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Page 3 - 12 Page 13- 20 Page 21 - 24 Page 25 - 26 Page 27 - 33 Page 34 - 38 eLive is a monthly magazine for symbol readers with contributions from symbol writers. We welcome anyone to contribute. Email [email protected] Special thanks to every one at the HFT Karten CTEC Centre Page 39 - 42 www.symbolworld.org/eLive and South Cheshire College August 07 Bombs Two cars were The cars One contained car was Fortunately, left crew car www.symbolworld.org/eLive in bombs outside the bombs An ambulance The second found Found London London. and gas tanks. a busy did not discovered had been in nightclub. explode. one of moved to August 07 the cars. a car pound. pg 3 Bombs Car pound Police saw discovered There is Police staff are a huge Police believe www.symbolworld.org/eLive smoke explosives police examining Glasgow airport was Found in coming from inside the London the car. the car. investigation. CCTV footage also London in London. attacked. and Glasgow attacks August 07 are linked. pg 4 A bomb exploded The bomb was At least in in 130 Explosion in northern Iraq. a truck people Many people were in a busy badly injured. trapped under There is violence in www.symbolworld.org/eLive market place. died. Some people were lots of Iraq rubble. Iraq. August 07 pg 5 Floods Parts of northern England Thousands of homes Doncaster, Hull Thousands of people Many people needed Firemen have been The Government is This June and and England have been very badly businesses are Sheffield were had to leave flooded. damaged. all flooded. their homes. rescuing. pumping the water giving lots of has been www.symbolworld.org/eLive in money the wettest for August 07 back to to rivers. flooded 150 areas. years. pg 6 Forest Fires Huge forest fires Large parts of Several people Lightning Strong and winds The fires People are forest have dry weather across America. destroyed. helped cause the fires. the fires. very bad had to evacuate www.symbolworld.org/eLive America died. spread firemen burning have been are Hundreds of Across in parts of schools tried to and put out August 07 California. homes. the fires. pg 7 Glasgow Airport A burning The car was car crashed driven Two men were One man was inside burning Police are examining Police believe people the main it did not the burnt the crash was www.symbolworld.org/eLive entrance. burnt. but have been Glasgow airport. the car. very badly The car was Five into into Attack explode. car. a terrorist attack. arrested. August 07 pg 8 Kidnapped A kidnapped British Alan Johnston A terrorist journalist worked as for Alan Johnston was freed He returned to www.symbolworld.org/eLive his Freed has been freed. a BBC reporter group kidnapped He was imprisoned Journalist him 114 on family in in Palestine. March. days. July in 4th. Scotland. August 07 pg 9 Violence There has been The fighting was Hamas and At least Hamas has fighting about an area of Fatah 100 Hundreds of very bad in Palestinians now www.symbolworld.org/eLive taken in Palestine. Palestinian have been people Palestine fighting land. each other. died. have fled the area. control of the area. August 07 pg 10 Violence A new Palestinian The new Israel But Hamas www.symbolworld.org/eLive has been Hamas support the new fighting Fatah Palestine from doesn't agree also and not the USA Hamas There is Prime Minister leader is and in or the new between Hamas August 07 Fatah. Palestinian with want independence elected. Prime Minister. leader. and Israel. from Israel. pg 11 Final The final Harry Potter It became available Hundreds of people The book is called It is the seventh The book has Harry Potter More than at midnight queued www.symbolworld.org/eLive Friday outside Harry Potter and Book book began selling final more than must battle 325 Harry Potter million and Saturday 21st July. night. bookshops. the Deathly Hallows. book. 600 pages. Voldemort one final books have been August 07 time. sold worldwide. pg 12 Film Rocky Balboa is an old retired Rocky finished His wife has Rocky owns Review: his a small But Rocky longs to He misses his www.symbolworld.org/eLive boxing successful died and his champion. boxing career son is now restaurant box Rocky Balboa in a long time ago. grown up. Philadelphia. again. wife. August 07 pg 13 Film Rocky begins An important to train fight is Rocky will fight The film's plot is But it is and the current quite www.symbolworld.org/eLive has a 12 Rocky Balboa improve scheduled entertaining Rocky Balboa Review: in boxing his fitness. Nevada. world champion. predictable. with some good scenes. film certificate. August 07 pg 14 Film Princess Fiona's The Kingdom Shrek, They But needs Donkey have to Artie father is a new and the Kingdom is Shrek The Third dying. King. Puss in Boots find a boy is going to be www.symbolworld.org/eLive Review: called leave the Kingdom. Artie. the next new King. attacked while Shrek is August 07 away. pg 15 Review: Film Also, Shrek Princess Fiona is must find There are some There are lots of The film's graphics Shrek the Third www.symbolworld.org/eLive The Third pregnant. Artie very new and has Shrek and protect the Kingdom. funny scenes. characters. animation is amazing. a PG film certificate. August 07 pg 16 Film The Holiday's story is Both women want Iris is She a journalist loves a man Amanda makes Amanda has www.symbolworld.org/eLive Review: about two The Holiday women. a holiday. in London. she works with. film commercials separated with in California. her boyfriend. August 07 pg 17 Film They decide to Amanda Iris They swap goes away goes meet to to The Holiday houses. England. California. each other's The story is nice but The Holiday has www.symbolworld.org/eLive Review: