LAMPlighter - Lutheran Church


LAMPlighter - Lutheran Church
L.A.M.P.–Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots Inc.
Volume 38, No. 4
Fall 2008
“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed” Matthew 13:31
his summer has presented LAMP with teacher in Sucker River. I was delighted to get
many challenges. However, in spite of those re-acquainted with Maurice Ratt, whom I had
challenges, our staff and volunteers have spread taught when he was six years old. Maurice is now
out across northern Canada sowing the seeds of 21 and in his third year at Bible College. He is
determined to serve his community
God’s Word.
one day as a pastor. It was wonderful
One of the challenges we have
for me to see how the seeds sown
faced has been the weather. The
so long ago were bringing forth a
month of June was dry. Sometimes,
between sixty and seventy forest fires
LAMP’s volunteers and staff go
were burning simultaneously in the
Ron Ludke
in faith, facing the challenges of
North. In the second week of July,
each day, to bring the Gospel to the
thunderstorms made flying a challenge
eager children of God. We know God
but they also brought much-needed Maurice Ratt
is faithful and the future harvest will
rain to the land.
The drive North is a lengthy one. This can be plentiful. I thank God for your prayers and
also be a challenge…and a blessing. Many of support and for the privilege of serving with you
our volunteers traveled through huge expanses in LAMP’s ministry.
of farmland. In July, they passed thousands of
acres of bright yellow canola fields in full bloom.
Canola, which is used to make vegetable oil, is
2008 Ladies Devotion
from the mustard family. These small green
plants had gotten off to a rough start in the
early summer but after being refreshed by July’s
abundant rainfall, they had burst into the most
spectacular blossoms. The farmers expect a
plentiful harvest this fall, barring any unforeseen
bad weather.
Delve into Proverbs
As I visited VBS teams serving in northern
31 with a young
communities this summer, I was delighted to
mother, a wife, a
see how filled with joy the children were. They
student and a LAMP
volunteer while
reminded me of those blossoming canola fields.
she contemplates
The seeds of God’s love have been planted over
women’s roles as
the years and now God’s children are blossoming,
in all that they
as faith fills their hearts and minds.
do. Discuss openly and honestly what
I visited the VBS team in Sucker River,
unique qualities we each have as women
Saskatchewan, during one of those refreshing
today and prayerfully consider where
stormy downpours. Fifteen years ago, I was
God wants us to be in our lives.
privileged to have been a volunteer VBS
Exploring our Role as Christian Women
Fall 2008 November
The LAMPlighter
2008 29
Fueling the Mission: LAMP’s Program for Children
Fueling the Mission is a
program to help kids understand
and support LAMP through
their offerings and prayers. It is
appropriate for Christian Day
School and home schools, Sunday
School classes or a VBS Mission
Children discover how they
can be involved in mission work
as they learn about the people and
culture of the remote village of
Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug,
Ontario through a five-session
DVD. They can raise money to
help fund the work of LAMP and
join in praying for the ministry
of LAMP and the needs of those
living in the remote communities
of the far North.
LAMP’s Fueling the Mission
package includes:
• An introductory video and four
short lessons on a DVD.
• Activity pages to reinforce the
Bible-based lessons.
• A map showing the mileage from
LAMP’s air bases to the various
• Sample Fueling the Mission labels
designed to fit small and large
Pringles cans. The decorated cans
may be then be used to collect
donations for this mission.
For more information
phone 1-800-307-4036 (Canada)
or 1-800-538-9648 (United States),
or go to our website: www.
…to the
the ends
ends of
of the
the earth
You help
help us
us get
get there.
Be aa teaching
teaching volunteer
…or sponsor
sponsor aa child
to attend
attend VBS
VBS next
next summer
38 years of ministry to
remote northern communities.
The LAMPlighter Fall 2008
Send donations
donations to:
4966-92 Avenue
Avenue NW,
NW, Edmonton,
Edmonton, AB
T6B 2V4
Phone (780)
(780) 466-8607
466-8607 or
Fax (780)
(780) 466-6733
Visit our
our web
web site
site at:
[email protected]
E-mail us at: [email protected]
Much more than just soccer
eet LAMP’s new Sports Ministry Director,
Tim Dressler. Tim is currently a student
at Concordia University in Portland, Oregon.
He led the soccer team this year for six weeks of
ministry in British Columbia. Prior to leading
the team, Tim put together a curriculum for the
soccer ministry that targeted a specific “word for
the day,” and “word for the week.” Each week, one
team member was assigned to share a testimony
of how God had worked in their life as it related
to the “word.” From Tim’s report, it is easy to see
that each team member now has a whole new
set of “words”—testimonies of how God was at
work during their summer of ministry.
