SCRS/2014/108 Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 71(5): 2043-2053 (2015) UPDATED CATCH RATES OF SWORDFISH (XIPHIAS GLADIUS) CAUGHT BY MOROCCAN DRIFTNET FISHERY IN THE STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR, 1999-2011 N. Abid1, A. Arakrak2, A. Laglaoui2 & M. Bakkali2 SUMMARY The catch rates from the Moroccan driftnet fleet targeting swordfish in the Strait of Gibraltar, from 1999 to 2011, were analyzed using the General Linear Modelling approach (GLM), under log-normal error assumption in order to compute standardized abundance indices. The relative abundance index didn’t show any clear trend. In general the index showed a relative stable trend over the considered time series. The factors year, month and vessel size explained most of the variability observed in the abundance index. RÉSUMÉ Les taux de capture de la flottille marocaine de filets dérivants ciblant l’espadon dans le détroit de Gibraltar entre 1999 et 2011 ont été analysés au moyen de l’approche de modélisation linéaire généralisée (GLM), en postulant une erreur log-normale afin de calculer les indices d’abondance standardisés. L'indice de l'abondance relative n'a fait apparaître aucune tendance claire. En règle générale, l'indice a dégagé une tendance relativement stable pendant toute la série temporelle considérée. Les facteurs année, mois et taille du navire ont expliqué la plupart de la variabilité observée dans l'indice d’abondance. RESUMEN Las tasas de captura a partir de la flota de redes de deriva marroquí que se dirige al pez espada en el estrecho de Gibraltar, desde 1999 a 2011, se analizaron utilizando un enfoque de modelación lineal generalizado (GLM), con un supuesto de error lognormal con el fin de calcular índices de abundancia estandarizados. El índice de abundancia relativa no mostraba ninguna tendencia clara. En general, el índice mostraba una tendencia relativamente estable a lo largo de la serie temporal considerada. Los factores año, mes y tamaño del buque explicaban la mayoría de la variabilidad observada en el índice de abundancia. KEYWORDS Swordfish catch rates, Strait of Gibraltar, General linear modelling (GLM) 1. Introduction During the period 1990-2011, the Moroccan driftnet fishery was one of the most important fisheries exploiting the Mediterranean swordfish. The vessels were operating in the Strait of Gibraltar, in the area comprised between the longitudes 05° and 06°W (Figure 1). With an annual average catch of about 2850 TM, Morocco came in the second place among the producing countries of this species in the Mediterranean Sea after Italy. The fleet targeted swordfish from April to June when fish is undertaking a genetic migration to the Mediterranean Sea and during its feeding migration from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, during July-September (El Hannach, 1987, Abid, 1998, Srour and Abid, 2004; Abid and Idrissi, 2007). 1 2 National Institute for Fisheries Research (INRH), regional centre of Tangier. P.O. Box 5268, Tangier, Morocco Faculté des Sciences et Techniques de Tanger (FST). B.P. 416.Tanger, Maroc 2043 During the 90s, the Moroccan swordfish catches taken by driftnet were the most important and represented about 60% on average of the total catches of this species at the national level. Nevertheless, since 2008, swordfish catches taken by this gear have steadily decreased because of the implementation of the National plan for banning gradually driftnet due to ICCAT recommendation (Rec. 03-04). In 2012, this gear was totally eliminated from the Moroccan waters. The swordfish stocks are assessed at regional level by the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic tunas (ICCAT) mainly by means of Analytical and production models which make use of relative abundance indices from the major fisheries targeting this species (Anon., 2013). The scientific monitoring of the Moroccan driftnet fishery operating in the