DYNACO Technical Manual Door Model: Armor Door © Copyright 2009 DYNACO USA, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this work (including attachments and inclusions) may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, or by any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher. M2, M3, Slimline, Streamline and Armor are registered trademarks of DYNACO USA, Inc. DYNACO USA, Inc. 935 Campus Drive. Mundelein, IL 600620 USA (877) 239-6266 (Toll Free) DYNACO USA, Inc. on the World Wide Web: http://www.dynacodoor.us For assistance, contact your local DYNACO USA, Inc Customer Service Representative . Table of Contents June 2009 Issue 1 Title Page Table of Contents..............................................................................................................................................iii List of Figures ..................................................................................................................................................vii List of Tables .....................................................................................................................................................ix Chapter 1: Before You Begin ......................................................................................................................1–11 1.1. Safety.............................................................................................................................................1–11 1.1.1. Hazard Standards...............................................................................................................1–11 1.1.2. Installation Precautions ......................................................................................................1–11 1.1.3. Operation Precautions........................................................................................................1–12 1.1.4. Maintenance Precautions...................................................................................................1–12 1.1.5. Electrical Precautions.........................................................................................................1–12 1.2. Installation Tools ............................................................................................................................1–13 1.3. Pre-installation Build-out................................................................................................................1–14 1.4. Unpack the Door ............................................................................................................................1–14 1.5. Armor Door Manifest......................................................................................................................1–15 Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation.............................................................................................................2–17 2.1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................................2–17 2.2. Install Side Guides .........................................................................................................................2–18 2.3. Install Header Box..........................................................................................................................2–19 2.4. Nest Rolling Procedure..................................................................................................................2–22 2.5. Connect Lift Cables .......................................................................................................................2–23 2.6. Installing Security Auxiliary Hooks.................................................................................................2–30 2.7. Mount the Control Box and Photo Eyes ........................................................................................2–31 2.7.1. Assembly of Photo Eye ......................................................................................................2–32 Final Procedures............................................................................................................................2–32 2.8. Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) ...........................................................................................................3–33 3.1. Purpose..........................................................................................................................................3–33 3.1.1. Controls ..............................................................................................................................3–33 3.1.2. Messages ...........................................................................................................................3–34 3.2. Electrical Installation ......................................................................................................................3–34 3.2.1. Make the Primary Connections ..........................................................................................3–35 3.2.2. Make the Encoder Connections .........................................................................................3–38 3.2.3. Run Wire for Accessories...................................................................................................3–39 3.2.4. Power the Door...................................................................................................................3–40 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 iii Table of Contents 3.3. 3.4. Final Checks and Verification........................................................................................................ 3–40 3.3.1. Set the Door Limits ............................................................................................................ 3–41 3.3.2. Install and Test Activation Accessories ............................................................................. 3–46 3.3.3. Set Automatic Timers......................................................................................................... 3–46 3.3.4. Set the MC/PB Timer ......................................................................................................... 3–48 3.3.5. Set the AC/LOOP Timer .................................................................................................... 3–49 Manual Operation.......................................................................................................................... 3–50 3.5. Finalizing Door Operation.............................................................................................................. 3–50 Appendix A: Wireless Bottom Detector ..................................................................................................... A–1 A.1. WDD Receiver.................................................................................................................................A–1 Appendix B: Radio Frequency Remote Control Installation.................................................................... B–3 B.1. Radio-Frequency Remote Control (RXU) .......................................................................................B–3 B.2. Technical Characteristics ................................................................................................................B–3 B.3. Installing the Receiver .....................................................................................................................B–3 B.4. Monostable Programming Instructions............................................................................................B–4 B.5. Timer Programming Instructions .....................................................................................................B–4 B.5.1. Timer – Channel 1 ...............................................................................................................B–4 B.5.2. Timer – Channel 2 ...............................................................................................................B–5 B.6. Bistable Programming Instructions .................................................................................................B–6 B.6.1. Bistable – Channel 1............................................................................................................B–6 B.6.2. Bistable – Channel 2............................................................................................................B–6 Appendix C: Falcon Motion Sensor Installation........................................................................................ C–7 C.1. Specifications ................................................................................................................................. C–7 C.2. Installation Summary...................................................................................................................... C–8 Appendix D: Vehicle Loop Detector ........................................................................................................... D–9 D.1. DSP-6LP......................................................................................................................................... D–9 D.1.1. Specifications...................................................................................................................... D–9 D.1.2. Installation ........................................................................................................................... D–9 Appendix E: FEIG Encoder.........................................................................................................................E–11 E.1. TST PD – ME Assembly and Startup............................................................................................E–11 E.1.1. Technical Data ...................................................................................................................E–11 E.1.2. Assembly............................................................................................................................E–11 E.1.3. Encoder Connection ..........................................................................................................E–12 E.1.4. Battery Change ..................................................................................................................E–12 Appendix F: NX5 Photoelectric Sensor.....................................................................................................F–13 F.1. Photo Eye Sensor Specifications and Wiring Diagram .................................................................F–13 F.1.1. Specifications.....................................................................................................................F–13 F.1.2. Mounting ............................................................................................................................F–14 F.1.3. Wiring Diagram ..................................................................................................................F–14 F.1.4. Splices................................................................................................................................F–15 F.1.5. Indicators............................................................................................................................F–15 Appendix G: Square-D Frequency Inverter Specifications .................................................................... G–17 G.1. Frequency Inverters ..................................................................................................................... G–17 G.2. ALTIVAR 31 Fault Codes and Specifications............................................................................... G–17 iv DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Table of Contents Appendix H: Recommended Quarterly Maintenance .............................................................................. H–21 H.1. Services Performed ...................................................................................................................... H–21 Appendix I: Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................................I–25 I.1. Armor Door Troubleshooting ..........................................................................................................I–25 Index ...............................................................................................................................................................xxix DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 v Table of Contents vi DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 List of Figures Figure Page Figure 1-1: Adapter Plates ............................................................................................................................ 