2014 annual report


2014 annual report
respond rediscover
2014 annual report
Psst! We’d like to let you in on a little secret:
Aging is not a problem that needs to be fixed.
But it is something we—as a society—need
to redefine.
Doing so means changing perceptions about aging and responses
to it. Replacing myths about what it means to grow old with
realities based on sound science. Abandoning old models of care
and creating new ones of active participation. And empowering
seniors to live independently for as long as possible.
Why do we need to change the way we age?
The percentage of older people in the population is growing
significantly, due in part to longer lifespans. Increased life
expectancy is a modern-day success story­—but the old model
of care is broken. A “care for” mentality with more people + more
years + more disease + more costs equaling more challenges is an
alarming equation that will never add up.
To meet the needs of seniors with contemporary expectations of
living out their years to the fullest, we need a different model—one
based on individuals actively participating in their own health.
In the new equation, endorsed by health organizations around
the world, more research + more human potential + more cost
reductions + more options/solutions = more opportunities.1
The 2011 report “Global Health and Aging”2 sums up the issue
by asking: “Will population aging be accompanied by a longer
period of good health, a sustained sense of well-being, and
extended periods of social engagement and productivity, or will
it be associated with more illness, disability, and dependency?”
The answer has implications for social, economic, and political
conditions. The longer people can remain functionally independent, the lower the costs to families and societies. Equally
important is the corollary that older adults who remain active
continue contributing to their families, peers, and community.
How can we create change?
We can change the way we age by staying active, to the fullest
extent possible, within all areas of life: physical, social, spiritual,
emotional, intellectual, vocational, and environmental. This is
active aging, a model research shows is key to extending healthy
life expectancy and quality of life for everyone. Inherent in
active aging is the element of personal responsiblity recognized
in emerging definitions health.
1. Source: International Council on Active Aging (ICAA)
2. Global Health and Aging, National Institute on Aging, National Institutes
of Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the World
Health Organization, October 2011.
What is the Senior Center’s role?
We provide the environment and programs that support active
aging and opportunities for creating change. Having long embraced the multidimensional nature of health and wellness, our
programming provides accessible options that are proven to
support physical and mental health.
We encourage individuals to make choices toward lifelong
engagement—staying active and involved. And in promoting the
independence of seniors, we help dispel the notion that growing
old has to mean growing frail.
The outcomes from everyday activities at the Center have meaningful results for our community. Active aging is cost-effective;
investing in it brings a return that becomes obvious as soon as one
considers the alternatives of costly medical and long-term care.
Along with creating outcome-based programs, the Center is
working to raise awareness of new models and definitions of
health, reaching out to multiple audiences from neighborhood
associations to medical practitioners. As people of all ages begin
to understand the opportunities that accompany an unprecedented number of seniors, we will truly begin to redefine aging
in our community.
Dear Friends:
Stories we hear from members and their families about the Center
range from hilarious to heartwarming. And since we’ve been a trusted
part of people’s lives—and our community—for more than 54 years,
they are numerous.
We’re sharing three of them from
individuals who were, for the most
part, “accidental” members—they
stopped by for one reason or another,
were drawn in by the broad spectrum of people and pursuits, and
remain involved because the Center
is meaningful to them.
These stories also illuminate a few
simple but often overlooked truths:
Aging is not a problem that needs to
be fixed. All seniors are not the same.
Wellness is not a spectator sport.
Our model of active aging supports individuals of diverse interests in
living well and taking charge of their health. That it works is evidenced
by our third national accreditation—one of the year’s highlights, along
with recognition and support from the Keswick Hunter Jumper Foundation, participation in the Piedmont Council of the Arts Cultural
Plan, and the addition of several exciting programs across every
dimension of wellness.
We hope that within these pages you will discover the transformative
power of healthy aging and find the inspiration to help us change lives.
Thank you,
Bob Tucker
Peter Thompson
Executive Director
“Not only is socializing linked to mental and thinking ability,
it’s also about how well you live independently.”
—Bryan James, PhD, Rush Alzheimer’s Disease Center
“Come. Just come.”
“I’ve come to see the Senior Center like the college quad or student
center. Once you stop working, you may or may not have a plan, a spouse,
grandchilden—and then what do you do? The Senior Center is the answer.
There are things to do all over the place. It’s a wonderful time to be an
older person ... there’s an art to it. The Center has opened doors and also
has shown me doors. That’s why it’s a resource. It’s huge that it’s here.”
—Martha Roberts
Travel office volunteer, UVa Hospital adjunct chaplain, and utterly delightful person.
Photos: Ryan M. Kelly for the Daily Progress
Accredited by
National Institute of
Senior Centers
“Your organization
demonstrates outstanding
leadership and commitment to quality programs
and services.”
Maureen O’Leary
NISC Program Manager
Our Center was the first nationally-accredited senior center in Virginia. In fiscal year
2014, we became one of only seven centers
in the country to achieve accreditation for a
third time through the National Institute of
Senior Centers, a constituent unit of the National Council on Aging.
Accreditation, valid for five years, takes the
work of many people. A task force comprised
of community leaders, partner organizations,
funders, volunteers, members, and staff
worked for months to conduct an evaluation
based on nine accreditation standards.
Colin Milner, founder and CEO of the International Council on Active Aging, spoke at a
community event to celebrate our achievement. Recognized as one of the most innovative and influential
minds on aging-related topics, Mr. Milner’s counsel is sought by
groups around the world, including the World Economic Forum,
and we were thrilled to be able to bring him to Charlottesville with
support from ACAC and Joe and Sally Gieck.
Top: Guest speaker Colin Milner. Above right: Mark Kastan, executive director of The Colonnades—­
our accreditation sponsor—helps Colin make a point about active aging.
New Program Highlights
First-Wind Band
Making music is proven to support good mental and physical
health, so we started this group in June 2013 to complement
our two existing bands. Many adults would like an opportunity to
learn music in a group setting similar to that offered in schools,
but the last opportunity in most cases was elementary school. This
program provides that entry point for adults of all ages.
Jefferson in Albemarle: His Life and Times
Archaeologists, historians, authors, and scholars examined Thomas
Jefferson in his “country”—Albemarle county. Topics during the sixweek class in summer 2013 ranged from how Jefferson grew up to how
he navigated his retirement woes.
Special Event Weekend:
Virginia Presidents Shaped by War: Madison, Monroe & Wilson
A wonderful collaboration in August 2013 between the Center and
Ash Lawn-Highland that included a day-long symposium with three
historians and special tours of the presidents’ homes.
Gentle Yoga
A weekly class in a discipline that directly addresses the health concerns of older individuals, including flexibility, balance, and mood. It’s
been a success since it started in June 2013.
Support Group for Caregivers of Parkinson’s Patients
This group was added in September 2013 to provide a comfortable
environment for caregivers to ask questions, share experiences and
advice, and create friendships. It meets at the same time as our Parkinson’s Yoga class for the caregivers’ convenience.
Architecture in Virginia:
Federal or Roman Revival Architecture 1780–1830
Through five class sessions and a day trip to historic buildings, eminent K. Edward Lay, Cary D. Langhorne Professor
Emeritus of Architecture at UVa, explored the magnificent
architecture of “The Jefferson Period.”
“i wish everyone knew.”
Getting connected with the Senior Center has kept me engaged and
helped me deal with the loss of my wife. I support the Center because
so many people have needs and the Senior Center meets them. All you
have to do is come in here any day and see people doing things they’re
interested in, socializing ... I wish everyone knew about the
incredible variety of programs we have.
—Clay Sisk
Apple/Mac Users Group volunteer program leader,
computer tutor, world traveler, donor, and all-around great guy.
“... only
I’ve ever
I grew up on the edge of London during WWII so never had a home, as
we got bombed out early in the war. Home and family was never anything
safe or predictable for me. And today I have no family at all.
In a very real sense, the Senior Center has become not just a second
home to me, but the only home I have ever known. The atmosphere of
involvement and being able to do anything we set our minds to
encourages everybody to be the best that they can be.
I sometimes ponder what my later years would have been like if I had
not joined the Center in 1999. And I shudder when I contemplate it.
—Dawn Schultz
Award-winning volunteer, indefatigable idea generator,
generous donor, and really smart cookie.
