2012 annual report - Bread for the World


2012 annual report - Bread for the World
Laura Elizabeth Pohl/Bread for the World
Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice
urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at
home and abroad. By changing policies, programs,
and conditions that allow hunger and poverty to
persist, we provide help and opportunity far beyond
the communities where we live.
Laura Elizabeth Pohl/Bread for the World
Bread for the World Institute provides policy analysis
on hunger and strategies to end it. The Institute
educates opinion leaders, policy makers, and the
public about hunger in the United States and abroad.
(Left to right) Kay DeBlance, Rebecca Walker, Aaron Marez, and David Ramos of Texas walk through the
Russell Senate Office Building on their way to a meeting in Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison’s office (R-Texas). They
visited the office as part of Bread for the World’s Lobby Day in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, June 12, 2012.
2 2012 Annual Report
Bread for the World • Bread for the World Institute
Sandra Joireman, Chair
Wheaton, Ill. Professor of politics and international relations,
Wheaton College.
John Carr, Vice Chair
Cheverly, Md. Fellow, Institute of Politics, Kennedy School of
Government, Harvard University.
Elizabeth Henry, Secretary
Oakland, Calif. Community development coordinator, Arkansas
Children’s Hospital.
Bob Terry, Treasurer
Birmingham, Ala. Publisher and editor, The Alabama Baptist.
Nancy D. Arnison
Chicago, Ill. Executive director, Theological Book Network.
Spencer Bachus
Birmingham, Ala. U.S. representative, (R-Ala.). Chair, House
Financial Services Committee.
David Beckmann
Alexandria, Va. President, Bread for the World and Bread for
the World Institute.
Deborah Blue
Chicago, Ill. Executive minister, Department of Compassion,
Mercy, and Justice; Evangelical Covenant Church.
Dayna Cade
Washington, D.C. President, DC Strategies, Inc.
Walter Contreras
Los Angeles, Calif. Director, Hispanic Church Planting
and Outreach, Pacific Southwest Conference, Evangelical
Covenant Church.
Ronald Cunningham
Dallas, Texas. Bishop, Christian Methodist Episcopal Church.
Presiding prelate, Eighth Episcopal District.
Derick Dailey
Blytheville, Ark./New Haven, Conn. Graduate student, Yale
University. Member, 2013 Global Ecumenical Theological
Institute-North America.
Bob Dole
Washington, D.C. Former Republican candidate for president.
Former majority leader, U.S. Senate.
Elizabeth Donnelly
Belmont, Mass. Longtime Bread member and activist.
Dick Durbin
Springfield, Ill. U.S. senator (D-Ill.). Assistant majority leader,
U.S. Senate.
Ruth Farrell
Louisville, Ky. Coordinator, Presbyterian Hunger Program.
Yesenia García
Washington, D.C. Communications coordinator, 1,000 Days.
Michael Gerson
Alexandria, Va. Senior advisor, ONE. Syndicated columnist,
Washington Post.
Fred Groos
Stevens Point, Wisc. Family physician, Family Health/La Clinica
de los Campesinos.
Denis Madden
Baltimore, Md. Auxiliary bishop, Archdiocese of Baltimore.
Megan Marsh
Colorado Springs, Colo. Project and support specialist,
Compassion International. Longtime Bread activist.
Terry Meehan
New York, N.Y. Chair, Azimuth Investment Management, LLC.
Carol Myers
Holland, Mich. Creator and editor of stnicholascenter.org.
Longtime Bread activist.
Carlos Navarro
Albuquerque, N.M. Volunteer state coordinator, Bread New
Mexico. Longtime Bread activist.
Donna Neste
Minneapolis, Minn. Coordinator of neighborhood ministries,
Mount Olive Lutheran Church.
Maureen O’Leary
New York, N.Y. Retired psychotherapist in private practice.
Chang K. Park
New York, N.Y. Founder and CEO, Universal Remote Control,
Devita Parnell
Lilburn, Ga. Missional resources specialist, Cooperative
Baptist Fellowship.
Jonathan Reyes
Washington, D.C. Executive director, Department of Justice,
Peace, and Human Development, U.S. Conference of Catholic
Daniel Rift
Oak Park, Ill. Director of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
World Hunger and Disaster Appeal.
Gabriel Salguero
Newark, N.J. Founder and president, National Latino
Evangelical Coalition. With Jeanette Salguero, co-pastor,
Lamb’s Church of the Nazarene, New York City.
Greg Shaw
Seattle, Wash. Publisher and CEO, Crosscut Seattle.
William Shaw
Philadelphia, Pa. Pastor, White Rock Baptist Church.
Commissioner, U.S. Commission on International Religious
Art Simon
Bowie, Md. Honorary Board Member. President emeritus and
founder of Bread for the World.
Malcolm Street
Fort Worth, Texas. Owner and operator of assisted living communities.
Peace Sullivan
Miami Beach, Fla. Longtime Bread activist and retired psychotherapist.
Sharon Thornberry
Philomath, Ore. Community food systems manager, Oregon
Food Bank.
Elaine VanCleave
Nashville, Tenn. Longtime Bread activist.
Gerald Kolschowsky
Sarasota, Fla. Former chair and co-CEO, OSI Group, LLC.
Martha Ward
Seattle, Wash. Longtime Bread activist.
Leonard Lovett
Alexandria, Va. Ecumenical officer, Urban Affairs, Church of
God in Christ.
Jim Winkler
Washington, D.C. General secretary, United Methodist General
Board of Church and Society.
Bread for the World • Bread for the World Institute
2012 Annual Report 3
Laura Elizabeth Pohl/Bread for the World
Rev. David Beckmann
The 112th Congress was characterized by deficit reduction drama and
political brinkmanship—often aimed at cutting programs that alleviate hunger
and poverty. Yet, in 2012, the persistence of Bread for the World members, our
partner organizations, and other people of faith helped avert cuts to programs
vital to those whom Jesus called “the least of these.”
More than ever, Bread members engaged candidates throughout the
election campaign season. This was especially true in the fall when Bread for
the World, with partners in the Circle of Protection, asked President Barack
Obama and Governor Mitt Romney to issue video statements on how they
would end hunger. We were able to use those statements in the media and
through our networks to draw attention to the persistence of hunger and
poverty. These issues had been largely ignored by the presidential campaigns
until then.
In the final quarter of the year, more than 2,500 churches across the country
observed Bread for the World Sunday—remembering hungry people in their
prayers and renewing their commitment to end hunger.
2012 ended on a positive note, with many important anti-poverty
programs protected from harmful and disproportionate cuts. Medicaid; the
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly food stamps);
and the Special Supplemental Program for Women, Infants, and Children
(WIC) were not cut. Many tax credits that help people lift themselves out of
poverty were extended. Most critically, the worst effects of the fiscal cliff were
As a result, families here in the United States struggling with unemployment
and poverty were able to feed their children. In impoverished countries,
emergency food aid and development assistance saved lives and created hope
for the future.
2012 Victories
Bread Successfully Advocated for a Circle of Protection
In the face of unprecedented budget threats and over $2.5 trillion of
proposed deficit reductions, Bread members called on Congress to maintain a
circle of protection around funding for programs vital to hungry people. This
was a continuation of the 2011 Offering of Letters campaign. Bread members
urged protection of domestic nutrition programs, refundable tax credits,
poverty-focused development assistance, and international food aid.
In March, the Republican-led House passed its fiscal year 2013 budget. Had
this version of the budget been passed by Congress and been signed into law,
the cuts would have been so severe that most of the government—aside from
health care, Social Security, and defense—would cease to exist by 2050. In fact,
4 2012 Annual Report
Bread for the World • Bread for the World Institute
62 percent of the cuts in that budget were to programs vital to poor people.
Added to the mix during deficit reduction discussions was the reauthorization of the farm bill. Both the Senate
and House proposed cuts, with the House version of the bill including $16.5 billion in cuts to SNAP over 10
years—$12 billion more than the cuts proposed in the Senate version. As many as 3 million people would have been
cut out of SNAP and 280,000 children would have lost school meals. Both bills would have reduced agriculture and
nutrition spending over the next 10 years. In the end, Congress and the president reduced the deficit by $2.5 trillion
over 10 years with no significant cuts to programs vital to hungry and poor people.
All the issues that we persistently advocated for during the 112th Congress were dramatically resolved a few
hours before we reached the fiscal cliff at the end of December 2012.
