Untitled - Hunguest Hotels
Untitled - Hunguest Hotels
Cosmetics BEAUTY SALON - COSMETICS Clients arriving with any skin type and need can enjoy a very effective treatment, leave with a younger look and a refined skin texture with silky touch. We welcome our guests with the following professional cosmetic brands: ERICSON-Laboratoire Paris, BIO-LINE, REMYLAURE, Auriga, REJUVI and the most modern electro-cosmetical equipments to renew the skin totally. Cosmetics Pharmacy Care in your home on the basis of free skin-diagnosis! Wellness Centre dy culture Salon DERMA + Face & Bo beautician Éva Rigó - master extension 71764 in the salon or dial lly na rso pe ion at Registr . or 06 30 / 685 - 1863 Opening hours00 1600 9 - 00 Monday: 830 - 14 00 y: da Tues 00 13 : Wednesday 900 - 1700 Thursday: 9 00- 1600 9 - 00 Friday: tments 900 - 12 - by appoin : ay rd Satu Electro-cosmetical Professional Dr Derm equipments Vaposone Vapour, ultra-sound cold therapy to soften skin. ULTRASOUND Micro-massage to help the absorption of active ingredients (oil, vita’es,liposomes etc.) deep in skin, to help draining, lymphatic circulation and reduce inflammatory processes. Laser-therapy Laser-biostimuation to help cell metabolism, energise cells, slow down ageing process, anti-wrinkle. Painless and maintain healthy skin. Laser-ultrasound Combination of laser and ultrasound boosts collagen synthesis, treats wrinkles, stimulates cell metabolsim in deeper levels of skin, increases the rate of cell renewal.Thus it increases skin renewal. Micro-dermabrasion Helps to get rid of dead cells quickly thus boosting the penetration of active ingredients, help skin breath, guarantees firm and supple skin on long-term. Painless, effective for any skin type. A mechical peeling with a special equipment which provides alu’ium-oxide cristals right above skin surface. This way the dead cells are faded away providing an open gate for active ingredients, boosting up regeneration and healing processes.The skin restores firmness and suppleness. Skin renewal within 28 days. ACCENT RADIO - frequency technology Direct thermic therapy to heat up skin’s cell up to 41-43°C at the same time cooling the surface of the skin. This way it helps slim’g and fat burning processes and regeneration of the skin. This innovative therapy provides an excellent help during slim’g diets. It can be used on several surfaces: double chin, neck- for slim’g, fir’g purposes and detoxification. After treatment skin is flushed for 1-2 hours. Increased intake of fluid is necessary. Celluloderm - interference Programmes Computer interference slim’g therapy, letting guest relax during the treatment. Highly effective, fat burning, muscle strenghtening, lymph-cleansing. MESOTHERAPY The intake of agents into the deepest levels of skin in the purest form can be carried out only by mesotherapy. In aesthetic mesotherapy the treatment is based on both meso-rolling and the effect of the agents. We use a special needle-roller with numerous tiny sharp medical steel needles (0,5 mm), which penetrate into epidermis in a certain depth, which allows the analytically clean, sterile agents to get in. The ‘or epidermic injuries stimulate regeneration in the skin and fibre renewal. Electoporator Radiofrequency method: painless, without needles, used in mesotherapy, creates micro-channels for the sterile agents to penetrate. Painless. Professional dermo-cosmetic brands ERICSON LABORATOIRE PARIS, BIO-LINE For Ericson Laboratoire each woman’s skin is individual, inimitable just like their signature. At our professional beauty-saloon we provide personal treatments to our guests,-skin-friendly, tested products. Ericson Laboratoire Paris is a French anti-age specialist with the highest quality standars in professional dermo-aesthetic field. Cosmeceutical brand using 100% natural ingredients produced by nanotechnology to provide their original effectiveness. By combining natural formulas and innovative scientific results it aims to maintain the natural beauty of skin and give a maximum protection for the whole day. It guarantees a reliable high quality on long-term basis. Remy Laure (RL) Remy Laure is a French cosmetic brand. They mainly use ingredients of vegetable origin, they aim to restore the healthy operation of the skin. They own ISO 9001 qualification, their products meet EU regulations. Mesotherapy active ingredients Analytically clean (99,99), sterile, free of preservatives. Medical cosmetic products with unique anti-age and free-radical fixing effects. AURIGA, REJUVI Problem-solving medical cosmetic products. COMPLETE DEEP-CLEANSING FACIAL TREATMENTS FOR CLEAN AND FRESH SKIN After certain time harmful materials disturb the health of our skin, deteriorate its beauty. That’s why we need a big cleaning sometimes, the deep cosmetic treatment. Due to the treatment the skin clears off dirt, its operation becomes balanced, regains its beauty. 