50,000 HOURS
area nonprofits
positively impacting people of every age
“Because we require tutors to work with students for two hours
a week and make a full year commitment, many of our volunteers are retired, so recruiting at the Senior Center is a perfect
fit for us. We appreciate the efforts the Center makes in helping
us reach potential tutors and welcome future partnerships so
we can ensure that seniors have a vital and vibrant role in our
Amie Whittemore
Tutor Recruitment & Communications Coordinator, Literacy Volunteers
“Tax-Aide is all about volunteers who are willing to donate up
to 16 hours a week of their time for three months of tax season. The Senior Center has been a vital resource for recruiting
and retaining our counselors ... The Coordinator of Volunteer
Resources is a great motivator of people who are capable of
volunteering and need to understand how they, too, benefit by
serving. We are most grateful for the Center’s participation and
contribution to this program.”
David Bass
AARP Tax-Aide Volunteer Leader
The Senior Center engages thousands of individuals
annually in more than 100 programs across every
dimension of wellness.
All Things Digital
Apple/Mac Users Group
Book Discussion Group
Chasing Life
Cooking Demonstrations
Current Affairs Group
Financial Series
Great Decisions
Investment Visions
Investors Forum
Le Cercle Français
Legal Issues for Seniors
Nutrition Workshops
Religion, Science & Spirituality
Senior Statesmen*
Socrates Café
Social Issues in Medicine
Special Educational Events
Travel Lectures
Day Trips & Getaways
MS Windows Workshops
Wine Club
Writing for Pleasure
Writing for Healing & Growth
At the Center
In the Community
Aerobic Dance* (YMCA)
Arthritis Exercise
Ballroom Dance
Fashion Square Walking
Feldenkrais for Seniors
Full Life Fitness
Gentle Yoga
International Folk Dance
Jazzercise Lite* (Jazzercise)
Ivy Creek Walking Group
Line Dancing
Meditation Cultivation
Northside Walking
Parkinson’s Yoga
Primetime Fitness
Rice-Silver Exercise
Softball* (C’ville Parks & Rec)
Tai Chi
Water Workout* (ACAC)
Zumba – Let’s Dance
Albemarle Wood Carvers
Barbershop Belles & Beaux
Crafty Ladies
Encore Players
First Thursday Poetry Club
First-Wind Band
The Flashbacks
Friday Art Group
Piedmont Pastelists*
Second-Wind Band
Sew & Sews
Silver Steppers (tap dance)
Tap Lessons
Still Sharp Singers
Bridge Lessons
Charlottesville Chicks
Duplicate Bridge
Men’s Poker
Member Social
Member Dinner Social
Singles Schmooze
Socrates Café
Special Events
Sunday Movies
Travel Buddies
Alcoholics Anonymous
Essential Tremor
Low Vision (UVa)
Memory Café (Alzheimer’s Assoc.)
Parkinson’s Caregiver
*partner program
Sleep Apnea (UVa)
A new review of the health effects of volunteering found that helping others
on a regular basis—like serving food in a soup kitchen or reading to the
blind—can reduce early mortality rates by 22%. —BMC Public Health 2013
Financial Data for Fiscal Year 2014
April 1, 2013–March 31, 2014 | Operating and Capital Campaign
The Senior Center receives no funding from local, state, or federal governments. The Center is sustained
financially through diverse revenue streams from both philanthropy and earned income. Program services
to create opportunties for healthy aging in our community account for 77% of the Center’s expenses.
$616,155 *
Membership Dues
Program & Travel
Special Events
In Kind
Total revenue
$1,224,887 *
* Includes $216,947 in temporarily restricted contributions.
Program Services
Fund Development
Administration & General
Total expenses
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Seabrook Endowment
Land & Facility
Total assets
3,873,882 **
$4,621,466 **
** Includes The Center at Belvedere property.
Liabilities & Equity
Total liabilities & equity
Senior Center, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization. Contributions are tax-deductible
within the extent of applicable law. The independent audit conducted by Robinson, Farmer, Cox Associates
was unqualified. Both the audit report and IRS form 990 are available at seniorcenterinc.org or by request
to Senior Center, Inc. The Center is nationally-accredited, meeting all the fiscal standards of the National
Institute of Senior Centers.
THANK YOU for your commitment to prom
Betty & Harold Hopkins
Inez Duff Bishop Charitable Trust
Mrs. Phyllis D. Jackson
Jeanmarie & Jim Kauffman
Bruce Keith
Keswick Hunter Jumper Foundation
Peggy & Tom MacAvoy
Jennie Sue Minor
Mr. Ronald A. Mohr
Lisa & Don Morin
Jim Paton
Mary P. Reese*
Dorothy H. Richards
Dr. Mary Anna Rushia
THE SUSTAINERS CIRCLE recognizes Peter M. Thompson
Watterson Foundation
individuals who sustain the Center’s
work every day through their commit- Phil Wendel
THE 1180 SOCIETY recognizes individual philanthropic leaders who make ment to make monthly contributions. Betty & Bob Wessel
Jon Beverly Whitlock
a significant impact on the Center by Anonymous Friends (2)
Jane & Bob Whitworth
giving $1,180 or more annually in
Sarah & Matthew Althoff
Roberta Bell Williamson
unrestricted funds.
Mrs. Patricia C. Cook
Violet & Peter Crawford
Anonymous Friends (3)
Anonymous Friends (4)
Mrs. Phydele Ehrlich
Mr. Willis F. Abbey
ACAC Fitness & Wellness Centers
Vicky & Lawrence Eicher
Liz & Tom Allan
Adelman Family Foundation
Ms. Elizbeth E. Friberg
Lester & Barbara Andrews
Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc.
Ms. Margaret “Peggy” Harris*
Ms. Alice May Auciello
Barbara & Lester Andrews
Mr. Glen Henderson
Mr. &. Mrs. James R. Berry
Anna M. Day Foundation
Ms. Julie D. Horne
Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Birdsong
Ms. Alice May Auciello
Mr. Russell M. “Mac” Lafferty
Eleanor “Abbie” & Lowell* Bishop
Kimberlee & David Barrett-Johnson,
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Lockman
Ms. Rene Bond
Mr. Bill McDermott & Ms. Janet Maupin Barrett-Johnson & Associates
Ms. Lynn A. Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Berry
Ms. Barbara A. Millar
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Brooks
Eleanor “Abbie” & Lowell* Bishop
Mr. Kyle J. Riley
Mrs. Lorraine W. Butler
Ms. Rene Bond
Mr. Peter M. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Cardella
Ms. Lynn A. Bradley
Dr. & Mrs. Whitman Cross II
Suzanne & Rob Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Derby
Mary & Mark Brown
Mr. Leslie B. Disharoon
Mrs. Lorraine W. Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Dryer
Charlottesville Ten Miler
Linda & Frank Cardella
Mrs. Phydele Ehrlich
Mrs. Phydele Ehrlich
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Eicher
Sally & Joe Gieck
Mrs. Shirley Crehore
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Erickson
Dr. & Mrs. Whitman Cross II
Mr. Cecil Floyd, Jr.
Mr. Willis F. Abbey
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Erickson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.V. French
Altria Companies Employee
Estes Express Lines
Dr. & Mrs. Joe H. Gieck
Community Fund
Mr. Cecil Floyd, Jr.
Mrs. Joan E. Gore
David & Nancy Bass Foundation
Mr. Scott Galloway
Ms. Jolene C. Green
Mr. Leslie B. Disharoon
Mrs. Joan E. Gore
Mrs. Johanna Grossmann-Judge
Dr. Joe & Sally Gieck Fund of CACF
Ms. Jolene C. Green
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Guthrie
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Michael & Dottie Guthrie
Ms. Constance Hallquist &
Gertrude M. Conduff Foundation
Ms. Constance Hallquist &
Mr. Brian Cowan
The Estate of Harriet Handsfield*
Mr. Brian Cowan
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hopkins
I.J. & Hilda M. Breeden Foundation
Hantzmon Wiebel LLP
Mrs. Phyllis D. Jackson
Ms. Laurie Lowrance
Mrs. Katherine E. Hollifield*
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Jacobs
Ms. Caryl A. Mueser
Home Instead Senior Care
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Kauffman
Mary Jane & Ken Derby
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Jacobs
Mr. Bruce Keith
Mr. & Mrs. R. Ted Weschler
Mark & Linda Kastan
Barbara & Jay Kessler
Dr. James Kavanaugh, Jr.
