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Social & Environmental Report IKEA Austria 2010 Editorial Dear Reader, T hree years have passed since IKEA Austria entered into cooperation with the WWF: as a founding member and the first partner of the WWF CLIMATE GROUP. Today, this platform of companies will soon comprise seven large companies covering all aspects of life and reaching practically everyone in Austria. We have committed ourselves to achieving strict targets under this initiative. In this report, we take a look at the first three years. Three years ago, IKEA Austria set itself the goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 15 percent. We have actually succeeded in achieving a reduction of almost 80 percent - from 9,695 tonnes to 1,968 tonnes. That's roughly equivalent to the CO2 emissions of 750 average medium-sized cars driving once around the world. We have also succeeded in switching over entirely to renewable forms of energy for our electricity. And we've also taken a few steps forwards in the area of heating. Overall, the proportion of renewable energy has more than doubled from 35 to 76 percent. We've also launched a whole raft of initiatives in the area of transport: The conversion of our company fleet to vehicles with low CO2 emissions is ongoing. We've invested more than one million Euros to improve the accessibility of our locations by public transport, and we are creating incentives for employees and customers to travel to us on public transport as well. And we've just signed a new contract with the WWF. Because our way clearly points towards a more sustainable way of life. Giny Boer, Country Manager IKEA Austria 3 Imprint PublisherIKEA Austria, Südring, 2334 Vösendorf, www.IKEA. at Editor in Chief Barbara Riedl/PR IKEA AustriaArt Director Gedruckt nach der Richtlinie „Schadstoffarme Druckerzeugnisse“ des Österreichischen Umweltzeichens. gugler cross media, Melk; UWZ 609; www.gugler.at Gerald Fröhlich/CPG Project Coordination Beate Krapfen- Editorial 3 Track record of three years' partnership within the WWF CLIMATE GROUP 6 Energy consumption: 76 percent renewables 12 Electricity: exclusively oekostrom ® 14 Heating: Geothermal energy, pellets and biomass 16 Water, a valuable resource 18 One million Euros for public transport 20 Pool bicycles support eco-friendly mobility 24 Rental transporters for customers 26 IKEA runs on low emissions 28 Investments in the environment 30 Motivating people to join in 32 Training creates awareness 34 Prizes and awards for good work 36 Eco-friendly energy from food leftovers 38 Separating waste, protecting resources 40 Local environment initiatives of the locations 42 Neighbourhood projects of the furniture stores 46 IKEA Graz 48 IKEA Haid 50 IKEA Innsbruck 52 IKEA Klagenfurt 54 IKEA Salzburg 56 IKEA Vösendorf 58 IKEA Vienna North 60 IKEA Austria 62 Wels central warehouse 64 bauer/CPG Production PG The Corporate Publishing Group (CPG), OttoBauer-Gasse 6, 1060 Vienna, www.cpg.at Photos All data refer to financial year 2010 (as at 31 August 2010). All IKEA otherwise) contributions, illustrations, designs, plans and the layout are Cover Alex Bramwell-Fotolia Print Printed climate neutrally at protected by copyright. With the exception of instances permit- Gugler GmbH, 3390 Melk/Donau Paper The IKEA Environment ted by law, all other utilisation, including reproduction, is only and Social Report was printed on CYCLUS OFFSET, made enti- permitted with the written consent of the publisher. (unless rely from waste paper. 4 indicated IKEA supports rattan project of WWF Austria 66 5 WWF Climate Group Comment Interim balance sheet of the most successful private climate protection initiative in Austria 2007. As a founding member and the first partner of the WWF CLIMATE GROUP, IKEA Austria has set itself ambitious climate protection targets: to reduce the company's CO2 emissions by 15% within three years, to expand the CO2 emissions down by 7,500 tonnes in just three years proportion of renewable energy to 80% and to convert the business fleet to more environmentally friendly vehicles, to name just a few. Today, IKEA has far exceeded these tar- A n Public transport links have improved con- partner of the WWF CLIMATE GROUP siderably in the past three years: Exten- in Austria, IKEA Austria is the first mem- ded operating times of local buses to mate-friendly mobility, the latest building ber whose three-year contract with WWF IKEA, new bus routes and environmen- standards or green energy supplies. In Austria is due to expire at the end of this tally friendly rental transporters powered financial year. Time then to take stock. by natural gas - IKEA has provided the implementation of its climate protection measures - whether in the area of cli- addition, IKEA and the other partners of the WWF CLIMATE GROUP also make an important contribution to raising public option and invested more than one milli- awareness of climate protection through The facts: on Euro. Now it's time for customers to their extensive range of communication n IKEA has massively reduced its CO2 emis- take it up. Overall, the proportion of cus- sions in the past three years and achieved tomers arriving by public transport has far more than the original target of a 15% not risen quite as much as hoped. It rose channels and campaigns. For example, through the Environment and Social Report, free travel on public transport or organic menus in the IKEA Restaurant. from 6 to 10%. From the very beginning, IKEA has been from 9,695 tonnes in the period 2005–07 n New buildings and refurbishments in ac- to 1,948 tonnes in 2010. The difference cordance with modern environmental (7,500 tonnes of CO2) is equivalent to the standards: IKEA Klagenfurt heats and substantially in the development of ideas emissions produced by a car driving 748.6 cools with geothermal energy, IKEA Salz- and the implementation of common times around the equator!* burg has converted the district heating to a driving force behind the WWF CLIMATE GROUP and as such has participated fleet from diesel vehicles to environmen- the process of having a pellet heating sys- CLIMATE GROUP and carried out by mar- tally friendly vehicles, although the plan- tem installed. ket research company Karmasin Motiv- opening hours, more sales and custo- * Distance around the equator: 40,075 km. According to Larry Lohmann ("Carbon Trading"; Publ.: Durban Group for Climate Justice), one tonne of CO2 is equivalent to driving 4,000 kilometres in a car that consumes eight litres of petrol every 100 km. Accordingly, 7,500 tonnes is equivalent to 30,000,000 km. being least interested in climate protection. The WWF CLIMATE GROUP has set itself the target of facilitating climate-friendly trade using solutions from the business sector. Since it got under way with IKEA in 2007, the platform has acquired four other members. The Allianz Group Austria and the international technology group Fronius joined at the beginning of 2008, drinks manufacturer Pfanner the following January, with the newly merged A1 Telekom Austria AG strengthening the WWF CLIMATE GROUP since July 2009. For the future, we are looking forward to working with existing and any new members on solutions for climate protection and motivating even more people in Austria to take climate-conscientious action. which was commissioned by the WWF © Fotolia, WWF (2) reached. active climate protectors, with young men climate friendliness study in Austria, biomass and the warehouse in Wels is in n Energy consumption: Despite extended one in three Austrians consider themselves projects. The most recent example is the n IKEA is gradually converting its business ned 100% mark has not yet been 6 gets and set impressive standards in the s a founding member and the first reduction. Average CO2 emissions fell A driving force from the beginning: more at www.climategroup.at forschung. According to this study, only DI Dr. Hildegard Aichberger, CEO of WWF Austria 7 WWF Climate Group Raising awareness of environmental issues. Agreement between IKEA and the WWF CLIMATE GROUP 2005–07* 2010 9,695 1,968 CO2 emissions (in tonnes) Proportion of renewable energy (in %) Energy consumption per m3 in kWh** 35 Comment Successful climate protection 76 through good cooperation! 77.23 69.41 Proportion of customers arriving on public transport (in %) 6 10 IKEA has more than halved its CO2 Number of environmentally friendly company cars (in %) 0 56 emissions in just three years. IKEA Austria is therefore already doing far better than the EU climate protection guideline of a mers, energy consumption did not rise exorbitantly. This is thanks to a variety of needs entirely with green electricity from measures. so-called new renewable types of energy. reduction of 20% by 2020 . IKEA sets standards IKEA is therefore one step closer to its long- As the first partner of the WWF CLIMATE term goal of becoming completely indepen- port). GROUP, IKEA has lived up to its pioneering dent from fossil fuels. Apart from this, nu- role and concluded the biggest oekostrom® merous smaller and larger measures have Sensitisation on a broad front deal in the history of Austria: Since 1 Janu- contributed to reaching the targets of the The first concrete success stories of the people ary 2009, IKEA has been the first large three-year agreement (more on this on the WWF CLIMATE GROUP can be proved with in the company – thanks to clever company in Austria to meet its electricity relevant pages of this environmental re- hard facts. The measures taken enabled An impressive achievement, which tion amongst a large number of staff and parameter management. IKEA uses these measurable results of the company's internal climate protection effort to unambiguously refute the opinion expressed by some people that companies only pursue climate The members of the WWF CLIMATE GROUP protection for marketing reasons. are not only ambitious about their own en- Facility managers, cleaning teams ding of the WWF CLIMATE GROUP in vironmental goals. They also want to use and a motivated CEO have all Austria. The platform brings together their presence to bring the topic of climate companies operating in Austria, which protection to the general public. This is be- The positive tailwind for the corpo- cause the five current members of the WWF rate goal of sustainability blowing is based on CLIMATE GROUP in Austria reach around from the company's headquarters all members committing to reduce their six million people. They also cover all are- CO2 emissions by at least 15 percent as of day-to-day life: food, security, inno- protection into a measurable suc- vation, communication and living. They cess. go hand in hand. That has been amply demonstrated three years after the foun- subscribe to the concept of climate protection and turn their words into deeds. It within three years. In order to reach this goal, specific measures are determined together with the WWF. also want to use their own initiatives to rai- The partners of the WWF CLIMATE se awareness of the fact that everyone can GROUP have issued a joint declaration in contribute something to climate protection: which they make a clear commitment to more at www.climategroup.at *The calculation is based on the average for 2005 to 2007. **Energy consumption per cubic metre of goods sold for IKEA Austria, excluding the warehouse