Business Directory Welcome – Cead Míle Fáilte
Business Directory Welcome – Cead Míle Fáilte
ry RE Farranfore Castlemaine Milltown R561 Inch Cromane N22 7 Killorglin Dingle Bay 7 N70 17 9 7 29 Kells 11 Valentia Island 23 Portmagee St Finian’s Bay 19 20 Skellig Islands 18 7 18 17 18 Derriana Lough 5 Sneem 4 Waterville Beach Walking Route Dingle Way Kerry Way Beara Way Ferry Itinerary Highlights Walking and hiking are a huge part of our great PVUEPPST#FJOH on The Kerry Way, PòFSJOHMPDBMXBMLTBOE guides, providing looped XBMLTXFIBWFBTQFDUBDVMBSDIPJDFPG HFOUMFPSSVHHFESPVUFTUPDIPPTFGSPNoCFBDIFTUP mountains, short trails to 4 day treks. 5IFSFBSFNBOZAUIFNFEXBMLTUISPVHIPVUUIFBSFB XIJDIUBLFJODBTUMFTBOEIFSJUBHFTJUFTXJMEMJGFBOE spectacular scenery and rugged slopes for the more ambitious adventurers. Some Local Walks: t5IF%FSSZOBOF.BTT1BUI-PPQ8BML t%FSSZOBOF#FBDI/BUJPOBM1BSL8BML t-BNCT)FBE$PBTUBM8BML t5IF,FSSZ8BZGSPN$BIFSEBOJFMWJMMBHFPWFSUIF NPVOUBJOTUP4UBJHVFBOEGSPN#FBMFUP4OFFN t5IF4OFFN'FSNPZMF-PPQ8BML t5IF4OFFN-PNBOBHI-PPQ8BML 35 R569 N71 Tuosist 39 Lauragh Ardgroom Eyeries N71 17 Kilgarvan 18 37 5 Templenoe Kenmare Blackwater 17 N71 5 N70 R570 19 Bonane 12 1-3 7 Lough Currane 8 Parknasilla 5 Tahilla 6 17 11 6 14 11 Ballinskelligs Bay 16 Caherdaniel Castlecove 9 4 7 Kenmare River 40 10-15 Derrynane 7 N22 32 34 9 Ballinskelligs Golf course 36 31 35 18 Blue Flag Beach Walking Balaghbeama Pass R568 N70 22 MacGillicuddy’s Reeks Cloon Lake Cahersiveen Knightstown Chapeltown Killarney 9 Killarney National Park Glencar Bealach Óisín Pass 27-28 25 26 14 24 11 21 33 32 30 Glenbeigh Iveragh Peninsula 11 18 18 Beaufort Glenbeigh Beara Peninsula 38 Glengarriff Adrigole Bantry Allihies This is the ideal holiday base for touring the surrounding region and peninsulas. Our suggested itineraries include: t&YQMPSFUIF3JOHPG,FSSZo*U#FHJOTBOE&OET)FSF t&OKPZUIF4LFMMJH3JOHo8BUFSWJMMF #BMMJOTLFMMJHT5IF(MFO1PSUNBHFFBOE7BMFOUJB*TMBOE XJUIBWJTJUUP$BIFSDJWFFOBOE,FMMT t7JTJUUIF4LFMMJH3PDLTB6/&4$08PSME)FSJUBHF4JUF t$ZDMFUIFIJEEFOJOUFSJPSPGUIF3JOHPG,FSSZUBLJOH JO#BMMBHICFBNB1BTT(MFODBSBOE#BMMBHI0JTJO1BTT t%JTDPWFSUIF#FBSB1FOJOTVMBBOE)FBMZ1BTT t%SJWFUIF%JOHMF1FOJOTVMBBOE4MFB)FBE3PVUF t7JTJU.VDLSPTT)PVTF'BSNTBOE(BSEFOTBOE stroll around the Killarney Lakes Castletownbere Festivals & Events Throughout the year, there are a lovely variety of themed festivals and events. Our fun packed entertainment includes: t4U1BUSJDLT%BZ1BSBEF'FTUJWBM t7JMMBHF3FHBUUBT t%FSSZOBOF4QMBTI#BTI t4U$SPIBOT'FTUJWBMBU$BTUMFDPWF t4OFFN'BNJMZ'FTUJWBMTFFXXXTOFFNGFTUJWBMDPN for details) t"SUBOE)BSQ8FFLFOE