July 2014 - Catholic Union of Texas, The KJT
July 2014 - Catholic Union of Texas, The KJT
NEWS The Official Newsletter of the Catholic Union of Texas Volume 47, No. 188 GO GREEN! Subscribe to the KJT News at www.kjtnet.org. Receive your issue through email! INSIDE SOCIETY SPECIAL EFFORT Page 6 www.kjtnet.org July 2014 MESSAGE FROM THE STATE PRESIDENT July 4 Marked 125th Birthday Of The KJT A s I write this, we are gearing up for the 41st KJT General Convention to be held from Thursday-Saturday, July 24-26 in Houston. There will be a full write up on the proceedings of the convention in the August issue of the KJT News. We look forward to seeing all of the delegates and their guests in Houston. Msgr. Harry Mazurkiewicz Msgr. Harry Mazurkiewicz passed away on Saturday, July 5. He served as KJT State Spiritual Director from 1979 to 1982 and was likely the KJT Society #46 of La Grange Chaplain for most of his 58-year tenure at Sacred Heart in La Grange. I personally had the opportunity to hunt on the same deer lease with Msgr. Harry and his two brothers, Msgr. Ben and J.T. back in the 80's and it was always a pleasure to be at the lease at the same time as them. Having both Msgrs. Harry and Ben on the lease with us meant we never had to look far as to where we would fulfill our Sunday obligation. Msgr. Harry served as my pastor here at Sacred Heart in La Grange from June 1994 after Kelly and I married until his retirement in 2006 and he baptized both of my children during this time span. He will be missed by me on a personal level as well as by his Sacred Heart Parish family, the community of La Grange and the KJT. Please keep Msgr. Harry and his family in your prayers! 125th KJT Anniversary & State Family Day Weekend Planned July 4, 2014 marked the KJT’s 125th anniversary. In celebration of this milestone, the KJT State Family Day and the KJT State Golf Tournament will be a combined two-day event on Saturday and Sunday, October 4 and 5, 2014 in Sealy. CHRISTOPHER L. URBAN KJT State President 7th Annual KJT Golf Tourney The weekend will kick off with the golf tournament being (Continued on page 20) MEMBER SPOTLIGHT IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER •August 10, 2014 KJT News Deadline •September 7, 2014 Annual KJT State KJT Taroky Tournament THOUGHT OF THE MONTH "A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history." ~Mahatma Gandhi KJT Played A Vital Role In New Priest's Life Dear Friends and Family in the KJT, I am so happy to announce that I am now a Catholic priest with the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT). The ordination was on Saturday, May 31, the Feast of the Visitation. This is a very difficult letter for me to write because it marks the end of a major chapter of my life, a chapter where the KJT played an important role. All of my life has been preparing me for this moment, but I needed a lot of help. In 1997, KJT State Director Stanley Cernoch first represented the KJT in my life as he officially handed me a KJT Scholarship, which began my college career at Texas A&M. That KJT Scholarship plus a job at a Catholic church were how I made it through to graduation in 2002 with almost no debt. In 2006, a new education began as I joined SOLT and moved to Belize, Central America, for a year, followed by Novitiate in Colorado. But again, when I started studies in seminary in 2008 in Corpus Christi, the KJT came through. I was given another KJT Scholarship that lasted for the past six years to the present. The KJT has walked with (Continued on page 2) In 1997, State Director Stanley Cernoch hands Michael Slovak a KJT College Scholarship, which was the beginning chapter of his road to priesthood. Page 2 Catholic Union Of Texas News July 2014 KJT Played Vital Role In Father Slovak's Road To Priesthood Continued from page 1 me from College Station to Corpus Christi to Rome (Italy) and finally to my final years in Detroit. Last year I became a Deacon, and when I was able to baptize my little niece Lily Lafferty, only days after she was born . . . I knew that the time was about here that I could finally start giving back. In several weeks, I will be celebrating the wedding of my cousin Kyle Slovak to Leslie Bell in Ennis. It will be the start of hopefully many events where I can share my blessings with my family and the Czech community that has supported me for so long. Thank you KJT and thank you to everyone who has kept my Czech heritage alive in my life and the lives of so many others . . . from polka and kolache festivals around Texas to the Annual KJT Summer Youth Camp held near La Grange . . . to the KJT Scholarship programs that help so many college students and religious priests and sisters! Thank you all for blessing my life, so that I can now bless others. May God Bless You All! Father Michael Slovak, SOLT SLOTS OF FUN RUN Deacon Michael Slovak baptized his niece Lily Lafferty last year. District IV Readies For Casino Trip By Shirley Pokorney, District IV President t’s finally here – the time to reserve your seat on the bus for District IV’s 18th annual overnight “Slots of Fun Run” to Coushatta Grand Casino in Kinder, Louisiana! Mark your calendar for July 29-30, and set your alarm now for ‘bright and early’ to avoid missing the bus and thus the fun and games along the way. Note that this year we are arriving in the middle of the week to take advantage of more casino incentives (besides your boss is more likely to believe you are telling the truth if your sick days are not connected to a weekend!). I Father Michael Slovak with proud parents John and Grace Slovak. Human Interest Stories Involving KJT Members An expert in a specialized field? A special child and their circumstance? Community or workplace achievements? Person with exceptional talent? Dedication to charitable works & volunteering? Fishing & hunting adventures? Story of first responders' special efforts? Chili or barbecue cook-off winners? Service in the military? Unknown interesting KJT history tales? Please submit articles for our NEW Human Interest Story Section! Here is a snapshot agenda: Depart Pflugerville – Tuesday, July 29 at 7 a.m. Arrive Coushatta – Tuesday, July 29 at 1 p.m. Depart Coushatta – Wednesday, July 30 at 1 p.m. Arrive Pflugerville – Wednesday, July 30 at 7 p.m. Spaces will be reserved in MONTH September October October DAY 7 4 4-5 the order checks are received. No verbal reservations will be accepted. Non-KJT members may send in a check, but will be placed on standby until all KJT members have been confirmed. Checks will be returned to couples that do not make it onto the final bus roster. Make check out to “KJT DST IV” in the sum of $110 per couple. This fee includes one double occupancy room, portage fees, $46 complimentary casino free-play, driver tip and a variety of prizes for bus games and contests. No refunds can be issued, but you may find your own substitute if you need to cancel. Mail reservation checks along with names of riders, current mailing address, phone number and dates of birth (all must be over 21) to: Shirley Pokorney 10100 Bennett-Pokorney Manor, Texas 78653 For more info: (512) 251-1185 This year we will repeat the ever-popular joke contest along will a few new surprise games. You won’t want to miss out on this one! Katy/Spring Branch Society #121 Religious Retirement Fundraiser 10 1/2 x 20 Red, White & Blue Hand Crafted Wooden State Flag of Texas $20 per flag plus $7 shipping/handling Free delivery in Houston area Call Pat Nevlud to order: 281.599.1057 (Limited quantity available) EVENT KJT Annual Taroky Tournament 7th Annual KJT State Golf Tournament KJT State Family Day, Sealy July 2014 Catholic Union Of Texas News Page 3 SOCIETY SPOTLIGHT S Freeport Society #122 Celebrates 50th Anniversary By James Mikes t. Joseph Society #122 of Freeport celebrated its 50th anniversary on Sunday, June 29 at St. Jerome’s Hall in Clute. Fortythree members and guests were in attendance. The event began at 1 p.m. with the welcome by President James Mikes followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and prayer before the meal. The society was also observing Flag Day as the tables were Welcome To New Member decorated with red, white and blue streamers and vases of American, Texas and Czech flags. A delicious Czech meal of sausage, sauerkraut, green beans, buttered potatoes, bread and tea was served and catered by Ben’s Chuckwagon of Wallis. A variety of kolaches were made by Emilia Svoboda of East Bernard and were served for dessert and enjoyed by all. After the meal, a presentation by President Mikes was given. First, he introduced the officers of the society – Secretary and insurance representative L.V. Keprta who is also an original officer since the society began 50 years ago, Treasurer LeRay Niekamp, Vice President Jerome Bartos, President James Mikes, and Chaplain Rev. Jim Lynes who is also pastor of St. Jerome’s in Clute. He also introduced State President Christopher L. Urban as well as Honorary State Director Stanley Cernoch and East Bernard Society #40 President Edwin Marik. This year the society has 21 members receiving either 25- or 50-year membership pins. Members receiving 25year pins that day were Betty Bartos, Justine Keprta and Paul Joseph Huehlefeld. Kenneth Kaspar also received his 50year pin. Father Lynes blessed the pins. Fifty-year members that will receive their pins later in the year were presented certificates stating they are 50year members of the society. Gilbert Bohuslav, who was the first president of the society, talked about how the society was organized and who the local and state officers were. Please note that articles and photos for the KJT News can be mailed to: KJT News, P.O. Box 297, La Grange, Texas 78945, or can be sent via e–mail to [email protected]. Deadl ine for articles, photos and ads for the News is the 10th of every month. We welcome and appreciate your interest in KJT journalism. K J T News (USPS 585–040) (ISSN 0896–338X) is published monthly for $6.00 per year in Texas and U.S. by KJT News, 214 E. Colorado, P.O. Box 297, La Grange, Texas 78945. Periodicals Postage Paid at La Grange, Texas and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to include entire zip + 4 code to KJT News, P.O. Box 297, La Grange, Texas 78945. Stanley Cernoch mentioned how he enjoyed coming to meetings and