The LAMP Sports team had a particular
challenge in one community as they helped an
abused teen-aged girl who was suicidal. This
girl needed to know that someone cared about
her, so the team opened their home to her,
providing a safe place for her to spend the night.
What was the team’s response to this situation?
They prayed. They read God’s Word and were
encouraged by it. Before beginning the session of
soccer that afternoon, they walked through the
field, hand-in-hand, repeating the Lord’s Prayer.
Then they skipped through the field, again
repeating the Lord’s Prayer. They learned a very
important lesson that day: to worship the Lord
in every circumstance. God did not disappoint.
As Tim states, “our hearts were built up and filled
full of the Holy Spirit. God’s presence was felt
tremendously after our intense morning.”
The soccer team dealt with another girl
struggling with suicidal thoughts in another
community. A couple of the girls on the team
noticed and talked with her about it during the
week. They gave her hope and encouraged her. It
was definitely a positive influence for the young
teenager. She emptied her heart as she spoke with
the girls, and they filled her heart back up with
God’s love. This greatly affected her outlook on
life. Please keep this young girl in your prayers,
as the situation around her will continue to be
difficult, and the Godly support she received
from the team is no longer physically present.
Tim reports that he learned a great deal
about leadership from his work with this year’s
soccer team: “I learned that my role as leader is
to help prepare the team to be leaders for Christ
when they leave this summer mission. Giving
them the roles and opportunities to experience
how to be leaders in the name of Jesus helps
prepare them for the future. That is ultimately
what I believe a good leader is supposed to do.
It is amazing how much this team has grown
from their mission experience in BC. I can only
imagine how much more they will continue to
grow individually in their faith. I am blessed
by God to be able to help prepare leaders for
future ministry around the world. This trip was
successful in the name Jesus Christ.”
We look forward to Tim’s enthusiasm and
dedication, as he continues to take the leadership
role of coordinating LAMP’s Sports Ministry
program next year. Thanks be to God for you,
Caught up in the fun of it all!
2008 Sports Ministry Team
Tim Dressler, Sports
Ministry Director
They learned a
very important
lesson that day:
to worship the
Lord in every
2008 The
2008 31
First recipient of the Pastor Roy Holm Board of Excellence Award
Pastor Roy Holm was an outstanding servant
of LAMP. His integrity and commitment to this
organization are an inspiration and a model
for us all. To recognize and honor his service
and memory, LAMP created an award for
Board members called the Pastor Roy Holm
Memorial Board Award of Excellence. It is to
be awarded each year to a Board member from
America or Canada, past or present, who has
made a significant contribution to LAMP and
demonstrated exemplary service according to
certain criteria.
Reverend Jim Chell was the 2008 recipient
of this award. It was presented to him at LAMP’s
Annual Meeting and Banquet in April. Jim was
instrumental in getting LAMP
through its split, while keeping us
focused on our ministry and our
relationships with others. When
the split happened, Jim stepped
in as interim-Executive Director.
He greatly encouraged our staff,
because he always showed his care
and concern for people. He faithfully
served on the Board and represented
LAMP whenever he had the
opportunity. He continues to speak
about LAMP and to work toward
reconciliation between Christian Rev. Jim and Luella Chell
organizations in the North.
ABC District, LWML–Canada — presentation for youth ministry
Ron Ludke accepts a cheque from LWMLC Vicepresident for Christian Mission, Marilyn Wittee along
with Sports Ministry team members, Tim Dressler
and Paige Haworth.
A grant of $5,000 was given to LAMP by the
Alberta–British Columbia District Lutheran
Women’s Missionary League–Canada, to help
our Sports and Youth Ministry programs
(also known as our soccer programs) provide
Christian witness and mentoring in various
northern communities. The grant was deeply
Thanks, in great part, to the grant, our
sports team was able to serve in four different
communities over the summer. What a blessing
from God!
Brantford supports Fueling the Mission
Enclosed is our gift of $___________ to
help share the gift of Jesus with people in
the North.
Please send me information on:
The Prayer Partner Program
The Volunteer Program
Fueling the Mission for Children
Fueling the Mission was the theme at Faith Lutheran Church in Brantford,
Ontario last fall. The Sunday School children collected money in jars the
entire year. Adults also contributed donations from their coffee hour each
week. Together they collected $633.89. Thank you, Faith friends!
LAMPlighter Fall 2008
32 TThe
4966-92 Avenue NW, Edmonton, AB T6B 2V4
Phone (780) 466-8607 or
Fax (780) 466-6733