Trentino Charme


Trentino Charme
Your tailor-made holiday
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Our excellent hospitality
We can't do everything on our own.
cots and organised activities for the little
campsites cater for motorcyclists and
To achieve the best we need to work as
ones. If environmental sustainability is a
their bikes. Lovers of the outdoor life
a team, within a single project based on
prerequisite for your holiday look for a
have 5 different types of campsite to
a shared vision. This is one of the
Qualità Parco hotel, a farmhouse or a
choose from. Aspiring and skilled moun-
cornerstones of Trentino's philosophy
campsite in the Adamello Brenta Nature
taineers know they will find well-located
and this deeply-held conviction has led
Park. If you're planning a walking holiday
mountain refuges in Trentino.
us to establish a range of hospitality
immersed in the incomparable beauty of
The independent visitor looking for a
clubs. These consortia bring together
the Dolomites, a Dolomiti Walking
holiday apartment will find a valuable
under a single endorser brand
Hotel is the ideal solution. If instead you
aid in the “gentian” classification, a complete and reliable source of information.
enterprises with a similar mission. It is
want to escape a hectic lifestyle and
the best way of combining energies and
take things at a more gentle pace, the
establishing the highest standards of
small Cuore Rurale facilities are for you.
Whatever your choice, you can be sure of
quality. It also provides visitors to
Food lovers who want not only to try the
a warm welcome and high quality: the
Trentino with a wide range of options
local foods but also to have a hand in
essential ingredients for a regenerating
from which they can choose those that
preparing them need look no further
best suit their desires and needs. If
than an agritur.
you're looking for a sophisticated
Are you dreaming of a cosy atmosphere
atmosphere, you can opt for one of the
and a delicious breakfast of home-baked
eleven small Trentino Charme hotels:
bread and cakes? Then look for a B&B. If
historic buildings, avant-garde hotels,
you want the traditional, intimate atmo-
elegant farmhouses. The Vita Nova
sphere of a chalet in the mountains
Trentino Wellness hotels and
surrounded by nature, a baita is for you.
campsites combine the benefits of a spa
Golfers who haven't yet discovered
centre with the wonderful Trentino
Trentino's golf courses and their beauti-
scenery. Families with children will find
ful natural surroundings, will find a choi-
the 22 Giocovacanza hotels ideally
ce of driving ranges and regulation cour-
suited for their holiday, with rooms with
ses. Trentino in Moto hotels, B&Bs and
Trentino Charme
Imagine an elegant, welcoming
aperitif by the fireside.
The aromas of a plate of speck and a
environment where highly sophi-
These 11 small hotels all have
glass of Teroldego wine add character
sticated design is combined with
something that can be intuited but
and fine taste to the setting. These
the intimate atmosphere of a
which is difficult to describe: charm.
offerings come with a smile: in these
family home, where attention to deta-
The addition of Trentino’s natural
little temples of hospitality there are
il and hospitality warm the heart.
environment and landscapes make
no set rules, only personal attention.
Innovative lifestyle and the pleasure
this intangible quality even more
Your hosts will arrange your stay for
of being pampered. It may be a histo-
attractive. Stunning landscapes and
you like a tailor sews a hand-made
ric building where you’ll feel like lords
refined architecture complement
suit, with the utmost sensitivity and
and ladies from another time, or an
each other. And whether the light
with all the expertise and enthusiasm
avant-garde hotel that wouldn’t be
comes from a flickering open fire or
their profession demands. You just
out of place in Manhattan except that
the suffused glow from a hydromas-
have to relax and enjoy the sensation
instead of skyscrapers there are
sage room, it is reflected in windows
of time slowing down, your breathing
mountains, or perhaps an elegant
that look out over woods, vineyards
becoming deeper and tensions gra-
farmhouse where you can sip your
and fields.
dually dissolving.
