SAINT PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 19399 E. Hwy 120 ● Ripon, CA 95366 ● 209-838-2133 Ripon Farmington Escalon Father Jeff Wilson, Pastor Deacon Tom Ciccarelli, Administrator Founded 1878 A.D. Parish Mission Statement: “Cultivating Catholic faith as a Parish family nurtured through the Holy Eucharist and Sacred Scripture” Photo by Kahl Photography In your Last Will and Testament make a Living Memorial by giving a donation to St. Patrick’s Church for Liturgy, Catechism, Education, Youth, Buildings, Sanctuary, Hall, Rectory, Office, Grounds. Parish Office…......838-2133/Fax: 838-1077 E-mail address…[email protected] Open Monday-Friday 9:00AM-12:00PM / 1:30-5:00 PM Vocations to Priesthood & Religious Life: Sister Wanda………………………...466-4797 MASSES: Saturday…………...(English) 5:00 PM (Spanish) 7:00 PM Sunday…………….. (Latin) 6:30 AM (English) 8:00 AM (English) 10:00 AM (Spanish) 11:30 AM Weekday Masses in the Holy Angel Chapel: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Fridays...8:00 AM Miércoles en español…………………....6:30 PM Perpetual Adoration:…………………...Everyday Confessions: Friday………………………………5:00-6:00 PM Saturday……………………………3:30-4:30 PM St. Patrick’s Church web-site Music Director: Madeline Archibeque (English)………..838-7652 Francisco & Alicia Gomez (Spanish)…..824-0148 Information on Catholicism: If you’re just curious, or if you think now is the time to join the church call, Steve Skov……………...……...209-765-1130 Catechism: Teri Carrillo….…...………838-3101 (Tuesdays & Wednesdays 4:00-5:15 PM) Confirmation: Doris Sanders………....838-3101 St. Vincent DePaul…………....……….838-7605 Baptisms: Make an appointment with Fr. Jeff Wilson Weddings: Call parish at least 6 months in advance BULLETIN & SUNDAY NOTICES NEED TO BE RECEIVED IN WRITING, AT THE RECTORY, TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE PUBLISHED BULLETIN DATE. September 27, 2015 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND The second collection next weekend is for Respect Life Sunday. Please be generous. R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) Interested in receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation? R.C.I.A. starts Sunday, October 4, 2015 at 9:00AM in the Conference Room. For more information call Steve Skov at 209-765-1130. ALTAR SERVER TRAINING AND BOWLING PARTY There will be Altar Server training for all who currently serve, on Saturday, October 10th in the Church at 11:00AM followed by Bowling and Pizza at Strike Zone in Manteca. All those under 18 years and have already received their First Holy Communion are invited to serve. Please sign up in the Sacristy or call the church office. We hope to see you there! ADULT CHOIR This is an open invitation for you to join St. Patrick’s Choir which meets Wednesdays 6:30-8:00PM in the Choir Loft. One of the blessings God has given you is a voice singing His praises! Won’t YOU answer His call? Preparation is beginning for the Advent/Christmas season. Join us October 7th! YOUTH GROUP ! ! ! Attention all High School students! The Youth Group meets Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. in the Conference Room. Come to have fun learning about the Faith and grow in your Church Family! See you there! ST. PATRICK’S BULLETIN ON-LINE! The parish bulletin is available on-line at . CAN YOU SPEND 1 HOUR WITH ME? “Go to your adoration as one would go to heaven, to the divine banquet. Tell yourself, in four hours, or two hours, in one hour, our Lord will give me an audience of grace and love. He has invited me; He is waiting for me; He is longing for me.” St. Peter Julian Eymard Adoration hours available: Sunday: 6:30AM, 7:30AM, 1:00PM; Monday: 6:00AM; Tuesday: 12:00PM, 1:00PM; Wednesday: 12:00PM, 6:00PM; Thursday: 4:00PM; and Friday: 3:00PM. You may also choose any hour to adore Jesus. He is always waiting. Please call 599-8451. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER By offering Married Couples the beautiful experience of a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend, the Catholic Church is affirming and supporting you in your chosen vocation — Marriage. Take advantage of this great gift to enhance your relationship and enjoy a love-filled weekend away together. The next Marriage Encounter Weekends are October 2-4, 2015 and February 12-14, 2016 in Modesto. Early registration is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: or contact John and Angelica Angarita at [email protected] or 209-691-0603. VATICAN II BIBLE STUDY All are welcome to join Fr. Jeff for Vatican II Bible Study on Mondays at 7:00PM in the parish hall. TIME TO HEAL Please pray for the following people who are ill: Nathaniel Rowe. For more information on Communion for the sick, please call Elizabeth Ferral 599-0022. LAST SUNDAY’S COLLECTION The Sunday collection last week was in the amount of $5,740.54. Thank you for your donations and continued support for the church! 