05-01-2015 - Eglin Dispatch
05-01-2015 - Eglin Dispatch
Friday, May 1, 2015 Inside Caring for the caregivers. See story Page 3 Eglin to temporarily host Navy backup F-35C fleet. See story Page 4 First Australian F-35 pilot completes training. See story Page 6 96th SFS services showcases for families at the airport. See story Page 7 index Briefs.............................. Page 9 Classifieds...................... Page 12 Philpott........................... Page 8 contactus Mon.-Fri.:............8 a.m. to 5 p.m. News Phone:........863-1111, Ext. 1472 News Fax:...........863-7834 E-mail: [email protected] Address: 2 Eglin Parkway NE Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 Wounded Warriors welcome |2 SAMUEL KING JR. | USAF FREE 12 pages of Eglin news, information and advertising published weekly. Read it online at www.eglindispatch.com Friday, May 1, 2015 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Page Page | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, May 1, 2015 Susan Fabozzi News Coordinator 315-4450 [email protected] Tracey Steele Designer 315-4472 [email protected] News (850) 315-4450 Fax: (850) 863-7834 E-mail: [email protected] Advertising 863-1111 Ext. 1341 Mail 2 Eglin Parkway NE, Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 The Eglin Dispatch is published by the Northwest Florida Daily News, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force. This publication’s content is not necessarily the official view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or Eglin Air Force Base. The official news source for Eglin Air Force Base is www.eglin.af.mil. The appearance of advertising in this publication does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force, Eglin Air Force Base or the Northwest Florida Daily News for products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Northwest Florida Daily News. Year No. 9 Edition No. 18 Eglin ensures wounded warriors welcome By KEVIN GADDIE Team Eglin Public Affairs Caring for the caregivers By KELLY HUMPHREY Northwest Florida Daily News The introductory adaptive and rehabilitation camp and Warrior Games training held here April 13-22 required preparation, coordination and cooperation from several base agencies to insure both events’ success. The 96th Test Wing was contacted in December 2014 with support requests to host the camps, according to Ed Vieth, fitness center director. Vieth and his staff began coordinating with the military adaptive sports program in January to identify, prepare and schedule the events’ sites and components. He saw the events as a chance for his staff to provide support for a unique occasion. “Our main concern was insurSAMUEL KING JR. | USAF ing we had adequate facilities to support more than 110 wounded Nick Dadgoster, an Air Force Wounded Warrior athlete, swims laps during the final day of the Warrior Games warriors, their caregivers, 42 training camp at Eglin Air Force Base April 22. support staff and coaches, and for the archery and shooting eight adaptive sport activities, events. LRS members re-arfor two weeks,” Vieth said. ranged the warehouse and 96th One challenge was providCivil Engineer Group members ing support during the adaptive constructed the archery and camp, for athletes who had not shooting backdrops. participated in any structured Another consideration was program prior to the events held medical support required for the here. different levels of the athletes’ To meet the objective, the care. fitness center staff insured: Approximately 30 96th Mediall facilities and fields were cal Group personnel from the prepared in advance for shade, family, sports medicine, mental seating; a level field area with health and physical therapy clinline dimensions was provided; ics and emergency departments, the basketball and racquetball stood ready to provide assiscourts were swept and cleaned tance, treatment and ambulance daily; the gym was converted to SAMUEL KING JR. | USAF services. a lunch area daily for the ath“It was an honor to have this letes and caregivers; water was Craig Zaleski receives instruction about his form at the last archery sesopportunity to support the miliavailable for all events; and they sion during the final day of the Warrior Games training camp . tary adaptive sports program, assisted the Wounded Warrior which is so valuable in providstaff and volunteers with the ading resources and programs “This was an awesome and ministration of the practices and drivers, to put all equipment in that will benefit not only the place and to transport the athunique opportunity for our team scrimmages. Wounded Warriors and their letes from Okaloosa Island to to give back to our brothers Vieth praised the approxicaregivers, but also all Air Force the fitness center and all event and sisters who have suffered mately 90 base volunteers, who setbacks. It was special for us to families in the future,” said Maj. assisted in various areas during locations. “It was an honor and privishare experiences, laugh togeth- Richard Waggoner, 96th MDG the two-week period. emergency services flight comer and make a difference