a 12 friends. easy to predict. film certificate. August 07 pg 18 Review: Film Zoolander is a comedy. The main character is Zoolander is a famous He has won But this year Hansel Zoolander several a man Derek Zoolander. male model. model there is a new beats Zoolander www.symbolworld.org/eLive called in awards. model called a modelling August 07 Hansel. competition. pg 19 Film Fashion designer Mugatu Review: hires Zoolander Zoolander. Zoolander will model Mugatu's new But wants Zoolander to kill the Malaysian Mugatu The film has There are also Zoolander has a www.symbolworld.org/eLive some some 12 clothing range. Prime Minister. funny scenes. very strange parts. film certificate. August 07 pg 20 Leo Known as Birthday Leo Birth is the lion. - July loving, stone The colour 23 to generous, is peridot. choice for August artistic Leo is 22. and kind. gold. The ruling planet is the sun. The animal in the Chinese The element is fire. www.symbolworld.org/eLive calendar is August 07 a monkey. pg 21 Leo Lucky numbers 3, Leo 4, 5, - 7, star 16, 23, 34, 45 and 54 constellation www.symbolworld.org/eLive August 07 pg 22 Strange 1 kg packet of sugar During the 18th Century Eating a banana Elastic bands You can has www.symbolworld.org/eLive about a potato at night time last longer if bounce A dragonfly has legs helps you but 5 was million you it's cannot August 07 grains. a dessert. put a cranberry when six Facts fall asleep. them in the fridge. ripe. walk. pg 23 Strange Peanut is an ingredient in Some people say Every three seconds Streets Japan do not in An onion has Giraffes cannot www.symbolworld.org/eLive worms no Facts dynamite. taste like a new flavour baby is have bacon. born. names. only smell. cough. August 07 pg 24 Crossword 1 3 2 Down 4 1. 5 6 2. 7 3. 8 4. 9 5. Across 6. www.symbolworld.org/eLive 7. 8. August 07 9. pg 25 Crossword 1 3 4 s h o 6 p t r p 7 p i e r a s a t e n a r u r a r i g s t e u n 9 m r c m o 2 8 m a Down 1. v d e l 2. 3. p n t h e a t r 4. e 5. Across 6. www.symbolworld.org/eLive 7. 8. August 07 9. pg 26 Venice Venice Venice It is is is a city on a small different www.symbolworld.org/eLive on from the coast of Italy. island. other cities as August 07 most roads are canals. pg 27 Venice People travel There are on many the canals boats. boats. Gondolas are special Gondolas are very www.symbolworld.org/eLive in boats. pretty. August 07 pg 28 Venice Some Gondolas There are This This is have water water bus the biggest www.symbolworld.org/eLive lots of taxis and is on cushions water to make them comfortable. buses. the Grand Canal. canal. August 07 pg 29 Venice There are This bridge is There are This is many many a palace www.symbolworld.org/eLive bridges called the canal. the Rialto. wonderful on on buildings in Venice. the Grand Canal. August 07 pg 30 Venice The most famous Many tourists This is place in Venice is St Marks Square. visit the church of St. Marks. the Campinile. It is a very tall www.symbolworld.org/eLive bell tower next to August 07 the church. pg 31 Venice Also in the square Many people There is Many is take pictures a very famous artists and www.symbolworld.org/eLive writers this clock tower. of this. cafe in use the square. this August 07 cafe.. pg 32 Venice A band plays is a good Venice There are People to people many dress up www.symbolworld.org/eLive in the square. place to visit. things in to do and clothes from see. a long time ago. August 07 pg 33 Fisherman What is My your name? is Harry name What is I am your a fisherman What do I with you like to I have I job? do? fish. fished now a shop. have www.symbolworld.org/eLive from 5 years old. a fishing shop as well. August 07 pg 34 Fisherman I sell Fishing Rods all sorts of things and reels. for fishing. Hooks Fishing weights www.symbolworld.org/eLive August 07 pg 35 Fisherman I have These I are sell fish bait all clothes www.symbolworld.org/eLive to catch fish. good to keep bait. you warm August 07 and safe. pg 36 Fisherman These Do boots keep you wear feet warm. a uniform? No I don't. I wear what I like. I wear a suit for fishing! What is the best thing It is my hobby www.symbolworld.org/eLive and about your job? a job. August 07 pg 37 Fisherman What is the worst thing about My you family work alone help me How long have I have been Is fishing No, job? to fish. Not being able Do your you been or with others? when I am busy. a fisherman? a fisherman for 41 years. difficult? anyone www.symbolworld.org/eLive and everyone can fish. August 07 pg 38 Pineapple Cream Biscuits Ingredients 225 grams digestive biscuits 200 grams margarine 200 grams small tin small icing keep 2 for decorating sugar egg pineapple, crushed pot of double cream www.symbolworld.org/eLive August 07 pg 39 Pineapple Cream Biscuits Kitchen equipment chopping board scales knife colander bag pan rolling pin bowl www.symbolworld.org/eLive August 07 pg 40 Pineapple Instructions for Put the biscuits Put the bag making inside onto Cream the base. the bag the rolling pin and crush Get the pan put onto Melt 115 and grams of margarine the end. and the biscuits. a medium in Add the crushed biscuits Using the knife, press the crushed www.symbolworld.org/eLive close the chopping board. Get and Biscuits heat hob. the pan. stir. biscuits August 07 into the baking tray. pg 41 Pineapple Put in the fridge put Beat together with Spread over 85 grams of margarine the sugar and the biscuit base and For the topping, drain the pineapple Whip the cream and Decorate Cut with to make www.symbolworld.org/eLive Biscuits to cool. the filling, For Cream spread the remaining individual into a bowl. egg. put in and the fridge. spread over the mixture. on top. crushed digestive biscuits. biscuits. August 07 pg 42