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• Canarsie • Marine Park • Mill Basin • Georgetown • Gerritsen Beach • Bergen Beach • • Kings Plaza • Sheepshead Bay • Flatlands • Flatbush • East New York • Spring Creek • Vol. 93 No. 48 Thursday, November 28, 2013 40 Pages 50¢ Story on page 21 1142 East 92nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11236 • Tel: 1-718-257-0600 • Fax: 1-718-272-0870 • Email: [email protected] Photo by Darryl Madison SEE CHANUKAH SUPPLEMENT ON PAGE 26 Canarsie Courier 2 xx IN THIS ISSUE Knockout Game Attacks Come To Canarsie Page 5 Vikings Sail To Back To Back Championships Page 16 Community Leaders Pray Before Holiday November 28, 2013 Ryder Elementary Shows Their True Colors...Of Appreciation It’s never too late to honor the men and women of our armed services. On Tuesday, November 26th, students at P.S. 114 packed the auditorium to show their love to our nation’s veterans. Organized by Natasha West, students at Ryder Elementary “Let Freedom Sing” with a program full of adorable performances. The pint-sized patriots even presented active and reserve members commendations and medals to show their gratitude. West, says her father, Curtis West, is the inspiration behind the seventh annual showcase held at 1077 Photos and text by Sam Akhtar Remsen Avenue. Page 20 SECTIONS Action Classified...............36 Business Card Corner.........23 Business Directory...............34 Community Guide...............22 Hanukkah Supplement......26 Medical Update................24 Religious News.................33 FEATURES What’s Your Opinion...........18 COLUMNS Little Old Canarsie..............15 Telling It Like It Is................ 6 An Independent Newspaper Since 1921 We are not affiliated with any other news organization or publication. Founded April 22, 1921 by Walter S. Patrick Serving Canarsie, Marine Park, Mill Basin, Georgetown, Bergen Beach, East New York, Flatlands, Flatbush, Gerritsen Beach, Sheepshead Bay & Spring Creek 1142 East 92nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11236 Tel: 1-718-257-0600 • Fax: 1-718-272-0870 e-mail: [email protected] Donna Marra Publisher Catherine Rosa Business Manager The Late Charles Rogers Managing Editor Dara Mormile Associate Editor Linda Steinmuller Staff Reporter Lennox Clarke Shawn Thomas Dunleavy Jonathan Gies Production Department Lynn Gerbino Eileen Melecio Classifieds William O’Neill Telemarketing Sam Akhtar, Jason Linetsky, David Rybstein, Linda Steinmuller, Jerry Del Priore Writers Ellis Washington, Dave Lewin, Darryl C. Madison, Kwambé Price, Sonny Maxon, Oronde I. Bell & Arthur DeGaeta Photographers CANARSIE COURIER CLOSED THANKSGIVING WEEKEND The office of the Canarsie Courier will be CLOSED Thursday & Friday, November 28th & 29th for the Thanksgiving holiday. It will reopen at 9:00 am on Monday, December 2nd. All advertising and editorial copy must be submitted by noon on Tuesday, December 3rd for appropriate placement in the December 5th issue. The publishers and staff wish our readers, advertisers and community a happy and safe holiday weekend. The Canarsie Courier (USPS 088-040) is published weekly by the Canarsie Courier Publications Inc., 1142 E. 92nd Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11236. Subscriptions are $20 per year in Brooklyn ($40 everywhere else). U.S. periodicals postage paid at Brooklyn, New York. Postmaster: Send address changes to Canarsie Courier, 1142 E. 92nd Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11236. Subscriptions are nonrefundable and payable in advance. The Canarsie Courier reserves the right to edit, classify, index, or reject any and all material (copy, ads, photos, letters, etc.) not consistent with the policies of this publication. All articles, letters, pictures, advertisements and other materials herein are the exclusive property of Canarsie Courier Publications Inc. and may not be reproduced without written permission of the Publisher. All materials contained herein are copyrighted ©2011 by Canarsie Courier Publications Inc. Views of columnists contained herein are their own, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or principles of the owners of the Canarsie Courier. The advertisements in the Canarsie Courier are, to the best of our knowledge, accurate representations of the products and services offered. However, no endorsement by the Canarsie Courier is intended or implied. All ads are read back to the advertiser, who is responsible for checking the published ad after the first insertion. Credit will only be given for the space occupied by the error for the first week. Credit will not be given after first insertion for any reason. Only original contest and sweepstakes coupons will be accepted. Prizes must be claimed in person by the winner no later than 14 days from the date of publication. November 28, 2013 Canarsie Courier 3 Suspects Arrested In Off-Duty Cop Robbery By Dara Mormile Three men were arrested last week after they stole an off-duty cop's purse and tried to get away in a stolen yellow cab. According to the District Attorney’s office, 22-year-old Patrick James, 17year-old Christop White and 17-yearold Travaugh Nourine, all Brooklyn residents, were charged with multiple offenses last week after robbing an off-duty cop at gunpoint shortly after 5 a.m. on Thursday, November 21st. The thieves' mischief began at a 711 store on Ralph Avenue that Thursday morning. The driver of the taxi told police that he'd parked his car outside of the 7-11 and left his keys inside with the car running. When he exited the store, he noticed the vehicle was missing. He called police, who responded to the scene and tried to track down the taxi. Not too long after the taxi went missing, three suspects reportedly parked a yellow cab, bearing the same license plates as the one stolen, in front of 556 East 99th Street. An off-duty police officer, who resides on the block, was getting into her car when she noticed the three men walking nearby. She got into her car safely, but a few minutes later Nourine reportedly approached the driver's side and displayed a hand- gun. One of the other suspects stood at the passenger's side of her car and the third man stood across the street. Officials said Nourine knocked on the driver's side window with the handgun and demanded she get out of her car. When she identified herself as a police officer, Nourine was quoted as having said he “didn't give a f**k” and opened the door, during which time he and the other suspects pulled her from the front seat and shoved her into the back seat, still threatening her with the weapon. The officer managed to run from her car, during which time Nourine pointed the gun at her again and tried to fire in her direction, but were un- successful. The thieves then stole the police officer[s handbag, which had her NYPD identification card inside, and then got back into the taxi - which they drove to Newport Street and Van Sinderen Avenue in East New York. Hours later, the stolen taxi was recovered and police found the officer’s belongings inside. The off-duty cop was unharmed during the incident but told officials that Nourine attempted to fire his gun at her, but “the gun was not working.” Some of the charges the trio face include grand larceny, attempted murder and robbery. Residents “PACC” The Room For Information Night Photos and text by Dara Mormile With all of the agencies available to help homeowners following Hurricane Sandy, it can be overwhelming and frustrating to filter out your individual needs. Pratt Area Community Council (PACC), an agency which has served as a community development organization, officially launched in Canarsie and held a special session last Thursday evening, giving residents a central place to address their concerns. Hundreds filed into the Hebrew Educational Society for the information session. A panel discussion allowed those in attendance to ask about their rights as tenants and homeowners. Although it’s been a year since Sandy destroyed many homes in Canarsie – mainly basements – many are reportedly still struggling to have repairs completed as they pay rent and mortgages. “When it comes to insurance companies covering damages to ones basement,” said Elizabeth Malone, Insurance expert with Neighborhood Housing Services, “most flood policies do not cover the damages.” “Technicially, you’re not supposed to have an operating basement in a flood zone area, but the homes impacted in Canarsie weren’t included in the flood zone to begin with,” she said. “In addition, the homes that were hit extended beyond the initial flood plane maps from years ago.” Panelists answered other questions about foreclosure and maintaining financial security while rebuilding. According to PACC’s Executive Director Deborah Howard, there is still a need in Canarsie for crisis intervention. Legal services, loan modification programs and counseling is still in high demand for those who don’t want to lose their homes. Representatives from agencies, including the Department of Finance, South Brooklyn Legal Services, Parodneck Foundation, Neighborhood Housing Services and the Canarsie Recovery Coalition, were on hand to take questions about rebuilding. PACC will be hosting a wide range of workshops and seminars available to Canarsiens as well as personal counseling sessions that will help homeowners and tenants move forward and prepare for future disasters. The organization was formed in 1964 by Brooklyn residents and their activism initially led to new parks, community gardens, libraries and homes where abandoned buildings once stood. PACC’s Panelists from different agencies take questions from the audience. Housing Committee was established in 1970, creating innovative ways to save deteriorating housing stock. They’re efforts are funded through the New York State Attorney General Homeownership Protection Program and the forum was made possible by a grant to PACC from the NYC Housing and Neighborhood Recovery Donor Collaborative. Suzette Wiliams and Lynn Rutledge from PACC, ready to help residents and offer free information. Residents line up to receive information from various agencies offering help with post-Sandy issues. Canarsie Courier 4 November 28, 2013 Everyone Enjoys Gobbling Up A Good Time At Sunrise Dressed up in their best Native American garb, registrants at Sunrise Adult Day Health Care Center had a special treat last Thursday. They enjoyed a full day of festivities that centered on the traditions of Thanksgiving. Turkey, with all of the trimmings, was served to registrants and many of their family members joined them as well. Sunrise Adult Day Health Care Center, located on Avenue J near East 96th Street, offers recreational programs every day. Their dedicated staff provides hot and nutritious meals, social services and door-to-door service for those who need transportation. To find out more about their services and to schedule a tour of their facility, call 718-688-8704. Photos courtesy of Sunrise Adult Day Health Care Center ATTENTION RESIDENTS!!! ATTENTION RESIDENTS!!! IF YOU SEE IT.....SNAP IT! If you see an accident, fire or any other shocking happening in the community – we want a photo! We will publish AND PAY YOU for your picture. You will also receive photo credit! YOU DON’T HAVE TO HAVE A HIGH-TECH CAMERA. JUST BE AT THE RIGHT PLACE AT THE RIGHT TIME! information! more information! CanarsieCourier Courier forformore Canarsie Call the Call the 718-257-0600 718-257-0600 Stuart Schwartz, D.D.S YOUR FAMILY DENTIST 2 Paerdegat 15th Street (cor. Paerdegat Avenue North near Seaview Avenue) ALL INSURANCE PLANS & MEDICAID ACCOMMODATED For Appointment Call 241-3754 Painless Air Abrasion “Where’s Rosa?” Our Business Manager Catherine Rosa is hidden somewhere in this issue of the Canarsie Courier. Every week, her face will be photoshopped and placed in a RANDOMLY SELECTED PHOTO SOMEWHERE IN THE PAPER. Find Rosa’s face and you can win a three-month subscription to the community’s best newspaper! One lucky resident will be picked each week – new subscribers only! All you have to do is circle Rosa and mail the page, along with your name and address to: Canarsie Courier, 1142 East 92nd Street, Brooklyn NY 11236. You can also bring the page where you find Rosa into our office. Happy Rosa Hunting! LEGAL PROBLEM? I KNOW HOW TO WIN FOR YOU! Joseph B. Maira, Esq. CALL MY CELL ANYTIME Office Hours SUN 7 AM - 3 PM, MON 9AM - 5PM, TUES 9AM - 7PM, THURS 9 AM - 5 PM, FRI 8AM - 3PM SUMMER HOURS VARY 718-938-2322 If you see a photo that catches your eye or of someone you know, after reading your copy of the newspaper every week, you can now buy individual copies of almost every picture that is published and many more that never made it in that edition, due to space limitations. Just go to our Web site ( and click on the bright blue button near the top left hand corner and follow the simple directions. November 28, 2013 Canarsie Courier 5 Ave. L Merchants Association President Calls It Quits The following letter was released to the community last week on behalf of activist and Avenue L Merchants’ Association President Mercedes Narcisse. Below is the letter verbatim, in its entirety, and it has not been altered in any way, shape or form. Dear Residents/Merchants: I first want to thank all of you for supporting my campaign for the New York City Council. Although the result was not what we worked so hard for, I accept the will of the people. However, your vote and support was a serious positive development in my political life since I now have your strong backing to make sure that your interests are met and that campaign promises made to you are kept. I’m not going away. And while I publicly pledge to work with City Councilmember Alan Maisel in the interests of our community, I intend to hold him accountable to us and keep his feet to the fire so that he delivers for ALL of the people of the 46th District. In this regard, I will continue to articulate and work on various key issues that are important to our community. BUSINESS IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT (BID) in the Avenue L to Rockaway Parkway catchment area. This will help boost the local economy and create jobs. As a small business owner, I will continue to mobilize and organize this vital backbone of our local economy and community. It is my hope that Councilmember Maisel will use his influence at the New York City Council to pass the “Small Business Survival Jobs Act” that has languished at the City Council for over five years now. Alternate the Bus Route of B-17, B103 and B-42 to Avenue L for visibility and exposure of our commercial strip. Horizontal Parking to increase space availability to our customers. The Beautification Proposal for Avenue L – better lighting on the strip, all covered garbage cans with our logo, benches with our strip logo and large planters with seasonal flowers. I will also continue my fight to bring a “Gifted and Talented School” to the district so that we improve the quality of education for our children. I am heartened by the fact that Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio has stated that he will impose a moratorium on school closing and get rid of the biased letter rating system. I CALL ON ALL PARENTS IN THE DISTRICT TO SUPPORT OUR NEW MAYOR IN THIS REGARD. That said, I am concerned by the fact that the Avenue L Merchants Association of which I am the President, is being undermined and usurped by the creation of a new merchants organiza- Mercedes Narcisse tion reportedly at the behest of the new councilmember and Mr. Frank Saddio (sic), the Kings County Democratic Party Chairman (sic). The word on the street is that this is being done because the association is tainted by a manufactured money scandal. This is patently untrue. This fictional excuse is designed to gut the present association for partisan political reasons and set up a bastard organization that will be controlled by its two fathers. LET ME BE PERFECTLY CLEAR. While I completely condemn this kind of game-playing and infantile political behavior, if I am the reason for this splintering and killing of an organization in existence for over 60 years, then I will not be the obstacle. Therefore, as of December 1, 2013, I will effectively resign my position as President of the Avenue L Merchants Association. I will not be drawn into or be part of any childish gamesmanship for politics’ sake. I want to see solutions and progress and I will not stand in the way of same. Once again, I thank all of the residents of the 46th District for their kind words, prayers, and support. We lost a battle but not the war. I am far better for the experience and I am not going away anytime soon. Let us continue to work together to bring real change and development to our community and for the sake of our children. If you have any concerns or questions that you would like me to ask or seek answers to on your behalf, you have only to call or email me. LET US CONTINUE TO PUT OUR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES FIRST. TOGETHER WE STAND! Happy Holiday to you all! God Bless! Sincerely, Mercedes Narcisse Knockout Game No Laughing Matter By Sam Akhtar The knockout game - where suspects sucker punch victims in the face hoping to knock them out with one punch - is apparently hitting closer to Canarsie. A 72-year-old woman appears to be the latest victim of the heinous game. On Monday, the senior citizen was completing her errands near Flatlands and Pennsylvania avenues when she was allegedly punched by a young thug. The victim, who is reportedly Jewish, was walking from her Starrett City residence around noon when the latest attack took place. Rabbi Avrohom Hecht, Executive Director of the Jewish Community Council of Canarsie, said he helped the victim shortly after the attack. “We gave her ice and called 911,” Hecht told the Canarsie Courier. He said the victim was struck on the topside of her head. According to Hecht, seniors are now “terrified” to go outside fearing they may be the latest victims of the knockout game. “The elderly deserve to be respected and treated with dignity,” he said. The victim was taken to Brookdale Hospital with minor bruising to the head. When asked what kind of communications he had with the police, Hecht said, “We didn’t prior to this attack, but we are pleased about the strong response from the 75th Precinct since.” According to the NYPD, the suspect is described as a black male, six feet tall, Council told the Canarsie Courier a slim build with brown eyes and black $1,500 reward is being offered for the hair. As of press time, no arrests have conviction of the suspect of this attack. been made in this most recent case. (As of press time, a 13-year-old boy is However, an