Spring 2015 - Coastal Conservation League


Spring 2015 - Coastal Conservation League
5 Let the People Speak: The State Legislature Takes on Environmental Regulations
7 A Vision for Charleston: Priorities for the Next Mayoral Administration
9 Soul of Generosity: The Lowcountry Legacy of Victor and Marjorie Morawetz
Richard Beck
Dana Beach, Executive Director Programs
Lisa Turansky, Chief Conservation Officer
Hamilton Davis
Natalie Olson
Katie Zimmerman
Ellie Bomstein
Myles Maland
Kate Parks Schaefer, Office Director
Reed Armstrong, Project Manager
Nancy Cave, Office Director
Merrill McGregor, Director of Government Relations
Kenneth Sercy, Utility Regulation Specialist
GrowFood Carolina
Sara Clow, General Manager
Jackson Canthen
Jessica Diaz
Nina Foy
Benton Montgomery
Alison Pierce
Jake Sadler
Nate Toth
Nancy Appel, Director of Development
Bea Girndt, Development Associate & Events Manager
Nora Kravec, Data Manager
Laurin Manning, Membership & Comm. Director
Shannyn Smith, Senior Development Officer
Tina Allen, Chief Financial Officer
Chanta Adams, Clerical Support
Erin Crouse, Staff Accountant
Tonnia Switzer-Smalls, HR and Administration
Louann Yorke, Administrative Assistant Offices
Board of Directors
Andrea Ziff Cooper, Board Chair
Roy Richards, Vice Chair
Johnston C. Adams
Joel A. Berly, III
William Cogswell
Ceara Donnelley
Berryman Edwards
Katharine Hastie
Deborah Kennedy Kennard
Jeff Leath
Pierre Manigault
Jim McNab
Margot T. Rose
Richard Schmaltz
Jeffrey Schutz
Charles M. Tarver
John Thompson
David Westerlund
Stephen Zoukis
Laurin Manning, Editor
Julie Frye, Design
328 East Bay Street
Charleston, SC 29401
1202 Main Street, 3rd Floor
Columbia, SC 29201
902 North Street
Beaufort, SC 29902
Tel: 843.522.1800
709-B Front Street
Georgetown, SC 29442
Tel: 843.545.0403
GrowFood Carolina
990 Morrison Drive
Charleston, SC 29403
Cover Photo by Tom Blagden.
Blagden resides in Charleston.
His book, Acadia National Park:
A Centennial Celebration will be
published in 2016.
he term “design” has an insubstantial quality
about it. You draw designs on a notepad in a
boring meeting. People who want to make
a splash at the Academy Awards wear
designer clothes. “Intelligent” design is not really
intelligent. Urban design could convey the same
lack of seriousness – street trees, a fountain in the
park, banners hanging from period lamp posts – all
nice but not essential.
The Coastal Conservation League’s view, which
we’ve promoted for the past 25 years, is exactly the
opposite. Urban design will determine whether
cities survive and flourish or sink under an unbearable weight of expense, traffic congestion and
pollution. Unfortunately – even catastrophically –
local governments, and specifically local planning
departments and planning commissions, often
times don’t understand or apply even the simplest
principles necessary to ensure that development is
functional, sustainable, and inspiring.
Let’s start with the most basic and, arguably,
the most important design element – the street
system. As long as cities have existed on this earth,
they have had some version of a street grid. This is
not just a convention. It is a functional necessity
because a grid of streets is demonstrably the most
efficient organizational pattern for urban settlement. Getting from home to school, from the office
to the store, from city hall to the gym, or virtually
any point A to any point B, can be done more quickly, in a shorter distance, on foot, bicycle, bus, or car,
on a grid. This is a geometric fact.
Grids vary across the world, from Hong Kong to
Athens, from London to San Francisco, from Beaufort to Savannah. But the unifying principle is that
each has a dense, connected network of streets
made up of small blocks. Traffic distributes itself
across the grid, minimizing congestion. When land
uses are blended together, as they are in all traditional cities and towns, it is possible to get around
on foot or on a bicycle, because travel distances are
To the right are two examples: Charleston
and Beaufort.
Google Earth
Google Earth
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“All of this adds up to an entirely predictable
future for this part of the region – massive
gridlock, a constant clamor for wider roads,
calls for higher taxes to build and maintain
those roads, chronically unsafe conditions
for bicyclists and pedestrians, and
minimal potential for any form of
public transit serving
the residents.”
Around the 1950s, this pattern began to break down,
due to the increasing dominance of the automobile
and the false impression that distance was no longer
a critical factor in transportation. Blocks lengthened
and even disappeared among new road layouts that
were designed exclusively to accommodate cars. Zoning codes rigidly separated different land uses, placing
stores, offices, and even schools miles from homes.
By the 1980s, with an exponential increase in traffic
congestion and an ever-increasing demand for more
and wider roads, some planners began to realize the
catastrophic mistake of abandoning the grid. Ironically, even cities with internationally acclaimed, historic
downtowns built on traditional street grids – Charleston being a case in point – failed to incorporate
connected streets into new development. The results
are evident every morning and every evening as traffic
creeps along major highways nationwide – like I-26
and Folly Road in Charleston and Highway 278 in
Bluffton, turning commutes that would ordinarily take
15 minutes into hour-long ordeals.
There is no secret to the formula for an efficient
street system. It all comes down to “block density,” or
the number of blocks per square mile. Charleston,
below the Crosstown Expressway, is about 2.8 square
miles. It contains roughly 320 city blocks. So there are
approximately 114 blocks per square mile.
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The Market at Cane Bay
Cane Bay High School
Cane Bay Middle School
Cane Bay Elementary School
Palmetto Walk
Old Rice Retreat
Sanctuary Cove
The Oaks
Lindera Preserve
Charleston Atlantic Presbytery
The Hammocks
Del Webb
Mungo Homes
The Coves at Lakes of Cane Bay
K. Hovnanian’s Four Seasons
On the other end of the spectrum, Cane Bay is
emerging in Berkeley County along Highway 176. At
completion this 4,500-acre project is projected to
have 10,000 houses and 195 acres of commercial development. The first phase is roughly 1.5 square miles.
As you can see in the image above, it is difficult even
to determine exactly what a block is in Cane Bay, but a
generous count would be 25 total blocks. This adds up
to a block density of about 17 per square mile, or about
1/7 that of Charleston. To make matters worse, uses
are rigidly separated. This means that every trip must
be taken in a car.
This disaster-in-the-making is also entirely avoidable. Changing the pattern of new development to
reflect the efficiencies of traditional towns is comparatively easy … compared to, say, fixing the educational
system in America or dealing with crime and unemployment.
Local governments should require that all new development meet basic design standards with functional road systems that – like Charleston’s, Beaufort’s,
and Georgetown’s – will support the needs of citizens
for centuries into the future. Now is the time to turn
the corner on development by acknowledging and
institutionalizing the critical importance of design for
the future of the coast.
or the last 25 years, the Conservation League has been the
leading voice representing the public interest on Lowcountry
environmental issues. In collaboration with communities
along the coast, the Conservation League has held developers
and legislators accountable for actions that impact the environment.
Unfortunately, special interests are using our success to justify one of
the biggest attacks on environmental regulatory protections in recent
history. The roster of regulatory bills in the state legislature this session,
which extends through next year, is aimed almost exclusively at absolving industries and developers from public accountability for the environmental consequences of their actions.
Holding Polluters Accountable
Case in point: Senate bill S.229, dubbed by conservationists as the
“Polluter Amnesty Bill,” would weaken the Pollution Control Act by
removing citizens’ rights to legally contest unpermitted, past pollution.
This legislation would further prohibit the ability of affected communities to hold polluting entities accountable and would provide amnesty
from legal recourse for past pollution, as in the case of leaking coal ash
ponds and radioactive waste pools.
Next on the docket is S.165, an attack on the “automatic stay,” which
is a legal mechanism intended to prevent irreversible and permanent
damage to our state’s natural resources. The automatic stay temporarily
halts work on a contested project until the Administrative Law Court has
heard all of the facts and analyzed the situation to ensure that the initial
decision to issue a permit was well-founded and in keeping with state
Without the automatic stay, destruction can take place unabated
until legal proceedings are complete. The automatic stay has prevented
great harm in the past, including helping to save Angel Oak on Johns
Island. Developers had planned high-density apartment buildings and
businesses surrounding Angel Oak, a live oak tree that is thought to be
several hundred years old. The Conservation League and Save the Angel
Oak challenged the permits issued to fill wetlands where the development was to occur. The automatic stay ensured that development and
construction stopped, preventing irreparable harm to the beloved oak.
The delay also allowed time to negotiate a settlement to safeguard the
long-term health of Angel Oak and by permanently protecting 36 acres
surrounding the ancient tree.
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There was a momentary bright spot this legislative session when Representative Bill Herbkersman
and Senator Ray Cleary introduced two bills, House
bill H.3378 and Senate bill S.139. The legislation
was designed to implement the recommendations
of DHEC’s Blue Ribbon Committee on Shoreline
Management (BRC), The BRC was tasked with
reviewing South Carolina’s landmark Beachfront
Management Act and recommending regulations to
help guide the stewardship of beachfront and estuarine shorelines. Unfortunately, upon introduction
of these bills, out-of-state developers pressured a
handful of influential legislators into supporting an
amendment that would completely undermine the
legislation by delaying setting the shoreline baseline recommendation until far into the future. That
amendment is squarely aimed at allowing sufficient
time to pass for sand to accrete on the fragile sliver
of land on Kiawah Island known as Captain Sams
Spit, facilitating the construction of a road across
the narrow “neck” of the spit.
Olim Photography
Kiawah developers are not alone in their pursuit
of regulatory exemption. S.522, a bill threatening
to eliminate Coastal Zone Management Program
(CZM) protections for approximately 90 percent of
Dorchester County, was also introduced this session. Through the CZM, South Carolina’s Office of
Ocean and Coastal Resource Management (OCRM)
Members of the conservation community wait to
speak with their legislators in the lobby of the South
Carolina State House.
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Olim Photography
South Carolina Conservation Coalition Lobby Day
on April 15, 2015.
has the authority to review state and federal permit
applications in the coastal zone to balance economic development with coastal protections. Dorchester County wants to remove almost all of their
county from the coastal zone designation, presumably to enable development that would extensively
damage wetlands.
Lastly, S.228 is a bill that aims to remove the
ability of the board of the Department of Health and
Environmental Control (DHEC) to challenge staff
decisions. Instead, permit appeals would go straight
to the Administrative Law Court. This bill will
significantly increase legal expenses for all parties
by eliminating the DHEC Board’s ability to informally resolve disputes. Eliminating this system of
“checks and balances” at DHEC will lead to environmentally devastating decisions.
The Conservation League and our allies are
opposing these legislative threats that would strip
citizens of their right to oppose unsound environmental degradation. On April 15th, more than one
hundred supporters arrived in Columbia wearing
“I Love the Coast” stickers for the annual Conservation Lobby Day. Supporters spent the day talking
to their legislators about the importance of standing up for our state’s natural resources. Because
many of the bills referenced above face substantial
opposition, we are hopeful that they will not pass
this year.
The Conservation League and its community
and conservation partners will continue to work
diligently and strategically in defense of citizen
involvement on behalf of the environment.
n 2015 the city of Charleston will elect its first
new mayor in four decades. Earlier this year,
the Coastal Conservation League joined forces
IfYouWereMayor.com, Charleston Moves,
Historic Charleston Foundation, and the
South Carolina Community Loan Fund to
host a forum at the Francis Marion Hotel to
discuss the future of city. The event was generously sponsored by John Winthrop.
Rather than invite the mayoral candidates to speak
about their own platforms, the candidates were
invited to listen and share ideas as members of the
If You Were Mayor co-founder Whitney Powers
emceed the forum.
Charlie Smith spoke first. He addressed the challenges that West Ashley faces and spoke about the
need to reconnect the neighborhoods and to involve
the residents of West Ashley in planning its own
Kurt Cavanaugh, Charleston Moves’ executive
director, spoke about the need to make Charleston
safe for everyone, including those who travel by foot
and by bicycle.
Winslow Hastie of the Historic Charleston Foun-
dation used the metaphor of sausage-making to
explain the challenges that lie ahead for the next
mayor. It isn’t sexy, he said, but it’s time for Charleston to roll up its sleeves and implement community
plans that already exist – the Green Plan, the Century V Plan, Gabe Klein’s Peninsula Mobility Report,
and the 2015 Tourism Management Plan; in other
words, make the “sausage.”
Michelle Mapp of the South Carolina Community
Loan Fund began her presentation by sharing the
story of Jordan, a little girl growing up in a dilapidated Charleston neighborhood called Silver Hill. She
talked about the disconnect between the Charleston
we show the world and the Charleston that is home
to Jordan. She spoke of the urgent need to create
economic development opportunities for low-income residents.
Next, Conservation League Program Manager
Myles Maland discussed coastal resiliency, or how
to prepare and adapt to the challenges that arise as
a result of climate change. Increased flooding, for
example, is already posing infrastructure dilemmas
in Charleston.
I’On developer Vince Graham spoke about how
accommodating the automobile became the number
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one policy of the federal government and changed
the way that communities were designed in the
20th century. (See Dana Beach’s column in this
issue.) Landscape architect Steve Dudash followed Graham and shared innovative and exciting alternate modes of mass transit, including
light rail and bus rapid transit.
Amy Fabri concluded the presentations with
a discussion about James Island. She likened
James Island to a child of three adults – the City
of Charleston (“Dad”), the Town of James Island
(“Mom”) and Charleston County (“Stepdad”) – all
of whom have plans for James Island. She spoke
about the need for cooperation among these
“adults” in charting James Island’s future.
The event sold out and was an overwhelming
success. The discussion was constructive and
optimistic, and most of the candidates for mayor
were in attendance.
To watch full video footage of the event,
visit coastalconservationleague.org/
Jonathan Boncek
(Clockwise from Top Left: John Winthrop, Event Sponsor;
Myles Maland, Conservation League Program Manager;
Michelle Mapp, South Carolina Community Loan Fund
Executive Director; Whitney Powers, IfYouWereMayor.com
and event emcee; Dudley Gregorie, candidate for mayor of
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Charlie Smith of West Ashley addresses the audience.
Soul of Generosity
The Lowcountry Legacy of Victor and Marjorie Morawetz
by Laurin Manning
Dana Beach
nsung heroes. That’s how HarrietWilliams
describes Victor and Marjorie Morawetz, philanthropists from the first half of the twentieth
century whose gifts to the Lowcountry live on today.
