Names In the News Marl<etin3 Briefs Burgoyne


Names In the News Marl<etin3 Briefs Burgoyne
Names In the News
" J I l Brwurld vp-mKtg.. Austin, Nichols &
programs, SOFSEARCH Intl. Inc., San AntoCo. Inc., New York.
.—nio, Texas.
K i t H ^ Virliy to vp-public affairs, Amerr ^ Rabatt I . Farawvia to vp-corporate com-ican Intl. Autotnobile Dealers Assn.*^ \Vashmunicationsdiv.,TyRisiTarelnc.,rupertino,
ington, O.C.
» .
V r d i i n o i DMlgn EntorpriM A m a . . inJalM Cran^ulM to vp/natl. dir.-sales,
terior prods, mktg., has opened at 500 N.
Hearst/ABC Video Services, New York.
Michigan Ave., Chicago. Gtry Matt to pres Jahfl McOonnall to natt. mktg. mgr.-indus" KMMih D. Mlllw to mktg. dir., D)ck Adertrial video/VHS & Carl Mithit to natl. sales
niin & Wllllim A. Hagttrm to prod, mgrs, &
mgr.^teleconimunicatipns group, Pana-^
Craig JaUimn & W. Tlmolliy Mlllir to mktg.
sonic lndustriaLCo.,'Secaucus. N.J.
mgrs., biomedical pr«(Js. div^ American
ParcapUan Rack. Sarvicn Inc has moved to
Scientific Prod$.. AmericarrHospital Supply
440 Sylvan Ave., Englewood Cliffs.-^.l
-Corp., WcGawPk,III. •
-Aran B. EiriiAargio vp-mktg. services,
• Margiry K n m to dir.-trust & corporate
PGM Inc., Chicago.
mktg.. Bank Mktg. Assn.. Chicago.
Braid Tadd to princip^at/dir.-mktg. services
KithlNfl Pandik Batmn. Aim Amiihittir. &
& Jim Mcfiiiaa, vp/mgmt. sdpv., to principal,
Tom Finch to vp-account supvs., Detroit: Ann the Richards Group, Dallas.
Zouck SchnH to group Coordinator, & Julli
Langniachaldt Publialnn I M has opened at
Ualik to account asst.. Baltimore, W.B.
46-35 54th Rd., Maspeth, NY. Richard L
Mcfiralli to sales dir ~
MiltM L Clark to i^kta mgr, Wmdy I
D i t T l M r i to vp/accbunt supv. &.ingmL
Hewaito mktg. analyst, &Kathiaaini:iot«nMcommittee, Barkley & Evergreen Inc.,
ficer, M. Braaki Harn to bd. chairman, Barry
ta to mktg. asst., HiDiard Corp., Elmira, NY.
Shawnee Mission, Kan.
Faakit to vp-new bus. development, ft Daryl 6raaa A Aaiact PR, New.York, has opened
MIki OiiiMn to account mgr.. Basso &
Thompam ft liahn Mund to account execs.,
6-^A CaniminicatiaiM Inc., mktg. conslts Jim
Assocs. Inc., Newport Beach, Calif. •
NCM Intl., Arlington Heights, III.
Jiff Oltkin to vp-mktg. & adv. sales, M. Eliiaan to vp-mktg. & special projects.
ira M. Lubart to vp-sales. Decision Data
Babbii F. HUM to mgr.-membership promo^Shanken Communications Inc., New York.
ComputerCbrp., Horsham, Pal
tion & retention & Mary Ernst to dir -mktg.
6 M r | i W. Barbir to western regional sales
BaargaFadar to program mgr.,.SalesCom,
information. NAVA, the Intl. Communicamgr^ Pick-A-Gift div.. Carlson Mktg. Group
Carr Liggett Inc., Cleveland.
tions Industries Assn., Fairfax, Va.
Inc.. El Segundo. Catif.
CuniaraAaaaci.inG., Mansfield, Dhio, has
R.C. Ma|or< to vp-aceount mgr., Mktg.
Rldurd C. Blmd to pres., Benedictine
been acquired by Mandabach ft Sims Inc,
Rsch. Group USA, A.C. Nielsen Co., NorthMktg. Services Inc., New York.