arrest has been made being charged in the case of the 12in the attack of a Jewish man last Fri- year-old boy.) Then on November 9th, day. a 78-year-old woman was punched in Amrit Marajh, 28, was recently the face while walking down Avenue charged with aggravated assault as a L and East 5th Street reportedly pushhate crime, menacing and harassment ing her granddaughter’s stroller. after allegedly punching the 24-yearThe NYPD was initially hesitant in old Jewish man identifying these in Borough Park. attacks as part of the Marajh was “According to Hecht, knockout game in allegedly part of a seniors are now “terri- which youths usualgroup of four susly attack an unsuspects that attack- fied” to go outside pecting victim. Poed the man as he fearing they may be the lice Commissioner was returning latest victims of the Ray Kelly has been home from work. very careful to cateknockout game. “The Marajh was the gorize these attacks only one charged elderly deserve to be on Jewish men and in the incident. respected and treated women as part of He is scheduled with dignity.” the game. to appear in court Open cases are January 7, 2014. being investigated There have been eight attacks on by the NYPD’s Hate Crimes Unit. Jewish men and women in Crown Councilman Jumaane Williams said, Heights, Midwood and Borough Park “These incidents are cowardly, sickensince October. With the Hanukkah holi- ing and we must do everything we can day approaching, the NYPD is beefing to make sure these attacks end.” up patrols and increasing its presence. Already, there is a proposed bill in On November 6th, a 12-year-old boy the New York legislature that would was allegedly attacked by 15 youths. classify knockout attacks as gang asEli Cohen, Executive Director of the saults. It calls for youths charged in Crown Heights Jewish Community such cases to be tried as adults and would carry stiffer sentences upwards of 25 years in prison. On Monday, November 25th, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries and Brooklyn Borough-elect President Eric Adams, denounced the violence during a press conference at the Crown Heights Youth Collective. “Random acts of violence, particularly when targeted at people on the basis of race or religion, will not be tolerated,” said Jeffries. “If you violently participate in the knockout game, we will do everything in our power to make sure that the criminal justice system is there to knockout socially unacceptable behavior,” he said. Adams, a former police officer himself, said, “To these gutless offenders we say loud and clear: play this game, and you will lose.” Brooklyn District Attorney-elect Ken Thompson added, “There is no status to be gained when you cowardly sucker punch a defenseless victim or you watch or encourage a friend to do the same.” Community leaders are asking everyone to keep their eyes open and say something, if they see something. The Guardian Angels have also started patrolling various neighborhoods, including Canarsie. Anyone with information can call NYPD Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577TIPS (8477). You can also submit tips by logging onto November 28, 2013 Canarsie Courier 6 The Sounds Of Bullets Will Replace The Sounds Of Bells tunity never arose. I've always been the type who kill who over what. Not to sound like an 'old' person, walking freely around the city instead of cir- but these damned kids today don't think about anyTelling It enjoys cling frozen water for an hour in tight shoes with one's safety when they're trying to settle the score on the bottom. But that's just me! among themselves. Why are these kids taking guns Like It Is blades Despite my disinterest in heading to a park to with them to a skating rink? Their parents obviously By Dara Mormile T he feeling of being in New York City at Christmastime has its own unique warmth. I'm talking about Manhattan, more specifically. When those upscale stores start decorating their windows and the Rockefeller Christmas tree is lit up, the warm sensation of welcoming the holiday season has finally arrived. A lot of debuts are also indicative of winter in New York – that delightful time when open space in public parks are turned into fun skating rinks. Now, I don't ice skate – simply because the oppor- Protect Your Vision Prompt And Professional Eyecare To The Entire Family BOARD CERTIFIED EYE SURGEONS • State Of The Art No Stitch Cataract Surgery • • Glacoma Surgery • Neuro Ophthalmology • Diabetes • • Laser Surgery • Eyelid Surgery MAJOR INSURANCE ACCEPTED SILVIA PAGANELLI - D’AMBROSIO, M.D. 1452 East 98th Street, Corner of Avenue M 718-531-0055 enjoy a good lap around a skating rink, I've added these awesome tourist-attracting recreational spots to the places that are no longer safe for children in our beloved city. Plenty of families take their children out of small communities like Canarsie – where there are no parks with skating rinks – and take them to the city to get the most out of winter in New York. Want to take your kids out of the neighborhood once in a while to show them that there's more to the world than the little community in which they live? After the shooting that took place in Bryant Park a couple of weeks ago, my estimation is that “experiencing life outside of the 'hood” is no longer an option. It's bad enough gun violence cripples communities like Crown Heights, East New York, East Flatbush, Flatbush and Bed-Stuy. Hearing about a 16-year-old who shot another teen over a coat - A COAT – was more than just pathetic. It made me feel like we can't go anywhere that's safe from dangerous gun-wielding thugs who turn even the most populated and leisure environments into a virtual war zone. The alleged Bryant Park shooter, Corey Dunton, along with the group of teens who were being shot at, were from areas such as East Harlem and The Bronx. Do you think that tourists who read reports like this are encouraged to visit the city – where conflicting reports will tell you New York is the “safest it's been in over two decades”? Let's get real!!! You truly can't enjoy anything in the city anymore without worrying who's going to never taught them about conflict resolution! In a society where you're shot at for 'looking at someone the wrong way' or 'saying something disrespectful' to a passerby, who's going to sugarcoat the truth – that even in an otherwise peaceful place like Bryant Park, you're not safe! I'm not naive enough to think these incidents can't happen in prestigious places in the city where families go to spend quality time together. I'm simply growing more upset that there aren't ANY places left in our reportedly “safe” city because of punks who convert every place they go into the Wild Wild West. Want to go into the city to get away from the 'rough' streets of Canarsie? Now, it seems you're certainly not going to find any relief from gun violence – even when you've stereotyped a tourist attraction as 'safe.' I also laugh at the television interviews during which people say, “In a place like this, I never expected a shooting to happen!” Gettoutahere!You can’t be that naive anymore and walk around with rose colored glasses. What's worse, in my opinion, is that many minority kids from the 'hood' are getting an even worse reputation as a result of shootings like the one in Bryant Park. If you're not in favor of Stop-and-Frisk, do YOU feel safe knowing that the potential revengeseeking individual right next to you is allowed to carry a gun and the cops really can't do anything? Leave it to a reckless gunman to ruin the little joys we have left in the city that truly make the holidays more enjoyable. Guess we'll be walking in a winter 'gun'derland! ALL FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC AUTO REPAIR We Are Dedicated To Excellent Service All Work Guaranteed • 24 Hour Towing Available! NYS Reg. Repair Shop • NYS Lic. Inspection Facility • ALTERNATORS & STARTERS • BATTERY & BRAKE SERVICE • • BELTS & HOSES • ENGINE • EMISSIONS REPAIR • • EXHAUST SYSTEM • NYS INSPECTION • SHOCKS & STRUTS • • TRANSMISSION • TUNE-UPS • OIL CHANGE • WATER PUMPS • 10% OFF ALL AUTO REPAIRS W/This Ad Does not include oil change or tire rotation. Cannot combine w/other offers. Ask Us About Our Winterizing Special Established In 1938 Call Us First For ALL Your Auto Repair Needs! Mon-Fri, 8am - 5:30pm • Sat 8am-3pm 428 DeWitt Avenue (corner of Louisiana Ave) Brooklyn, NY 11207 Tel. 718-257-9635 • 718-257-4559 • Fax. 718-272-3065 November 28, 2013 Canarsie Courier 7 8 Canarsie Courier November 28, 2013 Beth Israel Brooklyn Holds Bake Sale To Aid Typhoon Victims A Bake Sale and Basket Raffle organized by the Diversity Council of Beth Israel Brooklyn raised $4,000 to aid Typhoon Haiyan victims in the Philippines. Helping out were (left to right): Yvette Tabernilla, RN (3 East), Emelita Fajardo, RN (2 North), Ruth Samalca-Manligoy, RN (ICU), Luna Tingson, RN (1 North), and Teresita Gotiangco, RT Tech. Courtesy Of Beth Israel Brooklyn November 28, 2013 Canarsie Courier 9 Jumaane Jumps Into Crowded Speaker Race By Sam Akhtar The field for the next City Council Speaker just got a little more crowded with Councilman Jumaane Williams throwing his hat into the race. Williams (D-Flatbush) joins a field that already includes Councilwoman Inez Dickens (D-Manhattan), Councilman Dan Garodnick (D-Manhattan), Councilwoman Melissa Mark-Viverito (D-Manhattan), Councilwoman Annabel Palma (D-Bronx), Councilman Jimmy Vacca (D-Bronx) and Councilman Mark Weprin (D-Queens). The early favorite is Councilwoman Melissa MarkViverito. Already, the race is unusual because of the public nature of this latest contest. Usually, a few candidates lobby behind the scenes. Instead, this position is being openly-contested by seven current members. Candidates have been stumping for support by outlining Councilman Jumaane Williams Councilwoman Melissa Mark-Viverito Holy Family Hosts Thanksgiving! Holy Family R.C. Church, at 9719 Flatlands Avenue, will be having a free Thanksgiving dinner for the community! Join them in the Holy Family School gym on Thursday, November 28th from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to share good, warm, and delicious home cooked meals on Thanksgiving Day. Everyone is invited to attend! For more information, call 718-257-4423. their credentials in debates, including the first ever televised debate for the speakership last Thursday, November 21st. Councilman Williams was in the audience at the “Transitions Tent” located on Canal Street and 6th Avenue in the city but did not take part. Instead, he participated in the November 19th debate, which took place at Borough Hall in Brooklyn. At that event, Williams said, “We all know there’s a holiday coming on December 31st. It will be the last day of the Bloomberg administration.” The new City Council will include 48 Democrats and three Republicans beginning January 2014. Essentially, the next Speaker will be decided by the Democratic factions of centrists and liberals. Brad Lander, another Democrat from Brooklyn, is the co-chairman of the progressive caucus, which boasts 20 members. The other co-chair is the early frontrunner, Mark-Viverito. However, Lander and Williams have worked to co-introduce legislation, most notably the Community Safety Act. The current public debate tour deviates from the standard practice of county Democratic Party chairs deciding the next speaker. Brooklyn has emerged as a political powerbase borough with the recent election of Park Slope resident, mayor-elect Bill de Blasio. A compromise candidate, such as Annabel Palma or Mark Weprin for the speaker may emerge to even out the perceived balance of power in City Hall. The 51 councilmembers will vote on January 8, 2014 for its new speaker. Canarsie Courier 10 November 28, 2013 Canarsie’s Christmas House Will Light Up Community Next Week Ring in the holidays at the Seddio House’s Annual Tree Lighting, located on the corner of East 93rd Street and Flatlands Avenue. The holiday display, complete with glowing lights, animated figures and Santa’s reindeer, has been a Canarsie tradition since 1963. The entire community is invited to join in the holiday magic on Sunday, December 8th at 5 p.m. sharp. Festivities will include an appearance by Santa and his elves, live music and a performance of the Nativity by fourth and fifth grade Mary Queen of Heaven students. This year’s tree lighting is dedicated to the Canarsie Courier’s late Managing Editor, Charles Rogers, who served our community for over 25 years. It is also dedicated to John Ezimoha, the former Grand Knight of St. Pius Knights of Columbus in Canarsie. Every year Frank Seddio adds something new and colorful to his display. This year, crews worked over the past few months on constructing a newer and sturdier display case for animated figures. Seddio is a lifelong Canarsie resident and Brooklyn Democratic Leader. Thousands visit the dazzling exhibit each year, which will run through the New Year. Give Something That Means Something Kings Plaza and the American Red Cross have partnered in an effort to bring smiles to our military personnel and families all over the world. All shoppers are invited to take five minutes and stop by their Holiday Mail for Heroes station and write a handwritten letter to our military personnel. The cards will be delivered to veterans, military families and activeduty service members around the WANT TO ADVERTISE WITH US? Call (718) 257-0600 Started: globe. Sending a “touch of home” is always important, especially during the holiday season. The Holiday Mail for Heroes station is located on the Upper Level, next to the Santa set, through December 1st. Mall hours are Monday to Friday 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Sunday 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Kings Plaza is located at 5100 Kings Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11234. OR FAX US AT (718) 272-0870 November 28, 2013 11 Canarsie Courier MTA’s Service Plans For Four-Day Thanksgiving Weekend Trains and buses operated by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) will operate on special schedules through Sunday, December 1st, to accommodate the unique travel demands of Thanksgiving weekend. During the same time period, MTA Bridges and Tunnels will suspend maintenance at its nine crossings to facilitate increased travel. New York City subways and buses will operate on a Sunday schedule on Thanksgiving Day. The closest subway stations to the start of the annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade are the 1 at 79th Street and the C at 81st Street. There will be additional service on the 42nd Street Shuttle S as well as increased early morning service on the 1 line. A number of bus routes will be impacted by the parade, and details will be provided at under “Service Status.” On Black Friday, November 29th, service will operate on a weekday schedule with some exceptions listed at The Long Island Rail Road is ready with additional train service and off-peak pricing to help holiday travelers. On Thanksgiving Day, there are extra trains to get you to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and extra trains to get you home when the festivities are over. Black Friday, November 29th, will feature a regular weekday schedule with off-peak fares. There will be extra trains on Saturday, November 30th and Sunday, December 1st as well, making travel to and from New York City, a snap for shopping, dining and entertainment THEN s 0 199 This unsightly, graffiti-covered building (above) was the site of an old Burger King restaurant at 7602 Flatlands Avenue across from South Shore High School. The establishment closed in late 1991 but remained vacant for a few years, as the building could not be demolished because of “lack of unsafe designation and a court order” according to the Department of Housing Preservation and Development. Today, it’s the home of McDonald’s, complete with a 24-hour drive thru. NOW 20 13 On Thanksgiving Day, Metro-North will provide additional inbound morning service for customers going to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. There is also expanded outbound service starting in the late morning and continuing until mid-afternoon for customers traveling to suburban destinations. Finally, there is expanded evening service for customers returning to New York City. On the day after Thanksgiving, there are fewer commuters but more sightseers. Metro-North will run fewer morning rush hour trains but more midday trains. Finally, regular Saturday and Sunday schedules are in effect with extra trains on November 30th and December 1st. To ease travel for its customers this Thanksgiving, routine maintenance and temporary construction work at all MTA Bridges and Tunnels crossings will be suspended through early Monday morning, December 2nd. RE-OPENING PRICE LIST ALL PRICES ARE BASED ON LENGTH AND DENSITY OF HAIR WASH AND SET......................................................$13 TO 35 WASH, SET AND BLOW...........................................$15 TO 40 BLOW NATURAL HAIR.............................................$20 TO 40 RELAXER...............................................................$30 TO 75 RELAXER & COLOR................................................$30 TO 75 PERMANENT COLOR.............................................$35 TO 125 PERMANENT WAVE..............................................$50 TO 125 JHERI CURLS.........................................................$50 TO 80 UPDOS..................................................................$35 TO 80 WRAP & CURLS.....................................................$20 TO 35 HAIR CUT..............................................................$10 TO 25 WEAVE................................................................$60 TO 150 EYEBROW.........................................................................$5 KERATIN TREATMENT..........................................