1–14 Figure 2-1: Side Guides ................................................................................................................................ 2–18 Figure 2-2: Shim Side Guides (Unlevel Floor) .............................................................................................. 2–19 Figure 2-3: Header Box (Close up) ............................................................................................................... 2–20 Figure 2-4: “A” and “B” Dimensions .............................................................................................................. 2–21 Figure 2-5: Header Box................................................................................................................................. 2–21 Figure 2-6: Panel Nest Installation................................................................................................................ 2–23 Figure 2-7: Proper Cable Routing Diagram .................................................................................................. 2–24 Figure 2-8: Securing Nest to Header ............................................................................................................ 2–25 Figure 2-9: Lintel Header Flshing.................................................................................................................. 2–26 Figure 2-10: Nest to Guide Clearance .......................................................................................................... 2–27 Figure 2-11: Panel Nest ................................................................................................................................ 2–28 Figure 2-12: Panel Nest Inner Guides .......................................................................................................... 2–29 Figure 2-13: Security Auxiliary Hooks........................................................................................................... 2–31 Figure 2-14: Assembly of Photo Eye ............................................................................................................ 2–32 Figure 3-1: DYNALOGIX II Controls and Connections ................................................................................. 3–33 Figure 3-2: Power Connections in Control Box............................................................................................. 3–35 Figure 3-3: Ground Connection on Terminal Block ...................................................................................... 3–36 Figure 3-4: Motor Wire Connections on Terminal Block ............................................................................... 3–36 Figure 3-5: Photo Eye Connections on Terminal Block ................................................................................ 3–37 Figure 3-6: Brake Wiring Connections .......................................................................................................... 3–37 Figure 3-7: Cable Brake and Overtravel Switch Connections ...................................................................... 3–38 Figure 3-8: Wiring the Green Connector....................................................................................................... 3–38 Figure 3-9: Insertion Point for Green Connector........................................................................................... 3–39 Figure 3-10: Main Disconnect ....................................................................................................................... 3–40 Figure 3-11: DYNALOGIX II PROGRAM Mode ............................................................................................ 3–41 Figure 3-12: ENTER Button .......................................................................................................................... 3–42 Figure 3-13: JOG DOWN Button .................................................................................................................. 3–43 Figure 3-14: Scroll Through Menu ................................................................................................................ 3–44 Figure 3-15: JOG UP/RESET Button............................................................................................................ 3–45 Figure 3-16: Menu Button ............................................................................................................................. 3–45 Figure 3-17: Accessory Inputs ...................................................................................................................... 3–46 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 vii List of Figures Figure 3-18: RUN TIMERS buttons ............................................................................................................... 3–47 Figure 3-19: Adjust Countdown Time ............................................................................................................ 3–47 Figure 3-20: Adjust Countdown Time ............................................................................................................ 3–48 Figure 3-21: Change Setting ......................................................................................................................... 3–48 Figure 3-22: AC/LOOP Close Timer.............................................................................................................. 3–49 Figure 3-23: Change Setting ......................................................................................................................... 3–49 Figure 3-24: Manual Chain Hoist Option ....................................................................................................... 3–50 Figure A-1: WDD Receiver ..............................................................................................................................A–1 Figure E-1: FEIG Encoder Assembly ............................................................................................................E–11 Figure E-2: Battery and Reset Pins ...............................................................................................................E–12 Figure F-1: Sensor and Mounting Bracket.....................................................................................................F–14 Figure F-2: Typical Wiring Diagram...............................................................................................................F–14 Figure F-3: LED Indicators .............................................................................................................................F–15 viii DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 List of Tables Table Page Table 2-1: Dimensions For Maximum Allowable Deflection ......................................................................... 2–22 Table 3-1: DYNOLOGIX II Messages ........................................................................................................... 3–34 Table B-1: Remote Control Technical Characteristics.................................................................................... B–3 Table B-2: Monostable Remote Control Switches .......................................................................................... B–4 Table B-3: Channel 1 Timer Settings.............................................................................................................. B–5 Table B-4: Channel 2 Timer Settings.............................................................................................................. B–5 Table C-1: Falcon Motion Sensor Specifications ............................................................................................C–7 Table D-1: Vehicle Loop Detector Specifications ...........................................................................................D–9 Table D-2: Vehicle Loop Detector Specifications .........................................................................................D–10 Table E-1: Technical Data............................................................................................................................. E–11 Table F-1: NX5 Thru-beamSensor Specifications ........................................................................................ F–13 Table G-3: ALTIVAR 31 Fault Codes............................................................................................................G–17 Table G-4: ALTIVAR 31 Specifications.........................................................................................................G–19 Table H-1: Quarterly Maintenance List .........................................................................................................H–21 Table I-1: Problems and Solutions................................................................................................................. I–25 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 ix List of Tables x DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 1: Before You Begin 1.1. Safety 1.1.1. Hazard Standards Throughout this manual, there are labels that indicate situations during the installation process that pose risks to installers and/or equipment. The mechanical and electrical components of the door may have posted warning and caution information as well. These typically include the following symbols indicating the type of risk and precaution to be taken. The Warning sign indicates a danger to installation technicians who may be exposed to severe physical harm or death from electrical components. The symbol includes specific information regarding the risk such as “High Voltage” or “Keep Hands Clear.” The Caution sign indicates installation technicians to observe safe operating procedures. Failure to comply with the procedure may result in injury or damaged equipment. The sign includes procedural text such as “Lockout for Safety” or “Lookout for Forklifts.” Note indicates a related comment or instruction in the manual. 1.1.2. Installation Precautions Only certified DYNACO door installers may install DYNACO doors. Always use proper tools, procedures and techniques when installing your DYNACO door. Installation of the DYNACO door requires the assistance of qualified electricians and forklift operators. Installation contractors should ensure that those participating in the installation process have received the appropriate training and certification required to complete the installation. Installation performed by untrained technicians may result in injury and/or damage to equipment. Installation technicians may be exposed to injury from electrical components. Damage to equipment is possible. Failure to follow the instructions found in this manual may result in an inoperable door and void its warranty. Installation by unauthorized persons may also void your warranty. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 1–11 Chapter 1: Before You Begin 1.1.3. Operation Precautions The following precautions should be taken when operating DYNACO doors. • Read this manual prior to operating DYNACO doors. • Keep the control box closed while operating the door. • Keep all safety features, such as covers and safety warnings, visible and readable at all times. Observe all safety warnings and procedures. • Avoid contact with all chains, bearings and other moving parts during activation of the door. 1.1.4. Maintenance Precautions The following precautions should be taken when performing maintenance on DYNACO doors. • Only certified personnel should perform maintenance on DYNACO doors. Maintenance performed by untrained technicians may result in injury and/or damage to equipment. Service performed by unauthorized persons may void the DYNACO door warranty. • Use only DYNACO Factory Direct replacement parts. All door parts are engineered specifically for use within the door. • Return the door to the original factory condition when maintenance is complete. Take extra care to ensure that all safety features are restored to their original condition. • Observe all electrical precautions. 