January 2016 - Catholic Union of Texas, The KJT
January 2016 - Catholic Union of Texas, The KJT
NEWS The Official Newsletter of the Catholic Union of Texas Volume 47, No. 204 www.kjtnet.org Thank You For All That You Do For The KJT . . . regarding financials, we do have a little bad news in that we’ve seen membership fall again this past year. We saw a net decrease of 121 members and membership now sits at 17,173. Death claims remain the major portion of the decrease. The good news is we have seen a steep decline in lapses and surrenders due to removing state dues from all insurance and annuity certificates. This INSIDE 12TH ANNUAL EAST BERNARD MEMORIAL MASS Page 6 CHRISTOPHER L. URBAN KJT State President THOUGHT OF THE MONTH "On matters of style, swim with the current, on matters of principle, stand like a rock." --Thomas Jefferson would like to take this opportunity to wish all KJT members, society and district officers, insurance representatives, Home Office staff, and state directors and officers a Happy New Year! Thank you for all that you do for the KJT! Financials I am happy to report that the KJT’s financials continue to improve. While we do not have the final numbers for 2015, through the 3rd quarter of 2015, surplus had increased by 4.3% to $3.545 million and now sits at its highest level since the 3rd quarter of 2006. Additionally, the KJT’s assets eclipsed the $70 million mark for the first time in the KJT’s history. This is an increase of 54% or $25 million since 2010. This has been good, healthy, steady growth as we have maintained a solvency (ratio of assets to liabilities) between 105 and 105.5% throughout. Membership While we have good news is the result that the KJT Board of Directors expected when proposing this change at the convention, and we are happy to say that we are achieving this result. Sadly, three of our societies disbanded in 2015. Society #113 of McCook disbanded early in 2015 with the majority of their members being transferred to Society #72 of Corpus Christi. Corpus Christi maintains its position as the 2nd largest society with a total of 839 members after the transfers. Later in the year, Society #5 of Hallettsville and Society #15 of Smothers Creek both disbanded with the majority of their members transferring to Society #43 of Wied. Wied now becomes the KJT’s 6th largest society with a total of 559 members as of December 31, 2015. (Continued on page 2) KJT STARS AWARDS I •February 10, 2016 KJT News Deadline •February 13, 2016 12th Annual Fraternal Alliance of Texas Bowling Tournament January 2016 STATE OF THE UNION MESSAGE GO GREEN! Subscribe to the KJT News at www.kjtnet.org. Receive your issue through email! IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER Currey Lands At #1 For 2015 with 8 issued life insurance applications, over $8,700 in life premium, over $4,800 in adjusted annualized premium, and $170,000 in life insurance (Continued on page 3) Important2016KJTDates DEBORAH CURREY BY DAVID M. WAGNER STATE VICE PRESIDENT n 2015 the KJT welcomes 7 repeat winners to the KJT Stars. We congratulate our 2015 award winners and look forward to honoring them at our upcoming SDOR meetings. Deborah Currey earns the number one Star spot for 2015. She ended the year I MONTH DAY EVENT January 31 AnnualSocietyReportDue February 13 FraternalAllianceofTexasBowlingTournament March 1 KJTCollegeScholarshipFormsDue April 15 KJTDiscountedSplashwaySeasonPassDeadline April 30 IRSForm990-NDue May 7 JoinHandsDay May 31 CatholicSchoolTuitionGrantEntryFormsDue June 14 FlagDay June 24 KJTYouth&TeenCampApplicationsDue June 30 OfficerMemberRecruitmentApplicationDeadline–1stPeriod July 1 SeminarianScholarshipApplicationsDue July 24 KJTStateFamilyDay July 24 KJTYouthCampStarts–EndsJuly28 July 28 KJTTeenCampStarts–EndsAugust1 October TBD 9thAnnualKJTStateGolfTournament October 15 KJTAnnualTarokyTournamentatTCHCC December 12 DeadlineforStatewideCharityProjectDonation December 31 OfficerMemberRecruitmentApplicationDeadline–2ndPeriod Page 2 Catholic Union Of Texas News January 2016 State Of The Union Message From The State President . . . Continued from page 1 I ask that all KJT members assist us in recruiting new members to our ranks. Think back . . . Has the KJT assisted you with a mortgage loan or with your insurance or annuity program? Has the KJT hosted your children for KJT Youth Camp at some point in time? Have one or more of your children received a KJT state or local scholarship? If the answer to any of these is yes, please pass the word on to friends and family members that the KJT just may have a way to help them out as well. We will be happy to speak with your referrals to discuss the many benefits of being a KJT member and perhaps in the meantime help your society grow! Donations A heartfelt “thank you” goes out to all societies and districts KJT COOKBOOK SALE! Looking for a delectable Super Bowl party recipe or the perfect birthday gift or? Look no more ..."Cooking with the KJT" is the ultimate gift for the chefs on your gift list! To order, send check or money order to: Catholic Union of Texas, the KJT P.O. Box 297 La Grange, TX 78945 Please send me ___ copies of Cooking with the KJT SALE PRICE $10.00 plus $3.00 shipping/handling per book for general delivery ($13 per book) SPECIAL BUNDLE SALE PRICE 3 books for $25.00 plus $4.00 shipping/handling ($29 for 3 books) Enclosed is my check or money order for $________ Mail books to: ________________________________________________ Name ________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ City, State, Zip that contributed to our three statewide charities for 2015 – the Religious Retirement Fund, the Seminarian Education Fund and Camp for All. The goal of $30,000 was exceeded by $3,909.32 for a grand total of $33,909.32. We look forward to presenting these checks in the very near future. Happy 100th To . . . The KJT has a 126+ year history and many of its societies are “growing up!” KJT #77 of Megargel (June 12), KJT #78 of Rowena (June 26), KJT #79 of Hungerford (September 24) and KJT #80 of Sealy (November 1) will all reach the 100-year milestone in 2016. We look forward to celebrating with these societies as their anniversaries approach. 2016 Programs The KJT’s programs for 2016 remain relatively unchanged. Please refer to www.kjtnet.org and the KJT News for details on the various program events as the dates draw near. You can find information regarding the deadlines and dates for important events in the table on page 1 of this issue. We still encourage our local societies to hold Matching Grant Fundraisers for worthy causes where the society is located. This program is a great way to get your KJT society involved in various projects in your parish or community so be sure to ask your officers how you can be a part of this program. The KJT is offering another avenue to raise funds for a DISTRICT VI FAMILY DAY & MEETING Sunday, March 6, 2016 Ball Park Pavilion, Sealy Just past the Hill Center on Main Street Registration – Noon Food Served – 12:30 p.m. Fun & Games For All Ages! Sponsored by Sealy Society #80 KJT COOKBOOK SNEAK PREVIEW charity and it is so new, we do not even have a name for it yet. This program does not have to be sponsored by a KJT society but rather, a single KJT member can put together a project and request funds. This program will promote the opportunity for more volunteerism from both KJT members and nonmembers and get the KJT’s name out in the community as well. More details will be forthcoming in the KJT News and www.kjtnet.org when available. We are very excited about the prospects for this new program. Join Hands Day and Flag Day are two events that societies can get involved in to show support of some local charity or project as well as support of the American Flag. These events are great avenues to get publicity for your local society so please ask your local society officers how you can get involved! KJT State Family Day – KJT Youth and Teen Camps The Annual KJT State Family Day will be held on Sunday, July 24 and we invite everyone to come join us. We have moved Family Day back to July, the same day that the KJT Youth Camp starts, so that families can come out and enjoy the day with us and then drop their “little campers” off at camp before proceeding home. And good news kids!!! You told us you had so much fun last year we have extended each camp by one day. Youth Camp will be from July 24-July 28 and Teen Camp will be from July 28- August 1. If you have friends that are (Continued on page 3) SEALY SOCIETY #80 is offering scholarships to graduating seniors who are insured members of Society #80. Go to www.sealykjt.org for an application. Deadline is March 15, 2016. January 2016 Catholic Union Of Texas News Page 3 State Of The Union Message From The State President . . . Continued from page 2 not KJT members and may be interested in joining us for camp, please give us a call to see if we can assist them in becoming a member. KJT Scholarships We still offer scholarships to graduating high school seniors. $15,000 is allocated for presentation to qualifying scholarship applicants who will be continuing their education at the college level. Additional scholarships (the number to be determined at the annual meeting in February) will be available through the KJT Memorial Foundation for students who will continue their education at a vocational or technical college. The deadline for scholarship applications is Tuesday, March 1. KJT Kruise KJT Kruise Directors State Director Ray Pokorney and his wife Shirley have spoken and it is once again time to set sail! They are currently putting the package together and we will have all the details in the KJT News and at www.kjtnet.org as more information becomes available. KJT Stars Awards . . . PerkSpot (New Member Benefit) The KJT is pleased to announce its newest member benefit, PerkSpot. PerkSpot offers a huge number of discounts from a wide range of merchants throughout the U.S. More information will likely be available in the next issue of the KJT News and at www. kjtnet.org as more details will be available upon implementation. Member benefits are an important attraction in joining a fraternal benefit society and we are happy to have teamed up with PerkSpot in order to enhance being a member of the KJT. We at the Home Office, as well as your state directors, look forward to making 2016 a successful year. I thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve you as president of the KJT. I ask God’s blessings upon the KJT and its members as we move forward in 2016! Continued from page 1 volume. Deborah has one previous trip to the Stars, with this being her first time to take home the #1 spot. In addition to taking the top spot in the Star Award standing, Deborah also qualified for multiple other incentives and contests throughout the year. She has done an excellent job representing Society #130 of Elgin and overall the KJT. We look forward to what Deborah and Society #130 will accomplish in 2016. Congratulations to Deborah for being the best of the best! Kathleen accounted for 8 applications, over $3,100 in life premium, over $1,300 in adjusted annualized premium and $135,000 in life insurance volume. Congratulations on a great year Kathleen! JOHN KANA Coming