PendOzi LOg
PendOzi LOg
Pendozi Log OCtober 2010 Inside this issue… Annual General Meeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 Golf Tournament. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11 Treasure Hunt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 15 Work Party. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 17 P END O ZI L O G W E S T BA N K YAC H T C LU B If Undeliverable Please Return To: W e s t b a n k Ya c h t C l u b 4111 Gellatly Road • Westbank, B.C. • V4T 2K2 Phone: 250-768-5472 Fax: 250-768-8972 Email: [email protected] Website: 2 0 0 9 / 2 010 F l a g o ff ic e r s Commodore. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tom Stephens . . . . . 250-769-7750 Vice Commodore. . . . . . . . . . . . . John Hudson. . . . . . 250-768-3536 WYC bartenders Rear Commodore. . . . . . . . . . . . . Al Patterson. . . . . . . . 250-769-7154 Past Commodore. . . . . . . . . . . . . Yvonne Crawford. . . . 250-212-4899 Staff Captain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Martin Gerard. . . . . 250-768-0338 2 0 0 9 / 2 010 Dir e c t o r s Bar Director. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lisa Neilson. . . . . . . . 250-707-5129 Tony Rob Harbour Master. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Al James. . . . . . . . . . 250-768-7914 Outdoor Maintenance . . . . . . . . . Dave Rose. . . . . . . . . 778-755-0049 Indoor Maintenance. . . . . . . . . . . Ed Magas. . . . . . . . . 250-769-5893 Lost in the Moorage Basin Please notify the office if you have lost something in the moorage basin. Things do surface and we never know who they belong to… Entertainment Director. . . . . . . . . Diane Murray . . . . . 250-768-9838 Advertising/Log Director . . . . . . . Bryan Feagan. . . . . . 250-826-2580 Director at Large. . . . . . . . . . . . . Terry Jaggers. . . . . . 250-769-9228 Director at Large. . . . . . . . . . . . . Dave Johnston. . . . . . 250-769-3164 Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brian Jamieson. . . . . 250-707-2017 N e w M e m b e r s C o mmi t t e e GOT PHOTOS? If you have fun or interesting photos suitable for use in or on the cover of the log, please contact Liz at the office for information on how to get them to us. Photos must meet a certain criteria in order to be suitable for the cover. Page 2 New Member Orientation Coordinator . . . Kevin Jones. . 250-768-7512 Office Manager I am available from 9am until 1pm Monday to Friday. If you have any questions, concerns or suggestions, please feel free to call me at 250-768-5472 or e-mail the club at [email protected]. Liz Nagy P END O ZI L O G W E S T BA N K YAC H T C L U B words from the WheelhOuse Commodore’s Report A s the summer draws to a close, much too early for most people, the Board of Directors swings into high gear. Working on the end of the financial year, new budgets, and organizing the AGM and the slate of directors to stand for election. It is a very busy time for everyone. It is also still the season for boating. With much less boat (& tourist) traffic on the lake it is a time for the residents of our area to enjoy the lake by themselves. It is still beautiful on the lake and much easier to find a mooring buoy when you want to tie up for an hour or for the night. There is still time to enjoy the many amenities that the lake offers; great lakefront restaurants, wonderful wineries, and beautiful scenery. It is all ours until next summer. Boating season does not stop on the Labour Day weekend. Please remember that the AGM will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 and it would be great if all the members would attend. This is your chance for your voice to be heard on the issues scheduled for that evening. Enjoy the fall boating. Tom Stephens Commodore “We would like to acknowledge those businesses and individuals that so generously supported our Annual Golf Tournament at the event. We encourage our members to support these businesses and services. Their generosity and consideration are sincerely appreciated.” Aegean Grill BCAA Belterra Big O Tires Blind Angler Bonfire