Luxury of our time
Vita Nova Trentino
Wellness Hotels & Resorts
The views are the first thing you’ll
even the tensest muscles of the body,
dinner of traditional Trentino speciali-
draw benefit from. Maybe one day
while hydromassages, swimming
ties. Choose the arrangement that
we’ll be able to measure the effect of
pools and Kneipp baths intensify the
suits you best: if you want to combine
contemplating the Dolomites.
effects. The feeling of physical well-
your spa experience with top-quality
The most beautiful mountains in the
being is reflected in a better mood.
comfort, you can opt for a hotel; if you
world penetrate the soul and fill it
Look as well as feel good with the
want to immerse yourself in the natu-
with their colours and exquisite har-
exclusive range of cosmetics made
ral world, without forfeiting the
mony. If simply looking at the calm
with Blackcurrant and Black
luxury of a spa centre, you might
waters of a lake soothes the mind,
Vanilla Orchid. In just a few hours
prefer a campsite. Whichever you
what is the effect if we combine
you can be transported into another
choose you’ll go back home with
Trentino’s natural world with a spa
dimension. A walk in the fresh air
mind and body regenerated.
centre? This is what the 35 Vita
after your first treatments will
Nova hotels and resorts are all
reinforce the pleasures of feeling
about. Saunas and steam baths relax
good. And to round off a special day a
The natural way to regenerate yourself
Family-friendly hotels
A holiday in the mountains with chil-
children in the various activities on
dren. Trentino is the perfect place. Not
offer: walks, outdoor games, discove-
just because of the scenic background
ring local crafts and ancient trades,
provided by the Dolomites, Lake
rural life and traditional recipes.
Garda, and the vast plateaux reaching
La Bottega della Fantasia, for chil-
heights of a thousand metres. But
dren aged 3 to 10, has one wise rule:
also because of its 22 Giocovacanza
leave your TV, videogames and com-
hotels which offer everything a
puters at home.
family with children needs for their
It’s more fun to be outdoors, to breat-
holiday. Starting with the facilities,
he in the smell of the woods, to obser-
rooms are complete with cots, baby
ve and get to know the animals.
changing tables, bottle warmers,
Children learn at their own natural
special children’s beds and play areas.
pace by playing and are free to
Meals in the hotel restaurants are
express themselves without the
prepared with genuine local produce
constraints of time.
and are suitable for all the family.
Relaxation and familiar harmony are
Giocovacanza hotels organise activi-
the keynotes of a holiday in a
ties for children so that parents can
Giocovacanza hotel.
have time for themselves, but they
A holiday filled with sensations and
also encourage adults to join their
discoveries unique to the mountains.
Your family holiday in Trentino
Qualità Parco
Adamello - Brenta
Eighteen pairs of golden eagles, thou-
gan but rather a practical undertaking
and castles; tastings of local products
sands of red deer, roe deer and cha-
to reduce environmental impact.
and discount on purchases; guided
mois. These will be some of your neig-
Added to that is a warm welcome,
walks with a park warden to the pic-
hbours when you holiday in the
appreciation of the local cuisine and
turesque summer pastures to meet
Adamello Brenta Nature Park, the
strong links with the land. On arrival
the people who look after it all. Take
largest in Trentino. With the Brenta
you will get your pre-paid Parco Card
on board the Qualità Parco philosophy
Dolomites, the Adamello-Presanella
giving you access to a vast range of
and go for the 0 km option: hand in
massif and 25 million trees over 2
activities. It entitles you to take part in
your keys and forgo using your car
metres high, nature is the theme. So
guided excursions to discover the
during your stay and at the end of your
it’s only fitting that eco sustainability
bears and other animals living in the
holiday be rewarded with a 10% dis-
is a priority at the almost 30 Qualità
park; free use of the car park and shut-
count on the agreed cost of your stay.
Parco hotels, agriturs (farmhou-
tle buses; free entrance to the Park’s
ses) and campsites. No empty slo-
houses and all Trentino’s museums
Naturally… welcome!
Walking Hotel
Le Corbusier thought them nature's
hiking poles, etc.
most beautiful architecture.
