LAGO: e Latin American Giant Observatory Project Sergio Dasso1,2 , Hernan Asorey3,4 & Luis Nuñez4 , for the LAGO Collaboration5 1 Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio (IAFE), UBA-CONICET - Argentina Departamento de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y Departamento de Física, FCEyN, UBA - Argentina Grupo de Investigación en Relatividad y Gravitación (GIRG), Escuela de Física - Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga - Colombia 4 Laboratorio de Detección de Partículas y Radiación, Centro Atómico Bariloche e Instituto Balseiro (CNEA/UNCuyo), Bariloche - Argentina 5 hp:// 2 3 [email protected] CHAIN reds - Brussels - Belgium - March 31, 2015 S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project March 2015 1 / 22 Overview 1. e LAGO project 2. e LAGO Detectors 3. e LAGO Programs LAGO-Space Weahter LAGO-Universities LAGO-Virtual & LAGO-CHAIN 4. Conclusions S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project March 2015 2 / 22 e Latin American Giant Observatory (LAGO) Project A very long baseline “array” of water Cherenkov detectors (WCD) . e LAGO Collaboration . 70 members from 22 institutions at 9 LA countries. Scientific goals: I I . . Sites at eight countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru & Venezuela Two new detectors in Brazil will be incorporated by 2015 (UFCG & UNICAMP). S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) I Astroparticles up to the CR knee (∼ 1015 − 1016 eVs) Study transient and long term Space Weather phenomena trough Solar modulation (SM) of Cosmic Rays (CR) Measurements of background radiation at ground level Academic goals: I I . Train latin-american students in HE & SW, and Astroparticle techniques Build a Latin-American network of Astroparticle researchers e LAGO Project March 2015 3 / 22 e Latin American astroparticle network . How it works? . Non-centralized, collaborative network of institutions . 3 working groups, 9 members coordination commiee, 1 PI Developments, expertize and data are shared across the network S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project March 2015 4 / 22 Our detector: sWCD (Water Cherenkov Detector) s as in smart Autonomous, reliable, simple and cheap detector Commercial tanks with 1,5 m2 − 10 m2 of detection area filled with purified water Inner coating of Tyvek (UV diffusive and reflective fabric) PMT + Digitizer board (own design) FPGA + Raspberry Pi: detector control, telemetry, data acquisition and on board data pre-analysis (including machine learning techniques) S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project Digitized signals by a 10-14 bits FADC at 40-100 MHz (10-25 ns) Temporal synchronization: GPS in PPS mode Station consumption: . 8 W March 2015 5 / 22 Our new station: the smart LAGO-WCD . . . Control and Acquistion Station → Environment (including WCD) . Sensors: Arduino-One&shield + environmental sensors (P, T, CO2 , NOx , radiance, …) Control (SBC Raspberry Pi): data conformation, pre-processing and station control Power: 15 W solar panel and baeries GNSS: geo-localization and time synchronization . Comms: support standard protocols: WiFi, GPRS (2.5G-3G-3.5G), 4G-LTE S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project March 2015 6 / 22 LAGO Programs . LAGO-Virtual . Acquire, produce, collect and preserve LAGO data . . LAGO-Extreme Universe . High energy astroparticles Towards CR knees region . . LAGO-Space Weather . Cosmic ray solar modulation Possible connections with physics of the atmosphere . LAGO-Universities . Astrophysics and particle physics in undergraduate courses Data analysis and statistic Background radiation at ground (and flight) level . . WG1: Physics . .S. Dasso (ARG) S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) Muon decay Detector physics and interaction of radiation with maer Construction and characterization of particles detectors . . WG2: Detectors . .L. Otiniano (PER) e LAGO Project . WG3: Data . .L. Núñez (COL) March 2015 7 / 22 Overview 3. e LAGO Programs LAGO-Space Weahter LAGO-Universities LAGO-Virtual & LAGO-CHAIN S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project March 2015 8 / 22 Space Weather . Sun-Earth connection . Dynamic conditions in the Earth outer space environment: I I I I . S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project Disruption of electrical power grids Contribute to the corrosion of long pipelines HF radio communications and GPS interferences Operational anomalies and damage or degradation of critical electronics on spacecra, satellites and even on board of commercial airplanes March 2015 9 / 22 Space Weather S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project March 2015 10 / 22 e LAGO Space Weather Program via Solar modulation of low energy cosmic rays . Connections . CR Flux Solar Activity −−−−−−−→ Modulated flux . S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project March 2015 11 / 22 e LAGO Space Weather Program via Solar modulation of low energy cosmic rays . Connections . CR Flux Modulated flux Primaries . Secondary particles S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) Solar Activity −−−−−−−→ Geomagnetic field −−−−−−−−−→ Modulated flux Primaries Atmospheric conditions −−−−−−−−−−−−→ Secondary particles Detector response −−−−−−−−−→ e LAGO Project Signals March 2015 11 / 22 e LAGO Space Weather Program via Solar modulation of low energy cosmic rays . Connections . CR Flux Modulated flux Primaries . Secondary particles Solar Activity −−−−−−−→ Geomagnetic field −−−−−−−−−→ Modulated flux Primaries Atmospheric conditions −−−−−−−−−−−−→ Secondary particles Detector response −−−−−−−−−→ Signals . Synergy . Flux variation of signals at detector level ⇔ Solar Activity . S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project March 2015 11 / 22 Simulations . Detailed simulation chain . Directional rigidity cut-off at each site R(ϕ, λ, θ, φ) Primary flux at the top of the atmosphere (CORSIKA simulations for each site (ϕ, λ, h)) I I I Measured spectra for all nuclei 1 ≤ Zp ≤ 26, 1 ≤ Ap ≤ 56 (R(θ, φ) × Zp ) ≤ (Ep /GeV) ≤ 106 , 0o ≤ θ ≤ 90o Integrated primary flux: ∼ 107 − 108 hour−1 m−2 (& 5 hours at each site) Secondary flux at detector level Detector response: I I I . Fast and Simple LAGOFast™ detector simulation Detailed GEANT4 model First aempts on FLUKA S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project March 2015 12 / 22 Simulations . . . . . . . . S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project March 2015 13 / 22 Data Detector response Charge integrated pulse histogram −−−−−−−−−→ deposited energy Ed simulations . Integrating pressure-corrected, one-minute histograms at different Ed ranges . → relative flux variations → LAGO counts S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project March 2015 14 / 22 08/March/2012: Forbush event ← single LAGO detector . . S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) LAGO-BRC: 1,8 m2 WCD detector e LAGO Project March 2015 15 / 22 08/March/2012: Forbush event ← single LAGO detector . Muon band . . S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project March 2015 16 / 22 New Space Weather dedicated sites e LIMA µ counter & First LAGO sWCD in the Antarctic Peninsula . . . . S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project March 2015 17 / 22 Overview 3. e LAGO Programs LAGO-Space Weahter LAGO-Universities LAGO-Virtual & LAGO-CHAIN S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project March 2015 18 / 22 LAGO-Universities Particle Physics or Experimental Physics courses at COL, ARG and VEN: Space Weather + python + data analysis techniques Introductory Physics Course 2014 at Universidad Industrial de Santander: Space Weather + python + gnuplot + data analysis techniques τµ = (2020 ± 0,1) ns S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project March 2015 19 / 22 Overview 3. e LAGO Programs LAGO-Space Weahter LAGO-Universities LAGO-Virtual & LAGO-CHAIN S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project March 2015 20 / 22 LAGO-Virtual: the Latin American astroparticle network . LAGO Data . Two types of data: measured and simulated Measured data: 4 quality levels: raw data, preliminary, Data ality & High ality Massive data production: raw (∼ 1 TiB year−1 det−1 ); sims (∼ 3 TiB year−1 site−1 ) . Deploying LAGO-CORSIKA implementation on GRID . LAGO & RedCLARA . Data repository located at UIS (BGA, Colombia) . S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project Data transfer from Sites to Repository using RedCLARA (where available) March 2015 21 / 22 Accessibility Data Generators Sensors Curated raw data Data Accessibility, Reproducibility, and Trustworthiness Curated pre/processed data Applications Digital Library Reproducibility Curated raw data Data Accessibility, Reproducibility, and Trustworthiness Curated pre/processed data • Instrument conditions • Authorship, process and protocols • Ownership and accessibility Access to the application + computational e-infrastruture • Hardware Architecture • Operating System • Application Digital Library Data files: • Calibration Data • Registered Data • Simulated Data Awareness on Standards: CHAIN-REDS helped LAGO on the adoption of standards for data infrastructures, including: • Metadata organization • Permanent Identifiers for data files Data Accessibility: CHAIN-REDS has helped LAGO to configure and tune-up the OAI-PMH of LAGOData Repository Now integrated in the CHAIN REDS KB and SSE Conclusions . Ultra long baseline “array” of sWCD from Mexico to Antarctica High and low altitude sites across the Andean range: Background radiation, Space Weather and High Energy . New smart WCD and environmental stations: data for other communities Full simulation chain: from primary flux to detector signals S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project March 2015 22 / 22 Conclusions . Ultra long baseline “array” of sWCD from Mexico to Antarctica High and low altitude sites across the Andean range: Background radiation, Space Weather and High Energy . . . New smart WCD and environmental stations: data for other communities Full simulation chain: from primary flux to detector signals e LAGO simulations program started to develope a CORSIKA grid version LAGO is now integrated in CHAIN RED Knowledge Base & Semantic Search Engine S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project March 2015 22 / 22 Conclusions . Ultra long baseline “array” of sWCD from Mexico to Antarctica High and low altitude sites across the Andean range: Background radiation, Space Weather and High Energy . . . . New smart WCD and environmental stations: data for other communities Full simulation chain: from primary flux to detector signals e LAGO simulations program started to develope a CORSIKA grid version LAGO is now integrated in CHAIN RED Knowledge Base & Semantic Search Engine ank you for your attention .. S. Dasso (IAFE-UBA) e LAGO Project March 2015 22 / 22
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