Restraunt Bylands Garden Centre Curves Dockside Marine Centre Fifth Ave Auto Gasthaus On The Lake Grey Monk Winery Hotel Eldorado Interior Beverages Investors Group J.K. Schmidt Jewelers Jackson Triggs Winery Kelly O’Bryans Kelowna Yacht Club La Cucina Ristorante Little Straw Winery London Drugs Mission Hill Winery Selka Boat Centre Sonoma Pines Spa At The Cove Royal Bank Of Canada Tree Brewing Urban Links Whisky-Jacks Pub Harmony Acura Uncorked Okanagan Wine Tours Delta Grand Westside U Brew IPC Investment Corporation Hazen Clarkson Westbank Yacht Club Hooded Merganser & Penticton Lakeside Resort Sukho Thai Restaurant BDO Dunwoody LLP Molson Canadian Nineteen Steak House BFI Penticton Honda Gordon Food Services Janie Bourbannais Page 3 Setting Your Dreams Afloat BC‘s Trusted Source for Boat, Motor & Trailer Parts/Service SALES SERVICE RENTALS & LESSONS KELOWNA RENTALS & GAS PEACHLAND 250.765.3995 250.765.3995 250.862.2628 250.767.6364 • • • • Email: Email: Email: Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 770 Finns Road, Kelowna, BC V1X5B5 P END O ZI L O G W E S T BA N K YAC H T C L U B Staff Captain’s Report along with his wife Gil continued to volunteer for events down at our club, he also has been active out on the lake! Wow! At 84!!! Happy birthday Ernie! See you all down at the club. L inda and I had the pleasure of representing our club at the Peachland commodore’s ball. We had an awesome time partying with all the other clubs from along the lake. The Food was excellent! The belly dancer was a real hoot! Commodore Phil Kachanoski and his wife did an awesome job ensuring everyone enjoyed themselves. A big thanks to both of them for all their hospitality. Summer is over but there are many more events planned down at our club. There still is more fun to be had down at our club before the season ends. I will be barbecuing for the last steak night of the year on Sept 30th, along with my father in law Ernie Hasenclever. Speaking of Ernie, this guy kept me busy pulling him around the lake last month. He will be 84 in October. You would never know it! Not only has he, Vice Commodore’s Report I t seems as the warm weather (what little there was of it) comes to an end, it gets harder to write these. I think it is because I don’t want to let go of the season. This is crazy thinking. With all the great things still to come at WYC I should be looking forward to the coming season not pining for the past. Some great events are still to come; The Annual Turkey Dinner, The Scavenger hunt, The Wine tour, Grey Cup, all the great Christmas parties and New years Eve. Martin Gerard Staff Captain The good times just keep on coming. Plans are well on the way for the AGM. Please plan to attend. The board is going to Shuffle a bit with some great members moving off and some eager new members ready to step in. I look forward to what the next year will hold for us. We had a great fiscal report this past year. The next looks like it may have a few challenges but we are making some good plans to meet them head on. John Hudson Vice Commodore Westbank Yacht Club Annual General Meeting November 16th at 7pm SHARP Please support your club by attending. Page 5 P END O ZI L O G W E S T BA N K YAC H T C LU B Office Manager’s Report L ooks like summer has left us and the fall is upon us. Just because you will not be visiting the lake on a regular basis that does not mean you cannot still visit the club. We are in full swing for arranging the winter functions for the club. Make sure you come down & participate in some of the great events that will be happening over winter. Diane is busy putting together the Treasure Hunt & pot luck appy’s event for Oct 16th. This will be a fun event with minimum damage being done to your pocket book so make sure you get your tickets, they are on sale now. A 6 week tap class is being prepared again so you “hoofers” should dust off your shoes and get ready for it. Nov will also have some fun event with a pool Bar Director’s Report F all has certainly hit with a vengeance. It’s a sure sign that summer is over when we change the