in Wels. whether through activities such as those in © oekostrom® energy efficiency and sustainability. Read 8 energy saving and climate protec- 30,000 tonnes of CO2 in 2009 alone. That's roads. Environmental awareness and business has distributed responsibility for the companies involved to save around equivalent to taking 19,000 cars off our The WWF CLIMATE GROUP was only possible because IKEA which IKEA employees handed out a total pulled together in this regard. in Sweden did the rest by turning IKEA's commitment to climate Congratulations! Markus Niedermair, climate expert of the WWF until summer 2010 of 520,000 energy-saving bulbs to passers9 WWF Climate Group by across Austria, or through communica- market. tion in their own media, business outlets or n Telekom Austria has been supplying its customer clubs - the IKEA FAMILY alone has company headquarters with green elec- around 950,000 active members. tricity since 2008, equipped its technical customer service with natural gas-powered cars, which produce 20 to 30 percent The partners fewer CO2 emissions and virtually no par- Besides IKEA, the following companies are ticulates, and opted for electronic work- currently partners in the WWF CLIMATE flows. GROUP: the Allianz Group, Fronius, Pfan- In focus Climate-friendly Austrians? n Within the Allianz Group, the vision of the paperless office in the customer service area has become a reality. For each new Comment the WWF CLIMATE GROUP and policy issued for life, accident or illness IKEA Austria and the WWF – much more to an energy-saving bulb cam- carried out by the market research insurance, the company sponsors 100 m² real partners in climate protection! paign than "just" company Karmasin Motivfor- of forest in the Amazon. Allianz is also ac- "When I look back over the past three the bulb and so much more is taking place years of our successful and intensive behind the biggest eco-electricity deal in tive in matters of resource conservation. cooperation with IKEA Austria as a foun- the history of Austria than "just" The survey may indeed show that The temperature in Allianz buildings is re- ding member of the WWF CLIMATE the conversion to green electricity. one third of the population see gulated as required by centralised control themselves as committed climate technology. 72% less gas consumption Austria's first climate-friendliness study, which was commissioned by schung in 2010, shows that a lot remains to be done. protectors. However, it is noticeable that the rural population is and almost 30% less electricity consump- significantly more climate-aware tion in just three years have considerab- than city dwellers. Older people ly improved the CO2 balance of the head- are more climate-friendly, while quarters on Hietzinger Kai and secured young men were shown to be real climate grouches. the "Green Building Award". GROUP, I am especially proud of one thing: IKEA Austria and the WWF have A furniture store in Klagenfurt, built to the become real partners in environmental latest environmental and energy stan- protection and sustainability. dards, also requires more than "just" the approval of the building plan and the offer Partners with an eye on a common goal of rental transporters powered by natural - namely to make an important contribu- gas does not "just" mean converting to a tion to climate protection through more more ecological form of transportation. energy efficiency and by handling our resources responsibly. Partners who All of these activities mark milestones on mutually inspire each other and put the way to climate protection and make words into deeds with innovative ideas one thing clear above everything else: and forward-looking thinking. They bear the signature of a company that Austria can be found at its location in I am proud to be able to say that the ACTS, that impressively shows that ecolo- rating waste, using public trans- Sattledt, with a module area of 3,600 WWF, as an environmental protection gy and economy can be combined, that port, etc. But they often get hung square metres. One of the largest re- organisation, has been and will continue climate protection is possible and no longer up: on costs, on the availability of search and development centres in the to be able to learn much from IKEA Aus- means having to do without, but actually tria. an increase in n Fronius achieves impressive results with According to the study, Austrians photovoltaics and even uses them itself: appear quite prepared to do more: one of the largest facilities of its kind in such as saving electricity, changing to alternative energies, sepa- options (such as for public transport in rural areas) or on feasibili- country, which will be completed by Fro- ty. And often, according to the nius in 2010, will also be a "zero emissi- study, because they don't think ons" (CO2) operation. about it. This is where the partners of the WWF CLIMATE GROUP want the quality of life!" This is because IKEA is not only a trendsetter, lifestyle symbol and first mover in n With "100% apple from Austria", Pfanner aimed to get involved. Together, they right at the heart of its ambitions for regionality and the consideration offer environmentally friendly of seasonality in order to save on CO solutions for practically every area sources sustainably. This is the first cli- of day-to-day life - from food to mate-friendly apple juice on the domestic living. 10 ner and Telekom Austria. 2 and to handle re- the field of furnishing, but also when it comes to doing its own homework in the area of climate protection and creating climate-friendly solutions for its employees and customers. There is actually Kathrin Hebel MSc, WWF Austria, Key Account of the WWF CLIMATE GROUP until 2010 11 Energy 76% renewable energy Total energy consumption (in kWh) Basis FY 05-07 FY 08 FY 09 ever Vösendorf 5,320,713 5,236,100 5,020,700 5,284,900 oekostrom® contract in Austrian histo- Vienna North 5,119,167 5,137,300 5,336,200 5,723,500 I t started with the biggest ry. IKEA Austria has since succeeded in Comment Keyword oekostrom® serving resources. Acting climate- 3,650,200 3,423,500 3,540,700 3,993,100 4,068,700 4,268,900 Graz 5,153,633 5,252,200 5,448,100 5,784,000 Haid 3,900,450 5,407,800 4,409,900 4,323,500 just three years. Klagenfurt 3,809,400 4,167,200 Wels 5,713,600 5,260,600 5,042,000 4,943,700 AUSTRIA TOTAL 33,351,230 33,937,300 36,557,500 38,036,400 27,637,630 28,676,700 27,707,100 28,837,000 FC FY 10* intensively on reducing its absolute energy neutrally: Climate protection no longer means having to do wi- ded in doing on a comparative basis - des- thout, but rather an increase in the pite longer opening hours, higher sales and part of responsible corporate go- 3,746,900 4,396,767 of energy from 27 (2007) to 76 percent in consumption - which it has almost succee- quality of life, a cost-saving and is Innsbruck Salzburg raising the proportion of renewable types At the same time, the company is working Protecting the environment. Con- FC FY 10* Austria excl. Wels and Klagenfurt Total energy consumption (in kWh/cbm) FY 08 FY 09 Vösendorf 56.38 48.35 48.17 46.36 Vienna North 76.71 63.45 65.67 65.90 Basis more customers. vernance. When companies like FY 05-07 Innsbruck 97.55 83.63 79.09 76.40 Salzburg 95.88 74.64 78.45 77.19 IKEA decide on oekostrom , they It is only because of the long winter that are not only demonstrating total average consumption for the years 2005 to Graz 74.26 63.38 76.05 80.93 Haid - 95.67 76.88 70.14 2007 was not reached this year on a com- Klagenfurt 101.81 101.29 ting the generation of electricity parable basis (excluding the warehouse in AUSTRIA TOTAL * 70.50 69.41 from domestic, renewable sources Wels and the newly added furniture store of energy. This type of electricity is in Klagenfurt). Measured in kilowatt hours ® commitment to the sea change on energy, but also actively promo- 77.23 67.35 Proportion of renewable energy in total energy consumption Basis FY 05-07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10* per cubic metre, total energy consumption Vösendorf 31 % 54 % 77 % 78 % biomass - no compromises. Its compared to the previous years was redu- Vienna North 23 % 59 % 76 % 72 % supply provides absolute certainty ced – from 70.50 to around 69.41 kWh/m . Innsbruck 33 % 50 % 70 % 70 % of the avoidance of any nuclear, With one exception, all locations are parti- Salzburg 59 % 72 % 94 % 100 % Graz 39 % 62 % 80 % 81 % Haid 26 % 48 % 71 % 75 % Klagenfurt 100 % 92 % from the sun, wind, water and natural gas or coal-fired power stations, which are continuing to heat the climate. By using Austria's cleanest electricity, IKEA is therefore taking the most effective step towards climate protection, considerably reducing its CO2 3 cipating in these savings. Enormous reduction in CO2 The savings in CO2 are notable. Overall, emissions and already using wind, biomass nes since 2007. Most of this is due to the and solar energy today on a trend- conversion to oekostrom®. setting scale. If this had not taken place, CO2 emissions would actually have risen to an extrapola- Ing. Mag. Horst Ebner, CEO of oekostrom® Vertriebs GmbH ted 18,598 tonnes. Wels 14 % 29 % 45 % 40 % AUSTRIA TOTAL 31% 53% 76% 76% CO2 emissions in tonnes the CO2 emitted by IKEA's buildings has been reduced from 11,416 to 1,948 ton- © thomaskirschner.com, oekostrom® 100 percent made up of energy FY 05-07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10* Vösendorf 1,767 907 246 250 Vienna North 1,874 810 262 323 Innsbruck 1,071 608 219 222 Salzburg 1,030 541 66 21 Graz 1,551 788 231 228 Haid 703 905 269 234 Klagenfurt - 19 83 Wels 1,699 1,072 571 607 AUSTRIA TOTAL 9,695 5,632 1,883 1,948 * All figures for financial year 2010 (as at 31 August 2010) were calculated in this report as at 24 August 2010. The calculation is based on the average for the years 2005 to 2007. 12 13 Light 100% green electricity aus der E N E H C I L D N UNE te 36 # lampen Wie viele Glüh die um , an m t ch brau n? er nd rä Welt zu ve bis zu pen verbrauchen Energiesparlam he m als herkömmlic 80% weniger Stro eine viel sie en erdem hab Auß . pen hlam Glü ist das nicht dauer. Für uns längere Lebens den 20 Jahren verwen r übe seit n neu, den rn. Wenn Einrichtungshäuse wir sie in IKEA e zum sind, bring sie bitt sie ausgebrannt Leuchtmittel zurück. (Diese Recycling zu uns daher n öre geh und ilber enthalten Quecks smüll!) nicht in den Hau s B.V. 2009 © Inter IKEA System 14 are electricity – and this has come entirely light colour remain unaffected. The little from renewable sources of energy in the boxes are installed, for example, in the past two years. A good portion of the total electricity requirement goes into lighting. So it's no wonder IKEA is now using communication materials such as these to talk about environmentally relevant issues in its furniture stores. The aim is to raise awareness of environmental topics amongst the broader general public. then that measures for incre- lamp departments of the furniture stores. Electricity is saved by reducing the voltage. Taking Graz as an example, this asing energy efficiency enjoy amounts to about 17,800 top priority. kWh. This saves as much LEDs for the parking structures Golf would emit if it drove 8.9 times around the This year, for example, IKEA Vö- equator*. CO2 as a conventional VW sendorf and Haid have swapped parking structures for LEDs. More frugal spot lights Looking at Haid, the effect is IKEA has invested around clear: of €917,000 in the past three 65 W, the new luminaires con- years replacing the 50 W the fluorescent tubes in their einsetzst, rlampe, die du Jede Energiespa – und das Stromrechnung reduziert deine Emissionen atisch weniger om aut et eut bed mversorger. für deinen Stro Emissionen viel niedriger die Stell dir vor, wie Glühlampe Menschen eine wären, wenn alle alle. Das ist Oder drei. Oder auswechselten. e! doch mal eine Ide the energy requirement. 