t4OFFN$ZDMJOH'FTUJWBM t(FP1BSL8BMLJOH'FTUJWBM t$ISJTUNBT-JHIU1BHFBOU t5SBEJUJPOBM.VTJDBOE%BODJOHBSFSFHVMBSGFBUVSFT throughout the region throughout the year 1MFBTFLFFQJOUPVDIXJUIVTBOEXFXJMMLFFQZPVVQ UPEBUFXJUIXIBUJTDPNJOHVQ GeoPark 5IFDPNNVOJUJFTPG4OFFN$BTUMFDPWF BOE$BIFSEBOJFMGPSNUIFIFBSUPG the Kerry Geopark. The Geopark is a unique and outstanding landscape XJUINBKPS(FPMPHJDBM&DPMPHJDBM "SDIBFPMPHJDBM)JTUPSJDBMBOE$VMUVSBM interest. The area is of international significance. It is cared for and managed by the community. R i ng e h t It begins and ends here… E Blasket Islands N72 lore p x 18 Kerry Airport *OUIFBSFBZPVXJMMTFFFWJEFODFPGUIFEFTFSUUJNFT 7BMFOUJB5FUSBQPE5SBDLXBZUIFSFETBOETUPOFT NJOFSBMJTBUJPO$PQQFSBU$PBE.PVOUBJO *HOFPVT SPDLTUIF(MBDJBMUJNFT$PPNTTVDIBTUIPTFPO $PPNBDBMFFPS,OPDLOBHBOUFFHMBDJBMMZTDPSFE BOETDSBUDIFESPDLTHMBDJBMNPSBJOFT UIF1PTUo (MBDJBMUJNFT5IF,FONBSF3JWFSoB3JBPSESPXOFE SJWFSWBMMFZDSFBUFECZTFBMFWFMSJTFXIFOUIFJDF melted). The Geopark is indeed an area of unique and outstanding landscape. Bird Sanctuary anctuary %FSSZOBOF#JSE4BODUVBSZoIFSFZPVXJMM TFF4XBOT)FSPOT8JME%VDL,JOHöTIFST #SFOU(FFTF4UPSN1FUSFMT,JUUJXBLFT and so much more. Take the Derrynane /BUVSF5SBJMoBXPOEFSGVMXBML UISPVHIUIFCFBDIFTBOEEVOFTXJUI all the flora and fauna of the seashore BSPVOEZPV&OKPZJUTMPXMZUPFOKPZ UIFXJMEMJGFQBTTJOHUIF.BTT3PDLBOE 4NVHHMFSTWJFXJOHQPJOUQFSGFDUGPSBMM the family. ry N86 The Ring of Kerry is easily reached by road, rail or air. Kerry Airport is just a 60-minute drive away and Cork International Airport takes about 2 hours. Direct mainlinebus and train services run from Dublin to Killarney which is a 40-minute drive away. N86 Annascaul N23 24= Skellig Interpretative $FOUSF 25(FPLBVO.PVOUBJO $MJòT5FUSBQPE%JOPTBVS 'PPUQSJOU 26 = Gleanleam Gardens 275IF#BSSBDLT$BIFSDJWFFO )FSJUBHF$FOUSF.BSJOB 28%BOJFM0$POOFMM .FNPSJBM$IVSDIoCVSJBM QMBDFPGA5IF7BUJDBO4DBSMFU 1JNQFSOFMo.POTJHOPS)VHI 0'MBIFSUZ 295IF#PH7JMMBHF 30 = Gap of Dunloe 31 = Muckross House, Gardens 5SBEJUJPOBM'BSNT 32,JMMBSOFZ/BUJPOBM1BSL Torc Waterfall 33 = The Lakes of Killarney 34,JTTBOF4IFFQ'BSN 35.PMMT(BQ-BEJFT7JFX 36#BMMBHI#FBNB(BQo 4DFOJD%SJWF$ZDMJOHSPVUF 374FBGBSJ&DP$SVJTF 38#POBOF)FSJUBHF1BSL .PMMZ(BMMJWBOT5SBEJUJPOBM 'BSN 39(MFOJODIBRVJO1BSL 40 = Dereen Gardens GPS CO-ORDINATES Sneem 51.838376°N 9.899797°W Castlecove 51.779312°N 10.036526°W Caherdaniel 51.769553°N 10.09960°W Derrynane 51.765396°N 10.120897°W Dingle N70 14OFFNo1JDUVSFTRVFA5JEZ 5PXO"XBSE8JOOJOH7JMMBHF 24OFFN4DVQMUVSF5SBJM The Garden of the Senses 3 = Scuba Diving 4 = Loop Walks 5'SFTIXBUFSBOHMJOH 6 = Kerry Geopark 