Sensory Characteristics of Chinese Traditional Paper
Sensory Characteristics of Chinese Traditional Paper
Sensory Characteristics of Chinese Traditional Paper “Senshi” Chikara Koshiyama*, Sun Yiyin**, Mari Abe***, Terumi Shiraishi*** *GraduateSchool of Engineering, Takushoku University, Tokyo [email protected] **GK Design Shanghai Inc. [email protected] *Department of Industrial Design,Faculty of Engineering,Takushoku University,Tokyo m-abe@id. tshirais@id. Key words : Senshi, Sensory Evaluation, Paper, Interior material, China. Abstract :In China, “Senshi” is traditionally used as calligraphy paper. And while Japanese, “Washi” has been used as material for small interior items that is environmentally friendly, Senshi has recently been used for lampshades, etc. This is due to an interior design boom occurring in Shanghai, China. In this study, experiments to clearly identify the sensory characteristics of Senshi with regard to its use as interior design material were conducted. Two kinds of sensory experiments, utilizing the sense of sight and the sense of touch by hand, were conducted on Senshi with Washi added, targeting foreign students from China. After the experiments, as a result of factor analysis, five factors, such as volume and quality, and as a result of cluster analysis, five groups, such as paper tinged a creamy color were extracted for the sense of sight. For sense of touch by hand, five factors, such as volume and sophistication, and as a result of cluster analysis, five groups, such as thick and hard paper, were extracted. By creating a configuration map of the first factor (volume) and the second (quality) in sense of sight, it was determined that yellow Washi and white Senshi have volume, while transparent Washi had less volume. From the configuration map of the first factor (volume) and the second (sophistication), thin and soft paper were considered to have less volume and be sophisticated. In Senshi, Lio wen-Mian liau lei (Sheng xuan) was included. In these sensory experiments, Senshi Mian liau lei was found to have a sense similar to that of Washi and can be used the same as Washi. 1. Introduction Senshi is a traditional Chinese paper. It has been used for calligraphy from the ancient times down to today[1]. Japan also has traditional paper, Washi. There are many kinds of Washi, which are used in various ways in the daily Japanese life, such as in furniture fittings, etc[2]. In contrast, Senshi has been limited to calligraphy up to now, but recently, although in small number, has been used as lampshade material. This is due to the interior design boom in conjunction with city redevelopment in Shanghai, China, the city’s awareness in environmental conservation as an international city, and the movement to use natural materials. The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics of Senshi, Chinese traditional paper, and to expand its application. This paper identifies the sensory characteristics of Senshi and shows its potential use as interior design material in comparison with Washi. 2. Senshi of Sensory Evaluation 2.1 Method of Sensory Evaluation Test We conducted sensory experiments using the method of sensory evaluation comparing nine kinds of commonly available Senshi with eight kinds of Washi, including 3 major Washi papers from Mino, Echizen, 3785 Table1 Factor Loading after Varimax-Method(Sense of Sight) thin-thick light-heavy soft-hard transparent-opaque delicate-rough slick-rough coarse-fine strong-poor primitive-sophisticated gloss-dull modern-traditional refined-unrefined unsophisticated-quality tough-tender showy-quiet new-old Consyruction of Factors Sum of Aquares Contribution Rate(%) Accumulation Contribution Rate(%) Factor 1 0.8500 0.8147 0.7621 0.7199 0.6560 0.6384 0.6113 -0.7716 0.1227 0.1276 0.2935 -0.4226 -0.0674 -0.0971 0.0843 0.0987 Volume Factor 4.62 28.87 28.87 Factor 2 0.2285 0.2357 -0.0175 0.3533 0.5097 0.1009 0.2114 -0.1814 0.6336 0.6115 0.6049 -0.6758 -0.1109 -0.2428 0.1660 0.1089 Quality Factor 2.29 14.31 43.18 Factor 3 -0.1051 -0.1347 -0.1721 -0.0149 0.0674 -0.1378 0.0170 -0.0096 -0.3073 -0.4966 -0.1021 0.0498 0.8756 0.6879 -0.0996 -0.0654 Sophisticated Factor 1.69 10.57 53.74 Factor 4 0.1197 0.0968 0.1419 -0.1050 0.1040 0.4296 0.3353 0.1443 0.0977 