$75 TO 500 COUPON FREE DOMINICAN CONDITION WITH EVERY SERVICE $5.00 BRAZILIAN KERATIN Treatment BY APPOINTMENT ONLY OFF ANY CHEMICAL PROCESS MON - WED ONLY EXP. 12/31/13 CANARSIE LOCATION ONLY OPEN EVERY SUNDAY STARTING DECEMBER 8TH 10AM-3PM LAST CLIENT TAKEN AT 2PM 1931 ROCKAWAY PARKWAY (CORNER BROOKLYN NY 11236 OF 718-531-3518 AVE N) • Prices Based Upon Length & Density Of Hair • We Do Flat Twist, Spiral Curls, Updos... • We Specialize In All Hair Types • Check Out Our Line Of Professional Products; Salern, Alphaparth, Alter Ego, Mizani, Dudleys, Paul Mitchell, Nexus, Sebastian, Moroccan & Much More. • We Do Brazilian Keratin Hair Strengthening Treatments HOURS MONDAY – WEDNESDAY 9AM–7PM THURSDAY – FRIDAY 9AM – 6:30PM SATURDAY – 8AM – 6PM SUNDAY CLOSED CROWN HEIGHTS 308 TROY AVENUE (BTW. UNION ST. & EASTERN PARKWAY) BROOKLYN, NY 11213 718-774-5049 Canarsie Courier 12 November 28, 2013 Assemblyman Maisel: Law Prevents Deadly Drug Abuse It’s a heartbreaking story playing out across the state and nation: young people dying from drug abuse. Most people know about the dangers associated with “street” and prescription-drug abuse, but there is a startling trend of teens using over-thecounter cough medicine containing dextromethorphan (DXM) to get a cocaine-like high. To help stop this abuse, I supported a new law to ban the sale of certain cold remedies and medicines containing DXM to minors in New York State. DXM is found in many over-the-counter cough suppressant medications, including Robitussin, NyQuil, Dimetapp and Vicks. If abused, DXM can cause a high with serious health risks, including hal- lucinations, confusion, blurred vision, loss of motor control and vomiting. Other side effects include sweating, anxiousness, nausea, paranoia, heart palpitations and even death. In upstate New York, a woman died in a car crash in which DXM is believed to have been a contributing factor. Her fiancé, who was driving, had drugs in his system and was sentenced to six months in jail. Inside the couple’s apartment, a family member found hundreds of cough medicine bottles. The new law prohibits pharmacies and stores from selling DXM to any person under age 18 unless they have a prescription. All retail establishments will be required to request proof of age unless the customer appears to be 25 years of age or older. Any retailer found violating the new prohibition will be subject to a fine of $250 per violation. There are already a number of counties across New York that have enacted a restriction on the sale of DXM to minors. Reducing drug abuse is one of my top priorities. Toward that end, I also supported the Internet System for Tracking Over-Prescribing (I-STOP) law aimed at reducing the availability of highly addictive prescription medications (Ch. 447 of 2012) that are often abused. I-STOP requires healthcare practitioners to review a patient’s controlled substance prescription history before prescribing certain drugs, places stricter regulations on certain highly addictive prescription painkillers and establishes an electronic-prescribing initiative requiring practitioners to issue electronic prescriptions. I’ll continue protecting our children from the dangers of drug abuse. As always, if I can be of any assistance on this or any other community issue, please contact my office at 718-968-2770 or email me at [email protected]. Save $100 with this AD Alan Maisel SLAM (STREB LAB FOR ACTION MECHANICS) Ticket Sweepstakes ONLY 5 ENTRIES PER HOUSEHOLD Fill out the attached coupon for a chance to win ticket vouchers to: SLAM (STREB LAB FOR ACTION MECHANICS) 51 NORTH 1ST ST. BROOKLYN, NY 11249 866-811-4111 WWW.STREB.ORG MAIL OR BRING ENTRIES TO: 11/28/13 Canarsie Courier 1142 E. 92nd Street Brooklyn, NY 11236 All entrants must be 18 years of age or older. Name Home Address City State Zip Daytime Phone # Email: No photocopies please! Canarsie Courier FOR ACTION MECHANICS) SLAM (STREB LAB Ticket Sweepstakes November 28, 2013 Canarsie Courier 13 The Active Consumer By Dara Mor mile Hopefully you're enjoying this week's Canarsie Courier while your Thanksgiving meal is being prepared! Or maybe you're reading it while enjoying scrumptious leftovers (we're sure there's plenty!). Either way, we hope your Thanksgiving celebration goes well – and that you take lots of photos! Not happy with your smile in those family pitcures? Better be prepared for many more candid photo shoots over the next couple of months! If you're not, make an appointment to see Dr. Ella Dekhtyar and Dr. Ilya Freyberg who have dental offices in Canarsie at 1763 Rockaway Parkway (call 718-763-9118) and another office in the Flatbush area at 789 Flatbush Avenue (call 718-693-5455). Right now, these skilled dentists have a winter special - surgical implants are only $750. Dr. Ella Dekhtyar and Dr. Ilya Freyberg also have a new patient offer - so you can save just in time for the holidays! Get an exam, x-rays, a regular cleaning and polishing, an oral cancer screening and a personal consultation with the doctor. When Dr. Ella Dekhtyar and Dr. Ilya Freyberg take care of you, you'll experience professional dentistry in a comfortable environment. You'll want to refer your friends and family! Say cheese today!... UGH! Those long lines...those loooong walks up and down the stairs and the frustration of waiting...and waiting! Your tootsies are undergoing a lot of stress – and if you've got bunions, warts, calluses or ingrown toenails, it can be even worse to endure that trip to the mall. Good thing Dr. John Pawson is conveniently located at 9229 Flatlands Avenue, where he'll treat your foot abnormality with the utmost care! With an office that's modern and up-to-date, Dr. John Pawson also offers geriatric and diabetic care. You don’t want to wait until after the holidays, when your stompers have been through the mill, to call 718-257-1444. Put your feet in the care of Dr. John Pawson and put the spunk back in your step!... Increasing Visibility On Darkened Streets As the days turn shorter, it’s time for drivers, pedestrians and cyclists to be extra vigilant in safely navigating our streets during the longer winter nights. The risk of pedestrian and cyclist injury in the traffic environment increases significantly during the winter months. A driver’s sight distance plummets after the sun has set, and inclement weather (more common this time of year) can further decrease a driver’s night vision. It’s possible to stay safe, even with this mix of road conditions: Pedestrians • Don’t distract your senses. Our depth perception in dark or inclement weather is poor, and our ability to hear oncoming traffic is already compromised in a busy traffic environment. Leave cell phones and video games in your pocket – don’t text and walk. • Stay bright and light at night. Wear light, bright colors at night and accessorize with retro-reflective strips. These materials reflect headlights brightly and increase drivers’ ability to see you. Motorists • Prepare your vehicle for night driving. Clean headlights, tail lights, signal lights and windows at least once a week. • Put your phones down. Talking on a cell phone or texting while driving can be as deadly as drinking and driving. With limited light, you want all your senses on the road! Cyclists • Equip your bike with a white headlight, a red taillight and multiple reflectors on your tires and both sides of your rims. Not only is it the law in NYC, but staying visible will keep you safe! • Wear reflective clothing, and attach reflective tape and patches to your helmet, the outer sides of your shoes, and bags. There’s no such thing as glowing too much when you’re riding your bike at night! © We hope all of our readers have a great Thanksgiving with their family! Please keep in mind that the Canarsie Courier office will be closed Thursday, November 28th as well as Friday, November 29th. We’ll reopen on Monday, December 2nd, during which time you can call to place an advertisement for our December 5th issue. Enjoy gobble gobble day! Ridge Abstract Corp. Established 1980 Title Insurance throughout New York State • Title insurance arranged in New Jersey and other states • Computer hook-up with NYC Tax Office & Register’s Office • Totally computerized office with personal service • Closing conference room for your convenience • Recording documents • Violation searches • Real estate forms FRANK, J. MARTINO, President BENJAMIN J. MARTINO, JR., Vice President PAUL J. INTERLANDI, Sr. Vice President CHRISTOPER M. BECK, Director of Operations ANDREW NUNZIATO, Sr. Title Officer 1967 McDonald Avenue • Brooklyn, NY 11223 Tel. 718-338-0065 • Fax 1-718-692-3767 Canarsie Courier 14 November 28, 2013 Serving The Perfect Recipe For Retirement Succulent turkey. Savory stuffing. Green bean casserole. Sweet potato and pumpkin pie. Every family has its Thanksgiving dinner traditions. With a carefully followed recipe, everyone around the table can enjoy their favorite dishes. If you plan poorly and wait to throw the bird in the oven at the last minute, you will end up with a turkey of a dish. The same can be said for financial planning and preparing for retirement. Follow the perfect recipe and you’ll be rewarded with a juicy retirement. Ingredients: one part Social Security earnings, one part savings, a pinch of planning. First, start your retirement casserole with a visit to the Retirement Estimator. As useful as a food processor, the Estimator gives you an instant projection of what you can expect to receive in retirement benefits. Just plug in some simple information and the Estimator uses your past earnings and estimated SOCIAL SECURITY BY BEPPIE SIBLEY Canarsie Office District Manager future earnings to project about how much you’ll get when you retire. Like an experienced cook, you can experiment with the recipe and plug in different future earnings and retirement dates until it’s just the way you want it. Next, fold in the savings. The earlier you begin, the better off you will be. Social Security replaces about 40 percent of the average worker’s pre-retirement earnings. Most financial advisors say you will need 70 percent or more of pre-retirement earnings to live comfortably. To supplement Social Security you also will need savings, investments, pensions or retirement accounts to make sure you have enough money to enjoy retirement. Visit the Ballpark Estimator for tips to help you save. If you have a pension from your employer or a 401k, IRA or similar retirement fund, be sure to add that into the mix. Like to taste as you cook? Then you’ll want to set up a my Social Security account so you can log in anytime to check your reported earnings and projected benefit estimates. If something doesn’t taste just right - if your earnings are reported incorrectly or you find you need to save more to meet your retirement goals - there’s still time to make corrections before your retirement casserole is done. Once you’ve added the ingredients of Social Security earnings, personal savings, and any pensions you may have, it’s time to let the retirement casserole bake. If you pull the retirement casserole out to find it a little underdone, just put it back in for a bit longer. Delaying retirement can increase your benefits and give you more time to build up your savings. To learn more, read our publication entitled When To Start Receiving Retirement Benefits. It provides helpful information regarding the things you should consider when making a decision on when to collect retirement benefits. You will find it, along with our other useful publications, at www.socialsecurity. gov/pubs. When the retirement casserole is ready, enjoy it! You deserve a comfortable retirement. Following a traditional Thanksgiving recipe carefully can ensure a satisfying meal. In the same way, following our financial planning recipe will help you achieve a more fulfilling retirement. Learn more at Holiday Garbage Collection And Alternate Side Parking The New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) has announced that, in observance of Thanksgiving Day, there will be no garbage, organics or recycling collection, or street cleaning, on Thursday, November 28th. In addition, all Sanitation Department administrative offices will be closed on Thursday, November 28th, in observance of the holiday. Residents who normally receive Thursday garbage and organics collection should place their materials out at curbside Thursday after 4 p.m. for pickup. Those receiving Thursday recycling collection will have their items picked up the following Thursday, December 5th. For questions about DSNY services and holiday schedules, contact 311 or visit the DSNY website at ********************************** Alternate side parking (street cleaning) and parking meter regulations are suspended on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 28th. The Friday after Thanksgiving, November 29th, is not a holiday. Alternate side parking regulations, parking meters and all other parking regulations will be in effect. November 28, 2013 Canarsie Courier 15 Little Old Canarsie: The Next Generation – Cooking Up Good Times By Ken A. Rogers Last week I described how stuffed derma was served with the Thanksgiving meal in many of the homes of the Jewish residents of Canarsie. I have received the following comments: What is stuffed derma? What is in stuffed derma? I never heard of that! This is not a cooking column but thanks to my good friend and Central Park co-worker, Rita Denowitz, here is the scoop on stuffed derma: Ingredients: 1. 108 (not 109 or 105 but 108) inches of clean beef casings. If you cannot find beef casings in the supermarket, go to a kosher butcher. 2. 2 cups of flour 3. 1 cup matzo meal 4. 1 1⁄2 teaspoons of salt 5. 1 tablespoon salt for boiling water 6. 1 cup chicken fat 7. 1⁄2 cup grated carrot 8. 1 small onion grated 9. 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning The following is the Rita method of making stuffed derma. Place the casings in cold water and cut into 12-inch lengths. Tie one end of each casing with white thread. When that is completed, turn each casing inside out. Mix the flour, matzo meal, poultry seasoning and chicken fat. Now fill each casing with the stuffing. Tie up all loose ends and drop into a gallon of boiling water. After about 10 minutes, drain and scrape off the fat from the outside of the casings. And drop back into the water with a dash of salt and pepper. Reduce the heat and let simmer for three hours. When it is time, remove from the water and let brown for about an hour inside your turkey or around your poultry dish. Then enjoy. Thanks, Rita. Also, last week, Dara Mormile wrote about the old trees in Canarsie that pose a threat to the area’s residents. I remember a time when the London plane, Linden, Norway Maple and pine oaks that line the streets of Seaview Village were nothing more than little sticks in the ground. When the Rogers family moved into 105-30 CANARSIE COURIER MAGICAL MYSTERY Ticket Sweepstakes In our latest ticket giveaway, we can’t tell you what popular event it’s for, but we’re sure you will not be disappointed if your coupon is selected. Don’t delay enter today. Fill out the attached coupon for a chance to win ticket vouchers to: CANARSIE COURIER MAGICAL MYSTERY MAIL OR BRING ENTRIES TO: Canarsie Courier, 11/28/13 1142 E. 92nd Street, Brooklyn, NY 11236 All entrants must be 18 years of age or older. Name Home Address City State Zip Daytime Phone # Email: Canarsie Courier No photocopies please! CANARSIE COURIER MAGICAL MYSTERY Ticket Sweepstakes Flatlands 10th Street, in March of 1958, there was a patch of dirt between the sidewalk and cement curb. The first year and a half we lived with a mud hole in front of our new house. Between the years 1956 to 1964, it seemed as if a newly constructed home was being fully completed at the rate of one a day. The planting of street trees was the responsibility, and still is, of the New York City Parks Department. The Department could not keep up with the pace of building in Canarsie at that time. In the fall of 1959, a flatbed truck bearing the contractor’s name Pasty Bello Nurseries rolled down our block filled with twigs with burlap bubbles on the bottom. Men removed the skinny sticks from the truck and planted them in front of every house. They also planted two poles on both sides of the trees and tied it all up with metal wire and a piece of garden hose around the young bark of the trees. I learned that the rubber hose would prevent the wire that was holding the tree up from cutting into the bark as the tree grew. Today, those once three-foot tall twigs are massive trees well over thirty feet. Their roots are buckling up sidewalks while others have fallen during tornadoes and hurricanes inflecting damage to property and lives. To everything there is a season and a purpose. People have come and gone from Little Old Canarsie. They may have had Jambalaya, rice and beans, shrimp dumplings or stuffed derma at their Thanksgiving table but the one thing we all have in common is our roots in Little Old Canarsie. 