events of Society #122 of Freeport the last 25 years and wished them all the best for years to come. The society will never forget this special day, especially after looking at pictures taken 50 years ago and seeing how everyone’s looks have changed. Congratulations Society #122! KJT COOKBOOK SALE! Reminder . . . KJT COOKBOOK SNEAK PREVIEW Luke Patrick Detzel appears awed and thrilled to become the latest addition to Pflugerville Society #132. This little cutie was welcomed into his Round Rock home by parents Matthew and Rebecca Detzel on December 23, 2013. His ecstatic grandparents are Daniel and Susan Dorrance and Paul and Denice Detzel. Luke, Society #132 is thrilled to have you too! State President Urban gave a nice talk congratulating the society on 50 years and all it has done to be successful. The state president also talked about the 41st General Convention, which is fast approaching and spoke about the 125th upcoming anniversary of the KJT, which will be celebrated in Sealy on SaturdaySunday, October 4-5. Honorary State Director Looking for the perfect birthday gift for family and friends? Look no more ... "Cooking with the KJT" is the ultimate gift for the chefs on your gift list! To order, send check or money order to: Catholic Union of Texas, the KJT P.O. Box 297 La Grange, TX 78945 Please send me ___ copies of Cooking with the KJT SALE PRICE $10.00 plus $3.00 shipping/handling per book for general delivery ($13 per book) SPECIAL BUNDLE SALE PRICE 3 books for $25.00 plus $4.00 shipping/handling ($29 for 3 books) Enclosed is my check or money order for $________ Mail books to: ________________________________________________ Name ________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________ City, State, Zip Page 4 Catholic Union Of Texas News July 2014 MESSAGE FROM THE STATE ATTORNEY Appraisal Review Board Ruling May Be Appealed Question: I filed a tax protest with my appraisal district (CAD) because I thought the new appraised value was too high. At the protest hearing, the appraisal review board (ARB) upheld the new 2014 value. What are my options now? Do I have to accept the new 2014 value? You do have a few options. However, once again, timing is everything. After your protest hearing, the ARB will send you a copy of its ruling, known as the ARB order. You may appeal the ARB order by filing a petition (lawsuit) in the district court of your county, where the property is located, within 60 days from the date you receive the ARB order. You can file the petition pro se and represent yourself but I would strongly recommend hiring an attorney that is experienced in litigating appraisal appeals. As an alternative to filing a district court appeal, you may have a right to appeal through binding arbitration, if your property is a residential homestead or a property with an appraised value of $1 million dollars or less. An arbitration appeal must be filed with the appraisal district within 45 days of receiving the ARB order. An arbitration appeal would be decided by an arbitrator. Finally, another option, for property valued over $1 million dollars and meeting several criteria, a property owner can file an appeal of the appraised value to the State Office of Administrative Hearings (SOAH). Please note an appeal to the SOAH must be filed within 30 days of receiving the ARB order. An appeal to the SOAH would be decided by an appointed administrative law judge instead Another Wonderful Member Benefit! While the KJT has had the ScriptSave prescription drug discount card for many years, ScriptSave now has some additional savings opportunities for our members. Vision Care Save 40% off the retail price of frames, save on lenses and lens options (a complete pair of glasses purchase is required), 15% savings on conventional (non-disposable) contact lenses, 15% off the retail price of LASIK and PRK Vision Correction Procedures, $5 off eye exam with dilation, $10 off contact lens exam. No limits on usage and savings at over 13,000 locations including both private practice providers and optical retailers such as LensCrafters, Target Optical, Sears Optical, JC Penney and most Pearle Vision locations. Hearing Care 15% savings on over 70 hearing aid models at 1,400 preferred providers. FREE, 10-step hearing evaluation to diagnose the extent of hearing loss. Beltone's exclusive BelCare Aftercare Program offers members lifetime cleanings, inspections, adjustments and service for any Beltone hearing instruments purchased at any Beltone location throughout the United States. Philip J. Hundl is State Attorney for the K.J.T. and a shareholder in the law firm of Wadler, Perches, Hundl & Kerlick with offices in Wharton, El Campo and Richmond, Texas. State Attorney’s note: The information in this column is not intended as legal advice but to provide a general understanding of the law. Readers with legal problems, including those whose questions are addressed here, should consult attorneys for advice on their particular circumstances. Submit your questions for this column via email to phundl@ PHILIP J. HUNDL KJT State Attorney wphk-law.com or via U.S. Mail to Wadler, Perches, Hundl & Kerlick, Philip J. Hundl, KJT State Attorney c/o KJT Legal Column, 101 W. Burleson Street, Wharton, Texas 77488 or at www.wphklaw.com. WELCOME Adams Is New Sales Representative T he Catholic Union of Texas, the KJT, would like to introduce its newest insurance agent, Ricky E. Adams Sr. He will be the representative for West Society #31. Ricky was born in the West area and has lived there all his life. He and his wife Gladys have been married for 41 years, have three children and six grandchildren. They are members of the Church of Assumption parish in West. Daily Living Products ActiveForever.com offers a wide selection of assistive daily living aids at guaranteed low prices! Cardholders receive a 10% discount. If you would like to take part in the ScriptSave program and you don’t have your original card that was sent out at the inception of the program, you can contact us at [email protected] or you can call the office at 800.245.8182 to get your discount card. Additionally, you can go to www.kjtnet.org to download your card. All household members of a KJT member may take part in the program. of an elected district court judge. Whichever option you choose, good luck! He has been a member of the KJT for about 40 years and they live in the little town of Birome about 10 miles east of West. KJT ANNUITY PORTFOLIO RATES FPD Annuity 5*/Kapital Account 4* (Issued on/after July 1, 2014) Minimum Deposit of $250 to Open Kapital Account or FPDA (additional premiums are required) or opening deposit of $500 with no additional premiums required Deposits of $250 - $749 – 1.5% Deposits of $750 - $24,999 – 2.75% Deposits larger than $25,000 – 3% *Guaranteed Rate 1.5% IRA 4*/Roth IRA 4* (Issued on/after July 1, 2014) RICKY E. ADAMS SR. Did You Know? Your heart thumps around 100,000 times, pumping approximately 2,000 gallons of blood every day. Minimum Deposit of $2,000 to Open IRA 4 or Roth IRA 4 Deposits larger than $25,000 – 3% Deposits smaller than $25,000 – 2.75% *Guaranteed Rate 1.5% *RATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTIFICATION* July 2014 Catholic Union Of Texas News Page 5 JUNE 2014 TOP PRODUCERS Ronald Hostas Society #59, Seymour •First Place June 2014 Top Producer •June 2014 Premium Leader •June 2014 Volume Leader Lois Jirkovsky Society #13, Yoakum •Sixth Place June 2014 Top Producer •June 2014 New Application Producer – 198 months Eugene Maroul Society #107, Abbott •Second Place June 2014 Top Producer Dan Stavena Society #139, Bay City •Third Place June 2014 Top Producer Joe Landsfeld Society #35, Ennis •Fourth Place June 2014 Top Producer W.K. Leonard Society #119, La Marque •Fifth Place June 2014 Top Producer Daniel Lev Society #90, Rosenberg •Seventh Place June 2014 Top Producer •June 2014 Application Leader Mildred Machacek Society #20, Shiner •Eighth Place June 2014 Top Producer Deborah Currey Society #130, Elgin •Ninth Place June 2014 Top Producer Ernest Bezdek Sr. Society #31, West •Tenth Place June 2014 Top Producer Texas Czech Heritage & Cultural Center Texas Czech Heritage & Cultural Center Texas Czech Heritage & Cultural Center Mluvíte Česky? Mluvíte Česky? Mluvíte Česky? Can you speak Czech? Texas Czech Heritage & Cultural Center Mluvíte Česky? Can you speak Czech? could? CanWish you you speak Czech? Wish you could? Wish could? Can you you speak Czech? An informal beginning to understanding the basic Czech terms needed An informal beginning to understanding the basic Czech terms needed Wish you could? for travel, speaking with researching genealogy, An informal beginning tograndparents, understandingsinging, the basic Czech terms needed Ellen Zdansky Society #72, Corpus Christi •June 2014 New Application Producer – 114 months •June 2014 New Member Producer – 111 months Tammy Plante Society #102, San Antonio •June 2014 New Application Producer – 2 months •June 2014 New Member Producer – 2 months Did You Know? Meditation can be intimidating, but taking a three-minute break to close your eyes and breathe deeply is one of the fastest ways to boost mood, stabilize blood pressure and clear your head. for travel, grandparents, singing, researching and just forspeaking fun, willwith be offered at the Texas Czech Heritage genealogy, & Cultural for travel, speaking with grandparents, singing, researching genealogy, just for fun, will be offered at the Texas Czech Heritage Cultural Anand informal beginning to understanding the basic Czech terms needed Center La fun, Grange. will theCzech alphabet and & and justinfor will beClasses offered at include the Texas Heritage & Cultural La Grange. Classes will include the alphabet and genealogy, forCenter travel,inspeaking with grandparents, singing, researching conversational Czech, enjoy children’s literature, and examine the Center in La Grange. Classes will include the alphabet and conversational Czech, enjoy children’s literature, and examine the and just for fun, will be offered at the Texas Czech Heritage & Cultural Czech song lyrics so prevalent in this area. conversational Czech, enjoy children’s literature, and examine the Czechinsong lyrics so prevalent in this area.the alphabet and Center La Grange. Classes will include Czech song so prevalent in this of