The $50K Campaign Raised Awareness About Domestic Cuts
Bread’s $50K campaign in April 2012 raised awareness about the effect the proposed bills would have on local
charities. The campaign was so-named because every church in the United States, big or small, would need to raise
an additional $50,000 each year for 10 years to cover the proposed reductions to federal nutrition programs. Bread
secured the signatures of 35,000 people, including 2,500 pastors, on a petition that repudiated the notion that
churches can make up the difference.
Despite proposals to cut programs, Congress made no major cuts in 2012 to programs serving hungry people.
Congress also extended for five years the current Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit—assisting
millions of low-income working families.
Bread for the World members continued to advocate for more and better development assistance. The temporary
extension of the farm bill sustained
funding for the McGovern-Dole
International Food Program, used
for school feeding programs in
Africa and elsewhere. The extension
also funded the Food for Peace
Program, which provides food aid
in times of disaster.
Before the year ended, outgoing
House Foreign Affairs Committee
Ranking Member Howard Berman
(D-Calif.) introduced his rewrite of
the 1961 Foreign Assistance Act,
the Global Partnership Act. Also,
the House unanimously consented
to approve the Foreign Aid
Transparency and Accountability
Act of 2012 to improve the efficiency
of U.S. foreign aid. While these bills
did not pass, we remain optimistic
The Hunger Justice Leaders event in June brought 60 young ministers and church
leaders to Washington, D.C., for training as anti-hunger advocates.
Bread for the World • Bread for the World Institute
2012 Annual Report 5
Laura Elizabeth Pohl/Bread for the World
Strides Were Made Toward Improving Development Assistance
Laura Elizabeth Pohl/Bread for the World
elements of reform that will reduce hunger and poverty.
We know that international migration is often part of
the exodus from hunger—as people move across national
borders to escape poverty and improve their livelihoods.
While reducing poverty may not be the primary goal of
most contemporary immigration policy reform efforts, it
should certainly be one of its explicit objectives.
In 2012, Bread for the World led the way in making
that connection. A staff work group was created to focus
on a broader program of advocacy for immigration
reform and to establish principles to guide Bread’s
advocacy on this issue.
Bread Trained 60 Hunger Justice Leaders
In 2012, Bread for the World Institute continued its research
about the most effective ways to increase agricultural productivity
in countries that struggle with hunger.
that similar bills will pass in the 113th Congress.
Bread for the World Institute also pushed to strengthen
the focus on maternal and child nutrition in U.S.
international development policy. The Institute convened
hundreds of women of faith to advocate for adequate
nutrition for children and their mothers during a child’s
crucial first 1,000 days, from pregnancy through age 2.
Bread Asked the President to Prioritize Ending Hunger
During the 2012 presidential campaign, Bread for the
World—with our partners in the Circle of Protection—
secured video statements from both candidates on how
they would address hunger and poverty. The statements
were viewed more than 101,000 times. After the elections,
Bread for the World continued to use President Barack
Obama’s video as an organizing tool. People of faith were
invited to petition the president to work with Congress
on a plan to end hunger. President Obama’s statement
establishes a commitment that we will ask him to fulfill.
In June 2012, Bread for the World brought 60 young
ministers and church leaders to Washington, D.C., for
training as Hunger Justice Leaders. Participants came
from strategic legislative districts and a diversity of
Christian traditions. About two-thirds of the group were
African-American or Latino.
Participants explored the biblical foundations of
anti-hunger advocacy, gained skills in advocacy and
community organizing, connected with like-minded
ministers from across the United States, spoke out on
Capitol Hill, met with senior White House staff, and
committed to continue advocacy efforts back home.
Financial Statements
In 2012, combined revenue (excluding prior years’
revenue used in 2012) for Bread for the World and Bread
for the World Institute totaled $15.2 million. Thousands of
individuals and families—along with many churches and
church organizations—generously contributed well over
half of that amount. Several grants received in 2012 will
provide funds for program activities in 2013 and beyond.
Expenses for Bread for the World and Bread for
the World Institute totaled $13.8 million. Only 13
percent of the organizations’ expenses were devoted to
The Institute Connected Immigration to Its Roots in
fundraising—a reflection of the generosity of Bread for
Hunger and Poverty
the World’s members and the efficiency of our staff.
Bread for the World Institute provided analysis and Copies of the audited financial statements are provided
education on immigration issues. The Institute supports upon request. You may also find financial reports at
comprehensive immigration reform with a focus on those www.bread.org/annualreport.
6 2012 Annual Report
Bread for the World • Bread for the World Institute
We are careful stewards of the funds entrusted to us by Bread for the World members and others. For the sixth year
running, Bread for the World Institute earned the top rating—four stars—from Charity Navigator, and an “A” rating from
the American Institute for Philanthropy. We also maintained our top accreditation with the Better Business Bureau.
2013 Hunger Report Focused on Progress Against Hunger
within reach
global development goals
2013 hunger report
In November 2012, Bread for the World Institute launched the 22nd Hunger
Report, Within Reach: Global Development Goals. The 2013 Hunger Report points
out that the percentage of extremely poor people in the world has been cut in
half since 1990. The report calls for a final push as we approach the 2015 targets
for the Millennium Development Goals and looks beyond the 2015 framework.
The 2013 Hunger Report specifically urges the president of the United States
to provide leadership to motivate the nations of the world to set specific goals
for continued progress against poverty and hunger—and to announce a goal and
plan to end hunger in the United States.
Despite many challenges, 2012 ended on a positive note for us, with many
important federal anti-poverty programs being protected from harmful and
disproportionate cuts. Medicaid, SNAP, and WIC were not cut. Many tax credits that help people lift themselves
out of poverty were extended. Most critically, the worst effects of the fiscal cliff were avoided.
For all of this, we are thankful to you, our members, our activists, our donors, and our partners. Your generous
contributions, your letters to Congress, and your persistent prayers made all this possible.
David Beckmann
President, Bread for the World
2012 Offering of Letters
Our 2012 Offering of Letters, “Expanding the Circle of
Protection,” focused on safeguarding effective anti-poverty
programs under threat in Congress. During the previous
year, we had realized that we needed to change the way
that we campaigned to better cope with the unprecedented
attacks. Instead of focusing on a single issue, we expanded
our advocacy to four concerns: domestic nutrition, povertyfocused development assistance, tax credits for low income
families, and international food aid.
Bread for the World • Bread for the World Institute
2012 Annual Report 7
Bread for the World Revenues
Bread Total Revenue
Public support
Foundation grants
Church & denominational support
Prior years’ revenue used in current year*
Total public support
5,536,830 5,058,876
Other revenue232,224
Total Public Support
Total operating revenue
Non-operating revenue: investment income (loss)
45,724 21,543 Other Revenue 4.0%
$5,814,778$5,278,111 2012
Bread for the World Expenses
Program services
General education & research
Outreach & advocacy
Public policy
Total program expense
Support services
Finance and administration
Total support expense
Change in unrestricted net assets
Change in temporarily restricted net assets
NET ASSETS (beginning of year)
NET ASSETS (end of year)
Bread for the World Institute Revenues
Public support
Foundation grants
Prior years’ revenue used in current year*
Total public support
Other revenue
Total operating revenue
Non-operating revenue: investment income (loss)
Bread for the World Institute Expenses
Program services
General education & research
Outreach & advocacy
Public policy
Total program expense
Support services
Finance and administration
Total support expense
Change in unrestricted net assets
Change in temporarily restricted net assets
NET ASSETS (beginning of year)
NET ASSETS (end of year)
880,811 1,071,009
Revenue < 0.1%
Other Revenue 3.8%
Revenue 3.2%
Program Services
Program Services
Fundraising 16.0%
Fundraising 15.6%
Finance and
Admininstration 9.0%
Finance and
Admininstration 4.5%
Institute Total Revenue
Total Public Support
Bread Total Expense
Total Public Support
284,310 9,493 92.3%
$13,851,500 $13,791,182 2012
Total Public Support
Other Revenue 7.7%
Other Revenue 2.8%
Revenue < 0.1%
Revenue < 0.1%
Institute Total Expense
Program Services
Program Services
Fundraising 6.1%
Fundraising 4.6%
Finance and
Administration 6.6%
Finance and
Administration 1.7%
* Includes multi-year foundation grants and contributions. Source: 2012 Audited Financial Statements.