bar hours and are no longer open on Sundays! We’ve had many good times this season and there are many more to be had so don’t let the cooler Dic t ion a r y for Landlubbers, Old Salts & Boating Wannabees Jib-boom: “Jib-boom, Jib-boom” Popular hit song of the 1950’s, originally recorded by Billy Buddy & the Logarithms. Page 6 weather dampen your mood. Thursday night dinners continue to draw impressive crowds and Diane still has some fun entertainment planned for us with the “Car Rally and Appies” night in October. Your bar team will Jibe: Course change which causes the boom to sweep rapidly across the cockpit; also, frequent type of comment made by observers of this manoeuvre. Jury Rig: An emergency arrangement of sails, likes, spars, etc., usually put together in a period of temporary insanity. tourney, Grey cup party & of course decorating the club for Xmas. For you “snow birds” that will be leaving us soon, please make sure you contact me before leaving town & leave me your credit card numbers to pay for your 2011 Membership & Moorage fees. 2011 Membership invoices are due Jan 1, 2011 & will be sent out via email at the end of Nov. (Watch for them). Moorage contracts & invoices are due Mar 1, 2011 & will be sent out via mail at the end of Jan. Liz Nagy Office Manager be hosting a “Spag and Pool” night planned for November 5th so mark your calendars and brush up your skills. We appreciate your continuing efforts in making sure that you are signing yourself and your guests into the club. Cheers! Lisa Neilson Bar Director Ketch: A disagreeable clause in boatpurchase contract. Leadership: In maritime use, the ability to keep persons on board ship without resorting to measure which substantially violate applicable provincial and federal statues. P END O ZI L O G W E S T BA N K YAC H T C L U B never seen at the work parties, you know who are! Remember we are a voluntary organization and our fees are low because of this, otherwise we have to have a sur-charge for those who are not excused. See you there. Indoor Maintenance Report T he club house is looking pretty good, but winter is coming and it is time to do a final clean-up before it gets here (almost feels like it Ed Magas Director of Indoor maintenance is here already). So we have decided to have a work-party on October 14, 2010. Let see everyone out, we have names on the membership list that we have 2417 GOSSETT,between BROWN RD.& OLD OK.HIGHWAY “Register ANYTIME!” Guitar,Bass,Piano,Keyboard,Violin,Drums, Rock Keyboards,Voice, Banjo, Kindermusic etc. � Private, professional instruction. � Qualified, experienced instructors. � Child centred learning. � Daytime discounts available HOME OF The Westside THE WESTSIDE SCHOOL OF MUSIC CALL School of Rock 250-707-3626 Gift Certificates Available THE MUSIC ROOM IS IN THE WHITE AND YELLOW PAGES 707-3626 Save a tree… Have your log sent to you by email! If you are interested in receiving your copy of the Pendozi Log by email only, please let us know. We will be happy to take you off the mailing list and save a tree. Page 7 P END O ZI L O G W E S T BA N K YAC H T C LU B Westside u Brew Wine Tasting Showcasing the… 2011 Limited Editions from Winexpert Westside U Brew along with Winexpert are hosting a limited seated Wine Tasting at the Westbank Yacht Club. 2011 will be Winexpert's 22nd year of Selection Limited Editions and is a most highly soughtafter offering. Each year, from January to April, Winexpert releases limited quantities of five very special wine varieties including wines that have won medals at the largest annual winemaking competition in North America. Because of Limited Edition's well-deserved reputation for delivering unsurpassed quality, wine-lovers wait with high anticipation, eager to place orders for each variety offered. Come and give them a taste! Where: When: Time: Cost: Westbank Yacht Club Wednesday October 20, 2010 7pm $15.00 per person Limited seated wine tasting - Tickets are mandatory Purchase your tickets today at Westside U Brew. Page 8 1789 Ross Road, Kelowna, BC V1Z 3E7 250-769-6625 P END O ZI L O G W E S T BA N K YAC H