Automatic Noise Figure Meter


Automatic Noise Figure Meter
Automatic Noise Figure Meter
Model 8970B
10 MHz to 1600MHz,
Accurate and simple, swept or CW measurements.
Displays both
figure and gain.
Calibrated display on oscilloscope, recorder, or plotter.
Powerful special function enhancements.
HP 8970B
HP 8970B Noise Figure Meter
With the HP 8970B Noise Figure Meter, noise figure measurements are easy, accurate, and repeatable. Automatic second stage
correction makes accurate noise figure readings possible even for low
gain devices. The HP 8970B's dynamic range allows gain measurements of at least 40 dB (higher in some cases) or loss measurements to
-20 dB, with no external attenuation or amplification. The HP
8970B can store up to 4 ENR (Excess Noise Ratio) noise source calibration tables. It also properly interpolates ENR values at each measurement frequency.
Microprocessor and Controller Functions
The HP 8970B takes the mystery out of noise figure measurements.
It uses a microprocessor to make the calculations and corrections necessary for truly accurate, convenient, and flexible noise figure measurements. The meter also controls external local oscillators (such as
the HP 8670 series synthesizers, HP 8340 series synthesized sweepers, or the HP 8350 sweep oscillator) and the HP 8971B Noise Figure
Test Set. This makes accurate, broad-band microwave measurements
of amplifiers, mixers, and transistors as simple as RF measurements.
Virtually all of the HP 8970B's front panel keys and functions are
accessible over HP-IB, Hewlett Packard's enhanced version of IEEE488. The meter has an independent System Interface Bus (SIB) to
control the HP 8971B and local oscillator. This additional bus frees
you from having to write computer code to control an instrument on
the SIB (like the local oscillator) when used in an automated set-up.
Pass-through capability allows other instrument controllers to send
messages through the meter to any other instrument on the SIB.
Simple Calibration
Second Stage
Noise figure measurement accuracy is enhanced because the meter
measures its own noise figure (and that of the rest of the measurement
system) at up to 181 points. It stores this information, interpolates
where necessary, and corrects for it when displaying the deviceunder-test noise figure. The HP 8970B also measures the test device
The HP 8970B's front panel LEDs display frequency, gain, and
noise figure. Rear panel BNC connectors allow swept display of noise
figure and gain versus frequency on an oscilloscope or x-y recorder.
You can also get the noise figure and gain vs. frequency display sent
to a digital plotter over the HP 8970B's System Interface Bus. All
display modes are easily and accurately scaled to the desired resolution from the meter's front panel. The swept oscilloscope display allows you to optimize your test device in real time for both noise figure
and gain. You can easily change the noise figure display from noise
figure to effective noise temperature (Te) or Y factor.
The HP 8970B front panel keys control the number entry, calibration, and measurement functions. STORE, RECALL, and SEQ keys
allow up to 9 front panel settings to be stored and sequenced automatically or manually to save set-up time. Smoothing INCREASE and
DECREASE keys are used to average up to 512 readings before display. This increases accuracy and eliminates display flicker.
For those who need greater measurement power than that provided
by the HP 8970B's simple front panel, there are more than 200 special functions selected by pressing a numerical code and the special
function key. Two examples are hot-cold measurements and automatic compensation for losses at the input of the test device. One of the
special functions is a catalog that quickly shows you the current special functions being used. Three pull-out cards serve as a minireference manual for the instrument. They include most of the special
functions, the HP-IB formats and codes, error messages, and typical
measurement set-ups.
HP 8970B Partial Specifications
(See technical data sheet for complete specifications)
Noise figure (gain) measurement range: 0 to 30 dB (-20 to at least
40 dB).
Noise figure (gain) instrumentation uncertainty: ±0.1 dB for 0 to
55° C(±.15dB).
Noise figure resolution: .01 dB (.001 dB over HP-IB).
Gain resolution: .01 dB (.001 dB over HP-IB).
Frequency range: tunable from 10 to 1600 MHz.
Tuning accuracy (from 10 to 40° C): ± (1MHz + 1% of frequency),
6MHz maximum.
Frequency resolution: 1 MHz.
Noise figure (for input power levels below -60 dBm): <7 dB +
.003 dB/MHz.
Maximum operating input power: —10 dBm.
Maximum net external gain: >65 dB between noise source and HP
8970B RF input.
