July 31,2016 - Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
July 31,2016 - Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
VISITATION July 31, 2016 Blessed Virgin Mary Church 196 North Trooper Road • Norristown, PA 19403-2665 Phone 610-539-5572 • Fax 610-539-3240 MASS SCHEDULE Sunday Vigil Mass: Saturday 5:15 PM Upper Church Sundays: Upper Church: 9:00 AM, 10:30 AM & 12:00 Noon Lower Church: 6:00 AM , 7:30 AM Eve of Holy Days: 5:15 PM Upper Church Holy Days: As Announced Weekdays: 7:00 & 8:00 AM First Fridays: 7:00 & 8:00 AM (9:00 AM School days only) Rev. Terence P. Weik, Pastor Rev. Michael J. Saban, Parochial Vicar Deacon Vincent Drewicz Deacon Patrick Mandracchia Pastor Emeritus Msgr. Thomas A. Murray SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturdays: After the 8 AM Mass: 4:00 to 5:00 PM Eve of First Fridays & Holy Days: 7:30 to 8:00 PM SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Arrangements and instruction by appointment must be made in advance. Both parents are required to attend a Pre-Baptismal Class. Please call the rectory to make a reservation to attend the class. Baptisms are celebrated within the 12 Noon Mass every Second Sunday of the month or at 1:30 P.M. on the First and Third Sundays of the Month. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING OF THE SICK (& HOLY COMMUNION) Please notify the Rectory when any family member cannot come to Church regularly. The Priests will call with the Sacraments of the Holy Eucharist, Penance and Anointing of the Sick. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Arrangements by appointment should be made with the priest at least six months before the date of the wedding. NEW PARISHIONERS Please register at the Rectory as soon as possible. Parishioners moving within or out of the parish please notify the Rectory of the change. SCHOOL Sr. Diane Marie, Principal Pro Tem 610-539-6080 Sr. Diane Marie, Dir. of Rel. Education 610-539-6211 Mrs. Ellen Giammarco, C.A.R.E.S. 610-539-1796 CONVENT Sr. M. Joachim 610-539-5558 PERPETUAL ADORATION CHAPEL (located at rear of Convent) Jim & Pat Welsh 610-584-5298 WEBSITE http://www.visitationbvm.org Please visit our website for a complete Directory Listing VISITATION B.V.M. • TROOPER, PENNSYLVANIA PERPETUAL ADORATION CHAPEL MONDAY, August 1, 2016 - St. Alphonsus Liguori Bishop and Doctor of the Church 7:00AM Michael Kohl 8:00AM Paul J. Greco TUESDAY, August 2, 2016 - St. Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop; St. Peter Julian Eymard, Priest 7:00AM Michael Foraker, Sr. 8:00AM Catherine Cikanovich WEDNESDAY, August 3, 2016 7:00AM Anna McClure 8:00AM Martha & Vincent Wilkinson THURSDAY, August 4, 2016 - St. John Vianney, Priest 7:00AM Frank Pizzi 8:00AM Thomas Kossey FRIDAY, August 5, 2016 - The Dedication of the Basilica of St. Mary Major 7:00AM Nora Casinelli 8:00AM Michael R. SanFelice SATURDAY, August 6, 2016 - The Transfiguration of the Lord Thanksgiving for Answered Prayer 7:00AM 8:00PM Thomas E. Kossey ARE A TITHING PARISH “God’s Plan for Giving” Just a Thought At the Agony in the Garden, Jesus said to Peter, “So you could not keep watch with me for one hour?” Matt 26:40. Is Jesus speaking to us also? To you? Jesus is your brother and best friend. He is waiting for you 24/7 in the Blessed Sacrament in our Adoration Chapel. Talk to Jesus about your hopes, troubles, concerns, and dreams. He is not only the perfect listener, but the perfect advisor. Stop in anytime. He will always be waiting for you — you will always be welcome — and He means anytime! But perhaps like doctor visits, physical therapy, or working out, scheduled weekly visits would be even better. Unlike those visits, there are no restricted hours. To sign-up for a specific weekly hour or for further information, please contact us. Any one of the 168 hours are available and fine — some needs are: Sun @ 3am, 4am, Mon @ 1am Wed @ 1am, 4am, 4pm Thu @ 1am, 9pm Fri @ Noon, 6pm, 7pm Sat @ Noon If you would like to help by taking an hour or being a substitute, please contact Jim/Pat Welsh at 610-584-5298. Please remember in your prayers all those from our parish community who are currently serving in the military: Jared Specht, Chris Holcomb, Nicole Scherer, David Tampanello, Lt. Eric P. Leis, USN, Captain Michael J. Foley, Jr., Johnathan Pearson, Airmen, Alyssa Rose Sauers, Corporal Ryan Kiely, Sgt. Peter McCallen, Lieutenant Rory O’Boyle, Joseph C. Pawko, Lieutenant Colonel David Doman, Pvt. Michael Bergen, Airman Justin Hart, Salvatore DeGrazio, US Army, Prvt. Eric D. Pearson, US Army, PFC Anthony Chiaravalloti, US Army, Major Jamey Wilmoth, U.S. Army Striving to be good stewards, please be generous in your “Thank you back to God” for all His blessings, and remember to use your church envelopes accordingly. PARISH VOUCHER PROGRAM In true Stewardship, each person begins each day by simply praying, “Lord, what do You want me to do today with all the gifts You have given me?” Then be sure to listen for His response throughout each day. Buy ACME and GIANT gift cards before you go to the grocery store. Weekend of July 24, 2016: Previous Year: $18,926.00 $19,415.00 Electronic Giving $ 3,278.00 VISITATION OFFERS ELECTRONIC PARISH GIVING: Log on to the Visitation Blessed Virgin Mary website (http://www.visitationbvm.org/) and click on the Parish Giving Logo, and follow the easy registration instructions. Are you buying flowers for someone special or for your home? Go to PLAZA FLOWERS and use the charity code BVM. Not sure what to buy that someone for that special occasion? Buy a MACY’S gift card for them. Gift cards are available Monday thru Friday at the Rectory during regular business hours. Page 1 • 008 Visitation BVM JULY 31, 2016 • EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Fr. Dennis M Weber, SdC, a priest of the Servants of Charity, will be preaching, on behalf of the