16 Canarsie Courier November 28, 2013 Dupreme Robinson Leads Vikings To Second Straight Bowl Title In Rout Over MSIT By Jerry Del Priore South Shore head coach Matt Ciquera has raved about twoway star Dupreme Robinson since he joined the football program in his sophomore year in 2011. That’s because Robinson has been an unparalleled middle linebacker with the Vikings, winning the PSAL Bowl Conference Defensive Player of the Year award the last two years. But it was the senior running back’s spectacular running performance, scoring four touchdowns when it mattered most, that impressed Ciquera and the rest of the frozen onlookers alike at Springfield High School field, as he led the Vikings to a 34- 12 finals victory over McKee/ Staten Island Tech—the team’s second consecutive Bowl Divisional crown. “He’s unbelievable. He’s an incredible leader,” Ciquera gushed of Robinson. “He’s an extra coach out on the field. Defensively, he knows the whole game plan every week — all the checks. He comes every day, works hard, and it’s going to be difficult to replace him next year when he’s gone. “It was such a fitting way for him to go out, scoring those four touchdowns in the first half,” he continued. “I can’t say enough about this kid. He’s a big reason that South Shore South Shore ball carrier bust through for nice game. Dupreme Robinson turns the corner en route to end zone Photos by Jerry Del Priore on one of his four scores. football has done what it has done over the past three seasons.” Robinson found pay dirt for the first time on a 32-yard scamper at the six minute mark of the first quarter to stake the Vikings (12-0) to a 6-0 lead. He followed that score up with a four-yard TD run to extend South Shore’s advantage to 120 early in the second period. From there, Robinson crossed the goal line two more times to increase the Vikings’ margin to 24 points midway through the first half. Then, quarterback Darrius Nichols connected with Timothy Bowers on a two-point pass play to push the score to 26-0. South Shore capped its offensive onslaught when Equan Yunis rushed for a 35yard TD to take a commanding 34-0 lead with four minutes left in the second period. The Seagulls (10-2) refused to be shutout, however, scoring twice in the second half to cut the deficit to 34-12. But that’s as close as MSIT would get. Ciquera, who lobbied the PSAL to promote the Vikings before the season commenced, but was turned aside, was determined to have an unbeaten championship campaign. Now that South Shore has accom- plished the team’s ultimate goal, he strongly believes the program earned the right to play in the City Conference next year. “We wanted to move up to the City Division for this season, and they thought we weren’t ready for that,” the third-year coach explained. “So, basically the approach we took with the kids is to go undefeated, and win the championship; that’s what we had to do. I had all the faith in the world that we come out and do this today, and have the undefeated championship season we just completed.” South Shore proudly displays Bowl Division Trophy After beating MSIT, 34-12, Sunday at Springfield HS. Canarsie Courier November 28, 2013 17 South Shore Boys’ Basketball Program To Hold Second Annual Fundraising Event Photos & text by Jerry Del Priore This Saturday, November 30th, instead of running to crowded stores for holiday shopping madness, why not head to South Shore High School, where the Vikings boys’ basketball team will host its second yearly alumni games? Former Vikings who played for the program from 1990-2013 will be facing various fraternity teams, Former Viking player looks to create play by dribbling around defense in one of the games that took place at last season’s fundraiser for the boys’ hoops program. THE GREAT COMET OF 1812 Ticket Sweepstakes ONLY 5 ENTRIES PER HOUSEHOLD Fill out the attached coupon for a chance to win ticket vouchers to: THE GREAT COMET OF 1812 KAZINO –– 259 WEST 45TH STREET (BETWEEN TIMES SQUARE AND EIGHTH AVENUE) MAIL OR BRING ENTRIES TO: 11/28/13 Canarsie Courier 1142 E. 92nd Street Brooklyn, NY 11236 All entrants must be 18 years of age or older. Name Home Address City State Zip Daytime Phone # Email: Canarsie Courier No photocopies please! THE GREAT COMET OF 1812 Ticket Sweepstakes PETER AND THE STARCATCHER Ticket Sweepstakes ONLY 5 ENTRIES PER HOUSEHOLD H Fill out the attached coupon for a chance to win ticket vouchers to: PETER AND THE STARCATCHER 340 WEST 50TH STREET, (BETWEEN 8TH & 9TH AVENUES) 212-239-6200 • 800-447-7400 MAIL OR BRING ENTRIES TO: Canarsie Courier 11/28/13 1142 E. 92nd Street Brooklyn, NY 11236 All entrants must be 18 years of age or older. Name Home Address City State Zip Daytime Phone # Email: Canarsie Courier No photocopies please! PETER AND THE STARCATCHER Ticket Sweepstakes head coach Mike Beckles noted. In addition, present day South Shore members will be opposing Queens PSAL powerhouse Cardozo High School at noon in a scrimmage. All proceeds will go to help fund the boys’ squad. The games are sponsored by One On One Physical Therapy, “a great supporter of the basketball program and the event,” Beckles said. Admission for the four-game fundraiser, which commences at 12.00 p.m., and follows with alumni tilts at 2:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m., is $5.00 per person. It will also feature three-point and free throw contests, plus a dance show performance by the South Shore Dance squad and the school’s cheerleaders. South Shore Basketball alum shoots free throws in last season’s fundraising games for the boys basketball team. November 28, 2013 Canarsie Courier 18 THE POINTING FINGER B Y D R . S T E P H E N F INGER “Take My Apology, Please” When asked about the millions of Americans who are losing their healthcare plans as a result of the Affordable Care Act, the president responded, “I am very sorry that they...are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me.” What did he say? Is that really an apology or is it more like an apologoid, the way a humanoid robot is a lot like a human but, somehow...isn’t really a human? Similar, but not the same. Not really. In an apology, you’re supposed to take responsibility for what you did, say that you’re really sorry you did it and that you’ll do what you can to make it better and won’t ever do it again. This ‘apology’ was more like, “I was sorry to hear about your health insurance, Mrs. Goldberg. Here, I brought you some cookies.” “Thank you, Mr. President. That was very thoughtful of you.” But more importantly, when he promised that, under the Affordable Care Act, we could all keep our health insurance, did the president know that millions of Americans would be losing it or didn’t he? Well, if he didn’t know, then doesn’t that mean that he never read the law? And if he didn’t read it, then he obviously couldn’t have written it either. So, how is this his ‘signature accomplishment’? An accomplishment that he didn’t accomplish? Only in Washington... (Maybe “You didn’t build that” really meant “I didn’t build that.”) And if he did know that what he had been saying was not true, well... 2009, while the president was speaking to a joint session of congress, Congressman Joe Wilson shouted, “You lie!” For this outburst, the congressman was widely attacked for being disrespectful, rude, boorish and for not showing sufficient respect to the president or to his office. But one thing for which he was hardly ever attacked, and of which he was almost never accused, was...being wrong. Dr. Finger practices medicine (Otolaryngology) in Brooklyn. He ran for Congress in ‘06 on Libertarian and Republican lines. Visit our blog at: ? Keep Those Trees Sprouting! Dear Editor: While I enjoyed reading Dara Mormile’s wellwritten column on the potential danger of too many trees wreaking havoc in residential neighborhoods during severe weather conditions, she went too far out on a limb and I oppose her conclusion that they should be limited to prevent future calamities. Mother Nature is unpredictable and though there are essential precautions that should be undertaken to curb property damage, limiting or removing trees is not the solution and would destroy the beauty of bucolic, tree-lined communities. I doubt most homeowners would want to live on or buy a home on a street without trees, just because there’s a once-in-a-lifetime chance it will fall. That’s like saying you don’t park on the street because there’s some reckless or drunk driver who might crash into it, resulting in costly repairs. The devastation from a few Nor’easters and Hurricane Sandy were rarities, more severe than any previous weather events that ever struck New York City. But, it doesn’t mean the city should begin a full-scale tree removal campaign to avoid possible destruction once in a blue moon. In fact, the areas of Marine Park and Seaview Park where a number of trees were “gone with the wind,” but caused no property damage and later removed and some not replaced, now look barren. After all, no one wants a tree to fall on their house or car, whether they hear it or not, it’s nice to see more than a single tree growing in Canarsie and, for that matter, Brooklyn. Neil S. Friedman Sheepshead Bay Compiled by Bill O’Neill Question: Some are petitioning against opening establishments on Thanksgiving Day. What do you think of stores opening at 5 p.m. on Thanksgiving Day for the start of Christmas shopping?? “I don’t have a problem with it. But it’s supposed to be a holiday for the employees - optional if they want to work on Thanksgiving Day. And if they do decide to work, they should get extra pay for it.” Russell Warner, Flatbush “I think it’s great. It gives people more of an opportunity to shop during the busy holiday season - get what they need.” G. Gashi, Canarsie “I think it’s okay. A business needs to make money. And opening early would bring in more money. That way people can be with their families for Thanksgiving dinner.” Jordan Lewis, Canarsie November 28, 2013 Canarsie Courier 19 Gerritsen d r a w r o F Beach: Moving Resourceful Resident Rescues Storm Victims By Linda Steinmuller One year after Superstorm Sandy, storm survivors still have vivid memories of a night they’d rather forget. Everyone has their own unique tale of October 29, 2012. Some evacuated their homes before the storm poured its wrath on Gerritsen Beach and others stayed behind - never imagining Sandy would turn into the “storm of the century.” Others, like Nino Coppolino, pitched in to rescue stranded neighbors. On the night of the storm, Coppolino saw the floodwaters racing down Keen Court, ran to his basement and quickly removed important items. He continued to save as much as he could - until the water reached the electrical outlets and he knew it was no longer safe. Sandy’s Bar lands in Gerritsen Beach. Curious to see what was going on outside, Coppolino, who works in construction and has his own truck which he also uses for towing and snow removal, ventured outside. “I saw people walking through the water-filled streets, trying to get to dry ground,” recalls Coppolino. The construction worker instantly switched gears and starting piling storm victims into his truck. “I had the only vehicle that could cut through the water, which rose to about five feet at high tide. Not even the fire trucks could make it through.” Coppolino’s monster truck was a 2006, Ford F-350 super duty diesel with 42-inch swamp tires. With truck lifters, the tires reach 56 inches high. The Good Samaritan drove wet and cold shell-shocked storm survivors to P.S. 277, where the rushing waters did not reach. “I have a four-door pickup. I put four people in the back cab – usu- ally kids and elderly people - and six to eight people in the back of the truck. There were dogs and cats too,” Coppolino told the Canarsie Courier. “A cop told me to move my truck so they could pass, but they got stuck in the water. On my next trip back to get more people, the cop and a fireman asked if they could ride with me - so they jumped on the back of my truck bed. They gave me addresses of people in distress. I’d drive to the address and they did the rescue.” The Gerritsen Beach native, who says his grandmother settled here 60 years ago, will have plenty of stories to pass down to his own grandchildren one day. He rescued one man who was on oxygen and saw a woman, neckhigh in water, carrying her infant child over her head. “The water was so cold; everyone was frozen and shivering. People were in shock and many were crying.” After Coppolino’s third trip, he saw a 14-foot skiff rowboat. “I tied the boat to the hitch of my truck and started loading people onto the boat.” Coppolino completed about 15 trips that night over a four-hour period. “I never got so many ‘thank you’s’ in my life. The next day people were coming up to me that I never met, saying things like, ‘You saved my father last night.’ Everyone was looking for my white Keith Farrell, Michael Farrell and Nino Coppolino in front of Nino's rescue truck. truck to come thank me that day.” Unfortunately, all of Coppolino’s tools, which were stored in his garage, were ruined by the superstorm. “That was the worst part. I lost all of my construction tools, which cost over $5,000 to replace,” Coppolino lamented. And to top it off, he said, “Insurance did not cover the damage to my garage because it was not considered part of the house since it is not connected to my home.” He also tried to save his beloved truck but storm water reached the bottom of the vehicle’s door during high tide and it was not salvageable. “I spent about $8,000 trying to repair my pickup but wound up having to buy a new one a few months later,” said Coppolino. Wanting to forget his troubles, Coppolino brought a generator, a boom box and some liquor to a mysterious bar near his home. That ‘mysterious bar’ broke off from its structure and floated two miles from the Gateway Marina on Flatbush Avenue over the Belt Parkway, making its final resting stop on Madoc Avenue and Keen Court. It became known as ‘Sandy’s Bar’ after residents wrote its name in red marker on the building. “People were depressed after the storm and it helped them forget about their problems for awhile - they were actually smiling even though all their stuff was gone!” said Coppolino. “We found a liquor license inside stating that it belonged to Gateway and the bar was already stocked with shot glasses. I brought coasters and napkins and some liquor from home. We had music playing and about 50 people fit inside that little bar.” Coppolino continued, “The cops came and wanted to know who was in charge. They were concerned it was a fire hazard and tried to demolish the bar but couldn’t. They came back the next day and had it bulldozed to the ground.” In addition to aiding in the evacuation on that fateful night over one year ago and ‘starting a party’ for his distressed community, the resourceful young man drove to New Jersey to purchase a diesel generator, which provided power to four surrounding homes, including his own. “That three-hour trip to Jersey was worth it, especially with the gas shortage we experienced right after the storm. There were no lines for diesel fuel,” Coppolino reminisced. Partying at Sandy’s Bar. Photos by Linda Steinmuller and Nino Coppolino 20 Canarsie Courier November 28, 2013 Community Comes Together To Celebrate Annual Brotherhood Night Photos and text by Darryl C. Madison Monday night, religious leaders and community members of different faiths joined the Canarsie Lions Club to participate in the 31st Annual Brotherhood Service at Temple Emanu-El of Canarsie. For the past 31 years, Canarsie residents have come together right before the start of the Thanksgiving holiday to share in prayer, worship, and good food. The non-denominational service demonstrates what the holiday season truly means. The temple was filled to capacity, as this ceremony has become a must-attend event for fellow Canarsiens. The evening was also filled with beautiful songs by Joy Riley who recited the “National Anthem,” and Cantor Doris Cohen who sang “Bless This House.” Everyone who spoke reminded those in attendance that the most important part of the holiday season is spending time with family and friends, and remembering those who are less fortunate. Spiritual and civic leaders who participated in Brotherhood Night included: Canarsie Lions Roxanne Persaud, Josephine Bolus, Jaime Williams, Yolaine Ridore, Joy Riley, Valerie Woodford, Paul Curiale, among others, Rabbis Joshua Minkin and Leo Cukier, Leonard Strum, Max Ableson and Cantor Doris Cohen, Father Edward Kane and Father John Amann, Reverend Cecil Moonsam, Reverend Nathan Williams, Evangelist Pastor Gesner Sagesse, Pastor Gerald Jean and Henry Beaucejour. Assemblyman Alan Maisel, Brookyln Democratic Leader Frank Seddio, Deputy Borough President Sandra Chapman, 69th Precinct Auxiliary officers, along with Commanding Officer Norman Grandstaff, captain of the 69th Precinct and Community Affairs Officer Eton White were also at the ceremony. You may see and purchase more photos from the event by visiting Just click on the blue button. Canarsie Courier November 28, 2013 21 Tree Lighting Officially Rings In The Holidays At King Plaza Mall The Kings Plaza Mall was filled with plenty of youngsters and their parents who were waiting patiently for the tree lighting ceremony in the center of the mall Saturday evening. To pass the time away, Dawn Simon and friends treated the guests to magic wands, milk and cookies and games galore as they competed for some very nice prizes. There were dance contests and plenty of activities to keep everyone happy until the arrival of a very special guest. Live from the North Pole via a segway from Flatbush Avenue North, was none other than Old Saint Nick himself! As Santa Claus arrived, the crowd went wild. Everyone was nice, no one was naughty, so all was well at the Kings Plaza Mall!You may see and purchase more photos from the event by visiting Just click on the blue button. Photos and text by Darryl C. Madison Beautiful trees make the holidays bright! The Jolly Holiday’s Singing Group. Santa greets the crowd. Hundreds couldn’t wait to wave their wands and help turn on the tree. Left to right: Lucien Zito, Alyssa Zito, Jumaane Williams Jose, left, Carmen and Adriana Vega enjoy the festivities. and Dawn Simon celebrate at Kings Plaza. It’s a jolly ole time with Santa Claus! November 28, 2013 Canarsie Courier 22 IMPORTANT TELEPHONE NUMBERS POLICE: 69th Pct. Switchboard..........................................(718) 257-6211 69th Pct. Community Affairs................................(718) 258-4444 63rd Pct. Switchboard...........................................(718) 258-4411 Housing Police (24 hrs.)...............................(718)386-5357 FBI..........................................................................(212) 384-1000 EMERGENCIES (Police/Fire/Ambulance)............................911 REPRESENTATIVES & LEGISLATORS: Senator Kirsten Gillibrand 780 Third Avenue, NYC 10017........................................(212) 688-6262 Senator Charles Schumer 757 Third Avenue, Room 1702, NY 10017.......................(212) 486-4430 Congressman Hakeem Jeffries 55 Hanson Place, Bklyn NY 11217................................(718) 237-2211 State Senator John L. Sampson 1226 East 96th Street, Bklyn NY 11236...........................(718) 649-7653 State Senator Martin J. Golden 7408 5th Avenue, Bklyn NY 11209...................................(718) 238-6044 State Senator Kevin Parker 1300 Flatbush Avenue, Bklyn NY 11210................(718) 629-6401 State Assemblyman Alan Maisel 2424 Ralph Avenue, Bklyn NY 11234.............................(718) 968-2770 State Assemblywoman Helene Weinstein 3520 Nostrand Ave, Bklyn NY 11229...............................(718) 648-4700 State Assemblyman Nick Perry 942 Utica Avenue, Bklyn NY 11203.................................(718) 385-3336 State Assemblywoman Inez Barron 669 Vermont Street, Bklyn NY 11207...................(718)257-5824 Borough President Marty Markowitz Borough Hall, Bklyn NY 11201........................................(718) 802-3700 City Councilman Lewis Fidler 1402 East 64th Street, Bklyn NY 11234...........................(718) 241-9330 City Councilman Charles Barron 718 Pennsylvania Ave., Bklyn NY 11207..................(718) 649-9495 City Councilman Jumaane D. Williams 4517 Avenue D, Bklyn, NY 11203.........................(718) 629-2900 CIVIC ORGANIZATIONS Bayview Houses Community Assoc.....................(347) 216-5909 Community Board 18............................................(718) 241-0422 Marine Park Civic Assoc.......................................(718) 336-7343 Mill Basin Civic Assoc..........................................(718) 968-2777 South Canarsie Civic Assoc..................................(718) 251-7145 69th Pct. Community Council...............................(718) 257-6205 63rd Pct. Community Council...............................(718) 258-4444 United Canarsie South Civic Assoc.......................(718) 531-8130 Community Education Council (CEC)..................(718) 566-6008 Glenwood Houses Residents Association.............(917) 319-0480 Friends United Block Association (FUBA)...........