- Salvatori
- Salvatori
For over 70 years at Salvatori we have pushed the boundaries of stone, constantly experimenting with different ways to use it. From our earlier textures such as Dune and perennial favourite Bamboo, through to relative newcomers Raw and Romboo, we have sought to take the hardworking and enduring properties of stone and refine them in surprising and elegant ways. We are now delighted to take that evolution one step further with our first ever catalogue devoted to the bathroom environment. We have developed our bathroom collection with two clear objectives in mind. Firstly, we have striven to eliminate as much as possible of the stress and work which often arise when it comes to installing stone features. Coordinating plumbers, builders and stone masons can be costly, time-consuming and energy-sapping, so our solution is a series of bathtubs, basins and showers which can be installed with a minimum of fuss. This practical aspect aside, we have also focused on aesthetics and the idea of achieving a “total look” encompassing walls, floors, tubs, basins and shower trays. The result is a bathroom which goes beyond being merely functional and instead becomes a beautiful space in its own right. I invite you to be as inspired by what can be achieved in stone as my family's company has been for over half a century. Gabriele Salvatori Tuscany Italy Salvatori è da oltre settant’anni un’ azienda leader del settore della lavorazione della pietra, costantemente impegnata nella sperimentazione di soluzioni innovative per l’impiego di questo straordinario materiale. Dalle prime texture, come Dune e l'intramontabile e richiestissimo Bamboo, alle proposte più recenti come Raw e Romboo, il marchio Salvatori ha saputo sfruttare sapientemente la sua inesauribile robustezza sviluppando processi di lavorazione sempre più sofisticati per la realizzazione di soluzioni inedite, esclusive ed eleganti. Oggi siamo lieti di proseguire in questo percorso di evoluzione presentando il primo catalogo dedicato all'ambiente bagno. Abbiamo sviluppato la nostra collezione bagno perseguendo due chiari obiettivi. Innanzitutto abbiamo cercato di eliminare il più possibile lo stress ed il lavoro che spesso l’installazione dei prodotti in pietra comporta. Coordinare idraulici, muratori e marmisti può rivelarsi molto oneroso in termini di tempo, denaro ed energie, di conseguenza abbiamo pensato a soluzioni inedite, proponendo linee di vasche da bagno, lavabi e docce che si contraddistinguono per la facilità di installazione. Oltre a questo aspetto pratico, abbiamo concentrato la nostra attenzione sul design nell'intento di ottenere un "total look" armonioso che comprendesse pareti, pavimenti, vasche da bagno, lavabi e piatti doccia, trasformando così l'ambiente bagno in uno spazio non solo funzionale, ma in un’esperienza da vivere in tutta la sua bellezza. Il mio augurio è che riusciate a lasciarvi ispirare dalla pietra e da ciò che è possibile realizzare con questo materiale, esattamente come la mia famiglia ed io facciamo da oltre cinquant'anni. Gabriele Salvatori Toscana Italia The quarries. Where it all starts. Our headquarters are dominated by the Apuan Alps, home to the imposing Carrara quarries with their gleaming white gashes. For centuries man has hewn the marble from them, treasuring the stone for its qualities of permanence and endurance. With such a backdrop to our daily lives, it is little wonder that stone is embedded in our DNA, shaping all that we do. Salvatori Stone innovation Le cave: dove tutto ha inizio. Un tesoro da custodire gelosamente, con i suoi enormi squarci bianchi e luminosi. Dalla sua dura anima l’uomo ha attinto nei secoli ispirazione per opere immortali. La nostra sede: incastonata ai piedi delle Alpi Apuane, dal loro imponente sfondo ne trae la forza e l’energia. Circondati da un tale scenario, non sorprende che la pietra sia parte integrante del DNA Salvatori, protagonista di tutte le nostre creazioni. Salvatori Innovazione nella pietra ONSEN COLLECTION designed by Rodolfo Dordoni BASIN Onsen in honed Pietra d’Avola with cabinet in lacquered wood BATHTUB Onsen in honed Pietra d’Avola SHOWER TRAY Filo in Pietra d’Avola Raw SHOWER WALL AND FLOOR Sandblasted Pietra d’Avola REAR WALL Honed Pietra d’Avola MIRROR Onsen FOLDING STOOL Onsen in stainless steel with canvas seat SIZES Basin with cabinet unit: l120 × w40 × h55cm 471⁄4 × 153⁄4 × 215⁄8" Also available in pedestal version: l120 × w40 × h85cm 471⁄4 × 15 × 331⁄2" TEXTURE Honed SIZE Bathtub l180 × w80 × h53.5cm 707⁄8 × 311⁄2 × 211⁄8" MATERIALS Crema d’Orcia Pietra d’Avola Silk Georgette White Carrara TEXTURE Honed 1800 [5'-107⁄8"] 1800 [5'-107⁄8"] 400 [1'-33⁄4"] 400 [1'-33⁄4"] 535 [1'-91⁄8"] 3D files available online MATERIALS Crema d’Orcia Pietra d’Avola Silk Georgette White Carrara 800 [2'-71⁄2"] Onsen 1200 [3'-111⁄4"] 150 [57⁄8"] 1200 [3'-111⁄4"] 200 [77⁄8"] 400 [1'-33⁄4"] 600 [1'-115⁄8"] 850 [2'-91⁄2"] 700 [2'-35⁄8"] 500 [1'-95⁄8"] 400 [1'-33⁄4"] 150 [57⁄8"] 1200 [3'-111⁄4"] SHOWER TRAYS Filo, in both flush and raised version Pietra d’Avola Raw FLOOR Honed Pietra d’Avola Filo Filo A practical and supremely simple-to-install shower tray, Filo provides theand finishing touch to a seamless Total Look bathroom. A practical supremely simple-to-install shower tray, Filo No carpenters, no stone cutters involved, it comes ready for a provides the finishing touch to a seamless Total Look bathroom. A practical supremely simple-to-install shower tray, Filo plumber to and install the minimum of fuss, thereby reducing No carpenters, no with stone cutters itTotal comes ready for a provides the finishing touch to a involved, seamless Look bathroom. time, cost and the stress of coordinating tradespeople. plumber to install with the minimum of fuss, thereby reducing No carpenters, noflush stone cutters involved, it comes ready for a Available in both and raised versions. time, cost and the stress of coordinating tradespeople. plumber to install with the minimum of fuss, thereby reducing Available both and versions. time, costin and theflush stress ofraised coordinating tradespeople. Available in both flush and raised versions. 