Mr. Mark Logan & Dr. Anne Logan
Barbara & Jay Kessler
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas MacAvoy
Anonymous Friend
Mr. Mark Logan & Dr. Anne Logan
Ms. Barbara A. Millar
Better Living Foundation
Mr. Bill McDermott & Ms. Janet Maupin
Mrs. Jennie Sue Minor
The Charles Fund
Ms. Barbara A. Millar
Mr. Ronald A. Mohr
Farkas Family Foundation
Optimist Club of the Blue Ridge
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. Morin
Martha Tarrant Fund of the CACF
Mr. Mike Park
Ms. Caryl A. Mueser
UVa Health System
Mrs. Edith H. Parker
Mrs. Edith H. Parker
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of
Mr. James Paton
Liz & Tom Allan
Central Virginia
Ms. Joanne M. Phillips
The Colonnades
Ms. Joanne M. Phillips
Mrs. Mary P. Reese*
Margaret & Mark Dryer
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Riall
Mr. & Mrs. James J. Riall
Vicky & Larry Eicher
Robinson, Farmer, Cox Associates
Mrs. Dorothy H. Richards
Shirley & Bob French
RoseWood Village
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Rullman
Johanna Grossmann-Judge
Rodney & Carol Rullman
Dr. Mary Anna Rushia*
Thank you! The Senior Center
gratefully acknowledges our Fiscal
Year 2014 donors­—individuals,
foundations, corporations and
organizations—who made
philanthropic gifts over the period
April 1, 2013, to March 31, 2014.
These contributions supported
the Center’s Annual Fund,
programs, scholarships, events,
and facility. They included gifts of
cash, sponsorships, grants, and
contributed services and property.
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce W. Saunders
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Teague, Sr.
Mr. Peter M. Thompson
Mr. Leonard C. “Clay” Sisk
Mr. Chris Von Frieling
Dr. James C. Walker
Ms. Lorraine Wallenborn
Mr. Phil Wendel
Mr. & Mrs. R. Ted Weschler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Wessel
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Whitworth
Mr. Jon Beverly Whitlock
Ms. Roberta Bell Williamson
Jocelyn & Bruce Saunders
Leonard C. “Clay” Sisk
Standish Family Foundation
Robert F. Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Teague, Sr.
UVa Psychology Department, Virginia
Institute on Aging
Chris Von Frieling
Dr. Jimmy Walker
Lorraine Wallenborn
Rick and Sally Watson
David and Betty Whitcomb
Whitney & Anne Stone Foundation
John & Trula Wright
Dr. Walter L. Blankenbaker
Mrs. Peggy Boggs & Ms. Sara Price
Mrs. Barbara A. Cage
Central Virginia Waterproofing, Inc.
Norma & Dale* Chadwick
Davenport & Spigle Fund of CACF
Ms. Barbara Deal
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Dunstan
Earlysville VFW Post 2044
Mrs. Estelle W. Echols
Jean & Donald Foss
Mrs. Dora Goldberg & Ms. Jeannie Holden
Audrey & Gus Goldsmith
Ms. Margaret G. Granberry
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Grossmann
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hefele
Mrs. Melva D. Jarrell
Mr. Robert C. Johnston
JUIAF Enlisted Council
Mr. & Mrs. William Kahn
Mr. Roger McAllister
Mr. & Mrs. Larry McElwain
Sally & Mike McEuen
Mrs. Linda Perriello
Pfizer Foundation
Mrs. Ilene C. Rutschow
Dr. & Mrs. Robert F. Selden, Jr.
Mrs. Betty O. Smallwood
Ann & Peter Taylor
Yorkshire Foundation
Mr. Robert Allen, Redding Consultants
Alma Lee Hall Irrevocable Trust
Sarah & Matthew Althoff
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Bean
Mr. Thomas L. Belt
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Bethmann
Diane & Spencer Birdsong
Mrs. Betty L. Bollendorf
Kathleen & Robert Bond
Mr. Richard A. Carpenter
Dr. & Mrs. Freeman Cary
Mr. Rip Cathcart, Cathcart Property
Mrs. Betty Cauthen
Mrs. Meta T. Chisholm
Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Cirenza
Mrs. Patricia C. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Philip H. Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Craig
Violet & Peter Crawford
Mr. Thomas Crowell
Mrs. Georgia S. Davidson
Mr. Richard M. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Wallace H. Downs
Ms. Wendy Waldner Flynn
moting the independence and well-being of seniors.
Mrs. Linda K. Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin E. Gatewood, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. William H. Grey
Mr. Melton Haney
Mrs. Margaret Haugen
Ms. Julie D. Horne
Ms. Christine S. Kennedy
Mr. Roy W. Kennedy
Mrs. Jane W. Kerewich
Mr. Russell M. “Mac” Lafferty
Mr. Fred S. Landess
Mr. Philip D. Lawrence, Jr. &
Ms. Sarah Lawrence
Mr. David Lea, Jr.
Mrs. Sarah Litchfield
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew R. Lockman
Mr. Lee Lodes & Mr. Timothy Bruns
Sharon & Robert Lorish
Mr. Bruce L. MacCall
Mr. & Mrs. Scott MacFarlane
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Marley
Mr. Thomas A. McQueeney &
Ms. Suzanne Yeaman
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Meador, Jr.
Mrs. Barbara Mincer
Ms. Eileen Nacev
Mrs. Rosemary Nothwanger
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene R. Philippi
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Quayle III
Ms. Mary W. Reiman
Mrs. Cynthia Rikhye
Mr. William G. Roberts
Virginia & Gilbert Roy
Mrs. Mary U. Sihler
Mr. Gregory A. Smith & Ms. Susan Watts
Ms. Ruth M. Snyder
Mr. Larry R. Stremikis
Mrs. Betty Strider
Ms. Laurie Tawney
Mrs. Margaret A. Turner*
Mr. Harold A. Via
Ms. Judith H. Walker
Mr. Michael Warden
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Westbrook
Dr. & Mrs. Morton C. Wilhelm
Mrs. Laura S. Williamson
Mr. Thomas F. Wingfield
Elizabeth & Richard Worch
Mr. Theodore R. F. Wright
Anonymous Friend (4)
Mrs. Byrd Abbott
Mr. & Mrs. William L. Achenbach
Mr. & Mrs. William Adams
Kathy & Brandt Allen
Allison Partners
Mr. Charles Anderson
Erma & Clifton* Anderson
Lina & John Anderson
Drs. Edgar & Kathleen Ansell
Mr. Marcus N. Barbour*
Ms. Becky Barlow
Mr. James Barrett &
Ms. Margaret A. Shupnik
Ruthe & Martin Battestin
Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Beckwith
Jane & Patrick Belisle
Ms. Vail G. Belyea
Ms. Elizabeth B. Benzinger*
Ms. Janice H. Bernhard
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Bledsoe
Ms. Gardner Bloemers
Mrs. Lula B. Bolden
Mr. Howell Lewis Bowen
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Boyd, Jr.
Mrs. Alice Brady
Mr. & Mrs. Richard N. Brightman
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Brink
Mr. & Mrs. G. Larry Brown
Mr. Lindsay W. Brown
Ms. Lois A. Brown
Dr. James Bundy
Mr. Francis J. Burns & Mrs. Jean L. Brandes
Maxine & Henry Burton
Mr. & Mrs. Duncan W. Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Garland M. Canter
Mr. Mark A. Cardwell &
Ms. Margaret Bailey
Mrs. Rosanne L. Casey
Ms. Esther Cash
Mr. Vincent C. Cibbarelli
Mrs. Carol F. Clarke
Mr. Inis L. Claude, Jr.*
Mrs. Joan W. Clements
Mrs. Julie M. Coiner
Mr. & Mrs. Carlo Colombini
Colonial Auto Center
Mr. Edward Compton
Mr. & Mrs. Wade Crawford
Mr. Albert R. Crittenden
Mrs. Ruth C. Cross
Mr. Roger D. Cyr
Culbertson Foundation
Prof. Edward W. Davis
Mr. Gerard Deily
Mr. & Mrs. Richard F. DeMong
Ms. Emmy K. Dennison
Mr. Manuel Dominguez
Ms. Joyce L. Dorris
Dr. James A. Doull, Jr.