Chicago, aDd changed its name' to Mindabrook, III.
KirM Sharr. Karan KoMzty. 6, Rabart fi.
bach i 8imms/Curriar inc.
Jack Sttvarman to sr. account exec, NV
BNMay to account execs., Chicago, & Judtth
D i m Lava ft Lawranca M. PMri to sales
Adv. Assocs., Minneapolis.
A. Bill to account exec, San Francisco.
mgrs., direct mail coupon program, ft Dwia
serD'Arcy-MacManus & Masius.
Rubian to mail order adv. mgr., McCall's,
vice development, has opened at P.O. Box New York.
Svzanm Barran to intt. sales dir. & f ^
J t o pat)ticist. Watermark: WiHar M. * W94, Cambridge, ^tess iaurlt Tani-tyn ft
• Las Endartan (o account exec. Milici/
Rabart Jihnalan to principals.
MysMamky to dir.-rsch. & Adrianni 8araila
Valenti Adv. Inc., Honolulu.
Richard 0. Smith to natl. sales mgr., E. ~ Candaca |CaJidy| Madd ta sales developto account exec, WPLJ-FM, and 8ua Laa to
Alton, III., FniA C. Waad to firearms sales ' ment ft promotion mgr., Minneapolis Star ft
asst. operations dir., WABC, New York: Sui
mgr.-eastern region, Madison, Conn.: & 6ary Tribune Co.
- 8caltoii to account exec., WLS, Chicago: &
M. Caiiina to firearms sales mgrr-western
Ernia Faan III to account exec., WMAL-AM,
Ekai Inc., home-computer mktg., has
region, Lewisville, Texas, Winchester
Washington, D C , ABC.
opened at 2165A Francisco Blvd., San
Group, Olin Corp.
Abramian Olrad. div. of Abramson Assocs.
Rafael, Calif. 8tava R. 6arbsman to pres. ft
Sharwin Laff to vp/sales promotion dir Inc., has opened in Washington, D.C. Jaaiph
Wliiiam B. Binch to exec vp.
Impact, Ruth Swrthwick to dir.-direct mktg.
Fradarid((Fritz| Ragnar to mktg. broker, EG
media. Cam Amaiia to dir.-PR, Nancy Myart to
Laa K. Taaia to yp-natl. accounts mktg.,
Communications Inc, Tampa.
mgmt. supv., Suaaa Schwandanar & Mark
GTE Communications Prods., Stamford,
Ed Traida to PR account supv. ft Oavid H.
Madaata to account supvs., & Oavid 8ailltt to
Conn., & Wllllain P. ( F N | Hanlltan Jr. to mgr.Haaki to adv. account supv., Ensslirtft Hall
account exec, Foote, Cone & Belding. Chidistrict sales office. New Orleans, GTE LightTampa, Fla.
ing Prods.
Linda McCarmick to adv. mgr., Expofianna C, Barian to affiliate, Moseley
CanilaMina P. Pappas to sr. vp/account
Systems, Tampa.
Assocs. Inc, New York.
supv., AC&R Adv. Inc., New York.
Wiiiiam C. Waiit Jr. to natl sales mgr.,
Jamaa B. Mvtita to sr. vp/publisher, Na- wood prods, div.. Miller Mfg. Inc, RichPartor M. Thampton to vp-operations, Wiltiotial
liam R. Biggs/Gilmore Assocs.. Hilton Head.
mond, Va.
Brandi N. Fitka to dir.-PR, Austin Kelley
Island, S.C.
Rhanda iilrata to account supv.. Dancer
Ran Cauntan to account supv., bus. & tech- Adv. Inc., Atlanta.
Fitzgerald Sample Inc., San Francisco.
Pat Kannady to fulfillment dir., Kobs &
nical group, Bozell & Jacobs Adv., MinneaAnn Martindala to PR dir, Decker Guertin ft
Brady Adv. Inc, New York.'
Cheyne Inc. Hartford, Conn.
