, San Antonio, TX 78230 WAYNE TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOLS Student Accident Insurance Proposal 2016 - 2017 Curtlnt I.IU fJIn $25,000 Maximum Per Injury 1 Year Benefit Period $250Deductible Per Injury, 80% Coinsurance AD School $153·338•QO CATASlRQPHE CQVERAQE CI... III: Accident Medical MaxImum: Deductible: aeneflt Period: Full Excees Medical with $SCIO,ooo CAT Cnh: Effactlve Date: Carrier: RatIng: All enrolled atudenla of the school (including athletes, band members, cheerteader8, majorettes, studen1 coaches, student traInera, and student managers) who participate In Interscholastic sporta sponsored by the school or who parttctpate In: 1) Intramural sports; 2) physical education claues; and 3) non-aport extracurricular activities. $6 ,000,000 $25,000 1 0 Year p.07.QO Quote valid through August " 2016 AXIS Insurance Company (an Admitted Cstrlsr) A+ XV (Cunwnt rating msy be found 8t AMBest.com) Paf1llltll of cIaImI UDder Of IDIanDce pollq laaeel .baII DaI,. be made fa fuJI CDIDPIIaace wHIa ..u UaUed St&tea HODDlale or trade aod audio. IawI or nplatlo.... JacllullDg. ht Dot Umlted to, ..........,. lawI ad repiadODI admIaIItBred ad eDforced by tile I1.S. 'I'rnnIr1 Departmcat'. 0IIIce of ForeJp AIIeII CDDtral (",01i'AC"). Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 Page 1 57 of 160 5--de ' �-- "' � SCHOOL BUS EVACUA TIONS ADDRESS DATE U PO N ARRIVAL La ayette 100 Laauwe A ve. 4-May UPON ARRIVAL James Fallon 51 Clifford Drive 5-May UPON ARRIVAL Albert Payson Terhune 40 Geoffrey Way 6-May UPON ARRIVAL Anthony Wayne 201 Garside Ave. 6-May U PON ARRIVAL Packanack 190 Oakwood Dr. 9-May UPON ARRIVAL Wayne Valley HS 551 VALLEY RD. IO-May UPON ARRIVAL Wayne Hills HS 2 72 BERDANE A VE lO-May U PON ARRIVAL Ryerson 30 McClelland Ave. lO-May UPON ARRIVAL Pines Lakes 51 1 Pines Lake Drive ll-May U PON ARRIVAL John F. Kennedy 1350 Ratzer Rd. 12-May UPON ARRIVAL Schuyler-Col ax 1500 Hamburg Tpke. 12-May UPON ARRIVAL Theunis Dey 55 Webster Dr. 16-May U PON ARRIVAL George Washinton 68 Lenox Rd. 16-May UPON ARRIVAL Randall Carter 531 Alps Road 17-May U PON ARRIVAL ctl l 2015-2016 10 v.r;_,� ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS �(l .;. MIDDLE SCHOOLS / / Regular Meeting Minutes- May 19, 2016 Page 159 of 160 5--do l lo- � Regular Meeting Minutes - May 19, 2016 Page 160 of 160