8 2012 Annual Report
Bread for the World • Bread for the World Institute
Bread for the World and Bread for the World Institute are
grateful for the faithful generosity and active involvement of all
our members. Bread is blessed with thousands of individuals
and families who participate in the Baker’s Dozen monthly
giving program. Hundreds of individuals and families have also
included Bread for the World and Bread for the World Institute in
their wills and estate plans, creating a Legacy of Hope.
These individuals and families generously
contributed $100,000 or more in 2012 to
Bread for the World or Bread for the World
Dr. Robert and Patricia Ayres
Charles Butt
Eleanor Crook
Chang K. Park
Rick Steves
New Century Council
These individuals and families generously
contributed $50,000-$99,999 in 2012 to
Bread for the World or Bread for the World
Robert L. Cahill
Paula and George Kalemeris
Terry Meehan
David and Carol Myers
Maureen O’Leary
Malcolm and Lou Street
Dr. Barbara O. Taylor
President’s Circle
These individuals and families generously
contributed $10,000-$49,999 in 2012 to
Bread for the World or Bread for the World
Judith and Richard Andrews
John and Alix Ankele
Rev. David and Janet Beckmann
James Bishop
Carol and Ronald Burmeister
Barbara Dan and Howard E. Butt Jr.
Charles E. Cheever Jr. and Nancy Shatey
Don Coffey
Bill and Caryl Crook
Clarence and Lili Darrow
James Detterick
John Driscoll and Lauren Kelley
Leota Ester
Jon and Susan Etherton
Philip Frey and Patricia Going
Revs. George Furniss and Sandy Larson
Dan and Peg Geisler
Christopher and Nancy Gibbs
Stephen and Angela Groth
John and Becky Halleron
John and Felicia Hendrix
John Hoffmeyer and Janet Corpus
Edward Hoyt and Maureen Connolly
Timothy L. Kingstad
Orin S. Kramer
Robert and Marla Lichtsinn
Julia and Frank Ladner
Kenneth and Elaine Langone
Joseph and Mary Martingale
William Miller
Howard and Abby Milstein
David and Robin Miner
Cecilia Mullen
Lee and Heidi Newberg
John and Katherine Pringle
George and Nancy Rupp
Kathleen and Todd Shapely-Quinn
David Shaw and Beth Kobliner Shaw
Diana and Bill Sornborger
Bill Strawbridge and Meg Wallhagen
Peace Sullivan
Michael Troutman and Amy Blumenshine
Larry and Kathi Zimpleman
Council to End Hunger
These individuals and families generously
contributed $5,000-$9,999 in 2012 to
Bread for the World or Bread for the World
W. Shepherdson and Kathryn Abell
Victor T. Adamo
Sharon and Thomas Arendshorst
Joanne and Billy Berghold
Pat and Oscar Boldt
Nancy Bolt
Mary Catherine Bunting
Peter and Virginia Carry
John P. Duffy
Jason Dykstra
Michael and Barbara Gartner
Dr. Ed J. Gracely
Jean and William Graustein
Mr. and Mrs. John Harding
Ann G. Hunter
Charles J. Jacobs
Tim and Debbie Kaspar
Garnett and Martha Keith
Elisabeth Keller and Steven Bonsey
Nancy and Joseph Kunkel
Robert E. Lauder
Ann M. Mallouk
Loris M. Masterton
Bishop Gerald N. McAllister
Bread for the World • Bread for the World Institute
Joan Neil
Alan and Lesley Pedersen
Jana E. Prescott
Ruth Qualben
Charles and Margreet Ryan
Theresa Sprain
Frances Stevenson
Dr. Roger and Lusandra Vincent
Rev. and Mrs. Clifford S. Waller
Steve and Martha Ward
Janet White and Michael Clark
Founder’s Society
These individuals and families generously
contributed $2,500-$4,999 in 2012 to
Bread for the World or Bread for the World
Institute in honor of Art Simon as founder of
Bread for the World.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Alexander
George and Harriet Baldwin
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Bangsund
Joanne and Donald Bartel
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Bayer
Rev. and Mrs. Richard Guy Belliss
Rev. and Mrs. Alden Besse
Collette and Paul Beuther
Rev. James Challancin
Kenneth and Carol Clancy
Thomas Cummings
Ruth and C. William Dealy
Ralph and Susan Doughton
Alice and Joseph Duff
Timothy and Teresa Dunbar
Robert and Margaret Fagenson
Rev. E. Mark Franceschini, OSM
Mario J. Gabelli
Rev. Laurence A. Gipson
Rev. Doug Gray
Dr. David Hannay
Troy and Heather Hawks
Steve and Jan Hitchcock
Peter and Kelley Hoopis
Mary Ann Howkins and David Tolley
Betty and Darwin Hudson
John Huitema
Bridget Jensen
Shannon and Patricia Jung
Ginny and Bob Kane
Frank H. Kane
Mary Ann Kundtz
Patricia Lamb
Thomas Leonard
Rev. Katherine A. Mahle
David H. McAlpin Jr.
Revs. James and Dean McDonald
Susanne McMillan
Erik D. Medina
Steven and Christine Mohler
Roger and Mary Myhre
Dan and Teresa Nolet
Mark and Linda Nygard
David Oliver
Kristi K. Olson
Ed and Marlyce Payne
Annette L. Pickard
Martha M. Richardson
Robert and Kay Riley
Jim and Judy Roos
Henri and Candace Rush
Peter Schakel
John and Diane Schlitt
Robert and Rebecca Shaw
Harold R. Sikorski
Daniel and Nina Smith
Jane and Jeff Snowden
Martin Spalding
Cyrus W. Spurlino
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stall
Drs. Bob and Patricia Terry
Steve and Robin Thomas
Leslie and Timothy Wallstrom
Donald Wiesen
National Associates
These individuals and families generously
contributed $1,000-$2,499 in 2012 to
Bread for the World or Bread for the World
Faye and Ronald Adkins
Cynthia Allen
Dan and Marica Allen
Dr. Edward R. Ames
Ann Thatcher Anderson
Marlene Anderson
Warren D. Anderson
Billy and Jody Andrade
David J. Apol
Abigail Arms
Catherine and Don Augenstein
Robert and Margaret Ayres
David and Karen Barber
Pamala and Steven Barger
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Batalden
William and Gloria Belli
Norman and Peggy Bendroth
Dr. and Mrs. J. Claude Bennett
Alice Benson and Kirk Fitch
Victoria Beynon
Dr. Michael M. Bianco
Judy Bierbaum
Bruce L. Blackie
Cindy Blais
Robert O. Blake
Rebecca Blank and Johannes Kuttner
Vincent G. Bonasso
Kevin Bottini
Meg Bowerman
Pat Brandenburg
Cathy and Dave Brechtelsbauer
Carl and Elaine Bretscher
Jacqueline and Keith Brux
Sarah Buckman
Alan Buddendeck
Brenton Burkholder
Charles and Mary Jo Burpee
John and Caryl Busman
2012 Annual Report 9
Ron and Lynn Byrnes
William J. Byron, SJ
Duke and Lori Caldwell
Ronald Cantoni
Ed and Shirley Carlson
Paul and Bridget Carns
Robert B. Catell
Mr. and Mrs. T. Drew Cauthorn
Brian Chapman
Dr. G. Ross and Carol Chenot
Drs. Young Choo and Jang-Hoon Choo
William Claflin
Susan and John Clark
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Clinard
Anne and Greg Clites
Andrea and Richard Clough
Ralph and Linda Cole
Maribeth W. Collins
Jason Tyler Conn
Mr. and Mrs. William V. Conover, II
Roger Cooke and Joan Cirillo
Marsha V. Cookingham
George and Ruth Councell
Elizabeth Crook
Dawn and Thomas Crotty
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. Cullman Jr.