Mrs. Jayleane Drucker
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Dudley
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin E. Dugger
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Early III
Ms. Margaret W. Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Elliott
Mr. William L. Ema
Encore Players
Mrs. Sue F. Erickson
Mrs. Jeanette P. Ern
Mrs. Marilyn C. Eubank
Mr. Albert N. Falcone
Rosewita & Lionel Fernandez
Mr. Horace E. Fidler
Mr. Peter Fink & Ms. Beverly S. Maresca
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth W. Fizer
Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Flickinger
Ms. Mary G. Flood
Ms. Barbara Fontaine
Ms. Everette Fortner
Mr. Lee Freudberg &
Ms. Katharine A. Welch
Mr. & Mrs. Donald G. Fritz
Mrs. Pamela W. Gale
Mr. Jesse Gammon & Mr. Leon Blumreich
Ms. Max L. Gentry
Ms. Carolyn G. German
Mrs. June Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. Earl S. Gillespie
Dr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Giuliano, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Charles H. Gleason
Ms. Judy L. Golden
Mr. Neal Goodloe
Ms. Dorothy C. Grabman
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Grogan
Ms. Jacqueline C. Groiss
Mrs. Margaret M. Grove
Mr. & Mrs. Gustavus G. Hancock
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Hancock
Ms. Alice W. Handy & Mr. Peter A. Stoudt
Mrs. Kimberly K. Haynes
Mrs. Jan S. Heischman
Mrs. Beverly C. Hemmer
Mr. Glen Henderson
Ms. Sarah P. Hendley
Dawn & Ted Heneberry
Mr. & Mrs. David Hetrick
Mr. Albert W. Highsmith
The Hillstrom Family
Dr. Jack Hirsch
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick P. Hitz
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Hobson
Mary & Jim Holden
Dr. & Mrs. Albert L. Huber
Mrs. Inge Hull
Mrs. Ann Humphrey
Ms. Roberta M. Hysell
Mrs. Virginia R. James
Mr. & Mrs. Larry A. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Jones
Dr. & Mrs. John Kattwinkel
Mrs. Georgia D. Kegley
Ms. Nancy Kell Steward
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Kessler, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. King
Ms. Betty B. Lanham
Dr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Latham, Jr.
Ms. Lelia-Anne Lawless
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lebo
Mrs. Mary A. Lederman
Mrs. Mary Lederman’s Students:
Lelia-Anne Lawless, Richard Armstrong,
Annamarie Black, Lizzie Bruni, Mary
Cooper Clements, Catherines Coiner
Crittendon, Susan Hodges, Brian Hogg,
Julie Irwin, Laura Irwin, Candace Worley
Johnston, Stacy Markowitz, Claire Black
McCoy & Elizabeth Roberts Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Tim R. Lee
Ms. Larena Lettow & Family
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Lincoln
Mr. Steven R. Lohr
Mrs. Mercedes Lopez-Molina
Nora & Paul Loukides
Ms. Mary Lee MacDonald
Mr. Nicholas Marinelli
Mrs. Vernetta P. Marshall
Ms. Eleanor G. May
Doris & Paul Mays
Mrs. Elizabeth F. McLernon &
Ms. Mary Ellen McLernon
Ms. Barbara A. McMillan
Elizabeth D. & Richard A. Merrill
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Metzger
Mr. & Mrs. Leigh B. Middleditch, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stauffer Miller
Ms. Thalia C. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Carl D. Moje
Mrs. Eileen S. Moyer
Mr. LeRoy D. Moyer
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne T. Murphy
Mr. James B. Murray*
Music & Arts
Ms. Marsha Musser
Mrs. Carolyn Nakasian
Mr. & Mrs. Shailendra Nandkeolyar
Mrs. Sarah Neathery
Carolyn & John Nesselroade
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nunge
Mr. & Mrs. John P. O’Connell
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry O’Connor
Ms. Eva S. Page
Mrs. Altha M. Parr
Ms. Teresa Pendleton
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Pepper
Frances & Leo Ponton
Belinda & Wayne Pullen
Mrs. Juanita M. Purvis
Mr. William H. Reed
Ms. Barbara Reid
Ms. Sandy Reid
Mr. & Mrs. William Reinhold
Mrs. Anna G. Riddervold
Ms. Kyra Ritter
Robbins Staffing Solutions
Mrs. Louise S. Robinson
Mr. Frank Rohrback
Ann & Dennis Rooker
Ross Publishing, Inc.
Carmella & Ernest Sardi
Ms. Cherie R. Scherzinger
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Schildwachter
Mrs. Mary B. Scott
Mrs. Shelah K. Scott
Ms. Diana M. Seay
Mr. Donald Selby
Senior Center Golf Group
Senior Center Mah Jong Groups
Silver Peak REIT, Inc.
Mr. Charles H. Simmons & Ms. Barbara
Ms. Sherry Sinard
Ms. Martha E. Sinden
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Sleeman
Mr. & Mrs. Craig R. Smith
Mrs. Dell W. Smith
Mrs. Mary S. Smith
Ms. Margaret Snoddy
Mr. Robert Spekman & Ms. Susan Snyder
Mrs. Barbara A. Spellman
Mrs. Deborah A. Squires
Mr. & Mrs. John A. Stalfort II
Capt. & Mrs. Peter A. Stark, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. William F. Steigman, Jr.
Mrs. Charlotte Stoneburner
Mr. Woods P. Stringfellow
Mr. Richard J. Sundberg
Mr. Samer Tahboub
Mr. & Mrs. Edward D. Tayloe II
Ms. Kay M. Taylor
Mrs. Nona P. Taylor
Dr. Kuldeep Teja
Mr. & Mrs. Charles G. Tewksbury
Ms. Kelly A. Thompson
Mr. Kevin Thompson
Ms. Merle Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. W. McIlwaine Thompson, Jr.
Tim Stratos Electrical
Ms. Pankajalakshmi Tirumalai
Mrs. Roy Tolleson, Jr.
Mrs. Ann R. Toms
Mrs. E.G. Tremblay*
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Tucker, Jr.
* Deceased
Your support matters! Membership dues may cover 16% of our budget, but donations from
community partners and generous individuals like you provide essentail support for more than
63% of the Center’s operating expenses.
Miss Barbara Jean Turner
UVa Development Office
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Viccellio
Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Vinal
Yolanda & John* Vlasis
Ms. Melissa Warren
Mr. & Mrs. Walter S. Weaver
Ms. Martha Weiss
Karen & John Wherry
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey J. Wilcox
Mr. & Mrs. George Williams
Mrs. Barbara J. Wright
Mr. Claude Yates
Mr. Curtis D. Yohe
Frances* & Michael Youngblood
Dr. Cecile Zinberg
Up to $99
Mrs. Eleanor Abbot
Mr. & Mrs. Henry J. Abraham
Ms. Margie H. Adamson
Ms. Edwina I. Addison
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Aguilar
Albemarle Carvers
Ms. Barbara H. Albert
Mr. & Mrs. Carol Alexander
Mr. Ernest Allen, Jr.
Mr. Norman K. Allen
Mr. Brian Alpert
Ms. Agnes J. Anderson
Mr. Robert L. Anderson
Ms. Arlene Anns
Mr. Charles L. Antrobus
Ms. Margaret Arbogast
Ms. Charlotte Bailey
Mrs. Maxine J. Baird
Ms. Katherine M. Baker & Miss Jean Baker
Mr. William A. Baker
Ms.Rosemary Balister
Mrs. Edith S. Ballard
Ms. Elsie M. Barnd
Ms. Sara Lee Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Barolsky
Ms. Rebecca Bassett
Mr.Donald Bean
Mrs. Joan P. Beckwith
Mr. Wayne F. Beddow
Mr. Abraham I. Bennett &
Ms. Stella Erickson
Mr. & Mrs.John W. Berger
Ms. Karla K. Berger
Mr. Carroll M. Berndt
Mrs. Carnice Lee Berti
Ms. Anne C. Bertrand-Guy
Ms. Renuka M. Bhatt
Ms. Teresa C. Bigler
Ms. Joanne R. Billups
Ms. Phyllis Binder
Mr. Mark Bird
Ms. Helga Bisutti
Ms. Shirley B. Bloom
Mrs. Esther A. Blythe
Mr. R. Graham Bond
Ms. Elizabeth Borches
Ms. Florence M. Bosworth
Mr. & Mrs Sullivan Bower
Mrs. Ruth M. Boyle
Ms. Jessie Branciforte
Ms. Joanne Breeden
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard R. Breeding
Mr. Leslie A. Bridgman
Mrs. Elise K. Brigham
Mr. & Mrs. James Brinkerhoff
Ms. Linda M. Broadbent
Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Brotski
Ms. Melinda Brown
Mr. John Brumbaugh
Mr. Mark R. Buckner
Ms. Lorraine Bujold
Ms. Marylee Bullock
Dr. & Mrs. Bobby Bulls
Bunko Group
Mrs. Pamela Jean Burke
Mr. Robert Burnett
Mr. Bob Buzzard
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence E. Cabell