area. Classes will lyrics be every second Sunday the month beginning June 8 conversational Czech, enjoy children’s literature, and examine Classes will be every second Sunday of the month beginning Junethe 8 from 1-4 pm. The fee is only $10 for per class and includes handouts. Classes will be every second Sunday of the month beginning June 8 Czech song lyrics sofee prevalent in this area. from 1-4 pm. The is only $10 for Center per class and includes handouts. The Texas Czech Heritage & Cultural is located at 250 West from 1-4 pm. The fee is only $10 for per class and includes handouts. The Texas Czech Heritage & Cultural Center is Bypass located71 at in 250 Fairgrounds Road onsecond US HWY 77 justof north of LaWest Grange Classes will be every the month beginning June 8 at The Texas Czech Heritage & Sunday Cultural Center is located at 250 West Fairgrounds Road on US HWY 77 just north of Bypass 71 in La Grange at the Fayette from 1-4 pm. Co. TheFair fee is only for per class and includes Fairgrounds Road onGrounds. US HWY$10 77 just north of Bypass 71 in Lahandouts. Grange at the Fayette Co. Fair Grounds. The Czech Heritage & Cultural Center is located at 250 West the Fayette Co. Fair Grounds. ToTexas register, call toll free 888-785-4500 (or 979-968-9399) To register,Road call toll 888-785-4500 (or 979-968-9399) Fairgrounds onfree US HWY 77 just north of Bypass 71 in La Grange at To register, call toll free 888-785-4500 (or 979-968-9399) email: [email protected] the Fayette Co. Fair Grounds. email: [email protected] email: [email protected] To register, call toll free 888-785-4500 (or 979-968-9399) Page 6 Catholic Union Of Texas News July 2014 SOCIETY SPECIAL EFFORT Schulenburg Society #129 Supports Veterans T A group of bikes attending the rally in Weimar. Shown are emblems of attending American Legion Bike Rider organizations. 13th Annual San Antonio Czech Gala Friday, Sept. 12, 2014 6:30-10:30 pm St. Luke’s Catholic Church Parish Hall, San Antonio Dance to the music of Chris Rybak By James Prihoda he Tri-County American Legion Riders hosted the Department of Texas American Legion Riders State Rally on May 16, 17 and 18 at the Veterans Hall in Weimar. Bikers arrived Friday and the program included Karaoke Night Friday evening and Saturday and Sunday bike rides to the area Painted Churches, historical courthouses and Washingtonon–the-Brazos Independence Park. Registration revealed a hundred plus riders from throughout Texas and a group from Colorado attending. Proceeds from the Rally and events are used to benefit the Boys and Girls Club of Champion Valley and the American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund. St. Augustine Society #129 of Schulenburg members prepared and cooked the breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs, hash brown potatoes, breakfast patties, bacon and biscuits for the participants on Saturday and Sunday morning. The Weimar Knights of Columbus cooked and prepared hamburgers for the Friday evening meal and the Weimar Veterans BBQ Cookers prepared and barbecued chicken and sides for the Saturday evening meal. KJT Society #129 member Julianna Prihoda also provided photography services for the host Tri-County American Legion Riders. Home Office Hours Tickets $30 Per Person $60 Couple Dinner included. Silent Auction & Raffle Info (210) 410-8840 To better serve our membership, the KJT Home Office is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday, and from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Fridays. Schulenburg Society #129 members who helped prepare and cook the Saturday and Sunday morning breakfasts are front (left to right) Isaac, Shantelle, Joanna, Rhett; back, Matthew, Julianna and Nicklos. July 2014 Catholic Union Of Texas News Page 7 MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Berans Celebrate 60th Anniversary Ernest Edward Beran and Georgia Josephine Holubec were united in marriage on May 15, 1954. Father Sylvester Fuchs officiated the wedding Mass held at St. Joseph Catholic Church in Bryan. Ernest was employed by the Rockdale Alcoa Works in 1954 and remained with the company for 38 years upon his retirement. He farmed raising corn, milo and cotton. Georgia worked on the farm as well as being a homemaker and canning produce from the garden. Many long days were spent and late nights also canning, sewing and keeping the home going. They were blessed with four children – son Edward and wife Bernadette, daughter Georgia Ann and husband Michael Perry, daughter Carolyn and husband Anthony Motloch, and son Stephen and wife Susan. The Beran’s have ten grandchildren and one great-granddaughter. Georgia was active teaching Sunday School at St. Mary’s when their children were young. To present day, she remains involved in St. Mary’s Altar Society. Ernest and Georgia continue raising cattle, chickens and a vegetable garden. Ernest’s first love is his wife and family. Second would be polka music and next – PECANS! Ernest cares for his pecan orchard and has grafted stock for people in Burleson County and adjoining counties. In 1993 Ernest and Georgia were able to visit the Czech Republic. Many fond memories of their trip are shared with family and friends. Ernest and Georgia are members of St. Mary’s Catholic Church of Caldwell. Ernest is a member of KJT St. Benedict Society #100 of Caldwell and Georgia is an associate member. Ernest is a veteran of the Korean War. Congratulations on your 60th! 7th Annual State Golf Tournament GEORGIA & ERNEST BERAN Saturday, October 4, 2014 Stephen F. Austin Golf Course 1130 Park Rd Sealy, Texas 77473 8:30 a.m. - Registration 9:00 a.m. – Shotgun Start 4 Player Scramble - $50 / golfer Includes 2 mulligans (At least one team player must be a KJT Member) 18 Team Limit (First come, first serve) Deadline – September 30, 2014 Call 800-245-8182 and talk to David or Chris to register For details on discounted hotel rates, call the home office. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEAM CAPTAIN _____________________________________________________ ADDRESS _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ MAY 15, 1954 PHONE _________________________________________________________ EMAIL ________________ _________________________________________ Mail entry form to: KJT Home Office, PO Box 297, La Grange, TX 78945-0297 Web Form Page 8 Catholic Union Of Texas News July 2014 DISTRICT NEWS District V Family Day Held At Slovak Farms By Joseph Block, District V Secretary/ Treasurer t was a very beautiful day for the KJT District V Family Day outing at the Slovak Farms in Ennis (Bardwell). Great thanks to Robert Slovak for the availability of his facilities for I this event. There was a great turnout of families from all of the District V societies, with attendance of 98 members and guests. Everyone got a chance to visit with each other and exchange memories and stories from their areas. Thanks to all that showed up. Dallas Society #111 was the District VII Youth Appreciation Day at Splashway Water Park in Sheridan host for this year’s festivities – many thanks to their hard work in the preparations for the event and cooking the food. Many thanks to Mike Landsfeld of Waco Beef & Pork Processors (Holy Smoked Sausage) for his donations. Thanks to State Director Robert Nors and his wife for participating in the day’s events. It was great to hear from him with news and updates on the KJT. There was a great turn out of people that participated in the games, contest, and arts and crafts from the “Youngest to the Young” with the horseshoe throwing, washer tossing and fishing. There were a lot of arts and crafts that really stood out – these kids have some great talent. President Tanner Schlottman, Vice President Keith Kapavik and SecretaryTreasurer Joe Block presented all the awards to the finalists from the games and crafts in all age groups. Great job to all that participated in the day’s event! Lane Schlottman and Joseph Valek presented the flag for the Pledge of Allegiance since there was no flag pole available for the District V meeting. 25-Year Membership July 2014 Society #13, Yoakum Roxanne Lynn Pokluda District IX Family Fun Day Saturday, October 11, 2014 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Bane Park West Little York at Hwy. 290 •Food •Fishing •Horseshoes •Free Throw Basketball •Cards/Dominoes •Volleyball Societies #56 Houston #82 Eastgate #103 Baytown #119 LaMarque #120 Beaumont #121 Katy Spring Branch Information – Pat Nevlud 281.599.1057 Society #16, Wallis Venessa Renee Sliva Wyatt James Vykukal Society #38, Moulton Bryan John Filipp Karin Kay Filipp Kenneth Charles Filipp Renee Michelle Filipp Society #40, East Bernard Ann M. Kramr Katherine M. Kresta District V's newest member is Bradyln Salik. Society #42, Holman Christopher Frank Neiser Nathan Daniel Neiser Society #46, La Grange Keith Edward Janish Lisa A. Janish Wayne E. Marek Society #72, Corpus Christi Jeremy Ross Hoelscher Society #84, El Campo Christine Rebecca Kocurek State Director Robert Nors informed the District V members of new upcoming programs from the Home Office. July 2014 Catholic Union Of Texas News Page 9 MAGIC IN THE CARRIBEAN The KJT Sails Again On Carnival's Luxurious Flag Ship Magic By Shirley Pokorney, KJT Cruise Coordinator he KJT sails again! Sailing on Carnival’s newest luxury liner, the Flag Ship Magic, will make you feel as though you are waking up in Paradise every day. Sailing has become the most popular vacation in the world. You are pampered all day long. There are so many activities on board that it would fill the newspaper to recount them all. But just the experience of gazing out onto the tranquil Caribbean waters on a beautiful moonlit night . . . well there’s nothing better. Experience live shows that are every bit as good as Vegas. Have all your meals in a beautiful, scenic dining room or enjoy the endless offerings of culinary delights on the Lido deck 24 hours a day. If you have a taste for Lady Luck, there’s the Casino and daily Bingo that pay off very well. Into crafts? Experts demonstrate creative towel folding, martini making, carving fruit, veggies and even ice. There will be entertainment ranging from comedy and magic to the music of piano, western or vintage bands throughout the day and night and in venues throughout the ship. Total T relaxation or