Rev. Joseph K. Curley
Eloise Dale
Palmer and Margaret Dalesandro
John and Jodi Darrow
Sam Daube
Jim and Marilyn Davidheiser
Bob and Jane Davidson
Revs. John and Patricia de Beer
Loic and Rebecca de Kertanguy
Jorge Juan de Moya
Russell and Pamela De Young
Michael Dehn and Tara Soughers
Jeffrey L. Dennis
Dr. Chris Dennis
Tina and Leonard DeOliveira
Mark and Diana D’Evelyn
Claudia T. Dickerson
Marion Diener
Herman and Dorothy Diers
Mr. and Mrs. G. Joseph Dippell
Douglas and Patricia Dolan
James K. Donnell
Charles and Ruth Dow
Wolcott Dunham and Joan Findlay
Reginald Dyck
Caran Ebert
Rev. and Mrs. William Edwards
Dale and Melinda Egeberg
Paul and Sharon Eklof
Rev. Mary L. Ellenberger
Helen Engelbert
Dana English and Thomas Whalen
Daniel and Karen Erlander
Peter and Marty Everts
Clarence W. Firari
Kathleen Fischer and Thomas Hart
Allen Fisher
Ellen and Allen Fisher
Kenneth and Caroline Fitzgerald
Rev. John J. Fitzgerald
Michael and Betsy Fleenor
Allison and Jim Fleming
10 2012 Annual Report
Rev. Yolande and Claude Ford Sr.
Anthony A. Formato
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Frank
Jane and James Frankenberger
Tex and Nancy Fountain
Albert Fried
Norma A. Fritsche
Roy D. Frysinger
James A. Gabriel
Margery and Les Galbraith
Richard Games
Gordon Gano
Dr. and Mrs. Edward H. Garber
Paige and Walt Garnett
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Gasiewicz
Maria L. Gaspar
John N. Gavin
Robert S. Gershkoff
Christopher Gibbon
Bill and Eileen Gilles
Martin and Lenore Gleason
Rev. and Mrs. Maurice L. Goldsmith
Paul E. Goodwin
Patrick and Amy Gotcher
T. David Goulding
Deborah and Bill Granger
Sr. Jeanne Marie Greenen
Martha and E. R. Gregory
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Gross
Dean and Pam Gruner
Ron Gunden
Thomas Haines
George and Margaret Hanafee
Lois Harder
Rev. Jonathan Harris
Margaret Harris
Rev. Robert L. Hartenfeld
Edna Haworth
Agnes R. Hayden
Stephen and Jude Hayes
Prescott Heald
Roger and Marge Heegaard
A. Robert Hemmingson
Elizabeth Henry
Rev. Robert W. Herron
Dr. Ray and Rosemary Hershberger
Cheryl Hibbeler
Mark A. Hicks
Harry and Starr Hinrichs
Steve and Sandra Hirdes
John and Ann Hisle
Tim and Karen Hogan
Lynn and Bruce Holbein
Margaret and Kenneth Holfinger
Cynthia and David Holmes
Rev. Eric C. Holmstrom
Judy Hoshek and Nick Dobrinich
Debra Hover
Fred and Charlotte Hubbell
Sr. Julia Huiskamp
Marian Huizenga
Timothy and Annette Huizenga
Gus and Thelma Hultman
June Husom
Wim and Kathryn Ibes
Christine Ihde
Alexander M. Jacobs
William and Mary Jacobs
Kenneth and Agnes Jacobs
Dr. Maynard and Elaine Jacobson
Mr. and Mrs. John Jakobson
Darcy R. James
Lawrence and Ruth Jaynes
David and Mary Beth Jellen
Anne H. Johnson
Gerhard and Virginia Johnson
Rev. Erick Johnson
Thad and Suzanne Johnson
Kelly S. Johnson
Scherry and Jeff Johnson
Dean Johnson
Sandra and Paul Joireman
Zaira Jones
Robert Jones
Michael C. Just
Drs. Blair and Rita Justice
Kathleen and William Kastilahn
Stephen and Marina Kaufman
J. R. and Beverly Ann Keener
Mary R. Keller
Frances and Howard Kellogg
David and Lavone Kendall
Colleen M. Kent
Adele Keogh
Deborah and Reiley Kidd
Detlef R. Kiesler
Bryan Kingsriter
Linda Knapp
David N. Kockler
Anne Koehler
Tom and Linda Koehn
Merle G. Krause
Anne M. Kuempel
Frank and Martha Kuhlman
Rev. Francis J. Labita
Corina Lamotte
Anne C. Landry
Mary Anne and Robert Lanni
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre F. Lapeyre Jr.
Terry Larkin
Joseph and Ruth Lawrence
Brandt and Christine Lawson
Stephen LeBlanc
Vivian Zeik Leonard
Beth and John Lepinski
Rev. Sandra Levy
Terry and Joyce Lillis
Harry and Carolyn Lincoln
Steve and Gwen Liston
Robert B. Loftfield
Michele and David Lommel
Michael C. Long
David and Karen Lowe
Jeanne M. Luboja
James Lund
Willa and Ted Lutz
Carol Lombard Lutz
Noel Lyons and Jacala Kinney
Grant Macleod
Arthur Maher
Charlotte M. Mahoney
Linda Manatt
Louise Mann
Mr. and Mrs. James Manning
James Mark
Jack and Barbara Marks
John P. Martin
Ronald and Lillian Mathsen
Sylvia Matthews
John and MaryAnne Mauriel
Marilyn Maxner
Philip and Elizabeth McClintock
Fr. Tom McCormick
Robert McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew F. McHugh
Robert McMath
Joel McWilliams
John Meriwether
Matthew Merola
Ruth Messinger
Edward Meyer
David and Lori Miles
O. F. Miller III
David Mitchell
Mary Ann and Mark Moller-Gunderson
Carol Monson
Peter and Christine Moore
Terry and Cornelia Moore
Margaret P. Morgan
Derry Ann Moritz
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Morris
Sue Morrissey
Beverly S. Moss
Fr. Marvin A. Mottet
Marilyn Mueller
Dennis Frank Murnyak
Randolph Murphy
Joan Murray
Phillip R. Myers
Jerry Mylet
Susan Mythen
Mary and Bob Naftzger
Jennifer Smith Nazaire
Fred and Jean Nelis
Dr. Rachael Neve
Kaj and Yvonne Neve
Rev. Lloyd and Muriel Neve
Gudger Nichols Jr. and Mary K. Nichols
Beverly Norton
Gloria A. Norwood
Katherine Nowak
Pamela and Howard Nurse
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Nygaard
Fr. Robert Obermeyer
Dr. Kelli S. O’Brien
Dennis and Lori O’Donnell
Fr. John G. Oesterle
Paul Offenbacher
Morris and Nancy Offit
Margaret O’Herron and Bob Healy
Robert Ohmes
Jeffrey Ojemann and Karen Selboe
Dr. Norman Olson
Charlie and Mary Beth O’Reilly
Daniel O’Rourke
Robert and Dorothy Osborn
David and Elizabeth Page
Chelsea and Aaron Pang
Carol Parowski
Joanne Payson
Joan Pepin and Michael Woods
Fr. Martin A. Peter
Susan Petersmeyer
Carol J. Pfleiderer
Richard and Dana Pigford
Bread for the World • Bread for the World Institute
Susan Pimentel
Lewis and Winifred Pinch
Jon Pittman and Heidi Marie Shaffer
Martha Pomerleau
William and Mary Lou Ponzani
Stephen and Esther Portnoy
Anton and Janis Prange
Kent and Julie Price
Emilie B. Privratsky
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Pursell
Mark and Jean Raabe
Paul Rabe and Cheryl Gunter
Merlyn and Karen Rauh
Bishop Lawrence L. Reddick III
Katherine and Doug Reilly
Michael Reilly
Kimberly and John Reisman
Dennis and Connie Remenschneider
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Reynolds
William and Maura Reynolds
Janis B. Rich
Rod and Sherry Rinell
Mr. and Mrs. David Ripsom
Dr. Robert and Elizabeth Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Rohde
Charles and Eleanor Roth
Jim E. Runnels
Rebecca Rust
Peter and Bernice Rynders
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Sage
Karin Sandvik
Mr. and Mrs. Franz P. Scheuermann
Emily Schmale
Harold and Ruth Schmidt
Floyd and Betty Schoenhals
Charlotte Scholl
John and Mary Schramm
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Schupp
Paul Schwendener and Barbara Gessler
John E. Schwiebert
Douglas and Gail Seebeck
John and Margit Shanahan
Lois and David Shane
Grace Sheldon-Williams
Theodore and Karie Shorack
Dorothy Shreve
Rev. Arthur and Shirley Simon
Mr. and Mrs. R. Matthew Simon
Patricia Simonds
Margaret and David Sloat
John and Maryellen Smiley
David and Nancie Smith
Raymond and Joan Spatti
Chase Stafford
Dr. Mark Steinhoff
Robert and Deborah Sterken
Judith and Arthur Stevens
Richard and Mary Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart
James Stipe and Christina Way
Lloyd and Dorothy Stivers
Richard and Elaine Stoltzfus
Olga Stone
Elaine E. Stromme
Pete Stuurmans
Roger C. Sullivan
Carol Sundberg
Lois M. Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Taylor
Gregory and Jolanda Taylor
Lisa and Oliver Thomas
Teri L. Todd
Judith Toni
Marilyn S. Townley
Margaret and Charles Trageser-Kay
Carol L. Tucker-Foreman
Rev. Jane Carver Turner
Rev. Paul Turner
Col. Caroline Van Mason
Elaine E. VanCleave
Mary Vander Maten and John Peterson
Steve Vandine and Ellen Schneider
Joy and Jeff Viau
Daniel and Linda Vinson
Joseph Vitale
Rev. and Mrs. Willard Wagner
Rev. Alan Wakefield
Pauline Walker
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Waltz
Andy and Anita Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Phineas Washer
Steve Watson
Michelle Weakfall
Duane and Mary Weiland
Hermann I. Weinlick
Richard and Dana Wekerle
David Wengert
Paul Wenzloff
Charles H. Wester
Jim and Evelyn Whitehead
Jean C. Whiting
Kenneth Whitney
John Whittington
Fr. Jerry Wickenhauser
Robert A. Wicker
Isaac T. Wiegman
Randy and Loralie Wiese
Jerry Wiesner
Charlotte S. Williams
John D. Wilson and Amanda Fleishman
Joe and Ruth Wimsatt
R. Keith and Deborah Winkle
Lawrence Witt
Marie C. Woods
Ranae and James Wright
Jean M. Wylie
Jim Xhema
Rev. Charles Young
Rosemary Zaucha
Stephen and Amy Zeder
Full Harvest
These individuals and families generously
contributed $500-$999 in 2012 to Bread for
the World or Bread for the World Institute.