1 Multi-complex deep-cleansing and revitalisation for face, neck and decolté € 45 (90’) To restore the natural balance of the skin, to clean in depth, to detoxify, to nourish and to mattify. Treatment: Skin diagnosis, milk, toner, deep-cleansing peeling, vaposone for softening- comedone extraction, ampulle - laserultrasound, face and decolté massage, eye treatment, nutritive mask, eyebrow and eyelashes correction and painting, soothing, algae mask, cream. 4 Hévíz cleaner face treatment € 30 (60’) Treatment: Cleansing, Gentle exfoliating cream, steaming, Deep cleansing, Aktivating gel, Ionisation Gel Normalizer, Ultrasound, soothing face massage, Hévíz moor mud deep cleansing mask, Normalizing day cream, eyebrow correction. 5 PURE-MED FACIAL TREATMENT € 20 (40’) Treatment: Cleansing rubbing, deep-cleansing concentrate steam, deep cleaning, contractive mask day care . for problematic and acne skin 2 Micro-dermabrasion skin renewal € 50 (90’) An accelerated skin renewal therapy corrigates skin problems, helps maintain skin’s health with anti-wrinkle effect boosts the results of treatments following micro-dermabrasion sessions. Treatment: Oil-separator cleansing, enzymatic peeling,mechanical skin rubbing, deep cleansing, skin renewal HYALURON, ampulle-laser-ultrasound, face, decolletage massage, skin renewal mask, eyebrow correction, face lifting cream. complex facial treatments 3 Mineral programme € 38 (75’) Continental muds were formed for thousands of years from fission of numerous plants and herbs. They absorb the toxins from the skin, cleanse problematic skin, refresh faded face. Our skin becomes nicer and healthier, filled with energy. Treatment: mineral milk, tonic, mud creampeeling, deepcleansing, serum-laser ultrasound, massage, nourishing mask for the particular skin type, eyebrow colouring-correction, day care, bio-mud mask, stream. for face and decolletage HYDRATION-RESTORING TREATMENTS (over 20) Treatments for special needs of dry skin. They help to retain moisture in the tissue. 6 Express programmes for face-completely transformed skin € 20 (30’) C-vitamin Lifting: to slow down skin aging Treatment: Cleansing gel, peeling, energizing face massage, Hydravive cream mask, vitamin C serum, cream. 7 OXY-TREATMENT € 26 (45’) A face contour restoring facial treatment to boost skin regeneration and help skin breath with collagen and hyluronic acid. Treatment: Cleansing, skin renewal peeling, firming collastin active concentrate, ultrasound, firming massage, Oxy-mask, day care. to help skin breath 8 HYDRA- INTENSIVE € 30 (45’) intensive moisturising treatment based on a Nobel-prize method to restore skin hydration level on surface and in depth with visible results both on short and long-terms. Treatment: Cleansing milk, peeling, toner, moisturising Bio-Complex active ingredients, Hydra-intensive mask,facedecolletage massage, firming ampulle, laser ultrasound, cream. FACIAL TREATMENT CAVIAR TREATMENT 9 FRESH a premium anti-age treatment with € 42 (60’) & MESOTHERAPY 10 CYTO-CARE intensive moisturising with hyaluron € 46 (60’) 100% pure fresh caviar extract Without preservatives or added volatile substances, for any skin-type. Treatment: Cleansing, peeling, toner, fresh caviar extract, moisturizing cream with fresh caviar cells, caviar oil massage, eye contour firming, black caviar mask, caviar firming fluid, day care with fresh caviar moisturising cream. acid and multivitamin cocktail After treatment the skin fills up, the process of natural regeneration starts, the elastic collagen net is rebuilt within 1 month. Treatment: milk, toner, deep-peeling-removal of dead cells, massage, vitamin serum with Dermaroller, hydrating-calming mask, UV-protection DEEP-REGENERATING FACIAL PROGRAMMES Indication: for any skin type over 30. These facial treatments are specially designed to energise stressed skin and firm mature skin with lack of moisture, lipids. They can be used as preventive cures to slow down ageing process or can treat the causes of skin ageing. These treatments can be applied when first signs of ageing and tiredness appear. They restore the young look of the skin. 11 BIO-ENERGY € 32 (50’) Lifting facial care to slow down the ageing process and protect collagen and elastin bundles with a natural plancton extract and revitalise skin with ginseng extract. Treatment: Bio-Energy Milk, peeling, toner, massage with nutritive cream, cream-mask, eyebrow shaping, cream. 