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] FILO 4 | 100* 119.8 × 100cm FILO 4 | 100* 471⁄4 × 393⁄8" 119.8 × 100cm FILO 4 | 100* 471⁄4 × 393⁄8" 119.8 × 100cm 471⁄4 × 393⁄8" FILO 5 | 100* 149.6 × 100cm FILO 5 | 100* 587⁄8 × 393⁄8" 149.6 × 100cm FILO 5 | 100* 587⁄8 × 393⁄8" 149.6 × 100cm 587⁄8 × 393⁄8" 1496 [4'-11"] 1496 [4'-11"] 1496 [4'-11"] 1496 [4'-11"] 1496 [4'-11"] 1496 [4'-11"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] STEP 3 Lay the slats onto the tray. STEP 3 Lay the slats onto the tray. STEP 3 Lay the slats onto the tray. FILO 3 | 100 90 × 100cm FILO 3 | 100 351⁄2 × 393⁄8" 90 × 100cm FILO 3 | 100 351⁄2 × 393⁄8" 90 × 100cm 351⁄2 × 393⁄8" 69 [23⁄4"] 69 [23⁄4"] 69 [23⁄4"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 900 [2'-111⁄2"] 900 [2'-111⁄2"] 900 [2'-111⁄2"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] FILO 5 | 80 149.6 × 80cm FILO 5 | 80 587⁄8 × 311⁄2" 149.6 × 80cm FILO 5 | 80 587⁄8 × 311⁄2" 149.6 × 80cm 587⁄8 × 311⁄2" 1198 [3'-111⁄4"] 1198 [3'-111⁄4"] 1198 [3'-111⁄4"] FILO 4 | 80 119.8 × 80cm FILO 4 | 80 471⁄4 × 311⁄2" 119.8 × 80cm FILO 4 | 80 471⁄4 × 311⁄2" 119.8 × 80cm 471⁄4 × 311⁄2" 90 × 80cm FILO 3 | 80 351⁄2 × 311⁄2" 90 × 80cm FILO 3 | 80 351⁄2 × 311⁄2" 90 × 80cm 351⁄2 × 311⁄2" 69 [23⁄4"] 69 [23⁄4"] 69 [23⁄4"] Sketches Sketches areSketches forare illustrative forare illustrative for purposes illustrative purposes only purposes only only Sizes Sizes Sizes FILO 3 | 80 STEP 2 Connect the waste. STEP 2 Connect the waste. STEP 2 Connect the waste. 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 800 produce [2'-71⁄2"] an ADA-compliant shower tray 800for [2'-71⁄2"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] *ADA-compliant for transfer shower cubicles. We also roll-in units. Size: 76.2 × 152.4cm (30 × 60"). Consists of 5 slats with an enhanced thickness of 3cm (11⁄4"). *ADA-compliant for transfer shower cubicles. We also produce an ADA-compliant shower tray for roll-in units. Size: 76.2 × 152.4cm (30 × 60"). Consists of 5 slats with an enhanced thickness of 3cm (11⁄4"). *ADA-compliant for transfer shower cubicles. We also produce an ADA-compliant shower tray for roll-in units. Size: 76.2 × 152.4cm (30 × 60"). Consists of 5 slats with an enhanced thickness of 3cm (11⁄4"). 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 69 [23⁄4"] 69 [23⁄4"] 69 [23⁄4"] STEP 1 Position the stainless steel tray. STEP 1 Position the stainless steel tray. STEP 1 Position the stainless steel tray. usual way. Prepare your mortar bed in the usual way. Prepare your mortar bed in the usual way. 1198 [3'-111⁄4"] 1198 [3'-111⁄4"] 1198 [3'-111⁄4"] Easy Installation Easy Installation Prepare your mortar bed in the TEXTURES Bamboo TEXTURES Cotone Bamboo Raw TEXTURES Cotone Sandblasted Bamboo Raw Other Cotonetextures upon request Sandblasted Raw Other textures upon request Sandblasted Other textures upon request 69 [23⁄4"] 69 [23⁄4"] 69 [23⁄4"] Crema d’Orcia MATERIALS Gris du Marais Crema d’Orcia Lava MATERIALS Gris du Marais Pietra Cremad’Avola d’Orcia Lava Piombo Gris du Marais Pietra d’Avola Silk Georgette Lava Piombo Biancod’Avola Carrara Pietra Silk Georgette Other stones upon request Piombo Bianco Carrara Silk Georgette Other stones upon request Bianco Carrara Easy Installation Other stones upon request 69 [23⁄4"] 69 [23⁄4"] 69 [23⁄4"]900 [2'-111⁄2"] 900 [2'-111⁄2"] 900 [2'-111⁄2"] Flush Version Specifications Flush Version Specifications Flush Version Specifications MATERIALS 69 [23⁄4"] 69 [23⁄4"] 69 [23⁄4"] SHOWER TRAY FILO 4 | 100 in Pietra d'Avola REAR WALL Pietra d’Avola Raw LEFT WALL AND FLOOR Honed Pietra d’Avola TABLE Dritto designed by Piero Lissoni and Salvatori Complete Kit Complete Kit Complete Kit tray comes Every Filo shower complete with a self-cleaning Every Filo shower tray comes waste for instant attachment to complete with a self-cleaning existing systems stainless Every Filo showerand trayacomes waste for instant attachment to steel tray edged rubber to complete with a with self-cleaning existing systems and a stainless minimise and slippage. to waste for noise instant attachment steel tray edged with rubber to Includedsystems in the kitand are asilicone existing stainless minimise noise and slippage. sealant, and a to steel trayrubber edgedstrips with rubber Included in the kit are silicone customised lever forslippage. raising the minimise noise and sealant, rubber strips and a slats when thorough Included in particularly the kit are silicone customised lever for raising the cleaningrubber is required. sealant, stripsThe andflush a slats when particularly thorough version also contains height-the customised lever for raising cleaning is required. The flush adjustable slats when feet. particularly thorough version also contains heightcleaning is required. The