Mr. & Mrs. David Callaghan
Mrs. Jeri H. Campbell
Ms. Joan G. Canevari
Mr. & Mrs. Norman R. Canfield
Ms. Nancy Carey
Mr. Louis H. Carr
Ms. Gloria Barry Carrigan
Ms. Jacqueline Carter
Mr. John Carter, PC
Mrs. Carol L. Chandross
Ms. Sue Chen
Ms. Kathleen A. Clark
Ms. Marj Clark
Dot & Tommy Clark
Ms. Ann Clough
Ms. Betsy Ruth Cochran
Ms. Teresa M. Coffey
Mr. & Mrs. E. Dale Cook
Mr. Stephen W. Cooley
Ms. M. Denise Corcoran &
Mr. David Wallach
Ms. Laura B. Corwin & Ms. Sandra Smith
Mrs. Helen H. Counsell
Mr. Ken Cox
Ms. Betty E. Coyner
Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Cozens
Mr. & Mrs. Dwight L. Cragun
Dr. & Mrs. James W. Craig
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Crenshaw
Mr. Frederick Crow III
Ms. Ethel M. Crowe
Mrs. Dorothy Anne Cuff
Ms. Claire Curry & Ms. Evelyn Stevens
Mr. Keith Curtis, The Curtis Group
Mrs. Jeanette D. Davis
Dr. & Mrs. John Staige Davis, IV
Mrs. Veronica Deighan
Mrs. Patricia B. Delany
Ms. Joan P. DeLong
Mrs. Mary J. Dickens
Mrs. Eleanor G. Droney
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Duden III
Mr. Kirk M. Dunklee
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Dunn
Mrs. Alison H. Dunscomb
Miss Janet M. Durrer
Mrs. Ann C. Eddins
Dr. & Mrs. Robert H. Edgerton
Miss Mary Ensminger
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Epstein
Mrs. Ruth Estep
Exxon Mobil Foundation
Mrs. Doris E. Fair
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Faulkner
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Fischer
Ms. Mary V. Fisher
Ms. Jean Fording
Ms. June Carter Foster
Mrs. Jane B. Foster*
Ms. Genevieve Fraiman
Mr. Mark Frankel
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. French
Ms. Elizabeth E. Friberg
Friday Art Group
Kirstin & Paul Fritz
Ms. Julia Fudala
Mrs. Joyce B. Fuller
Mr. Joachim Funck
Mr. Richard J. Funk
Mr. Charles Gagliano
Mrs. Shirley A. Gallagher
Ms. Darthy Gardner
Mrs. Ramonde T. Gardner
Mr. Bruce J. Garretson
Joyce S. Garver
Miss Janet I. Gassman
The GE Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. James Gerloch
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Giras
Ms. Donna G. Goings
Ms. Edith Good
Ms. Nancy Goodman
Mrs. Arlene H. Goodyear
Mrs. Betty Gore
Mr. Chris B. Gore
Mr. Leon P. Gorman
Mrs. D. Iveagh Gott
Grand Benevolent Fund through
Grand Home Furnishings
Mr. Gerald Gene Granroth
Mr. Walter S. Greenspon*
Ms. Nancy C. Grim
Ms. Rita Gupta
Mr. Mark Haley
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy R. Hamlett, Jr.
Mr. Herbert Hanft
Mrs. Pamela A. Hans
Mrs. Joan M. Hapstack
Mr. Ronald Harmon
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Harrill
Estate of Margaret “Peggy” Harris*
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph A. Harrison
Mrs. Violette M. Hartwell
Mr. & Mrs. William B. Harvey
Mrs. Marge J. Haskins
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hatch
Mr. & Mrs. Monte M. Hatfield
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hegemier
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Helvin
Ms. Anne F. Henderson
Mrs. Maud B. Henne
Mr. Laurin Henry
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Herbert
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Hesselton
Mr. Stewart Hettig
Ms. Karen A. Hinrichs
Mr. Jay W. Hirsh
Mr. Addison S. Hobbs
Ms. Anne Staples Hobson
Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Hoffman
Mrs. Jane B. Holbrook
Mr. & Mrs. LeBron J. Holden
Mrs. Kathie Holub
Mrs. Alice May Honenberger
Mrs. Anne D. Hopper
Mr. John Hubbard
Ms. Jean A. Hurchalla
Mr. Kirby Hutto
Mrs. Dottie Israel
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Jane
Mrs. Beverly E. Johnson
Mrs. Carrie E. Johnson
Ms. Claire A. Johnson
Mrs. Jane Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Jordan
Ms. Heather Joseph & Family
Ms. Rachel Keen
Ms. Edith P. Kelly
Mr. Herbert Keuchen
Ms. Jean H. Kiker
Ms. Barbara King
Ms. Gail E. Kirchhoff
Mr. Bruce Kirchner
Mr. Jeffrey Knight
Norma C. Kramer
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Kroeger
Ms. Geraldine Kruger
Mr. Ludwig Kuttner & Ms. Beatrix Ost
Katherine Lamb
Ms. Dorothy K. Lansing
Mrs. Elizabeth Y. Lanterman
Mrs. Joyce Laughlin
Ms. Mary-Carolyn Lawson
Ms. Jane M. Lawton
Mrs. Joyce M. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell H. Lee
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob C. Levenson
Ms. Adele C. Levy
Mrs. Edith F. Lewis
Mrs. Susan W. Lewis
Ms. Susan S. Liberman
Lifespan Design Studio
Ms. Mildred M. Lindsay
Mr. John R. Lineweaver
Mr. & Mrs Erich H. Lippert
Ms. Tait S. Livingood
Mr. & Mrs. John Loehr
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lonvick
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Looney
Mrs. Elizabeth L. Makel
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis J. Mallast
Ms. Louise A. Malloy
Ms. Judy Mandell
Ms. Susan O. Marcell
Mrs. Lillian P. Marsden
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Marshall
Ms. Linda Lee Mast
Ms. Margareta Mattsson
Mrs. Jo Ann S. Mazzetta
Mrs. Rita McGowan
Mr. & Mrs. Edward McMurdo
Ms. Shirley McNulty
Mrs. Charlotte D. Meadows
Mr. & Mrs. Israel Menchero
Mr. John R. Metz
Mr. James B. Michael, Sr.
Mr. Donald M. Miller &
Ms. Sandra C. O’Brien
Mr. Lloyd Miller
Mrs. Barbara P. Mitchell
Ms. Anna Monroe
Ms. Judyth A. Morgan
Mr. James B. Morris
Ms. Carla Mullen
Mr. Ronald G. Mulvin
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Muoio
Ms. Betty L. Mutina
Mrs. Ruth H. Nagy
Ann & Matthias* Neumark
Ms. Harriet M. Oakley
Pepi Oconor
Mr. Harold L. Olinger
Mr. Richard Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. James O’Reilly
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Pace
Mrs. Nikki W. Paczowski
Ms. Arlene L. Page
Mrs. Joyce H. Page
Mrs. Felix dos Anjos Ramos Pallini
Ms. Marcy Parmiter
Ms. Christine S. Patrick
Ms. Phyllis L. Payne
Miss Lucy Byrd Pegau
Mr. Bruce Penner
Mr. George H. Phillips &
Mrs. Patricia Asuncion
Ms. Ruth Picker
Dr. Thomas A. Pitt
Ms. Patricia Anne Pomeroy
Mrs. Marie Portoghese
Mrs. Janet C. Posner
Ms. Margaret H. Potts
Ms. Leslie Diane Price
Ms. Betty Jane Prufer
Mr. James A. Purdy II
Mr. & Mrs. Jerrold D. Pusey
Mrs. Carolyn L. Rader
Mr. Brian Rae
Mrs. Marjorie C. Ratcliffe
Mrs. Margaret H. Ray
Mrs. Priscilla A. Reed
Ms. Gloria Rennolds
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas D. Reppucci
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Rice
Rice Silver Exercise Group
Mrs. Maxine L. Riddle
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Riddle
Mr. Kyle J. Riley
Mrs. Regina Rivello
Mr. & Mrs. S. Barclay Rives
Ms. Martha L. Roberts
Ms. Susan W. Roberts
Mr. Goodwin B. Robertson
Mr. William J. Robinson III
Ms. Colleen M. Rock
Mr. Ed Rosenstein
Ms. Ruth Ross
Mr. Larry L. Rubendall &
Ms. Lauvonda Lynn Young
Ms. Lois Sandy
Mrs. Marian G. Savory
Mr. Ernest A Schmitt
Ms. Anne B. Scott
Jane & David* Scott
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Scott, Jr.
Ms. Yvonne Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Scuffham
Ms. Sarah S. Seemann
Mr. & Mrs. Gary B. Selmeczi
Mr. & Mrs. John Sharp
Ms. Beth E. Shatin
Mr. William Sherman
Charlotte & John Shields
Ms. Martha Sikes
Mrs. Deanna P. Simmons
Ms. Nancy Small
Mr. William L. Smith
Ms. Susan Sorensen
Ms. Diana M. Souza-Castro
Mr. Fred A. Sowick
Mr. Robert Spauls
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Spellman
Ms. Sadie Stewart
Still Sharp Singers
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Stoehr
Mr. & Mrs. David Stone
Mr. Kerwin C. Stotz
Ms. Christine E. Sweeters
Mr. Randall D. Switz, Situs Appraisal LLC
Camp Holiday Trails
Linda & Frank Cardella
Ms. Gena H. Carter
Ms. Sharon Celsor-Hughes
Champion Saddlery, Inc.