Jayca ilawa to asst. branch mgr., tele6arald J. Carrlna to vp-mktg. & sales. WarBinctal Inc. has opened an office at 111
phone branch. Walker Rsch. Inc, Indianapoing Prods, div., Dynaniics Corp. of America,
Great Neck Rd., Suite .401, Great Neck, NY.
New Hartford, Conn.
MiriiynUCaprli to regional mktg. rep.
John H. Fitzgibban Jr. to mgr.-HRMS sales
Oabarrii 6aMinaa to dir.-mktg., Trainco
Ebn, UUay i McManua PR, high-technoloperations. Wang Labs. Inc., Lowell, Mass.
Inc., Chicago.
ogy PR, has opened in Mountain View, Calif.
Hirvay Cahan to dir.-mgmt information
_ Jack Bair to corporate vp-mktg. & sales,
Chuck Utiay to exec vp, Oaug Oivait to div.
systems. Warner Amex Satellite Enteftalnclothing div., Rapid-American Apparel
mgr., Bavarly Anna Bird to account exec, ft
ment Co., New York.
Co., New York.
PMuy Diiian toi>fl coordinator.
. Wliliam L OarM to vp-mktg. ft Michafj L.
Rabart Zitaiman to dir.-mktg. services £
Siaiy Baviaa to account exec, Metz'dorf
iianki to vp-sales, Weber Aircraft, Kidde
Rabart E. Wlltan Jr. to mgr.-natl. services
Adv., Houston.
Inc. Burbank, Calif.
mktg, data services, RCA Service Co.,
CIHtax Carp, has opened AppanI Oinct Canirwin Oavidfan to natl. sales mgr.fti(an- capia, mat! order ft direct mktg., in New
Cherry Hill, N.J. .
nath Pratt to natl. sales admr., f^ew York,
Lana W. Klrkpatrick to dir.-govt. operaYork. Jack 0. Bakar to vp-catalogue div.
Frank Fryttak to regional sales mgr., Cliications. Industrial Systems Group, GCA Corp..
Judl Ridica to agency promotion mgr. ft
go, ft EdwM-d Kraaavahy to regional sales
Napervlile, IH.
ilannah Wiii to account exec, RappftCollins
mgr., San Francisco, Celebrity Inc.
Rabart J. van Laauwan to dir.-mktg. comInc, New York.
munications. Hunter Douglas Inc., MayGana Maiming to dir.-sales, Charmglow
Katz Cammunicatians Inc. has opened ofwood, N.J.
Prods., Bristol, Wis
fices at 6 Piedmont Ctr, Suite 710, Atlanta, ft
OanFirntwarth to regional vp-mktg . Latin
at 1110 Brickell Ave., Suite 804, Miami. Ban|y
America, Americas div., Inter-Continental
Wolf to sales mgr., Katz TV, Miami: Kithy
Hotels, Coral Gables, Fla
Angalo Ponzl to account exec. Jansen
Duncan to rsch. analyst, Katz TV ContinenLatsnar Slasibarg fiahl & Ptnre. Inc.. Avon,
Assocs. Inc, Santa Ana, Calif.
tal; Charyl RMh & Barbara Mazzaralla to rsch.
Conn., has formed a real estate mktg. div.
Garaid 8. Nagiv to gen., mgr, Lewis, Gil- analysts, & Mary iiargan to rsch mgr., Katz
Janai C. BacMal to dir.
man ft Kynett Inc., Philadelphia.
American TV, New York: Jack Aralinian to
MaiHn Kattz to pres.. Scholastic ProducElian M. 8chmttz to brand mgr.-Newport,
natl. sales mgr., Katz Independent TV Sales,
tions Inc, New York.
Lorillard, New York.
Chicago: Lan Waragir to sales mgr, Katz
Donild A. Crim to sr. vp-prod & rsch &
Richard LIttlngar to pres./chief operating
American TV, San Francisco: ft Pater Ouran
development. Cailii Martin Smith to dir officer, PC Telemart Inc., Fairfax, Va.
to sales mgr., Katz Independent TV Sales,
mktg. & sales. Barry Hatciw to mgr.-direct
6ragary 8. iiom to pres. & chief exec, ofBoston.
sales & Jahn Ryan to coordinator-dealer
Aian McCiura to account supv., ValentineRadford Inc, Kansas City, Mo
Jaaaph C. Pi|^ Jr. to assoc publisher. Inc.,
Micintf CapMino to vp-sales, southern
TAMPER-EVIDENT CAPS ON JARS OF PREGO SPAGHETTI div.. Wisdom Import Sales Co., Irvine, Calif.
