Remarkable Sales Brochure - The David L. Lawrence Convention
Remarkable Sales Brochure - The David L. Lawrence Convention
P I T T S B U R G H , P E N N S Y L V A N I A David L. Lawrence Convention Center 4365c6 5/17/05 12:44 Page 1 REMARKABLE 4365c6 5/17/05 12:44 Page 2 RI P I T T S B U R G H , P E N N S Y LVA N I A U S A ALL OH IO RI VE EG HE VE R NY R M O N O N G A H EL A RI V ER EXCEPTIONAL Startling architecture. Enviable urban waterfront location. Vibrant city. Welcome to Pittsburgh’s David L. Lawrence Convention Center. 4365c6 5/17/05 12:44 Page 3 It may be the most beautiful convention center in the world. The breathtaking curve of the roofline sweeps over the riverside, celebrating Pittsburgh’s extraordinary site at the confluence of three major rivers. Walls of windows, expansive terraces and balconies open to incredible river- and cityscapes. And inside, acres of column-free space are filled with brilliant sunlight. Architectural grandeur is matched by the Convention Center’s smooth operations, setting the highest standards for efficiency, technology, comfort, and service. All in the heart of downtown Pittsburgh. 3 4365c6 5/17/05 12:44 Page 4 W AT E R F E AT U R E REFRESHING Gorgeous views. Fresh air. Natural daylight. The best of the outside comes inside. 4365c6 5/17/05 12:44 Page 5 E A S T AT R I U M You feel the difference from the moment you enter. Fresh, outdoor air and natural sunlight were an integral part of the design requirements for the David L. Lawrence Convention Center. The first certified “green” (environmentally responsible) building of this magnitude in the world, the Convention Center demonstrates the advantages of bringing the outdoors in, using the available natural resources to the greatest extent possible.* How does this translate to you? Excellent indoor air quality, exciting views, and the sunny surroundings that energize and refresh the spirit. *The David L. Lawrence Convention Center received the Gold LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certification rating from the US Green Building Council in November, 2003. 5 4365c6 5/17/05 12:45 Page 6 Wide-open space. E 4365c6 5/17/05 12:45 Page 7 HALL A HALL A The huge column-free space (236,900 square feet) means limitless opportunities for exhibits and events. The dramatic ceiling soars far above, magnifying the sense of space, and immense windows and skylights flood the hall with brilliant natural light. The day-lit exhibit halls are unique, a design feature that positively affects both attendees and exhibitors. When darkness is desired, the refined darkening system blocks the light to allow for multi-media presentations. E X PA N S I V E . Effortless move in /out. Versatile lighting . The excitement of impressive space. 7 4365c6 5/17/05 12:45 Page 8 CONCOURSE C V E R S AT I L E Flexible space. Superior technology. Easy to navigate. The perfect environment for any meeting. 