Ms. Ann Clark
Ms. Mary Ann Coffey
Mrs. Clara H. Cohrs
Mrs. Patricia C. Cook
Mr. Gene Corrigan
Mr. James Craig
Ms. Margo DeMatteis
Mrs. Hazel J. Dent
Mr. Leslie B. Disharoon
The Downtown Grille
Mr. Paul H. Drymalski
Mrs. Phydele Ehrlich
Mrs. Sandra W. Everton
Mr. Albert N. Falcone
Ms. Carol A. Finch*
Fink’s Jewelers
Ms. Mary V. Fisher
Mr. Mark Frankel
Sally & Joe Gieck
Gitchell’s Studio
Glass House Winery
The Great Frame Up
Mr. Louis W. Grob
Mrs. Madeleine Gyr
Ms. Constance Hallquist &
Mr. Brian Cowan
Hamilton’s at First & Main
Mr. Ryan L. Hanson
Ms. Lynne E. Harris
Miss E. Marie Hartless
Mr. & Mrs. Reo Hatfield
Ms. Judy Hatton
Mrs. Marge Haugen
Mr. & Mrs. David Hetrick
Mr. James Hill
Home Instead Senior Care
Ms. Nancy Hopkins
YARD SALE include donations of goods Ms. Del Horan
or services that are used at the Center, Ms. Roberta M. Hysell
Ms. Yvonne Jowdy
as well as contributions of goods to
sell at volunteer-led yard sales to raise Ms. Paula Joyner
Ms. Ann Kashatus
funds for the Center.
Mr. George J. Kelly
Anonymous Friends
Ms. Christine E. Kennedy
Mr. Willis F. Abbey
Keswick Hall
Elizabeth & Thomas Allan
Keswick Hall Golf Club, Ms. Nancy Holt
Mr. Gary Allen
Keswick Hall, Tennis Club, Mr. Eric McGraw
American Shredding
Mr. Kurt Kroeger
Andrew Minton Jewelers
Mr. David Lea, Jr.
Ash Lawn Opera Festival
Ms. Cheryl V. Leitch
Mrs. Patricia L. Asuncion
Ms. Adele C. Levy
The AV Company
Dr. Marilyn M. Lewis*
B.J.’s Hunt Room
Mrs. Kathryn Littlejohn
Ms. Mary L. Barker
Mr. Bill Long
Ms. Elsie M. Barnd
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Lorish
Barrett-Johnson & Associates
Mr. Ron Louque
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Bean
Lynne Goldman Elements
Mr. Ronnie Bean
Margaret & William Marley
Mr. Michael Beck
Mrs. Vernetta P. Marshall
Better Living Foundation
Matthews Development Company
Ms. Shirley B. Bloom
Mr. Roger McAllister
The Boar’s Head Inn
Sally & Mike McEuen
Ms. Mathilde Bobrick
Ms. Mildred E. McGrath
Mrs. Betty L. Bollendorf
Mrs. Harriet Mederios
Ms. Deloris F. S. Bradshaw
Michie Tavern General Store
Branchlands Village
Mrs. Elissa M. Montalbano
Mrs. Jean L. Brandes
Monticello Media
Mrs. Lydia S. Briscoe
Montpelier Hunt Races
Mrs. Beverly B. Brown
Lisa & Donald Morin
Mrs. Jane K. Burns
Ms. Carla Mullen
Ms. Julia Burruss
Ms. Terry Nackley
C&O Restaurant
NTelos Wireless Pavilion
Mrs. Joan H. Cabell
Mrs. Joyce M. Nunge
Caffe Bocce
Mrs. Kristin Szakos
Mr. Harrison Taylor
Ms. Mary B. Taylor-Cooley
Ms. Sue Terminella
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Thompson
Mrs. Sheila M. Thompson
JJ Towler
Mrs. Patricia Travers
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Tropea, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard I. Tuchyner
Mr. & Mrs. John R. Turnbull, Jr.
Mr. Joel C. Underwood
UVa Children’s Hospital Kluge
Children’s Rehab Center
Mrs. Audrey F. Van Orden
Mr. Allan M. Van Wickler
Mrs. Mary Lee Vickery
Mrs. Lyra M. Viegas
Mrs. Martha Wall
Ms. Joan Waller
Ms. Hilda Ward
Mr. & Mrs. William W. Wardlaw
Ms. Josephine A. Webber
Mr. Douglas W. Webbink
Ms. Littlepaige Wemple
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Werner
Mr. David I. White, Jr.
Ms. Bonnie Wilfore
Mrs. Mary S. Willetts
Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd L. Willis
Mrs. Mary H. Winslow
Ms. Sharon I. Woltz
Mr. Joseph J. Wynne
Mrs. Marguerite P. Young
Ms. Paula Yuksel
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas H. Zanzot
Ms. Antonia Zappone
Mr. Howard Ziemer
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Zisk
Ms. Jean L. Zoumbaris
Omni Charlottesville Hotel
Pantheon Popsicles
The Paramount Theater
Mrs. Edith H. Parker
Ms. Christine S. Patrick
Mrs. Maxine Riley Phelps*
Ms. Elena Prien
Ragged Mountain Running Shop
Mr. Paul T. Richards
Mrs. Cynthia Rikhye
Mrs. Regina Rivello
Mrs. Virginia Roach
Ms. Martha L. Roberts
Mrs. Norma L. Rodriguez
The Romantic Room
RoseWood Village
Dr. Bob Rotella
Mrs. Virginia C. Roy
Mr. W. Mitchell Sams, Jr.
Ms. Judith Sanford
Jocelyn & Bruce Saunders
Judy & Kent Schlussel
Ms. Dawn Schultz
Sequoia Springs, Inc./Life Shade
Ms. Sherry Sinard
Mr. Leonard C. “Clay” Sisk
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Sloan
Mr. Greg A. Smith & Ms. Susan Watts
Snow’s Garden Center
Mrs. Josephine Sours
The Spectacle Shop
Ms. Mary S. St. Clair
Barbara & Peter Stark
State Farm Insurance
Mr. William F. Steigman, Jr.
Mrs. Evelyn B. Stewart
Ms. Penny Stone
Mr. Sherman Thomas
JJ Towler
Traveling Chic Boutique
Mrs. Patricia Travers
Tuel Jewelers
Mrs. Margaret A. Turner*
Valley Office Machines
Mr. Chris von Frieling
Ms. Kimberly Warschaw
Mrs. Virginia P. Wayland
Mrs. Linda H. Weaver
Mr. Douglas W. Webbink
Ms. Kathy A. Welch
Ms. Zoe Wells
Ms. Littlepage Wemple
Mrs. Jean C. Wheby
Mr. Douglas Wheeler
Betty & David Whitcomb
Sharon & Richard White
Mrs. Jane M. Whitworth
Whole Foods Market
Ms. Ethel Williams
Ms. Veronica Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Young
Grace & Burton Zisk
Mr. Michael Zisk
AARP Volunteer Tax Preparers
by Ms. Edwina I. Addison
Ms. Joanne R. Billups
* Deceased
Ms. Jessie Branciforte
Mrs. Beverly C. Hemmer
Mrs. Melva D. Jarrell
Ms. Sherry Sinard
George & Susan Allen
by Mr. & Mrs. G. Larry Brown
Dorothy E. “Dot” Cagley
by Mrs. Melva D. Jarrell
Linda Cardella & the AARP Volunteer
Tax Preparers
by Mrs. Juanita M. Purvis
Charlottesville Regional Chamber of
by Hantzmon Wiebel LLP
Shirley Crehore
by Mrs. Veronica Deighan
Larena Lettow & Family
Albert N. “Al” Falcone
by Mr. Donald Bean
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Bean
Ms. Judy L. Golden
Ms. Mary-Carolyn Lawson
Mrs. Charlotte D. Meadows
Mr. William H. Reed
The Flashbacks
by The Colonnades
Dr. & Mrs. Joe Gieck
by Culbertson Foundation
Luther Gore* & Dick Carpenter
by Mrs. Joan E. Gore
Connie Hallquist’s 50th Birthday
by Mr. Robert Allen, Redding
Anonymous Friend
Ms. Sara Lee Barnes
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Bethmann
Ms. M. Denise Corcoran &
Mr. David Wallach
Ms. Joyce L. Dorris
Mr. Scott Galloway
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Grogan
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hatch
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Hefele
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lebo
Mr. Lee Lodes & Mr. Timothy Bruns
Mr. & Mrs. Scott MacFarlane
Ms. Eileen Nacev
Mr. & Mrs. Shailendra Nandkeolyar
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry O’Connor
Pantheon Popsicles
Mr. & Mrs. S. Barclay Rives
Ms. Laurie Tawney
Mr. Harrison Taylor
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Taylor
Ms. Mary B. Taylor-Cooley
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Thompson
Tim Stratos Electrical
Cole Hendrix
by Mr. Steven R. Lohr
Jim & Mary Holden
by Barrett-Johnson & Associates
Tim Kauffman
by Mr. & Mrs. James M. Kauffman
June McCauley
by Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd L. Willis
Jimmy O’Reilly
by Mr. Mike Park
Mary P. Reese*
by Home Instead Senior Care
Ms. Roberta M. Hysell
help us create a community that embraces the
power of healthy aging to positively transform lives. Thank you!