in the The 96th Logistics Readiness lege for our LRS team to supmander. “We all have a deeper lives of our Wounded Warriors.” Squadron provided six vans, two port the camps,” said Master Sgt. Troy Small, vehicle opLRS’ Luke’s Place warehouse appreciation for our Wounded box trucks, a stake-bed truck Warriors.” erations element section chief. was designated as the location and 44-passenger buses and All last week, members of the Air Force’s Warrior Games team have been center stage while they’ve taken part in their training camp at Eglin Air Force Base. On April 21, however, the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce Military Affairs Committee turned the spotlight on the warriors’ caregivers. “When we were approached by Eglin to see if we could do a little something for the caregivers, they suggested maybe getting coupons to local businesses,” said Marcia Wright-Reynolds, chairwoman of the Military Affairs Committee. “But we realized we could do a lot more. After all, these people’s lives have been turned upside by their loved one’s injury or illness. It’s the least we can do.” Wright-Reynolds and the committee planned a full day of activity for 15 caregivers, starting with breakfast at the Ramada Inn on Okaloosa Island and a visit to the Gulfarium. After lunch at Helen Back, where they were feted by Capt. Billy Bowlegs and his court, the group was treated to massages and hair and makeup at Brava Hair Studio and Day Spa. The pampering continued at P.S. Gifts, where the caregivers received a gift package. Later in the evening, they were scheduled to have a beach portrait taken by Gulf Reflections Studios. “This has been a blessing,” said Washington, D.C., resident Althea Curenton Thompson, who is a caregiver to her 24-year-old grandson, Ryan Michael Curenton. “They’re taking good care of all of us.” Curenton was seriously injured in a car accident while stationed in London, and was originally told that he would never walk again. “Being a part of these games has been a great motivator for him,” Thompson said. “And coming to a place like this, and being treated so kindly by everyone, has been a great motivator for me to keep pushing my grandson.” Kay Padgett, Brava’s DEVON RAVINE | Daily News salon manager, said she Captain Billy Bowlegs and his pirate krewe pose for a picture with some of the spouses and her staff were happy to be able to give the care- and caregivers of the Air Force’s Wounded Warrior game team members April 21 at givers a little pampering. Helen Back Cafe on Okaloosa Island. “These people are an inspiration to us,” she said. “We love meeting them and hearing their stories.” DEVON RAVINE | Daily News Wounded Warrior caregivers Betty O’Brien, right, and Pam Young, center, look at some family photos on a phone as Paris Sturt with Brava Hair Studio, standing, applies make-up to caregiver Joanna Brenner April 21 in Fort Walton Beach. 2114511 ContactUs Friday, May 1, 2015 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Page Page | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, May 1, 2015 Eglin to temporarily host Navy backup F-35C fleet Concealed Weapons Class Sat/Sun 11am or 2pm Gun Show Floridagunshows.com February MAY 23rd nd & 24th Rd 2 &3 Ft.Pensacola Walton Beach Fairgrounds Fairgrounds Sat 9-5 Sun 10-4 Eglin’s Runway 12/30 will be upgraded by replacing the outdated BAK-9 arresting barrier system to the MB-100 textile brake system. Each end of the runway will take approximately 45 days to complete replacement of the barriers. including directing departures south, away from Valparaiso, when conditions allow,” said Mark Pohlmeier, acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations. “No additional flight operations from those analyzed in the No Action Alternative in the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement will occur because of the addition of 2115744 Operations Manager at Eglin AFB View qualifications and apply online at www.NAFJobs.org 2114248 Auto Hobby Shop the Navy aircraft.” In the first action, Eglin’s Runway 12/30 will be upgraded by replacing the outdated BAK-9 arresting barrier system to the MB100 textile brake system. Each end of the runway will take approximately 45 days to complete replacement of the barriers. During this time, Runway 01/19, the north/south runway, will be the primary runway for all air traffic with measures taken to minimize noise impacts to the greatest extent possible. Eglin will also become a temporary host to 15 Navy BAI F-35C aircraft starting in May. The 15 aircraft will relocate to Naval Air Station Lemoore in up to three years after required construction is completed, and will only be operated at Eglin when necessary to backfill one of the Navy’s 15 primary aircraft assigned already at the base. “We have a great partnership with the Navy’s VFA-101, and this is an opportunity for us to help our teammates without adversely impacting the local community, whose Try Our New Char Grill Entrees 678-4387 LEV HUMPHRIES, PASTOR Breakfast Specials Starting at (850) 269-9894 20% OFF 2115089 Now Enrolling for Summer Classes Soothing Arts Healing