T C L U B service to the club, volunteering to help out by way of serving the club as a director can be very rewarding experience. Don’t wait to be asked, show your interest by giving your name to one of the current board members or our past Commodore Yvonne. Advertising/Log Director’s Report W ell, looks like fall is here. I hope everyone who likes roast beef has got their tickets to the dinner this Thursday the 23rd. Rick does an awesome job putting this fall classic together and because too many people came out last year, advance tickets were sold this year. What a great idea to avoid the disappointment of not wait list 2010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Bumby Leyland Soroka Kovach Young Fortunate James Richardson Hancock Sistonen Lepard 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Clegg Gough Visosky Schultz Smith Magas, Dan Thresher Pawlick Krakowski Blonarowitz Bruckner Saw this in the newspaper the other day and thought I would pass it along… getting any - beef that is. I heard the music is going to be good too. Henny Youngman said: “If at first you don’t succeed, so much for skydiving” Once again, with Liz cracking the whip, we expect to get the Pendozi Log out within the next few days. Thoughts will soon be turning to elections in the club, to select a new slate of officers and executive members. Besides providing 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Kapelari Klemp Neilson Crookes Bonkowski Jaggers Sokil Fritz Harmon Miller Summers 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Wright, O & S Smitheman Johnson Gazso Prichard Bellamy Boswell Cummins Fish Bowbell Gerard, L & M Bryan Feagan Advertising/Log Director 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Mansfield Crawford, S Dash Morison Jaggers, D Neumann Guthrie Rose Smee Ostaficiuk Wilson, B 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Detlor Larson Staples Sures Simone Johnson Playford Baehl Parsons Want to Advertise your Business in the Pendozi Log? Pendozi Log Advertising Prices Full Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $60.00 + hst Half Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35.00 + hst 1/3 Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25.00 + hst 1/4 Page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20.00 + hst Business Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.00 + hst Phone 250-768-5472 for more information. Dave Schwan Frank Dicecco 250-859-3088 250-212-6173 IFLB Designs Inc. email: [email protected] Page 9 P END O ZI L O G W E S T BA N K YAC H T C LU B Outdoor Maintenance Report F all is here and there are not too many boating days left this season. We trust you enjoyed a great summer on the lake and at the Yacht Club. There are still plenty of great events planned at the Yacht Club this fall so come out and enjoy some fun move list 2010 1 2 3 4 McLaren Zelznik Beliveau B. Feagan 5 6 7 8 B. Houghton Batch R. Nelson Chretien evenings with your friends at the club. Mark your calendar with the Fall Work Party on Oct14th. Come help prepare the club and marina for the winter and enjoy a great Anchor Club meal. Enjoy the fall and we’ll see you at the Yacht Club. Dave Rose Director of OUTDOOR maintenance Mother Nature didn’t cooperate for the 9 10 11 12 Hudson Maloney Girard Siddle Gelcoat and fiberglass boat repairs Custom made swimgrids and dock boxes Minor scratches to major insurance claims welcome. 13 14 15 16 Rossignol Stapleton Fransen Reid Attention: Please remember to have your membership card available when attending other clubs. Also please remember to sign in at any club including ours! Ray’s Prop Repair 11124 Bottom Wood Lake Road Winfield, B.C., V4V 1V8 Shop Phone 250-766-2482 Cell Phone 604-750-0103 Winter Hours: Friday-Sunday 9am-5:30pm Power Tech! Stainless Steel & Aluminium Quicksilver Props & Accessories Other Marine Parts & Used Props Pa ge 10 WYC Golf Tournament but everyone had a great time despite the rain. The supper was great and Darwin and team did a fantastic job soliciting prizes. Thanks to everyone who helped organize this year’s golf tournament. 