Online Journal in Public Archaeology
Online Journal in Public Archaeology
ISSN: 2171-6315 Volume 2 - 2012 Editor: Jaime Almansa Sánchez AP: Online Journal in Public Archaeology AP: Online Journal in Public Archaeology is edited by JAS Arqueología S.L.U. AP: Online Journal in Public Archaeology Volume 2 -2012 p. 24-54 FORUM 7KHOLPLWVRIFROODERUDWLRQ2VPDQDJLüLQWKHFDPSXV This forum responds to the controversy generated after the invitation of 6HPLU2VPDQDJLüWRJLYHDOHFWXUHDW/LQQDHXV8QLYHUVLW\ODVWDXWXPQ Was it convenient? Did it ‘hurt’ in some way archaeology? Could it be helpful to understand certain alternative approaches? And social perspectives towards the past? What is our role towards these issues? After a contextualization of the topic by Tera Pruitt, four professionals will raise their opinions about the event. Finally, Cornelius Holtorf and Jacob Hilton analyze the consequences of the lecture. INVITATION 'U6HPLU2VPDQDJLü+RXVWRQ7H[DV The Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids in Context Time: 18 October 2011, 2.00 – 4.00 pm 9HQXH/LQQDHXV8QLYHUVLW\.DOPDU8QLYHUVLW\/LEUDU\6WXGLR The lecture will also be broadcast from Room Plato, Campus Vaxjo 6HPLU 2VPDQDJLü LV EHVW NQRZQ IRU KLV FRQWURYHUVLDO ZRUN RQ WKH %RVQLDQS\UDPLGVDW9LVLNR,QWKLVOHFWXUHZLWKGLVFXVVLRQKHZLOO FRQWH[WXDOL]H KLV ZRUN LQ %RVQLD ERWK LQ UHODWLRQ WR RWKHU S\UDPLGV around the world and in relation to tourism and heritage in Bosnia. Although most scholars dispute the existence of any such pyramids in %RVQLD2VPDQDJLüFRQWLQXHVWRLQYHVWLJDWHZKDWKHEHOLHYHVDUHWKH oldest pyramids in Europe and the largest pyramids in the world in 9LVRNR$IWHUWKHOHFWXUHZHZLOOFULWLFDOO\GLVFXVVWKHZD\LQZKLFKWKH Bosnian pyramids received global media coverage and the relations among the media, archaeological research and cultural heritage in Bosnia and beyond. More information at ZZZVDPRVPDQDJLFKFRP ZZZERVQLDQS\UDPLGRIWKHVXQFRP KWWSLUQDODXWUHQHW Free entry! All welcome! )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? - 25 $662&,$7('35(665(/($6( $Q LQWHUQDWLRQDOO\ NQRZQ DQG KLJKO\ FRQWURYHUVLDO JXHVW ZLOO EH SUHVHQWLQJDW/LQQDHXV8QLYHUVLW\QH[W7XHVGD\$OOZHOFRPH %DFNJURXQG PRVW DUFKDHRORJLVWV FRQVLGHU 6HPLU 2VPDQDJLü D pseudo-archaeologist since the pyramids he claimed to have found in Bosnia are, in all probability, natural, geological formations. In spite of that, he has received large attention in the global media, and his activities in Bosnia have attracted many tourists to a poor country that has obviously had a strong own need, and also a demand by tourists, for a sensational cultural heritage. 6HHDOVRKHUHKWWSVYZLNLSHGLDRUJZLNL%RVQLVNDBS\UDPLGHU 3URIHVVRU &RUQHOLXV +ROWRUI LV UHVSRQVLEOH IRU /LQQDHXV 8QLYHUVLW\¶V SURJUDPPH LQ +HULWDJH 6WXGLHV IRU PRUH LQIRUPDWLRQ DERXW WKH SURJUDPPHVHHKWWSOQXVHXWELOGQLQJSURJUDPNJNXP “We invited him not because we take his interpretations VFLHQWL¿FDOO\VHULRXVEXWEHFDXVHZHWKLQNZHKDYHWRGLVFXVV his activities and its outcomes. The Bosnian pyramids have affected not only tourism and the perception of cultural KHULWDJHLQ%RVQLDEXWDOVRKRZZHVHHWKHFXOWXUDOKHULWDJH in society more generally. Can invented heritage have the same (or greater) power than genuine cultural heritage? What are tourists really looking for when they visit cultural heritage sites? How does one present archaeology and heritage to the global media so that they will be covering it? How does Osmanagiühimself see his critics among academic DUFKHRORJLVWV DQG VSHFL¿FDOO\ DPRQJ WKH DUFKDHRORJLVWV working in Bosnia?” %/2*6:KHUHWKHGLVFXVVLRQ¿UVWVWDUWHG Aardvarchaeology: KWWSVFLHQFHEORJVFRPDDUGYDUFKDHRORJ\VZHGLVKB XQLYHUVLW\BLQYLWHVBLPDSKS Archaeological Haecceities: KWWSKDHFFHLWLHVZRUGSUHVVFRPRVPDQDJLFK ZLOOVSHDNDWDVZHGLVKXQLYHUVLW\ )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? - 26 ,QWURGXFWLRQ 7HUD358,77 3\UDPLGV3HUIRUPDQFHDQG3VHXGRVFLHQFHLQ9LVRNR%RVQLD $9DOOH\DQG$0DQ7KH6WRU\%HKLQGWKH%RVQLDQ3\UDPLGV The story is quite simple: an alternative archaeologist in BosniaHerzegovina claims that he has discovered the oldest and largest manmade pyramids in the world. Most professional archaeologists strongly disagree; they call his project pseudoscience, arguing that the ‘pyramids’ are simply straight-edged mountains, in a naturally hilly landscape formed by glacial movements and natural erosion. Despite this seductively simple narrative, the socio-political tale behind the Bosnian Pyramids project, which has held a great deal of power and LQÀXHQFHLQ%RVQLDLVDPXFKPRUHFRPSOH[VWRU\ ,Q$SULODPDQQDPHG6HPLU2VPDQDJLüDQQRXQFHGWKDWKH KDGGLVFRYHUHG¿YH3DODHROLWKLFS\UDPLGVLQWKHVPDOO%RVQLDQWRZQRI 9LVRNR ORFDWHG PLOHV QRUWKZHVW RI 6DUDMHYR 2VPDQDJLü ZDV QRW an archaeologist; he was a business owner and alternative historian, DXWKRURIERRNVRQDOLHQHQFRXQWHUVDQGP\VWLFLVPLQWKHDQFLHQW0D\D FLYLOLVDWLRQ2VPDQDJLF$FFRUGLQJWR2VPDQDJLü¶VQHZFODLPV WKHKLOO\9LVRþLFDULYHUYDOOH\LQ%RVQLDLVDFWXDOO\DULFKDUFKDHRORJLFDO ODQGVFDSH IXOO RI PHJDOLWKLF S\UDPLGV DQFLHQW URFN TXDUU\ VLWHV riverbeds full of ‘mysterious stone balls’, an a labyrinth of underground tunnels, and includes the largest and oldest manmade pyramid in the ZRUOG ZKLFK WKH ORFDOV FDOO µ9LVRþLFD +LOO¶ DQG 2VPDQDJLü UHQDPHG µ3\UDPLGRIWKH6XQ¶ Figure 1. 9LVRþLFD +LOO 3\UDPLG RI WKH 6XQ DERYH WKH VPDOO WRZQ RI 9LVRNR Bosnia-Herzegovina. (This is a freely distributed image) )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? - 27 7R WKLV GD\ 6HPLU 2VPDQDJLü PDQDJHV ODUJHVFDOH DPDWHXU H[FDYDWLRQVLQ9LVRNR$ORQJZLWKDFRUHWHDPRIDPDWHXUHQWKXVLDVWV DQG YROXQWHHUV 2VPDQDJLü KDV HQOLVWHG WKH KHOS RI FUHGHQWLDOHG historians, geologists, Egyptologists and archaeologists, as well as an eclectic mix of alternative historians and paranormal energy specialists ,&%3 (DFK VXPPHU KLV HPSOR\HG WHDP DQG KXQGUHGV RI FRPPXQLW\ YROXQWHHUV H[FDYDWH WKH VLWH 'XULQJ ZLQWHU 2VPDQDJLü runs a circuit of media performances and institutional presentations to promote the site and its importance. Previous stops on this circuit LQFOXGHDFDGHPLFSUHVHQWDWLRQVLQSODFHVOLNHWKH%RVQLDQ(PEDVV\LQ /RQGRQDQGWKH6RFLHW\RI$OH[DQGULDLQ(J\SWDVZHOODVSUHVHQWDWLRQV DWIULQJHDQGSDUDQRUPDOKLVWRU\FRQIHUHQFHVOLNHµ0HJDOLWKRPDQLD¶LQ *ODVWRQEXU\DQGWKHµ+LVWRULHV0\VWHULHV¶FRQIHUHQFHLQ(GLQEXUJK ZKLFKIHDWXUHGFU\VWDOVNXOOV The Bosnian Pyramids project has a strange dynamic between D µKDUG VFLHQWL¿F¶ DQG D µIULQJH¶ LGHQWLW\ 6HPLU 2VPDQDJLü ¿UVW DQG IRUHPRVW SURPRWHV WKH SURMHFW DV D JHQXLQH VFLHQWL¿F HQWHUSULVH ZKHUH µSURRIV¶ DUH FROOHFWHG WKURXJK VFLHQWL¿F PHWKRGRORJLHV OLNH UDGLRFDUERQGDWLQJ,&%3JHRWKHUPDODQGUDGDUDQDO\VLVFRUH VDPSOLQJDQGVFLHQWL¿FH[FDYDWLRQ2VPDQDJLFD$FFRUGLQJWR 2VPDQDJLü³7KH$UFKDHRORJLFDO3DUN)RXQGDWLRQEHOLHYHVWKDWRQO\D PXOWLGLVFLSOLQDU\ DSSURDFK ZLWK VHULRXV VFLHQWL¿F DUJXPHQWDWLRQ RQ internationally recognized level will yield a successful realization of the %RVQLDQ3\UDPLGVSURMHFW´2VPDQDJLFD However, hidden underneath the project’s veneer of science is an equally intense New Age sensationalism and endorsement of ‘mysterious energies’ that drive the pyramid mythology. Many, if not PRVW RI 2VPDQDJLü¶V FRUH VXSSRUWHUV KDYH EDFNJURXQGV HQGRUVLQJ fringe, supernatural, extraterrestrial