Williams seeks to honor the Morawetzes’ legacy, ensuring
that future generations can appreciate their many contributions to the Charleston area. Recently Williams made a
generous gift to the Coastal Conservation League in memory
of Victor and Marjorie Morawetz. “When I sold my house at 1
Tradd Street, I wanted to be sure that one-third of the proceeds stayed in Charleston,” Williams explained about her
decision to give to the Conservation League. “It is because
Charleston has prospered and grown that the house had a high value.”
“I have a lot of admiration for Dana Beach,” she says about the Conservation
League’s executive director. “He’s pugnacious enough to keep going and keep
protecting more special places.”
: Gran
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ge Sim
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The Morawetzes were concerned that Seabrook
would be sold and all of the trees clear-cut for timber, says Williams, so they bought the majority of
the island in an effort to preserve its natural beauty.
The Morawetzes invited Williams and her family
to stay at Seabrook during the summers because
Williams’ mother suffered from hay fever induced
by ragweed. Seabrook had no ragweed, an allergen
for which there was no treatment at the time.
During those summers, Seabrook was
completely undeveloped with the exception
of the hunt club and a few shacks. “The
hunt club was so large that they played
badminton matches in the central room,”
remembers Williams.
The island had no electricity, and with
no grocery stores nearby, Williams and
her family and friends often feasted on
fresh seafood they caught themselves.
“Wearing our ancient crabbing shoes
and oldest clothes, at low tide each day
we ventured into Captain Sams Creek
and caught shrimp and crab. The tide
table was our bible,” says Williams.
“Those were wonderful summer experiences. The Morawetzes were very
special people.”
Vintage photos , pages 9 and 10 courtesy of Grange Simons
ictor Morawetz was
one of the highest
profile corporate
attorneys of the
early 20th century.
A Baltimore native,
Morawetz built his
practice in New York City. Among his
clients were numerous railroads, J.P.
Morgan & Company, and U.S. Steel.
He authored many influential legal
texts, including the foremost treatise
on corporate law at the time. He was
frequently quoted on legal matters in
the New York Times, perhaps most
famously for his opposition to the
16th Amendment, which established the authority of Congress to
levy a federal income tax.
Though the Morawetzes aren’t household names
in the Lowcountry today, the fruits of their generosity remain all around us.
In the 1920s and 30s, Marjorie and Victor
Morawetz purchased Seabrook Island, Fenwick Hall
Plantation on Johns Island, and Charleston’s socalled “Pink House” at 17 Chalmers Street, among
other properties.
Victor Morawetz hired renowned Charleston
architect Albert Simons, of the firm Simons and
Lapham, to restore Fenwick Hall and the Pink
House. Simons was Harriet Williams’ father.
The Pink House in Charleston’s
French Quarter
The Morawetzes’
many gifts to the
Lowcountry include:
More than 1,200 acres of Seabrook Island
to the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina
$1 million to the Medical Society of South
Brian Stansberry/Wikimedia Commons
$75,000 to Charleston’s Roper Hospital
to build a special wing for treating
African-American patients who suffered
from contagious diseases
$7,000 to help establish a maternal welfare
clinic in Charleston
The land for Charleston’s municipal
golf course
The Magnolia trees lining Maybank Highway alongside the municipal golf course
Elisa Bricker
Fenwick Hall on Johns Island
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… even in their death their
will go on.”
Driving down Maybank Highway toward Johns
Island, one can’t miss the majestic magnolia trees
lining the road by the municipal golf course. Those
trees were planted by Victor Morawetz during the
restoration of Fenwick Hall.
An early Georgian two-story brick plantation
house, Fenwick Hall was built around 1717 by John
Fenwick, a member of one of the Lowcountry’s most
colorful families. The estate sits on the eastern end
of Johns Island, across the Stono River from James
Island, between the present-day River Road and Penneys Creek.
During the American Revolution, Fenwick Hall was
occupied and served as a headquarters for the British army. The estate is sometimes still referred to as
Headquarters House.
Victor and Marjorie Morawetz bought and restored
Fenwick Hall in the 1930s, saving it from ruin.
Fenwick Hall still stands on Johns Island today.
Built within the walled city of Charles Towne in
the mid 1690s, the little pink building at 17 Chalmers
Street is the oldest stone house in the city. It is built
of “Bermuda stone,” which has a natural salmon hue.
Once a watering hole frequented by rowdy sailors visiting the Port of Charleston from all over the
world, the Pink House – like Fenwick Hall – had
fallen into disrepair by the beginning of the 20th century. Victor and Marjorie Morawetz purchased the
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building in the 1930s and worked with Albert Simons
on extensive renovations. The building was used as a
venue for entertaining guests. The Morawetzes added
a small wing for caterers to use in hosting events.
The Pink House has been used as an art gallery in
recent years but is currently closed to the public.
Victor Morawetz died in 1938. In a codicil to his
will, he stipulated that Seabrook Island should be “…a
park and recreation ground and health resort for such
of the public as may be in need thereof…so much of
the beach as can advantageously be used for healthful
recreation of boys of the State of South Carolina shall
always be set apart for that purpose.”
Marjorie Morawetz lived 20 more years, frequently
visiting the Lowcountry. Upon her death in 1957, she
bequeathed more than 1,200 acres of Seabrook Island
to the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina with the
condition that the island’s natural beauty be maintained.
In 1970, the Diocese sold the majority of Seabrook
Island to a developer named William Whitner for
$1.9 million. Two hundred and six acres of high land
were reserved for an Episcopal camp and conference
center, known today as Camp St. Christopher.
At the time of Marjorie Morawetz’s death, the editorial board of the Charleston Evening Post wrote:
“Mr. and Mrs. Morawetz were the soul of generosity
in many public benefactions, here and elsewhere. …
Even in their death their good works will go on.”
good works
soul of generosity
“Mr. and Mrs. Morawetz were the
in many public benefactions, here and elsewhere.
Finding Common Ground to Expand
Solar Energy in South Carolina
by Hamilton Davis
Under the settlement, residential and commercial utility customers that install solar panels
on their rooftops before 2021 will receive full
retail credit for any excess power that flows
back onto the electric grid and will be eligible
to remain on this rate until December 31, 2025
without any solar specific charges or fees.
and commercial utility customers that install solar
panels on their rooftops before 2021 will receive full
retail credit for any excess power that flows back
onto the electric grid and will be eligible to remain
on this rate until December 31, 2025 without any
solar specific charges or fees.
The settlement also establishes a methodology for
valuing solar power for purposes of utility recovery
of lost revenues, if any, which will be recoverable by
the utilities through distributed energy resource programs that were authorized by Act 236. In 2020 the
Public Service Commission will reevaluate the solar
policies included in the settlement and will consider
any appropriate changes at that time.
Full implementation of Act 236 is expected by this
summer and will enable even South Carolinians of
modest means to access solar energy. Distributed
energy resources like solar are expected to enhance
grid security, increase consumer independence, promote market competition, and reduce health costs
from pollution.
Richard Beck
igned into law by Governor Haley in 2014,
Act 236 is a consensus bill developed by
electric cooperatives, investor-owned
utilities, solar power proponents, and
conservationists to open the way for more
distributed energy production in South Carolina.
Taken together, the bill’s key provisions – giving
customers the freedom to lease solar, permitting
utilities to introduce distributed energy programs,
and ensuring equitable net metering rules – are complementary approaches that will expand customer
options and increase cost-effective renewable power
in South Carolina.
In December utilities, solar businesses, and conservation groups reached a settlement agreement on
updated net energy metering rules for Duke Energy
and SCE&G. The settlement agreement, which has
been filed with the South Carolina Public Service
Commission, is a critical step forward in implementing Act 236.
Although this issue has given rise to extensive
controversy between solar supporters and utilities
across the country, South Carolina stakeholders
have once again been able to find common ground
in efforts to expand solar energy opportunities for
businesses and homeowners.
Rooftop solar panels produce power that is used
by a home or business, but they can also push electricity back onto the grid to be used by other utility
customers. Net energy metering is the term used
for crediting that excess solar power at the retail
electricity rate. Under the settlement, residential
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The Coastal Conservation League,
Lowcountry Open Land Trust, and the
Southern Environmental Law Center
announce an historic compromise
with the South Carolina State Ports
Authority (SCSPA) regarding the
deepening the Charleston Harbor.
The agreement includes a $5.1 million
investment in the conservation of the
Cooper River Corridor by the SCSPA
and ensures the timely progress
forward of harbor deepening. The
compromise was approved by the
Joint Bond Review Committee in
South Carolina Ports Authority
(L-R) South Carolina Ports Authority President
Jim Newsome, DHEC Director Catherine
Templeton, and Conservation League Executive
Director Dana Beach announce agreement to
deepen the Charleston Harbor.
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he deepening of Charleston Harbor represents an
important economic opportunity for South Carolina.
A wider Panama Canal will mean larger ships with
deeper drafts calling on Charleston in a few years.
Even now, large ships traversing the Suez Canal from Asia are
calling on East Coast ports in greater numbers. These larger
ships require a deeper channel.
At the same time, Charleston Harbor is a resource of unparalleled importance to our community – historically, culturally
and environmentally. We agree that the deepening must not
compromise this irreplaceable asset.
Gaining approval for the project requires obtaining a variety
of federal and state environmental permits and certifications.
When the South Carolina State Ports Authority (SPA) initiated the permitting process in 2011, the estimated completion
date was not until 2024. Although the Coastal Conservation
League agrees that the project analysis should be comprehensive and scrupulously rigorous, we felt that the time frame was
longer than necessary.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the agency responsible
for the federal permitting, worked with the SPA and in 2012
agreed to a streamlined procedure, shortening the process by
approximately five years. This flexibility by the Corps is admirable. We are confident that the review will not be compromised by the accelerated schedule.
The expedited process is still quite demanding. One central requirement is mitigation for negative impacts to water
quality and wetlands. This is often a sticking point for large
projects like the deepening. It is difficult to identify and gain
agreement for mitigation strategies that truly reduce project
impacts in a meaningful way. Further, there are other critical
and potentially controversial issues to address and resolve,
such as the suspension of toxic contaminants in the water
After extensive discussion among our conservation partners, we believed that it would be best to identify these concerns as soon as possible, and that the Conservation League
and the Southern Environmental Law Center should develop
a set of recommendations that could move the project forward. The alternative would have been to follow the timeline
of the permitting process, delaying this analysis for a couple of
years. This would have reduced the time available to come to
agreement on permit conditions, potentially setting the stage
critical property to the protected
for a lengthy and expensive
land base. This fund alone would
regulatory dispute.
“Today is a day that
not be adequate to protect the
The project impacts that
we say ‘yes’ to both
health of the river and the harbor,
concerned us include water
pollution, reduced levels
conservation and business.” but in conjunction with the work
done in the past, the impact will be
of dissolved oxygen, and
higher levels of salinity in
If all that this agreement had
the Charleston Harbor and
January 5, 2015
accomplished was to expedite
the Cooper River. These
the harbor deepening, it would
changes could have severely
be noteworthy and laudable. But
compromised the health of
there is more. The fund will add to the protection of
the estuary and its tributaries. Fortunately, conservation efforts in this area over the past 25 years have one of America’s most historic landscapes. And limiting development in this area will also allow landcreated a circumstance that allows us to move forowners to continue to use traditional, ecologically
ward with the project with appropriate mitigation.
sound, least costly measures like prescribed fire to
Decades of research have concluded that the sinmanage forest lands.
gle biggest source of water pollution is runoff from
This benefit does not accrue only to private landdevelopment in the watershed surrounding the river
or estuary. Fortunately, the Cooper River watershed owners. The 250,000-acre Francis Marion National Forest, one of our state’s greatest recreational
includes tens of thousands of acres of permanently
resources, is extensively managed using prescribed
protected land. In a twist of irony, the conservation
fire. This investment will help guarantee that conof land in this watershed by land trusts, private
flicts between the national forest and residents are
landowners and business, motivated for reasons
other than economic development, has made the
These outcomes are positive for everyone – huntharbor deepening and related economic developers, hikers, birders, and all who enjoy the beauty of
ment in this area possible.
nature. The collaboration of the State Ports AuthorThese water quality concerns, and the conserity, the Coastal Conservation League, the Lowcounvation history of the area, led us to the conclusion
try Open Land Trust, and the Southern Environthat one of the best ways to mitigate the impacts
mental Law Center is a landmark achievement for
of harbor deepening would be to create a fund to
our region. We are all proud to have been a part of
support additional land conservation in the watershed. The $5-million fund, to be administered by the it and are appreciative of our partners’ cooperative
efforts on behalf of all South Carolinians.
Lowcountry Open Land Trust, will be used to add
S P R I N G 2 0 1 5 | C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E
Dana Beach Receives
Peter Benchley Ocean Award
Jeffrey Dubinsky
The awards program was co-founded by Wendy
Benchley, an ocean conservation and policy advocate, and David Helvarg, author and executive director of Blue Frontier. Often referred to as the “Academy Awards” for the ocean, the Benchley Awards
recognize excellence across a range of expertise,
including national leadership, policy, science, media,
youth and grassroots activism.
Jeffrey Dubinsky
Coastal Conservation League Director Dana Beach
was honored along with H.S.H. Prince Albert II of
Monaco and U.S. Secretary of State John F. Kerry,
among others, at the 2015 Peter Benchley Ocean
Awards ceremony in Washington, DC on Thursday,
May 14. The world’s preeminent ocean honors are
named after the late author of Jaws and lifelong marine conservationist Peter Benchley.
Virginia Beach’s Book wins IPPY Southeastern
Regional Nonfiction Gold Award
Rice & Ducks: The Surprising Convergence that
Saved the Carolina Lowcountry by Virginia Christian
Beach (Evening Post Books) was awarded the Independent Publisher’s 2015 “IPPY” Gold Award for a
work of nonfiction from the Southeastern region.
The IPPY Awards, launched in 1996, are
designed to bring increased recognition to the
deserving but often unsung titles published by
independent authors and publishers. Established
as the first awards program open exclusively to
independents, over 3,000 IPPYs have been awarded
to authors and publishers around the world.
The IPPY Southeastern Regional Nonfiction Gold Award
for 2015.
C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E | S P R I N G 2 0 1 5
The Rise of
David Soliday
Adapted from Rice & Ducks: The Surprising Convergence that Saved the Carolina Lowcountry by Virginia
Christian Beach and from remarks delivered by Dr. Merle Shepard at the Charleston Gold Rice Celebration on
February 6th at the GrowFood Carolina Warehouse
Rural Resurgence
or centuries,
agriculture has played a vital
role in South Carolina’s
economic and cultural
history. South Carolina once
ranked among the wealthiest states in
America based on its agricultural success.
