Legally Blonde Costume Ideas.pages


Legally Blonde Costume Ideas.pages
Elle Woods: Scene 1!
Warner: Scene 1!
Delta Nu’s: Scene 1!
Waiter Extras - White shirt, black coat!
Dinner Date Extras: Nice coat and tie, Nice !
dress for fancy dinner!
Elle Woods: Scene 2 - 3 - We need magazines!
and test books, note pad!
Under Bathrobe when you appear at
Harvard - pants, jeans are !
fine! !
Spring Fling Extreme Boys: tank top and shorts (hat, sunglasses)! !
We need beach balls, boogie boards, !
and each boy needs a beach towel !
Girls will stay in Delta Nu Shirts and !Jeans!
Scene 4: !
Elle Can stay in this
Students: Arron, Sundeep, Emmet, Enid - and all student extras: try to find something along
these lines… All students need to make a laptop - (I will give you instructions on how to do this)
Elle you need a pink note pad for the first classroom scene, and a pink laptop after.!
Paulette: something like these will be fine. !
Harvard Professors: suit and tie any color!
Callahan: Pinstripe shoot!
! !
Elle: Bunny Costume, a sleeveless grey hoodie, with bunny ears, and grey matching pants.
White gloves and a tail. Cozad may need to make this for you. !
VIVIAN and Whitney look for something like !
this: Sweater Vest and black skirt. !
Dewey: Baggy faded pants and suspender or Overalls - White t-shirt with dirt stains!
Salon Extras: !
aprons and
Extras crossing in scen e!
Extras in the So Much Better Scene need a zip down, white hoodie!
bib capes!
Elle Court Case Dresses:
Black and pink!
Brooke Windham and whipped into shape extras: Orange jumpsuits!