Noise source drive: 28.0 ± .1 volt.
Operating temperature: 0°C to 55°C.
Storage temperature: -55° to 75°C.
Power: 100, 120, 220, or 240 V (+5%, -10%); 48-66 Hz; 150 VA
Dimensions: 143 H x 425 W x 476 mm D (5.68" x 16.75" x 18.38").
Weight: Net, 15.5 kg (34 lb). Shipping, 18.5 kg (40 lb).
Noise Figure Measurement System
Models 8970S/T/U, 8971C
10 MHz to 26.5 GHz
Fully specified system
Removes double-sideband inaccuracies
As easy to operate as the 8970A or B
HP 8971C Noise Figure Test Set
HP 8970S/T/U Microwave Noise Figure
Measurement Systems
Until now, there was no standardized way to make a microwave
noise figure measurement, users had to design and support their own
microwave system, and measurements crossing from RF to microwave were difficult because they required multiple system configurations.
Hewlett Packard's answer to these problems is the HP 8970S, HP
8970T and 8970U noise figure measurement systems. Each system
consists of the HP 8970B Noise Figure Meter, the new HP 8971C
Noise Figure Test Set, and a synthesized local oscillator. (The recommended LOs for the 8970S are listed in the 8970S Partial Specifications; the HP 8970T uses the HP 8671B Synthesized CW Generator
as its local oscillator; the HP 8970U uses the HP8673G Synthesized
CW Generator as its local oscillator.)
The HP 8970S/T/U system eliminates the tedious job of designing
the measurement system and selecting components. The HP 8970B
acts as the controller to the system so all system operation is transparent to you, the user. To insure specified performance, the HP
8970S/T/U systems are given specifications just like an RF noise figure meter (i.e HP 8970B).
HP 8970S/T/U Partial Specifications
(See 8970S technical data sheet for complete specifications)
Frequency range: 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz.
Noise figure measurement range: 0 to 30 dB.
Noise figure instrumentation uncertainty: <±.25 dB (for a 14 to
16 dB ENR noise source in a 0 to 55°C environment).
Gain instrumentation uncertainty: <±.45 dB.
Noise figure (max): 10 to 25 MHz: 13 dB
0.025 to 12 GHz: 8 dB
12 to 18 GHz: 10 dB
18 to 26.5 GHz: 14 dB
Input SWR: 10 MHz to 24 GHz: 2.0
24 to 26.5 GHz: 2.5
Gain/noise figure repeatability: .2 dB.
Recommended local oscillators: HP 867IB, 8672A, 8673B/
C/E/G, 8340B, and 8341B.
The HP 8971C Noise Figure Test Set brings the simplicity of
double sideband measurements and the accuracy of single sideband
measurements together in one package. Careful design and high performance components, including a stable YIG filter, allow broadband
single-sideband measurements from 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz with a single calibration and sweep. A low noise preamplifier built into the
Noise Figure Test Set lowers the second stage noise figure thereby
reducing a major source of measurement uncertainty.
Measurement modes in the HP 8970B allow for double down conversion using the HP8971C as the second down-converter. These
modes can be used for millimeter-wave measurements of amplifiers
and transistors and measurements of receivers and mixers with IFs
above 1.6 GHz.
HP 8971C Partial Specifications
(See 8970S technical data sheet for complete specifications)
Frequency range: 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz.
Gain/noise figure repeatability: ±.2 dB.
Input SWR: 10 MHz to 24 GHz: 2.0
24 to 26.5 GHz: 2.5
Image and odd-harmonic rejection: 20 dB.
Accessories supplied:
1 LO-to-HP 8971B cable - SMA(f), 300 mm
1 HP 8971B-to-HP 8970B cable - N(m), 190 mm
1 N(m)-to-SMA(m) adapter
2 HP-IB cables - .5 m
Noise Sources
Models HP 346 A/B/C, R/Q347B
HP 346A/B/C Broadband Noise Sources
The ideal companion to the HP's noise figure meter and systems is
the HP 346 family of noise sources. Since they are broadband
(10MHz to either 18 or 26.5 GHz), they eliminate the necessity for
several sources at different frequency bands. Each source has individually calibrated ENR values at specific frequencies. The calibration is
printed on its label (see illustration) for easy loading into the HP
8970B. The low SWR of each noise source reduces a major source of
measurement uncertainty - re-reflections of test signals. In addition,
the variety of connectors available reduces the need for degrading accuracy with connector adapters.