But the legacy of agriculture has been both grand
and tragic. The slave-based plantation system was
indefensible and unsustainable. Today, the oncelucrative model of industrial-scale, single-crop
export agriculture – such as that employed by the
18th and 19th century rice planters – has failed to
deliver prosperity, or even basic subsistence, to much
of rural South Carolina.
But the land and the people remain. South Carolina has more than four million acres of farmland, a
long growing season, an ample supply of water, and
a history of agricultural performance. Moreover, a
powerful cultural change is transforming American
agriculture. Nationwide, demand for local and heritage food products is increasing, and South Carolina
is no exception. Currently, the appetite for locally
grown food far outstrips the state’s present level of
production. As is the case across the United States,
the growing market for all things local is reconstituting South Carolina’s food system and rural economy.
S P R I N G 2 0 1 5 | C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E
Jonathan Boncek
Chefs from local restaurants prepare
dishes using Charleston Gold rice at
the GrowFood Carolina warehouse on
February 6, 2015.
A New Grain for the 21st Century
In 2011, Charleston Gold rice — a hearty, aromatic,
short-stemmed hybrid of the world-famous Carolina
Gold rice — was approved for cultivation. Developed by Dr. Merle Shepard, Dr. Gurdev Khush and
Dr. Anna McClung over the course of twenty-three
years, Charleston Gold has quickly become a favorite among local growers and a staple of Lowcountry
restaurants and kitchens. Dr. Shepard, Professor
Emeritus of Entomology at Clemson University
C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E | S P R I N G 2 0 1 5
and a trustee of the Carolina Gold Rice Foundation,
explains the evolution of Charleston Gold: “This could never have happened without the
efforts of a lot of very talented (and persistent) people — beginning with the inception of the idea, on to
discussions with Dr. Khush, the rice breeder at the
International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines, who made the crosses and sent me the 25
accessions to move through quarantine to the field,
each year selecting only the best genotypes.
“Another essential step in the process was the
work of Dr. McClung, U.S. Department of Agricul-
“Of course, none of this would
have gone anywhere without the
work of the rice farmers who put
the new seed variety out on the
landscape.” -Dr. Merle Shepard
Campbell Coxe, the first, real modern-day
rice farmer in South Carolina who has
expanded his production and continues to
provide excellent quality Charleston Gold to
the marketplace; and Jimmy Hagood, who
also grows and markets Charleston Gold and
continues to enlarge his operation at Lavington Plantation.
“Jimmy Hagood uses a wonderful analogy,
referring to Charleston Gold as the ‘little sister’ of Carolina Gold. The attributes (besides
the wonderful taste) that make Charleston
Gold stand out include: 1. Yields that are
nearly double those of Carolina Gold; 2.
Shorter plants that are less likely to ‘lodge’
or fall down in rain and wind; 3. Faster maturation rates, and 4. Resistance to disease.
“Credit also goes to food writers Hanna
Raskin, Teresa Taylor, Nathalie Dupree
and Marion Sullivan for helping to increase
awareness of Charleston Gold and its
fabulous flavor. Finally, we are indebted
to the GrowFood Carolina team and their
warehouse. They have done so much to move
Charleston Gold and other local and heirloom
farm products to market. Keep up the great
Richard Beck
ture rice geneticist at the Dale Bumpers Rice
Laboratory in Arkansas. Dr. McClung purified the lines and carried out multistate trials
before the three of us released the variety
called ‘Charleston Gold.’
“Of course, none of this would have gone
anywhere without the work of the rice farmers who put the new seed variety out on the
landscape. Three key people stand out:
Glenn Roberts, CEO of Anson Mills, has
been hugely supportive of this effort and has
established a network of farmers who grow
the crop under organic conditions;
Chef Russ Moore
Slightly North of Broad
1 C Charleston Gold brown rice
1/3 C diced yellow onion
2 C chicken stock
2 bay leaves
3 tsp salt
2 tsp olive oil
4 oz butter
1/2 C diced fennel
1/2 C diced butternut squash
1 oz apple cider vinegar
1 tbs honey
1 tbs lemon juice
2 sprigs thyme
Rice: Sweat onions in a small pot with 2 oz butter
over medium heat. Add brown rice. Cook with butter
and onions for 4-5 minutes. Add stock, bay leaves,
and 2 tsp salt. Over high heat, bring to a boil. Cover
and simmer on low heat until all stock is absorbed.
Remove from heat until served.
Vegetables: Preheat oven to 350. Toss fennel and
butternut squash in olive oil with 1 tsp salt. Roast
at 350 for 15-20 minutes, just until tender. Stir into
Cider Brown Butter: In small sauté pan over medium heat, melt remaining 2 oz butter. Skim off any
foam that appears with small spoon. When the milk
solids in the butter turn golden brown, remove from
heat. Whisk in cider vinegar, honey, and lemon juice.
Add 2 sprigs of thyme. Allow thyme to steep in the
brown butter for 5 minutes. Remove before serving.
S P R I N G 2 0 1 5 | C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E
by Nick Ceva
7th Grader, Cario Middle School
ur vision for the Charleston area is a future in
which our population is healthy and active
and has access to clean air and water and a
strong and thriving local economy. We have
taken giant steps in this direction and we will get
there with your help.” This vision began for Coastal
Conservation League in 1989 when they opened their
headquarters in Charleston. I feel that the Lowcountry community will benefit most from 7th graders
at Thomas Cario Middle School supporting Coastal
Conservation League because they are working to
make Charleston a healthier place to live, and they do
this through the various programs they have in place,
and citizens can help by volunteering and becoming a
Coastal Conservation League is working to make
Charleston a healthier place to live. CCL is helping to
make our air and water cleaner by campaigning for
the use of trains instead of diesel trucks and working
to convince the shipping industry to use cleaner fuels
in their ships and tugs. They are also monitoring all
air and water discharge permits along the coast and
questioning permits that would result in harm to
the environment. Charleston County received a “C”
rating from the American Lung Association due to its
harmful particulate and ozone levels. This shows how
important it is for us to support CCL in their efforts to
clean up our environment.
Coastal Conservation League has various programs
in place to improve the health of our environment.
They have five main programs and they are: Air, Water
and Public Health, Energy and Climate, Land and
Communities, Legislative and Sustainable Agriculture. The first program, Air, Water and Public Health,
focuses on working with power plants and to reduce
air and water pollution. “Our advocacy brings attention to the latest scientific and medical research on air/
water pollution and public health issues.” The second
program, Energy and Climate, focuses on finding ways
to take advantage of home-grown, renewable energy
and our state’s offshore wind potential. “Aggressive
energy efficiency measures can signficalty reduce
C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E | S P R I N G 2 0 1 5
future demand for energy while providing a plethora
Nick Ceva’s essay detailing his reasons for supporting the Coastal Conservation League first
appeared in the Moultrie News on January 12,
2015 as part of a class project at Cario Middle
School. It is reprinted with permission.
of investment opportunity within local economies.”
The third program, Land and Communities, focuses
on controlling growth by offering ways to create new
developments that reduce automobile use and land
consumption by placing them near or in existing urban
areas. “From restructuring zoning codes to rerouting
highways, we provide technical, professional and other assistance to residents of
the region to help them preserve the South
Carolina coast.” The fourth program focuses
on working with other conservation organizations and the public to push for legislation
that protects our environment. CCL has
office staff in Columbia so they can immediately respond to the growing number of bills
that affect the quality of life in our coastal
community. “CCL provides the information
so citizens can communicate effectively
with their individual representatives in the
House and Senate.” All of these programs
help CCL work toward their vision for the
The way 7th graders at Thomas Cario
Middle School can help support CCL are
by volunteering, becoming a member and
making a donation. “Get involved by joining our e-activist list and our social media
groups to find out about upcoming events,
news stories, volunteer opportunities, and
to receive updates on Conservation legislation.” 7th graders at Thomas Cario Middle
School can also become involved by sending
letters to elected officials to support CCL’s
push for legislation that protects our creeks,
marshes, water quality, and wildlife habitat.
By joining CCL and making a donation, 7th
graders at Thomas Cario Middle School are
becoming part of a group that will make a
difference in the Lowcountry’s future.
I predict that in the years to come, Coastal
Conservation League will have reduced the
demand for energy and we will have less
air pollution. As students, we can show our
support of CCL by following them on social
media to find out about volunteer opportunities, and support their conservation
efforts by sending letters to elected officials
to push for a change in legislation. Finally,
to make a difference everyday, you can shop
and buy from local stores and eat at restaurants that use local produce. Also, buying
from local farmers at our farmers markets
supports sustainable agriculture and this
benefits our community, the environment
and local economy.
GrowFood Carolina delivers local produce to restaurants and retailers in the
Charleston area. Check out the list below to find restaurants and retailers
that support GrowFood Carolina. FINDTHEFORK!
Amen Street
Anson Restaurant
Bull Street Gourmet & Market
Burwell’s Stone Fire Grill
Butcher & Bee
Carolina Yacht Club
Caviar & Bananas
Charleston Grill
Chez Nous
Coast Brewing Co.
Cru Café
Edmund’s Oast
Five Loaves Cafe
Fleet Landing
Frothy Beard Brewing Co.
Harris Teeter - Bacon’s Bridge Road
Harris Teeter - Dorchester Road
Harris Teeter - East Bay Street
High Cotton
High Wire Distilling
Hominy Grill
Mikasa - Trident Technical College
Mission Farmer’s Market
Mixson Market
Oak Steakhouse
Peninsula Grill
Poogan’s Porch
Revelry Brewing Co.
Slightly North of Broad
Stars Restaurant
Sugar Bake Shop
Sweet CeCe’s
Sweet Radish Bakeshop
Ted’s Butcherblock
The Art Institute of Charleston
The Daily
The Farmbar
The Gin Joint
The Grocery
The Macintosh
The Ordinary
The Vegetable Bin
The Vendue
Twenty Six Divine
Two Boroughs Larder
Union Provisions
Xiao Bao Biscuit
Yeaman’s Hall ​Club
Zero George
Cherrywood BBQ
Crust Wood Fired Pizza
East Beach Conference Center
Harris Teeter - Folly Beach
Harris Teeter - Folly Road
Harris Teeter - Harborview Road
Heart Woodfire Kitchen
Kenchi Ferments
Seabrook Island Club
The AtlanticRoom
The Beach Club
The Lot
The Ocean Room
The River Room
Tomasso at Turtle Point
Village Market by Harris Teeter - Freshfields Village
Wild Olive
S P R I N G 2 0 1 5 | C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E
Johnston C. Adams and Deborah Kennedy Kennard join Conservation League Board
Johnston C. Adams
John was born and raised in Memphis, Tennessee and graduated with a
degree in Government from the University of Virginia. He then attended naval officer candidate school in Newport Rhode Island, received his commission, and was a deep-sea diving officer on a rescue salvage ship. The next 25+
years were spent in senior management in the corporate world in industries
including manufacturing, food processing, food wholesale & retail, distribution and the automotive aftermarket. John retired as Chairman and Chief
Executive Officer of Autozone, Inc. and has served on numerous public,
private and nonprofit boards, including those of WD-4O Co., Tractor Supply Co., Keebler Food Company and Exego (Australia) and continues to be a
senior advisor to Unitas Capital (Hong Kong). John also served on the board
of managers at the University of Virginia and was a trustee for the Jefferson
Scholars Foundation, Lemoyne Owen College and the Hutchison School.
John and his wife, Scott, live in Pawley’s Island, S.C. and love all things outdoors. They have three children and three grandchildren.
Deborah Kennedy Kennard
Deborah earned her undergraduate degree in political science from Duke
University and her Juris Doctor from Yale Law School. She formerly served
as a Managing Counsel for Mobil Oil Corporation. Prior to joining Mobil,
she was a lawyer with the law firm of Steptoe & Johnson in Washington,
D.C., practicing in the fields of international trade, antitrust, and litigation.
Earlier in her career, Deborah served as an attorney-adviser for international environmental matters and an attorney-adviser for politico-military
affairs in the Legal Adviser’s Office at the U.S. Department of State. In that
capacity, she was involved in the negotiation of a number of bilateral and
multilateral treaties and international agreements, including serving as
counsel for the U.S. Delegation in negotiating the Montreal Protocol.
Deborah has served on the board of a number of nonprofit organizations,
including the Legal Aid Society for the District of Columbia, the National
Child Research Center, the Barker Foundation, the Choral Arts Society of
Washington, and Community Impact!, a nonprofit organization in Washington dedicated to developing youth through neighborhood leadership
programs and investment strategies. Deborah is also a trustee of Spoleto
Festival USA. She and her husband, William Kennard, live in Charleston
with their 14-year old son, Robert.
The Conservation League is grateful to have new representatives from the North Coast and Charleston
join the Board of Directors, and we look forward to working together to safeguard the Coast’s natural
resources and quality of life now and for future generations.
C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E | S P R I N G 2 0 1 5
Cont’d. from p. 21
Kate Parks Schaefer, South Coast Office Director
Kate rejoined the Coastal
Conservation League in 2015 as
the South Coast Office Director.
Previously, she worked as Land
Use Project Manager and Program Director from 2009-2012 in
the Charleston office. In between
working for the Conservation
League, Kate earned her Texas
teaching certificate and taught
high school biology and environmental science in the Dallas public school system.
Kate graduated from Clemson University with a bachelor of
science in Conservation Biology from Clemson University and
went on to earn a Masters in Business Administration from the
Kenan-Flagler Business School at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
She and her husband, Paul, are delighted to return to the South
Carolina coast and to be living in Beaufort. Kate is a loyal Tiger
fan, an amateur kayaker and aspiring runner.