0.0014 0.3502 -0.0883 0.0486 -0.3176 0.8527 0.1307 Fresh Factor 1.37 8.57 62.31 Factor 5 0.0276 0.0086 -0.1398 -0.2279 -0.1022 -0.1027 -0.2034 -0.1933 -0.1061 -0.1037 0.0698 0.0617 0.0954 -0.0736 -0.1227 -0.9402 Elasticity Factor 1.12 6.98 69.29 Factor 4 0.0116 0.0932 0.2150 0.1007 0.0606 0.2137 -0.0867 0.3375 0.0992 0.2726 0.0349 -0.0164 -0.1919 0.8990 0.1315 0.1131 Elasticity Factor 1.20 7.48 64.99 Factor 5 0.0049 0.0051 0.0149 0.1037 0.1375 0.1341 -0.1874 -0.1558 -0.2971 0.0905 0.0704 0.3616 0.0243 0.1170 0.8925 0.1057 Loud Factor 1.16 7.26 72.25 Table2 Factor Loading after Varimax-Method(Sense of Touch) thin-thick light-heavy soft-hard transparent-opaque delicate-rough slick-rough coarse-fine strong-poor primitive-sophisticated gloss-dull modern-traditional refined-unrefined unsophisticated-quality tough-tender showy-quiet new-old Consyruction of Factors Sum of Aquares Contribution Rate(%) Accumulation Contribution Rate(%) Factor 1 0.8575 0.8481 0.8094 0.7590 0.7079 0.6240 -0.6068 -0.7249 -0.0225 0.4400 0.1479 0.3789 -0.0384 0.1173 0.1168 0.4923 Volume Factor 5.10 31.88 31.88 Factor 2 -0.1262 -0.1325 -0.0966 -0.2988 -0.3717 -0.5258 0.4296 -0.0542 0.6340 -0.6177 -0.7672 -0.1364 0.1772 -0.0866 -0.2583 -0.4824 Sophisticated Factor 2.46 15.40 47.27 Factor 3 0.1657 0.1582 0.1662 -0.0613 0.2188 0.0396 -0.1616 0.0676 -0.3465 -0.0040 0.1084 0.6493 -0.8619 0.1519 0.1131 0.3767 Quality Factor 1.64 10.24 57.51 non-quality 1.6 1.2 0.8 Yellow washi Quality Factor Paper Tinged with Creamy 0.4 ⑤Hishi-Mino ⑨Kokushi-Tosa ⑩Mitsumata-Mino ①Dan Xuan-Mian Liau Lei(Shang Xuan) ⑥Yun Mu(Shu Xuan) ⑰Mitsumata-Tosa ④Chan Yi(Shu Xuan) ⑬Kokushi-Mino ②Triple Jia Xuan(Shang Xuan) ⑦Mitsumata-Echizen Slightly Trasparent paper 0 ③Lou Wen-Mian Liau Lei(Shang Xuan) -0.4 ⑭Jia Xuan-Mian Liau Lei(Shang Xuan) ⑫Dan Xuan-Jing Pi Lei(Shang Xuan) ⑪Mashi-Echizen ⑮Hishi-Tosa ⑯Double Jia Xuan-Mian Liau Lei ⑧Lou Wen-Jing Pi Lei(Shang Xuan) Trasparent paper White senshi -0.8 quality -1.2 -1.6 -1.2 non-volume - 0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 Volume Factor Factor1(Volume Fator)-Factor2(Quality Factor) Fig.2 Configuration Map of Each Sample(Sense of Sight) 3786 1.6 volume Xuan paper Sheng xuan Mian liau lei Jing pi Ban shu xuan Shu xuan Jian Te jing pi Gong pin Jia xuan Gong pin Jia xuan Gong pin Jia xuan Jing pi zhu xu zi Yun mu Yun mu Zha hua Double jia xuan Zha hua Double jia xuan Zha hua Double jia xuan Na zhu xu zi Chan yi Chan yi Mian lian Triple jia xuan Mian lian Triple jia xuan Mian lian Triple jia xuan Jing pi dou fu xuan Dan xuan Luo wen Dan xuan Luo wen Dan xuan Luo wen Zhong dan xuan Zhong dan xuan Zhong dan xuan Fig.1 Kind of Senshi(Italic type:Samples of Experiment Used) Tosa. Figure 1 shows the categories of Senshi and the kinds used in the sensory experiments. SD evaluation words used in the experiments were selected through questionnaires to professionals who deal with Washi and Senshi. Sensory experiments sought to understand the sensation of Chinese people regarding the sense of sight and sense of touch by hand. Subjects were 20 chinese students of the department of industrial design, faculty of technology, Takushoku University. 2.2 Conclusion of Sensory Evaluation Experiment From the results of the SD evaluation, factor analysis and cluster analysis were conducted[3]. First, in the factor analysis for the sense of sight, samples with factor loading after varimax-method with an absolute value of 0.5 or higher were set as the interpretation target and five factors were determined appropriate from the number of factors and the degree of eigenvalue. Accumulation contribution rate was 69.29 % . Five factors were named, from the first factor in order, volume, quality, sophistication, freshness and elasticity (Table 1). In the cluster analysis, creation of tree diagram extracted five clusters as paper tinged creamy color, slightly transparent paper, transparent paper, white Senshi, and yellow Washi. In the sense of touch by hand, samples with factor loading after varimax-method with an absolute value of 0.5 or higher were set as the interpretation target, similar to the case of sense of sight. Five factors were determined appropriate from the number of factors and the degree of eigenvalue, and the accumulation contribution