March 2015 Runningboard Ramblings
March 2015 Runningboard Ramblings
March 2015 Number 3 Antique Auto Club of America Tulsa Region Runningboard Ramblings A message from Daniel King PRESIDENT’S NOTES Dear Fellow Club Members, CENTRAL SPRING MEET - JUNE 4-6 ( The Kansas City Region will be hosting the AACA Central Spring Meet from Thursday, June 4th through Saturday, June 6th. On Thursday there will be two tours. The first tour will be to the Armacost Museum, a private establishment of 44,000 square feet housing approximately 80 antique automobiles. It also features pedal cars, bicycles, art, gas pumps and gas-powered toys. There is also a Skelly Station and 1950s drive-in diner. The second tour is to Arrowhead Stadium, home of the Kansas City Chiefs. This will include a visit to a private suite on the club level, the Penthouse, press and broadcast booths, the locker rooms. and a walk on the field. On Friday there will be a guided tour to the Bingham Waggoner Estate which is on the National Register of Historic Homes, and Friday night the host hotel will be serving awardwinning barbecue from Joe’s Kansas City Bar-B-Que. The car show will be on Saturday with the awards banquet that evening at the host hotel, the Hilton Garden Inn. REGION TRIP TO BARTLESVILLE David Turner is working on a potential Region trip to Bartlesville on a Saturday yet to be determined. The route wwill be along slower roads from Tulsa to Bartlesville, with hopefully nothing over 50 mph. David has a friend with a barn full of brass era cars, and perhaps we will get permission to visit the collection. Lunch may be at Dink’s World Famous Pit Barbecue in their back meeting room. Additional activities might include a tour of the Phillips Petroleum Company Museum, the Tom Mix Museum in Dewey, and the Frank Phillips Mansion or the Price Tower complex. POSSIBLE GARAGE TOURS Joe Smith is working on garage tours and his tentative list is as follows: Saturday, March 7th - Tulsa Private Collector Saturday, May 9th - Bartlesville Saturday, June 13th - TBD Saturday, September 12th - TBD Saturday, November 7th – TBD Details for the March 7th event will be given at the March 1st general club meeting. continued on page 3, see PRESIDENT’S NOTES 2015 AACA TULSA REGION CALENDAR MONTH DATE ACTIVITY PLACE PERSON RESPONSIBLE MAR Richard Holmes 3/24 3/1 Board Meeting General Meeting Holmes’ home Joanna Cooper’s APR 4/7 Board Meeting TBD Dan King 4/12 General Meeting Joanna Cooper’s MAY 5/28 5/3 JUN Board Meeting General Meeting May 9 June 4th – 6th TBD Joanna Cooper’s KEY DATES TBD: Quarterly Garage Tour Teresa Wilkinson GARAGE TOUR - BRADY DISTRICT CENTRAL SPRING MEET, INDEPENDENCE, MO 6/9 Board Meeting TBD Jim Jones TBD: Krispy Kreme Fund Raiser June 13 GARAGE TOUR - TBD 6/14 General Meeting HAIKEY CREEK CAR SHOW JUL 7/30 7/5 Board Meeting General Meeting TBD Joe Smith Joanna Cooper’s AUG 8/28 8/2 Board Meeting Ice Cream Social TBD Joanna Cooper’s TBD: Quarterly Garage Tour Dan King August 30th – September 4th GLIDDEN TOUR SEP 9/8 9/13 Board Meeting Hamburger Cook-Out TBD Holmes’ Home Richard Holmes Richard Holmes OCT 10/29 Board Meeting TBD Joe Smith TBD: Party 10/4 General Meeting Joanna Cooper’s Fall/Halloween NOV 11/27 Board Meeting TBD Phil Judkins 11/11: Veterans 11/1 General Meeting Joanna Cooper’ss Day Parade DEC 12/1 Board Meeting TBD David Turner TBD: Christmas 12/6 General Meeting Joanna Cooper’s Party President: Dan King Vice President: Joe Smith Treasurer: Teresa Wilkinson Secretary: Jim Jones Board Members at Large: David Turner; Richard Holmes; Phil Judkins Page 2 MARCH Runningboard Ramblings Board Meetings 7:00 p.m. General Meetings 2:00 p.m. PRESIDENT’S NOTES continued from page 1 GLIDDEN TOUR AUGUST 30 - SEPTEMBER 4 The 70th Revival AAA Glidden Tour is being hosted by the Okie Region. The Glidden Tour is the oldest and largest automobile touring event in America. The 2015 tour will be a hub (single host hotel) and spoke (travel up to 65 miles out from the host hotel and back) tour. Between 200 and 250 pre-1943 automobiles are expected to participate (450 – 600 people). Please check the website often for updated info. If you register through the website, the tour committee will send newsletters periodically with updates. Our Hospitality Room volunteers are: Gene Griffith, Clyde & Debbie Harding, Richard & Lina Holmes, Jim Jones, Phil & Laura Judkins, Daniel & Jenny King, Chuck & Carolanne Mahan, Fred & Paula Narrin, Robert & Carol Parker, Joe & Joyce Smith, David & Betty Turner, and Russ & Becky Wolf. It appears we will have one worker from Chickasha and all others from the Tulsa Region. If your name is not shown here and you would like to help with the Hospitality Room, please let me or Joe Smith know. All workers are invited to a meeting in Oklahoma City on August 15th, so mark your calendar. Volunteers should think about when they would like to work - mornings and/or evenings - Sunday August 30th evening