12 DERMA-CALM NEURO-SENSITIVE € 39 (50’) Treatment: Hyper-sensitive cleansing, fine peeling, soothing toner, Bio-Complex ingredients coctail to reduce irritation and redness to heal couperosis, soothing massage and mask, special protective serum, protective day care. 13 DNA-CELLULAR LIFTING Treatment € 36 (60’) Very special anti-age treatment method Treatment: Cleansing, mechanic peeling, toner,re-mineralising mask, DNA-serum ultrasound serum, firming massage, day care. 14 NUTRI-INTENSIVE REGENERATION € 40 (60’) Nobel-prize intensive nutritive-moisturising treatment NUTRI-INTENSIVE PHASE to treat lack of lipids in depth. Treatment: Cleansing, peeling, toner, Nutri-Intensive ampulle, ultrasounds, nutritive Argan oil massage, cream-mask, antioxidant Argan-oil mask, nutritive day care - cream, NUTRIINTENSIVE MASK. ANTI-AGE Premium Indication: for any skin type over 40. LUXURY IN BEAUTY : firming-wrinkle reducing special treatment with luxurious nano-ingredients. Specially designed concepts for tired, mature skin with problems of pre-mature ageing and stress. Active ingredients trap free-radicals, boost collagen synthetis, restore skin’s suppleness. As a result skin reveals its young-look, silky touch and immedaite feeling of comfort. 15 MESO-X-ADN-COLLAGEN INDUCTION € 48 (75’) After treatment the skin becomes more solid and resistant. The elastic collagen net is rebuilt within 1 month. For this treatment a roller is rolled on the skin, this way the agents can get to the proper place. We create micro-perforation, which allows the free penetration of agents. Even rolling is highly effective, as the’or epidermic injuries stimulate regeneration in the skin and fibre renewal. Painless without side-effects. Treatment: milk, toner, deep-peeling, face-neck-decolletage massage, ampulle-Mesotherapy, firming mask, cream, eyebrow colouring correction, UV protection. THERAPY 16 Micro-dermabrasion € 45 (60’) Treatment: enzymatic peeling, mechanical skin rubbing, toner, ampulle for skin-type with HYALURON-Algae mask, laserultrasound, skin-lifting face-decolletage massage, skin renewal mask, lifting cream, eyebrow correction. skin renewal 17 BOTU-VIP & MESOTHERAPY € 56 (75’) A mimic wrinkle reducing concept based on Botox mechanism. RISK-FREE AND PAINLESS, non-surgical alternative without micro-injections, with no side effects, with ulrasound. Treatment: deep peeling, toner, massage, firming mask,cream, enzymatic mask massage, BoNta serum-Mezo-wrinkle-reducing treatment with dermaroller-electroporator, wrinkle-smoothing cream, eyebrow correction, UV protection. 18 MESO-VIT LIFTING with optimal € 52 (60’) Meso-therapic treatment to boost the absorption of Hyaluron deep in skin creating small micro-channels. As a result skin becomes firmer, more refined and the natural immuno-system of the skin is increased. A special aesthetic device- dermaroller optimises collagen and elastin-synthesis. An optimal dose of the three vitamins ensure cell metabolsim and the maintaintance of healthy and young skin. Soothing-firming treatment for preventive purposes or regenerating treatment after plastic injections. For this treatment a roller is rolled on the skin, this way the agents can get to the proper place. We create micro-perforation, which allows the free penetration of agents. Painless without side-effects. Treatment: Cleansing, peeling, massage, anti-age cocktail micro-roller with hyalit-multi-vitamine, mask, cream, massage, day care, Algae-gel-laser-ultrasound, mask,cream doses of A-C-E vitamines 19 SUPREME DHEA € 50 (75’) Using a natural source of youth the skin is softer and more supple due to an increase in moisture and lipids content. The skin becomes more resistant: keratinocytes contains more organelles (keratinosomes), it makes the skin less sensitive to contact allergic reactions and infections, it heals better, provides better pigmentation of the skin. Treatment: Cleansing, peeling, toner, concentrated wild-yam ampulle-ultrasound, eye contour friming, special 3-phase gauze mask: cream-mask, strips of gauzes, cream-mask, filming fluid, toner, regenerating serum, regenerating cream massage 20 ACCENT RADIO-frequency face-neck treatment 21 Hand revitalization € 60 (45’) € 20 (30’) It provides a solution for pigmentation spots and wrinkles. Treatment: Cleansing of hands, Microdermabrasion-with deep peeling, ampulle for fading pigmentation spots and revitalization, mesoroller, fading mask, cream. MASSAGE BEAUTY with energising, anti-stress and relaxing effects 22 Face-neck-decolté massage SPA-BODY TREATMENTS Slimming-anti-cellulite programmes € 17 (30’) 23 Drainage face-neck-decolté € 19 (30’) Oedema around the eyes, caused by insufficient blood and lymphatic circulation-based on dr Vodder method. massage 24 ARM MASSAGE for any programme Treatment: handpeeling, massage, mask. €6 25 CELLULODERM -interference Programmes € 22 (30’) • Fitness: muscle and connective tissue strengthening • Body Form: body shaping • Lipolysis: local slimming • Wellness: relaxing • Lymph drainage: lymph circulation stimulating after 4 treatments the fifth is free 26 Firming Body Contour € 34 (60’) Treatment: slimming essence(the skin gets red), Firming ampulle with fitoaroma-100% from vegetable materials-Celluloderm programme Treatment RL 27 BODY WRAPPING - SUPREM DHE € 38 (75’) Body wrapping and modelling treatment with slimming and regenerating effects Treatment: Body peeling anti-cellulite/drainage/vein-protective serums locally, slimming lipo-age fluid,wrapping. 