4365c6 5/17/05 12:45 Page 9 The Convention Center’s 51 meeting rooms and two 250-seat lecture halls, offer complete flexibility for your meeting or conference. All rooms are fully equipped with the latest technology—custom phone systems, CONCOURSE video conferencing, audio/visual/ MATV distribution, and high speed (DS3 45M) internet access. Every room offers individually controlled thermostats and lighting, allowing you to preset custom comfort levels. Add dynamic prefunction spaces and outdoor terraces, ideal locations for those important casual meetings with friends and colleagues. MEETING ROOMS 315–316 9 SOUTH TERRACE 4365c6 5/17/05 12:45 Page 10 Our beautiful ballroom* offers 31,000 square feet of fully flexible dining and event space. The 32-foot high ceiling features a unique lighting system with over 1,200 lights, and allows for your group’s special lighting and audio-visual rigging requirements. The Convention Center’s kitchen is well equipped for fine dining on a grand scale: the freshest ingredients arrive daily from Pittsburgh’s adjacent market district (“The Strip”), and are transformed by our exacting culinary experts into savory menus for your breaks, receptions and banquets. 10 *Spirit of Pittsburgh Ballroom presented by 4365c6 5/17/05 12:45 Page 11 SPIRIT OF PITTSBURGH BALLROOM PRESENTED BY DOLLAR BANK IMPRESSIVE Formal affairs. Casual gatherings. Educational presentations. A magnificent room to host it all. 4365c6 5/17/05 12:46 Page 12 4365c6 5/17/05 12:46 Page 13 13 4365c6 5/17/05 12:46 Page 14 R E S PONS IVE Experienced. Dependable. Proactive. The right people to bring it all together. 4365c6 5/17/05 12:46 Page 15 Our employees are experts: specially trained, responsive to any situation, proud to take personal responsibility and dedicated to a job well done. With 37 easily accessible loading docks, move in/outs are quick and efficient. Security is firm and helpful. In-house technicians are attentive and readily-available to support the details of your event. And Pittsburgh is renowned for friendly, personalized service. 15 4365c6 5/17/05 12:46 Page 16 STU NN I NG Fabulous form. Outstanding function. Breathtaking skyline. Mixed together to make one dynamic experience. 4365c6 5/17/05 12:47 Page 17 Step outside onto the fourth floor terrace. The spectacular expanse of the Allegheny River and Pittsburgh’s rolling hills spread before you. Crew teams provide a sleek counterpoint to the heavy towboats and barges which work the rivers. Just across the bridge on the North Shore, cheers rise from PNC Park, home to Pirate baseball, and Heinz Field, home to Steeler and Panther football. Pittsburgh’s Cultural District surrounds you, with theaters, cinemas, and galleries providing an eclectic, ever-changing mix of music, drama, and art. 4TH FLOOR TERRACE 17 4365c6 5/17/05 12:47 NORTH TERRACE Page 18 4365c6 5/17/05 12:47 Page 19 19 4365c6 5/17/05 12:47 Page 20 1 Sk yw to alk e W n sti L 10th and 11th Streets MEETING ROOMS ■ LECTURE HALLS ■ HALLS ■ P U B L I C S PA C E ■ O F F I C E S / I N F O R M AT I O N COUNTERS 1ST FLOOR PA R K I N G G A R A G E E N T R A N C E ■ OUTDOOR TERRACES ■ RESTROOMS ■ SERVICE AREAS ■ WAT E R F E AT U R E B BUS DROPOFF o ■ a North and south bound on 10th Street d in BUS DROP-OFF AREAS g A E L E VAT O R S re Divides 10th Street a WAT E R F E AT U R E ENTRANCE POINTS A Main Entrance ll WEST LOBBY ● a Main Entrance Administration Office H EAST LOBBY HALLS D, E 76,500 sf, 20' ceiling height HALL E 38,250 sf with 3 ft. columns on 60' centers rse ll ou C nc a 2 H Co 2 C O N C E S S I O N S TA N D S rse 2 I N F O R M AT I O N C O U N T E R S 4 1 1 th S tr e e t RESTROOMS ou 8 covered docks with 2 drive-in ramps (24'w) and 4 levelors O H D O O R F R O M H A L L T O P R E F U N C T I O N A R E A 9'w x 10'h O H D O O R S F R O