1.1.5. Electrical Precautions Electrical shock can be deadly! Take extreme care when performing installation and maintenance tasks on the electrical components of the door. Follow the precautions listed below: 1–12 • All electrical parts used to install or repair DYNACO doors must be UL approved. • Lockout and tag electrical components in accordance with OSHA regulations and approved electrical codes prior to performing maintenance. Lockout is required for service or maintenance on all mechanical and electrical components, including performance of the following tasks. o Removal of covers, side guides, motor, limits and other protective devices o Inspection of the door o Inspection or maintenance of the Control Box o Maintenance or repair of the opening commands • Disconnect the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), if present, when performing maintenance. Refer to the UPS Manual for information on disconnecting the UPS. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 1: Before You Begin Take special care when addressing frequency inverter failure modes. The frequency inverter stops the door when it senses voltage loss, phase differences and thermal overload. This stops the door from further operation, but does not disconnect the power. Observe the following precautions related to the frequency inverter. • Keep the frequency inverter cover closed at all times. • Disconnect the main power supply, wait 15 minutes and reconnect the power supply after resolving frequency inverter failure modes. • Disconnect the power and proceed with lockout procedures to perform service after the frequency inverter has stopped the door. 1.2. Installation Tools You need the following tools to complete the installation of your DYNACO door successfully. • Water Level • Hammer Drill • (2) Ladders • Threaded Rod • Wire Stripper • Universal Pliers • (3) Clamps • Set of Allen Keys (Metric/Us) • Screwdrivers • Rubber Mallet for Weather Strip • Grinder • Fork Lift • Tape Measure • Chalk Line • Utility Knife • Rivet Gun • Circuit Tester V.O.M. • Set of Standard Wrenches • Punch • Set of Sockets with ⅜” and ½” Drive • Reciprocating Saw • Hammer • Pry Bar • Lift Straps DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 1–13 Chapter 1: Before You Begin 1.3. Pre-installation Build-out Ensure that the doorframe has the necessary structural support, such as a fore frame or build out before you begin. If you are mounting the door to a steel frame, there must be at least a 4 in. flat steel surface for bolting side guides. If appropriate surface is not available, use ⅜ in. thick steel plates. See Figure 1-1. Figure 1-1: Adapter Plates For all doors greater than 12 ft. wide, be prepared to connect the header support bracket to the building structure. 1.4. Unpack the Door Unpack the door immediately before installing it. Carefully unpack each item and check it off on the following manifest. Do NOT unpack the nest crate! 1–14 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 1: Before You Begin 1.5. Armor Door Manifest Confirm and check each item on the manifest below. Then, complete and sign and fax this page to DYNACO at (800) 459-1960. IMPORTANT! You MUST complete this manifest to validate your warranty. Inspect the crate for damage before you begin unpacking. If damaged, do not sign-off on the shipment. Instead, call the shipper and DYNACO within 24 Hours! Optional Accessories Standard Components Door serial number (located in the Control Box and on the side guides) matches order. Head Unit 2 Side-Guides Panel Nest Factory installed header covers (disassemble these before mounting the door) Be sure to place these items in a secure place. Installation of these items occurs after the door is properly mounted, secured to the wall and finalized. Install these accessories one at a time. Make sure that you test the functionality of each accessory after you have installed it before moving on to the next accessory. Push Button Side Guide Weather Strip (with guides) Manual Hoist Chain Under Lintel Header Flashing (normally in header crate) Pull Cord Accessory Box Magnetic Loop Activator Motion Sensor Control Panel Remote Control Packing List Other Auxiliary security hooks and rivets Photo eyes and brackets I have visually confirmed each of the above items was received in good condition. Door Serial Number Name Company Phone Address Date City, State and Zip DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 1–15 Chapter 1: Before You Begin 1–16 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation 2.1. Introduction Armor Door installation consists of four simple steps which are performed in sequence. Details shown in these instructions relate primarily to Inside Face Mounted doors with direct drive motor operators. The basic instructions also apply to other variations in door and operator mountings. Before beginning installation of the Armor Door, confirm that the specified electrical power source is available for door installation (refer to 3.2. Electrical Installation). If the correct power source is not available, then the optional Manual Chain Hoist must be used for door installation. Before beginning installation, also confirm the dimensions of the clear opening. Often the physical measured opening width differs slightly from the specified width for which the door was constructed. Always use the Width dimension shown on your Packing List as the dimension to lay out your door installation. Also, check the opening floor for level. If the floor is more than ½ inch out of level, the door’s side guide needs to be shimmed on the lower side. Installing the Armor Door consists of four basic steps: • Step One – Mount the side guides to the building frame with anchor bolts (installer provided). • Step Two – Raise the header box into position on top of side guides and bolt it to the mounting angles on guides. • Step Three – Connect the power to high voltage terminals in wallmounted control panel. (Refer to 3.2.1. Make the Primary Connections.) If no power is available at the door opening, the manual chain hoist must be used for Step Four. • Step Four – Connect the panel nest lift cables to the header and raise the pre-assembled nest into position. Fasten the nest to the header with stud bolts. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 2–17 Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation 2.2. Install Side Guides 1. Mark guidelines for location of the side guides on the floor at equal distances from the opening centerline. (See Figure 2-1). Use “W” DIMESION SHOWN ON YOUR PACKING LIST PLUS 4” AS THE DISTANCE BETWEEN YOUR GUIDELINES. Do not use the measured width of the building opening for the “W” dimension. The actual measured width may differ slightly from the specified width. Figure 2-1: Side Guides 2. Check that the floor is level. If it is more than ½ inch out of level from jamb to jamb, install the guide at HIGH SIDE first, with the bottom end resting on floor. Install the second guide raised above floor with shims sufficiently to bring the top angles of the two guides into level with each other. (See Figure 2-2). 3. Raise each side guide (with narrower end at floor); align it on the guideline; plumb it; and mark the mounting locations on the jamb or wall. DYNACO strongly recommends installing the side guides with anchor bolts, which allows for slight adjustments and prevents the curtain panels from catching in the guides. Other allowed methods are welding and through-bolting. However, be sure to meet the requirements of your structure. 4. Drill holes in the jambs or wall at marks and bolt the side guides in place. 5. Use a level to ensure the side guides are plumb and true. If the side guides are bowed, use lift truck forks to apply pressure to straighten the guides and start tightening bolts from the top and work down. 2–18 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation 6. Apply the side guide weather strip to the outside of the side guide frame. Figure 2-2: Shim Side Guides (Unlevel Floor) 2.3. Install Header Box 1. Temporarily remove detachable cover plates from the header box. When installing wide doors (greater than 18 feet), use two fork lifts or a spreader to raise the header into position. Also use clamps to secure the header box to the fork lift. 2. Hoist the header box to top of opening and position it with its ends resting on the mounting angles on the side guides. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 2–19 Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation 3. Align the two mounting slots in each end of the header box with the slot in the top angles of guides, and install the ⅜” bolts, lock-washers and nuts (see Figure 2-3). Do not fully tighten them at this time. Figure 2-3: Header Box (Close up) 4. Adjust the position of the header box as shown in Figure 2-3. Refer to the Packing List furnished with each door for dimensions “A” and “B”. 2–20 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation Both dimensions are taken to the inner faces of the outer guide. When the header box position is properly adjusted, tighten all bolted connections. See Figure 2-4. Lines for the “A” and “B” connection locations are marked on the header box and the side guides. Figure 2-4: “A” and “B” Dimensions 5. Header braces are furnished (shop welded to header) on all doors over 12’ 0” in clear opening width. The installer is to provide suitable tie-bracing between the header brace and the structure. The tiebracing should be installed to hold the header level and support the additional weight of the door curtain. While slight downward deflection is allowed, it is best for the header box to be level as possible. See Table 2-1. Under no circumstances should the header be installed or supported so that there is an upward bow in the header. This could cause the telescoping nest to malfunction. Figure 2-5: Header Box DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 2–21 Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation Table 2-1: Dimensions For Maximum Allowable Deflection Door Opening Width Allowable Deflection Up to 12’0” ¼” Over 12’0” to 15’0” ½” Over 15’0” to 18’0” ¾” Over 18’0” to 24’0” 1” Over 24’0” to 30’0” 1¼” 6. Snap the over-travel limit switches in place from the underside of the header. Connect the female spade wire connectors onto the male spade wire connectors of the switch. IMPORTANT: The door does not operate properly if the switches are not put into place. 2.4. Nest Rolling Procedure The panel nest is shipped upside down to prevent freight damage. Prior to installation, the nest crate must be CAREFULLY rolled over so the safety edge is at the bottom. To avoid damage to panels, Do NOT allow the crate to rest on either side. Position the inverted crate at the opening, as close to the guides as possible. Ensure that the side of the crate marked “INSIDE” faces the interior of the building. 1. In a clear space, use lift straps and a fork lift(s) or job-site crane to roll the panel nest. Lay some 2x4 lumber on the crate side onto which you are rolling, so you can remove and reconnect the lift straps. 2. Connect the lift straps with the strap pivot point opposite the crate side onto which you are rolling. IMPORTANT: Keep the lift strap tight. Lift the crate slowly and vertically. All personnel should stay clear of the rolling crate to prevent accidental injury. 3. Once the nest crate is on its side, repeat Step 2 to fully roll the nest crate right side up for installation. 2–22 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation 2.5. Connect Lift Cables If the manual chain hoist was not ordered with door, refer to Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) for electrical installation procedure. Dynaco does NOT recommend total manual nest installation on doors with uncrated nest weight in excess of 1,000 lbs. See the Packing List for specific door component weights. INSTALLER: Lifting panel nest by methods other than written above may the damage door. Observe extreme caution when attempting to mechanically assist the cable hoisting method. 1. Remove the top and ends of the crate and any projection nails. LEAVE THE SIDES OF CRATE ASSEMBLED to prevent the nest from toppling and damaging the panels. All doors have temporary lock bolt shipping clips at each end of the bottom panel. Remove the screws on the shipping clips at this time to free the spring loaded lock bolts. Uncoil the steel cables carefully to avoid kinking. Remove all loops and twists, then inspect thoroughly for frayed or fractured wires. Figure 2-6: Panel Nest Installation DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 2–23 Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation 2. Bring the cables to the drums in the header box. Thread the cable around the spring loaded cable retainer assembly. The cable goes behind the bottom roller and in front of the top roller (between the top roller and cable drum) and into the cable slot in the drum. (See Figure 2-7). Figure 2-7: Proper Cable Routing Diagram DO NOT STAND UNDER THE PANEL NEST DURING THE HOISTING OPERATION! 