Erin Crouse, Staff Accountant
Erin hails from the small town
of Marshall, North Carolina where
she was immersed in natural
scenery and food fresh from local
farms. Erin has been working with
and volunteering for nonprofit
organizations since 1998 when
she served as a tutor and officer
for the Accountancy Association
at University of North Carolina
at Asheville. After completing
her bachelor of science in accounting from UNC Asheville, and
her accounting internship with the historic Grove Park Inn, she
was the accounting manager for eleven years at the Council on
Aging of Buncombe County, North Carolina. Erin helped guide
and shape the accounting department at the Council on Aging
during a significant stage in their growth from a small nonprofit
into a regional center for management and activities in human
After relocating to Charleston in 2014, Erin was thrilled to
join the Conservation League staff in 2015. She finds joy in many
dance forms as a member of a local Middle Eastern dance troupe
and also enjoys growing herbs and veggies at her new Charleston
ACMELowcountry Kitchen
Daniel Island Academy
Daniel Island Club
Five Loaves Cafe
Franke at Seaside
Harris Teeter - Chuck Dawley
Harris Teeter - Houston Northcutt
Harris Teeter - IOPConnector
Harris Teeter - Isle of Palms
Harris Teeter - Long Point Road
Harris Teeter - Route 41
Harris Teeter - Tea Planter Lane
Old Village Post House
Rivertowne Country Club
Southerly Restaurant
Southern Season
The Children’s Center at Carolina Park
The Granary
Triangle Char & Bar
Whole Foods Market
Bricklane Catering
Cannonborough BevCo
Cardinal Events & Catering
Cast Iron Food Truck
Chef Benjamin Dennis
Coastal Crust
Cru Catering
Duvall Catering
Five Loaves Catering
Heirloom Charm Catering co.
King of Pops
Madeline Lytton Catering
Outta My Huevos
Roti Rolls
Salthouse Catering
SILO(Online Farmer’s Market)
Spirit Line Cruises
The Cake Farmer
The Lee Bros.
Tidewater Catering
Tristan Catering
Al Di La
Early Bird Diner
Earth Fare
Harris Teeter - Savannah Highway
Home Team BBQ - West Ashley
Island Solutions Group
Middleton Place
The Glass Onion
The Inn at Middleton Place
Triangle Char & Bar
S P R I N G 2 0 1 5 | C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E
Your support ensures that we can address the most pressing
conservation threats facing the South Carolina coast.
We can’t do what we do without you.
C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E | S P R I N G 2 0 1 5
Richard Beck
The Coastal Conservation League works very hard to ensure that all donor names are listed correctly; however, occasional
mistakes do occur. Please contact Database Manager Nora Kravec at (843) 725-2057 with any questions or corrections.
Live Oak Society
Contributions Received from January 1, 2014-December 31, 2014
Anonymous (5)
Penny and Bill Agnew
AMGCharitable Gift Foundation
Butler Conservation Fund, Inc.
Charlotte Caldwell and Jeffrey Schutz GF
Ceres Foundation, Inc. GF
The Chicago Community Foundation
Coastal Community Foundation of
South Carolina GF
The Colbert Family Fund of the Coastal
Community Foundation
Community Foundation of the
Lowcountry, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jamie W.Constance
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Cooper III
The Ceara Donnelley &
Nathan Berry Fund
Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation GF
Strachan Donnelley Family Charitable Lead Unitrust
Mrs. Vivian Donnelley
Mr. and Mrs. P.Steven Dopp
Mr. and Mrs. John O.Downing GF
Berry and Ruthie Edwards Giving
Back Fund
The Energy Foundation
Dr. Paula Feldman and Mr. Peter Mugglestone GF
The Festoon Foundation, Inc.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund GF
Foundation for the Carolinas
The Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust GF
Nancy and Larry Fuller
Mr. Joseph H. Gleberman
The GodricFoundation
The Grantham Foundation for the Protection
of the Environment
The Rev. Alanson Houghton
Mr. and Mrs. John Philip Kassebaum
Peter R. and Cynthia K. Kellogg Foundation GF
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Lane, Jr. GF
Mills Bee Lane Foundation
Mr. T. Cartter Lupton II GF
Dr. and Mrs. G. Alex Marsh III
Merck Family Fund
Mertz Gilmore Foundation
Jerry and Caroline Milbank
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller
Ms. Justine J. Nathan
National Foundation for Philanthropy GF
Pathfinder Foundation, Inc. GF
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phipps, Jr.
Price R. and Flora A. Reid Foundation
Blanchette Hooker Rockefeller Fund
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
Dr. and Mrs. Steven C. Rockefeller
SCDepartment of Agriculture
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Schmaltz GF
Charlotte Caldwell and Jeffrey Schutz GF
Libby Smith GF
Fred and Alice Stanback, Jr.
Stony Point Foundation
Tides Foundation GF
Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation
Turner Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Jane Smith Turner GF
Jane Smith Turner Foundation GF
Mr. Robert E. Turner IV GF
USDA- Rural Development Business
Enterprise Grant GF
Vanguard Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Vardell III
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Westerlund GF
WestWind Foundation
Harriet P.Williams Fund of Coastal
Community Foundation
Yawkey Foundation
Ziff Properties Charleston
Stephen and Suzan Zoukis GF
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Quinn GF
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D.Ravenel
David W. and Susan G. Robinson
Gillian and Peter Roy GF
Mr. and Mrs. Klaus Said
Klaus T. Said Charitable Lead Annuity Trust
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mrs. Anne Rivers Siddons
Drs. Ryan and Erin Smith
The Stanley & Kristin Stevens
Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. T. Paul Strickler
Ms. Bailey W.Symington
Longleaf Charitable Fund
Mr. John Thompson and Ms. Julia Forster GF
Joe and Terry Williams
Anonymous (6)
Ms. Carrie Agnew GF
Mr. David Anderson GF
John and Jane Beach
Mr. J. Anderson Berly III GF
Mr. Daniel W.Boone III
Dan and Merrie Boone Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Chitty
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Cleveland
The Clif Bar Family Foundation GF
Katharine and John Crawford Family Endowment
of Coastal Community Foundation of SC
Dorothy R. Donnelley Charitable Trust GF
Laura and Steve Gates
Mr. and Mrs. S. Parker Gilbert
William and Mary Greve Foundation
Ms. Anne F. Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kimball
Mr. Charles C. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Masaschi
The McDowell Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James R. McNab, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. McShane
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Mitchell, Jr.
Mr. Arnold Nemirow GF
The Dennis R. and Frances H. Nolan
Charitable Fund
The Osprey Foundation
Pacolet Milliken Enterprises, Inc. GF
Charles and Celeste Patrick GF
Patrick Family Foundation GF
Fred E. Pittman Fund of Coastal
Community Foundation
Joan Coulter Pittman Fund of Coastal
Community Foundation
The Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts
Quinn Family Charitable GF
Anonymous (5)
Ms. Kate Adams and Mr. Robert Sudderth GF
The Adams Family Fund
Mr. J. Marshall Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Brady Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. William Applegate IV
Ashford Advisors LLC
The Ayco Charitable Foundation GF
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Baer
Virginia and Dana Beach GF
Benwood Foundation, Inc. GF
Henry M. Blackmer Foundation, Inc. GF
Bailey Bolen and Carol Ervin GF
Ms. Margaret F. Bridgforth GF
Nancy and Billy Cave GF
The Cecil Family
Central Carolina Community Foundation
Circular Congregational Church GF
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Coen
Cohn Reznick
Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crawford GF
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Crosswell
Ms. Jennifer Davis
Ms. Carol B. Ervin GF
Ms. Margaret D.Fabri
Burney Fair Endowment of Coastal
Community Foundation
Mrs. Harriott H. Faucette
James L. Ferguson
Robert W.Foster Charitable Fund of Central
Carolina Community Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Foulke
The Freddie MacFoundation
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Garbee
Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Geer
Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hagerty
Mr. J. Drayton Hastie
Katharine and Winslow Hastie
S P R I N G 2 0 1 5 | C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E
Carol and Roy Hawkins
Ms. Lilyn Hester
James and Margaret Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. David C. House
Mr. and Mrs. John Huey, Jr.
Mr. Richard W.Hutson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ilderton
Mr. and Mrs. Orton P.Jackson III
The Joseph and Catherine Johnson
Family Foundation
Grace Jones Richardson Trust
Linda Ketner
Jackie Lane
Le Creuset of America, Inc. GF
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Leath, Jr.
The Bohemia Fund of The New York
Community Trust
Lasca and Richard Lilly
Dr. Suzanne Lindsay and Mr. Bruce Lindsay
Magnolia Plantation Foundation
Mr. Charles Manker
Ms. Jean Elliott Manning
Mike and JoAnne Marcell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Marshall
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Mather
Mr. and Mrs. Irenee duPont May
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin McCann
Mrs. Frank McClain
Mrs. John L. McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. James O.Mills
Moses Fund of Coastal Community Foundation
NordicGourmet Tour GF
Mr. Guy Paschal
Mr. and Mrs. David Paynter
Plantation Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Prevost
Mr. Richard Rainaldi and Ms. Martha Records
Mr. and Mrs. S. Kim Reed
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Richardson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Rion, Jr.
John M. Rivers, Jr. Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Catherine G. Rogers
Margot and Boykin Rose GF
Dr. H. Del Schutte, Jr.
Dr. Stephanie Smith-Phillips and Dr. James Phillips
Ms. Martha Jane Soltow
Dakota Steiner and the Steiner Family
William and Shanna Sullivan
The Suwinski Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jacques S. Theriot
Gary and Mary Beth Thornhill
Susan and Trenholm Walker GF
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson
Dr. Robert Ellis Welch, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. West
Whole Kids Foundation GF
Winfield Foundation
Dr. Louis Wright and Ms. Patricia Giddens GF
David Adoff and Hildy Teegen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Almeida
Drs. T. Brantley and Penny Arnau
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Barrett, Jr. GF
Mrs. Ann R. Baruch
Dr. Randy Basinger and Ms. Louise Burpee
Mrs. Katrina Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Bergan
Mrs. Margaret N. Blackmer GF
Ms. Margaret P.Blackmer GF
Blackwater, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P.Blagden, Jr. GF
Ms. Christine Bogrette
Booz Allen Hamilton
Dr. Eloise Bradham and Dr. Mark George
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W.Brumley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burt
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W.Cain GF
Mr. Leigh Carter
Leigh Mary W.Carter Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Wayland H. Cato, Jr.
Mr. Arnold B. Chace, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Childs
Mr. Elliott S. Close
The Coca-Cola Company Matching Gifts Program
John J. and Kathleen J Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Croft
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Cross
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Daly
Anne and Gordon Darby
Ms. Connie Darden-Young and Mr. Jesse Colin Young
Davis Family Foundation, Inc.
Michael and Megan Desrosiers GF
Mr. F. Reed Dulany, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P.Eaton
Mr. H. McDonald Felder
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Feldman
Mrs. Nancy B. Fetter
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fienning GF
Dr. and Mrs. Philip A. Finley
Mr. and Mrs. H. Charles Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Will Fort GF
Rev. and Mrs. David Fort GF
Francis Marion Hotel
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gabriel
Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Gallivan III
Drs. Andrew Geer and Susan Moore
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gephart, Jr.
Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
Ms. Mary Louise Graff
Mr. Vincent G. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Hale
Ms. Mary E. S. Hanahan
The Edwin and Ellen Harley Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew B. Hastings GF
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Higgins, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Glenn Hilliard
Mr. William L. Hiott, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Holleman III
Mr. J. W.F. Holliday
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Horlbeck
Holly Houghton and David Walker
Shayna Howell GF
Bruce and Sarah Jayne
Ms. Holly R. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. George P.Johnston
Mr. F. Kimball Joyner and Mr. Derek Riggs
The Barns Fund of The New York Community Trust
Mr. William Kennard and Ms. Deborah Kennedy
C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E | S P R I N G 2 0 1 5
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Keough GF
Harriet and Herbert Keyserling Endowment of
Coastal Community Foundation
James E. and Anne B. Kistler Trust
Scott and Gayle Lane
Mr. David Lansbury GF
Dr. Diane D.Lauritsen GF
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W.Legerton III
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Leister GF
Kathie Livingston
Mr. Justin O’Toole Lucey, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. MacGlashin
Mrs. Martha Maguire GF
Market Street Trust Company
Dr. John Mattheis
Mr. and Mrs. David Maybank, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McAlpin
Mr. and Mrs. George McCoy
Ms. Jamie Young McCulloch
Mrs. Harriet P.McDougal
Charles and Martha McLendon
Mr. and Mrs. Keith McLoughlin
John F. & Susan B. McNamara Fund of the
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Ms. Georgia Meagher
Ms. Martha Morgan
Russell E. and Elizabeth W.Morgan Foundation
Morning Sun Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. M. Lane Morrison
The New York Community Trust
Ms. Elizabeth F. Orser
Palmetto Brewing of Charleston LLC GF
Ms. Cynthia Swanson Powell
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P.Quigley
Dr. George Rabb
The Honorable Arthur Ravenel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Marshall Reid
Dr. Georgia C. Roane
Henry and Susan Romaine Charitable Fund
Bob Rymer and Catherine Anne Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. C.Troy Shaver, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. W.Tobias Sherrill
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Simmons, Jr.
Mr. T. Grange Simons V
Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Skelly GF
Mr. Matt Sloan
Mr. Martin Smith
Mr. Richard Smith
Mr. William Smith
Dorothy D.Smith Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Solow
Southern States Educational Foundation Inc.
Gus and Cameron Speth GF
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Strauss
Mr. and Mrs. W.Charles Sullivan
Ms. Patricia Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Talbot
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. E. Thorpe, Jr.
The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Tom Uffelman and Patty Bennett
Dr. and Mrs. Greg A. VanDerwerker
Wade Crow Engineering
Sally Webb
Tad Whiteside Family Charitable Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John Winthrop
Ms. Martha C. Worthy
Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Adams, Jr.
Richard and Tannis Alkire
William Byrn Alsup and
Sunny Jung Alsup
Rev. and Mrs. Henry E. Avent, Jr.
Chuck and Betsy Baker
BalzacBrothers. & Co, Inc. GF
The Barker Welfare Foundation
Ms. Donna Billings and Mr. Dennis White
Drs. John and Barbara Boatwright
The Boeing Company
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonham Elizabeth Calvin Bonner Foundation
Ms. Amy Bunting
Mrs. Blair Bunting Darnell
Mr. and Mrs. John Burbage
Mr. Samuel Burns
The John T. and Elizabeth K. Cahill Fund of the
Coastal Community Foundation
Ms. Alyssondra Campaigne and
Mr. George Abar
Mr. R. R. M. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin W.Cart
Mr. Richard C. Clow GF
Mr. Peter C. Coggeshall, Jr.
William and Lucile Cogswell
Community Foundation of Greenville, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Nigel W.Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Creech
Nancy and Steve Cregg
Ms. Judy Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P.Daniels
Mrs. Emily Darnell-Nunez
Ms. Rebecca R. Davenport
Mrs. Palmer Davenport
Mr. Chris Davis
Mr. John G. Davis
Curtis and Arianna Derrick
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Dodds
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.Drummond
Michael and Anna Eddy
Mr. and Mrs. Howard D.Edwards, Sr.