The hotels also have an information
Reinhold Messner simply the most
area with detailed maps, specialist
beautiful mountains in the world.
magazines, photographs and Internet
The Dolomites, a UNESCO Natural
World Heritage Site, are the dream of
You'll be sharing the warm, welcoming
all serious lovers of the mountains.
atmosphere with other mountain
Trentino puts the icing on the cake
enthusiasts. Get to know your fellow
with its 17 family-run Dolomiti
guests of an evening and share your
Walking Hotels, united by their com-
adventures in the stube (a traditional
mon aim of encouraging a love of
wood-panelled room) while tucking
walking and providing guests with
into a hearty meal of traditional, local
assistance and advice on planning
food. The atmosphere is reminiscent
their walks. Go hiking in summer,
of the mountain refuges, but with the
snowshoeing and ski mountaineering
added comforts of a first rate hotel.
in winter, accompanied by trained
When you get back home and think of
experts with a thorough knowledge of
the Dolomites perhaps you will ask
the region. If you don't have every-
yourself the same question that Dino
thing you need for your walk in the
Buzzati once did:
beautiful peaks of the Dolomites, you
«Are they rocks or are they clouds?
can borrow equipment: rucksack,
Are they real or just a dream?».
Explore the Dolomites with us
Cuore Rurale
A Trentino that takes its time, delights
fect harmony with their surroundings,
in little gestures, old-world rituals and
or they may lie along country roads
healthy, unpretentious activities.
where time seems to have stood still.
A tranquil way of life far that turns its
Or perhaps nestling amidst woods and
back on all that is hectic, chaotic and
pastures, offering guests a taste of
frenzied. This is Cuore Rurale, a brand
the region through its local produce.
that brings together 20 agriturs,
Your host's priority will be to pamper
Bed & Breakfasts, rented rooms
you and make you feel at home. The
and hotels. Their main common char-
Cuore Rurale brand endeavours to
acteristic is that they are small and
ensure guests receive only the best,
family-run, immediately inspiring a
only what's genuine. Your journey
relaxed informality between host and
through Trentino's traditions finds the
guest. They are all located in rural
perfect counterpart in the Wine and
areas, in enchanting natural country-
Flavours Routes.
Ask your host for advice in deciding
With their attention focussed on pro-
which to visit. Nature, simplicity,
tecting the environment, these small
relaxation, familiarity, local products.
establishments are doing their best to
Your holiday is a Trentino speciality
keep the countryside uncontami-
and with ingredients like these it can't
nated. They may be rural buildings
help but have a wonderful flavour.
situated in mountain villages in per-
Small hotels with a big heart
Agriturismo Trentino
A glass of fresh milk is always deli-
you'll gain a simple introduction to
make a journey of discovery through
cious, and even more so if you've lent
farming culture. You'll find out what it
direct experience, through being
a hand with the milking. Even the
is to eat a freshly-laid egg or bite into
involved in traditional farming activi-
flavour of a piece of cheese is better if
an apple still moist with dew. For a
ties. Requests by guests have led to
you've helped in the making of it. The
more in-depth experience there are
around twenty agriturs in Trentino
spirit of an agriturismo trentino is
fifty agriturs with teaching farms
joining the 'Prodotto in agritur
not just about offering guests high
to choose from, all offering the oppor-
Trentino' brand as a way of showing
quality, genuine products. It's also
tunity to make direct contact with the
the importance they attach to the
about giving guests the chance to
animals and plants and, above all, to
food they produce. And if you're reluc-
lend a hand in the preparation and
understand the agriculturist's working
tant to leave these delectable sur-
manufacture. And this spirit extends
life. Rural traditions are a world of
roundings, why not take one of the
to the hospitality. You'll feel more like
surprises and delights for adults and
local delicacies back with you to
a warmly-welcomed member of the
especially for children. To stay in one
remind you of your stay?
