saint patrick`s catholic church
saint patrick`s catholic church
SAINT PATRICK'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 19399 E. Hwy 120 ● Ripon, CA 95366 ● 209-838-2133 Ripon Farmington Escalon Father Jeff Wilson, Pastor Deacon Tom Ciccarelli, Administrator Deacons Fidel Carrillo and Juan Estupiñan Founded 1878 A.D. Parish Mission Statement: “Cultivating Catholic faith as a Parish family nurtured through the Holy Eucharist and Sacred Scripture.” Oración de la Misión Parroquial : “Cultivando la fe Católica como una familia Parroquiana através la Eucaristía y la Sagrada Escritura. ” Photo by Kahl Photography In your Last Will and Testament make a Living Memorial by giving a donation to St. Patrick’s Church for Liturgy, Catechism, Education, Youth, Buildings, Sanctuary, Hall, Rectory, Office, Grounds. Parish Office…......838-2133/Fax: 838-1077 E-mail address…[email protected] Open Monday-Friday 8:00AM-5:00 PM Vocations to Priesthood & Religious Life: Sister Wanda………………………...466-4797 MASSES: Saturday…………...(English) 5:00 PM 7:00 PM Sunday…………….. 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM Weekday Masses in the Holy Angel Chapel: Monday—Fridays……………………….8:00 AM Miércoles en español…………………....6:30 PM (Spanish) (Latin) (English) (English) (Spanish) St. Patrick’s Church web-site Music Director: Madeline Archibeque (English)………..838-7652 Francisco & Alicia Gomez (Spanish)…..322-9197 Information on Catholicism: If you’re just curious, or if you think now is the time to join the church call, Steve Skov……………...……...209-765-1130 Catechism: Teri Carrillo….…...………838-3101 (Tuesdays & Wednesdays 4:00-5:15 PM) Confirmation: Doris Sanders………....838-3101 St. Vincent DePaul…………....……….838-7605 Perpetual Adoration:…………………...Everyday Baptisms: Make an appointment with Fr. Jeff Wilson. See St. Patrick’s website: Confessions: Friday………………………………5:00-6:00 PM Saturday……………………………3:30-4:30 PM Weddings: Call parish at least 6 months in advance ~BULLETIN & SUNDAY NOTICES NEED TO BE RECEIVED IN WRITING AT THE OFFICE TWO WEEKS PRIOR TO THE PUBLISHED BULLETIN DATE.~ REGISTRATION FORMS can be found in the church for anyone wishing to register with the parish. FORMAS DE REGISTRACIÓN están desponibles en la iglesia para todos que desean registrar con la parroquia. June 19, 2016 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time SECOND COLLECTION NEXT WEEKEND The second collection next weekend is for the Holy Father (Peter’s Pence). Please be generous. CATECHISM REGISTRATION Don’t miss the opportunity to register for Catechism. Our flyer has all the information necessary to enroll your child in our program. Please contact us if you have any further questions 209-838-3101. CONFIRMATION PICTURES ARE HERE! Please come by the CCD Office to pick up your Confirmation pictures Monday-Friday from 9:00AM-12:00PM and 2:00PM-5:00PM. MEN OF ST. PATRICK’S The Men of St. Patrick’s will not have their monthly meeting in June or July. See you in August. THE PARENT SUPPORT PROGRAM OF CATHOLIC CHARITIES The Parent Support Program of Catholic Charities will present a workshop which will hopefully help you and your family to understand the philosophy and practices of nurturing parenting. The workshop lasts 12 weeks and upon completion of the workshop you will receive a certificate. Lessons include topics such as: brain development during aging and how it can affect one in the long run when it is not developed positively; how to communicate with respect; strengthen feelings of personal value and understand our feelings; and the most requested topic by parents is how to manage stress. The workshop is FREE for parents. Classes meets at St. Patrick Church on Wednesdays at 7:00PM in the parish hall. The class is offered in English and child care will be provided. Space is limited so call today to save your spot and register with Angie Sanchez at, 209-396-6907. ST. PATRICK’S ADULT MUSIC MINISTRY St. Patrick’s Adult Music Ministry invites those with musical experience with instruments such as flute, violin, cello, classical guitar, etc., to enhance Liturgies by sharing your talents at 5:00PM, 8:00AM or 10:00AM Mass. Please call Madeline at 209-838-2133 or email: [email protected] for information