The HP 346 family of noise sources are designed for a broad range
of measurement applications. The HP 346C covers the broadest frequency range, 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz. The HP 346B's high ENR, low
SWR, and variety of connectors make it a general purpose noise
source. The HP 346A is designed especially for accurate characterization of input-impedance-sensitive devices (like GaAsFETs and
many UHF amplifiers). Its very small change in reflection coefficient
HP R & Q347B Solid-state Noise Sources
The performance and reliability you have come to expect from
Hewlett-Packard RF and microwave solid-state noise sources, is now
extended to millimeter-wave frequencies with the HP R347B (26.5 to
40 GHz) and HP Q347B (33 to 50 GHz) noise sources. A new GaAs
avalanche diode specifically designed for high noise output and long
term reliability was developed for the HP R/Q347B Noise Sources.
This results in excellent ENR stability over time. In turn, this insures
long recalibration cycles and very accurate noise figure measurements.
HP 346C Option (€01 Broadband Noise Source
This new coaxial noise source features coverage from 1 to 50 GHz
with the 2.4mm coaxial connector. ENR is nominally 20 dB at 1 GHz
and 7dB at 50 GHz. Contact HP for technical specifications.
HP R & Q347B Noise Sources
(See technical data sheet for complete specifications)
Frequency Range: R347B - 26.5 to 40 GHz
(<0.01) from ON to OFF minimizes errors when measuring noise
figure and gain as a function of input impedance.
Excess Noise Ratio (ENR) Range:
Q347B - 33 to 50 GHz
HP R347B: 10 to 13 dB
HP Q347B: 10 to 13 dB (33 to 42 GHz)
6 to 12.5 dB (42 to 50 GHz)
Max. SWR (reflection coefficient):
HP R347B: <1.42(.17)
HP Q347B: < 1.57 (.22)
Supplemental Characteristics
ENR Variation with temperature: <.009 dB/C
ENR Variation with time:
Example label of HP 346B Noise Source
HP 346 A/B/C Partial Specifications
(See technical data sheet for complete specifications.)
Frequency range: 10 MHz to 18 GHz for HP 346A/B; 10 MHz to
26.5 GHz for HP 346C.
Excess noise ratio (ENR) limits: HP 346A: 5 to 7 dB;
HP 346B: 14 to 16 dB; HP 346C: 12 to 16 dB (10 MHz to 12 GHz)
and 14 to 17 dB (12.0 to 26.5 GHz).
Maximum SWR (reflection coefficient) on and off:
HP 346A/B: 10 to 30 MHz — 1.3 (0.13); 30 to 5000 MHz —
1.15 (0.07); 5 to 18 GHz — 1.25 (0.11).
HP 346C: 10 MHz to 18 GHz— 1.25 (0.11); 18 to 26.5 GHz
— 1.35(0.15).
Power required: 28± 1 Vdc.
Dimensions: 140 H x 21 W x 30 mm D (5.5" x 0.8 x 1.2").
Weight: net, 0.108 kg (3.5 oz). Shipping, 0.5 kg (1 lb).
Standard connector: APC - 3.5(m)
R 347B: .15 dB typ. (over 2000 hrs.)
Q 347B: .15 dB typ. (over 2000 hrs.)
Ordering Information
HP 8970B Noise Figure Meter
Option H18: Increases upper frequency from 1600 to
+ $350
1800 MHz
Option 907: Front panel handle kit
+ $55.00
Option 908: Rack mounting flange kit
+ $32.50
Option 909: Both options 907 and 908
+ $80.00
Option 700: External mate translator
HP 8971C Noise Figure Test Set
Option 001: Add L.O. Power amplifier
Option 002: Delete RF preamplifier
HP 8970T Noise Figure Measurement
System (10 MHz to 18 GHz)
HP 8970S Noise Figure Measurement
See HP8970S
Ordering Guide
HP 8970U Noise Figure Measurement
System (10 MHz to 26.5 GHz)
HP 346A Noise Source
HP 346B Noise Source
HP 346C Noise Source
HP 346 Opt. K01 Noise Source
Option 001 (HP 346A/B only): Type N (m)
Option 002 (HP 346A/B only): APC-7 connector
+ $25
Option 004 (HP 346A/B only): Type N (f)
HP R347B Noise Source
HP Q347B Noise Source