Best Practices in E-Business Suite Performance Tuning


Best Practices in E-Business Suite Performance Tuning
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Best Practices In E-Business Suite
Performance Tuning
Kandasamy Nainamalai
Senior Principal Software Engineer - Applications Technology Group
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Program Agenda
Applications Architecture
Defining & Isolating issue
How to approach a performance issue
SQL Trace and TKPROF output
AWR/Statspack Report
Best Practices – Maximizing the performance
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Oracle Applications
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Oracle Applications Architecture
• 3-tier architecture
– Database Tier
– Application/Middle Tier
– Desktop Tier
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3-Tier Architecture
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Defining and Isolating
the Issue
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Defining and Isolating the Issue
What is slow?
1. The entire system is slow.
2. A subsystem is slow:
- Forms-Based Applications
- Web-Based Applications
- Concurrent Manager
1. A particular process is slow.
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Defining and Isolating the Issue
• When is it slow?
– Month end/year end |
– Peak hours
|  Concurrency, due to Load (or) H/W is not sized.
– All the time
• Was it working fine earlier?
– All of a sudden
• List out recent changes
– Patch, Gather Schema, New RAC-node/modules/users, Data load, OS, Network/DNS
– Deteriorated over a period
• Who all are affected?
– All users
– Specific to some module
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Defining and Isolating the Issue
• By this time, we should be in a position to isolate which component is the
source of the performance issue.
• Once we identify the component, we need to investigate what could be
the problem.
• How to go about doing that?
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How to Approach a
Performance Issue
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Approaching Performance Issue
Gathering Required Information
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Approaching Performance Issue
• Desktop
– Although it’s a thin client; browser uses Java for the presentation Layer.
– It requires some resource at the Desktop.
– Check if there’s enough resource CPU/RAM
– Ensure that no heavy applications are running when accessing
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Approaching Performance Issue
• Concurrent Manager
Concurrent jobs are CPU intensive.
Hence ensure enough resource CPU/RAM is available on the DB tier.
Check RAC & PCP configuration.
Check concurrent manager definition for Sleep time & Cache are set correctly
Check resource-intensive batch requests are scheduled during peak hours. ( if yes, Separate
manager for long running process with less number of managers)
Check there are short running requests waiting for a longer time to process (Resolution: create
Specialized Managers)
Check Fnd_concurrent_requests & Processes are purged & defragmented regularly.
Avoid enabling an excessive number of standard or specialized managers.
Note 1057802.1 Best Practices for Performance for Concurrent Managers
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Approaching Performance Issue
• Forms Server
– Memory Intensive. Ensure sufficient RAM,Swap & CPU.
– Check Sar & top (look for spinning f60webmx)
– Check FORMS60_CATCHTERM FORMS_RECORD_GROUP_MAX – Check if Debug/FRD enabled.
– Check load balancing enabled and works effectively.
– Latest Forms Patch set level with IO patches.
– Servlet Vs Socket Mode
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Approaching Performance Issue
• Applications
– How many concurrent users are there?
– What are all the modules used?
– Any resource-intensive module is used.
– When was gather schema statistics request run last?
– Diagnostics profiles are enabled ; this will consume lots of resource.
– Sign on Audit is disabled if not needed.
– Audit on other tables have been enabled (additional overhead)
– Purging is done periodically.
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Approaching Performance Issue
• Database
– DB processes are basically CPU Intensive.
– Check adequate resource (CPU/RAM) is available.
– Monitor Sar/vmstat output (first thing to do)
– If Wio is high then need to check I/O setup & SQL queries
– If CPU is high then check for CPU-intensive queries.
– Monitor top OS process at OS level
– Top (HP) / prstat (Sun) / ps aux (AIX)
– init.ora setup (Refer note 174605.1 )
– Version of the Database & performance patch applied.
– AWR / Statspack
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Approaching Performance Issue
• Web Tier (OC4J, Apache & Jserv)
Check if JVM is hanging (due to Out of Memory issue).