Gerald and Judy Aaker
John W. Ackerman
David Akers
Peter Albert
Marthanne and Timothy Allman
Gene and Denise Alms
Loretta J. Alois
Adlai Amor
Teresa L. Amott
Mary and Henry Andersen
Bread for the World • Bread for the World Institute
Leigh Andrews
Robert E. Arbogast
Mohammed H. Aref
Mark and Margaret Arelt
Steve and Kathy Arle
Nancy D. Arnison
Jean L. Artz
David R. Askey
Russell E. Atha, III
Rev. James E. Atwood
Chuck Austin
Carol and Richard Averill
James and Sarah Baar
James and Barbara Babb
Harriet Baldwin
Susan Ballinger
Harry Baltzer
Joseph P. Baranowski
Mike Barnes
Chris Barrett
Nasser Basir
Frederick Bauer
Fred and Patricia Baumer
Anthony and Madalyn Baumstark
Ann Beane
Rev. David E. Beauvais
Georgette Beck
Mark and Judy Becker
Sue Becker
Betty J. Becker
Gary Becker
Jean C. Beckman
Lucinda Beckmann
Warren Belasco
Michael and Valerie Bell
Glen and Catherine Bengson
Paul H. Benham
Ruth and Carl Benson
Helen Bentley
Perry and Kristen Bentley
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Berber
Alan Berg
Elizabeth M. Bergner
Kristin Berkey-Abbott
Lois I. Bernbeck
Trudy Bieck
Mr. and Mrs. David Bilger
Richard Binggeli
Susan and Tim Bingham
Paul G. Birdsall
Mary Blackwell
Joan Bleidorn
Tom and Linda Blucker
Harry and Thelma Boonstra
Dennis and Kathy Boos
Marcus Borg
Joseph Borodach
Bishop Frederick H. Borsch
Lorne Bostwick
Stewart and Susan Braun
Dick F. Bresnahan
Chris Breu
Leonard and Kathryn Bronec
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brorby
Bernard and Carol Brown
Beth S. Brown
Bruce and Marlene Brown
Glenn and Marge Brown
Suzanne and Bob Browning
Walter Brueggemann
Martha and Henry Bruner
Mark and Nancy Buchan
Rick and Jill Buffalini
Mary and Gordon Buitendorp
Alexander Busse
George A. Butler
Rev. Mary Beth Byrne
Ross Byrne
Mike Cahill
Terry and Sue Cain
Nora Cameron
Beverley Campbell
Peter Campbell
John A. Cape
Carol Carberry
Rev. Raymond Carignan, SSJ
Sue Carlton
Martin Carrigan
Joel Cassingham and Sheila Arimond
Kenneth and Rosemary Cavanaugh
Paul Chan and Katie Lorand
G. Clarke Chapman Jr. and Ardis V.
Susan Check
Douglas and Jean Cheever
John and Nancy Christiansen
Alfred and Gladys Claassen
Allen Clark
Susan Clark
Diane Clarke
Barbara Clawson
Barbara Cleary
Edward J. Cleary
Catherine Cleland
Rev. John H. Clifford
Jean Cline
Victor Clore
Larry Coffman
Warren S. Cohen
Anne Coke
June Colilla
Drs. David and Rebecca Conant
Jim and Anne Condon
Sarah Congdon and John Leech
Joan and Ronald Conklin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Conway Sr.
Joseph H. Conzelman, III
Robert M. Cooper
Diahnne Copeland
Kathryn Cramer
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Crampton
Saradell Crawford
Areta Crowell
Michael Cunningham and Laura Clements
George and Anne Cusick
William and Jean Cutlip
Kirti Darshani
Mary Davies
John F. Davis
Barret Davis
George Davis
Jessica Davis
William N. Davis Jr.
Mary A. Deak
Mr. and Mrs. Adair DeBardeleben
Sumon Dejavichitlert
2012 Annual Report 11
Archive Photo
Dan Devine and Michele Chollet
Peter Deyoung
Anne and Joseph Dols
Sandra Domeracki
Christopher R. Donahue
Terre Dorward
Sara Doughton
Clara M. Doyle
Dorothy W. Drummond
Jim Drysdale
Patricia Dufresne
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Dwyer
Pat Eden
Inez Edwards
Gabriela and Louis Egging
Frank J. Eimer
Joseph F. Eitner
Jean A. Ellefson
Amanda Elliott
Judith and Eldon Enger
Daniel Erdman and Anne Sensenig
Mark and Leigh Eriks
Bennett Falk and Margaret Moreland
Hilda Fedeler
Laura Felzer
Evelyn Ferguson
James and Carol Ferrans
Carol Feuerstein
Lewis and Martha Fikes
Patricia A. Finegan
Lois M. Fish
Jeannie Fleming
Mary A. Flournoy
Rev. Lisa C. Fox
Ke and Mary Francis
Roger L. Fredrikson
Jann Freed and John Fisher
Rick Frisbie
Timothy and Katherine Fulnecky
Catherine Furlani
Judy Gaalswyk
Estella Gahala-Lange and Dale Lange
Margie Gallagher
Dennis Gallaher
Robert Garthwait
Wilson Gautreaux Jr.
LaRae Gayler
Marjorie Gebhart
Fred and Nancy Gehlbach
John Geiger
12 2012 Annual Report
William and Nancy Gerdes
Archbishop Peter L. Gerety
Chuck and Pat Gerhan
Ann and John Gerondelis
Elsa Gibson
Martha Gillette
Jennifer Gingerich
Dorothy Gist
Richard and Alison Gist
Michael J. Glass
William Glover
Danielle Goldstone
Dick and Kerry Goodson
Gregory Gorman and Elizabeth HisleGorman
Robert D. Gosma
Thomas and Peg Goss
Francis J. Gossman
Kathleen Graves
Howard Greenberg
Lumina Greenway
Robert B. Gregorio
Chris and Karen Grigg
Renee M. Grogg
Edward Grossmann Jr.