28 OLIGO-THERMY € 28 (60’) Anti-stress, body-shaping treatment, a special mask for the whole body with draining, purifying and revitalising effects. Clay like a natural sponge absorbs toxins within skin, it has an excellent ion-changing capability which ensures the revitalisation of the skin in the whole body. Treatment: Cleansing, peeling, fat-burning gel locally, body mask with different types of algae, firming cream. Fine clay-therapy EXTRA FACIAL TREATMENTS FOR MEN • JATO-MAN Based on the special needs of men’s skin anatomy. 29 complex deep-cleansing treatment 3in1 € 32 (60’) Purifying-hydrating-regenerating. Treatment: Cleansing, peeling, vaposone-comedone extraction, ampulle-laserulrasound, face and head massage with youth molecules, regenerating gelly-mask, day care with anti-age cream. 30 Micro-dermabrasion € 40 (60’) Treatment: Oil-separator cleansing, enzymatic peeling,mechanical skin rubbing, deep cleansing, skin renewal serum, ampulle-laser-ultrasound, face-head massage, skin renewal mask,face lifting cream, eyebrow correction € 20 PURE-MED cleansing (30’) Treatment: Cleansing, peeling, deep-cleansing concentrate, vaposone –deep-cleansing, firming mask, day care. skin renewal 31 32 RELAX - anti-stress treatment € 28 (50’) To boost cell renewal process , to firm skin and give special antioxidant protection to restore skin’s texture and natural immuno-system. Treatment: Cleansing, renewing peeling, firiming-energising active concentrate, ulrasound, lymph face-head massage, regenerating mask, day care. 33 Mesotherapy - scalp and hair € 19 (30’) Efficent for nutrition of scalp and hair bulbs, for strenghtening hair and for hair loss. We treat the head skin by rolling a small roller covered with needles on the skin, which allows the agents (amino-acids, vitamin B-H, Arginin) to penetrate right to the hair bulbs. The use of dermaroller boosts the natural regeneration process. Treatment: sterilizing of scalp, Ampulla, (hair bulb, hair revitalization)-Mesoroller, Head massage with hair tonic. treatment BEAUTY-WEEK Derma+package: Premium quality anti-age cures to regenerate skin, eliminate dead cells, to increase skin’s natural defense system, to restore young look, to fill wrinkles. Active nanomolecules based on medico-aesthetic concepts restore facecontour and slow down ageing process. 34 HÉVÍZ TOTAL SKIN RENEWAL WEEK Slimming & Body-packings efficent therapy with visible results 38 Cellulit-Celluloderm Programme € 99 This newly developed programme makes our tissue work with a highest possible pampering. Fat burning, slimming, lymphcleansing, detoxicating treatment on the stomach and thighs. Result can be measured in cenimetres. 5-day cure. Treatment: Celluloderm Cellulit Programme 5 times € 130 € 115 Treatment: 1. day: Micro-dermabrasion Anti-Age (60’) 2. day: Mineral deep-cleansing face-decolletage treatment (60’) 3. day: Cyto-Care & Mesotherapy (30’) 35 3 PHASE FACE CONTOUR TREATMENTS € 134 € 120 Intensive nutritive-hydrating-wrinkle filling treatment concept based on a Nobel-prize method (2003.) Treatment: 1. day: Micro-dermabrasion Anti-Age (60’) 2. day: MEZO X-ADN-INTENSIVE-REGENERATION PHASE (60’) 3. day: HYDRA-INTENSIVE PHASE (60’) 36 BOTOX-LIFTING TREATMENT 3day € 168 € 150 37 BOTOX-LIFTING 5 DAY Treatment: 1. day: BOTU-VIP 2. day: MICRO-DERMABRASION Anti-Age 3. day: MESO-VIT 4. day: MESO-X ADN 5. day: BOTU-VIP 39 Orange-skin therapy 40 Acid-base balance restoration within 5 days € 258 € 220 € 102 € 90 Complex treatment for treating cushions of fat mainly on the areas of stomach, bottom and hip. Treatment: 1. day - 3. day: Firming body contour+Celluloderm interference programme Treatment: 1. day: AQVA THERMY 2. day - 4. day: CELLULODERM 5. day: OLIGO THERMY Treatment: 1. day: BOTU-VIP 2. day: BOTU-VIP 3. day: BOTU-VIP € 110 € 120 € 108 FURTHER PROGRAMMES Brilliant glance (TANA, REFECTOCI) 41 Eyelash coloring 42 Eyebrow coloring-correction 43 Eyebrow shaping 44 3 in 1 €5 (20’) €5 (20’) €4 (10’) € 12 eyelash, eyebrow, colouring-shaping Permanent Make-up tattooing with the most modern procedure Everybody knows the constant smudging of eyeliner and fading of lipstick. Nouveau Contour offers an ideal solution for those who wish to look neat even on beach, while doing sport or if they are allergic to mascara, wear glasses or simply they don’t feel like making up their face in the morning. Permannend make-up is a base make-up. It mustn’t be eye-catching, it should highlight the natural beauty. By choosing the ideal colour and shape, optical lifting can be obtained. Nouveau Contur System: with surgical tattoo instrument Digitally controlled, needle-depth adjustable, 100% steryle, with the slightest pain, without