Check Heap size and how many JVM threads are defined.
Disable statement/debug level logs when not needed.
AOL/J Database Connection Pool Status (Doc ID 278868.1)
Review DBC file configuration
Review Apache/Jserv configuration
• Network
It plays vital role if Applications accessed through VPN/WAN
Check for sufficient Bandwidth (ping host –l 1024 –t)
Latency should be as less as possible. Network Test ((Doc ID 556738.1)
Socket Vs Servlet
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SQL Trace and
When specific process takes time
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Different Trace Levels
• Four possible levels:
– Level 1 : Regular Trace / SQL Trace
– Level 4 : Trace with Binds
– Level 8 : Trace with Waits
– Level 12 : Trace with Binds and Waits
• ‘Level 8’ is the preferred for analyzing performance issues.
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Create Trace File – Form
• Trace menu availability: 11.5.7 or higher
• Trace file name contains application User Name
• Trace in Pre 11.5.7
– Identify the Session/Process Id then enable trace as below.
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Concurrent Report Tracing
• Report Level Vs Program level
1. Set “Enable Trace” flag in the Concurrent Program Definition Form.
(Program level)
2. Enable trace for a specific request (SRS form –> Debug Options)
(Request level)
– The profile “Concurrent: Allow Debugging” should be set to “Yes.”
– Recommended way to enable trace.
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Enabling Trace at the Program Level
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Enabling Trace at the Request Level
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Create a Trace File – Self Service
• To generate DB trace if web pages are slow. There are two options.
1. Set Profile Option “FND: Diagnostics” to Yes
2. Alternative: Profile Option called ‘Initialization SQL Statement – Custom’
– What to choose from the above two options?
– Choose option 2 , if the web page hangs and prevents you from enabling trace.
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Create a Trace File – Anywhere
• Profile Option :
Initialization SQL Statement - Custom
• Can always be used, e.g.:
– Concurrent Programs
– Background processes like Workflow
– ...
• Set on User level only
• SQL code will execute for each new DB session which it initialized for an application
• SQL Statement for a level 12 trace:
begin fnd_ctl.fnd_sess_ctl ('','','TRUE','TRUE','LOG','ALTER
SESSION SET tracefile_identifier=''MYTRACE'' EVENTS=''10046 TRACE
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• Formatted report of SQL Trace file
• Includes all SQL statements with statistical info
• Allows to identify the performance problem by using different sort
• Invoke tkprof from Database Tier (10g/11g)
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Getting TKPROF Output
• tkprof tracefile.trc output.txt sort=fchela,exeela,prsela
– Invoke tkprof from Database Tier
– Upload raw trace and tkprof output
– i.e. output.txt and tracefile.trc
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# rows
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Identify Culprit SQL Statement
• Identify Culprit SQL statement is within TKPROF files
• Most relevant is TKPROF – Sorted by elapsed time
• In general the first SQL statement is the culprit
Tip: Always look for ‘large numbers’
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Gather Enhanced Explain Plan
• Isolate the culprit SQL statement in a text file
• Gather Enhanced Explain Plan using SQLTXPLAIN.SQL: Note.215187.1
– Isolate the expensive DML.
– Collect statistics for the tables involved in the query.
• exec fnd_stats.gather_table_stats ('APPLSYS','FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS',PERCENT=>99);
– Any full table scan is used. See any index can be used
• Create new custom indexes on custom tables. Its suggested not to create indexes on seeded tables unless
recommended by us.
Re-write the custom query to speed up the query
Ensure Temp, interface tables are purged and defragmented.
Unselective index is being used.
Rebuild the indexes associated only if necessary.
Patch (for Higher version of code ) which resolves it.