3. Engage the manual chain hoist and begin to draw the nest into the upward position. If no chain hoist is provided, refer to Section 3.2. Electrical Installation. Ensure that the cables are tracking properly in the grooves in the space between the drum and retainer roller. Check the cables to confirm that they are properly tracking in the drum grooves, and not snagged within the panel nest. 4. Using the ⅛” control cables, engage the miter gear drive for manual hoist and ensure that the gears engage. If they are not fully seated, make necessary adjustments. 5. With the weight of the nest now tensioning the steel cables, RECHECK level at bottom surface of header box as described in Section 2.5. Connect Lift Cables. If level, proceed to Step 6. IF NOT LEVEL, lower the nest into the crate until all weight is off the cables. Then, readjust the tie bracing at the header braces to level the header. 2–24 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation Remove the shipping clips from the lock bar mechanisms in the bottom panel. 6. Raise the panel nest to within 6” of the bottom of the header box. 7. CAREFULLY raise the panel nest into position so mount plate studs on the nest line up with the mounting holes in header. The stud plates can be moved slightly to line up with the holes. Secure the mounting studs to the header with lock washers and nuts. Figure 2-8: Securing Nest to Header Tighten the bolts in sequence, STARTING AT THE CENTER and working to the left and right side guides simultaneously. Refer to Figure 2-8. Before fully tightening nest to header box, insert under lintel header flashing. See Figure 2-9. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 2–25 Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation Take care not to damage the over-travel limit switches protruding from the bottom of header. These switches should pass through matching slots in the top panel and provide additional protection if the OPEN limit switch fails. Figure 2-9: Lintel Header Flshing 8. Ensure that the panel nest fits properly between side guides with approximately ⅜” between the ends of the panels and the face of guide. Make any necessary adjustments, then tighten all anchor bolts and retighten any fasteners used to make adjustments. 2–26 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation DO NOT WELD NEAR THE CABLES WITHOUT FIRST PROVIDING A PROTECTIVE COVERING AT THE CABLES. Figure 2-10: Nest to Guide Clearance 9. Before lowering the door nest, install the inner guide angles temporarily on both sides with furnished 5/16” diameter by 1” long bolts and nuts secured hand tight. This ensures that panels are contained in guides while door panels are tested for hook engagement and introduces a measure of safety. 10. Check the panel hook engagement as follows: A. Using the the jog function on the DY4100 or manual hoist, allow the lower panels to descend until the intermittent hooks on top of the outermost panel engage the bottom hem of the stationary panel above. B. Check for engagement of the hooks along the entire length of joint on both the exterior and interior faces of door. If the hooks are properly engaged, repeat the procedure, checking each succeeding panel joint on both the exterior and interior before proceeding to the next one. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 2–27 Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation C. If any joints do not engage properly, discontinue the operation immediately. Make proper adjustments to the hooks. If you are unsure how to make the adjustments, call DYNACO USA, Inc. If the joint engagement is proper, proceed to a fully closed door. Figure 2-11: Panel Nest 11. Attach the inner guide angles to the fixed outer guides as follows: A. With the door curtain pressed outward so that the panel joints contact the outer guide weather stripping, adjust a portion of inner guide until there is 1/16” clearance between weatherstrip edge of the inner guide and the panel joints on the inner face of the curtain. Tighten the bolts. B. Open and close the door. If any binding occurs, adjust the inner guides for proper clearance and test again. 2–28 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation Binding may prevent some panels from dropping to full extent or may cause the panels to lose joint/hook engagement. If the floor is more than a half-inch out of level and the guide has been installed higher off the floor than the other one to compensate, the lock bolt may not line up with the locking slot in the guide. Cut a new hole, or cut the slot larger, so the bolt can project through the guide. Figure 2-12: Panel Nest Inner Guides 12. Refer to Section 3.3.1. Set the Door Limits to set the limits. 13. With the door in fully open position, check to see if the moveable door panels are within ½” of being parallel to the fixed top panel and header box. If the alignment is correct, proceed to the next section. If panels are more than ½” out of level, close the door and proceed as follows: A. With the door fully closed, engage the manual hoist or jog function in the control panel and lower the bottom panel until the lock bolts are fully ejected. Avoid winding the cables completely off the drums. B. Remove the plate covering access opening on the high side of the bottom panel to expose the steel cable adjustment collar. Loosen the set screw on the adjustment collar. See Figure 2-11. Remove the roll pin from the bottom of the collar. C. Adjust the collar on the cable supporting the higher end of nest as necessary to compensate for the unequal cable lengths. D. Install the bolt/nut through the eye in the cable. Loosen the nuts on the cable clamp and pull the cable taut. E. Replace the cover plate. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 2–29 Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation F. Disengage the manual hoist. With the power restored, open the door completely and check the panel alignment. If the panel alignment needs no further adjustment, CLOSE the door completely and re-install the access panels. Refer to Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) for electrical activation of the safety edge. 14. Check for proper operation of the Safety Edge Reversing Feature. In normal operations, when the door is closing and meets an obstacle, it instantly reverses direction and returns to a fully open position. Refer to Appendix A: Wireless Bottom Detector. 2.6. Installing Security Auxiliary Hooks Auxiliary hooks are furnished with all doors. Installation of these hooks is mandatory for security applications. Attach the hooks to the bottom panel with pop rivets or sheet metal screws, as follows: • 6 lock plates each side on doors 15 feet and wider • 4 lock plates each side on doors under 15 feet wide Proceed as follows: 1. With the door in the closed position, using the bottom edge of the second panel from floor as a guide, draw the guidelines for the entire length on each side of the bottom panel. 2. Draw short vertical lines as location marks for the lock plates on both sides of the bottom panel, just below the guidelines. Draw one mark 12” in each end of the panel and the remaining marks equally spaced between them. 2–30 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation 3. Raise the second panel off its bottom and install the lock plates with the hooks facing down, centered on each location mark, and with the bottom edge of the hook about ¼” above the guideline. See Figure 2-13. Figure 2-13: Security Auxiliary Hooks 4. Reinstall the bottom panel inside the second panel. 2.7. Mount the Control Box and Photo Eyes Run the conduit and cables into the bottom of the Control Box only! Do not drill into the side or top of the Control Box, as this voids your warranty. If you are running conduit, place the motor cable in its own conduit. When routing photo eye cable, ensure that the cable is not close to any moving parts that may cause it to be snagged or damaged. 1. Mount the Control Box on the motor side of the door, approximately 5’ 3” above floor level. See Figure 2-14. 2. Run the conduit, as appropriate. 3. Mount the photo eyes; photo eye mounted on side opposite of control box must be routed up the side guide and through the header box. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 2–31 Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation 2.7.1. Assembly of Photo Eye Figure 2-14: Assembly of Photo Eye If more than one pair of photo eyes is used, do not install two transmitters on the same side. The photo eyes emit a low frequency pulsed signal. They must be clean and correctly aligned for proper operation. The photo eyes will not line up if the side guides are not plumb and level. 2.8. Final Procedures 1. Install the cover plates on the front of the header box. 2. Caulk all joints between the side guides and building, as required. Do not allow the caulking to bond to the panels. 3. For electrical instructions and finalization, proceed to Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100). 2–32 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) 3.1. Purpose The DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) monitors all operations of the door. Use this device to: • Define the automatic close timers, • Monitor and troubleshoot the input connections, • Interpret and correct any malfunctions or alarms. The door cannot run until the DYNALOGIX II display reads Ready. 3.1.1. Controls Connections to Variable Frequency Drive Inputs A GND B 0-10V C UP D +V E DOWN 2 PULL CORD/PB 3 MOTION/LOOP 4 REV EDGE 5 PHOTO 6 DRIVE ERROR 7 OPEN PB 8 CLOSE PB 9 E-STOP/RESET 10 IN 1 MESSAGE DISPLAY COUNTER V F D I N P U T S Message Display and Cycle Counter RUN TIMERS JOG UP/RESET JOG DOWN OPEN CLOSE MC/PB AC/LOOP CLOSE TIMERS ENTER Jog Buttons, Run Timers, Close Timers, Program Buttons, and Limit Settings PROGRAM MENU MC/PB DYNALOGIXII ALWAYS INSPECT DOORS FOR PROPER OPERATION AFTER RESETTING ANY ALARM CONDITION REFER TO OWNERS MANUAL FOR FURTHER DETAILS. 1-800-459-1930 LED STATUS Outputs OUT 1 12 COM 1 13 OUT 2 14 OUT 3 15 COM 2/3 O U T P U T S COLOR CONDITION INPUT INPUT TYPE INPUT GREEN RED FLASH RED NORMALLY OPEN INPUT TRIGGERED NORMALLY CLOSED INPUT TRIGGERED CONDITION ALARM CONDITION – CHECK INPUT OUTPUT RELAY IS ENERGIZED CONDITION OUTPUT POWER 24VAC 1 X2 GND ENCODER S H L D S H L D + 12 G N D A- A+ W H T B L K R E D G R N M-00086 06/07/05 11 TYPE Encoder Wire Connections Figure 3-1: DYNALOGIX II Controls and Connections DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 3–33 Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) 3.1.2. Messages Table 3-1 describes the messages that the DYNALOGIX II displays. Table 3-1: DYNOLOGIX II Messages Message Cause Ready ### All required connections are correct and the door is ready for operation. The number indicates the cycle counter. The DYNALOGIX II does not allow the door to operate unless this message displays. Drive Error A drive error occurred. Check the drive display for the error code. Rev – Edge Tripped The reversing edge is staying or was activated. Check the pneumatic switch for proper operation. Opening Expired The open run time timer expired. This is usually caused by an obstruction somewhere that stops the door from reaching the open limit setting (fully open). To prevent motor burn out when the open run timer reaches 0, the DYNALOGIX II shuts down the motor. When you have determined the cause and made corrections, press the JOG /RESET button. Closed Expired The close run time timer expired. This is usually caused by an obstruction somewhere that stops the door from reaching the close limit setting (fully closed). To prevent motor burn out when the close run timer reaches 0, the DYNALOGIX II shuts down the motor. When you have determined the cause and made corrections, press the JOG / RESET button. SET LIMITS The limits have not been set. Set the limits (see Section 3.3.1. Set the Door Limits for instructions.) ENCODER COM_LOSS Lost encoder feedback. Check if the encoder is connected and wired correctly. No Movement DYNALOGIX II did not see encoder rotation. 