7(PMEFO#MVF'MBH#FBDIFT 84UBJHVF'PSU 9 = Horseriding 104BJMJOH4VSöOH 11 = Deep Sea-Angling 12#JSE8BUDIJOH4BODUVBSZ 13%FSSZOBOF)PVTFo%BOJFM 0$POOFMM.VTFVN 14"VEJP7JTVBM5IFBUSFT 15%FSSZOBOF/BUJPOBM1BSL 16$PPNBLJTUF1BTT 17(PMG-JOLT$PVSTFT 184LFMMJH3JOHo4DFOJD%SJWF $ZDMJOH3PVUF 19$IPDPMBUF'BDUPSZ Workshops 204LFMMJH.JDIBFM*TMBOETo 6/&4$08PSME)FSJUBHF4JUF 21-PIBS'PSU $BIFSHBM'PSU 22$JMM3JBMBJH'BNJOF7JMMBHF 231PSUNBHFF'JTIJOH7JMMBHF For train times For buses Dunquin Ventry N22 Where are we? Ballyferriter Castleisland Slieve Mish Mountains Dingle Peninsula Ferry Ports $PSL LNN 3PTTMBSF LNN Dublin 353km /219m Dun Laoghaire 362km / 225m #FMGBTU LNN Larne 554km / 344m Conor Pass DISTANCES TO SNEEM Killarney 45km / 28m Airports Kerry 62km / 38m $PSL LNN Shannon 202km /126m Dublin 360km / 225m #FMGBTU LNN 18 Camp XXXSJOHPGLFSSZJF The Ring of Kerry begins and ends here… It’s Paradise! 4UBS"UUSBDUJPOTPOUIF3JOHPG,FSSZ Feothanach LO This south westerly corner of Ireland is a place where you will feel immediately at home. The stresses of everyday life and the bustle of towns and cities will seem a world away. Here, you will connect with the allure of the outdoors, discover charming places to stay, spend time with us in our villages, full of character, atmosphere and wonderful people with a warm welcome. Enjoy the craic and rejuvenation of local community life. Explore the fascinating culture and history of thousands of years and rediscover childhood memories! Stroll along a sandy beach, climb a mountain, sit back and bask in the last light of an Atlantic sunset, lose yourself in our vast outdoors! Absorb the breath-taking views at the edge of the Atlantic and discover our spectacular beaches, enchanting islands, rolling mountains, secret valleys, hidden lakes, gushing rivers, golden beaches and subtropical woodlands. It’s a walkers’ paradise, a sea-sports fanatics’ paradise, a golfers’ paradise, a horse-riding paradise, a nature lover’s paradise, a family paradise, an adventurer’s paradise, …it is just paradise!!! ing of ker 5P4OFFN$BTUMFDPWF$BIFSEBOJFMBOE%FSSZOBOFPOUIF3JOHPG,FSSZ Sneem, Castlecove, Caherdaniel and Derrynane offer ideal bases from which to experience and explore the Ring of Kerry and all the South West of Ireland has to offer. This is a place where nature’s simplicity is its magnificence and its magnificence surrounds and envelops you – any time of year! the r While every effort has been made to ensure this directory is accurate, the publishers take no responsibility for errors or omissions. Welcome – Cead Míle Fáilte of Ker GROCERS, BUTCHERS ETC