Therapies School of Massage, Skincare & Nails 1140500 Expires May 15, 2015 Sunday School.............10 a.m. Preaching.....................11a.m. Sunday...........................6p.m. Wednesday Night...........7 p.m. Massage Therapy, Skin Care, and Nail Specialist Accepting Post 911, Montgomery GI Bill & MyCAA New hours 8AM-5PM Daily to all military-- active or retired on golf balls & pre-owned equipment • Nursery • Bus • Junior Church • Near Eglin AFB 2114103 (Across from Seascape golf course by Mattress Outlet) Caroline Dixon 850-659-7188 [email protected] (corner of Beal Pkwy & Racetrack) 7.69 $ 11714 US Hwy 98 W Destin,FL 32550 CALL TODAY TO LEARN HOW WE CAN HELP! Or visit Goodwill Easter Seals Community Center in Wright Plaza Fresh Fried Mullet with 2 Sides Emerald Coast Golf Balls You are taking care of a parent or spouse You have a child with special needs You need extra assistance with a family member If you are a caregiver and need a few hours a day to run errands, go shopping, have a date night, or just enjoy some time off, call today and ask how we can help! PROVIDING FAMILY SUPPORT SERVICES TO THE PANHANDLE AREA FOR OVER 20 YEARS. Stacey Griffith 850-474-0030 [email protected] 4.29 $ Friday Special 400 N Eglin Pkwy, FWB, FL • (850) 243 0733 Veterans and active duty military members in Northwest Florida may qualify for respite services at no cost if: FAITH INDEPENDENT BAPTIST CHURCH 1309 Valparaiso Blvd. • Niceville “Home of the Mother Tom Omelette” NEED RELIEF FROM CAREGIVER STRESS? support is so important to us here at Eglin,” said Col. Monte Cannon, vice commander of the 96th Test Wing. “These additional aircraft will ensure that the Navy can bring this incredible combat capability online as efficiently as possible.” The Navy defines BAI as aircraft over and above the primary aircraft assigned to permit scheduled and unscheduled maintenance, modifications, inspections and repair without reduction of aircraft available for operational missions. Under the plan, the maximum number of F-35C aircraft at Eglin AFB will not exceed 30, to include both primary and backup aircraft. Kids on campus Kids On Campus is a unique opportunity for summer enrichment and fun learning in a college environment. For Kids Entering 3rd thru 8th Grade Monday – Thursday, Niceville Campus USAF 53rd gives to Air Force Enlisted Village The 53rd Wing presented a check to the Air Force Enlisted Village April 23 at their headquarters, using funds raised at the 2nd Annual Chief Joe Hubbard Golf Tournament. Chief Hubbard passed away unexpectedly in January 2014 and his family was on hand to help present the check. Fourteen teams participated in this year’s golf tournament which took place April 10 and raised $2,400. New commander for medical squadron Lt. Col. Carl Spear Jr., accepts the guidon from Col. Jim Phillips, 919th Special Operations Wing commander, during the 919th Special Operations Medical Squadron change of command ceremony at Duke Field. The SOMDS is provides medical support for the reservists of the 919th SOW. DAN NEELY | USAF Visit SoothingArts.com for more information. 3037902 www.eglindispatch.com Sports ~ Art Academics ~ Dance ~ Music Session 1: June 15 - 25 Session 2: July 13 - 23 Register: Online May 12 In Person May 14 all NWFSC locations Registration Ends: Session 1 – June 10 Session 2 – July 8 Extended Care AM: Morning Session: Lunch: Afternoon Session: Extended Care PM: 7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. $25.00 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. $120.00 12:00 p.m. – 12:30 p.m. $45.00 12:30 p.m. – 3:20 p.m. $120.00 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. $35.00 www.nwfsc.edu/KidsOnCampus (850) 729-6086 • [email protected] 100 College Blvd. E., Niceville, FL 32578 2114394 FREE G IN PARK 2114750 The Air Force recently signed an Addendum to the Eglin Base Realignment and Closure 2014 record of decision for two temporary actions – shifting the primary runway to Runway 01/19 (RW 01/19) and allowing a temporary increase in previously limited F-35 operations for the construction-related closure of Runway 12/30, and the Department of the Navy’s proposal to add 15 backup aircraft inventory (BAI) F-35C aircraft at Eglin AFB. Both actions will commence by May 1, 2015, with completion of runway construction anticipated no later than August and departure of the additional Navy aircraft anticipated by December 2017. “Closing Runway 12/30 may slightly increase noise over Valparaiso for a few months. However, we will take every possible action to mitigate noise, 2077822 By Team Eglin Public Affairs 2015 EA/EO Friday, May 1, 2015 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Page Page | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, May 1, 2015 STAFF SGT. MARLEAH ROBERTSON | USAF photos Three F-35A Lightning II’s prepare to land after a training mission over Eglin Air Force Base, April 23. Royal Australian Air Force Squadron Leader Andrew Jackson made history as the first Australian pilot to fly in the F-35A. The fifth-generation aircraft will meet Australia’s future air combat and strike needs, providing