• Log an SR with Oracle Support
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AWR/Statspack Report
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• Demo AWR Report
– If you see any DML is consuming more elapsed time, get the explain plan
using sql_id as below. You can run the following commands to obtain the
run-time statistics, as well as past plans recorded in AWR:
table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor('&sql_id',null,'ALLSTATS')) ;
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AWR/ Statspack Report
• Top 5 Events section
This section shows the Top 5 timed events that must be considered to focus the tuning efforts.
Top 5 Wait Events
Time (cs)
Wt Time
------------------------------------ ------------ ---------db file sequential read
% Total
db file scattered read
buffer busy waits
log file sync
SQL*Net break/reset to client
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AWR / Statspack Report
• Handling “db file scattered read”
This wait happens when a session is waiting for a multi block IO to complete. This typically occurs
during full table scans or index fast full scans.
– Check if there are any full table scans. In this case query tuning should be used to optimize the SQL.
– See if partitioning can be used to reduce the amount of data you need to scan.
– Review SGA Database Buffer Cache
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Best Practices for Maximizing the Performance
• Techstack upgrade (for Performance & High-Availability)
– Upgrade Database to (Note 1058763.1 & Doc ID 881505.1)
– OracleAS 10g Release 3 Patch Set 5 ( (Note 454811.1)
– Forms bundle patch on10. (Doc ID 437878.1)
• Upgrade EBS to Latest version 12.1.3 (or) 12.2.4 (Note 269.1 , 1592197.1 )
• Apply Recommended Performance Patches (Doc ID 244040.1)
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Best Practices for Maximizing the Performance
• Regular Health check to be performed
• Database
– Sufficient resource CPU/RAM available (20 - 30% free RAM/CPU is healthy)
– Sar & Top process has to be examined (Store it ; can be used later to compare)
– Ensure init.ora parameters are as per standards.
– AWR/Statspack report examined often.
• Forms Server
– Sufficient resource RAM & SWAP available
– Spinning of forms process
• set FORMS_RECORD_GROUP_MAX=10000 (Doc ID 745711.1)
• Cancel Query “FND: Enable Cancel Query” to ‘No’
– Servlet Vs Socket Mode
• Note 384241.1 – Using Forms Socket Mode with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
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Best Practices for Maximizing the Performance
• Concurrent Manager
– Tune using Best Practice Concurrent Manager (Note 1057802.1)
– Sufficient resource CPU/RAM available
– Sleep time (30 secs) & Cache size (equal to number of process)
– Specialized Manger are used if needed.
– Purge / de-fragment Concurrent tables
• Applications
– Gather schema statistics collected at regular interval with 10 – 40 %
– 11g Database , Apply Apps Patch 16410424 (12.1.x) 16410424 (12.0.x) 14707975 (11.5.10) to speed to Gather schema Stats.
Leave % as null (Doc ID 1586374.1)
– Diagnostics profiles/FRD/Traces are disabled if not needed.
– Hardware Sizing.
– Sign-on Audit & Audit tables are disabled if not needed.
– Purge & De-fragment interface/transaction tables periodically. (Note 752322.1)
• Purge portal is available in OAM that can be used to purge Apps.
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Best Practices for Maximizing the Performance
• Network
– Audit Network usage.
– Tool to help identify the source of the problem
• Oracle E-Business Suite Network Utilities: Best Practices [ID 556738.1]
– Note 967992.1 – Symmetrical Network Acceleration with Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
– Note 786582.1 – Performance Degradation in Forms in R12 When not Using Swan Color Scheme
• Web Tier (OC4J, Apache & Jserv)
– Ensure heapsize is set properly (Doc ID 362851.1 )
– Tune s_oacore_jvm_start_option (R12) (Doc ID 362851.1)
• $ grep s_oacore_jvm_start_option $CONTEXT_FILE (OS command to check it out)
– Tune oacore_nprocs( R12)
– Tune ApJServGroup OACoreGroup in (R11i )
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Best Practices for maximizing performance (12.2 )
Oacore JVM Configuration
 Configure 2 GB JVM Heap Space for oacore.