bleeding-cicatrix WAXING Eco wax hot wax for silky skin 52 Eyebrow-making € 180 53 Eyes € 140 54 Eyes € 100 55 Eyes € 180 56 LIPS € 180 57 LIPS € 220 by hairing, shading Eyelash thickenning, upper eyelid 45 Face €6 46 Moustache €3 47 Legs up to knee € 10 48 Complete legs € 17 49 Bikini zone 50 Intimate waxing(for women) 51 Armpits €5 € 12 €3 Eyelash thickenning, lower contour Upper-Lower contour Contour Lipstick-effect-contour with semishading Manicure - Pedicure Heel-massage Pedicure-manicure-foot massage Beauty salon While we groom almost every part of our body, we tend to forget about our hands. However, it is exposed every day to weather, chemicals, it dries out and tears - so it grows old easily. If you wish for nice and well-groomed nails, or you possibly have problems with your feet or would like to spoil yourself with a good foot massage, you can find me in the Beauty Salon! Manicure 1 Manicure € 12 (30’) Nail modelling, removal of the deceased epidermis layer (if necessary), sterilization, polishing, base enamel Enameling: € 2 € 18 2 EXTRA MANICURE (30’) Hand cleaning, modelling, removal of the deceased epidermis layer with peeling (if necessary), massage with avo juice hand balm, dipping into warm paraffin, packing in and after 20 minutes of conditioning the skin will become tender and silky. 3 Hand massage € 10 (20’) The beauty of our nails reflects our health, fastidiousness and feminity 4 Paraffin pack for hands ty Salon -foot massage Beau Pedicure-manicure Erzsébet Dombi extension 71765 in the salon or dial lly na rso pe ion at Registr or 0620/568-4545. Opening hours 00 00 Monday: 9 00 - 16 00 Tuesday: 9 00 - 16 00 Wednesday: 9 00 - 16 00 Thursday: 9 00 - 16 00 9 - 16 Friday: 00 900 - 12 y: rda Satu € 15 (30’) Hand cleaning, removal of the deceased epidermis layer with peeling, massage with avo juice hand balm, dipping into warm paraffin, packing in and after 20 minutes of conditioning the skin will become tender and silky. Pedicure 5 PEDICURE € 14 (30’) Soak of the feet into disinfectant, cutting of the nails, removal of the deceased epidermis layer, modelling, short foot massage. Enameling: € 2 6 EXTRA PEDICURE € 18 (60’) Soak of the feet into disinfectant, cutting and modelling of the nails, removal of the deceased epidermis layer with peeling, short foot massage special crème, putting of the feet into warm paraffin, 20 minutes of conditioning. PEDICURE 7 MEDICAL (fungous nails, ingrown toenail, corn) € 15 (30’) Soak of the feet into disinfectant, cutting off the nails, modelling, removal of the deceased epidermis layer, short foot massage. Enameling: € 2 8 Foot massage 9 Paraffin pack for feet € 12 (20’) € 15 (30’) Cleaning of the feet, modelling, removal of the deceased epidermis layer with peeling, massage with avo juice balm, dipping into warm paraffin, packing in and after 20 minutes of conditioning the skin will become tender and silky. EXTRAS 10 FRENCH MANICURE € 18 (60’) • Process of the treatment: • Removal of the old enamel • Modelling and rasping of the nail • Soaking into water • Removal of the skin (if necessary) • Basic enameling • Pastel pink enameling • Painting of white strip • Pastel pink cover enameling • Dripping of fast drying oil After drying we massage skin oil into the skin whereby the hand will become gentle and silky. 11 HEEL-MASSAGE € 18 (30’) During the listening of relaxation music we massage special creme and oil into the skin. With foot massage we get rid of the slag accumulated in our body. With the massage of the right points through the foot we stimulate our internal organs and bring back their proper functions. PACKAGES 12 EXTRA MANICURE + PEDICURE 13 HANDMASSAGE + FOOTMASSAGE 14 HANDMASSAGE + MANICURE 15 FOOTMASSAGE + MANICURE 16 FOOTMASSGE + PEDICURE + 1 MANICURE GRATIS 17 2+ FOOTMASSAGE 1 PEDICURE GRATIS € 32 € 29 € 28 € 25 € 24 € 22 € 30 € 27 € 36 € 33 € 40 € 36 Hair-dresser’s salon Our services for women (Price depends of the hair-length) 1 Drying, setting about € 12 Hair-wash with the fitting shampoo, balsam-treatment, fixing with fluid or foam, modelling with a brush or setting, hair spray 4 Hair colour, strips about € 32 (in cap or in leaf) (sapkával vagy fóliával) It is possible, to choose from about 70 hair- colors Hair-wash with the fitting shampoo, color-stabilizer posttreatment, groming of hair with a certain material, fixing with fluid or foam, modelling with a brush or setting, hair spray 2 Haircut about € 14 Hair-wash with the fitting shampoo, haircut at desire, balsam-treatment, fixing with fluid or foam, modelling with a brush or setting, hair spray 3 Permanent wave about € 32 Hair-wash with the fitting shampoo, rich or soft waves, pretreating for the waves, wave-stabilizer treatment, fixing with fluid or foam, modelling with a brush or setting, hair spray - hairdresser Markovics Andrea dial extension lly in the salon or na rso pe ion at str