27 de Septiembre 2015 MASSES THIS WEEK—MISAS ESTA SEMANA (September 26-October 4) 26° Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario Sat./sáb. SEGUNDA COLECTA PARA LA SEMANA PRÓXIMA La segunda colecta para la semana próxima es para Domingo de Respetar la Vida. Por favor sean generosos. ATENCION PADRES DE CONFIRMACION Recordatorio para los padres: los padres se reunirán en el Salón Parroquial con Pd. Jeff el miércoles, el 30 de septiembre (español). ENTRENAMIENTO DE MONAGUILLOS Y FIESTA DE BOLOS Habrá entrenamiento de monaguillos para todos los que actualmente sirven, el sábado 10 de octubre en la Iglesia a las 11:00 de la mañana, seguido habra pizza y bolos en Strike Zone en Manteca. Todos los menores de 18 años y que ya han recibido su Primera Comunión están invitados a servir. Por favor inscríbase en la Sacristía o llame a la oficina de la iglesia. ¡Esperamos verte! CATECISMO PARA ADULTOS Si eres un adulto que necesitas los Sacramentos de Bautiso, Primera Comunión, or Confirmación clases son los martes en el Salón 4 a las 7:00 de la noche. Para mas información llama la oficina parroquial al 838-2133. ¿PUEDES QUEDARTE 1 HORA CONMIGO? Los siguientes días y horas necesitan ser llenadas. Ven orar por vocaciones, la familia, la parroquia y para la paz para el mundo ¿Puedes tomar una? Favor de llamar a Teresa a 599-8451. domingo: 6:30AM, 7:30AM, 1:00PM; lunes: 6:00AM; martes: 12:00PM, 1:00PM; miércoles: 12:00PM, 6:00PM; jueves: 4:00PM; and viernes: 3:00PM. EL BOLETIN EN LINEA El boletin parroquial está ahoa disponible in linea. Busca a . (español) 5:00 PM Maria Noemia Silva+ Leonilde J. Silva+ Salvatore Incorvaia+ Michael DaSilva Leal+ Nora Julia Silveira+ 7:00 PM Todos Parroquianos de San Patricio (int. esp.) Todos los Adoradores y sus Familias vivos y difuntos (int. esp.) Beancea Patricia Nuño+ Sun./dom. (Latin) 6:30 AM 8:00 AM (epañol) Elizabeth Caroline Antle Rolando Reis+ Claudia Machado+ Jacques Astabie+ Manuel Simoes+ Thomas Dugo Family+ 10:00 AM Joe Dutra, Sr.+ Filomena Silveira+ Dennis Bonds+ Jay Bonds+ Joe Correia+ 11:30 AM Todas Almas del Purgatorio Mon./lun. 8:00 AM Leoncio Lucuan+ Minda Licuan+ Holy Souls in Purgatory Tues./mar. 8:00 AM No intentions Wed./mié. 8:00 AM Greenlee Cross (sp. int.) 6:30 PM Todos Parroquianos de San Patricio (int. esp.) (español) Thurs./jue. No Fri./vier. 8:00 AM No intentions Sat./sáb. 5:00 PM Maria Flores+ Toni Largent+ Jose Teixeira Amaral+ Carlos Medeiros+ Josephina Valerio+ 7:00 PM Todos Parroquianos de San Patricio (int. esp.) (español) Mass Sun./dom. (Latin) 6:30 AM 8:00 AM (epañol) No intentions Luis Correia+ Claudia Machado+ Emily Famoso+ David Costa+ Angelo Giovacchini+ 10:00 AM Joe P. Pereira+ Joe Correia+ Peter Thomas+ Antonio Aguayo+ Rose Augusto+ Betty Schmitz+ 11:30 AM Gabriel Sanchez (int. esp.) Todas Almas del Purgatorio DEPalma Farms DEEGAN FUNERAL CHAPEL GROWERS—PACKERS Nuts ● Fruits ● Vegetables Dominic DePalma 18666 E. Hwy 120 Ripon, CA 95366 FD 987 Jack E. Deegan, Jr. Matthew Simpson Bus: 209-838-7034 Fax: 209-838-8011 Escalon (209) 838-7321 Website: E-mail: [email protected] DaSilva Farms (209) 321-9270 Deep Ripping and Dozing. GPS Available. We offer a D10N 565hp and a D9-L Repowered to 57pHP Karen Messner, Realtor KNIGHTS Ripon (209) 599-3413 The Men of St. Patrick’s Dedicated to Pastor and Parish OF COLUMBUS Join us! Call the Parish Office Padre Miguel A. Pro Council #14499 209-838-2133 Executive Interested persons can contact the Parish Office at (209) 968-4484 Direct 838-2133. DRE # 01359330 St. John’s Catholic Cemetery Prayer Fellowship Unity Good Works Robert D. Steves, Sr. CONT. LIC #490157 17871 Carrolton Road, Escalon, CA 95320 209-838-7134 DEEGAN RIPON MEMORIAL CHAPEL FD 932 [email protected] Serving the Catholic community for over 100 years Ÿ Indoor and outdoor mausoleum Ÿ Ground Burial Ÿ Monument sales Ÿ Cremation niches and Ground Burial Ÿ Pre-need arrangements STEVES CONSTRUCTION, INC. (209) 838-1961 Would you like to advertise your business? Call the Parish Office at 209-838-2133 J 2 L LEWIS TILE Business #209-765-8236 Jack Lewis II Contractor’s license #684987 Fax # 209-599-6961 [email protected] Cellular: (209) 404-5472 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS SAFETY EQUIPMENT SALES & SERVICE ABETTER FIRE & SAFETY EQUIPMENT Gary Franscella MANTECA/STOCKTON 982-9466 TRACY 835-4584 CHEVROLET - BUICK OAKDALE 847-2261 TUFF BOY LEASING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TUFF BOY ESCALON LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. 25525 E. Lone Tree Rd., Escalon Office/Fax: 209-838-6008 · Cell: 209-495-7769 [email protected] 14303 Campbell Road, Escalon, California 95320 Office 209/838-7011 Mobile 209/595-2014 Miguel A. Machado SALES (209) 858-4131 Fax (209) 858-2835 3870 W. YOSEMITE
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