(718) 508-2311 HOTLINES: Alzheimer’s Resource Center...........................................(212) 442-3086 AC&C-Animal Rescue ....................................................(212) 788-4000 ASPCA-To report abuse...................................................(212) 876-7700 American Red Cross.........................................................(718) 330-9200 Air/Noise/Water/Sewer Complaints...................................................311 AIDS Hotline (HASA)...........................................311 or (718) 557-1399 Domestic Violence Hotline..............................................1-800-621-4673 Canarsie Historical Society................................................(718)531-0886 Child Abuse Information.................................................1-800-342-3720 Consumer Complaint...........................................................................311 Community Education Council - District 18....................(718) 566-6008 Dept. of Environmental Protection...................................(212) 637-3000 Dept. of Youth and Community Development..................(212) 442-6006 F.E.M.A. (Disaster Assistance)...................................1 (800) 621-FEMA Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)........311 or 1 (800) 692-0557 Heat Complaints..................................................................................311 Mayor’s Community Affairs Unit........................................................311 MEDICAID / SNAP.........................................................(718) 557-1399 MEDICARE....................................................................1-800-633-4227 NYC Dept. for the Aging.....................................................................311 Parking Regulations (Daily)................................................................311 Parks Department.............................................................(646) 613-1200 Pest Control.........................................................................................311 Poison Control..................................................................(212) 764-7667 Pothole Repair......................................................................................311 Public Advocate................................................................(212) 669-7250 Sanitation Dept....................................................................................311 Social Security.................................................................1-800-772-1213 Street Light Repair (D.O.T.) ...............................................................311 Suicide Help Line..........................................................1 (800) 273-8255 Taxi & Limousine Comm. Complaints................................................311 Traffic Lt. Complaints (D.O.T.) ..........................................................311 Victims Services Hotline..................................................(212) 577-7777 Veterans Administration..................................................1-800-827-1000 Keep Us In-The-Know! Invite the community to your next civic meeting! Just send us the details by any Tuesday at 4 p.m. Fax the information to us at 718-272-0870 or e-mail: [email protected] CLUBS / MEETINGS CEC 18 Meeting The next calendar meeting of the Community Education Council (CEC) for School District 18 will take place on Monday, December 2nd at 7 p.m. at 1106 East 95th Street near Conklin Avenue. For information, call 718-5666011. United Canarsie South Civic Association Come meet and greet your community neighbors and friends at the United Canarsie South Civic Association meeting Tuesday, December 10th at 7:30 p.m. at the H.E.S., 9502 Seaview Avenue (entrance on East 95th Street). Hear and be heard. Call 718-531-8130. Mill Basin Civic Assoc. What’s going on in Mill Basin? Find out on Tuesday, December 10th at 8:00 p.m. at the Mill Basin Civic Association meeting, held at Mary Queen of Heaven Church, located at 1395 East 57th Street, between avenues M and N. For more information, call 718-968-2777. Glenwood Residents Association The Glenwood Houses Residents Association will have their next general meeting on Tuesday, December 17th at 6:30 p.m. at the complex’s community center, located at 5816 Farragut Road. Tenants and nearby residents are encouraged to attend and address quality of life issues. Community Board 5 Starrett City and East New York residents are invited to the next Community Board 5 meeting on Wednesday, December 18th at 6:30 p.m. at 127 Pennsylvania Avenue, 3rd floor. For more information, call 718498-5711. Community Board 18 The next meeting of Community Board 18 will take place on Wednesday, December 18th at 7 p.m. at the John Malone Community Center, located at 2335 Bergen Avenue (between avenues W and X). Please note this is a new location. Meetings are usually held on the third Wednesday of the month. For more information, call 718-2410422. EVENTS Brooklyn Children’s Museum Celebrate Native American Heritage Month during November with a variety of different activities. On Friday, November 29th, kids can paint, draw, glue or weave their way to exploring their inner artist at Artpalooza. On Saturday, November 30th, kids can learn about Totem Poles, listen to Native Turtle Tales or touch a starfish, horseshoe crab or sea snail in their Touch Tank. Every Thursday, the museum has FREE hours from 3 to 5 p.m. Visit for program times and more information. The museum is located at 145 Brooklyn Avenue. Contact info: 718-735-4400. Excel Classes At Canarsie Library The Canarsie branch of the Brooklyn Public Library will be holding a free class in Excel 2010 for Beginners. The four-week class will take place on Tuesdays at noon and each session will last two hours. Dates are December 3rd, 10th and 17th. Call Benita McCray at 718-257-6547, X 101 to register. Class is limited to five students must bring your own flash (USB) drive. The Canarsie library is located at 1580 Rockaway Parkway. Get A Fresh Start At Bridge Street Development Corp. Are you concerned about being late on your mortgage or need information about post-Sandy resources? Learn about your rights as a homeowner in New York’s Foreclosure Process at a free Fresh Start Clinic. The clinic will be held on Wednesday, December 4th from 6 to 8 p.m. at Canarsie Library, 1580 Rockaway Parkway. Call 718636-7596, ext 214 to register or email [email protected]. Akeida At AAA Sfard The Jewish Community of Canarsie presents The Akeida (the spiritual journey of Abraham and Isaac on Mount Moriah) at Congregation AAA Sfard, 1385 East 94th Street. The three-week course, on Genesis Chapter 22, will take place on Wednesdays - December 4th, 11th and 18th from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. For more information, call 347-8936476 or email [email protected]. BPL’s Teen Time Video Games At Gerritsen Beach Library Love video games? Teenagers can join other teens to play video games at BPL’s Teen Time Video Games on Fridays in December at the Gerritsen Beach branch of the Brooklyn Public Library. Dates are December 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. The Gerritsen library is located at 2808 Gerritsen Avenue. For more information, call 917-584-0973. Annual Tree Lighting At Seddio House Join fellow Canarsiens at the Annual Tree Lighting at the Seddio House on Sunday, December 8th at 5 p.m. sharp. This year’s tree lighting will be dedicated to the Canarsie Courier’s late Managing Editor Charles Rogers. Fourth and fifth grade students from Mary Queen of Heaven School will participate in a performance of the Nativity. The Seddio house is located on the corner of East 93rd Street and Flatlands Avenue. American Bikers Club 25th Annual Senior Citizen Run Come share the Holiday Joy with seniors at the 25th Annual Senior Citizen Run on Sunday, December 8th. Meet at 11 a.m. at the Floridian Diner, 2301 Flatbush Avenue. Ride or drive to the Four Seasons Nursing Home at 1555 Rockaway Parkway. Original gift donations may include hats, gloves, blankets, etc. For more information, email americanbikersclub@ Famous First Flights Jamaica Bay has had its fair share of famous first flights. Join a park ranger for a slideshow about these flighs at the Ryan Visitor Center in Floyd Bennett Field on Sunday, December 15th from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. Reservations not required. Take Q35 bus to visitor center. Civil War Or Civil Rights: A Century Of Change Explore the major events of the civil rights continuum during the pivotal years from 1863 to 1963 at the Ryan Visitor Center in Floyd Bennett Field on Sunday, December 15th from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Reservations not required. Take Q35 bus to visitor center. Councilman Fidler’s 13th Annual Toy Drive Councilman Lew Fidler and the 41st Assembly District Democrats Club are holding their 13th Annual Toy Drive. Join the Grand Finale Party on Thursday, December 19th from 6 to 9 p.m. at the 41st A.D. Dems Club, located at 2952 Avenue R. Bring a new, unwrapped toy or a check made payable to “Community First Toy Drive.” Help the U.S. Marines load toys on their cargo truck at 9 p.m. For more information, call Bryan at 917846-1944. OTHER Catholic Charities In Canarsie Affected by Hurricane Sandy? Catholic Charities bilingual (Creole/English) Case Managers are available at Our Lady of Miracles Church on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Call 718-722-6001 for an appointment. Please be advised that we must receive information on your community meetings/functions TUESDAYS before 4 p.m. In order to provide coverage of your event, we must be notified at least two weeks in advance. Canarsie Courier November 28, 2013 GOLD DEALER ATTORNEY LAW OFFICES OF CHIDI EZE & ASSOCIATES CIVIL RIGHTS 60 Years Of Serving Our Community Chain Link Fences & Supplies Gates-Wire-Posts-Fittings PVC-Wood FREE ESTIMATES 9502 Flatlands Ave. (corner of E. 95th St.) REAL ESTATE • INSURANCE CLAIM DENIALS • Fax: 718-643-8814 [email protected] 255 LIVINGSTON STREET, 3RD FLOOR, BROOKLYN, NY 11217 GRAPHIC DESIGN ATTORNEY • NO FEE Unless Successful • Over 40 Years Experience • Personal & Friendly Service Michael D. Schoffman 26 Court Street 718-852-0900 Levine Law Firm, PLLC Workers Compensation & Social Security Disability We are the only lawyers in South Brooklyn that offer these services Located Conveniently In Georgetown (corner of Ave. J) Office 718-732-0855 Fax 718-444-5768 Brooklyn, NY 11234 [email protected] 2004 Ralph Avenue AFTERSCHOOL HARLENE MILDER PERNICE AFTERSCHOOL PLAY GROUP WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM A GES 4 – 6 $25 PER DAY You Can Bring Your Own Toys Or Use Ours HARLENE MILDER IS MSW SOCIAL WORKER & SUBSTITUTE TEACHER 718-490-3586 718-649-3109 AWNINGS SERVING OUR COMMUNITY WITH SINCERITY, HONESTY & CARE FOR OVER 54 YEARS 718-649-3839 718-272-4760 PHARMACY MILL BASIN PHARMACY Social Security/SSI Disability Convenient to All Boroughs & Long Island FENCES MICHAEL CERVERIZZO & SONS INC. FALSE ARREST • FALSE IMPRISONMENT • MALICIOUS PROSECUTION • POLICE HARRASSMENT • POLICE BRUTALITY DO NOT SIT BACK WHILE YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS ARE BEING VIOLATED. WE ARE DEDICATED TO PROTECTING AND PRESERVING YOUR RIGHTS. WE HAVE RECOVERED $M ILLIONS FOR OUR CLIENTS. YOU PAY NOTHING U NLESS WE RECOVER MONEY FOR YOU. CONSULTATIONS ARE FREE TOO Tel: 718-643-8800 23 Sean’s Designs Graphic Design • Web Design Business Cards • Flyers Air Brushing • Photo Retouching 347-754-6631 Legal Notices Notice of formation of 54 CUMBERLAND STREET, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the Sect’y of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/10/2013. Office location, County of Kings. SSNY has been designated as agent of the LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/i NYC Property Care, 271 Third Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11215. Purpose: any lawful act. November 28, 2015; December 5, 12, 19, 26, 2013, January 3, 2014. Legal Notice PCF Enterprises LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 06/06/13. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Richard J Weston, 169 Lott St., Brooklyn, NY 11226. General Purposes. October 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 2013. Legal Notice Notice of Qualification of BROOKLYN HEALTHCARE INVESTORS, LLC. Authority filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 10/15/13. Office location: Kings County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 09/05/13. Princ. office of LLC: 7101 W. 78th St., Ste. 100, Minneapolis MN 55439. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. DE addr. of LLC: 2711 Centerville Rd., Ste. 400, Wilmington, DE 19808. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State, 401 Federal St,. #3, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity. October 24, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013. Legal Notice Notice of Formation of 307 GARFIELD LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 12/20/12. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o Eaton & Van Winkle LLP, Attn: Maura Murphy, Esq., 3 Park Ave., 16th Fl., NY, NY 10016. Purpose: Any lawful activity. October 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 2013. Legal Notice 12 MARTENSE HOLDING LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 10/9/13. Office location: Kings County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to The LLC, 3417 Ave. J, Brooklyn, NY 11210. General Purposes. November 14, 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 12, 19, 2013. 5829 AVE. T (CORNER OF E. 59TH ST. & AVE. T) BROOKLYN, NY 11234 Tel: 718-676-6675 • Fax: 718-676-6268 WWW.MILLBASINPHARMACY.COM WE ACCEPT MOST MAJOR INSURANCE PLANS INCLUDING EXPRESS SCRIPTS AND MEDCO FREE PRESCRIPTION PICK UP AND DELIVERY DAILY SENIOR IN 10 MINUTES CITIZEN DISCOUNT GUARANTEED! or less EXCLUDES PRESCRIPTIONS PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED Legal Notice Notice of Formation of LL Creative, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of State on 10/11/13. Office location: Kings County. Princ. bus. addr.: 431 Clinton St., Apt. 2, Brooklyn, NY 11231. Sec. of State designated agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served and shall mail process to: c/o CT Corporation System, 111 8th Ave., NY, NY 10011, regd. agent upon whom process may be served. Purpose: all lawful purposes. October 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 2013. Legal Notice Notice of Formation of TENDER LOVING HAIR CARE LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 07/12/2013. Office location Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: THANDIWE M. MYKE, 956 EAST 230TH ST., BRONX, NY 10466. October 24, 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013. Legal Notice Bay Parkway Pharmacy, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 08/06/13. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 8506A Bay Pkwy, Brooklyn, NY 11214. General Purposes. October 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 2013. Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that a license, serial #1274956 for beer, wine and liquor has been applied for by the undersigned to sell beer, wine and liquor at retail in a restaurant under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law at 637 Washington Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11238 for on-premises consumption; Almadira Inc. November 28, 2013; December 5, 2013. Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Kings County on 11/22/2013, bearing Index Number NC-001312-13/KI, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 141 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11201, grants me the right to assume the name of Tina Rivers. My present name is Elisabeth Helynn Rivers AKA Elisabeth H Rivers. My present address is 212 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201. My place of birth is Miami, Florida. My date of birth is April 15, 1983. November 28, 2013. DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS IS TUESDAY AT 4:00 PM – NO EXCEPTIONS Canarsie Courier 24 November 28, 2013 Why We Sometimes Feel Depressed Get Your Weekly Dose of Medical News with the I believe that many feelings of so much enjoyed. He had recently depression can be triggered by memcompleted graduate school and was ories of earlier experiences of loss now studying on a post-graduate and trauma. Our mind, body and level. The summer months meant soul, our wholeness, has remarkable leaving school and his colleagues ways of remembering and storing until September. He felt very strongpast events. We ly that his depresmay consciously sion was worse recall that in child- By Michael Feld, L.C.S.W. during sunny days, hood we experior when he was Certified Psychoanalyst, enced an unhappy exposed to a great Licensed Psychotherapist or even traumatic deal of sunlight. event. We may even consciously What emerged in psychotherapy, believe we have dealt with it successas he continued to explore all his fully, and that it no longer impacts feelings and associations, was that at upon us. However, this may be one age eight he had been separated from way of pushing the event aside, or his father for over one year. Mother trying to keep it from affecting our had taken him away to a foreign mood. country where the climate was quite What really happens is that any warm and sunny. While there, mothoutside stimuli can cause old feeler left him with an aunt while she ings, feelings from the past, to toured the country. All this happened reemerge into consciousness. This at the end of his school year. can be stimuli of any kind, such as an It was this deeper sadness and anniversary date, a song, a sound, a double trauma that was reactivated scent, rain, snow, fog, sunlight, a picby the current school year ending, ture—and the list can go on and on. and the beginning of summer. The This means that the sad or pain over missing his friends during depressing feelings we had then summer recess was minor compared return to us now, so that we may be to the remembering of feelings assofeeling depressed with absolutely no ciated with the loss of father, and idea why. Or we may be slightly then the abandonment by mother at depressed because of something the vulnerable age of eight. going on currently in our life, and it Psychoanalytic psychotherapy has may be aggravated by an older allowed him to bring this knowledge painful experience that has also into consciousness. Having an returned to consciousness. understanding of how his depression An example of what I’m talking works has taken the edge off his pain. about is a young male patient who, He