gi Re 71766. Opening hours 00 00 Monday: 8 00 - 16 00 Tuesday: 8 00 - 16 00 Wednesday: 8 00 - 12 00 Thursday: 8 00 - 16 00 8 - 17 Friday: 00 00 Saturday: 8 - 12 For men 5 Haircut with hair-wash € 11 Hair-wash with the fitting shampoo, scalp treatment with grooming tonic, drying your hair 6 Dry haircut €9 7 Cut of moustache €2 8 Cut of beard € 1.2 EXTRAS 9 Color-repairs €2 10 Panthenol treating for hair- €2 With Color and Style fixing foam. Proposed for a dull hair, between hair-color-treatments construction-repair With cream rich in proteins and vitamins the hair will be strong and lightly treatable proposed for colored, peroxide blonde hair Scalp treatment 11 with grooming tonic • against hair-fall: it is for the defence of the hair • against dandruff: forbids the development of new dandruff • against too high soil: birch-hairwater It mends the blood supplies of the scalp • Sensitive scalp serum soothes irritated scalp • Scalp stimulation serum menthol and camphor tonic immediately refresh the scalp €2 Dentistry DENTSANA DENTAL CLINIC The Dentsana dental clinic is specialised in modern dentistry, prosthetics and implantology. According to the high quality standards we use only Swiss-Hungarian co-operation, double security Materials and technic corresponding to strict quality standards Reasonable prices First examination and price offer are free Free taxi between the hotel and the Clinic Guarantee Cast crowns: 3 years Plastic prosthetics, part-denture, fillings: 1 year Implants: 5 years (if yearly examination and mouth-hygienic treatment takes place) Ask for a free offer! CLINIC DENTSANA DENTAL u. 7. henyi H-8380 Hévíz, Széc - 540 - 235 83 / Phone: +36 - 464 - 9143 30 / Mobil: +36 nt de info@ sana.hu Email: www.dentsana.hu Web: ent at the above d make an appointmber. m Please contact us an above telephone nu address/under the SERVICES Implant Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of biomaterial which is placed in the socket of the lost teeth to carry a tooth replacement. The material is generally pure, unalloyed titanium, which is completely accepted by the human body. Crowns, bridges When a tooth is so badly damaged, that an inlay can’t be applied, a crownwork is needed. The crown of a tooth is the portion that is covered by enamel. A restorative crown replaces this outer part to protect the tooth. This protection becomes necessary when a tooth cracks or has its entire structure weakened by decay. As with a filling or inlay, the dentist first removes the decayed portion of the tooth. The tooth is then prepared for a crown. It may be tapered on the outside edges to a peg, reinforced with a cast metal core, or rebuilt with both a cast metal core and a post. A wax impression of the prepared tooth and the teeth next to it is made. The new crown is made to fit this mold. The crown may be made of gold or stainless steel alone, metal with a veneer of tooth-colored porcelain or resin, or of porcelain or resin alone. The finished crown is then placed over the prepared tooth, adjusted, and cemented into place. Prosthetics They are made when a large quantity of teeth are missing. They can be complete or partial dentures. Removable, so can be cleaned easily, providing a healthy mouth-hygiene. Fillings Dental filling materials are used by dentists to fill tooth cavities. Initially they are fluid, and after hardening they become stable and durable. FBR implant an implant which creates bone While implants used to take 5 - 6 months to heal, science has clearly achieved the goal of reducing the regeneration period with the FBR surface. FBR stands for Fast Bone Regeneration, because these implants help new bone grow faster. The FBR surface is also applied to the (titanium) implant coating and makes restoration with a crown possible just 6 weeks after the implant has been inserted. The new tooth is fully functional. The rapid healing of FBR implants also enhances safety, especially for patients with osteoporosis or weak bone caused by old age, for whom an implant insertion was not previously possible for medical reasons. The surface is made of synthetic biological calcium phosphate, so even allergic reactions can be ruled out. Bone replacement If the jhawbones are not strong enough to set an implant, they must be built up again. The best matter for this is the own bone of the patient. Metatron-system Quantum-medicine QUANTUM MEDICINE In the last few years have the development of quantum physics and computer science given the opportunity to show the different diseases in early stadium, it can be diagnosed without a needle stick. Dr. János Fülöp - known heart surgeon - is working with the device and makes the entire health-shek and treatment. The professional with perennial experience guaranteed for our guests the correct results of quantum medicine.. Detection of a disturbed balance in the organs! In quantum