through Saturday September 5th morning. WINTER PROJECT RESULTS As a follow-up to last month’s newsletter, I can happily report that both of my winter projects have been successfully completed. The Edsel now has nice, round tires and wheels, and the ride is as smoothe as you please (thanks to: 3 Point Wheel in Broken Arrow and Robertson Tires). Also, the ’48 Dodge now has a rebuilt engine, and I have made a solemn vow never to run for long distances at highway speeds at the top of the temperature gauge and expose that engine to damage again. Two thumbs up to Midwestern Engine Rebuilders ( If any of you have a winter project story you’d like to share with the club members, or simply had a good experience with a supplier and mechanic, just let me know and we can follow up on Richard Holmes’ idea of giving them recognition to the rest of the club members. THE QUEEN’S MUSTANG Finally, as some of you may know, Jenny found the car of her dreams, and last September we bought her ’66 Mustang. Our mechanic says that the car is in very good shape, and that we bought a good one. We’ve shown it once (last September) when we’d just gotten it. Since then Page 3 MARCH Runningboard Ramblings Jenny has driven it as often as the weather allowed. Now if we can just get her to come to some of the club meetings and participate in our events for 2015! I look forward to seeing you all at the general club meeting on March 1st. We will talk about the events coming up that will make for a memorable year. We have several new members but we need even more. We also need to reach out to our community and get as much public awareness as possible. One of my goals is to see how we can improve communications through the use of the growing technology of social media. I regret to give you the news that Ted Beard, long-time AACA Tulsa Region Club member, passed away on Tuesday, February 17. His service was at 10 a.m. on Saturday, February 21, at the Shrine Temple in Tulsa. Our prayers are with his family at this time. Sincerely, Daniel King AACA Tulsa Region, 2015 President AACA TULSA REGION General Meeting Minutes February 1, 2015 The Feb. 1, 2015 Tulsa Region AACA general meeting was convened at 2:00 PM by President Dan King. There were two guests: Mike Lasser and Jim Niessen. 70th Revival AAA Glidden Tour August 30 - September 4, 2015 REGISTRATION We will send out registration packets on April 15. Your registration cannot be postmarked prior to May 1, 2015. We will only accept registration forms via US Mail. The first 200 spaces on the tour will be filled by the first 200 registrations (by postmark (in case of tie, furthest distance from Oklahoma City)). After the first 200 slots are filled, a waiting list will be established. The committee, at it's own discretion, may choose to accept additional applicants. TENTATIVE COST $275 per driver and $225 per passenger over 14. Our committee has done a great job of raising money from corporations to help lower the cost of this year's tour. This price will include all three banquets, 5 lunches, all tour stop fees, tour book and the color participants book. DISCOUNT We are offering a $50 discount to anyone participating in the tour with a 1915 or older model vehicle. ADVERTISING If you know anyone that would like to advertise in the participant book or the tour book, we are selling ad space in both. $500 full page ad $250 1/2 page ad $100 1/4 page ad $50 1/8 page ad HOST HOTEL The host hotel Wyndham Gardens Oklahoma City is taking reservations. Their number is (405)685-4000. Mention Glidden Tour to get the room fate of $89.00 plus tax. This rate includes a hot breakfast for two each morning. There are many other hotels within a quarter mile of the Wyndham (2101 S. Meridian Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73108). ANY QUESTIONS Please send them to [email protected] Page 4 MARCH Runningboard Ramblings The minutes from the December 7, 2015 general meeting were read by Jim Jones and approved as read. No treasury report was given due to absence of Teresa Wilkinson. Joe Smith reported that the treasury amount was over $7,000. Dan said there were Memorials of $75.00 for both Roger Baumann, and Charles Schaeffer, and that Anita Ward had also passed away. David Turner spoke about the Central Spring Meet in June and will help promote it. Joe Smith talked about the Glidden Tour, and that he was trying to get other car clubs involved. He is getting other garage tours set up for this year. Fred Narrin left word that he would follow up on the new car show. With no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:35 PM Ann Sherman had slides from her book on car collections of Oklahoma. Respectfully submitted Jim Jones, Secretary CORRECTION: Roger Baumann’s passing was inadvertently published in the RunningBoard Ramblings as January 11. Roger passed away on January 8. Marylynn, I apologize for the error. These dates are important. Our prayers are with you. Lina Holmes, Editor. 