family than a guest and in this way
of the 350 agriturs in Trentino is to
Genuine hospitality
for a holiday in nature
B&B di Qualità
in Trentino
It’s a wonderful feeling to wake up in a
to care of rooms, bathrooms and
Trentino Bed & Breakfast. Firstly,
public rooms, from ease of access to
there’s the welcoming atmosphere of
the use of local produce, from linen
a room in a family home, the landsca-
changing to the customer satisfaction
pes you’ll delight in when you open
questionnaire, all with the aim of
your window onto the woods, lakes
continually improving service.
and mountains or onto the streets of
So that you can enjoy to the full the
cultural centres such as Trento and
independence that comes with
Rovereto. Secondly, there are the
staying in a B&B.
delicious smells wafting up from the
If you need advice, your host will be
kitchen adding an extra charm to an
only too glad to give you information
already inviting picture: aromas of
on the region’s fascinating culture and
freshly-baked bread, home-baked
history, and excellent food and wine.
cakes and strudel fill the air.
Take a thoroughly relaxing stroll thro-
Breakfast is fit for a king in the
ugh the woods, visit an exhibition or a
more than 80 Trentino B&Bs and
castle, or wander through an ancient
we take great care and pride in its
village. And when you return to the
preparation. Quality is the byword,
nest, you’ll find a warm and friendly
summed up in the Family
welcome awaiting you.
Hospitality Charter, which covers
everything from the initial welcome
A gentle awakening
Vacanze in baita
Unwind in front of an open fire. Enjoy
stonework speaks of the history of
the trees on cross-country skis or
the tranquil, intimate atmosphere
the region, the lives of the families
take to the slopes with downhill skis.
engendered by the typical wood and
who live in the mountains, the work
Whatever you decide to do, it is the
stonework mountain architecture.
of pasturing the animals. A holiday in
thought of coming back to your baita
Mull over the impressions and sensa-
a baita means immersing yourself
in the evening that makes the holiday
tions gathered throughout your day
in tradition and nature. Meadows,
special. It's one thing to return to
in the countryside over a glass of
woods and mountains, Trentino's
town after your day out, it's quite
wine. You can experience all these
natural sports ground, are right on
another to pleasantly anticipate get-
things in Trentino's baitas, or moun-
your doorstep. In summer you can go
ting back to a cosy stube under a
tain chalets, which today number
hiking and horse-riding, mountain
wooden-beamed roof, and then wake
around 60. They have been recently
biking and walking in the woods. In
up the next morning to find a spar-
restored in the traditional style of
winter, admire the landscapes on a
kling green meadow or expanse of
mountain architecture and their
snowshoe walk, weave in and out of
fresh snow right outside your door.
Holiday in a mountain chalet
Trentino Golf
Take a tour of Trentino via its golf
lot more in common with skiers than
courses. A fantastic opportunity for
first meets the eye. There are those
golf enthusiasts. Get your map out
who concentrate solely on the pistes
and discover the 9 courses located
or fairways and show little interest for
throughout the Trentino region,
what’s around them. Then there are
suitable for all players, whether
the Dolomites skiers and golfers. They
beginners or professionals. They
love their sport but also the incompa-
range from practice facilities, ideal for
rable natural surroundings in which
golfers who are just starting out, to
they practice it. Playing golf in the
regulation nine-hole courses, such as
most beautiful mountains in the world
those at Tesino, Campo Carlo Magno
is a priceless experience, whether the
and Caderzone in Val Rendena and
woods that surround you are clothed
Folgaria, which host national compe-
in their brilliant summer colours or
titions. Then there’s the celebrated
have taken on their autumnal tints.
18-hole course of the Dolomiti Golf
The beauty takes nothing away from
Club in Sarnonico where in 2012 the
the technical or spirited aspects of the
Alps Tour Golf, an International
sport and if you’re of a spirited turn of
competition on the professional cir-
mind, the calendar contains a full
cuit, was hosted for the first time.
programme of competitions held
What gives golfing in Trentino its
every weekend. In Trentino a love of
edge is the stunning landscapes sur-
golf nurtures a love of the mountains,
rounding the courses. Golfers have a
and vice versa.