27,587,800 out of 38,036,400 kilowatt hours (kWh) Lis VERBESSERUNG lectricity makes up the lion's share of Beiträge zu zu tun! Unsere eren Leben Es gibt noch viel und nachhaltig keit tbewussteren .at/Nachhaltig KEA einem umwel w.I ww er findest du unt Instead sume just 24 W. This reduces spots annual electricity consumption stores with 20 W bulbs. from 90,997 to 33,599 kWh. This Cost conversion: thanks to a new technolo- €92,000. Additional benefits in- gy that prevents the loss of the in was the only furniture possible clude the much longer lifespan of light heat and bright- and lower maintenance costs. ness. Proportion of renewable energy in Voltage reduced All IKEA furniture stores in total electricity consumption (in %) With the exception of Wels and Austria reduced their elec- Klagenfurt (both to follow soon), tricity consumption compa- Electricity consumption (in kWh/cbm) Basis Basis FY 05-07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 FY 05-07 FY 08 FY 09 FC FY 10 Vösendorf 40 74 100 100 Vösendorf 43.51 35.38 37.31 36.32 Vienna North 29 76 100 100 a simple energy management red to the previous year. Vienna North 55.86 47.04 48.46 45.75 Innsbruck 48 76 100 100 system has already been ins- Only Vienna North did not Innsbruck 67.05 54.73 55.21 53.85 Salzburg 55 77 100 100 Salzburg 76.94 59.84 63.23 62.09 Graz 47 77 100 100 talled everywhere else, which quite achieve this, while Vö- Graz 59.57 49.52 59.17 64.38 Haid 52 77 100 100 helps to massively reduce elec- sendorf consumed the least Haid 72.59 60.20 electricity of 36.32 kWh per cubic metre of sold goods. 54.78 52.44 Klagenfurt 100 100 tricity consumption in full ope- Klagenfurt 101.75 93.52 Wels 30 65 100 100 ration. The number of lumi- AUSTRIA TOTAL58.5848.70 53.96 AUSTRIA TOTAL 43 75 100 100 naires and the quality of the 55.21 * Calculation according to utopia.de, an internet platform for strategic and sustainable consumption. Accordingly, one kWh generates as much CO2 as a VW Golf driving 20 kilometres. 15 Heating Alternative forms of heating help to reduce CO2 emissions. produced by Salzburg-based chipboard manufacturer Kaindl, which is located on the other side of the motorway within sight of the furniture store. Annual consumption is around 835.000 kWh, which is equivalent to the average requirement of around 95 Geothermal energy, pellets and biomass T pioneering project for buildings of this size. households. After all, the furniture store has an area of Pellets for the warehouse 27,000 square metres. he conversion to oekostrom® was the ting alone were around €1.7 million in the first step towards "IKEA goes renewa- past three years - including a geothermal Biomass heats Salzburg Preparatory work for the construction of a pellet-fired heating system for the central ble" – the strategy of the IKEA Group plant, pellet heating, insulation of the roof IKEA Salzburg was the first existing furni- warehouse in Wels commenced in financi- which aims to dispense with fossil fuels domes, door seals and new revolving door ture store to use 100 percent renewable al year 2010. Around 3,200 megawatt entirely in the medium to long term. New systems for improved heating perfor- energy. The entire building is supplied with hours of energy are used there each year buildings such as the furniture store in mance. "eco-heat" by energy supplier Salzburg AG. for heating purposes. From December The district heating comes on the one hand 2010, the new system will provide around from the biomass heating plants of Salzburg 90 percent of the heating output of the AG and on the other from the waste heat 75,000 m2 warehouse. Costs alone for this Klagenfurt are already taking this into warehouse in Wels prove that a few things Geothermal energy as an alternative can still be achieved, even with existing The furniture store in Klagenfurt is built on b consideration. IKEA Salzburg and the project will amount to around €700,000. . more than 550 piles. Within them, 27,000 The energy consumed for heating rose metres of piping channel the warmth from FY 08 FY 09 slightly in financial year 2010, due to the the earth to the two geothermal heat pumps Vösendorf 12.86 12.97 10.86 10.04 extremely long winter. in the basement of the building. As a back- Innsbruck 30.50 28.90 23.88 22.56 In total, 6,681,100 kWh of gas and up for particularly long and cold winters, Haid 26.47 35.46 22.10 17.70 3,767,500 kWh of district heating were Klagenfurt has a gas boiler system. This had consumed. The solar system on the to be temporarily switched on in winter warehouse in Wels generated 96,000 kWh 2009/2010 to provide support. The geo- of energy. Investments in the area of hea- thermal plant in Klagenfurt is considered a u i l d i n g s Gas consumption (in kWh/cbm) Klagenfurt AUSTRIA TOTAL* Electricity FY 05-07 22,416,680 FY 08 22,930,000 FY 09 0.09 7.77 22.40 14.18 13.68 FY 10 FY 08 FY 09 Vienna North 20.85 16.41 17.21 20.15 Salzburg 18.94 14.80 15.22 15.10 Graz 14.68 13.87 16.88 16.55 AUSTRIA TOTAL* 18.02 18.36 19.25 19.99 Basis FY 05-07 FC FY 10 26,841,000 27,587,800 6,355,033 7,737,800 6,319,700 6,681,100 CO2 emissions District heating 3,279,367 3,269,500 3,396,800 3,767,500 79,733 90,600 87,300 96,000 © Fotolia Gas other (e.g. solar energy) 17.89 FC FY 10 District heating consumption (in kWh/cbm) Proportion of total energy in Austria Basis FY 05-07 CO2 emissions in tonnes (total for Austria) avg. 2005–07 9,695 2008 2009 2010 5,632 1,883 1,968 * IKEA Austria, excl. warehouse in Wels 16 17 Water n The use of waterless urinals in Vösendorf, Graz, Salzburg, Haid and Innsbruck is delivering an enormous reduction in water consumption. n Rainwater tanks: In Klagenfurt and Vienna North, rainwater is also used - in Vienna North for the toilets, in Klagenfurt for supplying water to the external facilities and toilets. IKEA mixer taps have a flow regulator. Water consumption can be reduced by up to 30% through the addition of air. Waterless Water – a valuable resource One of the many steps to success concerns the toilets: Several IKEA locations no longer need water for the men's toi- the drain trap and blocks rising odours. ■ The barrier liquid has to be changed after 5,000 to 7,000 uses. lets, colloquially called "pissoirs". New sanitary facilities such as the "Uri- IKEA has since installed the waterless dan" system from N-E-T New Environ- urinals in Vösendorf, Graz, Salzburg, Haid mental Technologies function waterlessly and Innsbruck. Around three million litres both of which underwent an extensive ex- and odour-free without the need for of water were saved this way in 2008 constantly falling rate of water consumpti- pansion programme in the past financial chemicals, using the same rapeseed oil alone. on. year. If the new furniture store in Klagen- I n the past few years, IKEA has put great Water consumption has only risen at the effort into using drinking water as effici- furniture stores in Vösendorf and Graz, ently as possible. This is evident in the that is so essential to water treatment plants as a so-called barrier liquid. furt is ignored, water consumption for IKEA How the system works: 55,512 to 51,653 m3. ■ A patented drain trap is located in the FY 09 Vösendorf 13,856 12,695 Vienna North 10,287 8,313 6,246 Innsbruck 5,444 4,828 4,763 ved while sales grew (as did the number of Salzburg 6,666 6,630 6,492 customers and visitors) due to a raft of Graz 8,497 8,474 9,442* measures: Haid 7,932 7,303 7,095 – 7,348 4,606 2,830 2,489 2,370 Klagenfurt Wels * Conversion and expansion FY 10 across Austria fell over three years from FY 08 15,245* The drop in water consumption was achie- n The retrofitting of contactless fittings in the sanitary areas delivers considerable savings in water consumption. © Fotolia, N-E-T New Environmental Technologies Consumption of drinking water (m3)) 18 ■ The barrier liquid floats to the top in base of the urinal and the drain. ■ This contains the biodegradable barrier liquid, which has a lower specific gravity than urine. The latter therefore passes directly through the barrier liquid into the drains. 19 Arrival by public transport/bus Bus stops, display boards and entire bus lines: IKEA invests a lot of money in public transport. One million Euros for public transport I KEA has invested a good million Euros over the past three years to make it easy for people to reach all of its stores in n Electronic display board of departure times in the exit area Overview of public transport links Line GRAZ n Coverage of 50% of the costs for employees' annual tickets Austria by public transport. The investments were in the creation of bus Innsbruck: lines and bus stops, the extension of ope- n Installation of a digital timetable display rating hours due to the longer evening opening times or in the electronic display boards of departure times in the furniture in the exit area n Extension of the operating times for bus HAID INNSBRUCK line C stores. On top of this the costs for the em- n Partnership with Innsbrucker Verkehrs- ployees' annual tickets, pool bicycles, ren- betrieben on the Topticket, which offers tal transporters and various activities for employees cost savings of 40 percent and raising awareness about public transport. other benefits From To Frequency Costs Saturday Tram line 5, Jakominichange to bus platz line 64 IKEA 7.17 am 9.00 pm 10 min. Hourly ticket €1.90 from 7.15 am, every 15 min. Bus line 50, continue with tram line 5, then bus line 64 IKEA 8.15 am 9.00 pm hourly see above from 7.15 am, every 15 min. Line 1 Linz central IKEA (Haid) station 8.00 am 7.00 pm 5 times daily until 6.00 pm, 5 times daily Linz central IKEA (Haid) station 8.10 am 1.10 pm 3 times daily no connection Bus line T VÖLS (Cyta DEZ (IKEA) shopping centre) 6.01 am 11.00 pm 30 min. Bus line C Peterbrünnl DEZ (IKEA) 7.30 am 9.00 pm 15 min., 30 min. Single ticket €1.80 from 8.00 pm bus Traun Siebenhirten straight to IKEA (in coope- to Haid Centre + new express bus link ration with SCS): IKEA covered 30% of from the project costs. Linz link central from station to Haid n Installation of a bus stop between the IKEA furniture store in Haid and Haid Centre n A canopy over most of the path to the bus IKEA 5.10 am 9.47 pm 20 min. Single ticket €1.80 SALZBURG Bus line 1 Main railway IKEA station 5.39 am 9.08 pm from 7.00 am every 10 min. Single ticket €1.60 (advance 6.19 am – 6.03 pm, every sales), €1.90 (ticket machine), 10 min. from 9.00 am. €2.10 on board Bus line 20 Car park on Europapark Akademiestraße 6.13 am 8.53 pm 15 min. see above 6.33 am – 7.13 pm, every 15 min. S13 Central station Taxham Europapark 8.12 am 9.00 pm 30 min. see above same SCS Bus U6 Siebenhirten IKEA 8.15 am 8.15 pm 30 min. free until 6.15 pm IKEA bus Vienna State Opera IKEA 8.30 am 7.00 pm 90 min. outbound free, return trip €1.45, ticket in furniture