M D O C K I N T O H A L L 24'w x 16'h B SHOW OFFICES nc ll LOADING DOCKS Co a 38,150 sf with 3 ft. columns on 60' centers H HALL D P 2 e n a n P A rk v n g e in 2ND FLOOR u n e E tr a 60,000 sf overlooking the Allegheny River n CONCOURSE c e P HALLS A, B, C a rk in t g 109,000 sf column-free with natural daylight HALL B 82,450 sf column-free with natural daylight HALL C 45,100 sf column-free with natural daylight 1 0 th S tr e e 236,900 sf column-free with natural daylight HALL A t e e in S d A a y W E I G H T L O A D C A PA B I L I T Y ll rd tL o RIGGING SYSTEM bb r va We s oo ule y Fl Bo a 2n H ll 20 Ra m p to E All eg Every 30' with 5,000 lb. lateral load H A N G I N G C A PA C I T Y W I T H I N 3 0 ' X 6 0 ' A R E A CEILING HEIGHT OFFICES 19'7"– 125' 3 C O N C E S S I O N S TA N D S he ny Riv RESTROOMS er 350 lbs. per sf D ne a es H qu 24 covered docks with 3 drive-in ramps (24' w) and 14 levelors R A M P F R O M F T. D U Q U E S N E B LV D . 24'w x 300'l, 6.6% grade L O A D I N G D O C K A R E A W I D T H 125' O H D O O R S F R O M D O C K I N T O H A L L 24'w x 16'h O H D O O R S F R O M H A L L T O C O N C O U R S E (2) 9' x 10' d bb Du re Lo rt g st Fo tr n a Ea o tio LOADING DOCKS L tra B th nis 0 mi B 1 Ad 4 7 C I R C U L A R G L A S S E L E VAT O R 20,000 lbs. 5/17/05 12:47 Page 21 4 1 5 4 1 4 4 1 3 4 1 2 4 1 1 4 1 0 4 0 9 4 0 8 4 0 7 4 0 6 4 0 5 4 0 4 4 0 3 4 0 2 4 0 1 4365c6 3 No rth 3RD FLOOR MEETING ROOMS Te rr ac e 38 e n SPIRIT OF PITTSBURGH BALLROOM K it c h Presented by Dollar Bank 31,610 sf KITCHEN 12,000 sf plus bakery P Sp Ba ittsb irit o llr ur f oo gh m NORESCO RIVERSIDE TERRACE SOUTH TERRACE 7 RESTROOMS C I R C U L A R G L A S S E L E VAT O R 4 3 0 5 3 0 4 3 0 3 3 0 2 3 0 1 4 0 3 3 0 7 3 0 6 4TH FLOOR MEETING ROOMS ut 1 3 3 h Te r 13 2 5 0 - S E AT L E C T U R E H A L L S ra ce NORTH TERRACE 2 3 40,000 sf 5 RESTROOMS 1 6 3 2 1 7 3 4 3 1 8 C I R C U L A R G L A S S E L E VAT O R 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 3 2 0 3 1 9 2 2 9 2 8 2 7 2 6 2 5 4 2 3 2 3 e 3 ac 2 Te rr 3 ide 3 ers 3 Riv 3 co 2 2 0 3 re s 3 No 3 3 3 5 3 3 2 6 1 7 1 3 8 1 9 3 3 0 3 4 3 3 1 1 3 1 0 8 So 1 4365c6 5/17/05 12:47 Page 22 D AV I D L . L A W R E N C E C O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R S PA C E S P E C I F I C AT I O N S OVERVIEW HALLS (5) GRAND OPENING INDIVIDUAL S Q . F T. DIMENSIONS BOOTHS T H E AT E R A 109,000 357' x 358' 625 9,900 BANQUET 7,200 19'7"– 125' B 82,450 317' x 299' 416 7,400 5,500 19'7"– 125' C 45,100 288' x 178' 234 4,000 3,000 19'7"– 125' D 38,150 223' x 180' 208 3,000 2,500 21' E 38,250 223' x 181' 218 3,000 2,550 21' S Q . F T. September, 2003 C E I L I N G H T. Sports & Exhibition Authority of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County OWNER MANAGEMENT C E I L I N G H T. SMG Rafael Viñoly Architects P.C. DIMENSIONS BOOTHS T H E AT E R BANQUET A, B, C 236,900 357' x 830' 1,691 21,300 15,700 19'7"– 125' LAND SIZE A, B 191,500 357' x 658' 1,041 17,300 12,700 19'7"– 125 BUILDING SIZE B, C 127,600 317' x 478' 650 11,400 8,500 19'7"– 125' PUBLIC ART PROGRAM D, E 76,500 223' x 361' 416 6,000 5,050 21' U . S . G R E E N B U I L D I N G R AT I N G 7.9 acres 1.5 million sf $2 million Gold T O TA L A M O U N T O F E X H I B I T S PA C E C O L U M N - F R E E E X H I B I T S PA C E SPIRIT OF PITTSBURGH BALLROOM LOADING DOCKS PRESENTED BY DOLLAR