Golf… of course
Trentino in Moto
Motorbiking in Trentino is one surprise
decide to stop you’ll find 39 hotels,
detailed weather forecasts. It’s also
after another. As you round the next
B&Bs or campsites belonging to the
the ideal environment to meet other
curve you may see the Marmolada,
Trentino in Moto association and
bikers and exchange experiences and
Catinaccio, Sassolungo. Or the vast
bikers have several reasons for choo-
advice. And, of course, there is the
expanse of Lake Garda laid out before
sing one of them. Firstly, they all gua-
usual Trentino hospitality: cour-
you, furrowed by windsurfers and
rantee a dry, secure place for your
tesy, quality of service, willing-
surrounded by historic villages and
bike. Nothing is more reassuring for
ness to help. And let’s not forget a
olive groves. Or maybe a castle, a
bikers than knowing that their beloved
cuisine based on home-grown produ-
vineyard, a wood.
bikes can rest in safety... Staff will be
ce, local specialities and regional
There’s an infinity of roads to choo-
able to tell you where the nearest
wines so that you can taste the very
se from, curving in and out of hairpin
mechanic is, should you need one.
land that you have enjoyed with your
bends to heighten the pleasure of the
In addition, official maps of recom-
eyes during your day on your bike.
true biker’s ride. And all immersed in
mended routes are on display, as well
exceptional scenery. Wherever you
as other useful information such as
Freedom on two wheels
Trentino Outdoor
An outdoor holiday. It’s what camping
sites offer a combination of commu-
enthusiasts are looking for and
nion with nature and the indulgence
they’ll find it to their heart’s content in
of a Spa; enjoy a sauna or steam bath
Trentino. On the one hand, there is
after a long walk in the mountains,
unspoilt mountain scenery where you
perhaps followed by a massage for
can experience perfect intimacy with
maximum relaxation right down to
nature. On the other hand, a vast and
the last muscle.
varied range of choice, for an equally
“Resort” campsites are ideal for peo-
vast and varied range of demands.
ple who enjoy staying on a campsite
The 15 Trentino Outdoor campsi-
but who prefer a bungalow, mobile
tes fall into 5 categories. “Family”
home, chalet or apartment instead of
campsites have facilities for children,
a tent. Finally, “Bio” campsites are
such as play areas and special sanitary
specially designed for people seeking
amenities, while close by there are
vast expanses of countryside away
safe, easy cycle paths.
from all forms of pollution; they also
“Activity” campsites are geared for
offer meals prepared with local orga-
lovers of outdoor sports: from skiing
nic produce. Whatever your choice, it
to rafting, cycling to hiking, climbing
will be the best way to enjoy a rege-
to paragliding; and they can put you in
nerating holiday in close contact with
touch with professional instructors.
nature. An infinity of mountains,
Trentino Outdoor “Wellness” camp-
lakes, meadows and woods.
Your multi-coloured outdoor holiday
Trentino refuges
Every aficionado of the high moun-
snowshoes, or with the ease and
tains knows it. It’s the spirit of sharing
comfort of a snow-cat. Whatever the
that makes a mountain refuge differ-
season, refuges are unique places for
ent from any other type of accommo-
sampling the delights of the Trentino
dation. You sit down to table with
cuisine. The atmosphere is cosy and
other guests and exchange your
convivial and, when needed, warmed
days’ experiences in the mountains,
by a wood-burning stove. In winter,
you sleep in a dormitory. Not having a
after a generous dinner, perhaps of
private room with ensuite bathroom is
polenta with game, salami and
a plus rather than a drawback, and it’s
cheese, washed down with a good
something the 90 refuges united
Trentino wine, you may decide to
under the banner of Trentino Rifugi
head back down to the valley on a
have taken care to preserve.
sledge, snowshoes or even skis.