partying hearty – for either, choices abound. We depart from Galveston to save our members airline cost, so take a leisurely drive and save a bundle. Galveston is a destination of its own. The Strand, Moody Gardens, the Railroad Museum, the Bishop’s Palace, Seawolf Park, a ferry trip to Bolivar, and fabulous seafood are but a few of its many attractions. Even though Ray and I have been to Jamaica and Grand Cayman before, we are excited to return. There are so many interesting choices of things to do in each port that you can’t fit it all in. But you won’t want to miss Stingray City in Cayman. Here are the details for the cruise: SAIL AWAY: Sunday, October 19 RETURN: Sunday, October 26 SHIP: Carnival Cruise Line “Magic” PORT: Galveston DESTINATION: Montego Bay, Jamaica; Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, and Cozumel, Mexico MASS: Daily with Fr. Bob Knippenberg, KJT Spiritual Director CABINS: Your choice. Inside, outside or balcony cabins CONTACT: Shirley Pokorney at (512) 251-1185 for THE VERY LOWEST RATES using our GROUP NUMBER (combining this with any other discounts such as military, super-saver, or VIFP club will save you even more than using these alone)! CZECH CLASSES Study Czech At Blinn College C By Thadious Polasek onversational Czech featuring Moravian dialects spoken in Texas will be offered in the fall at Blinn College in Schulenburg and Sealy via interactive videoconference. The following classes will be offered: Beginning Czech on Thursdays, September 18-November 13; Intermediate Czech on Wednesday, September 17-November 12, and Advanced Czech, September 16-November 11. To register for the classes please call (979) 743-5237 Pre-registration is required. The instructor, Thadious Polasek, has been teaching Czech at Blinn for more than 16 years. The intermediate classes will include discussion on how the names of Texas Czech communities reflect Czech history. The advanced class will read articles from Texas Czech newspapers and the internet in Czech covering many topics of Texas Czech history, culture, Moravian dialects and music. The beginning Czech class will begin with the alphabet and progress through the Czech grammar with a focus on vocabulary development. Come and join our Community Education Czech classes at Blinn College in Schulenburg or Sealy. ~ Annual Feast ~ St. John ~ Fayetteville Sunday, August 31, 2014 10:00 a.m. MASS with Polka Music St. John The Baptist Catholic Church Meal served inside Air-Conditioned Hall 11:OO A.M. ’Til 1:30 P.M. with Music by D.J. Ricky Canik from 11:00 A.M. - 1:30 P.M. Plates To Go and Drive Thru Line Served From 10:30 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. BARBEQUE DINNER BEEF • PORK • SAUSAGE MEAL TICKETS ADULTS — $10.00 CHILDREN (Under 12) — $5.00 FROM THE PIT — Barbecue and Sausage To Go at 11:00 A.M. Barbecue Beef and Sausage Sandwiches Served at 2:30 P.M. and Kolaches Pastries • Country Store Ice Cold Country • Grocery Wheel • Refreshments Auction • Children's Games • Ice Cream Bingo UNDER PAVILION Including Antiques 1:30 P.M. • Silent Auction • Plant Wheel • Cake Walk-1:30 • Concessions • Train Rides • Moon Walk In Air-Conditioned Hall 2:00 P.M. LIVE MUSIC starting at 11:00 a.m. under the Pavilion by Larry Sodek and local Parish Musicians and a FREE DANCE after the Auction until 10:00 p.m. Music By Charles & The Fabulous Four Donated By: Doris Matocha Family and Main Printing, Inc., (Mike & Janice Marek) Page 10 Catholic Union Of Texas News July 2014 2014 KJT SCHOLARS The KJT fraternal family wishes to congratulate all of the 2014 scholarly accomplishments of its talented members and wishes them only the very best as they continue their educational endeavors and careers! Justin Tyler Kolinek Wins Society #132 Scholarship P Justin Kolinek happily accepts the Pflugerville Society #132 Agnes Pokorney Memorial Scholarship from Scholarship Chair Shirley Pokorney at the Taylor High School Senior Awards Ceremony. By Shirley Pokorney flugerville Society #132 was pleased to present its 2014 Agnes Pokorney Memorial Scholarship to Justin Tyler Kolinek. This award recognizes exemplary character, leadership and scholarship coupled with outstanding service to the church, community and the KJT. At Taylor High School, Justin was a member of the National Honor Society, Silver Cord, Student Council, as well as the state and national award-winning Odyssey of the Mind team. He was a fouryear letterman in baseball, earning district honors in his sophomore year. Justin’s activities continued into the community where he volunteered with the Chamber of Commerce, Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs, the local food pantry and nursing home, helped organize a city-wide basketball tournament, coached youth pitchers at a baseball camp and worked the Taylor Community Rodeo concession stand and the city Haunted House. His church appreciated his service as altar server and usher. In the summertime, he volunteered with Vacation Bible School. He enjoyed being an active member of the St. Mary’s Youth Club and FCA. Oh, and when he finished all of the above, he reported to his job with the school district! No wonder his parents Larry and Kim Kolinek and his grandparents W.C. and Barbara Did You Know? Compose an epic tale – you speak an average of 16,000 words a day, about onesixth the number in a typical novel. Kolinek find it impossible to hide their pride! Congratulations and best wishes, Justin, as you take that next big step in your academic and athletic life at Temple College! East Bernard Scholarship Recipients On Tuesday, June 10, the youth who received East Bernard Society #40 scholarships and their parents were invited to the Society #40 meeting and meal. At the presentation were (left to right) Youth Leader Gloria Buxkemper, Jonathon Hlavinka, Miranda Lehmann, Matthew Kubena, Justin McGuire and Youth Leader Frank Buxkemper. Scholarship recipient Brandi Hajovsky was unable to attend. Immaculate Conception Church Bazaar Sealy KC Hall Sunday, August 31, 2014 BBQ Dinner of Pork, Beef, Chicken & Sausage Beginning at 10:30 a.m. Mexican food also available Live Music Beginning at 10:30 a.m. Live Auction at 1 p.m. Large Silent Auction in KC Meeting Room (Sponsored by KJT Society #80) Entertainment throughout the day Kiddie Games & Rides • Plant Stand • Grocery Stand Country Store • Cake Walk • Gift Card Stand Many more fun games, stands & booths! July 2014 Catholic Union Of Texas News Page 11 HE WILL BE MISSED Msgr. Harry is survived by two sisters: Esther Kubeczka and husband Joe of Conroe and Sister Florentine Mazurkiewicz, a Sister of the Divine Providence at Our Lady of the Lake Convent in San Antonio; brother, J.T. Mazurkiewicz and wife Irene of Brenham; nieces and nephews: Greg Kubeczka and wife Lorene of Conroe, Mary Krolczyk and husband Tom of Conroe, Karen Wierzbicki and husband Roy of Cypress, Robert Kubeczka and wife Carole of Cypress, Barbara Jaloway of Sealy, Mary Holtcamp and husband Charles of Brenham, Clara Grundy and husband Paul of Tucson, Arizona. He was preceded in death by his parents, Tony and Josephine Mazurkiewicz; brother, Msgr. Ben Mazurkiewicz, sister-inlaw Patricia Mazurkiewicz, and nephews Christopher and Edward Mazurkiewicz. ST. AUGUSTINE SOCIETY #129, SCHULENBURG Msgr. Harry Mazurkiewicz Msgr. Harry Mazurkiewicz, 87, of La Grange passed away on Saturday, July 5 at College Station Medical Center in College Station. Msgr. Harry Mazurkiewicz was born in Chappell Hill on September 18, 1926, the son of Tony and Josephine (Bilski) Mazurkiewicz. Msgr. Harry attended St. Mary’s School in Brenham and went on to graduate from St. Edward’s High School in Austin before entering St. Mary’s Seminary in La Porte. He was ordained May 26, 1951, at St. Mary’s Church in Brenham. He was briefly assigned to St. Monica’s in Cameron before returning to St. Mary’s in Brenham where he served as an Associate Pastor. In June of 1956, he was assigned Associate Pastor of Sacred Heart in La Grange, and in 1966 he became Pastor of Sacred Heart where he served until his retirement in 2006. Msgr. Harry served as Chaplain in the 871st Engineer Battalion U.S. Army Corps with the rank of Captain. Msgr. Harry served in different ranks in the diocesan level including Presbyteral Council, Clerical Endowment Fund and Diocesan Development Fund Advisory Committee. He was appointed Domestic Prelate on May 9, 1982. He served as the Dean of the Eastern Deanery and Consulter and member of the Personnel Committee for Bishop Aymond. He also served as the State Chaplain of the KJT. Locally, Msgr. Harry served as a charter member of the Fayette Library Museum and Archives Board and as Chaplain of the La Grange Fire Department for over 44 years. He served as a member of the Hospital Foundation Board. TURKEY SHOOT 2nd ANNUAL SOCIETIES CHALLENGE SUNDAY, AUGUST 17, 2014 HIGH HILL COUNTRY STORE 2911 FARM TO MARKET 2672, HIGH HILL, TEXAS STARTING AT 2 P.M. ANY SOCIETY WISHING TO PARTICIPATE IS URGED TO PRE-REGISTER SHOOTERS AND SEND IN THE FOLLOWING REGISTRATION FORM AND DEPOSIT. 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Rules and Policies of Challenge CHALLENGE IS FOR A PLAQUE AND BRAGGING RIGHTS. NO MONETARY PRIZES WILL BE GIVEN. ALL PARTICIPATING SHOOTERS QUALIFY FOR EACH ROUND PRIZE. Five (5) person teams (2 KJT members). Team cost $75.00 ($15.00 per person). Cost includes three (3) non- consecutive rounds with one person from each team allocated per round. TEAM with most points after 15 rounds wins. A round consists of twenty (20) shooters with shells provided. (Approved guns are 12, 20, and 410 gauges) TURKEY SHOOT is open to non-participating shooters and participants may purchase additional targets if desired. Shooters are called in numerical order (2 times) for assigned targets and if shooter does not appear before last target is shot, their target is forfeited. Scoring is based on number of pellets within target circles (2 points, 1” circle & 1 point – 3” circle) and any shot breaking circle line will be scored at higher point. TARGETS from each round will be judged overall for the round prize, followed by team targets being judged for the challenge. A team member needs to be present to confirm the count. Any tied scores will be decided by a one target shoot-off until tie is broken. JUDGE’S RULING IS FINAL. 