in third place on our Star Awards list was John Kana. This is John’s eighth year being a Star. He accounted for over $9,900 in life premium, KATHLEEN CHOVANETZ Earning the second place Star Award in 2015 was Kathleen Chovanetz, Society #5 of Hallettsville. This is Kathleen’s sixth trip to the Stars Award list. In 2015 K J T News (USPS 585–040) (ISSN 0896–338X) is published monthly for $6.00 per year in Texas and U.S. by KJT News, 214 E. Colorado, P.O. Box 297, La Grange, Texas 78945. Periodicals Postage Paid at La Grange, Texas and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to include entire zip + 4 code to KJT News, P.O. Box 297, La Grange, Texas 78945. $1,000 in adjusted annualized premium, 6 issued life insurance applications and $125,000 in life insurance volume. Congratulations to John on another stellar year! Rounding out the Star Award winners list is fourth place Dan Stavena, Society #139, Bay City, ninth time winner; fifth place, Ernest Bezdek Sr., Society #31, West, sixteen-time winner; sixth place, Eugene Maroul, Society #107, Abbott, fifteentime winner and seventh place, Linda Gaas, Society #12, Frenstat, sixth time winner. We are very proud with the efforts that all of our Stars put forth in 2015. Without their dedication and efforts, our goals would have greatly suffered. Congratulations to all of you and we look forward to seeing which one of you will take the top honor in 2016! PACESETTER AWARD Zdansky Recognized T he Pacesetter Award is an award that was implemented in 2002 to reward those representatives that sold $12,000 in premium for the year and 12 applications. Repeat winners could qualify with $2,000,000 in new coverage or $7,500 in premiums along with a minimum of 12 insurance applications issued during the year. We congratulate Ellen Zdansky for qualifying for the KJT Pacesetter Award in 2015. She will add another diamond to her KJT Pacesetter Ring for her achievement. We applaud Ellen for her efforts and look forward to her 2016 achievements! DANCE Bexar County Czech Heritage Society Sunday March 6, 2016 2:00-6:00 pm Music by MARK HALATA & TEXAVIA Martinez Social Club 7791 FM 1346 at FM 1516 San Antonio, TX ADMISSION $10.00 Admission for Children 14 & Under – Free Refreshments: Sausage on a Bun Kolaches For More Information Call 648-2681 WANTED Human Interest Stories Involving KJT Members An expert in a specialized field? A special child and their circumstance? Community or workplace achievements? Person with exceptional talent? Dedication to charitable works & volunteering? Fishing & hunting adventures? Story of first responders' special efforts? Chili or barbecue cook-off winners? Service in the military? Unknown interesting KJT history tales? Please submit articles for our Human Interest Story Section! ELLEN ZDANSKY Page 4 Catholic Union Of Texas News January 2016 MESSAGE FROM THE STATE ATTORNEY A HandWritten Will's Validity . . . Question: If I only have a handwritten will, is that a valid will? PHILIP J. HUNDL KJT State Attorney Answer: A handwritten will or “holographic will” may be a valid will that can be probated after your death, if certain requirements are met. The holographic will must be wholly or entirely in your handwriting. Before the will can be “probated” or made effective by a probate court, two witnesses familiar with your handwriting must testify that the handwriting in the will is your handwriting. In Another Wonderful Member Benefit! While the KJT has had the ScriptSave prescription drug discount card for many years, ScriptSave now has some additional savings opportunities for our members. Vision Care Save 40% off the retail price of frames, save on lenses and lens options (a complete pair of glasses purchase is required), 15% savings on conventional (non-disposable) contact lenses, 15% off the retail price of LASIK and PRK Vision Correction Procedures, $5 off eye exam with dilation, $10 off contact lens exam. No limits on usage and savings at over 13,000 locations including both private practice providers and optical retailers such as LensCrafters, Target Optical, Sears Optical, JC Penney and most Pearle Vision locations. Hearing Care 15% savings on over 70 hearing aid models at 1,400 preferred providers. FREE, 10-step hearing evaluation to diagnose the extent of hearing loss. Beltone's exclusive BelCare Aftercare Program offers members lifetime cleanings, inspections, adjustments and service for any Beltone hearing instruments purchased at any Beltone location throughout the United States. Daily Living Products ActiveForever.com offers a wide selection of assistive daily living aids at guaranteed low prices! Cardholders receive a 10% discount. If you would like to take part in the ScriptSave program and you don’t have your original card that was sent out at the inception of the program, you can contact us at [email protected] or you can call the office at 800.245.8182 to get your discount card. Additionally, you can go to www.kjtnet.org to download your card. All household members of a KJT member may take part in the program. my experience, coordinating two witnesses that are familiar with another’s handwriting to testify in court can be time consuming and challenging for a lawyer. A handwritten will, just as a formal will, must still identify your spouse and children, if any, your property, and the way you want your property, both personal and real, to pass after your death. Although a handwritten will may seem simple and easy it is typically costlier to probate than a will that is “self-proved” or signed and executed under all the formalities of the Texas Estates Code. A testator, or the person making the will, may make his will “self-proved” by including an affidavit stating that the will is in fact his last will; he is at least 18 years of age; that he was of sound mind; and that he has not revoked this will. It also contains a statement of the witnesses. As an alternative to the self- proving affidavit, a will may be simultaneously executed, attested, and made self-proved before a notary. A will that is “self-proved” does not require the testimony of witnesses regarding the testator or the events surrounding the execution of the “self-proved” will, and therefore, takes less time and expense to probate. The most frequent problem with a holographic will is the failure to name an executor and to provide for no bond. The lack of a named-executor and no bond requirement in any will greatly increases costs of probate. Many people attempt to save money by purchasing inexpensive wills online; however, in order to be effective, these wills will still need to comply to with necessary formalities. If you are on a limited budget, I would suggest finding a pro bono clinic that offers simple will preparation, as an alternative to a handwritten will or purchasing a will from an online source without consulting an attorney. Philip J. Hundl is State Attorney for the KJT and a shareholder in the law firm of Wadler, Perches, Hundl & Kerlick with offices in Wharton (main office), El Campo and Richmond, Texas. State Attorney’s note: The information in this column is not intended as legal advice but to provide a general understanding of the law. Readers with legal problems, including those whose questions are addressed here, should consult attorneys for advice on their particular circumstances. Submit your questions for this column via email to phundl@ wphk-law.com or via U.S. Mail to Wadler, Perches, Hundl & Kerlick, Philip J. Hundl, KJT State Attorney c/o KJT Legal Column, 101 W. Burleson Street, Wharton, Texas 77488 or at www.wphklaw.com. FRATERNAL ACTIVITY REPORT A Welcome 2016 . . . nother great year awaits us as we look forward to bringing in new members, new goals and new ideas, and of course new challenges. With team work, KJT members, societies and state officers – societies can always meet the challenges that they may face throughout the year. We are members of a fraternal organization boasting 126 years. I am looking forward to visiting with the officers and members at the SDOR meetings LIFE PREMIUM CHALLENGE this year. I always welcome your emails and phone calls with fundraiser ideas, efforts and society activities. As always, thank you for the opportunity to serve and will be looking forward to hearing from your society this year. Call me at (409) 771-8101 or email mareznicek@sbcglobal. net. 2015 Winning Agents At the beginning of the year, the KJT sales agency force was challenged to write $3,000 in Life Premium for 2015. Several agents answered the call and achieved the goal in front of them. The KJT Home Office would like to recognize the following agents who rose to the challenge and submitted at least $3,000 in Life Premium: Thomas Arellano Kathleen Chovanetz Deborah Currey Margaret Hanslik John Kana Frances Toman Ellen Zdansky We congratulate the 7 agents who made the cut. Thank you! In 2016, we will once again challenge our agents to reach the $3,000 Life Premium mark. MICHAEL REZNICEK KJT State Fraternal Activity Manager January 2016 Catholic Union Of Texas News Page 5 NOVEMBER & DECEMBER 2015 TOP PRODUCERS Ellen Zdansky Society #72, Corpus Christi •First Place November 2015 Top Producer •November 2015 New Application Producer – 131 months •November 2015 New Member Producer – 128 months •December 2015 New Application Producer – 132 months •December 2015 New Member Producer – 129 months John Kana Society #4, Ammannsville •Sixth Place November 2015 Top Producer •Fourth Place December 2015 Top Producer Robert Nors Society #31, West •November 2015 Application Leader Deborah Currey Society #130, Elgin •Second Place November 2015 Top Producer •First Place December 2015 Top Producer •December 2015 New Application Producer – 2 months •December 2015 New Member Producer – 2 months •December 2015 Application Leader •December 2015 Volume Leader Stephanie Prihoda Society #129, Schulenburg •Seventh Place December 2015 Top Producer Thomas Arellano Societies #27, Taylor, #28, Granger, #55, Corn Hill, #141, Georgetown •November 2015 Volume Leader •November 2015 Premium Leader W.K. Leonard Society #119, La Marque •Fourth Place November 2015 Top Producer •Second Place December 2015 Top Producer Dan Stavena Society #139, Bay City •Seventh Place November 2015 Top Producer •Fifth Place December 2015 Top Producer •December 2015 New Application Producer – 2 months •December 2015 New Member Producer – 2 months Kathleen Chovanetz Society #5, Hallettsville •Fifth Place November 2015 Top Producer •Third Place December 2015 Top Producer •December 2015 Premium Leader Ernest Bezdek Sr. Society #31, West •Eighth Place November 2015 Top Producer •November 2015 New Application Producer – 5 months •Sixth Place December 2015 Top Producer •December 2015 New Application Producer – 6 months Application Leader Frances Toman Society #71, Ganado •Eighth Place December 2015 Top Producer Robert Leopold Society #84, El Campo •Ninth Place December 2015 Top Producer Sue Watzlavick Society #20, Shiner •Tenth Place December 2015 Top Producer •December 2015 New Member Producer – 2 months Margaret Hanslik Societies #38, Moulton, #43, Wied & #1, Praha •Third Place November 2015 Top Producer Valentine's Day Trivia . . . •Gift preference – it's a draw – 50% want chocolate and 50% want flowers. •Price