a networked force-multiplier effect in terms of situational awareness and combat effectiveness. First Australian F-35 pilot completes training KEVIN GADDIE | USAF photos Staff Sgt. Matthew Helma, a 96th Security Forces Squadron military working dog handler from Eglin Air Force Base is restrained by Arko while wearing a controlled aggression suit, to simulate to on-looking children and parents how a dog captures a fleeing suspect, during a K-9 explosives/narcotics detection demonstration, at the “Take Our Daughters and Sons To Work Day” event April 23 at the Destin/Fort Walton Beach Airport. Staff Sgt. Tatiana Carbocci, another Eglin MWD handler, held Arko’s leash. Among the visuals SFS provided were: exploration of police cars and prohibited items static displays; an x-ray with prohibited items demonstration; and explosives detection systems and checked baggage explosive detection systems tours. 96th SFS services showcased for families Royal Australian Air Force Squadron Leader Andrew Jackson, F-35 Lightning II student pilot, receives a crew briefing before his final flight. Above, Jackson prepares to take off on his final training mission. At left, Jackson, F-35 Lightning II student pilot, and Col. Christopher Niemi, 33rd Operations Group commander and F-35 instructor pilot, step to their aircraft on Eglin Air Force Base, April 23. At right, Staff Sgt. Tatiana Carbocci, a 96th Security Forces Squadron military working dog handler from Eglin Air Force Base stands with Kanjer and explains the K-9 explosives/narcotics detection demonstration sequences of events. At far right, Staff Sgt. Tatiana Carbocci, a 96th Security Forces Squadron military working dog handler from Eglin Air Force Base guides Kanjer as he sniffs baggage during a K-9 explosives/narcotics detection demonstration, as Staff Sgt. Jeremy Rice, another Eglin MWD handler, watches. Staff Sgt. Tatiana Carbocci, a 96th Security Forces Squadron military working dog handler from Eglin Air Force Base shows Logan Lieb and Drew Schnieder the proper way to approach Kanjer. Friday, May 1, 2015 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Page Page | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, May 1, 2015 higher goal of customer savings at taxpayersubsidized grocery stores on base. The Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission in January recommended that DeCA merge with the three large military exchanges service into a single defense resale activity. So far both the Congress and Defense officials are rejecting that idea. Inside the Pentagon, review this commission recommendation fell to Deputy Chief Management Officer, an under secretary of defense-level post established Tom Philpott in 2007 to better synchronize department business operations. The nomination of Peter Levine to be the next DCMO is pending before the Senate. Acting DCMO David Tillotson III is in charge. The DCMO doesn’t support the commission call to consolidate commissaries and exchange services into a new Defense Resale Activity. Instead it is recommending that the department convert DeCA to an NAF activity and operate its stores with exchange-run processes. There would be savings on personnel but also from standardizing accounting, joint contracts, combined supply operations and other combined resale activities. These moves are difficult to execute if DeCA remains funded by tax dollars while exchanges are self-sustaining, earning profits needed to support on-base morale, welfare and recreational activities. Turning commissaries into NAF activities almost certainly would raise prices and lower cost savings to its patrons. But also hit hard would be store employees, many of whom are military family members and retirees. Making commissaries NAF store would save money “but on the backs of workers, particularly military families if you look at who takes these jobs” in base stores, said Candace Archer, labor management relations specialist with the American Federation of Government Employees. Exchanges and other NAF activities set wages based on local prevailing rates without regard to federal employee pay scales or richer benefit structures for GS employees. A shift could create pay cuts of 30 percent or more at commissaries in some areas of the country, Archer said. In southern Nevada, for example, entry-level cashiers in commissaries are GS-3 employees who in their first year are paid at least $25,000, Archer said. Moving these employees under the NAF system would mean shifting to minimum wage, which in Nevada is $8.25 an hour or $17,160 a year. “We see differences between the two pay scales in double digits, as high as 20 to 30 percent for some, less for others,” Archer said. “I would guess most every person moved from the GS to the NAF system would lose in terms of wages but there could be an exception.” Commissaries, Archer said, converting to NAF would save “by bringing in low-cost labor just like WalMart. We owe more to our military families.” NAF employees also are easier to hire as flextime employees or temporary workers, avoiding the need for robust benefit packages. DMCO is arguing the shift