and conspiratorial theories in their RZQERRNVDQGUHVHDUFK,&%3&RSSHQV$VKLVSURMHFW KDVPDWXUHG2VPDQDJLüKDVEHFRPHPRUHFRPIRUWDEOHSURPRWLQJWKH pyramids’ esoteric side. For example, the headlining picture on the most UHFHQWRI¿FLDO%RVQLDQ3\UDPLGVZHEVLWHVSRUWVDSLFWXUHRIDS\UDPLG ZLWKDQHQHUJ\EHDPFRPLQJRXWRIWKHWRS)RQGDFLMD 5HDFWLRQDQG5HFHSWLRQ$3RVLWLYH:HOFRPHIRU3\UDPLGV $IWHUKHDGOLQHVEURNHLQS\UDPLGIUHQ]\VZHSW%RVQLDDQG 6HPLU 2VPDQDJLü EHFDPH DQ RYHUQLJKW FHOHEULW\ 7HOHYLVLRQ PHGLD GHSLFWHG2VPDQDJLüDVDNKDNLZHDULQJDGYHQWXUHU²D³%RVQLDQ,QGLDQD -RQHV´² FRPH WR KHOS %RVQLD¶V HFRQRP\ LQ UHFHVVLRQ E\ ERRVWLQJ )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? - 28 tourism and by giving the country a positive and sensational past worth LQWHUQDWLRQDOQRWLFH$%&)RHU:RRGDUG 2VPDQDJLüSURPRWHVKLVSURMHFWDVDJUDVVURRWVPRYHPHQWZKHUH the discipline of archaeology is democratized, and where any person can be involved in a positive message and positive economic change. $FFRUGLQJWR2VPDQDJLü Our wish is that Bosnia and Herzegowina [sic] becomes a OLYHO\SODFHZKHUHH[SORUHUVVWXGHQWVSURIHVVRUVYROXQWHHUV RI OLJKWHQHG IDFHV H[FKDQJH WKHLU LQWHUQDWLRQDO VFLHQWL¿F NQRZOHGJH7RXULVPZLOOGHYHORSWKHPDUNHWWKHHFRQRP\ZLOO raise and infrastructures will be built.2VPDQDJLF He has often implied that the discipline of archaeology, as it is professionally practised now, is an undemocratic and exclusive operation, bordering on a conspiracy, which ‘hides the truth’ about the real past from the public. The project’s sudden popularity has certainly had an impact on WKH ORFDO HFRQRP\ 9LVLWRUV WR 9LVRNR URFNHWHG IURP D PHUH YLVLWRUVD\HDUEHIRUHWKHS\UDPLGVWRU\WRYLVLWRUVLQWKHSHDN \HDU RI )RHU ,Q D UHFHVVLRQ HFRQRP\ VWLOO UHFRYHULQJ IURPDUHFHQWFLYLOZDUWKHS\UDPLGVKDYHJLYHQ9LVRNR a much-needed economic boost. The region has bloomed with new stores selling handmade pyramid souvenirs, new paved roads, new MREVDVWRXUJXLGHVDQGQHZUHVWDXUDQWV6LWR6XFLF7KHSURMHFW has undeniably been a great stimulus and inspiration to the Bosnian people. Figure 2. 1HZ EXVLQHVVHV OLNH WKLV RQH ZHUH EXLOW LQ 9LVRNR WRDFFRPPRGDWHWKHLQÀX[ of tourists. This restaurant advertises with a large brick pyramid on its front lawn. (Photo by Tera Pruitt) )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? The project has also created a much-desired new history: a Bosnian µ*ROGHQ $JH¶ ,Q D SROLWLFDOO\ GLVMRLQWHG FRXQWU\ ZKLFK H[SHULHQFHG D JUHDW GHDO RI VXIIHULQJ LQ LWV UHFHQW FLYLO ZDU ³QRVWDOJLD IRU WKH ORVW native places and homes, shattered dreams, insecurity, disappointment, SHVVLPLVP DUH FRQWLQXLQJ WR KDXQW HYHU\ERG\´ =KHO\D]NRYD $FFRUGLQJWRPDQ\PDQ\%RVQLDQVDUHGLYLGHGRYHUZKHWKHURU QRW%RVQLDVKRXOGHYHQFRQVLGHULWVHOIDXQL¿HGµQDWLRQ¶%UXFH7ULJJHU ZULWHV RI QDWLRQDOLVWLF DUFKDHRORJ\ ³7KH SULPDU\ IXQFWLRQ«LV WR bolster the pride and morale of nations or ethnic groups. It is probably strongest amongst peoples who feel politically threatened, insecure or GHSULYHGRIWKHLUFROOHFWLYHULJKWVE\PRUHSRZHUIXOQDWLRQV´7ULJJHU ,QVXFKDFRQWH[WWKHVWRU\RI%RVQLDDVDµVRXUFHRIZRUOG civilisation’ provides a positive symbol for a country still divided over its own national identity. It provides a town in recession with a muchneeded economic boost. The only problem, one might argue, is that the ‘pyramids’ are completely invented. 7KH6FLHQFH3VHXGRVFLHQFHDQG3HUIRUPDQFHRI3\UDPLGV 0DLQVWUHDP SURIHVVLRQDO VFLHQWLVWV KDYH EHHQ TXLFN WR GLVPLVV the Bosnian Pyramids. In many ways, the project is ‘classic’ pseudoscience; it blurs the line between material reality and wishful WKLQNLQJPDLQWDLQLQJµWUXWK¶RQO\WKURXJKDWKLQIUDJLOHSHUIRUPDQFH RI VFLHQFH 3UXLWW 6HPLU 2VPDQDJLü DQG KLV WHDP UXQ WKH JDPXWRQSVHXGRVFLHQWL¿FPHWKRGVKXJHFODLPVDQGRYHUO\DPELWLRXV promises, disparaging academia while, simultaneously, appealing to academic authority, a dogged adherence to outdated theoretical models, presenting selective and distorted images of the site, basing interpretations on logical fallacies and inconsistencies, and having an REVHVVLRQZLWKHVRWHULFDQGVXSHUQDWXUDOP\VWHULHVFI)DJDQ $UFKDHRORJLVWV OLNH 3DXO +HLQULFK DW /RXLVLDQD 6WDWH 8QLYHUVLW\ DUJXH WKDW ³7KH ODQGIRUP >WKDW 2VPDQDJLü@ LV FDOOLQJ D S\UDPLG LV DFWXDOO\TXLWHFRPPRQ7KH\¶UHFDOOHGµÀDWLURQV¶LQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV DQG \RX VHH D ORW RI WKHP RXW :HVW«>DQG@ ³KXQGUHGV DURXQG WKH ZRUOG´ LQFOXGLQJ WKH ³5XVVLDQ 7ZLQ 3\UDPLGV´ LQ 9ODGLYRVWRN TWG LQ :RRGDUG 7KLV DVVHVVPHQW ZDV FRQ¿UPHG LQ D ORFDO VWXG\ E\ a team of Bosnian geologists led by professor Sejfudin Vrabac at the 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 7X]OD ,Q WKH\ FROOHFWHG FRUH VDPSOHV IURP WKH µS\UDPLGV¶DQGFRQ¿UPHGWKDWWKHKLOOVLQWKH9LVRþLFDULYHUYDOOH\DUH )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? simply natural geological formations made of clastic layered sediments 9UDEDF No genuine, uncontested ‘pyramid’ archaeology has been found at the site. No archaeological tools or any clear signs of settlement for EXLOGLQJS\UDPLGVKDYHEHHQLGHQWL¿HG5RVHE7KHRQO\KXPDQ alterations of the landscape date from much later periods of time: some evidence of nomadic Neolithic activity, some Iron Age settlements, but most archaeology in the region dates from the Medieval to the SUHVHQW0DOFRPQRWIURPWKH3DODHROLWKLFDV2VPDQDJLFKDV GDWHG WKH S\UDPLGV ,&%3 7KH DUWHIDFWV WKDW 2VPDQDJLü KDV attributed to ‘pyramid builders’ are controversial at best, dubious at worst. Most ‘pyramid artefacts’ that I have personally seen have been VLPSO\URFNVRWKHUREMHFWVOLNHPHWDOPRXOGVDQGJULQGVWRQHVZHUH attributed, even by the employed site archaeologist, to the Iron Age or ODWHU3UXLWW Figure 3. Project volunteer proudly showing off a ‘pyramid artefact’ marked with a record number. ,Q UHDOLW\ WKLV LV QRW DQ DUWHIDFWMXVWDURFN (Photo by Tera Pruitt) )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? 2VPDQDJLü OLNH PRVW SVHXGRDUFKDHRORJLVWV GRHV QRW ULJRURXVO\ test his own assumptions or build explanations based on found evidence, but rather he constructs ‘proofs’ of monumental architecture after the fact to verify his pre-established theories. His excavations ORRN OLNH KH LV FDUYLQJ S\UDPLGDO VWHSV RXW RI WKH KLOOV DQG KLV VLWH photographs and reports carefully angle and construct a reality that ORRNVYHU\GLIIHUHQWIURPWKHRQHDYLVLWRUVHHVZKHQWKH\DFWXDOO\ZDON WKURXJKWKHVLWH)RHU2VPDQDJLüVLPSO\SHUIRUPVWKHDFWLYLWLHV ZHFRPHWRDVVRFLDWHZLWKVFLHQWL¿FDUFKDHRORJ\VXFKDVGLJJLQJXS things and collecting radiocarbon results, but it is a performance with no substantive evidence. $JRRGH[DPSOHLVWKHZD\2VPDQDJLüXVHGUDGLRFDUERQDQDO\VLVWR GDWHKLVS\UDPLGVWRWKH3DODHROLWKLF,&%33UXLWW,Q JHQXLQHVDPSOHVRIFDUERQL]HGPDWHULDOZHUHWDNHQE\DFUHGHQWLDOHG archaeologist employed by the pyramid team. These samples were FDUHIXOO\ SDFNHG DQG VKLSSHG WR UHSXWDEOH UDGLRFDUERQ ODERUDWRULHV VXFK DV WKH *LOZLFH 5DGLRFDUERQ /DERUDWRU\ LQ 3RODQG ZKLFK WKHQ GHOLYHUHGJHQXLQHUDGLRFDUERQUHVXOWVEDFNWRWKHS\UDPLGWHDP7KHVH UHVXOWV ZHUH WKHQ SUHVHQWHG DW WKH SURMHFWIXQGHG ³VW ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 6FLHQWL¿F &RQIHUHQFH RI WKH %RVQLDQ 3\UDPLGV´ E\ D PHPEHU RI WKH *LOZLFH5DGLRFDUERQ/DERUDWRU\6RIDUWKLVLVDVWUXFWXUHGDQGVFLHQWL¿F series of events. 