or questions. What an awesome way to serve our heavenly Father!! If you can serve by singing in the choir or cantoring your service to this ministry is greatly appreciated. God asks us to praise Him by giving our time and talents. A beautiful way to honor Him!! MODEST DRESS IN CHURCH With the hot weather here, we need to remind everyone of the importance of dressing appropriately in the house of God. Please avoid short skirts or shorts for women and shorts and sleeveless shirts for men. Thank you for wearing your Sunday best! YOUTH & YOUNG ADULT “JAM NITE” If you’re 14-39 years old, St. Patrick’s is launching a “Jam Nite” as a youth and young adult activity starting, Friday, July 29, 2016 from 6:30-8:30PM in the parish hall. Come, bring friends, your musical instrument and your voice. Enjoy fellowship with other youth and young adults from the parish. Snacks provided. CAN YOU SPEND 1 HOUR WITH ME? “How kind is our Sacramental Jesus! He welcomes you any hour of the day or night. His love never knows rest. He is always gently towards you. When you visit Him, He forgets your sins and speaks only of His joy, His tenderness, and His Love. By the reception He gives to you, one would think He has need of you to make Him happy.” St. Peter Julian Eymard (1811-1868) Adoration hours in need of you: Sunday: 9:00AM, 12:00PM; Monday: 6:00AM; Tuesday: 1:00PM; Wednesday: 12:00PM; Thursday: 4:00PM and Friday: 12:00PM, 5:00PM; 8:00PM. Please call 599-8451. TIME TO HEAL Please pray for the following people who are ill: Fr. Peter Carota, Joni Christensen, Kirk Bowers, Joe Brum, Nancy Lenci, Rick Thomas, Richie Heida. For more information on Communion for the sick, please call the Parish Office at 209-838-2133. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER By offering Married Couples the beautiful experience of a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend, the Catholic Church is affirming and supporting you in your chosen vocation - Marriage. Take advantage of this great gift to enhance your relationship and enjoy a love-filled weekend away together. If childcare is a problem for you then our non-residential weekend in Manteca on July 16-17 might be just for you! Regular weekend in Modesto will be September30-October 2. For more information visit our website at: or contact John & Angelica at [email protected] or 209-691-0603. LAST SUNDAY’S COLLECTION The Sunday collection was in the amount of $5,325.42. Thank you for your donations and continued support for the church! 19 de Junio 2016 12º Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario SEGUNDA COLECTA PARA LA SEMANA PRÓXIMA La segunda colecta para la semana próxima es para el Santo Padre (Peter’s Pence). Por favor sean generosos. VESTIMENTA MODESTA EN LA IGLESIA Con el tiempo caliente, tenemos que recordar a todos la importancia de vestirse adecuadamente en la casa de Dios. Por favor, evite las faldas cortas o pantalones cortos para las mujeres y los pantalones cortos y comisetas sin mangas para los hombres. ¡Gracias por usar sus mejores ropas de domingo! REGISTRACIONES PARA EL CATECISMO No pierden la oportunidad de registrar para el catecismo. El folleto tiene toda la información necesaria para registrar a su niños al catecismo. Si tienen preguntas favor de llamar al 209-838-3101. EL GRUPO DE ORACION El Grupo de Oración invita a toda la comunidad de San Patricio, los que quieran participar al Grupo cada miércoles a las 6:30 PM para la misa, y después al Grupo para orar todos juntos y compartir la palabra de Dios. EL PROGRAMA DE APOYO A LOS PADRES DE FAMILIA POR CARIDADES CATÓLICAS El Programa de Apoyo a los Padres de Familia, por de parte de Caridades Católicas presentará un taller que esperemos le ayude a usted y su familia a conocer la filosofía y las prácticas de la Crianza con Cariño. El taller dura 12 semanas, y al completar el taller recibirá un certificado. Las lecciones incluyen temas como el desarrollo cerebral durante la crianza y cómo puede afectar a uno a largo plazo cuando no se desarrolla positivamente; como comunicarse con respeto; como fortalecer los sentimientos de valor personal y comprender nuestros sentimientos; y el tema más solicitado que les encanta a los padres es el de cómo