tag – 17% spend more than $100. •Where to eat – 58% eat at home and 42% head to a restaurant. •Planning for Valentine's Day – 22% leave the planning until the last minute. •What's for dinner – 66% something fancy, 29% something comforting and 5% something quick and easy. IMPORTANT REMINDER FOR MEMBERS The KJT asks members to always check their certificates to note whether they have the proper beneficiaries designated. Page 6 Catholic Union Of Texas News January 2016 SOCIETY SPECIAL EFFORT 12th Annual Memorial Mass Held In East Bernard BY EDWIN C. MARIK PRESIDENT, SOCIETY #40, EAST BERNARD t. Wenceslaus Society #40 of East Bernard and KJZT St. Anne Society #20 of East Bernard held S their 12th Annual Memorial Service on Thursday, November 12, 2015 with Chaplain Rev. Don Ruppert presiding. Prior to the service Ann Kramr and Helen Mica lead the rosary. Society members served as greeters, altar servers, lector, At the 12th Annual Memorial Service were (left to right) Society #40 officers Vice President Sandy Logan, Secretary Mark Dujka, President Edwin C. Marik, Treasurer Dennis Viktorin, Chaplain Rev. Don Ruppert, KJZT Society #30 officers Treasurer Emilie Svoboda, Vice President Gladys Dusek and Secretary Angeline Grigar. Not pictured is President Sophie Korenek. Society #40 member Jeff Vacek lights a candle in memory of his father Francis “Jr.” Vacek, as Society #40 Vice President Sandy Logan who served as candle lighter assistant, looks on at the 12th Annual Memorial Service held in East Bernard. HEAVY HITTERS Zdansky Strikes Silver T he Heavy Hitters is an incentive that measures the sales representative’s production based on adjusted annualized premium and the number of applications that are sent in. It rewards those representatives that not only submit a lot of premium, ELLEN ZDANSKY but those that also submit a fair number of applications throughout the year. The four designations are Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze. Ellen Zdansky struck Silver in 2015! We congratulate Ellen on her achievement and she will receive a check in the amount of $250 for her efforts. The Bronze category welcomed 9 winners for 2015. Thomas Arellano, Ernest Bezdek Sr., Kathleen Chovanetz, Deborah Currey, Linda Gaas, Margaret Hanslik, John Kana, Eugene Maroul and Robert Nors all qualified for our Bronze designation. A huge thank you to each one of our Bronze qualifiers as they will receive a check for $100. Congratulations to all of our 2015 Heavy Hitter winners and we look forward to a very successful 2016! gift bearers and Eucharist Ministers. Mark and Suzanne Dujka provided the music. A special altar with candles representing each deceased member for the past five years and two larger candles representing all deceased members from the two societies was erected in front of the main altar. Society #40 President Edwin C. Marik and KJZT Society #30 Treasurer Emilie Svoboda read the names of each deceased member, at which time a family member or the candle lighter assistant lit a candle in honor of the deceased member. Those honored were: KJT Sylvester Vacek Benjamin Oldag Robert Olson Syl “Mitch” Michulka Richard Morris Rudolph Klecka Charles Michulka Leon S. Hlozek Bessie Kramr Stanley Rejcek Sr. Joe Szymanski Josephine K. Vacek John R. Vacek Jr. Jerome Viaclovsky Christine Hlavinka Francis “Jr” Vacek Bernard “Bennie” Orsak Henry J. Hlavinka Oscar J. Litvik Sr. Lucille Ferguson William “Bill” Marik Daniel “Danny” Pilcik Norbert J. Janis Theodore Keprta KJZT Annette Wheeler Hedwig Mitchon Louis Rejsek Helen Rihn Agnes Polak Berta Smaistrla Lena Brandl Rosalie Konvicka Linda Ovesney Sewell Bertha Landers Bessie Kramr Louis Macha Janell Barta Elvira Kulhanek Mildred Repka Agnes Smaistrla Lucy Talas Dorothy Toman Lillian Karasek Jeanette Kalina Betty Wicke Betty Jean Kubala Christine Hlavinka Eva Mae Dusek Dorothy Sulak Georgie Wicke Rosie J. Rogers Edith Krenek Annie Macha Mary Miculka Irene Mican Lucille Ferguson Mary Jochec Evelyn Howard Following the impressive service, a social was held at Riverside Hall. A meal of turkey and dressing and trimmings, along with many homemade desserts was served. Special guests were KJT State Treasurer-Secretary Kevin Kana and KJZT State Director Arlene Cloyd. Door prizes were given away to complete the evening. East Bernard Society #40 meets every second Tuesday of the month at Riverside Hall. BOARD HIGHLIGHTS BY KEVIN KANA STATE TREASURERSECRETARY he Board of Directors meeting of the Catholic Union of Texas, the KJT, was held at the Home Office in La Grange on Wednesday, December 9, 2015. State Spiritual Director Fr. Bob Knippenberg offered Holy Mass for all enrolled in the KJT Memorial Foundation. State President Christopher L. Urban welcomed the board members and distributed the agenda that would be followed. All financial reports, investment reports and marketing reports were accepted as presented. Ronald Briggs, PC, from Rosenberg was approved to audit the 2015 financial statements. The 2016 KJT programs were approved. Most will be the same T as the 2015 programs but there was one notable change to the Catholic School Tuition Grant Program. Those who home school their children will be eligible to participate for the grants to help purchase Catholic educational curricula. It was suggested to have the State Family Day close to the starting date of camp, probably Sunday, July 24. State Director Ray Pokorney mentioned that he and his wife Shirley are working on getting another KJT Kruise organized for 2016. Shop Smarter . . . Divvy up your cart – Your shopping cart contents should match the proportions of the ideal dinner plate: 50% fruits and veggies, 25% lean plant and animal protein and 25% whole grains. January 2016 Catholic Union Of Texas News Page 7 DIAMONDS OF THE KJT Active Caldwell Society #100 Member Honored For 75 Years BY DONNA RYCHLIK SOCIETY #100, CALDWELL avid Valigura was born to Joe and Millie (Becvar) Valigura on July 14, 1930 in the small Czech community of Gus. D At age six the family moved to town (Caldwell) where he graduated from Caldwell High School and then worked in his father’s grocery store. During this time, he married Rose Marie Koudelka and shortly after David was drafted into the David Valigura’s family members present for his 75-year membership pin presentation were (from left to right) Steve and Kathy Kocurek, Santa, David, Michael, Rose and Mark Valigura. Hillsboro Society #109 member William M. Kozlovsky received his 75year membership pin from Society President Milton Peterson and State Director Robert Nors. The pin recipient was honored at a meeting and pizza meal held on Sunday afternoon, November 22, 2015 in Hillsboro. Congratulations William! Seventy-five-year membership pin recipient William M. Kozlovsky is shown with (left to right) his son Greg Kozlovsky and his daughter and William’s granddaughter Lauren, pin recipient William Kozlovsky, his wife Josephine, his granddaughter Brenda Hernandez, and his son Jeff Kozlovsky and finance Mayra. Both of his sons shown are KJT members and another son, Brian, from Rusk is also a member. They also have a daughter Monica. The Kozlovskys are also blessed with one grandson and four granddaughters. United States Army. There first son, Michael, was born before David returned to Caldwell to work with his father. After several years of being in business with his father, David built his own grocery store, known as Valigura’s Food Market. Shortly after their family began to grow as another son Mark and a daughter Kathy were born. In February of 1965 Valigura’s Food Market celebrated their first anniversary in their new home at 104 West Highway in Caldwell with a big anniversary sale. Joe Valigura and his son David, owners and operators of the business, made extensive preparations for the first anniversary celebration. They invited many friends and customers to celebrate with them, offering free prizes and bargains for the celebration. Among the special attractions advertised was a coupon good for 100 free trading stamps with a purchase of $2.50, free soda’s and a special invitation to all to register for free prizes and free groceries. (From the Burleson County Tribune, 1965) After 27 years in the grocery business David sold the store and “retired”! After a short while he became a substitute rural mail carrier. Several years later his son Mark bought the two Texaco stations in Caldwell and David became his partner. Mark soon became a substitute rural mail carrier and as the opportunity arose to be a full time postal employee, Mark sold the stations and David FINALLY RETIRED! Now at the age of 85 and married 64 years, he and Rose enjoy their children, Michael and wife Cari, Mark and wife Connie, and daughter Kathy and husband Steve Kocurek. They are also blessed with three granddaughters, Hannah, Kaylee and Kimberly, and two great-grandchildren Kadie and Jake. David and Rose are involved and active members of St. Mary’s Parish in Caldwell as well as KJT Society #100 of Caldwell. David and Rose said that with God’s Blessings they have had a long, beautiful and happy life. Caldwell Society #100 member David Valigura receives his 75-year membership pin from Santa, aka Vice President Anthony Motloch. David’s wife Rose is giving instructions. West Society #31 officers and State Director Robert Nors presented a 75-year membership pin to Daniel F. (Zero) Svrcek. The presentation was made at the society’s annual Christmas meeting and party held on Sunday, December 13, 2015. Also present was Daniel’s wife Judy and Father Paul Hudson, Priest of St. Mary’s Church of the Assumption in West. Pictured are (left to right) Vice President Sherry Pavlas, Secretary Cathy Kraemer, President Michael Kraemer, Father Paul Hudson, pin recipient Daniel Svrcek, his wife Judy, and State Director and Society Treasurer Robert Nors. Congratulations, Daniel!!! State President Christopher L. Urban had the pleasure of presenting Honorary KJT State Director Marvin Marek with his 75-year membership pin at the Missouri City Society #133 Christmas party. Also pictured is Marvin’s wife of 55 years, Judy. When he was three-years-old, Marvin was enrolled by his father in the KJT. At first he was a member of Shiner Society #20 in 1940 and subsequently transferred to Society #79 in Hungerford in 1946, New Taiton Society #36 in 1953 and in 1987 to Holy Family Society #133 in Missouri City which he organized that year. Congratulations Marvin! Page 8 Catholic Union Of Texas News KJT STATE CHARITIES PROGRAM Society #40 Donates To Charities St. Wenceslaus Society #40 of East Bernard presented a check to State Treasurer-Secretary Kevin Kana. The check is for the Religious Retirement Fund, Seminarian’s Fund and Camp for All. At the presentation were (left to right) Secretary Mark Dujka, Vice President Sandy Logan, State Treasurer-Secretary Kevin Kana, President Edwin C. Marik and Treasurer Dennis Viktorin. Hungerford Gives To Fund Hungerford Society #79 Secretary/Treasurer Charles Orsak and Vice President Frank Miculka Jr. present State Director Margaret Holik $500 for the Religious Retirement Fund. Nada Donates $1,375 To Charities Society #63 Donates To Charity Smithville Society #63 presents a check for the Religious Retirement Fund which is its charitable