Ms. Max L. Gentry
Mr. William H. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. James Gerloch
William G. Roberts
Mrs. Jane Johnson
by Laura S. Williamson
Mr. John R. Metz
The Second-Wind Band
Ms. Caryl A. Mueser
by Earlysville VFW Post 2044
Mr. James Paton
Mr. & Mrs. Jerrold D. Pusey
The Second-Wind Band & the Flashbacks
Mrs. Dorothy H. Richards
by Mr. Bruce L. MacCall
Mr. Donald Selby
Senior Center Team
Ms. Susan Sorensen
by Mr. Peter M. Thompson
Mrs. Kristin Szakos
Mr. Peter M. Thompson
Senior Center’s 54th Birthday
Mr. Allan M. Van Wickler
by Ms. Caryl A. Mueser
Mr. Jon Beverly Whitlock
Senior Center’s Thanksgiving Potluck
Mr. Claude Yates
Ruth B. Gore
by Elinor & Stauffer Miller
by Mr. Chris B. Gore
Leonard C. “Clay” Sisk
by Anonymous Friend
by Mrs. Elizabeth H. Bean
Mrs. Melva D. Jarrell
Ms. Teresa C. Bigler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Metzger
Mrs. Margaret J. Boggs &
Richard J. “Dick” Sundberg &
Ms. Sara Price
Dorothy E. “Erin” Craner
Dr. & Mrs. Bobby Bulls
by Lester & Barbara Andrews
Mrs. Patricia C. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Crenshaw
Peter M. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Earl Dudley
by Mr. Leigh B. Middleditch, Jr.
Ms. Max L. Gentry
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Viccellio
Ms. Dorothy C. Grabman
Ms. Roberta M. Hysell
by Anonymous Friend
Mrs. Phyllis D. Jackson
Ms. Caryl A. Mueser
Laura Williamson
Mrs. Charlotte Stoneburner
by Mr. William G. Roberts
Mr. Peter M. Thompson
Jannie Pauline Carr Woodson
Mr. Jon Beverly Whitlock
by Woodson Charitable Trust
Katharine Hancock
by Ms. Agnes J. Anderson
Ms. Elsie M. Barnd
All the loved ones who have died of
Mr. & Mrs. W. F. Cozens
lung cancer
Ms. Max L. Gentry
by Ms. Rosemary Balister
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Hancock
Mr. & Mrs. Gustavus G. Hancock
Frank Beddow, Tom Isenhour & Evlynn
The Joseph Family
Mrs. Mary A. Lederman
by Senior Center Golf Group
Ms. Caryl A. Mueser
Everett S. “Ernie” Boggs
Mrs. Marie Portoghese
by Mrs. Margaret J. Boggs &
Ross Publishing, Inc.
Ms. Sara Price
Ms. Nancy Small
Ms. Sue Terminella
Vivian E. Chasin
by Mrs. Patricia C. Cook
Margaret “Peggy” Harris
Encore Players
by Ms. Alice May Auciello
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Bean
Ruth DePiro
Mrs. Margaret J. Boggs &
by Ms. Caryl A. Mueser
Ms. Sara Price
Dr. Lonnie Dickens
Mrs. Alice Brady
by Mrs. Mary J. Dickens
Bunko Group
Mrs. Norma Chadwick
Nida W. Dovel
Mrs. Patricia C. Cook
by Ms. Margie H. Adamson
Dr. & Mrs. James W. Craig
Mrs. Norma Chadwick
Ms. Joan P. DeLong
Mr. Albert N. Falcone
Ms. Max L. Gentry
Rice Silver Exercise Group
Mrs. Margaret Haugen
Gladys Gatlin
Ms. Roberta M. Hysell
by Ms. Margie H. Adamson
Mrs. Phyllis D. Jackson
Ms. Caryl A. Mueser
Mrs. Edith F. Lewis
Doris & Paul Mays
Luther Gore
Mrs. Jennie Sue Minor
by Albemarle Carvers
Ms. Caryl A. Mueser
Sarah & Matthew Althoff
Mrs. Charlotte Stoneburner
Mr. Richard A. Carpenter
Mr. Peter M. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Epstein
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Wessel
Friday Art Group
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Westbrook
Mr. Jon Beverly Whitlock
Mrs. Laura S. Williamson
Ms. Jean L. Zoumbaris
Ida Edna Hawkins
by Norma & Dale* Chadwick
Mr. Jon Beverly Whitlock
Granny Henderson
by Mr. James Paton
Bernice Himmelman
by Ms. Alice May Auciello
Wilma “Willie” Hoyer
by Mrs. Norma Chadwick
Ms. Caryl A. Mueser
Ms. Joanne M. Phillips
Carl Hull
by Mrs. Elizabeth H. Bean
Norma & Dale* Chadwick
Mrs. Margaret Haugen
Mrs. Inge Hull
Ms. Caryl A. Mueser
Mr. Peter M. Thompson
Peggy King
by Ms. Joanne M. Phillips
Frank J. Kollar
by Mr. Albert N. Falcone
Mrs. Margaret Haugen
Mr. Peter M. Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard I. Tuchyner
Donald G. Lederman
by Mr. & Mrs. John Anderson
Ms. Kyra Ritter
Ms. Sadie Stewart
Tommy & Donald Lederman
by Mrs. Mary Lederman’s students:
Lelia-Anne Lawless, Richard
Armstrong, Annamarie Black,
Lizzie Bruni, Mary Cooper
Clements, Catherines Coiner
Crittendon, Susan Hodges, Brian
Hogg, Julie Irwin, Laura Irwin,
Candace Worley Johnston, Stacy
Markowitz, Claire Black McCoy &
Elizabeth Roberts Smith
Bev Leonard
by Senior Center Still Sharp Singers
Vince Lombardi
by Mrs. Elizabeth A. Allan
Mr. Albert N. Falcone
Mary H. Long
by Mrs. Mary S. Willetts
Evlynn Murphy
by Senior Center Mah Jong Groups
Norman D. Nettleton
by Mr. Albert N. Falcone
Mrs. Margaret Haugen
Ms. Sarah S. Seemann
Mr. Peter M. Thompson
Thomas F. Norris, Jr.
by Mr. Albert N. Falcone
Mary V. Paton
by Mr. James Paton
Edgar F. “Chip” Puryear III
by Mr. Jon Beverly Whitlock
$10,000 - $24,999
Mr. Willis F. Abbey
David & Kimberlee Barrett-Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Henry L. Burton
Jolene C. Green
Constance Hallquist & Brian Cowan
Estate of Margaret “Peggy” Harris
Ted & Dawn Heneberry
Katherine Hollifield*
Home Instead Senior Care
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Kauffman
Barbara & Jay Kessler
Fred S. Landess
Joe & Norma Miller
Mary P. Reese*
Rotgin Family Fund of CACF
Rodney Rullman
Bruce & Jocelyn Saunders
Virginia Tahboub
Virginia National Bank
Woodard Properties
$5,000 - $9,999
Byrd W. Abbott
David Bowerman
Gene & Lena Corrigan
Whitman & Joy Cross
Ray & Caroline East
Mrs. Estelle W. Echols
Emmanuel Episcopal Church
Cecil R. Floyd, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L.V. French
GE Matching Gifts Program
Gwathmey Memorial Trust
William L. Hodson
Harold & Betty Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Huff
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Marshall
Randolph R. Rinehart
Robinson, Farmer, Cox Associates
Dr. & Mrs. White McKenzie Wallenborn
CENTER AT BELVEDERE includes gifts Jane M. Whitworth
and pledges in support of our vision
$1,000 - $4,999
for the future of healthy aging in the
Drs. Ed & Kay Ansell
Charlottesville region.
