Grange Newsletter Summer 2014
Grange Newsletter Summer 2014
Newsletter Summer 2014 Time for Kick Off! In this edition... Year 8 are inspired! Summer Mela Kicks Off! Arsenal Double Club Welcome…. Dear Parents/carers, As we approach the summer holiday may I take this opportunity to thank you all for your support throughout this school year. Our partnership with you is vital to ensuring students make the best possible progress whilst they are with us at the school. As you will see from this newsletter, this has been another busy term with a wide range of trips, activities and community events, involving many parents and carers. I would particularly like to mention the students who were commended for their work as part of the Stand up, Speak out, Make A Difference campaign (see page 7). This is important work which coincided with us hosting the Anne Frank exhibition in school. We wish all students and staff who are leaving us this year a successful future and look forward to welcoming our new Year 7’s to our community in September. We look forward to working with you all in the coming year. We would like to wish you a restful summer and Eid Mubarak to those families who are celebrating Eid. Nick Bell You can now follow us on... @GrangeTech As a school we are keen to engage with our stakeholders in as many ways as possible. We understand the fast pace with which technology affects the ways we communicate, and have taken the decision to embrace social media by opening a school Twitter account. You can follow the school Twitter feed @GrangeTech where we will post regular updates about what is happening in school. This will include any stories from the school, notices about things that are going on and news about student and staff achievements. Our aim is for Twitter to complement the other forms of communication we use and will in no way replace them. Signing up to Twitter is easy, simply visit We are also looking into the possibility of rebuilding our school website in order to support the way we get information out to our community. Watch out in future communications for more information. If you have any comments or questions about how we communicate with you, please contact David Jowle, Campus Communication & Marketing Officer [email protected] Immersion Week At time of writing, Year 9 are taking part in a week-long special programme of activities aimed at developing understanding and appreciation of different cultures. The Immersion Week culminates in a performance to showcase the work completed in subjects. This includes videos, photos and presentations by the students. A full write up with photos will follow on the news pages of the school website in due course. CONTENTS 2-3 News 4 Arsenal Trip 5 Year 8 Inspired! 6-7 Summer Mela 7 Award Winners 8 Saying Thanks 2 World Refugee Week A group of students was involved in a city-wide event in June to raise awareness of the plight of refugees overseas. The students took part in the creation of a canvas, made up of 1,000 drawings based on the concept of ‘home’ and created by local children and young refugees from Syria, who were visited in Jordan by relief workers from the Bradford based charity Human Relief Foundation (HRF). The culmination of this project was a celebratory event at Kala Sangam on 16th June which was attended by the Lord Mayor, Cllr Mike Gibbons and where one of our students spoke about her experiences as a refugee in Somalia. The World of Work In order to help our students make their options and future career choices we are holding our annual Careers Fair on Tuesday 23rd September 2014. This is an excellent opportunity for our students to get an insight into the world of work. We would like to take this opportunity to appeal to our community, and in particular to parents who are in business, to have a stall at the fare or to offer work placements to our students. Many students have family connections to local businesses and we would like to tap into this resource in a way which is mutually beneficial. If you or someone you know would like to discuss either opportunity, please get in touch: Careers Fair: Mrs Nazmin Din [email protected]. Work Experience: Mr Paul McLoughlin [email protected] Want to get involved? We run a programme of events, educational opportunities and meetings where parents can engage with the school, meet socially, share opinions and access training opportunities. Co-ordinated by our Community Development Manager, Nazmin Din, opportunities include: Parent Nurturing Programme Children are rewarding, stimulating and fun, but looking after them can be stressful and challenging. This programme helps deal with those challenges so as parents/carers you have a calmer, happier family life. A tried and tested programme, it helps us think about what we do, why we do it and how it makes us feel. English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) We