donation for 2015. Funds were raised by two garage sales held in Smithville and Austin. Much thanks for the work of members, especially Beno and Jane Hellinger and family. At the presentation were (left to right) Treasurer Nancy Janecek, Vice President Daniel Drab, Secretary Frank Bohuslav, President William Psencik and State Vice President David Wagner. Nada Society #34 held a Harvest Season Dinner Fundraiser in July to benefit the KJT State Charities. President Don Naiser presented a check for $1,375 to State Director Margaret Holik at the December meeting which will benefit the Diocese of Victoria’s Seminarian Education Fund and Religious Retirement Fund. Also pictured are (left to right) Vice President Sean Korenek, Chaplain Rev. Joseph Vrana and Treasurer Kelly Korenek. CZECH HERITAGE TOURS Presents Our 2016 European Tours! ! T June 12-25, OU 2016 D Italy, Vatican City, Switzerland, Austria & Czech Republic OL S September 26-October 10, 2016 Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Italy, France & Spain Featuring 6–day ground tour & 7-day Mediterranean Cruise Round trip from DFW International Airport For more information, please visit www.czechheritagetours.com Contact Steavy Jakubik or Renee Valek [email protected] or 972.878.2929 219 W. Ennis Avenue Ennis, Texas 75119 Society #134 Presents Check For Fund St. William’s Society #134 of Round Rock presented State President Christopher L. Urban a check for the Religious Retirement Fund at the Saturday, December 12, 2015 meeting. At the presentation were (left to right) Vice President Leon Barton, State President Christopher L. Urban; Treasurer Janie Zbranek, President Tina Risinger, and Secretary Margie Thompson. Encourage Youth to Participate at the Local, District & State Level. They Are the Future of This Great Fraternal Family! January 2016 Victor Peter Memorial Scholarship The Victor Peter Memorial Scholarship is a $500 scholarship granted by the Czech Heritage Society of Texas to a graduating Texas high school senior. The applicant must submit the following: 1. A copy of his or her high school transcript. 2. Two letters of recommendation. One should be from a high school teacher attesting to the student’s academic promise. The other should be from an adult attesting to the student’s interest in Czech culture. 3. A 200-word autobiography (Times New Roman font, 14 point, one inch margins on a separate sheet of paper.) 4. A 100-word statement explaining what he or she plans to study in college or university, and what he or she plans to do in terms of a career. Include the name of the college or university you plan to attend. (Times New Roman font, 14 point, one inch margins on a separate sheet of paper) 5. A list briefly explaining up to ten ways in which he or she has had contact with Czech culture or The Czech Heritage Society of Texas organization. The list should be in order of importance, with the first item as the most important. Even seemingly small things may be included, such as learning how to make kolaches or visiting Czech festivals. (Times New Roman font, 14 point, one inch margins on a separate sheet of paper. A line should be skipped between each numbered item in the list.) 6. An original 300-word essay. Topic may be either: A Family Member Who Represents Czech Heritage or A Family Member Who Contributed to the Czech Heritage in the United States. (Times New Roman font, 14 point, one inch margins on a separate sheet of paper.) 7. A cover sheet including the student’s name, address, phone number, and high school’s name, address and phone number. All items must be submitted together in one envelope postmarked no later than February 28, 2016, and sent to: The Czech Heritage Society of Texas Victor Peter Memorial Scholarship Pat Parma 3311 Carolina Way Richmond, Texas 77406-9680 January 2016 Catholic Union Of Texas News Page 9 KJT GRANT PROGRAM Corpus Christi #72 presented two checks to Father Tomasz at St. Thomas More Church. Shown presenting the checks were (left to right) Society President Rosalie Bohuslav and Vice President Rosalie Williams. A check for $1,471 was presented from the annual Bake Sale and Matching Grant and $200 for the Missionaries of the Poor/Kenya School Project. Father Tomasz was very grateful of the society’s donations. Corpus Christi Society #72 sponsored their Annual Matching Grant Bake Sale at St. Thomas More Catholic Church on Saturday and Sunday, December 5 and 6, 2015 after all Masses. The KJT members and St. Thomas More Catholic Church parishioners both donated baked items which made for a successful bake sale. Shown are (left to right) Treasurer Kara Johnson, junior member Kyla Johnson, President Rosalie Bohuslav, junior members Alana and Kendall Williams, Vice President Rosalie Williams, State Director Ellen Zdansky and Charles Zdansky. St. Sylvester Society #119 of La Marque presented Martha Cantu a check for the Religious Education grant for the Queen of Peace CCE program in La Marque. At the presentation were (left to right) Society Sales Representative W.K. Leonard, Society President Mike Reznicek, CCE Coordinator Martha Cantu, Society Vice President Mandy Reznicek and Society Secretary/Treasurer Melba Reznicek. St. Sylvester Society #119 of La Marque presented the Matching Grant check to the Gulf Coast Sentinels. At the presentation were (left to right) Society Sales Representative W.K. Leonard, Society President Mike Reznicek, Gulf Coast Sentinel Director Debi Ray, Gulf Coast Sentinel Chairman, Board of Director John “Spike” Garcia, Society Vice President Mandy Reznicek and Society Secretary/Treasurer Melba Reznicek. Let's All Welcome Laine Elle Measom To The KJT Family L aine Elle Measom daughter of Marianna and Russell Measom of Victoria, is the newest member of St. Augustine Society #129 of Schulenburg after being signed up by her aunt Stephanie Prihoda, Society #129 sales representative, in December 2015. Laine is the granddaughter of proud grandparents Raleigh and Debbie Measom of Waelder and James and Carolyn Prihoda of High Hill. Welcome to our great fraternal family! Adjust Your Lights . . . Lighting accounts for about 12 percent of the annual energy bill for a household! 50-Year Membership December 2015 Society #35, Ennis Nicklas Wayne Dixon Society #40, East Bernard Brittany Carole Hajovsky Jerry Fred Hajovsky Kole Matthew Kubicek Society #139 of Bay City held a holiday baked goods sale during the weekend of Saturday-Sunday, November 21-22, 2015 after the Masses at Holy Cross Catholic Church. A total of $355 was raised during the sale. The society applied for a matching grant and was awarded a check for $300 from the KJT Home Office. A check was presented to Holy Cross Catholic School for a total of $655. At the presentation of the check on Friday, January 8, were (left to right) Society Sales Representative Dan Stavena, Society President Larry Browning, Holy Cross Principal Inez Kucera, Society Secretary/Treasurer Vince Nemec and Society Vice President James Engbrock. Not present at the time of the presentation was Society Chaplain Msgr. Casimir Jarzombek. The donation will be used to upgrade the school’s technology program. La Grange Society #46 Treasurer Gailynne Zapalac (left) and Secretary Linda Templin (right) present Debbie Green, Sacred Heart Catholic Church DRE (center) with the Society #46 Ticket Sales donation and the KJT Home Office Matching Grant Bake Sale Funds donation to the SHOCK group held in conjunction with the Society’s Fajita Dinner Fundraiser. Debbie also accepted donations to the Sacred Heart Church and to the CCD Teacher’s Program. Society #72, Corpus Christi Bartholomew Odilo Bohuslav Tyler Lee Collette Jennifer Ashley Janosek Society #100, Caldwell Everard Micha Perry Society #122, Freeport John Daniel Hundl III Page 10 Catholic Union Of Texas 12th Annual Fraternal Alliance of Texas Bowling Tournament Saturday l February 13, 2016 News MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Celebrate 50th Anniversary H Come out and bowl! It’s always a fun afternoon when fraternalists get together for fun and games! Please make sure that your registration materials are received by Friday, January 29, 2016 l Entry Fee Per Person is $10 Entry fees will pay for bowling and awards. Fiesta Lanes (Behind HEB off of I-35) 1202 Huisache Avenue New Braunfels, Texas Please see back of this flyer for complete tournament guidelines and entry form. Entry Form Name__________________________Male___Female___ Lodge________________________ Address__________________________Bowling for (Fraternal)_________________________ Name__________________________Male___Female___ Lodge________________________ appy 50th wedding anniversary to James and Jerryline Holacka. Mrs. Holacka is the former Jerryline Gajdosik. They were married at St. Mary’s Church of the Assumption in West on October 30, 1965 by Father Jerry Smith. They celebrated their anniversary with family and friends with a reception and dinner at St. Martin’s Parish Hall, Tours. Music was provided for everyone’s listening and dancing pleasure by the Jerry Haisler Band. James is retired from Parkland Hospital and Jerryline is employed by Dallas Metrocare Services, formerly Dallas County Mental Health and Mental Retardation. They reside in Dallas. Special guest was Evelyn Gajdosik, mother of Jerryline. The late Jerry Gajdosik and Jim and Regina Holacka of West are parents of James and Jerryline. The anniversary celebrants are members of Society #111 in Dallas. Congratulations on 50 years! JERRYLINE AND JAMES HOLACKA Address__________________________Bowling for (Fraternal)_________________________ Tournament Guidelines Name__________________________Male___Female___ Lodge________________________ Address__________________________Bowling for (Fraternal)_________________________ Name__________________________Male___Female___ Lodge________________________ Address__________________________Bowling for (Fraternal)_________________________ 1. One must be a member, at least 16 years of age, in good standing of one of the fraternal or ganizations participating in the Fraternal Alliance of Texas. Challenge is open to bowlers and non-bowlers. 2. Teams will consist of five members-any combination of men and women. Although teams are encouraged, individual entries will be accepted. You do not have to have a full team to enter the tournament. Lodges are encouraged to enter multiple teams. 3. Winning organization will be determined by pin fall. The total pin fall for each organization will be divided by the total number of participants for that organization to determine an average for the three games bowled. The organization with the highest average will be declared the winner. 4. Each participant must bowl three games. 5. If a participant is a member of more than one fraternal society, he/she must decide which organization that he/she is bowling for before bowling. 6. Awards will be presented to the top three males and top three females for high series and high game. 7. Cost will be $10 per person, or $100 for a team of five bowlers. 