store last departure at 4.00 pm, same frequency Badner Bahn Vienna State Opera SCS Vösendorf 5.40 am 9.00 pm 15 min. and 7–8 depending on zone min. from 5.55 am, every 15 min. Baden Josefsplatz SCS Vösendorf 5.00 am 9.00 pm 15 min. and 7–8 depending on zone min. from 5.00 am, every 15 min. ÖBB line 207 Siebenhirten IKEA 5.33 am 9.00 pm 30 min. depending on zone U1/bus line 24a Kagran Zwerchäckerweg 7.30 am on school days, 7.19 am during holidays 9.00 pm Lunchtime 5–6 min., otherwise 10 min. Single ticket €1.80 from 7.15 am, every 20 min., 11.00 am – 4.00 pm, every 15 min. KaiserJosef-Platz IKEA 5.45 am 7.57 pm hourly €1.60 until 4.57 pm, otherwise the same VÖSENDORF IKEA and UCI n Operation of a company bus line (IKEA Bus) from the State Opera to IKEA and VIENNA NORTH stop for maximum convenience, whatever the weather 20 7.18 am – 9.36 pm, every 30 min. Heiligengeistplatz, bay 5 n Installation of a new bus stop between back same KLAGENFURT Bus line 50 n New, direct free bus link from the U6 at local Single ticket €1.80 from Innsbruck central zone The IVB-Topticket is much cheaper for employees Vösendorf: n New Central station Line S1 Here are some of the measures in detail: Haid: Departure Stop 5.10 am – 7.08 pm S8 WELS warehouse Bus line 13 21 Arrival by public transport/bus Bus tickets as restaurant vouchers Some IKEA locations are using targeted paign ran in three tranches. campaigns to try and encourage more cus- Carinthia: tomers to make the switch to public trans- IKEA Klagenfurt came up with a special port. idea: Visitors who were able to produce a bus ticket during the local "Green Week" Tyrol: and during the Midsummer Week in 2010 In Innsbruck, a total of 500,000 bus tickets had the chance to win a free breakfast at were issued by Innsbrucker Verkehrsbe- IKEA for a year. triebe in recent years as vouchers for coffee and cinnamon buns on the go. These Lower Austria: were only handed out to people who could During the conversion works at the furni- produce a valid bus ticket. An impressive ture store in Vösendorf in summer 2009, 4,504 people made their way to IKEA by all customers who came to IKEA by pu- blic public transport in this way. transport received a voucher for the free Styria: purchases In Graz, 1.5 million hourly or daily tickets €300. delivery of over were in circulation during two campaigns. Target just missed Those who arrived by bus also received free Despite the various measures and coffee and cake. The response was enormous: around 4%. 62,029 tickets were redeemed in financial considerable investment, IKEA has failed to achieve the desired increase in the number of customers arriving Upper Austria: A similar campaign drew 16,500 visitors to IKEA Haid by public transport. The cam22 transport (in %) 2007 2008 2009 Autumn Autumn Autumn 2 by public transport. Haid 1 3 Salzburg 8 5 7 The Austria-wide proportion of custo- Vienna North 19 19 20 Vösendorf 10 13 8 7 8 5 12 12 10 year 2008, 67,830 tickets in financial year 2009. Proportion of customers arriving on public mers who came to IKEA by bus fell from 10 to 8 percent, mainly due to the low acceptance of the bus in Klagenfurt. Graz Innsbruck Klagenfurt Austria total 10 10 3 8 23 Transport/any public transport employee's name is put on a waiting list. The bicycles are used for commuting and for private purposes. Due to the large number of bicycles available, employees at IKEA Innsbruck can rent them for extended periods of time. n Haid: About 25 bicycles are available for employees here. The switchboard maintains a signature list of names and addresses for the bicycles. The bicycles can only be used while a person is working for IKEA. Most employees rent the Pool bicycles support eco-friendly mobility bicycles in April and use them throughout "I think it's great that I can rent a bicycle after work to ride the 34 km home along the Salzach. I get home much quicker than on the train." Avia-Monika Auer, IKEA Salzburg/Customer Service the summer; others just for brief periods, "I live in Ansfelden and use the to ride home and back to the company. pool bicycle every day - even in n Salzburg: There are 7 standard and 5 electric bicycles here. Due to the brisk in- W Comments winter." Benjamin Gräser, IKEA Haid/Kitchen Department hat began as a small idea to promo- yees also use them for private tours. terest in the scheme, the period of use te gentle mobility has since become The ways in which the bicycles are used has had to be restricted to about one "I cycle to work on a rental bike in a standard feature at three of the seven vary from location to location - ultimately week. The bikes are rented out by the good weather. Now and again, I IKEA furniture stores in Austria: a pool of it depends on topographical circumstances switchboard. If there aren't any availab- bicycles - purchased by the company and and public transport links. Common to all le, a reservation can also be made there. made available to employees for free as a of them is that IKEA sends the bicycles for A special service is the provision of locka- set of wheels. a service once a year, after which they are ble bicycle boxes - some of which even The idea behind it is to offer an additional available to employees again. have incentive for more employees to switch behind the bicycles was that they would be This is how the rental system works: used to cover the distance between a rail- n Innsbruck: The present 40 bicycles can way station and the furniture store, either be rented from the switchboard. Emplo- on public transport or with muscle power. yees fill in the form with their contact de- In reality, the bicycles are used in all sorts tails, sign it and ride away on a bike. If all of ways. The company is happy that emplo- the bicycles are currently in use, the over to public transport. The original idea a power electric bikes. point for the use it for private purposes as well." Katja Seiter, IKEA Innsbruck/ Living Room Department "I use the bicycle for private cycle tours and to ride to work. My main route is between Liefering and IKEA." Michael Scholz, IKEA Salzburg/Building Technology "I cycle home twice a week when I work the late shift." Christoph Plass, IKEA Haid/Building Technology "I regularly use the bicycle as a healthy alternative to driving a car, for the commute to work and back as well as privately." In Innsbruck, Salzburg and Haid (from left) , employees have access to free pool bicycles. 24 Daniel Abenthung, IKEA Innsbruck/Human Resources 25 Transport/any public transport Rental transporters in use number of rentals in Austria Rented km V VN K I S G 2,510 1,460 804 795 755 1,525 122,440 66,296 50,524 35,056 34,005 72,175 10.0 5.8 6 3 3 6 3 5 49 45 63 44 45 47 65 51 Rentals/opening day Kilometres/rental HTotal 652 8,501 42,265 422,761 V=Vösendorf | VN=Vienna North| K=Klagenfurt | I=Innsbruck | S=Salzburg | G=Graz | H=Haid | A=Austria total IKEA has chosen the most environmentallyfriendly transporters available on the market. Environmentally friendly shopping with the IKEA rental transporter A round 35 tonnes less CO2 – this im- mentally friendly ones available on the The rental transporters, which have been cess. Customers of the furniture stores in pressive sum is saved by the 23 natu- market: Natural gas transporters. They available since February 2009, are very po- Haid and Klagenfurt drove the furthest with were specially converted to run on natural pular with customers. They were rented out the IKEA transporters (65 and 63 km res- currently in use at IKEA, compared to die- gas operated on 8,501 occasions in financial year 2010. pectively), while customers in the Tyrol sel vehicles of the same design. by THE specialist for combined mobility in And covered 422,761 kilometres in the pro- drove them the least (45 km on average). The offer of affordable rental transporters Austria - Carsharing.at. Carsharing has is another step taken by IKEA to promote also calculated how much less harmful car- public transport, although this measure is bon dioxide is emitted by the transporters primarily aimed at customers who make used at IKEA compared to diesel vehicles Comment their way to the furniture stores by bus or of the same design: a total of 35 tonnes. In "Cars powered with natural gas reduce access to more than 20 rental transporters train. order to trap this amount of CO2, a total of fuel costs by around half compared to powered by natural gas to carry their For this reason, IKEA has not chosen just 35 beech trees would have to grow for 80 conventional petrol engines, nitrogen purchases home with them, while protecting the environment. any transporters, but the most environ- years*! oxide by around 95 percent, CO2 by up ral gas-powered rental transporters for IKEA. They are to 25 percent and do not emit any fine particulates. If they also fill up with natural gas at one of the 170 filling stations in Austria, they will This allows the drivers of natural gas cars additionally save around to protect the environment with no loss half of the fuel costs. The IKEA natural gas of comfort, while taking the strain off fleet covers more than 400,000 kilometres their wallets. For companies with fleets, a year. Compared to diesel-powered trans- natural gas vehicles also offer large sa- porters, natural gas not only saves 35 ving potentials - not least due to the tonnes of CO2, but also avoids 100 percent attractive grants provided by the Austrian of fine particulates." Environment Ministry and energy suppliers. IKEA is already using natural gas for its customer fleet, making it a pioneer in the area of future mobility. Customers have Dr. Gerhard Zettler CEO of OÖ. Ferngas AG, CEO of OÖ. Gas-Wärme GmbH *Source: Dr. Daniel Klein, researcher in the Forest Centre of the University of Münster. In: Handelsblatt online of 18 June 2010. A beech tree captures 12.5 kg of CO2 per year, and would have to grow for 80 years to capture one tonne. 26 27 Transport Comment Hybrid vehicles ... ... have a combustion engine and IKEA runs on low emissions I have values of 89 g/km of CO2. support an increase in efficiency; depending on the driving situation, Hybrid cars and alternatives IKEA Austria was the first major company one of them is used on its own, or both of them simultaneously. The electric drive requires an additional n 2012, an EU Directive comes into in the country to start replacing its compa- force which obligates vehicle manufac- ny cars back in February 2007. Until this generator powered by the combu- turers to minimise the so-called fleet emis- time, mostly diesel vehicles were used (incl. stion engine. An important advan- sions value of 65% of their new cars to less Renault Espace, Volvo V50 and VW Passat). tage is that braking energy is used than 130 g/km CO2. This refers to the CO2 The first batch of 13 Toyota Prius hybrid emissions per vehicle. Long before this Di- cars replaced the old cars in 2007. IKEA op- conversion. In the medium term, rective was passed, IKEA Austria had alrea- ted for the Prius because it was the most models with hybrid technology will dy begun to convert its fleet to cars with environmentally friendly vehicle on the be found in all vehicle categories. even lower emissions - namely below 120 market at the time - with CO2 emissions of g/km of CO2 . According to the manufac- 104 g/km (first generation Prius) or 89 g/ ped with a special high-perfor- turer, the hybrid vehicles in the fleet even km (second generation Prius; according to mance battery, it can be charged manufacturer data). Additional low-emissi- directly from the mains network ons vehicles have been in use since 2009 especially for families with children. The Mathematical model A hybrid vehicle works with two motors: a petrol one and an electric one. 55 tonnes of nitrogen oxide That's equivalent to filling this amount precondition: CO2 emissions must be below 120 g/km. of CO2 into an incredible 11,111,100 55 tonnes of nitrogen oxide saved standard balloons! Assuming that a balloon is 20 centimetres across and also assuming that of CO2. In turn, a balloon has a volume of around all these balloons are placed one next 2.5 litres. That is equivalent to 0.0025 m3. One to the other, side by side on an imagi- tonne of CO2 = 505 m3, which therefore fills nary line, then they would extend for 202,000 balloons. 