manejar el estrés. El taller es GRATIS, para padres de familia. Las clases se reunirán en St. Patrick Church los miércoles a las 7:00 de la noche en el salón parroquial. Clase es en Ingles y habrá cuidado de niños. El Espacio Es Limitado así que llame ahora a registrarse con Angie Sanchez al, 209-396-6907. ¡FOTOS DE LA CONFIRMACIÓN ESTÁN AQUI! Para recoger su foto de la Confirmación, viene a la Oficina del Catecismo lunes-viernes de las 9:00AM-12:00PM y 2:00PM-5:00PM. ¿PUEDES QUEDARTE 1 HORA CONMIGO? Los siguientes días y horas necesitan ser llenadas. Ven orar por vocaciones, la familia, la parroquia y paz para el mundo ¿Puedes tomar una hora? Domingo: 9:00AM, 12:00PM; Lunes: 6:00AM; Martes: 1:00PM; Miércoles: 12:00PM; Jueves: 4:00PM and Viernes: 12:00PM, 5:00PM; 8:00PM. MASSES THIS WEEK—MISAS ESTA SEMANA (June 18-26) Sat./sáb. 5:00 PM Mary Franzia Reichmuth+ Joe P. Pereira+ David Anthony Pereira+ Dana Susan Pereira+ Edward Ayers+ (español) Sun./dom. (Latin) 6:30 AM 8:00 AM (epañol) Mon./lun. Tues./mar. Wed./mié. (español) Thurs./jue. Fri./vier. Sat./sáb. (español) ADOLECENTES Y JÓVENES ADULTOS “NOCHE DE MÚSICA Y DIVERSIÓN” Si tu tienes de 14 a 39 años de edad, San Patricio tendrá una “Noche de Música y Diversión” con actividades para los adolecentes y jovenes adultos comezando el viernes, el 29 de julio de 2016 de las 6:30-8:30PM en el salón parroquial. Ven, trae tus amigos, tu instrumento musical y tu voz. Ven diviertete con otros jóvenes de tu edad. Habrá Aperitivos. ¡TE ESPERAMOS! ¡NO FALTES! 7:00 PM Todos los parroquianos de San Patricio (int. esp.) Mary Reichmuth+ Luis Correia+ John Fontes+ Claudia Machado+ Joe Roche+ Louis Maumoynier+ 10:00 AM Joe Dutra, Sr.+ Maria Pinheiro+ Tony Borba+ Peter Thomas+ Joe Correia+ 11:30 AM Todos los parroquianos de San Patricio (int. esp.) 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 6:30 PM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM Mary Wilkinson+ 7:00 PM Todos los parroquianos de San Patricio (int. esp.) Todos Adoradores y sus familias vivos y difuntos (int.esp.) Sun./dom. (Latin) 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 10:00 AM (epañol) 11:30 AM Our Lady of Fatima (sp. int.) Luis Correia+ No hay intenciones No intentions Luis Correia+ Mary Noemia Silva+ Lorraine Faria+ Charlie Dugo+ Tony Borba+ Jeanne Marie Oast+ Mary Reichmuth+ John Gabriel Chaves+ Joseph Cunha+ Luis Correia+ James T. Brazil+ Claudia Machado+ Mary L. Nunes+ Mary Loumena+ Joe Correia+ Giovanni Tarantino+ Nunzia Tarantino+ Todos los parroquianos de San Patricio (int. esp.) DEPalma Farms DEEGAN FUNERAL CHAPEL GROWERS—PACKERS Nuts ● Fruits ● Vegetables Dominic DePalma 18666 E. Hwy 120 Ripon, CA 95366 DEEGAN RIPON MEMORIAL CHAPEL FD 932 FD 987 Jack E. Deegan, Jr. Matthew Simpson Bus: 209-838-7034 Fax: 209-838-8011 Escalon (209) 838-7321 Website: E-mail: [email protected] DaSilva Farms (209) 321-9270 Deep Ripping and Dozing. GPS Available. We offer a D10N 565hp and a D9-L Repowered to 57pHP KNIGHTS OF The Men of St. Patrick’s Dedicated to Pastor and Parish COLUMBUS Join us! Call the Parish Office Padre Miguel A. Pro Council #14499 Interested persons can contact the Parish Office at 838-2133. Ripon (209) 599-3413 209-838-2133 Prayer Fellowship Unity Good Works St. John’s Catholic Cemetery 17871 Carrolton Road, Escalon, CA 95320 209-838-7134 [email protected] Serving the Catholic community for over 100 years Ÿ Indoor and outdoor mausoleum Ÿ Ground Burial Ÿ Monument sales Ÿ Cremation niches and Ground Burial Ÿ Pre-need arrangements Cellular: (209) 404-5472 To place an ad in the Bulletin Please call the J2 L LEWIS TILE Business #209-765-8236 Jack Lewis II Contractor’s license #684987 Fax # 209-599-6961 parish office at 209-838-2133 [email protected] CHEVROLET - BUICK OAKDALE 847-2261 TUFF BOY LEASING - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TUFF BOY ESCALON LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. 25525 E. Lone Tree Rd., Escalon Office/Fax: 209-838-6008 · Cell: 209-495-7769 [email protected] 14303 Campbell Road, Escalon, California 95320 Office 209/838-7011 Mobile 209/595-2014 Miguel A. Machado SALES (209) 858-4131 Fax (209) 858-2835 3870 W. YOSEMITE
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