– This can roughly support 150 to 200 users depending on usage.
– Default is 512 MB (roughly supports 50 users)
 Add more oacore instance to support more users.
 use multiple managed instances instead increasing heap size.
Note: You should always size your systems based on tests using above
representative data and workloads for your own environment.
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Best Practices for maximizing performance
Oacore JVM Configuration
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Performance Tuning
• Monitor Resource (CPU/ I/O /RAM) Utilization.
• Ensure Init.ora standards are met (Note 174605.1)
• AWR Report for Database wide performance issue
• Best Practice Concurrent Manager (Note 1057802.1)
• Purge & Defragment interface/transaction tables. (Note 752322.1)
• Gather Schema Statistics at regular Interval.
• Apply FND_STATS patch 16410424 (12.1.x) 16410424 (12.0.x) 14707975
(11.5.10) to speed to Gather schema Stats (relevant for 11g Database).
• Upgrade Applications & Techstack.
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A Holistic Approach to Performance Tuning Oracle Applications Systems (Doc ID 69565.1)
Best Practices for Performance for Concurrent Managers in EBS (Doc ID 1057802.1)
Reducing Your EBS Data Footprint using Archiving, Purging, and ILM (Doc ID 752322.1)
bde_chk_cbo.sql - EBS initialization parameters - Healthcheck (Doc ID 174605.1)
Collecting Diagnostic Data for Performance Issues in Oracle E-Business Suite (Doc ID
• Oracle E-Business Suite Recommended Performance Patches (Doc ID 244040.1)
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• JVM: Guidelines to setup the Java Virtual Machine in Apps Ebusiness Suite
11i and R12 (Doc ID 362851.1).
• Forms Process (FRMWEB) Consumes 100% of CPU in Oracle Applications
R12 (Doc ID 745711.1)
• Best Practices for Gathering Statistics with Oracle E-Business Suite (Doc ID
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Upgrading E-Business Suite.
• Which Oracle E-Business Suite Release Should You Target: 12.1 or 12.2? (Doc ID
• Upgrade Advisor: E-Business Suite (EBS) Upgrade from to 12.1.3 (Doc ID
• Interoperability Notes EBS R12 with Database 11gR2 (Doc ID 1058763.1)
• Interoperability Notes Oracle EBS 11i with Oracle Database 11gR2 (11.2.0) (Doc ID
• Upgrading to the Latest OracleAS 10g 10.1.3.x Patch Set in Oracle E-Business Suite
Release 12 (Doc ID 454811.1)
• Upgrading OracleAS 10g Forms and Reports in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
(Doc ID 437878.1)
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Upgrading E-Business Suite.
• These documents provide a starting point for customers moving to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2.
• Which Oracle E-Business Suite Release Should You Target: 12.1 or 12.2? (Doc ID 1592197.1)
• Scenarios for Getting Started With Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2 (Doc ID 1587195.1)
• Oracle E-Business Suite Technical Planning Guide, First Edition, Release 12.2 (Doc ID 1585857.1)
• Useful 12.2 Documents For Customers And ATG Support Engineers (Doc ID 1585889.1)
• Database Preparation Guidelines for an E-Business Suite Release 12.2 Upgrade (Doc ID 1349240.1)
• 12.2: Consolidated List of Patches and Technology Bug Fixes (Doc ID 1594274.1)
• R12.1 and 12.2 Oracle E-Business Suite Preinstall Patches Report [Video] (Doc ID 1448102.2)
• Oracle E-Business Suite Recommended Performance Patches (Doc ID 244040.1)
• Best Practices for Minimizing Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Upgrade Downtime (Doc ID 1581549.1)
• Express Diagnosis of Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 Upgrade Performance Issues (Doc ID 1583752.1)
• Oracle E-Business Suite Performance Guide (Doc ID 1672174.1)
• Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12.2: Upgrade Sizing and Best Practices (Doc ID 1597531.1)
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