Mr. D.Reid Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ellison II
Ms. Catherine M. Englehardt
Mr. Mark Essig and Mrs. Martha Craft-Essig GF
Mark and Kay Ethridge
Drs. Jean and Charles Everett
Ms. Nina M. Fair
Wayne and Dixie Fanning
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Feldmann
Mary Fleming Finlay
Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Fishburne, Jr.
Ms. Angie C. Flanagan
Ms. Cindy Floyd and Mr. Pete Laurie
Ms. Catherine H. Forrester GF
Dorothea and Peter Frank
Mr. John P.Freeman
Mrs. Monte Gaillard GF
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gedge
Dr. Annette G. Godow
Mary Jane Gorman
Dr. and Ms. Gene W.Grace
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. D.Maybank Hagood GF
Blair and Nancy Hahn
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hanlin
Dr. Kit M. Hargrove
Ms. Sherrerd Hartness
Whitney and Elizabeth Hatch
Ms. Joy D.Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Knox L. Haynsworth, Jr.
Lucile W. Hays
Mr. David O.Haythe
Oliver R. Head, Jr. and Mary M.F. Head Gift Fund of
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Mr. William J. Hennessy, Jr.
Mr. Fred B. Herrmann
Ms. Susan Hilfer
Mr. and Ms. John A. Hill
Florence & Gordon Holland
Family Foundation
Karen Williams Hollings
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Holmes
Home Team BBQ GF
Holly Hook and Dennis Glaves
Steven and Pamela Jacobs
Dr. Joseph M. Jenrette III
Ms. May Jones
Ms. Linley Jones and Mr. Gregory Roth
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Kammer
Mr. Louis Kaufman
Ms. Kathleen Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn F. Keyes
Mr. and Mrs. John Kwist
Mr. Mike Landrum and Ms. Brenda Smith
Mr. Charles Lane, Jr.
Ms. Caitlin Winans Lang
Ms. Paula A. Lareau
Mr. Pete Laurie and Ms. Cindy Floyd
Dr. and Mrs. Wood N. Lay
Mrs. Karyn S. Lee
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Chisolm Leonard
Elizabeth C. Rivers Lewine Endowment of
Coastal Community Foundation of SC
Mr. and Mrs. Fulton D.Lewis, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Lanneau D.Lide
Dr. I. Grier Linton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rayner B. Lotton
Ms. Jane Lunn
Randy MacDonald
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Maginnis
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Maize
Drs. John and Siobhan Maize GF
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mark
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Marshburn GF
Dr. and Mrs. Brem Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Clay McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McElynn
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. McGee
Dr. and Mrs. Keith Merrill
Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Meyer
Allison and Kincaid Mills Fund of Community
Foundation of Greater Chattanooga, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mills III
Mr. and Mrs. Boulton D.Mohr
Dr. and Mrs. Richard B. Morawetz
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond N. Moriarty III
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. William D.Nettles, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nevin
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Norberg
Ms. Ellen P.Oblow
Dr. Patrick M. O’Neil
Dr. and Mrs. J. David Osguthorpe GF
Mr. and Mrs. Coleman C. Owens
Mrs. Diane Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Parks
Dr. and Mrs. B. Daniel Paysinger
Pepsico Foundation
The Pew Charitable Trusts Employee
Matching Gifts Program
Ms. Patricia A. Pierce
The Pittsburgh Foundation
Mr. Harry Polychron
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Reed, Jr.
Grant Reeves
Revolutions Per Minute
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Rivers, Jr.
Mr. Dan Rogge
Mr. Hal Currey and
Ms. Margaret Schachte
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Scheetz, Jr.
Dickie and Mary Schweers
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Simpson, Jr.
Dr. James G. Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Huger Sinkler II
Mr. and Mrs. Park B. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Smith
Dr. and Mrs. James Stephenson
Mrs. Patricia C. Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Storen
Dave and Pat Stormer
Charles and Jo Summerall GF
Mr. and Ms. William B. Tausig
Ted’s Butcher Block GF
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W.Timmons
Mr. and Mrs. John Trinkl GF
United Way of the Piedmont
Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Wadsworth II GF
Mr. David J. Waldron
Betsy Warren Endowment of
Coastal Community Foundation Nancy Waters
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webb
Dr. and Mrs. James D.Wells
Ethel-Jane Westfeldt Bunting Foundation
Ms. Walda Wildman and
Mr. Mack Maguire
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Wyrick, Jr.
Janie Hindman Yeargin
GF = GrowFood
S P R I N G 2 0 1 5 | C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E
Contributions Received from January 1, 2014 -December 31, 2014
Anonymous (9)
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Abrams
Mr. Keene Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Agee
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Allen
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Allen
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Allen
Kellum and Jane Allen
Dr. and Mrs. Scott H. Allen
Bishop and Mrs. C. Fitzsimons Allison
Dr. and Mrs. Alex F. Althausen
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ambler
Mr. David W.Ames
Mr. and Mrs. W.Swinton Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. William D.Anderson, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. K. EricAnderson
Nancy Appel and Mitchell Sadoff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnoff
Ms. Vivian D’Amato Asche
Pam and Glenn Ashley
Ms. Cynthia Aulbach
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R. Austin
Mrs. George C. Avent
Mr. Hugh Aycock
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Baas
Mr. and Mrs. Demetri Baches
Dr. Thomas M. Badgett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.Bainbridge
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Baird
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Balbach
Dr. and Mrs. J. Gilbert Baldwin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess S. Ballentine, Jr.
Mrs. Mary L. Ballou
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Mrs. Barbara J. Banus
Dr. Lisa K. Barclay
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Barker
Mr. Rodney Barlow and Dr. Patricia
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Barnes, Jr.
Ms. Georgia L. Barnett
Mr. Arthur L. Baron
Mr. and Mrs. A. Elliott Barrow, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Scott D.Barton
Chris and Myrna Barton
Mr. Leslie L. Bateson
Mr. and Mrs. William D.Baughman
Ms. Judith S. Baughman
Mr. Peter Baumann
Mr. Bennett R. Baxley
Ms. Nellie Beach
Mr. John W.Beach
Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Beard III
The Beaufort Garden Club
Dr. Richard L. Beck
Caroline V. Beeland and John M. Moore
Ms. Helen Belencan and Mr. Gary Smith
Bill and Ellen Bell
Dr. and Mrs. Norman H. Bell
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
Edward and Adelaida Bennett
Mr. L. Russell Bennett
Mr. Stevenson B. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Colin C. Bentley
Mr. Peter Bentley
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Berchem
Mr. Edgar A. Bergholtz
Mr. Dan Berman
Mr. Charles J. Bethea
Mr. Rhett S. Bickley
Mr. John C. Bigler
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Bischoff
Mrs. Billie J. Black
Dr. Nadia Blanchet and Dr. Kent Rollins
Mrs. Margaret Bobo
Mr. John R. Boekelheide
Mr. and Mrs. William Bollin
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Bondurant
Judge and Mrs. H. E. Bonnoitt, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sidney Boone, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Livio Borghese
Ruthie Bowers
Ms. Evelyn Bowler
Mr. Thomas Bradford and
Ms. Susan Bass
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Brailsford III
Jan Brewton
Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Bridgman
Marilyn and Howard Brilliant
Mr. and Mrs. Walker Brock
Mrs. Ethel S. Brody
Mr. Paul Bronzo
Mr. and Mrs. E. Steve Brown
Mel and Jack Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Robert O.Brown
Wesley and Nancy Brown
Scott Bryant
Dr. and Mrs. William Y. Buchanan, Jr.
Ms. Brenda Burbage
Mr. Wilbur Burbage
Mr. Dale D.Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Hardwick H. Burr
Mrs. Mary Ann Burtt
Mr. and Mrs. McBee Butcher
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Butler
Ms. Paula W.Byers
Ms. Randy Cabell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Cable, Jr.
Ms. Angie Y. Calhoun
Ruth Campbell
Mr. Willis Cantey GF
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Carling
Mr. Samuel C. Carlton
Mrs. June K. Carney
Mr. Scott Carpenter GF
Ms. Cornelia Carrier
C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E | S P R I N G 2 0 1 5
Ms. Melinda K. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Carter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Heyward Carter, Jr.
Mike and Dancy Cassell
Mr. and Mrs. J. W.Nelson Chandler
Charleston Horticultural Society GF
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Chase
Mr. John F. Chilton IV GF
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Chmelik
Mr. Andy Christian and Ms. Linda Carlile
Mr. and Mrs. Scott S. Christian
Mr. Joseph F. Christie, Jr.
Dr. Janet Christopher
Mrs. Janet Ciegler
John and Alice Claggett
Mr. Malcolm L. Clay
Mr. and Mrs. James Cleary
Tom Clements
The Cleveland Foundation
Rich Clow
Sara Clow
Ms. Susan Clow
Mr. and Mrs. William W.Cobau
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coble
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander H. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Cohen
Barbara R. Cole
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Coleman
Ms. Dorothy Coley and Mr. Robert Cross
Mrs. Lorinda Collister
Community Foundation of
Greater Greensboro, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William W.Conde III
Mr. Pat Conroy and Mrs. Sandra King
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Conway
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cook, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Cooley
Ms. Margaret Cormack GF
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Corning
Charles and Marty Cornwell
Senator and Mrs. John E. Courson
Mrs. Lynda L. Courtney
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Creed
Mr. John C. Creed
Mr. Larry Creel and
Ms. Judith Yarbrough
Mr. Malcolm Crosland and
Ms. Meggett Lavin
Dr. and Mrs. Brian G. Cuddy
Mr. Beau Daen
Mr. Frank J. Dana
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Dana III
Ms. Betsie Danner and
Mr. Vincent Brennan
Mrs. Nadine Darby
Mr. Reggie F. Daves
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. David GF
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Davis
Dr. Gordon Dehler and Dr. Ann Welsh
Dr. and Mrs. George B. Del Porto
Mr. Fowler Del Porto
Mrs. Janis Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Detwiler
Arthur F. Di Salvo
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Dias
Ms. Susan G. Dickson
Carolyn Nance Dietrich
Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner Dodd
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Dodds
Ms. Evelyn Dolven
Mr. Timothy Donnellon
Mr. Richard P.Donohoe
Ms. Wayne Douglas
Mr. John M. Draughn
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Dreier
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Drew
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore DuBose
S. Kimble Duckworth
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. P.Duell
Dr. William E. Dufford
Ms. Kathryn L. Dunn
Ms. Caroline M. Eastman
Ms. Lynn Eastwood
Mr. and Mrs. Allen W.Edgerton
Ms. Dorothy H. Edgerton
Ms. Pamela J. Edwards
Mr. W.L. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Eggerding
Dr. and Mrs. David D.Egleston
Drs. Nick and Linda Elksnin
Mrs. Luanne H. Elliott
Dick and Dayna Elliott
Sheron Elliott
Dr. William Ellison, Jr.
Dr. Frances L. Elmore
Drs. Douglas and Diane Ervin
Mr. Jeff Evans
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Evans, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Ewing III
ExxonMobil Foundation
Amy Fabri and Keith Ladeaux
Mr. and Mrs. Granville R. Fairchild
Dr. and Mrs. F. Strait Fairey, Jr.
Dr. Edward and Betty Farnworth
Mr. and Mrs. Trey Fayard GF
Mrs. Theodora L. Feldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Feldman
Mr. Frederick N. Ferguson
Mr. and Mrs. Helmut H. Fiedler
Mr. and Mrs. William Firth
Dr. Angeleita S. Floyd
John W.and Sara Jane Foltz
Ms. Amanda Ford
Mrs. Ellen Forwalk
Rev. Rodney Foster and Rev. Jody Foster
Dr. Sandra L. Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D.Fray
Mr. and Ms. Michael D.Frederick
Mr. J. Smith Harrison, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank Hart
Ms. Katharine M. Hartley
Ms. Rosemary Hartnett
Ms. Linda Hartough
Mrs. Vesta M. Haselden
Ms. Connie Haskell
Mr. William Andrew Hautt
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Hawk III
Dr. Edward L. Hay
Lewis and Kim Hay
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke L. Hayes
Mr. R. B. Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hecker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Heller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hester
Mr. Dean J. Hewitt
Mr. Joseph B. Hewitt
Mr. Charles W. High
High Cotton
Dr. Jim and Jackie Hill
Hilton Head Island Audubon Society
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Hines
Kevan and Amy Hirsch
Sherry and Ken Hirsch
Robert and Nancy Hirst
Mr. Brad Hodson
Ms. Olivia Britton Holding
Ms. Julie Hollings-Bower
Ms. Debbie Holman-Gregory
Dr. Bill Holt
Ms. Christine A. Hope
Mr. and Mrs. Ozey K. Horton, Jr.
Ms. Amy Horwitz and Mr. Norm Shea
Mr. Woody House
Gene and Alice Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Howe
Ms. Edith Howle
Mr. and Mrs. Newton I. Howle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry D.Hubbard III
Katy and Dan Huger
Ms. Dorothy R. Huggins
Mr. and Mrs. R. Walter Hundley
Stephanie and Noel Hunt
Drs. Richard and Margaret Hunt
Ms. Hillary L. Hutchinson
Leroy Phillips Hutchinson and
Julia L. Eichelberger
Ms. Mary Pope M. Hutson
Mrs. Henry C. Hutson
Dr. Vera C. Hyman
Mr. H. W.Igleheart
Ms. Elizabeth Ilderton
Mr. and Mrs. George Ivey
Mr. and Mrs. S. Wesley Jackson
Ms. Dale McElveen Jaeger
Dr. and Mrs. EricR. James
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. James
Mrs. Lois Jameson
Kelley Jarrett
Dr. and Mrs. Edward Jauch
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Jaycocks, Jr.
Mr. Hugh Jeffers and
Ms. Anna Lee Turner
Ms. Marsha B. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Keith S. Jennings
Dr. Sarah Jessee
Gerry R. Johnson
Ms. Harriott P.Johnson
Mrs. Jane S. Johnson
Ms. Judith D.Johnson
Kristen Johnson
Mr. Bill Johnston
Mr. and Mrs. Coy Johnston II
Col. and Mrs. Ernest H. Jones, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton S. Jones
Mr. Guy Jones and Dr. Cynthia Flynn
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Jules
Mr. Steve Kane GF
Mr. and Mrs. Rick D.Kaylor
Mr. William J. Keenan III
Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Keller, Jr.
Mr. Patrick Kelley and Ms. Maria Wiley
Mr. Thomas H. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Benedict Kerrigone
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce W.Kienke
Randy and Jan Kienstra
Ms. Susan Kilpatrick and
Mr. Charles Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Edward King
Mr. and Mrs. George S. King, Jr.