CAHERDANIEL Country Market (Fri 10am-12am) 066 9474433 Freddies Grocery & Bar 066 9475400 Wavecrest Grocery & Tourist Info 066 9475188 John J O’Leary Petrol Station 066 9475175 CASTLECOVE O’Leary’s Grocery & Petrol 066 9475105 Westcove Confectionery 066 9475479 SNEEM Burn’s Butchers 064 6645139 Christians Mace Shop & ATM Machine 064 6645116 Dan Galvin Hardware 064 6645118 Kelly’s Bakery & Deli 064 6645178 Daybreak Grocery & Newsagent 064 6689668 D J O’Sullivans Grocery & Hardware 064 6645165 Peter O’Sullivan Butcher 064 6645213 Riney’s Newsagents & Off License 064 6645225 Sneem House Grocery & Petrol 064 6645206 The Window Box – Flowers 064 6675811 LAUNDERETTES O’Sullivans Sneem 087 1324466 Wavecrest Derrynane 066 9475188 POST OFFICES Castlecove 066 9475108 Sneem* 064 6645110 TAXI SERVICE & TOURS BLACKWATER John Sheehan Mini Bus 087 2271235 CASTLECOVE Castlecove Hackney 087 73183337 Michael McGillicuddy 087 2213005 SNEEM Christian’s Taxi 064 6645116 Jimmy Casey 064 6645324 Drummonds Taxi 064 6645134 Teddy McCarthy 087 2315014 Sneem Taxi Service & Tours 086 2554098 BEAUTY AND HAIR SALONS CAHERDANIEL Elaine – Beautician 087 7831316 Catriona – Beautician 087 1346711 Sinead- Hairdresser 066 9475169 SNEEM Clear Complections – Beautician 087 9837719 Michelle – Hairdresser 064 6645047 Olive – Hairdresser 087 7551796 Parknasilla Hotel and Spa 064 6675600 GALLERIES & POTTERIES CAHERDANIEL & CASTLECOVE Cara Turner Ceramics 066 6765846 Christy’s Pottery Lohar Curiosity Store 085 1065310 Piper Gallery 066 9475126 SNEEM Rosemary Bradshaw 064 6645595 Brushwood Studios 064 6645108 GARAGES CASTLECOVE Sweeney’s Garage 066 9475270 Eddie Fitzgerald 087 2367683 SNEEM McCarthys Garage 064 6645143 Sneem Motor Works 064 6645101 ACTIVITIES BLACKWATER Blackwater Stables 087 6203627 Eclipse Riding 064 6682965 CAHERDANIEL Eagle Rock Horseriding & Treks 087 2462981 Eureka Lodge – Sea Fishing 066 945248 S D O’Shea Boat trips to Skelligs 087 6898431 Skellig Bay Golf Course 066 9474133 DERRYNANE Derrynane House & National Park 066 4751113 Derrynane Seasports 087 9081208 Teach Bhride 066 9478736 SNEEM & ROSSDOHAN Burns Bicycle Hire 087 9230002 J O’Shea Sea Angling & Boat 087 6898431 Kenmare Diving (Trips from Sneem) 087 6993793 Parknasilla Golf Course 0646645195 Kissane Sheep Farm Molls Gap 064 6634791 Southwest Fisheries Board 026 41221 Walking Maps Available At Tourist Information Offices * Internet Access Available EX APPROVED ACCOMMODATION HOTELS & GUEST HOUSES CAHERDANIEL Derrynane Hotel* 066 9475136 CASTLECOVE Staigue Fort Guest House 066 9475127 SNEEM & TAHILLA Parknasilla