In summer they are the destination of
Maybe on a full moon. Come to the
hikers in search of majestic mountain
mountains to discover the authentic,
landscapes and a base for mountain-
intimate atmosphere of a refuge.
eers who, not content with just admir-
The Dolomites are even more magical
ing the peaks, want to get to the top
by the light of a full moon, when you,
of them. Many are also open in winter,
carefully, unhurriedly descend with
when they can be reached on skis or
fresh snow crunching underfoot.
Immerse yourself in nature
Holiday apartments
Complete freedom and indepen-
information. It also ensures quality.
stay without fear of unpleasant sur-
dence. That is what an apartment
Each apartment has been visited by an
prises awaiting you. Just concentrate
holiday gives you. There are around
inspector, so that the amenities
on your favourite sport, whether
3,000 throughout the whole of
reported in the lists are certified and
hiking or windsurfing if it’s summer,
Trentino, from Lake Garda to the
reliable. Each of the four categories is
skiing or snowshoeing if it’s winter.
associated with specific features and
Or why not give a thought to another
They are meticulously evaluated and
amenities, so that when you set off
popular activity: cooking.
classified with a “gentian” number
for your holiday in an apartment in
Prepare a tasty meal using the fresh,
ranging from 1 to 4, guaranteeing
Trentino you will know exactly what to
typical produce of the region and give
the maximum transparency of
expect. You can relax and plan your
the whole family a real treat.
Holiday in total freedom
The whole
of Trentino is just
a click away is all you need to book your holiday and
access all the latest information at any time of year: calendar
of events, details of places to visit, itineraries, photos, maps,
curiosities, weather forecasts, webcam, restaurants, accommodation and holiday packages.
With the new Trentino Tourist
With ARound Trentino you only
Guide app for iPhone and Android
have to capture your surroundings
you can access a range of services
with your iPhone to discover the
through your mobile device, wher-
informational power of «augmented
ever you are! A simple touch is all you
reality». The app lets you find the
need to find the best places to eat or
main places of interest for art, cul-
have fun with your friends, discover
ture and nature and contains hun-
sporting and other events and activi-
dreds of detailed information sheets
ties in the whole of Trentino.
including photos, descriptions and
contacts. The apps can be down-
Skitrentino is the service for you if
loaded for free from the Trentino
you want information at your finger-
tips about the situation on the slopes
and the weather conditions: maps of
From Facebook to Pinterest, from
the ski areas, the number of lifts and
Twitter to FourSquare to Tripadvisor,
how many kilometres of pistes are
Trentino has in recent years gone all
open, info about snow parks and
out to get involved in the world of
cross-country ski centres. Don’t for-
social networking.
get to check out the pictures on the
Join our community!
webcams which operate in all the ski
areas - and why not share it all with
your friends on Facebook.
Our excellent hospitality
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You can reach Trentino from
Bergamo Orio al Serio (180 km)
the north and south by train
and Milan Linate and Malpensa
(Verona-Brenner-Munich main
(about 250 km).
railway line) or by car on the A22
Trentino Trasporti operates local
Brenner motorway.
bus services and there are
The nearest airports are Bolzano
branch railway lines serving
Dolomiti (57 km), Verona Valerio
Valsugana (Trento-Venice)
Catullo (90 km), Brescia Gabriele
and Val di Non and Val di Sole
d’Annunzio (135 km),
Venice Marco Polo (163 km),
This publication was produced by Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A.
Divisione Turismo e Promozione in January 2013
Photos by:
Photoarchive Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A
P. Orler Dellasega, P. Geminiani,
R. Magrone, R. Kiaulehn, S. Angelani,
J. Schwarz, W. Ehn, W. Turcato,
G. Volcan, R. Gervasoni, N. Angeli,
P. Degiampietro, A. Gruzza, A. Trovati,
B. Wiesenfarth, Ben Studio, C. Baroni,
D. Lira, G. Cavulli, G. Zotta, L. Schneider,
M. Simonini, Parco Naturale Adamello
Brenta, Alpen Suite Hotel - Madonna di
Graphic Design: Headline - Rovereto
Printed by: La Grafica - Mori
[email protected]