recognise that language can be a barrier and want to support parents in communicating with us. Parent Coffee Mornings Moving up: Transition Fortnightly on Thursdays this is an informal social event for parents, particularly those who are new to the school to come in to talk to us and each other. Wednesday 2nd July saw children from our feeder schools visit the Campus for their ‘transition day’. This is a feature of our extensive transition programme. The day was a great success with children experiencing Science, ICT and PE lessons as well as Integrated Learning. We are looking forward to welcoming our new Year 7 students to our community in September 2014 where their journey at secondary school begins. Parent Forum We are always keen to hear your views about our school and welcome the opportunity to work closely with you to ensure your views influence our school improvement planning. We meet once every half term. Later this year we will be launching Aromatherapy and Family Learning courses which could potentially lead to parents gaining qualifications. If you would like to find out more about any of these opportunities, please contact Nazmin Din: [email protected], by calling 01274 779662 3 Arsenal Double Club On Tuesday 10th June, a team of budding linguists visited Arsenal’s Emirates Stadium in London, where they took part in footballing activities and a prize giving ceremony. The team were invited after the work they submitted to a national languages competition was selected by the organisers of the latest Arsenal Double Club challenge, an innovative education and football programme which teaches a range of languages combined with football coaching. With the FIFA World Cup 2014 on the horizon, the entire Year 8 worked in groups on a 3 week project which gave them the opportunity to learn some Portuguese, the first language of host nation Brazil. “The best thing about this project was working together as a team. It was also good to learn another new language for a change from French and I feel even more enthusiastic about languages now. It was a bit of a shock finding out that we have been invited to the Emirates Stadium.” Student, Zain Hassan Majid From left to right: Sameer Ali, Sameer Tasadaq, Mohammed AlHabib Miah, Saqib Mahmood, Hassan Zain Majid. As the only winning team from the North and one of eighty five entered nationally, the students revelled in the opportunity which included meeting multi-lingual Sky Sports presenter Kate Abdo. The students also got the chance to see and be photographed with the FA Cup, which Arsenal won back in May. On the day, Kate Abdo talked to the students about how speaking four languages had helped her in her career and given her a better chance at a higher earning job. She invited questions from the floor and there was great interest in the footballing stars whom she had interviewed, including Zinedine Zidane. In total, five languages were covered through the activities including German, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. All the students were then presented with a certificate, a football and an Arsenal T-shirt before making the long journey home. 4 Year 8 Inspired! On Friday 27th June, Year 8 were treated to one of the most inspirational days the school has ever seen. The day was arranged by Year Director, Mrs Wallace-Laher who engaged a group of inspirational figures to provide an alternative to traditional end of year reward activities. Retired Headteacher and well known motivational speaker Ralph Henderson, M.B.E. led an assembly which helped relate theory to practice and there were cameo performances by Colin Nell (a freestyle footballer whose football skills are sensational), Tarryn Algar (a world class basketball freestyler) and Connor Stringer (one of the world’s most iconic PARKOUR performers and free-runners). The high tempo, action packed assembly was preceded and followed by workshops and coaching sessions led by the three world stars. From left to right freestyle footballer Colin Nell, freerunner & PARKOUR performer Connor Stringer, Ralph Henderson M.B.E. and freestyle basketballer Tarryn Algar. “From the moment of our arrival we appreciated what a special place Grange is with a wonderful ambience and purpose. It was a real privilege to attend today and receive such a splendid reception. It was certainly a very memorable occasion.” Ralph Henderson, M.B.E. Important Notices: Academic Year 2014 –15 From September 2014 Grange Technology College will run a full vertical tutoring system. Our house system means students will be placed in one of the following six houses: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue or Purple. Each house has a House Director. Grange has a team of Pastoral Managers who will help, along with other staff, new students settle into school. If there are any problems or questions students