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 SOCIETY NAME_______________________________#__________ Participant Name______________________ Fees: $15.00 Participant Name________________________________Fees: $15.00 Participant Name________________________________Fees: $15.00 Participant Name________________________________Fees: $15.00 Participant Name________________________________Fees: $15.00 _____________ Total deposit……………………………………………………...$75.00 Mail to: St. Augustine KJT Society #129, c/o President Matthew Prihoda 2421 FM 2672, Schulenburg, Texas 78956 Cell # 979-505-0293 Page 12 Jourdanton Society #87 Coordinates Flag Day Ceremony With County Fraternal Societies S By Henry Netardus t. Jerome Society #87 of Jourdanton coordinated a Flag Day ceremony with all of the fraternal societies in Atascosa County on Friday, June 13 at the Jourdanton Community Center and Library at 9 a.m. Those participating were Atascosa County Judge Diana Bautista, Jourdanton Mayor Susan Netardus and Jourdanton City Council member Robert “Doc” Williams, and Donna Fisher and Karen Collins with the Atascosa County Family Crisis Center. Organizations present were members of KJT Society #87, KJZT Society #75, Catholic Daughters of America, Knights of Columbus No. 3266, Hermann Sons Lodge 3102, members of SPJST Lodge and VFW Post 6970. The Jourdanton Library donated the new flag for the flag raising. The VFW raised the flag, which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. While County Judge Bautista and Mayor Netardus were signing the proclamation, KJZT member Melany Shearrer read the proclamation. Society #87 thanked all for participating. Catholic Union Of Texas News July 2014 Schulenburg Society #129 Observes Flag Day St. Augustine Society #129 of Schulenburg observed Flag Day by attending the Memorial Day Services held by the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Vietnam Veterans organizations on Monday, May 26 at Wolters Park in Schulenburg. The St. Augustine KJT Youth provided free water and helped hand out poppies for all in attendance at the services. Frydek Youth Members Hand Out Flags At Ceremony Frydek Society #29 held a Flag Day Ceremony at the beginning of Mass on Saturday, June 14. (Above) Daniel Eschenburg reads the history of the flag while Colby Eschenburg presents the colors. (Below) St. Stephen youth members handed out flags to all those who attended Mass. County Judge Diana Bautista and Mayor Susan Netardus sign proclamation as Melany Shearrer reads the proclamation at the Jourdanton Flag Day ceremony. Members of VFW Post 6970 prepare to raise the American flag at the Jourdanton Flag Day ceremony. Victoria Participates In Raising Of New Flag Caldwell Members Distribute Flags On June 14 And 15 Society #115 in Victoria participated in the raising of a new flag with VFW Post 4146 on Flag Day. KJT members attending the event were front row (left to right) Barbara Yanta, Irene Brosch, Wendy Hrncir; (back) Lawrence Yanta and Joe Pustka. The VFW Auxiliary provided refreshments after the Pledge of Allegiance. Fr. Bernard Hung joins Society #100 member Joe J. Rychlik as members distributed flags at all Masses the weekend of Saturday and Sunday, June 14 and 15. Caldwell Society #100 has participated in this project for many years and members of St. Mary's in Caldwell proudly display their flags throughout the year. July 2014 Shown at the Society #141 Flag Day event were front row (left to right) Daphne Gentz, Millie Powell, Pat Gregoire, Lil Oppie; (back row) Gary Gentz, Pat Ermis, Larry Gregoire, George Marusak, Virginia Pargmann, Virginia Berto and Dan Berto. Reading the proclamation is Mary K. Marusak. Not pictured Bernice Ermis taking the picture. Catholic Union Of Texas News Ammannsville Flag Ceremony Honored Military Personnel Worldwide Society #4 of Ammannsville held a Flag Day ceremony immediately following the 6:30 p.m. Mass on Saturday, June 14. Fr. George Kunnath led the prayer for all of our military personnel throughout the world. The flag was lowered and folded by John Kana (Marine Corps League), Larry Osina (Vietnam Veterans of America), Henry Miksch (American Legion) and Wesley Holub (American Legion). The ceremony ended with everyone singing “God Bless America.” KJT Society #141, KJZT Society #130 Honor Flag G By Bernice Ermis eorgetown Society #141 along with KJZT Society #130 celebrated Flag Day on Saturday, June 14. The day started with Mass at 8:30 at St. Helen’s Catholic Church after which the groups went to the VFW Hall in San Gabriel Park. They listened to the reading of the proclamation by KJZT President Mary K. Marusak. It was followed by the Pledge to the Flag there and the singing of the hymn “God Bless America.” Society #141 President Pat Ermis led the group in prayer and a meeting was held. They then went inside to enjoy delicious hamburgers with all the trimmings, potato salad and chips. A beautiful flag cake was enjoyed by all, along with peach cobbler, donated by KJZT member Virginia Pargmann and ice cream. Kolache-Klobase Festival Flag Day Ceremony, Veteran Tribute KJT Members Present U.S. Flags To All Military Members, Veterans KJT youth members, accompanied by several adult members, along with State Director Ellen Zdansky presented a U.S. Flag to all military members and veterans present at the June Zdansky Reunion. KJT member Tammy Plante had each one introduce themselves and tell what branch of the military they were in or served in. Everyone gave them a standing ovation after receiving the flags. This was just another way to show our appreciation as one of our many functions as a fraternal, plus introduce the KJT to other relatives and guests. Shown at the Society #141 Flag Day event were front row (left to right) Gary Gentz, Daphne Gentz, Pat Gregoire, Mary K. Marusak, Millie Powell, Lillian Naizer, Lil Oppie; (back row) Pat Ermis, Larry Gregoire, George Marusak, Bob Pargmann, Virginia Pargmann, Virginia Berto and Dan Berto. Not pictured is Bernice Ermis taking the picture. Page 13 A Flag Day Proclamation signing at the recent Kolache Klobase Festival in East Bernard featured front row (left to right) KJT Society #40 President Edwin C. Marik, East Bernard Mayor Marvin Holub, Society #40 Vice President Sandy Logan; back row, Society #40 Treasurer Dennis Viktorin, Society #40 member John Kramr as Uncle Sam, Texas Czech Slovak Queen Christiana Gentry and Society #40 Secretary Mark Dujka. Veterans display the flags of the various armed services at the recent Kolache Klobase Festival Flag Ceremony and Veteran Tribute. Page 14 Catholic Union Of Texas News July 2014 SOCIETY HAPPENINGS #3 HOSTYN By Dianna Kallus Sts. Cyril and Methodius and St. George Society #3 of Hostyn held its second quarterly meeting of the year on Sunday, May 18 at the Hostyn Parish Hall. Twenty members were present for the meeting. President Benedict Kallus led the members in the opening prayer, followed with the Pledge of Allegiance. During the meeting, the society members voted to give $200 towards youth member Joshua Janda’s prayer garden. Joshua chose to create a prayer garden below the Hostyn IN MEMORIAM OF OUR DECEASED MEMBERS The members of the Catholic Union of Texas, the KJT, wish to express their sincere and heartfelt sympathy to the families and friends of the departed members who are listed below. May their souls rest in peace. June 2014 Society #35, Ennis George Spaniel Sr. Date of Death: 05/03/2014 Age 86 Society #87, Jourdanton Augusta Spacek Date of Death: 04/30/2014 Age 92 Society #34, Nada Ben Pavlu Date of Death: 05/09/2014 Age 93 Society #46, La Grange Lawrence W. Ryza Date of Death: 05/28/2014 Age 78 Society #29, Frydek Steve Sliva Date of Death: 04/16/2014 Age 93 Society #46, La Grange Evelyn B. Ulbrich Date of Death: 05/22/2014 Age 84 Society #107, Abbott Paul Grmela Date of Death: 05/10/2014 Age 76 Society #117, Waco August G. Kocian Date of Death: 06/03/2014 Age 83 Society #79, Hungerford Rev. Henry Rachunek Date of Death: 04/03/2013 Age 80 Society #84, El Campo Clarence Kofron Sr. Date of Death: 05/08/2014 Age 87 Society #57, Cyclone Anton Doskocil Date of Death: 05/16/2014 Age 73 Society #63, Smithville Frank Rainosek Date of Death: 09/25/2013 Age 87 Society #35, Ennis William E. Divin Date of Death: 05/17/2014 Age 73 Society #63, Smithville Bernice Rainosek Date of Death: 01/10/2014 Age 86 Society #35, Ennis Mark H. Valek Date of Death: 05/15/2014 Age 56 Church parking lot for his Eagle Scout project. The Hostyn society helped build the prayer garden for their Join Hands Day project. The prayer garden is a beautiful place for prayer and meditation for anyone to use. It has a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary, benches and flowers. Former Secretary Ted Hoffmann was presented a KJT Perpetual Enrollment plaque for his forty years of dedication and service as Secretary for Hostyn Society #3. Thank you and congratulations on a job well done! President Kallus recently presented a 75-year membership pin to Alois Kozel of Katy. Congratulations Alois! Johnny and Lorenda Polasek were thanked for finding a business to preserve the 125-year old St. Cyril and Methodius banner and the 121-year old St. George banner belonging to Hostyn Society #3. The Collection of Weimar mounted the beautiful banners in their individual shadow box frame. The banners were donated to the Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center in La Grange and are receiving a lot of attention on display. So take the time, as it’s worth the stop to look at the beautiful banners in their new home – at the Texas Czech Heritage and Cultural Center! Lastly, Chaplain Deacon John McCourt spoke a few words on the upcoming KJT General Convention, on youth retreats and on how our parish is blessed. He said faith plays a big roll in our Catholic life. He than led the members in the closing prayer. Door prize winners were Edward Kozel and Brenda Fietsam. Hostyn Society #3 President Benedict Kallus (left) presented former Secretary Ted Hoffmann of 40 years as a society officer with a Perpetual Enrollment in the Book of Remembrance of the KJT Memorial Foundation. Hostyn Society #3 and YNIA participated in the Join Hands Day by helping Joshua Janda with his Eagle Scout project of creating a prayer garden at Hostyn. Shown are (front row) Hostyn Society #3 President Benedict Kallus