8. Registration is from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. with the tournament beginning at 12 noon. 9. Walk-in will be accepted from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. on the day of the tournament, provided lanes are available. Name__________________________Male___Female___ Lodge________________________ Address__________________________Bowling for (Fraternal)_________________________ Name__________________________Male___Female___ Lodge________________________ Address__________________________Bowling for (Fraternal)_________________________ Name__________________________Male___Female___ Lodge________________________ Address__________________________Bowling for (Fraternal)_________________________ Name__________________________Male___Female___ Lodge________________________ Address__________________________Bowling for (Fraternal)_________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mail entry form and $10 entry fee per bowler to: FAOT Bowling Tournament c/o Frank Horak PO Box 100 Temple, Texas 76503 Deadline is January 29, 2016. Make checks payable to Fraternal Alliance of Texas (FAOT) January 2016 10. Teams will be assigned lanes at check-in table on the day of the tournament. 11. Any questions about the tournament should be directed to Tournament Coordinator Frank Horak (254) 534-0681 or email: [email protected] Entry Form on next page: January 2016 Catholic Union Of Texas News Page 11 HE WILL BE MISSED . . . Charlie J. Tomek We pay tribute to the passing of yet another of the “Greatest Generation”. On Thursday, December 17, 2015, Charlie J. Tomek of Cameron passed from this world to the next. “Charlie”, as he was known to all, was born October 14, 1920, in the community of Elm Ridge to parents Frank Tomek and Annie Chernosky. He spent six years in the Army where he saw combat throughout France (D-day +1), Belgium, Germany and Czechoslovakia. Except for his time in the Army and 25 years in Killeen, a part of his 37 years in civil service at Ft. Hood, Charlie lived in Cameron with his wife Cornelia of 55 years (d. 2002). Because he spoke fluent Czech, at the conclusion of World War II, Charlie stayed behind in Pilsen, Czechoslovakia to run the brewery and restart the local economy. Charlie told the story that the Pilsen townspeople had hidden the best beer from the Germans, but brought it out for the Americans. Pilsen was the only town in Czechoslovakia liberated by the Americans and, to this day, the Americans are beloved by the people of the area because of GI’s like Charlie. In 2011, Charlie was one of six U.S. WW II veterans awarded the Czech Republic’s Minister of Defense’s highest decoration, the Cross of Merit, first class. Charlie also retired from Circle-K where he was the longest tenured part-time employee in the company’s history. Charlie was a member of the VFW and was the last surviving WW II veteran of Post 2010 in Cameron, where he volunteered at bingo until age 93. He was also a member of the KJT, RVOS and St. Monica’s Catholic Church since moving to Cameron in 1972. Charlie is survived by his two daughters, Colleen Provasek and husband Ernie of Livingston and Judy Pilotte and husband David of Plano. Grandchildren include Susan Lewis and great-grandson Brandon of Splendora, and Ja re d Pro va s e k a n d wif e Kayla stationed with the U.S. Navy at Bangor Naval Base in Bremerton, Washington. Additional family members include brother Clem Tomek of Elm Ridge, sister Rosa Leonard of Texas City, and many nieces and nephews. Charlie never had a cross word for anyone, and was loved by all who knew him. Charlie J. Tomek 2016 Czech Summer Study Program June 28 to July18, 2016 Depart US: June 27, 2016 Praha, Ceská Republika Housing: Group participants will be housed in dorms of the Agricultural School at Suchdol with double occupancy rooms sharing a bath. Single rooms are available at an extra charge. The dorm is situated in the northwestern part of Praha, linked to downtown by bus and subway. Food Service: Three meals a day will be served featuring authentic Czech cuisine. Czech Language Instruction: Class size will be depend on enrollment. Your level: Beginning, or intermediate will be evaluated informally for placement into the proper class. The class will meet five days a week for four hours before lunch and once a week for two hours of conversation after lunch. The classes are non-credit courses. Instructors: Professors will be from the Filozfická Fakulata of Charles University and a linguistic institute in Praha. For detailed information, please contact Thadious Polášek: email: [email protected] Call cell: 979.561.7571 Page 12 Catholic Union Of Texas News January 2016 SOCIETY HAPPENINGS JOHN DUJKA Those attending the Society #141 party were (left to right) Gary and Daphne Gentz, guests Bob and Anna Kukla, Rhiana Close, Elizabeth and Clarence Meyer, Bernice and Pat Ermis, Pat and Larry Gregoire, Jeannie and Thomas Arellano, Monica and Albert Rychlik, Virginia and Dan Berto, Jeanette and Rick Nemec, and Victor Mokrey. Seated on Santa’s left knee was Barbara Mokrey and on his right knee Lillian Naizer. Monsignor Louis Pavlicek shown with Santa at the Georgetown Society #141 Christmas party. New Society #141 officers for 2016 are (left to right) Rick and Jeanette Nemec, Gary Gentz, Dan Berto and Msgr. Louis Wozniak, Chaplain #141, GEORGETOWN By Bernice Ermis Georgetown Society #141 held its annual Christmas party on Friday, December 4 at the SRAC. They invited Dean Higginbotham, an employee from the Sheriff’s Department who plays “Santa” for several organizations in town. He turned out to be an excellent one and they will call on him again. The group prepared a delicious meal with plenty of desserts for all. Msgr. Louis Wozniak said the blessing and everyone said the Pledge of Allegiance. After the meal, President Pat Ermis started the meeting with Msgr. Louis Pavlicek saying the opening prayer. President Ermis had asked Dan Berto at the last meeting to get together a committee to select nominations for the new year. The nominees were Gary Gentz as president, Rick Nemec as vice president, Jeanette Nemec as secretary and Dan Berto as treasurer. There were not any other nominations from the floor so they were elected by acclamation. Ermis turned the meeting over to Gary, and he announced that they would have their first meeting in January. The date will be decided later. Several of the members have had surgeries and one will be having a procedure done so the group prayed for all of them. After the meeting they drew for door prizes. Seven people won a poinsettia. There were nine children there to visit with Santa. The boys got a ball with lights inside and the girls got Christmas socks. . Youth pictured with Santa at the Georgetown Society #141 Christmas party. Monsignor Louis Wozniak with Santa at the Society #141 Christmas party. Hostyn Society #3 presented a donation to the La Grange Volunteer Fire Department. Available for the presentation were (left to right) Treasurer Brenda Fietsam, Fire Chief Frank Menefee, Secretary Joyce Muras and President Benedict Kallus. Treat Your Sweetheart For Valentine's! E njoy a formal evening at the Valentines Dinner and Piano Concert sponsored by the Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center in La Grange on Saturday, February 13. The evening will begin at 4 p.m. with a social which will include appetizers and featured wines and Czech mead from local Texas wineries. Dinner will be at 6 p.m. in the Hanslik Banquet Hall. A delicious four course meal and desserts will be served to your table as you dine with friends. The highlight of the evening will follow with the Grand Piano Concert featuring well known pianist John Dujka. Pianist John Dujka will be presenting a varied program of classical and Czech favorites. A well-known entertainer and musician throughout Texas and nationally, John Dujka earned his Bachelor and Master of Music degrees in Music Performance at the University of Houston Moores School of Music where he studied with Albert Hirsh, Ruth Tomfohrde and Abbey Simon. A member of the Blinn College, Brenham, faculty since 1990, Dujka is an active recitalist and collaborative pianist and also maintains a private piano studio in Brenham. Advance ticket reservations only by Monday, February 8. Tickets are $75 per person and includes all drinks, appetizers, dinner, concert and roses for attendees. For more information or to reserve your tickets, contact the TCHCC at (888) 785- 4500 or email [email protected]. Mail to TCHCC, P.O. Box 6, La Grange, Texas 78945 and include the names of those attending. January 2016 Catholic Union Of Texas News Page 13 SOCIETY HAPPENINGS Corpus Christi Society #72 Vice President Rosalie Williams (center) is shown presenting the $10 Society Bonus Incentive Award for bringing in a new member to Society President Rosalie Bohuslav (left) and State Director Ellen Zdansky (right). Home Office Hours To better serve our membership, the KJT Home Office is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Fridays. Corpus Christi Society #72 Vice President Rosalie Williams is shown with junior members at the society meeting on Sunday, December 6, 2015 holding their $10 society Christmas gift. Lots of smiles! IN MEMORIAM OF OUR DECEASED MEMBERS The members of the Catholic Union of Texas, the KJT, wish to express their sincere and heartfelt sympathy to the families and friends of the departed members who are listed below. May their souls rest in peace. November 2015 Corpus Christi Society #72 Treasurer Kara Johnson is shown helping junior members decorate Christmas cookies at the meeting on Sunday, December 6, 2015. Not all the icing went on the cookies – oh, what fun they had! State Director Ellen Zdansky is shown addressing members at the Corpus Christi Society #72 meeting on Sunday, December 6, 2015. The meeting was followed by bingo, fellowship, a wonderful meal and desserts. Corpus Christi Society #72 Chaplain Father Tomasz was presented with a monetary Christmas gift at the society meeting on Sunday, December 6, 2015. Father acknowledged the gift which he appreciated and gave a short informative talk to the members. Shown at the presentation were (left to right) Secretary Connie Williams, President Rosalie Bohuslav, Father Tomasz, State Director Ellen Zdansky and Vice President Rosalie Williams. Society #114, Temple Billy T. Goonan Date of Death: 08/26/2015 Age 84 Society #49, Needville Florine M. Kulcak Date of Death: 10/12/2015 Age 86 Society #35, Ennis Jeffrey M. Estein Date of Death: 07/19/2015 Age 39 Society #39, Marak Cyril Vaculin Date of Death: 09/17/2015 Age 90 Society #14, Bryan Waldemar C. Sosolik Date of Death: 09/18/2015 Age 97 Associate Member Society #134, Round Rock York Clamann Date of Death: 11/11/2015 Age 73 December 2015 Society #50, Penelope Eugene E. Knapek 11/09/2015 Age 63 Society #20, Shiner Daniel S. Pokluda Date of Death: 10/10/2015 Age 74 Society #40, East Bernard Theodore Keprta Date of Death: 11/01/2015 Age 85 Society #15, Smothers Creek Marcus Janak Date of Death: 10/28/2015 Age 77 Society #111, Dallas Johnny S. Divin Date of Death: 11/08/2015 Age 79 Society #114, Temple Larry M. Schlesinger Date of Death: 03/07/2015 Age 66 Society #15, Smothers Creek Leon Opela Date of Death: 08/20/2015 Age 91 Society #87, Jourdanton Albert E. Marek Date of Death: 11/19/2015 Age 82 Society #3, Hostyn Robert E. Pesl Date of Death: 12/19/2015 Age 77 Society #79, Hungerford Laddie A. Svatek Date of Death: 11/10/2015 Age 75 Society #80, Sealy John W. Konarik Date of Death: 09/27/2015 Age 92 Associate Members Society #16, Wallis Albina Tobola Date of Death: 10/14/2014 Age 101 Society #14, Bryan Willie J. Luza Date of Death: 07/20/2015 Age 62 Society #35, Ennis Daniel E. Kubin Date of Death: 12/05/2015 Age 64 Society #119, La Marque Isidoro Trevino Date of Death: 11/26/2015 Age 66 Society #119, La Marque Evelyn Mayes Date of Death: 04/27/2015 Age 84 Page 14 Catholic Union Of Texas News January 2016 SOCIETY HAPPENINGS #46, LA GRANGE By Shirley Antosh St. Ignatius Society #46 of La Grange started its year off with its annual youth hot dog and ice cream party for SHOCK (Sacred Heart Organization of Catholic Kids) at the Msgr. Harry Mazurkiewicz Center on Wednesday, May 6, 2015. Society #46 officers Gary Antosh and Linda Templin served approximately 125 children a grilled hot dog meal with all the trimmings which was topped off with ice cream for dessert. The annual chicken fajita dinner fundraiser benefitting Society #46 high school scholarships was held on Wednesday, October 21, 2015, at the Msgr. Harry Mazurkiewicz Center. Prep and BBQ crew consisted of J.K. Brandt, Mike Wagner, Richard Stolle, Lawrence Urban, Paula Urban, Paulette Urban and Gary Antosh, and from the KJT Home Office, State President Christopher L. Urban, State Vice President David M. Wagner and Fraternal Activity Manager Mike Reznicek. Filling 50-Year Membership plates and assisting with the drive-thru line were Shirley and Gary Antosh, Susan Kaspar, Doris and Lambert Lidiak, Linda and Donald Templin, Linda Wagner, Susan Wall and Gailynne Zapalac. 