8«nin Mliiar to rsch. assoc, Judith Langer
sauce will address consumers' concerns about product freshness Assocs. Inc, New York.
and safety, according to Robert Subin, general manager, grocery,
Dianna Payna to mgr.-media/bus serbusiness unit, Campbell So,up Co,, Camden, N.J. The "button" vices, Lars ft Assocs. Inc., Hibernia, N.J.
Kathy Ling to PR account exec, Sfve
safety closure pops up when the original seal is broken, and Assocs.,
buyers are instructed to reject any jars that have been opened.
Sullivan & FIndtan Adv. inc. has opened at
"We have excellent quality control and we want to reassure the 22 W. Seventh St., Suite 600, Cincinnati.
Kirby 8aiilvan to pres /creative dir. ft 8hlr1ar
consumer about the integrity of our products," Subin said. "It's a Findsan
to sr vp/exec art dir.
progressive way of shawing old-fashioned concern."
Rabirt Biay to vp/commerciai sales mgr.
ft 8tanlay E. Byrum to vp/financial ft securiA RECORD $8 MILLION KICKED OFF THE "EXOTIC ISLAND ties sales, Ticor Print Network, Los Angeles.
Jahn F. McCarmick to accoudt exec, David
Game," the single largest promotional effort for Mounds and
L. Todd ft Assocs. inc, Chicago.
A l m o n d J o y c o c o n u t b a r s ByftFundflrtai^ftn h y Pfttar Paul
JaHh ii. Bll»ailii tt
sales, Midbury Inc., Naugatuck, Conp. According to Charles D. Trader, vice west4»aion, tJSA Cable Network, Chicago.
GarfTirczynaki to media dir, & Marrfiyn
president of sales, speciajiy designed candy wrappers are proto dir.-media relations, Henry/Gill Inc.,
moting this year's giveaway campaign offering consumers a Aatin
chance to win free trips to Hawaii anrt in^t^nt prjyfts "The camIdward J. King to 8f.^oorit.,HniftKnowl
paign is designed to capitalize on the momentum generated in ton Inc, Boston.
Cathy Kuitnar tQ.account exec, Hoffman
1982 from increasing the size of the products and our new ad York
ft Compton, Milwaukee.
theme stressing the oxotio nature of eoeonut and its South 8oos
iocky Mountain r^ional
mgr., Denver, ft Al Jaaiai to dir.-health food
Sales, Vita-Fresh Vitamin Co., Garden'*
Grove, Calif.
F. naniay Nnrbarir Jr.. former '
Jaan 8tain to account exec. Hood, Hope ft
partner, Bennett, Newbery ft,
Assocs. inc., Tulsa _Cowan: former service div. mgf.,'
W. Frankiin to account supv,y W
McCann-Erickson Inc.: New York
A k n Dhi
JonethisDrg, Akron,
Chapter treasurer, 1942: had been
. Carai Fiiipcak to mgr.-information seran AMA member since January,
vices, Richardson, Myers ft Donofrio inc.,
• •
Oiwtan B. Frack to mgr.-bus. controls,
vp7Guideline Rsch. Corp.,
copier div, Ricoh of America Inc., Fairfield, ^
Carai E. O'BWMNII toimkt. rsch. mgr.. KitRubaiMAn. Waifaan A Ca inc has o p ^
chens of Sara Lee, Detrfield, in.
an office at 912 Jaipur Ave., Naperville, lli.f.
Jichard Jabman to vp/gen. mgr.-midwest
to 6 Drd St., W. Perth WA. 6D05, Australia.
Palar 8. WiiimaH to pres. ft chief exec ofUiida TraaiMim to vp/assoc. dir.-client
ficer, Carson Pi'ne Scott ft Co., Chicago.
service. Decision Analyst h e : Arlington,'
Thaadara L Maara to vp-client services.