Lynn A. Bradley
(through November 2014)
Kakie Brooks
Robert D. Brugh
$1,000,000 and above
Patricia C. Cook
Anonymous Friend
Crafty Ladies of the Senior Center
$250,000 - $999,999
Dunstan Fund of CACF
Genan Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Foss
Dr. Joe & Mrs. Sally Gieck
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin E. Gatewood, Jr.
Perry Foundation, Inc.
Kirstin & Paul Fritz
$100,000 - $249,999
Luther* & Joan Gore
Anonymous Friends
Janet & Cole Hendrix
20th Century Merchants Fund of CACF Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Grossmann
Estate of Mrs. Janie Caldwell
Bruce Keith
Charlottesville Parking Center, Inc.
Jonathan & Laura Keohane
Estate of Mrs. Martha B. Lowrance
Eric & Jackie Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Nunley
Mr. Ralph Miller
SOCIETY recognizes individuals who
The Wheeler Family
Mr. Ronald A. Mohr
have included the Senior Center in their Woodson Charitable Trust
Don & Lisa Morin
estate plans with a bequest or deferred
Linda G. Perriello
gift, such as a charitable remainder
Vivian Wade
trust, or designation of the Center as the
Watterson Foundation
Edith H. Parker
beneficiary of a retirement plan or life
Mr. Jon Beverly Whitlock
insurance policy. The Senior Center grate- $25,000 - $49,999
Randy & Randi Whitlow
fully acknowledges the following donors’ Anonymous Friends
John & Trula Wright
commitment to ensuring that the Center Elizabeth Allan
$999 and under
can offer our community opportunities Better Living Foundation
Anonymous Friends
for healthy aging well into the future.
Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of
Abidin Family Fund of CACF
(As of November 30, 2014)
Central Virginia
Margie H. Adamson
Anonymous Friends (7)
Elizabeth H. Bean
Tiger Fuel Company
Willis F. Abbey
Peggy Boggs
Wells Fargo
Edith* & Heinz* Adam
Lula B. Bolden
Roberta Bell Williamson
Elizabeth A. “Liz” Allan
Betty L. Bollendorf
David & Betty Whitcomb
Kimberlee & David Barrett-Johnson
Alice Brady
Janie Caldwell*
Elise K. Brigham
Janice R. Randall
by Ms. Josephine A. Webber
Elaine P. Rigby
by Mrs. Esther A. Blythe
Ms. Lois A. Brown
Norma & Dale* Chadwick
Mrs. Shirley A. Gallagher
Ms. Jean H. Kiker
Ms. Gail E. Kirchhoff
Ms. Betty L. Mutina
Mrs. Marjorie C. Ratcliffe
Mrs. Dorothy H. Richards
Mr. Peter M. Thompson
Mr. Jon Beverly Whitlock
Edwin L. Rushia
by Ms. Margie H. Adamson
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Allan
Ms. Phyllis Binder
Mrs. Margaret J. Boggs &
Ms. Sara Price
Maxine & Henry Burton
Mrs. Norma Chadwick
Mrs. Jayleane Drucker
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin E. Dugger
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Hesselton
Mrs. Jane Hillstrom
Dr. & Mrs. Albert L. Huber
Mr. Robert M. Laughlin
Ms. Caryl A. Mueser
Mrs. Dorothy H. Richards
Ms. Susan W. Roberts
Dr. Mary Anna Rushia
Jane & David* Scott
Mrs. Betty Strider
Mr. Peter M. Thompson
UVA Children’s Hospital: Kluge
Children’s Rehab Center
Mr. Jon Beverly Whitlock
Ethel Sheffey
by Mr. Peter M. Thompson
Jean Smith
by Ms. Betty E. Coyner
Anne Spence
by Ms. Caryl A. Mueser
Mr. Peter M. Thompson
Jaclyn “Jackie” Tahboub
by Mrs. Linda Perriello
William R. Towler
by JJ Towler
Mary B. Wagner
by Mr. Peter M. Thompson
Anne R. Waldner
by Ms. Wendy Waldner Flynn
V. Jacqueline Carroll*
Patricia C. Cook
Carol & Bruce* Copeland
Violet & Peter Crawford
Raymond E. East
Vicky & Lawrence Eicher
Joe H. Gieck
Betty Gore
Barbara A. Graham*
Hansie Haier
Harriet Handsfield*
Margaret “Peggy” Harris*
Inge & Carl* Hull
Phyllis D. Jackson
Bruce Keith
Martha B. Lowrance*
Jane M. Lynch
Nella* & Ian* MacLeod
Ronald A. Mohr
Corinne* & Norman* Nettleton
Joanne M. Phillips
Helen* & Bruce* Richardson
Randy Rinehart
Mary Anna & Edwin* Rushia
Dawn Schultz
Peter M. Thompson
Charles E. Walker, Jr.
Jon Beverly Whitlock
Jane M. Whitworth
Thomas F. Wingfield
If you have made a planned gift to
benefit the Senior Center, we hope you
will share that with us so we may include you in the Robey Society. We are
happy to provide information about
planned giving options. Please contact
Peter Thompson at 434.974.7756 or
[email protected].
Suzanne J. Brooks
Lois A. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Burris
Barbara Cage
Linda & Frank Cardella
Norma & Dale* Chadwick
Mrs. Carol Copeland
Culbertson Foundation
Mary Loose Deviney
Dominion Foundation Matching Gift
Christine & Brad Eure
Albert N. Falcone
Marcia Geyer
Randy & Pat Gore
Nancy Grim
Michael Guthrie
Marge Haugen
Mr. & Mrs. Willie L. Holt
Mrs. Phyllis D. Jackson
Mrs. Patricia B. Jensen
Mr. Robert C. Johnston
Jack Looney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Lorish
Lillian P. Marsden
Mr. Cliff Maxwell & Ms. Lisa Eorio
Mr. & Mrs. Henry N.F. Minish
Jennie Sue Minor
Caryl A. Mueser
John Redick
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne C. Riddle
Susan W. Roberts
Arnethia Ross
Dr. Mary Anna Rushia
Ms. Sandra C. Russell
Allison & Tom Schildwachter
Dawn Schultz
Diana M. Seay
Senior Center Party Bridge Group
Ms. Zohra Siddiqui
Martha Sikes
Julie & Phil Sparks
Chuck St. Clair
Ruth Stone
George Thompson
JJ Towler
Bob & Donna Tucker
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard I. Tuchyner
Judith H. Walker
Susan E. Watts
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Westbrook
Wildan Fund of CACF
Dr. & Mrs. Morton C. Wilhelm
WW Associates
Burton Zisk
Jean L. Zoumbaris
Gifts In Kind
Barb Wired LLC
Chris & Brad Eure
Constance Hallquist & Brian Cowan
King Family Vineyards
Larry McElwain
Matthews Development Company, LLC
Don & Lisa Morin
Linda Perriello
Julie & Phil Sparks
The Reserve at Belvedere
* Deceased
If your name has been omitted in error,
please contact Development Director
Kirstin Fritz at kirstin@seniorcenterinc.
org or 434.974.7756 so that we can
make the correction.
the Mission
To positively impact
our community
Board of Directors 2013–2014
Bob Tucker*, President
Michael Guthrie, Vice President
David Whitcomb*, Treasurer
Elizabeth Allan*, Secretary
Kimberlee Barrett-Johnson
Lynn Bradley
Gene Corrigan*
by creating
opportunities for
healthy aging
through social
Hi Ewald*
Cecil Floyd*
M. Jean Foss*
Mike Gaffney
Joe Gieck*
Connie Hallquist
Cole Hendrix*
Jackie Martin
Jeanne McCusker
Linda Perriello*
Mary Reese*
Rodney Rullman*
Virginia Tahboub*
Judy Walker*
* Senior Center Member
physical well-being,
Senior Center Staff
civic involvement,
Jennifer Ayers
Keanan Brown
Tamaine Curry
Margaret Fitch*
creativity, and
lifelong learning.
Kirstin Fritz
Linda Hahn*
Kimberly Haynes*
Sam Morgan*
Carla Mullen
Virginia Peale
Maria Puente-Duany
Peter Thompson*
Susan Watts*
By 2025, the number of adults over 50 in the
Charlottesville area will double, increasing the
need for programming and facilities. Planning
and funding for our future home is underway.
Please visit thecenteratbelvedere.org to learn more.
Healthy Aging is a Community Endeavor
THE CENTER Healthy Aging is a Community Endeavor
Healthy Aging is a Community Endeavor
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senior center
1180 pepsi place
charlottesville, virginia 22901