668 plates were sold. Society #46 joined hands with the Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center on Saturday, October 16, 2015 at their Annual Heritage Festival and Muziky held in La Grange. The KJT Home Office sponsored a kiddie-train with Society #46 driving the kids train and manning a booth. Helping with the event were Gary Antosh, Jessica and Michelle Recek, Katherine and Becky Leer, State Vice President David M. Wagner, State President Christopher L., Kelly and Laney Urban. Society #46 participated in the annual Veteran’s Day program and celebration at Sacred Heart Catholic School in La Grange. 200 U.S. flags were handed out by Michael Chovanec and State Vice President David M. Wagner to students, parents and veterans attending the celebration. The society closed the year with their annual Christmas Social and Meeting held on Saturday, December 5, 2015 at the Msgr. Harry Mazurkiewicz Center. First, Mass was celebrated at Sacred Heart Church, followed by bingo, a catered meal of Chicken Breast Supreme and all the trimmings followed by a business meeting. Officers elected were Interim President Gary Antosh, Treasurer Gailynne Zapalac and Secretary Linda Templin. Santa left $5 for each child attending. Approximately 53 members and guests attended. #119, LA MARQUE By Melba Reznicek Society #76, Dime Box Edward A. Muzny Society #112, Austin Thomas F. Zvonek La Marque Society #119 brought 2015 to a close with their annual KJT/KJZT Christmas party at Queen of Peace Life center on Sunday, December 13 with Santa to visit with all the children. The society had a very good turn out with lots of food and everyone enjoyed visiting with one another. There was a drawing for door prizes, raffled off a Christmas sweater donated by Rosalie Leonard and drew the name for the Infant Jesus of Prague. The society has a statue of the Infant Jesus of Prague and the group traditionally draws a name each year allowing that person to take the statue home for the year. Before the end of the gathering, Society #119 presented the Religious Education Grant to Martha Cantu (Coordinator of Religious Education/Queen of Peace CCE). The society also had the pleasure of presenting its Matching Grant to the Gulf Coast Sentinels as well. Debi Ray (Director) and John “Spike” Garcia (Chairman, Board of Director) were in attendance to except the funds. It was such a privilege to work with them this year as the recipient of the matching grant. As the society brings 2015 to a close, it looks forwards to the new challenges of 2016. Society #79, Hungerford Donald G. Miculka Johnnie R. Svatek Society #114, Temple Leonard R. Vitek Did You Know? January 2016 Society #1, Praha Paul A. Jasek Society #9, Fayetteville John J. Becka Randall W. Canik Gilbert A. Gerik Jerome P. Gerik Edward Joseph Sula Jr. Society #20, Shiner James D. Sofka George E. Technik Jr. Society #35, Ennis Wesley E. Parma Jr. Society #43, Wied Michael A. Gerlich Timothy J. Janak Society #46, La Grange Gregory W. Kaspar Society #49, Needville Daniel R. Rainosek Society #56, Houston Larry W. Tobias Society #72, Corpus Christi George Matula Jr. Louis J. Zarsky Rev. Brion C. Zarsky Society #581, Poth James A. Kroll Allan J. Wiatrek Benedict J. Wiatrek Harvey T. Wiatrek Society #82, Eastgate Alan Kulak Society #84, El Campo Steven L. Biskup Don G. Merta Society #96, Sinton Ronnie C. Peters La Grange Society #46 members joined hands with the Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center on October 16, 2015 at the Annual Heritage Festival and Muziky. -- Photo by Gary E. McKee/polkabeat.com Society #101, Danbury Eugne R. Bartosh Jr. Clarence S. Kucera John H. Olsovsky Edward S. Pavlik Jr. Russel G. Polasek Mark J. Prihoda Society #102, San Antonio Thomas E. Cole Jr. Thomas E. Cole Joseph Allen Kutach La Grange Society #46 members are shown enjoying bingo at their annual Christmas Social and Meeting held on December 5, 2015. Society #107, Abbott Richard T. Nors Society #109, Hillsboro Kenneth B. Peterson Milton N. Peterson Society #111, Dallas Philip J. McGann Michael Zmolik Society #115, Victoria Kevin P. Storm Society #139, Bay City Jeffrey P. Biskup La Grange Society #46 members are shown filling plates for the Annual Chicken Fajita Dinner Fundraiser held on October 21, 2015. Brown rice and whole-grain pastas give you more than 3 times the fiber and many more nutrients than their white counterparts. January 2016 Catholic Union Of Texas News Page 15 SOCIETY HAPPENINGS #112, AUSTIN By Sarah Vitek The meeting of St. Stephen’s Society #112 of Austin was held on Wednesday, December 9, 2015, at Sacred Heart Church. President Kenneth Klanika opened the meeting with a prayer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. The joint Christmas party was held at St. Louis Wozniak Hall on Saturday, December 5, 2015. Pastor James Misko, along with St. Nicholas, made an appearance. They asked the children to come up and they all discussed the meaning of the Christmas season and each was given a bag of gold coins. Later they were each treated to a bag of goodies. It was also discussed that the society needs to get some new people to help with the committee in planning and working at this annual event. It was a great success with good food, fellowship and music. A Mass for all deceased members of the society was held on Sunday, November 1, 2015, at St. Albert the Great Church. It was well attended and then the members met at Pok-e Jo’s for lunch. The society was asked to participate at the church Hostyn Society #3 presented a donation to the Fayette County Deputy Santa Program. This program enables underprivileged children across the county to experience the true meaning of Christmas. Available for the presentation were (left to right) Chief Deputy Randy Noviske, Treasurer Brenda Fietsam, Sheriff Keith Korenek, Secretary Joyce Muras and President Benedict Kallus. Ethnic Festival. The Policy and Procedures Handbook was revised and it was voted on, adopting the necessary changes. The society will make the usual donation to Sacred Heart Church for the use of the facilities for the year. The CROP Hunger Walk is requesting sponsorship. St. Stephen’s Society #112 has been an active participant in this charitable cause for many years. It was voted on to again make a donation and get the exposure in the handout given to the walkers. The walk will be on Sunday, February 28 at Camp Mabry. President Klanika appointed an Audit Committee consisting of Sarah Vitek, Eileen Rosipal and Bernard Tupa. They will give their report at the February meeting. The Nominating Committee, consisting of Chairperson Darlene Chapa, Jennifer Klanika and Bernard Tupa, presented the slate of officers. The current Vice President Anne Hyzak, Secretary Shirley Macik, Treasurer Nick Macik and Reporter Sarah Vitek were willing to serve another year. Since no one wished to take the presidency, Ted Vitek stepped up to serve as Interim President. Rev. Matt Iwuji will continue to serve as the Society Chaplain. Thanks to everyone for a job 25-Year Membership January 2016 Society #3, Hostyn Theresa A. Muras Society #13, Yoakum Rev. Michael Petering Hostyn Society #3 presented a $1,000 donation to the Scholarship Breakfast Fund of the Queen of the Holy Rosary and Sts. Peter and Paul parishes. Parishioners have come together and formed committees to help raise funds to benefit the students from both parishes as they continue their education after high school. Members from the Hostyn KJT wanted to show their support to the investment of these young adults’ futures by contributing to the efforts made by the committees. The presentation was made at the monthly scholarship breakfast held in December at the Hostyn Parish Hall. Receiving the check was Doug Janda along with members from the scholarship breakfast committee preparing the breakfast. Making the presentation from Hostyn KJT Society #3 were President Benedict Kallus along with Vice President Patrick Janda, Secretary Joyce Muras and Treasurer Brenda Fietsam. Society #29, Frydek Irene A. Blazek Bea Chalupa Mildred Ondruch Society #35, Ennis Dustin Ray Mach Society #40, East Bernard Christopher John Vacek Society #56, Houston Tyler Wayne Gibson Luke Anthony Vacek well done in the past and for stepping up to again serve the membership. Donations to the officers and chaplain were approved. The society raffle drawing benefiting the Statewide Charities Project was held. The winners were: $250 Visa Gift Card – Aaron Macik $150 Visa Gift Card – Martin and Tessy Dorantes $100 Wal-Mart Gift Card – Mary Motloch $50 Target Gift Card – Ken Kuhr $50 HEB Gift Card – Rebecca Adams Congratulations to all of the winners and thanks to their generosity, the society is able to make a substantial donation to this very worthwhile cause. The meeting adjourned with a closing prayer. Glenn Vitek was the winner of the society drawing. The delicious chicken spaghetti meal and sides were furnished by the officers and members. 