Health Projects Intl. Inc., New York.
Dick V^naia to sr. vp. Prod. Evaluation
Jarga A. Varana to,regional mgr.. Coral
Inc., La Grange, iii. ^
Gables, Fla, & Oanna m. Fiachalta to asst.
Randail 6. Emand to sr. vp/dir.-mktg.
mass mktg. mgr.. New York, AFIA. .
sciences, Jana Fuiiar to sr. vp/assoc. dir.Kaith A.luitt to sr^ vp. Strategic Promomedia resources, Jamaa R. iCiafl to sr.
tions Inc, Dallas.
Diana M. Zinda to natl. adv. mgr. ft 6araid V. vp/dir.-rsch, Chriittna Damitravich to
vp/mgr.-communications ft systems,ftJan
8mallnikl to public affairs mgr., BalUtnore
FiraslMN ft Kavin 8hhN to vps/account
C. David Clark to pres., Campbell Soup Co. supvs., BBDD Inc., New York.
Mika KaiidM to dir.-mktg. services ft Jahn
Ltd., Toronto.
L NMia to field mktg. mgr., Swensen's Ice
Wayna Fargutan to acting assoc. dean ft
Cream Co., Phoenix.
Jimaa B. Carpaniar to acting dean, Schl. of
Michaal 8. Yaiaarilz to vp-technotogy
Bus. ft Adm., St. Mary's Univ., San Antonio,
mgrnt, Synectics Inc, Trenton, N.J.
Orrin D. Tabba to pres, Diversified Finan8anliyittpahlnc., mktg. rsch. conslts., has
cial Services Div., goldome, Buffalo.
opened at 2211 Broadway, New York. 8ania
Bamia Tradrtanbarg to vp-sales & mktg, N.
Yuapah to pres.
American Publishing Co., Philadelphia.
ffilban Barriih to dir, Chilton Rsch SerJasta H. Biahepjfl £xec dir./DTC developvices, Chilton Co., Radnor, Pa.
Encyclopaedia Britanniea (USA), ChiNidal Mktg. Rich. Ataaci has opened at
126 D Heritage Hill Rd., New Canaan, Cdnn'
Rabart J. Mancuaa to dir.-client services,
C ^ J. itadii to pres
Mktg. Workshop Inc, Norcross, Gd.
Fry Caraiti. inc has opened an office at
William il. Lynn to corporate media dir.,
500 Davis Ctr., Suite 600, Evanston. III. Wiiiiim L Brannan, pres., WE. BrennenftCo., to Th6 Coca-Cola Co. Atlanta.
Dan RaynMs to vp, th% Marcus Group Inc.,
regional vp/managing principal.
EMh 6litan to sr. vp-rsch., J. Walter
Batti Mmizzi to sr. project dir.. Ad Factors,
Thompson U.S.A., New York.
Robart P. Cortan to mktg dir, Mid-Maine
Janaa P. Warbai to vp-mktg , Parkersburg,
Medical Ctr, Waterville, Maine.
W. Va: Michaal R. Miui to vp/dir.-PR ft Rabit
Richard M. Kiiaa to sr. conslt., Mgmt. Adca A. Sturm to assoc dir.-PR., Cincinnati,
visory Services Div., Price Waterhouse,
Fahlgren ft Ferriss Inc.
Laanird Ratnicaff to sr. vp & Oauglai W.
Together we can do it better.
Marl<etin3 Briefs
origins."The consumer promotion will be backed by advertising
on network TV, radio,- and in national magazines.
THE^MARKET PROBE, an interactive research network that dis\j\ayi iw vey lesuits on a user s desKtop computeror fJrinter, has
b©pn introduced by Columbia Research Center, Vancouver,
Wash. The data base contains quarterly updated results from
lifestyle and attitude research studies conducted among 10,000
lesidentsQf the PacificNorthwest, said Helen Rockey, directorof
marketing. Using a custom software package, users can disptiy
responses from any of the sample's demographip or geographic
segments. Data are broken down into 18 reference categories
activities, and expectations, st^e fa^.
Tearr up A'lth us to make all your research
if nrf more pffprfiv^'lv
Sales Research