still has his depressions, but the for the last few years, has been intensity is not as great and the duraplagued by feelings of depression tion is not as long, and he now knows around May/June. He realized on the why. surface that the summer months were Prepared as a public service from depressing for him because it marked the office of Psychotherapist Michael the end of the school year, which he Feld, L.C. S.W. (718) 444-8560 The Dangers of Antibiotic Resistance 877-EARLOBE (327-5623) 866-KELOIDS (535-6437) Colds and many other upper respiratory infections, as well as some ear infections, are caused by viruses, not bacteria. If antibiotics are used too often for things they can't treat—like colds or other viral infections—they can stop working effectively against bacteria when you or your child really needs them. Antibiotic resistance— when antibiotics can no longer cure bacterial infections—has been a concern for years and is considered one of the world's most critical public health threats. CDC efforts have resulted in fewer children receiving unnecessary antibiotics in recent years, but inappropriate use remains a problem. Widespread overuse and inappropriate use of antibiotics continues to fuel an increase in antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Antibiotic resistance is also an economic burden on the entire healthcare system. Resistant infections cost more to treat and can prolong healthcare use. © Canarsie Courier November 28, 2013 Your general medical certainly inform his denhistory has a lot to do with tist. The dentists might the type of treatment you have planned to do elecwill receive. If you are trosurgery utilizing hightaking a drug affecting frequency current. If the blood clotting, the dentist pacemaker doesn’t have proper shields or safeshould be informed to guards, the high prevent potential hemorrhaging frequency could VIEW S ON problems should cause it to stop D EN TAL or a tooth have to become be extracted. HEALTH erratic. The dentist can use A patient other means of with high blood pressure should . S treatment. If you are pregcertainly inform Y S. R L, D. D AFA nant, diabetic, or the dentist. Certain anesthetics and medica- allergic to certain medications should be used in tions, your dentist must preference to others. If know these things—it’s you have some form of for YOUR benefit. The office of Gary S. heart condition, the denRafal is located at 9915 tist may change his Seaview Avenue. For an method of working with appointment, call 718you. The patient with a 763-7799. cardiac pacemaker should GA R About one in three adults aged 50 to 75 years have not been tested for colorectal cancer, despite research that shows colorectal cancer screening tests saves lives. “There are more than 20 million adults in this country who haven’t had any recommended screening for colorectal cancer and who may therefore get cancer and die,” said CDC Director Tom Frieden, M.D., M.P.H. Colorectal cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the United States, after lung cancer. Screening tests can prevent cancer or detect it at an early stage, when treatment can be highly effective. Adults aged 50 and older should undergo one or several of these screening tests: • Fecal occult blood test (FOBT) or fecal immunochemical test (FIT) done at home every year, • Flexible sigmoidoscopy, done every five years, with FOBT/FIT done every three years, • Colonoscopy done every 10 years. A colonoscopy can detect cancer early, and it can find precancerous polyps so they can be removed before they turn into cancer. An FOBT/FIT is a simple at-home test that can detect cancer early by identifying blood in the stool, a possible sign of cancer. People are not always offered a choice of colorectal cancer tests, but studies have shown that people who are able to choose the test they prefer are more likely to get the test done. DEPRESSED? ANXIOUS? What Your Medical History Means For Your Mouth FEEL LIKE YOU’RE GOING NOWHERE? MID-LIFE CRISIS? MARITAL PROBLEMS? PROBLEMS AT WORK? MICHAEL FELD L.C.S.W. CERTIFIED PSYCHOANALYST LICENSED PSYCHOTHERAPIST . Too Few Are Screened For Colorectal Cancer 25 Psychodynamic Psychotherapy offered to individuals, couples & families. GHI, HIP, METROPLUS, TRICARE, HEALTH NET (MHN), OXFORD, EMPIRE & MEDICARE ACCEPTED Call For Consultation: 718-444-8560 Advertise Your Next Health Fair In The Canarsie Courier! Call 718-257-0600 For More Information Care For Your Feet Put your feet in the care of Dr. John Pawson Podiatrist - Foot Specialist Experienced,concerned, concerned and skilled, skilled, gentle gentle care care for for your your foot foot ailments ailments Experienced, Conservative and surgical treatment CONSERVATIVE AND SURGICAL TREATMENT FOR... Corns, warts, calluses, ingrown & fungus infected toenails, hammertoes, bunions, and other bony foot abnormalities, skin tumors, arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, heel pain, sprains & fracture of the foot. MODERN UP-TO-DATE FULLY EQUIPPED OFFICE In office and hospital surgery, X-ray, whirlpool, ultrasound,blood tests, circulatory analysis Geriatric & diabetic care, child care,sports injuries and emergency care related to the foot, and custom orthotic devices/shoe inserts to control foot abnormalities non-surgically 9229 Flatlands Avenue (Corner E. 93rd St.) Call for an appointment 1-718- 257-1444 26 HAPPY CHANUKAH November 28, 2013 Canarsie Courier HAPPY CHANUKAH November 28, 2013 Canarsie Courier 27 28 HAPPY CHANUKAH November 28, 2013 Canarsie Courier HAPPY CHANUKAH November 28, 2013 Canarsie Courier 29 CONGREGATION TALMUD TORAH Extends An Open Invitation To Our Jewish Community COME ONE COME ALL Celebrate Chanukah WITH FRIENDS AND FAMILY SUNDAY EVENING DECEMBER 1st, 2013 4:30-7:30 PM 2102 AVENUE T At The Corner Of East 21st Street And Avenue T SPONSORED BY Chanukah Greetings from Congregation Beth Tikvah and the Canarsie Community Sisterhood We Wish All Our Neighbors The Best Of The Holiday Season CHANUKAH PARTY TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3RD, 6:30PM 347-893-6476 FOR RESERVATIONS 8800 Seaview Avenue Wishes Everyone A Healthy & Happy Hanukah 389 Atlantic Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11217 718-875-8899 B’nai Rapael Chesed Organization Beth Shifra Beth Aaron Synagogue Congregation Talmud Torah Rabbi Jacob London-Jewish Boys High School Yeshiva Gedolah Of Long Beach For more information please call 718-646-9368 30 HAPPY CHANUKAH HAPPY CHANUKAH TO ALL THE OFFICERS AND THE CONGREGATION OF TEMPLE EMANU-EL OF CANARSIE Rabbi Joshua E. Minkin • Cantor Doris Cohen President Leonard Strum 1880 ROCKAWAY PARKWAY 718-251-0450 November 28, 2013 Canarsie Courier HAPPY CHANUKAH South Canarsie Civic Association, Inc. Our 21st Year Voice For All Canarsie, Avenue D to the Canarsie Shoreline, Ralph Avenue to East 108th Street Wishes all our Canarsie neighbors a Happy Chanukah 2013 Love, Mary Anne Sallustro, President, Executive Board and Members (718) 251-7145 November 28, 2013 Canarsie Courier 31 32 HAPPY CHANUKAH November 28, 2013 Canarsie Courier Happy Chanukah, & Happy New Year To All Our Friends & Patrons BONAFIDE OPTICIANS ( A place for your family vision care) 9508 Avenue L • 444-3126 Serving The Community For Over 20 Years Happy Chanukah To All Our Patients Martin Slavin M.D. 5601 Flatlands Ave. 718-444-7040 A Brief History On The Dreidel Chanukah Greetings To All Serenity Laser Dental 9401 Seaview Ave. 718-251-5858 The Greek oppressors outlawed Torah schools, so the children would study in the forests, posting a sentry to alert them of Greek patrols. When the alert came, the children would hide their texts and start playing with dreidels (spinning tops). We, too, play dreidel games on Chanukah to commemorate the courage of these heroic children. The four Hebrew letters on the dreidel are an acronym for “Nes Gadol Hayah Sham”—a great miracle happened there. So playing dreidel keeps us mindful of the Chanukah miracles even during fun and games. © Prayers For Chanukah Each day of Chanukah we thank G-d by reciting the complete Hallel in the morning prayer service. We also insert a special prayer of thanksgiving, V’al Hanissim, in the prayers and Grace after Meals. Every morning we read from the Torah about the inauguration offerings brought in honor of the dedication of the Tabernacle—reminiscent of the Maccabean rededication of the defiled Temple. © November 28, 2013 Young Israel Of Canarsie Rabbi Baruch M. Leibowitz, as well as the officers and congregants of YIC, extend best wishes to the community for a very happy Chanukah. The 3rd night of Chanukah begins Friday evening with the lighting of the 3rd candle, which must be lit prior to the Shabbos candles. Since the candles must burn at least one half hour after sunset, extra oil or a large candle should be used. Shabbos candle lighting for Friday evening parshas MIKETZ is 4:12 p.m. Services begin with Mincha at 4:20 p.m. Shabbos morning services begin at 9 a.m. Prayers for the new month of Tevet will be said. Rosh Chodesh will be on Tuesday and Wednesday. The Rabbi’s sermon is at 10:30. Our Sisterhood hosts this week’s Kiddush in honor of Shabbos Chanukah, and the congregation is cordially invited to participate. Shabbos afternoon youth groups for boys meet at 3:45 p.m. All youngsters are invited. Mincha is at 4:15 followed by seudah shelishis. Shabbos ends with Maariv and Havdala at 5:14 p.m. Chanukah candles should be lit after 5:20 p.m. Services for this coming week will be conducted each evening at 4:20 p.m., Sunday at 8 a.m. and Monday through Friday at 7 a.m. We are located at 1265 East 108th Street, corner of Avenue M. Our telephone number is (718) 251-2600. Attend services as often as possible. You are always welcome. Happy Chanukah and Happy Thanksgiving to all. Temple Emanu-El Of Canarsie Rabbi Joshua Minkin, President Leonard Strum, the Officers and Trustees, extend the Congregation’s invitation to join us for Sabbath Services, Friday evening at 8PM, and Saturday morning at 10AM. Following Friday services, please join us for an Oneg Shabbat, and after Saturday services, you are invited to join us for a Kiddush. We are a Modern Egalitarian Congregation offering a place within our Sanctuary for all who wish to pray with us. If you are not fluent in Hebrew, that’s okay. You will be able to participate in English in much of our service. Come meet old friends and make some new ones when joining us in service. The 1st Chanukah candle should be lit this Wednesday evening, Nov 27. Also, save the date, and mark your calendar for Friday, Dec 6, at 6:30 PM when we will be having our annual Chanukah Shabbat Dinner. This year it will be a pot luck event. Please contact the Canarsie Courier office to make your reservation and let them know what you will be bringing. After services on Saturday, please join the Rabbi in a discussion on the following week’s Torah portion. We wish good health to all who are ailing. To all who are leaving for warmer climates we wish you a safe and healthy winter. If you would like to add a loved one to our Mi Shebeirach list, please call the Temple office. Temple Emanu-El recognizes the Jewish Community’s commitment to Canarsie, and its surrounding areas. We follow the belief that our Temple is a house of prayer for ALL people and all who come in peace are greatly welcome. New members are always invited, and for those who need it, our building is handicapped accessible. Please feel free to visit us at 1880 Rockaway Parkway bet. Avenues M & N, Telephone (718) 251-0450 or Email us at [email protected]. Congregation AAA Canarsie & Sephardic Jewish Center President Karl Birenbaum, Vice President Moshe Leizerovici, Rabbi Myron & Rebbizin Sarah Rakowitz would like to welcome you to our Synagogues: Congregation Ahavath Achim Anshei Canarsie, and Sephardic Jewish Center of Canarsie – at 9420 Glenwood Road. Our phone number is (718) 272-2888. Please note: Whoever has to contact the shul for any reason may do so at (718) 272-2888. We wish everyone a healthy and good week. We look forward to seeing you all. Congregation Beit Hillel Rabbi and Rebbitzin Fine would like to welcome you to our shul, a place where every Jew feels connected. We are an Orthodox synagogue that has proudly served the Georgetown and Mill Basin communities for over 40 years. We provide: Daily Minyanim, Weekly shiurim (adult classes), Hebrew reading tutorials, Youth programming, Bar/bat mitzvah preparation, a spacious 300-seat auditorium, full Kiddush and simcha capability. Services Schedule: Shacharit on Sundays at 8:30 a.m, Shacharit on Monday & Thursday and Rosh Chodesh at 6:25 a.m, Shacharit on Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday at 6:35 a.m, Mincha Maariv weekday services at 4:15 p.m., Shabbat and Yom Tov Parasha Class by the Rabbi at 8:30 am, Shabbos men and ladies’ classes at 3 p.m., Shabbos Mincha at 4 p.m. Shacharit at 9 a.m., Ladies & Men study groups, 1 hour before Mincha, Saturday evening – Mincha and Seudah 33 every Shabbos before Shabbos ends! We would be pleased to arrange for you a tour of our facility. We’re located at 2164 Ralph Avenue (corner of Avenue L), Brooklyn, NY 11234 – Phone: (718) 763-2400. - Email: [email protected] Congregation Beth Tikvah Rabbi Jacob Greenberg and Rebbetzin Malka Greenberg welcome you to Beth Tikvah’s services daily and on Shabbat. We are located at 8800 Seaview Avenue, across the street from the park. Weekday morning prayers are at 7 a.m. at the Young Israel. Mincha and Maariv are at Beth Tikvah (8800 Seaview Avenue) starting 2:40 p.m. and 6 p.m. Davening on Saturday begins at 9 a.m. and again approximately two hours before the end of Shabbat. On Sunday mornings we daven at 7:30 a.m., after which we have a wonderful Mishnayot class led by Elie Borenstein. Saturday evenings, ladies read Tehillim and learn. Our weekly and special events include learning sessions, movie nights at no charge, special dinners, and much more. If you would like to receive further information, please email Sharon at [email protected]. More general information can be found at our website, We have a friendly, eclectic congregation of all ages, and we love newcomers. Come visit us: Congregation Beth Tikvah, 8800 Seaview Avenue. St. Bernard Of Clairvaux Church 2055 East 69th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11234 (718) 763-5533. Rev. Msgr. Jamie J. Gigantiello, Pastor. Mass Schedule: Saturdays at 5 p.m.; Sundays at 8:30 a.m., 10 a.m. & 11:30 a.m.; Weekdays: Monday–Friday at 8:30 a.m.; Saturdays at 9 a.m.Summer: Saturdays at 9 a.m. & 5 p.m.; Sundays at 9 a.m. & 11 a.m.; Holy days: Vigil Mass at 7:30 p.m., Holyday at 8:30 a.m. & 10 a.m. If you would like an item of food from your Thanksgiving table to be blessed, please bring it to the 8:30 a.m. Mass on Thanksgiving morning. On behalf of all the parish staff, we wish you, your family and your friends a healthy and happy Thanksgiving Holiday. Due to the holiday, the Rectory office will be closed for business on Thursday and Friday of this week. However, emergency calls can be made at any time. On the weekend of November 30th/December 1st, Bethlehem Handicrafts will be on display after all the Masses. Any purchase of these beautiful olive wood religious articles, which are hand carved by local craftsmen in the Holy Land, will help make a difference in the lives of those who rely on the income generated by this art form. Come and join us for Advent Bible Study, Tuesday Nights, November 26th to December 3rd, and December 10th, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the church. We will take a look at the Sunday scriptures used for Advent, helping us to prepare for the birth of our Savior. Bring a friend! Copies of the readings will be provided. Mary Queen Of Heaven Church 1395 East 56th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11234 Mass Schedule: Saturday - 5 p.m.; Sunday - 8 a.m., 10 a.m., noon Weekdays: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.; Saturday 9 a.m. - Holidays: Vigil: 7:30 p.m.; Day: 8 a.m., 10 a.m. Confessions: Saturday: 4:30 p.m. Our annual parish Giving Tree will be up on Saturday, November 30th. The gifts purchased for the tree will be distributed to participants of the St. Vincent DePaul Society Christmas Pantry on December 21st. Please take a tag from the tree in the vestibule of the church and purchase an appropriate gift. Please only take a tag if you plan on purchasing a gift. Gifts must be placed under the tree by Sunday, December 15th. Gifts should be wrapped and the tag taped to the gift. Please donate to our Thanksgiving Food Pantry. Frozen turkeys and fixings are needed to provide for approximately 60 families. Food items can be left in the boxes at the doors of the church. Turkeys should be brought to the Rectory Office. A collection for victims of Typhoon Haiyan in southeast Asia will be taken up after each of the Masses on Saturday, November 30th and Sunday, December 1st. Monies collected will be sent by the Diocese to Catholic Relief Services for distribution and direct assistance to the affected Dioceses in the Philippines and Vietnam. Parish Phone Numbers: Rectory: 718-763-2330 Fax: 718-763-6592 School: 718-763-2360 School of Religion: 718-763-2590 Parish Web Site: Rectory Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 12 noon and 1–8 p.m.; Saturday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.; Sunday 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.; National Holidays: Rectory closed. St. Alban’s Church 9408 Farragut Road, Brooklyn, NY 11236 (718) 257-0706. Sunday services at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. Rector: Reverend Canon George L. Bonner, BA, MSc (Hons). 34 Canarsie Courier ALARMS ELECTRICIAN November 28, 2013 FLOORS GENERAL CONTRACTING C.J.M. CONTRACTING INC. Chris Mullins SECURITY SYSTEMS GENERAL CONTRACTING BATHROOM & KITCHEN RENOVATIONS BEAT ANY PRICE IN TOWN!!! — Yes, Even FREE — EXPERTS IN FIXING LEAKS, Carpentry, Basements, Attics, Masonry, All Renovations, Stoops, Brickwork, Waterproofing, Pointing, Quality & Service since 1984 DORMERS & EXTENSIONS & INSURED 800-B4-U-R-ROB (800 248 7762) FREE ESTIMATES. LICENSED Lic #0982130 Workers Comp, Liability, Disability Not A Mass Marketer COMPUTER CONTROLLED SECURITY 5% OFF Roofing, Flat Shingles, Windows & Siding WITH MENTION OF AD Call 718-276-8558 APPLIANCE REPAIRS LICENSED AND INSURED PAYLESS APPLIANCE REPAIR • RANGES • REFRIGERATORS • WASHERSAND DRYERS • MICROWAVES • AIR CONDITIONER • DISH WASHER QUEENS, LONG ISLAND, BROOKLYN • INTEGRITY • HONESTY • RELIABILITY 347-351-9356 917-627-4171 CLEANING SERVICE HARRIS PROFESSIONAL CLEANING INC. SPECIALIZING IN OFFICE CLEANING DAILY • WEEKLY • MONTHLY • OFFICES • BANKS • MEDICAL BUILDINGS • SCHOOLS • CHURCHES • SUPERMARKETS GENERAL CLEANING, CARPET & UPHOLSTERY, FLOORS STRIPPED, SEALED, FINISHED & BURNISHED, DUSTING, TRASH REMOVAL & MORE. CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE FULLY INSURED & BONDED 917-701-5008 [email protected] Legal Notice Notice of Formation of NNRC LLC, a domestic LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 9/12/13. Office location Kings Co. SSNY has been designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: The LLC, 199 Lee Avenue Suite, 192, Brooklyn, NY 11211. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. October 24, 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013. Legal Notice Notice of Formation of RACAOS, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 09/27/2013. Office location: Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: THE LLC, 345 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK, NY 10154. Purpose: Any lawful activity. November 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 12, 19, 26, 2013. Legal Notice Saint Wai Brothers LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 07/31/13. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Taylor Wai, 138 27th Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11214. General Purposes. October 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 2013. Legal Notice Rocks In My Pockets LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 09/18/13. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: Signe Baumane, 14A Whale Sq., Unit 704, Brooklyn, NY 11232. General Purposes. November 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 12, 19, 26, 2013. Legal Notices Y. Transportation, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 10/22/13. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC 3115 Brighton 4 St., #2D, Brooklyn, NY 11235. General Purposes. November 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 12, 19, 26, 2013. Legal Notice E-Innova Lab, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 09/16/13. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: c/o Arrufat Garcia PLLC, 130 W. 42nd St., Ste 705, NY, NY 10036. General Purposes. November 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 12, 19, 26, 2013. Legal Notice 664 Sterling Place, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 10/23/12. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 662 Sterling Pl., Brooklyn, NY 11216. General Purposes. October 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 2013. Legal Notice CITATION – File No. 2011211/A – PA. No. 137393 – SURROGATE’S COURT, KINGS COUNTY – THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, By the Grace of God Free and Independent. TO: Attorney General of the State of New York, New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, New York City Human Resources Administration, 723 Realty LLC, Consolidated Edison Company of New York – The spouse, if any, and any and all unknown distributees and creditors of MICHAEL E. CHAHIN, a/k/a MICHAEL EDGAR CHAHIN, a/k/a MICHAEL CHAHIN, a/k/a MICHELE EDGAR GERDUK, deceased, whose whereabouts are unknown and if any of the aforesaid persons be dead, to their heirs at law, next of kin and distributees whose names and places of residence are unknown and if the persons died subsequent to the decadent herein, to their executors, administrators, legatees,Legal devisees, Noticeassignees and successors interest NOTICE is herebyingiven that whose names and places of a license, Serial # Pending for residence are unknown and to beer & wine has been applied all other heirs at law, next of for by the undersigned to sell kin andwinedistributees beer & at retail in of a MICHAEL E. CHAHIN, a/k/a restaurant known as Ginza MICHAEL EDGAR CHAHIN, a/k/a MICHAEL CHAHIN, a/k/a MICHELE EDGAR GERDUK, the decadent herein, whose names and places or residence are unknown and cannot after due diligence be ascertained – A petition having been duly filed by the Public Administrator of Kings County, who has offices at 360 Adams Street, Room 144A, Brooklyn, New York 11201, United States. YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the Surrogate’s Court, Kings County, at 2 Johnson Street, Room 319, Brooklyn, New York on December 17, 2013 at 9:30 o’clock in the fore noon of that day, why: (a) The account of proceedings of the Public Administrator of Kings County as Administrator of the estate of MICHAEL E. CHAHIN, a/k/a MICHAEL EDGAR CHAHIN, a/k/a MICHAEL CHAHIN, a/k/a MICHELE EDGAR GERDIJK, a summary of which is has been served herewith, should not be judicially settled; (b) The Public Administrator of Kings County should not be paid his commissions to Sushi X Inc. pursuant under the SCPA $2307 in the amount of Alcoholic Beverage Control $1,890.26, as set forth in Law at 2809 Ocean Ave, Schedules C-1 and I of the Brooklyn, NY 11229 for onAccount; (c) consumption. The Public premise Administrator September 12, 19, of 2013.Kings County should not be paid his administrative expenses pursuant to SCPA §1106(3) in the amount of $378.05, as set HEATING (718) 875-2089 (718) 837-3079 D EADLINE F OR C LASSIFIED A DS IS T UESDAY AT 4:00 PM – NO EXCEPTIONS forth in schedules C-1 and J of the Account; (d) The Court should not fix, determine and approve the legal fees of Cullen and Dykman LLP, counsel to Petitioner, in the amount of $2,268.32 as shown in Schedules C-1 and J of the Account; (e) The Court should not fix, determine and approve the disbursements of Cullen and Dykman LLP in the amount of $6.00 as shown in Schedules C-1 and J of the Account; (f) The claim of 723 Realty LLC by Lilmor Management LLC for rent arrears in the amount of $2,198.23, as set forth in Schedule D, should not be allowed; (g) The claim of Consolidated Edison Company of New York by M&M Recovery Services, LLC for services rendered in the amount of $399.91, as set forth in Schedule D, should not be rejected; (h) The claims of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance and the New York City Human Resources Administration, if any, should not be fixed and determined; (i) The Petitioner should not be permitted to distribute so much of the net estate to the decedent’s distributees, as now known or hereafter determined, as their interests may appear, and to deposit any amount not so distributed with the Commissioner of Finance of the City of New York to be held for the benefit of decedent’s unknown distributees or for the benefit of any distributees of the decedent who are under disability for whom no guardian of the property has been appointed; (j) The Petitioner, upon fully complying with the Decree to be made in this proceeding, should not be released and discharged of and from any and all liability, responsibility and accountability with respect to the Petitioner’s acts and proceedings as Administrator as set forth and embraced in said account and the Court grant such other and further relief as it deems just and proper. Dated, Attested and Sealed, October 23, 2013, Hon. Margarita López Torres, Surrogate, Doreen A. Quinn, Chief Clerk. Attorney, Richard H. Freeman, Esq., Cullen and Dykman LLP, 44 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005-2407 (212) 701-4175. NOTE: This citation is served upon you as required by law. You are not required to appear. If you fail to appear it will be assumed that you do not object to the relief requested. You have a right to have an attorney appear for you, and you or your attorney may request a copy of the full account from the petitioner or petitioner’s attorney. November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013. Canarsie Courier November 28, 2013 PLUMBING PLUMBING 35 ROOFING JOSEPH PRESTIA HEATING & MECHANICAL ROOFING & SIDING • Gas Boilers • Water Heaters • • Wall-Hung Tankless Water Heaters • • Sales & Installation • • Alterations & Repairs • Boiler Rewiring & Troubleshooting • • Zone Valves • Thermostats • Circulator Pumps • GO GREEN!! Change Your Old Gas Boiler & Receive SPECIALIZING IN ROOF REPAIRS SHINGLE & RUBBERIZED ROOFS SIDING/SOFFIT/CAPPING/GUTTERS FREE ESTIMATES $500 LICENSE #1349130 Rebate 718-382-7648 • 917-796-0063 H.I.C. LIC#802801 F IND WWW.RKELLYROOFING.COM ME AT WWW. JPRESTIACONTRACTORS . COM Legal Notice Notice is hereby given that an Order entered by the Civil Court, Kings County on 11/25/2013, bearing Index Number NC-001318-13/KI, a copy of which may be examined at the Office of the Clerk, located at 141 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11201, grants me the right to assume the name of Sharon Linda Brown. My present name is Sharon L Gomez Brown AKA Sharon Linda Brown. My present address is 750 E 48 St., Brooklyn, NY 11203. My place of birth is Brooklyn, N.Y. My date of birth is October 15, 1947. November 28, 2013. Legal Notice 210 NORTH HENRY ST., LLC, a domestic LLC, filed with the SSNY on 8/16/13. Office location: Kings County. SSNY is designated as agent upon whom process against the LLC may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 57 Hausman St., Brooklyn, NY 11222. General Purpose. October 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 2013. Legal Notice 1622 Realty LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 05/31/13. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 1622 Coney Island Ave., Brooklyn, NY 11230. General Purposes. October 31, 2013; November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 2013. Legal Notice Comprehensive Medical Wound Care PLLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 09/26/13. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 150 Brighton 11th St., Brooklyn, NY 11235. Purpose: Medicine. November 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 12, 19, 26, 2013. Legal Notice SUMOPAY LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with SSNY on 10/08/13. Off. Loc.: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agt. upon whom process may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 1733 Sheepshead Bay Rd., Ste 25, Brooklyn, NY 11235. General Purposes. November 21, 28, 2013; December 5, 12, 19, 26, 2013. of New York (SSNY) desigLegal Notice Notice of Formation of nated as agent of LLC upon Limited Liability Company whom process against it may (LLC). Name: 1041 NEL- be served. SSNY shall mail SON LLC. Articles of copy of process to: c/o Continued pageDiamond 35 Property Organization filedfrom by the Department of State of New Management Inc., 1285 52nd York on: 8/16/2013. Office Street, Brooklyn, NY 11219. location: County of Kings. November 21, 28, 2013; Purpose: any and all lawful December 5, 12, 19, 26, 2013. activities. Secretary of State Money Mgmt... FOR THE BEST PRICES ON LEGAL NOTICES CALL THE CANARSIE COURIER Call: (718) 257-0600 For Details Legal Notice CITATION – File No. 2011259/C – PA. No. 138547 – SURROGATE’S COURT, KINGS COUNTY – THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, By the Grace of God Free and Independent. TO: Attorney General of the State of New York, Garfunkel Wild, P.C., New York State Department of Taxation and Finance, Minerva L. Alonso, Esq., New York City Human Resources Administration, Mental Hygiene Legal Service, Cammeby Realty, Park Avenue Medical Assoc., PC, Lutheran Augustana Center for Extended Care and Rehabilitation. The spouse, if any, and any and all unknown distributees and creditors of MARGOT KENNEDY a/k/a MARGOT C. KENNEDY, deceased, whose whereabouts are unknown and if any of the aforesaid persons be dead, to their heirs at law, next of kin and distributees whose names and places of residence are unknown and if the persons died subsequent to the decedent herein, to their executors, administrators, legatees, devisees, assignees and successors in interest whose names and places of residence are unknown and to all other heirs at law, next of kin and distributees of MARGOT KENNEDY a/k/a MARGOT C. KENNEDY, the decedent herein, whose names and/or places of residence are unknown and cannot after due diligence be ascertained. A petition having been duly filed by the Public Administrator of Kings County, who has offices at 360 Adams Street, Room 144A, Brooklyn, New York 11201, United States. YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the Surrogate’s Court, Kings County, 2 Johnson Street, Room 319, Brooklyn, New York on January 14, 2014 at 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, why: (a) The account of proceedings of the Public Administrator of Kings County as Administrator of the estate of MARGOT KENNEDY a/k/a MARGOT C. KENNEDY, a summary of which has been served herewith, should not be judicially settled; (b) The Public Administrator of Kings County should not be paid his commissions pursuant to SCPA §2307 in the amount of $3,332.76, as set forth in Schedules C-1 and 1 of the Account; (c) The Public Administrator of Kings County should not be paid his administrative expenses pursuant to SCPA §1106(3) in the amount of $666.55, as set forth in Schedules C-1 and J of the Account; (d) The Court should not fix, determine and approve the legal fees of Cullen and Dykman LLP, counsel to Petitioner, in the amount of $3,999.31 as shown in Schedules C-1 and J of the Account’ (e) The Court should not fix, determine and approve the disbursements of Cullen and Dykman LLP in the amount of $16.00 as shown in Schedules C-1 and J of the Account; (f) The claims of Minerva Alonso, Esq. in the amount of $1,687.50, of Garfunkel Wild, P.C. in the amount of $5,005.00 and of Mental Hygiene Legal Service in the amount of $243.75, as set forth in Schedule D, should not be allowed; (g) The claim of Lutheran Augustana Center for Extended Care and Rehabilitation in the amount of $6,531.00, as set forth in Schedule D, should not be allowed; (h) The claims of Cammeby Realty in the amounts of $5,830.72 for rent arrears and $150.00 for legal fees, as set forth in Schedule D, should not be rejected; (i) The claim of Park Avenue Medical Assoc., PC in the amount of $58.17 for services rendered, as set forth in Schedule D, should not be rejected; (j) The claims of the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance and the New York City Human Resources Administration, if any, should not be fixed and determined; (k) The Petitioner should not be permitted to distribute so much of the net estate to the decedent’s distributees, as now known or hereafter determined, as their interests may appear, and to deposit any amount not so dis- tributed with the Commisioner of Finance of the City of New York to be held for the benefit of the decedent’s unknown distributees or for the benefit of any distributees of the decedent who are under disability for whom no guardian of the property has been appointed; (l) The Petitioner, upon fully complying with the Decree to be made in this proceeding, should not be released and discharged of and from any and all liability, responbility and accountability with respect to the Petitioner’s acts and proceedings as Administrator as set forth and embraced in said account and the Court grant such other and further relief as it deems just and proper. Dated, Attested and Sealed, November 7, 2013, Hon. Margarita López Torres, Surrogate, Doreen A. Quinn, Chief Clerk, Attorney, Richard H. Freeman, Esq., Cullen and Dykman LLP, 44 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005-2407 (212) 701-4175. NOTE: This citation is served upon you as required by law. You are not required to appear. If you fail to appear it will be assumed that you do not object to the relief requested. You have a right to have an attorney appear for you, and you or your attorney may request a copy of the full account from the petitioner or petitioner’s attorney. November 28, 2013; December 5, 12, 19, 2013. Legal Notice PROBATE CITATION – File No. 2011-4434 – SURROGATE’S COURT – KINGS COUNTY CITATION – THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, By the Grace of God Free and Independent – TO NAOMI KOSOWSKA and any unknown issue of ANN KOSOWSKA a/k/a ANN KOSOWSKA THOMAS and any and all unknown persons whose names or parts of whose names, and whose place or places of residence are unknown, an cannot, after due diligent inquiry, be ascer- tained, distributees, heirs at law and next of kin of said SOPHIE KOSOWSKA and if any of the said distributees, heirs at law or next of kin of deceased, be dead, their legal representatives, their husbands or wives, if any, distributees and successors in interest whose names and/or places of residence and post office addresses are unknown. A petition having been duly filed by KEVIN KALES who is domiciled at 948 New Haven Court, Northville, Michigan 48167 – YOU ARE HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE before the Surrogate’s Court, Kings County, at 2 Johnson Street, Room 319, Brooklyn, New York, on December 17, 2013 at 9:30 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, why a decree should not be made in the estate of SOPHIE KOSOWSKA lately domiciled at 1871 West 5th Street, Brooklyn, New York 11223 admitting to probate a Will dated August 24, 2010 as the Will of SOPHIE KOSOWSKA deceased, relating to real and personal property, and directing that Letters Testa-mentary issue to: KEVIN KALES. Dated, Attested and Sealed, October 30, 2013. HON. Margarita López-Torres, Surrogate, Doreen A. Quinn, Chief Clerk – Conners and Sullivan, Attorney for Petitioner 7408 Fifth Avenue – Suite 2, Brooklyn, New York 11209 (718) 238-6500. [NOTE: This citation is served upon you as required by law. You are not required to appear. If you fail to appear it will be assumed that you do not object to the relief requested. You have a right to have an attorney appear for you.] November 7, 14, 21, 28, 2013. THIS WEEK’S CONTEST WINNERS ARE… Canarsie Courier 36 November 28, 2013 HELP WANTED DRIVEWAY AVAILABLE OPEN HOUSE AUTO WANTED Daycare person needed, must have CPR & first aid experience. Please call Miss Mary (917) 704-2494 Utica Ave/Ave L: office needs personal assistant, P/T, F/T. (718) 724-4866 Canarsie: Medical assistant for pediatric practice. Fax résumé (718) 345-1376; Office (718) 345-1704 Canarsie/E78 Street: Private driveway for rent, $65 monthly. (347) 951-6266 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ $ $ $ CASH TOP $ $ DOLLAR ON THE $ $ SPOT! PAID! $ $ Any Car, Any Condition. $ $ Free Pickup Service! * * $ $ $ $ (917) 560-0033 $ $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ FOR SALE Westinghouse 2 door white refrigerator. Mint condition! Never used! Paulette (646) 2694818 Canon MP47U FAX YOUR AD TO US! Color printer/copier/scanner. Requires driver & software download from online. Mint condition! Asking $50. 