Dr. Katherine Kinghorn
Mr. Lincoln Kinnicutt
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W.Kinzer
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kirkland, Jr.
Dr. Allston A. Kitchens
Marty and Julie Klaper
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Knight
Mr. Michael Kohl and
Dr. Jane McLamarrah
Mr. Chris Kouri
Carol and Hobie Kraner
Nora Kravecand Charles Cyr
Ms. Nancy M. Kreml
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Kreutzer
Ms. Catherine Ksenzak
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Kuhn
Dr. and Mrs. Seth P.Kupferman
Melissa and Michael Ladd
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln F. Ladd
Jonathan Lamb
Ashley Landess
Dr. and Mrs. Pearon G. Lang
Ms. Tori G. Langen
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Lantz GF
Mr. and Mrs. Robert LaPorte
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Latture
Ms. Margaret Lawton and Mr. Paul
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Leak
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B. Lee
Mr. Edward T. Legare
Mrs. Clarence W.Legerton
Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Lehder
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Lesesne, Jr.
Mr. William Lesesne
Dr. and Mrs. Jan V. Levitan
Mrs. Alice Levkoff
Jake Libaire
Mr. Julien E. Libaire GF
Dr. Susan Libes
Gordon and Catherine Locatis
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Logan
Ms. Jessica Loring and
Mr. Laurence Rasmussen
Mrs. Danforth Loring
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lortz
Rebecca Love
Ms. Patricia O.Lowry
Mr. James J. Lundy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Lybecker
Timothy J. Lyons, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MacDowell
Mr. and Mrs. Karl E. Mack, Jr.
Meg MacLeod
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W.Malley
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mamunes
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard Mansheim
Mrs. Evelyn C. Marion
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher P.Marsh
Mr. Mark J. Martin
Mr. Frederick F. Masad
Mrs. Elizabeth GMatthew
Bob and Judy Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maybank
Mr. and Mrs. Lee McBride
Arch and Caroline McCallum
Mr. John T. McCarter GF
Mr. Ted McCormack
Christe McCoy-Lawrence
Robin H. McCravy
Ms. Charlotte M. McCreary
Mr. and Mrs. Don McCunniff
Dr. Layton McCurdy
Stuart and Sarah McDaniel
Ms. Katherine M. McDonald
Ms. Eileen Mary McGuffie
Richard Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Freeman
Dr. Charles Friedman and
Ms. Karin Volquardsen
Mr. Elliott Friedman
Friends of Hunting Island
State Park, Inc.
Julie and Mark Frye
Mrs. Janet M. Fryman Davis
Mrs. Sallie J. Fuerth
Ms. Ann L. Furr
Mr. and Mrs. W.Foster Gaillard
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gaither
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O.Gamble
Mr. Michael Gardner
Mr. David Garr and
Ms. Deborah Williamson
Tom and Betsy Garret
Mr. J. Lee Gastley
Leonie LGately
Dr. and Mrs. James H. Gault
Mr. and Mrs. Kinney Gause
Dr. Sidney Gauthreaux and
Ms. Carroll Belser
GEFoundation GF
Alison and Arthur Geer
Mr. Andrew Geer
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Geer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Gettys III
Ann and Mike Giese
Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Gilbert
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Gimarc
Ms. Bea Girndt
Mrs. Michael S. Giuffre
Mr. and Mrs. John W.Glenn
Mrs. Dorothy P.Gnann
Ms. Melanie Gnazzo
Dr. Juliet Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Goodridge III
Drs. Donald and April Gordon
Kirk Grant
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Grantham
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony P.Grassi
Dr. Timothy K. Gray
Marian Greely and Darrell Olson
Mr. Leonard A. Greene
Mr. Jackson V. Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. L. Marion Gressette III
Mr. and Mrs. J. Penn Griffen
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Grimsley III
Mrs. Linda S. Groen
Jim and Kay Gross
Mr. and Mrs. Dean R. Guyton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Gwyn
Kellie Gypin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hadley
Ben and Penn Hagood
Half-Moon Outfitters GF
Mr. Cary H. Hall, Jr.
Diana and George Hambleton
Rev. and Mrs. C. J. Hammet, Sr.
Janis Hammett
Mr. Jack Handegan III
Mrs. Joyce E. Hansen
Dr. and Mrs. Imtiaz Haque
Ms. Robin L. Hardin
Dr. William Hare and\ Mrs. Eleanor Hare
Ms. Dorinda Q. Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott M. Harrigan
S P R I N G 2 0 1 5 | C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E
Dr. Greg Ohanesian
Mrs. Pam Ohlandt
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Oliver
Ms. Anne P.Olsen
Ms. Natalie Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Roger D.Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Orr
Ms. Brenda S. O’Shields
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Ottinger
Roy Owen and Sue McClinton
David and Deborah Oyster
Dr. Artur Pacult
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Painter
Dr. Olivia C. Palmer
Phoebe and Paul Palmer
Palmetto Garden Club of
South Carolina
Mr. and Mrs. A. Nicholas Papadea
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Parker
Mrs. Eleanor H. Parker
Mrs. Constance S. Parramore
Mr. Roger F. Pasquier
Margaret Passailaigue
Erin Hardwick Pate
Mr. Hayes H. Patterson, Jr.
Dr. Robert Payne and
Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas
Mr. David T. Pearlman
Mrs. Leslie Pearson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Peck
Mr. Peter Penniman
Dr. Michael M. Perkins
Bob and Patty Perry
Mrs. Ansara Piebenga
Ms. Virginia Pinson
V. Adm. Douglas C. Plate
Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Player, Jr.
Mr. John T. Poole
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Pope
Mrs. Sarah H. Post
Dr. and Mrs. William Post
Dr. and Mrs. Jan H. Postma, Jr.
Ms. Whitney Powers
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Presson
Ms. Susan H. Prettyman
Mr. Norris Preyer and Dr. Lucy Preyer
Ms. Susan Priester
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pringle
Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Pringle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Prioleau
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Prioleau, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Pritchett
Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Pulliam
Dr. Ann A. Quattlebaum
Mr. David Quick
Ruby Qurashi
Mr. Kyle Rabe
Mr. Frank W. Rambo
Lydia Engelhardt, M.D.and
Bill Rambo, M.D.
Drs. Ross and Laura Rames
Ms. Cheryl Randall
Dr. and Mrs. W. Alan Randolph
Mr. John W. Ray
Mr. and Mrs. I. Mayo Read, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Read
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore H. Reading II
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Reitzel
C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E | S P R I N G 2 0 1 5
Richard Beck
Mr. and Mrs. John F. McIlwain
Mr. and Mrs. G.Thomas McKane
Dianne McKenzie
Mr. Robert A. McKenzie
Mr. William W. McKinnon
Mr. and Mrs. John Gregg McMaster III
Dr. and Mrs. James F. McNab
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm T. McPherson
Ms. Dorothy H. Meacham
Mr. and Mrs. Dexter C. Mead
Mr. John Meffert and Mr. Steve Cagle
Ms. Kay E. Merrill
Ms. A. Suzanne Meszner-Eltrich
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Meyerson
Mrs. Payne W.Middleton
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Middleton III
Capt. and Mrs. William L. Miles
John and Joanne Milkereit
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Miller
Rev. John P.Miller
Mrs. Phyllis Miller
Angela and Howard Misthal
Ms. L. Susan Mitchell
Mr. Hugh S. Monger
Dr. Mark D.Monson
Mr. and Mrs. Rick C. Montague
Chuck and Rachel Montgomery
Macand Heather Montgomery
John M. Moore, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Moore
Jordan Moore
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Moore, Jr.
Dr. Nancy Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Tom C. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley L. Moore III
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Morgenstern
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Comer Morrison
Ms. Rosalyn G. Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Morrison, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Muench
Mr. and Mrs. John Muench
Dr. Nancy Muller and
Mr. Warren Mersereau
Ms. Rebecca Munger
Malcolm and Priscilla Munson
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Murphy
Dudley and Ann Myers
Mrs. Jeanne W.Myers
Mrs. Nancy T. Myers
Michele and Kotresha Neelakantappa
The Nelson Mead Fund
Drs. James and Noreen Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Newby
Sally and John Newell
Newkirk Environmental, Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth Newman
Dr. Karen Nickless
Dr. Joye A. Norris
Mr. Michael Norris
Ms. Susan B. Norton
Ms. Conyers Norwood
Dr. and Mrs. W.Eugene Notz
Sis Nunnally
Dr. and Mrs. Alan I. Nussbaum
Dr. William F. O’Dell
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ogle
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Rensberry
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Reynolds
Ms. Jennifer A. Rezeli
Frances C. Rhett
Mr. and Mrs. David Rice
Mr. David W.Rice
Ms. Nena P.Rice
Mr. John Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Richardson
Mr. Frederick W.Riesen, Jr.
Ms. Beverly Rivers
Ms. Carolyn Rivers and Mr. Henk Brandt
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P.R. Rivers
Mr. Frank H. Roberts, Sr.
Katherine and Morris Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Robertson
Ms. Vida F. Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Richard F. Robinson
Mr. Ron A. Rocz
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Rogers IV
Mr. and Mrs. Randy R. Romberger
Mr. J.T. Ronk
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Roschen
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rosengarten
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Rothnie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Roumillat
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Rowland, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rutkowski
Mr. J. W.Rutter
Matthew Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. John I. Saalfield, Jr.
Dave Sadler
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Salas
Mr. Kirkpatrick Sale
Ms. Dorothy M. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Chester E. Sansbury
Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Sawyer
Ms. Susanna Schantz
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel K. Schiffer
Mr. and Mrs. Allyn W.Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. George Schneider
Mr. Gerald H. Schulze
Prudence S. Scott and Jennifer Haas
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Scott
Mr. Ronald Sebeczek
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seibels
Mr. Herman Senter
Ms. Elizabeth W.Settle
Mr. Stan Severance
Dr. and Mrs. Scott C. Shaffer
Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Sharp
Senator and Mrs. Vincent A. Sheheen
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Shelley, Jr.
Dr. David Shi
Nancy and Jerry Sifford
Ms. Eloise Sills
Mrs. Katherine Silvia
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Simmons
Mr. Lawrence J. Simon
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Simons
Mr. and Mrs. Sedgwick L. Simons
Philip and Jane Sine
John and Regana Sisson
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott M. Skidmore
Slightly North of Broad
Mr. Mark Sloan and
Ms. Michelle Van Parys
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Smith
Mrs. Betty Anglin Smith
Dr. and Mrs. C. D.Smith III
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Smith
The Honorable and Mrs.
Gerald M. Smith
Rep. and Mrs. G. Murrell Smith, Jr.
Mr. Robert Smith and
Ms. Margaret Creighton
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn K. Smith
Shannyn Smith
Mr. Harry F. Smithson
Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Smolen
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond D.Smoot, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George Smyth, Jr.
Starr and Phil Snead
Dr. and Mrs. James F. Snyder
The Society of Saint Thomas and
Saint Denis 1706
Mr. Andrew H. Sohor
South Carolina Conservation
Credit Exchange
Mr. Michael Spath and
Ms. Donna Whinnery
Ganga Srinivas
Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Stamey
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Stancyk
Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Stanley, Jr.
Col. and Mrs. Walter C. Stanton
Mr. Cecil Steed
Dr. and Mrs. John G. Steedman
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Steele
Ms. Louise A. Steffens
Ms. Mary E. Steimen
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Stein
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Stevens III
Mr. and Mrs. George Stilwell
Brandt and Virginia Stitzer
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall C. Stone, Jr.
Ms. Danette Stovall
Mr. Andrew Streit
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Stuckey
Mr. and Mrs. James Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. John P.Sullivan III
Ms. Jennie Summerall and
Mr. Stuart Bennett
Dr. and Mrs. Charles P.Summerall III
Mr. and Mrs. Dean E. Swanson
Mr. Thomas Sweeny and
Mrs. Sally Burnett
Ms. Janet Swigler
Col. and Mrs. Paul J. Sykes
Mr. William B. Talbert, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Harold Simmons Tate, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Edmund R. Taylor
Walter and Helen Taylor
Drs. George and Carol Tempel
Dr. Arch W.Templeton
Dr. and Mrs. David J. Tennenbaum
Louis and Jane Theiling
Mr. Cunningham P.Thomas, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Thomas, Jr.
Drs. Christine and
C. Murry Thompson, Jr.
Mr. Edward Thoms
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Thornton
Mr. and Ms. Thad Timmons
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C.Tisdale, Jr.
Dr. Ann Truesdale and
Mr. James Truesdale
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trussler
Dan and Cindy Tufford
Drs. David and Cathleen Tuley
Mark and Lisa Jones Turansky
Mr. William V. Turner
The UBSFoundation
Dr. and Mrs. Ambrose G. Updegraff
Joan and Martin Ustin
Mr. Roger D.Van Horsen
Ms. Eleanne D.Van Vliet
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D.Vanderwarker
Mr. Richard J. Verano
Mrs. Diane Vergot
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan G. Verity
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D.Verville
Ms. Nancy E. Vinson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Voight
Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Von Ende
Mrs. Edward Vought
Ms. Virginia E. Wagner
Alice and Doug Walker
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Walker
Ms. Elise Wallace
Mr. Peter Wallace and
Ms. Judith Kramer
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Walle
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walsh
Ms. Susan Walters
Billy Want and Sharon Bennett
John and Caroline Warren
Dr. Sheryn Waterman
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Waters
Mr. Richard E. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D.Watson, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth D.Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Beekman Webb
Mr. Jack V. Webb
Mr. Jay Weidner
Robin Elise Welch
Mr. Michael Welch
Ms. Sheila Wertimer and Mr. Gary Gruca
Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. West
Dr. and Mrs. Timothy H. West
Mr. George Westerfield
Dr. William Westerkam and
Ms. Kirsten Lackstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Westmeyer
Mr. David Wethey and
Ms. Sarah Woodin
Mr. Joseph F.Whetstone
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred White
Caroline Hartzog White GF
Dr. and Mrs. A. Weaver Whitehead, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Whittemore
Mr. David Whitten and Ms. Geri Scheller
Dr. Dara H. Wilber
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Wilfong
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Williams
Dr. and Mrs. T.D.Williams III
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F.Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Benton D.Williamson
Dr. H. Oliver Williamson
Jeremy and Lisa Willits
Mr. and Mrs. D.Mark Wilson
Emilie J. Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. John W.Wilson, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Wilson
Mr. W. Chisolm Wilson
Ms. Wendy Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Wilson
Dr. William Wingfield, Jr.