should see their Tutor in the first instance. Wherever possible, students will have the same tutor all the way through to Year 13. Parents and carers should also contact their child’s tutor as a ‘first point of contact’ if they wish to discuss anything. Students will have their form tutors e-mail address and this type of contact is welcomed. You may be aware September 2014 marks the start of a new National Curriculum in England. We believe this presents us with a fantastic opportunity to reflect on the curriculum we offer and ensure our students are fully prepared to take the next steps into an exciting and fulfilled life, beyond Grange. We hope you will take the time to look at our many different subjects, which are detailed on our website to see how students will be developing their understanding and skills, and we would encourage you to read how we will be assessing students, setting targets and then communicating and reporting to parents/carers. 5 Time to Celebrate... On Saturday 14th June we hosted a number of international stars who performed on stage for our students and families as part of our annual Mela. All smiles as Zain Bhikha warms up Dawud Khalil Ismail and Dawud Wharnsby Beats! The community event was held in aid of the Al Imdaad Foundation and Human Appeal charities to support their Syria emergency appeal and orphan sponsorship programmes. Performers included singer / songwriters Zain Bhikha, Saif Adam, Khalid Belrhouzi and Dawud Wharnsby, lyricist and vocalist Dawud Khalil Ismail, football freestyler Colin Nell and beatboxer, Homecut. The crowd awaits in anticipation... The pride of Grange! Leeds Beatboxer Homecut Saif Adam performs A worthy cause Stars on stage Alongside the ticketed music and performance event, the school opened its doors to the community and visitors were free to browse and purchase from stalls selling items such as cup cakes, a variety of other food and sweet treats. To complete the set, the school also hosted a five-a-side football tournament. Building on the success of last year’s event, we welcomed back the inspirational football coach Sohail Rehman who spent part of the day passing on his knowledge to the teams participating in the tournament. 6 As well as performing on stage, football freestyler Colin Nell ran a number of trick workshops on the Astroturf. The tournament was yet again a great success. As well as the tournament winners, prizes were on offer to winners of the ‘cross bar challenge’ and a ‘keepy-uppy’ competitions. In total the event raised over £800 for charity and resulted in 23 orphans being sponsored. ...Summer Mela Kicks Off! Colin Nell and Sohail Rehman All eyes on the prize! Skills “As a school keen to engage with our local community we were delighted to host these two fantastic events on 14th June. Both events were very successful last year in their own rights and this success was built on in 2014. To have such internationally renowned stars performing at the school is a real coup and it was great to see so many of our students & families enjoying themselves.” Nick Bell, Headteacher Stand Up , Speak Out Following on from the article about our Anne Frank exhibition in the last newsletter, we are delighted to report that on Tuesday 24th June, our team of peer educators attended an awards dinner to celebrate work done across the district by young people to develop community cohesion. The team received an award in recognition of their outstanding contributions to the project, which was presented by Councillor Ralph Berry. The main events which led to the award were the Anne Frank exhibition and the Interfaith Day which took place earlier this year. This is an ongoing project which the school is committed to and this year’s achievements have laid strong foundations for work which will continue next year. It will be fed into the pastoral programme in future with our work on bullying prevention and other important initiatives. Congratulations to everyone involved! Our Award Winning Team of Peer Educators 7 Calendar 14th August A Level Results Day Post 16 results will be available from 8:30am - 1:00pm. Students who have made an application through UCAS will need to make sure that they log into the UCAS system so that they are aware whether or not they have secured the university place that they applied for. 21st August GCSE Results Day GCSE and level 2 results will be available from 8:30am - 1:00pm. All students need to attend as early as they can, enter school via the main entrance and collect their results in the atrium. Staff will be on hand to support students should they have any specific needs after receiving their results. 