718-272-0870 (718) 257-3999 PARKING OPEN AVAILABLE HOUSE Parking space for rent in secured, gated outdoor lot on Seaview Avenue/E80 Street. (516) 428-5505 JUNK CARS WANTED! (718) 755-5965 Call Dara Subscribe to the JOIN OUR FAMILY! NOW and save over 30% off the newsstand price! Just call (718) 257-0600 Anecdote FLASHBACK Originally published 6/25/2009 by Jonathan Gies FREELANCE WRITERS WANTED!!! * * * * * * * *We* are * *looking * * *for* * * * * * * * EXPERIENCED WRITERS to cover meetings, events and human interest sstories in Canarsie and surrounding areas! Please send your résumé with writing samples to: CANARSIE COURIER Editorial Department 1142 East 92nd Street Brooklyn, NY 11236 (718) 257-0600 BECOME A VOICE IN YOUR COMMUNITY! THIS WEEK’S CONTEST WINNERS ARE ... TRIBUTE TO AMERICAN SKATING LEGENDS MAGICAL MYSTERY JERRY ZELLER OLGA FRID LISA ROSEMAN HOWARD FORTE RICHARD COHEN DISASTER SLAM (STREB LAB FOR ACTION MECHANICS) EDIE MITGANG ARNOLD RUBIN JAMES QUIGLEY THE PREACHER AND THE LAURA BOYKEN SHRINK Please be advised that tickets will be forfeited if winners do not redeem them within a week after being notified. © 2013 Jonathan Gies contact: [email protected] Canarsie Courier November 28, 2013 THIS WEEKEND’S OPEN HOUSE HOUSES FOR SALE CONDO FOR SALE ROOMS FOR RENT Canarsie: 2 family home, 2,640 square feet. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Good area! Well kept! By Owner (917) 650-3300 190 Cozine Avenue, 2nd Floor CANARSIE OLD MILL BASIN OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1–4pm 1017 E 87 Street, #5A 3,000 square foot space holds 3 BRs and 2 1/2 baths! New kitchen with granite countertops, ceramic tile floor, new appliances, HWFs and large finished bsmt. Backyard & private parking, plus much more! Asking $399,999. Beautiful renovated 1 family brick mother/daughter 6 1/2 room duplex. Featuring 3 large bedrooms, formal dining room, modern kitchens & baths, 3 room finished walk-in, private driveway & garage. Large yard! Near everything. Priced to sell! Only $479,990. LA BARCA R.E. (718) 692-4020 (718) 258-1222 3 rooms, 1 bedroom, plus balcony. Asking $165,000. GEORGE L. CLARK, INC. (718) 266-3900 OPEN HOUSE Sunday 1–3pm 9534 Schenck Street Canarsie: Amazing 2 BRs, 2 baths and balcony! Low common charges! Stainless steel appliances, hardwood floors, storage space & parking. Must see to appreciate! Excellent condition! Asking $345,000. HOUSES FOR RENT FAX YOUR AD TO US! Canarsie: 1 family duplex, 2 BRs, finished basement, private garage. $1,900, utiilties not included. Broker (347) 393-9403 718-272-0870 CAN’T COME IN? 37 LA BARCA R.E. (718) 258-1222 MAIL IT TO US! AD COPY: (1 word per box) 1 2 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Name: CLASSIFIED AD Address: rates City/State/Zip: Large furnished, $180 & up per week. Freshly painted! (718) 219-0334 Canarsie: Small, fully furnished, new. Share kitchen/bathroom. (718) 968-2021 Canarsie: Unfurnished, share kitchen/bathroom. No smoking/pets. Call (347) 764-6032 ENY: Unfurnished, share bathroom, $500. No smoking/pets. (917) 519-3408 E. Flatbush: Furnished, $200 weekly, no smoking/pets. (347) 792-5763 Canarsie: Furnished, share kitchen/bath, no smoking/pets. $165 weekly. (347) 494-9503; (718) 484-0822 Canarsie: Furnished, share kitchen & bath, $600 monthly + 1 month security. (347) 598-7472 Canarsie: Furnished, share bath/kitchen, no smoking/pets. $165. (646) 409-7220 Brownsville (near Brookdale Hospital): Large furnished, share kitchen & bath. $175. Katich Realty (917) 803-0652 Georgetown: Unfurnished, share bath/kitchen, no smoking. No brokers. $730 mthly. Big room, walk-in closet! (347) 307-7198 Canarsie: Beautiful, unfurnished, share bath/kitchen. NO pets. $500 monthly. Broker (347) 393-9403 ROOMS FOR RENT OMB: Furnished, 2nd floor, share kitchen/bath. No smoking. (646) 327-8921/(646) 610-0823 Canarsie: Luxury! Share bath, $600 monthly. No smoking. Owner (917) 319-9732 E32 Street: Furnished, $140. Share bathroom & kitchen. No smoking. (718) 771-7875 E. Flatbush: Unfurnished, no smoking, share bathroom. $150 weekly. Broker (718) 490-5703 Canarsie: Excellent condition, furnished, w/cable, share bath & kitchen. $650. Cutting Edge R.E. (718) 877-8036 Canarsie: Unfurnished, share kitchen & bath. $700 monthly w/all utilities. (347) 598-0497 Georgetown: Unfurnished, share kitchen & bathroom, no smoking/pets. (917) 651-3115 OMB: Furnished, share bath/kitchen, no smoking/pets. $160 weekly. (347) 409-5801 Canarsie: Furnished, share kitchen/bath, $175 weekly. No smoking. (347) 600-9281 Canarsie: Unfurnished, share bath/kitchen, no smoking/pets. (347) 965-2938; (718) 531-3273 Canarsie: Furnished, $640 w/cable. No smoking/pets. Call (347) 598-7061 Canarsie: Furnished, $160 weekly w/utilities. Share facilities. (917) 716-7080 (after 4pm) E. Flatbush: 1 room, unfurnished, share bath & kitchen, no smoking. $620 monthly. No brokers. (347) 307-7198 NON-COMMERCIAL Daytime Phone: $10 Credit Card #: Exp. Date: 10 words or less COMMERCIAL Name on card: $12 CANARSIE COURIER 1142 E 92nd Street Brooklyn, NY 11236 Phone: (718) 257-0600 Fax: (718) 272-0870 Email: [email protected] Website: COMMERCIAL 10 words or less 50¢ Each additional word All Advertisements Must Be Pre-paid. All checks & Money Money Orders Should Be Made Payable To The CANARSIE COURIER. $12 for 10 words, 50¢ each additional • ADOPTIONS • BUSINESS FOR SALE/RENT • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY • CARS WANTED • CHILD CARE • CO-OP FOR SALE • COMMERCIAL PROPERTY • CONDO FOR SALE • HELP WANTED • HOUSE FOR SALE • JUNK CARS • LAND FOR SALE • MISCELLANEOUS • OFFICE FOR RENT • POSITION WANTED • REAL ESTATE • STORE FOR SALE/RENT • TAG SALE • TIME SHARE • MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE • UNFURNISHED APARTMENTS (FOR REAL ESTATE) NON -C OMMERCIAL $10 for 10 words, 50¢ each additional • APARTMENT TO SHARE • APARTMENT WANTED • AUTO FOR SALE • BOAT FOR SALE • CO-OP FOR RENT • FOR SALE • FURNISHED APARTMENT FURNISHED ROOM • FURNISHED/UNFURNISHED APARTMENT • GARAGE FOR RENT • GARAGE WANTED • GARAGE/YARD SALE • HOUSE FOR RENT • HOUSE RENTAL WANTED • HOUSE TO SHARE • LOST & FOUND • MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE • PERSONALS • PETS • ROOM FOR RENT • ROOMMATE WANTED • SPACE AVAILABLE • SPACE WANTED • TRUCK FOR SALE • VAN FOR SALE • WANTED WANT TO GET SOMETHING OFF YOUR CHEST? WRITE US A LETTER TO THE EDITOR! ****************************** Please include your name, address and contact information and send it to: Letter to the Editor Canarsie Courier 1142 East 92 Street Brooklyn, NY 11236 We reserve the right to edit content of letters. You can remain anonymous if requested. November 28, 2013 Canarsie Courier 38 HOUSES SALE OPEN FOR HOUSE “Experience The Difference” 8604 Flatlands Avenue • Office: 718-272-6500 • Cell: 917-952-7771 • Fax: 718-257-3539 FOR SALE Old Mill Basin: Beautiful 2 family brick, 2 bedrooms over 1 bedroom over finished bsmt. Builtin garage, private drive & private backyard. New kitchen with granite countertop, new stainless steel appliances, parquet floor, new bathroom & much more! Ref #335 Canarsie/Seaview: Beautiful, well-kept, nice and clean! 2 family brick with 3 BR duplex over 2 BRs over walk-in finished bsmt. New roof. Large rooms! Built-in garage, private driveway & private backyard. Great house, great location! Near all! Ref #337 APARTMENT WANTED Working woman seeking clean unfurnished basement studio apartment. Flatbush area. $750–$850 monthly. Landlord/ broker only. (347) 525-6146 FURNISHED APT. Howard Beach: 1 bedroom furnished walk-in, $1,200. Broker (631) 877-6610 Canarsie: 1 BR, fully furnished, EIK. $1,200 including utilities & cable. (347) 792-4858 UNFURNISHED APT. BO’S PRIME REALTY 8604 Flatlands Avenue APARTMENTS FOR RENT CANARSIE Cozy studio...................................$800 ************* CANARSIE Nice studio...................................$760 ************* CANARSIE Beautiful 1 bedroom..................$1,100 ************* CANARSIE Nice 2 BRs.............$1,550 negotiable ************* Canarsie: One of the biggest, nicest houses around! 2 family semidetached, 4 BRs over 2 BRs over finished walkin basement. Built-in garage, private driveway, private backyard. New kitchen, updated baths, large BRs, parquet floors & much more! Great location – near all! Ref #338 Canarsie: Nice split-level 2 family brick, 2 bedrooms over 4 bedrooms over finished bsmt. Built-in garage, private d riveway & private backyard. Great buy to live in or invest to rent! Quiet block! Near all. Ref #339 UNFURNISHED APT. UNFURNISHED APT. CANARSIE / E. Flatbush: 1 bedroom, newly renovated, $650. NO BROKER’S FEE! (718) 391-8716. Canarsie/E94/Foster: Small 1 BR, pvt house, 2nd flr. $1,100. Call Owner (917) 325-9087 E92/Ave D & Foster: Large 1 BR, $1,200, everything included. Ventour R.E. (917) 4843074; (718) 484-9300 Flatlands Ave (Kings Hwy & E40): 1 BR, $1,350, gas included. Rentstabilized bui.lding. PATTI, Fillmore R.E. (718) 258-5616 E. Flatbush: 1 bedroom, very good condition, close to all! $1,200. Cutting Edge R.E. (718) 877-8036 E. Flatbush: 1 bedroom, $975, cooking gas included. Cutting Edge R.E. (718) 877-8036 E. Flatbush/E53: 2 BRs, $1,210. Newly renov’d. Near transportation. No smoking/pets. Walner, Fillmore R.E. (917) 400-9037 Canarsie: Beautiful 2 BRs, renovated, $1,500 monthly. Owner (718) 531-1253 Canarsie: 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, EIK. $1,400. Call Owner (718) 385-3830 ENY: 2 bedrooms, 1 block from all transportation. Nice neighborhood! (917) 224-7162 E. Flatbush: 2 bedrooms, 2nd floor, no pets/smoking. $1,300. (347) 387-2052; (347) 384-1882 Canarsie: 2 bedrooms, no pets/smoking, credit/background check required. $1,550. (347) 607-2330 Canarsie: Luxury 2 bedrooms, $1,600 monthly. No smoking. Owner (917) 319-9732 OMB: 2 bedrooms, quiet block. Private home. $1,550. Owner (646) 259-5673 SPRING CREEK Brand new 2 bedrooms, immediate occupancy! $1,400. Broker (917) 541-3679 APARTMENTS FOR RENT STARTING FROM: Studio $900 monthly 1 bedroom $1,000 monthly 2 bedrooms $1,200 monthly 3 bedrooms $1,500 monthly No fees to landlord! We do FULL credit, criminal, VOE, background & eviction search! Call (718) 272-8988 or stop by 9201 FLATLANDS AVENUE CANARSIE Renovated 3 BRs...$1,900 negotiable **************************** MORE APARTMENTS AVAILABLE IN OTHER AREAS! ************************** Call us! (718) 272-6500 (917) 952-7771 Apartments Available All areas - All sizes $900 - $1,600 No utilities included. Near shopping & transportation. Credit check. Programs welcomed. BERTRAND’S REAL ESTATE (347) 635-6202 (347) 627-7528 Canarsie: Absolutely beautiful 2 family brick house, 2 BRs over 2 BRs over finished basment. Built-in garage. Both kitchens are new with granite countertops. Both baths also new. New roof, windows, heating system, floors and much more! You must come and see this beautiful house! Ready to sell! Reasonable price! Ref #341 Bergen Beach: Beautiful studio, quiet, safe neighborhood. $1,000 w/G&E. (347) 312-6661 E. Flatbush: Studio, $900, all utilities included. Broker (718) 490-5703 Canarsie: Kingsize studio, excellent condition! $900. Walk-in. Abion R.E. (718) 251-6551 OMB: Beautiful studio, $900, all utilities included. Broker (718) 207-3917 Avenue B: 1 BR, $1,100 monthly. Owner (224) 789-8366; email [email protected] Canarsie: Beautiful 1 bedroom, $1,150. How To Sell Realty (718) 377-3795 HAVE YOUR AD SEEN. BOLD IT! UNFURNISHED APT. UNFURNISHED APT. Avenue D/Rogers: 2 bedrooms, 1st floor, $1,500. Ventour R.E. (917) 484-3074; (718) 484-9300 Montauk St/New Lots: 2 BRs, 1st floor, $1,350. Ventour R.E. (917) 484-3074; (718) 484-9300 Canarsie: Lovely 2 bedrooms, $1,400. How To Sell Realty (718) 377-3795 Eastern Pkwy & Ralph Ave: 2 large BRs, DR, EIK, HWFs. Newly renovated! WI closets w/storage in all rooms. High ceilings! Near all transportation. $1,800, negotiable. Security deposit, credit & background checks required. Owner (917) 482-8376 OMB (E58): Excellent 2 bedrooms, 1st floor. Mint! $1,450. Broker (917) 995-7489 E. Flatbush: 2 bedrooms, HWFs, $1,400, pay gas & electric. Broker (718) 207-3917 Canarsie: 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, freshly painted. $1,700 w/gas. (718) 763-1739 Canarsie: Beautiful 3 bedrooms, $1,700. How To Sell Realty (718) 377-3795 Bushwick: 3 bedrooms, newly renovated, near transportation/ shopping. Call (917) 251-6524 Crown Heights: 3 BRs, fully renovated, 2 full baths & HWFs. Gas included. Owner (917) 9132666. Section 8 welcomed! E94/Glenwood/Farragut: Kingsized 3 BRs, $1,800. Ventour R.E. (917) 484-3074; (718) 4849300 E. Flatbush/E92 & Rutland: 3 bedrooms, $1,992. 2nd floor. Section 8 only. Ventour R.E. (917) 484-3074; (718) 484-9300 OMB: 3 BR duplex, 1 1/2 baths, WI closets. $2,200. Steve, How To Sell Realty (718) 377-3795 Canarsie: 3 BRs, very good condition, close to all. $1,700, cooking gas included. Cutting Edge R.E. (718) 877-8036 Canarsie: 3 bedrooms, $1,500, pay only electric. Near transportation. Broker (646) 6001672; (646) 331-9027 OMB: 3 bedrooms, $1,700. Exit All Seasons Realty (347) 7828571 E. Flatbush/near Cortelyou Rd: Large 3 bedrooms, newly renovated, $1,650, all utilities included. Broker (347) 393-9403 ENY: Large 3 bedrooms, hardwood floors, 1 1/2 baths. $1,700. Broker (347) 393-9403 Looking TO RENT YOUR ROOM OR APARTMENT? let us help! PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD IN THESE PAGES! Take advantage of our special offer! Buy 2 weeks’ ad space and get a 3rd week FREE! * * (718) 257-0600 Canarsie Courier November 28, 2013 HOUSE FOR SALE OPEN HOUSE Saturday 12–2pm 106 E 51 Street Canarsie: Warm and cozy 2 bedroom 2 bath condo, with balcony off master BR! Private driveway & garage. Fin #308069 (718) 922-2200 HOUSE FOR SALE East Flatbush: 2 family semi-detached brick, 3 bedrooms over 2 bedrooms, unfinished basement, private driveway for 1 car, plus garage. Fin #308095 HOUSE FOR SALE (718) 922-2200 HOUSE FOR SALE Flatbush: Prime location! 3 story Detected Victorian on 45x100 lot. Lots of interior detail! Pocket doors, stained glass, crown molding & parquet floors. Needs TLC. Fin #308096 HOUSE FOR SALE East New York: Vacant, newly renovated 2 family brick attached, 3 BRs over 2 BRs, finished basement. Fin #308082 HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: 1 family with store in prime location! Store vacant and ready for user! Only $379,000. Fin #308097 (718) 922-2200 HOUSE FOR SALE HOUSE FOR SALE East New York: Excellent condition 2 family! 2 bedrooms over 2 bedrooms over finished basement, large backyard, parking for 5 cars, private driveway. Fin #308083 (718) 272-6666 OPEN HOUSE (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE (718) 922-2200 (718) 922-2200 HOUSE FOR SALE (718) 922-2200 (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: 1 family duplex, extra large room 4 1/2 apartment! Full finished basement with separate entrance. New roof, garage & drive, front porch, rear steel deck leading to large bkyd. $13,000 down for qualified buyers! Fin #302022 (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: 2 family semidetached. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, huge 40x100 lot. Large rooms, full finished basement, private driveway for 3 or 4 cars. Move-in condition! Walk to subway & buses, minutes from Belt Parkway. Fin #302047 OPEN HOUSE Sunday 3–5pm 102-08 Avenue L (btwn E 102 & E 103 St) Canarsie: 2 family brick semi-detached, 2 BRs over 1 BR, 2 car garage with huge bkyd! Fin #302043 City Line: 2 family semidetached brick, 3 bedrooms over 2 bedrooms, plus finished basement. Fin #308086 (718) 922-2200 Saturday 1–3pm 1255 E 52 Street (btwn Ave I & Ave J) Flatlands (E50s): Huge price break! Detached 1 family, huge 54x100 lot. Used as a reverse duplex. Extra large rooms. Many possibilities! Nice, quiet Flatlands location. A must see! Only $15,000 down payment for qualified buyers! Fin #302015 Canarsie: 2 family brick, fully renovated, 6 1/2 + 4 1/2 & full basement. Guaranteed full vacancy! Walk to subway, near Brookdale, close to Belt Parkway. Only $19,000 down payment for qualified buyers. (718) 922-2200 (718) 922-2200 OPEN HOUSE Saturday 2–4pm 9221 Foster Avenue (btwn E 92 St & E 93 St) Spring Creek: Spacious 2 bedrooms in one of Brooklyn’s most desirable complexes, Meadowwood at Gateway! Common charges include heat, hot water,cooking gas & master insurance. FHA approved. Fin #308021 Canarsie: Huge 2 family semi-detached in prime Canarsie location! 2 bedrooms over 2 bedrooms, plus finished basement. Fin #308053 Huge, extra wide 2 family duplex, 6 1/2 over 4 1/2, plus finished basement. Top floor duplex has been completely gutted and is waiting for a handyman or investor to come in and fix to their liking! There is also a private driveway with parking for 1 car. Fin #308072 (718) 922-2200 39 Canarsie: 2 family attached brick, 4 1/2 + 3 1/2. New roof, heating system & hot water. Backyard, private driveway & garage. Only $13,500 down payment for qualified buyers! Fin #302048 (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: Huge price break! 2 family detached. 4 BRs, 3 full baths, hardwood floors, ceramic tiles. Move-in condition! Finished basement. Fin #302038 (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE Canarsie: 1 family plus a 5 room apartment, and a fully equipped dental office with 5 rooms & full basement! Busy Flatlands Avenue location. Excellent situation for a professional. Fin #302021 (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE East Flatbush (East 50s): Price break! 1 family detached on a 40x100 lot. House is 20x50 with 6 1/2 rooms plus huge full finished basement! Parking for 3 cars. Nice backyard! Priced to sell. Only $14,000 down payment for qualified buyers. Fin #302033 (718) 272-6666 HOUSE FOR SALE East New York: New construction! 2 BRs over 2 BRs, plus full fin bsmt with pvt entrance. Guaranteed full vacancy. 2 separate heating systems, all new appliances, porch & top terrace. Asking only $16,500 for qualified buyers. Fin #302028 (718) 272-6666 (718) 272-6666 November 28, 2013 Canarsie Courier 40 HAVE HEALTHY, CAVITY-FREE TEETH! EXCELLENT DENTISTRY WITH THE LATEST TREATMENTS ENSURE HEALTHY TEETH AND GUMS WINTER SPECIAL SURGICAL IMPLANTS JUST $750 YOU WILL EXPERIENCE GENTLE DENTISTRY IN A PROFESSIONAL, COMFORTABLE ENVIRONMENT WHERE OUR PATIENTS LOVE TO REFER THEIR FAMILY AND FRIENDS INVISALIGN BRACES NEW PATIENT OFFER 69 $ Reg. Value $140 • • • • EXAM • X-RAYS (BITE WINGS) REGULAR CLEANING & POLISHING ORAL CANCER SCREENING PERSONAL CONSULTATION WITH DOCTOR Limited Time Offer Dr. Ella Dekhtyar & Dr. Ilya Freyberg 718-763-9118 718-693-5455 1763 Rockaway Parkway (Cor. Ave. L) 789 Flatbush Avenue (Cor. Lenox Road) COME VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION WWW.CANARSIESMILE.COM OPEN 6 DAYS A WEEK We Accept Most Insurance & Union Plans • Medicaid • Payment Plans
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