flush adjustable feet. version also contains heightadjustable feet. Total Look Total Look Total Look Available in six different stones and three finishes, Filo can be combined Available in six different stones and with stone surfaces to create a three finishes, Filo can be combined seamlessin bathroom environment. Available six different stones and with stone surfaces to create a three finishes, Filo can be combined seamless bathroom environment. with stone surfaces to create a seamless bathroom environment. Raised Version Specifications Raised Version Specifications Raised Version MATERIALS Specifications SHOWER TRAY FILO 5 | 108 in sandblasted Piombo WALL Heavily sandblasted Piombo FLOOR Sandblasted Piombo Crema d’Orcia MATERIALS Gris du Marais Crema d’Orcia Lava MATERIALS Gris du Marais Pietra Cremad’Avola d’Orcia Lava Piombo Gris du Marais Pietra d’Avola Silk Georgette Lava Piombo Bianco Carrara Pietra d’Avola Silk Georgette Other stones upon request Piombo Bianco Carrara Silk Georgette Other stones upon request TEXTURES Bianco Carrara Bamboo Other stones upon request TEXTURES Cotone Bamboo Raw TEXTURES Cotone Sandblasted Bamboo Raw Other textures upon request Cotone Sandblasted Raw Other textures upon request Sandblasted Other textures upon request Easy Installation Easy Installation Easy Installation Prepare the ground in the Easy Maintenance Easy Maintenance Easy Maintenance For the stone slats we recommend a neutral cleaner diluted in water as per the care instructions included in the installation guide. The stainless For the stone slats we recommend a neutral cleaner diluted in water as steel tray requires only occasional cleaning using standard household per the care instructions included in the installation guide. The stainless products and slats is easily Simplyaremove central slat using the as For the stone we done. recommend neutralthe cleaner diluted in water steel tray requires only occasional cleaning using standard household customised provided, and clean in the normal way. per the care lever instructions included in the installation guide. The stainless products and is easily done. Simply remove the central slat using the steel tray requires only occasional cleaning using standard household customised lever provided, and clean in the normal way. products and is easily done. Simply remove the central slat using the customised lever provided, and clean in the normal way. STEP 1 Insert the waste provided in the STEP 1 Filo kit over the hole and connect Insert the waste provided in the to the existing pipe system. STEP 1 Filo kit over the hole and connect Insert the waste provided in the to the existing pipe system. Filo kit over the hole and connect to the existing pipe system. STEP 2 Place the steel tray over the waste. STEP 2 Place the steel tray over the waste. STEP 2 Place the steel tray over the waste. STEP 3 Lay the slats onto the tray. STEP 3 Lay the slats onto the tray. STEP 3 Lay the slats onto the tray. Sketches Sketches areSketches forare illustrative forare illustrative for purposes illustrative purposes only purposes only only normal manner, paving or Prepare the ground in the covering the floor. normal manner, paving or Prepare the ground in the covering the floor. normal manner, paving or covering the floor. 3D files available online 3D files available online 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1576 [5'-21⁄8"] 1576 [5'-21⁄8"] 1576 [5'-21⁄8"] 1278 [4'-23⁄8"] 1278 [4'-23⁄8"] 1278 [4'-23⁄8"] 980 [3'-25⁄8"] 980 [3'-25⁄8"] 980 [3'-25⁄8"] 1576 [5'-21⁄8"] 1576 [5'-21⁄8"] 1576 [5'-21⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] FILO 5 | 108 157.6 × 108cm FILO 5 | 108 621⁄8 × 421⁄2" 157.6 × 108cm FILO 5 | 108 621⁄8 × 421⁄2" 157.6 × 108cm 621⁄8 × 421⁄2" 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 80 [31⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] FILO 4 | 108 127.8 × 108cm FILO 4 | 108 503⁄8 × 421⁄2" 127.8 × 108cm FILO 4 | 108 503⁄8 × 421⁄2" 127.8 × 108cm 503⁄8 × 421⁄2" 80 [31⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 3D files available online 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] FILO 3 | 108 98 × 108cm FILO 3 | 108 385⁄8 × 421⁄2" 98 × 108cm FILO 3 | 108 385⁄8 × 421⁄2" 98 × 108cm 385⁄8 × 421⁄2" 80 [31⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"]980 [3'-25⁄8"] 980 [3'-25⁄8"] 980 [3'-25⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] FILO 5 | 88 157.6 × 88cm FILO 5 | 88 621⁄8 × 345⁄8" 157.6 × 88cm FILO 5 | 88 621⁄8 × 345⁄8" 157.6 × 88cm 621⁄8 × 345⁄8" 1278 [4'-23⁄8"] 1278 [4'-23⁄8"] 1278 [4'-23⁄8"] FILO 4 | 88 127.8 × 88cm FILO 4 | 88 503⁄8 × 345⁄8" 127.8 × 88cm FILO 4 | 88 503⁄8 × 345⁄8" 127.8 × 88cm 503⁄8 × 345⁄8" 98 × 88cm FILO 3 | 88 385⁄8 × 345⁄8" 98 × 88cm FILO 3 | 88 385⁄8 × 345⁄8" 98 × 88cm 385⁄8 × 345⁄8" 80 [31⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] Sizes Sizes Sizes FILO 3 | 88 SHOWER TRAY Filo flush version Sandblasted Lava FLOOR Sandblasted Lava SHOWER TRAYS Filo, in both flush and raised version Crema d’Orcia Raw FLOOR Honed Crema d’Orcia SHOWER TRAY Filo flush version White Carrara Bamboo FLOOR Honed White Carrara SHOWER TRAY Filo flush version Pietra d’Avola Bamboo FLOOR Honed Pietra d’Avola SHOWER TRAY Filo flush version Silk Georgette Bamboo FLOOR Honed Silk Georgette Filo Ishiburo Filo Flush Version Specifications The Designer Flush Version Specifications MATERIALS A practical and supremely simple-to-install shower tray, Filo provides the finishing