25-Year Membership December 2015 Society #13, Yoakum Victor E. Chumchal Society #16, Wallis Dennis J. Vykukal Society #27, Taylor Edward J. Steffek Society #28, Granger Franklin J. Bohac Jonathan T. Knapek Society #31, West Benjamin L. Doskocil Jr. Allan W. Kubacak Anthony G. Kubacak James F. Kubacak Society #35, West Robert L. Blazek Joseph D. Doskocil Jr. Phillip E. Doskocil Stephen Paul Doskocil James A. Galetka Ernest R. Gerich Timothy C. Harper Kenny D. Novak Society #39, Marak Bruce G. Tepera Society #40, East Bernard Richard D. Ballou Stephen A. Macha Society #43, Wied Christopher Janak Gary S. Doskocil Gregory L. Doskocil Lawrence E. Doskocil Jimmie J. Hanzelka Jr. Steven T. Hanzelka Theodore E. Hanzelka Frank J. Jezek Keith B. Kalina Rodney G. Kalina John D. Kubala Society #56, Houston Rodney L. Faldyn Society #72, Corpus Christi Stephen R. Watkins Society #84, El Campo Bradley C. Baker Society #90, Rosenberg Frances R. Havelka James H. Havelka Society #92, Damon Timothy G. Buchta Society #101, Danbury John J. Vrazel Society #102, San Antonio Edward C. Aniol Lester W. Johns Sr. Society #107, Abbott Edward J. Muehlstein III Jeffrey D. Muehlstein Society #46, La Grange David A. Matula Society #109, Hillsboro Patrick R. Doskocil Ramon A. Doskocil Society #48, Hillje Eugene L. R. Socha Society #111, Dallas Thomas L. Brown Society #54, Fort Worth David L. Doskocil Society #120, Beaumont John E. Sudela Page 16 Catholic Union Of Texas News January 2016 SOCIETY HAPPENINGS #31, WEST By Georgie Nors Santa Claus with Imrich Beebe and his father, Society #35 President Jean Paul Beebe. Incoming Society #35 officers are (left to right) Vice President Ashley Holland, President Joe Block and Secretary Joe Landsfeld. #35, ENNIS By Cy Svrcek Adolph Honza was presented his 50-year membership pin by Society President Jean Paul Beebe. St. Joseph Society #35 of Ennis held its final meeting for 2015 on Sunday, December 6, 2015 in the meeting room of the KJT Hall. The meeting was opened by President Jean Paul Beebe. Secretary Joe Landsfeld led the prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. Approximately 30 members were in attendance. Danny Zapletal presented the 2016 officer nominations. At this time Jean Paul Beebe announced that he would not seek re-election. He has served as vice president five years and as president for five years. Members thanked him for his service by a round of applause. The following were nominated and elected by acclamation – President Joe Block, Vice President Ashley Holland and Secretary Joe Landsfeld. Various committees were appointed for 2016. Josephine Hickman was thanked for her 14 years of service on the Get Well and Grief Committee. Members of the E-Board were also elected. The social membership was raised to $20 per year. The annual Christmas party and meal followed the meeting. All the children met with Santa Claus and were presented with gifts from the North Pole. Outgoing Society #35 officers are (left to right) Jean Paul Beebe, Joe Block and Joe Landsfeld. Attending the Victoria Society #115 meeting held on Sunday, November 22, 2015, were (left to right) President Lawrence Yanta, State Director Margaret Holik and Charles Holik. #115, VICTORIA By Barbara Yanta Children are shown visiting with Santa Claus at Society #35’s annual Christmas party. Victoria Society #115 met at Holy Family Catholic Church in Victoria on Sunday, November 22, 2015. The business meeting was held with Lawrence Yanta leading the opening prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. Treasurer Joseph Pustka gave the treasurer’s report and asked for a report from Donald Dusek about the outcome of the local Czech Fest. It was reported by Robert Stryk that the society had the most pastries and volunteers to work at the event. The funds raised will pay local expenses and donations were made to various organizations. State Director Margaret Holik attended the meeting with special guest Charles Holik The joint Christmas party with KJZT #101 was held on Sunday, December 6, 2015 at Our Lady of Victory Cafeteria. West Society #31 held a meeting after the 7:30 a.m. Mass. Vice President Sherry Pavlas opened the meeting with a prayer and led the Pledge of Allegiance. Attendance prize winners were Bill Veselka and Cody Kraemer. Treasurer Robert Nors reported that it was decided earlier in the year to buy another fish fryer, and also with the Christmas Party coming up, expenses would be adding up. At the last meeting in October, it was decided to table a decision on contributing to the St. Mary’s School “Bridging the Gap” fundraiser. After some discussion, it was decided to make a one-time donation of $100. Vice President Pavlas noted that the Christmas Meeting and Party would be held on Sunday, December 13 at Tours Hall starting at 2 p.m. with a regular meeting. Help would be needed that morning with the frying of the turkeys at the Kraemer’s home. Treasurer Nors stated that Michael Kraemer and Louis Pavlas had talked about frying on Saturday instead. Since neither was present, it was decided to let people know for sure of the date. Members were reminded to bring either a dessert or salad and a raffle prize for adults or youths. Most of the preparation of the dressing would be done the day before. George Meurer asked about getting additional door prizes like last year for the meeting. He would ask President Michael Kraemer to get with him about this. Vice President Pavlas stated in the past she had gotten a poinsettia as one of the prizes. Treasurer Nors stated that he was able to secure Santa Claus to be at the meeting. He has also ordered the apples and oranges from the FFA and asked the KJZT to provide the bags and candy. He talked with the KJZT members about helping and bagging the candy and fruit. Vice President Pavlas noted that the society would have a ceremony for the deceased members, and will recognize any 25, 50 and 75-year (Continued on page 17) January 2016 Catholic Union Of Texas News Page 17 Youth Activity Corner October 2015 Who Am I? Contest Winners Brock A Lincks, Age 10, Society #35, Ennis Heath Emmert, Age 12, Society #60, Tours Joseph Holy, Age 12, Society #31, West (Continued on from 16) membership pin recipients. The society would have the election of officers at the December meeting. At the October meeting, President Kraemer appointed a nominating committee and they will present the slate of officers at the December meeting. Cathy Kraemer reported that the Pumpkin Carving event scheduled for Sunday, October 25 was cancelled due to the weather and a burst water pipe. The vice president stated that she had sent get well cards to Charlie Holy, Sandy Kidwell, Cathy Smith, Newt Smith and Michael Kraemer. She asked if there was anyone else to let her know. Ernest Bezdek presented new member David Cunningham, husband of long-time member Nancy Cunningham. Raffle prize winners were Marvin Cepak and Ernest Bezdek. Cathy Kraemer led the closing prayer. Who Am I? II was the son of wealthy parents, who renounced the idea of marriage and devoted myself even from my youth to all kinds of good works, and especially to care for the poor. When I became Bishop of Bourges, France in 624, I fought for the rights of my people against King Dagobert's minister, Lullo. I am known for my austerities and holiness, and I converted all the inhabitants of Bourges to Christianity with my holiness and charity. I resigned my bishopric late in life to devote myself to the poor. A very seminary in Paris is named after me. My feast day is January 17. Who am I?aint of the Catholic press and Germany. My feast day is December 21. Who am I? November/December 2015 Who Am I? Answer: Saint Peter Canisius Answer the question correctly and three winners ages 9-12 will be eligible for a drawing of a $5 cash prize. Entrants must be KJT members. Send in form below by FEBRUARY 13 to the KJT Home Office, P.O. Box 297, La Grange, Texas 78945. Who Am I? Answer: _________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________________________ Age: ______ Address: _____________________________ City: ___________________ Zip: _________ Phone: _____________________________________ Society # ______________________ Page 18 Catholic Union Of Texas News January 2016 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2016 JAN ANNUAL SOCIETY REPORT DUE Sunday, January 31. 2016 FEB GROUNDHOG DAY Tuesday, February 2. DANCE AND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT, ENNIS Friday, February 5, 7:30-11 p.m., KJT Hall, 1216 South Paris St., Ennis. Musical entertainment by Alex Meixner featuring Grammy-nominated Hank Guzevich, Joe Tierney and Tom Haller. Admission $10. (888) 785-1500 or info@ czechtexas.org. SOCIETY #87, JOURDANTON Saturday-Sunday, February 13-14, bake sale before and after all weekend Masses. This is the society's Matching Grant program in which all proceeds will go toward the St. Matthew's CCD Program. VALENTINE'S DAY Sunday, February 14 12TH ANNUAL FRATERNAL ALLIANCE OF TEXAS BOWLING TOURNAMENT, NEW BRAUNFELS Saturday, February 13, Fiesta Lanes, 1202 Huisache Avenue (behind HEB off of I-35), New Braunfels, noon. Entry fee per person $10. Entry fees will pay for bowling and awards. Deadline is Friday, January 29. Entry form can be found on page 10 of this issue. TREAT YOUR SWEETHEART FOR VALENTINE'S, TEXAS CZECH HERITAGE AND CULTURAL CENTER, LA GRANGE Saturday, February 13, Hanslik Banquet Hall. Social at 4 p.m. Dinner served at 6 p.m. Concert begins at 7 p.m. Appetizers, drinks featuring local wines and a delicious four-course dinner will be served. Enjoy a concert performance by Pianist John Dujka. Donation of $75 per person. Advance tickets by Monday, February 8. Formal evening attire requested. Enjoy an evening you will never forget! For more information contact the bun and kolaches will be available. For more information, call 648-2681. SOCIETY #35, ENNIS Sunday, February 28, meeting, KJT Meeting Room, 1:30 p.m. SOCIETY #80, SEALY, SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION DEADLINE Tuesday, March 15. Go to www. sealykjt.org for an application. SOCIETY #112, AUSTIN Sunday, February 28, CROP Hunger Walk, Camp Mabry. ASH WEDNESDAY Wednesday, February 10. SOCIETY #112, AUSTIN Thursday, February 11, Sacred Heart Reception Room, 6:30 p.m. Note: Date changed due to Ash Wednesday. available for purchase prepared and served by the Knights of Columbus of St. Thomas More Catholic Church – Sausage, sauerkraut, potatoes, green beans and bread plate, chicken noodle soup, barbecue beef sandwich and refreshments. There will be a raffle, silent auction and of course, kolaches. For more informatiof contact Sam Morris at (361) 2159163 or Catherine Mokry at (361) 877-9932 or visit www. chssouthtexas.org. Czech fun, food and dancing!!! CZECH HERITAGE SOCIETY OF TEXAS VICTOR PETER MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION DEADLINE Sunday, February 28. PRESIDENT'S DAY Monday, February 15 CZECH EX-STUDENTS ASSOCIATION OF TEXAS ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Saturday, February 20, Blinn College, Schulenburg, 10 a.m. Members who have paid their dues will have the opportunity to be a part of this meeting via the internet. SOCIETY #3, HOSTYN Sunday, February 21, quarterly meeting, Hostyn Hall, 9:30 a.m. Mass is at 8 a.m. for the living and deceased members followed by a free-will Scholarship Breakfast. 