17 Nater 18 O’Neil 19 Magas, E WYC • 2010 GREY CUP PARTY Sunday, November 28th Bar Opens 1pm Kick Off 3:00pm W E S T BA N K YAC H T C L U B P END O ZI L O G WYC Golf Tourney P a g e 11 P END O ZI L O G W E S T BA N K YAC H T C LU B Entertainment Director’s Report I hear everyone saying, “where did the summer go?” We have certainly had a soggy September. However, the rain didn’t prevent our annual golf tournament from being a success. Despite the rain, we had a fun time and dinner at the club was yummy. Many thanks to Darwin and Al, whose organizing made the tournament go off so well. The prizes were amazing and everyone went home with something new. Thanks to all the guys and gals who helped cook, serve and clean up. WHAT A GREAT CREW. Next year we recommend that, at the time of registration, people are asked if they prefer chicken or steak. Unfortunately, we can’t accommodate all various types of diets. Our next function is the treasure hunt and pot luck appie following at the Club. October 16th is the date and 4 p.m. is the start time. Liz has tickets for $5.00 available. Each car will receive a list of clues to find the hidden treasures around Westbank. Please feel free to bring guests, the more merrier. There will be a time limit and when you purchase your ticket please let Liz or myself know if you have preferences as to who you ride with. Otherwise, we will mix you up. There will be prizes so come on out and test your detective skills. As boats and RVs are winterized and people start talking about Winter vacations, it seems that Autumn is upon us. Hopefully, we see lots of you at the functions coming up. Diane Murray Entertainment Director Christmas Events text gaurd bleed crop The bus wine tour is also on October 16th. Those participating will be getting back to the Club about 5 p.m. If those people would like to participate in the appie pot luck, you are certainly welcome. We ask that you bring an appie to the Club prior to taking off on your tour. Heaven forbid that we should run out of food!!! However, looking in the fridge after the golf tournament, I don’t think that happens very often. Richard Montgomery Lawyer 410-1708 Dolphin Ave. Kelowna BC V1Y 9S4 T-250.980.3361 F-250.868.9011 [email protected] Business Law P a g e 12 Real Estate Wills, Trusts, & Estates Nov 25 • Decorate the Club Dec 3 • Directors Xmas Party Dec 10 • Martinis & Mistletoe Dec 12 • Kids Xmas Party Dec 17 • Anchor Club Xmas Party Dec 31 • WYC New Year’s Eve Party P END O ZI L O G W E S T BA N K YAC H T C L U B Parts, Service & Storage When it comes to service and parts for your boat, Dockside is the best. For a routine check or major repairs, Dockside’s Factory Trained Personnel, will do everything to keep you out on the water. • Mechanical Repairs • Gel Coat Repairs • Summer Make Ready • Winter Lay-up • Buff and Wax • Canvas Repairs • Seaworthy Checks • Upholstery Repairs • Inside/Outside Storage at the most competitive rates • New Boat Tops • Bottom Wash • Boat Moving • And MORE! Mercury Platinum Service WE CAN SERVICE ‘YOUR’* BOAT. CALL US * Some limitations apply 250-765-3995 • [email protected] 770 Finns Road, Kelowna, BC V1X 5B5 Pa ge 13 P END O ZI L O G W E S T BA N K YAC H T C LU B WYC MEMBERS F OF RECEIVE 15%AT ON ALL BO ACCESSORIES Stuck for Christmas gifts? Come check out our selection of surf and wakeboards from Phase 5 and O’Brien Winterize with us & enter to win your winter boat storage Sales Service Parts Accessories • certified marine mechanics • fiberglass & canvas repair • mobile services available • rentals • complete detailing • storage 250-769-0008 7-1345 Industrial Rd, West Kelowna Exit 97 at Westlake, left at Industrial New Management call for best price 1 877 749-0008 fax 250 769-0003 Gellatly Bay Boat Storage is now up and running with staff in place full time. Avoid the headaches of launching with the Westside’s only valet boat service. Conveniently located 100 meters from the Westbank Yacht club and boat launch. Gellatly Bay Boat Storage What we offer: Hours of operation - Valet Boat Service May 1– October 31 - Secured Compound 9am-9pm - Winter & Summer Storage 7 days a week - Short Term Storage Off season by appointment - RV Storage Page 14 Call for Pricing Tel: 1-250-862-4816 P END O ZI L O G W E S T BA N K YAC H T C L U B WYC’s Treasure Hunt & Pot Luck Sat Oct 16, 2010 Start time: 4:00pm Join in on the fun & sign up for our treasure hunt “by car”. Test your skills as a detective. Meet at the Club at 4:00pm. Get your car assignments (spouses & guests will be divided up into cars unless requested to stay together), Get a list of clues to find the hidden treasures around Westbank & off you go. There will be a time limit set & prizes to be awarded. $5.00 entrance fee per person for hunt & bring an Appy to share. Appy buffet to commence after all members are back from the hunt. Tickets on sale Sept 16th P a g e 15 P END O ZI L O G W E S T BA N K YAC H T C LU B NEW Winter Bar Hours Thursday. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11pm Friday. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11pm Saturday. . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11pm Club Access to Washrooms is available from 7:00am to 11:00pm. AT DIRECT TO PLATE DIGITAL PRESS GIVING OUR CUSTOMERS: Superior Quality Better Pricing Faster Turnaround A Day Late & a Dollar short! Actually $5,000 short. So sorry Tom Hannah, you got your hole in one on the wrong date & the wrong course. PENTICTON 250-493-4766 Better luck next year. House Accounts We still have several events plans until the end of the year that you can use your fun money for. The Treasure Hunt in Oct, Pool tourney & Grey Cup in Nov, Martinis & Mistletoe & NYE party in Dec. You of course can use it anytime the bar is open. Reminder for members new to the House Accounts – As of Dec 31st if you haven’t used it, you loose it. For those of you who have spent all of it already you must wait for January for your account to be restocked. Pa ge 16 KELOWNA 250-762-6802 P END O ZI L O G W E S T BA N K YAC H T C L U B Westbank Yacht Cub Fall Work Party Oct 14th - 2pm start time Come one, come all Prepare the ship for fall Many hands make light work so they say. Earn yourself a free dinner & drink for your good deed. For the gardener - weeding & pruning, leave cleanup For the cleaner - windows & lights to be washed, patio furniture to be stowed away For the handy dandy man - boards to be washed, nailed & repaired. Fence repair & much, much, more. Just show up & sign up for your favorite Activity The Club thanks you Page 17 P END O ZI L O G W E S T BA N K YAC H T C LU B WYC Merchandise All prices include HST SA L E Take advantage of great blow-out prices on T-shirts and Storm Jackets! Limited quantities of jackets left: 5 medium, 5 large, 1 x-large Womens Tees... white, light pink, baby blue, chocolate Womens Tanks... white, dark pink, aqua Mens Tees... white, navy, tan All of the above - $15 $10 Ladies Long sleeve... white, navy, black Mens long sleeve... navy, black All of the above - $25 NEW BASEBALL CAPS now in stock. Black, Kahki & White, 2 logos to choose from - $15 WYC Lanyards - $5 Mens & Ladies Stormtech Jackets - $100 $75 where locals travel ad:Layout 1 8/31/10 4:39 AM Going South to escape our winter? Please remember to pay your membership & moorage fees before you leave. Membership Due Jan 1, 2011 Moorage Due March 1, 2011 Pa ge 18 2011 Australia Tours 30 Days 2 Sydney Arrival Dates January 26 or March 1 Fro m 10%m unt Disc il N oun ov. 1 t Call to arrange slide show presentation. $49 95 Page 1 P END O ZI L O G W E S T BA N K YAC H T C L U B For Member s Only Classified Ads Deadline: 2nd Tuesday of the month Personal Ads: Free (until further notice) Fax: 250-768-8972 Email: [email protected] B o a t s & o t h e r i t e m s F o r S a l e OR RENT 1998 Maxum SCR Cabin Cruiser 425 hours, twin 5.0L vortex Brovo 2 Legs, Loaded; Fridge, Stove, Microwave, VHF, Guest Battery Charger 15 Amp, Sleeps 6, Comes with Tri Axle Trailer & More, Very clean & in excellent condition, Fresh Water Only Asking 65,000.00 OBO Vivian Parenteau & Henry Van Druten • Phone 250-767-2433 2006 SeaRay 200 Select Mercruiser 5.0 MPI Bravo III I/O, tandem axle Shorlander trailer, factory wakeboard racks, swim ladder, walkthru transom, sun pad, full cover package inc. bimini top, rear bench seat, captain’s chairs with bolsters, snap-in carpet, am/fm/cd w/sirius, black gelcoat color, approx. 