medicine meets the Western high-tech, bio-medical information with the Eastern wisdom, Energetic Medicine. On the western side man can find nowadays an emerging development in computer science, bio-computing technology Cybernetics and on the eastern side of the world energy basis and methods of thousands of years. QUANTEN-KFT ing LIOS Benjamin build HUNGUEST HOTEL HE 638 - 8585 Mobil: 06/70 [email protected] E-mail: zs.k.may izin.hu www.quanten-med Web: the above an appointment at e ak m d an us t ac Please cont r. above mobile numbe address/under the Order Time: 00 Thursday: from 1700 Saturday: from 9 Between the two areas is a connection, which is different from the classical Newtonian world view, but also surpassed the Einstein model. COMPLETE HEALTH CHECK • all institutions • Motion Systems • Lymph systems • blood vessels • Nervous System The Metatron SYSTEMS identify and determine • Bacteria, fungi, viruses and parasites • Blood components, hormones and enzymes • Biochemical parameters • Food intolerances The Metatron system will help in the treatment • they recommend the adequate homeopathic or herbal medicine • they determine the effect of any drugs and treatments by testing with the help of the resonance chamber. • list the appropriate and inappropriate foods in relation to the pathological process. • they offer simple comparisons with preliminary investigations. PRICES 1 Diagnosis and Treatment € 230 (120’) 2 Investigation or follow up with € 125 (60’) treatment 3 Diagnosis € 75 (20’) Plastic Surgery MEDICINA KLINIK Dr. Iván Horváth 1989 • Degree in General Medicine at the Medical University of Pécs / Faculty of General Medicine 1994 • Specialist for Surgery, senior physician 1997 • Specialist for Sports Medicine 2005 • Specialist for Burns Surgery, Reconstruction Surgery and Plastic Surgery Since 2001: employment as a specialist for plastic-aesthetic surgery Since 2000: Chair of the Board of Examinations for Professional Qualifications, recognised by the Ministry of Education SPECIAL OFFERS FOR OUR HOTEL GUESTS Consultations free of charge Medicina klinik ecialist for ysiciant, Surgeon, Sp Ph r nio Se h át rv Dr. Iván Ho Plastic Surgery E. u. 5. H-8380 Hévíz, Ady +36 30 / 302 - 9781 : ne ho lep te ile Mob n.eu Email: drivan@drivaeu n. iva dr w. w w : Web ent at the above d make an appointmber an us t ac nt co se ea m Pl above telephone nu address/under the ENT s: BY PRIOR APPOINTM Consultation hour 1 FACIAL CORRECTION from € 1500 2 EYELID CORRECTION from € 600 Slack and flagging skin on the face and neck can be corrected well by surgical intervention. Deep wrinkles are hereby smoothened out in addition to the facial skin or neck skin being tightened. The scar is normally in an inconspicuous place on the hair-covered scalp, commencing from the front of the ear, continuing behind the ear, across the neck, before terminating on the hair-covered scalp. This complex operation can, when correctly carried out at the right time, even make you look decades younger. Local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia Duration of the operation: 2 - 2,5 hours Removal of the stitches: after 7 - 12 days from € 150 NON-SURGICAL TREATMENTS Botox: as the folds are tightened in a targeted manner, the botox treatment is the ideal solution for everyone who wants to have their folds around the eyes or their forehead or glabella folds corrected fast and effectively but without having to undergo surgery. Injection underneath folds: this intervention is a perfect solution for everyone who wishes to have their age folds corrected. The injection under folds is an effective therapy against forehead and glabella folds, folds on the upper and lower lips and against cheek and nasolabial folds. The thin and flagged skin on the eyelids or circles around the eyes and swelling around the eyes can be easily corrected with an eye lid operation. The intersections are located in the upper lid fold and underneath the bottom row of eyelashes and normally heal without any visible scars. The look and the entire eye region have a much fresher and younger appearance after this operation. Local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia Duration of the operation: 1-2 hours Removal of the stitches: after 6 days 3 NASAL CORRECTION from € 900 A nasal correction is the perfect solution for persons that are dissatisfied with the form, size, width and straightness of their nose. The operation is carried out under general anaesthesia; concealed incisions are made without them causing injury to the outer skin of the nose. An excision of the nasal septum can also be carried out if necessary. After the surgery has been carried out, a plaster splinting order to fox the corrected form of the nose. The face has a more harmonious look after the operation, in addition to it also increasing the self-confidence. General anaesthesia Duration of