31ST ANNUAL POLKA FEST, CORPUS CHRISTI Saturday, February 27, Sokol Hall, 5502 Kosztoryz, sponsored by the Czech Heritage Society of South Texas. Doors open at 10 a.m. and admission is $10. Musical entertainment throughout the day includes Czechaholics, Red Ravens and the Majeks. There will be a Sokol Gymnastic Demonstration and a Grand March. Meals will be 2016 MAR KJT COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION FORMS DUE Tuesday, March 1. SOCIETY #87, JOURDANTON Wednesday, March 2, second regular meeting, Formation C e n te r o f S t . Ma t t h e w ' s Religious Education Facility, Classroom No. 5, 7:30 p.m. DISTRICT IV MEETING AND FAMILY DAY Saturday, March 5, Old Settlers Reunion Hall, Round Rock. DISTRICT VI FAMILY DAY AND MEETING Sunday, March 6, Sealy Ball Park Pavilion. Registration at noon and lunch served at 12:30 p..m. Sponsored by Sealy Society #80. More details to follow. BEXAR COUNTY CZECH HERITAGE SOCIETY DANCE SAN ANTONIO, Sunday, March 6, Martinez Social Club, 7791 FM 1346 at FM 1516, San Antonio, 2-6 p.m. Music by Mark Halata and Texavia. Admission $10, children 14 and under-free. Refreshments of sausage on SOCIETY #72, CORPUS CHRISTI Sunday, March 6, meeting, Moravian Hall, 5601 Kostoryz Road, 2 p.m. SOCIETY #112, AUSTIN We d n e s d a y , M a r c h 9 , Hamburger Cookout, Sacred Heart Cafeteria, 6 p.m. SOCIETY #119, LA MARQUE Sunday, March 13, meeting. SOCIETY #129, SCHULENBURG Sunday, March 20, meeting. SOCIETY #87, JOURDANTON Wednesday, March 23, third regular meeting, St. Matthew's Religious Education Facility, Classroom No. 1, 6 p.m. After brief meeting, members will assemble Easter baskets for the youth activity to be held on Easter Sunday. SOCIETY #87, JOURDANTON S a t u rd ay - Su n d ay, Ma rc h 26-27, members to pass out Easter baskets to children of St. Matthew's Catholic Church after the 6 p.m., 7:15 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Masses and 9 a.m. St. Ignatius Catholic Church Sunday morning Mass. 2016 APR SOCIETY #134, ROUND ROCK S a t u r d a y, A p r i l 2, meeting, St. William's Parish Hall. SOCIETY #129, SCHULENBURG Saturday, April 2, will compete in Schulenburg Sausage Festival and will sponsor the ice tea and lemonade booth. DISTRICT III ANNUAL MEETING, HALLETTSVILLLE Sunday, April 3, St. Mary's Catholic Church, beginning with a 9:15 a.m. Mass for living and deceased members. Registration will follow Mass in the St. Mary's Hall. There will be a brunch, meeting and youth activity. For more information, contact Wanda Zabransky, District III Secretary-Treasurer, (361) 293-5193. SOCIETY #129, SCHULENBURG Sunday, April 3, Matching Grant Turkey Shoot, High Hill Store. KJT DISCOUNTED SPLASHWAY SEASON PASS DEADLINE Friday, April 15. IRS FORM 990-N DUE Saturday, April 30. 2016 MAY JOIN HANDS DAY Saturday, May 7. SOCIETY #87, JOURDANTON Saturday-Sunday, May 7-8, Mother's Day Bake Sale before and after all weekend Masses. SOCIETY #112, AUSTIN Wednesday, May 11, meeting, Sacred Heart Reception Room, 6:30 p.m. SOCIETY #129, SCHULENBURG Sunday, May 15, meeting. SOCIETY #3, HOSTYN Sunday, May 15, quarterly meeting, Hostyn Hall, 9:30 a.m. Mass is at 8 a.m. for the living and deceased members followed by a free-will Scholarship Breakfast. 59TH ANNUAL NATIONAL POLKA FESTIVAL, ENNIS Friday-Sunday, May 27-29. More details to follow. CATHOLIC SCHOOL TUITION GRANT ENTRY FORMS DUE Tuesday, May 31. SOCIETY #87, JOURDANTON Wednesday, June 1, fourth regular meeting, Formation C e n te r o f S t . Ma t t h e w ' s Religious Education Facility, Classroom No. 5, 7:30 p.m. 2016 JUNE SOCIETY #119, LA MARQUE Sunday, June 12, meeting. FLAG DAY Tuesday, June 14. (Continued on page 19) January 2016 Catholic Union Of Texas News Page 19 CALENDAR OF EVENTS (Continued from page 18) SOCIETY #87, JOURDANTON Tuesday, June 14, Flag Day Ceremony at the Jourdanton Community Center, 9 a.m. KJT YOUTH AND TEEN CAMP APPLICATIONS DUE Friday, June 24. SOCIETY #134, ROUND ROCK Saturday, June 26, meeting, St. William's Parish Hall. OFFICER MEMBER RECRUITMENT APPLICATION DEADLINE – FIRST PERIOD Thursday, June 30. 2016 JULY SEMINARIAN SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS DUE Friday, July 1. SOCIETY #3, HOSTYN Wednesday, July 13, annual charity fundraiser, La Grange KC Hall. SOCIETY #129, SCHULENBURG Sunday, July 17, meeting. SOCIETY #87, JOURDANTON Sunday, July 17, St. Matthew's Catholic Church Czech Day Celebration. KJT STATE FAMILY DAY Sunday, July 24. KJT YOUTH CAMP Sunday, July 24-Thursday, July 28. KJT TEEN CAMP Thursday, July 28-Monday, August 1. #3, 2016 SOCIETY HOSTYN Sunday, August 7, quarterly meeting, Hostyn Hall, 9:30 a.m. Mass is at 8 a.m. for the living and deceased members followed by a free-will Scholarship Breakfast. AUG SOCIETY #112, AUSTIN Wednesday, August 10, meeting, Sacred Heart Reception Room, 6:30 p.m. SOCIETY #129, SCHULENBURG Sunday, August 21, Society Challenge Turkey Shoot, High Hill Store. SOCIETY #87, JOURDANTON We d n e s d a y, September 7, fifth regular meeting, For m a t i on Cen ter of S t . Matthew's Religious Education Facility, Classroom No. 5, 7:30 p.m. 2016 SEPT SOCIETY #119, LA MARQUE Sunday, September 11, meeting. SOCIETY #87, JOURDANTON Saturday, September 24, Join Hands Day project. Members to help with clean-up and setup of St. Matthew's Catholic Church Picnic, St. Matthew's Parish Hall, 9 a.m. 2016 OCT SOCIETY #112, AUSTIN Wednesday, October 12, meeting, Sacred Hear t Reception Room, 6:30 p.m. KJT NINTH ANNUAL TAROKY TOURNAMENT, TEXAS CZECH HERITAGE AND CULTURAL CENTER, LA GRANGE Saturday, October 15. SOCIETY #87, JOURDANTON Sunday, October 16, Turkey Bingo, St. Matthew's Parish Hall, Jourdanton. Games begin at 1 p.m. KJT members are asked to be there at 11:30 a.m. for set-up. Refreshments of hamburgers, hot dogs, drinks, etc. will be available sponsored by the St. Matthew's Soup Kitchen and Knights of Columbus. Bingo proceeds to benefit the KJT Religious Retirement Fund. SOCIETY #129, SCHULENBURG Sunday, October 16, meeting. SOCIETY #87, JOURDANTON We d n e s d a y, November 2, election of officers meeting, Formation Center of St. Matthew's Religious Education Facility, Classroom No. 5, 7:30 p.m. 2016 NOV SOCIETY #119, LA MARQUE S a t u r d ay, No ve m b e r 1 2 , meeting. SOCIETY #3, HOSTYN Sunday, November 20, quarterly meeting, Hostyn Hall, 9:30 a.m. Mass is at 8 a.m. for the living and deceased members followed by a free-will Scholarship Breakfast. SOCIETY #87, JOURDANTON Sunday, December 4, KJT/KJZT Annual Christmas Social, St. Matthew's Parish Hall, noon-4 p.m. This is the society's second youth activity as Santa will make his appearance after the meal is served. Members are asked to be there at 10 a.m. to 2016 DEC help with set-up. SOCIETY #119, LA MARQUE S u n d a y, D e c e m b e r 1 1 , Christmas Party. DEADLINE FOR STATEWIDE KJT CHARITY PROJECT DONATION Monday, December 12. SOCIETY #129, SCHULENBURG Sunday, December 18, meeting. OFFICER MEMBER RECRUITMENT APPLICATION DEADLINE – 2ND PERIOD Saturday, December 31. SOCIETY #112, AUSTIN We d n e s d a y , D e c e m b e r 14, meeting, Sacred Heart Reception Room, 6:30 p.m. BOOK REVIEW C Pilsen Snow By Philip Kolin BY SISTER LOU ELLA HICKMAN hicago, the Windy City, was home to the second largest population of Czechs in the world. Philip Kolin, the Distinguished Professor in the College of Arts and Letters at the University o f S o u t h er n Mi ssi ssi p p i , celebrates the history of that neighborhood in his book of poems, Pilsen Snow. Perhaps the best word to describe the collection is real. The immigrants who came at the turn of the century took what jobs they could get, made Reduce Junk Mail . . . Resolve to save time, conserve energy and preserve trees by opting out of junk mail. Households and businesses receive over 80 billion pieces of junk mail each year and most of it ends up in our landfills. You can easily opt out of offers for credit on the Consumer Credit Reporting Industry web site. Visit the Direct Marketing Association's Mail Preference Service to stop receiving commercial mail from many national companies. Important Note: Both secured sites will ask for personal information, such as your address. do with what they had and attended Mass faithfully on Sunday. Kolin reflects on those virtues with such poems, “Eden in Pilsen,” “The Procession,” “First Confessions,” and “The Glamour Mass.” Few people know that the famous actress Kim Novak hailed from Pilsen and she is honored with her own poem, “Kim.” Kolin’s respect for his topic shines through each poem. Thus the book is more than a feel good collection down memory lane. To know where we are going, we must know where we have come from. Kolin’s poems can help point a reader in the right direction. To order a copy at $14.49, check on-line for either amazon. com or Finishing Line Press. Page 20 Catholic Union Of Texas News HELP US FIND THESE MEMBERS January 2016 NEWS Official Newsletter of the Catholic Union of Texas information concerning any of the names listed below, please call the Home Office at 800.245.8182. MISSING MEMBERS SOCIETY #14, BRYAN Don L. Rosoprim Frank J. Lero Michael J. Zak John T. Habarta John J. Patke Michael K. Kosh Robert P. Scamardo Please help us find members that no longer have a correct address on file with the KJT. Contact with our members is very important to us. We need to deliver important papers to these members. If you have SOCIETY #16, WALLIS Larry J. Jemela Herman J. Bilski Jr. Edward J. Jurek Kevin D. Marik Clarence Georg Vrazda Jr. Brian J. Dibala Eric J. Dibala James J. Dibala Dennis R. Kosik SOCIETY #20, SHINER Donald A. Zissa Mark D. Malinovsky Louis J. Patek Jr. Debra A. Patek Dennis R. Brosh Eugene J. Svoboda James A. Simper Barbara J. Trlicek Rev. Gabriel Davi Esponsa Matthew Sosa 214 E. Colorado • P. O. Box 297 • La Grange, Texas 78945–0297 979/968–5877 • 800/245–8182 • [email protected] • www.kjtnet.org JANUARY 2016 STATE OFFICERS Rev. Robert E. (Bob) Knippenberg, Spiritual Director Holy Family Catholic Church 2011 Briar Lane, Wharton, Texas 77488-4470 979/532-3593 or Fax 979/532-2781 [email protected] Christopher L. Urban, State President P. O. Box 297, La Grange, Texas 78945 Business 979/968-5877 or 968-5878 Residence 979/968-5118 [email protected] David M. Wagner, State Vice President P.O. Box 297, La Grange, Texas 78945 Business 979/968-5877 or 968-5878 • Cell 979/250-3282 [email protected] Kevin D. Kana, State Treasurer & Secretary P.O. Box 297, La Grange, Texas 78945 Business 979/968-5877 or 968-5878 • Cell 979/249-6887 [email protected] Philip J. Hundl, State Attorney Wadler, Perches, Hundl & Kerlick, 101 W. Burleson St., Wharton, Texas 77488 Business: 979/532-3871 • Residence: 979/253-0908 [email protected] STATE DIRECTORS Robert Nors 1298 John Nors Road, West, Texas 76691-2531 Residence 254/826-3451 • [email protected] Margaret Hanslik 121 CR 193A, Moulton, Texas 77975-4809 Cell 361/772-1973 • [email protected] Ray Pokorney 10100 Bennett-Pokorney Lane, Manor, Texas 78653-4706 Residence 512/251-1185 • [email protected] Thomas Arellano 2949 Saint Paul Rivera, Round Rock, Texas 78665 Residence 512/422-7767 • [email protected] Margaret Holik 1828 County Road 382, Louise, Texas 77455-4160 Cell 979/541-3303 • [email protected] Ellen Zdansky 701 Meadowbrook Drive, Corpus Christi, Texas 78412-3020 Residence 361/992-4501 • [email protected] Larry L. Kuciemba 5119 Prairie Creek Drive, Houston, Texas 77084 Cell 713/296-9387 • [email protected] KJT FRATERNAL ACTIVITY MANAGER Michael Reznicek P. O. Box 297, La Grange, Texas 78945 3870 FM 949, Cat Spring, Texas 78933 409/771-8101 • [email protected] KJT NEWS EDITOR Cynthia V. Taylor P. O. Box 297, La Grange, Texas 78945 4403 Bob Wire Road, Spicewood, Texas 78669 Cell 512/507-4556 • [email protected]
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