David Grunbaum
Norah Guequierre and Ben Von Fischer
Roberta A. Guillory
Joanne H. Gulsvig
Mark Gunderman
George W. Gunn
Sharon and Jeff Gustin
Joan Haan
Susan J. Hahn
Gwynne E. Hallock
Lois A. Hankamp
Robert Hanlon
Duane and Elizabeth Hanson
Robert C. Hargreaves
Mary Louise Hartmann
Margaret Hassett and John Kehoe
Robert Hastings
Robert S. Hathaway
Edward and Ann Hawkes
B. Paul Hayes
Charles and Cathy Hays
Joyce and Scott Hedges
Donald J. Heinz
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heinze
Kenneth L. Henderson
Jeanette Herbert
Lois M. Herring
Donald F. Hetzler
Rachel L. Hewitt
Wayne Hierseman
Patricia Hillmann
Laura Hills
Daniel Hirst
Jonathan Hiskes and Hannah Notess
Robert and Miriam Hively
Rosemary R. Hobson
Mohammed Hoda
Grant and Kristin Hoekzema
Enid P. Hoffman
Eric Hoffman
Judy and Judith Hofmann
Melinda Hohlbein
Leah and Bill Horton
Patricia A. Hougen
Dorothy and Renie Hradnansky
George E. Hudak
David Hulefeld
Lurly Hunsberger
Kathleen and Patrick Hunt
Elizabeth Hussmann
Eunice and Paul Hyer
Steve Iliff
Bill W. Irlbeck
Rev. Thomas P. Ivory
David Jacobsen
Marthea D. Jager
Rev. Debra Jameson
Steve Jayne and Karen Shaff
Carolyn John
Joseph and Madeleine Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Lowell E. Johnson
Sue and John Johnson
Brad Johnson
Lita and Whipp Johnson
Katherine Johnson
Matt Johnson
Randi R. Jones
Doris B. Jones
Karen Josephson and Robert Camacho
Judy M. Judd
Kenneth and Sally Kampfe
Howard Kaplan
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Kase
John and Gail Kavalunas
Beth Kelley
Victor S. Kennedy
Michael Keough
Margareth Kieschnick and Philip Hatcher
Marcia and Thomas Kilbane
Dorothy King
Joseph King Jr. and Amy Justice
Dorothy J. Kingsmore
Steve and Donna Kirch
Janet and Lloyd Kittlaus
Charles and Judith Klawitter
Jill and Richard Klein
Delores M. Klevos
Paul M. Koch
Philip Kohler
Judy Kostura and Tom Polk
Fred and Joan Kramer
Suzanne and Henry Kraus
Diane and Keith Krell
Rev. and Mrs. Armin H. Kroehler
Carl and Sandra Kromminga
Sarah Krueger
Clarie Kuball
Karl and Karen Kumpf
Alyce Lagasse
George J. Landeis
Wilson Lanford
Rebecca and James Langer
Leo J. Larrivee, SS
Rachel Larson
Asma Lateef
Judith C. Lee
Lois I. Leffler
Dallas Lehman
William C. Leininger
John W. Lemly
Robert Lessl
Mark and Kristie Leverenz
Janet Lewis
Dennis and Betty Lewis
Mrs. and Mr. Kathy Ling
Ernest C. Lisi
Rev. John T. Lohre
Keith Lokkesmoe
Helen S. London
Thomas G. Long
Tom Loscalzo
Sharon S. Lowe
Frances A. Ludwig
Philip Lyons
Mary Mackenzie
Julie Magnus
Harold and Julia Mah
Henry and Katherine Mah
Rev. Avery C. Manchester
Sue B. Manning
John A. Maraz
Martha Margaride
Elizabeth C. Mark
Marilyn Marks
Charles and Susan Martin
Ardele B. Martinez
Ronald and Marilyn Martinson
Joyce C. Mast
David and Teri Mathews
Kim Mattingly
Mrs. and Mr. Jacqueline Maxeiner
Rev. Pamela McAbee Nesbit
Kenneth and Sharon McBee
Lawrence P. McBrady
Eugene D. McCarthy
Paul McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd H. McCracken Jr.
Roger McCullough and Bob Cardwell
Dorothea B. McDonough
Diane and Todd McElfish-Helle
Patricia A. McGaffigan
John McGaley
Michael McKenna
Sharon and Jim McNamara
Mary A. McPherson
Debb McRoberts
Mike G. McWilliams
Thomas Meade
David E. Meade
Patrick Meade
Johanna Y. Meara
Maricela Medina
Gary Melius
Daniel J. Melkus
Eric Menninga
Bread for the World • Bread for the World Institute
Larry and Mary Jo Menninga
Hugh Menton
Judith and Arvid Metcalf
Robert Meth
Kenneth J. Meyer
Andrew Meyer
Kathleen Mezoff
Rev. Chester P. Michael
Joseph and Linda Michon
Edward and Ruth Mihevc
James Mihills
Julie B. Miller
Roger and Edith Miller
James Miller
Bernie M. Minsk
Norma and Joseph Mitchell
Kenneth Moerbe
Thomas and Marian Molinaro
Susan Montgomery
Steven Moore
James H. Moore
Veronica Moran
Rev. Anne Morawski
John More
Julie Morland
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mortimer
Frances Moss
Michael Munkittrick
Kathleen Murnion
Katherine Murphey
Sr. Mary R. Murphy
Anne Murphy
Stephen and Nancy Myers
Adam Myers
Mike Myszewski and Martha James
Larry W. Neeb
Joseph and Julia Neilson
Dorothy Nelson
L. Grace Nelson
Earl E. Nelson
Craig and Kathy Nessan
David L. Neuhouser
Paul W. Neukirch
Ruth Nickerson
Glenn Nielsen
Dale and Alice Noble
Nicholas Noe
Stefanie A. Norman
Mary C. Nosek
Shyam Oberoi
Edward O’Brien
Joan O’Brien
Heather O’Connell
Margaret O’Connell
Brigid M. O’Donnell
Harold Oliver
Charles Olmstead
Mark E. Olsen
Duane Olson and Constance Beck
David Olson
Paul Olson
Margaret G. Olsson
Kathleen O’Reilly
John W. Ozbun
John and Marilyn Paarlberg
G. Ruffner Page Jr.
John and Mary Paone
Diane W. Parker
Vivian and Bob Parrish
Marti Pastore
Kerri Pedersen
Joseph and Ellen Pellegrin
Becky Pentz
Rev. Richard A. Perfetto
Jeanne Perreira
Lynn T. Petersen
Paul and Deaun Peterson
Richard and Donna Peterson
Jerrald and Esther Pfabe
David and Cheryl Pfaff
Francis M. Pfost Jr.
David Phillips
Cynthia Piccirilli
Donna and Charles Pickard
James F. Pierce Jr.