55 tonnes of CO2 saving there- a distance of 55,555 kilometres. This fore corresponds to 11,111,100 balloons. The conversion has enabled IKEA to reduce CO2 emissions by around 55 tonnes in just four years. stance from Vienna to Australia. Annabella Musel from WWF Austria Österreich employed this calculation. Her throught process: At normal pressure (1,031 hPa) and 0°C, CO2 has a density of 1.98 kg/m3. This gives a volume of 505 m3 for a tonne mises fuel utilisation and power The plug-in hybrid vehicle represents the next generation: Equip- (plug-in). Hybrid petrol vehicles achieve much lower CO2 emission values than comparable models with just a petrol engine. Pollutant emissions are also very low. The purchase of hybrid vehicles is subsidised in the klima:aktiv mobil grant programme. A flat-rate subsidy of EUR 500 per vehicle can be claimed when purchasing up to 10 vehicles. Status: July 2010 www.klimaaktivmobil.at by up to EUR 500. Trend in the CO2 emissions of IKEA company cars Beginning of 2007 FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 320 t 288 t 270.9 t 265.1 t Calculation by the WWF. CO2 emissions of all company cars combined. Based on an average mileage of 25,000 km per year. In 2007, there was a total of 80 vehicles with CO2 emissions above 160 g/km; currently there are 36 old vehicles and 49 new ones with emissions below 120 g/km CO2. © Toyota kilometres in length. That's the di- to charge the battery. This opti- Purchasing a hybrid vehicle span once around the equator, plus a trail of balloons of around 15,000 battery, which is charged via a reduces the standard fuel outlay chain of balloons would therefore 28 an electric motor, which works to DI Willy Raimund, Österreichische Energieagentur 29 Investments year on a new pellet heating system. It will Most of the measures are not visible at first glance. be needed in summer for hot water and in winter also for heating. The pellet heating system was, after close analysis, the only technically feasible option for an alternative heating system. None of the other vari- naires, while Vösendorf is currently doing ants could be coupled to the existing sys- this on its parking decks. Total cost: about tem (including the solar system on the roof EUR 100,000. of the warehouse). The cost of the new system including the connection to the exis- Precious water ting systems was also around EUR 700,000. Investments were also made in water: on the one hand in rainwater tanks for process Investments in the environment E Savings potential in detail water (in Klagenfurt for the toilets and irri- One of the projects which received part of gating the external areas, in Vienna North the investments, especially in the past fi- for the toilets), on the other in waterless nancial year, is the expansion of the coun- toilets. xactly EUR 3,169,817 - that's the ments, however, deserve attention. And ter network in the various IKEA units. IKEA princely sum that IKEA Austria has in- they cover all areas of building technology, Facility Manager Hannes Eichner, who is vested in just the past three years in mea- from the lighting systems to climate-con- also the person responsible for the "IKEA Big investments in public transport sures to improve energy efficiency, reduce trol installations to public transport. goes renewable" project, wants to achieve Investments in public transport also ac- one thing above everything else with this: counted for a considerable portion of ongo- "We want to be able to see precisely whe- ing operating costs. IKEA Vösendorf has gies. The building of IKEA Klagenfurt, the Heating systems without fossil fuels re we are using which type of energy." For operated its own IKEA bus for many years, most modern and environmentally friend- The two largest investments are without him, it is about being able to compare ener- which carries customers from Vienna city ly furniture store of IKEA Austria, is not doubt the construction of the geothermal gy consumption not only on a monthly, but centre to IKEA. included in the calculation. The sole ex- plant in Klagenfurt and the new pellet hea- also on a daily basis. "In this way, we can Last year, IKEA Haid finally succeeded in ception: the geothermal pump. ting system at the warehouse in Wels. In be react more quickly to any slightly high- getting an express bus link from Linz, in ad- That makes around one million Euro each Klagenfurt, two geothermal pumps provi- er energy consumption." dition to a local bus link. IKEA covers the year, just in environmental investments. de heating and cooling, dispensing entire- The Energia energy-saving system was in- costs for installing the bus stop and the Most of them are not apparent to the cus- ly with the need for fossil fuels. The pumps troduced in almost all of the furniture weatherproof canopy from the furniture tomer - or only when one takes a very close alone cost around EUR 700,000. And at the stores in financial year 2010. It concerns store to the bus stop. IKEA also finances look. The projects behind those invest- warehouse in Wels, construction begins this reducing the voltage of the electricity used the pool bicycles for employees (in Haid, and saves about 21.34 percent of the elec- Salzburg and Innsbruck), a portion of the tricity consumed each year. annual ticket charge for public transport water consumption and continue along the path towards 100% renewable ener- The investments of the units in € (excl. operating costs) Location FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 total Vösendorf 254,380 244,000 59,367 557,747 In the previous two years, the spot lights (Innsbruck and Haid) as well as the elect- Vienna North 130,000 19,160 0 149,160 in the sales areas were gradually replaced ronic display boards for the departure times Innsbruck 15,300 178,500 14,485 200,285 Salzburg 150,000 36,000 56,645 242,645 with 20 W spots. Reducing 3,000 spots (Haid and Innsbruck). Graz 0 118,580 20,470 139,050 Haid 213,000 171,000 55,270 439,270 298,155 kWh of electricity per year. The Klagenfurt 700,000 0 163,500 863,500 furniture store in Haid has already equip- Wels 115,000 275,000 772,500 1,162,500 ped its parking structure with LED lumi- from 50 W to 20 W alone saved IKEA Graz * All figures for financial year 2010 (as at 31 August 2010) were calculated in this report as at 24 August 2010. 30 31 Raising awareness Everyone can do something F aus der protecting the environment. Starting this year, communication material is finally available and is now gradually beginning to be used. After all, with more than 12 million customers a year, it really does Licht aus ist nur der Anfang … makes a difference when we "talk" about Wenn alle den Konferenzraum im Büro verlassen, schalten intelligente Sensoren das Licht automatisch ab. Weltweit sind Beleuchtung, Heizung und Klimaanlagen in Privat- und Bürogebäuden die größten Energieschlucker. Und das ist unser Beitrag: one or the other issue. The idea behind Wir wollen unsere Energieeffizienz im Vergleich zum Jahr 2005 um 25% verbessern. Wir haben vor, alle IKEA Gebäude und Fabriken weltweit mit erneuerbaren Energien statt fossilen Brennstoffen zu betreiben. Und wir entwickeln neue Gebäude, die sich mit Erdwärme, Wind- und Solarenergie versorgen, dann z.B. unser Einrichtungshaus in Mailand/Italien: 50% Energieeinsparung durch die Nutzung der Energie im Erdinneren für Heizung und Klimaanlage. this is to raise awareness of environmental issues. Area dedicated to the environment der UNENDLICHE Job © Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2009 enough in the furniture stores to show how everyone can make a contribution to UNENDLICHEN Liste VERBESSERUNG or a long time, we have not done IKEA Klagenfurt came up with a very special idea: The customer service section in Wir haben uns entschieden... VERBESSERUNG sively to the environment. Visitors can now manchmal ein Wir wissen, dass wir Doch wir Teil des Problems sind. zu ändern. setzen alles daran, das unseren Deshalb wägen wir bei Für und Wider Entscheidungen das aus. Und ab. Wir probieren Dinge Alle kleinen wir verändern etwas. haben Veränderungen zusammen einen großen Effekt. # 4 VERBESSERUNG B.V. 2009 © Inter IKEA Systems wussteren zu einem umweltbe haltigkeit tun! Unsere Beiträge www.IKEA.at/Nach Es gibt noch viel zu Leben findest du unter und nachhaltigeren find out what the company is doing - in le, they wait for their purchases to be delivered. At the centre of the environment UNENDLICHEN e VERBESSERUNG Liste so ein, Wir setzen Holz wächst. wie der Baum area there is also a giant drop-off point for UNENDLI CHEN List e all sorts of waste - from cans to energy-saving bulbs. VERBESSE RUNG Etwas wir st du hie r nie finde n: Müll. Vielleicht ist da ein Earth Hour – IKEA as partner Since the Earth Hour of the WWF arrived in Austria, IKEA has lent its full support to the klitzekleiner Möbelausst Kratzer. Vie ellung. Od lleicht stand er jemand nicht das Pa es vorher hat zu Hause ssende ist, in der festgestellt, und hat es einem akzep dass es do zurückgebra tablen Zusta ch cht. Anson nd und ver sten ist es die nt es nicht, we in Das ist de ine Chance! ggeworfen zu werden. In der Fun dgrube fin dest du ech zweite Chan te Schnäp ce, ein zuf pchen und riedenes un gibst IKEA die Fundgrub d erfülltes Möbeln ein e in IKEA Leben zu leb e Einrichtung Material nic en. Jedes shäusern we ht einfach Jahr sorgt ltweit dafür we gg Kunden wie eworfen we , dass Million rden. Und du viel, vie en Kilo dafür, dass l Geld spa ren. zehntause nde – Holz ist seit den vielseitig und recycelbar weniger Energie Stark und robust, ren Weil es schön ist. bei IKEA. Holz erfordert endlos erneuerba natürliche Rohstoff ; es wird zu einem 50er Jahren der als andere Materialien zur Verarbeitung Bäume pflanzt. man einfach neue Rohstoff, indem erten Wäldern ab. Holz aus schützensw des Holzes gefälltes Holz oder , um die Herkunft Wir lehnen illegal nten zusammen unseren Holzliefera Wir arbeiten mit olgen zu können. besser zurückverf sen nur Holz aus nachgewieist der Produkte IKEA für ip Council s Ziel ist es, . Forest Stewardsh Unser langfristige unterstützt. haft zu verwenden den IKEA derzeit nachhaltiger Forstwirtsc Waldwirtschaft, für zertifizierte einzige Standard Wissen informieren, ihr listen vor Ort, die wir eigene Forstspezia beim Lieferanten zurückverfolgen. n Außerdem haben zu seinen Ursprünge teilen und das Holz heute und für zukünftige gutes Holz – für Arbeitsweise