touch to a seamless Total Look bathroom. Ishiburo represents the very No carpenters, no stone cutters involved, it comes ready for first complete product linea A practical supremely tray, Filo plumber to and install with the simple-to-install minimum fuss,shower thereby reducing everofcreated by renowned provides finishing touch to a seamless Total Look bathroom. time, costthe and the stress of coordinating tradespeople. architect and designer Kengo No carpenters, noflush stone cutters it comes ready for a Available in both and raisedinvolved, versions. Kuma. As an ardent lover of plumber to install with the minimum of fuss, thereby reducing stone, he specifically selected time, cost and the stress of coordinating tradespeople. Crema d’Orcia, exclusive to Available in both flush and raised versions. Salvatori, for its properties of light and warmth. The collection comprises bath, basin and shower tray with wall finish. TEXTURES Bamboo Cotone Raw TEXTURES Sandblasted Bamboo Other Cotonetextures upon request Raw Sandblasted Other textures upon request of his major works for their Easy Installation permanent collection. Prepare your mortar bed in the usual way. STEP 1 Position the stainless steel tray. STEP 2 Connect the waste. STEP 3 Lay the slats onto the tray. Prepare your mortar bed in the usual way. STEP 1 Position the stainless steel tray. STEP 2 Connect the waste. STEP 3 Lay the slats onto the tray. Bath Sizes SIZE FILO 4 | 80 119.8 × 80cm 471⁄4 × 311⁄2" FILO 4 | 80 119.8 × 80cm 471⁄4 × 311⁄2" FILO 5 | 100* 149.6 × 100cm 587⁄8 × 393⁄8" FILO 5 | 100* 149.6 × 100cm 587⁄8 × 393⁄8" 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1496 [4'-11"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1496 [4'-11"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 69 [23⁄4"] 1198 [3'-111⁄4"] 1198 [3'-111⁄4"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 800 produce [2'-71⁄2"] an ADA-compliant shower tray 800for [2'-71⁄2"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] *ADA-compliant for transfer shower cubicles. We also roll-in units. Size: 76.2 × 152.4cm (30 × 60"). Consists of 5 slats with an enhanced thickness of 3cm (11⁄4"). *ADA-compliant for transfer shower cubicles. We also produce an ADA-compliant shower tray for roll-in units. Size: 76.2 × 152.4cm (30 × 60"). Consists of 5 slats with an enhanced thickness of 3cm (11⁄4"). 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 69 [23⁄4"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 69 [23⁄4"] 1496 [4'-11"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 69 [23⁄4"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 550 [1'-95⁄8"] 69 [23⁄4"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 69 [23⁄4"]900 [2'-111⁄2"] 900 [2'-111⁄2"] 1496 [4'-11"] 2035 [6'-81⁄8"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] FILO 4 | 100* 119.8 × 100cm 471⁄4 × 393⁄8" FILO 4 | 100* 119.8 × 100cm 471⁄4 × 393⁄8" 69 [23⁄4"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 2035 [6'-81⁄8"] FILO 3 | 100 90 × 100cm 351⁄2 × 393⁄8" FILO 3 | 100 90 × 100cm 351⁄2 × 393⁄8" 69 [23⁄4"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 69 [23⁄4"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 900 [2'-111⁄2"] 900 [2'-111⁄2"] FEATURES A stone tub with a lightened structure containing an overflow and pop-up drain finished in matching stone. FILO 5 | 80 149.6 × 80cm 587⁄8 × 311⁄2" FILO 5 | 80 149.6 × 80cm 587⁄8 × 311⁄2" 1198 [3'-111⁄4"] 1198 [3'-111⁄4"] 801⁄8 × 393⁄8 × 215⁄8" 90 × 80cm 351⁄2 × 311⁄2" MATERIALS FILO 3 |d’Orcia 80 Crema 90 × 80cm Pietra d’Avola 351⁄2 × 311⁄2" Silk Georgette Bianco Carrara 69 [23⁄4"] Sizes l203.5 × w100 × h55cm FILO 3 | 80 69 [23⁄4"] Sketches areSketches for illustrative are for purposes illustrative only purposes only Crema d’Orcia Kengo Kuma is an award-winning Gris du Marais Japanese designer and architect Lava MATERIALS among whose major works are Pietra Cremad’Avola d’Orcia Kiro-san Observatory, Water/ Piombo Gris duMuseum Marais of Art in Tokyo Glass, Silk Georgette Lava and Bamboo Wall House in China. Biancod’Avola Carrara Pietra In 2009 he was made an Officier Other stones upon request Piombo de L'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres Silk Georgette in France and recently MOMA Bianco Carrara Easy Installation New York and Centre Pompidou Other stones upon request acquired models and drawings 69 [23⁄4"] BATHTUB Ishiburo by Kengo Kuma in Crema d’Orcia WALLS AND FLOOR Honed Crema d’Orcia Raised Version Specifications 822 [2'-83⁄8"] Total Look Available in six different stones and three finishes, Filo can be combined with stone surfaces to create a seamlessin bathroom environment. Available six different stones and three finishes, Filo can be combined with stone surfaces to create a seamless bathroom environment. Raised Version MATERIALS Specifications MATERIALS Crema d’Orcia Crema Gris dud’Orcia Marais Pietra d’Avola Lava MATERIALS Silk Georgette Pietra Cremad’Avola d’Orcia Bianco Carrara Piombo Gris du Marais Silk Georgette Lava Bianco Carrara Pietra d’Avola Other stones upon request Piombo Silk Georgette TEXTURES Bianco Carrara Bamboo Other stones upon request Cotone Raw TEXTURES Sandblasted Bamboo Other textures upon request Cotone Raw Sandblasted Other textures upon request Easy Installation Prepare the ground in the Easy Maintenance 483 [1'-7"] STEP 1 Insert the waste provided in the Filo kit over the hole and connect to the existing pipe system. STEP 1 Insert the waste provided