Mission Cooperation Appeal, at the Masses this weekend, July 30th and 31st. The Servants of Charity, founded by the recently canonized St. Luigi Guanella, is an international congregation whose ministries, primarily, are with persons with intellectual disabilities, the elderly who are poor, and children in difficulty. The Servants of Charity serve at residential programs for persons with intellectual disabilities (Don Guanella Village, Divine Providence Village, and St. Edmond’s Home) in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Fr. Dennis will be speaking on behalf of the missions of the Servants of Charity in India, the Philippines and Vietnam in which the Servants of Charity serve orphans, persons with physical handicaps, persons with intellectual disabilities, persons with mental illness, undernourished pre-school children and the elderly who are poor. A second collection will be taken up at the Masses during the weekend of July 30th and 31st and your generous support of their missionary efforts would be much appreciated. Friday, August 5th, is the First Friday of the Month. Confessions will be heard on Thursday evening, August 4th, from 7:30 to 8PM in the Lower Church. Abbey Faith and Music Fest Tickets On Sale Now! AbbeyFest has become one of the largest Catholic music fesvals in the Mid-Atlanc region. September 24, 2016 from 11:00 am to 9:30 pm on the grounds of the Daylesford Abbey in Paoli. In addion to the incredible music and great food, Jeff Cavins will give a keynote talk and there will be family friendly acvies for the younger ones. The day also includes Mass, opportunity for confessions and it ends with an outdoor Eucharisc Procession, Adoraon and Benedicon. A special moment to be remembered! For ckets or vendor informaon, go to www.theabbeyfest.com/ BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS: The next Baptism Preparation Class for expectant parents is scheduled for Thursday, August 11, 2016, 7PM to 8PM in the Larkin Center. Please call the Rectory to register, 610-539-5572. WERE YOU ASKED TO BE A GODPARENT FOR THE SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM? “A person to be baptized is to be given a sponsor who assists as an adult in Christian initiation or together with the parents presents an infant for baptism. A sponsor also helps the baptized person to lead a Christian life in keeping with their baptism and to fulfill faithfully the obligations inherent in it” (Code of Canon Law, 872). Listed below are a few of the requirements to be a Godparent: I am at least sixteen (16) years of age. I have received the Sacraments of Christian Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist) in the Catholic Church. I am living – and intend to live in conformity with the laws of the Catholic Church regarding marriage. For instance: If I am divorced and have remarried, my previous marriage has been annulled and I am remarried in the Catholic Church. If I am divorced and have not remarried, I am living the vocation of the single life in conformity with the Catholic Church. I am not cohabitating with someone outside the Sacrament of Marriage. I attend Mass on Sundays and Holydays of Obligation and receive the sacraments of the church (Holy Eucharist and Penance) regularly. I understand and accept these responsibilities which I undertake and promise to pay special attention to the person to be baptized. Special pricing available unl August 1, 2016 Page 2 • 008 Visitation BVM VISITATION B.V.M. • TROOPER, PENNSYLVANIA Kathleen Guziewicz, Julia Causak, Ken Kirkpatrick, Dan Aversano, Joseph Lupo, Mrika Nikollaj, Michelle Banmiller, Mary Bianco, James Dugan, Marisa Perseo, Janice Davey, Dolores Freni, Liam Marino, Crystal Fiorentino, Bart Cahan, Maureen Cahan, Nancy Cantrell, Anne Mirable, Steve Hedrick, Patricia Kurtz, Marie Schodle, Kimberly Ann O’Connor, Kathryn Kaniuka, Kay Bolger, Baby Eleanor Brooks, Colleen MacDonald, Robert Fulmer, Dan Massino, Marian Murray, Marianne MacDunna, Thomas Tuwalski, Jane Wilson, Melanie Moletsky, Janet McCoy, Joseph Sortino, Abbie Reina, Anne Lesher, Greg Metusec, Ronald Greenwell, Ronald Burns, Edward Gilliam, Al Fitzgerald, Jessica Sidorick, Dorie Woy, Bryan Koch, The Monday Family, John Mitros, John McHugh, Judy White, Bethanne Molines, Debbie Scott, Jonathan Spataccino, Tom Dietzler, Deacon Frank Klauder, Kathleen Geschwindt, Linda Rich, Kara Boldin, Frank Dieter, Claudette Peale, Theresa McBrearty, Barbara Terpoilli, Valerie Beck, Colette Neal, Michael Nyce, James Payne, Scott Rink, Joan Deluisi, Carol Dieter, Toddler Stosh Frydlewicz, Elizabeth Lobb, David Kearney, Jack Glacken, Stephen Zawislack, Pauline Thacker, Keller Tschoepe, Charles Mason, Jr., Margaret Constantino, May Fee, Beya Benhaddad, Christina Rossi, Penelope Joy Fry, Wanda Pieczonka, Robert Davenport, Joyce McCafferty, Jeanine Skarohled, Robert “Bob” Miller, Peter Weiler Baby Abigail Scarbinsky, Tom Pagnotti, Michelle Smink, Patrick Fergione, Diane Ruth Kleest If you would like to have a loved one’s name placed on the Prayer List, please call the Rectory at 610-539-5572. The Rite of Chrisan Iniaon of Adults is the process during which teenagers and adults who are discerning their call to embrace the Catholic Faith engage in sessions of formaon and development as well as acquiring knowledge of Catholicism. The 2016-2017 process will begin in September. If any of our families have a member who would like to find out more about this process or any of our parishioners have a neighbor or friend who would like to pursue this path, please invite them to call for more informaon. Perhaps there is someone in our family who joins us for worship and would like to complete their iniaon sacraments, the RCIA is for you as well. Please call Sister Diane Marie at the Religious Educaon office at 610-539-6080, ext. 112. The Visitaon Adult choir is looking for