für Das ist unsere en. Generation ve all in the employee area, Earth Hour was supported yet again this year with clear and unambiguous communications. "Join in" is the motto. The message is obvious: Every- © Inter IKEA Systems B.V. 2009 teren umweltbewuss Beiträge zu einem EA.at/Nachhaltigkeit zu tun! Unsere du unter www.IK Es gibt noch viel Leben findest und nachhaltigeren idea. Both in the customer areas and abo- Es gibt noc h umweltbew viel zu tun! Unser e Beiträge ussteren zu einem und nachha findest du unter ww ltigeren Leb w.IKEA.at/ en Nachhalti gkeit © WWF (2) aus der Recycling station and comprehensive information in one: the environment area of IKEA Salzburg. Salzburg and elsewhere - while, for examp- aus der klein- B.V. 2009 © Inter IKEA Systems This is what environmental communication looks like at IKEA as from this year. Clear and conspicuous. Es gibt noch viel zu tun! Unsere Beiträge zu einem umweltbewussteren und nachhaltigeren Leben findest du unter www.IKEA.at/Nachhaltigkeit andere weggeworfen Birkenholzreste, die ein neues Leben als hätten, finden bei uns Beistelltische aus IKEA PS KARLJOHAN So können wir mit massiver Kernbirke. schützen gleichResten viel sparen und für Jahr! zeitig Bäume – Jahr viel vor. Mehr Und wir haben noch keit unter www.IKEA.at/Nachhaltig 32 the store has a large area dedicated exclu- 68 # ist und Holztisch, der viel leichter PS Ein massiv aussehender verursacht. Der IKEA daher weniger Transportkosten und ist eine furnierte Tischplatte BRUSE Couchtisch hat sich nie wiegt er weniger, verzieht innen hohl – dadurch und schont die Baumbestände. die Erde, Wir möchten mithelfen, die Menschen, ihre Ressourcen und schützen. die auf ihr leben zu one can do something in the fight against climate change. The message goes out around the world during Earth Hour: Lights off! IKEA has supported this initiative from the outset. 33 Raising awareness The expert's statement Physicist DI Hans Roiger trains the building technicians of IKEA - comprehensively and with a practical bias. The training courses deal briefly with the main points of technical building management, as the overall approach cannot be covered in depth in just a few days. Practicality is important. The LIVE building technology training takes place directly on the systems of IKEA. This electricity it requires. Secondly: The tem- allows the general training content to be perature values of the heating water chan- clearly explained by using real examples. ge by being controlled in a way that, for The topic for 2010 was measuring and example, makes use of lower tariffs for control technology in ventilation and district heating systems. climate-control systems. The course Building technology systems are installed focused on the use of existing componen- and commissioned on the basis of planning ts and the "electronics" with an adaptati- data. Practice shows that both external on of the operating parameters (control influences and different user behaviour in particular to the area of ventilation and technology, central building control sy- necessitated adjustments to the building climate technology. In order to under- stem as a database) to meet actual re- (and therefore the building technology) quirements as well as the over the years. avoidance of peak rate If there are periodic training courses - like tariffs. By consistently the ones at IKEA - for the employees at Training courses raise awareness amongst employees O nly those who know why things are done do them well, as the saying goes. That's why each employee who stand the connections between individual starts work at IKEA attends a training technical measures for energy-efficient course on the environment. This has been operation of the systems, the building optimising operating different locations, the building technicians done for several years by means of an in- technicians must be up-to-date with the times and set values for get technical input as well as additional teresting and varied interactive e-learning technology. temperature and air suggestions on how to look for energy-sa- programme lasting several hours. The la- Physicist DI Hans Roiger trains the building volumes, it is possible to ving potentials in existing systems and the dramatically reduce the options available. At the same time, the test version has just been released. The technicians of IKEA. His approach: Energy- energy costs. employees from newly equipped or retrofit- screenshots on this page give a brief glim- efficient operation can only be maintained An example will show ted locations can pass on their expe- pse of what it looks like. when the building technology systems con- how important it is to identify connec- riences. Qualified technicians should also tions: In February 2009, we started with think about how the requirements of the the topic "Heating technology - energy- building itself can be minimised and how sume only as much "heat", "cold" and elec- "On site" with experts trical energy as the building needs to main- efficient hydraulic circuitry". This is be- heat and cold can be cost-efficiently "gene- The training courses provided for specia- tain a comfortable indoor climate. For this, cause the installer ensures that there will rated". lists it needs committed, qualified building tech- are also important from an environmental point of view. This applies nicians. never be an under-supply during commissioning. As much heating water as possible is therefore pumped through the pipes. The user hardly notices this. The training course therefore dealt with the hydraulic balancing (adjustment) of systems. Only as much heating water as is absolutely necessary should be "pumped around the circuit". The consequence of this measure is plain to see. Firstly: The less water a pump moves, the less 34 Screenshots from the e-learning environmental training course. Prof. DI Hans Roiger, Lecturer at TU Vienna, heating/climate technology trainer at IKEA 35 Role models Environment Manager Gottfried Kienzl (on right) and the environment team of IKEA Salzburg with the Energy Globe (on left). test-ride tickets, rental transporters and the relevant information were other reasons why the prize went to the environment team at IKEA Salzburg. Klimabündnis and Energy-Saving prize While IKEA Vösendorf received a recognition certificate in this year's energy-efficiency prize Helios 2010, IKEA Innsbruck be- Prizes and awards for setting an example E nergy Globe, Umweltblatt Prize, Cli- ency, environment and climate protection. mate Alliance Operation – IKEA Aust- The aim is to present solutions for protec- came a partner of the Klimabündnis. After committed environment team of emplo- Haid, Graz and Salzburg, Innsbruck is the yees and managers in a wide range of func- fourth IKEA location in Austria to subject tions in the furniture store who are driving itself to the requirements. this topic forwards. ting the environment and raise awareness environmental prizes and accolades in fi- about the sustainable use of energy resour- Umweltblatt prize for local environmental protection nancial year 2010. ces. The award is given at regional, natio- For special services to local environmental In the race for the Energy Globe Award, nal, continental and international level. See protection, IKEA Salzburg received the IKEA Austria was above all commended for also the Internet at www.energyglobe.com. "Umweltblatt Prize" from umwelt service in its sustained efforts to convert entirely to IKEA also claimed the Energy Globe for its- Salzburg. IKEA received this award mainly renewable energies and for reducing its CO2 elf twice: as overall winner in the province for its mobility management. Many of emissions. The renowned environment pri- of Salzburg and as winner in the "Air" ca- IKEA's employees commute to work and ze rewards exemplary projects from the tegory in the Austrian competition. back either with one of the location's four areas of renewable energy, energy effici- IKEA has set itself the goal of making all its hybrid company cars or with a company bi- furniture stores, warehouses and office cycle. All private bicycles can be securely building fully independent of fossil fuels in locked in one of the 20 bicycle boxes, some the long term. At IKEA Salzburg, this is al- of which are equipped with charging points revelled in several "This award is a reward for the efforts made in recent years." ready a reality: Heating has been provided since 2009 with district heating from biomass, while the electricity is supplied - as it is at all IKEA furniture stores in Austria Gottfried Kienzl, Environment Manager IKEA Austria and the central warehouse in Wels - entirely from oekostrom®. The IKEA furniture store in Salzburg has also taken up other © Energy Globe (2), Climate Alliance (2), umwelt service prestigious ria 36 environmental issues - and has a highly for electric bikes. Right in front of the IKEA furniture stores is an ElectroDrive charging station, which has supplied the five electric bicycles for IKEA employees green with electricity since 2009. Weekly 37 IKEA Food Eco-friendly energy from food leftovers soil is not eroded. More on been grown without the use of conventio- UTZ at www.utzcertified. nal pesticides or artificial fertilisers. The org. products range from orange and strawberry jam to organic noodles. Around ten per- tovers. These are not simply thrown away, cent of the total of 250 products from the 2010, IKEA Vösendorf has even used but used. Because the leftovers produce a IKEA FOOD range currently fall in this ca- food waste to generate environmentally highly sought-after raw material for biogas tegory. friendly energy. plants. The system behind this is called Bio- In an operation of this size, it all adds up to Trans. Coffee: certified and good a lot: The restaurant of IKEA Vösendorf, the While between four and six 120 litre vats full For almost two years, IKEA has sold only biggest furniture store in Austria, has 520 of kitchen waste used to be transported off- certified coffee. "UTZ certified – good in- seats. On peak days, around 1,700 guests site for standard disposal, a small machine side" is shown on the packs. UTZ is a glo- are served in the restaurant alone, with up now "swallows" all the food and preparati- bal, independent, charitable organisation to 2,000 visiting the bistro for Frankfurters, on waste (including sauces, fats, oils, coffee that sets standards for responsible coffee hot-dogs or wraps. In addition, around 600 grounds and citrus fruits) and converts the growing. Coffee farmers who want to ob- IKEA employees at the location use the waste at high speed into a biomass, which tain the certificate must meet social stan- canteen. With such numbers, it's hardly is fed inside a closed system into a 4,000 lit- dards for the workers and their families, surprising that there will be some lef- re storage tank beneath the restaurant. This and there are also criteria for the use of wa- so-called BioMaster also recognises when, ter, energy, fertilisers and pesticides. for example, pieces of cutlery have been They must also take care to ensure that the transported into the machine with the waste by mistake. In this way, the kitchen waste is turned into a highly sought-after raw material for biogas systems, which use it to aus der UNENDLICH EN Liste VERBESSER UNG 58 # Schau doch mal