In an era I was an aura, ten times when I was a


In an era I was an aura, ten times when I was a
In an era I was an aura, ten times when I was a young god of love. Wielding my strength overshadowed on earth today is so black. Black on black puddles breathing black black air black love. All the cities I walk through never said my name, because they didn’t know anything and cities owed ​
me nothing. Who said that the blood and the universe were not the same thing? So as determines a single bacteria in a rotten branch. Also determines the single particle that black hits black black puddles. So as determined single point of light that goes off in an extinguished candle, and quotes from the dead, if the dead have ceased to be old and are so old and so dead. " Harold Knight. The Book of the Raven, Entropy. Mi Universo Morirá Conmigo 8 Mayo ­ 29 Mayo. CCEsv Calle La Reforma #166. Col. San Benito, San Salvador. Tarde Noche, de Jose David Herrera: Multicinema reforma, Sala 3. 7:00 p.m.Viernes 9 de Mayo CCEsv, Sala Multiusos, Viernes 16 de mayo. 6.30 p.m. CCEsv, Sala Multiusos, Viernes 23 de mayo 6.30 p.m. 00 (503) 2233­7300 [email protected] Inauguración Jueves 8 de mayo 6:30 pm Centro Cultural de España Viernes 9 de mayo 7:00 pm. Multicinema Reforma Sala 3, proyección del cortometraje “Tardenoche” de Jose David Herrera. Ser y existir sucede a tantas dimensiones, y creamos y reaccionamos a tantos universos. Que al final, estos universos son solo productos de cerebros frágiles y perecederos. ¿Que pasa cuando morimos? ¿Nuestros confines nos encuentran y se cierran? ¿Que es la soledad? ¿Como la construimos? ¿Es la soledad un espacio? ¿Es la mente un espacio? Como parte del proyecto ganador de la Convocatoria Soledades del Centro Cultural de España en El Salvador, The Fire Theory presenta Mi universo morirá conmigo, curada por DC/ TFT, el proyecto reúne una gama diferente de medios y plataformas como una amalgama de proyectos que, desde diversas perspectivas poéticas, abordan la lucha contra lo efímero de nuestra propia existencia. Artistas participantes: Jose David Herrera, Rodrigo Dada, Orlando Rivas, Boris Ciudad Real, Abigail Reyes, Jaime Izaguirre, Mauricio Esquivel, Melissa Guevara, Mauricio Kabistan y Víctor Rodríguez. Partiendo de pensar la soledad y la existencia basado en el pensamiento y textos de Henry Miller, Aldous Huxley, Harold Knight, Sanders McAvoy y George Berkeley, filosofía y poesía hacen un tour entre la existencia y sus maneras diferentes de construir un universo que al final, muere irremediablemente con nosotros. La muestra está dividida en tres partes: La soledad irrecuperable, Mundos interiores y Luz y espejos. The Fire Theory es una productora de arte, que se apoya en el trabajo colaborativo de diversos entes interdisciplinarios, para la producción de arte, teoría, y gestión de espacios.. La muestra estará instalada y abierta al público desde el jueves 8 de Mayo del 2014, hasta el 29 del mismo mes. El viernes 9 de mayo habrá una proyección especial del cortometraje de Jose David Herrera “Tardenoche” en Multicinema Reforma, Sala 3 a las 7:00 pm y a lo largo de la muestra habrán dos proyecciones de la obra “Tardenoche”, en el Centro Cultural de España los días viernes 16 y 23 de mayo a las 6:30 pm. Horarios de visita: De martes a viernes de 10:00 a.m. a 7:00 p.m. Domingos previa cita. Entrada gratis. “Tardenoche”, de Jose David Herrera. Multicinema Reforma, sala 3. 7:00 p.m.Viernes 9 de Mayo CCEsv, Sala Multiusos, Viernes 16 de mayo. 6.30 p.m. CCEsv, Sala Multiusos, Viernes 23 de mayo 6.30 p.m. Para más información: Contacto TFT: Mauricio Sandoval [email protected] 00 (503) 7840 4112 Contacto CCEsv: Cristina Algarra Luján [email protected] 00 (503) 2233­7300 Ext. 305 Líneas de la mano de diferentes personas grabadas sobre piedras | Mauricio Kabistan © In an era I was an aura, ten times when I was a young god of love. Wielding my strength overshadowed on earth today is so black. Black on black puddles breathing black black air black love. All the cities I walk through never said my name, because they didn’t know anything and cities owed ​
me nothing. Who said that the blood and the universe were not the same thing? So as determines a single bacteria in a rotten branch. Also determines the single particle that black hits black black puddles. So as determined single point of light that goes off in an extinguished candle, and quotes from the dead, if the dead have ceased to be old and are so old and so dead. " Harold Knight. The Book of the Raven, Entropy. Mi Universo Morirá Conmigo 8 Mayo ­ 29 Mayo. CCEsv Calle La Reforma #166. Col. San Benito, San Salvador. Tarde Noche, de Jose David Herrera: Multicinema reforma, Sala 3. 7:00 p.m.Viernes 9 de Mayo CCEsv, Sala Multiusos, Viernes 16 de mayo. 6.30 p.m. CCEsv, Sala Multiusos, Viernes 23 de mayo 6.30 p.m. 00 (503) 2233­7300 [email protected] Opening Thursday, May 8 6:30 pm Cultural Center of Spain Friday, May 9 7:00 pm. Multicinema Reforma Room 3, screening of the film "Tardenoche" of Jose David Herrera. To be and to exist happens in so many dimensions , and we create and react to many universes . In the end, those universes are just fragile and perishable products of our brains. What happens when we die? Does our borders find us and close upon us? What is loneliness ? How do we build it? Is loneliness a space? Is the mind a space? As part of the winning project of the Soledades Open Call of the Cultural Center of Spain in El Salvador , The Fire Theory presents "My universe will die with me" , curated by DC / TFT, the project brings a different range of media and platforms as an amalgam of projects , poetry from various perspectives, addressing the fight against the ephemeral nature of our existence . Participating artists: Jose David Herrera, Rodrigo Dada, Orlando Rivas, Boris Ciudad Real , Abigail Reyes, Jaime Izaguirre, Mauricio Esquivel , Melissa Guevara, Mauricio Kabistan and Victor Rodriguez . Starting to think loneliness and existence based on the thought and texts of Henry Miller , Aldous Huxley , Harold Knight, Sanders McAvoy and George Berkeley, philosophy and poetry make a tour between existence and their different ways of building a universe that at the end dies hopelessly upon us . The exhibition is divided into three parts: The irretrievable loneliness, Inner Worlds and Light and mirrors. The exhibition will be installed and open to the public from Thursday May 8, 2014, until May 29. On Friday May 9 will be a special screening of the film of José David Herrera "Tardenoche" in Multicinema Reforma, Room 3 at 7:00 pm and throughout the time of the exhibition will be two screenings of the work "Tardenoche" at the Cultural Center in Spain on Friday 16 and 23 May at 6:30 pm. Visiting hours: Tuesday to Friday from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm Sundays by appointment. Entry free. “Tardenoche”,of Jose David Herrera: Multicinema Reforma, sala 3. 7:00 p.m. Friday May 9 CCEsv, Multipurpose Room, Friday, May 16. 6.30 p.m. CCEsv, Multipurpose Room, Friday, May 23 6.30 p.m. For more information: Contact TFT: Mauricio Sandoval [email protected] 00 (503) 7840 4112 Contact CCEsv: Cristina Algarra Luján [email protected] 00 (503) 2233­7300 Ext. 305 Tardenoche (poster) | Jose David Herrera ©