28th August Post 16 Enrolment Post 16 enrolment will be on Thursday August 28th for Year 12 and Friday August 29th for year 13. Post 16 students will begin lessons with the rest of the school on Tuesday September 2nd. 2nd September School re-opens 11th September Year 6 Open Evening 6:00pm - 8:00pm Parent Coffee Morning Our Sincere Thanks... Grange Technology College would like to give public recognition and express our gratitude to each and every business or organisation (listed below) who have provided our students with work placements this year. The experience that students gain is invaluable and would not be possible without the support of the community. As a school we appreciate the effort that can result from taking on a work placement student. However, it has been very pleasing to hear, much positive feedback about how our young people have performed, so often to the benefit of the placement business / organisation. 24HR Recruitment (HKS Consultancy Ltd), AA Auto Electrics, Abbas & Co, ACW Garden Centre, Advanced Digital Innovations (UK) Limited, Age UK, Albion Motors, Al-Ghani Ltd T/A Chemist 2 Patient Pharmacy, Ali & Co Solicitors, Alif Baa Childcare, Allerton Kaye Solicitors, AR Travel & Tours, AS Auto, Ashley Simone, Av Energy Solutions, Averroes Pharmacy, Awami Checkout Ltd, Axiom Solicitors, BAM Construction Ltd, Bankfoot Auto Centre, Bankfoot Primary School, Barkerend Pharmacy, Barkerend Primary School, Beckside Road Dental Practice (Dr S H Bashir), Belle Vue Girls School, Benysports, Berwicks Solicitors, Bliss Hair & Tanning Ltd, Blues Hair Workshop, BMDC Central Production Unit, BMDC Children's Services, BMDC Dept of Regeneration & Culture, BMDC Manningham Sports Centre, Bombay Stores, Borg Warner Automotive Turbo Systems Ltd, Bowling Park Primary School - New Cross Street, Brackenhill Primary School, Bradford College - Teaching, Health & Care, Bradford Combined Court Centre, Bradford Community Repaint, Bradford Paper Converters, Brathay, BTS, Cafe Delite, Cancer Research UK, Carlton Bolling College, CEX, Childminding Business, City Training Services, Clive Brook Volvo Bradford, Co-operative Food, Copthorne Primary School, Cross Roads Opticians, Del Core, Dick Lane Garage Co Ltd, Dixons Allerton Academy, Dixons City Academy, Dixons Music Primary, Do It Yourself and Plumbers Merchants, Evolve, Excel Hair Studio, Fabric / Handmade in Bradford, Farfield Primary School, Feversham First Steps, Fountains Café, Fruit World, Glow Hair and Beauty, Good & Co Solicitors, Good Neighbour Project, Hanson Academy, Heaton Grange Rest Home, Hollingwood Primary School, Horton Housing, Horton Park Primary School, I Inspire Aftercare Ltd, I Wear Opticians North Ltd, Immanuel College, Incommunities - West Office, Ingrid Dawns, Insure Smart, Joint Activities & Motor Education ServiceFagley, Just Sports Group, Karmand Community Centre, Khidmat Centre, Kids Collection, Lahore Cafe Bar Ltd T/A My Lahore, Laisterdyke Bus & Enterprise Coll (LBEC Works), Laisterdyke Business & Enterprise College, Learn 2 Earn Ltd, Lidget Green Primary School, Liza London, Lloyds Pharmacy, Makkah Market, Mangla Jewellers, Manor Café, Margaret McMillan Children’s Centre, Marshfield Primary School, Midland Road Nursery School & Children Centre, Midnight Pharmacy, Mir Solicitors LLP, Mobasher Halal Meat, Mohammed Rizvi Accountancy Services Ltd, Mumtaz, My Lahore Ltd, Nando’s Restaurant, Natasha’s, New Look Interiors Yorkshire Ltd, Newby Primary School, Oiltech Europe Limited, Old Road Services & MOT Centre, One Stop Bodyshop, Ontrak (Bradford Kart Racing), Optikal Eyecare Ltd, Peel Park Primary School, Pippins Nursery, Pizza Hut, Ponderosa Rural Therapeutic Centre, Power Start City Road Garage, Princes Soft Drinks, Pro Active Sport (UK) Ltd, Punjab Sweet House, QED UK, Rainbow Primary School, Rapid Auto Parts Ltd, Regency Healthcare Acorn Nursing Home, Robertsons Pharmacy, Royal Gift Centre, S & M Accountants, Sahara Pharmacy, Sainsbury’s Local, Salter Royd Equestrian Centre, Save The Mothers Trust, Scentiments, Shoe Zone – Asda, Short Circuit Care Club Ltd, Southmere Primary School, Specsales Eyecare, St Columba's Catholic Primary School, Stonham Home Group Ltd, Strawberries Private Day Nursery, Studio Marta, Tesco Extra - Great Horton, Tesco Stores Ltd - Valley Rd, The Anchor Trust, The Co-operative Group, The Impressive Look, The Little Academy Day Nursery, Thorpe Edge Community Project -The Rockwell Centre, Tong High School, Tong Optician, Ultra Health Ltd, Unique Car Care Centre, University of Bradford - Day Nursery, University of Bradford – Informatics, Watan Superstore, Whitaker & Leach Ltd, Wibsey Methodist Pre – School, Wildlife Rescue Sanctuaries, Worthinghead Primary School, Wyke Community & Childrens Centre, Yaadgaar Bakeries, Yorkshire Design & Fabrication, Zaib Accountants. 9:15am start 6th October Eid Ul Adha School closed to students. 24 October Half Term Get in touch... You can reach the Main Reception via any of the following methods: Write to: Call: Email: Southfield Grange Campus 01274 779662 [email protected] Haycliffe Lane Bradford BD59ET @GrangeTech