7KHSUREOHPVHPHUJHLQ2VPDQDJLü¶VLQWHUSUHWDWLRQ7KHUHZDVQR evidence to suggest humans ever came in contact with the carbonized material found in the tunnels and radiocarbon dated. Even the trained DUFKDHRORJLVW ZKR WRRN WKH VDPSOHV DUJXHG DW WKH FRQIHUHQFH WKDW WKH WXQQHOV ZHUH OLNHO\ QDWXUDO IRUPDWLRQV DQG WKHUH ZDV OLWWOH WR VXJJHVWWKHFDUERQZDVDQ\WKLQJRWKHUWKDQDWUHHURRW/DZOHU 2VPDQDJLü¶V¿QDOLQWHUSUHWDWLRQRI³$KD5DGLRFDUERQGDWHVPHDQVD %RVQLDQVXSHUFLYLOLVDWLRQEXLOWS\UDPLGVLQ%&´ZDVDIDOODFLRXV leap of logic. To the public, however, the series of events seemed OHJLWLPDWHVLQFHUDGLRFDUERQDQDO\VLVDQGRWKHUVFLHQWL¿FPHWKRGVDUH often thought to simply ‘reveal truth’, even though they require constant KXPDQLQSXWDQGLQWHUSUHWDWLRQWRFRQVWUXFWIDFWV3UXLWW 'HVSLWH WKH SURMHFW¶V LQYHQWHG UHVXOWV WKHLU DFWLYLWLHV ²OLNH WKH UDGLRFDUERQGDWLQJDFDGHPLFFRQIHUHQFHVSXEOLVKLQJVFLHQWL¿FUHSRUWV² ORRNHQRUPRXVO\FRQYLQFLQJWRWKHJHQHUDOSXEOLF2VPDQDJLüLVDPDVWHU at drawing on reputable institutions and credentialed people to bolster KLV VLWH¶V SUR¿OH DQG FODLPV 7R IXUWKHU KLV RZQ FUHGLELOLW\ LQ 2VPDQDJLüVXFFHVVIXOO\FRPSOHWHGD3K'DWWKH8QLYHUVLW\RI6DUDMHYR )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? ,QFUHGLEO\KHDOVRREWDLQHGDOHFWXULQJSRVWDWWKH$PHULFDQ8QLYHUVLW\ LQ6DUDMHYRLQ'HVSLWHWKHIDFWWKDWPRVWRI2VPDQDJLü¶VZRUN LVµVPRNHDQGPLUURUVVFLHQFH¶KLVSURMHFWQRZKDVDOOWKHDSSHDUDQFH RIDXWKRULW\DQGDOOWKHFUHGHQWLDOVWREDFNKLVFODLPV$UFKDHRORJLVWV around the world wonder, how did this happen? Professional Archaeology and the Bosnian Pyramids Since the beginning of the project, many professional archaeologists have responded critically, even hostilely, to both the creators and the supporters of the Bosnian Pyramids. Professional archaeologists, with genuine concern for Bosnia’s heritage, have called the Bosnian 3\UDPLGVD³GDQJHUWR(XURSHDQ$UFKDHRORJ\´+DUGLQJ6RPEHU FRQIHUHQFHVHVVLRQVDQGWDONVKDYHEHHQFDOOHGWRUHEXNHWKHSURMHFW such as the Ficticious Pasts: A Danger for European Archaeology session at the European Association of Archaeologists meeting in Malta in 2008. Pleading media and academic reports have been published, criticisms have been lodged in Bosnian television, and frustrated articles have DSSHDUHGLQPDMRUSXEOLFDWLRQVOLNH$UFKDHRORJ\0DJD]LQH.DPSVFKURU 5RVHD5RVHE6FLHQFH0DJD]LQH%RKDQQRQD %RKDQQRQ E %ULWLVK $UFKDHRORJ\ +DUGLQJ 'LVFRYHU 0DJD]LQH %RKDQQRQ DQG 6PLWKVRQLDQ 0DJD]LQH :RRGDUG ²EXW WR QR DYDLO 7KH %RVQLDQ 3\UDPLG SURMHFW FRQWLQXHV WR operate, and for a while it even received government funding despite academic opposition in Bosnia. Archaeologists are genuinely concerned about the implications of allowing pseudoarchaeology to thrive. The Bosnian Pyramids team is rewriting history with an invented past, and for many people in Bosnia this has become a preferred account of history. Worse still, the amateur team has undeniably destroyed genuine archaeological material, plowing right through layers of history-rich stratigraphy, in WKHLU TXHVW WR UHYHDO S\UDPLG µSURRIV¶ LQ WKH JURXQG EHGURFN 5RVH E $UFKDHRORJLVWV OLNH 5LFKDUG &DUOWRQ DW WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 1HZFDVWOH UHÀHFWV WKH GHVSDLULQJ DWWLWXGH RI PDQ\ DFDGHPLFV ZKHQ KHVD\V³,KDYHQRLGHDZKDWWRGRRWKHUWKDQWRFRQWLQXHWRSUHVHQW UHDVRQDEO\DUJXHGRSSRVLWLRQ´TWGLQ%RKDQQRQE +RZHYHUDUFKDHRORJLVWVGHVSHUDWHO\WU\LQJWRµNQRFNVHQVH¶LQWR the supportive Bosnian public have seemed unmindful of the heavy, complex socio-politics that sustain the Bosnian Pyramids narrative. It is a fact that the project has brought real economic change to )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? 9LVRNR$ERRPLQJQHZWRXULVPLQGXVWU\KDVJLYHQQHZSXUSRVHWRD SRVWZDUWRZQ5HSRUWHUVKDYHIRXQGORFDO9LVRNRUHVLGHQWVVD\LQJ³,I WKH\GRQ¶W¿QGWKHS\UDPLGZH¶UHJRLQJWRPDNHLWGXULQJWKHQLJKW%XW ZH¶UHQRWHYHQWKLQNLQJDERXWWKDW7KHUHDUHS\UDPLGVDQGWKHUHZLOO EHS\UDPLGV´TWGLQ)RHUHPSKDVLVLQRULJLQDO2WKHUUHVLGHQWV ZHUHTXRWHGDVVD\LQJ³³3OHDVH*RGOHWWKHP¿QGDS\UDPLG´>ZKLOH@ UXVKLQJ WR VHUYH FURZGHG WDEOHV´ TWG LQ 6LWR6XFLF 6XFK public support does not arise from concern over what ‘is’ or ‘is not’ archaeology, but rather results from complex social processes: positive impact on economics, social welfare, pride in the past and nationalism. When people feel it necessary to pray for pyramids, when they have a VWDNHLQPDNLQJVXUHWKHQRWLRQRIS\UDPLGVVXUYLYHVWKHQVRPHWKLQJ OLNHWKH%RVQLDQ3\UDPLGVLVELJJHUWKDQVLPSOHIDFWRU¿FWLRQ Where Do We Go From Here? ,Q VRPH ZD\V 6HPLU 2VPDQDJLü LV DUJXDEO\ KDYLQJ JUHDWHU success than real archaeologists and scientists who are desperate to UHFODLPIDFWXDOKLVWRU\LQ%RVQLD2VPDQDJLüKDVEURXJKWPRQH\PHGLD LQWHUHVWSRVLWLYHIHHOLQJVIRUFXOWXUDOKHULWDJHDQGQDWLRQDOSULGHEDFN to the country through his own ingenuity and design. However, it is also DIDFWWKDWWKH%RVQLDQ3\UDPLGSURMHFWLVSVHXGRVFLHQFH2VPDQDJLü and his team have constructed a theatre and performance of science ²DPDVVLQJ DFDGHPLF FUHGHQWLDOV DQG GUDZLQJ RQ WKH DXWKRULW\ RI institutions, presenting and publishing technical reports, conducting H[FDYDWLRQV DQG UHFRUGLQJ QXPEHUV RQ DUWHIDFW EDJV² EXW WKHLU LQWHUSUHWDWLRQVEOXU¿FWLRQZLWKUHDOLW\7KLVPLJKWEHKDUPOHVVH[FHSW that the pyramid project has already destroyed genuine archaeological UHPDLQVLQ9LVRNRLQWKHLUSXUVXLWRIDQDOWHUQDWLYHSDVW So far, archaeologists have tried to approach alternative history OLNH WKH %RVQLDQ 3\UDPLGV LQ DW OHDVW WKUHH GLIIHUHQW ZD\V 2QH DSSURDFKKDVEHHQWRVFRIIDQGUHEXNHSVHXGRVFLHQWL¿FEHKDYLRXU,Q the early days of the Bosnian Pyramids case, this was a common gut UHDFWLRQDVVKRFNHGDUFKDHRORJLVWVUHDOLVHGWKDWSXEOLFVXSSRUWZDVQRW VXEVLGLQJEXWUDWKHUJURZLQJ+DUGLQJ$VHFRQGDSSURDFKWKDW DUFKDHRORJLVWV KDYH WDNHQ KDV EHHQ WR VLPSO\ LJQRUH WKH DOWHUQDWLYH archaeology and hope it goes away. Many professional archaeologists LQ%RVQLDKDYHWDNHQWKLVOLQHIRUH[DPSOHDIWHULQLWLDOO\VSHDNLQJRXW against the project but then receiving harsh reactions and even threats from the public, many archaeologists from the National Museum at 6DUDMHYRKDYHGHFLGHGWRNHHSTXLHWDQGZDLWRXWWKHVWRUPIHHOLQJ )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? WKDW2VPDQDJLü¶VLQWHUSUHWDWLRQVZLOOQRWEHVXVWDLQDEOHLQWKHORQJUXQ 3UXLWW A third approach, which is the most complex and multifaceted, has been to actively engage with and study pseudoarchaeology so that we can better understand why such cases persist. In the case of WKH %RVQLDQ 3\UDPLGV D IHZ UHVHDUFKHUV OLNH P\VHOI KDYH DFWLYHO\ engaged with members of the project and with the public in the region, WU\LQJ WR EHWWHU XQGHUVWDQG KRZ DOWHUQDWLYH KLVWRU\ OLNH WKH %RVQLDQ 3\UDPLGVFDQEHFRPHVRDFFHSWHGDQGLQÀXHQWLDOLQVXFKDVKRUWSHULRG RI WLPH 3UXLWW $QRWKHU H[DPSOH LV SURIHVVRU &RUQHOLXV +ROWRUI¶VLQYLWDWLRQWR6HPLU2VPDQDJLüWRFRPHDQGVSHDNDW/LQQHDXV 8QLYHUVLW\ LQ 6ZHGHQ 7KLV HYHQW KDV WULJJHUHG D UHDFWLRQ IURP WKH DUFKDHRORJLFDOFRPPXQLW\DQGLVWKHUHDVRQZHDUHWDONLQJDERXWWKH Bosnian Pyramids today. The questions around Holtorf’s invitation are complex. By inviting 6HPLU2VPDQDJLüWRVSHDNGLG+ROWRUIXQQHFHVVDULO\JLYH2VPDQDJLü DSODWIRUPWRVSHDNDERXWKLVSURMHFWJLYLQJKLPIXWXUHOHYHUDJHDQG LQÀXHQFHWRVXSSRUWKLVDOWHUQDWLYHFODLPV"%XWRQWKHRWKHUKDQGLI we, as archaeologists, do not engage with alternative archaeologists ²LIZHGRQRWDFWLYHO\LQWHUDFWZLWKWKHPDQGXQGHUVWDQGZK\WKH\GR WKHWKLQJVWKH\GR²KRZHOVHFDQZHXQGHUVWDQGZK\VXFKSURMHFWV DFFXPXODWHVRPXFKLQÀXHQFH" This journal issue opens up a much-needed debate in the DUFKDHRORJLFDO SURIHVVLRQ ,W DOORZV XV WR DVN ZKHUH GR ZH JR IURP here? Figure 4. 