nach, woher deine Kaffeebohnen kom men... Geh auf www. utzcertified. org/IKEA und das Mindesthalt gib barkeitsdatum deiner IKEA Kaffeepacku ng ein – schon siehst du die Plantagen, von denen die Bohne n stammen! Dank der UTZ-Z ertifizierung lässt sich IKEA Kaffee zu 100% zurückverfo lgen. UTZ garantiert, dass Standards für Unterkünfte Gesundheits , versorgung und Schulbesuc für Plantagenar he beiter und ihre Familien eingehalten werden. UTZ Certified schult Bauern auch darin, wie man weniger Pestizide, Wasse r und Dünge mittel einset zt. Während du also deine Tasse IKEA Kaffee genießt, kanns t du dir ansch auen, wo dein Kaffee weltw eit angebaut wird. 2009 ince the beginning of financial year © Inter IKEA Systems B.V. S be genetically modified and must have Es gibt noch viel zu tun! einem umwe Unser ltbewusste ren und nachh e Beiträge zu findest du altigeren Leben unter www. IKEA.at/Na chhaltigkei t Background BioTrans This biomass is then disposed of, not seve- Many large kitchens, canteens, hotels, ral times a week as in the tub system, but Similar systems are also in use at IKEA Kla- restaurants and communal dining areas only every four to six weeks, depending on genfurt and Graz. would like to have an economical, ecolo- the size of the tank. generate environmentally friendly energy. Eco-dishes for the guests IKEA has for some time been increasingly committed to adding products from organic farming to its product range. Apart from the children's menu in the restaurant, gical, hygienic and environmentally friendly solution for disposing of their This reduces the CO2, dust and noise bur- leftover food and waste equipment. Bio- den by up to 90 percent and is the final Trans is such a system. step to closing the natural circuit from production to the recycling of food How does it work? input station in the kitchen – converts the which last year included organic noodles leftovers, including frying oil, coffee with an organic sauce and an organic drink, grounds, fats, etc. directly into a homo- the offer in the IKEA Sweden Shop is also growing. These products are identified with the Swedish term "EKOLOGISK". They processes in the kitchen area for energy. The so-called BioMaster® – that's the geneous biomass. It then transports this within a sealed and odourtight system to the bio tank by means of a delivery pump. Johannes Stangl, Sales Manager, BioTrans Österreich, Optimist Entsorgungs- & Recyclingservice GmbH come from ecological cultivation, must not 38 39 Recycling Separating waste protects resources Drop-off points in the lighting department and after the tills make things easy. and a handful of smaller waste areas. With 6,614.7 tonnes (FY 2010) generated every year, that makes a big difference. IKEA works together with specialist waste disposers in the region. First, the IKEA Prime example employees in the departments and on the In line with its motto "Clean ser- hoppers at IKEA will find one thing in loading ramp, where various containers vice for an environment worth every store: large drop-off points for are placed, separate the waste according certain materials, including plastic, fluore- to basic materials: Wood, cardboard, me- des IKEA at no charge with one of scent tubes, energy-saving lamps, cans, tal, plastic, glass, organic waste, electri- its own employees, who separates paper, etc. cal/electronic scrap, ceramics and foil, to waste into the types cardboard, What is an additional service for custo- name just a few. The waste disposer then mers continues for them behind the collects these pre-sorted waste streams generated this year was separated and re- the waste into these main types, scenes: Waste separation is big business and disposes of them professionally. The cycled - a pretty impressive rate. bulky waste, scrap metal and at IKEA. Parts and materials that can no aim is to use resources as conservatively longer be used are separated into 13 large as possible. A total of 81% of the waste S batteries, living in", Graz-based waste disposal company Saubermacher provi- commercial waste and plastic packaging. Apart from separating treated waste wood are also collected and returned to the materials cycle. Carefully separating the waste into its individual valuable materials is not only a precondition for optimising costs, but is What happens with energy-saving lamps? above all essential for further recycling. Without this separation, Energy-saving lamps belong to the category of gas discharge lamps and ■ Shredding contain valuable raw materials (glass, metal) as well as mercury. For this it would be impossible to return The lamps are broken down in a shredder reason, they fall under the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment these items to the materials cycle. system. The individual components of mixed regulation. They must be collected separately from other waste For example, plastics are used to glass, metal and phosphor are then separa- streams. Various processes exist for the recycling of gas discharge make new products from plastic, ted. The preparation systems work under a lamps. Two of the most common are the cap separation process for such as fleece pullovers, granu- vacuum in order to prevent the emission of tube-shaped gas discharge lamps (neon tubes) and the shredder lates, watering cans and high-gra- mercury. The secondary raw materials produ- process for all special shapes (non tube-shaped). de substitute fuels for the cement ced in this way are cleaned of mercury resi- industry, while cardboard boxes due, the mercury itself is collected and ■ Cap separation process are reused in the paper industry. filtered from the air using an active carbon The fluorescent tubes arrive at the recycling To summarise: The "Graz" model filter. pays for itself - IKEA Graz has plant pre-sorted by diameter and length. Sensors repeatedly achieved the best read the dimensions for The mixed glass produced in both instances is the processing process. Next, processed into glass bricks, insulating glass the metal caps are mechanically separated from wool or other technical glass applications or the glass body, the lamp glass broken and the used in the building materials industry as an fluorescent powder containing the mercury aggregate. The fine fraction containing vacuumed up. The fluorescent is collected mercury is disposed of as special waste. waste balance sheet for years. in a sealed steel container through the suction unit and filter system. The waste air containing mercury is cleaned in filter systems using active carbon filters. 40 Jürgen Käfer, Saubermacher, disposal consultant for IKEA 41 Environment projects at the locations "Green Week" in Klagenfurt "Only when we accept responsibility for society and nature can we do good business. That's why low prices should under no circumstances be to the detriment of people or the environment." Under this motto, IKEA Klagenfurt organised a "Green Week" at the end of April 2010 - with offers and activities based around plants and the environment. ■ Bus rides: The incentive here was "Come by bus and protect the environment": Anyone able to present their bus ticket or monthly ticket had the chance to win Committed and ambitious at all locations prizes, such as a year of free breakfasts at IKEA Klagenfurt. ■ Recycling: In order to raise awareness of the need to recycle energy-saving G reen Week, awareness raising, activities, investments - the seven IKEA furniture stores in Austria and the lamps, IKEA Klagenfurt handed out one drink voucher during "Green Week" for every three old energy-saving lamps returned. warehouse in Wels proved to be hugely imaginative in the past year in matters of environmental interest. ■ Rental transporter: IKEA FAMILY members who spent more than €300 during "Green Week" were able to enjoy two hours of free rental of the IKEA rental Information day with E-Drive IKEA Salzburg was the first showplace for transporter, which is powered by natural gas. an event on the topic of electric mobility ■ Environment tour: On two days during this year. Visitors were able to test a selec- "Green Week", visitors were able to go tion of Segways, electric bikes and electric on an environmental tour behind the rollers around the E-Drive charging station in front of the furniture store. With the in- scenes at IKEA Klagenfurt - virtually from roof to cellar, from the collection of rainwater in a cistern to the geother- formation day of Salzburg AG, which also mal pump in the cellar, a pioneering operates the electricity charging point, protect in a building of this size. IKEA Salzburg also highlighted its own activities on the topic of environmentally ■ Potting soil: Finally, all customers who presented their friendly mobility - from hybrid cars as com- receipt were also given a 20 litre bag of pany cars to a pool of bicycles for emplo- potting soil during "Green Week". yees to rental transporters powered by natural gas. 42 43 Environment projects at the locations Less expenditure on heating Thanks to a few larger investments and a raft of measures in the area of switchgear and control technology, IKEA Haid has succeeded in sharply reducing energy consumption, both for heating energy and for electrical energy. In total, the Upper Austrians saved an annual 500,000 kWh (7.5%) on electricity and 1,620,880 kWh (50%) on heating in the past three years. This is all the more remarkable, as opening hours have been 14% longer since August 2008. Sealed ramp Kick-off for environmental topics as a team. The event got under way with a tion, the seals around the loading ramps at This year, the management team at the presentation of product-related environ- the warehouse in Wels were replaced or re- central warehouse in Wels dedicated the mental issues, followed by a game to sol- newed last year. The benefits include a kick-off for the new financial year to a ve. temperature difference of 1 to 2°C and fe- showdown on environmental issues. This The warehouse in Wels wanted the groups wer draughts, with the wind and cold kept involved all the employees having to pass to explain what they understood by "sus- outside. The ramp now also retains its seal 4 or 5 stations and solve tasks at each one tainability" - hardly an easy task, as soon during movements generated by the loa- became clear! ding process, even when the trailer is not In order to further reduce energy consump- docked completely straight. Refilling instead of discarding The environment group of the IKEA furnimented numerous projects. Sometimes it Since March 2008, IKEA Salzburg has had is the little things that mean so much: On 16 discounted ÖBB tickets for its emplo- the initiative of the environment group, all yees. These tickets can be used for busi- employees have had refillable, environ- ness as well as private trips. mentally friendly water bottles since summer 2009. The aim is to reduce plastic waste. 