BANK SECTIONS S Q . F T. DIMENSIONS T H E AT E R A, B, C 31,610 145' x 218' 3,000 2,100 2,500 A, B /C 15,660 145' x 108' 1,500 1,000 1,250 32' 7,776 73' x 108' 750 500 630 32' B, C SCHOOL BANQUET 313,400 sf 236,900 sf 37 NUMBER OF MEETING ROOMS 32' T O TA L M E E T I N G R O O M S PA C E 53 including (2) 20 amp GFI duplex receptacles; (3) breakers; (1) 30 amp 120/208 3ph/4p/5w receptacle and (1) breaker; (1) 100 amp 120/208 3ph/4p/5w receptacle; (4) RJ-45 jacks (CAT 6) for telephone and internet connections; (2) MTRJ multi-mode fiber connections; (1) video and (1) cable TV connection; (1) jack for microphone / audio visual UTILITIES WAT E R S U P P LY 3/4" PLUMBING DRAIN A I R S U P P LY 3/4" male quick coupler 4" drain male quick coupler Available from overhead bus ducts DS3 (45M) internet access; fiber optic backbone network; multi-mode fiber and CAT6 (copper) cabling; custom built data networks; complete phone systems; video /audio / MATV distribution; video conferencing; wireless internet to all public spaces H I G H - T E C H S P E C I F I C AT I O N S 77,952 sf SPIRIT OF PITTSBURGH BALLROOM PA R K I N G S PA C E S Serviced through columns every 60' on center HALLS D, E H I G H V O LTA G E P O W E R two 250-seat lecture halls C E I L I N G H T. Serviced with utility floor boxes every 30' on center HALLS A, B, C Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Along the south shore of the Allegheny River adjacent to the Cultural District and Strip District. L O C AT I O N ARCHITECT COMBINED UTILITY BOXES 31,610 sf 700 with 8'1" clearance MEETING ROOMS (53) INDIVIDUAL S Q . F T. 37 1,537 DIMENSIONS 29' x 53' T H E AT E R 170 SCHOOL 72 BANQUET 80 C E I L I N G H T. 12'– 14' ROOM NUMBERS 301– 305, 315 – 321, 323 – 330, 333 – 336, 401– 405, 408 – 415 4 1,050 30' x 35' 100 50 60 14' 306 – 307, 310 – 311 2 1,525 22 ' x 55' 150 70 80 14' 308, 309 3 754 26' x 29' 65 30 40 12'– 14' 312, 331, 338 4 364 26' x 14' 30 15 20 12'– 14' 313, 314, 332, 337 1 475 19' x 25' 47 21 40 14 322 2 4,820 56' x 86' 250 COMBINED 18 (2*) S Q . F T. 3,127 DIMENSIONS 59' x 53' T H E AT E R 340 SCHOOL 144 BANQUET 160 18' 406, 407 (Lecture Halls) C E I L I N G H T. ROOM NUMBERS 14' 301 – 302, 302 – 303, 303 – 304, 304 – 305, 306 – 307, 310 – 311, 315 – 316, 317– 318, 319 – 320, 320 – 321, 401– 402, 403 – 404, 404 – 405, 408 – 409, 409 – 410, 411– 412, 413 – 414, 414 – 415 6 (3*) 4,664 88' x 53' 510 216 240 14' 301– 303, 303 – 305, 319– 321, 403 – 405, The Sports and 408 – 410, 413 – 415 Exhibition Authority 2 (4*) 6,201 117' x 53' 680 288 320 14' 301– 304, 302 – 305 appreciates the 1 (5*) 7,738 146' x 53' 850 360 400 14' 301 – 305 generous support * Number of rooms required of significant community partners 22 4365c6 5/17/05 12:48 Page 23 A remarkable building. A magnificent setting. Call the sales department to make your next event unforgettable: 800 222 5200 DESIGN LANDESBERG DESIGN PHOTOGRAPHY DENNIS MARSICO; BRAD FEINKNOPF JACK WOLF (cover, page 8) PRINTING MOORE WALLACE HOECHSTETTER E A S T AT R I U M PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER (pages 9, 12 – 13, 23, 24) ; 4365c6 5/17/05 12:48 Page 24 DAV I D L . L AW R E N C E C O N V E N T I O N C E N T E R 1000 Ft. Duquesne Boulevard Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Ph 412 565 6000 Fx 412 565 6008 Toll free 800 222 5200 NORESCO RIVERSIDE TERRACE