in the Filo kit over the hole and connect to the existing pipe system. normal manner, paving or covering the floor. Prepare the ground in the normal manner, paving or covering the floor. Easy Maintenance For the stone slats we recommend a neutral cleaner diluted in water as per the care instructions included in the installation guide. The stainless steel tray requires only occasional cleaning using standard household products and slats is easily Simplyaremove central slat using the as For the stone we done. recommend neutralthe cleaner diluted in water customised provided, and clean in the normal way. per the care lever instructions included in the installation guide. The stainless steel tray requires only occasional cleaning using standard household 822 [2'-83⁄8"]slat using the products and is easily done. Simply remove the central customised lever provided, and clean in the normal way. 850 [2'-91⁄2"] Easy Installation FEATURES With one side of the basin tilted, the water washes away gently and discreetly, with no plughole or waste system visible. 850 [2'-91⁄2"] complete with a self-cleaning SIZE waste for instant attachment to l82.2 × w48.3 × h85cm existing systems stainless Every Filo showerand trayacomes 323⁄8 × 19 × 331⁄2" steel tray edged rubber to complete with a with self-cleaning minimise and slippage. to waste for noise instant attachment Includedsystems in the kitand are asilicone existing stainless sealant, and a to steel trayrubber edgedstrips with rubber customised lever forslippage. raising the minimise noise and slats when thorough Included in particularly the kit are silicone cleaningrubber is required. sealant, stripsThe andflush a version also contains height-the customised lever for raising adjustable slats when feet. particularly thorough cleaning is required. The flush version also contains heightadjustable feet. Total Look BASIN Ishiburo by Kengo Kuma in Crema d’Orcia SHOWER TRAY Ishiburo in Crema d’Orcia and reclaimed teak SHOWER WALL Ishiburo in Crema d’Orcia WALLS AND FLOOR Honed Crema d’Orcia STEP 3 Lay the slats onto the tray. STEP 2 Place the steel tray over the waste. STEP 3 Lay the slats onto the tray. Shower Wall SIZE l157.6 × w108 × h8cm 62 × 421⁄2 × 31⁄8" MATERIALS Crema d’Orcia Pietra d’Avola Silk Georgette Bianco Carrara FEATURES Recycled teak slats laid over a stainless steel tray and encased in a stone frame SIZE Available in preassembled panels measuring 30.5 × 61cm 121⁄8 × 24" Sketches areSketches for illustrative are for purposes illustrative only purposes only Shower Tray STEP 2 Place the steel tray over the waste. 483 [1'-7"] Complete Kit Basin Complete Kit tray comes Every Filo shower MATERIALS Crema d’Orcia Pietra d’Avola Silk Georgette Bianco Carrara Sizes FILO 3 | 88 FILO 4 | 88 127.8 × 88cm 503⁄8 × 345⁄8" FILO 4 | 88 127.8 × 88cm 503⁄8 × 345⁄8" 98 × 88cm 385⁄8 × 345⁄8" FILO 3 | 88 98 × 88cm 385⁄8 × 345⁄8" FILO 5 | 88 157.6 × 88cm 621⁄8 × 345⁄8" FILO 5 | 88 157.6 × 88cm 621⁄8 × 345⁄8" FILO 3 | 108 98 × 108cm 385⁄8 × 421⁄2" FILO 3 | 108 98 × 108cm 385⁄8 × 421⁄2" FILO 4 | 108 127.8 × 108cm 503⁄8 × 421⁄2" FILO 4 | 108 127.8 × 108cm 503⁄8 × 421⁄2" FILO 5 | 108 157.6 × 108cm 621⁄8 × 421⁄2" FILO 5 | 108 157.6 × 108cm 621⁄8 × 421⁄2" 308 [1'-1⁄8"] Sizes 3D files available online 3D files available online 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1576 [5'-21⁄8"] 1576 [5'-21⁄8"] 1278 [4'-23⁄8"] 1278 [4'-23⁄8"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 80 [31⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 80 [31⁄8"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 80 [31⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 80 [31⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"]980 [3'-25⁄8"] 980 [3'-25⁄8"] 1576 [5'-21⁄8"] 1576 [5'-21⁄8"] 1278 [4'-23⁄8"] 1278 [4'-23⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 3D files available online 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 980 [3'-25⁄8"] 980 [3'-25⁄8"] 61 [2'] Ishiburo Filo Stiletto Filo A practical and supremely simple-to-install shower tray, Filo provides the finishing touch to with a seamless Total Looklines, bathroom. A simple-to-install washbasin clean and simple No carpenters, no stone cutters involved, it comes ready for a Stiletto combines practicality and aesthetics, blending A practical and supremely simple-to-install shower tray, Filo plumber to install with the minimum of fuss, thereby reducing seamlessly with stonetouch walls and forTotal a Total Look provides the finishing to a flooring seamless Look bathroom. time, cost and the stress of coordinating tradespeople. bathroom. No carpenters, no stone cutters required, it comes No carpenters, noflush stone cutters involved, ready for a Available in both and raised versions.it comes complete with wall brackets for immediate installation. plumber to install with the minimum of fuss, thereby reducing Taps deckor wall-mounted according to preference. time, can costbe and the stress of coordinating tradespeople. Available in both flush and raised versions. Flush Version Specifications Flush Version Specifications MATERIALS Crema d’Orcia Gris du Marais Lava MATERIALS Pietra Cremad’Avola d’Orcia Piombo Gris du Marais Specifications Silk Georgette Lava Biancod’Avola Carrara Pietra Other stones upon request Piombo Silk Georgette MATERIALS Bianco Carrara Easy CremaInstallation d’Orcia Other stones upon request Gris du Marais Lava Easy Installation Pietra d’Avola Prepare your mortar bed in the Silk