to NAF would allow considerable savings on store operations while preserving current business models for resale activities and service-unique exchange operations. Tom Philpott is a syndicated columnist. You may write to him at Military Update, P.O. Box 231111, Centreville, VA 20120-1111. details, call 651-1010. Ranger Open House Single Airmen’s Beach Bash Ranger Open House is May 9 at the Ranger Camp off of Lewis Turner Blvd. Look for the banner The event begins with a Race the Rangers 5K. Register online before April 30 to get a T-shirt at http://racetheranger.eventbrite.com. A car show begins at 9 a.m. Pre-register for $15 at http://rangerscarshow.evenbrite.com. Other events include: commander’s brief - 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., Ranger squad demo 10:15 a.m. and 1:45 p.m., parachute demo 11 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., hand to hand combatives 11:30 a.m. and 3 p.m., reptile show noon and 3:30 p.m., car show awards at 4 p.m. All Eglin single Airmen, Sailors, Soldiers and Marines are invited to Eglin Outdoor Recreation at 10 a.m. June 13 at Post’l Point for a day of fun at the beach that includes free jet skiing, parasailing, scuba, paddle boarding, kayaking, boat rides with wakeboarding and more. There will be a wing eating contest, inflatable Puggle fighting and a 3vs3 paintball tournament inflatable. Signups will be open for upcoming skydiving trips, scuba classes, fishing trips, hiking and zip lining trips. Vendors will also be on hand with information about other local outdoor adventure opportunities. Lunch will be provided. All friends and family are welcome. For information, call 882-5058. Cinco de Mayo First Friday, movie 1139916 To save millions of dollars in compensation and ease streamlining of store operations on base, Defense officials are weighing a plan to convert the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA) to a non-appropriated fund activity, which could reduce wages and benefits for 15,000 commissary workers. The DeCA workforce would be converted from general schedule (GS) federal employees to lower salaried non-appropriated fund (NAF) employees whose work hours also are more pliable for achieving operational efficiencies. The move would align pay, benefits and job protection for the DeCA workforce with employees of base exchanges, where profits are key to sustaining operations as opposed to the From staff reports Eglin’s Bayview Club members and their families are invited to enjoy a special social hour event at 4:30 p.m. May 1 featuring a free buffet for Eglin Bayview Club members, their immediate family, and all children ages 12 and under. Admission is $5 for all other club members and nonmembers ages 13 and older. Menu includes chicken enchiladas, beef tacos, Mexican rice, refried beans, chips and salsa. A bouncy castle will be set up for children outdoors and everyone’s invited to stay for a movie and popcorn at 7 p.m. “Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day” (PG) will be playing indoors, or outdoors if weather permits. Bring lawn chairs and blankets. ITT and Dell will be on hand with information and giveaways including a Dell Venue tablet. For Military Family Appreciation Day The Panhandle Warrior Connection, with support from the Military Affairs Committee of the Greater Fort Walton Beach Chamber of Commerce, is hosting a Military Family Appreciation Day at 10 a.m. May 9 at the Landing Community Park, located sound side on Brooks Street, downtown Fort Walton Beach. All military and their families are invited to attend the day’s festivities. Activities include a DJ, live bands, games, prizes and giveaways, free children’s inflatable Fun Zone, free food and beverages, Veterans Service Organization representatives, Field Day sports competition featuring Battle of the Best, and a patriotic fireworks display at 8 p.m. The event is being coordinated on Eglin through the Airman & Family Readiness Center. Dean S., Alumnus Businessman. Airman. Dad. For details visit www.fwbchamber.com/military. Parking Lot Sale Start Spring Cleaning! Everyone with base access is invited to shop or sell at Eglin’s base wide Parking Lot Sale held from 8:30 to 1 p.m. May 9 on Georgia Avenue. Look for the event flags and signage at the two large parking lots across the street from the Eglin Conference Center and Exchange Mini Mall. Space for sellers is free. There’s always an enormous selection and assortment of treasures to be found at this popular event—furniture, electronics, children’s items, toys, movies, books, clothing, collectibles, sporting goods, home accessories and much more! Sellers should be in place and ready to sell at 8:30 a.m. when the event will officially open to shoppers. Note: Sellers are asked not to offer live animals or guns for sale. For information, call 882-1482. Dog Obedience Classes Dog Obedience Classes will be held from 5-6 p.m. on Tuesdays, April 21-May 26. Can’t get Rover to roll over? Karen Harper teaches basic dog obedience curriculum at Eglin Outdoor Recreation. Course sessions last six weeks, with classes held on Tuesday evenings for