new members. The choir sings the 10:30 AM Sunday Mass, holidays, and special liturgies throughout the choir season, which begins in September and ends with the last weekend in May. Experience and some knowledge of music is a plus to help connue to grow and diversify the choir. Visitaon is a large parish which likely has many parishioners who have musical ability. We understand that today's world places many demands on everyone. Choir is a fun and producve way to take a break from the craziness in addion to praising Our Lord. Pracce is on Thursday evenings from 7:30pm to 9pm beginning September 8 in the Upper Church choir lo. Contact: Rob Bonanno at 610-630-2263 or [email protected] for any quesons or concerns, or just show up in September! In the words of St. Augusne: Those who sing, pray twice! PLEASE REMEMBER THOSE WHO HAVE DIED Especially Pauline C. Eliff and all those who have lost their lives in service to our country. Youth Mass Ministry Several years ago, our Parish had a weekly Youth Mass for pre-teens and teenagers. Music was provided from this age group and the young people were able to select the songs, serve as Lectors and write the intercessions. At this time, we would like to re-introduce the possibility of Youth Masses once again. We call upon our young people between the pre-teen and teenage years and even young adults, to express your interest in having Youth Masses on Sundays once again. Also, we invite adults who have a desire to assist in this venture. If interested, please e-mail Sister Diane Marie at: [email protected] or call the Religious Education Office at 610-539-6080, ext. 112. Don’t miss out on the many graces available during the Jubilee Year of Mercy “We constantly need to contemplate the mystery of mercy. It is a wellspring of joy, serenity, and peace. Our salvaon depends on it.” ~ Pope Francis For informaon please go to hp://archphila.org/mercy/ Page 3 • 008 Visitation BVM JULY 31, 2016 • EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Respect Life + “Stop lying to one another, since you have taken off the old self…and have put on the new self, which is being renewed, for knowledge, in the image of its creator.” Colossians 3:9 The responses and solutions to racial strife have been as numerous and varied as the victims of the shootings in Texas, Minnesota, Baton Rouge, Philadelphia and elsewhere. Cecile Richards, the CEO of Planned Parenthood, ludicrously implied in a July tweet that black people need more access to abortion and contraception. Founded by eugenicist Margaret Sanger in the 1930s, the goal of Planned Parenthood was, and continues to be, “…suppression, elimination and eventual extinction of defective stock…the process of weeding out the unfit.” In Tanzania, as well as other poor nations with transitional or weak leadership, population control organizations (such as Marie Stopes International, Population Services International, United Nations Fund for Population Activities and Care International) are pushing for contraception and sterilization. The immoral logic to suppress the population of poorer countries means more resources for the powerful and the greedy. But, a larger population means more children being educated to become teachers, doctors, farmers, producers, innovators and leaders. Human Life International writes, “Like love, resources are not divided among an increased population, they are multiplied with it.” A recommended element in the process of discerning a vocaon to the priesthood is aendance at one or more discernment events. In the Archdiocese of Philadelphia most events are held at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Some of the upcoming events include: Nights at Overbrook + Tour of the Seminary + Evening Prayer with the Seminary Community + Dinner in the Refectory + Vocaon talks and discussion led by current Seminarians This event is scheduled on various Tuesdays from October through May from 4:00pm to 8:00pm. Upcoming 2016-2017 dates: 10/25, 11/8, 12/6, 1/31, 2/7, 2/28, 3/7, 3/28, 4/4, 5/2. Come and See Discernment Weekend This retreat provides the opportunity for a man considering a vocaon to the priesthood to see what seminary life is like and to explore the possibility of their own call. It includes: + Reflecons on the priesthood + Vocaon stories from Seminarians + Joining the seminary community for Liturgy of the Hours, Mass and Eucharisc Adoraon The weekend usually goes from Friday evening unl Sunday midday. Upcoming 2016-2017 dates: For high school men: Father Bryan Massinglae, professor of theological ethics at Fordham University speaks openly about the biases in the criminal justice system and the inability of people to speak honestly about race. He believes, “Racism is a soul-sickness…it has become a spiritual cataract; it affects what we see and what we don’t see, whom we notice and whom we don’t notice, and it’s distorted our vision so that we don’t see what’s there in front of us.” In a recent EWTN radio interview, Father Larry Richards, author of “Be A Man” and “Surrender” said the hardest people to be loving toward are the people in our families. He believes that if we can be truthful, merciful and charitable to the people we live with (they’re the people who grate on our nerves daily, the people we aren’t completely honest with, the ones whom we ignore and take advantage of) we will learn to live with wisdom, faith and love toward everyone. “It’s the trickle down affect.” The laws have changed over the last 150 years to promote equality for all—but government will not and cannot take care of humans flourishing in the image they were created. As Catholic individuals and families, and as a Christian country—we need to wisely and truthfully confront the fears that have developed as a consequence of the different history of experiences between blacks and whites. We are called to “put on a