Georgette usual way. Bianco Carrara Other stones upon request Prepare your mortar bed in the usual way. TEXTURES Honed Brushed sandblasted (lava only) STEP 2 Connect the waste. STEP 3 Lay the slats onto the tray. STEP 1 Position the stainless steel tray. STEP 2 Connect the waste. STEP 3 Lay the slats onto the tray. STEP 1 Attach the two brackets supplied in the Stiletto kit to the wall. STEP 2 Place the basin onto the brackets. STEP 3 Connect the pipe. FILO 5 | 80 149.6 × 80cm 587⁄8 × 311⁄2" FILO 5 | 80 149.6 × 80cm 587⁄8 × 311⁄2" FILO 4 | 100* 119.8 × 100cm 471⁄4 × 393⁄8" FILO 4 | 100* 119.8 × 100cm 471⁄4 × 393⁄8" Sizes 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 69 [23⁄4"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 800 produce [2'-71⁄2"] an ADA-compliant shower tray 800for [2'-71⁄2"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] *ADA-compliant for transfer shower cubicles. We also roll-in units. Size: 76.2 × 152.4cm (30 × 60"). Consists of 5 slats with an enhanced thickness of 3cm (11⁄4"). *ADA-compliant for transfer shower cubicles. We also produce an ADA-compliant shower tray for roll-in units. Size: 76.2 × 152.4cm (30 × 60"). Consists of 5 slats with an enhanced thickness of 3cm (11⁄4"). 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 69 [23⁄4"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 69 [23⁄4"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1496 [4'-11"] 1198 [3'-111⁄4"] 1198 [3'-111⁄4"] 1496 [4'-11"] FILO 5 | 100* 149.6 × 100cm 587⁄8 × 393⁄8" FILO 5 | 100* 149.6 × 100cm 587⁄8 × 393⁄8" 69 [23⁄4"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 69 [23⁄4"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 69 [23⁄4"]900 [2'-111⁄2"] 900 [2'-111⁄2"] 1496 [4'-11"] 900 [2'-111⁄2"] 900 [2'-111⁄2"] 1496 [4'-11"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 69 [23⁄4"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] FILO 3 | 100 90 × 100cm 351⁄2 × 393⁄8" FILO 3 | 100 90 × 100cm 351⁄2 × 393⁄8" 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 69 [23⁄4"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 69 [23⁄4"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 69 [23⁄4"] 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 1198 [3'-111⁄4"] 1198 [3'-111⁄4"] FILO 4 | 80 119.8 × 80cm 471⁄4 × 311⁄2" FILO 4 | 80 119.8 × 80cm 471⁄4 × 311⁄2" 90 × 80cm 351⁄2 × 311⁄2" FILO 3 | 80 90 × 80cm 351⁄2 × 311⁄2" 69 [23⁄4"] Sizes FILO 3 | 80 Sketches are for illustrative purposes only STEP 1 Position the stainless steel tray. 69 [23⁄4"] Sketches areSketches for illustrative are for purposes illustrative only purposes only Easy Installation BASIN Stiletto 180 in honed Silk Georgette REAR WALL Silk Georgette Romboo RIGHT WALL AND FLOOR Honed Silk Georgette TEXTURES Bamboo Cotone Raw TEXTURES Sandblasted Bamboo Other Cotonetextures upon request Raw Sandblasted Other textures upon request Complete Kit Complete Kit Complete Kit tray comes Every Filo shower Raised Version Specifications Total Look Raised Version complete with a self-cleaning MATERIALS Specifications Every Stiletto basin comes complete with Available in five different stones and four BASIN Stiletto 180 in brushed sandblasted Lava WALL AND FLOOR Brushed sandblasted Lava Easy Maintenance STEP 2 Place the steel tray over the waste. STEP 700 3 [2'-35⁄8"] Lay the slats onto the tray. 350 [1'-113⁄4"] STEP 3 Lay the slats onto the tray. 1500 [4'-111⁄8"] 1500 [4'-111⁄8"] 300 [117⁄8"] 300 [117⁄8"] 300 [11 7⁄8"] 1200 [3'-111⁄4"] 350 [1'-113⁄4"] 500 [1"-7 3⁄4"] STILETTO 180 l180 × w50 × h30cm 707⁄8 × 193⁄4 × 117⁄8" 1000 [3'-33⁄8"] 1800 [5'-107⁄8"] Sizes 3D files available online 3D files available online 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1576 [5'-21⁄8"] 1576 [5'-21⁄8"] 1278 [4'-23⁄8"] 1278 [4'-23⁄8"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 80 [31⁄8"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 80 [31⁄8"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 80 [31⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] FILO 5 | 108 157.6 × 108cm 621⁄8 × 421⁄2" FILO 5 | 108 157.6 × 108cm 621⁄8 × 421⁄2" 80 [31⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] FILO 4 | 108 127.8 × 108cm 503⁄8 × 421⁄2" FILO 4 | 108 127.8 × 108cm 503⁄8 × 421⁄2" 80 [31⁄8"]980 [3'-25⁄8"] 980 [3'-25⁄8"] 1576 [5'-21⁄8"] 1576 [5'-21⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 980 [3'-25⁄8"] 980 [3'-25⁄8"] 1278 [4'-23⁄8"] 1278 [4'-23⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 1080 [3'-61⁄2"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] FILO 3 | 108 98 × 108cm 385⁄8 × 421⁄2" FILO 3 | 108 98 × 108cm 385⁄8 × 421⁄2" 80 [31⁄8"] 3D files available online 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] FILO 5 | 88 157.6 × 88cm 621⁄8 × 345⁄8" FILO 5 | 88 157.6 × 88cm 621⁄8 × 345⁄8" 80 [31⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] 80 [31⁄8"] 880 [2'-105⁄8"] FILO 4 | 88 127.8 × 88cm 503⁄8 × 345⁄8" FILO 4 | 88 127.8 × 88cm 503⁄8 × 345⁄8" 80 [31⁄8"] Sizes FILO 3 | 88 98 × 88cm 385⁄8 × 345⁄8" FILO 3 | 88 98 × 88cm 385⁄8 × 345⁄8" 300 [117⁄8"] 1800 [5'-107⁄8"] Sketches areSketches for illustrative are for purposes illustrative only purposes only 900 [2'-111⁄2"] STEP 2 Place the steel tray over the waste. 500 [1"-7 3⁄4"] STEP 1 Insert the waste provided in the Filo kit over the hole and connect to the existing pipe system. STEP 1 600 [1"-11 5⁄8"] Insert the waste provided in the 1200 [3'-111⁄4"] Filo kit over the hole and connect to the existing pipe system. 