6HPLU 2VPDQDJLF GXULQJ a press release. (Photo by Tera Pruitt) )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? 5HVSRQVHV -RKDQ1250$5. 2VPDQDJLüDQG0D\DQLVP 6HPLU 2VPDQDJLü KDV D SHULSKHUDO FRQQHFWLRQ WR WKH SKHQRPHQRQ ZKLFK UHODWHV WR WKH VXSSRVHG ³HQGGDWH´ RI WKH 0D\D /RQJ&RXQWFDOHQGDURQ'HFHPEHUDFFRUGLQJWRWKHVRFDOOHG *07FRUUHODWLRQ+HKDVZULWWHQDFRXSOHRIERRNVWKDWKDYHGHDOWZLWK 0D\DQLVPDSVHXGRVFLHQWL¿FDQG1HZ$JHYHUVLRQRIWKHDQFLHQW0D\D RIZKLFKWKHSKHQRPHQRQLVDPDMRUSDUW+RRSHV,QWKH FRQFOXVLRQRI2VPDQDJLü¶VERRN7KH:RUOGRIWKH0D\DKHVSHFXODWHV WKDW³DVZHDSSURDFK'HFHPEHUDQGWKHHQGRIWKHVLJQL¿FDQW 5200-years cycle in the Mayan calendar, as well as the completion of WKH ORQJHU F\FOH RI \HDUV ZH VKRXOG DVN RXUVHOYHV DERXW WKH changes foreseen by the Maya. Today’s age of transition and chaos VSRNHQ RI LQ WKH ZLVGRP RI WKH 0D\D ZLOO EH UHSODFHG E\ ³WKH ZRUOG RI WKH )LIWK 6XQ´´ 2VPDQDJLF +H LV KHUH UHIHUULQJ WR WKH $]WHF P\WK RI ¿YH FUHDWLRQV6XQV PL[HG ZLWK WKH 0D\D /RQJ &RXQW FDOHQGDURI%DNWXQV\HDUVLQRUGHUWRUHDFKWKHOHQJWKRIWKH precession of the equinoxes of almost 26,000 years when a supposed alignment between the earth, the sun and the galactic center occurs on WKHZLQWHUVROVWLFHRI-HQNLQV7KLVPL[WXUHRIP\WKVDQG DVWURQRP\ LV FRPPRQ LQ WKH SKHQRPHQRQ DQG 2VPDQDJLü KDV made his own contribution by inventing pyramids in Bosnia through what can best be described as terraforming. Similar to other 2012ers, he is very eclectic and connects dots WKDWFDQQRWEHFRQQHFWHGLQDQ\VFLHQWL¿FZD\+HZULWHVWKDW³0D\DLVD NH\+LQGXSKLORVRSKLFDOWHUPPHDQLQJ³FUHDWLRQRIWKHZRUOG´DQG³WKH ZRUOG RI LOOXVLRQ´ ,Q 6DQVNULW ³0D\D´ LV FRQQHFWHG ZLWK WKH FRQFHSWV RI ³JUHDW´ ³PHDVXUH´ ´PLQG´ DQG ³PRWKHU´ )RU WKLV UHDVRQ LW PD\ not surprise us to learn that Maya was the name of Buddha’s mother. The Veda tells us that Maya was the name of a great astronomer and DUFKLWHFW ,Q (J\SWLDQ SKLORVRSK\ WKH WHUP 0D\D PHDQV ³XQLYHUVDO ZRUOGRUGHU´,Q*UHHNP\WKRORJ\0D\DLVWKHEULJKWHVWRIWKHVHYHQ stars of the Pleiades constellation. Mayab is also the name of the seat RIWKH0D\DQFLYLOL]DWLRQWKH<XFDWDQSHQLQVXOD´2VPDQDJLF :KDWZHKDYHKHUHLVDPL[WXUHRI+LQGX%XGGKLVW(J\SWLDQ*UHHN and Maya words and concepts that ultimately are used to show that the ancestors of the Maya actually were aliens and that they came from the Pleiades. )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? +HQFH WKH S\UDPLGV LQ WKH 0D\D DUHD DQG LQ %RVQLD DUH believed to be part of a greater complex that originated from outer VSDFH $FFRUGLQJ WR KLP ³WKH 0D\DQ KLHURJO\SKLFV WHOO XV WKDW WKHLU DQFHVWRUVFDPHIURPWKH3OHLDGHV>«@¿UVWDUULYLQJDW$WODQWLVZKHUH they created an advanced civilization. The building of temples in the VKDSHRIS\UDPLGVHQDEOHGWKH0D\DWRREWDLQPRUHHQHUJ\>«@IURP the interior of the Earth, because the pyramids were erected on energy SRWHQW SRLQWV >«@ DQG IURP WKH FRVPRV EHFDXVH WKH HQHUJ\ FRPLQJ from outside the Earth was maintained longer and was more intense in WKHS\UDPLGV´2VPDQDJLF7KHUHIHUHQFHVWRWKH3OHLDGHV PD\ VRXQG ³LQQRFHQW´ +RZHYHU WKH ³3OHLDGHDQV´ DUH PRUH RU OHVV ³$U\DQV´IURPRXWHUVSDFH7KH\DUHGHVFULEHGDVZKLWHVNLQQHGEOXH H\HGEORQGDQG³SK\VLFDOO\DWWUDFWLYH´LQOLWHUDWXUHDERXWDOWHUQDWLYH KLVWRU\DQGJDODFWLFLQÀXHQFHV$WODQWLVRUWKH3OHLDGHVDUHVLPSO\QHZ versions of diffusionism, which is the dominant explanation for cultural VLPLODULWLHVZLWKLQ0D\DQLVP7KHDOLHQVKDYHWDNHQRQWKH³ZKLWHPDQ¶V burden” to spread civilization. 2VPDQDJLü¶V ³GLVVHUWDWLRQ WKHVLV´ 1RQWHFKQRORJLFDO &LYLOL]DWLRQ RI0D\DVYHUVXV0RGHUQ7HFKQRORJLFDO&LYLOL]DWLRQVELVEDVLFDOO\ a reproduced and partly expanded version of The World of the Maya. +HPXVWKDYHEHHQDVNHGWRDGGVRPHVRFLRORJLFDOOLWHUDWXUHLQRUGHU WR JHW KLV GHJUHH $FFRUGLQJ WR 2VPDQDJLü KLPVHOI WKH WKHVLV LV ³D QRYHOW\LQUHJDUGVWRWKHRI¿FLDODQGVDQFWLRQHGNQRZOHGJHDERXWWKH Maya culture”. One of these supposedly sanctioned facts is that the 0D\D ZHUH D ³1HROLWKLF FXOWXUH´ 1R FRQWHPSRUDU\ DFDGHPLF VFKRODU claims this. The Neolithic is a time period based upon the prevalence of stone tools and an agricultural and sedentary life-style in Europe. ,WQRORQJHULPSOLHVDFHUWDLQ³FXOWXUDOVWDJH´WKURXJKRXWWKHZRUOGDV Osmanagic believes. :LWKRXW DQ\ DUFKDHRORJLFDO VXSSRUW 2VPDQDJLü GHQLHV WKH existence of the Maya after the 10th century AD. This goes against the massive amount of archaeological, ethnohistorical, and linguistic data WKDWZHGRKDYH7RGD\URXJKO\PLOOLRQSHRSOHVSHDNVHYHUDO0D\D languages. 2VPDQDJLüPDNHVXVHRIDYRFDEXODU\WKDWLQLWVHOILQGLFDWHVWKDW he has not studied the Maya in any great detail. Only if one has a limited YLHZRIDFRPSOH[VFHQDULRFDQRQHFODLPWKDWWKHUHDUH³LQGLVSXWDEOH H[DPSOHV´ZKHUH³VFLHQWL¿FHYLGHQFHVSHDNVIRULWVHOI´6XFKDQH[DPSOH LVKLVFODLPWKDWWKH0D\DKDGDTXDUW]VNXOOWHFKQRORJ\7KHVHVNXOOV are far from indisputable examples. The quartz heads were made in *HUPDQ\GXULQJWKHWKFHQWXU\QRWE\DQFLHQWDOLHQV )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? +LV¿QDO³DQDO\VLV´LQKLVWKHVLVFRQVLVWVRIDFRPSDULVRQEHWZHHQ WKH 0D\D DQG WKH ³:HVW´ 7KH FRPSDULVRQ HPSKDVL]HV ³DFKLHYHG OHYHOV RI NQRZOHGJH´ SDUDPHWHUV DSSDUHQWO\ GHSHQGHQW XSRQ ZKDW 2VPDQDJLüKLPVHOI¿QGVWREHLPSRUWDQW)LUVWWKHUHLVDVHWRISULPDU\ comparative parameters such as civilizing goals, wisdom, love as a PRGHORIEHKDYLRUKDUPRQ\ZLWKQDWXUHVSLULWXDOLW\DQGDUW7KLV is followed by several parameters related to territory. His goal is to compare the Maya and the West by determining if they had or have reached the desired level of civilization, were or are on the path to the desired level of civilization, or if they are or were on the negative level of civilization. This teleological view of cultural evolution is not exactly DW WKH FXWWLQJ HGJH RI VRFLDO VFLHQFH 2QH ZRQGHUV KRZ 2VPDQDJLü UHFHLYHGD3K'IRUWKLV³WKHVLV´ZKLFKKDVDVFLHQWL¿FTXDOLW\ORZHUWKDQ most BA-theses. /RUQD5,&+$5'621 &RPPHQWRQ2VPDQDJLü¶VYLVLW 2VPDQDJLü¶V YLVLW WR WKH /LQQHDXV 8QLYHUVLW\ LQ KLJKOLJKWV some of the many contradictions facing those of us engaged in research LQWKH¿HOGRI3XEOLF$UFKDHRORJ\7KHGLI¿FXOW\RIFRQFHSWXDOLVDWLRQRI 3XEOLF$UFKDHRORJ\KDVWHQGHGWRVWDJQDWHDURXQGLVVXHVRIGH¿QLWLRQ DQGDSSOLFDWLRQ7KHµRXWUHDFK¶DSSURDFKQHHGVWKHTXDOL¿HGUHVSHFWHG DQGVFLHQWL¿FH[SHUWYRLFHWRFRPPXQLFDWHDUFKDHRORJLFDOLQIRUPDWLRQ to non-archaeologists. Final authority resides with the professional DUFKDHRORJLVWZKRLQSRVVHVVLRQRINQRZOHGJHGRPLQDQFHFDQDFWDV JDWHNHHSHU EHWZHHQ DUFKDHRORJLFDO NQRZOHGJH GDWD DQG UHVRXUFHV and the general, non-archaeological, public. The ‘multi-vocal’ approach, LQFRQWUDVWDFNQRZOHGJHVWKHGLIIHUHQFHVLQWKHLQWHUDFWLRQVEHWZHHQ humans and material culture, and the subjectivity involved in these differing interactions between material culture, groups and individuals that is both historically situated and in the present. This critical DSSURDFK¿UPO\HPSKDVLVHVWKHLPSRUWDQFHRIZLGHUGLVFRXUVHEHWZHHQ the socio-economically and politically marginalised and archaeological NQRZOHGJHDQGUHVRXUFHVDVSDUWRIWKHDFKLHYHPHQWRIZLGHUFXOWXUDO