Alma J. Plante
John-William and Susan Poduska
Bruce Posthumus
Darla Postil
David and Lois Preisinger
Joseph Price
John and Bonnie Priebe
Thomas R. Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Purdy
D. L. Pursey
Louisa B. Putnam
Rev. Dennis Quackenboss
Peter and Kathy Quinn
Dr. and Mrs. Claude P. Ragan
Mary Ramey
Russell V. Randle
Will T. Ratliff III
Daniel A. Reece
Elinor M. Rees
Gerald and Hannah Rees
David Reese
Michael Reid
Kari Reiquam
Rev. James S. and Jan Rettig
Dee Rhodes
Henry Hart Rice
Eleanor Rich
Donald Richards and Martha Crossen
Jeanie Riddell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rigstad
Karla and Darryl Ring
Rev. Dan J. Ring
Stephen P. Rinnert
F. David Roberts
Marie Robinet
Helen Robinson
Susan M. Robishaw
John H. Rockwell III
Kenneth Roe and Shawn Slywka
Kent M. Roger
Dana Rose
Rev. Robert C. Rosing
Greg Roth
Gary and Nancy Rueter
Roger and Elaine Ruff
William Ruffer
Elizabeth Ruffin
Mary Rutherfurd
Marilyn Sams
Bryan M. Samuelson
Pablo and Rita Sanchez
Bread for the World • Bread for the World Institute
Rev. Kwen O. Sanderson
Meghan Sauder
Eileen Sazama
Rev. Robert Schaden
Frederick Schafrick
Susan Scheffel
Debra Scherf
Carol and Melvin Scherpenisse
Lilla Schmeltekopf
Stephen and Hildegarde Schmidt
Karl K. and Shirley A. Schmidt
Katharine J. Schrader
Jim Schramm
Kent and Melissa Schrof
Michael Scully-Linder
Lonnie Sears
Bryan Shaner
Thomas H. Shepard
Octavia and Marian Shepard
Juanita and Paul Sherba
James and Rebecca Shields
Thomas M. Shine
Katherine Shinn
Kenneth and Eleanor Siess
Cathryn M. Simon
Karen Smith
Sharon Smith
Molly B. Smith
Barbara and Kenneth Smith
Katherine Smith and Brian Young
Barbara Smith
Sheryl Smoker
Paul V. Sonkowsky
Mary and Timothy Soulis
Donna B. Spigarolo
Ben Spiger
Herbert C. Spomer
Doug and Joyce Stakem
Mary C. Staltare
Barb Staniszewski
Celine M. Stanly
Rev. and Mrs. Ronald C. Starenko
W. Stancil Starnes
Mary Staudenmaier
Donald Steelberg
Jon and Rebecca Stellmacher
Wil and Betty Stevenson
Ralph Stilson
Jan R. Stone
Gary Stoos
Christopher and Emily Strayhorn
Fred and Gloria Strickert
Mr. and Mrs. Thor Strong
Gordon and Glenda Strother
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stuart
Paul Stuehrenberg and Carole Devore
Joy J. Stukey
John and Sandra Stumme
Rev. Robert J. Suit
Fran and Monroe Sullivan
Heinrich Taegtmeyer
Susan F. Taquechel
Carol Taylor
Charles and Mary Taylor
Andrew Tecson and Nancy Ellen Hagen
Terrie Teegarden
Joe and Mary Ann Testa
Norman and Judy Theiss
William N. Thomas
William Thompson
Kathy Thomson
Deborah Thornton
George-Ann Tobin
Orton Tofte
Michelle J. Tooley
Lois I. Torvik
Pat K. Townsend
Gary and Querethea Travis
Rev. William Treacy
Phyllis Trible
William and Joy Turpie
Kathleen L. Uhler, OSF
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Vajda
Rowland and Judith Van Es
Willem and Ingeborg Van Pelt
Ursula A. Van Raden
Michael L. Van Scyoc
Robert J. Vanden Burgt
Melissa Vantassell
Sacra Vaughan
Lillian Venner
Suzanne N. Viemeister
Kevin Vincent and Patricia Haman
Ted and Charlene Virts
Tom and Becky Von Fischer
Alvin and Joyce Vos
Betty and Dennis Voskuil
Cameron and John Vowell
Jan and Carol Wagner
Edith F. Wais
Fr. Robert Washabaugh
Norman W. Watts
Malcolm Weed
Carol A. Wehrheim
Carol Weibel
Charleen Weidenbach
Dr. and Mrs. Gerard Weigel
Harvey M. Weitkamp
Virginia Wellman
John and Lois Schrantz Welshons
Donna and Ned Wenstrup
Andrea Westmeyer
John B. Wheeler
C. D. White
Janet F. Wilcox
Karen E. Wilkes
Jean and Robert Williams
George and Carol Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. William Willis
Kathryn M. Willson
Aletta T. Wilson
John and Mary Winham
John and Louisa Winthrop
Rev. Walter H. Wist
Catherine Wolff
Jane and Dennis Wood
Mary Woodall-Jappe
Marilyn J. Workman
Roy Wright and Wendy Wallace-Wright
Megan Yancik
Richard A. Yaussy
Charles and Mamie Yeagle
John A. Young
Edward Zahorik
Elliot Zais
Dennis and Pat Zerega
Kristopher Zyp
2012 Annual Report 13
Congregational and Denominational Support
(Gifts of $1,000 or more)
All Saints Church, Pasadena, Calif.
All Saints Episcopal Parish, Hoboken, N.J.
American Baptist Churches U.S.A., Valley Forge, Pa.
Baptist General Convention of Texas, Dallas, Texas
Baptist World Alliance, Falls Church, Va.
Barrington United Methodist Church, Barrington, Ill.
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Vancouver, Wash.
Bethany Community, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Bethel Lutheran Church, Northfield, Minn.
Bethel Lutheran Church, Rochester, Minn.
Bethesda United Methodist Church, Bethesda, Md.
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Santa Rosa, Calif.
Birmingham First United Methodist, Birmingham, Mich.
Bon Secours Health System, Marriottsville, Md.
Buncombe Street United Methodist Church, Greenville, S.C.
Carmelite Nuns, Beacon, N.Y.
Catholic Charities, U.S.A., Alexandria, Va.
Catholic Relief Services, Baltimore, Md.
Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church, Washington, D.C.
Christ the King Lutheran Church, Durango, Colo.
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Indianapolis, Ind.
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, Los Angeles, Calif.
Christian Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Church of the Brethren, Elgin, Ill.
Church of the Holy Angels, Chagrin Falls, Ohio
Church World Service, Elkhart, Ill.
Community of Christ, Independence, Mo.
Concordia Lutheran Church, Kirkwood. Mo.
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, Atlanta, Ga.
Cornerstone United Methodist Church, Bear, Del.
Creator Lutheran Church, Lake Tapps, Wash.
Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Saint Louis, Mo.
Detroit United Methodist Annual Conference, Flint, Mich.
Dickey Memorial Presbyterian, Baltimore, Md.
Easter Lutheran Church, Eagan, Minn.
Edgewood United Church of Christ, East Lansing, Mich.
Epworth United Methodist Church, Rehoboth Beach, Del.
Evangelical Covenant Church, Chicago, Ill.
Evangelical Lutheran Church In America, Chicago, Ill.
Fairview Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, Ind.
Faith Christian Reformed Church, New Brighton, Minn.
Felician Sisters of North America, Beaver Falls, Pa.
First Christian Church, Colorado Springs, Colo.
First Church In Albany, Albany, N.Y.
First Congregational Church, Washington, Conn.
First Congregational Church of Winchester, Winchester, Mass.
First Lutheran Church, Blair, Neb.
First Lutheran Church, Milford, Iowa
First Presbyterian Church, Muskegon, Mich.
First Presbyterian Church, Allentown, Pa.
First United Methodist Church of Ardmore, Ardmore, Okla.
Franciscan Sisters of Mary, Bridgeton, Mo.
Good Shepherd United Methodist, Dale City, Va.
Grace Lutheran Church & School, River Forest, Ill.
Greenbelt Community Church, Greenbelt, Md.
Highland United Methodist Church, Raleigh, N.C.
Holy Trinity Parish, Bay City, Mich.
Jesuit Community at SJU, Merion Station, Pa.
Kenilworth Union Church, Kenilworth, Ill.
King of Kings Lutheran Church, Fairfax, Va.
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Tumwater, Wash.
Lutheran World Relief, Baltimore, Md.
Lyster Lutheran Church, Nelson, Wisc.
Manassas Church of the Brethren, Manassas, Va.
14 2012 Annual Report
Marist College, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Meadlawn Christian Church, Indianapolis, Ind.
Monastery Portsmouth Abbey, Portsmouth, R.I.
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, Eagan, Minn.
Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, Minneapolis, Minn.
Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, Kansas City, Mo.
Nebraska Conference U.M.C., Lincoln, Neb.
Norbertine Missionaries, De Pere, Wisc.
North Park Covenant Church, Chicago, Ill.
Northminster Presbyterian Church, Indianapolis, Ind.
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Sioux Falls, S.D.
Palo Alto Christian Reformed, Palo Alto, Calif.
Penasquitos Lutheran Church, San Diego, Calif.
Presbyterian Church, Bowling Green, Ky.
Presbyterian Hunger Program, Louisville, Ky.
Presbytery of Shenandoah, Harrisonburg, Va.
Presbytery of the James, Richmond, Va.
Progressive National Baptist Conventions Inc., Washington, D.C.
Protestant Community at the JB Charleston Chapel, Charleston, S.C.
Protestant Dutch Reformed Church, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Province of St. Joseph of The Capuchin Order, Inc., Detroit, Mich.
Reformed Church in America Hunger Education, Grand Rapids, Mich.
River Falls United Methodist Church, River Falls, Wisc.
Sacred Heart Church, Sauk Rapids, Minn.
Saint Mark Presbyterian Church, Rockville, Md.
Salvation Army (National Headquarters), Alexandria, Va.
Setauket Presbyterian Church, Setauket, N.Y.
Sisters of Bon Secours of Paris, Marriottsville, Md.
Sisters of Bon Secours, USA, Marriottsville, Md.
Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, Mount Saint Joseph, Ohio
Sisters of Charity of Leavenworth, Leavenworth, Kan.