presenting the $200 check to Joshua Janda to use towards his project expense; (back row) Helen Janda, Arnold Janda, Wayne Janda, Douglas Janda, Chase Fietsam, Harold Fietsam, Theo Svec, Helen Faldyn, Clarence Faldyn, Brenda Fietsam and Dianna Kallus. #80 SEALY By Bernice Stolarski The Tuesday, May 27 meeting of Sealy Society #80 began with a prayer before the pizza meal and ice cream served by Steven Kutra and Larry Kuciemba. The meeting resumed around 7:30 p.m. with a prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. The members were pleased to have State Vice President David M. Wagner attend the meeting. The State Vice President congratulated Larry Kuciemba on becoming a new KJT board member. Father Eric mentioned that the Immaculate Conception Church in honor of our 125th anniversary is sponsoring a free concert by the Kovanda Band at the Liedertafl Hall on Wednesday, June 11 from 7 to 9 p.m. Society members approved a monetary donation towards the event. The Join Hands Day project was a success with a total of 32 people participating from five fraternal organizations and three groups of Girl Scouts. Flag Day ceremonies are scheduled for the weekend of June 14 and 15 after each Mass. The society is providing flowers for the weekend and sponsoring the 9 a.m. Mass for living and deceased members of Society #80. The society agreed to give away as a door prize a $100 ticket to the KC Gala event scheduled for Saturday, July 26. Bernice Stolarski was the lucky winner. The ticket entitles the winner to a steak meal for two and free refreshments. Any prize winnings associated with this ticket will become the property of the KJT. Bennie and Bernice Stolarski are responsible for preparing the meal for the Tuesday, July 22 meeting. The meeting adjourned with a prayer. Encourage Youth to Participate at the Local, District & State Level. They Are the Future of This Great Fraternal Family! July 2014 Catholic Union Of Texas News Page 15 SOCIETY HAPPENINGS #31 WEST By Georgie Nors West Society #31 held a meeting on Sunday, June 8 after the 7:30 a.m. Mass. President Michael Kraemer called the meeting to order with a prayer and then lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Ervin Laubert and Albert Charanza won door prizes. The society had thank you cards from the Michael Maler Family for the memorial and Brent Pavlas for the scholarship he received. George Meurer asked about having alcohol as door prizes since the society meets in the school now. Since it is not opened nor consumed, it is acceptable. Greeters at the Masses – President Kraemer reminded everyone that KJT is scheduled for the third weekend of each month and that anyone can help – just show up about 15 minutes before Mass to hold the door, greet people and then after Mass, pass out bulletins, etc. Next weekend the society will need people, and Michael St. Stephen’s Austin Society #112 enjoyed a tailgate party at the Dell Diamond in Round Rock. Georgetown Society #141 made a donation of a wheelchair to St. Helen’s Catholic Church on Sunday, May 11. It will be on hand for anyone who needs help getting from their car at the drop off entrance of the church and back. Accepting the wheelchair from President Pat Ermis is Head Usher Al Iannone. and Cathy Kraemer will be out of town. Hamburger Cookout – The society made a profit of $821.10, with $202.50 from the bake sale and $618.61 from the hamburger sale. Funds were designated for the scholarship fund, so the society did not quite cover the amount it paid out this year, but still did well. (Note: The society was later reminded after the meeting that the bake sale money was supposed to be for the youth.) District Family Day held on Sunday, May 4 – It was reported that on the District Family Day it was a little windy, but went well. There were a lot of fish caught. They served hamburgers and hot dogs, and had a short meeting. Society #31 was represented. President Kraemer informed the members that the society gave two scholarships of $500 each to Brent Pavlas and Katy Campbell. The society received a total of four applications, discussion was held at the hamburger fundraiser and a decision was made. The president let everyone know that the society will have a new insurance representative – Ricky Adams. It was also mentioned that Eugene Maroul would also be representing the society. There will be a going away party for Fr. Ed today at the KC Hall. There was discussion about giving Fr. Ed a gift from the KJT. It was decided to give him a $100 monetary gift. There was a discussion about Flag Day ceremonies on Friday and Saturday, June 14 and 15. Present Kraemer asked Don Urbanovsky if he would take care of getting Scouts to help and contacting the church office. The KJT General Convention will be held Thursday-Saturday, July 24-26 at the Omni Hotel in Houston. Delegates should have received their packets by now. The president reminded delegates to reserve their hotel rooms and return the ticket reservations to the Home Office. The annual Summer Youth Camp will be held SundayWednesday, July 27-30, right after the convention. It will be held just north of La Grange at the SPJST campsite. The Parish Festival is on Sunday, August 10. As usual, the KJT will be in charge of the auction. President Kraemer asked State Director Robert Nors if he would contact Ed Sykora to see if his office staff could make the calls again for the society. Nors also stated that last year the society put together an auction item. It was decided to donate an auction item with a limit of $125 and to also donate two boxes of chicken. Don Urbanovsky noted that there would be a benefit for Ann Vanek for medical expenses on Sunday, August 3. The society will have a Corporate Communion on Sunday, September 14 at the 7:30 a.m. Mass. President Kraemer asked about having breakfast after the October meeting. The members agreed and will make the decision at the September meeting on whether they serve breakfast burritos instead of pancakes. State Director Nors reported that effective July 1, there would be a new KJT Kapital Account, with $250 to open and minimum of $120 contributed annually, and another with $500 to open, with no commitment for yearly deposit. The minimum interest rate will be 1.5%, 2.755% and 3%. The interest earned is reported on a 1099. The Youth Club is trying to schedule the swim party, but there are insurance issues with using the Czech Inn. There was an idea about going to Lofer’s Bend Day Use area, but there is no shaded area for those who wish to stay out of the heat. They will pursue further. State Director Nors presented Michael Lee Kidwell as a reinstated member. Raffle prizewinners were Marvin Cepak and George Meurer. Meeting was adjourned with a prayer led by State Director Nors. West Society #31 members and the youth participated with the Boy Scouts and had the Flag Day activities at all the Masses, honoring the Flag. Page 16 Catholic Union Of Texas News July 2014 SOCIETY HAPPENINGS #80 SEALY By Bernice Stolarski The annual Sealy Society #80 Join Hands Day project was held Saturday, May 3 beginning at 9 a.m. at the Sealy Cemetery. This project is sponsored by five local fraternal organizations – Sealy KJT Society #80, SPJST Lodge 141, Woodmen of the World Chapter 105, Knights of Columbus #3313 and Hermann Sons Lodge #239-2. Assisting at the Sealy Cemeteries were members of Girl Scout Troops #2304 and #2294 along with their parents and members of the above organizations. Over 300 small U.S. flags were placed on the graves of veterans at the Sealy Cemetery and Immaculate Conception Cemetery. Bennie and Bernice Stolarski coordinated the project and wish to thank everyone for their participation. #134 ROUND ROCK By Margie Thompson Round Rock Society #134 met on Saturday evening June 14 for its quarterly meeting. Pizza was served and members brought desserts to share. President Tina Risinger called the meeting to order, members opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Guests were introduced. Meeting dates for the coming year were announced. Leon Barton gave the members an update of members he has heard from and have not been able to attend meetings due to health, and gave some history of Society #134 for attending guests. The KJT General Convention will be held Thursday-Saturday, July 24, 25 and 26. Delegates Next stop of the Join Hands Day group was the Frydek St. Mary’s Church Cemetery. Helping with the project of placing small U.S. flags on the graves of veterans was Girl Scout Troop 261. Pictured are Mason Dziadek and Scouts Lindsey Dziadek, Madison Maughan, Kendall Young, Courtney Dziadek and M’Lynn Koetting. In the back row are Scout Leader Sheri Dziadek, Johnnie Klatt, Gene Leschper, and Barbara Brandes. The group then traveled to the two San Felipe cemeteries. Around 200 flags were distributed at these three cemeteries. Refreshments were served upon completion of this project. Flags were placed on the graves of veterans at two additional cemeteries – the Polish Cemetery on Stockold Road and the Hartsville Cemetery on S.H. 36 between Sealy and Wallis for a total of around 550 flags being put out. Pictured are Girl Scouts AnnaMarie Burroughs, Ellie Hajovsky, Emma Juarez, Madison Klotz, Kendall Krenek, Rryanne Laredo, Brittany Luttrall, Jordan Murray, Brianna Pittillo and Jasmyn Trejo. Adults representing the organizations are Johnnie Klatt, Bennie Stolarski, Ivy and Leon Konvicka, Gene Leschper, Billie Jean Nichols, Wilbert Leschper, Barbara and Waddel Brandes and Scout Leader Collette Burroughs. Freda Jemela and Bernice Stolarski also assisted as well as the parents of the scouts. Refreshments were provided for the group upon completion of the project. for #134 are Leon Barton and Less Miller. Bingo was played and door prizes drawn. On Thursday, June 12, Georgetown Society #141 donated a check to the Religious Education Program for $404. It was part of the money they earned selling ice cream during the Lenten fish fry’s and was matched by the Home Office. President Pat Ermis and Treasurer Larry Gregoire are shown handing the check to RE Director Marianne Perry. It will be used for the DCYC conference. Society #115 from Victoria attended a family fun day at Splashway in Sheridan in June. Pictured with Society President Lawrence Yanta (center back), Barbara Yanta (far right center) and