new self” in our relationships with others and thereby enable all people to be “renewed, for knowledge, in the image of its creator.” And it all begins at the family dinner table. Sources: www.lifesitenews.com/news/cecile-richards- alton-sterlingshooting-proves- blacks-need-reproductive-justice; www.hli.org/2016/07/eliminating-the- poor-not- solution-poverty/ , Our Sunday Visitor, 7/24/2016, Unpacking the ‘SoulSickness’ of Racism. Gretchen R. Crowe and Racially Worlds Apart, Msgr. Owen F. Campion. + Friday, December 2nd - Sunday, December 4th + Friday, February 3rd - Sunday, February 5th For post high school men: + Friday, December 9th - Sunday, December 11th + Friday, March 10th - Sunday, March 12th Hispanic weekend + Friday, February 17th - Sunday, February 19th First Fridays at St. Charles (9/2, 10/7, 11/4, 12/2): A Holy Hour in the Immaculate Concepon Chapel followed by a Social. Open to the public, but College Age and Young Adults are especially encouraged to aend. For more informaon on any of these events or to schedule a date, please call the Vocaon Office at 610-667-5778 or email Amanda Deo ([email protected]). It is suggested to set aside some me on the First Friday of each month to visit our Perpetual Adoraon Chapel and specifically pray for vocaons - to ask Jesus for more laborers in his vineyard. First Friday in August is the 5th. "The enre people of God is responsible for promong vocaons, and does so chiefly by persistent and humble prayer for vocaons. (Pope St. John Paul II) Prayer for Vocations: God, our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son's Kingdom as priests, deacons, religious and consecrated persons. Send your Holy Spirit to help us respond generously and courageously to your call. May our community of faith support vocaons of sacrificial love in our youth. We ask this through Our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen. Page 4 • 008 Visitation BVM VISITATION B.V.M. • TROOPER, PENNSYLVANIA The DVDs for First Communion, 2016 ceremonies/ Masses as well as those for Confirmation have now been placed in the Religious Education storage areas. Any parents who would like to have the DVD and were unable to pick it up during June at the Rectory may call the Religious Education Office to make arrangements to pick it up individually. (610-639-6211, ext. 112 or 610-539-6080, ext. 112) Parents whose child/children will attend PREP in the Fall, 2016 must complete registration by July 30, 2016. Please call the RE Office (Number as above) if you still need a form to complete this process. Prep sessions begin again on September 12, 2016 at 6:45PM with a Prayer Service and Welcome Back Meeting, as well as the opening class in school for Grades K through TFF, following the Prayer Service. Visitation BVM School has received the “Best” in Montgomery County Award from the Times Herald Contest which was held recently. Please look for our award banner later in the Summer. Congratulations to all parents, students and teachers for your hard work and efforts which have made this recognition happen. School students are reminded that, while it is still Summer, September is not far away. Please remember: 1. Complete the required Summer reading for the appropriate grade level. 2. Practice each day for a few minutes some of the Summer suggestions which were sent home or complete a few pages in your Summer workbook, if you and your family chose one for you. 3. Practice the math facts from the previous year and/or go on–line and practice some mathematical word problems. VIRTUS "Protecting God's Children for Adults" Saint Mary Parish, 40 Spring Mount Road, Schwenksville will be hosting a safe environment VIRTUS "Protecting God's Children for Adults" class on August 16, 2016 at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall. This class is required of all volunteers who work directly with the children of their parish. To register please go to https://www.virtusonline.org/virtus/ index.cfm?. For more information contact Sandi at [email protected] or call 610-287-8156. 4. Use some of the vocabulary words you learned during the past year or challenge yourself to learn a new word per day, either by reading the newspaper on line or by going to Scholastic.com and finding some interesting words. Parents of Visitation Students for 2016-2017 are reminded to check the Parent/Student Handbook on-line and review it during the Summer. It is important that each family be familiar with the contents of the Handbook. Please also review the Summer suggestions for student practice at home and use some of them in order to keep your son’s/daughter’s minds sharp and readied for the next year. The Stationery needs list and Reading requirements are also on-line for your convenience. Page 5 • 008 Visitation BVM JULY 31, 2016 • EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Tuition Payments began in July. Flynn and O’Hara Uniforms are available daily to take your calls and/or receive orders as necessary. Tuesday, September 20 – Back-to-School Night for Grades 6,7,8 at 7:00 P.M. Wednesday, September 21 – Back-to-School Night for Grades 1-5 at 7:00 P.M. The Uniform Room at our School will be open in August for parents to visit and take the needed items as they are available. Currently, the ladies who care for this room are getting it ready for August. Thank you to all of our volunteers in this ministry and thank you to all who drop off clothing to be displayed in this room. (All items in the Uniform Room are free to those who visit.) Thursday, September 22 – Parent Meeting for interested Band/Musical Instrument students in the Science Lab at 7:00 P.M. Registration is still open for students interested in Visitation B.V.M. School for 2016-2017. Please call the school for information and/or an appointment to register. The number is 610 -539-6080, ext. 111. Devon Preparatory School: Robert P. Pickell, Andrew J. Welsh, George V. Kweder We encourage all parish families to consider the gift of a Catholic Education for their daughters Congratulations to the following students who received Distinguished Honors for the final academic semester: The 2017 Mass Book or Visitation BVM Parish will open in Late Fall. The date will be announced in the Fall. and sons. Summer Blood Drive Wednesday, August 10th, 2PM to 7PM at Jeffersonville Golf Club. Please contact Theresa Weldie at 610-630-8414. Great need for blood during summer months!! Tuesday, September 6 – Teacher Orientation Day for 2016-2017 Wednesday, September 7 – Opening of School for Gr 2-8 – FULL DAY Thursday, September 8 – Opening of school for Grade 1, along with Grades 2-8-FULL DAY; Celebration of Reconciliation for Grades 3-8 Friday, September 9 – Open House for Kindergarten and Pre-School at 9:00 A.M; Family Social for new Kindergarten students and parents after the Open House at 10A.M. at the Parish Pavillion. Monday, September 12 – Opening of Kindergarten and Pre-School sessions. Friday, September 16 – Opening of School Mass at 9:00 A.M. CELEBRATE THE ASSUMPTION AT SAINT MARY CENTER, LANSDALE - The residents of Saint Mary Center in Lansdale extend an invitaon to join them for an outdoor Mass with our own version of the “Blessing of the Sea” celebrang the Assumpon of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Monday, August 15, 2016 beginning at 11a.m. Tents and folding chairs will be provided and refreshments will be served following Mass. All are welcome to aend. Saint Mary Center for Rehabilitaon and Healthcare, part of Catholic Health Group, is located at 701 Lansdale Avenue, Lansdale, PA 19446. The custom of “blessing the sea” on the Feast of the Assumpon is said to have originated in Italy in the 15th century when a bishop traveling from Venice during a storm at sea on the Feast of the Assumpon prayed and threw his pastoral ring into the sea from a ship and the waters were calmed. Some ceremonies today include throwing a ring or wreath of flowers from a boat into the water, symbolizing the union of the earth and the sea and giving rise to the name, “wedding of the sea.” Page 6 • 008 Visitation BVM VISITATION B.V.M. • TROOPER, PENNSYLVANIA PARISH REGISTRATION Often people attend Mass at Visitation B.V.M. Church for several years, but do not register with the parish. Others delay registering until they are asked to be a godparent or Confirmation sponsor, would like to have their own child baptized, or would like to schedule a wedding or a funeral at the parish. Registering in a parish is a declaration of your desire to be part of a Catholic community. If you are not currently a member of our parish and live within the parish boundaries, we invite you to consider registering with us and making a commitment to the life of Visitation B.V.M. Church. Register at the Rectory, Monday-Friday, from 9am to 8pm. Welcome to Visitation BVM'S CYO Program 2016-17 INTENT REGISTRATION FOR ALL FALL SPORTS WILL CLOSE ON FRIDAY, AUGUST 5: We will be closing intent registration on Friday, August 5. Your child will not be able to participate in the evaluation/try-out sessions without having completed the intent registration. Please see important try-out/evaluation session information below: VISITATION VARSITY VOLLEYBALL TRYOUTS will be held August 16, 17, 18, 21, 24 and 25 in the school gym from 7-8:30. Please try to attend at least three of the dates. JV tryout information will be sent out as soon as it becomes available. Please contact Lisa McMonagle at [email protected] with any questions. VISITATION VARSITY & JV FIELD HOCKEY: No experience necessary. Come play a fun and exciting sport. Field hockey practice starts on August 17 and 18 from 6:30-8:00pm at Visitation. Practices will also be held on August 22, 23, 24,25,29,30 and 31 from 6:308:00pm. Please bring a stick, shin guards, mouth guard and a protective eye cage. Also bring plenty of water. All practices and games during the school year are held directly after school on Tuesdays thru Fridays. Questions please contact Patti Zarkoski at [email protected] Visitation Soccer Information will be communicated shortly. Intent Registration for ALL fall sports including JV (grades 5 and 6) and Varsity (grades 7 and 8) Soccer, Field Hockey, and Volleyball will close on Friday August 5. If your child is interested in playing a Visitation fall sport, please register their intent to play NOW. The intent process helps us evaluate our needs for teams, coaches, and uniforms for the upcoming season. There is no fee associated with registering your child's intent to play. Please log into your account to register. Visitation Gladiator's Varsity and JV Football Registration Is Officially Open! Please register your sons as soon as possible. Summer workout sessions are held every Wednesday at 6 pm at the Visitation Field. Equipment will be handed out beginning August 1. You must be registered to receive equipment. Any questions regarding our football program, please contact Coach Bill Lucchesi at [email protected]. 