Strait of Gibraltar was of a great importance at the regional level, especially in terms of updating and analyzing the trend of the relative abundance index. This relative abundance index has been used by the ICCAT scientific committee for the Mediterranean swordfish stock assessment in 2007 and 2010 (Anon., 2008; 2011). The standardization of catches rate of the Mediterranean swordfish by eliminating the effect of the external factors other than the stock abundance is required for the stock assessment purposes (Anon., 2013). The aim of this document is to analyze the effect of some factors including the moon phases on the catch rates of swordfish caught by this fishery in order to compute a standardized index to be used in the 2014 stock assessment. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1 Description of data source The catch (in weight) and effort data per trip related to the Moroccan driftnet fleet targeting swordfish in the Strait of Gibraltar during the period 1999-2011, were collected from the commercial fishing statistics recorded in the fish market at the port of Tangier. The data set is structured as follow: date of landing, vessel name, GRT, moon phase, catch in weight, estimated length of net. A total of 35809 daily trips were available for analysis. 2.2 Size/age range of fish The abundance index is applied to fish whose size ranged from 100 to 240 cm LJ-FL, with an average size of 145cm LJ-FL. These sizes correspond to fish aged 2-9 years (Figure 2). 2.3 Management regulation The Moroccan driftnet fishery has known a noticeable development since the early 90s in terms of fishing capacity and the volume of swordfish catches. It recorded a peak of about 5000 TM in 1997. Nevertheless, with the implementation of the national plan for banning driftnet since 2010, the fishing effort as well as the catches displayed a downtrend to reach a minimum in 2012 when the driftnet was totally prohibited. Since then the catches have been made only with the surface longline especially during the fall and the winter time. In order to take into account the effect of the recent management regulation on the catch rates, only the data related to driftnet fishing operations from 1999 to 2011 were included in the analysis. 2.4 Model standardization As regard the unit fishing effort, as recommended by the SCRS, it is defined as the total length of net set by a vessel. The fishermen spend one fishing day at sea during which one fishing operation is carried out. The fishing effort per vessel and per trip is estimated using the following formula: Unit fishing effort = 1.171xGRT^0.416 As it was previously demonstrated there is a strong correlation between the total length of net used by a vessel and its Gross Registered Tonnage (GRT), (r2=0.80) (Abid and Idrissi, 2007). The bigger the vessel is, the larger the net used is. 2044 All the daily trips catch rate data were analysed by means of the General Linear Modelling analysis (Gavaris, 1980; 1988) to analyse the effect of the season, the vessel size(GRT), the moon phases as well as the interactions between these factors on the catch rate and compute an annual standardized abundance index under a lognormal error distribution. As in the previous analyses, we have considered 5 levels for the temporal factor (April-August) which correspond to the main fishing season of the swordfish in the Strait of Gibraltar and 3 levels for the vessel size factor, which are displayed below: Vessel size levels 1 2 3 GRT GRT< 20 20≤GRT<40 >=40 Regarding the moon phases, we aggregated them into two phases: Dark and light. The dark phase includes the new moon, the first and the last crescent and the light phase comprises the first and the last quarter, the full moon, the waxing and waning moon (De la Serna et al., 1992, Di Natale, 1995, Dos Santos, 2005). The step AIC analysis was performed to select the statistically significant factors in the final model, which