the operation: 1.5 - 3 hours Removal of the stitches: 7 - 10 days 4 EARS CORRECTION from € 600 Protruding or extremely large ears and asymmetrical auricles can already cause aesthetic problems as early as at juvenile age. These problems which often also cause serious psychological disorders can easily be solved with an ears correction. This intervention will relieve you of your previous complexes and you will be genuinely impressed by your new appearance. Local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia Duration of the operation: 1 – 1.5 hours Removal of the stitches: after 6 days 5 REMOVAL OF VARICOSE VEINS from € 400 Varicose veins in the legs are removed with a 1-2mm incision. This method leaves almost no traces. It is recommend that elastic compression stocking be worn a number of days after the intervention. The surgery is performed under local anaesthesia. This operation results from the aesthetically unattractive swollen veins which cause a sensation of heavy legs and itching disappearing.. The patient is then physically resilient, can cope better with travelling, going for walks, receiving therapy in thermal spas (massage, hot water spas) and standing for long periods. Local anaesthesia Duration of the operation: 30 - 60 minutes Removal of the stitches: 7 - 10 days 6 BREAST CORRECTION The breast can suffer from reduced elasticity after pregnancy and stilling, a large weight loss or simply as a result of ageing, as the skin expands and the mammary glands also reduce in number. BREAST LIFTING from € 1500 The surgery results in the breasts being lifted in addition to it being possible to aesthetically changing their form. BREAST ENLARGEMENT from € 2100 The breast enlargement is a surgical intervention, during which smaller or asymmetrical breasts can be aesthetically corrected by inserting a breast implant. Local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia Duration of the operation: 1.5 - 2.5 hours Removal of the stitches: after 14 - 20 days 7 LIPOSUCTION from € 550 During this surgical intervention, fatty tissue which is located underneath the skin is removed through an incision measuring some millimetres by means of a special cannula and vacuum. This operation should not be looked upon as being a slimming cure as the change cannot be determined ion kilograms, but all the more in centimetres and the clothing size. Local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia Duration of the operation: 1 - 3 hours Removal of the stitches: after 7 - 10 days 7 OTHER POSSIBILITIES Lips injection, breast reduction, genital correction, lifting of the upper and lower arm, scar correction, removal of pigmentation, moles, warts and lipomas. Fish therapy FISH SPA CENTRUM At last! The fish spa is a great remedy for patients with epithelial problems (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatism, acne and cellulite) in Hungary. For many it is the only way to make their skin beautiful and healthy naturally, without using artificial substances. The result speaks for itself: no other treatments can bring a remedy for 6-8-10 months. FIPRICES 1 FISHPEDICURE € 14 (30’) 2 WELLNESS FISH SPA € 30 (60’) Daily free transfer / Hévíz – Keszthely – Hévíz The method is very effective for: • Psoriasis • Eczema • Acne • Neurodermatism • Cellulite • Corn, Callus Remember and give a chance for yourself to become symptomless! in Hunguest Hotel Therapy Reception Registration at the Helios ák F. u. 55. H-8360 Keszthely, De - 204 - 2844 Mobile: +36 /70 [email protected] Email: www.halfurdo.hu Web: 3 Cure package for 2 weeks € 400 14 treatments to 60 minutes, 2 specialist examinations. Daily free transfer / Hévíz – Keszthely – Hévíz WELLNESS FISH SPA The term of the fish spa treatment can be 14 to 35 days, depending on the extension of the affected skin area. Keeping to all regulations, you can become symptomless for 6-8-10 months. Enjoy bathing with 300 doctor fish, the relaxing music and the benefits of the fish spa. After one hour you will be enthralled by this wonderful opportunity, having a uniquely soft, velvety and smooth skin. After several treatments your calluses and cracked skin will disappear, and the thick epithelium will thin. The fish rub off the softened plaques with their whiskers and remove the dead epithelium. While enjoying the pleasure of the spa, the doctor fish rub dithranol enzymes into your skin. These enzymes have an antiphlogistic and recuperative effect. The benefits of dithranol have been used for years by dermatologists. Fish spa is for anyone who does not have unhealed wounds. If you have the following diseases and symptoms, you may not use the fish spa: incontinence, fever, open and bleeding wounds, chemotherapy and cortisone therapy. H-8380 Héviz, Vörösmarty Mihály u. 91. Phone: +36 83 / 342 - 895 Fax: +36 83 / 340 - 525 [email protected] www.hotelhelios.hunguesthotels.com