3.2. Electrical Installation Ensure that the power supply shipped with the door is compatible with the transformer, motor and inverter. Failure to ensure a compatible power supply may result in fire and damage the door. Frequency Inverter Voltage Range: • 575 V = 3 Phase • 480 V = 3 Phase • 230 V = 1 to 3 Phase • 208 V = 1 to 3 Phase Single phase 208/230VAC up to 3 HP 3–34 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) Ensure that the electrical installation for this door complies with the National Electrical Code (NEC) and/or your local electrical code. Refer to the electrical schematic shipped with the door for appropriate circuit protection and any specific/custom circuitry added with order. 3.2.1. Make the Primary Connections 1. Connect the incoming power. Run the wires (conduit) through the bottom of the Control Box, up the left side, and connect them into the fused disconnect. See Figure 3-2. Conduit must be run at bottom of Control Box. Failure to do this voids your warranty. • For a 3-phase unit, use terminals L1, L2 and L3. • For a 1 or 2-phase unit, use terminals L1 and L2. • Install the bonded ground to the ground lug. Ground Lug L1 L2 L3 Power Connections M2-00107 06/14/05 Figure 3-2: Power Connections in Control Box 2. Connect the motor ground wires (ground wire and shield wire) to the ground terminals. See Figure 3-3. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 3–35 Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) Wires are stranded. Ensure that no strands stray into the motor terminals (adjacent to ground terminals), or you may receive a drive error. G G T1 T2 T3 1 1 1 1 1 1A X2 X2 2 2 3 4 33 34 41 42 43 44 M2-00101 06/13/05 G Ground Figure 3-3: Ground Connection on Terminal Block 3. Connect the motor wires (black) to terminals T1, T2 and T3. See Figure 3-4. Strip the cable only enough to terminate the wires. Never strip the cable in full or leave excess cable in the control box. Use only the motor cable provided. Do not splice the cable; doing so voids your warranty. G G T1 T2 T3 1 1 1 1 1 1A X2 X2 2 2 3 4 33 34 41 42 43 44 M2-00102 06/13/05 G Motor Wires Figure 3-4: Motor Wire Connections on Terminal Block 4. Connect the photo-eye wiring to the terminal block. See Figure 3-5. A. Connect the green wires of both the transmitter and receiver to Terminal X2. B. Connect the red wires of both the transmitter and receiver to Terminal 1. C. Connect the white wire of the receiver to Terminal 1. D. Connect the black wire of the receiver to Terminal 5. 3–36 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) The transmitter is a 2-wire control; the spliced wire is still 4-wire. Omit the use of the white and black wire on the transmitter only! Figure 3-5: Photo Eye Connections on Terminal Block 5. Connect the brake wiring to the terminal block. See Figure 3-6. A. Connect the shield of the black cable to the ground. B. Connect the white and black wires of the black cable to terminals B3 and B4. C. Connect the red and black wires of the grey cable to terminals B1 and B2. All brake cables exit out of the motor junction box. Do not confuse these with the grey cables used for cable break and overtravel switches. Figure 3-6: Brake Wiring Connections DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 3–37 Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) 6. Connect the cable brake and overtravel switches by connecting the black and red wires of the gray cable to Terminals 1 and 1B. See Figure 3-7. Figure 3-7: Cable Brake and Overtravel Switch Connections 3.2.2. Make the Encoder Connections 1. Insert the wires into the green connector as listed below. (Terminals are ordered left to right.) See Figure 3-8. • Shielded = Terminal 1 • White = Terminal 2 • Black = Terminal 3 • Red = Terminal 4 • Green = Terminal 5 Figure 3-8: Wiring the Green Connector 3–38 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) 2. Insert the green connector into the DYNALOGIX II. See Figure 3-9. AFTER RESETTING ANY ALARM CONDITION REFER TO OWNERS MANUAL FOR FURTHER DETAILS. 1-800-459-1930 LED STATUS OUT 1 12 COM 1 13 OUT 2 14 OUT 3 15 COM 2/3 O U T P U T S COLOR CONDITION INPUT INPUT TYPE INPUT OUTPUT GREEN RED FLASH RED NORMALLY OPEN INPUT TRIGGERED NORMALLY CLOSED INPUT TRIGGERED CONDITION ALARM CONDITION – CHECK INPUT OUTPUT RELAY IS ENERGIZED CONDITION POWER 24VAC 1 X2 GND ENCODER S H L D S H L D + 12 G N D A- A+ W H T B L K R E D G R N M-00109 06/14/05 11 TYPE Insertion Point for Green Connector Figure 3-9: Insertion Point for Green Connector Strip the cable only enough to terminate the wires. Never strip the cable in full or leave excess cable in the control box. Do not splice the encoder cable; doing so voids your warranty. 3.2.3. Run Wire for Accessories Run the wiring for the activation accessories, but do not connect them. (Refer to Appendices B, C and D for more information.) Connect the activation accessories after the DYNACO installer has finalized the door. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 3–39 Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) 3.2.4. Power the Door Turn on the main disconnect by rotating it clockwise. See Figure 3-10. Main Disconnect M2-00106 06/14/05 Figure 3-10: Main Disconnect The DYNALOGIX II display should read SET LIMITS on the initial power up. See Section 3.3.1. Set the Door Limits for more information on setting the door’s limits. 3.3. Final Checks and Verification Finalizing the door includes setting the door’s open and close limits, ensuring that the door works properly and connecting the activation accessories. An electrician should connect the accessories to the terminal block, if possible. Before you begin: 3–40 • Ensure that the wiring is properly connected and the Control Box has power. • Ensure that the ground wires are properly connected. • Ensure that the cable connections are positioned in their terminal slots correctly (Photo Eyes, brake cables, cable brakes and overtravel switches). DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) 3.3.1. Set the Door Limits The DYNALOGIX II controls and monitors the door’s open and closed position. After you set the open and closed limits, test the door to ensure that it is working properly. Confirm that all electrical connections are properly wired and terminated before you power up. Refer to the wiring diagram that was enclosed with the DYNACO door. Automatic activations should be disconnected prior to setting limits. If connected, the door may activate and injury or damage may occur. 1. Enter the programming mode. 2. Press and hold both PROGRAM buttons until the display changes to Password. After the display changes, release the buttons. See Figure 3-11. MESSAGE DISPLAY COUNTER Password 0 MESSAGE DISPLAY COUNTER PROGRAM Buttons RUN TIMERS JOG UP/RESET OPEN CLOSE JOG DOWN MC/PB AC/LOOP PROGRAM MENU ENTER M-00089 06/13/05 CLOSE TIMERS Figure 3-11: DYNALOGIX II PROGRAM Mode 3. Press one of the PROGRAM buttons to scroll up or down until the password, 562, displays in the LCD. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 3–41 Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) 4. Press the ENTER button. LimitSet displays in the LCD. On initial start up, the Password screen is bypassed, and the DYNALOGIX directly enters the LimitSet screen. See Figure 3-12. MESSAGE DISPLAY COUNTER LimitSet MESSAGE DISPLAY COUNTER ENTER Button RUN TIMERS JOG UP/RESET OPEN CLOSE JOG DOWN MC/PB AC/LOOP PROGRAM MENU ENTER M-00090 06/13/05 CLOSE TIMERS Figure 3-12: ENTER Button 5. Set the close limit position. A. Press the ENTER button. ClsLimit displays in the LCD. B. Press the ENTER button. JogToCls displays in the LCD. 3–42 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) C. Press the JOG DOWN button to bring the door down to desired close position. See Figure 3-13. MESSAGE DISPLAY COUNTER JogToCls Enter MESSAGE DISPLAY COUNTER JOG DOWN Button RUN TIMERS JOG UP/RESET OPEN CLOSE JOG DOWN MC/PB AC/LOOP PROGRAM MENU ENTER M-00091 06/13/05 CLOSE TIMERS Figure 3-13: JOG DOWN Button If the door moves up instead of down, it is out of phase. Turn the power OFF and switch T2 & T3 on the terminal block. Turn the power ON again and return to Step 1. D. Press the ENTER button to save limit setting. ClsLimit_Set— OK displays in the LCD. E. Set the photo eye shut-off position. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 3–43 Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) F. Press the up or down PROGRAM buttons to scroll to the PhtLimit message in the LCD (photo eye shut-off position). MESSAGE DISPLAY COUNTER JogToPht Enter MESSAGE DISPLAY COUNTER Press the JOG UP/RESET Button to Bring Door UP RUN TIMERS JOG UP/RESET OPEN CLOSE JOG DOWN MC/PB AC/LOOP PROGRAM MENU ENTER M-00093 06/13/05 CLOSE TIMERS Figure 3-14: Scroll Through Menu G. Press the ENTER button. JogToPht_ENTER displays in the LCD. H. Press the JOG UP/RESET button to bring the door up one inch above the photo eyes. I. Press the ENTER button to save the limit setting. PhtLimit_Set—OK displays in the LCD. J. Set the open limit position. K. Press one of the PROGRAM buttons until the OpnLimit message displays in the LCD. L. Press the ENTER button. JogToOpn_ENTER displays in the LCD. 3–44 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) M. Press the JOG UP/RESET button until the door is in the desired open position (roughly an inch and a half above the reintroduction point). See Figure 3-15. MESSAGE DISPLAY COUNTER JogToPht Enter MESSAGE DISPLAY COUNTER JOG UP/RESET Button RUN TIMERS JOG UP/RESET OPEN CLOSE JOG DOWN MC/PB AC/LOOP PROGRAM M-00093 06/13/05 CLOSE TIMERS ENTER MENU Figure 3-15: JOG UP/RESET Button N. Press the ENTER button to save limit setting. OpnLimit_Set— OK displays in the LCD. O. Press the MENU button twice. Ready displays in the LCD. MESSAGE DISPLAY COUNTER Ready #### MESSAGE DISPLAY COUNTER MENU Button RUN TIMERS JOG UP/RESET OPEN CLOSE JOG DOWN MC/PB AC/LOOP PROGRAM MENU ENTER M-00094 06/13/05 CLOSE TIMERS Figure 3-16: Menu Button P. Press the JOG buttons to test the open and close limits. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 3–45 Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) 3.3.2. Install and Test Activation Accessories The DYNALOGIX II has nine inputs. Inputs are signals coming to the DYNALOGIX II that get interpreted to create a certain response. For example, if a pull cord is wired to T2, pulling the cord sends a signal to the DYNALOGIX II. The DYNALOGIX II knows what the signal based on the assigned input (T2), thus moving the door up or down. All the inputs have indicator lights and identification. See Figure 3-17. PULL CORD/PB 3 MOTION/LOOP 4 REV EDGE 5 PHOTO 6 DRIVE ERROR 7 OPEN PB 8 CLOSE PB 9 E-STOP/RESET 10 IN 1 Nine Inputs with Identification and Indicator Lights I N P U T S M-00099 06/09/05 2 Figure 3-17: Accessory Inputs Refer to Appendices B, C and D and/or the accessories documentation from the manufacturer for installation instructions. Install, connect and then test each of the activation accessories individually before proceeding to the next accessory. This allows troubleshooting of each component individually 3.3.3. Set Automatic Timers The Open Run Timer and Close Run Timer act as a failsafe to prevent the door from running continuously when the open or close limit switch fails to stop the door. These timers should be set for a period that exceeds the duration of a full open or close cycle. 3–46 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) 1. Press the OPEN run timer button. Opening_Time=## displays in the LCD. See Figure 3-18. MESSAGE DISPLAY COUNTER Opening Time=## MESSAGE DISPLAY COUNTER Open/Close Run Timers RUN TIMERS JOG UP/RESET OPEN CLOSE JOG DOWN MC/PB AC/LOOP PROGRAM M-00095 06/13/05 CLOSE TIMERS ENTER MENU Figure 3-18: RUN TIMERS buttons 2. Press the PROGRAM buttons to scroll the countdown time to the desired duration. See Figure 3-19. Increase Setting RUN TIMERS JOG UP/RESET OPEN JOG DOWN MC/PB AC/LOOP PROGRAM ENTER M-00096 06/09/05 CLOSE TIMERS MENU Decrease Setting CLOSE Figure 3-19: Adjust Countdown Time 3. The DYNALOGIX II automatically saves the changes. 4. Press the CLOSE run timer button. Closing_Time=## displays in the LCD. 5. Press the PROGRAM buttons to scroll the countdown time to the desired duration. The DYNALOGIX II automatically saves the changes. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 3–47 Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) 3.3.4. Set the MC/PB Timer The MC/PB timer activates a countdown timer for use with an activation installed on terminal number 2 (most commonly used for pull cords or pushbuttons). The MC/PB timer may be turned on or off, enabling manual operation or automatic operation by assigning a countdown value to the timer. 