meaning. This is the approach that Holtorf, and myself, amongst many other Public Archaeology researchers worldwide, have adopted. &RSHODQGDQG6PLWKHPSKDVLVHWKHQHHGIRU and ethical responsibility of, archaeologists involved in the presentation )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? RIWKHLUZRUNLQWKHSXEOLFUHDOPWRXQGHUVWDQGUHVSHFWDQGYDOXHWKH interpretations of the past by non-professionals, without the imposition of ‘correct’ interpretational methods. Archaeology is also a subject that is in a constant process of negotiating dialogue with itself, and the past. The gathering, processing and re-examination of old and new GDWDPHDQVWKDWDVDUFKDHRORJLVWVZHFDQQRWKRQHVWO\FODLPWRNQRZ WKH ¿QDO µWUXWKV¶ DERXW KXPDQ SDVWV 7KHUHIRUH 3XEOLF $UFKDHRORJ\ as a discipline examines the relationship between these past human activities and contemporary society. It critiques the process and PHDQVWKURXJKZKLFKWKHDUFKDHRORJLFDOVHFWRULQÀXHQFHVIDFLOLWDWHV limits and exposes the relationships between the past, present and future. It must be politically engaged to understand the creation and application of associated theory and the examination and analysis of Public Archaeology in practice. The conceptual and ethical paradigm of Public Archaeology is, therefore, the renegotiation of power and control through communication, dialogue and participation between archaeological professionals and non-professional members of the general public. 6HPLU³6DP´2VPDQDJLüLVDFKDUODWDQDQGDZHDOWK\DQGSRZHUIXO RQH DW WKDW +LV DSSDUHQWO\ YDOLG GRFWRUDWH IURP WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ RI 6DUDMHYRDQGWKH%RVQLDQ*RYHUQPHQW¶VDSSURYDODQG¿QDQFLDOVXSSRUW RIWKHZRUNRIWKHµ%RVQLDQ3\UDPLGRIWKH6XQ)RXQGDWLRQ¶KDYHDOUHDG\ OHQWKLPOHJLWLPDF\LQKLVKRPHODQG7KH¿QDQFLDOVLWXDWLRQIRUFXOWXUDO heritage in Bosnia is desperate, with museums closed, staff unpaid and the National Museum about to have its electricity cut off due to XQSDLGELOOV%%&ZHEVLWH6XSSRUWIRUSVHXGRDUFKDHRORJ\LQ the face of this cultural crisis is disastrous. Why is it acceptable to offer a platform to a man who is so clearly deluded and dangerously wrong? Is it right for a respected Swedish institution to concern themselves ZLWK VRPHRQH ZKR ZLOO RQ SDVW UHFRUG PLON WKDW DVVRFLDWLRQ WR LWV ODVWGURS"6KRXOGIXQGLQJEHPDGHDYDLODEOHWRVXSSRUWWKLVNLQGRI ‘sociological’ research, when archaeological funding is so scarce? Or GRHV+ROWRUIE\QRWLQYLWLQJ2VPDQDJLüDQGKLVLONLQWRWKHZLGHUGHEDWH VLPSO\ FRQ¿UP SXEOLF SHUFHSWLRQV RI DFDGHPLF HOLWLVP DQG FUHDWH D VHOIIXO¿OOLQJSURSKHF\IRUFRQVSLUDF\WKHRULVWV" Archaeology contains deep intra-disciplinary divisions alongside VRFLDO VWUDWL¿FDWLRQ DQG DV +HQVRQ KDV DUJXHG LW LV D SRURXV VXEMHFW ZLWK D ZLGH YDULHW\ RI GLVFLSOLQDU\ µOHDNDJH¶ DORQJ WKHHGJHVZRUNLQJZLWKWKHRU\DQGSUDFWLFHIURPGLVFLSOLQHVVXFKDV sociology, anthropology, forensic science, geography and geology, amongst others. The emphasis within this elitist discipline is, as Henson )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? LQWHUSUHWV LW ³RQ H[FOXVLYH ULJKWV WR YDOLGDWH FRQVHUYH DQG VWXG\ the archaeological resource´ LELG 3XEOLF $UFKDHRORJ\ LV SDUW of this porous subject. Its role is to question the dominant position RI WKH KHULWDJH SURIHVVLRQDO DQG WR VKLQH D OLJKW LQ WKH GDUN FRUQHUV of both archaeology and its pseudo-archaeology, which can be an XQFRPIRUWDEOHEXVLQHVVIRUWKRVHLQWKHWUDGHV:KHQDUFKDHRORJ\RU SVHXGRDUFKDHRORJ\LVXVHGWRFUHDWHFRQFHSWXDOQDUUDWLYHVWKDWDUHQRW sanctioned by the profession, it meets understandable hostility, anger and condemnation from professional archaeologists. But we, as Public Archaeologists, want to understand how ‘expert-amateur’ discourse is constructed and legitimised, how we regulate, maintain and assert authority over wider archaeological narratives, indeed, how the impact of heritage tourism can develop and sustain nations and communities with entrenched poverty and mass unemployment. A conversation is XQDYRLGDEOH ± OHW¶V DW OHDVW WDNH WKDW FRQYHUVDWLRQ RXW RI 7ZLWWHU RII the comments thread, down from the blog, and out of the pages of WKHREVFXUHPLQGERG\VSLULWPDJD]LQH/HW¶VDLUWKLVFRQYHUVDWLRQLQD public arena, face-to-face. To understand these issues, we have to get our hands dirty. Beatriz COMENDADOR REY &RPPHQWWR2VPDQDJLü¶VFRQIHUHQFH ,IZHFDVWRXUH\HRYHUWKHVRFLDOVXFFHVVRI6HPLU2VPDJDQLü¶V pyromania, we can identify the following features: 7REHJLQZLWKKHKDVFUHDWHGKLVRZQFKDUDFWHU+HLQWURGXFHV himself as Houston’s answer to Indiana Jones, searching for the *UHDW %RVQLDQ 9DOOH\ RI WKH 3\UDPLGV +H LV WKH JUHDW %RVQLDQ KHUR ³DOO %RVQLD ORYHV \RX´ KH LV WROG +H SRUWUD\V D W\SLFDO charismatic role. +HSURMHFWVKLPVHOIDVUHYHDOLQJWRWKHZRUOGZKDWRI¿FLDOVFLHQFH refuses to recognise: that Bosnia was the cradle of the oldest of the ancient high civilizations, with the greatest technological achievements. He presents a glorious past for Bosnia, stressing time and again the unique nature of the Moon Pyramid, a world OHDGHU ³WKH ELJJHVW LQ WKH ZRUOG´ ³WKH KLJKHVW S\UDPLG HYHU built”. )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? - 40 +HXVHVWKHPHGLDWRFRQYHUWWKHS\UDPLGVHWLQWRVLPXOWDQHRXVO\ a mass phenomenon and a collective business. 7KH %RVQLDQV DUH SUHVHQWHG DV WKH KHLUV RI WKLV ³FRQVWUXFWHG heritage.” This past represents them in the present, becoming an element of identity. The denial of this past implies the denial of the role of Bosnia in the global stage, a national minimalisation. 7KH GHQLDO DQG UDGLFDO RSSRVLWLRQ RI RI¿FLDO VFLHQFH GLVPLVVLQJ KLPDVDQ³DPDWHXUVZDVKEXFNOHUGUHDPHU´LVFRXQWHUSURGXFWLYH With even more rejection and denial, and the absence of dialogue, Osmaganic’s popularity increases. &XUUHQWO\GLYHUVH¿QDQFLDOLQWHUHVWVXQGHUOLHWKHSKHQRPHQRQ ZKLFK KDV DWWUDFWHG PDVV WRXULVP WR 9LVRNR DQG JHQHUDWHG merchandising. The following two passages from a video on this topic are enlightening: KWWS\RXWXEH8V]Y-\$1QF*Need latest Acrobat to watch Why on earth in Bosnia? Because we deserve it... ,QWKHHQGWKRVHVWRQHVDUHLQWHUHVWLQJ3HRSOHEHOLHYHLQ God and no one has ever seen Him. Here we have three or four stones placed together. Why not believe in the pyramids?! If 6HPLUVD\VVR )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? - 41 , ZRXOG DVN 0U 2VPDJDQLü ZKDW WKH REMHFWLYHV RI KLV UHVHDUFK DUHIURPDKLVWRULFDODQGDVRFLDOSHUVSHFWLYH,EHOLHYHWKDWWKHNH\ factor is his own personal gain, although I imagine that the feeling of being a national hero is also far from unwelcome. 