rate was 72.25% . Five factors were named, from the first factor in order, volume, sophistication, quality, elasticity and showiness (Table 2). In the cluster analysis, five clusters were extracted, namely soft Senshi, thin and soft paper, slightly thick paper, mashi, and thick and hard paper. Next, configuration maps were created between factors based on their results. Figure 2 shows the configuration map of the first factor (volume) and the second (quality) in sense of sight, and Figure 3 is the configuration map of the first factor (volume) and the second (sophistication) in sense of touch by hand. In both configuration maps, each cluster is obtained by cluster analysis and recorded on the configuration maps. In the configuration maps between factors of the sense of sight, yellow Washi and white Senshi had the most volume while transparent Washi and slightly transparent paper lacked volume. Yellow Washi with volume included Kokushi paper of Tosa and Mitumata paper, and white Senshi included Double and Triple Jia Xuan of Mian liau lei. As for quality, no major difference was seen between any of the clusters. In the configuration map between the factors of the sense of touch by hand, thick and hard paper was considered to have the most volume, and thin and soft paper had less volume but the most sophistication. Thick and hard paper included Mitsumata paper and Kokushi paper of Mino in Washi, and Double and Triple Jia Xuan of Mian liau lei in Senshi. Thin and soft paper consists of Hishi of Tosa and Mitsumata paper of 3787 sophsticated 1.6 Thin and Soft paper 1.2 ⑮Hishi-Tosa 0.8 Sophsticated Focter Slightly Thich paper ⑦Mitsumata-Echizen 0.4 ⑤Hishi-Mino ③Lou Wen-Mian Liau Lei(Shang Xuan) ⑥Yun Mu(Shu Xuan) ⑭Jia Xuan-Mian Liau Lei(Shang Xuan) ④Chan Yi(Shu Xuan) ⑫Dan Xuan-Jing Pi Lei(Shang Xuan) ⑯Double Jia Xuan-Mian Liau Lei ⑧Lou Wen-Jing Pi Lei(Shang Xuan) ⑰Mitsumata-Tosa ⑩Mitsumata-Mino ①Dan Xuan-Mian Liau Lei(Shang Xuan) ②Triple Jia Xuan(Shang Xuan) ⑬Kokushi-Mino 0 Soft senshi -0.4 Thich and Hard paper ⑨Kokushi-Tosa Mashi -0.8 unsophsticated ⑪Mashi-Echizen -1.2 -1.6 -1.2 non-volume -0.8 -0.4 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 Volume Factor 1.6 volume Factor1(Volume Fator)-Factor2(Sophisticatsd Factor) Fig.3 Configuration Map of Each Sample(Sense of Touch) Jia Xuan of Mian liau lei in Senshi. Thin and soft paper consists of Hishi of Tosa and Mitsumata paper of Echizen, and Lio wen-Mian liau lei(Sheng xuan). From the above results, it was determined that while color and transparency in the sense of sight, and softness and thickness in the sense of touch, are elements that consist of clusters, volume is an important sensory factor for both senses. It was also determined that Double and Triple Jia Xuan of Mian liau lei in Senshi have a similar sensation to Mitsumata paper and Kokushi paper of Mino Washi, while Lio wen-Mian liau lei(Sheng xuan) has a similar sensation to Hishi of Tosa Washi and Mitsumata paper in Echizen. 3. Consideration From the results of these sensory experiments, it was shown that some paper in Senshi has a similar sense with Washi. Double and Triple Jia Xuan of Mian liau lei in Senshi look similar to Mitsumata paper and Kokushi paper of Mino Washi. Mitsumata paper and Kokushi paper of Mino Washi are thick and hard Washi used as FUSUMA paper, etc. Although there are no furniture fittings such as FUSUMA in China, such paper can be used as interior design material, such as wallpaper, etc. Lio wen-Mian liau lei (Sheng xuan) has a similar touch as Hishi of Tosa Washi and Mitsumata paper of Echizen. Hishi of Tosa Washi and Mitsumata paper of Echizen are thin and soft Washi papers that are used for Shoji and lampshades. Since Senshi has been begun to be used as lampshade material in China, it is thought that its use can be expanded. In the future, by identifying the mechanical and optical properties and matching these to the sensory characteristics of Senshi, it is thought that the application of Senshi as an interior design material can be promoted. References [1]T. Yamauchi, N. Usami : Characteristic Mechanical Properties of Washi Papers, Japan Tappi Journal vol.59 no.10, Japan Tappi, pp.104-111,2005 [2]J. Kim, I. Naito, N. 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