Belkin power surge protectors
Belkin power surge protectors
exploding tech power surge protectors E 8 6 D 5 F 7 GC H 9 10 4 I C 3 B 11 5 J 12 13 2 1 A 14 Belkin PureAV PF60 power console Provides protection from power disturbances, and multi-stage filtration to enhance performance of home theatre hardware. 1 LCD Display & Control panel shows 2 3 4 5 6 7 incoming voltage and output current. Power switch controls all outlets programmed by the user to switch ON/OFF. Three-stage surge protection circuitry. Micro-processor control and monitoring centre controls switching, delays and voltage/current monitoring. 12-outlets in 6 separate filters (2 x Audio, 1 x Video, 2 x Digital and 1 x High-current). Delay switches program the timed delay for each filter. Input and Output power triggers control home theatre power sequencing. 8 Surge-protected coax, F-type, phone and 9 10 11 12 Ethernet connectors. 8A Circuit breaker. Earth lug. Surge protection circuitry completely isolates connected devices from each other and prevents damage from power disturbances created by other connected devices. RF filters isolate connected devices from each other and prevent damage from line noise and power disturbances created by other connected devices. 13 Induvidual filtration circuitry designed to optimise performance of Audio, Video, Digital and High current equipment. 14 Convenience outlet with sliding cover. Belkin 1200VA Line Interactive UPS Protects against power disturbances with three surgeprotected outlets with battery backup. A Control and display panel provides battery and power alerts. B 12-Volt, 7.5Amp sealed lead acid batteries. C Voltage-regulating transformer ensures consistent voltage output. Micro-processor monitors and controls incoming voltage. Surge-protection and filtration circuitry. Surge-protected phone connections. USB and serial ports for connection to PC. Used with supplied software to control UPS settings, system shutdown and to program alerts. H 3 surge-protected outlets provide AC and battery power. I 1 additional surge-protected outlet (no battery). J Circuit breaker. D E F G