a maximum of 10 dogs. (The first class meeting should be attended by owners only—no dogs, please.) Participants must pre-pay $75 for their six-session course. Register and pick up additional class information at Eglin Outdoor Recreation, or visit www.dawggonegood. com. For information, contact Eglin Outdoor Recreation at 850-882-5058. WARRIORS ARE O N T H E FAST TRAC K. If anyone understands the warrior spirit, it’s you. Strength and commitment are at the core of everything you do. Whether it’s online or in class, our public university is equally dedicated to helping you accomplish your career goals. Do what you love, and be great at it. That’s the warrior spirit, and it’s alive and well at Troy University. Give your career a boost with one of our one-year, FAST TRACK graduate programs. troy.edu/fasttrack Master of Business Administration Master of Science in Criminal Justice Master of Science in Human Resource Management Master of Science in Management Master of Science in Strategic Communication Feel it at Eglin AFB. troy.edu/workingwarrior 1-800-586-9771 Bring images with this icon to life with the Layar app. troy.edu/scan See briefs page 10 © 2015 Troy University 2114391 Wages for 15,000 commissary employees targeted eglin Briefs Friday, May 1, 2015 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Page 11 Page 10 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, May 1, 2015 Sunday 9:45 am Sunday School 11:00 am Morning Worship 6:00 pm Evening Service Wednesday 7:00 pm Adult Bible Study, Children and Youth Programs Home of the Calvary Christian Academy K3-12th Grade Mark Stevens, Pastor 2115045 A Place to Call Home 529 Clifford Street • Fort Walton Beach, FL 32547 850.862.5369 • www.cbcfwb.org tertainment and award presentations for top racers in a variety of age categories. For information, contact the Eglin Fitness Center at 8831682 or 882-6223 or visit www. EglinForceSupport.com. day Brunch from 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. May 10 at Eglin’s Bayview Club. Treat Mom to a scenic view of the bay and Destin beyond while enjoying fine dining in a family friendly atmo sphere. Cost is $22.99 per person, $9.99 for children ages 4-11, and free for children ages 3 and under. A $2 member discount apAn introduction to this plies. For information or popular water sport will be to make reservations, call offered the first Saturday of (850)613-6100. each month April-Sept. at 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. at Postl Point. Skills discussed include various paddling Eglin’s Airman & Family strokes, equipment, and Readiness Center invites basic safety procedures. expectant parents from Classes are conducted by all branches of service to World Paddling Association a fun-filled “Bundles for instructors and include one Babies” workshop from hour of fun paddle boarding. 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. May Cost is $25 per person for 7. Each mommy or daddy one class session, morning in attendance receives a or afternoon, and includes bundle of baby essentials, board rental and instruction. as well as valuable guidTo sign up, contact Outdoor ance on budgeting for Rec at 882-5058. your baby(s), and information on helpful programs available to expectant families. For information or to C e l e b r a t e M o t h e r s register, contact Eglin’s Day with a delicious Sun- Airman & Family Readi- Learn to Paddle Board Bundles for Babies Mothers Day Sunday Brunch Magnolia Grill magnoliagrillfwb.com ness Center at 882-9060 or $60 per child and includes 882-9061. use of all equipment. Golf 4 Kids sessions for the Summer of 2015 are scheduled to be held once a month. Eglin Outdoor Recreation Registration for each clinic presents a Fishing Clinic opens one month prior to 101, where a professional in- its start date. All times are structor will teach the basic from 5-6:30 p.m. with the foltechniques of fishing, includ- lowing dates: May 5-8, June ing baiting, casting, reeling, 9-12, July 14-17, and Aug. and fish identification. Ba- 4-7. For information and sic shore fishing of the bay to sign up, contact the Egwill be taught, all in a fish- lin Golf Course Pro Shop at ing environment. Cost is $25 882-2949. for ages 11 and up. Children ages 6-10 may participate with parental supervision. A free shoreline fishing license Share your musical talis required to participate. ent with kids in Eglin’s Price includes all equipment Summer Reading Program. and bait needed to complete Eglin’s Integrated Learning the class. Dates and times Center (ILC) is looking for are: 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. May skilled musicians to donate 2 and16; 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. one Tuesday morning of June 6 and 20. their choice to demonstrate Classes are subject to re- their musical instrument scheduling due to weather. to children participating To reserve a date and time, in Eglin’s Summer Readcall Outdoor Recreation at ing Program—”Read to 882-5058. the Rhythm.” Weekly story hours are scheduled for Tuesdays from 9 a.m.