1. Press MC/PB close timer button. MC Delay_Time=## displays on the LCD. See Figure 3-20. MESSAGE DISPLAY COUNTER MC Delay Time=## MESSAGE DISPLAY COUNTER MC/PB Timer RUN TIMERS JOG UP/RESET OPEN CLOSE JOG DOWN MC/PB AC/LOOP PROGRAM M-00097 06/13/05 CLOSE TIMERS ENTER MENU Figure 3-20: Adjust Countdown Time If the value is set to 0 (zero), the timer is deactivated and the activations put on terminal number 2 are now in manual operation. 2. Press the PROGRAM buttons to scroll the countdown time to the desired duration. Increase Setting JOG UP/RESET JOG DOWN RUN TIMERS OPEN MC/PB AC/LOOP PROGRAM ENTER M-00096 06/09/05 CLOSE TIMERS MENU Decrease Setting CLOSE Figure 3-21: Change Setting 3. The DYNALOGIX II automatically saves the changes. 3–48 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) 3.3.5. Set the AC/LOOP Timer The AC/LOOP timer activates a countdown timer for use with a motion detector or floor loop. The AC/LOOP timer is also used when the reversing edge is triggered. 1. Press AC/LOOP close timer button. AC Delay_Timer=## displays on the LCD. MESSAGE DISPLAY COUNTER AC Delay Time=## MESSAGE DISPLAY COUNTER AC/LOOP Timer RUN TIMERS JOG UP/RESET OPEN CLOSE JOG DOWN MC/PB AC/LOOP PROGRAM M-00098 06/13/05 CLOSE TIMERS ENTER MENU Figure 3-22: AC/LOOP Close Timer If the value is set to 0 (zero), the door comes down after it reaches the open limit. 2. Press the PROGRAM buttons to scroll the countdown time to the desired duration. See Figure 3-23. Increase Setting RUN TIMERS JOG UP/RESET OPEN CLOSE JOG DOWN MC/PB AC/LOOP PROGRAM ENTER M-00096 06/09/05 CLOSE TIMERS MENU Decrease Setting Figure 3-23: Change Setting 3. The DYNALOGIX II automatically saves the changes. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 3–49 Chapter 3: DYNALOGIX II (DY4100) 3.4. Manual Operation Manual operation is available only if manual chain hoist option is included with your door. See Figure 3-24. Figure 3-24: Manual Chain Hoist Option 3.5. Finalizing Door Operation 1. Check all safety and door operations. 2. Check all accessory operations. 3. Ensure that all settings are set to the customers needs. 4. Install any covers taken off during install process. 5. Educate customer in operation of door. 3–50 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Appendix A: Wireless Bottom Detector A.1. WDD Receiver The WDD receiver is standard on all Armor doors. The WDD receiver provides a wireless connection to the bottom edge of the nest. The WDD receiver programming persists even if the control box is unplugged. Figure A-1: WDD Receiver Follow the instructions below to program the receiver if it is installed. 1. Turn on the main disconnect. A red LED lights across from connector 9, indicating that the WDD is operational and ready for programming. 2. Lower the door to working level and press the e-Stop button. 3. With a small screw driver, push and hold the micro-switch adjacent to the LED. A green LED lights up. 4. Activate the bottom of the curtain. The LED blinks once and then lights solid. 5. Release all buttons. Test the setting by activating the bottom edge. An audible click should be heard and the Dynalogix LED should light up. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 A–1 Appendix A: Wireless Bottom Detector A–2 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Appendix B: Radio Frequency Remote Control Installation B.1. Radio-Frequency Remote Control (RXU) The RXU superhetrodyne receiver’s sensitivity and high selectivity protects it against interference around the receiving frequency. This makes it an ideal receiver in environments containing interference. Its self-instructing programming system allows you to program ROYAL transmitters. You can program the receiver to one of three functions: • Monostable – Opens the door for as long as the button is pressed. Immediately closes the door when the button is released. • Timer – Opens the door when you press the button. The door stays open until the remote control timer runs out or the DYNALOGIX II timer runs out, whichever occurs first. • Bistable – Opens the door the first time you press the button. Closes the door the second time you press the button. B.2. Technical Characteristics Table B-1: Remote Control Technical Characteristics Frequency of Use 433.92 MHz Contact Relay Range 1A 30VCC Consumption 15 mA at rest Irradiation on Antenna -66 dBm Supply • 12V CA/CC between connectors and 3 with J6 closed • 24V CA/CC between connectors 2 and 3 with J6 open Operating Temperature -4 to +140° F Sensitivity >= -1 02 dBm (S/N = 1 7 dB, m=100%) Dimensions 5” 3/16 x 1” 3/16 x 2” 10/16 Weight 3.7 oz. B.3. Installing the Receiver The Radio Frequency receiver is located on the inside of the Control Box cover and is factory installed. No further installation is required. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 B–3 Appendix B: Radio Frequency Remote Control Installation B.4. Monostable Programming Instructions The Monostable setting opens the door for as long as the button is pressed, and immediately closes the door when the button is released. 1. Maintain a distance of at least five feet between the transmitter and the antenna of the receiver. 2. Press the desired code on the transmitter dipswitch. 3. Press the SW1 button of the receiver once (twice if you wish to program Channel 2). 4. Save the setting by pressing and holding the transmitter button until the LED light turns off. Table B-2: Monostable Remote Control Switches # Impulses Selected Channel LED LIT = • On SW1 L1 Channel 1, Monostable 1 • Channel 2, Monostable 2 L2 • B.5. Timer Programming Instructions The Timer setting opens the door when you press the button. The door stays open until the remote control timer runs out or the DYNALOGIX timer runs out, whichever occurs first. B.5.1. Timer – Channel 1 1. Press and hold the SWI button on the receiver until LED L1 lights up and then turns off. LED L1 flashes at a low speed (1 flash per second). 2. Count the number of flashes until it reaches the number that corresponds to the desired length of time. 3. Press the SW1 button. LED L1 displays a steady light. 4. Save the setting by pressing and holding the transmitter button until the LED light turns off. See Table B-3. B–4 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Appendix B: Radio Frequency Remote Control Installation Table B-3: Channel 1 Timer Settings # Flashes Imposed Time (Secs) # Flashes Imposed Time (Mins) 1 01 17 1 2 02 18 1.5 3 03 19 2 4 04 20 2.5 5 05 21 3 6 06 22 3.5 7 07 23 4 8 08 24 4.5 9 09 25 5 10 10 26 5.5 11 11 27 6 12 12 28 6.5 13 13 29 7 14 14 30 7.5 15 15 31 Bistable 16 16 B.5.2. Timer – Channel 2 1. Press any code on the dipswitch of the transmitter. 2. Press the SW1 button on the receiver. LED L1 turns off. 3. Press and hold the SW1 button on the receiver until LED L2 lights up and then turns off. LED L2 flashes at low speed (1 flash per second). 4. Count the number of flashes until it reaches the number that corresponds to the desired length of time. 5. Press the SW1 button. LED L2 displays a steady light. 6. Save the setting by pressing and holding the transmitter button until the LED light turns off. See Table B-4. Table B-4: Channel 2 Timer Settings # Flashes Imposed Time (Secs) # Flashes Imposed Time (Mins) 1 01 17 1 2 02 18 1.5 3 03 19 2 4 04 20 2.5 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 B–5 Appendix B: Radio Frequency Remote Control Installation # Flashes Imposed Time (Secs) # Flashes Imposed Time (Mins) 5 05 21 3 6 06 22 3.5 7 07 23 4 8 08 24 4.5 9 09 25 5 10 10 26 5.5 11 11 27 6 12 12 28 6.5 13 13 29 7 14 14 30 7.5 15 15 31 Bistable 16 16 B.6. Bistable Programming Instructions The Bistable setting opens the door the first time you press the button, and closes the door the second time you press the button. B.6.1. Bistable – Channel 1 1. Press the required code on the transmitter dipswitch. 2. Press and hold the SW1 button on the receiver until LED L1 lights up and then turns off. The LED L1 flashes at low speed (1 flash per second). 3. Wait until LED L1 cycles through the 30-flash cycle and then remains lit. 4. Save the setting by pressing and holding the transmitter button until LED L1 of the receiver turns off. B.6.2. Bistable – Channel 2 1. Press any code on the dipswitch of the transmitter. 2. Press the SW1 button on the receiver. LED L1 turns off. 3. Press and hold the SW1 button on the receiver until the LED L2 lights up and then turns off. The LED L2 flashes at low speed (1 flash per second). 4. Wait until LED L2 cycles through the 30-flash cycle and then remains lit. Save the setting by pressing and holding the transmitter button until LED L2 of the receiver turns off. B–6 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Appendix C: Falcon Motion Sensor Installation C.1. Specifications The following table lists the Falcon Motion Sensor specifications. Table C-1: Falcon Motion Sensor Specifications Characteristic Specification Technology Microwave and microprocessor Transmitter Frequency 24.125 GHz Transmitter Radiated Power < 20 dBm EIRP Transmitter Power Density < 5 mW/cm2 Mounting Height Tilt angle Detection Zone (typical) • Falcon: from 11.5 to 23’ • Falcon XL: from 6.5 to 11.5’ 0° to 180° in elevation • Falcon: 13’ (W) x 16’ (D) for a mounting height of 16’ • Falcon XL: 13’ (W) x 6.5’ (D) for a mounting height of 8.2’ Detection Mode Movement Minimum Detection Speed 2.2 in/s (measured in the sensor axis) Supply Voltage • 12V to 24 V AC +/- 10% • 12V to 24V DC +30% /-10% Mains Frequency 50 to 60 Hz Power Consumption < 2W • Free of potential chargeover contact Output Relay • Max contact voltage 42 V AC/DC • Max contact current 1A (resistive) • Max switching power 30W (DC)/60 VA (AC) Hold Time Manual Adjustment 0.5s to 9s (adjustable) • Orientation of sensing field (mechanically) • Multiple Functions (by push buttons) Remote Control Adjustments Sensitivity, hold time, detection mode, pedestrian and parallel traffic rejection mode, relay configuration Temperature Range -22°F to 122°F (-30°C to +60°C) DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 C–7 Appendix C: Falcon Motion Sensor Installation Characteristic Specification Degree of Protection IP65 • R&TTE 1999/5/EC Product Conformity • EMC 89/366/EEC Dimensions 5 in (D) x 4 in (W) x 3 ¾ (H) Weight 0.88 lbs (400 g) Housing Material ABS and Polycarbonate Bracket Material Black anodized aluminum Cable Length 33 ft (10 m) • 1/8” (3 mm) (minimum) Cable Diameter • 1/4" (6.5 mm) (maximum) C.2. Installation Summary A brief summary of the installation instructions is included below. Follow the detailed instructions found in the Falcon & Falcon XL User’s Guide to install the motion sensor. A copy of this guide is enclosed in the shipping box that contained the sensor. 1. Mount the sensor. 2. Set the sensing field dimensions. 3. Configure the sensor with the remote control (or push buttons). 4. Wire the necessary connections to the terminal block. • Red: AC 12-24 + • Black: AC Neutral – • White: COM • Green: NO • Yellow: Not Used Firmly fasten the sensor to avoid vibration. Do not place the sensor directly behind a panel or other material. Clear the sensing field of all moving or vibrating objects. Do not install the sensor under florescent lighting. C–8 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Appendix D: Vehicle Loop Detector D.1. DSP-6LP The DSP-6LP was designed for solar powered applications. It is specially suited for detecting vehicles. D.1.1. Specifications The DSP-6LP system consists of the following components: • The detector unit (located in the Control Box) • The loop that detects the presence of the vehicle • The cable that connects the loop to the detector Table D-1: Vehicle Loop Detector Specifications Characteristic Specification Supply Consumption 10 to 30 Volts AC or DC, 1.5 mA (no vehicle) to 25 mA (with vehicle) Output Ratings Single output, 1 A relay at 30 VDC Resistive Operation Temp -35° to +165° F D.1.2. Installation Fix the connector cable so that it does not move or vibrate. Install the connector cable as far as possible from the power cables such as the motor and main power cables. Ensure that there are no vehicles or other metal objects on the loop while you are connecting and adjusting. The presence of metal objects during this activity causes a sensitivity decrease. A grilled or metal floor may cause loss of sensitivity. 1. Make a slot of 0.25 in. x 2 in. to introduce the loop cable. 2. The right or acute angles are cut at 45° in order not to damage the loop. 3. The loop cable must present a section of at least 3 circ/mils. The recommended use is with multi-wired cables. 4. Twist the connector cable at 8-10 turns/foot. Lead-ins over 500 feet cause decreased sensitivity. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 D–9 Appendix D: Vehicle Loop Detector Table D-2: Vehicle Loop Detector Specifications Perimeter of loop P=2a+2b D–10 Number of turns 2 x 4 ft 5 3 x 3 to 4 x 6 ft 5 6 x 6 to 6 x 30 ft 3 more than 6 x 50 ft 2 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Appendix E: FEIG Encoder E.1. TST PD – ME Assembly and Startup E.1.1. Technical Data Table E-1: Technical Data Characteristic Specification Connection data Supply +12 V (+10 to +30 V) typical 30 mA serial bidirectional interface RS485/19.2k Baud • Operating range: -40 to +70° C Temperature range • Storage rage: -40 to +70° C (+20° C recommended) Protection class IP65 Maximum tolerable speed 6000 U/min Resolution 13 Bit/turn (8192 increments/turn) Counter of turns 15 Bit Weight 125g, without cable and with magnet holder Battery life 10 years typical Dimensions (L x B x H) 92 x 69.5 x 24 mm (3.62 x 2.74 x 0.945 in) E.1.2. Assembly Figure E-1: FEIG Encoder Assembly • Assembling tolerance from shaft centre to sensor center: +/‐1 mm (+/‐ 0.039 in.) maximum • Torque for M3 screw/magnet holder fixing: 0.4 Nm maximum DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 E–11 Appendix E: FEIG Encoder E.1.3. Encoder Connection The wire length behind the cable sheath should be 80 mm/3.15 in. maximum. The cable sheath and shield at the encoder side must be cut directly behind the cable glant, and must be isolated completely for 40 mm/1.58 in. minimum. • T1 White = +12V • T2 Black = GND • T3 Red = RS485-B • T4 Green = RS485-A E.1.4. Battery Change Figure E-2: Battery and Reset Pins Disconnecting the battery affects clearing of position values from the encoder! After reconnecting the battery, you MUST perform a Reset. • Do NOT short or charge the battery. • Do NOT store or operate the system above the specified temperature range. • Do NOT attempt to connect the encoder with switched-on voltage. To perform a reset, briefly make a short between reset pins X3-2 and X3-1. E–12 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Appendix F: NX5 Photoelectric Sensor F.1. Photo Eye Sensor Specifications and Wiring Diagram F.1.1. Specifications Table F-1: NX5 Thru-beamSensor Specifications Characteristic Long sensing range Supply voltage Specification • Light-ON: NX5-M30A • Dark-ON: NX5-M30B • 24 to 240V AC +10/-15% or 12 to 240V DC +10/-15% • Ripple P-P: 10% or less Power consumption • Emitter: 1.5VA or less • Receiver: 2VA or less Relay contact 1c: • Switching capacity • 250V AC 1a (resistive load) Output • 30 V DC 2A (resistive load) • Electrical life • 100,000 or more operations (at AC rated load) • 500,000 or more operations (at AC rated load) • Mechanical life: 100,000,000 or more operations Response time 10ms or less Operation indicator Red LED (lights up with the output is ON) Stability indicator Green LED (lights up during the stable Light or the stable Dark condition) Power indicator Red LED (lights up with the power is ON) Protection IP66 (IEC) Ambient temperature • -20 to +55°C (No dew condensation or icing allowed; see Note below) • Storage: -30 to +70°C Ambient humidity Emitting element DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 • 35 to 85% RH • Storage: 35 to 85% RH Infrared LED F–13 Appendix F: NX5 Photoelectric Sensor Characteristic Specification • Enclosure: Polycarbonate Material • Lens: Polycarbonate • Cover: Polycarbonate • Front cover: Acrylic (retroreflective type sensor only) Weight • Emitter: 125g approx. • Receiver: 140g approx. F.1.2. Mounting Figure F-1: Sensor and Mounting Bracket Ensure that photo eye is mounted square and straight on bracket. F.1.3. Wiring Diagram Figure F-2: Typical Wiring Diagram F–14 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Appendix F: NX5 Photoelectric Sensor F.1.4. Splices 7 ft. of photo cable comes standard from photoeye manufacturer, DYNACO spliced in 45 ft. of extra cable to give 52 ft. of total cable for each the transmitter and reciever. The following are the color code changes: • Brown = Green • Blue = Red • White = White • Black = Black (N/C applications) • Grey = Black (N/O applications) The transmitter is a 2-wire control; the spliced wire is still 4-wire. Omit the use of the white and black wire on transmitter only! F.1.5. Indicators Figure F-3: LED Indicators #1: The broken beam indicator lights when there is an obstruction blocking the path of the photo eye. #2: The operation indicator (red) is the power indicator (red) on the emitter of NX5-M30. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 F–15 Appendix F: NX5 Photoelectric Sensor F–16 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Appendix G: Square-D Frequency Inverter Specifications G.1. Frequency Inverters The frequency inverter maintains total control over the breaking and stopping of the DYNACO door motor by injecting DC current. It can also detect, without damage, a large number of abnormal conditions. When it detects an error, a red LED lights up. DYNACO has selected a range of Square-D™ frequency inverters, which is part of the Schneider-group. These electronic devices are very reliable. The frequency inverter is factory set and located in the control panel. The factory set parameters correspond to the motor and the size of the door. DO NOT CHANGE THESE PARAMETERS. Any changes or alterations to the drive program immediately void your warranty. For other display faults contact DYNACO customer service at 800-459-1930. G.2. ALTIVAR 31 Fault Codes and Specifications Table G-1 and Table G-2 list the ALTIVAR 31 Square-D Frequency Inverter fault codes and specifications. Table G-1: ALTIVAR 31 Fault Codes Displayed Faults Probable Cause bLF – Brake Sequence Brake release current not reached Procedure • Check the drive controller and motor connections. • Check the motor windings. • Check the Ibr settings in the Fun-menu. CrF – Precharge circuit failure InF – Internal fault OCF – Overcurrent Precharge circuit damaged • Reset the drive controller. • Replace the drive controller. • Internal fault • Remove sources of electromagnetic interference. • Internal connection fault • Replace the drive controller. • Incorrect parameters settings in the Set- and drC- menus • Check the SET- and drC- parameters. • Acceleration too rapid; Drive controller and/or motor undersized for load • Ensure that the size of the motor and drive controller is sufficient for the load. • Mechanical blockage • Clear and mechanical blockage. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 G–17 Appendix G: Square-D Frequency Inverter Specifications Displayed Faults SCF – Motor short circuit SOF – Overspeed EnF – Auto-tuning failure Probable Cause Procedure • Short circuit or grounding at the drive controller output. • Check the cables connecting the drive controller to the motor and the motor insulation; Reduce the switching frequency. • Significant ground leakage current at the drive controller output if several motors are connected in parallel. • Connect output filters in series with the motor. • Instability • Check the motor, gain, and stability parameters. • Overhauling load • Contact DYNACO. • Motor or motor power not suitable for the drive controller • Use the L or the P ratio. • Motor not connected to the drive controller • Check the presence of the motor during auto-tuning; If a downstream contractor is being used, close it during auto-tuning. • Check the communication bus. COF – Serial Link Failure Loss of communication between the drive controller and communication device or remote keypad EPF – External Fault User defined User defined LFF – Loss of 4-20 mA follower Loss of 4-20 mA reference on input A13 Check the connection on input A13. ObF – Over voltage during deceleration DHF – Drive overload • Braking too rapidly • Increase the deceleration time; Install a braking resistor if necessary. • Overhauling load • Activate the brA function if it is compatible with the application. • Drive controller or ambient temperature is too high • Continuous motor current load is too high OLF – Motor overload • Refer to the product specific documentation. • Thermal trip due to prolonged motor overload Check the motor load, the drive controller ventilation, and the environment. Wait for the drive controller to cool before restarting. Check the ItH setting; check the motor load; Allow the motor to cool before restarting. • Motor power rating too low for the application OPF – Motor phase failure G–18 • Loss of phase at drive controller output • Check the connections from the drive controller to the motor. • Downstream contactor open • If a downstream contactor is being used, set OPL to OAC. Refer to the ATV31 Programming Manual, FLtmenu. • Motor not connected; Instability in the motor current • Test the drive controller on a low power motor or without a motor: set OPL to nO. Refer to the ATV31 Programming Manual, FLt- menu. • Drive controller oversized for motor • Check and optimize the UFr, UnS, and nCr parameters and perform auto-tuning. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Appendix G: Square-D Frequency Inverter Specifications Displayed Faults Probable Cause Procedure OSF – Overvoltage during stead state operation or during acceleration • Line voltage too high • Check the line voltage. Compare with the drive controller nameplate ratings. • Induced voltage on output wiring • Reset the drive controller; Confirm that the wiring is correct. PHF – Input phase failure • Input phase loss, blown fuse • Confirm that the input power is correct; Check the line fuses. • 3-phase controller used on a single-phase line supply • Confirm input power connections. • Input phase imbalance • Supply 3-phase power if needed. • Transient phase fault • Disable IPL (set to nO) SLF – Serial link failure Loss of connection between drive controller and communication device or remote keypad. CFF – Configuration Fault The parameter configurations are not suited to the application. CF I – Configuration fault via serial link The parameter configurations loaded in the drive controller via the serial link are not suited to the application. USF – Under Voltage • Check the communication connection. • Refer to the product-specific documentation. Restore the factory settings or load the backup configuration, if it is valid. • Load a compatible configuration. • Check the configuration loaded previously. • Line supply too low • Check that the line voltage matches the nameplate rating. • Transient voltage dip • Check the setting of parameter UnS. • Damaged precharge resistor • Replace the drive controller. Table G-2: ALTIVAR 31 Specifications Characteristic Voltage range Specification • 200 V (-10%) to 240V (+10%) single phased • 380V (-10% to 500V (+10%) three phased Mode of operation Vectorial flow control without sensor. Protections and safety features of the inverter Protection against short circuits: • Within internal power supplies • Between output phases • Between output phases and ground Protection against input phase loss; Thermal protection against overheating and overcurrents, undervoltage and overvoltage faults; Overbraking fault DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 G–19 Appendix G: Square-D Frequency Inverter Specifications Characteristic Specification Conformity to standards The inverters respect the recommendations regarding electric equipment of industrial control. • Low tension EN-50178 • CEM immunity o o o o o IEC 1000-4-2/EN 61000-4-2 level 3 IEC 1000-4-3/EN 61000-4-3 level 3 IEC 1000-4-4/EN 61000-4-4 level 4 IEC 1000-4-5/EN 61000-4-5-level 3 IEC 1800-3/EN 61800-3, environment 1 and 2 Marking Respects the 73/23/CEE, 93/68/CEE and CEM89/336/CEE guidelines. Maximum relative humidity 96% without condensation or streaming, according to IEC 60068-2-3 Operating temperature 14. +120°F without downgrading Frequency range 50/60 Hz +/-5% Electrical isolation Between power and control (input, outputs, power supply) Motor protection Thermal protection integrated in speed controller via continuous calculation of the l2t, taking into consideration the speed Protection against motor phase breaks CE CEM, conducted and extended emission • IEC 1800-3/EN 61800-3, environment 1 and 2 • EN 55011 class A (filters reducing incorporated radio perturbations) • EN 55022 class B, with additional filters Codes and Standards UL Listed per UL 508C as incorporating electronic overload protection: UL File E164874 CCN NMMS • CSA Certified to CSA C22.2 No. 14: CSA File LR96921 Class 3211 06 • CE Marked in accordance with the European low voltage (73/23/EEC and 93/68/EEC) and EMC (89/336/EEC) directives • Conforms to applicable NEMA ICS, IEC, NOM, C-TICK, and ISO 