Dr. D.Reid Wiseman
Drs. David Wishart and
Josephine Wilson
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Witham
Ms. Laura S. Witham
Ms. Patricia Wolman
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woodhead
Hitchcock Woods Foundation
Dr. W. Curtis Worthington, Jr.
Ms. Frances Worthy
Capt. and Mrs. Richard T. Wright
Mr. Victor G. Wright
Ms. June Yanick
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yorke
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rutledge Young, Jr.
Mr. John Young
Ms. Wendy Zara
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zimmerman
Mr. Simpson J. Zimmerman, Jr.
Ms. Patricia Zincke
Mrs. Dorothy G. Zinser
Mr. and Mrs. Dieter zur Loye
Anonymous (2)
Mr. Judson Abraham
Ms. Charlotte Adams
Ms. Dee Agee
Ms. Lyn Aiken
Dr. and Mrs. Randy L. Akers
Mr. Donald M. Allen
Amazon Smiles
Chris Anderson
Judith and Roger Anderson
Ms. Renate Anderson
Ms. Peggy L. Andretz
Joanna Angle
Mr. and Mrs. DocArdrey
Mr. Michael Arendt
Ms. Ann Ashby
Mr. John F. Atkinson
Mr. William F. Aull
Mr. and Mrs. David AvRutick
Mr. and Mrs. Jason T. Ayers
Mr. Joseph Azar
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Backer
Mrs. Libbie L. Baldwin
Mr. Russell Ball and Dr. Amy Ball
John and Ann Ballantyne
Ms. Jean R. Ballentine
Jerry and Anna Ballinger
Bank of America Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Marlissa Bannister
Mr. Weldon P.Barker
Keller and Bill Barron
Ron and Joanne Barton
Mr. Walter S. Bartynski
Dr. Susan Bateman
Mr. John Batson
Mr. Edward A. Batten
Ms. Nicole Beaulieu
Mr. and Mrs. Karl M. Becker
Ms. Connie Beddoes
Mrs. Bobbi Bees
Mr. Robert W.Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Bennett, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Bergen
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis O.Bernard
Ms. Evelyn J. Berner
Mr. and Mrs. E. Dean Berry
Dr. James F. Bethea
Mr. George S. Betsill
Ms. Betty Betz
Mrs. Katherine B. Beverly
Mr. and Mrs. Travis L. Bianchi
Dr. Nancy L. Bickford-Jordan
Dr. and Mrs. Charles K. Biernbaum
Ms. Elaine Blackmon
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Blanchard
William and Marilyn Blizard GF
Robert and Kevin Bockman
Mr. Paul Boes
Pauline and Howard Bomstein
Jonathan and Marty Bonds
Mr. and Mrs. Barry M. Bonk
Ms. Caroline Boston
Ms. Jolyn Bowler
Ms. Felicia Boyd
Ms. Emily B. Branscome
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Bray
Mr. Wayne Brazell
Ms. Susan Breslin
Mr. Thomas Bresnick
Ms. Harriett Brinker
Mr. and Mrs. EricBrown
Ms. Gaye Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Prescott H. Brownell
Ms. Gail Brownlee
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D.Brownlee, Jr.
Mr. Theodore Brush
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ashley Bullard
Mr. and Mrs. John G. Burch
Ms. Laurette T. Burdyl
Mrs. Georgia Burson
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Burwell
Ms. Dorothy Bury
John R. Busher
Ms. Pansy Buzhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Byford
Mr. Henry C. Byrd
Ms. Jeanne Cagle
Ms. Evelyn C. Caldwell
Ms. Elaine Camp
Tom and Peggy Camp
Mrs. Barbara C. Canelon
Ms. Candace Cannady
Thomas Cannon and Jo Williams
Mr. Wayne J. Cannon
Mr. Sean Cardones
Ms. Frances L. Cardwell
Mr. Timothy Carens and
Ms. Elizabeth Van Pelt
Ms. Stella Carmody
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Carpenter III
Jean Carroll
Ms. Candice Carter
Henry and Rhea Carter
Ms. Margaret H. Carter
Ms. Nancy L. Carter
Bill and Margaret Case
Mrs. Sondra Catts
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Cavanaugh
Ed and Anna Ceva
Danny Chandler and Kathryn Fritz
Mr. Adrian J. Chanler
Mr. Ronald H. Charron
Ms. Linda M. Cherry
Ms. Lynn C. Chiappone
Ms. Sarah Cholewinski
Lynn Rudmin Chong
Mr. Lester Chou
Mr. and Mrs. A. Crawford Clarkson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter L. Clarkson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Claypool
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Cobb
Mr. Robert P.Coffman
Juliet and Jeffrey Cohen
Ms. Shere Colborn
Mr. Carl Cole
Ms. Patricia Cole
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh V. Coleman
Mr. Gene Collins
Mr. Lawrence S. Comegys
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Compton
Ms. Carol Coney
S P R I N G 2 0 1 5 | C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E
Ms. Marjorie H. Conner
Mr. and Mrs. J. Terrell Cook, Sr.
Ms. Maureen Cook
Mrs. Jeannette M. Cooper
Mrs. Drucilla C. Copeland
Mrs. Victoria Schipa Corr
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cotsonas
Dr. and Mrs. Norman J. Cowen
Mr. Woodrow W. Cox, Jr.
Lynn G. Craig
Gen. and Mrs. George B. Crist
Mr. Bill Cross, Jr.
Ms. Diane Crouch
Mrs. Barbara J. Culbertson
Ms. Catherine P.Cuneo
Ms. Barbara M. Currey
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Curtis
Mrs. Mary C. Cutler
Mr. Daniel H. Daniels
Ms. Sterling Davenport
Mr. Charles M. Davis
Ms. Dianne S. Davis
Ms. Donna J. Davis
Miss Kathy Davis
Ms. Lauren Davis
Ms. Marlene Davis
Mrs. Melissa Davis
Mr. and Mrs. P.Michael Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Morris K. Deason
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dehoney
Forrest Deleot
Mr. Hampton Dennis
Mr. Jeffrey L. Dexter
Jean Dickey
Debra M. Dickinson
Ms. Eliza M. Dickson
Mr. George Dominello
Ms. Ann M. Donaldson
Mr. Paul Donnelly
Ms. Carol T. Dotterer
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Doty III
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Dowling
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Drabot
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Draughn
Mr. Charles H. Drayton
Mr. Jeremiah Drew
Ms. Deirdre D.DuBose
Martha and John Duggan
Mr. David L. Duke
Mr. Henry Dunbar and
Mrs. Katherine Dunbar
Ms. Lucy C. Dunlap
Dr. James R. Edinger
Tish Edwards
Mr. Lonnie Ehrhart
Dr. Matthew Eison
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Elliott
Dr. Leon M. Ember
Ms. Jane D.Emerson
Mr. Randell Ewing
Mr. Glenn Faken
Ms. Juliana Falk
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Faucette
Saint Felkel
Mrs. Deborah B. Fenn
Ms. Karol K. Fenner
Rev. Mary M. Finklea
Mr. and Mrs. John Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Fitzgerald
Mr. Michael Fleischbein
Mrs. Rebecca M. Floor
Ms. Dianne Flowers
Mr. James Floyd
Ms. Pam Floyd
Mrs. Marguerite Fogleman
Dr. and Mrs. James Forrester
Mr. Tom Fossi
Abby C. Fowler
Phillip Foy
Ms. Elizabeth Franchini
Ms. Mary Franco
Mr. E. Douglas Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Fraser
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Fraser III
Ms. Maxine Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. J. Stanley Frick
Ms. Betty M. Friedman
Mr. Danner Friedman and
Ms. Elizabeth Kent
Ms. Helen L. Frohlich
Mr. and Mrs. George Galos
Mr. Christopher Galton
Mr. Jeremy Galton
Ms. Betty R. Gardner
Mr. Gary D.Garrett
Drs. Thomas and Alice Gasque
Ms. Karen H. Gentry
Harriet Gibbes
Ms. Emily T. Gibbons
Ms. Anne Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gilbert
Mr. Thomas Gillespie
Tom and Sally Gillespie
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Ginsberg
Dr. and Mrs. Fritz Gitter
Ms. Shirley K. Glancy
Miss Elizabeth B. Glazebrook
Ms. Carolyn Godley
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Goldstein
Mrs. Mary Lou Goodell
Mr. Robert W.Gooding
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin H. Goodwin
Mr. Harold Goodyear
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grady, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarendon L. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Graham
Ms. Sandra L. Grauer
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Gravil
Ms. Nina E. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Green
Ms. Cynthia Greene
Jack B. Greenshields
Dr. and Mrs. Mark L. Greenslit
Mr. Donald R. Gregory
Ms. Linda M. Gremillion
Mrs. Richard B. Grimball
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.Grochowski
Mr. Wayne M. Grooms
Ms. Julia Hall
Mr. John I. Hallquist
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Halsey
Mr. Bill Halstead and
Ms. Sheryll Ingram
C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E | S P R I N G 2 0 1 5
Mr. and Mrs. J. William Haltiwanger
Mr. Alan Hancock
Ms. Elizabeth A. Hancock
Cmdr. Susan H. Hancock
Mr. Paul Hanks, Jr.
Ms. Martha Hanson
Mr. Stephen Hanson
Mr. Gerald Haram and
Ms. Barbara Gould
Ms. Geraldine Hardister
Mr. Wayne Hardwicke and
Dr. Suzanne Hardwicke
Mr. Karl Hare
Mr. Robert Hare
Sara Harrell
Mr. Jake Harris
Mr. Richard J. Harris
Scott Harris
Mr. Charles A. Harrison
Mr. Richard A. Harrison
Ms. Carol Hartley
Patrick Hassell
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hassell
Ms. Marilyn Hatfield
Dr. and Mrs. Harlan G. Hawkins
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Heagerty
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Hearn III
Frank and Dorothy Hefner
Mr. and Mrs. MarcHehn
Mr. and Mrs. G. Barrie Heinzenknecht
Dr. Ernest L. Helms III
Rev. Lois Helms
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Helms III
Ms. Marilyn M. Henderson
Ms. Anne Henry
Ms. Elizabeth Herlihy
Ms. Arlene Herring
Mr. Thomas Higginbotham
Mr. and Mrs. Brian R. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hill
Mr. Roger D.Hill
Mr. J. B. Hines III
Mr. Austin Hipp
Dr. Bonnie Holaday
Mrs. Merilyn H. Holcombe
Mr. William J. Holling
Mr. Paul Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Beecher Hoogenboom
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Hook
Chuck Hooker
Mr. John R. Hope
Ms. June C. Hora
Ms. Betty Horton
Dr. and Mrs. Dwight J. Hotchkiss, Jr.
Ms. Mary Howe
Mr. John Howell
Col. and Mrs. Perry A. Hudel
Ms. Maryann Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hughey
Ms. Carol Humphrey
James and Page Hungerpiller
Mr. Robert Huse
Mr. and Mrs. Heyward G. Hutson
Ms. Bonnie L. Ideal
George and Dorothy Ingram
Mrs. Evelyn S. Irwin
Maria Israelsson
Mr. Bo Ives
Ms. Kathy A. Jackson
Ms. Nancy Jackson
Mr. Edward James
Mrs. Lois McCallum James
Nancy and Ricky James
JBM& Associates
Mr. David B. Jennings
Mr. David Jensen and Dr. Faye Jensen
Ms. Jennifer L. Jerome
Dan Johnson and Sydnor Laffitte
Ms. Katherine Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Johnson
Dr. Elizabeth G. Joiner
Ms. Evelyn W. Jolley
Lauren Jonas
Dr. and Mrs. Champ Jones, Jr.
Mr. Dan Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D.Jones
Ms. Mary Evelyn Jones
Whit Jones
Lesley J. Jontos
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gwyn Jordan
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Judd
Ms. Jane S. Keisler
Ms. Sherry W.Kelley
Betty Kelsey
Ms. Sally F. Keltner
Mr. James O.Kempson
Mr. and Mrs. RHunter Kennedy III GF
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kennedy
Ms. Margaret W.Kherlopian
Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Killin
Ms. Juliana B. Kim
Mr. Frederick W.Kinard, Jr.
Ms. Joan Kinne
Mrs. Patricia W.Kirkland
Ms. Kathryn A. Kleibacker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Klein
Carol and Ernest Kleppin
Ms. Marian Knight
Deborah Knowlton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Kohler
Mr. Wayne Koon
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Koppernaes
Mr. and Mrs. William Korb
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Krucke
Mr. Kurt W. Krucke
Mr. Ralph C. Ksenzak
Mrs. Anna S. Lacher
Ms. Joan Smith Ladd
Josephine and Eddie Laney
Ms. Grace Lankford
Dr. Steven A. Lapp
Drs. David and Marilyn Larach
Sister Donna Lareau
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Lawton III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leahy
Mrs. Angela E. Lee
Ms. Caroline W.Lee
Mr. Herman Leembruggen
Dr. and Mrs. Gary O.Leonard
Ms. Susan M. Leonard
Mr. Merrill D.Lester
Ms. Regina Lester
The Honorable Phil P.Leventis and
Mrs. Leventis
Coastal Conservation League Staff
Ms. Susie Levisen
Ms. Peggy Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Richards C. Lewis, Jr.
Mr. Jack Limehouse
Ms. Patricia G. Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. Cisco Lindsey
Dr. and Mrs. R. P.Linker
Mr. Matthew Lockhart
Mr. James J. Lockwood III
Kit Loney
Mr. and Mrs. Langdon D.Long
Marilyn H. Long
Lynne Lovelace and Tim Dunham
Mrs. Ellen Lovelady
Mrs. Ingrid Low
Doug and Thea Luba
Mr. Walter Lundwall
Mrs. Adrienne M. Lustig
Mr. Gary Lyerly
Ms. Liz Lynch
Mr. Andrew M. Lyons
Mr. Shirley Mackin
Jan Macleay
Mrs. Arthur A. Madden
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Madoff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O.Maguire
Ms. Debra Major
Mr. Myles Maland GF
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Malpas
Ms. Nancy N. Mann
Ms. Laurin Manning
Ms. Helen R. Marine
Mr. Patrick Markham
Betsy Marlow
Mr. John W.Marsh
Al and Carol Martig
Mr. Bruce Martin
Mr. John Martin
Ms. Linda Martin
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Martin III
Ms. Linda R. Mason
Ms. Jane Massey
Mr. and Mrs. Tug Mathisen
Mr. Herb Mattocks
Dr. and Mrs. Fleming Mattox
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D.Maxwell
Ms. Lucy E. Maxwell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Mayer
Mrs. Linda Mayo-Perez
Mrs. Cynthia C. McArthur
Mr. Gordon McBride
Mr. John McCabe
Mr. James O.McClellan III
Ms. Claudia J. McCollough
Mr. Thomas McCombs
Mr. John W. McCord
Mr. David B. McCormack
Cynthia McDowell
Dr. Shelley McGeorge
Tara McGrath and Doug Hatch
Ms. Merrill McGregor
Mrs. Suzanne G. McIntyre
Mrs. Kelly T. McKee
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas W.McKee
Ms. Sylvia McLachlan
Mrs. Julie C. McLaughlin
Dr. Phoebe A. McLeod
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McMarlin
Ms. Daniela McMillan
Mrs. Deborah J. Merriam
Mr. and Mrs. Taylor B. Metcalfe
Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Miller, Jr.