is expressed as follow: Lg CPUE w= U + Y i + M j + S k + Y i* M j+ Y i* S k+ M j* S k +e ijk Lg : natural logarithm CPUE w : catch rate in weight U : intercept Y i : year effect M j : month effect S k : vessel size effect Y i* M j : interaction year and month effect Y i* S k : interaction year and vessel size effect M j* S k : interaction month and vessel size effect e ijk : error 3. Results and Discussions The number of observations (trips) by year, month and vessel size combination levels is presented in the Table 1. In general, the number of trips analysed by month and by vessel size categories seems to be satisfactory. Figures 3, 4, 5 and 6 display the distribution of Log CPUEw by year, month, vessel size and moon phases. The nominal CPUEs show a relative stable trend during the analysed time series. The highest value of CPUE is recorded during the month of May of each year, which corresponds to the maximum passage of swordfish through the Strait of Gibraltar. The biggest vessels seem to have the highest catch rates. Table 2 shows the results of the deviance analysis. All the factors considered in the analysis: year, month, vessel size and the moon phases as well as the interactions between these factors are statistically significant at 0.5% level. The selected model explains about 14% of the total deviance. The factors year, month and vessel- size contribute with 14%, 33% and 16% of the total deviance, respectively. The effect of the moon phases on catch rates is statistically significant. This result confirms those found by De la Serna et al. (1992), Di Natale (1995) and Dos Santos (2005). A slight higher CPUES are recorded during the dark when the net is not well seen by the fish. But the variability explained by this factor in the abundance index remained insignificant (0.4%). The selected model fit well the observed data as the residuals distribution follows a normal pattern (Figure 7). 2045 The nominal CPUE, the standardized CPUEs, with their corresponding lower and upper confidence interval (95%), the coefficient of variation (CV) are presented in the Table 3. The trend of the annual relative abundance index is illustrated by the Figure 8. The swordfish relative abundance in the Strait of Gibraltar didn’t show any clear trend over the period 19992011, but in general it remained relatively stable over the same period. References Abid, N.1998. Contribution à l’étude de la pêcherie marocaine de l’espadon dans le détroit de Gibraltar. 217 Mémoire de troisième cycle pour l’obtention du diplôme d’ingénieur d’État, spécialité : Halieutique. I.A.V, 218 Hassan II. Rabat 92 p. Abid, N and. Idrissi, M. 2007. Situation récente de la pêcherie marocaine de l’espadon (Xiphias gladius). Période: 1996-2005. Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 60(6): 2018-2028. 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Données biologiques et écologiques sur l’espadon (Xiphias gladius) L.1758 à partir de la pêcherie marocaine dans le détroit de Gibraltar. Thèse de Doctorat, spécialité halieutique. ENSA, Rennes, France. 162 p. Gavaris, S. 1980, Use of multiplicative model to estimate catch rate and effort from commercial data. Can.J.Fish. Aquat.Sci.37: 2272-2275. Gavaris, S. 1988, Abundance indices from commercial fishing. Collected papers on stock assessment methods. CAFSAC Res. Doc.88/61. 167 pp. Srour, A. and Abid, N. 2004, Situation de la pêcherie de l’espadon (Xiphias gladius) des côtes marocaines. Col. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT, 56(3): 898-903. 2046 Table 1. Number of observations by factors levels combination. 