Hotel 064 6675600 Sneem Hotel* 064 6675100 Tahilla Cove Guesthouse 064 6645204 BED & BREAKFASTS CAHERDANIEL Atlantic View Bed & Breakfast 066 9474335 Derrynane Bay House 066 9475404 Iskeroon 066 9475119 Morans Seaside Farmhouse 066 9475208 Olde Forge 066 9475140 CASTLECOVE Castlecove Heights 087 2867674 SNEEM & TAHILLA Bank House 064 6645226 Bellview House 064 6645389 Brookvilla 064 6645172 Comassig View 064 6675005 Derry-east Farmhouse 064 6645193 Hillside Haven 064 6682065 Old Convent House 064 6645181 Rockville House 064 6645135 Sneem River Lodge* 64 6645578 CARAVAN & CAMPING Glenbeg 066 9475182 Wavecrest* 066 9475188 SELF-CATERING BLACKWATER Eclipse Centre 064 6682965 CAHERDANIEL & DERRYNANE An Gleantain 061 335799 Derrynane Hotel & Holiday Homes 066 9475136 Fenton House 01 8206795 Water’s Edge 066 9475140 SNEEM Burns Cottage 064 6682902 Casey House 064 6645399 Ceol na n-Ean 064 6645119 O’Leary’s Cottage 064 6645132 Parknasilla Villas & Apartments 064 6675600 Sneem Hotel Apartments 064 6675100 Sneem Holiday Village 061 335799 IMPORTANT NUMBERS Emergency Services 112 / 999 Derrynane Inshore Rescue 112 /999 South Doc 1850335999 Dr. D Gibson Waterville 066 9474284 Dr. P Malone Sneem Home 064 6645133 Surgery 064 6645102 Dr. D Waterhouse Sneem 064 6645455 Sneem Cardiac First Responder Sneem 087 9800999 Sneem Pharmacy 064 6645288 Waterville Pharmacy 066 9474141 PUBS & RESTAURANTS CAHERDANIEL & DERRYNANE Ahamore Tea Rooms 087 1337091 The Blind Piper Bar & Restaurant 066 9475126 Derrynane Hotel 066 9475136 Freddies Bar 066 9475400 Keatings Bar 066 9475115 O’Carrolls Cove Beach Bar 066 9475151 Scarriff Inn 066 9475132 CASTLECOVE The Black Shop Bar 066 9475356 Staigue Fort 066 9475127 SNEEM & TAHILLA The Blue Bull Bar & Restaurant 064 6645382 The Hungry Knight 064 6645237 Kelly’s Café 064 6645178 Murphy’s Bar 086 4048255 D O’Sheas Bar Food and Drink* 064 6645515 Parknasilla Hotel & Spa 064 6675600 Riney’s Bar 064 6645225 Riverside Café & Bistro 064 6645498 Sacre Couer Restaurant 064 6645186 Sneem Hotel 064 6675100 Sneem House Bar 064 6645206 Stone House Restaurant 064 6645188 Tahilla Cove Guesthouse and Bar 064 6645204 The Village Kitchen 064 6645281 Wrestlers Inn 064 6645398 GIFT & CRAFT SHOPS SNEEM Erin Country Knitwear 064 6645522 The Green House 064 6645565 Hickey’s Music 064 6645666 Joli Coeur / Tourist Info Office 064 6675807 Quill’s Woollen Market 064 6645277 KENNELS Eskine Kennels Sneem 064 6689224 P Business Directory It’s Paradise 4OFFN$BTUMFDPWF $BIFSEBOJFM%FSSZOBOF XXXSJOHPGLFSSZJF
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