2016 Visitation JV and Varsity Cheer Camp New Dates: Tuesday, August 23, Wednesday, August 24, and Thursday, August 25, from 10 –2 pm in the Visitation Gym. Cheerleading camp is scheduled for those girls that participated in the May 2016 cheerleading tryouts. Any questions, please contact Coach Jenn Natale at [email protected]. Fall Coaches Needed: We are in need of several coaches for the 2016 Fall Sports Season. We need JV Field Hockey and JV Soccer coaches. If you are able to donate your time and talent, please contact Brendan Kilcoyne, Athletic Director, at [email protected]. Without coaches, we are not able to support our teams. All coaches need to have current clearances. All CYO sessions are available to Visitation BVM School and PREP students. You must be a registered member of our school or PREP classes to register and participate in our program. (Visitation Gladiator Football does allow participation from our partner parishes.) Our JV sports programs are opened to our 5th and 6th grade students. Varsity sports are open to our 7th and 8th grade students. Our Pee Wee programs are offered for our K-4 grade students. Our Pee Wee programs include soccer in the fall; basketball in the winter; track and cheer in the spring. We publish all important registration dates and provide communication updates through our weekly One Call Now CYO Update, Sports Illustrated Play system, and in the weekly Church bulletin. Sports Illustrated Play is our system of record. This system is where all registration is done. Our rosters are created from this system and submitted to the region for approval. It is our primary source of communication. It is extremely important that all families keep their accounts updated with accurate and current information. Access to our system can be found on the Visitation BVM website under Catholic Youth Organization or by logging into http://visitationbvm.siplay.com/site/. Page 7 • 008 Visitation BVM JULY 31, 2016 • EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FIRST TIME USERS If this is your first time using the on-line registration system, welcome. Sports Illustrated Play, is our system of record and registration. All CYO activities can be found on the CYO website. To register your child, you will first need to Create an Account and simply follow all of the system prompts. Be sure to check the summary of your registration after you hit Check Out. If you require any assistance, please contact Cheryll Fisher, Registrar, at: [email protected] Thank you! Only School or PREP students of Visitation BVM are eligible to participate in our programs. Registration Information Registration for our sports teams & programs are held before each season. Registration is the responsibility of the parents and children. We have tried to make this as easy as possible. Because of the volume of participants, we must insist that you register in the time allocated so that we can have enough time to prepare the rosters for each team in each season. We advertise the dates on our website, this registration page, the Church bulletin, the school's One Call Now email, PREP's email and our own CYO email blasts. Registration is only conducted online via our website. The system will allow for registration during the advertised period only. You may pay for your registration with most major credit cards online. Registration typically takes place over a 2-3 week period. For questions, contact the Registrar: Cheryll Fisher at [email protected] All player registration is made subject to and with full knowledge of the Visitation CYO Rules and Regulations for participation as available on the Visitation CYO website-including that participants must attend Visitation BVM's School or PREP program. Any further questions should be directed to: Mike Rebar at [email protected]. Please take a moment to update your child's/children's health notes. This is an important step which will insure your child's safety while participating in our CYO programs. Please discuss any specific concerns with your child's coach. Please review your contact info and add or delete email addresses as needed. We ask that you do not include minor's email addresses. Thank you. Listen to Archbishop Chaput’s Sunday Homilies Online anytime at http://archphila.org/ archbishop-chaput/homilies/index.htm Pilgrimage to Fatima Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Our Lady’s Apparitions...and to Santiago de Composela, Spain...with Father Harry McCreedy of St. Paul’s Church in Norristown. June 22-29, 2017. Cost is $3298. For more information, call 610-279-6725 or: [email protected]. (Limited number of reservations available; discount on reservations by July 30. All Engaged Couples Planning to Marry PRE-CANA PROGRAM St. Mary of the Assumpon Parish Phoenixville, PA Saturday – September 17, 2016 Program begins at 8:00 AM and ends aer the 4:00 PM Mass. It includes lunch, snacks and an opportunity for the Sacrament of Reconciliaon. This one-day Program meets all the requirements of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. A cerficate is provided upon compleon. Call the Parish Office for an applicaon: 610-9332526 or visit our website www.stmaryassumpon.org - click on Parish Informaon and then Sacraments/PREP. St. Titus’ Annual HARVEST & HOLIDAY VENDOR EVENT Volunteer Information: EVERY volunteer is required to meet the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Clearance Policy. Clearance Details can be found on our school website: http://school.visitationbvm.org/volunteer-info/ Protecting God's Children for Adults Awareness Sessions: All new adult volunteers and required by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia to complete a session: Go to www.virtus.org or call 215-587-2466. JV & Varsity Athletic Director: Brendan Kilcoyne at [email protected] High School Athletic Director: John McMonagle at [email protected] th SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 , 2016, 9:00am to 4:00pm. Last year we had over 45 crafters/vendors on hand together with some awesome food to enjoy. If you are interested in renting table space for $30, please contact Eileen Heflin at [email protected]. Tables will sell out this year ! Please be reminded that information for the parish bulletin must be submitted by 10 AM on the Monday prior to publication. If the information is not received by the deadline, there is no guarantee the information will be published. Please be as concise as possible when submitting an announcement. Editing of submissions may occur in order to accommodate as many requests as possible. Information may be emailed to [email protected] or fax to 610-539-3240. Thank