Wendy Hrncir (center right) is Irene Brosch surrounded by her children and grandchildren who enjoyed a day of water activities in tubes and under water “dump” surprises. Society Member Spotlight Evelyn Jackson, La Grange Society #46 member, made her First Communion at St. Mary Catholic Church in League City on Saturday, April 26. Evelyn is the great-granddaughter of Ruth Chovanec, the granddaughter of Shirley Koch and daughter of Angie Jackson, all members of La Grange Society #46. Congratulations Evelyn! July 2014 Catholic Union Of Texas News Page 17 Youth Activity Corner Color the "BACK TO SCHOOL" picture and mail your entry in by AUGUST 13 to be eligible for a drawing of three $5 cash prizes. Children must be ages 2-8 to enter and are limited to 2 wins per year. HURRY AND GOOD LUCK! (If you have more than one child in your household wishing to enter the contest, please feel free to make copies of the picture. Must be a KJT member to enter contest.) Mail the picture and your name, age, society #, address and phone number to the: KJT Home Office, P. O. Box 297, La Grange, Texas 78945 Who Am I? I was chosen by Jesus to be one of the twelve apostles along with my brother, John. Jesus gave us a special name: “Boanerges” meaning “Sons of Thunder.” I was one of the first martyrs of the Church. King Herod Agrippa I killed me with a sword. Tradition teaches that I evangelized Spain before I died and I am the patron saint of hatmakers, rheumatoid arthritis sufferers, and laborers. My feast day is July 25. Who am I? June 2014 Who Am I? Answer: St. Aloysius Gonzaga Answer the question correctly and three winners ages 9-12 will be eligible for a drawing of a $5 cash prize. Entrants must be KJT members. Send in form below by AUGUST 13 to the KJT Home Office, P.O. Box 297, La Grange, Texas 78945. Who Am I? Answer: _________________________________________________________ Name: __________________________________________________________ Age: ______ Address: _____________________________ City: ___________________ Zip: _________ Phone: _____________________________________ Society # ______________________ June 2014 Who Am I? Contest Winners © Disney Kaboose.com Joseph Holy, Age 10, Society #31, West Rileigh Chumchall, Age 12, Society #13, Yoakum Fourth of July Coloring Contest Winners Mark Kostecka Jr., Age 8, Society #31, West Blake Adams, Age 8, Society #112, Austin Aiden Adams, Age 5, Society #112, Austin Page 18 Catholic Union Of Texas News July 2014 CALENDAR OF EVENTS SOCIETY #141, GEORGETOWN Wednesday, August 6, Czech Priest's meeting with the KJZT in the SRAC Room 103. No business meeting at this event. We will be preparing the meals and attending the meeting with the seminarians. 2014 AUG SOCIETY #117, WACO Sunday, August 10, meeting, Waco Knights of Columbus Hall, 5515 Sanger Avenue. Honoring the 2014 high school graduates who are KJT members. A $200 scholarship will be presented to each graduate. Meeting starts at noon with a hamburger lunch and trimmings. Members bring side dishes and desserts. Also bring dominoes and games to play. SOCIETY #56, HOUSTON Sunday, August 10, meeting, Assumption Catholic Church, Pope John Paul Building, second floor right behind the rectory, 1:30 p.m. The meeting will be followed by a social, bingo and a meal. We encourage all members to mark the date and plan to attend and be involved. SOCIETY #31, WEST Sunday, August 10, Church Festival, KJT in charge of auction. SOCIETY #13, YOAKUM Sunday, August 17, meeting, St. Joseph Family Center after the 9 a.m. Mass. SOCIETY #129, SCHULENBURG, 2ND ANNUAL SOCIETIES CHALLENGE TURKEY SHOOT, HIGH HILL Sunday, August 17, High Hill Country Store, 2911 Farm to Market 2672, 2 p.m. Preregistration sheet can be found on page 11 of this issue of the KJT News. SOCIETY #3, HOSTYN Sunday, August 24, meeting, Hostyn Parish Hall, 9:30 a.m. after the Scholarship Breakfast. Guests are always welcome! ANNUAL HOMECOMING PICNIC, MARAK Sunday, August 24, Sts. Cyril and Methodius Church, seven miles northwest of Cameron, FM Road 2269. Mass 10:15 a.m., dinner 11 a.m., games noon. The meal will consist of home-fried chicken and sausage with all the trimmings. Meal tickets $9 each, drive-thru line for platesto-go. Continuous serving while it lasts. Entertaiment by the Praha Brothers from 12:30-3:30 p.m. Auction at 3:30 p.m. inside the air-conditioned hall. Entertainment for the entire family with games and refreshments! CZECH JAM SESSIONS 2014 CZECH JAM SESSIONS KJT Bar – Ennis TX 2014 Friday nights 7PM KJT Bar – Ennis TX March 7 Friday 7PM May 2 nights July 11 Sept 5 Nov 14 March 7 Come out and2listen to some May July great 11 polka music played by local musicians 5 if you'd Nov Bring your Sept instruments like to14 join in the fun! K.J.T. #35 Come1216 out and listen some S. Paris St. to Ennis, TXgreat 75119polka music played by local musicians ph: 972-875-7982 www.kjt35.org Bring your instruments if you'd like to join in the fun! K.J.T. #35 1216 S. Paris St. Ennis, TX 75119 ph: 972-875-7982 www.kjt35.org STS. CYRIL & METHODIUS CATHOLIC CHURCH PICNIC, CISTERN Sunday, August 24, under shady pavilion at Sts. Cyril and Methodius Catholic Church in Cistern off of Hwy. 95 between Smithville and Flatonia. Holy Mass is at 10 a.m. Dinner of fried chicken and V&V sausage is served from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. (eat-in, plates-to-go, walk up or drive-thru) with adult plates and plates-to-go $9 and children plates $4. Auction starts at 1 p.m. featuring homemade items, crafts, livestock and more. Trail Ride starts at 9 a.m. leaving intersection Hwy. 95N and Anchor Ranch Loop Road – contact David at (361) 865-2301 or Joey Velasquez at (979) 702-9159. Country store, cake spin, air conditioned bingo from noon-4 p.m., horseshoes registration from noon-1:30 p.m. and start time at 2 p.m., balloon artist Bobby Cordell from 1-3 p.m., games and magic show at 3:30 p.m. Live music by Incredible Music Makers 11:30 a.m.-3 p.m. and Krazy Kirbs DJ 5-8 p.m. Something for everyone! Come and enjoy the day! For more information call (361) 865-3568. Portion of net proceeds donated to Cistern Fire Station Building Fund. SOCIETY #133, MISSOURI CITY Monday, August 25, meeting, A&B Meeting Room, Holy Family Catholic Church, 1510 Fifth Street, Missouri City, 7:30 p.m. SOCIETY #115, VICTORIA Sunday, August 31, meeting, St. Mary's Catholic Church, Victoria, 7:30 am. ST. JOHN CHURCH PICNIC, FAYETTEVILLE Sunday, August 31, St. John Recreation Hall, Fayetteville is right in the middle of the Central Texas South Golden Triangle Area and is conveniently located between Austin, Houston and San Antonio. Mass with Polka music at 10 a.m.. All-you-caneat barbecue beef, pork and sausage dinner with trimmings prepared on the church grounds and plates to beginning at 11 a.m. Country auction at 1:30 p.m. Bingo, music and other events throughout the day. Come join an old-fashioned feast! For further information call (979) 378-2244. SOCIETY #122, FREEPORT Tuesday, September 2, meeting, St. Jerome's Father O'Malley Room, Clute, 6 p.m. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CHURCH BAZAAR, SEALY Sunday, August 31, Sealy KC Hall. Barbecue dinner of pork, beef, chicken and sauage beginning at 10:30 a.m. Mexican food also available. Live music begins at 10:30 a.m. Live auction at 1 p.m. Large silent auction in KC Meeting Room sponsored by KJT Sealy Society #80. Entertainment throughout the day including kiddie games and rides, plant stand, grocery stand, country store, cake walk, gift card stand and many more fun games, stands and booths. SOCIETY #87, JOURDANTON Wednesday, September 3, m e e t i n g , C l a s s ro o m No. 5, Formation Center of St. Matthew's Religious Education Facility, 7:30 p.m. SACRED HEART PARISH FALL PICNIC, HALLETTSVILLE Sunday, August 31, KC Hall. Dinner will be served from 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Drive thru plates-to-go sold 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Dining in the KC Hall. Meal consists of country fried chicken, stew, homemade cornbread dressing with all the trimmings. Adults $8.50, children (10 and under) $4.50. Short memorial at 1 p.m. given by Rev. Msgr. John Peters. Auction on the Main Pavilion at 1 p.m. Inside the air-conditioned KC Hall there will be bingo (noon-6 p.m.), cake walk, country store and religious articles booth. Music on the Main Pavilion with Kovanda Czech Band 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free dance on the Polka Pavilion/Biergarten with Dujka Brothers and the Red Ravens 1-9 p.m. Dance in KC Hall with music by the Emotions 9 p.m.-1 a.m. $10 per person. Kiddie games and rides all afternoon, and cool off in the water slide. Washer pitching tourney at 5 p.m. Delicious hamburgers, french fries, nachos, popcorn, funnel cakes, snow cones, lemonade and sodawater all afternoon. Come join in the fun! NATIONAL GRANDPARENT'S DAY Sunday, September 7. 