9001 standards Storage temperature G–20 -13. +150°F DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Appendix H: Recommended Quarterly Maintenance H.1. Services Performed DYNACO recommends that the following maintenance task be performed on a quarterly basis. Higher cycle doors may require a shorter duration between inspections; contact DYNACO for assistance. Only certified personnel should perform maintenance on DYNACO doors. Maintenance performed by untrained technicians may result in injury and/or damage to equipment. Lockout/tagout procedures must be performed while performing maintenance tasks on DYNACO doors. The DYNACO door must be inspected and key parts lubricated to ensure proper operation. Service performed by unauthorized persons may void the DYNACO Door warranty. Table H-1: Quarterly Maintenance List Category Component Safety Controls/Operations Photo Eyes Bottom Edge Door Controls Inspections Corrective Measures • Eyes are clean and free of debris; Door reverses when beam is broken. • Clean the Photo eyes. • Check for physical damage. • Replace broken parts. • Photo eye is not falsely tripped with door motion. • Refer to Section 3.3.1. Set the Door Limits. • Door reverses when tripped. • Working properly if no reverse; see Appendix A: Wireless Bottom Detector. • Physical inspection of edge. • Repair as needed. Activations Test each activation for proper function and distance from the door (where applicable). The distance ensures that there is enough time for the door to open. Adjust, as described in this manual; see Section 3.3.2. Install and Test Activation Accessories for DY4100. setup. Function Buttons Test each button on the front panel, the emergency stop, and the main rotary disconnect for proper function. Repair as needed. Timers Test each timer for adequate times to allow proper door operation and traffic flow. Adjust, as described in this manual; see Sections 3.3.3 to 3.3.5 for DY4100 setup. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 H–21 Appendix H: Recommended Quarterly Maintenance Category Component Door Limits Nest Lights/ Windows Panels Light/Vision Header Box Inspections Corrective Measures • Test each limit for proper function and distance. • Repair and adjust as described in this manual; see 3.3.1. Set the Door Limits for DY4100 setup. • Test door for smooth operation. No jerking should occur. • Vertical scrapes are a sign of a hook being misaligned or felt material missing. Inspect for holes, delaminating or cracking. Clean the windows. PVC polish or cleaner, such as Novus scratch remover, may take scratches off. • Ensure whole door is running; Ensure panels are not hanging up and all hooks are engaging. • Repair, as needed. • Inspect all scrapes or scratches vertically on panels. • If section is scraped, adjust or repair, as needed. • Inspect for dents or deformities. • Minor dents may be hammered out with a hammer and wood block; replace severely damaged parts. • Inspect for holes. • Repair, as needed. • Delaminating or cracking • Clean windows wth PVC polish or cleaner (such as Novus Scratch Remover). Paint Inspect for any chipping or peeling. Touch up minor chips with paint; replace severely chipped or peeling parts. Lock Bars Ensure locking bars are moving freely and engaging when the door is down. Adjust or repair, as needed. Motor / Gear Box • Inspect for leaks. Brake • Inspect for proper egagement. • Inspect for loose mounting. • Ensure brake holds load of door without slipping. Chain Hoist Repair, as needed. • Inspect for proper engagement. Call Dynaco before making any adjustments to brake! Adjust or repair, as needed. • Ensure safety switch is operational • Inspect manual operation. Drums & Shaft H–22 • Inspect for any damage or deformity. • Replace, as needed. • Inspect for dirt, dust or debris. • Clean, as needed. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Appendix H: Recommended Quarterly Maintenance Category Component Cable Side Guide Inspections Corrective Measures • Inspect for freying. • Replace, as needed. • Inspect for dirt, dust or debris. • Clean, as needed. • Inspect lubrication. • After cleaning, lubricate, as needed. Electrical Cables & Wires Inspect for damage. Replace, as needed. Encoder Inspect for damage. Replace, as needed. Side Guide Weatherstrip • Ensure proper installation. • Check to see if guides are installed too tightly. • Inspect for scrapes on face; Inspect for damage. • Replace, as needed. Inspect for damage. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Repair, as needed. H–23 Appendix H: Recommended Quarterly Maintenance H–24 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Appendix I: Troubleshooting I.1. Armor Door Troubleshooting Table I-1: Problems and Solutions Problem Possible Cause Solution • Brake disc(s) worn and in need of adjustment or replacement • Readjust or replace per brake manufacturer’s instructions. • Key sheared on brake input or output shafts • Replace key and any other damaged components. • Brake spring broken or displaced • Replace spring. • Solenoid malfunction is preventing solenoid from disengaging • Adjust solenoid (magnet coil) mechanism or replace. Brake solenoid burned out • Wrong voltge input • Replace solenoid – check voltage • Solenoid did not fully engage (usually due to low voltage) • Check voltage – replace solenoid Bottom panel out of parallel with upper panels and header box • Cables tracking unevenly on drums • Check cables and adjust. • Rerrules (and stops) on cables not fully engaged in drum slots • Check engagement of cables and reinstall, if necessary. • Cable not positioned between drum and retention roller • Restring cable properly. • Cable entangled in bottom panel lock mechanism • Open bottom panel and untangle cable. • Cables of unequal length • Adjust by transferring adjustment washers in counterweights at cable ends (see Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation). Brake on motor operator does not hold Cables dropping out of drums Cables not tracking properly on drums Cables run off drums Door lowered too far manually; lock bolts extended more than 2 in. Beyond guides Instruction responsible personnel regarding proper use of manual operator • Cables not installed between drum and retention roller • Reinstall cable correctly. • Roller springs disconnedcted • Connect springs. • Cables twisted at time of installation • Remove cables to straighten them and reinstall. • Cables too long for size and length of drums • Replace with proper length cables. • Cables not tracking properly on drums • Ensure door is level; ensure there are no burrs on drums; ensure there is no debris. • Drum threaded opposite hand • Replace drum on drum shaft assembly. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 I–25 Appendix I: Troubleshooting Problem Chain break safety stop activated Door does not open fully Possible Cause Solution • Drive chain coupler broken • Replace drive chain coupler and reset safety stop. • Limit improper reset • Limits on DYNALOGIX Upper (open) limit control activates too soon Reset limits on DYNALOGIX II (see 3.3.1. Set the Door Limits). • Lower (close) limit controle activates too soon • Reset limits on DYNALOGIX II. • Removable inner guides installed too tight to curtain • Reposition inner guides. • Bottom panel hanging up in panel above • Check for foreign substance on panels; or second panel may be too tight and should be spread outward slightly by hand. • Overtravel curcuit in header box activated because upper (open) limit control is set too high • Readjust limit. • Safety edge circuit activated • Check DYNALOGIX II. • Motor does not operate • Check power supply and control circuit. Door closes partially and immediately reverses • Obstruction in opening is activating safety edge • Remove obstruction. • Photo limit not set properly • Reset limit (see 3.3.1. Set the Door Limits). Lock bolts do not eject • Lock bolt retainer at ends of bottom panel not removed • Remove set screww as per installation instructions. • Bottom (close) limit switch set too high • Reset close limit. Door does not close fully Door do not close from full open position • Ejection spring disconnected in bottom panel Motor operator does not run Panel hooks do not engage I–26 • Open bottom panel and reconnect spring. • No electrical power to operator • Check power supply. • Manual disconnect engaged • Disengage • Overtravel limit safety switches in header box activated • Check travel of nest and reset upper limit control, if necessary. • Top intermittent hooks flattened or corners bent inward • Straighten hooks. • Panel nest not perperly aligned with side guides and header box • Realign nest (see Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation). • Header box bowed upward at center (should be level or have slight bow downward) • Adjust header. • Nest top panel bolted to header box in wrong sequence • Loosen bolts and rebolt in proper sequence – starting at center and working outward towards ends. • Panels are bent or kinked • Repair or replace panel. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Appendix I: Troubleshooting Problem Panels hanging up Panel nest binding or scraping in guides Safety edge not operating Possible Cause Solution • Side guides too tight to curtain • Adjust guide positioning. • Panel hooks deformed and biting into panel above • Straighten hooks. • Rolled edge on panel bent outward • Inspect and bend inward, as required. • Foreign substance on panel surface preventing free movement • Remove foreign matter. • Side guides installed too close together across opening, leaving insufficient and clearance for panels • Reposition guides (see Chapter 2: Mechanical Installation). • Panel alignment bracket on bottom panel broken or bent • Repair or straighten bracket. • Side guides out of plumb and/or not perpendicular to header box • Plumb side guides or shim header box to bring it perpendicular with both guides. • WDD not synchronized • Synchronize (see Appendix A: Wireless Bottom Detector). • Break in connections • Repair, as needed; check with continuity meter. DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 I–27 Appendix I: Troubleshooting I–28 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Index A Accessories, 1–15, 3–39, 3–40, 3–46 Activations, H–21, H–22 Activator, 1–15 ALTIVAR 31, G–17 Auxiliary Hooks, 2–30 B Battery, E–12 Bottom Edge, H–21 Brake, H–22 Build-out, 1–14 C Cable, 2–23, 3–36, 3–39, 3–40, D–9, H–23 Cable brake, 3–38 Chain hoist, 2–23, 3–50, H–22 Close run time, 3–34 Conduit, 3–35 Connections, 3–35, 3–36, 3–37 Encoder, 3–38 Connector, 3–38, 3–39, D–9 Control Box, 1–15, 2–31, 3–35, 3–40, D–9 Controls, 3–33 Cycle counter, 3–34 D Disconnect, 3–40 Door controls, H–21 Drive error, 3–34 Drums & shaft, H–22 DSP-6LP, D–9 DY4100, 3–33, 3–34, 3–39, 3–40, 3–41, 3–46, 3–47, 3–48, 3–49 Dynalogix II, 3–33, 3–34, 3–39, 3–40, 3–41, 3–46, 3–47, 3–48, 3–49, B–3 E Electrical, 1–12 Electrician, 3–40 Encoder, 3–34, E–11 F FEIG, E–11 Forklift, 1–11 Forklift operators, 1–11 Frequency inverter, 1–13, 3–34, G–17 Function Buttons, H–21 H Hazards, 1–11 Head Unit, 1–15 Header box, 2–19, H–22 I Indicators, F–15 Inner guide angles, 2–28 Installation, 1–11 DSP-6LP, D–9 Electrical, 3–34 WDD Receiver, B–3 J JOG, 3–34 L LED, B–4, B–5, B–6, G–17 Limits, 3–40, 3–41, H–22 Lintel, 2–25 Lock bars, H–22 M Magnetic loop, 1–15 Maintenance, 1–12 Quarterly, H–21 Manifest, 1–15 Messages, 3–34 Motion sensor, 1–15, C–7 Motor, 3–34, 3–36, D–9, G–17 Mounting, F–14 N Nest, H–22 Next, 2–22 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 xxix Index O Open run time, 3–34 Operation, 1–12 Manual, 3–50 Overtravel Limit Switches, 2–26 Overtravel switches, 3–38 P Paint, H–22 Panel hook, 2–27 Panels, H–22 Photo eye, 2–31, 3–40, F–13, H–21 Assembly, 2–32 Connections, 3–37 Indicators, F–15 Shut off position, 3–43 Wiring, 3–36, 3–37 Pneumatic switch, 3–34 Pneumatic Tube, 1–15 Power, 3–34, 3–35, 3–40, C–7, D–9 Programming Bistable, B–6 Pull cord, 1–15 R Remote control, 1–15, B–3, B–4, C–7 Reset pins, E–12 Reversing edge, 3–34 xxx S Safety, 1–11 Safety controls, H–21 Sensor, F–13 Serial number, 1–15 Side guides, 1–15, 2–18, H–23 Splices, F–15 T Thru-beam Sensor, F–13 Timers, H–21 AC/LOOP, 3–49 Automatic, 3–46 MC/PB, 3–48 Programming, B–4 Tools, 1–13 Troubleshooting, I–25 U Unpacking, 1–14 V Vehicle Loop Detector, D–9 W WDD Receiver, A–1 Weatherstrip, H–23 Windows, H–22 Wiring, 3–36, 3–37, 3–38, 3–39, 3–40, C–8, E–12, F–13, F–14, F–15, G–19, H–23 DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 Index DOC.002.506 • Armor Door Technical Manual • Issue 2 xxxi