'LYHUVH³SDVWV´FRH[LVWMXVWDV³GLYHUVH´DUFKDHRORJLHVGR %HFDXVH,VDUFKDHRORJ\ZKLFKODFNVLPSDFWRIVRFLDOLQWHUHVW"+DV ³RI¿FLDO´DUFKDHRORJ\HYHUIXO¿OOHGDQ\RIWKHVRFLDODQGHFRQRPLFIXQFWLRQV RI³2UJDVPDQLüDUFKDHRORJ\´":KDWLV³RI¿FLDO´DUFKDHRORJ\IRU" Cornelius Holtorf’s proposal seems to me not only appropriate, but DOVRQHFHVVDU\DQGEUDYH/RRNLQJWKHRWKHUZD\GRHVQRWVWRS³RWKHU DUFKDHRORJLHV´H[LVWLQJ,QYLWLQJD³SVHXGRVFLHQWLVW´WRDQDUFKDHRORJ\ forum, with the objectives of social analysis which have been presented, allows a direct and unmanipulated dialogue. *HRII&$59(5 %H\RQGEHOLHI0DNLQJPRXQWDLQVRXWRIPROHKLOOVRUS\UDPLGVRXWRI« :KHQ,VDZ&RUQHOLXV¶VSRVWRQ)DFHERRNP\¿UVWUHDFWLRQZDVWR FRQWUDVWWKLVDSSURDFKWRWKDWWDNHQE\'HERUDK/LSVWDGWZKHQLQYLWHG WR³GHEDWH³+RORFDXVW'HQLHUVRUE\SHRSOHOLNH5LFKDUG'DZNLQVZKHQ LQYLWHG WR ³GHEDWH´ ³6FLHQWL¿F &UHDWLRQLVP´ QRZ FDOOHG ³,QWHOOLJHQW 'HVLJQ´HWF7KH\MXVWGRQRWGRLW 2Q WKH RQH KDQG D SXEOLF VWDJH ± ZKHUH UKHWRULFDO WULFNV DQG emotion can often win out over reason, facts and the complex arguments WKDWFRQVWLWXWH³SURRI´LQVFLHQFH±LVQRWQHFHVVDULO\WKHEHVWSODFHWR GHEDWHVHULRXVLVVXHV2QHRQO\QHHGVWRWKLQNRIWKHODUJHQXPEHURI false convictions in any justice system. Science should not be a circus, or a popularity contest. /LSVWDGWDQG'DZNLQVDOVRDUJXHWKDWWKHUHUHDOO\LVQRWDQ\WKLQJWR GHEDWH,Q&RUQHOLXV¶VGHIHQFHLWLVZRUWKHPSKDVLVLQJWKDW2VPDQDJLü ZDV QRW LQYLWHG WR HLWKHU SUHVHQW RU ³GHEDWH´ KLV ³S\UDPLGV´ %XW LQ VRPHVHQVHLWGRHVQRWUHDOO\PDWWHUZKDWKHVSHDNVDERXW+HFRXOG show slides of his last vacation, for all it matters, because he could go away and use the fact of the event – the fact that he had been invited to address academic archaeologists in another country – as providing proof that he is respected by his peers and has a standing within the DFDGHPLFFRPPXQLW\LHVFKRODUO\VXSSRUWIRUKLVYLHZVYHQLYHGL vici. )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? - 42 So my response was based on an assumption that – no matter ZKDW WKH UHDVRQV ZKDWHYHU WKH UHVXOWV ± 2VPDQDJLü ZRXOG XVH WKH attention to his advantage. It would be naïve on Cornelius’s part to WKLQN RWKHUZLVH QRW WR UHDOLVH WKDW 2VPDQDJLü ZRXOG JR WR .DOPDU VSHDN JR KRPH DQG WKHQ QRW XVH WKLV WR KLV DGYDQWDJH VRPHKRZ 7KLV PD\ EH XQIDLU RQ P\ SDUW ± D UHÀHFWLRQ RI P\ RZQ SUHMXGLFH DJDLQVW DQ\WKLQJ WKDW VPDFNV RI SVHXGRVFLHQFH ± EXW LW PLJKW DOVR EHDIDLULQIHUHQFHEDVHGRQ2VPDQDJLü¶VUHFRUG7KRVHKHKDVGXSHG E\WDNLQJWKHLUVWDWHPHQWVRXWRIFRQWH[WLQFOXGH=DKL+DZDVVZKLFK LV VRPHZKDW LURQLF JLYHQ KLV SROLWLFDO DFXPHQ 6LQFH (]UD =XEURZ a mutual acquaintance of Cornelius and myself, suffered the same WUHDWPHQWLWLVQRWDVWKRXJK&RUQHOLXVVKRXOGQRWNQRZEHWWHU Some may try to frame this as an issue of free speech. This is a false DQDORJ\1RRQHLVGHQ\LQJ2VPDQDJLüWKHULJKWWRDLUKLVYLHZV+HKDV DZHEVLWHDQGKHSXEOLVKHVKLVRZQZRUN6RIDUDV,NQRZQRRQHKDV VWRSSHGKLPIURPSXEOLVKLQJLQHVWDEOLVKHGMRXUQDOVDVVXPLQJKHFDQ SDVVWKHSHHUUHYLHZSURFHVV7KDWGRHVQRWPHDQWKDWDUFKDHRORJLVWV DUHXQGHUDQ\REOLJDWLRQWRJLYHKLPDSODWIRUPMXVWDV2VPDQDJLüLV under no obligation to return the favour if we do. I may be cynical, but I somehow do not expect he will convene an international conference any time soon, or open his site up to international oversight. This ZRXOGEHWKHVFLHQWL¿FDSSURDFKRIFRXUVHEXW,GRQRWH[SHFWLWWR happen. $QG LQ D ZD\ PD\EH LVVXHV VXFK DV ³IDLUQHVV´ DQG KDYLQJ ZHOO PHDQLQJDQGZHOOLQWHQWLRQHGSHRSOHWDONDERXW2VPDQDJLü¶VULJKWWR free speech are what annoy me, because there is that sort of naïve belief that if we play fair with him, he will play fair with us, or that the truth will all out in the end, etc. But that belief seems to be based on DQDVVXPSWLRQWKDW2VPDQDJLüLVLQWHUHVWHGLQDGLDORJXHWKDWKHLV playing the same game, by the same rules. It may even be that any SUHVV ± KRZHYHU QHJDWLYH ± WKDW GUDZV DWWHQWLRQ WR 2VPDQDJLü ZLOO VLPSO\PDNHKLPVWURQJHULQWKHH\HVRIKLVIDLWKIXOIROORZHUVDQGKLV ¿QDQFLDOEDFNHUV ,Q WKDW VHQVH SHUKDSV LW LV ZRUWK DVNLQJ ZK\ &RUQHOLXV FRXUWV FRQWURYHUV\E\LQYLWLQJVRPHRQHOLNH2VPDQDJLüWRSUHVHQWKLVYLHZV" So maybe the problem is that some archaeologists are too honest, too trusting, too optimistic and naïve. After all, it is only relatively recently that we have started to become more serious and effective in using the press to our own advantage. Every large excavation seems WRKDYHDSUHVVUHOHDVHOLQNHGWRWKHSXEOLFDWLRQRIVLJQL¿FDQWUHVXOWV )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? for example. But that does not mean we are able to go up against big investors who still reap a lot of political support by claiming that ZH DUH KLQGHULQJ SURJUHVV RU EORFNLQJ MRE FUHDWLRQ $QG ZH VWLOO GR QRWHDUQDQ\ZKHUHQHDUDVPXFKDWWHQWLRQDVWKHYRQ'lQLNHQV'DQ %URZQV ,QGLDQD -RQHVHV DQG RWKHUV RI WKHLU LON ZKR FDSLWDOL]H RQ PLVUHSUHVHQWDWLRQVGHULYHGIURPRXUZRUN 7R VRPH GHJUHH , ZRXOG OLNH WR IUDPH WKLV GLVFXVVLRQ LQ WHUPV RI QDLYHW\ RQ WKH SDUW RI VRPH RI RXU SRVWPRGHUQSRVWSURFHVVXDO colleagues. It Could be argued to what degree they represent academic navel-gazing, a clear manifestation of ivory tower elites out-of-touch with the real world, playing games with relativism and so on. Whereas ZH F\QLFV RXW KHUH LQ ³WKH UHDO ZRUOG´ ZH KDYH WR GHDO ZLWK VXFK pressing issues as budgets and timetables and database design, or QHJRWLDWLRQVZLWKFRPSDQLHVDQGHYHQVWDWHVHUYLFHVWKDWÀDXQWKHDOWK and safety regulations because they can: the regulatory agencies are not interested in protecting – and no one wants to stir up trouble for – just a few archaeologists. $QG,¿JXUHWKDWQRWKLQJLVJRLQJWRFKDQJHDUFKDHRORJLVWVZLOO DOZD\VEHZHDNVRORQJDVZHIDLOWROHDUQIURPWKHSDVWRUQDLYHO\ EHOLHYHWKDWWKH2VPDQDJLüVRIWKLVZRUOGDUHLQWHUHVWHGLQSDUWLFLSDWLQJ LQ D GLDORJXH , ¿QG WKLV HVSHFLDOO\ GHSUHVVLQJ DQG LURQLF JLYHQ WKDW ³OHDUQLQJIURPWKHSDVW´LVVXSSRVHGWREHRQHRIWKHUHDVRQVIRUGRLQJ archaeology or for studying history. Yet, despite such clear examples as the many conferences which have examined archaeology and politics E\ORRNLQJDWDUFKDHRORJ\LQWKHUG5HLFKZHVWLOOGRQRWVHHPWRKDYH OHDUQHG VRPH RI WKH EDVLF OHVVRQV DERXW 5HDOSROLWLN DQG WKH PHGLD and how easy it is to manipulate the well-intentioned who fail – or UHIXVH±WRWDNHDVWDQGRUGUDZDOLQHLQWKHVDQG The history of archaeology shows a general move away from being a hobby enjoyed by a small elite towards attempting to be a serious science. The fact that we are not there yet is highlighted by the fact that archaeology continues to be under-funded, and developers FDQ FRQWLQXH WR JHW DZD\ ZLWK ÀDXQWLQJ QRW RQO\ KHDOWK DQG VDIHW\ legislation but also laws intended to protect heritage. In that context, JLYLQJ D SODWIRUP WR VRPHRQH OLNH 2VPDQDJLü WR VWDUW WDONLQJ DERXW %RVQLDQ S\UDPLGV RU (ULF YRQ 'lQLNHQ RU WKH ODWH %DUU\ )HOO RU VRPHRQHUHJXUJLWDWLQJ.RVVLQD¶VPRUHUDFLVWWKHRULHVHWFUHSUHVHQWV DJUHDWOHDSEDFNZDUGV Obviously there is a role for the public in archaeology, and obviously science thrives on discourse and informed, critical debate. But that )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? - 44 does not mean that all opinions are equally valid, or that we need to JLYH WKHP DOO HTXDO DLUWLPH 7KLQN DERXW ZKHWKHU \RX ZRXOG UDWKHU receive heart surgery from a surgeon or a plumber, for example; or whether you want to elect a pilot form amongst the passengers next WLPH\RXÀ\VRPHZKHUH Before archaeologists can attain the professional status of heart surgeons or airline pilots, we need to be serious and present a more XQL¿HGIDFHWRWKHSXEOLF2WKHUZLVH,DPZRUULHGWKDWWKHQH[WWLPH , WU\ WR DUJXH WKDW P\ ZRUNHUV QHHG WR KDYH ZDWHU RQ VLWH VR WKDW after digging through mediaeval latrines all morning, they can at least ZDVKWKHLUKDQGVEHIRUHOXQFKWKHLQYHVWRUZLOOWXUQDURXQGDQGFODLP RXUZRUNLVQRWVHULRXVEHFDXVHZHVSHQGDOORXUWLPHGLVFXVVLQJVXFK QRQLVVXHVDVWKH3\UDPLGVLQ%RVQLDRUWKDWWKLVÀLQWVFDWWHURUWKDW bronze age burial mound or late stone age settlement is nowhere near DVLPSRUWDQWDV«WKH3\UDPLGVLQ%RVQLD $¿QDOUHVSRQVH &RUQHOLXV+2/725)DQG-DFRE+,/721 Learning about the past from the Bosnian pyramids? 