Ms. Dolores J. Miller
Mr. Donald F. Miller
Ms. Tammy G. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Garrett Milliken
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Mims
Mr. Ed Mistretta
Marion and Sara Mitchell
Ms. Teresa A. Modrell
Mr. John P.Monkaitis
Blake and Jeannie Monson
Mrs. Jean F. Moody
Ms. Tommie F. Moody
Mrs. Peg Moore
Dr. Richard Moore and
Ms. M. Robin Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Tyre H. Moore
Ms. Anita Moran
Ms. Allison Elise Morrison
Mr. Arthur J. Morrow
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D.Morton
Sylvia Moseley
Laura E. Moses
Mr. Richard Moss
Dr. Maxwell R. Mowry
Mrs. Toma Mulkey
Ms. Roberta Murchison
Mr. and Mrs. Trey Murdaugh
Eisuke and Daryll Murono
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh A. Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Murray
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Muscott
Mrs. Darlyn Nash
Mr. Henry Needham
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Neil
Mr. Robert F. Neville
Mrs. Phillis Newman
Mr. Douglas R. Nichols
Liz Nimmich
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Nix
Mrs. Ritamarie D.Nuhn
Mrs. Mary Kathlyne Nussbaumer
Mrs. Mary M. O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. O’Harra
Dr. Thomas O’Neal and Ms. Helen Drivas
Mr. and Mrs. Afolabi Oguntoyinbo
Mr. and Mrs. D.Henry Ohlandt
Mr. Karl F. Ohlandt
Ms. Lucinda A. Olasov
Ms. Caroline Olden
Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Olivier
Geno and Mel Olmi
Dr. and Mrs. Granger C. Osborne
Mr. Hamilton Osborne, Jr.
Ms. Jean L. Osborne
Mr. Robert C. Ott
Ms. Velma Ottmar
Mr. Mike Otto
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W.Ouzts
Dr. Jeanne Owen
Mr. Joe Owens
Mrs. Anne V. Padgett
Mr. James F. Page
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Pagnotta
Mr. George G.L. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Parker
Mr. Samuel P.Parker, Jr.
Sam Passmore
Mr. Dwight Patterson
Mrs. Lee Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley L. Pauls
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Payne
Ms. Elizabeth Peacock
Mrs. Judy S. Pearce
Ms. Debbie Peretsman
Mr. and Mrs. David Peterson
Anne Peterson-Hutto
Mr. D.Lindsay Pettus
Mrs. Patsy K. Pettus
Jennie Peze
Mrs. Janice N. Pfeiffer
Mr. Edward Pinckney
Mr. Roger Pinckney
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pinckney II
Ms. Donna Pitcher
Mrs. Mary Poehlein
Mr. Chris Polychron
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Porter
S P R I N G 2 0 1 5 | C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E
Dana Beach
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Porter
Mr. Louis T. Powers
Ms. Deborah Prewitt
Mr. Kevin Prince and Dr. Mary Prince
Mrs. Sarah G. Pringle
Mr. Steven C. Pruitt
Drs. Evan and Marie Pucillo
Dr. Jane Pulling
Mr. and Mrs. Tarrant Putnam
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Putnam GF
Mr. and Mrs. Philip N. Racine
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rahn
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Rambo, Jr.
Ms. Marjorie Rath and
Mr. David Bachman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Y. Ratledge
Ms. Suzanne C. Ravenel
Mr. Douglas A. Rayner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P.Rebhan
Mr. William Reehl
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Reid
Mr. and Mrs. William D.Reid
Dr. Rebecca L. Reynolds
Mr. Leon L. Rice III
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Rice
Bryn O.Richard
Mr. Terry E. Richardson, Jr.
Mr. Alan Richter
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Rickenbaker, Jr.
Ms. Dianne M. A. Riggs
Dr. and Mrs. John Riolo
Mrs. Anne M. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. W.T. Roberts
Mr. Dan Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Robinson, Jr.
Michael and Corinne Roe
Ms. Eleanor L. Rohrbaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Frederich E. Roitzsch
Mr. Paul M. Rollison, Jr.
Ms. Marcia Rosenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Alwyn Rougier-Chapman
Ms. Traylor Rucker
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Rumrill
Dr. and Mrs. James P.Rush
Mrs. Carol F. Ryder
Jacob Sadler
Lisa Saltzburg
Mr. Michael S. Sand
Mr. George W.Sanford
Mrs. Louise Sawyer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Schock
Ms. Judith Schoeck
Ms. Betty Schuster
Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Schwenzfeier
Mr. Leon M. Scroggs
Peyre and Clare Scurry
Ms. Cynthia Seabrook
Ms. Barbara P.Searle
Ms. Gertrude O.Seibels
Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Seibels
Arnold and Carol Seidman
Mr. Kenneth Sercy
Ms. Helene Settle
Mr. Charles Sevcik
Mr. Malcolm Seymour, Jr.
Mr. Ralph Shaffer, Jr.
Mrs. Anna M. Shanks
Mr. R. Bruce Shaw
Mr. John Shaylor
Dr. and Mrs. Harry E. Shealy, Jr.
Evie Shelton
Mrs. Pamela B. Shucker
Ms. Susan K. Siegel
Mrs. and Mrs. David Sievers
Dr. and Mrs. Jack W. Simmons, Jr.
Mr. Lawrence J. Simms
Ms. M. Jacquelin Simons
Ms. Martha Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Uldis K. Sipols
John and Wendy Sizemore
Mr. and Mrs. Danny R. Smith
Mr. David R. Smith
Mr. EricSmith and
Mrs. Cynthia Holding-Smith
Mrs. John Gettys Smith
Mr. Louis M. Smith
Mr. Michael Todd Smith
Mr. Roderick E. Smith
Selden and Dorothy Smith
Dr. Randolph D.Smoak, Jr.
Mr. William D.Smyth
C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E | S P R I N G 2 0 1 5
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Snelling
Ms. Beth J. Solo
Capt. and Mrs. David W.Somers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. D.Paul Sommerville
Ms. Karen B. Spencer D.V.M.
Ms. Kathleen A. Spring
Ms. Elizabeth Spruell
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stanton
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stanzione
Mr. Charlie Steifle
Ms. Barbara Stein
Dr. Faye B. Steuer
Col. and Mrs. Charles W.Stockell
Ms. Karen S. Stokes-Rhodes
Dr. and Mrs. S. David Stoney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D.Stoothoff
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy S. Street
Mr. Eugene Sullivan
Ms. Susan P.Sullivan
Mr. William H. Sutherland
Richard Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. E. Randall Swan, Jr.
Merike Tamm
Mr. R. C.Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Taylor
Dr. Ronald Teed
Mr. and Mrs. Richard I. Thomas
Mr. David M. Thompson
Earl and Brenda Thompson
Ms. Elinor P.Thompson
Mr. James Thompson
Ms. Laura R. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. William Foxworth
Mr. Thomas E. Thornhill
Mr. John Tibbetts and
Ms. Catherine Fahey
Mr. Thomas D.Tietjen
Mr. J. Patrick Toal
Mr. James L. Townsend, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Trammell, Jr.
Dr. Roger J. Troutman
Bob and Peggy Trowell
Ms. Cheryl Truesdale
Rebecca H. Tuten
Ms. Sally Tuten and Mr. Y. S. Linder
Ms. Carolyn N. Tutwiler
Mr. William C.Twitty, P.E.
Jan S. Urban
Dr. and Mrs. Jack M. Valpey
Mr. John F.Van Dalen
Mr. Daniel G. Vara
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice K. Veronee
Mr. Thomas Videyko and
Ms. Caroline Kemezys
Richard and Helga Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Sebastian Von Marschall
Waccamaw Audubon Society
Mr. John G. Wagner
Ms. Susan E. Waites
Mrs. Mary Alice Walker
Mrs. Susan W.Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Wall
Ms. Wendy Walmsley
Mr. Ed Walshe
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lee Walsworth
Mr. James Ward and Ms.Victoria Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warden
Mr. Brian H. Washburn
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Watson
Ms. Janet B. Watt
Mr. Brent A. Weaver
Ms. Donna Webb
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Webster III
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Weir
Mrs. Jerry W.Weise
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Welsh
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Weser
Mr. Donald H. West, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander R. Whan
Ms. Sally Whiddon
Mr. William Whitfield
Ms. Sylvia M. Whiting
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Wiedeke
Mr. and Mrs. Hans J. Wiegert
Ms. Neita Wiese
Mrs. Mary Theresa Wightman
Ms. Anne Wilkinson
Barbara and Gene Willhoft
Ms. Dee Dee Williams
Ms. Frances Williams
Ms. Katherine Williams
Ms. Melinda E. Williams
Mrs. Suzanne H. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Wilson
Dr. Jerry P.Winfield
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wink GF
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Winslow
Ms. Deborah Winter
Mrs. Johnnie L. Witt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Wolf
Mr. Barkley Wolfe
Mrs. Amelia K. Wood
Mr. and Mrs. West P.Woodbridge, Jr.
Ms. Floy Work
Ms. Ellen H. Wright
Mr. David Wyanski and
Ms. Andrea Smith
Mrs. Erin Yarbro
Dr. and Mrs. Allan S. Yard
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Yost
Ms. Dorothy Young
Mrs. Noel C.Young
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Young, Jr.
Ms. Julie Zachowski
Mr. Peter Zalka
Ms. Elizabeth Zeck and Mr. Mark Berg
Mr. John A. Zeigler, Jr.
Ms. Margaret H. Ziegler
Ms. Martha Zierden and
Mr. Eddie Stroman
Ms. Janet R. Zimmer
Ms. Katherine S. Zimmerman
In honor of Amy Armstrong
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Reynolds
In memory of Barbara Miller
Rev. John P.Miller
In memory of David L. Arnoff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnoff
In honor of John M. Moore
Robert Beeland
In honor of Aunt Caroline Beeland
Robert Beeland
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P.Morrison
Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Geer
In honor of Kyle S. Braxton
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonham
In honor of Sylvia Moseley
Mr. Victor G. Wright
In celebration of the marriage of
Thomas O.Cannon and Jo J. Williams
Mrs. Rebecca M. Floor
In memory of Victor Morawetz
Harriet Williams
In memory of George Rogers
Mr. Stan Severance
In memory of William Mark “Duke”Cloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MacDowell
In memory of Stephen E. Rothrock
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hayes
Dr. Karen Nickless
In memory of Carrie M. Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Mayer
In memory of Julian and Gary Ryba
William and Marilyn Blizard
In memory of Dean Eichelberger
Mr. and Mrs. Langdon D.Long
In honor of Robert P.Schofield
Nora Kravecand Charles Cyr
Ms. Barbara Stein
In memory of Frampton and Sara Jo Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonham
In honor of Dr. Steve Gavel
Mr. John M. Rivers, Jr.
In honor of Fleetwood and Elizabeth Hassell
Rev. and Mrs. Henry E. Avent, Jr.
In honor of Lucy Seabrook
Rev. and Mrs. Henry E. Avent, Jr.
In memory of Henry D.Shaffer
Mr. Mike Landrum and Ms. Brenda Smith
In honor of John E. Sims
Paul and Patricia Bonham
In memory of Billie C. Houghton
The Rev. Alanson Houghton
Ms. Floy Work
In memory of Nancy C. Smythe
Stephanie and Noel Hunt
In celebration of Betty Kelsey’s birthday
Bill and Margaret Case
In memory of Mary Omie Stuckey
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonham
In honor of Charles and Virginia Lane
Rev. and Mrs. Henry E. Avent, Jr
In honor of Mike Sutton and Mary Stuart Dawson
Rev. and Mrs. Henry E. Avent, Jr.
In memory of Jane E. Lareau
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnoff
Margaret N. Blackmer
Margaret P.Blackmer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Carter, Jr.
Drs. Jean and Charles Everett
Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hagerty
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Judd
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher P.Marsh
Ms. Catherine G. Rogers
Ms. Merike Tamm
In memory of Billie Mae LeBoutillier
Mrs. Edward Vought
In honor of Lisa Jones Turansky
Ms. Linley Jones and Mr. Gregory Roth
In memory of Sally Lee
Mr. Charles C. Lee
In memory of Josh Loflin
Mr. Stan Severance
In memory of James Majeski
Ms. Evelyn C. Caldwell
In memory of Benjamin E. Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Mayer
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Warren
Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Geer
In memory of Lou Elise White Kimbrell
Dianne McKenzie
In memory of Deborah Winfield
Dr. Jerry P.Winfield
In memory of Alan Young-Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. MacMontgomery
John Moore
In honor of Ann P.Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonham
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Fraser III for Mr. and Mrs. Jay Fraser
Mr. and Mrs. John Kwist for M. Jacquelin Simons
Ms. Susanna Schantz for Scott Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seibels for Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Seibels and
Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Dowling
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn K. Smith for Charles Lane, Jr.
Charles and Jo Summerall for Nicole Beaulieu
Bill and Margaret Case for Betty Kelsey
Victor Wright for Sylvia Moseley
Bank of America Charitable Foundation, Inc.
The Barker Welfare Foundation
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
The Boeing Company
The Coca-Cola Company Matching Gifts Program
ExxonMobil Foundation
The Freddie MacFoundation
Grainger Matching Gifts Program
Pepsico Foundation
The Pew Charitable Trusts Employee Matching Gifts Program
The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
Shell Oil Company Foundation
The UBSFoundation
In memory of Kippi McCulloch
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Hook
S P R I N G 2 0 1 5 | C O A S T A L C O N S E R VA T I O N L E A G U E
he mission of the Coastal
Conservation League is to protect
the threatened resources of the South
Carolina coastal plain — its natural
landscapes, abundant wildlife, clean
water, and quality of life — by working
with citizens and government on
proactive, comprehensive solutions
to environmental challenges.
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