headway® microcatheter
headway® microcatheter
Superior Trackability with Exceptional Shape Retention and Durability Used with A Complete Range of Sizes & Softness CHOOSE & IZE YOUR S F LEVEL O SS SOFTNE Headway® microcatheters offer a superior selection of access solutions. With three sizes, two levels of support and three pre-shaped tip options available, there is a Headway microcatheter available for use in nearly any procedure. All Headway microcatheters are designed to optimize the performance of LVIS™ and LVIS™ Jr. Intraluminal Support Devices, FRED™ System ™ Retrieval Devices, and embolic coils. Headway microcatheters are also DMSO compatible. SOFT SUPPORT ZONE Soft support zone for greater sensitivity to coil delivery force Pre-Shaped Tips 45° 90° “J” ENHANCED SUPPORT ZONE More support in the distal shaft to reduce catheter movement in challenging anatomy and ensure accurate device delivery. HEADWAY MICROCATHETER - NE Microcatheter ® Used with Hydrophilic Coating t 3FEVDFEGSJDUJPOGPSJNQSPWFE OBWJHBUJPOJOUPSUVPVTWFTTFMT t &YDFQUJPOBMEVSBCJMJUZGPS QSPMPOHFEVTF EXT GENERATION CATHETER PERFORMANCE WITH SUPERI Innovative Catheter Construction Headway 17 The unique construction of the Headway Headway 21 and 27 The multi-segmented 17 microcatheter combines 7 progressive segments with a tapered PTFE liner and an atraumatic soft tip for enhanced performance in challenging anatomies. Two levels of softness and superior tip shapability allow for design of the Headway 21 and 27 microcatheters provides superior trackability and resistance to elongation, while the combination of a tight-pitch coil reinforcement and PTFE inner liner allows for the delivery of stents in a smooth, controlled manner. Rounded Tip t "USBVNBUJDTPGUUJQGBDJMJUBUFT TNPPUIDBUIFUFSBEWBODFNFOU t 3PVOEFETIBQFBMMPXTFBTJFS OBWJHBUJPOUISPVHIBEFQMPZFE TUFOU Superior Tip Shapability t &BTZUPTIBQFXJUITUFBNFS t 4VQFSJPSTIBQFSFUFOUJPOPO EJTUBMUJQ Tapered PTFE Liner with Coil Reinforcement t 5BQFSFEMJOFSEFTJHOBMMPXT USVFQVTIQVMMDPOUSPM t 5JHIUQJUDIDPJMSFJOGPSDFNFOU SFTJTUTPWBMJ[BUJPOXIJMF NBJOUBJOJOHNBYJNVNnFYJCJMJUZ IOR TRACKABILITY AND CONTROL Used with Coil Reinforced Catheter t 5JHIUQJUDIDPJMXJOESFTJTUT LJOLJOHBOEPWBMJ[BUJPO XIJMFNBJOUBJOJOH NBYJNVNnFYJCJMJUZ PTFE Liner t -VCSJDJPVTZFUEVSBCMFJOOFS MJOFSGPSTNPPUITUFOUEFMJWFSZ Robust Catheter Body t 0GGFSTFOIBODFESFTJTUBODF UPTUSFUDIJOHBOEFMPOHBUJPO XIJMFEFMJWFSJOHTUFOUTPS PUIFSMFTTnFYJCMFEFWJDFT Used with Microcatheter SPECIFICATIONS Headway® .JDSPDBUIFUFS .JDSPDBUIFUFSXJUI)ZESPQIJMJD$PBUJOH QFSCPYBOEJODMVEFTTIBQJOHNBOESFMBOEJOUSPEVDFSTIFBUI Product Name ‘Soft’ Tip Shape Usable Length (cm) OD Prox./Distal (French) Tip Markers 0.017 STR 150 2.4 / 1.7 2 Straight 0.017 STR 150 2.4 / 1.7 2 Pre-shaped tip 45 0.017 45 150 2.4 / 1.7 2 Pre-shaped tip 90 0.017 90 150 2.4 / 1.7 2 Pre-shaped tip J 0.017 J 150 2.4 / 1.7 2 Straight 0.021 STR 150 2.5 / 2.0 2 Straight 0.027 STR 150 3.0 / 2.6 2 Description ID (inches) Straight ADVANCED & ADVANCED ‘SOFT’ $BUIFUFS-FOHUIDN 4FHNFOU$PNQPTJUJPO ' 5JQ.BSLFST *%w ' )ZESPQIJMJD$PBUJOHDN PRE-SHAPED TIPS $BUIFUFS-FOHUIDN 4FHNFOU$PNQPTJUJPO ' 5JQ.BSLFST *%w ' )ZESPQIJMJD$PBUJOHDN 21 $BUIFUFS-FOHUIDN 4FHNFOUT$PNQPTJUJPO ' )ZESPQIJMJD$PBUJOHDN 5JQ.BSLFST *%w ' $BUIFUFS-FOHUIDN 4FHNFOUT$PNQPTJUJPO ' )ZESPQIJMJD$PBUJOHDN 5JQ.BSLFST *%w ' *ODMVEFT4IBQJOH.BOESFMBOE*OUSPEVDFS4IFBUI MicroVention, Inc. Worldwide Headquarters 7BMFODJB"WFOVF 5VTUJO$"64" 1) 1) www.microvention.com MicroVention UK Limited MicroVention Europe MicroVention Deutschland GmbH 4VJUF5IF#BSSBDLT#VJMEJOH $MJGGPSET'PSU/PSUI4IJFMET 5ZOFBOE8FBS/&+&6, 1) ' CJTSVFEV7JFJM"CSFVWPJS 4BJOU(FSNBJOFO-BZF France 1) ' )JMEFCSBOEUTUS %%àTTFMEPSG (FSNBOZ 1) ' MICROVENTION and Headway are registered trademarks of MicroVention, Inc. LVIS, LVIS Jr., FRED and ERIC are trademarks of .JDSP7FOUJPO*ODt4DJFOUJmDBOEDMJOJDBMEBUBSFMBUFEUPUIJTEPDVNFOUBSFPOmMFBU.JDSP7FOUJPO*OD3FGFSUP*OTUSVDUJPOTGPS6TF GPSBEEJUJPOBMJOGPSNBUJPOª.JDSP7FOUJPO*OD..*
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