6HPLU 2VPDQDJLü¶V SXEOLF OHFWXUH DW /LQQDHXV 8QLYHUVLW\ RQ 2FWREHU ZDV QR ELJ HYHQW DOWKRXJK RQH RI XV +ROWRUI KDG DQQRXQFHG LW WKURXJK DOO FKDQQHOV DYDLODEOH WKURXJK WKH 8QLYHUVLW\ and the local radio station had reported about it a few days in advance. 7KH OHFWXUH ZDV VLPXOWDQHRXVO\ EURDGFDVW WR WKH 8QLYHUVLW\¶V VHFRQG FDPSXV DW 9l[M| EXW QRW UHFRUGHG DQG WKHUH ZHUH RQO\ DERXW LQ WKH DXGLHQFH DW .DOPDU DQG DQRWKHU DW 9l[M| 0D\EH WKLV ORZ attendance was one reason why the controversy on the internet that KDG HQVXHG LQ DGYDQFH RI WKH OHFWXUH DQG ZKLFK LV UHÀHFWHG LQ WKH SUHVHQWGLVFXVVLRQZDVQRWPDWFKHGZLWKLQWKH8QLYHUVLW\HLWKHUEHIRUH RUDIWHUWKHHYHQW,QGHHGQRWDOORIWKHFROOHDJXHVDWWKH8QLYHUVLW\ WKRXJKWLWKDGEHHQDJRRGLGHDWRLQYLWH2VPDQDJLüWRVSHDNDWDOO Two days after the lecture, a letter to the editor appeared in Barometern, a local newspaper, in which the author criticized the 8QLYHUVLW\IRUDOORZLQJWKHOHFWXUHWRKDSSHQ:HFKRVHQRWWRUHVSRQG DQGWKHUHZDVQRVXEVHTXHQWGHEDWHZHNQRZRIHLWKHUZLWKLQRURXWVLGH WKH8QLYHUVLW\+RZHYHUWKHGHEDWHLVDQLPSRUWDQWRQHLIFRQGXFWHGLQ )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? - 45 an open-minded academic fashion, and that is why we were more than happy to promote and contribute to the present exchange of views in this international journal. An interesting question to consider initially is why was there not PRUH LQWHUHVW LQ WKH OHFWXUH" 2VPDQDJLü DQG WKH %RVQLDQ S\UDPLGV have in recent years been something of an international media phenomenon, yet it appeared that in Sweden few current students and generally few non-archaeologists had ever heard of the controversy around these astonishing revelations from Bosnia. On the same trip WR 6ZHGHQ 2VPDQDJLü KDG HYHQ OLQHG XS D QXPEHU RI RWKHU SXEOLF lectures in connection with the local Bosnian communities, and among WKHVH DXGLHQFHV SHUKDSV XQGHUVWDQGDEO\ KLV ZRUN DSSHDUV WR KDYH attracted bigger attention. :KLOH 2VPDQDJLü FDPH WR /LQQDHXV 8QLYHUVLW\ WR VSHDN DERXW the Bosnian pyramids and to persuade the students of their merit, the 8QLYHUVLW\KDGRWKHUUHDVRQVIRUH[WHQGLQJWKHLQYLWDWLRQ7KHDLPRI the lecture was to investigate the role of alternative archaeologies and invented heritage. When a project such as this one has garnered such a wide response of criticism and support from all over the world despite the evidence against it, it is worthwhile to consider how it can be sustained. 6HPLU2VPDQDJLüZDVLQYLWHGWR/LQQDHXV8QLYHUVLW\QRWLQVXSSRUWRI KLVFODLPVEXWDVDQRSSRUWXQLW\IRUWKHVWXGHQWVRIDUFKDHRORJ\RU LQGHHGRWKHUGLVFLSOLQHVWREHFRQIURQWHGZLWKDOWHUQDWLYHGLVFRXUVHV and practices that do not follow all existing academic conventions. It was a chance for them to engage and to communicate with somebody VRGLVFUHGLWHGDQG\HWVRLQÀXHQWLDO,WZDVDQRSSRUWXQLW\WRH[SORUH one particular aspect of the relationship between archaeology, cultural KHULWDJHFRQWHPSRUDU\VRFLHW\DQGWKHLULQÀXHQFHXSRQRQHDQRWKHU While it may be bad science, there may be something to learn from 6HPLU2VPDQDJLüLIRQO\KLVVXFFHVVLQLQYROYLQJWKHSXEOLF 7KHOHFWXUHZKLFK2VPDQDJLüSUHVHQWHGDW.DOPDUDSSHDUHGWR be his standard one. It consisted of the astonishing number of 201 PowerPoint slides. After more than an hour of presentation, when he was gently reminded to come to the end, it became clear that he had believed that the entire two-hour slot was for him to present DGPLWWHGO\+ROWRUIKDGIDLOHGWRUHPLQGKLPRIWKHFXVWRPDU\VFKHGXOH IRUHYHQWVOLNHWKLVLQFOXGLQJWLPHIRUERWKSUHVHQWDWLRQDQGGLVFXVVLRQ +HPDQDJHGKRZHYHUWRÀLFNWKURXJKWKHUHPDLQLQJVOLGHVUHODWLYHO\ TXLFNO\DQGWKHUHZDVVWLOOVRPHWLPHIRUGLVFXVVLRQDWWKHHQG )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? - 46 'XULQJ WKH KRXU DQG D KDOI SUHVHQWDWLRQ 2VPDQDJLü VSHQW D VLJQL¿FDQWDPRXQWRIWLPHGLVFXVVLQJRWKHUS\UDPLGVDURXQGWKHZRUOG rather than the ones he claims to have discovered. In fact, his lecture was largely a criticism against the current academic understanding of the history of the pyramids, their construction, their structural aspects and their meaning and function. The lecture followed in some way a narrative which the infamous DOWHUQDWLYHDUFKDHRORJLVWDQGZULWHU(ULFKYRQ'lQLNHQPD\KDYHFKRVHQ DVZHOO2VPDQDJLüVWDUWHGLQWURGXFLQJYDULRXVNLQGVRIS\UDPLGVDURXQG WKHZRUOGVRPHEHLQJZHOONQRZQVXFKDVWKRVHLQ(J\SWDQG0H[LFR +HFODLPHGWKDWWKHFRQYHQWLRQDONQRZOHGJHH[SODLQLQJS\UDPLGVZDV ZURQJ DQG WKDW D ³SDUDGLJP VKLIW´ ZDV RFFXUULQJ WKDW FRQWUDGLFWHG much of what the mainstream scientists had been arguing thus far. The huge stones of which pyramids have been built, and the sophisticated RYHUDOOGHVLJQDQGDUFKLWHFWXUHKHDUJXHGFDQQRWKDYHEHHQWKHZRUN of ancient Egyptians or any other ancient people. He pointed to certain contradictions that he had noticed, for example how the Egyptian pyramids could have been built by the pharaohs as their monumental EXULDOVLWHVZKHQLQIDFWWKH\GLGQRWFRQWDLQWKHLUPXPPL¿HGFRUSVHV or that ceramics found in the step pyramid of Saqqara was dated to 5,700 years ago which predates the conventionally assumed date RI FRQVWUXFWLRQ E\ DSSUR[LPDWHO\ RQH WKRXVDQG \HDUV 2VPDQDJLü concluded that we are still at square one in explaining the pyramids, even though Egyptologists have been around for nearly two hundred \HDUV ,Q KLV YLHZ WKH (J\SWLDQ S\UDPLGV KDG ³QRWKLQJ WR GR ZLWK pharaohs”. 2VPDQDJLü WKHQ ZHQW RQ D WRXUGHIRUFH DURXQG WKH JOREH GLVFXVVLQJ S\UDPLGV VRPH EHLQJ QRW ZLGHO\ NQRZQ DW DOO LQFOXGLQJ WKRVH RQ 7HQHULIH DQG 0DXULWLXV LQ &DPERGLD .RUHD 7DKLWL &KLQD 86$ %ROLYLD 3HUX 0H[LFR DQG %HOL]H $V KLV PDQ\ SLFWXUHV DQG anecdotes made plain, he had travelled to many if not all of these places himself – very much in the style of an explorer entering new WHUULWRU\7KDWWHUULWRU\LVQHZLQGHHG$V2VPDQDJLüSRLQWHGRXWPDQ\ RIWKHS\UDPLGVKHGLVFXVVHG\RXQHYHUUHDGDERXWLQWKHKLVWRU\ERRNV RUOHDUQDERXWLQVFKRRODVWKH\DUHQRWHYHQDOOIXOO\DFNQRZOHGJHG E\ WKH UHOHYDQW VWDWH DXWKRULWLHV IRU KHULWDJH %XW DV 2VPDQDJLü SXW LW LQ DSDUWLFXODUO\PHPRUDEOHUKHWRULFDOTXHVWLRQ³:KRPGRZH WUXVW²RXU RZQ H\HV RU WKH JRYHUQPHQW"´ +H ZDV FRQ¿GHQW WKDW DOO KLVWRU\ERRNVZLOOHYHQWXDOO\KDYHWREHFKDQJHGDVSHRSOHZLOOZDQWWR NQRZWKHWUXWKDERXWWKHS\UDPLGV7KDWS\UDPLGDOWUXWKDFFRUGLQJWR 2VPDQDJLüLQYROYHVDIRUJRWWHQYHU\ROGFLYLOL]DWLRQVWUHWFKLQJDFURVV )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? - 47 WKHJOREHEXLOGLQJWKHVDPHNLQGRIVWUXFWXUHVLQPDQ\GLIIHUHQWSODFHV After all, the pyramids showed amazing similarities which are plain for DOOWRVHHZLWKWKHLURZQH\HV7KHVHVLPLODULWLHVLQFOXGHIRXUUDWKHU WKDQWKUHHVLGHVRIHTXDOVL]HODUJHVWHSVRQWKHLUVLGHVDQGSHUIHFW DVWURQRPLFDORULHQWDWLRQPRVWO\WRWKHQRUWK7KH\IHDWXUHSODWHDXV on their tops, they contain passageways and underground tunnels, and they are usually part of large sacred geometries within the surrounding ODQGVFDSH 7R 2VPDQDJLü WKHVH S\UDPLGV ZHUH FRQVHTXHQWO\ DOO GHVLJQHGDQGEXLOWE\WKHVDPHYHU\NQRZOHGJHDEOHDUFKLWHFWZKRNQHZ not only about constructing perfectly geometrical forms but also about SKHQRPHQDOLNHWKHGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQFRVPLFDQGPDJQHWLFQRUWKDV ERWKDUHUHÀHFWHGLQWKHGHVLJQRIWKHS\UDPLGV Having established himself as a global pyramid expert