you, Mary Pat Reuther Page 8 • 008 Visitation BVM VISITATION B.V.M. • TROOPER, PENNSYLVANIA LADY OF FATIMA: If you are interested in hosting Our Lady of Fatima statue for a week in your home, please contact Bob or Rosa Quaglia at 610-489-7427. ST. RITA OF CASCIA NOVENA: The Novena is prayed on Tuesday mornings after the 8AM Mass. Favors already received will be announced beforehand. Come join us. LEGION OF MARY: The largest apostolic organization for lay people, with more than 3 million members worldwide. The Legion offers a program of prayer and apostolic service built upon devotion to and imitation of Mary. We meet on Mondays at 1PM in the Lower Conference Room of the Rectory. Come and see! Experience the Mystery of Christ’s love through Mary for you! Blessing for you and your family! MEN’S SCRIPTURE REFLECTION & FAITH SHARING: All men are invited to meet every Wednesday Evening 6:30PM to 8PM in the Lower Conference Room to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Reflect on the upcoming Sunday Scriptures. For information, contact Keith Brown at 267-481-5169 or Bob Moore at 610-937-7533. ROSARY: Please join us as we pray the rosary for the special intentions of our parish family each Wednesday at 7PM in front of Our Lady of Life Statue. THE SECULAR FRANCISCANS: Attention Parishioners - Would you like to model your life with the simplicity of St. Francis? The Lay Franciscans meet on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 1pm in the Larkin Center. We would love to have you join us as we pray and study the Gospel way of living. For information, call Helene at 484-679-1809 or just show up. All are welcome. PATTYKAKES Layer Cakes & Cupcakes For All Occasions Order by Phone or Email 610-272-4546 [email protected] www.pattykakes.biz "Making People Happy One Cake At A Time" An Excellent Choice For Our Visitation BVM Families 300 E. Germantown Pike East Norriton, PA 19401 ays Italian Bakery & Deli Open 7 D 610-239-7700 www.BrightviewEastNorriton.com 2014 Old Arch Rd., Norristown, PA 19401 610.275.6664 • www.corropolesebakery.com Serving PA, NJ & DE 610-696-0100 Follow us on: SPECIALIZING IN BASEMENT WATERPROOFING & MOLD REMEDIATION SINCE 1984 WE REMOVE MOLD PROFESSIONAL INDOOR MOLD & MOLD SPORE CLEANUP • Black Mold Cleanup • Mold Laboratory TesƟng te Mold Comple 9 • Complete DisinfecƟon n $24 spectio In • Mold Odor EliminaƟon 89 NOW $ • Sewage Cleanup • 24/7 Emergency Flood Cleanup • Guaranteed Workmanship Churcher Membunt Disco r Senio n Citizeunt Disco ELITE WATER DAMAGE RESTORATION INC. 855.354.8383 www.EliteWaterDamage.com DRAINAGE SYSTEMS • PUMPS • COATINGS FOUNDATION REPAIR • OUTSIDE WATER MANAGEMENT EMERGENCY SERVICE • FREE INSPECTIONS LICENSED & INSURED Check out our reviews on: www.morganbasementwaterproofing.com WaterproofingOne.com WET BASEMENT? 484-410-4110 BASEMENT WATERPROOFING, MOLD REMOVAL, REMOVAL, FOUNDATION REPAIR 008 Visitation B.V.M., Norristown, PA (3) CR John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net BOYD - HORROX Landscaping • Hardscaping • 100% Free Estimates Funeral Home, Inc. "A Life Celebration Home" 610-277-7000 200 West Germantown Pike Norristown, PA 19401-1332 AJR Environmental performs all facets of residential landscaping and hardscape installation. For over 25 years we have specialized in building custom hardscape features of the highest caliber. Our specialized crews have years of experience in constructing traditional and contemporary structures from stone to wood. We install fire pits, barbecues, driveways, outdoor fireplaces, patios, walkways, retaining walls, stacked stone walls, stucco, landscape design and almost any other landscape feature that can be conceived. Richard J. Falicki, Supervisor Personalized Funeral and Cremation Services Funeral Financing Available 610.539.CUTS PLUMBING, HEATING, DRAIN CLEANING & AIR CONDITIONING 72 S. TROOPER RD. TROOPER, PA 19403 www.fgsalonspa.com 20% Off New Clients Only DelliGatti Construction 610-277-0899 610-291-6331 General Construction Specializing in Concrete, Excavation, Patios, Masonry, Remodeling, Painting Parishioner 2950 Felton Road, East Norriton (610) 272-2588 • www.ajrenvironmental.com SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT FREE ESTIMATES Ph: (215) 728-1482 Fax: (215) 742-7098 Local Parishioner PA HIC # - PA015997 8675 Torresdale Ave. Philadelphia, PA 19136 WWW.BILLFRUSCO.COM Providing Quality Craftsmanship Since 1975 AIR CONDITIONING AND HEATING SERVICE, REPLACEMENT AND SALES FOR OVER 35 YEARS RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL TOM VANDER NEUT, PARISHIONER 610-651-0808 Family Roofing & Siding Since 1950 Experience Peace of Mind: Pre-Arrange Your Burial at an Archdiocese of Philadelphia Cemetery. BANES RO O FI NG, IN C . $300 OFF COMPLETE ROOF SYSTEM WITH AD 215-855-7663 CALL 215-352-4001 TODAY Francisco Pileggi • Save today through pre-planning • Convenient terms for all of your burial needs • Traditional in ground, mausoleum & cremation options available at most cemeteries 15% OFF Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning $75 OFF Tile & Grout Cleaning (200 sq ft min) 20% OFF Air Duct & Dryer Vent Cleaning 25% OFF Carpet Stretching & Repair COMPLETE BATHROOM REMODELING 610-630-1635 484-744-5754 Cell Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards CLEANING SOLUTION INC. ✔ Air Duct Cleaning (helps w/ allergies & sinus issues) ✔ Carpet Cleaning, Stretching & Repair ✔ Tile & Grout Cleaning - Kitchen, Bath & Shower Re-caulking, Re-grouting, Sealing, Tile Replace & Repair ✔ Dryer Vent Cleaning (major fire hazard!) ✔ Power Washing for Decks, Walkways, Patio & Siding SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Family Owned and Operated Since 1987 www.jppc.net C M 1.877.490.5599 D Bauman Pitts Bauman Pitts umbing & Heating Plumbing Plumbing & Heating HURCH EMBER ISCOUNT conveniently from your home or office. • ONLINE CATALOG • ONLINE ORDERING • ONLINE PROOFING All Major Credit Cards Accepted FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! 