350 [1'-113⁄4"] 350 [1'-113⁄4"] normal manner, paving or covering the floor. Prepare the ground in the 500 [1"-7 3⁄4"] normal manner, paving or 900 [2'-11 1⁄2"] covering the floor. 500 [1"-7 3⁄4"] Easy Installation Prepare the ground in the 500 [1"-7 3⁄4"] We recommend a neutral cleaner diluted waste for instant attachment to Crema d’Orcia a stone-covered high-flow waste, two wall lengths, Stiletto can be combined with stone in water as per the care instructions included Gris du Marais existing systems stainless Every Filo showerand trayacomes brackets, high-performance Fischer screws, surfaces to create a seamless and harmonious in the installation guide. steel tray edged with rubber to Lava complete with a self-cleaning MATERIALS corresponding drill bit and spanner along with bathroom environment. minimise noise and slippage. Pietra d’Avola waste for instant attachment to Crema d’Orcia a template to aid alignment when drilling holes. Includedsystems in the kitand are asilicone Piombo Gris du Marais existing stainless sealant, and a to Silk Georgette steel trayrubber edgedstrips with rubber Lava customised lever forslippage. raising the Bianco Carrara minimise noise and Pietra d’Avola slats when thorough Other stones upon request Included in particularly the kit are silicone Piombo cleaningrubber is required. sealant, stripsThe andflush a Silk Georgette version also contains height-the TEXTURES customised lever for raising Bianco Carrara adjustable Bamboo slats when feet. particularly thorough Other stones upon request Cotone cleaning is required. The flush Raw version also contains heightTEXTURES Sandblasted adjustable feet. Bamboo Total Look Easy Maintenance Other textures upon request Cotone Raw Sandblasted Total Look Easy Maintenance Available in six different stones and For the stone slats we recommend a neutral cleaner diluted in water as Other textures upon request three finishes, Filo can be combined per the care instructions included in the installation guide. The stainless with stone surfaces to create a steel tray requires only occasional cleaning using standard household Sizes inbathroom seamless environment. products and slats is easily Simplyaremove central slat using the as Available six different stones and For the stone we done. recommend neutralthe cleaner diluted in water customised provided, and clean in the normal way. three finishes, Filo can be combined per the care lever instructions included in the installation guide. The stainless with stone surfaces to create a steel tray requires only occasional cleaning using standard household seamless bathroom environment. products and is easily done. Simply remove the central slat using the STILETTO 90 STILETTO 120 STILETTO 150 customised lever provided, and clean in the normal way. Easy Installation l90 × w50 × h30cm l120 × w50 × h30cm l150 × w50 × h30cm 351⁄2 × 193⁄4 × 117⁄8" 471⁄4 × 193⁄4 × 117⁄8" 591⁄18 × 193⁄4 × 117⁄8" Stiletto Small Basins Pozzo Ø46 × h20cm 181⁄8 × 77⁄8" MATERIALS Crema d’Orcia Light Travertine Pietra d’Avola Silk Georgette White Carrara Zuppiera Ø40 × h15cm 153⁄4 × 57⁄8" Bacinella Ø40 × h15cm 153⁄4 × 57⁄8" Uovo Ø41.4 × h26.5cm Ø16¼ × 10½” Ninfa SIZES l80 × w45 × h90cm 31½ × 17¾ × 35½” MATERIALS Crema d’Orcia Gris du Marais Pietra d’Avola White Carrara TEX TURE Honed FONTANE BIANCHE COLLECTION designed by Elisa Ossino BASIN Ninfa in honed Gris du Marais WALL Gris du Marais Lithoverde® FLOOR Honed Gris du Marais 720 20 150 800 400 450 800 150 400 720 450 FONTANE BIANCHE COLLECTION designed by Elisa Ossino BASIN Ninfa in Bianco Carrara SHELVES Ciane in honed Bianco Carrara Alfeo SIZES l45 × w45 × h20cm 17¾ × 17¾ × 7⅞” 450 450 50 200 FONTANE BIANCHE COLLECTION designed by Elisa Ossino BASIN Alfeo in honed Bianco Carrara WALL Cotone Tratti in Bianco Carrara 450 350 50 MATERIALS Crema d’Orcia Gris du Marais Pietra d’Avola White Carrara TEX TURE Honed SIZES l45 × w60 × h20cm 17¾ × 23 ⅝ × 7 ⅞” Also available in length 90cm (35½”) MATERIALS Crema d’Orcia Gris du Marais Pietra d’Avola White Carrara TEXTURE Honed The Ciane drawers can be combined with the Alfeo basin or installed separately. 200 450 600 200 Ciane Modular Drawer FONTANE BIANCHE COLLECTION designed by Elisa Ossino BASIN Alfeo in honed Crema d’Orcia DRAWERS Ciane in honed Crema d’Orcia REAR WALL Crema d’Orcia Bamboo SIDE WALLS AND FLOOR Honed Crema d’Orcia MIRROR Archimede BATH Oyster in Crema d’Orcia REAR WALL Crema d’Orcia Raw SIDE WALLS AND FLOOR Honed Crema d’Orcia Oyster SIZE l180 × w80 × h51.5cm 707⁄8 × 311⁄2 × 201⁄4" 800 [2'-71⁄2"] 3D files available online 1800 [5'-107⁄8"] 515 [1'-81⁄4"] 1800 [5'-107⁄8"] MATERIALS Crema d’Orcia Gris du Marais Pietra d’Avola Silk Georgette White Carrara TEXTURES Bamboo Honed Infinito Raw CASE STUDIES 1 Armani Hotel Milan 2 Miraval Living New York 3 Residence Moscow CLIENT Armani Hotel Milan 1 DESIGNER Armani Design Team PROJECT DESCRIPTION Sourcing “the perfect stone” for the bathrooms of the Armani Hotel in Milan. CHALLENGE Giorgio Armani had a very particular vision of how he wanted the bathrooms of his hotel to look: a stone that was not only timeless but at the same time contemporary and in line with his colour palette of elegant muted greys and beiges. SOLUTION 1. In our quest for the ideal stone, we ended up in a tiny village on the Burmese border, reachable only by means of a 12-hour drive from the nearest airport. 