-noon beginning June 9 in the The U.S. Air Force’s “Golf 4 multi-purpose room at FamKids” program is an afford- ily Child Care (Bldg 2579, the able and fun way for young “bubble building” near Eggolfers ages 8-13 to receive lin Elementary). Musicians proper instruction from PGA interested in sharing their professionals. These junior talent are asked to contact golf clinics feature four days Grace Conkel at Hangar 3’s of instruction, plus a 3-hole ILC for full details. Call 850graduation scramble on the 882-9308 or email eglinilc@ course the last day. Cost is gmail.com. Fishing Clinic 101 Musician volunteers Golf 4 Kids Car, Truck & SUV Accessories Tom & Peggy Rice • Proprietors 850-302-0266 157 Brooks St. SE, Fort Walton Beach, FL Steaks - Seafood - Italian 850-862-2400 By KEVIN GADDIE Team Eglin Public Affairs When a career-ending injury halted then-Staff Sgt. Daniel Crane’s promising military career, he almost gave in to the anger and depression that threatened to overtake him. In 2012, Crane, assigned to the 736th Security Forces Squadron in Guam, had just completed a three-day security mission. The night after, he spent some off-duty time at a friend’s house and was leaving when a life-altering incident occurred. “I was in my car when I was approached by a local resident with a shotgun,” the now-retired law enforcer said. “He shot me in my upper right arm, which pretty much destroyed everything in my bicep - nerves, bone, arteries, veins, everything.” Crane said it was the most helpless feeling he’d ever had. “I didn’t even have the chance to defend myself,” he said. Through several surgeries part of his arm was saved, but his hand no longer worked. He would later have it removed above the elbow. Crane, who joined the Air Force in 2006, was retired after just six years. SAMUEL KING JR. | USAF Daniel Crane, an Air Force Wounded Warrior mentor-athlete, swims laps during the fourth day of an introductory adaptive sports and rehabilitation camp at Eglin April 16. The experience left him deeply depressed, angry and disillusioned. “I didn’t like that my military career was over,” said Crane, originally from San Angelo, Texas. “I had planned to have a 20-plus year career in the Air Force, like my father, who served for 30 years. After everything I worked so hard for was taken away from me, I felt like I had nothing to hold on to.” During his recovery and rehabilitation, Crane was approached with the idea of participating in the military adaptive sports program. “I said no, several times. I was still dealing with what happened to me,” he said. “Finally, I decided to attend my first adaptive sports camp.” He said his experience at the 2014 Air Force Trials in Las Vegas was the first step towards emerging from his despair. “I saw numerous people, who had arm amputations and other injuries worse than mine,” the former Airman said. “I saw they were still doing everything, even with their prosthetics. That started my recovery. That helped me make the THANK YOU FOR VOTING US 2015 FINEST BARBER SHOP AND FINEST NEW BUSINESS! 450 E. Racetrack Rd. NW Corner of Racetrack RD & Beal Pkwy DESTIN-CRYSTAL BEACH PLAZA 34904 Emerald Coast Pkwy By Barnes & Noble 850.460.2847 decision to have my hand amputated.” At the trials, Crane discovered interests in archery and shooting. “Those events got me hooked,” he said. “That’s when I started embracing the adaptive sports.” H e h a s n’ t l o o k e d back since. He competed at the 2014 Warrior Games at Colorado Springs, Colo., and the first Invictus Games, held in London. Those games saw more than 400 active duty and veterans from 13 nations compete across nine adaptive sports. There, Crane met Prince Harry at the archery event. During this meeting, he found a new purpose for living and a new way to serve his country. “Me and a handful of other Wounded Warriors participated in an archery demonstration for Prince Harry,” he said. “At the time, we didn’t know we were going to get the Inspirational Award, presented by Prince Harry himself. Receiving that award changed my entire perspective from having a lot of hate, to starting my own recovery. It started the mending of my broken heart.” From a Wounded Warrior mentor-athlete perspective, Crane said he’s seen the introductory adaptive sports camps become more organized, overall. The new Wounded Warriors coming in are putting forth more effort and better coaches and people are now participating, he added. However, the biggest change Crane has seen is within himself. He said the military adaptive sports program has given him a new reason for living. The former Air Force protector is now motivated to encourage and inspire other Wounded Warriors. In turn, he draws inspiration from them. “These games have given me a new purpose in my life,” Crane said. “Through the games, I still get to serve my fellow Wounded Warriors. Helping them in their journey to recovery also helps me. The people I help are now my priority. It may not have been my true calling before, but I feel it is now.” Crane plans to compete in archery and shooting at this year’s Warrior Games in June. 