19 E. Germantown Pk. • E. Norriton, PA 610-277-1600 • www.msrfh.com Donald E. Moore, Supervisor FREE INSPECTION Licensed & Insured rch Chu ber m s e M ount c Dis Log Onto Licensed & Insured www.BanesRoofingInc.com Parishioner BASEMENT WATERPROOFING MOLD REMEDIATION • FOUNDATION REPAIR www.RightwayWaterproofing.com • 215-427-1727 MOTORIZED RETRACTABLE FABRIC AWNINGS Ron Pitts Pitts, tts, Life L Lifetime ifetim ife time tim i e Pari P Parishioner aris ari shionerr shione shi “Proudly Serving ving All Fellow Visitation Homes” 610-630-8077 Diocese Member [email protected] Residential Specialist Over 30 Yrs. Exp. 610.539.5284 www.primohoagies.com Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 www.duqfunding.com 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 008 Visitation B.V.M., Norristown, PA (I) CR 610-416-0604 484-362-4675 432 Egypt Rd., Norristown Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. CALL Jack Caparro Today! 24 Hr. Emergency Service Italian Specialty Sandwiches Established In South Philly FREE Delivery Corporate Accounts Welcome Norristown, PA www.caparoawning.com PATIO CANOPIES, MOTORIZED RETRACTABLE AWNINGS & SOLAR SHADES BASEMENT WATERPROOFING $350 OFF for Parishioners with this Ad 610-631-5774 HAIR SALON 3211 Ridge Pike Eagleville, PA 19403 Parish Member #PA106320 Custom Made Bridal Shoes Christening Shoes Holy Communion Shoes An Elegant Line of Custom Creations Flip Flops • Headpieces www.etsy.com/shop/LaBoutiqueBride Garters • Sashes/Belts Contact Charlene DiGiacomo-Wendler Bridal Party Accessories Mold Remediation • Foundation Repair • Sump Pump Installations Master Plumber Always on Site 844-778-9767 • getparadigm.com John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net Do NOT MOVE • New-Used Vincent J. Levito, Jr., DMD • Lease or Purchase Accepting New Patients Eve./Sat. Appts. • Sr. Cit. Discounts • All Makes & Models • Individual & Fleet Joe McMahon ~ Parishioner [email protected] 548 N. Trooper Rd. • Norristown 610-630-8250 LAW OFFICE OF ROBERT S. ESPOSITO General Dentistry Estate Planning & Administration Wills, Powers of Attorney Living Wills, Trusts, More 1733 Markley St. • Norristown Parishioner 277-0755 www.levitodental.com 610-277-5788 101 North Park Avenue Trooper, PA 19403 Phone: 610-539-8010 Fax: 610-635-0284 www.meyersĬ.com Tavern at Valley Forge 484-392-7804 Wheelchairs & Medical Supplies Timothy J. Meyers “Serving the Real Estate Needs of All Visitation Families” Bacchi Funeral Home & Crematory, Ltd. 805 DeKalb Street Bridgeport, PA 19405 Phone: 610-272-1941 Fax: 610-278-6683 [email protected] Licensed in PA and NJ Supervisor Parishioner Office: 610-666-0202 Direct: 610-506-5333 Providence Town Center 160 Market Street Collegeville, PA 19426 Francis X. Givnish Darryl R. Bacchi, Ellen Giammarco, ABR, CNRS www.ellensfinehomes.com www.bacchifuneralhome.com Ad Is Redeemable For 20% Off Of The Food Portion Of The Bill For Sunday Brunch FREE Delivery to Seniors & Blood Pressure Screening We Bill Medicare Vitamin & Herbal Counseling All Prescription Plans Accepted Source of Medical Equipment We Compound Prescriptions & Veterinary Formulations Licensed in PA and DE Supervisor 827 S. Trooper Road, Trooper, PA 19403 www.TavernAtValleyForge.com Lunch & Dinner Monday - Saturday from 11:30am Sunday Brunch Served 10am to 3pm Pizza Kitchen Open 4pm to 12am 610-539-7282 Dave & Henny Cole, RPh Shingles & Flu Shots Available Parishioner Szpindor-Meyers Funeral Home, P.C. James T. Meyers 2113 W. Main St., Jeffersonville RAY’S PAINTING Raise Funds For Visitation With Every Order. I NTE RIOR AN D EXTE RIOR Use Code BVM POWERWASHING at PFlorist.com RAY DELLICARPINI 1037 VALLEY FORGE RD 610.630.8825 484-769-3212 FREE ESTIMATES EAGLEVILLE Bruce Ewing John Di Rosato Plumbing & Heating Co., Inc. PAINTING Power Washing • Gutter Cleaning Wallpaper Removal • Deck Staining 610-630-7550 Residential Commercial Industrial 2130 Carol Lane (610) 277-2140 Parishioner Hot Water & Steam Heating • Water Heaters • Bathrooms Ex y ce cit tri Affordable Insured llenc c e e El Dependable Reliable Iannella Family, Parishioner 3474 Germantown Pike Collegeville in LANDSCAPING LAWN EQUIPMENT SALVATORE M. TERRANOVA, SR. Commercial • Residential • Industrial Master Licensed Electrician • Parishioners 610-539-4458 610-639-3956 Cub Cadet, Echo, Exmark, Mantis, Stihl, Toro & MORE! www.cdilawnequipment.com 610-489-3474 L PLUMBING • HEATING BOILERS • WATER HEATERS BATHROOM RENOVATIONS SEWER & DRAIN CLEANING 267-228-7287 FAX 610-666-0685 [email protected] Breakfast & Dinner Buffet Hundley’s Tree & Shrub Service 2508 W. Ridge Pike Jeffersonville, PA 25 Yrs Exp • Fully Insured Full Service Tree & Landscape Services Free Estimates 610-539-9300 • KandJDiner.com 610-539-8395 215-723-3919 Open 24/7 (Including Holidays) GOT PAIN? The Areas First Choice for Rapid Recovery Since 2002, Now Has Saturday Hours & the Only Local AnƟ-Gravity Treadmill (Alter G)! Local Diocese Member 2456 W. Main St., W. Norriton, PA (610) 630 0101 ptwinsƟtute.com Upper Merion Community Center Great Rates! Opening 2016! A state-of-the-art Community Center with a welcoming, family atmosphere! • Fitness Facility • Recreational Programs • Life Enrichment Programs For more info call 484-636-3894 or go to http://www.umtownship.org/index.aspx?NID=1118 431 W. Valley Forge Road, King of Prussia, PA 19406 Keystone Grill & Family Bistro 2838 W. Ridge Pike Eagleville “Without you, there is no us” 610-539-3036 Best Breakfast In Town For Last Six Years 6am - 10pm 7 Days 008 Visitation B.V.M., Norristown, PA (B) CR $4 Off Your Check Of $10 or More GUTTER DOCTORx GUTTER CLEANING 610-776-2000 John Patrick Publishing Company (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net