2. Here, in a quarry literally in the middle of nowhere, we discovered the stone we called Silk Georgette and with which Giorgio Armani fell in love, describing it as his perfect “greige”. In fact, so delighted was he to have finally found a stone which encapsulated his vision, that he decided not only to use it for the floors and walls, but also for the cabinets. (continued overleaf) 2 1 2 CLIENT Miraval Living, New York DESIGNER Bonetti & Kozerski Studio New York 3. This, however, posed another challenge. Using stone for cabinets in a private bathroom is one thing, but the potential heavy workload in a hotel meant that we had to consider the amount of stress each cabinet would be subjected to. Working with designers and joiners, we developed a system with modular pieces all shaved to a thickness of less than 10mm. We then attached the stone to a wooden structure. 3 RESULT 4. The cabinets looked as though they had been created from one single block of stone, yet were light enough to ensure the drawers would move smoothly and that the cabinet would stand up to the rigours of hotel life. And, because only Silk Georgette had been used for the floors, walls and the cabinets themselves, the overall effect was truly a “total Armani look”. 4 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Providing the stone for the bathroom walls and floors of over 800 apartments in a residential development in Manhattan’s Upper East Side. CHALLENGE The architects wanted a combination of Crema d’Orcia and Piombo, both potentially susceptible to the humid conditions a bathroom environment creates. How to eliminate the high likelihood of mould developing without damaging the stone? SOLUTION 1. We carried out a thorough analysis of the environmental conditions, the composition of the stone and its reactive properties. 2. We then developed a combination of treatments which, used together, eradicated the formation of mould and, importantly, could be replicated and applied on an industrial scale across 16,000 square metres of stone. (continued overleaf) 1 2 Now, having found a solution to treat the stone, there remained “only” the challenge of transporting huge amounts of it across 40 floors and 800 apartments with limited access due to the size of the existing elevators and structure itself. 3. We measured, we weighed, we examined and finally we developed packaging which had a two-fold benefit. Not only could the pieces be easily transported, but they were also complete kits which could be allocated on an apartment by apartment basis meaning less time and effort relocating pieces around the site. RESULT 800 apartments with bathrooms that not only looked great but were protected from the notorious local mould. 3 3 CLIENT Moscow Villa PROJECT DESCRIPTION We were initially asked to do the bathrooms for a villa in Moscow’s prestigious Rublevka area. 1. During the early consultation process, the design team showed us a very specific reference which the client had wanted to use as the basis of the design for the entire house but had been deemed too difficult. This reference was an ancient Persian carpet. We suggested a way to recreate this in stone and as a result, they commissioned us not only to do the bathrooms, but also the interiors of the entire villa. One of the elements was a vast staircase that was to be the centrepiece of the main hall and which had to blend with the key flower motif. 2. We carried out a “test run” and assembled both the staircase and entire floor in our workshop. 3. The final result was a villa with an imposing staircase and a central pattern that reflected the client’s vision which had all begun with inspiration from a Persian rug. 1 Satisfied that it worked perfectly, we numbered every piece and shipped everything, accompanied by an installation guide. We also sent one of our own team to oversee the local team during installation. 2 3 How To Look After Your Salvatori Bathroom Caring for shower trays, basins and baths made from stone generally requires no more effort than for those manufactured from porcelain or plastic. The key, as for other materials, is to clean regularly so that soap scum, lime scale and the like do not have the chance to build up and congeal as that is when it becomes difficult to remove completely. Stone floors and walls simply need to be wiped down using a neutral cleaner. One of the great properties of stone is that it stands up to hard wear and tear, so if you have grooved surfaces such as our Bamboo or Raw textures, you can use a scrubbing brush without fear of causing damage. For occasional more intensive cleaning such as the removal of hair from the plug hole, the slats of the Filo shower tray can be easily lifted using the customised lever provided. And to really ensure you keep your stone looking beautiful for years, we strongly recommend that you do not use cleaners containing abrasive cleansers, ammonia, bleach, acid or other strong solvents. Even those trusty “homemade remedies” made from lemon, vinegar, baking soda and the like should be avoided. Every bathtub, basin and shower tray that leaves Salvatori is treated with a protective sealer designed to repel water and oil-based stains. For any other questions you may have please feel free to email our Customer Care team at [email protected]. salvatori.it HEAD OFFICE Via Aurelia 395/E Querceta Tuscany ITALY [email protected] SHOWROOMS Via Solferino 11 Milan ITALY Hardturmstrasse 169 Zurich SWITZERLAND 26 Wigmore St London UNITED KINGDOM Level 1, 318 Liverpool Street Darlinghurst, Sydney AUSTRALIA