Sisters of Charity of Nazareth, Nazareth, Ky.
Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, Houston, Texas
Sisters of the Presentation, Dubuque, Iowa
St. Andrew Presbyterian Church, Groton, Conn.
St. Andrews United Methodist, Highlands Ranch, Colo.
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, Ardsley, N.Y.
St. Blase Parish, Sterling Heights, Mich.
St. Clare Church, Braintree, Mass.
St. Dennis Parish, Royal Oak, Mich.
St. Elizabeth Mission Society, Inc., Allegany, N.Y.
St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, San Antonio, Texas
St. Francis of Assisi Church, Teutopolis, Ill.
St. James United Methodist Church, Bellevue, Neb.
St. John Neumann Church, Saint Charles, Ill.
St. John Vianney Catholic Church, Brookfield, Wisc.
St. John Vianney Parish, Shelby Township, Mich.
St. John’s Abbey, Collegeville, Minn.
St. John’s Episcopal Church, Tallahassee, Fla.
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Northfield, Minn.
St. Louis Catholic Church, Pinecrest, Fla.
St. Luke Church, Chicago, Ill.
St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, Orlando, Fla.
St. Paul Lutheran Church, Davenport, Iowa
St. Thomas Episcopal Church and School, Houston, Texas
St. Thomas More Student Parish, Kalamazoo, Mich.
St. Vincent De Paul Church, Albany, N.Y.
Sudbury United Methodist Church, Sudbury, Mass.
Sunnyvale Presbyterian Church, Sunnyvale, Calif.
Trinity Episcopal Church, Owensboro, Ky.
Trinity Episcopal Church, Princeton, N.J.
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Camp Hill, Pa.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Great Bend, Kan.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Tacoma, Wash.
Trinity Lutheran Church, South Milwaukee, Wisc.
Trinity Presbyterian Church, Arlington, Va.
Triumphant Love Lutheran Church, Austin, Texas
Bread for the World • Bread for the World Institute
United Church of Christ Wider Church Ministries, Cleveland, Ohio
United Lutheran Church of Bella Vista, Bella Vista, Ark.
United Methodist Committee on Relief, New York, N.Y.
University Lutheran Chapel, Berkeley, Calif.
University Lutheran Church of Hope, Minneapolis, Minn.
Wayne Presbyterian Church, Wayne, Pa.
Wesleyan Church, Indianapolis, Ind.
West End United Methodist Church, Nashville, Tenn.
Westminster Presbyterian Church, Greensboro, N.C.
Westminster Presbyterian Church, West Chester, Pa.
Westminster Presbyterian Church, Alexandria, Va.
Willow Creek Community Church, South Barrington, Ill.
Woodlawn Christian Reformed, Grand Rapids, Mich.
World Hope International, Alexandria, Va.
World Relief Corporation, Baltimore, Md.
World Renew, Grand Rapids, Mich.
World Vision, Federal Way, Wash.
Zion United Church of Christ, Union, Mo.
Zion’s Lutheran Church, Defiance, Ohio
Institutional Support
(Gifts of $50,000 or more)
American Jewish World Service, New York, N.Y.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Seattle, Wash.
Cargill, Inc., Wayzata, Minn.
Chang K. Park Foundation, Armonk, N.Y.
David & Carol Myers Foundation, Holland, Mich.
Eleanor Crook Foundation, San Marcos, Texas
Evangelical Lutheran Church In America, Chicago, Ill.
Gulf Coast Community Foundation, Venice, Fla.
H-E-B, Houston, Texas
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc., New York, N.Y.
Rick Steves’ Europe Through the Back Door, Edmonds, Wash.
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Menlo Park, Calif.
Vista Hermosa Foundation, Prescott, Wash.
Wallace Genetic Foundation, Washington, D.C.
Institutional Support
(Gifts of $1,000 - $49,999)
Abell Foundation, Inc., Baltimore, Md.
American Peanut Council, Alexandria, Va.
Andrews Foundation, Houston, Texas
Annie E. Casey Foundation, Baltimore, Md.
Ayco Charitable Foundation, Albany, N.Y.
Bankers Trust, Des Moines, Iowa
Barnabas Foundation, Tinley Park, Ill.
Cafe’ on Vine, Davenport, Iowa
Canadian Foodgrains Bank, Winnepeg, Man.
Catholic Community Foundation, Saint Paul, Minn.
Chevron Humankind Employee Matching Gifts, San Ramon, Calif.
Christian Church Foundation, Indianapolis, Ind.
Communities of Coastal Georgia Foundation, St. Simons Island, Ga.
Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, New Haven, Conn.
Community Foundation For the Fox Valley Region, Inc., Appleton, Conn.
Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region’s, Albany, N.Y.
Community Foundation of New Jersey, Morristown, N.J.
ConAgra Foods Feeding Children Better Foundation, Omaha, Neb.
Congressional Hunger Center, Washington, D.C.
Daniel Lynch Foundation, Inc., Silver Spring, Md.
Dealy Legacy Fund of Foundation of the Heart, Colorado Springs, Colo.
Discoverers Fund, Inc., Madison, Wisc.
Emigrant Bank, New York, N.Y.
Fiduciary Trust Company, Boston, Mass.
Food and Agriculture Organization, Washington, D.C.
Frees Foundation, Houston, Texas
General Mills Foundation, Minneapolis, Minn.
Bread for the World • Bread for the World Institute
Gerald K. and Virginia A. Hornung Family Foundation, Shelburne, Vt.
Glaxo/Smith/Kline Foundation, Philadelphia, Pa.
Graciecam Foundation, Inc., Atlanta, Ga.
Healthsouth, Birmingham, Ala.
Heifer Project International, Little Rock, Ark.
Helen Brach Foundation, Chicago, Ill.
Henry Luce Foundation, New York, N.Y.
Independent Charities of America, Larkspur, Calif.
Jewish Communal Fund, New York, N.Y.
John R. Jakobson Foundation, New York, N.Y.
JP Morgan Chase Foundation, Princeton, N.J.
Kairos Trust, Philadelphia, Pa.
Kimberly-Clark Foundation, Stuart, Fla.
Lutheran Community Foundation, Minneapolis, Minn.
MacDonald-Peterson Foundation, Houston, Texas
Madison Community Foundation, Madison, Minn.
Mary J. Donnelly Foundation, Pittsburgh. Pa.
Mattress Firm Inc., Houston, Texas
Meehan Foundation, New York, N.Y.
Mennonite Foundation, Inc., Goshen, Ind.
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program, Princeton, N.J.
Minneapolis Foundation, Minneapolis, Minn.
Monsanto, Saint Louis, Mo.
Network for Good, Washington, D.C.
Northern Trust, Chicago, Ill.
O’Connor Family Foundation, New York, N.Y.
Omaha Community Foundation, Omaha, Neb.
Pettyjohn Company, Lynchburg, Va.
Pharaoh C. Thompson Foundation, McAllen, Texas
Presbyterian Foundation (U.S.A.), Jeffersonville, Ind.
Razoo Foundation, Washington, D.C.
Renaissance Charitable Foundation Inc., Indianapolis, Ind.
Robert J. Frisby Foundation, Clearwater, Fla.
Roger Nuncio Foundation, Corpus Christi, Texas
Saint Paul Foundation, Saint Paul, Minn.
Schwab Charitable Fund, San Francisco, Calif.
Share Our Strength, Washington, D.C.
Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Mountain View, Calif.
Stearns Financial Services Group, Greensboro, N.C.
T. Rowe Price Program for Charitable Giving, Baltimore, Md.
Triangle Community Foundation, Inc., Durham, N.C.
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program, Boston, Mass.
WaterStone, Colorado Springs, Colo.
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Saint Louis, Mo.
William M. & Miriam F. Meehan Foundation, New York. N.Y.
Bread for the World is grateful to the several individuals and
families who made generous gifts in 2012 but wish their
giving to remain anonymous.
Space does not permit us to recognize all of our members
whose generous financial support strengthens our collective
Christian voice on behalf of hungry people. Our heartfelt
gratitude goes out to them.
Contributions to Bread for the World are not tax-deductible
because its members lobby Congress on behalf of hungry
people. Many individuals and families chose to support
Bread for the World Institute. Contributions to the Institute
are tax-deductible and support research and education,
including the publication of the annual Hunger Report and
research on maternal and child nutrition and education.
2012 Annual Report 15
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