2015 AACA NATIONAL MEETS & TOURS March 6-8 Winter Meet Guaynabo, PR March 20 Annual Grand National Tucson, AZ March 18-21 Western Spring Meet Tucson, AZ April 9-12 SE Spring Meet Charlotte, NC April 30-May 2 Eastern Spring Meet VA Beach May 4-6 SE Division Tour Pigeon Forge, TN May 7-9 Special Spring Meet Auburn, IN June 4-6 Central Spring Meet Independence, MO July 16-18 SE Fall Meet Louisville, KY July 27-31 Vintage Tour Lancaster, PA August 24-28 Western Division Tour Santa Rosa, CA August 30-September 4 Revival AAA Glidden Tour® OK City, OK September 14-18 Founders Tour NE Ohio October 7-10 Eastern Fall Meet Hershey, PA November 5-7 Central Fall Meet Houma, LA From the Editor of RUNNINGBOARD RAMBLINGS Please send your articles or photos to: [email protected] ALL PHOTOS SHOULD BE ATTACHED SEPARATELY AS JPG FILES. PLEASE DO NOT INCLUDE YOUR PHOTOS WITHIN A WORD DOCUMENT. If you only have hard copies, I can scan them. BE SURE TO CHECK THE AACA NATIONAL WEB SITE FOR EVENTS BEING HELD ALL OVER THE COUNTRY WWW.AACA.ORG Page 5 MARCH Runningboard Ramblings BIRTHDAYS MARCH 5 17 24 31 Sandy Berenson Carolyn Plucknett Helen Bruce Jim Jones APRIL 15 19 21 27 Chuck Mahan Russ Wolf Kay Tan Sheri Blair ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO TODAY by Randy Beeson Naval events and marine disasters dominated the news during this month of February 1915. On March 2nd, a British fleet began bombardment of Turkish forts guarding the Dardanelles, in preparation for the landing of Australian troops at Gallipoli. The U.S. Navy commissioned its first minesweeper, the U.S.S. Baltimore on the 8th. In retaliation for Germany’s declaration of a blockade of Great Britain the previous month, the British announced a blockade of German ports on the 11th. However, given the size of her fleet and the geographic location of Germany’s ports, Britain’s blockade would be effective. Pursed by British ships, with her engines nearly worn out and her coal bunkers nearly empty, the only German naval unit to survive the Battle of the Falkland Islands, the light cruiser SMS Dresden, was scuttled off the coast of Chile by her crew on February 14th. On the 16th the British battle cruiser HMS Inflexible and cruiser HMS Irresistible struck mines in the Dardanelles campaign. Irresistible sank while Inflexible was beached and later towed to Malta for major repairs. Two days later, the French battleship Bouvet also struck a Turkish mine in the Dardanelles action and sank with the loss of 640 crewmen. On the 25th, the U.S. Navy’s submarine F-4 sank 1.5 miles off Honolulu, HI, resulting in the deaths of her 21-man crew. This was the first sinking of a U.S. submarine. In other news, the U.S. National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, predecessor of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was established on February 3rd, while the Federal Trade Commission was organized on the 16th. The March 25, 1915 issue of Motor Age carried an article on the 1908 Schebler V-12 automobile that had been built for George Schebler of early Page 6 MARCH Runningboard Ramblings carburetor fame. The engine, a valve-in-head unit with the cylinder banks cast at a 45o angle, was the most interesting feature of the vehicle. Schebler had designed the engine to run on either bank of six cylinders or on all 12 cylinders. The design was apparently successful as the car had 30,000 miles on the odometer at that point. And this was all accomplished without any computer controls! Page 7 MARCH Runningboard Ramblings AACA RUNNINGBOARD RAMBLINGS Runningboard Ramblings is published by the Tulsa Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA). The Tulsa Region is a non-profit organization chartered by AACA, Hershey, Pennsylvania. AACA Tulsa Region 2015 Officers President Daniel King 918 865 4399 Secretary Jim Jones 918 261 5993 Vice President Treasurer Tulsa Region dues are $20 annually. Members at Large To comply with legal and insurance requirements, membership in National AACA is mandatory. Joe Smith Teresa Wilkinson David Turner Richard Holmes Phil Judkins 918 346 9877 918 261 9062 918 333 7864 918 232 5821 918 493 6577 Opinions expressed in this newsletter may not reflect those of AACA or the Tulsa Region. Runningboard Ramblings shall receive proper credit for material printed in other publications. IMPORTANT DEADLINE INFORMATION: Deadline for submission for the following month’s publication is the 15th of the previous month. AACA Runningboard Ramblings President: Richard K. Holmes 7915 South Hudson Place Tulsa, OK 74136 Editor: Lina Holmes, [email protected] email: [email protected]
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runningboard ramblings
is published by the Tulsa Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America (AACA). The Tulsa Region is a non-profit organization chartered by AACA, Hershey, Pennsylvania.
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