2014 SEPT LABOR DAY Monday, September 1. SOCIETY #34, NADA Saturday, September 6, meeting, Family Life Center's St. Joseph Room, 7 p.m. following 6 p.m. Holy Mass. KJT ANNUAL TAROKY TOURNAMENT Sunday, September 7. SOCIETY #4, AMMANNSVILLE Sunday, September 7, quarterly meeting, at the rector y immediately following the 9:30 a.m. Mass. SOCIETY #72, CORPUS CHRISTI Sunday, September 7, meeting, Moravia Hall, 2 p.m. Food and door prizes. SOCIETY #112, AUSTIN Wednesday, September 10, meeting, Sacred Heart Reception Room, 6:30 p.m. 13TH ANNUAL SAN ANTONIO CZECH GALA Friday, September 12, St. Luke's Catholic Church Parish Hall, San Antonio, 6:30-10:30 p.m. Your are invited for an evening of Czech music and Czech food. The versatile Chris Rybak will provide the music. Come enjoy good food, good music, a great raffle and silent auction. Tickets are $30 per person, $60 for a couple. This evening is benefiting the statewide Texas Czech Heritage and Culturall Center in La Grange. For more information, call (210) 4108840. (Continued on page 19) July 2014 Catholic Union Of Texas News Page 19 CALENDAR OF EVENTS (Continued from page 18) SOCIETY #31, WEST S u n d a y, S e p t e m b e r 1 4 , Corporate Communion at 7:30 a.m. Mass followed by meeting with coffee and kolaches. SOCIETY #119, LA MARQUE Sunday, September 14, tentative meeting, Parish Life Center. SOCIETY #63, SMITHVILLE Tuesday, September 16, meeting with potluck meal. SOCIETY #134, ROUND ROCK Saturday, September 20, meeting in the Pavilion. A chili supper will be served with Chris Lively as the cook. SOCIETY #80, SEALY S u n d a y, S e p t e m b e r 2 1 , Member Appreciation Dinner, Hi l l Com mu n i t y Cen ter. Registration begins at 1 p.m. Catered meal will be served at 5 p.m. SOCIETY #13, YOAKUM Sunday, September 21, meeting, St. Joseph Family Center after the 9 a.m. Mass. SOCIETY #133, MISSOURI CITY Monday, September 22, meeting, A&B Meeting Room, Holy Family Catholic Church, 1510 Fifth Street, Missouri City, 7:30 p.m. SOCIETY #87, JOURDANTON Saturday, September 27, Join Hands Day, St. Matthew's Parish Hall, 9 a.m. Members to help with clean-up and set-up of St. Matthew's Church Picnic. SOCIETY #115, VICTORIA Sunday, September 28, annual fundraiser in conjunction with the annual Czech Fest, Victoria Community Center. Members are asked to provide baked goods and give of their time to help the cake wheel beginning at noon. 2014 OCT 7TH ANNUAL KJT STATE GOLF TOURNAMENT Saturday, October 4. TAROCK TOURNAMENT Sunday, September 07, 2014 KJT Activity Center 116 S. Hwy. 71 La Grange, TX 78945 Entry Fee--$25 includes noon meal and other snacks throughout the day Four 1 ½ hour rounds will be played Registration at 8 am, play begins at 9 am, meal after the second round Top four (4) scorers after four rounds receive trophies and cash prizes-First through fourth place Table winners paid $5 after each round; door prizes to be given All players welcome—pass the word Cash door prizes Pre-registration is requested for meal preparation purposes Entry Fee will be refunded if unable to attend If you have any questions or for more information contact: Stanley Cernoch @ 281-422-9954,email [email protected] or Frankie Joe Cernosek @ 979-743-3486, email [email protected] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME _________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ PHONE _________________________________________________________ EMAIL ________________ _________________________________________ Mail entry and fee to: KJT Home Office, PO Box 297, La Grange, TX 78945-0297 SOCIETY #141, GEORGETOWN Friday, October 10, meeting, home of Pat and Larry Gregoire. Call (512) 869-0091 for directions. KJT Sales Representatives Eugene G. Maroul John D. Kana Ted J. Vitek Dan L. Stavena Henry C. Zapalac, Jr. Ellen Zdansky Dominic Muras, F.I.C. Timothy B. Prasifka Frank L. Buxkemper, F.I.C. Robert G. Leopold Deborah A. Currey Joe E. Landsfeld L.V. Keprta Linda M. Gaas Valentine J. Eschenburg Charles I. Mock Frances M. Toman Kathleen B. Chovanetz Margaret A. Holik David L. Cernosek Frankie Joe Cernosek Victor J. Janak II Daniel J. Tesar Pat J. Nevlud Gilbert Barratachea Joe Banda Margaret A. Hanslik Clement L. Korenek Raymond J. Pokorney Daniel A. Lev Michael W. Tydlacka Leon J. Barton Joe Bilski Carolyn Bilski Albert Sustala Kevin Hostas Ronald Hostas Mildred R. Machacek Elias M. Bigon William K. Leonard, Jr. Donald B. Dusek, F.I.C. Evelyn R. Skopik Ernest L. Bezdek, Sr. Herbert H. Brem Robert J. Nors Lois J. Jirkovsky Anedina De La O Susan Watzlavick Daniel Pilcik Thomas Arellano ADDRESS _________________________________________________________ Web Form KJT STATE FAMILY DAY, SEALY Saturday, October 4-Sunday, October 5. Susan Jurek Milan Dujka Jr. Julie N. Beebe Charles Zdansky Tammy Plante Bobby Terpstra Mark Stolarski Jeannie Arellano Lawrence Yanta Patrick Valenta Debra Macik Michael Till Ricky E. Adams Sr. Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc Soc #107, Abbott (254) 580-8102 #4, Ammannsville (979) 247-4583 #112, Austin (512) 928-0960 #139, Bay City (979) 245-2157 #14, Bryan (979) 822-5833 #72, Corpus Christi (361) 992-4501 #111, Dallas (972) 224-4086 #111, Dallas (972) 225-2551 #40, East Bernard (979) 335-7318 #84, El Campo (979) 543-3535 #130, Elgin (512) 775-0977 #35, Ennis (972) 875-5443 #122, Freeport (979) 265-5687 #12, Frenstat (979) 596-2606 #29, Frydek (979) 627-0045 #29, Frydek (979) 885-3961 #71, Ganado (361) 782-6644 #5, Hallettsville (361) 798-9999 #48, Hillje (979) 648-2025 #42, Holman (979) 263-5533 #42, Holman (979) 743-5318 #56, Houston (713) 518-1573 #79, Hungerford (979) 532-2006 #121, Katy-Sp. Branch (281) 599-1057 #128, Killeen (254) 699-5535 #131, Manor (512) 272-5801 #38, Moulton (361) 596-7133 #43, Wied #1, Praha #34, Nada (979) 758-3642 #132, Pflugerville (512) 251-1185 #90, Rosenberg (281) 232-2777 #90, Rosenberg (281) 232-3667 #134, Round Rock (512) 255-1165 #80, Sealy (979) 885-7814 #80, Sealy (979) 885-7814 #80, Sealy (979) 885-2186 #59, Seymour (940) 889-4440 #59, Seymour (940) 889-3421 #20, Shiner (361) 594-2552 #114, Temple (254) 773-6300 #119, Texas City (409) 935-2500 #115, Victoria (361) 578-6730 #117, Waco (254) 772-2424 #31, West (254) 826-5435 #60, Tours (254) 822-1217 #31, West (254) 826-3451 #13, Yoakum (361) 293-2206 #87, Jourdanton (830) 769-3524 #20, Shiner (361) 594-2113 #40, East Bernard (979) 335-4861 #16, Wallis #27, Taylor, (512) 422-7767 #28, Granger, #55, Corn Hill #141, Georgetown #101, Danbury (281) 431-0791 #117, Waco (254) 829-2441 #35, Ennis (972) 875-9669 #72, Corpus Christi (361) 992-4501 #102, San Antonio (210) 823-4663 #114, Temple (254) 642-3830 #80, Sealy (979) 877-5254 #141, Georgetown (512) 750-1091 #115, Victoria (361) 575-7280 #72, Corpus Christi (361) 443-1489 #111, Dallas (940) 624-3773 #43, Wied (361) 772-6967 #31, West (254) 644-2802 Page 20 Catholic Union Of Texas News Message From State President . . . Continued from page 1 held at the Stephen F. Austin Golf Course in San Felipe (near Sealy). A four-person scramble will be played with a limit of 18 teams. A shotgun start will begin at 9 a.m. State Family Day & 125th Anniversary Celebration The celebration will begin at 2 p.m. on Saturday at the K of C Hall in Sealy at 1310 Highway 90 West. There will be activities for the kids, music 2-5 p.m. by the Kovanda Czech Band, dinner and then music from 6-10 p.m. by the Dujka Brothers to end the evening. We will again be drawing for attendance prizes throughout the day as we have in the past. Mass will be celebrated on Sunday at Immaculate Conception Church in Sealy at 600 4th St. at 9 a.m. and then we will reconvene at the K of C Hall for brunch and then end the day with a free bingo game with many prizes to be awarded. More details will be forthcoming in the next issue of the KJT News. Society #12, Frenstat John E. Kacer Marvin F. Kacer Society #16, Wallis Kenneth J. Matej Daniel A. Orsak Society #20, Shiner Jerome C. Holub Ronald D. Matias Nathan D. Molnoskey Ronald L. Molnoskey Robert A. Nevlud Jr. Jeffrey P. Wagner Thomas J. Wagner Timothy J. Wagner Society #28, Granger Gregory F. Pekar Society #29, Frydek Larry Wayne Blazek Michael C. Blazek Patrick A. Blazek Douglas J. Treybig Society #31, West A.F. Kubacak Society #35, Ennis Joseph Lamer Jr. Paul D. Nekuza Society #43, Wied Dennis R. Janak David W. Pesek Society #49, Needville Christopher J. Filip Society #55, Corn Hill Kevin P. Sukup Society #56, Houston Chris P. Matula Society #60, Tours Clarence J. Straten David E. Straten Robert W. Straten Society #71, Ganado Albert D. Andel Patrick J. Andel Charles James Psencik Milton J. Venglar Society #72, Corpus Christi Raymond F. Dlabaja James L. Krupala Gary J. Vahalik Aaron L. Valenta Society #73, Wichita Falls Gregory A. Peters Samuel C. Peters Society #80, Sealy Steven Charles Cerny Albert Sustala Edwin James Sustala Raymond A. Sutala Society #39, Marak David R. Vaculin Society #81, Poth Wildfred A. Wiatrek Edward J. Mihalko Jr. Edward Sprencel Lawrence Sprencel Society #40, East Bernard Paul K. Vacek Society #82, Eastgate Brian J. Hanel 214 E. Colorado • P. O. Box 297 • La Grange, Texas 78945–0297 979/968–5877 • 800/245–8182 • [email protected] • www.kjtnet.org JULY 2014 STATE OFFICERS Rev. Robert E. (Bob) Knippenberg, Spiritual Director Holy Family Catholic Church 2011 Briar Lane, Wharton, Texas 77488-4470 979/532-3593 or Fax 979/532-2781 [email protected] Christopher L. Urban, State President P. O. Box 297, La Grange, Texas 78945 Business 979/968-5877 or 968-5878 Residence 979/968-5118 [email protected] July 2014 Society #4, Ammannsville Randy F. Holub Daryl A. Weyand NEWS Official Newsletter of the Catholic Union of Texas 50-Year Membership Society #1, Praha Douglas E. Jasek Sidney J. Jasek George C. Migl July 2014 Society #87, Jourdanton Paul E. Divin Society #90, Rosenberg Mark A. Prihoda Society #108, Brenham James A. Holub Charles P. Majewski David C. Majewski Society #111, Dallas Mark A. Adamcik Patrick J. Snapka Michael D. Zabojnik Society #112, Austin David L. Motloch Johnny L. Motloch David M. Wagner, State Vice President P.O. Box 297, La Grange, Texas 78945 Business 979/968-5877 or 968-5878 • Cell 979/250-3282 [email protected] Kevin D. Kana, State Treasurer & Secretary P.O. Box 297, La Grange, Texas 78945 Business 979/968-5877 or 968-5878 • Cell 979/249-6887 [email protected] Philip J. Hundl, State Attorney Wadler, Perches, Hundl & Kerlick, 101 W. Burleson St., Wharton, Texas 77488 Business: 979/532-3871 • Residence: 979/253-0908 [email protected] STATE DIRECTORS Robert Nors 1298 John Nors Road, West, Texas 76691-2531 Residence 254/826-3451 • [email protected] Society #113, McCook Raymond A. Moczygemba Margaret Hanslik 121 CR 193A, Moulton, Texas 77975-4809 Cell 361/772-1973 • [email protected] Society #115, Victoria Glenn A. Spann Kenneth W. Spann Ray Pokorney 10100 Bennett-Pokorney Lane, Manor, Texas 78653-4706 Residence 512/251-1185 • [email protected] Society #120, Beaumont Steven A. Chvatal Thomas Arellano 120 Retama Drive, Georgetown, Texas 78626-6351 Residence 512/930-0850 • [email protected] Society #121, Katy-Spring Branch Donald L. Zapalac Duane L. Zapalac Society #122, Freeport Kenneth R. Kaspar Society #133, Missouri City William J. Hickl III Margaret Holik 1828 County Road 382, Louise, Texas 77455-4160 Cell 979/541-3303 • [email protected] Ellen Zdansky 701 Meadowbrook Drive, Corpus Christi, Texas 78412-3020 Residence 361/992-4501 • [email protected] Larry L. Kuciemba 5119 Prairie Creek Drive, Houston, Texas 77084 Cell 713/296-9387 • [email protected] KJT NEWS EDITOR Cynthia V. Taylor P. O. Box 297, La Grange, Texas 78945 4403 Bob Wire Road, Spicewood, Texas 78669 Cell 512/507-4556 • [email protected]
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