65 hours. Asking $29,500.00 Contact Mike or Kirsten Gazso at 250-769-1595 or email [email protected] 1996 Cadillac Convertible for sale... One of a kind, it’s real. Loaded. Contact Fred 250-707-0222 or 250-870-1919. Photos on the club bulletin board. Asking $25,000 OBO. Moving. 1975 O’Day 20 Sailboat Excellent condition, fully outfitted Honda outboard 9.9 HP May be viewed at D14- WYC A bargain at $3,200! Call Bob at 250 768-1464 2000 f150 4x4 270 Sea Ray Sundancer s/c xlt rear sliding window PWR & trailer pkg, 97k running boards new tires & brakes, $12.5k Contact: Alan Wood 250-769-6016 2 – 4/3L EFI Engines, 210 HP ea. TV, DVD, Air Conditioner & Generator All extras See Ad on board in YC Tom Stephens 250-769-7750 For Rent I have a double axle deep keel sailboat trailer for rent to club members and associates for taking sailboat out of water for servicing or moving from A to B. It has a two tonne capacity. I also have a sailboat cradle for rent to members and associates for storing or servicing of sailboats. Call Jorgen Hansen 250-763-0459 1993 Wellcraft Nova Spyder Cuddie Cabin 2006 Sun Tracker 24 Signature Series Pontoon Boat Looking for 2 used wake boards… Ex. Cond -LOA 28’ plus.. c/w EZ Load Duel Axle Trailer, Surge Brakes - 60HP Merc Outboard 4 Stroke - 45 Hrs (approx). This Party Barge is loaded, see partiulars on ad board at club, or call Fred Teahan at 250-870-1919 $22,000 20 Ft Wellcraft Nova Spyder with Alpha One 350 Magnum with very low hours c/w 1993 EZ loader Trailer. Both boat & trailer in excellent condition. Asking 18500.00. Would consider trade for antique car.Can be seen at E 28 Call Norm 250 769 1282 One adult & one for kids up to 80 lbs. Call Gayla @ 250-768-9096 10 lb Down Rigger Balls $35 each or 4 for $100 Call Jack @ 250 769-1904 Not using your boat? Sell it here! 1991 Campion 215 Explorer rebuilt 200 HP motor with 12 hours, new Johnson 9.9 HP kicker, Bimini top c/w full side curtains, depth finder, VHF radio, electric downriggers, tandem axle galvanized trailer, many extras. $19500.00 call Ed 250-769-5893 NOTE: Please try to take your garbage to the Regional barrels just Salus Baby Lifejacket outside of the gate. 4-12kgs/9-25lbs excellent condition I don’t think it was ever in the water. $50.00 Lisa 768-0818 It helps save on our garbage disposal! Pa ge 19 P END O ZI L O G W E S T BA N K YAC H T C L U B October 2010 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 1 2 Bar Open 5-11 3 4 5 6 7 Turkey Dinner Bar Open 5-11 PRIVATE FUNCTION SATURDAY 8 PRIVATE FUNCTION Bar Open 5-11 9 Bar Open 5-11 Bar Open 5-11 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 PRIVATE FUNCTION 24 25 26 27 MONDAY TUESDAY 2 WEDNESDAY 3 9 10 PRIVATE FUNCTION 14 15 16 PRIVATE FUNCTION 21 22 WYC Annual General Meeting 7pm 23 PRIVATE FUNCTION 28 Grey Cup Party 29 Bar Open 5-11 29 Bar Open 5-11 30 Bar Open 5-11 THURSDAY 4 PRIVATE FUNCTION 8 Bar Open 5-11 Tap Class 6-7pm Bar Open 5-11 Bar Open 5-11 PRIVATE FUNCTION WYC Treasure Hunt Bar Open 5-11 NOTE: Please make sure to check the bulletin board for upcoming event posters from all the Yacht Clubs. NOVEMBER 2010 7 28 PRIVATE FUNCTION 8AM-1PM 31 1 Bar Open 5-11 Tap Class 6-7pm PRIVATE FUNCTION PRIVATE FUNCTION SUNDAY Fall Work Party Turkey Pot Pie Bar Open 5-11 17 24 Tap Class 6-7pm Bar Open 5-11 Tap Class 6-7pm 11 Bar Open 5-11 Tap Class 6-7pm 18 Bar Open 5-11 Tap Class 6-7pm 25 Bar Open 5-11 Decorate the Club FRIDAY 5 Bar Open 5-11 Pool Tourney & Dinner 12 SATURDAY 6 Bar Open 5-11 13 Bar Open 5-11 19 Bar Open 5-11 20 Bar Open 5-11 26 Bar Open 5-11 PRIVATE FUNCTION 27 Bar Open 5-11 Bar Open 5-11 30 PRIVATE FUNCTION Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am - 1pm Page 20
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PENDOZI LOG - West Kelowna Yacht Club
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