pursuing WKHTXHVWIRUS\UDPLGDOWUXWKZLWKKLVRZQH\HV2VPDQDJLüWXUQHGWR his home country, Bosnia. What are these pyramids that Osmanagic is WDONLQJDERXWH[DFWO\"'LVFRYHUHGE\2VPDQDJLüLQWKHS\UDPLGV DUHORFDWHGLQ9LVRNRDVPDOOWRZQRXWVLGHRI6DUDMHYRLQFHQWUDO%RVQLD DQG +HU]HJRYLQD 7KH\ DUH ¿YH KLOOV WKDW WRJHWKHU FRPSULVH ZKDW KDVEHHQFDOOHGWKH%RVQLDQ9DOOH\RIWKH3\UDPLGV)LJXUH+HUH 2VPDQDJLüVHWXSDELJSURMHFWGHGLFDWHGWRWKHLQYHVWLJDWLRQRIWKHVH pyramids. The project has been attracting hundreds of volunteers from DURXQG WKH ZRUOG WR DVVLVW LQ WKH ¿HOGZRUN DQG DERXW ¿YH KXQGUHG WKRXVDQGFXULRXVYLVLWRUVKDYHFRPHWRYLVLW9LVRNR)LJXUH )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? - 48 Figure 1.7KH%RVQLDQ9DOOH\RIWKH3\UDPLGVDFFRUGLQJWR6HPLU2VPDQDJLü Figure 2.6HPLU2VPDQDJLüJXLGHVYLVLWRUVDWWKHS\UDPLGH[FDYDWLRQLQ%RVQLD The Bosnian pyramids are supposedly the oldest and largest in the world, and they are placed in the world’s biggest Valley of the 3\UDPLGV,QIDFWWKH³3\UDPLGRIWKH6XQ´ZLWKDKHLJKWRIPHWHUV is the largest and oldest among them. It is not only about a third taller than the Cheops pyramids in Egypt, but with a cited age of around \HDUV LW LV DOVR D ORW ROGHU )LJXUH 0DWHULDO DQDO\VLV has reportedly revealed that the Bosnian pyramids were constructed of concrete superior in hardness, water absorption and durability to anything we use today. According to the dating methods applied, the use of such materials preceded the invention of concrete by the Romans by many millennia. As for the pyramids’ spatial orientation ZLWKUHVSHFWWRFDUGLQDOGLUHFWLRQVWKH\DUHDOVRUHPDUNDEO\SUHFLVH 7KH³3\UDPLGRIWKH6XQ´LVVDLGWREHRULHQWHGGXH1RUWKZLWKLQRQO\ 12 seconds of error. Other structural aspects include passageways and XQGHUJURXQGWXQQHOVSDUWO\¿OOHGZLWKZDWHUDQGFRQWDLQLQJPHJDOLWKLF EORFNV D VXSSRVHGO\ \HDUROG FHUDPLF VFXOSWXUH DQG D EORFN with many carved symbols. Around the site there is what Osmanagic FDOOVD³VDFUHGJHRPHWU\´JHRPHWULFDOSDWWHUQVEHWZHHQYDULRXVVLWHV in the landscape, best studied on maps. )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? Figure 3. 7KH%RVQLDQ³3\UDPLGRIWKH6XQ´ 6RXUFHKWWSZZZSLUDPLGDVXQFDEDHQJSKRWRJDOOHU\KWPO 7KHUHVXOWVRIWKLVZRUNPD\EHFRQWURYHUVLDODPRQJSURIHVVLRQDO DUFKDHRORJLVWV EXW WKH UKHWRULF 2VPDQDJLü HPSOR\V SXVKHV PDQ\ of the right buttons. He stresses that all the results of his project are openly available to be shared with everybody and that all he ZDQWV LV WKH WUXWK WR HPHUJH WKURXJK VFLHQWL¿F PHWKRGV +LV WHDP of collaborators investigates everything from building material and VRLO VDPSOHV WR WKHUPDO DQRPDOLHV DQG HOHFWURPDJQHWLF ¿HOGV 7KH\ XVH DOO WKH VFLHQWL¿F WRROV DYDLODEOH WR WKHP LQFOXGLQJ JHRPDJQHWLF VXUYH\JHRUDGDUVFUHHQLQJUDGLRFDUERQGDWLQJDQG'WULJRQRPHWULF PDSV0XFKRIWKLVZRUNZDVSUHVHQWHGGXULQJWKH³)LUVW,QWHUQDWLRQDO 6FLHQWL¿F &RQIHUHQFH RQ WKH %RVQLDQ 9DOOH\ RI WKH 3\UDPLGV´ KHOG LQ 6DUDMHYR$XJXVWIRUDUHSRUWVHH3UXLWW /DVWEXWQRWOHDVW2VPDQDJLüLVSURXGWRXVHDORWRIQRQGHVWUXFWLYH methods, referring to a historical responsibility to preserve the site for future generations. As the lecture came to an end, the students were welcomed to FRPPHQWDQGWRDVNTXHVWLRQV7KHDXGLHQFHZDVKRZHYHUUHODWLYHO\ VPDOO DQG PRVW RI WKH VWXGHQWV ZHUH LQ WKHLU ¿UVW RU VHFRQG \HDU RI studies, rather overwhelmed by the long lecture and not too eager to LQTXLUHIXUWKHULQWR2VPDQDJLü¶VFODLPVRUWRFRPPHQWRQWKHPDWDOO )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? - 50 1HYHUWKHOHVVKHUHVSRQGHGWRDIHZTXHVWLRQV$VNHGLIKHZRXOGDJUHH that at the end of the day it doesn’t really matter if the pyramids were real or not as the project has done so much for the people of Bosnia in WHUPVRIWRXULVPKHGLVDJUHHG³,DPDUHVHDUFKHU,DPDVFLHQWLVW« ,WLVJRRGWKDWWKHFRXQWU\ZLOOEHQH¿W«EXW>WKLV@LVVHFRQGDU\´$WWKH VDPH WLPH DOWKRXJK KLV ZRUN KDV EHHQ GLVPLVVHG E\ SUDFWLFDOO\ DOO scientists around the world, he stated that he would not accept this as D¿QDOQRWRWKHK\SRWKHVLVWKDWWKHELJJHVWDQGROGHVWS\UDPLGVRIWKH ZRUOGFDQEHIRXQGLQ%RVQLDQ9LVRNR)LJXUH+DYLQJLQYHVWHGVR PXFKWLPHDQGHIIRUWDOUHDG\KHZDVSUHSDUHGWRNHHSZRUNLQJZLWKWKH project hoping that he would eventually be proven right. He also made something of a pity appeal to the audience for their support to allow KLPWRFRQWLQXHZRUNLQJWRWHVWKLVK\SRWKHVLVREYLRXVO\IUXVWUDWHGE\ the considerable opposition he faced by various authorities even within Bosnia and Hercegovina. Figure 4. +\SRWKHWLFDO UHFRQVWUXFWLRQ RI WKH %RVQLDQ 3\UDPLG RI WKH 6XQ DFFRUGLQJWR6HPLU2VPDQDJLüVKRZLQJDOVRWKHORJRRIWKH³%RVQLDQ3\UDPLGRIWKH6XQ Foundation”). )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? - 51 In sum then, the event itself – although controversial before it happened – did not cause any major splash anywhere. In retrospect, ZDV+ROWRUIULJKWLQLQYLWLQJKLP"*LYHQWKDWKHZDVIDPLOLDUZLWKWKH LVVXHVVXUURXQGLQJDOWHUQDWLYHDUFKDHRORJ\+ROWRUIDQGWKDWKH had made an informed decision in this case based on having read UHOHYDQWDFDGHPLFVWXGLHV3UXLWWDQGWKDWKHKDG also directly consulted some of the relevant experts in advance of the invitation, there is no need for him to have any regrets. The reasoning IRUWKHLQLWLDOLQYLWDWLRQVWLOODSSHDUVDVMXVWL¿HGVHHSDJH 'LG2VPDQDJLüKLPVHOIH[SORLWWKHOHFWXUHWRJDLQXQGXHOHJLWLPDF\ DQGIXUWKHUPRPHQWXPIRUKLVSURMHFW"$OOZHNQRZLVWKDWWKHOHFWXUHZDV mentioned on a Bosnian webpage1 including two photographs showing the poster announcing the lecture and the institutional sign outside our building. Should we be concerned about this? Hardly. Whatever some of our colleagues in their contribution to the present discussion may KDYH H[SHFWHG ZH GR QRW VHH HYLGHQFH WKDW 2VPDQDJLü KDV PLONHG WKHHYHQWRIKLVOHFWXUH³WRLWVODVWGURS´ZKHWKHUIRUSHUVRQDOJDLQ a nationalistic agenda or any other discernible purpose. We do not FRQVLGHUKDYLQJEHHQ³GXSHG´E\KLPHLWKHU3HUKDSVLWZDVZLVHWKDW +ROWRUIKDGWDNHQWKHVLPSOHSUHFDXWLRQDU\VWHSQRWWRDJUHHWRDMRLQW SKRWRJUDSKZLWK2VPDQDJLü In welcoming a lecture about the Bosnian pyramids we consider RXUVHOYHVPRUHLQWRXFKZLWK³WKHUHDOZRUOG´WKDQWKRVHDUFKDHRORJLVWV ZKR ZRUU\ D JUHDW GHDO DERXW UHFRUGLQJ ÀLQW VFDWWHUV $OWKRXJK WKH OHFWXUHE\2VPDQDJLüZDVQRW¿QDQFLDOO\VXSSRUWHGE\WKH8QLYHUVLW\ or by any other public funds – and all that can be claimed is that Holtorf had the personal pleasure to invite the discoverer of the Bosnian pyramids for lunch – arguably this lecture provided a greater RSSRUWXQLW\WROHDUQVRPHWKLQJDERXWWKHVLJQL¿FDQFHRIWKHSDVWDQG cultural heritage in present-day society than many other lectures that would not have caused any frowning by anybody. 1 KWWSSLUDPLGDVXQFDEDEVRIIOLQHSDJHDNWXHOQRVWLYLMHVWLSUH]HQWDFLMH LWHP]DYUãHQDVHGPRGQHYQDWXUQHMDRVPDQDJLüDSRãYHGVNRMKWPO )2580 Is Public Archaeology a menace? - 52 References $%&³%RVQLDQ3\UDPLG$%&+RXVWRQ&RYHUDJH´<RX7XEH FRPRQOLQHYLGHR5HWULHYHG0D\IURPKWWSZZZ \RXWXEHFRPZDWFK"Y []'<(%Y&E8 Bohannon, J. 2006a. 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AP Journal is a peer-reviewed journal devoted exclusively to Public Archaeology. It is freely distributed online on the Website: You can also follow us on: Blogger: KWWSDUTXHRORJLDSXEOLFDEORJVSRWFRP Twitter: KWWSWZLWWHUFRP$3MRXUQDO )DFHERRN KWWSZZZIDFHERRNFRP$3-RXUQDO
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