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NW FT WALTON BEACH, FL 850.314.6642 ITSALLABOUTYOUSPA.COM 2114915 It’s Gate-to-Gate’s 30th Anniversary and this year’s event is loaded with new features. The race, which takes place May 23, is open to the public, and participants may register for a 4.4-mile run/ walk/ruck or an 8.8-mile run/ ruck. Runners, walkers, and teams are invited to register online at www.active.com (search for “gate-to-gate”) by May 17, or in person from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. May 9 at the Air Armament Museum. Pre-registration is $25 through Apr. 30, $30 through May 17, and no registration on race day. A free Kid’s Fun Run will begin at 9 a.m. at Unity Park with t-shirts for all participants and awards for winners. No registration is required for the Kid’s Fun Run. After race party is at Unity Park, featuring free food and beverages, plus live en- 2114256 ‘Gate-To-Gate’ Memorial Event 2115024 briefs From page 9 Page 12 | THE EGLIN DISPATCH | Friday, May 1, 2015 (850) 864-0320 jADOPTION:j At-Home Mom, Devoted Succesful Dad (Former Musician), Financial Security, Lots of LOVE, Await precious baby. ~Sara & Nat~ 1-800-552-0045 Expenses Pd FLBar42311 Milton 5775 Berryhill Road, 1/2 mile west of Santa Rosa Hospital 5/2/2015 7:00 - 12:00 Office Furniture Secretary chairs, work bench lights, metal desk, small refrigerator, computer monitors txt FL19277 to 56654 Brand New black appliances , smooth surface stove , over the range microwave , top freezer , refrig w ice maker $1200. (865)336-3334 GUN SHOW PENSACOLA INTERSTATE FAIRGROUNDS May 2nd & May 3rd SAT. 9-5 & SUN. 10-4 FREE PARKING Info. (407) 275-7233 floridagunshows.com Text FL18253 to 56654 Spot Advertising works! Retired Military Mechanic needed in FWB Call 850-582-5500 or 850-582-2225 ★★★★★★★ Training/Education Want to be a CNA/Phlebotomist? Don’t want to wait? Express Training Services now offering our nursing asst. exam prep classes in DESTIN Class for 1 week. 850-502-5521 Military Spouses We Are mycaa certified expresstrainingservices.com Next class starts: : 05/04/2015 8am - 4pm Brand New Black Appliances. Smooth surface stove, over the range microwave, top freezer refrig w/ ice maker. Total for all $1,200. call: 865-336-3334 Saris Auto Bike Rack 1 or 2 bikes $35 Kenmore Upright frost free commercial freezer , 5 shelves , 1 door racks ex condition $ 90 Round picinic table , 2 chairs w cusions , umbrella & stand , power coated over meter $125 Pro-Form ellipical excersizer - rarely used - no room now $ 75 850-374-1941 Food Svs/Hospitality To Advertise in the EGLIN DISPATCH Call 850-864-0320 Publisher’s Notice All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Fair Housing Act which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or an intention, to make any such preference, limitation or discrimination” Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on a equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination call HUD toll-free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll-free number for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. ★★★★★★★ Medical/Health WANTED Quality Hi-Fi Stereo Equip, Guitars, Amps, Vacuum Tubes & Testers, Record Collection, Antique Radios. Old/ New 850-314-0321 543-7025 Bud & Alley’s Restaurant Now Hiring Rated one of Florida’s Top 20 Restaurants and Golden Spoon award winner. Located on the Gulf of Mexico, with a premium clientele and some of the best gratuities on the Gulf Coast. zFun friendly and professional atmosphere zGreat pay, benefits, & good hours Now Hiring: ALL POSITIONS Front and Back of the House Fort Walton Beach Crosswinds Landing Lewis Turner Blvd. Near Hospital Dr. and Lewis Turner Blvd Sat. April 30th- May 2nd 7 11 AM ANNUAL YARD SALE Crosswinds Annual Yard Sale. Over 50 Homes Participating. Text FL87881 to 56654 We are located 25 minutes from PCB & Destin on Hwy 30A, Seaside. Apply in person 11:30a-5pm Ask for a Manager Web ID#: 34319794 Destin 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath, lg covered patio, lg priv.fenced yd, no smoke/no pets, walk to elementary $1200. 850-862-6069 or 850-225-2856 FWB 1517 Mariah Way W. 3br/2.5ba $1600/mo Open floor plan, master br downstairs with cork flooring, tiled first floor. Fireplace, doggy door to fenced backyard, 6 miles to Eglin AFB. Owner is real estate broker850-699-0638 FWB: 3 Br 2 Ba home. Garage. Fenced back yard. $1195 mo + dep. 850-862-7704 Lv Msg. Text FL18837 to 56654 Buy it! Classified. Make your move to the medium that’s your number one source of information about homes for sale! For all your housing needs - consult Classified when it’s time to buy, it’s the resource on which to rely. Full-Time CNA’s 11PM-7AM $3500 Sign-on Bonus Paid Over 6 Months Full Time RN’s 3-11 The Manor at Blue Water Bay, Northwest FL’s premier nursing & rehabilitation center is seeking new team members. Come see the difference! Apply Mon-Fri 8:30-5:00, 1500 N White Point Rd. Niceville. EOE Web ID#: 34319758 1969 Pontiac Firebird 400/330HP V8 Convertible, Automatic transmission, Air Conditioning, $14,000, call/text 850-888-0911, or email [email protected]
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