1999 Size vessel/month 4 5 6 7 8 Total 1 2 3 67 12 1 123 26 10 78 18 8 61 18 6 112 20 10 Total 80 159 104 85 142 441 94 35 570 2000 Size vessel/month 4 5 6 7 8 Total 1 2 3 35 36 11 54 35 3 45 16 4 45 13 6 21 4 1 Total 82 92 65 64 26 200 104 25 329 2001 Size vessel/month 4 5 6 7 8 Total 1 2 3 489 139 51 1026 279 72 306 139 57 151 90 32 530 212 57 Total 679 1377 502 273 799 2502 859 269 3630 4 5 6 7 8 Total 1 2 3 342 150 53 1006 367 113 666 250 85 158 72 17 787 350 97 Total 545 1486 1001 247 1234 2959 1189 365 4513 2002 Size vessel/month 2003 Size vessel/month 4 5 6 7 8 Total 1 2 3 437 256 81 724 325 93 307 184 54 200 103 27 292 137 25 Total 774 1142 545 330 454 1960 1005 280 3245 Size vessel/month 4 5 6 7 8 Total 1 2 3 334 211 76 839 384 141 297 152 56 62 22 2 425 250 83 Total 621 1364 505 86 758 1957 1019 358 3334 2004 2047 2005 Size vessel/month 4 5 6 7 8 Total 1 2 3 160 206 62 632 400 136 139 115 57 88 28 10 231 174 53 Total 428 1168 311 126 458 1250 923 318 2491 2006 Size vessel/month 4 5 6 7 8 Total 1 2 3 468 280 105 583 354 147 162 172 88 105 63 23 364 227 89 Total 853 1084 422 191 680 1682 1096 452 3230 2007 Size vessel/month 4 5 6 7 8 Total 1 2 3 241 248 116 730 392 153 154 153 64 16 15 342 339 126 Total 605 1275 371 31 807 1483 1147 459 3089 2008 Size vessel/month 4 5 6 7 8 Total 1 2 3 221 224 96 663 477 248 142 145 84 106 146 33 260 393 138 Total 541 1388 371 285 791 1392 1385 599 3376 4 5 6 7 8 Total 1 2 3 250 382 190 449 417 163 201 200 96 98 89 25 156 236 73 Total 822 1029 497 212 465 1154 1324 547 3025 4 5 6 7 8 Total 1 2 3 140 257 90 462 451 177 198 287 115 67 68 14 129 212 52 Total 487 1090 600 149 393 996 1275 448 2719 2009 Size vessel/month 2010 Size vessel/month 2011 Size vessel/month 4 5 6 7 8 Total 1 2 3 132 200 82 209 304 136 88 155 78 86 181 55 140 298 114 Total 414 649 321 322 552 655 1138 465 2258 2048 Table 2. Analysis of deviance results. Factors df Null Residual deviance Change in deviance F Pr(>F) % in the total deviance 27147.7 Year 12 26680.3 467.4 58.6395 2.2e-16*** 13.585 Month 4 25590.5 1089.8 410.1616 2.2e-16*** 31.676 Vess.size 2 25018.7 571.9 430.4733 2.2e-16*** 16.623 Moon phases 1 25006.2 12.5 18.8136 1.445e-05 *** 0.363 Year*Month 48 24445.1 561.0 17.5965 2.2e-16*** 16.306 Year*Vess.size 24 24244.4 200.7 12.5911 2.2e-16*** 5.833 Year.Moon phases 12 24186.6 57.8 7.2467 1.990e-13*** 1.680 Month*Vess.size 8 23726.0 460.7 86.6913 2.2e-16 *** 13.390 Month*Moon phases 4 23712.4 13.5 5.0953 0.0004209*** 0.392 Vess.size*Moon phases 2 23707.2 5.2 3.9073 0.0201029 * 0.151 Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1 Table 3. Least square means, standard errors, standardized abundance indices with corresponding 95% upper and lower confidence limits and coefficient of variation. Scaled standardized CPUE to the average of the time series. Year Nominal CPUE Std.CPUE Upper Lower CV 1999 41.395 58.256 102.013 33.268 7.5% 2000 52.870 66.671 77.241 57.547 1.8% 2001 39.692 43.149 48.919 38.059 1.8% 2002 39.742 56.034 65.954 47.606 2.1% 2003 37.852 48.181 55.014 42.197 1.8% 2004 45.280 58.411 67.898 50.250 2.0% 2005 42.720 70.678 80.264 62.237 1.6% 2006 47.051 66.164 74.536 58.731 1.5% 2007 46.095 54.056 54.056 47.806 47.806 50.542 50.542 37.734 37.734 63.163 70.715 56.418 1.4% 69.178 79.043 60.545 1.7% 55.582 64.302 48.045 1.9% 51.887 58.854 45.746 1.7% 46.505 66.888 32.333 5.1% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2049 Figure 1. Fishing grounds (shaded area) of the Moroccan driftnet fleet targeting swordfish in the Strait of Gibraltar. Figure 2. Monthly size distribution of swordfish landed at the port of Tangier (Strait of Gibraltar), 2006-2011. 2050 Figure 3. Box plots showing the distribution of LogCPUEw by year. Figure 4. Box plots showing the distribution of LogCPUEw by month. 2051 Figure 5. Box plots showing the distribution of LogCPUEw by vessel size. Figure 6. Box plots showing the distribution of LogCPUEw by moon phases. 2052 Figure 7. Diagnosis plots: residuals vs fitted positive catch distribution and normal qq plots. 120 100 Std.CPUE 80 60 40 20 Std.CPUEw UpperCPUE LowerCPUE 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 0 Observed Figure 8. Standardized abundance index, with its corresponding upper and lower confidence limits, 1999-2011. 2053