44 © Sigg Riding the train for less Symbol photos ture store in Salzburg has already imple- 45 Here's to being a good neighbour Introduction W hat makes a good neighbour? A dif- or sick children, furnished apartments for ficult question, that can be answered the homeless or under-age refugees, given in broad terms: A good neighbour is willing space to the CliniClowns as well as to young to help, not shy and can be called on whe- people who urgently needed real perfor- never needed. And sometimes, when some- mance venues to implement a theatre pro- one around him needs support, he will even ject. The following pages offer an insight help before being asked. into some of the many different activities undertaken this year. The IKEA furniture IKEA has taken the characteristics of the stores are arranged in alpha- good neighbour as a model and is ready to betical order. The step in and help anyone in the local com- warehouse in Wels and munity. In 2010, employees from the IKEA IKEA Austria come at the furniture stores, the service organisation end. and the distribution centre in Wels have, amongst other things, supported young people on the path to securing an apprenticeship, supported families with disabled 46 47 IKEA Graz Consumption data: Energy (kWh) 5,784,000 Energy (kWh/m3) 80.93 Proportion of renewable energy 47 81% Electricity (kWh/m3) 64.38 District heating (kWh/m3) 16.55 CO2 emissions (in tonnes) 228 The child safety house "Bärenburg" – furnished by IKEA Graz. IKEA Graz Free from scrapes In the "Bärenburg", on the site of Graz Regional Hospital, the association "Große Companions O schützen Kleine" shows how to make a home safe for children. The child safety ne in ten young people is out of work. house is furnished by IKEA Graz - and a If that goes on for too long, their self- good number of the relevant safety fea- confidence suffers. That's when it's good tures also come from the IKEA product to have someone by your side, as is the range. case in Graz. Honorary godparents accompany young people between 15 and 25 years of age for up to three months through the difficult time of searching for apprenticeships and work. The IKEA team in Graz likes these encouragers. That's Warm bedding why this year the employees decided that Noah's Ark in Graz - a rescue centre for four- a portion of the money raised from their legged animals in need of shelter - has already ta- Christmas tombola should go towards this ken in and successfully re-homed 45,000 animals. project. It will be used to finance both the coaches and the documentation intended to help the young people. Searching for apprenticeships and work: Experienced companions take away the worry and motivate young people. IKEA Haid Consumption data: protection, cat assistance and a livestock depart- Single parents as well as patchwork fami- ... and even more ment, are open around the clock and also relieve lies are often confronted with difficult pro- 30 IKEA Sultan mattresses found the strain on public authority departments. The blems. The charitable association Patch- their way to a summer camp Electricity (kWh/m ) 52.44 Graz furniture store supports the animal shelter work Family Service has operated in Graz organised by "Children Internatio- Gas (kWh/m3) 17.70 with material donations. In this case, mattresses. since 2002. It exists to offer people nal Summer Villages" (CISV) in CO2 emissions (in tonnes) Graz. Just as many 15 year-olds Anyone who understands dogs will know that this guidance and assistance, but also supports Learning about the world through play - is not a luxury, but essential for survival, espe- families right across Austria and coaches the theatre on Ortweinplatz and its I-la- cially in winter. them online at www.patchworkfamilien.at. boratory make this possible for the young The inspiring mission statement: "Not to people of Graz. Amongst other things, it judge, but to build them up! As much help does this with a "whodunit trip" through as necessary and as much self-responsibi- IKEA. This involved the IKEA furniture lity as possible!” IKEA's employees suppor- store in Graz sharing one of the show- ted the association last year in the form of rooms with teenagers from the theatre a voucher for new furniture, paid for with workshops for two hours a week until 15 some of the money raised by the Christ- June. mas party tombola. hearse and perform plays. However, such space is rare - especially without financial means. IKEA offered the young actors Energy (kWh/m3) 70.14 Proportion of renewable energy 3 from various nations had sweet dreams on them. Swedish glögg and gingerbread biscuits were also well received at the traditional mulled wine stand set up in front of the furniture store by the Red Cross from Seiersberg, for which IKEA provided the necessary accessories. IKEA customers snapped up screws. Rather than throw them away, over two tonnes of surplus screws were given away for a voluntary donation at the "Screw Buffet". a stage in the showrooms - and customers some real theatre! 48 4,323,500 Family life Real space to play Why? Because they needed space to re- Energy (kWh) Its facilities, ranging from animal rescue to horse 49 75% 234 anD suPPLy This project is co-funded by the European Union • Rattan supply chains, including trans-boundary links, areinstitutionalizedandorganizedinamoreefficient way. A look at the world • 300 small and medium sized enterprises are familiar with cleaner production of which at least 120 introduce concrete measures. • 20,000 ha of forest under sustainable management. • At least 35 small and medium sized enterprises to have acrediblycertifiedchain-of-custodyinplace. • At least 25 of the processing enterprises to have startedtoexportcrediblycertifiedrattanproducts. medium enterprises in the supply chain will be duction. 15 percent of processing industries will cts to European and worldwide markets. dustryinCambodia,LaoPDRandVietnamwillbe mpetitive within regional and worldwide markets, st is chain. llage ufacturing uch urface seland y disment l polluworkers. • Legislationsareamendedandenforcementstrengthened to better support optimized supply chains and sustainable production in three counties. Project activities community sustainable rattan Management system • Set up village rattan management and marketing group. Generating income selling seeds Generating income selling shoots selling seedlings village rattan nursery Forests provide rattan village rattan shoot plantation seeds and seedlings e f d liv on o rove izati imp organ r ette rs Calamus sp. – rattan – can grow up to 100 m in length. s Der d tra T b g ssin roce cy, p duction icien ro er effreased p tt e b inc and Knowledge s sor ces Pro Rattan ide dw worl s to Link markets is a liana-type plant which grows in the tropical rainforest. Calamus Buyers buyers • SupportForestStewardshipCouncil(FCS)certificationandChainofCustodyFCScertification. sp., the botanical name of the plant with slender, reedy stems, • Train the rattan processing companies to apply CleanerProduction(PC). enrichment planting Forests provide ntFP household consumption • Linkthevillageproducergrouptothenationalprocessing factory. e aGE n iLLA ioN vIL V tIO cT uC oDU rO uP PR oU rO nd GR od a upply liho Proper Forest Management Forests provide rattan canes village rattan handicraft selling rattan Generating products income selling Generating income drattanproductscurrentlyproducedinCambodiaandLao equired product quality standards and lack proper licenses. an inadequate environment policy, hamper the sector’s ess to international markets. kers, traders and processing plants. Infor- • Review, amend and support enforcement legislation to support the development of the rattan industry. mation and educational films impart know- For more information: TheprojectisfundedbytheEuropeanCommission(EC), withco-financingfromtheinternationalhome-products retailerIKEAandtheGermandevelopmentfinanceinstitution DEG. WWF Greater Mekong - Laos Country Programme House #39, Unit 05, Ban Saylom, Vientiane,LaoPDR Tel: +856 21 216 080; Fax: +856 21 251 883 Bouaphet Bounsourath, Rattan Project Manager [email protected] rattan village committee manages and regulates the community sustainable rattan Management system pply islation and inadequed enforcement, means non-registered ut legitimate traders. can grow up to 100 m in length • Linknaturalrattanprocessingcompaniestointernational market. Bk-holdings PhotosCredit:WWFLaos,exceptwherenoted. sed plants. The tropical wood does not form any structures such as branches. The expansion of capacities and the crea- The natural material has lost none tan sector in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. of its popularity since the 17th century. It is easy to explain why: It gives off a warm and Mediterranean atmosphere and there is ThispublicationhasbeenproducedwiththefinancialassistanceoftheEuropeanUnion.Thecontentsofthispublication arethesoleresponsibilityofWWFandcaninnowaybetakentoreflecttheviewsoftheEuropeanUnion. IKEA and WWF: Working together for sustainable rattan production S and is one of the longest land-ba- ledge on the ecological cultivation of rattan. tion of jobs will strengthen the entire rat- www.panda.org/laos Sweet signs of success Villagers are benefiting directly, with their income rising by around 20 percent. The hardly a material out there that can match the natural fibre in terms of stability and longevity. This is due to its capillary struc- rattan supply chain is more efficiently or- ture. Rattan does not shrink in diameter during processing. Neit- ince 2009, WWF Austria has been a Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam, the WWF ganised. Three hundred small and medi- pioneer in a model international pro- project is an opportunity to succeed on um-sized enterprises are already familiar ject supported by IKEA.* The aim is to in- the $4 billion world rattan market. Many with cleaner production and at least 120 volve local municipalities in converting to village communities in these three coun- have already taken specific measures. harvest cycle of the material, sustainable rattan cultivation in as many tries depend on the rattan trade, with sa- 20,000 hectares of forest are now being which is self-regenerating and areas as possible. For the rattan industry les account for up to 50 percent of net in- sustainably managed. At least 30 compa- in the "Greater Mekong" region straddling come. That makes this branch of industry nies have credibly documented their sup- critical in the fight against poverty. ply chain by means of certificates; 25 pro- Sustainable rattan production offers finan- cessing plants have started to export cial incentives in order to maintain 50,000 certified rattan products. Finally, legislati- hectares of forest. It helps to protect re- on has also been amended. Sustainable sources (according to the WFF, around 55 production and optimised supply chains in percent of the harvest is wasted in the pro- the three countries are now receiving bet- duction chain) and avoids the use of toxic ter support. her is it hollow like bamboo, but solid and therefore particularly stable, yet light as a feather. The regrows quickly from the root stock, is between five and seven years, depending on the thickness. substances from pesticides to bleaches. A certification programme has therefore been developed jointly with the WWF. Production Particularly robust and very lightweight: rattan. 66 groups have been set up in 70 villages and training courses are held for harvest wor- © WWF (4) faces stic nable eads to rattan chain Project resuLts DRandVietnamwillbeengagedinsustainable ustry tive to es of o PDr ecoal costs ProDuct anD suPPLy * The project of WWF Austria is co-financed by the EU as part of a privatepublic-partnership project and is supported by IKEA and DEG, a German development financier. 67